#Persephone Singh-Black
punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Pjo x Spiderverse
Afro-caribbean protagonist
New York is A Big Deal
To quote my younger brothers:"REAL HOBIE IS WHAT PERCY COULD'VE BEEN IF RICK WASN'T A PUSSY"/"So Hobie's Percy but jamaican-english.Got it /hj"
Memories is literally Hazel.'My memories came back in the form of someone else,i know this feeling yes,i know this very well,why won't you love me now?(Why won't you love me now?)'/'It's gon' take some gettin' used to,feel the pain when it hits you,don't you ever let them fool you(x2)Cause i know that you said that ain't true,i learned the hard way about trust,about us,about us,you shouldn't be on your high horse,we're not so stable anymore,what's left if i give you my all?(x8)'.Just,the ENTIRE THING is such a Hazel song i'll stop myself now
Peter B and Miguel are like if Apollo and Poseidon were based
Rio is Sally down to looks in addition to personality and place in the story and dosen't Jessica look a lot like how Persephone is often pictured along with her fun mom with a serious side vibes?
Canon events are pretty much prophecies with a different name
Spider Society isn't too much like Camp Half Blood and if i said that's because it's Camp Jupiter?
Nico and Percy have the Miles and Gwen dynamic.Do not throw P*rcico allegations at me because this includes Percy being a trans girl and the list of parallels between them is looooong but to summarize:Nerdy sunshine softboy and older pastel punk girl met at his school she's there for because she's part of the new world he's about to join,they form a connection that leaves them aching for eachother and reunite a year later with one of them showing up at in the other's room while their Mamí's throws a party and they catch up tons as they feed them and that's when their connection is made cosmic with their following adventure,the ghost-coded one is hiding a dad related secret that leads to a 'betrayal' but not really and the other one gets rightfully blows up at them for it and they slowly fix things because they're soulmates by choice in every universe
Margo and Leahbeth is the same on every level and if we go with above,Ghostbyte=Lesbian Percabeth(The only Percabeth that can actually work tbh)
Anya seems to have been made Clarisse-esque and Lyla is pretty much a nymph
Gayatri and Rachel.You guys see it too right
And Jason and Ripeter.Sorry,
As an apology for that,Jason has major Andrew!Peter vibes and Tasm Petergwen reminds me of Jercy
Every character you can think of in either is autistic on some level
Urban fantasy story and superhero story but of the same mold is essentially the thing
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jasminepersephone · 4 years
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     🌙🦋     —     𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄      𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞  &  𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥      ❪    ↷↷     mini role ❫      piazza           principale       22.12.2020  —  #ravenfirerpg
Eclettica era il primo aggettivo che veniva in mente quando si pensava alla veggente dai capelli corvini, eppure grattando la superficie di quella giovane donna, tanti erano gli aggettivi che si potevano trovare per definirla. Forse, la lista era talmente lunga da non riuscire nemmeno ad inquadrarla, ma soprattutto perché farlo? Abbracciare la sua natura di veggente era un qualcosa che le veniva straordinariamente naturale, anche nelle situazioni più complicate eppure, nonostante fosse così tanto quotata nella comunità sovrannaturale per il suo talento, ancora non riusciva a non rabbrividire quando un fantasma le si materializzava accanto. Un brivido, infatti, corse lungo la sua schiena facendole stringere maggiormente i lembi del cappotto color cammello che indossava. L'aria dicembrina era giunta con tutta la sua forza, portando con sé neve e temperature ben più rigide rispetto a quelle che preferiva, ma il sapore natalizio era la parte migliore dell'anno, lo doveva ammettere.
« Quanti anni sono trascorsi ormai, Singh? E ancora ti abbassi a comparire all'improvviso? »
Will Anthony Singh
* Will era una persona, un'entità assai complessa e colma di problemi, dove il più delle volte nemmeno lui si capiva a pieno o comprendeva il perchè compisse determinate azioni o pensieri. Animo tormentato da un passato per niente roseo, strascichi di una vita passata che ancora macchiavano in modo insistente il suo presente, lo rendevano una persona difficilmente da amare o apprezzare, eppure intorno a sè aveva instaurato dei rapporti più o meno positivi, arrivando a sorprenderlo giorno dopo giorno. Spesso li aveva considerati fuori di testa, perchè come potevano anche solo apprezzarlo un minimo? Insomma quando uno descriveva il fantasma la quasi totalità degli aggettivi erano negativi. Will era sempre più confuso verso quel mondo, tanto da aver smesso di porsi certe domande alla ricerca di un senso logico. Era molto abitudinario, perchè darsi un certo ritmo lo faceva sentire più al sicuro dalla sua mente contorta, già costellata da numerosi buchi e mancanze di memoria, eppure il suo vizio di apparire dal nulla ed all'improvviso non lo aveva mai perso. Lo faceva con tutti, in ogni luogo, poco gli importava chi lo potesse vedere. * « Le buone abitudini non vanno dimenticate e tu ancora non hai smesso di rabbrividire di fronte alla mia comparsa. »
Jasmine Persephone A. Harrison
Stuzzicare il prossimo era diventata una delle attività preferite della veggente, soprattutto quando aveva nei paraggi il fantasma. Non era semplice il rapporto che intercorreva tra loro, sapeva che il Singh aveva anche un carattere tutto suo, ma non si poteva dire che i due non fossero buoni amici. Aveva impiegato qualche istante la venere nera per rilassarsi e non riflettere sulle parole della sera precedente di sua nonna. Ancora credeva che tutto fosse impossibile, eppure un tarlo era riuscita a tenerla sveglia tutta la notte. « Spiritoso... » Commentò la veggente con una leggera scrollata di spalle. Farsi prendere in contropiede era una delle poche cose che permetteva al fantasma, soprattutto perché per alcuna ragione al mondo lo avrebbe permesso a chiunque altro. « Diciamo che mi hai preso in contro piede... Come stai? Sono settimane che non ti fai vedere, ho perfino pensato che avessi potuto trovare una masione reale rispetto a quella di spaventare la gente. »
Will Anthony Singh
* Non scherzava spesso Will, anzi il più delle volte le frasi che diceva e che potevano sembrare ironiche o scherzose erano in realtà pronunciate con serietà e credeva vivamente a quanto detto. Era difficile comprenderlo, anche di più conviverci, sapeva di essere strano, particolare e complesso, lui stesso trovava numerosi scogli nell'intento di capirsi e non si aspettava che gli altri si adoperassero tanto per farlo. La maggior parte dei suoi rapporti avevano tanti alti e bassi, ma nonostante ciò, le persone più tenaci che andavano oltre quell'apparenza iniziale, riuscivano ad averci un rapporto più sereno e di amicizia, come nel caso di Jasmine, una veggente tanto ostinata e particolare da gradire la presenza di un fantasma con il Singh. * « Io sto come sempre, in bilico tra la voglia di finirla e di trovare qualche stimolo interessante a questa insulsa esistenza. Quindi tutto nella norma. Tu, invece? » * Frasi strane, criptiche ed a volte al limite, questo era Will quando apriva la bocca, anche se spesso si poteva sentire che provenisse da anni diversi dai loro, che nonostante l'aspetto da adolescente dentro di sè vi era un anima che aveva molti più decenni. * « Sai quanto non mi piaccia avere a che fare con le persone, specie se stupide ed ultimamente ne ho incontrate fin troppe. Ci sono poi stati problemi insoliti a cui sto facendo fronte. »
Jasmine Persephone A. Harrison
Diverse erano le sfaccettature che animavano il carattere controverso della veggente, ma una caratteristica fra tutte sembrava sempre spiccare in lei, ovvero la determinazione. Spesso giudicata ostinata sapeva il fatto proprio, era assolutamente consapevole delle sue abilità e difficilmente permetteva ad un semplice no di fermarsi, ecco perché Jasmine e Will erano diventati amici. Il più delle volte la venere nera appariva scostante, con risposte che potevano perfino far storcere il naso al proprio interlocutore, ma la verità era che anche il fantasma non era da meno. « Uhm, deve una ricerca piuttosto ardua, eh? » Commentò strizzandogli l'occhiolino prima di ridacchiare tra sé e sé. Dovette poi stringersi nelle spalle per ripararsi dal freddo pungente dell'inverno prima di emettere un lungo sospiro che si trasformò in una nuvola di condensa. « Quali problemi insoliti? So che la festa di Halloween è stata... Beh, non è decisamente riuscita. Tu stai bene? Ho sentito dire che le conseguenze sono state piuttosto forti, soprattutto in termini di vittime. »
Will Anthony Singh
« Se mi mettevo a scavare alla ricerca del petrolio sicuramente l'avrei trovato in confronto al resto, quindi sì, direi abbastanza ardua e lunga. » * Questo Will lo sapeva piuttosto bene, era da una vita che era alla ricerca di qualche stimolo, alla ricerca di sensazioni quantomeno positive e se a volte con Fredrick e Bridget riusciva a trovarle, la pace era ben lontana dal fantasma, perennemente tormentato da un passato che ancora in parte gli era oscuro. * « Quella festa è stato un disastro, ecco perchè continuo a sostenere che non debbano essere fatte, ma la movida vince perfino sul rischio mortale. Io sto come sempre, non mi sono fatto nulla, insomma la mia natura me lo impedisce anche volendo. Non mi importano delle conseguenze altrui, di sconosciuti he non so nemmeno che facciano abbia, ma da quel che ho capito nessuno è morto, ma qualcuno ci è andato invece abbastanza vicino. » * Suo fratello era stato uno di quelli che aveva rischiato maggiormente ed ancora era vivida l'immagine del minore a terra, in fin di vita a causa del sorbo e del sangue che sgorgava dalle sue ferite senza poterle rimarginare e Will bloccato nel limbo senza poter far nulla se non assistere inerme alla scena. *
Jasmine Persephone A. Harrison
Non partecipare alla festa di Halloween era stata una manna dal cielo per la veggente, che al momento aveva beh i suoi pensieri da gestire. Sapeva però che le conseguenze non erano state semplici, per nessuno degli essere sovrannaturali e non che erano presenti alla festa. Le voci erano girate in fretta, i più cercano disperatamente un colpevole, eppure il discorso era molto più ampio di così. Ascoltò con attenzione le parole dell'amico, il suo solito cinismo non era nulla di nuovo per la veggente, ma si chiese comunque che cosa successe realmente quella notte. « Il solito cinico egoista, eh? Ed io che pensavo che sapessi ancora divertirti... » Commentò la venere nera scuotendo appena il capo. Era affascinata il più delle volte dalla mente del fantasma che appariva il più delle volte fuori dagli schemi con i suoi atteggiamenti, ma era ciò che portava con sé a far sì che Jasmine si chiedesse che cosa nascondesse ancora. V'era un mondo nella mente del Singh, lo sapeva, e prima o poi l'avrebbe scoperto. « In molti ne parlano... Ciò che mi preoccupa però, è che possa accadere ancora. » L'idea che potesse ripetersi un evento come quello non era da sottovalutare, eppure si diceva che non potesse cadere un fulmine nello stesso punto, no? Ancora immersa nei propri pensieri, diede voce ai più strani continuando a scambiarsi frecciatine con il fantasma.
❪ 𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒍𝒆. ❫
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medalloway-blog · 3 years
Sirius x OC fanfics
This is a list with my fav fanfics with Sirius and Original female characters - all multichapters fanfictions. 
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Why So Sirius? by gryffindorcutie | Complete (18 Chapters) | Sirius Black x  Ariel Prewitt | Sirius Black is five years into his life sentence at Azkaban Asylum when the Wizengamot decides to revisit his case with a hearing.Ariel Prewitt is a jaded reporter for the Daily Prophet who is dying for something exciting to shake up her boring routine. The universe answers her drunken prayers when she is given the interview opportunity of a lifetime. | A very, very favourite one! Very smutty, yes, but with a sweet and loving plot. It’s alternate universe and Sirius has a happy ending in this one.
War Of Attrition by siriusblackfoot | Incomplete (6 Chapters) | Sirius Black x Devin (Muggle) | London, 1980. Sirius Black is on the front lines of the First Wizarding War as Voldemort's army threatens everything he holds dear. The Order is struggling to stay afloat. Friends are starting to look like enemies, and enemies are starting to look like friends.What a horribly inconvenient time to fall in love. | This fanfiction has so much potential, I really hope @siriusblackfoot will finish it one day. The few released chapters are thrilling! 
Stray by Molly Raesly | Complete (16 Chapters) | Sirius Black x Eliza Boyd (Muggle) |  Sirius Black's motorbike fails in the middle of a torrential downpour, and he seeks shelter in a rundown diner. While at first he just returns to fix his bike, the young muggle waitress might be another reason to stay for some pie. | This is a cute, comforting fanfic, I quite like it. In my mind, I always had the belief Sirius would fall in love with a Muggle.
Snuffles by Mish123 | Complete (18 Chapters) | Older Sirius Black x Dove Alby | Dove works at The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. Little did she know, feeding the town’s stray dog would put her down a dangerous path. | Really like this one, funny, fluff and smutty. Enjoy!
Pureblood by @twoidiotwriters1 | Ongoing (Book Two) - Book One finished (41 Chapters) | Sirius Black x Persephone Singh | The Singh family has lived in the British wizarding world for several decades. Their policy of purebloods has prevailed along with their hatred for muggles.This ideology is shared by many families, but especially with the Malfoys and the Blacks. All the wizarding world knew who these families were, and they were respected and admired, even feared.The last Singh generation was conformed by Ares Singh II, his wife Amelia, and their five children: Apollo, Isis, Juno, Balder, and Persephone. As expected, this family attended Hogwarts and they all have been part of either Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Their pride is lasting, and the adults make sure to inculcate all traditions to their children.But their story will soon be threatened by the changes that the youngest Singh is trying to accomplish. And it all starts when she and her best friend Sirius Black begin their first year at Hogwarts in 1971. | I am still in the first chapters of Book One, but so far, so good, I am totally hooked.
The Rosier Runaway: A Sirius Black Love Story by kittythebutterfly | Ongoing (8 Chapters) | Sirius Black x Florence Rosier |  A Marauders Era Hogwarts story, that explores the darker side of the wizarding world, and follows two young people that reject their family's involvement in the increasingly popular dark magic group, the Death Eaters. Instead, they join their friends to protect the wizarding world, and turn to each other for support in finding the courage needed, and help with rejecting their family's expectations.
1976 by ASomewhatCuriousInvitation | Ongoing (13 Chapters) | Sirius Black x Lara Love | Life had been somewhat simple for Sirius Black and Lara Love. Hogwarts in the 1970's had been their arena, and they were the champions. Separate champions, of course. Content to ignore each other as worthy opponents often do in the face of certain defeat. That is, until a chance encounter in the summer of 1976 opened their worlds to the poignant possibility of each other. It was from then, along with the changing seasons, that something began brewing between their stolen glances and stifled thoughts that risked everything: their bodies, their sanities, their hearts. OR, in which two stubborn and secretly broken teens try to deny their feelings but fall in love anyway. It would have been easier to single-handedly take on the giant squid.
How to tame a Marauder by melian225 | Complete (60 Chapters) | Sirius Black x Laura Cauldwell | This fanfic is structured as a coming-of-age story rather than a traditional romance, and covers the last three years of the Marauders' schooling. |  Suggested by a reader and I’ll soon start reading it (added to the list 12th April 2021)
For the Greater Good by thesearethebadlands | Incomplete (7 chapters) | Sirius Black x Nora Selwyn | Even though it’s incomplete the written plot is totally worth it. Nora Selwyn disappeared from the Wizarding world fifteen years ago with a heavy heart and a warrant out for her arrest. She hid in the Muggle world to avoid facing the consequences of being a Death Eater and betraying those closest to her, including one Sirius Black. But when the Dark Lord rises again, she must choose between her shadowy past and a new start with the Order.
Let me know if you have any other suggestions to add to this list.
