#This were made on my phone apologies but I needed the aisha one so I did them all
blackbird-brewster · 6 months
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Criminal Minds on TikTok
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qwerty019283ytrewq · 13 days
at least credit those who made the gifs of max you posted.
Good morning, afternoon, or evening!
(Do I look like Gandalf? I tried to make a reference to him, but I'm not sure that everyone understood)
Okay, I'm sorry, I'm just nervous.
I've been updating my page all day and I'm shocked that someone clicks on the hearts under my posts, and even reposted twice. And so I update again and there is this message. I decided to answer in a very detailed way and speak out.
The first reaction to your message, dear anonymous, was...It hit me like an electric shock. The second reaction is "Run." It was in my head: delete everything quickly, it's not right; you've ruined everything; you've offended people; they'll come for you; there will be huge consequences. Because I am very worried about posting my thoughts, creating and formatting these posts. I thought to immediately stop everything, delete that I had failed again. There were positive reactions, and I relaxed, and I started thinking about other posts that I wanted to do tomorrow.
And then suddenly bang! No greeting, no explanation.
I may have read it in the wrong tone, but I'm typing it with trembling hands because I feel like a schoolgirl in front of the principal.
Maybe it's a mess...
That's what I wanted to say. There is a post on my page in which I said that I was just learning how to use tumblr. I don't quite understand publication etiquette yet. For example, someone posts a photo with the signature of the source, and someone does not. When making my posts, I used one gif that I found on my phone (I don't even know where I saved it from, from which social network) and I made one myself, but when I made a post about the Red Bull Ring, I inserted a link, as I took it directly from their page.
God, why am I doing this?
I'm writing all this to show how "rookie on tumblr" behaves. On your part, you're trying to restore justice, but from my side, it looks like a reproach. I was born in the year of the rabbit. I'm scared and uncomfortable right now. If you just said, "Hi, this gif was made by this wonderful person, it's not good to publish it without the author's signature," I think we would all feel better.
Please be kinder to the people starting their journey here. Guide us, help us fix mistakes, and don't try to shame us.
Dear anonymous, if I misunderstood your words, then I apologize to you for all of the above. If I understood you correctly, then accept it. If you know exactly who the author of the GIF that I used, then please send me the original post, and of course I will edit my post and sign the author.
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parkers-gal · 4 years
hey honey! how are you doing?
i was wondering if you could write something where the reader is either tom or harrison’s sister, around 19-20 years old, and she hears her brother talking bad about her behind her back and she gets distant towards them and her brother realizes how much he’s missing out on (her first boyfriend and stuff like that)
sorry if it’s long or if you don’t wanna write it lol it was just an idea!!
don’t be sorry! i loved this! also doing pretty good :-)
i didn’t really understand what was in the ending parentheticals so i hope this is what you wanted!
wc: 1.7k
Being the established girl in a group of four boys meant a lot of things. Often, you were confused as a girlfriend to whichever boy you were accompanying, aside from your brother, of course. There was a lot of territory that came with being close family-friends with the Holland family. Especially since your brother used to be Tom’s assistant. It was expected, though, because they had been close friends growing up, especially since being in the same grade. 
You were younger, which meant you were in between ages for the twins and Paddy. You didn’t consider yourself too young for them, though, and found yourself in the presence of the boys for most of your time. 
Today, however, you were with your friend Aisha, walking around the shops. She had to leave unexpectedly early, so you parted ways. You came into the house quietly, setting a few things as you silently made your way into the kitchen. It wasn’t actually your house, but you practically spent all of your time there anyways. You heard voices coming from the den. Though you knew it was wrong, you halted in announcing your arrival, choosing to listen in on what they seemed to be joking around about. 
“Finally got ‘er off your back, huh mate?” You heard Tom’s voice, followed with joined laughter from everyone else. Your mind wandered, thinking maybe Harrison had a girl he was interested in, though he never brought that up, so you stayed quiet to hear more. 
“Yeah. Out with Aisha or whatever.”
Your eyes widened as the realization dawned on you. You purse your lips and think not to assume anything just yet. 
“That her only her friend?”
“Honestly,” Harrison laughs in agreement. “Mum said to be a good older brother but I’m tired of playing babysitter.” They all laugh again and you will yourself not to burst into anger — or worse: cry. “She’s gotta grow up or something.”
“Mate.” Tom snickers. “She needs a life. The boys are a tight circle; can’t let no baby sister in on that.”
“Yeah,” Harry’s voice pops in. “Who else would we spill disgusting secrets to?” They laugh seemingly in universal knowledge. 
“Anyways,” Tom settles down. “Good thing we finally got the superior Osterfield alone, for once.”
You abandon your station near the kitchen door and speed walk out the other swing door. You pick your bags up quietly, making for a quick escape as your tears attempt the same. You’re almost done putting your shoes on when Sam comes down the stairs, brows furrowed while he wipes his damp hands on the front of the shirt. You curse in realizing he was probably in the bathroom. 
“Y/N? Everything okay?”
“Uh…” You glance to the hallway that leads to the kitchen, wearily hoping nobody comes out. “Yeah, just uh… forgot I had to do something. I’ll see you later.”
You quickly make your way out of the house, shoving everything into your car while you can, starting the engine with great speed. Sam was in the middle of saying something else to you on your wait out, but he never got around to finishing because you were already out of the door. 
He didn’t mention anything to the boys, trusting that you were okay and that you did actually have something to do. 
That night, you tried not to cry yourself to sleep in your small apartment, one you shared with Aisha. When you woke the next morning, she wanted to go to the skating rink for some fun, so you agreed, eating breakfast before showering. You spent the entire day there, really, and let your phone in a rented locker, ignoring the texts from a few of the boys asking if you wanted to come over for a movie and some pizza. 
When you did have the chance to reply — over five hours later — you gave them scarce replies in the main group chat, apologizing without much sorrow. From their end, they shook it off, knowing you probably just had other plans that specific day. The five of you were planning on going to the golfing course tomorrow, so you’d get time together then. 
But they were wrong, because you cancelled on them, simply stating that “golf isn’t your mood, today.” They’d accepted that, but Harry knew that was bullshit, because half of the fun of golfing was competing with you.
They tried not to think much of your absence while they were on the field, but it was weird and awfully quiet without you. They’d figured it might be different throughout the week, but they were still wrong. You were with other people throughout the week while you could be, and it only made it worse for the boys because you were posting it all over your social media. Not in a flaunting manner, but just for the aesthetics. They didn’t find it very pleasing, though. 
Harrison knew something was off, knew you didn’t normally just start ghosting people unless you had a real reason. He intended on figuring out what that reason was, and Tom was hell bent on learning it too. They drew up a plan to get you to come over, telling you they had a few of your missing things. You complied, figuring you’d have to face them at some point. 
Strolling up to the house for the first time in ten days, you opened the door as casually as you could, only to be met with four pairs of eyes staring in your directions from seats in the open living room. 
“Uhm,” You cleared your throat. “Where’s my stuff?” Tom wordlessly points to a bag on the head of the couch, and you pick it up wearily, sifting through it while you hummed. “Thanks, I’ll just take this and get out of your hair.” 
“Well, wait-” Tom stands abruptly. “Why… why don’t you hang out for a bit?”
“I mean… do you want to?” The tone in which you speak catches him off guard for all of ten seconds before each of the boys are nodding their heads.
“Of course we do.” Harrison smiles and you nod wearily. 
However, you don’t make any move in settling down for the long run, and Tom huffs. “What’s going on here?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re avoiding us!” Harry concludes. “Why?”
You clear your throat, looking at your feet while your tongue clicks. “I, uhm, I heard you guys talking the other day.”
Harrison raises his eyebrows as a silent message for you to elaborate a little.
“You said you were tired of babysitting me, so I gave you guys some space.” They all physically defeat and you begin to defend yourself. “I just thought it’s what you wanted! You don’t have to explain.” You’re unknowingly beginning to tear up, and they all know it before you do. 
“I think we should talk.”
“No, I- uhm…” You glance out the window to your car. “I should really get going.”
“No!” Harry pleads with you. “We just… we miss you.”
You stop short in your tracks, turning around slowly. “Well I don’t really think you get to. Not after what I heard.”
“That’s not fair, Y/N/N, and you know it.” Harrison’s stern with you, and you can feel the tension beginning to set nicely like a creamer. 
“None of this is really fair for me, so why should it be fair for you?” You point a finger up in their direction while you shrug offendedly. “I mean, if you’re gonna say one thing don’t act like you don’t mean it.”
“But we didn’t,” Harrison says. 
“Really, we didn’t. It was a stupid thing to say.” Tom adds on. 
“Yeah, we’d never say it knowing you were there.”
“Oh, but you’d say it if I wasn’t around?” You’re making this more difficult, you realize, but you don’t much care, because when feelings get hurt, things get difficult, and you’ve come to terms with that. 
“That’s not what I meant.” Harrison crosses his arm. 
“No, but that’s what you implied.” You jab him back with your next words. 
“Stop making this hard.” He’s reminding you of what things were like when you were young and arguments were regular. 
“I’m not the one that started this.” You huff angrily, hand finally gripping the handle of the front door, swinging it open and slamming it harshly with an “I’ll see you all around.” 
Tom blinks, glancing to Harrison in question on what to do next. Harrison sighs and so does Harry. 
“I saw her leaving that day she heard you guys.” Sam speaks calmly, almost nervously. “She was- uh… she was crying.” “Oh jesus.” Tom groans, hands running through his curls. “We made her cry, Haz.”
