#Peoples Lotto Result
sofiareidings · 1 year
Coffee Runs
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Summary: The guy who's been coming to the cafe you work at finally asked why you've never called him by his name.
A/N: I'm sorry this story is so late, especially since I missed Monday's post. School has been so busy this week and I've also had a bunch if extracurricular lately. I'll try and be more on time from now on (Don't hold me to that) Also! I got the idea for this one shot from @hanllo-kitty
Word Count: 0.8k
Song Suggestions: Invisible String - Taylor Swift
It was a good job, a great job really. The cafe was in a nicer part of town and people would subconsciously give nice tips so your pay was good. Rarely were customers terrible. Most people that came in were students or really busy people rushing in and going.
There were a few regulars. Like Joe, Joe was an eighty year old man who came in everyday for a coffee and a sandwich. While he waited he would talk about the lotto numbers and how his kids were doing. There was also Lola, she was a journalist who spent most of her day sitting in the corner of the cafe while refilling the same cup until closing.
But there was only one regular you would think about while getting ready for work.
Come on, I don't know his name. Don't shoot the messenger.
He'd been coming in for the past three months almost everyday, right after the cafe opened for a coffee. He always looked a little tired and acted like it too. He barely made conversation and normally shuffled out of the store in the same fashion as the other overworked people; quickly.
You hadn't learned his name yet. He always seemed to forget to say it when you asked, which resulted in you making up something.
"Guy with the sweater vest!"
"Guy in the purple!"
"Guy with the scarf!"
You get the point.
He was your favourite regular because of his looks. God, even when he was incredibly sleep deprived he looked beautiful. He had brown hair that fell just below his sharp jaw. Brown eyes that always happened to be in the light from the cafe window, making the small gold flakes in his eyes shine. He was normally dressed in a sweater vest and neutral pants, he probably worked at some type of office. The one part of him that stood out in his outfits were his converse, odd for the rest of his outfit. You could've sworn a few times you saw brightly coloured mismatched socks.
The sound of the cafe bell echoed through the nearly empty shop, having only opened half an hour ago. Smiling in the direction of the person walking in you quickly noticed it was 'Guy with *whatever he had on*" who came in. Something was different, he had thick glasses on. That was new.
"Hey, just the regular coffee and donut?" You put the order into the computer, looking back up at him. Taking in the new look.
"Yeah, thanks." His lips creased into a line, you called it a tired smile, the same one he made everyday. He handed over his money and poured the change into the tip jar then stepped back to wait for his order.
A couple minutes later you came back to the counter with his order. "Guy with the glasses!"
He did his usual, smiled and grabbed his order saying bye. But just when he reached the threshold of the door he paused and turned. "Why do you do that?"
Having already turned around you paused, this was the first time he'd talked to you in a clear voice. You weren't really sure what he meant. "Do what? Did I get your order wrong?"
He cleared his throat and seemed a little frustrated. "You never say my name, you just call me guy with something. Is it just to annoy me?"
"What? No, you've just never told me your name." Laughing a little, realising the misunderstanding.
"I didn't?" His face changed to confusion, "Oh my gosh, I didn't." He realised his mistake then his face flushed a shade of red.
"Don't worry, it's okay. Guy with the glasses." You laughed, looking around the cafe for a minute, strange it was still pretty empty.
"I am so sorry, I thought I told you and you just wanted to annoy me. I feel like a jerk, you seem so nice." Genuinely sorry he apologised profusely. "Can I make it up to you?"
Deciding to take the chance, you'd been daydreaming about this guy for months. "Well, maybe you could take me on a date." A little shocked by your own boldness, your face went up like twelve degrees.
"Uh, yeah…" He trailed off, clearly flustered. "Yeah, I would really like that."
"Well then, it's a date." You beamed, internally jumping up and down out of excitement. Since when were you so forward? He made that smile he made everyday before turning towards the door again.
That's when you realised.
"Wait!" You shouted, louder than you expected. Causing your coworker to drop a cup. "You still haven't told me your name."
"It's Spencer. I'll make sure to be back tomorrow." He nodded again and chuckled lightly before finally walking through the door.
God could tomorrow morning come any quicker.
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wily-one24 · 3 months
The easy one to ask for me is Olivia Benson. But in case someone already has or you want a different choice: Amanda Rollins or Alex Cabot.
Time to buy a lotto ticket, because Imma do all three (!!! in my dreams, right?)
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--> How I feel about this character:
I mean, it's no secret that I love Olivia Benson.
I was speaking to a friend the other day about SVU and how it's lasted a long time. It's not just because the stories are interesting (they are) or even titilating (sexual assault, molestation, murder, they all have the possibility of titilation, but I don't think SVU goes there... not often at any rate... they do a pretty good job of not glorifying the abuse and horror).
A large part is, of course, Olivia Benson. She is the beating heart of SVU.
Olivia is strong, empathetic, fierce, she takes no prisoners, her morals are strong, she is caring and protective, and she will fight like hell for justice, sometimes at great personal cost.
Olivia is the person each of us has needed at one or more points in our lives. Also the person that the majority of us did not get.
Mariska talks about fans sending her letters to tell her how much Olivia has helped them. And it's true.
We have all wanted and needed an Olivia in our lives. And we have all, to some degree, wanted to be Olivia.
She is not perfect, she has her flaws, but they are easily overlooked for all the benefits she brings.
And we have watched her from baby Benson to seasoned Captain. We have grown with her.
She gives us hope.
And that is why we have 25 seasons of SVU.
--> All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Well, Elliot obviously. It's very strange, I don't even really like Elliot that much and during my rewatches by the end of S12 I am just counting down the episodes until he leaves. BUT, he is Olivia's main choice and he makes her happy. So, because I love Olivia, I want her to have what she wants.
Alex. Amanda. Barba. Langan (thought I get why they never went there). Rita a little.
I don't really read much of anything besides EO, but in my little dreams, I think the others would make excellent partners, or at least bedmates.
--> My non romantic OTP for this character:
Just to completely step on my own toes from the previous answer, but...
Barba. I adored their canon relationship, the besties that they were. They adored each other and were there when each needed the other. She needed a strong friendship like that, that wasn't tied to being their boss.
Obviously Noah. She waited so long for that boy. She loves him dearly and he loves her and they deserve all the happiness in the world together.
--> My unpopular opinion about this caracter:
I don't know if I really have one. She's a little too quick to anger and she's always a little too ready to break the law to suit her needs. But these are not opinions.
Perhaps, despite her later claims that she never wanted to be part of the "good ol' boys club" and how she acts distraught at the possibility one of her old interrogations may have been a forced confession... in the early years Olivia is all too ready to look the other way and, in fact, join in when Elliot and even Fin are being overly rough and forceful and breaking about ten different codes of police conduct.
There was one episode I saw recently where Elliot got all up in a step father's face, yelling, red faced, almost spitting out his hatred as he spoke of this man's lust for his daughter that they assumed he'd raped... it was quite heavy handed. And the guy eventually reacts and goes at Elliot. Olivia is instantly cuffing this guy and gleefully arresting him for assaulting a police officer. And like... Olivia Margaret Benson, you litereally just WATCHED Elliot provoke him.
Elliot's violence got results and she was all too ready to excuse him for it.
She never would have grown into the amazing police woman she is had Elliot stayed around. She gave him way too much power in that partnership.
--> One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character:
I want somebody to choose her.
So many of the people she has loved have ended up leaving, because they stayed too long, because they sacrificed their own morals for her, because they broke the law for her, because... because... because... and she even says "I didn't ASK you to" and it makes no difference.
I'm not saying they didn't have good reason to leave. They're adults they can choose.
One thing I have consistently said, is that the show repeats "the average stint in SVU is two years" several times. That is, of course, unless you meet Olivia Benson. Then it becomes your life's purpose. She doesn't see that these people have stayed for her, stayed longer than is healthy, longer than they meant to.... and all because of her. She doesn't see that, she sees them leave.
But just once I wish someone would choose to leave the job and stay with her.
Girl deserves a bit of happiness and stability.