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Αιώνια αγάπη (DT AU), pt. 12
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12: Once a god falls from grace
Summary: Apollo and Hermes work on their plan to take vengeance against the gods, but a lapse in judgement will condemn them both. More than one reunion will come their way unexpectedly.
Warnings: angst, mentions of sexual abuse, murder
Word count: 3.2k
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Special thanks to @godlydolans for being in the story as Yashi Singh!
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Αιώνια αγάπη (DT Modern Greek god/frat! AU) MASTERLIST    
 ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
One year later ~ Mount Olympus
"Bring. Him. In." Zeus spoke through gritted teeth, the thunder rumbling and echoing thought the halls.
All around, the gods have gathered to bear witness to what may very well be unheard of in their ranks. Each of them wear a shocked look on their faces, some of them disgust and others anger as well. None of them truly care for the victim, not anyone but two individuals who stood by the throne, both saddened and furious, demanding retribution for their pain.
Only a moment after, a portal opens, the white lights dancing as a guard steps through, another one following, both of them holding tightly onto a muscled arm as they pull the offender through the portal and throw him forward, down on his knees.
Shaking slightly, the prisoner looks up, his defiance still clear to any who cared to glance his way, the position he's locked in unnerving him, but there are no signs of any regret on his face.
Hair tousled into a perfect mess even now, even when his life hangs in the balance. His eyes are dark, like the moon eclipsed and snuffed out any light inside. His chiselled face is bloodied and bruised, darkened by the dirt of the holding room. The only clear sign of his identity are his skull pendant on the gold chain around his waist and the messenger wings he slowly grew out over the past year he's been home.
"What have you say for yourself, boy?!" Zeus raises his voice, his brown orbs sparking blue as his heartbreak is abundantly clear.
"What possessed you to kill a god? The ruler of the underworld? Your uncle?!" Zeus stepped closer, the bolt of lighting in his hand nearly hitting Hermes as his father fought the restrain Poseidon provided for him. His other uncle, the supposedly kind one...the rapist as Hermes saw him. Just as his father is.
"Someone had to be god enough to protect Persephone from him. You obviously weren't." Hermes spat, his bloody spit tainting the purity of marble stone before him.
Poseidon stepped forward, his black curls a mess as he obviously pulled at the ends, his stormy blue eyes enchanting to any man or woman who glimpses them, even for a moment. His beard trimmed, he looked comely as ever. His body is what poets write about, his white - human shirt fitting him perfectly.
But his eyes didn't enchant Hermes as he glared his way, the blue skies turning into flames as their gazes met.
"I say we kill him. He's had no trouble dealing out his own punishment. Let him taste the nothingness death provides." Disgusted, Poseidon turns around to the rest of the gods, his arms open as he gestures - such a politically charged individual, Hermes thought. Befitting someone like him, for he did crave the seat Zeus held for so long. But then again, his proposal had showed his violent, ill tempered tendencies are still at large. He could never pace himself.
"Rip him to pieces or perhaps punish him as we did Prometheus. He gets his liver eaten by eagles every day for an eternity, chained to a rock as the stink of his own rotting flesh hits him over and over again in the scorching heat. Something like that?" Poseidon lets a smile slip, his words vicious as is his character. Such beauty on the outside, but a venomous snake on the inside.
"Or you can recognize you've made a mistake by not eliminating Hades in the first place and give Hermes the Underworld as he deserved it. He did what none of you could. He saved Persephone!" Apollo steps in from the shadows, unable to watch his brother be scrutinized by the rest of them. Everyone thinks they're better than he is, but they are silent partners to each other's crimes. Rarely anyone had ever been punished as severely as he and his brother were.
Or so he thought. The year he spent on Mount Olympus has been quite illuminating.
A year ago ~ Mount Olympus
"SHE'S GOT KIDS! Bro!" Hermes falls straight to his ass, ignoring the searing pain spreading up his spine as result. He felt his lungs collapse, the breath trapped inside, unable to come out as he chokes on his own spit and clutches his chest.
"Bro, I'm having a heart attack! Can gods have heart attacks?!" Hermes proceeds to panic while Apollo stands with his eyes on his little window to Earth, rattled to the core and itching to scream at the top of his lungs. But nothing came out. Not a single sound, let alone a scream. It felt like his skin is crawling and his heart is tearing itself to pieces like it's made of paper.
"Three years?! One of us has two beautiful little kids with the most amazing human being that has ever walked the Earth and she has spent the past three years alone?!" Gasping for air, Hermes felt his wits fade away, desperation taking root right next to the tree of love that grew for Y/N and blossomed in every weather - cold or not.
"What do we do? I can't let my kids grow up without a dad." Hermes' little whine is what sets Apollo off, giving him the strength to speak.
"THOSE COULD BE MY KIDS TOO!" Speak? Well, more like screamed until the heavens shook at the might of his emotions. Apollo felt faint, as if his body is drained of blood and he is nothing but a lifeless corpse whose soul remained on Earth and split into three pieces - one for each of the kids and one for Y/N...the only woman he ever loved. Unlike Hermes, he never felt anything for any woman ever since he was created. He wasn't impressed by the lavish beauties of any dimension. Until she came to his life and to live without Y/N felt like the greatest punishment of all.
And that's when he realized it.
"This is a part of our punishment. Even if only one returned, the other would be a consolation prize. Living life with knowledge you just weren't good enough, waiting to die a mortal death. The other would remain up here, watching life unfold and suffering as the only two people in his life moved on. But this? This is genius! We both lose her! Neither of us meet our children and we watch them all until they've gone...Hecate's line continues, but we hate ourselves until the end of time, eventually forcing us to part ways as well." Apollo shakes his head, giggling.
"You will go down to the Underworld brother and you will kill Hades once I send word. Our sister will be free of the monster. And I...I'll get support up here. I find gods who will stand with us to take down Zeus and Poseidon as well and take the reigns once more. We will see Y/N again. I promise you that."
And in that moment, the brothers shared an understanding. They both had their roles to play, duties to fulfill and tasks to accomplish if they ever had any hope of meeting with their love ever again. Spelling the globe, Apollo gave his brother a small piece he could use to not only contact him, but to see Y/N and the kids again. He felt the pain Hermes bore for he lived with it too. He couldn't deny his brother a small kindness as such.
Apollo worked tirelessly, speaking to every god or goddess he believed would stand for him, revealing new truths as time went on.
"May I please have a word with you, sister?" Apollo's first stop was his twin sister, Artemis. The goddess of hunt and the moon, the eternal virgin or as she called herself - pure. She was the other part of his soul, one they shared in the womb - his older sister and his protector who helped him come into the world. She was his favorite sister at that.
"Speak, my dear brother. You always have my ear." She smiled fondly, pushing back her long blonde hair. It's unusual for her to have her hair down as she usually has it pinned up in a bun, her dark brown eyes soft as she looked at her twin with love. Artemis always had a weak spot for her brother, especially grateful for his assistance when Orion decided to try and take her virginity against her will. She was never more happy to have taught him archery than in that moment.
"Can you promise me your silence as well?" Raising her brow, Artemis then frowned and set her lips in a thin line as she leaned in and gazed at her brother favorably.
"Always." After finding out the torture her brother went through, agreeing on his quest to take Mount Olympus back, she was prepared to hunt - but not animals this time. After all, her father and uncles have long forsaken the values a god should pertain, not only allowing horrid things happen to women around them, but doing them themselves.
His next stop was the woman who gave him life, Hera, the goddess of marriage. Apollo could see his mother is unhappy, chained to the monster his father became, the animal she could never escape.
Her long blonde hair fell across her shoulder-blades, curls styled to perfection to make her life seem better than it is. Her eyes are lighter, a deep green that neither Hermes or Artemis possess, but neither did he. They inherited their father's dark looks, while Artemis had the luck of only having his eyes. The rest of her was all Hera. Athena had the same fortune, while Persephone and Aphrodite were lucky to be like Hera entirely.
"I knew you'd find me here." She spoke carefully, each word pronounced slowly and correctly. She turned her body slightly, angling her head until she could look at her son with precision a laser couldn't match.
"You've changed a lot over the centuries. I can see you've grown, my son." She offers him a smile, outstretching her arm. With a flick of her delicate wrist, she called him over to stand beside her, watching the landscape of a garden she designed herself. It's breathtaking, true, but it's also a lie. Just another way for her to escape the reality of her nightmare.
"And I see you've grown more fearful." Apollo sighs, noticing his mother inhale sharply at the disappointed tone her son used with her.
"I know what you're planning to do." Whispering, Hera slid her hand in her son's large hand, her own shaking.
"And I want to help."
It didn't take much to talk his mother into it, not at all. He didn't bother asking how she knew about his plans, but he felt at ease with the knowledge he had someone else with him.
"She's lovely. The kids too." But it didn't take much for Apollo to break down and fall to his knees, hugging his mother's waist as he laid his head on her stomach.
Hera agreed to talk to some of the gods herself, leaving Apollo with the task of convincing Athena, the most logical and wise of them all to take a stand too -  the goddess of war and wisdom. If you need anyone on your side, it's her.
"And why would I help?" She pursed her lips, walking around Apollo who was at his wits end. He wanted to attack as soon as possible because every moment spent talking was another moment he lost with Y/N and the kids he was certain were of his blood.
"Because each of them sinned against you. Poseidon the most." Apollo was reaching, bringing up ancient history.
"I've dealt with that...incident." Athena glides a hand over he tight, brown haired bun, straightening her dress right after. Apollo knew he hit the mark.
"Did you? Because you turned your most loyal servant into a monster because she was raped by your uncle in your temple?" Apollo couldn't hide his disdain for the action for he could never understand why Athena would punish the poor woman for Poseidon's lack of morals and kindness.
"I had to!" Athena swiftly turned around, facing Apollo with a pulsating vein appearing on her forehead. He definitely struck a nerve.
"I couldn't do anything to punish him for defiling her and the sacred temple! The punishment is death, Apollo! I couldn't kill her for a sin she didn't commit! I certainly had no power to harm him. I could only turn her into Medusa, send her to exile and hope the snakes on her head protect her where I failed! They were supposed to protect her from vile men like our father and uncles!" Athena screamed, her throat raw as she rehashed her greatest failure.
"And I will help. I want to be there when the bastards draw their last breaths."
While his plan worked, it took him almost a year to gather any influence on Mount Olympus. He spent his time watching over Y/N and planning.
Hermes wasn't as patient.
He played his part of a dutiful god, helping souls cross over and placing them where they belonged. He tortured those who deserved it, smiled at his uncle as if he meant it, only to picture tearing him limb by limb once he turned his back on him.
Hades was always grim, striking fear in everyone. His long black hair left him looking unkempt, even though each strand was cleaned and combed by Persephone herself. His solemn, mournful look never quite disappeared, the pain of knowing Persephone wasn't with him by choice haunting him, even now. His blue eyes resembled the skies after rainfall, shimmers of happy under the terrible sadness. His beard is long, but very well maintained, not reaching too far from the chin. He still looked as a middle aged human, despite centuries of being alive, just as his father and uncle Poseidon did. Gods do age, but the process is so slow they might as well be immortal.
Managing to speak to his young sister, Hermes found little comfort in the lack of any action on his part. She didn't seem to mind her position much anymore. In fact, it looked like she's embraced her fate.
"I've come to respect my husband. Even care for him sometimes." She told him in confidence, sighing deeply right after as she trained her eyes to the ground, hiding her face from her brother. She meant it though. Hades wasn't horrible to her, rather a very agreeable. He gave her anything she asked of him, but it drained her to be trapped in literal hell. She's a goddess that represents spring but lives in eternal darkness.
"Don't you want more? To go home? Be free of the constant sound of screaming in the back of your mind?!" Hermes insisted, taking both her hands in his right one, his left cupping her cheek as he saw her lips tremble.
"Of course I do. But it can never be."
Hermes made her a promise to rescue her all those centuries ago, but he failed. Completely and utterly failed his sister and he never forgot that. The sting of her misery never left him and he wasn't going to fail her again. One pomegranate seed eaten an eternity ago shouldn't define her entire existence. In hindsight he should have warned her eating anything Hades offers her would tie her to the Underworld for good. He won't make the same mistake twice.
However, with each passing day, Hermes grew more bitter and unsteady, finding his fantasies of killing his uncle harder to keep at bay. The worst of it came whenever he'd see Y/N and his children, especially if he was mentioned or if his love shed a tear. He longed to be beside her, have an arm around her when she cried. Hell, she'd never cry if he was with her. He'd make sure she never does.
A year passed and all he got from his brother was reassurement things are going according to plan. But he wasn't in the Underworld, forced to be the worst version of himself. Inside the darkness, he let his hatred bloom until it took over. In his wrath, Hermes used dark magic, enchanting his golden chain that laid across his hips. Magic he used was draining, but effective, for when he wrapped the chain around Hades' neck, it burned his skin and pressed deeper every time the god tried to fight his death. However, he didn't fight for long, rather allowed Hermes to exact his revenge, welcoming death as an old friend rather than an enemy.
Present time ~ Mount Olympus
"There should be a trial." Athena stepped forth, her wisdom always appreciated as Zeus instantly nodded, agreeing.
"In all the time he's been alive, Apollo, Persephone, Hecate, Yashi Singh and Y/N Y/L/N have been the most relevant to his character." Zeus mentioning Hecate had Hermes and Apollo's hearts nearly stopping, but the mention of Y/N completely terrified them.
Apollo wanted nothing more than to add onto his brother's misery by kicking him while he's down for doing something so stupid when his plans would come to in less than a month. He wanted to tear the heavens apart because Y/N would be dragged into this mess and all because a his brother couldn't control his impulses.
Clapping his hands together, Zeus effectively brought Yashi to stand to Hermes' left, Hecate to his right. He turned his head in denial from left to right, watching two of his paramores glare him down, but Apollo's hands grabbing him to face forward is what stopped the very breath in his throat.
Y/N stood before them all, confused and terrified as she looked around, two little humans holding onto her legs, each claiming one as their prize possession. She paled, tucking her hair behind her ears before bending down ever so slightly, her hands each situated at the back of her children's backs.
That's when she truly notices not only Ethan on his knees, looking like he's a step away from imminent death, but Grayson who looks like he's about to pass out. However, seeing Hecate is when she feels panic spreading through her veins, clouding her judgement.
She's older, fresh out of college. She was supposed to start a new job, move back home so the kids have a good place to grow up in and now she's either completely mad or she's standing in Mount Olympus, something terrible looming over her head.
That's when Zeus spoke, not allowing Y/N to even come closer to her once upon a time, to even touch them.
"You are all here to bear witness what happens when a god falls from grace."
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Tags: @mutuallynotmutual @lanadeldolans @xalayx @accalialionheart @gia-kerks @historyheart  @heyits-claire @daddygraysonsbitch @fallinginlove-16  @lanadeldolans @beautifulfound @thearachna-kid  @dinnerwiththedolans  @graydolan12 @justanotherfangurl272 @dxlansfxck  @godlydolans @flowery-dolan @dominatedolans @buckysjuicyplums @ethanhes @dolandolll @dolanstwintuesday
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coppercrane2 · 4 years
cute asks! 8,12, 16, 21, 59, 87, and 99
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
ficficficficficficficficficficfic (i have not other means of emoting). 
12: what’s your favourite planet?
One of my favourite characters of all time is Hino Rei, take a wild guess. (It’s actually Jupiter, lol, because of all the cool moons). 
16: what’s your favourite pasta dish?
A very specific bolognaise family recipe (or mac and cheese. I could drown happy in mac and cheese). 
21: talk about your favourite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces
i hate to admit it because it’s not one of my prettiest bags, but I have a medium sized black kipling that has been with me through the wars. I own so many pretty bags, but for sheer convenience and portability, this is the one that’s - literally - travelled the world with me.  
59: what’s your favourite myth?
the one where i’m a productive human being.
