#Pepin the Short
blogawaybartlett · 2 months
One of the goals I've set for myself for this new phase of my life was to do some research on the history of my family and to build a family tree which shows my ancestry.
When I started working on this I was in for the double suprise.
Firstly, how quickly it can be done these days with all the Internet resources available, eg apps like geni.com and Geneanet. Before I started I thought it was going to be a tediously long and frustrating process - visiting archives, searching through baptismal registers, corresponding with distant relations, going down rabbitholes and reaching deadends.
Great was my surprise when I realised that I could draw my patrilineal line from the first Bartlett to settle in South Africa (the missionary of the London Missionary Society, John Bartlett, born in 1788 and died in 1849) to my own immediate in about 3 hours time.
The "Bartlett Church" at Campbell in the Northern Cape:
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The station at Campbell drawn by Charles Bell in 1835, with the church at the left:
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In the process I discovered mothers and grandmothers with surnames like Haarhof, Maartens, De Beer and Ludik (wich happens to be my middle name) and also a generous sprinkling of Huguenot surnames like Viljoen, Joubert, Le Febré, De Grave, Cronjé and Taillefer.
My second surprise was when I came across an article about the origin of the Bartlett surname. The article starts by stating very generally:
"BARTLETT is an ancient Norman name that arrived in England after the Norman Conquest of 1066. The name BARTLETT comes from the personal name Bartholomew."
I was further intrigued when I read the following:
"The first of the family was Adam Barttelot, an esquire in the retinue of Brian, a Knight, and they came into England with William, the Conqueror, and fought at Hastings."
Scene from the Battle of Hastings, 1066, Bayeux Tapestry:
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But what truly blew my mind was the next bit of information:
"The Bartlett family owes it's beginning to King Pepin and Queen Bertha of France. The parents of King Charles I (aka Charlemagne) and his sister Bertha. Now Bertha married Milo, Duke of Aigiant and they are the parents of the Bartlett line. Their son, christened by the name of Berthaelot, a diminutive of Bertha became the favorite of his uncle (Charlemagne) who watched over him."
King Pepin The Short, first king of the Franks and father of Charlemagne and Bertha, and grandfather of the first of the Bartlett line:
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Charlemagne/Carolus Magnus, Holy Roman Emperor:
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Oh, my goodness! This is mind-boggling and will take me some time for me to come to terms with.
But, ok. Calm down. Carry on as always.
You can walk with kings. But just remember to keep the common touch, my boy (with a clear nod at Rudyard Kipling).
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goldkirk · 1 year
Loved the new chapter of Hymn!! It also reminded me to wear my knee brace 😅. Hope you are staying warm!
Sorry this is 6 months late, but thank you so much and I hope you were staying warm too! Good job wearing your knee brace! Make sure when you see this that you do anything your body needs to feel better rn! Love you pepin you always make my tumblr day brighter!
I'm so glad you liked the chapter, thank you for letting me know <3
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janeeyreofmanderley · 2 years
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 2 years
Yall i need to tell you something about my best friend ever in the world @pepin-the-short
Yknow how some people just get each other? Never really fight or get frustrated with each other? We're kinda like that,
Except when it comes to one thing.
See, Pep and I write fics together, and we love a bit of blood and tears. Only you eventually have to patch up that blood, and we refuse to skimp on it. Both being autistic, one of her special interests is medicine, specifically veterinary medicine. One of my special interests is also medicine, specifically ancient medicine. The overlap of course is modern human medicine, and we're both well versed in that as well for a non-medical practitioner.
So I need yall to understand that i am completely and entirely serious when i say this
The only fights Pepin and I have ever had were over the correct treatment plans of injured characters in our fanfics. And it hasnt been only one or two, oh no. We have about 4 fights a year just because we write a lot of medical scenes and we frequently disagree on the most logical course of treatment.
No one else reading our fics would recognize a small error in treatment. We know that.
We fought for about 2 hours the other night over the best way to cut off someones shirt to get at wounds and went to bed pissed at each other, knowing we were both being bitchy.
We have never had fights over anything else and its genuinely hilarious
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I made this meme about Pope Stephen II over a year ago, and now I bequeath it to all of you.
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shinylitwick94 · 7 years
I will never get over the fact that the official portuguese name for Pepin the Short/Pépin le Bref translates into: 
Cucumber, the Brief
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never-a-president · 8 years
Pepin the Short was never president of the United States.
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bi-biotic · 8 years
King Aistulf barely escaped capture by sliding undignifiedly down a rocky slope.
Charlemagne by Richard Winston Too bad there weren't video cameras in the 750s.
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goldkirk · 3 years
Just wanted to let you know i absolutely love chapter 19!!!!
THANK YOU PEPIN I'm so so glad!!!!! <33333
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medieval-women · 9 years
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A beautiful 19th century statue of Bertrada of Laon by Eugène Oudiné in the Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris.
Bertrada (died 783CE) was the first Carolingian Queen of the Franks. She was the wife of Pepin the Short and the mother of Charlemagne.
In the 13th century she acquired the nickname ‘Bertrada Broadfoot’ which has generated speculation that she may have had a clubfoot.
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 3 years
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mediumaevum · 10 years
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Statue of Pepin the Short at Würzburg, Germany.
He was the King of the Franks from 752 until his death. He was the first of the Carolingians to become King.
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nox-artemis · 11 years
Emperor Charlemagne: Most badass of rulers born to Pepin the Short and Big-foot Bertha.
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Charles Martel: Hey bitches I just won Tours.
Pepin the Short: I'm Charlemagne's dad and I expanded the Frankish/Carolingian empire!
Charlemagne: I expanded the empire, had fantastic wars, restored a lot of education (made schools), and divided the empire into completely rational sections.
Pepin the Hunchback: So, uh... they asked me to be a monk.
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 4 years
Everyone should go bother @pepin-the-short because it's my birthday and she hasnt texted me back all day that beech
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 4 years
spones detective/cop au 👀👀👀👀
I’m going to go ahead and make this about @pepin-the-short and I’s Psych AU (please check it out!) which is currently pre-spones but focused on it with an endgame mcspirk
1. Jim is actually ADHD! The decision to have Jim with ADHD and Spock with an anxiety disorder came out of a discussion where I was teasing her for assuming my anxiety disorder was similar to her ADHD and I went “this is Jim and Spock” exerpt- ifdragonscouldtalk: i feel like all of our conversations are just you forgetting you have adhd and me going babe, you have adhd pepin-the-short: Lol that's also me to myself everyday
2. What we have planned for the first time Bones kisses Spock is that Spock is complaining and bitchy about something and to shut him up Bones, infatuated, goes “Can I kiss you?” and it makes Spock glitch out. They get caught kissing in evidence later that day (not that they were trying especially hard to hide).
3. EVERYBODY knows that Jim and Spock aren’t psychic except Bones. Like, literally everyone. Joanna figures out they aren’t psychic before Bones does. Bones has complete and utter faith in them and it kind of scares Spock a lot.
4. Joanna suckers each and every person in the entire precinct into buying her Girl Scout cookies every single year. She’s done this for four years now. This includes the Chief and any criminal Leonard allows her to talk to. Spock is the only person who has ever been able to resist her, and she approves of this. She tells Bones such. Jim succumbs in half a second flat and buys as many as she lets him.
5. Bones is very intimidated by the no-nonsense bigshot prosecution lawyer he’s working with on the case he closed recently. He’s more, not less, terrified when he discovers she’s Spock’s estranged foster sister of four months from sixteen years ago. Michael just really wants to make this charge stick. Spock is having a Crisis because his boyfriend has already met his family but his family doesn’t even know he considers her family anymore.
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