“I know, I know.” He speaks hastily. “C’mon, I know what to do.” He picks his coat up, opening the front door as the rest of the boys follow him out. 
You’re coming home that night after spending the rest of your day at the country club with some friends. You’re alone, of course, expecting to eat dinner with Aisha, though the two of you normally dine separately because you’re always with the boys and she’s always with her girlfriend. Things are different now, though. 
As you open the door to your flat, you expect to find it dark and empty, but you’re met with your favorite take out meal and four very sorry boys, a large teddy bear sitting on the couch for you. You drop your bags and glance at each of them. 
“What’s all this?”
“We’re really, really, really sorry.” Harrison steps forward with an apologetic smile and three DVD disks in his hands, all of your favorite movies. “But me especially. I love having you around… even if you are my baby sister.” You slap his arm playfully and he laughs. You let a smile creep onto your face at his demeanor. “We really missed you this past week.”
You nodded, fiddling with your fingers. “It just… hurt. You broke the one rule I thought…. The rule I thought we all swore to keep.”
“I know.” He sighs, looking at the boys as everyone says it simultaneously. “The circle before yourself.”
You’d seemingly all established it during your first all-nighter as a group of five. You vowed to put them before your own silly ego or public facade. Obviously, some things are harder for others.
“Can you ever forgive me?”
“Can you ever forgive us?” Tom speaks up, eyes deep.
You smile softly, voice laced with feelings. “Of course I can.” You don’t miss the smiles that break out onto their faces, and when everyone comes in for a group hug, they know things are going to be okay. 
read the spinoff! - circles before yourselves - rule #2
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to-hell-and-beyond · 4 years
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Miguel x Reader
Requested: Yes : No
Request: hii i was wondering if u could do a miguel imagine using 7 (fluff list), 19 (angst list), & 10 (general list)? thank you for considering!!!🥺🤍-Anon
Summary: After his breakup with Sam, Miguel tries to convince you to come as his date. After you agree things start to go down hill...
Words: 1045
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Miguel Diaz was not a bad guy. He knew it, everyone else knew it, and so did you. That’s why it surprised you when Sam broke up with him. You thought it had something to do with her but you were wrong, so, so wrong. Well everyone makes mistakes, little did you know how this one would affect you.
“Just pretend to be my date.” He asked as you two sat down to study. The two of you have been friends since you were young. You moved here when you were 3 and you were so excited when he had moved her too! You were also nabours so that was a plus side.
“I just don’t see why you even need a date.” You said as you scribbled notes onto your worksheet. There was going to be a beach party tonight and Miguel wanted you to be there, pretending to be his date.
“Me and Sam just broke up Y/n! She’s probably going to bring that Robby guy and the last thing I need is to look like I haven't moved on yet!” He told you as he tried to persuade you to come. You saw nothing wrong with Sam and Robby’s relationship but Miguel did.
“If I agree, will you help me study for the chemistry quiz?” You asked. He laughed before agreeing to your terms and helping you out.
It was a while later before the both of you had reached the beach party. There were people spread around everywhere talking and holding red solo cups with whatever kind of alcohol Hawk had brang. Miguel brought you close with his arm around your waist as you walked towards the fire. You greeted your friends and began to talk about god knows what.
“Well will you look who decided to show up.” Tory spat as you turned around to see the one and only Samantha LaRusso. You two had never really been close but it doesn't mean you really hate the girl. Yah, you are still kinda salty that she dumped your best friend but you didn’t hate her. Following behind her was Robby Keene.
“Oh hi guys!” Sam greeted as she came over to your group. She eyed Miguel’s arm around your waist before turning her attention to the rest of the Cobra Kai’s.
“See you’re here and you brought your…” Aisha asked as she looked over to where Robby was. He was pouring himself a cup of alcohol along one for Sam.
Sam turned around to look where Aisha was staring. “Oh Robby? He’s staying with my family for the meantime he’s pretty cool.” 
“I’m going to get my phone. I accidentally left it in the car, to be right back.” You waved your friends goodbye as you left to grab your phone. It was in your pocket the whole time but you didn’t want to be in the middle of all that tension. You stayed there for a while making sure it seemed you were looking for your phone before going back to the beach.
You walked up to the rest of the Cobra Kai as they galred at the couple making out near the trees. You couldn't make out who because it was so dark but you thought that maybe it was Sam and Robby. The girl did look like she had the same hair as Sam.
“Do you guys know where Miguel when’t?” You asked as they all looked away from you or at the ground.
“I’m so sorry Y/n.” Aisha apologized and you turned to her confused. Why was she sorry?
“What do you mean-” You began to ask until you tooked back at the trees, the fire eliminating them, was Miguel and Sam making out. Yes, you were supposed to be the “Pretend Date” but it still hurt. Especially because you really liked Miguel ever since you were a kid. You felt tears in your eyes but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“I think I’m going to go home guys.” You told them and they all waved you goodbye. They felt sympathy for you knowing how much you loved Miguel. As you walked away Miguel saw you. He broke up his kiss with Sam and then apologized.
“Im sorry Sam, but I can’t do this. It was a mistake. I'm so sorry. I got to go find Y/n.” He apologized before running after you. You didn’t know he was behind you before he started to call your name.
“Y/n! Y/n.” He called. You tried to ignore it until he caught speed on you. You turned around and faced him with tears in your eyes. You both stood like that looking into each other's eyes not breaking a single move.
“I screwed up.” He muttered breaking the silence between you two.
“Hell yeah you did!” He flinched at the nager in your voice before taking a step back. He knew that he hurt you, but he never wanted to hurt you.
“How does kissing LaRusso make me look? How about next time you want to get back with your ex you don't invite me? Or make me your “Pretend Date” to then “Pretend” to cheat one of me? How about you use your goddamn head Miguel!?” You screamed at him all the anger inside of you that you were holding in bursting out.
“Rot in hell.” You spat as you tried away and walked away leaving him there. Kissing Sam was a mistake. He was drunk and he felt...bad. He liked you longer then he liked Sam but he thought you didn’t have the same feelings. But after you're outburst he knew that he had made a grave mistake. A mistake he would do anything to fix. 
Miguel: I’m sorry Y/n.
Miguel: And I know that Sorry doesn't count but, I really am.
Miguel: I thought that you didn’t well like me and Sam was there and it was just a huge mistake.
Miguel: I talked to her and she agreed to put it behind us so maybe this week you would like to go get some pizza?
Y/n.: Shure. And I’m only doing this to hear you out of nothing else.
Miguel: See you at 6 then.
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jamie johnson 5x10 rant/review/me being worried about all my children
okay, so first of all, the episode was so choppy?? like, you would have scenes that were no more than 30 seconds cut into other scenes and it just felt really jarring.
but anyway, onto the individual storylines (jesus there are a lot):
zoe and kat
i just have to say this... zoe, honey, what are you wearing here
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anyway, now on to the important stuff.
so proud of her for taking initiative and trying to start a women’s team, it’s really good to see in this show since we’ve only ever seen either all-boys teams or co-ed ones, and this will definitely inspire so many young female footballers out there. 
and i’m really glad they brought jack back and we get to see her improvement with archfield (i miss her a lot haha). it was really interesting to see her and zoe chat, considering how rocky their relationship was in season 3 and 4. i think they really are moving towards a better place with each other. i also thought this was very telling:
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interesting how they cut this conversation in the trailer, but i genuinely think zoe has learned now. from all of the experiences she’s had over this show, she’s matured and grown so much. i really hope they don’t make her regress as a character and have her go back to being very competitive with the other girls at hawkstone.
which reminds me . . . my girls got into hawkstone!!!!! i’m so proud <3
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they look so HAPPY god
now, moving on to the relationship between the two... wow. thank god zoe finally gave back the pendant, we were all waiting for this. 
i will say, when i saw this my heart just about stopped
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it’s fine we’ll just write our own fanfics and tell ourselves that they’re canon
no, but seriously, i thought this scene as a whole was a really good start but could have gone so much further, and they would have had time for it if they didn’t have so many plotlines running simultaneously. but i digress. maybe i can continue on this scene as if they didn’t have a time limit, if you guys would read that?
anyway, here are just two moments that i found zoe to be really soft in (the first one was more the way she said it - i see you maddie, i know what you’re doing here):
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honestly i’m just really excited to see these two at hawkstone and see what happens with them.
wow okay now we’re onto another storyline
jamie and boggy
well. this entire scene honestly was really revealing.
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boggy is in a horrible state right now. it looks like we might get some resolution(?) in the next episode with his storyline, or at least it’s going to get to a breaking point. i just want to give him the hug he so desperately needs. i don’t want to comment too much on this yet until we get to see the next episode, because i think we are going to get a lot of content regarding his anxiety.
i might make another post talking about what jamie said in this scene because i think there’s a lot to unpack there and i don’t want to drag this post on too much.
now, we didn’t get to see too much of him, but i’m glad they’re making an effort to make sure his story is continued on-screen in every episode.
so, when his dad said this, i was smiling a bit:
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and then i threw my phone when he said this:
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his excuse for “wanting to protect” dillon is just bs. he only cares about whether or not foxborough would kick him out because of his sexuality, which if they did would be insane and it shouldn’t be a club he aspires to go to anyway. and he only cares about that because he wants dillon to become a professional. that’s it. he doesn’t care about the homophobia he may face and all of the horrible attacks that are made on people in the lgbtq+ community daily. 
i was a bit surprised when becky suggested that dillon give him a second chance. while yes, it was good to apologize and for him to move past his own personal prejudices (maybe? unclear), the things he said after were not second-chance worthy, in my opinion. but maybe i’m being too harsh. it would have been nice to see becky or dawn talk about their own experiences with coming out at some point - maybe one of them had a difficult time with their parents as well?
