#Perky unicorn princess
blackbird-brewster · 6 months
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Criminal Minds on TikTok
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writingpromptslw · 2 years
” i understand the whole sleep talking thing but what i don’t understand is the princess dragon dream and why i’m in it. ” ” i took a bunch of free condoms from health services just because i could and they all fell out of my bag at once and now you’re staring at me weirdly ” ” i drunkenly tried to fight you and knocked myself out but you were kind enough to take care of me till i woke up. ” ” you’re the walking personification of a fart. ” ” you’re doing this to avoid 5 minutes of work? ” ” the best way to solve problems is to create more problems until you are dead. ” ” i’m not looking for judgement, just a yes or no ” ” how’s your hooker doing? ” ” my shrink told me i was crazy! well, who’s the narcissist with severe attachment disorder now? ” ” i’m sorry, i don’t speak ‘i never get laid’. ” ” i’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you say anything else ” ” is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? ” ” i don’t keep you around for your brains now do i? ” ” hey, jackass. i see you’re more jackass-y than usual. ” ” don’t you think that’s a little primitive?❝ ” zombie apocalypse is serious business. stop laughing. ” ” what are you doing with that pot, bro.❝ ” if i don’t keep busy with trivial things like this i’m afraid i might start to cry ” ” will i be my valentine? yes i will. ” ” i mean, how do you not have sex with me? ” ” is this a business decision, or is it personal? because if it’s business, i’ll go away happily. but if it’s personal i’ll go away… but i won’t be happy ” ” i’ve met some pricks in my time but you are the fucking cactus. ” ” are you really gonna leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me? ” ” Did you not see me fall down in the parking lot? ” ” Oh, that’s a cow. Thought it was a stop sign. ”
” you’ve had your fun. now it’s time to get married. ” ” okay….kill me. but screw me first. ” ” actually, i didn’t invite you. ” ” had a crappy guidance counselor. ” ” people believe in santa claus. how come i’m not getting hooked up every christmas? ” ” this is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done. ” ” yeah, you know what? there’s a ton of lore on unicorns too. in fact, i hear that they ride on silver moonbeams and they shoot rainbows out of their ass!❝ ” don’t objectify me. ” ” i’d like to think it’s because of my perky nipples. ” ” zombie-ghost orgy, huh? well, that’s it. i’m torching everybody ” ” dude, you’re confusing reality with porn again. ” ” for fans, they sure do complain a lot. ” ” i found a liquor store. and i drank it. ” ” no one dicks with ____ except me ” ” doctor called me sick. i said true ” ” she/he gave me a toothbrush. let’s egg his/her house ” ” how cute. you look like you raided a dumpster! ” ” this isn’t right. where are the slutty male costumes?! ” ” what you mean that the rim job isn’t for my car? ” ” i think i’ve been holding myself back from falling in love with you all over again. ” ” i can be flexible. as long as everything is exactly the way i want it, i’m totally flexible. ” ” all nighter, you and me. first one to fall sleep buys the other dinner. ” ” i’m not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren’t even hot. ” ” what about a compromise? i’ll kill them first, and if it turns out they were friendly, i’ll apologize ” ” can i touch your boob? ” ” give me cake or give me death ” ” you know what i like most about people? pets. ” ” I told myself I was Jasmine, but I realize now ... I’m Jafar.”
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The Only Living Thing
Billy Russo x Female Reader
Warnings: Language.
Synopsis: You’ve been friends with BIlly Russo for as long as you can remember. Then, on that one night in New York, feelings get mixed up with the liquor that burns and everything spins out of control. So much for being the only living thing that Billy Russo has ever cared about... Or is it?  A/N: This just sort of happened. I may be writing more if you guys want, I think I can definitely take this further? I have a pretty hectic schedule but I might make it happen x
Song : Adam French - The Only Living Thing
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New York, November 2019. 

You are breathtaking, like the most beautiful view from atop the mountain or his biggest fear coming alive under his stare. 
 You’re a mix of excitement and terror, and you are enchanting enough to keep him on the tips of his toes, second-guessing everything, his every decision and every word... 
You are meant to leave him wanting more.
The night New York has never looked so good on a woman before.
Billy’s vision goes blurry for a second, his stomach hot and heavy.
You are glowing.
You radiate a kind of a warm sepia glow, so beautiful and genuine and so fucking effortlessy...
Smooth and unapologetic.

Messy strands of hair framing your face, your blushing cheeks, as you laugh your heart out, throwing your head back. Your pearl teeth flash in the dimness of the bar. Your thin black tights are torn at the thighs, your lips are red and irritated as you sink your teeth in, again and again.
Your laugh is flamboyant, intoxicating. Raw.
You are something else...
When suddenly, you see him, your black eyelashes fluttering as you wink at him. Billy’s chest feels too wide, too fragile and too hot. Do you see those unspoken words shining out of his drunken eyes?
When you make your way to him through the crowd, he’s paralyzed, afraid to move forward, afraid to scare you off, but mostly, afraid to let everyone see how desperate he is for your touch.