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prod-svt · 11 months
obsessed with seventeen hiphop unit's lyrics that is about their growth and putting haters in their place cause they have their steady growth, firm reputation and overwhelming success to back those up. the bravado and seemingly bragging lyrics comes off so confident that the listeners would agree bc again they have evidences to back up their words.
just like that, you’ll always be behind us. it’s not even a royal flush, don’t need to see it, just need to hear it once (ah yeah, scoups)
they don’t even know what they’re saying, all those barking rabid dogs. i hope you’ll be healed with this verse cause I’m the vet (ah yeah, vernon)
stack up the trophy written in my names in the rack. it's all not enough, i'll be a pioneer in a new path right away. (back it up, scoups)
my name on the headline makes me happy, accomplished it every year. sold out and sold out again, gather those sold out tickets and we can build a castle an instant (back it up, scoups)
made this far got nothing to prove just look back at our footprints (back it up, vernon)
here are my results. i'm the type of to show myself through action that words. look at my workin', i will be rich with my music career only (un haeng il chi, wonwoo)
when everyone just start to depart, i already arrived. chasing the back but when they catch sight of it, that's so far (back it up, mingyu)
passion is our main dish, our goals as free dessert (fire, wonwoo)
even if we go back 10 years, i'll rise up to the top again, my way (fire, wonwoo)
unlike me who have high growing potential, you have none / .... / to compare, im heungboo who's feeling the beat while youre beat deaf even if you try to imitate / from what i see in your actions, you don't thrive at all (lotto remix, wonwoo)
when you were carefully hanging out during that time / i go to the club you went later as a guest, rap and earn money even (lotto remix, mingyu)
im about to do something that nobody has ever done (lotto remix, mingyu)
all you do is eat my leftovers (lotto remix, scoups)
the idiots talk shit on the reviews saying i won't make it but who's the top of hot rookies that people around you picked? yeah it's me (lotto remix, scoups)
"whatever i say becomes reality" such sayings become one of my popular quotes in the far future (un haeng il chi, mingyu)
30 to 100, 100 to 300, 800 then 3000, 7000 and 13000 is near / the stars the scintillating in front of me now but this isnt enough, more (un haeng il chi, mingyu)
been touring domes now havent you heard now stadium tours now. (fire, vernon)
brag binjibteoli* trophy in your hand to your mom / at least bet your pinky, if you have no profit then risk your life (un haeng il chi, scoups)
do you think im crazy? everything i earned in 3 years fill up my fingers. do you think stealing my direction will make me absurd? without making it intense, you're already scared, don't know, nod (loser!) (un haeng il chi, scoups)
the gaze of people looking down at me. when i'm about to get lazy i think of those memories when i almost lower my head. now, im so high. we're no longer at eye-level. all of you who forced our head down when we were younger, bow down! (sukyo, wonwoo)
i look down to all of you, all of you go down. look at me, i'm sold out. i dont hang out with you, it's the truth. i'd rather invest that time. invest that money you earned to me. earn some extra cash for security (sukyo, mingyu)
our manager's phone goes ring ring, it's another invitation call. you guys ghosted us three years ago. you didnt know, you never expected us to get this big (sukyo, scoups)
this is the difference between those who know me and those who don't. all these punks ive never heard of or met always draw up an image of me in their heads to their own liking. why do you turn the spilled rumors and truth into your own useless news for attention (what's the problem, mingyu)
thanks to the envy and jealousy, i feel like i've become the best. i made a comeback during the war and i've become the punk everyone needs to be cautious of (MMO madness maxed out, scoups)
underline my name and memorize it like it had become a reality (MMO Madness maxed out, scoups)
you compare me (to others) while avoiding and running away from me. even if you lose your mind as the number of white flags increases. maintain this feeling (MMO madness maxed out, scoups)
until i am satisfied, everyone is my fuckin' target, surrender everything you have (MMO, scoups)
take the words you have spit out back home, i wont stop you, do whatever you want to do. the talks eventually reach my ears but you can't say it to my face (MMO, mingyu)
we fearlessly enter and whenever we step foot, we make it ours (MMO, vernon)
if you can't handle it, go on and run away. as long as we're holding out here, we're going to take it all. so don't fight (MMO, vernon)
binjibteoli : having comeback when there is no really popular artists to confront, thus avoiding competition and easily winning music awards // MMO lyrics translation
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lovelytayforce · 1 year
Shifu's not so complicated relationship with fraud
Why do we as a society not talk about how comfortable Shifu is with committing fraud?
Now, first, let’s talk about fraud itself, this is what it means: wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. Or a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities. Now before we start, I want you all to know I am not condemning Shifu for his crimes, if anything I love the fact Shifu is so unapologetically happy with himself and who he is to just wake up a day after “the worst day of his life”, his words not mine, and choose violence and fraud above all things against his Master’s wishes because he didn’t get his way. Girl boss, Gate keep, and Gaslit amirite? Like what an icon!? I love this and think we should talk about it more cause it’s canon Shifu loves him some fraud and if he doesn’t get his way he will ruin everyone’s day for it. Again, we have to start from the beginning, because again, THIS IS IMPORTANT. “Oogway is choosing the dragon warrior.”, simple enough but the thing is Oogway never says it’s going to be one of the five anywhere in the film. Just “It’s time.” So, it could be anyone, he could point to the west and say “The Dragon warrior is not here but to the west.” and no one could say he lied about anything because it was Shifu hyping the whole town up with posters at the ready for HIS WIN. Not his student, his own. This is all about him. This is all about Shifu. This is Shifu’s show. And I have to highlight this short exchange between Oogway and Shifu before the tournament because it's so telling in their arcs. I know people love the joke, Oogway just dipped on Shifu to deal with his own bs, and tbh I would too cause that’s your family drama, not mine. But he warns Shifu, he feared he would not live to see this day and even implies “Whomever I choose.” again not a single confirmation he would choose one of his students, would bring him peace. And Shifu is left to ponder those words as this elaborate celebration he’d created for this “historic day they’ve been waiting 1,000 years for!” is also for him. Imagine that for a second. You are also a part of this historic day and its results.  But Shifu, our beloved idiot does not intake that in immediately, no. He’s ready to show off his five totally awesome lotto tickets, I mean the furious five. That and he’s so focused on his own grandeur, he’s out here sounding like a wrestling narrator, selling the strength and technique of his students rather than who they are outside of that skill. Which shows even he does not understand who the Dragon warrior is meant to be. Again, Oogway only says “I sense the Dragon warrior among us.” That doesn’t mean his students, just anywhere in the area. HE WAS WARNED. And then the Dragon warrior is chosen and Shifu’s immediate response is to try to stop everything even though it’s moving as it should just not in the way he wanted what’s the first thing this man does when his students, specifically Tigress apologizes for failing him?
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That’s right baby, FRAUD. Didn’t even hesitate or think about it for longer than 10 seconds. Just straight up creating a toxic situation for fraud and bullying while his Master is alive and well in this world. But as we’ve established Shifu is an angry gatekeeping girl boss. And it only gets worse from here. Shifu not only threatens to kill Po but oh no. Cause that wouldn’t be enough for this Girlboss, okay? No, he’s got to demean and make fun of Po for his body and insinuate how the Dragon warrior is chosen and given the scroll when again, OOGWAY HAS NEVER SAID ANY OF THESE THINGS. And when he realizes Po is aware of the history of the Wuxi finger hold + how it affects the holder, etc, etc and even states “Oogway may have picked you and when I’m through with you. You are going to wish he hadn’t! Are we clear?” which means he’s VERY VERY VERY aware of what he is doing. Shifu willingly committed fraud. And even laughs about his decision, he is so happy with his ingenious idea to underplay what his Master, who sees him as a friend and a loyal student at his side and even supports his efforts for the tournament that wasn’t needed. It was just a flashy appetizer before the main meal. But nonetheless doesn’t tell him to stop because his hard work deserves to be shown off but also Shifu, a 60+ year old man is not only beefing with a 20 year old but also stepping all over Oogway’s decision because he is super upset he’s not the center of attention. He even throws away every shred of honor and dignity within Kung fu to make sure Po feels as unwelcome and inadequate as possible, we’ve all seen the “Level zero” scene but did y’all notice how even the furious five goes to help Po when he falls into the training Hall and Shifu straight up STOPS THEM WITH HIS HAND, and then smiles as Po screams in pain. This man enjoys fraud and revels in it with joy, it brightens his damn day more than the sun itself!!
