#Peach Onigashima
taldigi · 2 months
Okay, here we go- Persona 4 Arcana Swap Persona Ideas! This is going to be long.
Fool!Chie - Tokoyo
Tokoyo is a young woman who is known for slaying an undersea beast. When her father was exiled by the emperor, Tokoyo goes to to find and help him, but when her efforts are unrewarded, she decides to pray at a local shrine and get some rest. However, this leads her to find a priest about to push a young girl into the sea. When confronting him, he explains that if the locals do not offer a sacrifice, a sea monster will batter their island home with intense waves and storms. Unfettered by this statement, she hands the priest a letter to give to her father in case she doesn’t make it, sticks a knife between her teeth, and dives into the water. She finds a statue of the emperor and decides to carry it up. When face to face with the sea monster, she successfully kills it and hauls both the statue and sea monster’s body above sea. The statue was magically connected with the emperor and when she hauled the statue out of the water, he was healed of a mysterious ailment. As thanks, he allows her and her father to reunite.
High Priestess!Yosuke - Nezumi-Kozo
Nezumi-Kozo was a famed thief in Japan’s history, with some coining him similar to Goemon and Robin Hood. He was immortalized in his efforts through kabuki theatre, jidaigeki, and pop culture in general. After his death, many pilgrims chipped away his headstone for charms, it had to be replaced multiple times. As you stated, Yosuke is not very well liked by the people in Inaba and yearns for an exciting and fulfilling life, and a thief could refer to such a desire and his legacy being carried out in pop culture and entertainment could also call back to Yosuke’s musical interests.
Emperor!Yukiko - Shuten-Dōuji
As previously stated in the Plan-B paragraph, Shuten-Dōuji is a famed oni, with a penchant for alcohol and saké. He had a multitude of underlings, all with a range of different abilities, such as shapeshifting. He was decapitated by Minamoto-No-Raikō, but still tried to bite him, which he avoided by wearing multiple helmets. Since I didn’t know much about Yukiko in this AU, I decided to go off of Kanji’s personas and go for something feared by many.
Lovers!Teddie - Utsurobune
Literally meaning “empty/hollow boat” Utsurobune was a strange object that floated to the shores of the Hitachi Province in 1803. It contained a young woman who wasn’t able to speak Japanese and was unable to communicate with anyone. Certain ufologists believe that it was an encounter with extraterrestrial life. Teddie feels empty, so his persona’s name is just “empty boat” and the young woman’s inability to speak and communicate with others properly can refer to Teddie being hesitant to properly communicate his true feelings.
Star!Yu - Momotaro
Momotaro is a well known and popular Japanese folktale, about a boy who was born from a peach who teams up with a monkey, dog, and bird to defeat the Oni on Onigashima. If Yu takes up Teddie’s role, that means three characters will fall into the TV, where he will team up with them to defeat the big bad lurking somewhere in the TV World. Pretty simple and self explanatory.
You're so good at this what the heck-
I'm particularly charmed by momotaro. I think that's so fitting.
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japeneselunchtimerush · 7 months
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Momotarou(Akashi): There is only one solution. I will go to Onigashima and persuade the demons.
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Grandma(Mibuchi): Now lets do our laundry today as well
Grandpa(Mayuzumi): Peach?! Its too big, isn't it?(Mayuyu being the grandpa fits so well)
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Blue Demon(Aomine): *Yawns*
Red Demon(Kagami): Hey, Blue Demon! How long have you been sleeping?
Red Demon(Kagami):Hey, Blue Demon. I'm going to do the laundry. When I'm done, let's have a one-on-one session!(Kagami being the responsible one as usual)
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Pheasant(Midorima): Ken, Kenken(The sound pheasant makes)
Pheasant(Midorima): I'm a pheasant, and I've been watching your journey from the sky.(Akashi looks so unimpressed lmao)
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Blue Demon(Aomine): Oh? Who are you guys...?
Dog(Kise): I have an excellent sense of smell and am extremely affectionate! I am the prince of the dog world!
Pheasant(Midorima):Ken, Ken...I'm a pheasant.
Monkey(Kuroko): I'm sa...(gets cut of lol)
Kibidango(Murasakibara): I'm Kibidango" (mumbling)
Momotarou(Akashi): And my name is Momotaro.
(I used google translate for all of this so if there are any mistakes please do correct me)
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The tale of Momotaro and One Piece
The Wano arc shares a lot of the same story veats as the tale of Momotaro and I thought it would be fun to lay it all out now that the story is done
Momotaro sets off one day to defeat the oni. He also was born from a peach but that isn’t really relevant. One his way to Onigashima he meats a monkey a pheasant and a dog befriending them by giving them kibi dango.
The role of Momotaro is split between Momo and Tama. Tama literally taming animals with kibi dango and Momo gaining allies to fight against Kaido.
The monkey is Monkey D Luffy, the pheasant is Marco the Phoenix, and the Dog is Yamato who has the Inu Inu no mi.
Who the oni is is rather obvious.
While a simple story the Tale of Momotaro has history of being used as propaganda the oni representing various threats and the animals representing the civilians. It is fitting that the the animal naming scheme is used for the marine admirals.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
*Deep breath* Wahahahaha~! Make way, peons! It's a festival, a festival I say! Coming to Sorashido City whether you like it or not! Wahahahaha! So... Princess Elle of Sky Land is feeling great sorrow? Well now... we can hardly have that now can we?
This tremendous sweet sixteen for Hirogaru Sky PreCure! Is it a worthy telling of such an iconic legend?
Oh, by the way, by the time you're likely reading this, it's the birthday of our very own Tsubasa Yuunagi~!
By the way, here be spoilers! You'd best tread with caution!
-Everywhere I go... I see his face. Tarou-san...
-Bwuh? Oh yeah, Ranborgs.
-And Captain Shalala just dipped.
-By the way Sora, I'm very proud of you for kicking so much ass last episode, you were awesome.
-Ageha, now hardly seems the time for puns.
-The birthday boy grits his teeth.
-Hello, Yoyo-san.
-"What's their fucking deal, Grandma?"
-Light and shadow. Heaven and Hell. North Carolina and South Carolina.
-Kira Kira Energy.
-...this feels oddly familiar.
-An apothecary~!
-Papa, Mama, yes~!