This is wrong, so fucking wrong, but why in hell when you come over, throwing your elegant arms around his neck, your cute perky nose touching his chest - it feels so. fucking. right?! Like you were custom-made for each other?...
Before he can stop himself, he slides an arm around your waist. You say something to him, something funny, for everyone around him snorts and chuckles, but his mind, his entire world - suddenly comes down to that spot just below his cheekbone where you plant a soft peck of your velvet pouty lips.
“Those twenty bucks we bet on? I win,” you half laugh, half exhale in his ear, your lips brushing against the lobe. “Madani is fucking obsessed with you”.
“Ah,” Billy smiles, both of his hands snaking around your waist now as he looks down at you.
...And I am fucking obsessed with us.
“And you just enjoy rubbing us - this! in her face right now, aren’t you?” he mutters instead, his temples buzzing with the gin and tonic he has been downing all night. 
God, he hopes you’re too buzzed to have noticed his slip of fucking epic proportions.
He promised himself he wouldn’t drink, not with you still around - because whatever it was that he felt for you mixed with liquid that burned equaled a very bad outcome. 
He might be well into the tipsy territory by now but Billy isn’t delusional. The chances that you would go back to his place or even kiss him back are entirely too slim.
Because friends don’t do friends.
Friends might as well become a new f-word for all Billy cares at this point.
When you throw your head back in an explosive laugh, Billy’s distracted. He gets an extensive view of your elegant neck, your delicate collarbones, but mostly - of the swell of your mouthwatering breasts, as your black silk top tightens over them. 
Fuuuuck him.
“Fuck you, Russo”, you echo his thoughts somehow as you wink at him once you’ve restored your breath, not stepping away from his embrace, however, letting him keep his hands on you. 
It’s always like this between the two of you. You’ve known each other for a while now - four, five years? After Billy bumped into you at a brunch at Liebermans’ and spilled his frappuccino all over your gorgeous rack. He wasn’t even going to come - but boy, was he glad he did - even though you wasted no time opening that sassy mouth of yours and verbally eviscerating him.
This wasn’t a love at first sight. 
 For you, at least.
“At least buy me a dinner first,” Billy barely manages, his vision a tad blurry.
He notices you giving him an unimpressed stare. Feeling stupid all at once, Billy blinks quickly and lets go of your waist...
Only to tremble on his feet and almost fall on his face.
“Heyyy,” he registers your breath on his cheek before he hears what you’re saying, your small hands holding him in place. Your touch burns through the fabric of his button down shirt as your palms slide up his sides to his shoulders. “You okay there, Russo?”
Billy squirms, chomping on his bottom lip as he grabs you by your elbows.
‘’M fine”, he says quietly, but doesn’t let go. When he lowers his stare to meet your eyes, he almost wants to cry. There’s concern in their bottomless depths, worry for him and desire to make it all better. He just wishes there was more heat there, and less of that f-word that ends with -riends.
“You don’t look fine, lover,” you retort, wiggling and pushing and pulling onto him until you’re snug under his arms and carrying his dead weight to the exit. “Let’s go get some fresh air, come on.”
Billy utters something half-heartedly, his head feeling like it’s filled with cotton. He didn’t even drink that much, as least he doesn’t think so. Must be your fucking intoxicating perfume, sweet but voluptuous and so fucking tempting...
Pure sin. 

Even drunk out of his fucking mind, he’s still the envy of every guy at that bar because he’s with a stunning, breathtaking, prettiest woman in the whole damn world that is you.
“If you were able to stand right now, that line might have gotten you laid,” you inform him with a laugh, basically carrying him to the exit on your shoulders.
Through the drunken haze, Billy realises he might have spoken those words out loud, but the terror is quickly replaced by...
“Are you shitting me?” He slurs, trying to stay vertical. “Are you saying you want me?”
By the time the words escape his mouth, you have pushed the exit door wide open and nudged him to step out. Losing his balance, Billy crashes into Frank, Stein and Madani, smoking outside.
 Dina’s eyes flash mischievously as you step out of the bar, immediately throwing your arms around Billy protectively, helping him to steady himself.
“Oh, so it’s common knowledge now, then?” Dina ventures, licking her lips bloodthirstily, her eyes never quitting yours. “You’ve finally admitted you want to drag that fine Caspian ass in your bed?”
The running joke aimed at Billy looking like a Disney prince feels out of place; all conversation is silenced out as you narrow your eyes at Madani, your grip around Billy’s waist instantly becoming tighter. Frank clears his throat in an attempt to defuse the awkwardness, but doesn’t intervene.
And Billy is... well, happy. Over the moon, actually, and still drunk off his ass.
Apparently, you have been wanting to drag his ass into your bed for a while now!
That does mean you see him more than a friend, right? 
What if... What if all this time you were just as hung up on him as he was on you, but neither of you had the balls to say anything?
In his picture perfect drunken world, Madani makes sense and his heart sings.