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i’m glad they didn’t make this out to be some smooth process, though - his dad has betrayed dillon’s trust a lot, and it’s not going to be easy to get back.
i didn’t see anything about him in the next episode trailer thingy?? i’ll be big sad if we don’t get at least a small update
the love triangle
why oh why oh why. just . . . can we not?
i’m surprised how open eric is being about his brother’s death after how closed off he was about it in season 4. it’s nice to know that he trusts aisha enough to confide in her like that.
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i honestly don’t know what they plan to do with these 3 so i’m just holding my breath hoping they don’t royally screw this up. and that’s all i’m really gonna say about that.
ruby and alba
i’m so glad they got adopted!!!! abandonment issues are really common among kids in the foster care system, so i think their initial reaction to becky and dawn’s secrecy at the beginning of the episode was realistic. i love their family so much, it’s so wholesome. and i loved the idea of the album, that was so cute.
i loved this shot:
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and this one:
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and aisha speaks straight facts, we stan:
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so that was much less of an analysis and more me just being emotional over a tv show for kids, let me know your thoughts on it and if any of the things i mentioned in this you’d be interested in reading :)
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
Confrontation, A Winx Redux AU short
Roughly 2k words, kinda hurt/confort... I think. Stella, Riven, a diner, and the aftermath of the incident at Red Fountain’s Academic Showcase. (AO3)
It was 9PM, she was definitely breaking curfew, and Griselda will definitely give her the earful of her life when she gets back, but she didn’t care enough right now. Not after what happened at the Academic Showcase two days ago.
Bloom has only come out of her room to grab some food occasionally and she still doesn’t want to talk, and from what Brandon told her Sky is in more or less the same situation. She didn’t even want to imagine how Diaspro was feeling - she saw the reluctance in her speech on the news earlier that day and she was glad the redhead hadn’t seen it yet. She looked at the map on her phone to see if she was in the right direction, and finally arrived at the small diner she was heading to, recognizing the black motorcycle parked near the entrance. It was decently filled and the aroma of food was certainly promising, and that meant that she would not be noticed, even if her unusual dark clothes helped her blend in regardless. She started looking for a specific booth until she saw him.
“Hey, Riven” - she said with a familiar affection, even if the tone was pretty monotone - she was not in the best of moods. He seemed to be the same, if his expression was to be considered. “Hey yourself, Stella.”
She sat down opposite from him, and after quietly ordering their food they remained like that, Riven looking at her and she looking at the window absentmindedly, or at least she hoped that’s how she looked like. The silence finally broke with a question.
“So, was that why you asked me to not speak with you at all last year? The whole switch thing?” His tone sounded slightly hurt, but it was mostly just genuine curiosity. So he’s mad but not super mad, Stella thought to herself, so hopefully I can explain it without much issue. “More or less, yes.” She finally looked at him, and realized it might be more than just “mad”.
His eyes were very red, and while he tried to hide it a bit with that scowl, it was clear he had cried a bit. He was always bad with holding back tears.
“So for an entire year, I couldn’t hang with one of my best friends because of just some weirdass switch between a prince and his squire? For some marriage arrangement or whatever that shit was? Why the fuck did you even have to do with all that?!” He kept the tone low since they were in public, but it was clear he was hurting. From what she heard of what happened last year, she’s not surprised - and she really wished she had been there for him that time.
“More or less, yes”, she said again, before elaborating. “I was tasked to help with the cover of Prince Sky due to Eraklyon and Solaria’s ties, and as such anyone close to me that was not related to the Courts of Solaria or Eraklyon had to be cut off until it was deemed safe for Sky to reveal his identity”, she said, fully knowing how stupid that entire thing was. Erendor was being paranoid again and Samara only helped make that fear bigger, Sky knew how to use a sword and Brandon was always with him, he wasn’t in that much danger. She was happy her father agreed with her, but his hands were tied and the council accepted Eraklyon’s terms. She hated politics so much sometimes.
“So for an entire year, a year where I had one of the worst experiences of my life, a year I almost got expelled from Red Fountain, I could not talk with you, or even be near you, just because of some dumb royals deciding that you shouldn’t do all that?! For some dude?!” He wasn’t shouting yet, but he was getting close to. Her mind was telling her that she should try to calm him down, but her emotions acted first, her face twisting into a scowl matching his. 
“Right, because I didn’t suffer anything at all that year no siree, not like I had to break up with my boyfriend for all this bullshit, not like I had to go through my parent’s divorce, not like I didn’t get actually fucking expelled from Alfea in the middle of the year for some dumb accident. No, only you suffered at all. Of course”, she practically hissed the last words, anger starting to overcome her. Riven looked ready to start actually yelling, but he stopped and had a deep breath. “Okay, fine. We both went through some shit, sorry I pretended you didn’t went through bad things. I mean that.” He did sound sincere and his expression had softened. She took a deep breath herself, and tried to see how to continue as their food got served. This was not how she expected their first conversation in a year and a half to go like this.
“Thank you for apologizing. I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have made it seem like what you went through was nothing.” she started eating some of the steak they had ordered - nice consistency, though it could use more spices - before continuing. “I heard the rumors. That had to be hell on you.”
Riven took a bite himself, and looked out the window into the streets of Magica City. “It was, though I’m happy I didn’t get fully expelled and got the chance to stay at Red Fountain. My mother was between furious and ultra comforting when she found out,” he let out a small, sad chuckle at the memory before turning, “but that’s not what we’re here to talk about, Cami.” He finally looked her directly in the eye, and she was genuinely surprised at both her nickname and the topic change. “How are you taking all this?”
“Well, if Musa ever talks to me again even if it’s just insults I’ll be glad”, she looked down at her steak again, a sad look on her face. “It feels like she took it worse than Bloom and she wasn’t even involved. Tecna’s been mostly checking up on Bloom every hour to see if she’s starting to get better with Flora, and Aisha’s both understanding of why all this happened and also wanting to punch Sky and Erendor in the face.” She thought of that for a little longer, and the mental image made her giggle a bit. “As for myself… well, it’s good that I can no longer have to keep that hidden. On the other hand,” she looked out the window again”, I might have lost Bloom as a friend forever.” She still had the fire fairy’s scream fresh in her mind, of how she was a liar, a bad friend, of how she could have prevented her all this by telling her. She didn’t tell herself that it was her fault, but she still had part on it and she couldn’t deny that. “You?”, she returned the question, despite having already heard the answer. “How are you taking all this, especially with… well, with the Darcy thing also happening.”
It had been a week or so since the Trix’s identities had been revealed, and from what she knew the Roccaluce Paladins had been searching for Icy, Darcy and Stormy for all that time. She knew thanks to Musa that he had become good friends with the Solarian Witch, and all this on top certainly would not have helped. “Well, this didn’t help with that I can tell you that much,” called it, “but I feel at least this made me forget about that if only for a little bit.”, he looked back at her, sadness starting to lift from his head. “I still think this was completely stupid-” “it was, trust me”, she interrupted, “-but politics are like that from what I remember you telling me. So I guess I’m fine with it… for now”, he falsely threatened in that annoying fake tough guy tone of his, and she let out a small laugh at that familiarity. “I will see if this can hold up.”
“Thank you for that, Riven. It’s nice that we can finally talk again.” She reached out and held his hand, a genuine smile forming. “I missed this.”
“I missed it too, Cami”, he held the same smile, and they both finally started eating in full, catching up on lost time.
They had just finished eating, and they were waiting for the bill, when Stella asked some final questions. “Hey, have you kept in touch with the guys at all?”, a memory coming back to her forgotten in the previous talks. “Because last thing I heard is that you straight up disappeared after the Showcase.” Brandon had called her earlier that day to update her on things on his end, and he had admitted on not having seen Riven at all since then. He in turn sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, hints of embarrassment on his cheeks. “Uh, I… kinda went to sulk on the city for two straight days and I might or might not have tried to look for Darcy myself.” Stella immediately put her hand on her forehead, exasperated. “Of course you did. You were always bad with this type of stuff.” She looked back at him concerned. “You should go back already, you dumbass! Sky is being enough of a hassle as is, you don’t need to add to their worrying.” He let out an awkward laugh. “Yeah, I really should, I honestly just called you on impulse and… kinda went from there.” You’re always like that, Riven, she thought for a second. “I’m going to see if I can help coax Sky out of his blanket fort, he owes us his side of the story as well, and I’ll see if I can convince him to talk to Bloom for you.”
“If you manage that I’ll be impressed, he’s almost as stubborn as you are,” she said with a cheeky smile, before turning it into a real one. “But thanks, Riven. I’m happy we did this.”
“I’m happy about it too, Cami. I’m still with my bike, you want a ride back to Alfea?” “I would appreciate that, cuz I kiiiiiiiiiinda wasted the Sceptre’s reserves on getting to the city.” It was Riven’s turn to smirk. “And you call me impulsive?”
“Oh shut up.” Her tone was angry, but she was smiling, and she felt like things were finally looking better for her.