-Aw :(
-Kanashimi o taiji shite yu- No Tsuki! Restrain yourself. It's not yet time.
-Uhhhhh, theme song! I forget if I talked about it yet, but it's delightfully hopeful and (as expected of a Toei franchise) masterfully composed. The percussion especially is immaculate, a good percussion section knows exac
-Ohhhh, puppet show~!
-Pretty Princess Butterfly.
-You are very based, Tsubasa. I forgive you, you filthy crimin- *Smack!* Focus!
-We must hurry to Onigashima.
-Well, we could retell the story with an odd cast from previous seasons... Love/Peach would make a good Momotaro just off her name alone, you could make a strong argument for casting Kokone/Spicy or Akira/Chocolat as the dog, Asuka/Flamingo of course could be the pheasant as it's a neorinthe like a flamingo...
-I'm not quite sure who'd be the monkey in this case. ...Ako/Muse, perhaps? I'm genuinely not sure, I only started watching Suite a little while ago, but she does give me monkey vibes. Minori/Papaya'd make a good substitute if you don't think that counts though.
-She shreep
-Puppet play~!
-Don! Don! Donbura ko!
-Don Elletaro~! Fully formed and armed to the teeth!
-Prop recycling~! Wouldn't be a Toei production without it, huh?
-Well, you know how it is, Mashiron! Everybody loves to play with the tropes of fairy tales~! It's why we as a society love Shrek so much. And RWBY... and I guess if you're me, Saber.
-Yooooo! Nippon Ichi!
-Furry Sora Jumpscare!
-Keep your face out of the kibble and we'll be just fine.
-Free Bread~!
-Elleeeetaro Zan, Elletaro Zan!
-And now... a Haiku.
Light from the blue sky
Caught in the shining prisms
Rainbows gayly form.
-Y'know, Shinichi would be giving Mashiro girl advice. And she'd go for it.
-We're all going pretty quick, eh? Mmmm... Momotaro had to do a bit of walking after.
-...there is a surprising (read: distressing) level of similarity between Tsubasa (Yuunagi, moderate amount of issues) and Tsuyoshi (Kijino, lots of issues).
-Y'know, male character in a predominantly female role, used for comic relief fairly often, being wildly popular among fans on Tumblr... all I'm saying is you might wanna keep an eye on Wing's love life. For his sake, and ours.
-We laughed, we cried, we had wacky misunderstandings, we had insane romance subplots, people died and came back, Kaito was there...
-To the port!
-Onigashima! Where the ogres gather.
-There's something about the Underg, huh Granny?
-Elletaro's companions stand resolute in spite of their fears.
-This is the good stuff.
-...apparently the princess isn't quite a big fan. ...give it a few more minutes, it'll be really good.
-Here comes creepy Battamonda~! Who... most assuredly is not a Noto analogue. That's probably better reserved for Captain Shalala or from a certain perspective Kabaton.
-Ageha may be voicing the Oni, but she's definitely no Haruka. ...if anything, she's much more of a Jiro type. Arguably even more so than whatever Fifth Cure we'll be getting.
-The special effects are ruined! Your suit budget is in shambles! The shippers are going apeshit!
-She walks!
-She speaks!
-She's done it!
-The cloud has lifted.
-For Elletaro! Princess Elletaro~!
-...so uh... where're Sora's parents in all this?
-I don't mean to ruin this nice moment, but I find it a little concerning that they don't seem to have been appearing much.
-"What up, fellas?"
-Instead of kidnapping, Battamonda prefers a spot of murder.
-Whoa, perfect catch!
-Hell yeah, Prism Punch!
-I love how floaty these fight scenes are.
-Down they go!
-Eat my ass, Battamonda.
-Keep moving forward! The princess says so!
-Wahahahahahahahaha! Shine on, dear companions!
-Whoa! Flash Bang!
-Man, the Sky Mirage just seems like a really neat little toy to play with.
-Into the mirror~! Okay!
-Mermaid Aqua Pot Moment.
-Have you considered maybe you're just a moron?
-Thank you again, Elle-chan.
-Walk style.
-Elletaro-san~! Elletaro-san~!
-So let's get the party started~! Don Don, Iitokomikke~! Tokuige! Ni mune harou ze Brother! WOO!
-Ah, uh, outro, outro! Very catchy, love the rhyme structure, the Butterfly teasing is making me seethe and cope, get your skinny ass in there already babe.
-Mashiron must run! And never look back!
-Now if you excuse me, I do believe I have an installment of a certain other franchise to get back to. One that also involves floating sky kingdoms, ancient legends, knights and heroes, a pig-themed villain, wildly bucking franchise conventions, gender stuff, and horrifying underground monstrosities.
-...look I could've just said "Zelda" and there'd have been no question, but that's okay, see youuuuuu~!
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vanillashusband · 1 year
hehehe I am gonna talk about the momotaro and co's backstories because I like them and wanna talk about them more!!!
Momotaro's story is mostly the same. A giant peach came floating down the river while the old woman was washing clothes. She brought it home and when the old couple cut it open Momotaro was inside. The old couple raised Momotaro to be a courageous and kind boy, but they didn't tell him how they had found him. He was a normal child enjoying life in his small village until his superhuman strength showed itself when he saved a village girl from a falling tree. Momotaro's parents then told him how he had been born from a peach and that he was divine in nature, a blessing from heaven. This didn't really change much for Momotaro, if anything it motivated him to take up the sword and start using his new powers to protect his village. As the years went on and Momotaro grew into an adult, his powers grew stronger and he defended his village from demons, bandits, and other threats. That was until one day, a gang of strong demons that had been ravaging the countryside invaded the village when Momotaro was away trying to aid a village that had been attacked. The oni kidnapped some people from the village and left it in ruins. Momotaro was too late to stop them. His parents were thankfully ok and Momotaro regretted leaving the village and vowed he would find the demon's hideout and rescue the kidnapped villagers. His parents knew this was their son's destiny and prepared him with supplies and the kibi dango. Momotaro then set off for Onigashima.