You want him.
If it were a Disney cartoon, animals would be singing and dancing around praising your couple. 
Frankie would have probably made a sick unicorn.
“Oh Dina”, suddenly your voice cuts right through Billy’s happy fantasy, and there’s way too much sass in that voice for it to belong to a Disney princess. “Just because your friend Sam here and your own desperate fan-girling ass carry a boner for some fucked up teenage fantasy that involves boinking Prince Caspian, doesn’t mean all women have that same one-track mind. Some of us can actually look past a dick and see a friend. So why don’t you lay off that Cosmopolitan and fuck off, vodka-cranberry sure ain’t making you brighter”.
Billy frowns, deep lines creasing his forehead.
Frank snorts with laughter, not even bothering to conceal his reaction. 
 You hold Dina’s hateful stare.
“Whatever, bitch” the latter one finally utters, throwing her cigarette away. “I never fucking liked you. Maybe after this your little fanboy here will see you for what you really are - a fucking coward and a tosser”, Billy’s stares at her in disbelief, his mind still foggy. Madani’s dark eyes flash dangerously in his direction. “Of all women, Russo... Karma is a bitch, isn’t she? Your little princess here only loves herself, lover. Get out while you fucking can”.
Smashing her shoulder into yours, Madani goes back into the bar, leaving equally dreary and awkward silence behind.
“What the fuck was that all about?” Frank isn’t laughing anymore as he folds his hands on his chest, giving you a questioning eye. 
You roll your eyes dismissively. 
“Well, she’s obviously shit-faced,” you shrug, sliding your hands off of Billy. “What, you’re surprised she hates me?”
It’s a whole another world there, in Billy’s head. Have you just distanced yourself from him after what Madani said? What, you thought he’s so drunk he wouldn’t fucking notice?
“...so just because I have basic restraint and actually appreciate a man as a friend, I’m a damaged bitch with a twisted sense of humour? Look, I don’t know, Frank”, you rub your eyes tiredly with the back of your hand.
“I do,” Billy suddenly chimes in hoarsely, his eyes bloodshot and dark, darker than usual, as they narrow at you. “Know. I know.” Billy stutters, then takes a deep breath. “That’s all I am to you then, sweetheart? A friend?”
Billy wavers a bit as he speaks, but his words are deadly. Your eyes pop wide open at his words, like Russo has just grown a penis on his forehead. Frank’s mouth forms a silent O.
And just like that, the tension is back.
“Well, of course you are my friend,” you say slowly, stretching out your hand in an attempt to grasp Billy’s wrist. Your eyes are searching his face, but he’s locked, like a goddamn prison cell. “You’re my friend and I love you”.
Wrong answer, if Billy’s expression is anything to judge by as he recoils  from your touch. His face is a mix of disappointment and anger, his lips a thin line as he turns away.
“Fucking idiot,” he mutters under his breath as he turns on his heels and makes a tentative step towards the bar. Only his body is ruled by gin and whatever shit he chased it with, so his feet get mixed up together. Billy trips over his own shoes. 
“Hey, easy there, tiger”, Frank, who’s been standing closer, grips Billy by his arm to help him keep his balance. “What’s gotten into you, man?”
Billy chuckles, throwing his head back, and that has got to be the most bitter sound you have ever heard. You shudder involuntary, watching Russo like a hawk.
“I would have given you the fucking world, you know that?” Billy stares you dead in the eye, grabbing the door handle in front of him. “You just keep fucking with my head like a fucking sadist, and I live by the shit you give me!” you blanch as Billy goes on with the program, hurt dripping from his mouth. “Must have always thought that should be some spectacular pussy you’ve been packing, totally worth all your shit”.
“Bill!” Frank calls him out sharply, his expression terrified. 
But the damage is done. 

Your eyes are brimming with tears, but you stay silent, unblinking. Your chest seems a little caved-in, but you hold your chin high as your trembling lips start to move.
“Fuck you, Russo”, you spit, “Fuck you, friend”.
The next thing he knows, Billy explodes in a fit of bitter laughter - even though all he wants to do is fucking cry.
This just goes to fucking show there’s no such thing as Disney fairytale in real life, is there?
“Oh don’t worry, friend, somebody will,” he promises you, swinging the door to the bar wide open. “Gonna go help Madani fulfil her teenage fantasy. While you can stay here, think about us fucking like rabbits and feel better about yourself”.
With those words thrown over his shoulder, he steps into the crowded bar, the sound of the door shutting behind him sounding final. 
Plot twist. Curtain falls.
Frank can’t even venture a look at you - he doesn’t even hear you breathing.
“He’s just piss off drunk, that’s it. He doesn’t mean it,” Castle attempts to do some damage control, even though he knows that that ship has most definitely sailed.
“Thanks, Frank,” he hears you say quietly, and as he raises his eyes, he catches the sight of you wiping your cheeks quickly.
You inhale slowly, closing your eyes and fisting your hands.