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Shifu willingly breeds and approves of his students also bullying Po because he didn’t get his “I trained the Dragon Warrior” trophy with his five lotto tickets-I mean The furious five… Which translates to the next few scenes that define their latter interactions with Po because students tend to mimic their masters. In good ways or bad ways… Especially to his daughter, Tigress who especially perpetuates Shifu’s ire toward Po even though her goal as clearly shown in the flashback was never the scroll but Shifu’s love as a father. Which the scroll would have never given her cause Shifu’s a selfish twat.  Shifu even laughs RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS DAUGHTER, about the fact his beautiful fraud and bullying got Po to quit and he’s so smitten with himself about it as they walk to the training hall and even says “All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, the true dragon warrior will be revealed.” He’s just outright ignoring the fact, Oogway will never change his mind about who he chose. This is peak delusion ladies and gentlemen. So, if you ever wonder why Tai Lung so easily brought up fraud in their fight scene together, just know from this moment before they opened that door to the training hall. Shifu was all about that fraud to fix his problems. Until he got into one last argument about peach trees and seeds, and Oogway died, showing he wasted his time being a controlling asshole on the final days of his friend's life. And then remembered: “Oh wait bro fraud is actually wrong, oh god what have I done!?” And then he got physically beaten up by the consequences of his actions via Tai Lung and the mere sweet scent of fraud again, which he says no to. And that’s Shifu’s not so complicated relationship with Fraud. We need more fics where people have Po and the five bringing up the fact he was cool with fraud once upon a time. It’d be funny.
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thisstableground · 2 years
Hi, I'm curious about something and you're like the one person I know who knows both characters so what would a meeting between Usnavi and Bruno be like? Just wondering
(this is broadway usnavi btw, i haven’t seen the movie)
okay! so, i actually think that bruno and usnavi have way more in common than you’d think just from a quck glance.
usnavi is clearly deeply loved by his community, whereas bruno is shunned by his, but (at least before usnavi’s character arc in the show) both of them feel on the outside of things. it’s probably not a coincidence that usnavi’s the only one breaking the fourth wall in ITH. he’s really no more the main character than, say, nina, but he is the one who chats with the audience directly, and i think that reflects the fact that he feels, like the audience, that he’s watching everyone else’s lives rather than participating himself. the world spins around while i'm frozen to my seat. and isn’t that so similar to bruno, sitting isolated in his room, watching visions of everyone else’s lives but never getting out himself, or putting on his rat plays in his space behind the wall? they both view themselves more in the role of narrator or observer, not a character with their own arc.
it’s obviously got a different vibe. i don’t think usnavi realises quite to what extent he’s loved by the people around him (he seems absolutely baffled by sonny and vanessa being upset about him leaving) but he definitely does not feel unloved. i think bruno also doesn’t realise how loved he is, but in his case he also has very good reasons to feel unloved, and is much less welcomed by the wider community (though perhaps when he was younger, this was different). and i definitely get the impression that usnavi’s relationship with his parents was an affectionate one, not a fraught one like bruno’s.
but there is that sense, for both of them, of having lost the thread of their individual identity under all the pressure of legacy and lost parents and their role and duty to their community. and both of them are stuck. they're living a life that isn't where they want it to be, there are things they want and relationships they crave but they can't move out of the place they're trapped in. there is also the sense that some part of is their own subconscious doing.
i always interpret usnavi’s as a result of anxiety that largely comes from losing his parents, a past that he can't change but wishes he could: what if he makes a wrong choice and something else bad happens, what if he loses someone else or loses his memory of his parents? better keep things exactly the same, to be safe. and bruno's as a result of seeing futures that he can't change but wishes he could, and what if he is cursed? what if he is the reason things go wrong? better knock on wood, hold your breath, spin in a circle, to be safe. when your life throws you a pain that you can't control, you create a routine that you can control, even if it eventually takes over and controls you.
usnavi's goal for a long time is to go back to the dominican republic, apparently, but until abuela claudia wins the lotto it really doesn’t look like he’s got any intention of taking steps towards that. and bruno is very similar - doesn’t actually manage to run away, because he’s too connected to his home and his family, but he doesn’t know how to change things so he just hides, stays the same, watches everything else grow and change without him. i’d bet that usnavi and bruno have had similar thoughts so many times of like “oh i’ll ask vanessa out, i'll sell the store, i'll move to DR. one day. probably. not yet.” and “i’ll talk to my sisters, i'll leave the encanto properly, i'll go outside. at some point. probably. not yet.”
and part of that pressure is external circumstances, but part of it is self-imposed, as a defense mechanism. if you lose yourself in your work or your duty to that extent, if you hide behind the things that are honest about it, then you always have an excuse to tell yourself for the rest. someone does always need coffee or a vision or a stable job or to be protected, that's true, so you can pretend that you're putting that big plan off because you're just too busy with all that other stuff, not because you're scared to do it. stay in the store. stay behind the walls. part of it is kindness, or duty, or practicality, yes. part of it is fear.
oh and speaking of abuelas! (though, again with a very different vibe depending who we're talking abut) i think both of them are very led by their love and respect for the respective maternal figures in their lives, but that this clouds their own desires/goals. claudia says to her own mama, "i spent my life inheriting dreams from you", and i think that without meaning to, the same happens with her and usnavi about moving to the dominican republic. as soon as it was him making the choice alone, he realised that it wasn’t what he wanted. i think there’s always some part of him that does want that a little, i doubt claudia picked that up from nothing, but it’s possible that she read usnavi's vague ideas of going to DR more strongly through her own experience of missing where her family came from, the part of her that regrets not going back to cuba, and didn’t recognise that the indecision probably meant part of usnavi felt it wasn't right for him.
and that’s so similar for alma, though it's much more harsh and hurtful in this instance: she parents her children and grandchildren based on her own history and regret and fear and wishes. she wants a safe place to hide, she wants outsiders not to find them or cause them harm: bruno lives up to that and then some when he goes into the walls. and he convinces himself it's the best choice for himself and for the family, but it isn’t. they probably don’t even realise that it’s something he learned from her example.
neither claudia nor alma mean any harm by this, they try their best, and they sacrifice for it: alma locks away her own grief and her trauma to build a whole community from the ground. claudia could use her lotto money to go back to la vibora after days into weeks into years away from home, but it’s puerto plata that they’re getting a plane ticket for, usnavi's island, not hers. they’re both misguided, their own pasts biasing their perception, but they do love their kids.
anyway!! you asked what it'd be like if they met, not for a list of things they have in common or for an extensive meta about abuelas. tough shit i guess you got that too.
so. i think that usnavi may see the similarities between himself and bruno, but he doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who dislikes people who he can see his own flaws/insecurities in. if anything it just makes him reach out to them more. i think he would want to help. he’s been scared and lonely and saddled with too much responsibility from too young an age and felt like he lost everything before, too, but he’s doing so much better now, and he'd want to extend that hope to anyone else who is struggling similarly. and what bruno needs more than anything is to be shown kindness and acceptance, both things that usnavi can very easily give. i also think usnavi has absolutely no concept of people being weird, he’s extroverted and makes friends easily but he’s not exactly Mr Social Cues himself. bruno could say the most absolute batshit thing you’ve ever heard and usnavi would just be like “lmao yeah i get u :)))"
bruno, on the other hand, probably would struggle to like someone who he felt was too much like himself, but i don’t think he’d see usnavi that way. someone who has struggles, fears, insecurities that bruno does relate to, but who unlike bruno is also bubbly and bouncy and chatty, and who is trying so, so hard all the time to be positive (even when it would be healthier to let themselves feel angry, or sad, or hurt, even when it's blatantly obvious that they are feeling those things), someone who helps other people when they're in the middle of their own crisis and who thinks of themselves as just a totally unremarkable, ordinary, nothing-special person because they don’t see the way that everyone gravitates towards their warmth and kindness. he’s not going to see himself in usnavi. he’s going to see mirabel.
they’d get along great.