Gin was once a samurai employed by a wealthy feudal lord in far away kingdom, but because of his inaction the lord's son he was supposed to protect was assassinated. Gin was disgraced and banished from the kingdom and he eventually found himself on Onigashima with no where else to go. Gin was an incredibly skilled samurai and he could have done something about the oni on the island, but because of his depression he saw it as pointless. Gin did mostly odd jobs around the town and lazed around in his hut, just wasting away until Momotaro arrived on Onigashima. Momotaro had heard rumors from the villagers that the old dog that lives in the woods used to be a samurai and went to ask him for help, to which Gin refused. Momotaro then gives him an earful and then leaves to go face the oni by himself. Gin just sighs and resigns himself to do nothing yet again. But he turns and see's Momotaro had left him a kibi dango, and his words finally get through to him. Though Momotaro is strong and had trained for most of his childhood, he isn't skilled or strong enough to win against the oni by himself. The most he's dealt with are lower level demons and petty bandits, so Momotaro is completely unprepared for the hideout full of incredibly strong oni. Gin appears at the last moment and saves Momotaro from the leader, Akandoji, and they escape together. (lowkey Gin definitely see's Momotaro as a parallel to the lord's son he had failed) After they are safe back in Gin's hut, he tells Momotaro that he isn't strong enough to take on the oni but Gin is going to help train him. Momotaro is ecstatic and thanks Gin.
Gin and Momotaro retreat up one of the mountains to get a better vantage point and to begin Momotaro's training. During their training they stumble on an old man up in the mountains who tries to chase them off his property because he thinks they're the thieves that's been stealing from him and tormenting him. Momotaro clears up the misunderstanding and offers to help the old man around the house since he's clearly having trouble. Gin thinks its a waste of time and they should be training in order to beat the oni and save the people they kidnapped. But Momotaro insists. Gin huffs but goes along with it and even does some work himself. The old man is very grateful for their help and says someone has been breaking into his house at night and stealing from him but he hasn't been able to catch them. Gin and Momotaro agree to help catch the thief and stay the night in the old man's home. Tomoki breaks in that night and steals food from the old man but he manages to escape Gin and Momotaro because of his agility and ends up stealing Momotaro's kibi dango. Gin and Momotaro pursue Tomoki into the mountains and manage to track him to his hideout where they confront him. They beat Tomoki in a fight and tie him up. They get a little info about the demon fortress out of Tomoki, as he had tried to get in before but failed. They get their stuff back and Momotaro compliments him on his fighting skills and stealth and offers Tomoki the chance to help them take down the oni, Akandoji, and his demon gang and drive them from Onigashima. He says that any treasure they find after beating the demons can be Tomoki's if he helps. Tomoki thinks for a moment, but he refuses Momotaro's offer. Momotaro shrugs and instructs Gin to free Tomoki. Gin thinks Momotaro is being too soft and they shouldn't just free a dirty thief after he literally stole from them. They got their things back and Tomoki doesn't want to help them so there is nothing they can do, they can't force him. Tomoki taunts them, saying they'll get ripped to pieces by the demons if they try to go in there. Momotaro says he's willing to risk it, because there are people in there that are counting on him. Tomoki is quiet. Before they leave, Momotaro gives Tomoki a kibi dango in thanks for the information he gave them. Tomoki is immediately suspicious of Momotaro and asks what he's up to. Momotaro says he's not up to anything and the kibi dango is a reward, since "something earned is better than something stolen". Tomoki is taken aback but hesitantly accepts the kibi dango. Gin and Momotaro leave and Gin scolds Momotaro about rewarding a lowlife like Tomoki but the monkey quickly catches up to them. He says that the demons stole something from him and he wants it back so he might as well lend a hand, just until he gets back his property. But he's not going to stick his neck out for them or anything! And Tomoki joins the group, despite Gin's grumbling.
Tomoki is essentially a petty thief. He steals what he wants, from who he wants and drinks himself into a stupor almost every day alone in his house on the mountain among his hoard of stolen possessions. Tomoki doesn't have any family, as he was orphaned at a very young age. Through his life Tomoki struggled to make a living for himself and when he put his trust in others he was often taken advantage of, betrayed, and abandoned. He was often the fall guy because of his trusting nature and ended up in a lot of terrible situations completely alone. At some point Tomoki closed himself off from trusting other people entirely and because of what he had been through, beginning to believe that the world is nothing but cruel and everyone is only out for themselves. So why should he be any different? Tomoki then turned to a life of crime. Steal anything and everything, even stealing from those who were less fortunate than him. It didn't matter to him, if he wanted it, he would take it. He stole from kings, peasants, samurai, and anyone unlucky enough to cross his path. Tomoki would then take his treasures back to his hidden home. But because of his rampant stealing, Tomoki gained a reputation and a price on his head. He eventually stole from the wrong lord and invoked their wrath. Tomoki's hideout was discovered and he was captured. His home was burned, all his possession were seized, and Tomoki was to be executed for his crimes. He was able to escape his binds and he ran. Tomoki was now alone again and had nothing left but the clothes on his back and his kusarigama. He couldn't make a new hide out in the same area as he was too well known so he decided to sneak on a boat and travelled to Onigashima.
Jinrai was a pampered pet of a king in a wealthy kingdom. The king had many exotic pets, but Jinrai was always the king's favourite because of his beautiful plumage and grace. But suddenly one day a terrible famine struck the kingdom. All the crops died and livestock became sick. The king did everything to aid his kingdom, spending vast amounts of wealth to bring in food from other kingdom's to feed his citizens. But as their wealth ran dry, and with nothing to trade in return the aid of other kingdom's stopped. As food grew scarcer and scarcer the king's pets slowly, one by one, started to disappear. Jinrai, however, wasn't worried whatsoever. The famine didn't effect him too bad and even when the other pets in the palace began to go missing Jinrai didn't worry, as he knew he was the king's favourite and of course he wouldn't get eaten. But unfortunately for him, this proved to be untrue. Jinrai tried to evade capture when he realized what was happening but he couldn't fly away because his wings were clipped. But he managed to escape with his life. And unfortunately, his beautiful tail feathers were ripped out. Jinrai travelled by himself for sometime before getting caught in a trap by an oni. Jinrai almost escapes when the demon tries to cook and eat him but he is trapped. Jinrai begs for his life and he see's metal claws and spurs on the wall, he thinks fast and says he can get the demon money by fighting. The demon accepts and Jinrai is entered into a fighting ring. Jinrai just has to survive until his feathers grow back and then he can fly away. He finds himself longing for the days when he was a pampered pet and had no worries. As it turns out, Jinrai is quite skilled at fighting even without his flight and the demon makes it big on the winnings. They even develop a sort of odd friendship but Jinrai is mostly uncomfortable and he never planned on staying anyway. Jinrai fears that as soon as he outlives his usefulness to the demon he will be eaten. So at the earliest chance available, Jinrai scratches the demon's eyes and he escapes from his prison. Jinrai no longer wants to return to his old pampered pet life, he doesn't want to be kept or owned only to be eaten at someone else's convenience. Jinrai continues to fight but now he does it for himself and ends up becoming a sort of a bounty hunter and flies to Onigashima. Because he is on the tail of Tomoki.