“Tell Karen and the guys I wasn’t feeling so hot, okay?” you ask, and there’s definitely pleading in your voice.
You never plead.
Before Frank can ever mutter anything about Karen having his head if he lets you walk away at night all alone, you wave at him dismissively. 
“I’ll see you”, you say as you collect your hair in a ponytail and walk off, your silhouette soon lost in the bustling New York night.
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cutethingstolove · 4 years
First Day Back
Photos from @little-stephanies-diary​
Stephanie groaned as her alarm clock went off. She wasn’t used to being awake at 6:30 in the morning because she slept in every day over winter break, but it was the first day of her last semester in high school. Rolling over, she hit the snooze button for an extra 15 minutes of sleep but was only able to enjoy five minutes before she heard knocking on her bedroom door.
“Wake up princess,” her dad bellowed as he was knocking on the door. “You don’t want to be late on your first day back at school.”
“I’m up already daddy,” she said back, “I was just stretching a bit before I started getting ready.”
While a bit of a lie, she knew her dad would believe her as she did that every morning, especially on school days. Crawling out of bed, she kneeled on the floor as she was still too tired to stand. Pulling  her hands behind her back to stretch out a bit, she glanced at the mirror to admire her favorite Aladdin night shirt. Steph had been living at her dad’s house since high school had started because he lived closer to the private school she went to.
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Walking over to her closet, she grabbed her school uniform from the hangers. She always hated that the school required the girls to wear a white shirt, white stockings, and a navy blue skirt.  The only thing the girls could wear that wasn’t strictly regulated was their panties, and even those were limited to pretty conservative cuts, but all the girls at school took pride in their underwear even though the only time they were seen was while changing for gym. After laying out her uniform on the bed, she went to her dresser and reached into her underwear drawer and grabbed a grey sports bra and the new unicorn panties she received as a Christmas gift a week earlier. After changing into those, she took a look at just how cute her new panties were.
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 Grabbing the rest of her uniform, she quickly changed and went downstairs for breakfast still tired from being up so early. Her dad had made pancakes for breakfast which was unusual as she normally just had cereal.
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“Pancakes?,” she asked quizzically. “You usually only make those for special days daddy.”
“Well princess, it is the first day of your last semester at high school. Seemed special enough to me,” he said. “Come sit down.  Syrup and butter are on the table, and I’ll pour some orange juice in a minute.”
Stephanie sat down and started to drizzle syrup over the pancakes on her plate as her dad filled up her cup with OJ. She reached for the cup just as he finished pouring and took a big gulp. She was really thirsty that morning for some reason, and by the time she was done eating, she had finished three glasses of orange juice.
“Look at the time sweety,” her dad said softly, “your bus will be here in five minutes.”
“Do I have to go to school today daddy? I’m still really tired.”
“Yes sweetheart. You can’t miss your first day back.”
“Fine,” she moaned, “I just hope I can stay awake in class.”
She stood up from the table and walked to the front door begrudgingly. “Bye daddy, I’ll see you after school,” she said as she left.
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The bus ride was pretty boring as it always was. Her classmates chattered on about what they had done over break. Steph was still too tired to make much conversation, but everyone else seemed perky. After 45 minutes, the bus pulled up to the school and Steph walked into the school and made her way to her first class.  Since it was a new semester, her class schedule had changed, and she was stuck in math class first period with the most boring teacher at the school: Mrs. Hanson.
“Welcome back from break everyone, “ Mrs. Hanson cheerfully said to the class, “Hope everyone is ready to start the semester!”
Steph was definitely not ready to start the semester, but she sat back as Mrs. Hanson began to drone on about polynomials. Less than 15 minutes into class, her monotonous voice lulled Stephanie into a nap. This wasn’t uncommon for anyone in Mrs. Hanson’s class, and she never woke students up until the bell rang. Steph slept all the way through class, even sleeping through the bell. Mrs. Hanson woke her up as the rest of the class was walking out the door.
“Wake up Stephanie. Class is over”
“Sorry Mrs. Hanson, I was really tired this morning,” she said apologetically. It was just then that she realized something was…off. Her pretty new unicorn panties felt wet, and not in a way she had felt in a long time. That extra orange juice at breakfast had gone right through her, and she had – unbelievably – peed herself.
“Mrs. Hanson,” she said timidly, “I think I need to go to the nurses office. Girl problems. Can I get a hall pass so I don’t get in trouble for being late to my next class?”
“Sure thing,” Mrs. Hanson said as she grabbed a slip from her desk. “The nurse should have anything you might need.”
All Steph really needed was a new pair of panties, and she wasn’t sure the nurse would have any, but it was the best excuse she could come up with. Once Mrs. Hanson turned around to go back to her desk, Steph stood up and quickly made her way to classroom door, but glanced back at her chair just before she left; there was a small puddle on the chair from her little accident. How was she going to explain this to the nurse.
 To Be Continued….