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richincolor · 5 years
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Group Discussion Post: Yes, No, Maybe So
With Super Tuesday just hours behind us (and I predict we won’t get full results for days) and an election with so much on the line, Aisha Saeed’s & Becky Albertalli’s “Yes, No, Maybe So,” is extremely timely. It follows two teens whose parents essentially “volunteer” them into canvassing for a local election, and through their experience become more politically aware while also falling in love at the same time. 
K. Imani: I really enjoyed this book. There were so many sweet moments, funny moments, frustrating moments, etc. It was such a timely novel and one that I truly loved. What did you all think of the book?
Jessica: I loved it! The book was sweet and inspiring and just so much fun to read all at once. It actually was the push I needed to sign up for some phone banking and community canvassing.
Crystal: I fell right into the story and loved it. There were humorous moments amid the serious times. Seeing the passion that could flare up in both Jamie and Maya around their ideals and beliefs gave me hope for the future. Young people often see things and don’t pay attention just like anyone else, but when they see an injustice that tugs at them, watch out.
Audrey: I really enjoyed it! I’ve never been involved in a political campaign, so seeing what it could be like from a teenager’s perspective was really interesting! It was a good reminder that campaigns need people of all ages and abilities to help them out.
Crystal: Audrey you reminded me of my own canvassing. I’ve been involved in several campaigns both calling and knocking on doors. I totally sympathized with Jamie because that is so incredibly uncomfortable for me. I have to be truly passionate about a candidate or a specific  election to actually be putting myself out there with strangers.
K. Imani: I really enjoyed how Maya and Jamie’s relationship developed slowly over time as they established a deep friendship first where they were able to openly share and trust each other. For example, Jamie’s misstep with buying Maya breakfast during Ramadan and after her correcting him, that he took what she said to heart and using it as an opportunity to learn. This was really sweet of him and allowed Maya to really begin to trust him. What did you all enjoy about their relationship?
Jessica: Agreed. I loved how Maya and Jamie learned from each other. I really appreciated that the book demonstrated how people can make mistakes and come to understand each other more -- and it doesn’t have to be a painful or shameful process. I also loved how Jamie was so inspired by Maya and vice versa. It’s truly the best part of a relationship -- making each other better. So heartwarming!
Audrey: Yeah, it was really nice to see these two fumble things but still come back around to apologizing and promising to do better. It was a great message--even when you’re on the same side, mistakes still happen! But it’s important to apologize and make corrections and then stop making the mistake. I loved the interplay between them and how they each inspired each other--it was a great relationship, both platonic and romantic.
Crystal: I loved that it felt so real. Their bumbles, apologies, and awkwardness all show that this isn’t some fairytale situation. It’s the everydayness that is lovely. Staying on the phone forever because they don’t want to say goodbye is super sweet, but also extremely believable. It’s not fancy romantic, but it’s romantic just the same.
K. Imani: The novel takes place in a Blue enclave within a Red state and really shows the stakes of what Progressives are fighting for. What stood out to you about Maya and Jamie’s experiences? For me, when they went to their State Representative’s offices to talk about the bill that would essentially ban hijabs and the gaslighting that happens in that meeting. I was so frustrated for them, but it reflected a frustration I have with our country right now and it felt like one of the realist moments in the novel.
Jessica: I definitely got the vibe that the book was set in a similar setting to Jon Ossoff’s run in Georgia several years ago, and that race was cited in the acknowledgements at the end of the book. For a lot of young people -- teens, college students, and young adults -- coming of age politically pre- and post-2016, what happens in government has direct (sometimes positive, sometimes very negative) impact on their lives, especially if they come from a marginalized background. What really stood out to me was actually how Maya and Jamie’s friends were portrayed -- how easy it is for people from privileged backgrounds to check out of current events and feel like it isn’t important. But ultimately, Maya and Jamie managed to inspire their friends to get invested and involved. It isn’t easy, but it’s possible! Love that note of hope.
Audrey: One of the things that stood out most to me was how often Maya or Jamie noted that self-described “nice” people will still cheerfully vote for people and policies that will directly harm their own family or friends or neighbors. Because, yeah--I definitely saw a lot of that. And it hurt every time they noticed it. I was relieved that they were able to get through to some of their friends, too. Especially since their focus was on getting out their base to vote rather than trying to win over moderates.
Crystal: That meeting with at the government office was extremely frustrating to behold. There were even more interactions with friends who just didn’t notice the issues or understand how something that affects one part of their community really affects them all.
K. Imani: This book is culturally relevant as it also explores White Supremacists trolls through the use of Fifi, the white poodle, as the Pepe frog, which both bothered me and intrigued me. I feel like including Fifi really captures the time period we are living in and can stand as an example of what life is in the Trump era.
Audrey: I was so happy that they came up with a way to counter Fifi! But what really stuck with me was how the vandalizer tried to downplay their actions--it’s just trolling, it’s just a joke, you shouldn’t get upset about this. We’d seen Maya and Jamie’s reactions to finding the stickers before and none of it was a joke to them.
Crystal: The Fifi does really feel current and all too familiar. This topic reminds me of Jamie’s grandma. You better watch out because when she rattles off a person’s entire name she means business. She made me smile many times and I’d love to see her Insta account. Grandparent relationships can be so awesome and it was nice to see a “grandma’s boy” in print.
K. Imani: With such an important election in front of us, what other political inspired YA are you looking forward to this year?
Jessica: Speaking of politics-related YA, I’m really, really, really looking forward to RUNNING by Natalia Sylvester. I have its release date marked on my calendar and everything.
Crystal: I’m definitely looking forward to Brandy Colbert’s The Voting Booth and This is My America by Kim Johnson. One I recently read that I’ll be putting into lots of hands is Stamped: Racism Antiracism and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi.  
Audrey: I’m looking forward to reading all of those!
And with that, our discussion comes to an end. We’d love to hear what you all thought of the book, so leave a comment below.
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corpo-rat · 6 years
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Johnny's bleeding out in the backseat, and Violets barely holding it together trying to keep him alive until they get to the hospital.
boss/johnny gat | sfw | 1,498 words | ao3
The feeling of the whole world swerving to the side and the screech of tires on asphalt has Johnny cracking his heavy eyes open. The scenery speeds past him in a hazy blur, his head bumping back against something soft. He's in a car, he slowly realizes, and they’re driving pretty fast.
"We're gonna take care of you, Johnny." Violet's voice suddenly cuts in from somewhere. Out of the corner of his eye, Gat sees boss kneeling next to him in the backseat, a pistol in her right hand and her left reached over to him, and Johnny realizes he can feel her pressing both his hands firmly to his stomach. His body feels cold, but there's a sick, wet feeling all over his hands and chest, and something in him tells him he'd really regret looking down.
Betraying his instincts, Gat shifts his head against the seat to get a better look. The sight of the entire front if his body covered in a dark, wet red is what immediately greets him. Blood, he realizes dully, but that's too much of it to be his, isn't it? His vision swims, and he finds himself starting to drift off again. Then, a bullet whizzing past his head out of nowhere makes the hair on the back of his neck rise, and then he's being shaken awake again. "Johnny, please, you gotta stay awake. We're almost there." Almost where?
Clumsily trying to follow her request, Gat shifts his head a little to look at the boss's face. Gritting her teeth and firing off another round behind them, Violet turns back to practically scream at the driver to hurry up, and there's a screech of tires followed by a distant crash. Her white-blonde hair is splattered and streaked with blood and falling out of place, and Johnny notices a drop of red is slowly inching its way down towards her eye. Maybe it’s the blood loss, or the tone of her voice, or the five years thinking he'd never see her like this again, but Johnny finds himself trying to raise his hand to brush it off of her face. Instead, feeling him try to move his arm, Violet's fingers curl tight around his hands, holding them in place. Blood continues to seep through both their fingers.
"Don't fucking move Johnny, I've got you, don't fuckin' move." Violet's voice sounds thin, strained. The trail of blood down her face makes it to her eyebrow, and she brings up her right hand to wipe it away with her wrist, her gun still gripped tightly in her fingers. Suddenly Gat remembers, the house, the Ronin, Aisha in danger. He needed to save her.
"Eesh... I gotta..." he mumbles out, not even sure what he's saying, and Vi turns to him, her expression twisting with something he doesn't recognize at the moment. Why is Boss upset? Eesh… They needed to help Eesh.
"I know, I know, but you gotta worry about yourself right now, okay? I can't-" Her voice finally breaks, and boss instantly clamps her mouth shut and turns her face away from Johnny. The driver suddenly glances back really quickly at the two of them, and Johnny suddenly wonders how they haven't crashed yet.
"Hey, he's not looking so good…" The driver says, turning back to the road.
"We gotta hurry!" Violet bites back, placing her gun down on the seat, and suddenly Johnny feels something warm against his face. Violet's now-free hand is resting against his cheek, and she strokes his cheekbone with a thumb, tilting his head to face her. Time feels like it slows down, and Johnny looks up into her stormy gray eyes. The look of pure heartache, and fear, on her face leaves a stabbing feeling in his chest. "Stay with me, okay?" Her voice is little more than a whisper now, words only meant for him. "I still have to make up for those five years, c'mon." She chokes out an attempt at a laugh, a broken smile gracing her face as she gazes down at him.
"Vi…" Johnny suddenly whispers, though he's not sure why, and boss's hand squeezes tighter around his own in response. Saying the nickname again, the one only he got to use, feels grounding amid all his confusion.
"I've got you, Johnny. You're gonna be fine." She tells him again, pulling her warm hand away from his face, and then the moment is over.