The three of them bond and there are lighthearted shenanigans! As Momotaro, Gin, and Tomoki are training and talking about their strategy for their attack on the demon fortress they are suddenly ambushed by a bunch of demons. Gin, Momotaro, and Tomoki fight them off together and suddenly Jinrai swoops in and takes a few demons out before they can attack the group. The demons retreat and Momotaro thanks Jinrai for the help before the bird immediately attacks Tomoki. They try to catch Jinrai to stop him by he flies out of reach and reprimands them for harboring a wanted criminal like Tomoki. Jinrai flies off, saying he will be back to apprehend Tomoki for the bounty on his head. The three of them make camp and Tomoki reveals his backstory. And telling this to Gin and Momotaro is terrifying for Tomoki. Despite their time together bonding, Tomoki doesn't want to say too much because he is afraid that they will hate him and then abandon him later, and he doesn't want to lose the only friends he has. But Momotaro wants Tomoki to tell them, saying that it won't change how they view him now. Jinrai is gearing up to strike but he eavesdrops on their conversation from nearby, and is moved by Momotaro's compassion. He holds back on his attack for the night. However, that doesn't change his current goal of bringing Tomoki to justice. In the morning as the trio are heading down the mountain to the town, they discover that it is being attacked and ransacked by demons. Gin, Momotaro, and Tomoki jump in to save the villagers and chase the demons away. Jinrai joins the fight to save the town but because of his arrogance is shot through the wing by a demon archer. Tomoki manages to catch Jinrai before he hits the ground. When Jinrai gets angry at Tomoki for saving him and accuses him of only saving him for his own gain. Tomoki hits him with a "Helping others is better than helping only yourself." and Jinrai goes quiet. The demons are chased off successfully but unfortunately they were able to make off with all of the town's food, leaving the villagers with nothing. The villagers already had very little because the demons routinely took a large cut of food from them in exchange for not murdering them. Hearing about the hungry villagers obviously makes Jinrai very scared and he tries to run away despite his damaged wing. Momotaro catches Jinrai trying to leave and says he shouldn't be moving much because he needs to heal. Momotaro offers him the last kibi dango. Jinrai is taken aback by the gift, saying that he's really going to give the last of his food to him? Momotaro says of course, Jinrai needs it in order to help him heal. Momotaro then leaves Jinrai alone. In the morning the villagers tell Momotaro and company that the demons stole all the food because they are holding a wedding ceremony in 4 days. Momotaro is definitely confused but there is nothing much they can do while Jinrai is injured. So in the meantime Momotaro, Gin, and Tomoki help around the town to scrounge enough food together for everyone. Gin does work around the town, fixing things for the villagers, Tomoki returns all the things he stole from the townspeople and apologizes, and Momotaro discovers his powers over plants in order to grow food for the town. Jinrai through most of this watching and reflecting on everything. When he is better and able to fly again he wants in on defeating the demons. Tomoki is hoping that Jinrai will forget about his bounty now that they're all friends, and Jinrai gives a humorous "maybe".
With the wedding about to begin, the four decide its time to strike. Jinrai flies over the fortress to get a lay of the land and returns to the others. Momotaro, Gin, and Tomoki pose as villagers at the gates with offerings of food and gifts. The demons take them into the fortress and to the hall where Akandoji is forcing a woman to marry him. Right when the time is right, Momotaro and gang shed their disguises and strike. A battle ensues (and if it were animated it would be very epic). They beat the demons and Momotaro and Akandoji face each other. Momotaro wins but right when he's about to kill Akandoji, he hesitates because of the demon's cries for mercy. Gin and his friends shout at him to end the demon but Momotaro let's him go, on the condition that he honors his words and promises to do good instead of evil. Akandoji thanks Momotaro profusely for sparing him and says he will be good from now on. He let's all the captives go. The food and things stolen from the villagers are returned and the demons and humans strike a deal to help each other and protect one another. The woman Momotaro saved from Akandoji comes over to thank him personally for coming to her rescue. Her name is Uriko. (or Urikohime ;3c)
With Onigashima saved, the people from his village safe, Momotaro wants nothing more than to return home. The team doesn't want to split up so Gin, Jinrai, and Tomoki decide to join Momotaro and go home together. Uriko comes along as well, since she wants to find her way back to her home. On the trip back, Uriko confides in Momotaro that the reason she got into that mess was because she got tricked by a demon called "Amanojaku", who stole her identity and took her place in her home, casting her out into the world alone. She got kidnapped by Akandoji when they happened upon each other and he was taken by her beauty and decided he wanted to marry her. Momotaro says he will help Uriko get back home.
And the adventures of Momotaro... continue.
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ao3feedsheith · 10 months
Red and Gold and Silver
Red and Gold and Silver https://archiveofourown.org/works/52085146 by MsVox One day, young Takashi Shirogane finds a mysterious bundle drifting down the river and decides to bring it home. Inside is a huge, wondrous, magical peach - and a sharp-toothed baby boy! Takashi's grandparents name the boy 'Momotarou', the Peach Son, though the boy calls himself 'Keith'. Adopted into the Shirogane family, this strange and inhuman child becomes Takashi's special responsibility, and with time, his closest friend. But the world is a dangerous place, and there is a much bigger destiny in store for Momotarou. Disaster and duty will take the boys over the sea to the dreaded Onigashima, the island kingdom of the demon ogres. True companions will be found along the way, and so will gods, monsters, grief, triumph, and the truth about where Momotarou - Keith - came from. For the 2023 Once Upon a Sheith Fairy Tale Bang and inspired by the Japanese folktale Momotarou (The Peach Son). Words: 11372, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Original Characters, Allura (Voltron), Sendak (Voltron), Kuron (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron) Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, retelling of Momotarou, Japanese Mythology & Folklore, Adventure and Magic via AO3 works tagged 'Keith/Shiro (Voltron)' https://archiveofourown.org December 06, 2023 at 06:35PM
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ecargmura · 1 year
I Finished The Teal Mask DLC, So Here's My Review!