Lol, jokes. It’s actually the one about Hades and Persephone. Although really I can’t ever not love a good myth. 
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
Oooh, good question. Aside from the obvious ones (Star Wars, LotR, Rocky, Terminator, The Breakfast Club, Ms Congeniality, Die Hard, The Vengeance Trilogy, Some Like It Hot, anything Ghibli, Disney, and about a million more...)
- The Fall (Tarsem Singh’s movie, not the British TV show)
- In The Mood For Love
- Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge
- The Painted Veil
- Let The Right One In
I have so many more... too many. 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
This one. Without question. On so many levels. 
Thank you, vee! This was so much fun! 
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tmbacorbett · 6 years
Author Interview: Renegade by Sharonlee Holder
Title: Renegade
Author: Sharonlee Holder
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Changing Tides Publishing
Publication Date: May 28th, 2018
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Reviews & PR
In the ongoing war between the Fates and the resistance, Colin Murphy, bastard son of Hades finds himself caught between his loyalty to Eros and a past intent on destroying him.
Pursued by Persephone’s bounty hunters with a pissed-off daemon to contend with, there is one thing that Murphy knows for sure – Hailey, the human he now shares his mind and body with, is the innocent in all of it. She is a firefly flickering in the darkness of his black existence and he will do anything to protect her light.
Groomed to be a socialite with a conscience and with her future mapped out for her, nothing could have prepared Hailey for the rude ending to life as she knew it. Or, for that matter, the impact of living in such close, intimate confines with a forsaken son of hell. He’s powerful, dangerous and her only hope of escaping the dark forces after her.
Boundaries will be tested, loyalties questioned, and hearts pushed to the limits in this action-packed paranormal romance that continues the epic Blood of the Custodians saga by Sharonlee Holder.
   1. What types of books do you enjoy in your downtime? These days, I don’t get a lot of time to read but when I do its’ usually along the lines of JR Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood (The woman is a freaking PNR legend!), Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunters, Jessie Donovan’s Stonefire and Lochguard dragons, Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunters (I’ve only just started reading her). On my TBR list: Gena Showalter’s, Lords of The Underworld. Currently reading: New-to-me author Amanda Hocking’s, The Heart and The Blade. 2. What sort of research did you do to write this book? Oh my. What research didn’t I do? LOL. Seriously though, aside from the usual fact checking with regards to the doings and the screwings of the Greek gods, writing Renegade took me down pathways that three years ago I never would have imagined I would go. And I loved every darn minute of it. A few of the topics covered: * How long does it take to dig a grave by hand? Answer: Far longer than I thought it would and way longer than the character had time to waste ;) * The Kempton Park hospital - a creepy abandoned hospital 12km down the road from me that holds the dubious honour of being one of the top ten haunted places in South Africa. I had so much fun putting my own BoTC spin on that whole affair. Spoiler alert: BOOM! Mwahaha. * Crucifixion – An awfully barbaric way to die if you’re mortal. A heinous torture if you’re an immortal. * Coma awareness - A subject so fascinating that I fell down a rabbit hole and only emerged hours later. * Special forces - in the form of tactical extraction teams that had me wanting to re-watch S.W.A.T. starring the delicious Colin Farrell. * Night vision goggles and hand grenades * Sign language - This is something I’ve always wanted to learn and is firmly on my To Do list. What a lovely dance of hands <3 * The Chicago Bean - to double check my memory. Having had the opportunity to visit the Windy City, I was thrilled to no end to be able to draw on my wintery experience there. I even got to include a quaint little house that I encountered just off Millennium Mile. 3. What are you working on now? Any chance of a sequel? Oh, very definitely! Book 3, tentatively entitled Resonance is already on the go. I have, however, set it aside for just a teensy bit to put together the first in a series of short story/novellas set in the BoTC world that will weave in and out of the main books bridging them together. More than that I can’t tell you, but I do hope you’re all going to enjoy the bite sized fun while I’m working on Resonance. 4. What started you on the path to writing for a living? To be perfectly honest, it never occurred to me that I might be able to make a living out of the stuff that goes on in my head. However, I have always loved to tell stories - whether that was making up bedtime stories for my girls as they were growing up or the ten years having fun online with a bunch of folk from around the world writing collaborative fan fiction set in Anne MacCaffrey’s world of dragonriders. The need to write and explore the human condition has always fascinated me. 5. How did you break into the publishing world? MAGIC!! Kidding. It goes more like this: Four years of participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) hammering away at the same Terrible-Awful-No-Good book. Ended when a close friend and fellow writer challenged me to set it aside, start a new project and participate in the April Camp Nano of 2016. I didn’t want to, I whined, and made up a hundred excuses as to why I couldn’t and why, if I just gave the Terrible-Awful-No-Good book a little more time it would magically fall into place. Flog, meet dead horse. By April 1st, day one of Camp Nano, I still had no idea what I was going to write about and tried to hide from the fact by re-watching Immortals starring the delicious Henry Cavill. (Side note: He became the image in my head of Eros/Ross in Resurgence ;) ) Thank the writing gods for that particular bit of procrastination. By the time the credits were rolling my mind was swimming with ‘What Ifs’ and ‘Whys’ of where the gods of Greek and Roman times had gone. Why did they suddenly disappear from the radar? Where have they been for the past one thousand years or so? What if they still exist and live among us? And if so, what are they up to? One thing led to another, and before I knew it, April had sped by, and I’d met my Camp Nano target. However, the story wasn’t finished, and the characters wouldn’t shut up until it was. Such a refreshing relief after the battle with the Terrible-Awful-No-Good book. Three months and ninety-seven thousand words later what was meant to be a bit of fun and a standalone novel had taken on a life of its own and exploded into this massive world in my head with larger-than-life characters all clamouring to have their say. But what to do now? How does a former ex-volunteer firefighter/cross stitch designer/ SAHM, nuttier than a fruitcake with an irreverent sense of humour cross what seemed like an enormous divide and reach out to people in the magical world of publishing? Intro ROSA, the South African equivalent of the RWA, found while I was searching online for a writing group in my area that I might join. What a godsend! And hey, maybe the writing ‘gods’ sent me in their direction. Who knows? I have not only found my tribe but at my very first conference in September of 2016, was afforded the nerve-wracking opportunity to pitch via Skype to two top New York agents and a British acquisitions editor. Even more surprising to me, they liked my pitch and asked for partials. I didn’t land an agent. Neither did I land a contract with the acquisitions editor. But, I did get the most fantastic feedback, encouraging me to keep shopping Resurgence around. Three rejection letters later, and a bucketload of optimism, my offer to publish with Changing Tides landed in my inbox. It was then that I first time dared to entertain the possibility of making a living doing what I love most – telling stories. 6. What are the upsides and downsides to being an author? Picture a roller coaster. One of those sprawling, gravity-defying constructions that do the crazy loop-di-loops steal your stomach from your body and leave you breathless with excitement, dread and anticipation. You know the ones, right? Yup. It’s something like that. As you buckle yourself in and pull the safety rail down, you’ve convinced yourself that you can do this! No sweat. All you gotta do is breath. Clink, clink, clink. The coaster car pulls away from the boarding station. Slow at first, it inches up a steep incline of learning. Continuity edits. Line edits. Beautiful artistic representation of your book baby. Pre-release marketing. Release day posts. Networking. Social media. No, no, no. Wait! I can’t do this! I hate heights. It’s all too much. Let me off! Some twisted part of you then prompts you to peer over the side. Far, far down below is the safety of the ground where people reduced to the size of ants have their feet solidly planted on terra firma. Ho.Lee.Hamburgers! That’s a loooong way down. The kind of dizzying height that will ensure a juicy splat at the end of the fall. Nope. Not gonna think about that. Just gonna focus on the horizon and put my trust in the structural integrity of a gazillion pieces of steel, bolts and nuts. It’ll be fine! WHOOSH!! Release day! Shrieks of terror - mostly yours. Squeals of glee – that of the veterans who have done this all before. The wind whipping tears from your eyes. Holding your breath. Losing your breath. Counting the seconds to the next stretch of relative quiet where you if you didn’t have it before, you suddenly find religion. LOOP-DI-LOOP!! Big-hearted bloggers share the exciting news. Reviews start to come in. Dizzying. Exhilarating. Dare I say…fun? You start to relax. Laugh nervously at yourself. Grin like a loon at those sharing the coaster car with you. A fraternity formed around a shared experience. And then, you write the next book and do it all over again. This time you’re offering high-fives to your coaster car companions. This time you’re the one offering a hand to the first-timer. Encouraging them to breathe. Reassuring. Reminding them (and yourself) that they are not alone in this upside-down thing we call publishing. They are part of… A tribe.
South African, born and bred, Sharonlee Holder lives in one of the outer suburbs of Johannesburg in Gauteng, South Africa.
Life is a happy and creative jumble of a husband, three grown daughters, one super cute grand-daughter, three dogs, a cat, and a mouthy African Grey parrot.
Endless hours at the keyboard are supported by copious amounts of frothy coffee and ‘What ifs?’. Writing breaks are a blend of the big outdoors astride a motorbike, reading or watching anything.
Author Links:
Web: www.sharonleeholder.com
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2rUxouJ
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16950670.Sharonlee_Holder
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsharonleeholder/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SharonleeHolder
Instagram: www.instagram.com/sharonleeholderauthor
Pinterest: https://za.pinterest.com/sharonleeholder
Blog: www.thescribblespot.wordpress.com
Buy Link:
Resurgence (Free): http://amzn.to/2sJl82Z
Renegade: https://amzn.to/2GQsaH5
Chapter 15
Murphy didn’t bother with the door. He came straight through the hearth, travelling through the fiery elements of his heritage. Mayhem was close. Writhing beneath the surface, tearing at the restraints, howling to be set free.
Clamping down on his base self, he swept the small front room of his mind, a red haze gathered behind his eyes and found …
“You’re making a mess,” said the toffee-eyed temptress with hands on her curvy hips and chin jutted at the coals littering the stone flooring.
Murphy glanced down and began to toe aside embers. Wait a fecking minute! This was his house–so to speak.
Growling, he took a step forward. “Where is she?”
Hailey–goddamn her–stood her ground, threw her shoulders back, maximising the swell of luscious breasts, and arched a slender eyebrow. “I’m not sure how things work where you come from, but where I come from, you catch more bees with honey,” she stated with all the hauteur of a tiny hive queen.
No. Not gonna happen. She’d tricked him once, and that was shame on her. He wasn’t about to give her another opportunity to force the fool’s hat onto his head. For all he knew, she was working with Valazhor. Come to think of it …
“What did she offer you?” he asked.
Candy apple lips parted then snapped shut again, a believable impression of affront arranged across her features. “Excuse me?”
She wanted to play it the hard way, did she?
Dainty hands dropped from her hips and tucked into the crooks of her arms when she crossed them under her breasts. Carnal desire hijacked the moment and served up a confused reminder of plush curves undulating against him, open-mouthed kisses along his neck…
“You heard me,” he growled, cursing the throaty throb in his voice. “What was to be your reward for distracting me so that the Medusan hybrid could get close enough to deliver Persephone’s message?”
Anger ignited in her eyes, flaming cognac over toffee, the scent of burnt caramel licking the air. “I don’t appreciate what you’re implying.”
Anger he could do. Anger was safer. Way safer than the alternative.
Closing the gap, Murphy crowded in, using his size to dominate. Again, she refused to back down and craned her head all the way back, daggers in her eyes. Dynamite, as the saying goes, comes in small packages. The masochist in him toyed with the ignition switch.
Lowering his head, he said in her ear, “I’m only going to ask one more time so think carefully before you answer.” This close, her scent was richer, more exotic. Harder to ignore. “What was the deal Valazhor made with you?”
She didn’t move, though her breathing became shallower. “Or what?” Hailey murmured. “You’ll lock me in my room?” She turned her head toward him, her lips millimetres from his, candy scent invading his nostrils.
His mouth watered, and the base of his spine knotted with need. It took greater effort than he wanted to admit to make his brainbox line up the threat he had ready. “Or, I’ll save myself a whole lot of fecking trouble and give you to Persephone myself.”
Thick black lashes, swept upward, revealed the brandy fire in her eyes. Her aura in life had read as human. Nothing about her had suggested hybrid, much less witch. Even the background check Ross had him run before allowing her to visit the penthouse revealed little more than a classic case of daddy’s pampered princess. And yet, her eyes burned with a soul fire that intrigued and disturbed him, agitating something deep inside of him.
“What are you waiting for?” she challenged in a whisper. “Do it. Hand me over.”
Caught in the blaze of her eyes, everything else ceased to exist. In the lull, that thing she had disturbed, rose up. Intensely territorial, fiercely possessive, spiked with a craving so intense… he acted before thought could catch deed.
source https://www.tmbacorbett.com/2018/06/author-interview-renegade-by-sharonlee.html
0 notes
twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Percy!
A/N: Hi, I know I haven't updated like before, but today is our two favorite Percy's birthday. Happy birthday to Percy Jackson and Percy Singh- Black. -Val
Words: 1,333
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"Happy birthday, my star!" I hear my mother's voice as soon as she opens the door to my room. I smile against the pillow.
After a few seconds my bed sinks from the extra weight. My mother hugs and squeezes me . "Good morning, baby boy."
"Morning, mum..."
I turn to her and return the hug, I hide my face in her neck as she strokes my hair.
For as long as I can remember, at every start of our birthdays, we stay in bed until one of us gets hungry. We just hug, we talk about everything. Although every year my family’s dedicated to having a great party, my favorite parts have always been the mornings and evenings, when it's just me and my mother.
"You already need a haircut," She says, then gives my hair a light, playful tug, making me laugh. She moves away a little to see me.
"No, I like it this way, mum."
She laughs. "You're just like your dad."
Rarely does my mother tell me any details about my father with a smile. I try not to ask too much about him, I know it’s a painful subject for her.
"Did he like to have long hair?" I try with fear of making her uncomfortable.
She looks at me without erasing her smile.
“Oh, yes,” She laughs. “I remember when he had it at the level of his ears, it bothered him. Everyone told him that he had to cut it, but he was always doing the opposite. He grew his hair longer, sometimes I helped him style it."
I smile. "I want to do it too."
She looks at me with a raised eyebrow "Okay, I won't argue with you today just because you're the birthday boy," She jokes and then kisses my forehead. She sighs. "My baby’s 13 years old, I can't believe it."
I frown at her words "I’m no longer a baby."
"Oh no. None of that!” She complains. “It doesn't matter if you are fifty years old, you will always be my baby boy,” She says and then kisses my whole face tickling me.
"Okay! Okay! I get it!” I try to say between kisses and laughs. "Just don't do this in front of my friends."
"Oh honey. You underestimate me," She kisses my cheek again. "Let's have breakfast, darling."
"Happy Birthday, Paddie!" yells my Uncle James as he enters our house. He walks up to me and hugs me.
"Thank you, uncle James," I laugh in return.
"I can't believe they're both thirteen!" He sighs ending the hug. "In a blink and they'll ask me about girls!"
"As if you were a reliable source for that conversation, James," says my mother coming closer.
He looks at her offended.
"Sorry? I don't know if you noticed, but I got the girl of my dreams and we had a beautiful, blind son."
"After seven years begging her."
"What?" Harry asks coming out of his hiding place behind his father.
"I didn't know that," I add seeing my uncle blush.
“Don't listen to Persephone. I know a lot about girls—but why are we talking about girls? You’re still young. We brought you a gift, Percy!" My uncle stutters.
I laugh at the nervousness.
"It's a broom. Someone told me that you’re interested in Quidditch now, so I took the opportunity.” My uncle smiles, pointing to the broom that is leaning against the entrance.
"Wow! Thanks, uncle James, it's awesome!” I run to the broom to get a better look.
Behind me I hear him clear his throat. I turn to see him beckoning over to Harry who is complaining, but in the end he sighs and walks over to me.