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overcaffeinatedsoul · 2 years
17 Questions, 17 People
Tagged by: @herm0sa and @danang-maylaban
1. Nickname: Amak
2. Sign: Cancer
3. Height: 5'8
4. Last Thing I Googled was: Lotto results
5. Song stuck in my head: Comedy (closing theme for Spy x Family)
6. # of followers: 1,238
7. Amount of sleep: 6 hours (more or less)
8. Lucky #: 42
9. Dream Job: Public High School Teacher
10. Wearing: Plain White Tee
11. Movies/books that summarize me: ABKNKKBSNPLAko
12. Favorite song: Bohemian Rhapsody
13. Favorite instrument: Piano
14. Aesthetic: Gothic, Victorian, Steampunk
15. Favorite author: Edgar All Poe, Mary Shelly, H. P. Lovecraft
16. Favorite animal noise: Her moan
17. Random: I don’t eat hotdogs in spaghetti.
Tagging random 17: @chang-enh @10296 @klang-y @b0nifacia @herjourne @m3lisssss4 @daenerysxz @kimhortons @diasaccharide @ygmitsu @hey-panini @xserenee @sunb0rn @mismam @ayskopi @strowbes @vanellope-von-shits
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
I bought a reading from ancientgoddessofegypt and I am late with my review I promised due to literal failing health and I wanted my review to be perfect for her due to her kindness, talent, speed, and AUTOMATIC SUPER SONIC HYPNOTIC FUNKY FRESH talent and so I am using lyrics as the 90s baby I am.
And emojis cos I right now cannot toss actual biodegradable glitter at her and plan a super cool party in her honor because
1. I'm fucking broke
2. I'm actually dying. Cancer, tumors, PCOS or endo? They dunno but they said they'll get back to me soon! And it was rude of me asking for results at 5pm on Friday. She really did hang up on me.
3. I am 32 and I wanted to see BTS in 2025 and after being suicidal since I was 9 and holding on for so long and now to maybe having cancer and dying before 2025 BTS TIME is lowkey annoying me. I didn't even unwrap my YOONGI MERCH I GOT WHEN MY ASS HAD MONEY BEFORE I GOT SICK.
4. I really said fuck it we ball, and now I might not get to ball? Ain't that bout a bitch.
When I tell y'all that I was told by my sperm donor today that my dying is upsetting to him because I never told him about my "health problems" and I said wait. I have told you since I was in the single digits and you always replied "I don't wanna hear that shit" and I went? Then how am I suppose to tell you I am dying? "YOU ARE HURTING MY FEELINGS FOR A PAST MISTAKE"
*looks into the camera like the office*
Me informing you of my weak immune system and doing so for 32 years of you knowing me and saying to shut the fuck up if I mention pain is a wild take to have when the pain finally means dying, but ok!
I have literally had several seizures, a constanr fever, and I now have no immune system, and I went damn I ain't even gonna see BTS in 2025 and now I'm in trouble for being sick in the open while in charge of 3 disabled adults with no money.
My tone of dying offendes him.
He went on to blame my poor mental health and believing him when he said he studied my ADHD.
I really did give up on life there I did. Because I then asked, so me saying several things in several sentences to explain 32 years of health problems is making you angry and making you feel bad because I said I am now dying due to you ignoring my health and I wanted to know what I can do for you and mom before I die since I am well, dying.
Me dying from problems I continued to tell you about and you kept telling me it was rude to talk about and unladylike is now my fault? Because I should have said it nicer?
When I cried in pain you told me to shut the fuck up.
When I went quiet you yelled at me saying I was a bitch.
Now I am dying and don't look pretty, and you're upset I closed my door to cry about me dying.
While I am literally cleaning up your liquid shit, mom's pee stained mattress, and now grandma's dementia and novody left me money to do antthing but a text saying God Bless ajd WATCH YOUR TONE!
I'm laughing because deadass, God forbid women do anything.
Tumblr, am I the asshole for asking how I can continue to be of perfect daughter service although I am actively dying and trying to inform parents of said dying when for years they told me to "shut the fuck up" and "all you young people do is talk about death"!
Doesn't matter now folks. I am out of time soon unless some deity steps in, the USA healthcare system thinks of black women as humans, and I can afford said treatment.
But wild how me dying and not looking pretty got the VA doctors to step in and finally ask for extra testing because "hmmm you have little to no immune system and this will hurt your chance of becoming pregnant" let's take a look?
I asked for help for over a decade now, and was told help would arrive when my husband and I want children and I do not get pregnant quickly.
I'm 32, a virgin, and asexual. But thank you for that solid medical advice.
Red state? Well technically the world thinks Georgia is purple aka red and blue and a swing state, but I've been here since I was in 6th grade and it's absolutely red.
But you're black?
Yes. And the black people here are mainly red. And Christian. I am not.
Chronic pain and several disabilities not taken serious because I am "pretty, smart, and have a smart phone". I have literally less than $1000 in my bank account and at this point I'm just drinking energy drinks and buying my cat whatever she wants.
Yoongi, my bestie in my head, the fucking way I might not get to see you in person again with the whole BTS squad and Halsey...
I really said fuck it, we ball, and the universe said girl... The thing is...
Yoongi, bro I got this new galaxy z flip4 with the last of my savings (shoutout to backmarket for letting me coupon while dying awoman) and i only update my phone every 3-5 years and only for under $300 lmaooooo and bro...
Min Yoongi I don't even get to write you a sticky note saying "please wear saftey glasses when sanding wood, the dust can be harmful to your eyes and if i had a wood shop class you would be escorted out for not having glasses on and if you said but it's not big deal i would go 🫥 and nod and smile.
And because I LOVE YOU i am going to be in the spirit of Swag Surfin for you. But my heart? I am going this dumbass water sign really on the front row of Samsung who I thought he owned in 2021 but he don't, and he not gonna own it cos he thinks sanding wood WITHOUT glasses is no big deal. All purple everything frfr but bro... What the fuck. i gotta get him to be safe with wood and DUST i am... bro... the dust! Samsung ceos Min Yoongi is the best at rapping and being cool forgive his woodwork vlogs without safety glasses i know in his HEART THAT IS FULL OF PURPLE LOVE is committed to greatness. (please help me use this z flip 4 phone b4 i die i'mma figure it out)
someone: she's dying and beefing with a kpop dude not wearing safety goggles while in a wood working area and sanding? am i reading this review of services correct? 🤔🤔🤔
yeah. libra sun libra mercury libra mars. scorpio rising. lilith in capricorn. virgo moon. iconic huh? 😉
i wanna be in a pink jumpsuit recycling in Barbie land with pink safety equipment. but i'm in the real world and was shoved to the air force for being too smart and conviently poor.
the usa doesn't have a conscription its so much better than south korea hehehe says the online western chatter
Shoutout to us niggas in the usa, and when i say us niggas, i mean us black girlies who were told we talk too white and we better NOT have a baby with our fast ass and you better do better than them cos they not gonna listen to you anyways, oh and fuck your man hating ass for thinking your father and brother and male family members should treat others with respect! ya lil oreo ass think you too good now thinkin you know things. God don't like ugly! and you thinkin that sex without consent is rape is crazy talk and you need to mind ya fuckin business and what the fuck you mean i'm abusive? I GAVE YOU FOOD CLOTHING AND TOYS AND NOW YOU WANNA BRING UP OLD SHIT ABOUT ME NOT BELIEVING YOUR PAIN? WELL I DID THE BEST I COULD AND YOU YOUNG FOLKS TODAY THINK DEATH DEATH DEATH AND THE TIKITY TOK AND HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE WHITE MAN GOT TO RAPE FOR YEARS AND GET AWAY ON TV WITH IT BUT OUR MEN GET IN TROUBLE? NOW?SEEM LIKE BULLSHIT TO ME! WHY YOU KEEPING A BROTHA DOWN????? WE ALL WE GOT. IF YOU JUST KEEP GOD IN YOUR HEART AND STOP LISTENIN TO THEM LIL GAY ASS KPOP BOYS WITH MAKEUP YOU'D KNOW. AND BELIEVE HER? SHE WAS THE ONE WITH WEAVE DOWN TO HER ASS AND AT THE CLUB AT 2AM SHE SHOULDA KEPT HER BLACK ASS IN THE HOUSE MAKIN HER PUSSY MUSIC SEE Y'ALL WANT EQUAL RIGHTS BUT IF I HIT YOU YOU WANNA CRY FOUL SEE THATS THAT BULLSHIT YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS BITCH. ANYWAYS DO YOU. I KNOW WHATS RIGHT.