Violet's hands shake as she stands watching the hospital staff wheel Gat further into the hospital. Finally stopping to look down over herself, she sees nothing but blood, Johnny's blood, all over her hands, shirt, and jeans. God, there was so much of it. He could still die here, at the hospital-- and oh god, Aisha, she was--
Boss takes a slow, shaky breath, trying to shake off the adrenaline and panic still surging through her from all that had happened in the last hour. Having a breakdown wasn't going to change anything. She needed to call Pierce, that's what she should do. That would help something.
Wiping her bloody hands on her pants and slipping her phone out from her pocket, Violet sifts through her contacts to find Pierce's name. Beginning to pace across the lobby and tapping her thumb over the call button, she doesn't even wait for Pierce to say hello.
"Pierce, listen up… Johnny got laid out by one of the Ronin." She starts, not wanting to get into the details.
"That mean I get a promotion?" Pierce responds, and Violet violently stops in her tracks and shuts her eyes to try to contain the pure rage that overtakes her at that statement. Shut the fuck up, Johnny could be dying right now! She has to take a shaky breath before responding.
"Don't get too excited asshole, Gat will be back up in no time." She bites back. God, she hoped he would be back up in no time.
"Yo, that came out wrong…" Pierce starts to apologize, but Violet's not in the mood.
"Just shut up and listen. Gat was looking into a Japanese crime boss called Akuji. This guy's comin' into town soon and I wanna know when." Violet barks at him, bumping into a stranger halfway through what she was saying and ignoring them as they got angry.
"Got it." Is all Pierce says in reply.
"Don't fuck this up Pierce, I'm not in a good mood." She finishes, not even waiting for Pierce to respond to hang up. Turning towards the waiting area, Violet soon throws herself into one of the chairs, a mix of exhaustion and anxiety suddenly washing over her. There was nothing to do but wait, now.
Boss doesn't know how long she's been sitting there, but by the time one of the hospital staff finally approaches her, she almost knocks over her chair standing up so quickly. It takes every ounce of her restraint to keep from grabbing the man by the collar and screaming at him to tell her if they let her best friend die, so instead she clenches her fists, fingernails biting into her skin to keep her calm as they explain. Gat had lost a lot of blood, but apparently he was finally stable. The force of the relief that washed over Violet at hearing that almost knocked her off her feet.
It took some convincing (and a bribe) but eventually Violet was finally let in to see Johnny. The beeping of machines filled the air in the quiet room, and as soon as she walked in the door Violet's eyes were instantly drawn to the large bloody bandage across Gat's torso. This is all my fault, is all she can think at the sight. She should have made sure Aisha was safe, should have been more careful with engaging the Ronin. She shouldn't have distracted Johnny during the fight.
Moving over to the bed, Violet gazes down at Johnny's sleeping form, taking comfort in the slow rise and fall of his chest. "You fucking scared me, you asshole." She breathes, and has to restrain herself from putting a hand on his cheek again in relief. Taking a seat beside him, Violet listens to the beeping of the machines mixing with the sound of Gat's breathing for a while.
Eventually, Violet finds her gaze lingering on Johnny's still fingers, and suddenly something soft wells up inside her chest. She reaches over to take his hand, slowly, cautiously, until suddenly he shifts just a touch. Violet recoils then, startled, thinking he's woken up, but a glance at his face confirms he's still asleep. Regardless, whatever had suddenly overtaken her is gone then, and Violet shakes her head at the thought. Holding his hand? What, was she going soft? She almost laughs at the idea. Still, some part of her chest still aches.
Soon, when she's finally reassured enough by his presence, Violet quietly leaves the room to begin making phone calls.
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reivenesque · 6 years
Running in a Serpentine Fashion CH4
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« Previous chapter | ao3
They made it to the hospital in record time. Miguel was barely on the chorus of Welcome to the Jungle in his head when they pulled into the ambulance bay of the hospital and Hawk was out the door yelling for a doctor before the car could come to a complete stop.
Doctors and nurses convened on the car and Keene immediately, pulling him out of Miguel’s hands and onto a gurney, wheeling him into the doors and out sight in a flurry of activity that Miguel couldn’t even begin to keep up with.
He saw sensei rushing in after them but he couldn’t move from the position he was in, still crouched in the small space between the backseat and the passenger seat, his shaking hands dripping fresh, warm blood that smelled so strong of metal that up close.
“Miguel? It’s okay.” Finally he managed to drag his eyes away from where they were staring transfixed on his own two hands to look up into Aisha’s teary, concerned eyes. “He’s going to be okay. We did everything we could,” she said, almost like she could read what was on Miguel’s mind.
“There’s so much blood,” he found himself saying. The sound was weird, almost like he was listening to his own voice from deep underwater. “There’s… there’s too much blood. I’m never going to get this out of my clothes. My mom’s going to be pissed,” he said.
The sensation of tears trickling down his face was weird, mainly because he couldn’t remember even crying. It was stupid. Keene wasn’t his friend. He didn’t even like the guy… but he’d almost died, right there in Miguel’s arms. It was a surreal situation for anyone to find themselves in, especially a teenager and in that moment, Aisha and Miguel finally realized just how close they came to seeing someone die with their own two eyes.
It was Aisha who started sobbing which spurned Miguel to put his own drama on the back burner. Aisha was the one who’d kept Keene alive; the one who had the sense not to act like a complete idiot. If there was one person who needed comforting in that moment, it was Aisha, and Miguel forced himself to step up.
He reached over and circled his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. Neither of them cared that they were getting blood all over each other. They were drenched in so much of it as it was.
In that moment they were both just teenagers who needed comfort, so they comforted each other.
It wasn’t until a few minutes later that they finally managed to pull themselves together enough to go seek out sensei, Hawk and Moon who’d gone with the gurney carrying Keene towards the emergency room. They were directed towards the waiting room and pushed open the door to find sensei pacing a hole in the floor in the middle of the room and Hawk sitting slumped over in the plastic seat by the wall, his arms around Moon sitting next to him. They were both quiet, unnervingly so.
Sensei wasn’t saying anything but Miguel could tell how terrified he was.
Ever since the tournament, sensei always ended up acting weird whenever the name Keene came up in conversation (it didn’t come up often, or rather it didn’t come up often when sensei was around because sensei was seldom around). At one point Miguel suspected that there was more to the story than he and the rest of the Cobra Kais knew, he thought he even suspected what it was but he forced himself not to dwell on it too long or too much. For one thing, he hated Keene’s guts and he didn’t give a shit.
Sensei didn’t notice them standing by the door. Once Aisha stepped away to approach Moon and Hawk, Miguel decided to see if he could instead go find a bathroom. He didn’t feel like being in that room at that moment.
He underestimated how terrible he really looked until he was faced with his own reflection in the bathroom mirror.
The fist he caught to the side of the face was already starting to bruise, his hair was a mess and he was pretty sure he got cut in the gums by his braces during the fight because he could still feel the bitterness of the coopery tang on his tongue.
He also had blood all over his clothes, staining his hands and smudged on his cheeks and down his neck. He looked like a victim of a wild animal attack and it definitely wasn’t pretty.
The tap water washed off most of the blood but the crusts under his fingernails were tougher to get out.
He wasn’t sure how long he spent in the bathroom, cleaning himself up as best he could, it could have been five minutes or fifty, he wasn’t keeping track and it was like his brain was still stuck on some strange loop that he couldn’t fully shake.
The sight of the waiting room was slightly different when he returned. Instead of pacing the floor, wearing down the shine of linoleum, sensei was instead kneeling in front of Aisha, holding her shaking shoulders tight as she cried into his chest. Once he came within hearing distance, Miguel could hear Aisha’s muffled apology and sensei reassuring her with gentleness in his voice that Miguel didn’t think he was even capable of.
“You saved his life. You have nothing to be sorry for,” sensei repeated more than once.
It wasn’t until Hawk noticed his approach and called out his name that sensei finally turned to look at him.
Aisha sniffled and leaned back, releasing her hold on sensei’s shoulders. “It was Miguel,” she said, “Miguel’s the one who went to help him during the fight.”
Sensei briefly looked at her before glancing back to Miguel standing there, unable to think of anything to say or how to react.
“You both did,” he said, patting her on the shoulder, “All you guys did,” he added, glancing at Hawk and Moon before he got to his feet and approached Miguel. “I heard what you did,” he said when he stopped about a foot away.
Miguel fidgeted with his hands under sensei’s intense gaze. “I just did what you would have done,” he said nervously.
A shadow of a smile ghosted across sensei’s face. “And what’s that?” he asked, as if it were just another class and just another lesson he was teaching Miguel.
“Kicked some ass,” he said as a matter of fact.
The small laugh sensei let out made Miguel’s heart swell with pride. “You’re damn right I would have,” he said. Without another word and without warning, sensei stepped forward and pulled Miguel in for a hug.
Miguel wasn’t expecting the physical contact or the embrace so his entire body froze stupidly.
“Thank you for helping him,” sensei said. “Thank you for saving him,” he added.
Miguel didn’t think he needed any more proof of his suspicions but he didn’t say anything. Instead he returned the hug gladly. It felt nice.
They didn’t say anything more after that as they waited on news about Keene. After sensei pulled himself together, he approached Miguel and asked whether he had Sam’s number. To say Miguel was taken aback by the query was an understatement and the exact moment Miguel was about to voice out his confusion, he occurred to him that sensei wasn’t asking to call Sam.
He was asking to call Mr. LaRusso.