"Happy birthday, Perseus."
"Thank you," I nod.
"How about a hug?" My uncle asks.
"No," Harry and I say at the same time and then walk away.
"I see they sent you gifts, Percy," says Jo sitting next to me on the couch.
I smile at her taking the presents from the table.
“Hermione sent me a storybook,” I give it to her “Mrs. Weasley knitted me a sweater with my initial on it,” I hold up the navy blue sweater. “Ginny gave me some candy. The twins sent something too, but I'm scared to open the box. I don’t trust them. Even Ronald sent this...” I tell her, handing her a long box.
"A quill?" She asks. I shrug.
"Surely his mother forced him to send something."
"And whose is this?" She asks taking a huge book.
I smile.
“From Erick, it's an astronomy guide. You know, stars, constellations and their relationship to the Greek gods. I've seen it before, but it was too expensive."
"Oh, but for a Flint that's not a problem, right?" She says raising an eyebrow.
"I suppose not."
"It seems there are people who love you after all, Percy," She jokes.
"What are you telling me? Don't you love your favorite cousin?" I pout. “I haven't received a gift from you.”
"It's because I only give gifts to the family that I like."
"Oh come on!" I complain leaving the joke.
"Stop crying, here," She says giving me a small box. I open it excitedly, but my smile disappears as soon as I remove the lid and several firecrackers scare me, causing me to throw it away.
What I hear next are the voices of adults concerned by the noise of the gift, my scream of horror, and Jo's uproarious laugh.
"What the hell, Jo!?" I screech looking at her.
"Fred and George knew that you weren't going to open their gift, so they asked me to help," She explains and then continues laughing.
"I hate you."
After a long day of visits and gifts from my family, the night finally arrives.
"Of all the things Harry and Jo could agree on, they decided to do it to push you towards the cake," My mother scoffs from the kitchen.
I complain as I pick up some toys my cousins ​​left on the ground.
"I still feel chocolate on my nose."
My mother laughs again. She comes out of the kitchen and we both meet on the couch in the living room.
"How was your birthday, my star?"
“It was great, Mom. Thanks."
"You don't just say it to make me happy, right?"
"Not this time," I joke and she lightly taps my shoulder. "I had a lot of fun and received good gifts."
"Oh, but mine is still missing," she says and then looks for something behind the couch. She pulls out a rather large box and sets it on my lap. "Happy birthday, Perseus."
"Wait, I thought your gift was the new clothes you left in my room?" I say confused.
"I couldn't resist giving you this too," She says smiling, but that smile is different. Her gaze changes.
I frown and open the box, removing the decorative paper to find a black leather jacket.
"Wow, mom, it's so cool!" I put the box on the couch and get up to put it on. The cold of the leather makes me shudder. By pulling it higher, I notice that I have plenty of room. It’s too large. "How do I look?"
She laughs. "It's still big, but you will grow into it."
I run to a mirror in the drawing-room.
"I look great."
"You like it?" My mother asks.
"I love it, thanks."
"It was your father's," She finally reveals causing me to stop.
"What? Really?" I ask surprised.
“Yes, he always used it. I was saving it for when you grew up."
Her eyes water. I return to my place beside her and take her hand. She touches my cheek lovingly.
"God, you are just like him..."
"Thanks for the gifts and for the party, Mom," ​​I say smiling at her.
"It’s a pleasure, my star."
I lean in to hug her and she strokes my hair.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure Blood 40 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
Warnings: Babies <3
Words: 2,644
Chapter 39 / Chapter 41
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"Do you think he can hear us?" Sirius asks me, kneeling next to the couch. He puts a hand on my belly.
“Maybe," I lift my shirt a little.
"Hi baby,” He whispers with his lips close to my skin, tickling me. "I want to meet you.”
"We want,” I correct him.
"We want to meet you, and to know what name we’re going to give you, because we’re panicking.”
I roll my eyes. Since we knew it would be a boy we have put three options on the table. No matter how many times we vote, we can never decide, so Sirius thinks we’ll know when he's born.
“Your mother doesn't want to call you Perseus. I say it’d be nice, I could call you both Percy.”
“And I say that he’s going to confuse us. I like Leo.”
"We're going to win,” He whispers again, this time he receives an answer, the baby kicks where Sirius' hand is. "Ha! He is on my side!”
I laugh when I see his big smile, I put my hand on his.
"Did you ever imagine yourself in this place, Sirius?"
"With you or in general?"
“Both," He observes me.
“I never thought I was the type to get married and have children. When I met James and he told me what he longed for the most, I was sure that I would not go through the same thing. I'd be the funny uncle, but,” He grimaces.
“You'll call me corny, but, before you know, being together, I could imagine it. You and me together with our little family. You were always the reason I would yearn for more,” He smiles.
"You're corny" I say with a hoarse voice making him laugh. He kisses my forehead and then returns to my belly.
"Don't worry, little Percy. Your mom doesn't cry easily, it's the hormones. She's fine,” Another kick. "And you shouldn't worry either, your name will be Perseus, maybe we’ll call your brother Leo.”
"Brother?" I interrupt him.
"Oh, come on. Being an only child must be boring. James always says so, we must give him a brother or sister…”
"And you’ll carry it in your womb for nine months this time?" I raise my eyebrow.
"Hey! You know that if I could, I would. I've been a great help, love.”
In that I cannot complain, Sirius has been very attentive in all my whims during pregnancy.
“We'll talk about a brother later, first we make sure this one comes out alright.”
“I take it as a yes. I'll remind you how fun it is to make one,” He winks at me.
I laugh out loud.
"I don't need to remember.”
August 18, 1980
"He has Sirius's eyes," says James smiling. In his arms he has little Perseus. "If I didn't have a son, I could say he's the prettiest baby I've ever seen," He jokes
"You can say it, neither Harry nor Lily are here,” says Sirius sitting next to me.
"I can't betray my son, Padfoot,” He looks back at the baby, who’s also watching him closely. "I already have the perfect nickname for him: Paddie."
"Oh no," I complain.
They both laugh.
“I’m very proud of both. They’ll be the second best family,” He tells us. The baby begins to move in his arms.
"Percy doesn't agree with that," Sirius says taking it carefully. When he sits back down, the baby is still uncomfortable. "I think he wants his mother…”
I hold him against my chest and he finally relaxes.
"I hope I don't have to fight for your attention like I did with Atlas when we first met."
"Sirius, he’s your son.”
"With all the more reason I say it,” He jokes and kisses my forehead. I shake my head.
"Anyway, tell James," I remind him.
"Oh yeah!" He look at his friend with a huge smile. "Persephone and I wanted to ask you and Lily if you would like to be his godparents?”
"Why are you so surprised?" I ask him.
"I thought you would ask Remus!”
"No, he’ll be for the next one,” says Sirius. I hit his leg.
"Stop saying we'll have another one!”
“So what do you say, Prongs? We’re Harry's godparents. Sounds like a good deal?”
“But it won't bother Remus? He has done more than I have for you…”
"We already talked to him, we made another deal,” I laugh, accommodating the baby. “We made a small arrangement to the name of Perseus.”
Sirius smiles.
“Perseus John Black-Singh. Sounds great, don't you think?" He says proudly.
James looks at us in surprise.
“Now I’m jealous. For your second son I want him to have a James somewhere,” He points out.
"Your son already has a James,” I frown. "No wait— Stop saying that we’ll have another child!"
“It’s a deal, James.”
"He's so small," Sirius whispers.
"And delicate…”
"I'm not going to drop it, Percy,” He frowns. "I won't drop Percy, Percy.”
"I told you it’d be complicated.”
“I'll have to think of new nicknames."
“Yes, of course…”
The baby squirms in his daddy's arms and babbles, leaving a trail of drool. We both laugh. His gray eyes watch us with fascination.
“I can't believe this little one is ours. I can't wait to teach him magic, or to play Quidditch…”
"You didn't even play at school!”
"But if he wants, we can try.”
“Fair enough. Come on, it's time to sleep,” The three of us went into the baby's room.
"Can I stay to hear the story?" Sirius asks smiling.
I take out one of the books that Remus gave Percy. Sirius sits in the recliner and I sit in another. The baby squeals with happiness when he recognizes the colors in the book: The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
“Someone's excited…”
I start to read a story, but I don't get very far. I look up and they’re both sound asleep. Percy has his head resting on Sirius's chest and they both have their mouths open. I laugh at the tender image.
I spend a few minutes looking at them, analyzing the resemblance. Perseus has Sirius's eyes, his lips, and I'm afraid to say the same personality. When he smiles, it's like seeing my best friend again when we were little. I can't help but think that I would do anything to see that smile on both of them always.
Although our baby looks a lot like Sirius, he also has a lot of me. And what excites me the most is that he’s a mama’s boy. Every morning when I go for him, he welcomes me with a joy so pure that it melts my heart.
I put the book on the shelf and slowly pick up the baby to put it in his crib.
"My baby," Sirius babbles at the movement, sighs and stretches his body. After making sure that Percy won't wake up again, I go back to the other boy and stroke his hair. He rests his forehead on my stomach and wraps his arms around my waist. "It was a good story.”
“It fulfilled his objective. Come on, it's also time for you to sleep,” I take his hand and guide him to our room.
After doing the whole routine, we both go to bed. I hug Sirius around his waist and hide my face against his neck.
"I've never felt so tired in all my life,” I laugh.
Since Percy was born, every night I feel all the hard work that is taking care of a baby.
“Same," He whispers.
Sirius stirred and now he's the one hiding his face on my neck, but he decides to leave little kisses on it. I chuckle.
"You don't seem very tired, darling."
"I left a little energy for my girl…”
"Well, your girl doesn't have any energy and tomorrow we have to go to Remus's house early.”
Sirius growls.
“What if we just leave Percy with him? You and I could have the apartment to ourselves and have a lot of fun…” He says kissing my cheek and then reaching my lips.
"It sounds quite tempting though," I gasp as his hand goes up my shirt. "We can’t, Sirius.”
“We can, you just have to—”
A cry interrupts him. I laugh when he growls again.
"Just what, Sirius?"
"Forget it. I lost it,” I laugh out loud. “Oh, don't get ahead of yourself, precious. I'm not done with you.”
"Good luck waking me up, darling."
He knows this battle is lost. When I fall asleep, it’s very difficult for him to wake me up in a good mood and he knows it.
"Now, now, Perseus. Dad is on his way,” He announces himself, leaving the room.
"One, twins, four..." I point to each baby sitting on the blanket on the grass. I frown. "Hey! Mine is missing, Sirius! "
“I don’t have him," He says, going out into the garden.
"Where is Perseus?"
"I thought they were all here!”
"Except for him,” I get up looking everywhere.
"We found the little runaway,” says Remus laughing with the baby in his arms. I feel my soul return to my body. "I almost saw him running towards the gate," He reports, handing it to me.
"You mustn’t go alone, Perseus!” I scold him. He stops laughing and then pouts.
"Your mother is right. Next time, take Harry too,” says Sirius and I hit him on the arm.
"I can't handle two children at the same time," I complain, taking my son with the others.
"Harry, no!" screams Lily lifting her son off the ground where there are several plants.
"Oh, our little ones are already showing signs of being geniuses of mischief," says James putting a hand on his chest.
"Aunti, Phoney. Your baby is naughty,”Atlas informs me.
“I already noticed. Could you keep an eye on him? He’s still very small and can hurt himself.”
“Okay," Atlas nods and sits next to Perseus and then takes his small hand. I laugh at his actions.
"It's time to eat," says Apollo. "Atlas, go clean yourself.”
"But I must take care of Perseus!”
I look up at my brother.
"He's being a good cousin,” He smiles at me.
"Your aunt must also go home,” Atlas nods and obeys his father. I take the baby, but Apollo takes it from me.
"Hey!" I complain.
“You took my son from me when he was born. Now we are even.”
"Apo!" Percy laughs.
I roll my eyes.
"It's good you have two more,” I tease taking who I think is Hades, who at first freaks out, but when he sees me he smiles. I kissed his plump cheek.
“Phoney!" says his brother not far from us.
"But it isn’t easy, being the favorite aunt, huh?" Apollo scoffs, walking away with my son.
I frown and watch the two children trying to get my attention.
"Oh no,” I say when I see little Harry wanting to follow the other two. He squirms in his mother's arms trying to get down.
"No, honey, it's time to eat," says Lily.
"It's baby chaos!" I pout.
"I got you,” says Remus taking Hercules in his arms. I get up with Hades. “And then you tell me that I should have one— I can't imagine another baby right now!”
After the delicious meal, we all sat in the living room. The twins are asleep in his room, while Atlas, Harry and Perseus still have a lot of energy. The older one is explaining to the other two how they can make a tower out of their favorite blocks. Thanks to Merlin, Atlas is willing to share with his cousins.
"It's amazing how much Perseus looks like you,” says Apollo looking at me. "It's a copy.”
"I see more of Sirius in him,” I add laughing.
"You have to admit that Perseus makes the same face as you when something doesn't go as planned," says Jane.
"Oh yeah!" Remus points out. “When I picked him up he wrinkled his nose and, oh, merlin! It's the same!”
"I don't think that’s funny," I complain.
"Harry, no!” James says when his baby throws one of the blocks.
"He doesn't like that color either," Atlas reports smiling.
Percy and Harry laugh and they both take other blocks and throw them.
"I don't want to imagine what they'll be like when they grow up," says Lily, taking another block from Harry.
"Geniuses, I already said it," repeats James.
"It's good to see so many happy babies," says Apollo. "It's been a long time since I saw a big and happy family,” We both share a look. "I remember the mansion, full of laughter…”
"Although it was easier back then, I didn't have to pick up the mess!” I add making him laugh.
Apollo looks at his wife and then at the others.
“Believe it or not, when we were little, Singh Manor was child chaos. Isis and Balder were the ones who always broke things, Persephone would run after them imitating each evil and creating more disaster, I’d chased her so that at least she wouldn't get hurt, while Juno scold us all…”
"Even Dad was an accomplice on some occasions," I add, sighing. "I miss that."
I feel Sirius's hand on mine.
"The memories will stay with you,” says Jane. "We know that your families weren't easy at all, but those that you’re forming now will not suffer the same.”
“Whatever happens,” Apollo continues, “you can count on us, guys. You won’t be alone, and if necessary, we will take care of your children."
I lean back in my chair with a sigh.
"Mom?," says Percy, interrupting the silence. He moves a little to look for me.
"Here I am, baby," He sees me and smiles, then continues playing.
"It always happens," Sirius jokes. "Every time he loses sight of her when we're inside, he looks for her everywhere."
“Awww," They all say at the same time.
"Yes, very cute, but sometimes he starts crying very hard,” I add.
“Mommy’s little boy without a doubt,” We all look at the babies, oblivious to all the evil and chaos in the world.
I wish this could stay that way forever.
"I don't understand what's wrong," I complain trying to lull Perseus who hasn't stopped crying. "Sirius, I’ve tried everything!” I say about to cry myself.
"I don't know what he has either," He answers overwhelmed. “Maybe he's scared by the Halloween decorations. In the morning walk he was calm, maybe he saw something that scared him…”
"I don’t know. I'll call Jenna, maybe she can help…”
I hand over the baby and go to the phone, but it rings first.
"Please tell me you have something to control colic for Harry?”
"What?" I say trying to listen to Lily between Percy's cries.
“I don't know who else to ask! Harry has been uncomfortable all day…” She says in distress.
"Percy too, he hasn't stopped crying, I was about to talk to Jenna—”
"When you have an answer, please ask her what I can give Harry?”
"Sure, don't worry. I’ll stop by your house later…”
I hang up the phone, I decide it's better to go straight to the hospital with Jenna. If she has any medicine, I'll give it to Lily.
I tell Sirius my plan and get ready to go out, I don't want the two babies to suffer more from whatever is happening to them.