*applauds Tyler Perry movie of a black man mocking a black woman in a dress*
*applauds Kanye for speaking the truth about "the Jews"*
*says black women should know better than to leave home at night, on the weekends, at rush hour, during the holidays, and while being alone*
*makes fun of darker skinned black women*
*frames Bull Cosby as innocent and Aaliyah was a whore who asked for it and her parents signed the papers so what can you do*
*i'm not against the gays* *calls crying bitch ass behavior*
*judges black women for hair(all hair, long short curly straight she should know better either way)*
*if you read the poor dad rich dad book then you'd be somewhere*
*yells at cashier for not smiling* so you don't want a job? entitled bitch doesn't deserve $15 for standing there!* worker not getting even $10 but go off i guess?
*when you having kids? i wanna spoil someone now*
*You always bringing up that man hating white women shit.*
I asked for equality and you said I hated men. You told me she's a whore, and she's a man hating dyke bitch. She's pretty and she's ugly for thinking she is pretty.
She better take care of her whole family, and start her own while being independent and knowing her place, under the Man.
Questions? Disobience. Liberal arts bullshit.
Black Lives Matter. BOUT DAMN TIME.
Black women? Well you see.... She wore this and sure girl power but not like that, and what do you mean this is bad? she asked for it being in the dark in the movies in room with men in that building in that lip gloss in that area without an alarm without a gun she knew better!
I don't know any black men who has mistreated a girl like that! she lyin! i can tell by the way she looks. lyin ass raggity black bitch. this why black men hate y'all lil weavealicious black bitter bitches.
"i'm sick of trump and his bullshit shit." *parrots trump talking points word for word* no this different because i have never hit your mother even though i should have beat her ass for the way she talked to me and i told her everyday to be thankful i don't hit her and that me calling her stupid isn't so bad because other women have marks so fuck you for saying i hate women when i forgave my nephew for sexually assaulting several women because God said forgive and that is MY opinion!
he, my black dark skinned father and light skinned black mother says "we all we got" and i am just an oversensitive bitter man hating bitch who needs to calm down cos other people have it worse.
we. all. we. got.
then i ain't got shit huh.
Anyways it be ya own squad.
Dying at this point would be a relief from the hell that has been being a black woman in the USA in the last 32 years.
But the love reading i got gave me strength to speak up about my troubles to one more person and the woman started a direct case for getting me help.
i'll keep y'all updated if you want.
if this is confusing i am sorry frfr but at this point i'm lowkey not caring about typos
and i am so sorry my samsung homies but the emojis...
whew... they ugly.
Yoongi. Yoongi. Yoongi
i turnedback on my old ass cheap ass iphone and got a new number within like 15 hrs of switching to samsung.
the way my libra ass couponed 2 phones and under $50 for 2 phone lines is kinda iconic for a dying poor bitch huh! 🤌🏾
i just wanted to use the cowboy emoji cos heehaw and i was a horse girl and this could probably explain so much if i thought about it more but i'm not cos i'm sleepy and found a cherry vanilla coke and i wanna play the bts island game. add me borahae hoes everyone welcome soon as i remember my login in
buy her reading i am so serious.
like i am literally wanting to know how much more time i have left from testing for several varioua bad outcomes and i am using my time to write this I AM SO SORRY I AM LATE SIS I REALLY AM!!!!!
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incentiive · 1 year
Lottery Play Tips
There are maybe a couple ways to play the lottery, yet the Lotto is the most popular. In Lotto, six numbers are drawn from a scope of numbers (like numbers 1 to 47). You can purchase a Lotto number, or play slip, with six numbers fitting your personal preference or six numbers doled out randomly. A Lotto drawing is then held, in which numbers are chosen. In the event that your picked play slip numbers match, you're a winner.
Is there any valid reason why you shouldn't play the lottery?
The odds of winning the lottery are extremely, slim. Playing popular lottery games like Powerball and Super Millions provides you with an odds of only 1 in 292.2 million and 1 in 302.5 million each.
How much expense do you pay on a $1,000 lottery ticket?
The assessments on lottery winnings fluctuate from one state to another. In certain states, winnings adding up to $1,000 or more are burdened; in others, just higher winnings aggregates are burdened.
Is playing the lottery a misuse of cash?
On the off chance that you're a normal lottery player, buying tickets consistently can amount to a "squander" of cash when you don't win. It's important to keep as a main priority that the lottery has exceptionally slim chances of progress, so every ticket is a possible opportunity you won't win.
Is the lottery advantageous?
It depends. Some more modest lottery pools can prompt better odds of winning, which can be advantageous for the individuals who appreciate playing. However, for other people, the expense of playing the game does not merit the slim odds of result.
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tomnooktookmybaby · 1 year
Why Not Do Some Seoul Searching This Holiday?
The city of Seoul, South Korea is as vibrant and diverse as any capital gets. Proudly independent, it superbly fuses a fascinating history, dating back over 5,000 years, with the latest in cutting-edge technology. The result is a spectacular location, offering the visitor a host of unique attractions, outstanding cuisine and magnificent architecture.
Cited as one of the world's largest cities, it is home to over ten million people, and is considered to be the political, economical and cultural hub of South Korea. Indeed, famous for having hosted the 1988 Summer Olympics and the 2002 FIFA World Cup, millions of people from across the globe are drawn there every year.
And, given the vast array of things to do, it is not surprising. From shopping in the exclusive Meyongdong district and climbing the Bukhan Mountain to surveying the ancient sites of wonder, it is a city of experiences, ensuring that all tastes are catered for.
Entertainment is a big part of Seoul life, evident through its wide range of attractions. The city is ideal, therefore, for people of all ages. Take Lotto World as a prime example: considered to be the world's biggest indoor amusement park, it comes complete with a zoo, botanical garden and concert stages.
The Seoul Tower is another popular favourite of visitors to the city. Standing at 236.7 metres, its four observation decks provide people with an unparalleled view across the capital. Situated up on the Bukhan Mountain, it is possible to ride the well-known Namsam cable car to reach your destination.
Arguably the best way to experience the city, however, is to spend time along the stunning Han River. Seoul itself is located at its basin, in the north west of the country. Well-known as being the spot to people watch, it is also great for indulging in a little bit of rest and relaxation.
Due to its position, it's possible to travel across the entire city without encountering any traffic. Not only that, but there are also a lot of leisure and sports activities to keep yourself occupied. So, whether you fancy kicking back with a fishing rod, taking to the water on a pair of jet skis, or renting a bike, you can enjoy everything the city has to offer, alongside some great river views.
And, fancy a picnic, but haven't got the energy to walk to the shops? Never fear, Seoul is here! With many restaurants prepared to deliver food to where you are sitting along the river's banks, the only thing you need concern yourself with is accurately describing where you are.
With so many unique experiences to be had, South Korea's capital is most definitely worth a visit. So, what are you waiting for? Get online today and book yourself into one of the many hotels in Seoul - with so much variety on offer, you are sure to find the perfect one for your needs.
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king-of-my-kingdom · 1 year
How To Increase Your Chance To WIN The Lottery!