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pterodactylterrace · 4 years
Guys Like You Chapter 6
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter: 6
Chapter Summary: More of a filler chapter, not much Henry, I’m sorry.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, pregnancy, poor self image, bad coping mechanisms, low self esteem.
{Prologue} {Chapter 1} {Chapter 2} {Chapter 3} {Chapter 4} {Chapter 5}
"I already told you, Faye! I don't want anything to do with this!"
"So because I want to keep my babies, you're leaving me? Is that what you're trying to tell me, David?"
"Yes! Shit, I knew you were dumb, but seriously!"
"Excuse me?"
"Are you deaf too, whore? How do you even know I'm the one that knocked you up? You've slept with just about every guy in town!"
"Get the fuck out."
"Don't come crying to me later! You're nothing without me! No one is ever going to want you. Especially once you have kids. Who the hell wants used goods? Have fun living a life of regret!"
Faye jerked awake, her head spinning as she tried to catch her bearings. Did David really leave her just like that? Sure he wasn't the greatest, but he had never lashed out like that before. At least not where anyone else could witness it.
No. David's gone. He has been gone for almost four years now. New life. Starting over. It's all in the past now.
Have to get the baby up before the sitter comes. Work is coming up soon. Life goes on.
"Briar, what are you doing on the floor?" Faye chuckled, crouching down next to her daughter, curled up on her pillow by her bed.
"I'm a puppy." Briar yawned in explanation, holding her arms up to be lifted, promptly licking her mother's cheek as soon as she was up.
"Briar, we talked about licking people."
"I'm not Briar, I'm puppy."
"Ok then, puppy, no licking people. Now what do you want for breakfast?"
"Puppy food."
"Cereal it is."
Feed the toddler, quick shower, get dressed, throw her hair up away from her face, wait for the baby sitter, hugs and kisses goodbye, then off to work. The usual routine she had settled herself into.
Feed the baby, because she's hungry and she comes first.
Shower, because she probably has some sort of mystery goo on her from the toddler.
Get dressed, avoid the mirror.  No one wants to be reminded of how much they've changed. The softness she wasn't used to around her lower stomach, hips and thighs. Her breasts no longer as perky as they used to be. The stretchmarks competing with her tattoo's for attention.
Then, the hardest part of the day. "Ok, Briar, Mrs. Anderson is here. Mommy has to go to work. I love you."
"I love you too, Mommy." Briar responded, hugging her mother tight and kissing her cheek before she was sat back down.
"Have a nice day, Miss Warren."
"I hope she's not too much to handle."
"Never is."
Some days, Faye likes to pretend she's ok. Like she has a handle on things. Like she knows what she's doing and not just blindly stumbling through her life while trying to do right by her daughter.
Other days, she would absently push her sleeves up and her eye would catch on the black lines decorating her forearm, just below her elbow. Some days she's reminded that life is a bitch, and you can't always get what you want. On those days she tried to stay out of her own head, though that rarely worked.
She could slap on a smile with the best of them, but she could never force it to reach her eyes. Her face always remained an open book, free for anyone to read. The past creeps up on you. There's nothing you can do to stop it some days. On a bad day, the ghosts of the past will haunt your mind, echoing the worst days of your life into the void of your shattered heart.
"No one is ever going to want you!"
"You're nothing without me!"
"Who wants used goods?"
"I'm sorry, Miss Warren. There was nothing we could do."
Over and over on a seemingly never ending loop, reminding her of the darkest times in her life.
Why would anyone want her? She's not the same hot twenty six year old she used to be. She was soft. She was saggy. She would never be as attractive as she used to be. Anyone in their right mind would turn around and run once they realized how much she had let herself go.
Days like today were best spent keeping people at a distance. Tell them some story about being tired. Avoid anyone that is going to call her out on her obvious lie. Therein lies the problem with dying your hair obnoxious colors. Among a sea of blonde and brunette, powder blue tends to stick out and make it almost impossible to vanish.
Lie your way out of it. Survive another day. Tomorrow might not be better, but at least it won't be the same.
"Mommy, you're back!" The sweetest sound she could hear all day.
"I always come back, my little love." Faye assured, kissing her daughter's head.
Need to care for the baby. She comes first. She deserves the world. Play time. Dinner time. Bath time. Story time. Bed time. The same after work routine she had established months ago when she decided to drop everything and run.
Her daughter thought the world of her. She would do anything to see her smile. She would wear the stupid costume. She would pretend to be a horsey. She would let her daughter use her as a jungle gym. She would make the same dinner again for the third night in a row for her.  So what if she soaked the bathroom floor during bath time? She was a mermaid, and she wanted to show off her tail. Story time, always an adventure with her imaginative little girl. What world would they find themselves in today? Dinosaurs? Princesses? Mythology? A rhyming book?
Ah, yes of course. Her current favorite, the book about the dinosaur cleaning his room. She was a girl obsessed with dinosaurs at the moment.
"Mommy, where's my Papa?" Briar asked, staring intently down at the page depicting a mother and father watching the dinosaur throw away paper scraps.