@avipshamitra   @auroraawrites @findzelda  @lizlil @siriusmuch   @chloe-geoghegan1 @reverse-hxlland  @may-rapp @the-specific-oceans @eveft  @secret-obsessions  @theeicedamericano @xkonpinkx    @inkandpen22​ @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Pure Blood 10 (Sirius Black x Fem! Oc)
Words: 1,418
Chapter 9  Chapter 11
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"At least Gryffindor wins for his talent," I hear Hermione say when I'm close enough to the stand between the Slytherin and Gryffindor Quidditch teams.
"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood," Malfoy hisses as he leans  closer to Hermione.
"Blimey," I hear beside me, I turn to see Erick who grimaces looking at the girl.
"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!" says Ron pulling out his wand.
Something goes wrong and the redhead is pushed onto the grass. We all go to him, Harry and Hermione kneel down to help him. After a few seconds, their friend begins to vomit snails.
"Ugh..." I look away.
Quickly, his friends take him by the arms and run from the place, leaving the group of students laughing at the accident.
"Dear Draco, your parents must be very proud that you learned to use new big words," Erick looks at him with a tight smile.
Draco rolls his eyes and laughs with his friends.
“I didn't tell a lie, Flint. You better than anyone knows."
"Surely you will tell your daddy about this, right?" He continues with sarcasm. "What will you ask for now? Glitter for your new broom? Another Quidditch team?"
"At least my father has time to see me, when was the last time you saw yours, Flint?"
"Since we visited you in the hospital for having some broken bones," Erick answers through his teeth.
Malfoy frowns. "I have not been to the hospital."
"Oh, I can help you with that."
Erick raises his fist, but I move faster and stop him. At the abrupt movement, Malfoy recoils in fear. He looks at the rest of the team and adjusts his uniform.
"It's not worth staying here..."
Everyone follows him out.
"Bloody hell, I knew Draco was an idiot, but I didn't think he would say that to anyone, less to Potter's friend," Erick says, pulling away from my grasp.
He turns his back to me and for a few seconds he breathes, straightening his hair, and uniform. I wait patiently for him until he turns again.
"Uh, it's ok, I guess," I frown. "Malfoy is not loved by all Slytherin, I see," I try.
“No, but he thinks everyone loves him. It has always been like that,” He rolls his eyes.
"Wait, did you know him already?"
"Unfortunately. Our families have been together since we were little, maybe before. And I've had to put up with him and his family,” He sighs. “But I can't do anything about it,” He shrugs. "Anyway, nothing justifies saying that to Hermione."
"No wait— Back up a bit,” I point out. “Why do you have to see his family? Why can't you do anything? What does what he said to Hermione mean?" I inquire quickly, trying to make sense of what he said to me.
Erick looks at me in surprise.
"Don't you know what it means to be a... Mudblood?"
"No, I mean, it obviously doesn't sound like a good thing."
"What about the Malfoys or the Flints?"
"What about them?"
"Come, I'll explain it to you in the library."
"Alright," says Erick, dropping a huge book on the table between us. "Let's start the class on pureblood and the history of the wizarding world," He claps once and opens the book. “The wizarding world is divided between those who call themselves purebloods, which is where, for generations, they have all been wizards and witches. The families that have had a muggle relative are halfbloods, what you could see the most is that the father is a wizard and the mother does not have magic or viceversa— But there are also people who have only muggle parents, yet that person is a wizard or a witch."
"Like Hermione," I add.
"Precisely," He turns a few pages. "Okay, this has always been the way we things are, I guess it's normal, but there are people who take this very seriously."
"Yeah. Many people believe that muggles are an inferior race just because they don't have magic and some pureblood families never miss an opportunity to attack them, or the… uh, muggleborns."
"They think their blood is contaminated, something like that?"
“Yes, something like that, and the Malfoys are a clear example. They have a great obsession with their lineage being perfect. Look,” He points to the book where the Malfoy family tree is presented with only the names.
"Are there many families like them?"
"Yes, we’ll always meet the typical wealthy and perfect family stereotype, Perseus," He smirks. “Money is important for family status,” He turns another page. “Like the Blacks, they were also important, I think there are only very few left. I remember reading about them, terrible things happened to them after the war."
I look carefully at the names and analyze the words of my friend. I try to process all of this. Orion and Walburga Black, Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa, Regulus and Sirius Black.
"The Malfoys, the Blacks..." I whisper, touching the pages of the book. "The first wizarding war," I walk away a bit. "I can't believe I spent so much time in the library looking for fantastic stories with dragons, potions and the history of Hogwarts when there is this kind of thing that I should know," I keep turning the pages. "The Flints..." I look at Erick who makes a face.
"My family is also an important part of that social class," He then smiles, "keep reading, maybe you know the next one."
I obey and am surprised to read the last name.
"The Singhs," I gasp. "Merlin, we’re also important and rich?" I screech at the names of my grandparents and uncles.
"Wait, I was kidding," Erick interrupts and looks at me warily. "You didn't know about this?"
"That we’re rich? No!"
"The whole thing,” He laughs. “Rich and pureblood.”
"No, I mean, my mother never told me this. Or maybe she did, now that I think about it..." I shake my head. "But, I didn't understand it at the time," I return to the book.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh," I settle into my chair and look at him. "My mother raised me muggle until my letter came."
"What?" He asks incredulously.
"Yeah, I wanted her to have a normal life for a few years," I shrug.
"So," He says slowly, "You know a lot about Muggles."
"Great," He says with a funny look in his eyes.
I smile at him and keep reading.
"Y’know? Hermione had also explained a bit about this to me, but no one had taught me in so much detail,” I look at my friend. "Thanks."
"Hey, no problem," He smiles. "If you want to know more, I can help you."
We were silent for a few minutes while we continued to look at some pages of the book, then I remember something Malfoy said as a way to make him upset, something about his father.
I look at my friend's profile and think of all the times someone has asked me about my father and how annoying it can be not being able to answer or not wanting to do so, those are complicated things and I would not want to be one of those people. So, what comes out of my lips is something else:
"It seems you and I have more in common than I thought," He raises an eyebrow and smiles curiously. "Our parents are lost."
“Malfoy said something about your father— and I don't know where mine is. Complicated topic that we have in common..."
"Oh, right, yeah," He says nervously.
"Don't worry, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I understand."
"Thanks, Perseus."
"You can call me Percy."
Erick laughs.
"Alright, Percy."
After a while, Erick says goodbye and leaves the library, but I stay a bit longer.
I think of my mother and that she surely knows about this and does not want to tell me. I thought we would no longer have secrets, but it seems I was wrong. I can't help but get mad because she doesn't trust me for these things, but what confuses me the most is why she wants to hide this from me.
Our family, our history or that of other important families. If we are rich, where is that money? Where are my other uncles? Will my cousins ​​know more about this? What else are they hiding from me?
@dielgonacoffee  @avipshamitra @auroraawrites @findzelda @lizlil @siriusmuch @chloe-geoghean1 @reverse-hxlland @may-rapp @the-specific-oceans @eveft @secret-obsessions @theeicedamericano @xkonpinkx @inkandpen22 @aggressivevillian @littledeadgirlwalking @hamiltonwc @treestarrrrrrrr   @siriuslysirius1107    @thagreenmoonblack @madmaiden2890 @ren-ela  @azura-mist @cedricisnotdead​ @letsfly-andbe-free @greengarsstuff @talksoprettyjjx @avengersz-biotch @23victoria
@chloe-geoghegan1 @the-specific-ocean @thagreenmoon
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Pure Blood 7 (Sirius Black x Fem! Oc)
Book II
A/N: Of course Ben is Sebastian Stan. :)
Chapter 6 / Extra  Chapter 8
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"I think you're not breathing, P,” I roll my eyes and sigh. "Do you want to relax a little? It's not like you're going to die."
"So why does it feel like it?"
Jenna opens her mouth to answer me, but someone else interrupts her.
"Good evening, Miss Parker,” says a tall, brownhaired and really thin man.
Jenna rolls her eyes.
"What do you want Redford?" She says.
“Oh, I like that you’re so forward. How is the night treating you?"
"Everything was fine until you arrived,” she answers with a fake smile.
The man laughs and then notices my presence. His eyes sweep me up and down and he smiles sideways.
"Well, hello beautiful,” He offers his hand. "My name is Redford Jones.”
I shake his hand a little confused.
"Persephone Singh.”
“Oh, now everything makes sense. You clearly are a true goddess, darling. That explains your beauty.”
"I think I'm going to throw up," Jenna interrupts. Redford lets go of my hand.
“Don't be jealous, Jenna dear. My adoration towards you… no one will be able to replace it. Do not worry.”
Jenna's face turns red, she tenses her body and I'm sure she's about to hit him.
"Do you want to shut up for once?"
“Why should I?"
“I hate that you talk like that. Nobody asked for all those compliments that give cringe, much less from a being as insignificant as you.”
“Wow," I say backing up a bit. I've only seen Jenna this angry a few times and it never ended well for the other person. And my surprise increases when Redford laughs again.
"I suggest you move away a bit more,” says another voice next to me. I jump with fright and see Benjamin.
"I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to scare you,” He smiles.
"No, I uh, it's okay,” Come on, think of something to keep the conversation going! "Are they always like this at work?"
"Worse," He nods. "I continue to be surprised at Jenna's ability to insult him and I must admit that he also has a talent for listening only to what is good for him," He adds.
"I haven't seen her this angry in a long time,” not since the Sirius incident.
"Normally, she’s calmer, and with work she can run away easily, I suppose that this time violence is the only solution.”
Jenna points to Redford and looks at him like she's about to commit murder. I take a step to stop her, but I feel Ben grab my arm.
"I wasn't exaggerating when I said we should be further away," He says with a grimace.
Jenna yells at the man, then turns and walks to the other side of the room. Unfortunately, Redford follows her.
"I suppose she’ll need an alibi for the Aurors when they interrogate her for murder," I say without thinking.
I’m surprised when I hear Ben laugh next to me.
“I can help her too,” He walks up to face me. “And I'm sure the others will go along with it. Redford is not the best company in life. Our boss is just waiting for a real reason to kick him out."
I frown. "If everyone hates him, why did they hire him?"
“At first he was kind, and he’s a good doctor. He bought us all very easy, well, not Jenna. She always knew that something was wrong, in the end she was right.”
"Sounds horrible.”
We were in awkward silence for a few seconds.
“You, uh, you look beautiful, by the way. Sorry, I should have said it from the beginning,” He says nervously. His cheeks are slightly flushed, I can't help but smile tenderly. "Hi, Persephone,” He says laughing.
"Hi, Ben. And thank you,” I say looking at my black dress. When I return to him, I take my time to observe in more detail.
He wears a sky blue suit that only brings out the color in his eyes. I don't need to be an expert to know that his white shirt fits perfectly. I want to think that he tried harder to look good for this event. "You look great too," I say before drooling over him.
“Thanks," Oh, damn perfect smile. "Uh, I'm glad you could come.”
"Yeah, me too.”
Another silence, but this time we share a look and laugh.
"I feel like a teenager again,” I frown. "Although this kind of thing was simpler back then…”
He looks at me surprised.
"Not that I'm surprised, but were you popular at school?"
"You can say that,” I shrug, "what about you?"
"I was always a nerd, I still am.”
"That's cute,” As soon as my words come out, I immediately regret it. Men don't like being told that.
"Oh thank God somebody else says that beside my mother!” He jokes.
At first I’m surprised, but I can't help laughing with him.
After that, the rest of the night we continued talking without tense silences. It has been a long time since I felt so comfortable in the company of a man who is not part of my family.
Without realizing it, the party ended. Some people are picking up the whole mess.
"Oh wow,” says Ben realizing the same thing. "Hey, I finally understand that part of the parties where you have such a good time that you don't see the clock!” He adds happily.
"I had a great time too.”
"Hey guys," Jenna says coming closer. “Believe me, this interruption hurts me more than you,” She makes a face. “But we have to go. Tomorrow we have to go get the boys at the station.”
"Shit, it's true,” I say getting up from the bench where I was.
The three of us left the building. Jenna makes up an excuse to leave us alone again and I roll my eyes.
"It was nice to see you again, Persephone,” says Ben and I smile at him. "I'll be honest with you, I'm not very good with these things, but…” He extends his hand and gives me a small piece of paper. "It's my number, uh, I would like to have a date with you, if that's what you want, of course, I wouldn't want to force you to do anything, it's just an idea…"
The moment he mentions a date, my body tenses.
"I, uh…” I turn back and see Jenna in a panic. She looks at me confused. I go back to Ben and see the paper in his hand. A date. "Sorry, I can’t."
 I back off a bit and then run to my best friend.
"Please, let's go,” I say on the verge of tears. She didn't question anything and we both disappeared from the place.
"I don't know what happened," I say between sobs.
"It's ok, P…”
"No it's not,” I hide my face on her neck. “I don't know why I ran away. I would like to continue seeing him, but I don't know what happened to me!”
“You panicked. It’s normal.”
I sigh pulling away.
"No, it is not. Shit, it's been ten years since I've been in a relationship, and when I finally find the slightest chance, I screw it up. Ben probably thinks I'm stupid,” I cover my face.
"I don't think so, he's better than that."
“Great," I say sarcastically.
"Hey, okay. Listen to me—There is nothing wrong with you. You've been through a lot, even after ten years, P. It's normal to focus on your baby and only him when Sirius happened; no one blames you and you shouldn't. If you want to go out with someone again, that's fine, but if you don't, that doesn't mean you'll be alone forever.”
"So why did I panic when he said date?"
“I don't have the exact answer, if that's what you expect, you have that. We both know that Ben is a good man, but if you don't feel ready, you have every right to stop things."
"That's the problem, I don't know if I am. I mean, not that I thought he could do anything to me, or what other people might say,” I wipe my tears. “Shit, I didn't even think about Percy and I don't know why, but I don't want to let go of the opportunity to keep getting to know Ben either. When I was with him, it was like I went back to school and everything was fine. But now…” I sigh. "Maybe I just wanted to annoy him or something.”
"I don't think that."
"You don’t know.”
"Maybe I'll know when he gets back to work.”
“I'm so sorry, Jenna."
"You don’t have to worry.”
Am I a bad person for wanting to be with someone, but at the same time I don't want them to get close so fast? Surely Persephone from Hogwarts is making fun of me or scolding me for acting this way for a man.
The pressure in my chest has never felt like this before. I'm scared. I have seldom admitted this. Feeling fear limits you from doing the real things you want to do, but sometimes this is beyond our control.
Fear keeps you alert, but if it neglects you, it can control you.
I close my eyes letting my thoughts evaporate into my mind. I let my dreams or just silence take over, and only until the sun rises again does something more important appears.
"Let me help you, Molly," I say holding the stack of plates that the red-haired woman was trying to maneuver towards the table.
"Thank you, Persephone,” She smiles at me, then turns towards the entrance of the dining room and shouts. "Boys, dinner is ready!"
I laugh at the powerful and demanding voice of the woman. She comes back to me proudly when she hears the footsteps running down the stairs.
"Will you ever teach me that trick?" I ask pointing up the stairs.
“It's a matter of practice, darling. And many children,” She scrunches up her nose. “Although Perseus is an angel fallen from heaven, he surely is not the same as my children.”
I smile.
"Yes, he’s very calm,” I sigh.
And speaking of the boy.
“Do you need help?" Percy says, putting his book down as he walks into the room.
"Oh, what would I do with one like that?" Molly jokes. I'm not sure if it's a joke though.
I laugh.
“It’s not necessary, honey. Better sit down, we'll serve.”
He nods and chooses his seat. After a few seconds, the other redheads run towards their places. Molly and I serve dinner, and shortly thereafter Arthur and James arrive to join us at the table. James sits to my left.
While we eat, different conversations start.
"Uh," says Ron trying to get James's attention. I tap his arm lightly and point at the boy. James looks at him. "Mr. Potter, when can you bring Harry?" He asks nervously.