The Silver Lotto System works on all lotto games worldwide that have from 5 to 7 balls and up to 59 numbers. Simple steps,How To Increase Your Chance To WIN The Lottery! Articles everyone can do shortly. Visit now:
A personal meeting with the Silver Lotto System's creator, Ken Silver. Q: Howdy Ken, gratitude for joining us in this meeting. Before we discuss your lotto system, inform us a little regarding your background. Ken: It actually undeniably began with the lotto system. I originally developed the Silver Lotto System in the mid 90's, and it sold all around well through standard mail. Following a couple of years success with it I wrote a "how-to" manual about my experience and how others could do it- - which also sold well. In fact you can in any case get it today. Then I proceeded to sell it over the web during the 90's and deals increased enormously. I wrote another, "eBook Insider facts" about composing How-To ebooks, and together my manuals have sold over a million copies from myself and other marketers who bought the limited number of Privileges. Q: Let us know how you developed your exceptional lotto system. Ken: All things considered, for quite a while in the last part of the 80's I had been looking for ways to make the lottery advantageous for me, and I concentrated on a lot of material. It was an interesting period. You wouldn't believe the abnormal, off the wall theories out there. I even read one book that asserted a few thousand people could 'will' the numbers they needed through mass ESP - Extra Sensory Perception. Q: Weird solutions to be sure. How did you sort out your own system then, at that point? Ken: Through a lot of hard thought and lateral reasoning. It helped that my late dad was a splendid optical specialist, and some of his logical numerical capacities could have rubbed off me! At the point when I found the "aha" solution that appeared to work, I spent a further couple of years exploring and really taking a look at it. Although at that time I had computers that could have sped the whole examination process up, the Silver Lotto System doesn't actually work on designed or computed numbers. So it must be done by hand. Took some time. Q: For what reason is your system so unique that you couldn't use a computer? Ken: I found that regardless of the blinding velocity and computational capacities of modern systems even in those days, no-one had actually come up with a way to foresee a win from past draws. This was an ideal breakthrough for me. It basically told me this: That no-one can actually foresee winning numbers through investigating and extrapolating previous results. Furthermore, when I understood this, it made my own system solution significantly more important as a result. So, although it took some time to sort out, out of nowhere I had found the 'missing connect' to winning lotto. Q: Assuming you say that no-one can foresee a win, how does your system work then? Ken: The system works principally by eliminating the millions of number combinations that won't win. For instance, you'll never see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in a winning draw... that is really unlikely. What's more, there are countless other losing combinations too. My Silver Lotto System distinguishes these, leaving the potential winning combinations. Simple - once you know how! Q. How is the Silver Lotto System unique in relation to other systems out there, like Wheeling? Ken: Wheeling just gives various number combinations. It doesn't make any distinction between good and terrible number combinations, so most times you are squandering your money on the many poor number selections in them. With the Silver Lotto System, EVERY line has the best number combination you can find, which immensely increases the chances of winning. That makes it unique in relation to almost every other system I've examined. (What's more, in the event that you find a system that works like the Silver Lotto System, you can bet your bottom dollar that it was adjusted from mine!) Q: OK, that sounds good. In any case, has anyone won with your system? Ken: Yes to be sure, many people. An Australian person won AU$$3.2 million. Another won $281,183.09. What's more, a few round the world have won prizes of $100,000.00. Another won $70,634.60 on the Canada 6/49. Many people around the globe take care of their costs, and won smaller amounts up to $50,000.00. One of the fundamental advantages with my system is that you can be winning moderate amounts WHILE you are trusting that the Huge Win will come along- - as it eventually will.
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miilkandhunii · 6 days
Winning Lotto Numbers: The Quickest Way to Win the Lottery Now!
Discover the most effective strategies to increase your chances of winning the lottery. This article delves into proven methods, debunks normal myths, and provides actionable tips to help you pick winning lotto numbers. Learn how to stay away from normal mistakes and make informed decisions to support your odds of stirring things up around town.
The Myth of Fortunate Numbers
Have your special numbers ever presented to you a lottery win? Many people repeatedly play the same numbers, expecting a different outcome, just to be disappointed by missing the jackpot by a digit or two. Assuming that you keep utilizing the same method to pick your lotto numbers, you'll likely get the same result — nothing.
The Science Behind Winning
Consider the possibility that I let you know there's a quicker way to win the lottery that doesn't rely on karma or superstition. By reading this article, you'll discover that winning the lottery involves a strategic methodology rather than blind karma.
The Strategy of Winners
Like most people, I used to think winning the lottery was purely a matter of karma. I would purchase tickets whenever the jackpot soared into the large numbers, utilizing numbers that held personal significance. Each time, I came up short and felt disappointed. Then, I would see someone from another state win, which simply added to my frustration.
After some research, I found that numerous lottery winners use a strategy that helps them win big as well as permits them to consistently win smaller amounts.
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Bring Fun Into Your Life With Irish Lottery And Assume Command Over The Strategies
At the point when you are prepared with the numbers and your ticket to play Irish Lottery, you frequently feel troubled. The correct thing is to partake in the game. The aftereffect of the lottery will turn out to be not difficult to take when you experience the fun at first.
There are people who don't have inkling about the lottery world however most of the people here think that they can win a game of lottery to bring in some pain free income. Lottery is a game that is simply surmise and has got some sprinkling of karma on it. If one begins to play Irish Lottery once - there is hard possibility that the individual will pull out from the field of lottery without a decent amount as a winning prize. So everybody needs to win big at that perpetually! The following thing is the least demanding way to ensure that the winning is secure. That is certainly not a simple game.
Weighing Out The Odds
Winning relies upon karma as nobody knows where the wheel will show and while the turning will stop. You can ensure that you have a few additional opportunities to win by purchasing more number of tickets. You should gauge the odds and ensure that you have ability to bring it to a lower rate. The lotto is an exceptionally popular game for the lottery darlings and they take a stab at every one of the attracts seven days. There are the odds in going with the ideal decision of numbers that will be chosen by the draw. Assuming that the numbers match - you win the prize.
Picking Numbers Can Be Important
You must pick six numbers for the draw and you can ensure you pick the numbers so they are picked by the machine. You can pick the numbers yourself or you can allow the machine to pick the numbers for you. In the event that you win in a bunch of numbers and find a similar set was likewise picked by someone else, you should share the prize cash. Thus you should ensure the numbers you pick are great as a winning mix.
Richard Yearning has scored that sweepstakes 7 times and he thinks that picking your own numbers are more secure. It expands your opportunity to get to the prize cash without the complexity of imparting it to a ton of people with a similar arrangement of numbers.At a similar time it is likewise evitable that the winning arrangement of numbers of the earlier weeks might turn up on the lottery haggle the people with those old arrangements of numbers to be the winner. At the point when one chooses the number haphazardly, there is less possibility that it very well may be a recurrent arrangement of numbers. Be that as it may, time has shown this isn't the best way to win the lottery jackpot.
More modest Winning Satisfies You
You might be a devotee of the Irish lotto for the tremendous jackpot amount however evaluating every week may sometimes become drawn-out for your mentality. Attempt more modest lotteries that have lesser odds. Modest quantity and simple win will help you up for the week. This can give you more certainty to sort out certain strategies for the lotto of the approaching week. There are winning games like scratch cards and lotteries of more modest amount played by not very many people.
Keep An Eye On The Lotto Board
You can figure out what is the best card that gets most winners and afterward strive to purchase those cards. Winning a few prizes helps up the mind-set for the afternoon and can propel you to frame a few ideal arrangements of numbers for the big day the following week. The lottery played by modest number of people will simple for win. Ensure that you keep a track of the lotto results. Open the site that will show you every one of the outcomes and the arrangements of numbers that has won the earlier weeks. A better arrangement of numbers can be ready with the new energy. You should not pick a few numbers since they are fortunate for you.
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ozlottoaus · 12 days
How to choose the best online lottery platform?
The Lotto online Australia is so great that you can't even imagine how much profit it can help you make. So if you want to know why the Lotto online Australia is the best, then read this article on the way people live with the lottery winning prize. Although there are many lotteries, you should invest money in those lotteries which are real. Because if you invest money in a real lottery, then your chances of getting scammed are negligible.