That fact sobered him up quickly. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he fished out his phone and scrolled down to find Sam’s number in his long unused call list which was a sad fact in itself.
It took three unanswered calls before Sam finally picked up on the second ring; her voice dripping annoyance when she barked into the receiver. ‘What, Miguel?’
“Sam… look –”
‘No, you look, Miguel. I can’t do this anymore. I like you a lot – liked you a lot, but you turned out to be –’
“Sam, please, it’s not about that!” Miguel felt bad about raising his voice but as much as it hurt to hear Sam being so angry at him, it wasn’t about him or Sam at that moment. “I need to talk your dad.”
The line was silent for a beat, indicative of the confusion Sam was experiencing. ‘What?’
“Please, Sam. I’m sorry for everything, I’ll apologize every day until the end of time but right now I really need to talk to your dad.”
‘Is everything alright, Miguel?’
“No,” he answered truthfully, “It’s not.”
Once the line went silent, Miguel knew it was his cue to hand the phone to sensei and he stepped back to wallow in his own self-pity on the seat beside Aisha.
Johnny took the phone from Miguel’s hand – he could barely stop picking at the dried blood that was starting to crust on his hands but he forced himself to look away.
He waited on the silent line for a moment before the familiarly indignant and annoyed voice sounded in the receiver.
‘What is your sensei playing at?’ Was the first thing out of his mouth and Johnny would have barked a laugh had the situation not been so grim.
It took just a simple, “LaRusso,” to set him off again.
‘Jesu–What the hell, Johnny? You harassing my kid now? What do you want?’
Johnny opened his mouth to reply but all of a sudden he couldn’t find the words. His mind was flashing back to the sight of his son bleeding out on the pavement just a few feet away from his own dojo. If Miguel and the rest hadn’t stumbled on Robby that night – if Robby had been alone when the guys attacked him – if Miguel hadn’t gone back to help him… Johnny couldn’t imagine what would have happened.
He must have zoned out for quite a bit because he came to with LaRusso’s concerned voice calling his name into his ear.
‘Johnny, what’s the matter?’
Johnny swallowed the lump in his throat and attempted to find his voice before he spoke. He hoped his voice wouldn’t shake the way he knew it wanted to because all of a sudden it occurred to him.
His son almost died.
His son might still die.
And Johnny never got the chance to make it up to him or to say sorry.
The emotions were all of a suddenly almost overwhelming and he let out a sob into the receiver.
“It’s Robby,” he said. “Daniel, it’s Robby.”
We’re headed into Johnny’s POV after this one.
@gleegirl2011 @dream-beyond-the-fantasy (if anyone wants to be tagged or stop being being tagged when I update let me know).
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spirify · 6 years
365 Degrees― CH. 7
“completing the circle” written by. Rielin
bgm ChungHa - Why Don’t You Know Piano | DooPiano
In front of Eve’s lecture room | 3:10 PM
“My god… is she over yet?” a petite female with violet hair mumbled under her breath as she checked the time displayed on her wrist watch. Aisha, Eve’s friend, have been waiting for minutes for Eve to finish her class. Prior to Eve’s class, they planned to go grab a lunch since Aisha’s exams were over and she wanted to give herself a treat for finishing the exams successfully. Aisha lifted her head up from her watch and glanced two males walking near her. It looked like they were waiting for the class to finish as well.
One of the male, who had blonde hair and cerulean eyes opened his lips to start up a conversation with his fellow friend, another male with crimson colored hair and eyes.
“Why aren’t you having a party this weekend?” he spoke.
“Oh… I don’t think my neighbor likes it,” his friend replied as he drifted his sentence off, gazing over to the door that will possibly open in another four minutes to release mass amounts of students.
“Wow, now you’re actually thinking about people around you, Els,” the blonde male chuckled sarcastically.
“Oops, I didn’t know. I thought no one lived there,” his friend replied.
“Does he go here?” the blonde male asked. Aisha assumed, by ‘here’, he meant this exact campus.
“Yeah, it’s a she,” the crimson haired male replied as he gazed down at his phone.
“What’s her name?” the blonde male asked with a hint of flirtiness within his tone, as he wanted to tease his friend.
“Eve. And don’t even think about it,” his friend replied, glancing up away from his phone to meet the cerulean eyes of his friend. The blonde male winced his eyebrows with confusion, as his friend was suddenly serious for some reason.
“Eve? Silver hair?” Aisha walked closer as she questioned the male with crimson hair.
“Yeah. You know her?” he replied.
“Duh! She’s my best friend,” she chuckled as she replied. “But yeah, she did complain about you partying too loud and too often,” she continued with a sarcastic tone, leaving Elsword and his friend, Chung laughing along with her.
3:15 PM
With a sigh of relief that the long lecture is finally over, Eve packed her belongings and walked out of the door. The crowd of students blocked her view, but she quickly glimpsed the violet hair and crimson hair peeking its way. Wait, crimson hair? Eve came to a halt in middle of the busy traffic as she needed to confirm her view. People were brushing and passing by against her, murmuring why did she even stop in middle of the way to their friends, yet that wasn’t important to Eve. Eve saw Aisha and Elsword laughing with one another. Surely, Aisha is the type of person that gets along with anyone; she portrays such smile to many people. However, she have never seen Elsword smiling in such warm way, it didn’t even feel like the usual Elsword she’s been hanging out with.
“...,” Eve remained silent as she quickly turned the other way and dashed out of the lecture room using the back door. The breeze outside felt so gentle yet had a hint of autumn scent carrying along the wind.
What am I doing?! Eve thought to herself as she swiftly walked over to the parking garage, where her car was parked. Even without realizing it, tears started to form within the corner of her golden eyes.
Why am I crying? After seeing them two? It’s not like they’re going out, she thought to herself, her mind clouding over the sight of Elsword and Aisha. They looked so perfect with one another, they looked as if they were meant to be. They complimented each other. They weren’t 180 degrees.
As Eve sat down on her car seat, tears started to dry out with the chilly breeze. She let out a shiver and quickly closed the car door, blocking the frosty wind.
I like Elsword, she thought as she finally realized her feelings. She wasn’t sure, she was never confident when it came to love-related issues. Surely, she had a crush once or twice before, but she quickly gave up her feelings as she always thought that she wouldn’t even end up with them, due to her being so different from them. However, Elsword made her finally realize her feelings in such a different way. She didn’t wanted to give upon him. She wanted to be with him. Even seeing her with another person made her heart ache. How would she even feel, if he actually decided to start going out with her best friend?
As Eve drove back to her apartment complex, the sight of the two laughing and talking continuously lingered within her thoughts. How would she even face them now? As she reached her apartment, she received a text message from Aisha, saying
[Where are you, Eve? The class is over but I didn’t see you]
Sorry Aisha, Eve thought as she dashed upstairs and unlocked her front door, only to let her tired body sink into the comfy mattress.
Eve’s Place | 8:34 PM
A week have passed since Eve lastly saw Elsword in front of her lecture room. Unintentionally, she have been avoiding Elsword, as she wasn’t quite sure how to even act in front of him now that she realized her own feelings.
Maybe I’ll turn bright red again… like the first day I met him, Eve thought, reflecting back to their first meeting.
Then he would ask me, ‘Fever?’ again, she out a chuckle at her own reminiscence. Then she realized, even back then, he was somewhat worried about her.
Eve reached toward her phone that was turned off awhile ago due to low battery, and she was too lazy to even charge it. She quickly connected to a charger and turned the phone on, staring at the bright screen that welcomed her. Soon enough, the familiar picture of a flower she took months ago appeared as her wallpaper. Then after delay seconds were followed by endless vibrating. It was all notifications, from text messages to social media messages.
Within the past week, Eve have apologized to Aisha for leaving the class without alarming Aisha, who have been waiting for minutes just for Eve. Eve just concluded that there was a personal issue and offered Aisha a lunch some other day. Therefore, the messages she received from Aisha stated texts such as,
[So about that lunch]
[When are you gonna buy me lunch]
[You gon keep ignoring me you’re petty]
This girl sure is hungry…, Eve thought to herself as she let out a chuckle. It looked like Aisha texted her every hour judging from the messages she received. As Eve continued to scroll down the messages she received, she came to a halt in front of one name. It was from Elsword.
Because Eve have been avoiding Elsword for the past week, she wasn’t able to have a conversation with him whatsoever, not even through their phone. Eve even wondered, should she be the first one to text him this time? But then again, she didn’t wanted to deal with consequences, such as turning into a bright tomato in front of him. Not again. Furthermore, the unintentional avoidance might cause even more awkwardness with him.
So it was somewhat unexpected when she received a message from Elsword, stating,
Just kidding. This was somewhat expected, she thought as she read the text. Eve read the time it was sent, and from calculating from the current time, it was around four hours ago. She scrolled down more, finding more messages sent from Elsword.
[You promised me that you’ll tutor me in Lit. Are you betraying me?]
I never promised you anything…, she thought as she let out a chuckle.
Eve felt somewhat guilty for unintentionally avoiding him. She didn’t mean to ignore his texts since her phone was dead after all, she was willing to reply back to him. Yet it seemed like the last message she received from Elsword was around two hours ago. She wished she could’ve eaten with him, yet it was too late to even try nevertheless. Thinking about eating automatically made her salivate as if she was a Pavlov’s dog. Then her stomach growled. She realized she didn’t even eat lunch, but a light snack. She walked over to her fridge, only to find a yogurt and milk. She wondered whether if she should eat cereal or something, but there was also dinner to be worried about. She decided to go grocery shopping as she slipped into a oversized jacket.