James sighs. "Sorry, Ron. I don't think he can come anytime soon.” He tries to sound calm, but I can tell he’s gritting his teeth. "His aunt and uncle are not the best people in the world. I'm doing my best so we can see him before the next school year.”
The boy nods, looking down at his plate. James sighs again and adjusts his glasses.
"Now what happened?" I ask him in a low voice.
“Harry had an accident with some of Vernon's friends or I don't know what the hell—They’re furious, they won't even let me talk to him,” He growls.
“Hey,” I put my hand on his. "You know that if you argue with them everything is worse…”
"They don't make it very easy for me.”
“I know,” I grimace. “Maybe I can help you this time. Do you think I can talk to them?"
"I'm not sure,” He shakes his head. "But don't worry, we'll think of something tomorrow.”
"Hey demigod,” I hear one of the twins talking to my son. He rolls his eyes and looks at him. "What did you think of your new bed?"
"Comfortable, right?" It ends who I think is George.
"No bed with a mattress made of rocks is comfortable," Percy glares.
The twins laugh.
"It's not funny, none of your jokes are!”
The redheads pretend to be offended.
"Am I hearing a challenge, Freddie?"
“I think you did,” George raises a brow. “I know I did."
"Stop it, right now,” growls Percy.
"We haven’t done anything!”
"Guys, behave with our guests," His father scolds them.
“I don't even know why they bother, all that planning for stupid jokes. They waste their time,” adds my son.
“Percy," I scolded him.
"That hurt,” James mutters.
@greengarsstuff  @siriuslysirius1107 @aleksosoto​ @aconfusedslytherin @dielgonacoffee​ @avipshamitra​ @auroraawrites​ @findzelda​ @lizlil​ @siriusmuch​  @chloe-geoghegan1​ @reverse-hxlland​ @may-rapp​ @the-specific-oceans​ @eveft​ @secret-obsessions​ @theeicedamericano​ @xkonpinkx​ @inkandpen22​ @littledeadgirlwalking​ @hamiltonwc​ @treestarrrrrrrr​        @thagreenmoonblack @madmaiden2890​  @ren-ela  @azura-mist​ @cedricisnotdead​ @letsfly-andbe-free​ @greengarsstuff​ ​ @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Pure Blood 3 (Sirius Black x Fem! Oc)
Book II
Words: 1,603
Chapter 2 / Chapter 4
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"I don't think you'll find friends if you're in the library all the time, Percy," says Jo. I stop and turn to see her.
“I'm looking for books, Jo. Not friends.”
"Don't you think you've spent a lot of time there?" She crosses her arms.
"How is it that every time I mention it when I'm with you it seems like you have war flashbacks?" I scoff.
“Not because I'm Ravenclaw, it means I love to read! The library is boring and you always have to be quiet…”
"Something you should try.”
She snorts.
"You are a lost case. If someone asks, I don't know you,” She says, then lightly bumps her shoulder with mine.
I watch her walk away and smile.
“See you later, Josiepad. I love you!" I scream, drawing the attention of several students.
Josephine looks at me, from my place I can notice that her ears turn red, then she runs off to avoid everyone's stares. I laugh at her reaction.
That went well.
I continue on my way to the library and enter the corridors full of books. I caress the back of some as I pass until one catches my eye. Astronomy.
I take it and go to one of the tables near a window, sit down and open it.
I don't know how long it's been when I hear someone clear her throat near me.
The first time I ignored it, but I think if someone does it three times it’s to get attention. And unfortunately for me, that person wanted to talk to me.
I sigh and take my eyes off the book, finding a girl with thick brown hair and eyes of the same color, which are staring at me, her thin lips are pursed.
"Hello?" I said tensely.
“Shouldn't you be doing your charms homework? It's for tomorrow,” She raises an eyebrow.
“Uh….” I look at her in surprise. "Sorry, do I know you?"
"No, but I know you. You’re Perseus John Singh. We’re in the same classes and in the same house. Why do you read an astronomy book instead of charms?"
I close my book and frown.
"I don't think it's healthy to know much about a person you've never talked to,” I try not to sound too aggressive... and I also try to hide my fear. "And I don't think it's very nice to scold me either, girl-I've- never seen-before.”
Her cheeks are flushed, but her gaze remains steady.
Will she be breathing still?
"I-uh," She clears her throat again. "I'm sorry. You're right,” she stands up and when I think she's going to leave, she sits next to me. "I'm Hermione Granger.” She offers her hand, which I just stare at. She sighs and drops it. "I didn't mean to be rude, sorry.”
Her tone changes completely. I shake my head.
“I-it’s okay. Uh-it doesn't matter,” I settle into my chair and reopen my book, but my interest can't go back to it. Less with Hermione by my side.
"I've finished all my homework, I'm just reading this for fun,” I sigh and then look at her.
Now she looks at me in surprise.
"It's strange to hear that from someone else,” I shrug. "Why astronomy?"
I laugh.
“My mom and I have always liked stars and constellations. My name’s a constellation. And it’s also the name of a Greek demigod, my family has the tradition of naming their children as gods and stuff like that.”
"What is your mother's?"
She frowns.
"Wait, I thought you were a pureblood.”
She blushes again.
“Not that I have done research on you, specifically. I, uh— Well, it's no secret that your cousins ​​Atlas, Hades, and Hercules are purebloods. Some people have become obsessed with that subject,” She says, looking away.
"Pure blood? I don’t understand.”
"Hasn't anyone explained it to you?"
“No, actually, I don't know much about the wizarding world. That's why I spend a lot of time in the library.”
It seems the girl's eyes are about to pop out.
"But you… Your cousins?"
"My mom raised me without magic.”
"It's something wrong?"
“No, it's just that… Sorry I'm being rude again,” She shakes her head. "I am Muggle-born,” She smiles proudly. "Professor McGonagall visited us to explain to my parents that I am a witch.”
“I also like being in the library. I don't understand why people think it’s boring.”
I laugh remembering Jo's words.
"I get you,” We both smile. "Uh, would you like to explain that pureblood thing to me?"
"Sure! I know a book that can help,” She says, then gets up and goes to the bookshelves.
Wait, did I just make a friend?
"Did everyone understand?" The men sitting at the same table nod. "Miss Singh?”
I clench my teeth.
“Yes, sir.”
"Well, you can go.”
I follow my colleagues until we leave to our offices.
"Singh, wait!" I roll my eyes without stopping. “Wait!”
A blond man runs to be in front of me, I sigh.
"What do you need, Edwards?”
He smiles at me trying to calm his breathing.
"You always run out of every meeting.”
"My shift is over and I have no other reason to be here,” I try to continue my way, but the blond moves to avoid it.
"You're right, I can't stand work either.”
"Then why are you still here?" I raise an eyebrow.
He opens and closes his mouth trying to speak and then smiles.
"You always know what to say," He laughs.
I frown.
That makes no sense.
"What do you want?"
“Well, I was thinking that— uh… I heard that your son finally left to Hogwarts.”
“Every time I offer you a drink, your answer was that you wanted to be with him and now he’s gone. Would you go for a drink with me now? It doesn't have to be formal, maybe just go to a bar or restaurant or…” His cheeks turn red. "Or if you want to go to my place?” He scratches the back of his neck.
I stir in my place.
"Just an hour, I promise.”
"Sorry, but no,” He looks down. "It's nothing personal, I'm not ready to go out with someone.”
That catches his attention as he returns his gaze to me, only now his eyes show no illusion. He raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, sure. And what about the man who sometimes comes for you? Uh?"
“Excuse me?"
“I bet you’ll go with him. The others were right about you,” He huffs rolling his eyes and then leaves.
I stand in the hallway in a daze. I shake my head and keep walking toward the elevator.
As I left the building, I found Remus waiting for me. I hug him tightly when I get to his side.
"You won't believe what just happened to me.”
"Let me guess,” He says amused as we walk. He puts a hand on his chin. "Did they give you more paperwork?"
"The boss's secretary sent you another hate note?”
"Another colleague asked you out?”
"I guess you turned it down…”
"He didn't take it well?”
“He has been working with us for four weeks, he doesn't even know me, I’ve rejected him almost every day, I’ve never shown interest in anyone and he still has the nerve to claim that apparently 'the others are right about me’.”
"What does that mean? What do they say about you?"
“I have no idea and I don't want to know. I hate everyone in that office. They don't deserve my attention.”
We get to the restaurant where we always go, he opens the door for me, we ask for the usual table and we sit down.
“Oh, he mentioned you too. They keep thinking that I'm going out with you.”
He laughs.
"And they still keep asking you out?"
“They don't care about anything, Wolfie. His brain does not allow him to see beyond his own needs,” I sigh leaning back on the chair.
"Do you want me to talk to someone?" He says worried.
"Not worth it.”
We ordered our dinner and continued talking.
"Has Percy sent you a letter yet?”
I nod, searching in my bag for the letter and handing it to him. His eyes move while he reads and smiles.
"Gryffindor?" He looks at me raising his eyebrows.
"No wonder,” I reply smiling and he returns to the letter.
"Apparently he is a bookworm after all,” He grimaces and then laughs. “And his hate towards Harry is still intact,” He folds the letter and passes it to me.
"Hasn't he made any friends?"
I sigh.
"No. I'm a little worried, I thought that being in the place where he belongs, he would be more sociable,” I grimace. "Neither Sirius nor I were shy…”
"Just give it time, it's always difficult to be in a new school.”
I nod.
“You know? Maybe he's more like Apollo. Quiet, in his own world with a book in hand,” I smile. "He even reminds me of Regulus sometimes…”
"It is still part of the family.”
"I guess,” I settle into the chair. I shake my head. “You're right, he will be fine. It's just that,” I shrugg, “I thought it would be something like what you, James and Sirius had. I want him to find a family there.”
“True friendship will come when you least expect it. We met by chance.”
“Cheesy," I joke making him laugh.
“Hey," He takes my hand on the table. "Everything will be fine.”
"I hope so.”
@dielgonacoffee @avipshamitra @auroraawrites @findzelda @lizlil @siriusmuch @reverse-hxlland  @may-rapp @the-specific-oceans @eveft @secret-obsessions @theeicedamericano @xkonpinkx @littledeadgirlwalking @bloodorangemoonlight  @siriuslysirius1107  @madmaiden2890 @ren-ela @inkandpen22 @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @ren-ela
@treestarrrrrrrr @thagreenmoon​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Pureblood 13 (Sirius Black x Fem! Oc)
Words: 1,813
Chapter 12
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"So, a magical diary that talked to you and helped you... got stolen?"
"You have a dreadful luck."
"It's not that I'm looking for IT."
"But you can't run from IT either, I know," I roll my eyes.
Harry and I walked through the halls of the castle after breakfast.
"But why would anyone want to steal it?"
“Someone desperate, they left the whole room a proper mess,” adds Ron coming up to us.
“What exactly did the diary show you?”
"I thought you didn't want to meddle in our business," Harry raises his eyebrows.
I make a face.
"I won't do anything, but I could help you and stop you from doing something dangerous like you always do."
"We don't need your help," Hermione says, standing between her friends. A knot forms in my stomach.
Ron frowns and looks at us confused.
"Wait, what did we miss?" asks Harry.
"I'm also lost," Ron adds.
"Hermione..." Her name leaves my lips in a breath, but I can't think of anything to say that won't make me sound like a fool.
“OH!” Harry yells, interrupting the awkward moment.
The three of us jumped when we heard it.
“The voice!” He complains. “I just heard it again - didn’t you?”
"What voice?" I look everywhere.
"What’s it telling you?" Ron asks scared.
“Wait, what voice? I didn't hear anything. Have you gone crazy already?"
"Shut up," says Harry.
Hermione gasped lightly. We all look at her.
"Harry - I think I've just understood something! I’ve got to go to the library!”
"What does she understand?" Harry looks around, his mind clearly somewhere else.
“Loads more than I do,” says Ron.
I follow her with my eyes and my first instinct is to follow her, but I stop myself remembering our fragile situation. I don't want to mess things up anymore. A few minutes ago I didn't know what to say to her, what would if I follow her?
Harry and Ron keep walking and I rush to join them.
"Shouldn't we help her?" I ask them.
"She knows what she's doing," Ron shrugs. “Usually we just get in the way.”
"I have a Quidditch match," adds Harry.
I stop in my place not knowing what to do.
"What's wrong?" Harry asks, turning.
"Nothing," I shake my head. "Go on to the... uh- game, yes."
They shrug their shoulders and continue on their way.
"Ok, I can't take it anymore," says another voice behind me, making me jump.
I turn and see Jo, I place a hand on my chest feeling my hearbeat.
“I almost died of fright!” I complain.
“Whatever, what were you doing with Harry? What's the matter? Are you in trouble?"
I roll my eyes.
“We just talked. My uncle and my mother asked me to keep an eye on him with this whole secret chamber thing. Nothing's wrong and I'm not in trouble,” I explain.
She shrugs and pouts, disappointed.
"Why do you never have a good gossip?"
I shake my head and can't help but laugh. After so many weird things, I can always count on Jo to relax me.
“Sorry,” I say with a smile.
"It doesn't matter, I forgive you just because you're cute," she says while squeezing my cheek hard. I smack her hand and we both laugh. "I know you don't like Quidditch, but how about we go to the match today?"
I sigh trying to find some excuse, but finally I just nod. She squeals and takes my hand to walk out into the field. Before we could get there, we see that everyone is being evacuated from the camp.
"Hey, look," Jo tells me, pointing to where Mcgonagall is walking with Harry behind her and Ron not far behind. I have a bad feeling.
My eyes can't look anywhere but at Hermione's petrified body. After classes, I come to take care of her.
I feel so guilty that she’s in this state. Although Jo and Erick have tried to tell me otherwise, I can't shake this feeling. Maybe if I had accompanied her to the library, she wouldn't be like this. If only I had apologized earlier...
"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I'm so sorry, Hermione. It was never my intention to yell at you. I should’ve told you the truth as soon as you asked ‘cause you're my friend and I know you just wanted to help,” I mutter tearily. “I'm sorry, I'm a fool...” I laugh bitterly. “I don't even know why I was in the library so long, you know ? I couldn't tell you the truth that time... maybe you wouldn't have judged me if I had,” I sigh. "I don't like to fight with the few friends I’ve made."
I sigh and see in detail the freckles on my friend's face, her brown hair, her outstretched arm. I frown. I wish I could do more than just observe. I want to help, but I don't even know where to start. I don't know anything about herbology that could help petrified people and I don't think Harry knows anything either.
Sometimes I envy my cousin's sense of duty, the courage he has to investigate and do what is necessary to solve the problems that come his way.
"I wish I was brave like you," I continue towards Hermione. "At least you know what to do with the information in the books."
I settle in my place and with the movement I realize something:
Although Hermione has her hand in a fist, something protrudes from her grip. I carefully remove it. A piece of paper.
‘Of the many fearsome beasts and monsters that roam our land, there is none more curious or more deadly than the Basilisk, known also as the King of Serpents. This snake, which may reach gigantic size and live many hundreds of years, is born from a chicken's egg, hatched beneath a toad. Its methods of killing are most wondrous, for aside from its deadly and venomous fangs, the Basilisk has a murderous stare, and all who are fixed with the beam of its eye shall suffer instant death. Spiders flee before the Basilisk, for it is their deadly enemy, and the Basilisk flees only from the crowing of the rooster, which is fatal to it.'
Beneath the text, there is a note, probably from Hermione. 'Pipes'
I frown at what Hermione discovered and remember her reaction before heading to the library. My eyes go back to her face.
"Do something with the information," I get up from the bench. This must be important if Hermione wanted to have it. "Harry."
“You have to be kidding me,” I sniff. I run my hands through my hair without caring about the others watching me cry.
"I wish I could," Harry replies.
"First Hermione. Now Ginny?" I ask exasperated.
My thoughts are all over the place and none of them can sound coherent.