That's why you should invest money in all national lotteries because there is a government guarantee in national lotteries that you will never be scammed. As you know now that the whole world has become dependent on online, so of course ozlottoaus also keep selling lotteries and their results online these days.
How to buy lotto online in Australia safely?
It is not that you will be involved in any fraud by buying a Lotto online Australia online, but you will be even more profitable if you buy your Lotto online Australia online. If you buy the Lotto online Australia online, then you do not need to go anywhere; you can enjoy these things sitting at home. If you buy from a physical shop, then the physical shop has open and off times. But online, it is available 24/7, allowing you to buy Lotto online Australia tickets anytime.
If you buy from online, you will have a wide range of games available, so you will not get bored and will get a chance to try new things. The most useful thing for you is buying a Lotto online Australia online, as you can use any payment method to collect your winning prizes.
Why Are Lotto Online Australia Rules Considered Simple?
The Lotto online Australia is so popular in the Australian lottery industry that no other Lotto online Australia company can compete with it. The Lotto online Australia is a game of luck, and you should pursue your luck only at the place which is most popular and best. There are many reasons for which having Lotto online Australia aus can prove to be better for you.
Lotto online Australia aus offers the best and highest jackpots, which is why it is better for you. Many lottery games have very complex regulations, which is why contestants are confused most of the time. This is not the case in our Lotto online Australia; the rules of our game are very simple, allowing you to enjoy playing the game more. The price of our lottery tickets is very budget-friendly.
Whenever you choose the lottery as your way to earn money, you should always choose the National Lottery to earn money. OzLottoAus will always tell you to only invest in the Lotto online Australia because ozlottoaus want you to invest in a National lottery where there is absolutely no chance of your money getting scammed.
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lottoworld · 1 month
Top 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid Gullak Gold Lottery
Playing the Gullak Gold Lottery can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but like any game of chance, it’s important to approach it wisely. Many players make mistakes that can reduce their chances of winning or lead to unnecessary frustration. To help you get the most out of your lottery experience, here are the top 10 common mistakes to avoid in the Gullak Gold Lottery:
1. Not Setting a Budget
One of the most common mistakes is not setting a budget for your lottery play. Without a clear limit on how much you’re willing to spend, it’s easy to overspend and get caught up in the excitement. Always set a budget before you start playing and stick to it.
2. Ignoring the Game Rules
Every lottery game has its own set of rules and regulations. Some players jump into the game without fully understanding how it works, which can lead to mistakes and missed opportunities. Take the time to read and understand the rules of the Gullak Gold Lottery before you play.
3. Picking Common Number Combinations
Choosing numbers based on popular patterns, like birthdays, anniversaries, or sequences (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), is a mistake many players make. These combinations are commonly picked by others, which means if you win, you’re likely to share the prize with more people. Consider using a random number generator or selecting less common numbers.
4. Not Checking Your Tickets
It’s surprising how often players forget to check their tickets after the draw. Whether it’s due to misplacing the ticket or simply forgetting, not checking your ticket can mean missing out on a prize. Always keep your tickets safe and check them as soon as the results are available.
5. Overlooking Second-Chance Draws
Many lotteries, including the Gullak Gold Lottery, offer second-chance draws for non-winning tickets. If you don’t enter these draws, you’re missing out on additional chances to win. Always check if there’s a second-chance draw available and make sure to participate.
6. Falling for Scams
Lottery scams are unfortunately common, and they can be easy to fall for if you’re not careful. Be wary of emails or messages claiming that you’ve won a prize in a lottery you didn’t enter, or asking for payment to claim a prize. Always ensure that you’re playing on a reputable platform like LottoWorld and only engage with official communications.
7. Not Playing Regularly
While winning the lottery is largely a matter of luck, playing regularly increases your chances of eventually hitting a winning ticket. Some players only play occasionally, reducing their overall chances of winning. Consider setting a schedule for playing, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
8. Skipping Syndicate Play
Many players overlook the option of joining a lottery syndicate, where you pool resources with others to buy more tickets. Syndicate play increases your chances of winning without requiring you to spend more money. If you’re not already in a syndicate, it’s worth considering.
9. Relying on “Hot” or “Cold” Numbers
Some players try to pick their numbers based on past draws, believing that certain numbers are “hot” (frequently drawn) or “cold” (rarely drawn). However, the lottery is random, and past results don’t influence future outcomes. Relying on this strategy can lead to disappointment.
10. Playing Under Pressure
Feeling pressured to win or to play with money you can’t afford to lose is a serious mistake. Lottery play should be fun and enjoyable, not a source of stress. Never play with money you need for essentials, and remember that the lottery is a game of chance, not a guaranteed way to make money.
Avoiding these common mistakes can help you have a more enjoyable and successful experience with the Gullak Gold Lottery. By setting a budget, understanding the rules, and playing responsibly, you can maximize your chances of winning while keeping the game fun and stress-free.
At Lotto World, we’re committed to helping you play smart and stay safe while enjoying the excitement of the Gullak Gold Lottery. Remember to play wisely, avoid common pitfalls, and most importantly, have fun!
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bloggerworks · 2 months
How Has The Transformation to the PCSO e lotto platform Been Advantageous?
PCSO lotto is probably a very common name that Filipinos are aware of. The Philippine charity sweepstakes office has been a popular destination for lottery gaming in the Philippines for decades now. Traditionally, gamers used to rely on physical lottery tickets, which were created as a mode for several charitable endeavors. However, there has been a recent transformation to the PCSO E lotto platform, which has become even more accessible to the players.
The PCSO E lotto app or platform is a significant shift made by the body to help people get access to lottery operation operations. It ensures that everyone in the country gets access to lottery games as it is no longer geographically restricted. This digital transformation is about to bring a lot of advantages for the players and organizations. Therefore, if you are a lottery fan but you are not able to play the PCSO lotto games, now you can with the E lotto app.
So, let us take a look into the advantages of transformation to the PCSO e-lotto platform.
Accessibility and convenience
The first and one of the most prominent benefits of choosing the PCSO E lotto platform is the unravel convenience. It provides to the players. Before the availability of the E lotto app, players are required to visit the outlet in order to buy tickets and also to check the PCSO lotto result. This often means that players are required to travel a lot, which can be inconvenient and time-consuming. It also made it restricted to the players situated in different parts of the country to access the physical outlet.
However, with the advent of the PCSO E lotto, players will be able to easily purchase tickets from the comfort of their homes with this application. You can choose the official website or E lotto app, which provides a user-friendly and seamless interface that helps users easily select their games and complete transactions in a matter of minutes. The convenience will increase accessibility and enable more players to participate.
Improve transparency and security
The PCSO E lotto platform is governed by the regulatory body in the Philippines. This platform has enhanced transparency and security when it comes to lottery operations. Compared to traditional paper tickets that are always prone to getting lost, damaged, or stolen, digital tickets are not the same. It will not cause any kind of insignificant issues to players. With the e lotto app, players can get rid of these risks by digitizing the overall process. The availability of electronic tickets that are securely stored in the user account makes sure that they cannot be stolen or lost.
In addition to this, the eLotto app has been designed with robust security features for protecting user data and their financial information. The advanced encryption technologies, along with making use of secure gateways ensure the transactions are free from threats. In addition to this, it also provides transparency in ticket purchases and makes sure that you get access to your historical data of all the winnings and purchases that you have made to date.
Increased reach and popularity
With the availability of the PCSO E lotto platform, you can now easily participate in the lotto games. This platform not only offers security and transparency but also increases the reach to the overall players. Physical lottery outlets can be geographically restricted, which makes it challenging for people from different parts to travel to the location. However, with the e-lotto app, one can now easily access the platform with an active internet connection.
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Real-time notification and updates
Another significant advantage of choosing the PCSO e lotto platform is the real-time update that it provides to the users. Compared to the traditional lottery system where people have to come to the physical outlet. To check the PCSO lotto results, with the E lotto app, they will be able to get notifications on their phone. Therefore, they do not have to stick to television broadcasts, visit lottery outlets, or check newspapers. This also makes sure that you do not delay any important announcements.