The DLC of Pokemon Violet came out on Wednesday. I beat the main story as of today, September 15, 2023—two days after its release. That’s the fastest I’ve beaten a game. I’m still trying to finish completing my Pokedex, but here are my overall thoughts about the first part of the DLC from my likes to my dislikes; also, a warning: this review contains spoilers for the overall DLC from story to characters.
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What I liked about this DLC was the fact that players can travel to a new region for a school trip. For this story, the player goes to Kitakami, a small region that has a lot of Japanese influences for a joint excursion between the player’s school and Blueberry Academy, a school located in the Unova region. I love the aspect of exploring a new region outside of the main one and immersing myself into the new experience.
However, while Kitakami is a magical place, it’s highly unfortunate that there’s only one town in the region so it looks rather empty save for the vast amount of land where Pokemon reside. I’d like it if there was a few more towns other than Mossui, but that’s just a nitpick on my part. Despite that, I do like the rural vibes Kitakami gets. I also wonder if Kitakami is a separate region in itself or if it’s connected to a bigger city where Blueberry Academy is—the school is in the Unova region, but Kitakami is treated as if it’s a whole separate region outside of Unova. Someone, please tell me if this is a part of Unova or not.
Kitakami has an ancient folklore about how an ogre wrecked havoc throughout the land and three Pokemon stopped it and were dubbed the Loyal Three. The ogre lives in a cave in the vast mountains while the Loyal Three had died protecting the village and were dubbed heroes and guardians of Kitakami. As a writer, the fact that this region has its own unique culture and folklore really fascinates me. I love how this is Pokemon’s unique take on the Momotaro folklore but with twists.
If you’re not familiar with the Momotaro folklore, it’s a story about Momotaro who was born from a peach and goes to an island called Onigashima with his animal companions, a dog, monkey and a pheasant, to fight off demons. I’m not too familiar with the overall story, so I’m just reciting what I know from anime and articles. I’d love to read the whole tale one day, but there are many iterations of it. I think Pokemon did a great job adding in their spin on the story with twists and turns. For this DLC, the story does the usual plot of the ogre (demon/oni) being the bad guy while the dog, monkey and pheasant are deemed as heroes, but it’s actually the opposite in this game.
The ogre, Ogerpon, is a genuinely good Pokemon. She and her previous Trainer, the Visitor, came from a land far away to settle into Kitakami, but the villagers were afraid of them. One villager took pity on them and made him masks where he and Ogerpon can use to conceal their faces while talking to the villagers. This was a success, but the time got cut short as three greedy Pokemon wanted the masks so they killed the Visitor while Ogerpon was away. When she came back, her trainer was dead and all that was left was the Teal Mask. Enraged, she killed the villainous three, but her anger had caused the villagers to shun her more; they misunderstood her rage as an act of violence towards three poor Pokemon. That was how the three villains were dubbed as heroes and guardians while Ogerpon remained a pariah to this day.
To be honest, after witnessing the tale, I had a feeling the Loyal Three were the true villains and I was right. I felt bad for Ogerpon losing her Trainer and then be shunned by the villagers for so many years because of this. However, I also feel bad that the story caters towards the player because Ogerpon clearly favors the player more than Kieran who has admired the ogre for a very long time.
While I enjoyed the story overall, there were many flaws within it. First off, I understand that the story has to fit a limited amount of time since this is technically a two-part story. Second, every Pokemon game’s story caters towards the player. It doesn’t matter if the player’s the blandest slice of bread in the game, the plot will always favor them. That’s basically the result of this story. Ogerpon becomes fond of the player and joins them; to be honest, it’s also irony in a way as Ogerpon and her former trainer were outsiders in Kitakami, so I assume Ogerpon’s fond of the player because they’re a foreigner and not the native Kitakami people like Kieran and Carmine. Speaking of the siblings, their grandpa said to not say anything about the truth as the villagers would get angry. Yet, the villagers did a complete 180 when Kieran told the truth. Like, all that warning from the grandfather amounted to nothing.
Also, a personal nitpick on my part is that the school trip made the player go with three random people who are nameless from beginning to the end. Why couldn’t this excursion allow the story to take Arven, Nemona or Penny along? I know it’s because the devs want it to be accessible to anyone at any point of the game, so that they can avoid spoilers. However, it makes the experience feel rather hollow. If Game Freak had the time to develop new Pokemon for this game, they could, at least, made new Paldean NPCs for the excursion.
The Teal Mask DLC has introduced a plethora of new characters from humans to Pokemon. The story starts with a woman named Briar who is an instructor of Blueberry Academy and the one in charge of the school trip. To be honest, she’s kind of suspicious to me. Briar states that she’s a descendant of Heath and wishes to go to Area Zero as soon as possible because she’s interested in seeing Terapagos. Her whole demeanor reeks of being villainous. Her eyes look very sinister from the way they are dark purple with red slits. From the moment I saw her, she gave me uneasy vibes.
Kitakami is home to two students of the rival academy, Carmine and Kieran, who are siblings. Carmine is the quintessential older sister who is chaotic and a bit overbearing towards her brother. Kieran is shy and often hides behind his sister. I actually quite like these two a lot. They’re very dynamic and very integral to the story.
Carmine starts off the story as a bit of a jerk. However, the some parts of the fandom thinks she’s too mean when they wanted a mean rival for a long time. Honestly, Carmine isn’t mean. She’s hostile and chaotic; she’s just older sibling vibes. As someone with an older sibling, I can attest that Carmine is a true older sibling from being harsh but caring. Fortunately, spending time with her mellows her out and she shows off how truly kind she is at the end. I do like that while she has scarlet toned hair and her name comes from the red currant plant, her team as the Violet exclusive Morpeko.