She unlocked the front door and walked out, only to be taken by surprise that Elsword too, was unlocking his front door. Except it seemed like he spent time outdoors and was just about to walk into his apartment. Her golden eyes matched into his crimson ones, it was an unexpected meeting. She wasn’t even prepared to see Elsword right after unintentionally ignoring his texts. He seemed somewhat irritated and annoyed judging from the messages he sent.
“EVE!” he spoke, his voice excited as if he was a lost, little child who just found his mother.
Eve stared at him with widened eyes. She expected him to be angry or would simply ignore her, yet there he was, acting as if nothing happened. How could he be so kind and tender to someone who avoided him for a week? Why was he nice to her first of all? She’s just a person that lives next door; they don’t have any similarities, she’s not even entertaining enough, yet why does he want to spend his time with her? It may be easy for Elsword to befriend someone, yet it was a difficult task for Eve. She couldn’t easily trust someone as she was alway so shy about meeting someone new.
All kinds of emotion started to swirl up inside of Eve, ready to be exploded any second. She held her head down to avoid the compassionate gaze of Elsword’s that just made her feel more and more guilty.
“Eve, are you oka-” Elsword gaped his lips, breaking the silence that lingered in the air.
“Leave me alone!” Eve shouted, releasing the stirred emotions within a matter of second. She quickly widened eyes, for she was confused why she even yelled at Elsword in the first place.
Why did I yell at him? He haven’t done anything wrong. What is wrong with you, Eve?! Apologize to him right now! She furiously shouted within her mind, realizing her mistake. Her body was acting on its own, contrasting her own mind.
Another silence lingered in the air. Eve wasn’t able to lift her head up to look at Elsword in the eyes, she was too afraid to show her tears to him. It wouldn’t be surprising if Elsword just walks into his apartment and leave Eve like this. In fact, that’s what Eve would’ve done if she was in his place. Yet that wasn’t the case. She didn’t hear a door knob clicking, footsteps fading away, he was still here.
��No, Eve,” his husky voice came out firm, his sarcastical and playful voice nowhere to be found.
Eve glanced up, meeting her teary eyes with his stern ones.
“What…?” her voice came out as if it was a whisper, shaking with shock.
Then unexpectedly, Elsword lowered his face down as his shoulders started to slightly shake.
Is he… laughing? She thought as she watched the male trying to hide his smile.
Elsword glanced up, biting his lips to hide his smile, yet Eve could clearly tell he was smiling. Then he started to cover up his face with his hands, yet Eve could detect his ears that were already brightly red. It was like the day when they met, except it was Elsword who was embarrassed.
“Because I like you…,” he whispered, revealing his smiling crimson eyes hiding in between his fingers.
ok this chapter is cringey asf but HUEHUE HI
AH SO SORRY I'VE BEEN INACTIVE FOR MONTHS this semester was hectic but i just finished my last final of the semester!YEET
idrk if i will continue being active, since i'm going to be taking summer classes + studying for MCAT + volunteering :/ but i do have some new ideas in my mind that i randomly wrote down on my google docs! so hopefully i will work on them over the summer :D
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magixfatedfics · 4 years
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Chapter 8: A golden mistake
To start off with I want to apologize how extremely late this is. I've been having a hard time coming back to this, and stress really got to me, but I really have wanted to continue with this so better late then never, thanks to those who have stuck with me and my stories a lot more will get done now that things are under control.
A quickly little summery about everything that has happened so far.
The Wizards of the black circle have captured the Winx except for the nature fairy flora. But this was no ordinary capture, Thanks to dark magic something that was unthinkable happened
, Locked away in a cold and dark room the Winx are now trapped and the wizards now have something they need, What is it you ask..Well it's their wings. But one particular fairy ends up betraying her team and helping the wizards out in order to save the one she cares about.
The Winx looked at Stella shocked, why would she do such a thing?
Stella sighed softly. "I-I told them where the second sun was, so now they are headed to solaria."
Bloom reached out to Stella as she paused, "Stella, why would you put your planet in danger?"
Stella on the other hand did not want her friends comfort and lightly pushed the princess had away. "I-I had no choice Bloom, If I didn't tell them where to go ,they're going to kill or even hurt Brandon."
Musa walked up by Stella and paused. "Easy guys , There is no reason to blame Stella for this, I mean if our love ones were in danger we would do the exact same thing."
Aisha nodded her head as she sighed. "We forgive you Stella, but that doesn't change the fact that our wings are detached from us and the Wizards of the black circle are heading to Solaria, So what are we going to do?"
Stella sighed softly "I know One thing that can be done but without our powers were rendered useless against them."
Tecna placed her phone down as she nodded her head. "That is true Stella But without a risk, Magix is headed to destruction, Solaria is the sun that substains life in this dimension and all that lives within it...if the sun dies so will magix."
Musa looks at Tecna, "Too much tech talk their Tecna, mind explaining it a little better?"
"Alright Musa listen,Each of the planets contain a element that is needed for Magix to flourish, such as, Solaira is the light, Melody is wind, Andros is Water, Sparx is Fire and Zenith is Technology as well as Linphea is Earth, Each creates a Balance for this world, if it is all taken away Magix will crumble."
"Oh then why didn't you say that in the first place Tecna." Musa comments as she now get what her teammate meant, only for Tecna to give a annoyed sigh.
Boom spoke up now as she looked at Stella. "What ever your idea is Stella were behind you one-hundred percent."
It was Stella looked at the others She gave a great big sigh and nodded her head. "Alright don't say I didn't warn you?"
Meanwhile back over by the others
Riven, Timmy and Brandon have now finished their lunch and now were ready to head out.
Sitting on the Ship the guys began to speak to one another.
"Brandon I know your upset about them taking Stella, but everything will be OK, After you taught me that lesson back when I lost Tecna, so stay strong we will find her." Timmy spoke up.
"I know Timmy but the more and more I learn about these Wizards, the more I worry about my princesses welfare."
"Well I'm sure Riven is just as Worried as you are about Musa, isn't that right Riven?" Timmy looked at the other specialist who was sulking.
"I-I just .. just shut up I'm sure she's fine." Riven sighed as he got up out of his seat and walked out of the owl to escape his so called feelings.
 Though even though he said those words, he didn't mean them. Instead while he was all alone the maroon haired male looked down to the ground and clenched his fists by his side. "Musa please stay safe until I find you."
Riven was one of those who didn't show his emotions outwardly though being with Musa hes learned to except the fact that it is alright to have emotions. but being around the guys it was hard to do so.
The others now came around as they were finished and ready to embrace the mission ahead of them. flora was the last one to hop on the ship. And now that everyone was ready, it was time to figure where they were going to find the lair of the wizards of the black circle.
"There is one thing I can do, but it wont be easy." Timmy was the first to break the silence as he looked at the group.
"As long as we can find the rest of the winx we have to do what ever we can, please Timmy do what you must." Flora spoke up as she placed her hand on his seat looking at his screen.
"Flora is right, We believe in you Timmy you found Tecna back then I'm sure you can find her now." Sky walked up to him as well a placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks guys, alright here it goes , keep in mind there is no actual guarantee that this will work."
"Go!" They all said in unison.
Timmy placed his hands on the control panel and began to type quickly as the the holographic screen above him began to flash Green and yellow , that of which looked like a scene from the Matrix. numbers of all kinds began to scroll down on the screen moving quicker and quicker as he typed more and more, until suddenly after a small pause of silence.
 The Machine spoke up loudly. "YOU HAVE ONE MATCH." There on the screen it soon changed to picture to a map of Gardenia.
"I can't belief it.. it actually worked ?"Timmy gasped in dismay and leaned back in his chair with a calm sigh. "And I know where they are."
"Nice work Timmy you did it, But where are they?" Sky spoke up in hope of finding bloom and the others.
"It say here that girls are in a place called Gardina, in a old underground warehouse by the docks."
"What are we waiting for then , now that we know where they are. let's go save them." Brandon spoke up as he was cheering up a little more.
"Alright for once I agree with you all, go Timmy." Riven belted as he was getting impatient.
Timmy pushed up his glasses and nodded his head. "Alright buckle up and hold on tight, the Owl is taking off for lift off."
With that the Ship lifted up off of the ground as wind began to blow around it making the grass swish back and forth, higher and higher the ship went until it was now in the sky and zoomed off.
Back over by the Rest
Stella gave a soft nod and said "Alright I will transport us to Solaria with the last little ounce of magic I have left, but after that we need to figure out things, we don't have our wings and with out them our magic is limited."
The girl looked at Stella worried.
"Stella you don't have to do this, w-we will figure out a different way to there." Musa spoke up as she walked up to the fairy of the sun and moon.
"No.. I did this and now I have to fix it, my home is in danger ,so is my fathers life and maybe even mine Solaria will die without what they want, I am a fairy of Solaria and the proud princess it is my duty to protect my home so I'm leaving with or without you." Stella clenched her fists at her side as she looked down.
Bloom looked at the girl and nodded her head. "Alright Stella do what you must but please be careful."
"Thanks bloom, Alright hold on tight and grab my hand."
The girls grabbed hands and made a circle, Stella pulled her ring off of her finger and threw it up in the air , just like in the beginning when she first became a Winx member, the ring now turned into a staff which landed in her hand. 
And as for a split second she swiped it upon the air opening a portal into Solaria, leaving their wings behind.