"Ron and I have a lead, we can figure this out and Ginny could be fine."
My eyes fixate on my cousin. I frown.
"How can a twelve year old figure out something like this?"
"No, Harry. Seriously, how could you save her from whatever's going on?"
“I will do my best.”
"That won't be enough"
"Do you think I don't know?"
"Well, it doesn't look like it! This is not a game of quidditch where you can show off and win just like that! Ginny can die, we can all die and it's all because of you!"
"Why does it always have to be my fault?" He yells back.
"I don’t know, you tell me!"
"I'm sick of being blamed for everything!"
“We are tired of you attracting all the trouble! Admit it, Harry. This is difficult, you should go to a teacher and tell him everything.”
“I would have to confess that we broke many rules, Perseus.”
“You should have thought about it before. It’s better to spend several hours in detention than making everything get out of control."
“We can do it alone.”
"No, you can’t. Stop being so stubborn and ask for help."
We stared at each other for a few seconds. I'm sure Harry wants to keep defending himself, but in the end he just sighs and turns and walks away.
I rub my temples and close my eyes.
"I shouldn't stress so much."
“You solved it! You solved it!” I listen after seeing Hermione Granger run towards the table of lions with the biggest smile on her face.
From my spot a few feet away from them, I can't take my eyes off the trio of friends, hugging each other and congratulating each other on their great achievement in solving the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets, saving Ginny Weasley without anyone else getting hurt. As always, Harry is the hero again.
I should be happy that Hermione’s back and so is Ginny, but a not-so-pleasant feeling settles in my stomach. This only gets worse when the headmaster announces that the exams are canceled and that we won the house cup. I can't celebrate like the others.
At the end of dinner, I leave the great hall and as soon as I see Hermione, I ask her for a private word. Fortunately, she accepts.
“Sorry,” She opens her mouth to reply, but I preempt. “I'm sorry I yelled at you and was stupid and rude. I know that you just wanted to help and if it wasn't for me, maybe nothing would have happened to you. If you don't want to be my friend anymore, I completely understand. I wouldn't want to be either."
Instead of words, I get a big hug from her. I feel my cheeks burn and after taking in her actions, I return the hug.
"I- uh, Harry told me that you helped him solve the basilisk stuff," she says with her cheeks also flushed at the end of the hug.
"Actually I just gave him the paper you found."
"That's called helping, Perseus," She laughs.
I shrug.
“I'm sorry too, I was rude too. I shouldn't have insisted on your personal investigation and I shouldn't have judged your friend. It's just that..." She pulls a lock of hair lightly. “As soon as I saw the titles of the books, I was scared that you were starting to think like Malfoy and I thought that Erick Flint could’ve helped with that. Then I thought it was silly, but I was stubborn. I'm sorry, Perseus. I didn't want to lose you as a friend either...” Her eyes water.
I smile.
"If I ever sound like Draco Malfoy, you have my permission to punch me hard in the face, Hermione," we both laughed. "That will never happen, though, and Erick is not like that," I sigh. "So, we’re fine?"
She nods.
@dielgonacoffee @avipshamitra @auroraawrites @findzelda @lizlil @siriusmuch @chloe-geoghean1 @reverse-hxlland @may-rapp @the-specific-oceans @eveft @secret-obsessions @theeicedamericano @xkonpinkx @inkandpen22 @aggressivevillian @littledeadgirlwalking @hamiltonwc @dielgonacoffee @treestarrrrrrrr  @siriuslysirius1107  @thagreenmoonblack @madmaiden2890 @ren-ela  @azura-mist @cedricisnotdead @letsfly-andbe-free @greengarsstuff @talksoprettyjjx @avengersz-biotch @23victoria @peachyaeger​ @impulse-anchor​ @chloe-geoghegan1​ @the-specific-ocean​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Pure Blood 8 (Sirius Black x Fem! Oc)
Words: 1,895
Chapter 7:  Chapter 9
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"Shut it, Fred!” I hear a whisper in the dark room followed by some banging and groaning.
I push off the blanket, I sit on the small bed and turn on the lamp that is on the nightstand. I rub my eyes and blink until my sight adjusts. The twins and Ron stop at whatever they were doing and look at me nervously.
"What are you doing?"
The three share a knowing look.
"This is just a dream,” says Fred.
"Yeah come on, Perseus, keep dreaming," George continues.
I frown and watch Ron hit the back of his head.
"We'll go get Harry.”
"And how do you plan to get to Privet drive?" I ask getting up.
“Magic," George states. I roll my eyes.
"Listen, just don't tell our parents," Ron says.
I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms, I carefully observe the three redheads who have done nothing but annoy me since I arrived.
"And what do I get from that?" I ask with a small smile.
The brothers look at each other again.
"Uh, what do you want?" asks Fred.
"What about no more pranks towards me?"
"Aw, c’mon! They are innocent jokes!” George complains. Ron hits him on the arm again and he complains. He looks at his twin and they both nod.
"I also want to go with you”
“What?" All three say at the same time.
"Why? You hate your cousin!”
"True, but I want to see what kind of mess you make.”
For the first time, I want to be part of a great "Harry Potter” adventure. This time the school is not witnessing, so no one will talk about this. I also think about my Uncle James and how frustrated he’s been this summer without his son, I want to make sure the trio of idiots don't screw it up.
"Fine, c’mon."
The four of us changed and left the burrow. Ron and I stayed at the entrance while the twins went for our "means of transportation”.
"Seriously, why do you want to come with us?" Ron inquires doubtfully.
"Why do you care so much? Do you think I want to go to ruin your plan?"
"It's something you’d do.”
I laugh shaking my head.
“Unlike Harry and your brothers, I don't waste my life on foolish schemes. But this time I want to witness the disaster.”
Ron keeps looking at me uncertainly, but before he can say anything, a light blue car pulls up in front of us.
Fred is behind the wheel, Ron is the passenger while George and I are in the back seats. I look at the car confused. I want to ask what his plan is but the engine running interrupts me, the car moves forward and a few meters away it begins to rise. I look out the window, how the burrow is getting smaller.
"Freddie, I think we've finally impressed the demigod!” says George.
"Finally!" answers Fred.
The Ford Anglia stops in midair, just outside the window of my cousin's room. After a few minutes, Harry opens his window and looks at us in surprise.
"Ron? How? What?”
I roll my eyes, Ron explains everything to him.
“Okay… But what are you doing here?" He asks me.
"I have nothing else to do,” I shrug. "Do you want to hurry? We don't have all day.”
I had my doubts, as always. The plan went well, not to mention that we had to remove the bars from Harry's window and that his family made a fuss, and that his uncle fell into the bushes. But the four-eyed is now in the car along with his suitcases.
When we got back to the burrow, Mrs. Weasley was ready for the best scolding she had in store for her redheaded sons. I decide to run away from that scene but it doesn't work out the way I planned.
"I don't know if I should be happy that you finally left your room, or be upset that you did it," says my mother crossing her arms.
"I like the first option better,” I smile at her, feigning innocence. She shakes her head, trying to hide a smile.
"If someone asks, you’re grounded,” She points out to me.
“Sure," I laugh.
I’ve never received a real punishment, not like the ones Mrs. Weasley imposes on her children. The last one was when I got into a fight with Malfoy last year, but Uncle James had already told my mother everything, so it wasn't that bad. A week without my books.
"What is all this fuss about?" my uncle James asks after yawning. He looks confused at Mrs. Weasley and then at the redheads and Harry. He frowns. "Wait a minute, you're mine!"
We all laugh at the comments as he hugs his son.
"Hi, dad!”
"But how? Why? What?" He asks reminding me of Harry.
My mother is in charge of explaining everything to my uncle and although she pretends to scold us under Mrs. Weasley's gaze, as soon as she goes to the kitchen, she hugs the redheads and thanks them.
“You don't know how grateful I won’t see the Dursleys until next year. You saved myself from a horrible migraine,” she complains.
I feel my mother hug me from behind, leaving her arms on my shoulders, I take her hand. My uncle watches us with a smile.
“Thanks to you too, Paddy. I knew you cared about Harry.”
"That’s not true!" I exclaim. "I just wanted to make sure they didn't screw anything up."
He laughs.
“Alright, thanks for keeping an eye on the whole plan, then. Oh! I have to ask Arthur about that invisible car…”
“I know that look, James. Don't even think about it,” says my mother.
"I won’t do it, calm down.”
“James…” He laughs and runs into the kitchen. My mom sighs. "Sometimes I think I have to take care of him more than you,” She jokes and then kisses my head. “Let’s have breakfast.”
"Do you see what I mean?" I ask my mother as we walk the streets of Diagon Alley.
"What are you talking about?"
“Everyone at school thinks that Harry’s the best, that he’s smart. And what did he do? The idiot got the wrong word and now we have to find him. It wasn't even that difficult,” I roll my eyes.
"Oh honey, if you knew James better, you would understand why Harry’s like that,” She answers with a face.
“That’s my point. He's clumsy, but everyone thinks he's perfect. What happened with Ginny is the same thing that happens at school!”
"It's cute to see that Harry is Ginny's crush…”
"First, ew. And second, I tried to warn her, I thought she was the only one with a real brain in that family, but apparently she fell too…”
“Percy, I know you don't have the best relationship with Harry, but you shouldn't talk about him like that. What about the new plan to make friends?"
“I told you I'm trying, I guess when I enter this term I’ll be able to do it. Jo said she would help me.”
We kept buying the stuff on the list at the same time we were looking for Harry. I've never seen my Uncle James so nervous.
"This is the fifth time that he has passed!” He complains, entering a bookstore.
"Calm down, James. This time he’s big enough to ask for help.”
As if we were summoning him, the boy enters the store with Hermione and it seems that my uncle's soul returns to his body.
"Hello, Perseus!” Hermione greets me and I smile at her. "It's nice to see you again!”
"Hi, Hermione. It’s good to see you too, I’m sorry that you found the four-eyed.”
"You don't mean it was a good thing?"
“Noup," She laughs as she shakes her head, then follows Harry.
At the back of the store is a group of people quite excited to see something. We got close enough to know that a "famous" magician is presenting his book.
I see the desk in front of him, I read the titles of other books of his authorship: Gilderoy Lockhart. Many people seem interested in everything he says, especially some women, but everything changes when the blonde recognizes the great Harry Potter. At that moment I decide to walk towards the exit.
When I turn I see the kid who tried to help me in potions class last year.
"Uh, hi.”
He walks over.
"You're Perseus Singh, right?"
"Yeah, and you're Erick…” I forgot his last name.
“Flint," He nods offering his hand, I grab it without thinking. "You're not a Lockhart fan either?" He asks pointing to the group of people.
I shrug.
"I haven’t read his books and there were many people.”
“Yeah, I see that.”
We stay silent for a few seconds.
"Uh, thank you, by the way,” I say and he looks at me confused. I panic. "You know, the class with Snape? You wanted to help me and I know it didn’t work, Snape took points away from me, but you’re intelligent, surely it was easy for you, and you’re in Slytherin, and you aren’t Potter's cousin and—”
"Hey, Perseus. Breathe,” says Erick looking at me a bit alarmed.
I hadn't even noticed that I wasn't breathing or that I was talking so fast. God, what’s wrong with me?
“Sorry," I say feeling my cheeks burn.
“It’s okay. And you're welcome,” He smiles a bit, it looks a little teasing, but he’s not laughing at me, it’s like we’re sharing an winner joke.
"Okay, you two, that's enough!” I hear Mrs. Weasley's voice behind me followed by uncontrollable laughter from my mother and my Uncle James.
"Did you see his face?" says James laughing.
"Oh god, priceless!” Replies my mother.
"It wasn't funny," Molly complains.
"Oh, we know you’re his fan, Molly, but you have to admit it was fun."
“You behave like children. There was no need to ask him so many things, or change his clothes and it was rude to offer him water that made his voice change to chicken sounds—”
With each joke mentioned, my mother and James laughed louder. I can't help but smile at their happiness.
"I guess you come with them?” Erick questions.
"My mother and my uncle.”
“Looks like you don't get bored at home…” He lowers his gaze and I feel an abrupt sadness in his voice.
“Uh, I mean, when they're together they joke around, but it's not always like that. It's complicated, like any family.”
“Yeah, complicated. I get it,” He looks back at me and smiles tightly.
I don't want to meddle in something he obviously doesn't want to tell me, after all we don't know each other and I try to change the subject. Unfortunately, James's now angry voice cuts me off.
"Don't even think about getting close to my son, Malfoy."
“I… think you should go back to your family,” Erick steps back a little uncertain.
“Don't worry,” He smiles again, but it looks more genuine now. “I get it. I'll see you at school,” He winks at me and then goes back to the front of the bookstore.
For some reason, my body tenses.
Do I finally have a friend?
@inkandpen22 @dielgonacoffee​ @avipshamitra​ @auroraawrites​ @findzelda​ @lizlil​ @siriusmuch​    @chloe-geoghegan1​  @reverse-hxlland​ @may-rapp​ @the-specific-oceans​ @eveft​ @secret-obsessions​ @theeicedamericano​ @xkonpinkx​  @littledeadgirlwalking​ @hamiltonwc​ @dielgonacoffee​ @treestarrrrrrrr​   @siriuslysirius1107​    @thagreenmoon​ @madmaiden2890​@ren-ela  @azura-mist​ @cedricisnotdead​ @letsfly-andbe-free​ @greengarsstuff​ @talksoprettyjjx​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Pureblood 12 (Sirius Black x Fem! Oc)
Words: 2,004
Chapter 11
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"So, Prince Charming is not coming?" James says sitting on the stool at the kitchen island. He leans against it with a beer in his hand.
I roll my eyes as I continue to stir the mixture.
"No, Benjamin won't come," I say in a whisper. “And I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention him around Percy.”
James throws his hands up defensively.
“It was just a question, beast. And why haven't you told your son?"
“You know exactly why, James.”
“I don't think he'll take it badly,” he shrugs.
"You can't guess how he’s going to react, I'm not ready to introduce him yet," I say without looking at him.
"Okay, don't be mad."
"I'm not mad," I put down the mix and look at him. I put a hand on my hip.
“It's hard to tell the difference these days,” He frowns and stares at me like he wants to read my mind.
"Of course not. Haven't you noticed that we haven't fought so much anymore?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"And what about a few minutes ago, when I came in?" He says with a mocking smile.
"That was because of your stupid prank, idiot," I purse my lips to keep from smiling.
As soon as I opened the door of my house, I was an easy target for a shower of snowballs that ended up making my body wet and cold. I can still hear James and Percy laughing. My first response was to yell at James about how he hasn't matured at all, but my second response and revenge was fulfilled when James sat down on the single chair he usually sits on and couldn't get up until Remus arrived.
In the end, I was able to dry myself off with a spell, but he still has a huge patch of armchair cloth on his butt. Maybe I'm not as expert on pranks as the Marauders were, but I did learn a few things over the years.
James groans and tugs at the fabric of the couch on his pants.
"I still can't believe you beat me with a muggle prank."
That makes me laugh again and he can't help but follow me.
"Face it, Potter."
"I think it's time to get the cake out," says Remus walking into the kitchen.
"What’s the cake’s flavor, Moony?" James asks, innocently looking down at his beer.
I laugh going back to my work.
"You know the rules, Prongs," Remus sings, bringing out the dessert.
"Oh, come on. I’m an adult like you and you continue to treat me like a small child.”
“You keep behaving like one,” I add.
"Don’t help me."
"It's your fault the taste is a secret, James," says Remus.
"It’s not true."
“Smells like cake!” says Percy quickly sitting down on the bench next to James. “What's the taste, Uncle Remus? My favorite uncle, who is looking really dapper tonight,” he continues with a huge grin and puppy dog ​​eyes.
Remus and I laugh at the similarities between my son and James, who groans in understanding.
“It won't work, Paddie. I already tried it and the traitors will not tell us the taste.”