Kieran is pretty much this story’s punching bag. He’s super adorable, yet I feel so bad for him. He grew up admiring the ogre from the folklore all his life and when he finally learns that the ogre was indeed the victim in all of this, said ogre doesn’t even bat him an eye and grows a fondness for the player character. Though, I guess Ogerpon developing a fondness for the player character makes sense since she and her former trainer were outsiders, so she is probably more fond of outsiders than the actual locals like Kieran. Anyways, Kieran starts off the story shy, but the nicer of the two siblings, but as the story progresses, he’s the one becoming edgier while Carmine becomes nicer. People might think he’s weird for being angry, but it makes sense. Imagine the only friend you made deciding to hide a secret about something you really like and should get involved with but that person only shared the secret with your older sister and they both decided not to tell you. If I were Kieran, I wouldn’t like being kept in the dark at all because it meant that they don’t trust me despite being friends and family. Similarly to his sister, Kieran has violet toned hair, named after the currant plant, but has Scarlet-exclusive Gliscor and Cramorant on his team. To be honest, out of the two siblings, Kieran is actually quite challenging. His Yanmega is easily a tough opponent for me as he knocked out my entire team on the fourth fight. Since the story has a continuation in the Indigo Disk DLC, Kieran will be going through the dark phase next time we see him.
Because the region is very Japanese-influenced, it only makes sense to have Hisui related lore be included. That’s where Perrin comes in. Perrin is pretty much a modern female Adaman with a Hisuian Growlithe. Yes, Hisuian Pokemon are all but confirmed not to be extinct, but just species that went to a distant land to preserve their bloodline. Perrin’s inclusion in the story isn’t actual for the main plot; she’s just here for a side quest to search for a special Ursaluna. Her side quest is actually a bit tedious because she requests you to take pictures of Pokemon, so the game suddenly turns into Pokemon Snap and when you take a picture at what you think is a good angle, she’s like “it’s not good enough.” The Ursaluna fight was pretty hard. I lost once and then when the Ursaluna kept spamming Calm Mind and Blood Moon, I got super pissed and just threw my Leavanny in whenever I could. I also terastalized my Lv. 86 Chandelure because her teratype was Grass. I did catch the darn bear.
New Pokemon are introduced here. Dipplin and the Poltchageist line are quite interesting. I honestly love the creativity behind them. The Loyal Three are very sinister looking, but they also look a bit goofy. I think that Fezandipiti has the best design as it’s very pretty—a statement Carmine agrees with. Once you defeat the three in their titan forms, you can actually catch them where they were once fought. Let me tell you, Fezandipiti was the MOST ANNOYING of the three to fight. His strategy was to make opponents confused with Swagger or Flatter and then proceed to try and poison you with Beat Up and activate his Toxic Chain ability. If you aren’t prepared, your team will constantly get both confused and poisoned; if you deplete his HP to a good amount, he will roost. This pheasant is very strategic and I love him; I will use him for the next DLC because I love using status moves on my opponents.
Ogerpon is super adorable. I feel so bad for her. She and her late Trainer wanted to get along with the Kitakami locals but they shunned them due to their being outsiders. They had to wear masks for them to get along and when they finally did, the greedy three Pokemon sought after the masks and killed her trainer. An enraged Ogerpon killed all three, but then became a pariah while the three villains were revered as loyal guardians. I’m surprised she still has a sunny disposition despite all of this.
How was the gameplay? I mean, it’s still the same as OG Violet and every other Pokemon game. Did the frame rate get better? Nope! The frame rate is still crap.
Anyways, if there’s one thing I disliked about the game in terms of gameplay, I disliked Ogre Oustin. I hated that mini-game so much. Strolling around and getting the berries and then once you start getting pests on your stock, roaring them away won’t work. They’re also very hard to see. Seriously, Carmine getting a high score is easily due to NPC benefits.
Final Thoughts
Teal Mask is a bit simplistic but I quite enjoyed the experience. It was so fun learning about a new region and what it had to offer. Though, the story is a lot shorter than I expected. Pokemon Violet took about a month for me to finish, but Teal Mask took me two days. I’m currently one Pokemon away from completing the entire Pokédex.. Speaking of which, the amount of Pokemon in Kitakami is a lot smaller compared to Paldea. Though, what hindered Teal Mask the most was the fact that it’s the first part of a longer story. The story does feel a bit rushed due to time constraint; I’m sure all the questions regarding Briar and the siblings will be concluded in Indigo Disk. It makes me wonder if Part 2 will be longer. If you have played Pokemon Scarlet or Violet, I do recommend trying out this DLC. It is worth it.
I used a different team for this DLC, since I wanted to spice things up a bit. My team for this DLC was (their nicknames are in parentheses):
Skeldirge (Gochujang)
Zoroark (Inari)
Iron Valiant (Mandolin)
Noctowl (Karaage)
Leavanny (Ssam)
Chandelure (Hot Pot)
What are your thoughts about this DLC? Let me know whether you enjoyed it or not!
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gigakits · 3 years
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demonslayedher · 2 years
My Research: So glad to have you focused on classic folklore.
Me: I am behaving.
My Research: As we dive in deeper, we see that Onigashima, the Island of Demons, didn't have to be a real place so much a reference to that world. That's why the millet dumplings are important, for it's food that comes from the hearth of--
Me: Kamado!!
My Research: --the hearth of this world--
My Research: --thereby giving Momotarou extra life force and enabling him to be called back to this world--
My Research: If we analyze it further--
Me: --then eating humans is like eating food of the underworld, getting you stuck there. It was so meaningful that Nezuko never did this, she resisted. And then the fact that Tanjiro tended the fire of the hearth to make tasty rice for everyone, to give them strength--
My Research: No.
Me: But then isn't that so ironic with Kaigaku so flippantly wasting peaches, in all their life-giving connotation? Contrasting that with the stress on his moment that he accepted blood to consume from that person--
My Research: Stop.
Me: I need to write a post about this!
My Research: You need to put this down and go to work.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 1025 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back to it, completing the Popularity Poll Color Spread in the process (also this is my 250th post)
With the Yamato backstory last week we shall continue on with the battle between father and son
Spoilers for Chapter 1025, Support the Official Release
A Sidebar before we start, I've been thinking about maybe doing as well as this a 'Chapter Spoilers without Context' kinda post, if you guys would be interested in that let me know.