"Don't worry about him, sweetheart. He wasn't a nice man." Faye explained, resting her cheek on her daughter's head.
"Can I have a new Papa?"
"Maybe someday, sweetheart."
"Can Spider-man be my new Papa?"
"Why do you want Spider-man to be your new Papa?"
"He's my boyfriend!"
"That's not how it works, silly. If he's your boyfriend, he can't also be by boyfriend! Pick another hero!"
"Well, he is rich." Faye mused, Briar giggling happily. "Now it's time for bed, my love."
"Ok, Mommy. I love you!"
"I love you too, Briar." Faye whispered, kissing her forehead. The nightlight was switched on and the door was left cracked open, just in case. Now for her seldom used free time.
Should she sketch some more? Finish that painting she started forever ago? Ever since she started a "real" job, her art had fallen by the wayside. She was too drained to do much after work and caring of her daughter.
Maybe some drawing will lift her spirits and keep the nightmares at bay tonight. But what to draw? Not in the mood for still life. Brain too fried for something straight from her imagination. Her usual model was sleeping, and her last few self portraits had been a serious blow to her ego. She just drew what she saw in the mirror. Then, when she was finished, she decided she should have worn more clothing before she drew herself. What was supposed to boost her confidence and empower her as a woman instead left her wondering when exactly she developed that roll when sitting in that position.
"Fuck it. I'm drawing a moose." Faye grumbled to herself, turning the page from her self portrait to a blank sheet. Half an hour later when she was trying to remember what a moose's antlers looked like, she finally picked up her phone. Seven unread messages? That seems like a lot. When was the last time she looked at her phone? Oh yeah, when she got home, five hours ago.
All from one person. So she wasn't ignoring everyone at least. Seven messages, all from Henry. Shit. That's not good.
Are you ok?
You seemed off on set today
You didn't even talk to me
Did you at least make it home alright?
Can you send me a sign of life?
I'm sorry if I upset you or something. Can you please talk to me? I'm genuinely worried.
Well, fuck. Here she was playing unicorn apocalypse with her daughter, and this poor guy was worrying himself to death.
Sorry, I was drawing a moose
Perfect way of saying "I wasn't ignoring you" while also avoiding his persistent questions about her wellbeing. The good old 'drawing a moose' excuse. Works every time.
I think your moose aged me by ten years. Are you ok?
Just had a bad day
Anything I can do to help?
Squeeze me until I stop struggling and my spine snaps
That's called 'murder' Miss Warren
I knew there was a name for it
Is there anything I can do for you that involves less prison?
Nah, if you're not going to take me out, then I'm not interested
I'm not going to take you out by murder. I will take you out on a date.
Faye froze, staring at her phone. He was just playing around, like he always did. No way he was serious. Henry liked to flirt, and she wasn't about to throw herself at him over a joke. She had more dignity than that. So how does she respond? She can't just ignore him, and taking forever to respond is going to give the impression that she was freaking out over what he said.
She was completely freaking out over what he had said, but he didn't need to know that. Was he just looking to get laid or something? Probably. He had gotten pretty close the last time he had been over. There's a difference between dating and screwing, though. He was probably just looking for someone to fuck while waiting for a woman worth his time to come along. Faye was broken out of her thoughts by her phone going off again, alerting her to a new message. Didn't he know she was busy having an existential crisis?
If you're free on Sunday you can come over and show me that moose your working on
Smart ass
I'll have to see if Mrs. Anderson can watch Briar
Bring her along. She keeps asking me about Kal
Pretty on brand for her
Sunday. What to wear on Sunday? He was probably looking for a little something something for his time, so something slutty? She got rid of all her slutty clothes after she had Briar in a fit of self hatred toward her new mom bod, so that was out. Besides, he wouldn't have invited Briar over too if he was looking to get laid.
So what does one wear on a casual 'date' these days? She had until Sunday to figure that out.
Tag List:  @Xxxkatxo @Weallhaveadestiny
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katiebabyblog · 4 years
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•☽ Damn I lost! Donut Princess, next round you're playing!  ☾•
[♥] ꜱᴘᴏɴꜱᴏʀᴇᴅ ɪᴛᴇᴍꜱ [♥] • 🎮 Spoiled - Wired Gamer Collection @ Equal10. - Includes: - Gamer Girl Jacket - 26 colours + 10 metal colours. 3 customisable parts.  - Wired Gamer Shorts - 26 colours. 5 Customisable options. Bonus K*nky wire with 26 colours & 4 USB plugs. Can be worn with or without the wires.  Fatpack includes 4 exclusive colours.  - Sporty Gamer Crop Top - 26 colours. Fatpack includes 4 exclusive colours.  - Gamer Under Knee Socks - Flat & High fatpack. Includes 34 colours.  - B*tch don’t steal my switch leg wrap fatpack - 34 colours + 10 metal clours. 7 customisable parts. Can add own picture on the screen. Includes version with console & version with only handcuffs.  - Wired USB Choker Fatpack - 30 colours for cable & 4 USB plug shades. (Unrigged also available.) Rigged for: Maitreya • Legacy (reg/perky) • Slink HG • Isis (reg/pushup) • Freya (reg/push).