The availability of the PCSO E lotto platform provides real-time notification on ticket draws, purchases, and PCSO lotto results. The players will be able to receive alerts through app, SMS and email notifications. Therefore, it also ensures that they remain notified about potential winnings and entries. This feature will not only improve the playing experience, but also players will be able to claim their prices promptly.
Integrated with modern payment systems
When it comes to the New Age, it is important to work with them. No longer will new generations be interested in playing games by visiting the outlet, which is why the PCSO E lotto platform can be great for youngsters. Apart from that, they would not be required to use their cash to buy tickets as the lotto platform has been integrated with modern payment systems.
There are several kinds of payment methods, including online banking, credit and debit cards, and other mobile payment systems integrated into this platform that ensure easy deposit and withdrawal. In addition to this, you can remain assured about the safety of these platforms.
Improve customer support
One of the best parts of the PCSO E lotto platform is the offering of customer support service. These days, customer support is one of the most important aspects of any online gaming platform. Thankfully, here, you can also find a wide range of channels where you can look for assistance, including phone support, email, and live chat. This ensures that any kind of queries Can be promptly addressed.
Additionally, the availability of support and FAQ resources make sure that it becomes easy. You can visit the PCSO website to find their effective section where you can get the answers to the most common questions asked by their customers.
The transformation to the PCSO E lotto platform has definitely created a significant change along with bringing a lot of advantages. It has revolutionized the way lottery games were being played in the Philippines. With increased accessibility, convenience, and improved security, the games become easier. In addition to this, the availability of this platform also makes sure that you get notifications about the PCSO lotto result from the comfort of your fingertips. It will no longer require you to visit the physical outlet, but every detail about the games can be accessed at your fingertips.
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cryptometaphor · 2 months
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Sarah: (complaining how her area needs a transit)
Me: Did somebody say MONORAIL?!
Sarah: Oh boy here we go lol
ACP Admin: Jim wants to be the grifter from Simpsons
Me: You're God damn right. Someone ought to be the contractor and that someone ought to be me.
ACP Admin: Private contractor? Class collaborating IS fascism Jim... Corporatism
Me: The Soviets still thought in-terms of cash. Dollars, rubels, why not pay people in scratch-offs?
ACP Admin: What? Sarah: I do wanna hear this more indepth.
Me: You speak of equity. Equal result not equal opportunity.
ACP Admin: That's Kamala's shit not mine
Me: Well whatever. My point is, if you got paid in lotto for what you do, you the value of the dollar couldn't be compromised. We know who wins and when, therefore mobsters couldn't forge the money either. It could be done digitally via crypto as well to add further...
ACP Admin: Again with crypto
Sarah: LOL but babe, how would people get paid in the now?
Me: Like... Right now?
Sarah: Like, say I work at McDonald's for a week
Me: Yeah you get your weekly allowance of scratch offs.
Sarah: No, I get that. But if I don't win shit? How will I eat or pay my bills?
Me: You don't
ACP Admin: So people just die?
Me: Maybe, hopefully...
Sarah: Or like, why are people getting paid in scratch-offs but businesses are getting paid in genuine money? Like, what's the point of them having money if individuals can only be paid in "maybe you get money later"? So if I do win a scratch off, win 200 dollars, buy groceries. Does the store's owner or employees see any of that money or does it just go back into the system?
Me: God I love how smart you are to see an idea through.
Sarah: Flattery won't save you this time. Answer the question.
Me: Yes, it's as you said. It goes back into the system so the value cannot drop. People only get paid in scratch-offs. We have ways to calculate a decent number of scratch-offs per employee.
Me: Why anything?
ACP Admin: Fucking nihilist. This is just capitalism with extra steps.
Me: I mean yes... I never denied that.
Sarah: It sounds like third world exploitation but right in your backyard.
Me: You got it.
Sarah: That's horrible.
Me: It's meant to be. It's the distortion of the Protestant work-ethic. Your value is determined purely by chance. But if you work really really hard, you get more chances.
ACP Admin: But in the end it doesn't even matter like Linkin Park.
Me: Precisely.
ACP Admin: Jim, you are not a communist.
Me: Never claimed to be.
ACP Admin: Why do you like this guy?
Sarah: Deep down Jim is a good person... Sometimes lol
Me: Maybe there's noone in your life you'd work for till you dropped dead janny. But I know one person I'd do it for. Only one person.
Sarah: See? Shit like that.
ACP Admin: That's psychotic.
Me: It's purpose in a world absent of purpose. You're gonna work anyway, you do so right now. You're judged harshly underpaid for work well above what you need to be doing.
Me: And I'm giving you theory. Trust me. This would appeal to human nature. Just world fallacy. Those who win, will feel like they won because God decreed it or they did a big enough work load. If I worked 16 hours a day for 6 days a week for a year, won a billion dollars. I earned it. Not like just being the son of the boss and making 100k where my coworkers are normally making 30k.
ACP Admin: That's entirely why we believe in socialism so that happens less. Your answer is just monkeys paw liberalism.
Me: It is.
ACP Admin: Is it gonna feel fair someone works 4 hours for one day and wins a billion?
Me: Nope, and that's the point. It'll either drive others mad or make them work harder. I don't care either way. Get violent and collapse my system.
ACP Admin: God you're evil. (I start laughing)
Sarah: Ooooh that's his flattered laugh like you just said his dick is huge lol
ACP Admin: It wasn't a compliment
Me: I'm taking it as such
ACP Admin: Why are you so edgy? Like who hurt you seriously
Me: You could not begin to fathom the hurt of waking up every morning and every dumb twat is still alive, not beneath your feet. It's not enough they breathe, they argue, they resist, they take from you, ban you...
ACP Admin: Ok fucking Sipheroth, calm down. Like, that's what dialectical materialism is for. Not cartoon super villany.
Me: I choose cartoon super-villany. It's far more realistic
ACP Admin: No, you're just a sociopath
Me: Can a sociopath love? Can a sociopath mourn? Can a sociopath regret?
ACP Admin: Psychopath, whatever
Me: It's easy to say things, it's harder to do them. You claim you love your friends, your parents, this or that. Prove it.
ACP Admin: What? By working for literally nothing?
Me: By existing. By not giving into the desire to just end it all day in and day out.
ACP Admin: Jim you need medication. I don't mean that to insult you, I mean like you obviously have like severe depression or something. Normal people don't just open their eyes when they wakeup "WHY AM I STILL ALIVE?!"
Me: More than you think. It's a pretty common trait when your IQ is above room temperature.
Sarah: I mean he is right babe. Like everything bothers you, everything triggers this long verbose villain rant, you're in constant agony and that's not normal. I don't mean that like you have an obligation to be normal, I'm not normal either.
Me: Well it's easier for you dollface. If I looked as good as you, was as smart as you, was as charming as you...
Sarah: OH STOP if I was all those things I wouldn't be a femcel.
Me: You're not a femcel. Not anymore. That is the crux behind everything I do. Never again.
Sarah: What do you mean?
Me: We do things once and than it's over with. One task, one mistake, one chore, one regret, one life. Never again. That's how things get better.
Sarah: Would you go through it again for me?
Me: I went through it for almost 40 years to get to you, so yes. Hence the lottery system.
Sarah: How do ya both manage to make me depressed but also make me feel like a fucking princess lol
ACP Admin: Cause he's manipulative but too schizo to just be a calculated sociopath about it
Me: Stop lollygagging and go call your mama right now and tell you you love her. You talk about me. I do it. Sarah I love you.
Sarah: I love you too. I'm not your mama though lol. I mean sometimes you do feel like daddy.
ACP Admin: Ew. Well Jim, go call YOUR mom...
Me: She's dead
ACP Admin: Oh wow, I'm sorry I...
Sarah: No she isn't. I heard her just the other day
Me: She's dead TO ME
ACP Admin: You're such a fucking asshole Jesus Christ lol
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