Our colour spread is complete with mostly marines, including Tashigi, Smoker, Aokiji, Garp and Coby, as well as the remaining Supernova, Rayleigh, Buggy, Lucci, Whitebeard, Marco, Izo, Shirahoshi, Ace, Sabo and Carrot. Also Blackbeard and Shanks in the corners
Interesting to note that Carrot was put in the same bookend position as Yamato (Garp and Oden being the farthest away), almost like Oda doesn't want to suggest that one has more candidacy by virtue of being closer in the colour spread
We also get the chapter cover of Usopp documenting his lies to some gullible birds and a business octopus who judging by the headline knows it's all false, Usopp's definitely dressing the part
Aaaaand there it is, still the mind of a child with Momo, a child scared of heights
Luffy isn't exactly being gentle about it either, which is fair given the urgency
Shinobu and the Heart Pirates' blank stares selling Oda's expectation subversion
Looks like the clash at the end of last chapter wasn't the final blow, Kaido got a little cut but Yamato shielded himself in something, maybe stone since the attack translates to 'Mirror Mountain', but that shield shatters completely
A quick bonk on the head next too, but Kaido still seems to tank it all
And here comes the Gaslighting from Kaido, telling Yamato he would never be accepted by Wano since he's his son, and that everyone who was kind to him dies - which it's implied he has a hand in though - and that they're only being kind out of fear
And despite several hits needed to faze Kaido, it takes one swing from Kaido to knock Yamato around
I wonder though, is Kaido being literal when he calls Yamato an Oni, I mean he does say 'relying on the friendship of humans is beneath you' - though it could just be scanlations
Kaido does look like an oni in that last panel though
Momo is finally taking flight though, but he's closing his eyes, meaning he's crashing through the performance floor rather than the roof
I guess a lot of Kaido's crew are colourblind or something because everyone seems to think this peach dragon is Kaido
At least now with Momo crashing through Onigashima there's visible proof that Luffy's alive
After the Performance Floor, Momo crashes through BM's fight with Kid and Law to confuse the shit outta them
Kaido hears the ruckus but thinks its BM, and now Yamato's back in his base form
Hilariously, Kaido spots Momo Dragon flailing around behind Yamato, which is distracting him enough for Yamato to prepare his attack
Momo's finally opened his eyes when Luffy tells him Kaido's there too
And Luffy's gone straight to Snake Man - likely for range
Double team attack knocks Kaido away
Precious smiles all around
But now Kaido's confronting Momo in his dragon form, surprised at both Luffy's survival and this new dragon
As Yamato connects the dots Luffy's making his statement, he won't die because he's gonna be king
And Momo finally declares his name to Kaido directly, I know he also did it at the Execution Cross but this one has more substance since he's doing it without an audience, declaring that he will be Shogun of Wano in similar Luffy fashion
Not the reaction I anticipated from Kaido seeing as this is another dragon, he kinda laughs it off
First it's 'The World doesn't need more Conquerors' now it's 'The World doesn't need another Dragon', I feel like Kaido's just a grumpy old boomer at this point
And as anticipated there's the break
So...It wasn't the blockbuster chapter I was hoping for, in fact I was actually kinda hoping Luffy wouldn't get here until much later when it was just Kaido and Big Mom left to fight; King and Queen defeated and Yamato fallen leaving it just the Alliance vs Kaido and Big Mom holding off before Luffy arrives.
But, what we did get was still good. Oda's usual expectation subversion comes into play to add more chaos into the room, now Momo Dragon has to confront Kaido directly. Whether Yamato will continue trying to fight alongside Luffy remains to be seen, kinda feel like Luffy would need to do this on his own to get the most props out of it, but maybe he will call on help given how his second 1v1 attempt failed? Hard to tell
Luffy confirming his aliveness will also further motivate the alliance, and all the holes caused by Dragon Momo can invite characters to move around more freely - good and bad. Shame the Heart Pirates and Shinobu didn't fly with Momo, could've partook in the fight, Jean Bart was implied at least to be a credible fighter, maybe they did through Caribou because he was AWOL this chapter
After the break it's interesting where we go from here, because Luffy confronting Kaido seems to be the important part, but we've still yet to finish off such elements as the Akazaya fights, Zoro/Sanji vs King/Queen, BM vs Law/Kid, Killer vs Hawkins, the shadow person that tended to the Akazaya's wounds, where Orochi is, the remaining numbers, CP0 and the fact that the castle is on fire! Lots of clusterfucking to deal with, but for now we can let Oda rest
For Now
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chernobog13 · 3 years
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For lovers of Japanese folklore the little figures pictured above of Momotaro and Kintaro, plus their animal companions, will go on sale in Japan in December for about 350 yen apiece (about $3.10 US).
Momotaro (”peach boy”) was born from a giant peach an elderly couple found floating in the river.  As a boy he was befriended by a talking dog, monkey and pheasant.  The three animals joined him on his quest to Onigashima (”demon island”) where they defeated a gang of marauding oni.
Kintaro (”golden boy”) was the son of, or raised by (there are numerous versions of the legend) by a yama-uba (”mountain witch”).  He was born with phenomenal strength and stamina, and wrestled with wild animals in the forest because he had no human friends.  He is usually portrayed as being a little plump and wearing a red bib with the kanji for gold written on it.
The images are from Hobby Japan #620, February 2021
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onikiribattousai · 3 years
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Road Runner as Momotaro/Peach Boy (my favorite Japanese Folklore)
He's a speedy bird who was born from a Giant Peach and now on a journey to defeat the Coyotes from Onigashima (pun intended)
I should called him Peach Runner🍑🍑
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animeniacfan · 4 years
Dude, Otama is One Piece's Momotaro!
You ever hear the legend of Momotaro and how he tamed a bunch of animals to fight demons? Well, Otama is One Piece's stand in for Momotaro #OnePiece #Onepiece #OnePieceChapter1004 #OnepieceChapter1004 #Onepiece1004
One Piece Chapter 1004 Review/Recap You guys ever hear the story of Momotaro? It’s an old Japanese tale about a boy born from a giant peach. In the legend, Momotaro goes to Onigashima to defeat the demons residing there. And during his journey, he convinces three talking animals to join him in exchange for the Kibi Dango he has. The four beat up the demons, take their loot, and come home as…
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imasallstars · 4 years
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Cafe Parade’s Makio Uzuki and Asselin BB II will be joining Beit to perform in a movie about Momotarou! While everyone’s working hard and practicing, one of the idols seem to be having troubles getting into character...?