• Devil Gaming Headset.
[♥]  ʀᴇʟᴇᴠᴀɴᴛ ʟɪɴᴋꜱ [♥] > Inworld Store. > Marketplace Store. > Facebook. > Flickr Group > Flickr Page
• Candy Kitten - Cutepie unicorn gacha @ The Arcade.  - 50l per play. - Hugable toy with pose. Can also be used as decor.  - Resizable.  [♥]  ʀᴇʟᴇᴠᴀɴᴛ ʟɪɴᴋꜱ [♥] > Inworld Store. > Marketplace Store. > Facebook Page. > Flickr Group. > Flickr Page.
•[Cinnamon Cocaine & Suicidal Thots ]  - Vixen Tattoo - Legacy - BOM - Omega.
- 3 tones available. .
[♥]  ʀᴇʟᴇᴠᴀɴᴛ ʟɪɴᴋꜱ [♥] > Inworld Store. > Marketplace Store. > Flickr Page. > Flickr Group - Cinnamon Cocaine. > Flick Group - Suicidal Thots.
• Worn on Legacy body & Genus head. ♡
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Big girl
Got7 Jaebum
gif not mine 
“Look daddy, I’m a big girl.” I said as I entered our living room in my tight, black, sort, velvety dress. “I don’t like it. Go and change something more like you.” Jaebum said. I shook my head and put my black heels on. “No daddy. If you don’t want me to go to this thing in my unicorn dress then I will go with this.” I said.
“Yes go with the unicorn dress.” Jaebum said. I shook my head again. “We are already going to be late, let’s just go.” I said and took my purse. Jaebum groaned in annoyance and took the car keys. 
We drove to this fancy restaurant where Jinyoung wanted us to go. If you ask me we could have gone to a McDonald’s or something but no one asked me. Jaebum opened the door for me and I saw this dining room with white marble floor and gray stone wall. We walked to the last table in that place to see Jackson and Youngjae be the only ones in there. 
“Hi Jackson, where is the rest?” I asked, like a big girl. Jackson chuckled and looked at Jaebum “Uh...They...Jinyoung couldn’t decide what to wear and made BamBam and Yugyeom change their clothes like million times and since Mark is the only one who can actually drive he had to stay with them. But they should be here any minute now.” he babbled nervously. Jaebum shook his head “See you could’ve changed into the unicorn dress.” he whispered to my ear. I playfully hit him with my purse and sat down. 
Jaebum took a seat next to me and we waited for the rest to come. Jackson started to look at the menu. We were all hungry. After like 20 minutes we see annoyed Mark, happy Jinyoung, pissed off BamBam and perky Yugyeom. They all sat down and took menus to their hands. “Jinyoung made me change my shoes fifteen times.” BamBam whined. 
“Too pointy, too bright, too colorful, too clown like, I don’t like those.” BamBam mocked Jinyoung. Yugyeom laughed at his best friend “Well maybe if you chose those shoes first we wouldn’t be in this situation.” Jinyoung said. Soon the waiter came and asked what we wanted. Jaebum told what I wanted but when everyone said they want wine Jaebum said that I don’t want wine. I kicked him under the table. I was big girl tonight, “No, I want too.” I whined to his ear but he didn’t listen to me. 
When the food came to the table I looked at Jaebum steak and mine spaghetti bolognese and meatballs. “I want steak too.” I whispered to his ear. Jaebum cut a small piece of his steak and gave it to me. As exchange he took a meatball from my plate. “nooooo~” I whispered. Jaebum chuckled and kissed my cheek. 
We were waiting for our dessert when Jaebum placed his hand on my thigh and moved it up. I tried to push his hand away but it wouldn’t move. Jaebum’s hand moved my panties off and started rubbing my clit. I tried to continue as if nothing happened but he added pressure on it and I coughed to cover my moan. I leaned on his shoulder. “Stop.” I said. Jaebum took his hand off and continued as nothing happened.
When we got home Jaebum didn’t say anything he wrapped his hands around my waist. “You think you are a big girl?” he asked, I shook my head. “Good, because big girls don’t sleep with their stuffies, they don’t watch Disney movies all day, even tho daddy said that you can watch one. Big girls don’t wear unicorn dresses. Daddy loves that one. You should wear it more often. Big girls don’t disobey daddies because they know what happens. And big girls don’t get this much attention.” Jaebum hummed. With every word he lead us to the bedroom. 