Feeling weak her light of power began to fade and Stella took a gasp as she leaned forward. "T-There you g-go, step through that portal and you will be in Solaria."
"Stella are you Ok, your fading." Tecna spoke up as she looked at her.
"I'm fine just go, before my portal closes!" Stella barked as she rushed into the portal.
The other girls followed behind.
The portal closed behind them and what they saw was nothing they expected to see.
There as they landed on the ground, Stella's eyes went wide as she gave a gasp of shock as she landed to her knees and tears streamed from her face. "S-Solaria.. it's gone!" 
There where the bright golden kingdom once stood was a wide grey area of nothing, it was as Stella feared Solaria was no more then a pile of dust left from her own betrayal.
And I stop here, sorry for the suspense but the next chapter is going to be super long, So what do you guys think happened to Solaria, what will happen to Stella, Please let me know what you think or review the story in the comment box below. Thank you for waiting and thank you for all the fantastic reviews. So sorry for the wait but I'm getting back to this story and the others.
I love hearing from you all, and I'm super surprised this story gets as much love as it does. So thank you
Until next time guys, take care
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
The Bold Type Binge Watch Recap #TheBoldTypeChat “A Must Watch Series.”
I have seen the commercial for this show, and I am like, should I watch, it does look impressive, and I never got around to watching. I am sitting down at 2 am this morning bore and so I said ok, I'd give it a try and 8 hours later I am all about “The Bold Type.” I got hooked the first episode and could not stop watching; it was refreshing, fun, excited, current, and inspirational. Now enough about me and my feeling let me tell you about the show and three gorgeous ladies that makes you think “Am I even living.
Show Summary The series is centered around three best friends who met and works for the same Magazine “Scarlet” for the past four years. Jane Sloan (Katie Stevens from Faking it) Kat (Aisha Dee from Chasing Life and Sweet/Vicious), and Sutton (Meghann Fahy from One Life to Live). Scarlet, a global women's magazine which is run by the powerful and fierce Jacqueline Carlyle (Melora Hardin from Transparent) The show will explore these three friends adventurous in New York City how will they make their voices heard as they explore their sexuality, identity, love, and fashion.
Jane Sloan (Katie Stevens from Faking it) Aka The Meticulous
Jane loves her job at Scarlet and with her new promotion come writer her journey begins. Jane’s first assignment is not at all what she expected because I would consider her as meticulous and she had something else in mind for what her writing role at Scarlet would be, but it was not the case. Jane first assignment is very personal and unsettling mostly because it was about her ex-boyfriend who broke up with her and Jane has not gotten closer. Thanks to Jackie she now has to confront the situation, Jane meets Kat and Sutton in their usual spot “Scarlet’s clothes closet, that I wish to mine,” and they decided to help Jane confront her ex and not fail on her first writing assignment. “How to stalk your unstalkable ex-boyfriend.” She got closer after stalking him for a few days. By episode 2 we learn that page never had an orgasm. Kat tells her needs to see a sexologist, and Jane did, she was given a ball which got stuck in her vagina, and she hurry’s to work. When she got to work, she had Kat pull it out while Sutton provides moral support. Let us talk about the hottie sex writer Pinstripes who have seen Jane in some embarrassing situations. Jane kisses Pinstripes at Adena art show, to test herself which also help write her never had an orgasm article. By episode 3 Jane and Pinstripe get closer, but that was short lived as Jane had a misunderstanding about his new article. Jane next article was a senator who uses fashion as a mean to get attention. This got her some traction, and she was invited to a speaker as part of a panel. She and Pinstripe hook up a few times, and the finally had an orgasm twice the first time. Over the next four episode, Jane is sued for defamation after writing an article about a woman who left her finance job to become a stripper. Jane tells Pinstripes that she loves him while having sex in the bath tub, breaks up with him for not been the type to be in a monogamous relationship. Jane goes on a blind date for an article. Jane learns that she has the same gene that her mother has which makes Jane subsumable to have breast cancer in her life time. Jane and Jacquelin get closer after Jane outburst in front of everyone. 
Kat Edison (Aisha Dee) aka The Persistent
Kat is the Director of social media, and after a board meeting in episode 1, she meets Adena an independent Muslim lesbian artist, who pulled her feature story from the August issue. After meeting her at Adena at the studio, they did not go as Kat had planned because they both misunderstand each other. Nonetheless, Kat is determined to get Adena to agree to let Scarlet run her story. After some time together packing sample dildo to smuggle back into her country she decides to let them run the article. In episode 2 Kat received a message that Adena is being held at the airport by custom for illegal smuggling. Kat asks Jackie for help, and with her help, Adena returns to New York safely. Adena invites Kat her friend to her art show, Kat finds herself questioning her sexual identity as her feelings for Adena continue to grow, and things are further complicated when Kat discovers that Adena has a girlfriend. At work, Kat has become the victim of internet trolling After posting a gender inequality article online. Jacqueline tells Kat that she will have to prevent her to the product to the board and to make sure that she is prepared. Jane and Sutton worries about Kat and the trolls are now sending a death threat, by Kat is optimistic and won’t let them stop her from speak up. On the day of her presentation to the board seconds before she goes in, she received a message from the trolls with a topless photo. This throughs Kat of her game and Kat end up walking out of the board meeting. By episode 4 Kat and Adena are getting closer, Adena asks Kat to write her a letter of recommendation so she can extend her work visa on a Scarlet letter head. Kat is feeling uneasy that Adena is asking her for such a personal favor and she has no idea what to write because she doesn’t know her well enough. Jane and Sutton encourage her Kat to spend time with Adena to find out more about her character. Kat agrees and goes on a walk with Adena, the night was going beautiful but end up with Kat been arrested after an altercation with a man made a racist remark towards Adena. Kat adamantly demands he apologizes to Adena and when he wouldn’t Kat slaps him in the face. The police arrived, but when Kat turns to ask Adena to tell them what happen, she was nowhere to be found. The next day she is bailed out by Jacqueline and confronts Adena for running. Adena tries to explain, but Kat could not see where she was coming from, but after a talk with Jacqueline, Kat had a better understanding of how she and Adena life differs. By the end of the episode, Kat and Adena reunite and share a kiss. Over the next four-episode, Kat breaks up with Adena after making her leave her girlfriend, with the intent to start a relationship with her. Then try to get back together with her after overcoming her fear of being in a relationship and run to Adena house but when to get their Adena discloses that she is leaving for Paris to reconcile with her girlfriend. At work, Kat faces controversy on a social media campaign to free the nipple and to raise breast cancer awareness and testing when Instagram took down her photo. Kat hired her first employed and had to fire her a few day later. Kat and Adena continue to keep in touch while she in Paris and by the end of episode 8 Kat and the girls celebrate Adena return.
Sutton Brady (Meghann Fahy) Aka The Dreamer
Sutton, an assistant at Scarlet magazine but her dream is to be in fashion. Sutton is feeling pressured because she feels left behind as her friends achieve their career goals. Sutton is dating Richard Hunter, a member of the Scarlet board of directors and a lawyer for the magazine's, but she is keeping it a secret from Jane and Kat. After not being able to get in touch with Sutton, Jane and Kat track her phone and discover that she is involved with Richard. In episode 2 Sutton approaches her boss Lauren about the next step in her career, and base on Sutton realistic goal in Lauren's eyes she is supportive of Sutton move. Lauren sets Sutton up with Richard for an informational interview which later leads to a job offer in advertisement sales. However, after receiving the job offer Sutton release that even though the money is much more than she is making as an assistant, her dream is to go into fashion. Sutton turns the job down and goes after her dream job in the fashion department after talking with her friend and Richard. In episode 3 Sutton acts when she overheard Oliver saying that he needs help with a new project juggles preparation for the fashion show, while still being Lauren's assistant. In episode 4 Lauren gives Sutton a recommendation along with another candidate to Oliver, but Oliver mistake Sutton for the candidate with experience. Sutton struggled with whether to tell Oliver that he confused her with the other candidate with the experience, Jane thinks she should come clean, and Kat thinks she should keep it a secret and take the opportunity. Richard was trying to help Sutton by giving her a recommending to Oliver and out Sutton deception in the process. The truth is out, and Oliver is disappointed in Sutton for sharing their work relationship with a lie. After stressing a little Sutton decide that she will not just give up and puts everything she has into making one last impression, which earns her the fashion assistant job. Over the next 4-episodes Sutton receives her contract from Oliver. However, her salary is much lower than she initially expected. After taking to Alex and her BFF’s, she gained some confidence to confront Oliver and asks for some job perks in return for leaving her salary as is for now. Sutton attempts to prove her capabilities in the fashion department by obtaining a $5000 necklace for Oliver. However, she loses the necklace in a cab after running to Janes rescue. Sutton with the help of Alex searches for the necklace, and when they found it, they shared a hug and Richard walked in, on the way back to the office Alex confesses to Sutton that if she were single, he would kiss her. Sutton tries to combine her personal life and social life, but it goes wrong and ends spending most of the night in the bathtub after returning to Richard’s apartment high after a gathering to make a connection in the fashion industry. That evening Kat and Richard also got into over a work situation. After all that happen Sutton makes the difficult decision of breaking up with Richard due to the pressure of keeping their relationship a secret. Lastly, Sutton jumps at the opportunity to runs a photo shoot when Oliver is in Cuba. After not speaking up for herself when Oliver second tries to take credit for the shot Jacquelin give her a talk about never letting some take credit for her work.  
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