Sweets loving high school student, Tarou Kurumizawa, suddenly gets transported into another world when an off-season peach falls onto his head. From Sanju and Inui, of whom he somehow met through a cake, he is informed that the demons have stolen all of this world’s sweets from themselves. 
Tarou, despite his unwillingness to exterminate the demons, work with Sanju and Inui and heads off to Onigashima, with the help of Kijio who he met through cake, in order to take back all the stolen sweets ―
Will Tarou and his friends safely take back the sweets from the demons...? Let’s act in a movie that’ll leave the audience wanting more with its eccentric cast and unique world view
The next sideMoba event has been announced! “Sweet Otherworldly Legend of Momotarou” will feature a ranking SR for Makio Uzuki. The event will also feature Asselin BB II from Cafe Parade, as well as Beit
The event will occur from the 31st of January
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vanillashusband · 2 years
more lmk s/i episodes ideas but I promise these won't be as long hdgdgscs
Find Your Center: After "Impossible Delivery" and before Macaque's debut. MK is starting to grow a little frustrated with the Monkey King's training style and wants more direction on how to use his powers than "Believe in yourself" and "you'll figure it out". I come to visit the city and apologize to MK for how awkwardly we said goodbye in "Perfect Peach". I listen to MK's troubles and offer to help. We train for a while and Sun Wukong finds out and is annoyed at me for trying to mentor MK. We fight (sounding like a married couple arguing) about who's right and who's the better mentor for MK, leading to a competition on who can mentor him best but we accidentally run MK ragged.
Sleep Bug: I appear in this episode and help MK.
???: After "Sleep Bug". I meet Yin and Jin. Haven't thought much about it yet and I'm kinda stumped about what should happen fhdgsg I want them to have more screentime.
Party On Onigashima: Takes place after "Pig Pong Panic". I invite MK and the crew to an important party on Onigashima. Yin and Jin crash the party to torment me and Sun Wukong also comes to crash said party. When confronting Yin and Jin and jumping in to protect Sun Wukong and finally summon Momotaro's sword.
Sweet'n Sour: I replace the Monkey King cutout and help MK. The only reason I don't try to murder Yin and Jin is because I'm a judge and also on TV hfhdgsfg
And I am present throughout all of season 3! The episode setting up the Ascension Arc begins after "Amnesia Rules". In the ep before "Benched" the team splits up, SWK, MK, Yin, and Jin help me achieve immortality and I disappear until the episode before "This Imperfect World" where MK, SWK, Yin and Jin go to the celestial realm to get me back.
hoo boy. I really thought about all of this huh? HFHDGSHGSGSFSHDG
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ayearinfaith · 5 years
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𝗔 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝗙𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵, 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟱𝟬: 𝗠𝗼𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗼
Momotaro (桃太郎) is one of the most, if not simply the most, popular folk heroes of Japan. His name is made of two parts: “Momo” which means “peach” and “taro” a common masculine name suffix. It is normally translated in English as “peach boy” or the outdated, but adorable, “little peachling”.
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗠𝗼𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗼
The oral tradition of Momotaro is though to have begun in the 15th century, though it was not written down until the 17th. It begins with an elderly couple, who, though happy, were never able to conceive the child they both wanted. One day, while the old woman is washing clothes by the river, she spots a giant peach floating downstream. She recovers the peach and brings it home. When the old man tries to cut it open in order to eat it, a child emerges! Though a baby, Momotaro is able to explain that he is a gift from the gods, a reward to the couple for living honest and pious lives. For obvious reasons, the old couple name him Momotaro. This version, with the peach-birth, is the most common version told today but up until the turn of the 20th century the peach did not birth Momotaro. Instead, it rejuvenated the elderly couple back to child bearing age. Across East Asia peaches are associated with longevity or immortality, so this rejuvenation would have been an understood trope. Regardless of the exact nature of his birth, Momotaro grows up to be a fine child and very strong. In older versions Momotaro embarks on his adventure as a man of 30 or so, but he has become progressively younger with time. Nowadays he is rarely portrayed older than 15, if even that. Feeling the need to contribute to society, he decides he will travel to the island of Oni (Onigashima/鬼ヶ島) and defeat the namesake residents (Oni are a Japanese monster which can be translated in English as both “demon” and “ogre”). His parents worry about such a dangerous undertaking but in the end are proud of their son’s bravery and pack him dumplings for the road. On the road Momotaro encounters three animal companions, a dog, a pheasant, and a monkey. One at a time he befriends and enlists them by offering them one of his dumplings. Together the four go to the island of Oni and assail the fortress there. By virtue of their strength and wits, Momotaro and his companions best the fearsome Oni. In older versions Momotaro simply kills them all, though this was later softened to having the Oni repent for their crimes. Either way, Momotaro and his animal friends return home with all the Oni’s ill-gotten treasures.
Before the end of the 19th century Momotaro was rarely, if ever, given a reason for defeating the Oni. This isn’t particularly strange; Oni are wicked by default. However, Iwaya Sazanami, a prominent writer, explicitly described them as plundering cannibals. This turned out to be a significant development. Iwaya Sazanami’s versions came about at the start of Japan’s Meiji Period, during which the country transitioned from feudalism to a (somewhat) constitutional monarchy. A general public-school system was established and a state curriculum developed. Iwaya created a version for inclusion which was taught with overtly nationalist themes: Momotaro was the dutiful Japanese soldier and the Oni were foreign demons. Throughout the decades pop-culture depictions of Momotaro and the Oni would shift to match Japan’s needs, depicting the Oni as the Chinese, the Russians, and the Allies in Word War II. During this time, the islands of Hawaiʻi and specifically the Pearl Harbor naval base, were portrayed as the island of the Oni. Unsurprisingly, Momotaro was dropped from curriculum after Japan lost the war. Despite this, Momotaro is still very popular and the city of Okayama claims him as a local.
Image Credit: Momotaro, Nina Matsumoto aka. Space Coyote, 2016, http://www.spacecoyote.com/
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