“That’s a pretty dress but you shouldn’t wear it. Makes you look like a big girl. And you are not like that. You are daddy’s little princess, pumpkin, angel, peach and most importantly my little baby girl. Mine, you got it?” he said and started taking my dress off. I nodded and he chuckled. “Why are you wearing these with that dress?” he asked and hooked his finger around the waistband of my pink thong. “I don’t like these...that much.” Jaebum said and started taking them off. He lifted me up and placed me on the bed. He crawled over me and kissed my neck, he sucked a purple mark on it, which made me moan. “Daddy~” Jaebum chuckled and massaged my breast with other hand and with other hand he held himself up. “What do you want, baby girl.” He hummed against my neck. I moved my legs apart from each other. “Use your words.” Jaebum hummed.
“Daddy, I’m wet...” I started, Jaebum’s lips crashed on mine, he moved his hand from my breast to my pussy. He started rubbing my clit, gently. Jaebum kissed my cheek and removed his hand from my clit to put one of his fingers in my wet pussy. He kissed my neck, his finger slowly pumped in and out, curling it few times. He kissed my collarbones, another finger, a soft moan left my lips. He kissed my breasts, he fastened the pace, I couldn’t control my moans anymore. He kissed my neck again, he fastened the pace again. My legs started shaking. Jaebum removed his fingers and lifted me up so I was sitting. He removed his shirt, slowly and then his pants. He stroked his cock few times and looked at me “Be a good girl and help daddy.” he cooed. I took his cock in my hand and placed my lips around his tip. I started going lower and lower, helping with other hand and playing with his balls with other. Jaebum massaged my breasts with his hand,causing me to moan, sending vibration to his dick. I felt him getting hard in my mouth, fastening the pace. Jaebum squeezed my nipples and pulled my head off. He kissed my lips and pushed me down. He rubbed my clit with his dick “Daddy, fuck me~” I moaned. Jaebum smirked and inserted his dick in me. He started slowly, till his thrusts became faster. I was a moaning mess. I was so close. I arched my back and grabbed the sheet. I felt myself tighten around him and cum. Jaebum chuckled and took his dick off “What? Did you ask?” he asked. I shook my head. Jaebum pulled me up. I took his dick in my mouth. I took him as much as I could in my mouth, gagging a little. It didn’t take long for him to cum too. “Swallow.” he hummed and I did as he said. 
He hugged me and stroked my hair. “Are you ok?” he asked and kissed my cheek. “Yes, daddy.” I said. Jaebum smiled, wrapped me into a blankie and carried me to the living room. He sat on the couch with me in his arms. “Do you want Cinderella, Snow white or...” I interrupted him “Lilo and stitch!” I squealed. Jaebum chuckled and opened the tv. “I love you, pumpkin.”
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blackbird-brewster · 27 days
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Kirsten Vangness, Aisha Tyler, AJ Cook and Joe Mantegna at the 2024 Pageant of the Masters [X]
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roxyfiercexoxo · 7 years
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some more doodles of Roxy, just trying to figure out a good pose/concept for a nicely drawn picture of her. I also started designing Genevieve, Roxy's unicorn friend she's a stoner too (she doesn't smoke as much as Roxy) but she is one of those oddly perky stoners and views herself as a princess, she also loves cooking and romcom movies. There's 1 more female character in their crew I need to figure out plus I'd like to draw Roxy's BF Crizz but I kinda suck at drawing dudes 😭😭😭 . . . . Just tags #art #drawing #sketchbook #characterdesign #pencilsketch #sketch #monstergirl #ganjagirl #unicorn #joint #cavy #cute #kawaii #kawaiilife #stonergirl #munchies #marijuana #anime #chibi #saytr #practicemakesprogress #OC #originalcharacter #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #rain #depressed #umbrella #food #420 (at Portland, Oregon)
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
I watch Criminal Minds for the plot....
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
Since people liked these pics, here's more photos of the CM cast that make me gayer just for looking at them.
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
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blackbird-brewster · 8 years
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Kirsten Vangsness is too pure [X] 💜
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pekennabohm · 4 years
💕Deliver us from evil Amen por РeҜeŋŋД βØЋм Via Flickr: CLOTHING {Sakura} Sweet Dreams Gacha NEW @The Epiphany {Sakura} Sweet Dreams Nightie - Lara - RARE {Sakura} Sweet Dreams Socks - Lara - White FOR : MAITREYA , LEGACY/ PERKY, FREYA THE SCENE MICHAN - My Stash Gacha @STORE LAGOM - Unicorn rug. Roses @STORE Birdy - Boudoir - Pom bed [Rezz Room] European Cat Adult Animesh (Companion) +Half-Deer+ Dreamrose Princess Bed - Blush Pink (PG) +Half-Deer+ Faux Window - Unicorn Dreams 😻 pekennabohm.blogspot.com/2021/01/1069-lotd.html
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blackbird-brewster · 8 years
Kirsten & Paget
Now is a good day to talk about that time I met Kirsten and she went on for two minutes about how much she loved Paget. Just GUSHING about how amazing Paget is and how she misses her and then she told me to tell Paget "hello" from her. Fast forward a month to when I'm with Paget. And I tell her "Kirsten says hello and she loves you". THEN Paget goes on and on about Kirsten. And it was just adorable. I love these two idiots.
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