Percy sighs and pouts.
“At least we tried.”
I laugh again,  I wash my hands, walk over to my son and I inspect his outfit: beige dress pants with a navy blue shirt. I smile at him and try to straighten his black hair so it doesn't cover his face.
He groans a bit and tries to walk away to no avail.
James thinks for a few minutes, then leans toward Percy.
"I'm your favorite uncle, right? That thing you said about Remus was just a trick to taste the cake."
I roll my eyes and rest my hands on the boy's shoulders. Percy laughs.
“Yes, Uncle James. You are my favorite."
"I heard that!" Remus yells from the back of the kitchen with an air of amusement.
"I'm already bored!" James complains as he sits on the single chair - making sure it's a normal chair, without glue - in which Percy is also. They both squeeze together to be comfortable in the cramped space. James sighs and puts an arm around my son's shoulders. “Without my son, without Apollo and Jane and their army of children, not even Jenna will be joining us for Christmas. Can you believe that, Paddie? My own son would rather spend Christmas with his friends than with his very funny father,” he exaggerates.
Percy smiles awkwardly.
"I don't understand how he could do it, Uncle James."
"Stop complaining. You told Harry it was okay for him to stay at Hogwarts,” I say sitting down on the couch across from them.
“I had to tell him that so he wouldn't think I'm a controlling, overprotective parent.” Now he rolls his eyes.
"But, you are," Remus adds, sitting down next to me.
“That's not the point,” James points out. “He should have changed his mind and decided to be with his family,” he pouts and then turns back to his godson. “Do you know what he could be doing, Pads? Is there anything more important than being in here with us?” James's tone is playful, but Percy fidgets and his new smile is strained.
I frown at his reaction.
“I never know what Harry’s doing. You know he's unpredictable," he replies.
"And why didn't you stay, Percy?" Remus asks curiously.
"Yes, I remember that in one of your letters you mentioned that your friend Erick would stay in school," I added with a warm smile.
He shrugs.
“He said that nothing would happen if I decided to come. Besides, I need to be away from that school for a while.” He rolls his eyes and snorts.
Now the three adults look at him confused.
“What do you mean, son?”
With my question it seems that Percy realizes his words and that maybe he hadn't meant to say them. He clears his throat.
“Uh, you know, a lot of homework, I want a moment away from all that,” he tries.
“But you're a nerd, you love doing chores,” says James.
"Hey," Percy groans.
"I'm sorry, honey, but it's true," I add with a small grimace. "Your room is full of books and I'm sure you spend too much time in the library."
Perseus growls loudly and stands up.
“And what's wrong with spending a lot of time in the library? I don't hurt anyone, and I don't bother anyone. It's not fair that everyone criticizes my hobbies when I never do. And I'm not the only one who spends a lot of time in the library, Hermione does too and she has the nerve to judge the time I spent between books when she is equal to or worse than me. Of course, if her great friends ask her for help, she doesn't hesitate to go there,” His chest rises and falls rapidly and his face is flushed.
I share a look with my friends and they have the same expression.
“Aw, Paddie has girl problems,” James comments with a smirk. Remus slaps his shoulder and he groans.
“Uh,” continues Remus then he clears his throat. "Percy, I don't think it's a bad thing to be in a library so much, Harry's mum and I used to spend a lot of time in it, but," he says carefully, "I think this is another problem with Hermione, isn't it?"
"No!" Percy screeches. "That's exactly what I just said," he crosses his arms.
"Honey, maybe she didn't mean to hurt you and you misunderstood her words," I try, but it only makes it worse.
“No, Mum, she made it clear that I have issues and I shouldn't leave the stupid school gossip to be in the library. I don't even care what happens.” He rolls his eyes. "But of course when foolish Harry is involved, everyone has to know."
"Wow, stop there" says James now serious. "What happened to Harry, Percy?"
At that moment, my son's previously flushed face changes to a white face. His eyes widen and now his body is tense with nerves.
"Uh, nothing," he stutters.
"Perseus," I intervene.
My son steps back a bit to face us at a distance.
"It's nothing, really. I think you were right mum, maybe I misunderstood Hermione's words,” he grimaces.
"You have 3 minutes to tell us what's going on, young man."
“Now,” continues James.
“Good morning,” I say shakily. Ron, Harry and Hermione look at me at the same time and with the same confused expression.
"Uh, morning?" says Ron to break the ice.
Then Hermione shakes her head, looks down and she continues eating.
"What do you want?" Harry asks. His tone is not cold, or rough, but genuine confusion.
I sigh and little by little I sit next to my cousin, at the table with the lions.
“Long story short, our parents know what's going on at school, about the chamber of secrets and all that. My mum talked to Mcgonagall and she assured her that everything would be fine, but obviously she can't just sit around and neither can your dad, so they sent me to ask you about what you're doing and stop you from doing stupid things that put at risk your life,” I say almost without taking a breath.
"Bloody hell," says Ron making a face.
“I can't believe you told them!” Harry says.
I shrug.
"I didn't plan to do it, it was an accident and, anyway, at some point they were going to find out, it's not a big deal."
"It's not a big deal? Surely my dad is making a plan to make me return home,” Harry complains.
"They won't do that, Mcgonagall has it under control."
"I don't know if that's worse."
"Stop crying and tell me what you're doing to be in on this whole chamber of secrets thing."
“You ratted us out to your parents and you still want us to tell you what we do?” Ron adds.
“That was an accident. I don't want to get in the way of your foolish plans either, but I have no choice."
"Then you shouldn't have told them-" Harry says, but Hermione's voice cuts him off.
"Your parents have every right to worry, especially with you Harry," now we all look at her. "Even if you don't like it, it's normal that people who care about you try to do everything for you to be well," she hisses the last thing looking at me fixedly.
I feel my cheeks burn and I look down in embarrassment.
The four of us are silent, while Hermione holds her head high, Ron and Harry look at us in confusion.
“But look who we have here...”
I sigh as I recognize the voice.
Unexpectedly, the Weasley twins sit next to their younger brother.
"Freddie, I can't believe my eyes."
"That’s right, brother. A demigod with the heir to Slytherin,” continues George.
I roll my eyes.
“This is no time for your jokes,” I growl.
"According to you, it's never time for jokes," says Fred.
“I was talking to Harry. So you can go now."
"Oh, but how can we miss this moment with the heir and a demigod?"
"Stop calling me that," Harry complains.
I frown.
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"Nothing!" Harry and Ron say at the same time.
“Looks like we're really in the middle of a problem,” the twins keep talking, but I decide to ignore them.
"Listen, you have to tell me something so I can report it to our parents."
"Why don't you lie?" Harry answers me.
“My mother will know, you know how she is.”
“What good will that do if it will only worry her more?”
"Harry, just tell him about the diary and that's it, it's no big deal," Ron says in frustration.
"Which diary?"
"Just tell me, Harry," I insist.
He rolls his eyes and scoffs.
@dielgonacoffee  @avipshamitra @auroraawrites @findzelda @lizlil @siriusmuch @reverse-hxlland @may-rapp @the-specific-oceans @eveft @secret-obsessions @theeicedamericano @xkonpinkx @inkandpen22 @aggressivevillian @littledeadgirlwalking @hamiltonwc @dielgonacoffee @treestarrrrrrrr   @siriuslysirius1107    @madmaiden2890 @ren-ela  @azura-mist @cedricisnotdead @letsfly-andbe-free @greengarsstuff @talksoprettyjjx @avengersz-biotch @23victoria @peachyaeger @chloe-geoghegan1 @thagreenmoon @the-specific-ocean​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Pure Blood 9 (Sirius Black x Fem! Oc)
Words: 2,293
Chapter 8 Chapter 10
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"If we had a galleon for every man who pretends to know what he's doing, but he’s really just waiting for someone to tell him the answers, how much money do you think we would have?" Asks a woman next to me. I turn to see her, she wears a dark coat, black pants with suspenders and a white shirt.
The woman points to my boss who sees the scene in which we have to investigate an explosion in diagon alley, the details are vague. On one hand, I can think that my boss doesn’t want to tell me because "it is not my area", but seeing him so confused just walking around the place makes me believe that he really doesn’t know.
"We’d be millionaires," I answer her.
"Claire Daniels," She says offering her hand, which I shake. "I think I've only seen you in the office— Singh, right?"
"Yeah, actually, I should be doing other more important things, but to him I was the only one 'available'," I reply rolling my eyes.
"I hate my boss too. They are all useless,” She complains.
Our conversation is interrupted when my boss approaches two people who appear on the scene.
"Shit..." I say when I see Ben.
"What? Are you scared of doctors?" Claire tries to joke.
"What? No, I just...” I fidget, but apparently that's enough to get the man's attention. His Steel blue eyes connect with mine.
"Well, look at that. That sexy doctor can't look away from— Oh! You guys are something!" She points to me.
“Uh, I— Not really. It's complicated."
Claire looks at me confused.
"Okay, maybe I don't know much about history, but my mother was a bit obsessed with the great wizarding families, weren't the Singh supposed to be known for being bold and determined?"
"Yeah, your family was always in the papers along with the Blacks and Malfoys," She says raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes.
"Well, now we are not so relevant."
“I know, everything about the war... but still. I never heard of any of them being like this," says Claire looking me up and down.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Hey! Don't take it wrong, it's just that—"
"Goodmorning, Ladies," interrupts Ben while approaching.
"Goodmorning," Claire comes forward. "Are you the Healer in this case?"
Some people were injured in the accident. I didn't know Ben was in this kind of area.
"That's right, now we’re having some problems in St. Mungo's, I volunteered for this job, I don't usually do this kind of case really," He explains.
Of course.
Suddenly, a scream is heard from inside one of the shops and Claire doesn’t hesitate to go without even saying goodbye. Ben and I fall into a very awkward silence. I think of Claire’s words, a complete stranger who knows the least about my family. She said what she believes about me and it was not a lie, but it was not the whole truth.
"I think I should go see if they need help," Ben says, backing away a bit.
"Wait," I say without thinking and grab the sleeve of his coat.
"I— uh..." Great, now what?
What’s wrong with me? I've never had a problem talking, much less with a man. I remember the talk with Jenna, Claire's words...
"I'm so sorry, what happened the other night I—" Will it be the best time to give an extensive explanation about my traumas? Maybe not.
"You don't have to apologize," He interrupts me.
"No, please, let me talk," Or maybe yes? "You didn't do anything wrong at all. I’m the one who’s afraid of going out again. I have a son, you know, but he's twelve now. My priorities were only him, he still is, but—" I sigh, "I know I can no longer depend on him or focus only on my son. I don't have the best love story, not even with Percy's father, it didn't end well..." I clear my throat, "and after— it was very easy for me to reject men who tried something, but with you—" Here comes the cheesy. “You make it difficult and I’ve spoken with Jenna, I know that I also have to think about myself. Percy will have his life and I’ll go on alone. It may be dramatic, but when you said the word 'date' I panicked, it wasn’t because I disliked you, Merlin, Ben..." I run a hand through my hair. "On the contrary, I think you’re too attractive for your own good and I’d love to go out with you, but..."
"But?" He raises an eyebrow.
"I'm afraid. I'm terrified of so many things, that my heart’ll end up broken, again. But what scares me the most is feeling all these emotions when I'm with you. It’s been a long time since I felt like this and I’m afraid that I’ll ruin it."
I finish with a gasping breath, my eyes water and my hands are hidden in my pockets. In the silence, Ben watches me asking for permission and I nod.
"Well, I didn’t expect all that and less in this situation. If I'm honest, I didn't expect to see you since that night, I thought I’d done something that offended you, but I didn't want to push you. I thought my best option was to get away..." He chuckles. "I think life had other plans."
I nod smiling a little
“I didn’t know all that, Persephone. I can't really understand your fear, my situation’s different, it's… complicated. Now that you’ve told me, I’m relieved that I was not responsible for your panic, but I," He laughs nervously. "Now that I know your fear, I want you to know that my intentions aren’t to hurt you in any way, I’d like to help you, but if you don't want any kind of relationship with me, I'll understand. What I'm trying to say is that, whatever your decision, I’ll respect it,” He sighs. “Really."
I feel the weight on my shoulders finally go away when I hear it.
"Ben, I’d love to have something with you, but it’d be something very slow, I’d have to get used to so many things and I don't want you to waste your time with me when you can be with a girl willing to do all sooner."
He looks me straight in the eye. I see him think for a few seconds.
“If you give me a chance, Persephone. I don't want to waste it. I'm not wasting my time,” He smiles sweetly.
"You can go in any—"
"Persephone," He interrupts me. "I would like to try, at your speed, your rules, your limits," He adds firmly.
From which book or alternate universe did this man come from?
I really hope this doesn't end in disaster.
“What if something happened to them?" Hermione says for the thousandth time. “Someone kidnapped them?”
"They will return them," I say without opening my eyes. I settle into the seat and lie down. I want to go back to my dream, but a blow to my chest interrupts me.
I open my eyes and see a paperback book —luckily— on me. I turn to see the girl.
“This is not a game, Perseus! Your cousin and Ron may be in trouble and you just want to sleep on the train— I thought you at least would care about them so that the Weasleys and your uncle stay calm!"
I sigh. "This isn't the first time they've gotten into trouble, Hermione."
"But—" She continues, I interrupt her.
"I'll talk to McGonagall if they don't show up after dinner, okay?"
"What if it's too late?"
"The teachers are always on the lookout for us to arrive safely," I say, avoiding grunting. "Do you think they won't investigate immediately if the great Harry Potter doesn't make it to Hogwarts?"
She thinks for a few seconds.
"Fine," She says in a defeated sigh.
I return to my position and close my eyes again.
"An invisible car?" I listen behind my back as I keep walking towards the greenhouse. "Potter always manages to surprise me..."
"Yeah, they say the car belonged to the Weasley boy, d’you think they were the ones who made it invisible?" Someone else wonders.
"Don't be an idiot, they can't do magic outside of school!"
I roll my eyes and walk faster to not hear any more comments. No, my life is not around Harry. Do not care. Keep walking.
In the greenhouse I stand next to a classmate and look around me trying to think of something else.
"All right, put on your protective gear," says Professor Sprout entering the greenhouse. She points to a corner where there are beige robes, something to cover our ears, and gloves as well.
I follow the other students along with the Slytherin group. I put on my robe and grab a pair of gloves.
"Hi, Percy," I hear next to me. Too close.
I jump in place, dropping my gloves and squeaking a little. I hear some laughter from the others.
"Er, sorry."
I turn my head and meet Erick.
"Oh— I— uh... Hi!" I stutter.
He smiles sideways, but his features show a bit of guilt. Quickly, he bends down, picks up the gloves, and hands them to me.
"Thank you," I say as I feel my cheeks burn.
"I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to greet you," He says promptly.
"No, it's okay. I was distracted,” I say quickly.
"How—?" We say at the same time. We both laugh awkwardly, but before continuing, the teacher speaks to us to start with the class.
We had no choice but to return to our places.
"I never thought to say this, but you’re a genius, Jo," I say opening my book.
"I would hit you, but I'm too comfortable to do it," She answers without opening her eyes.
We’re both under a tree, near the castle. Very few students are passing by and the breeze is perfect. I lean against the tree and Jo lays on her side to rest her head on my lap.
"Today is my lucky day," I joke.
"So tell me what happend to the Weasley boy," She says without opening her eyes.
"I thought you always knew everything," I raise my eyebrows.
"I wasn't there at the time and everyone is bothering him, so it's always a different version."
I sigh.
“It was the best scolding Mrs. Weasley has ever done. It was because of the car, I don't quite remember everything she said, but Ron's face was finally the same shade as his hair..."
We both laugh.
"Didn't James say anything to Harry?"
"Not that I know. But I don't think Harry would tell me either."
We stay in silence for a while, I keep reading my book and Jo keeps on sleeping. Then she sighs, sits up on the grass and stretches her body. She looks around and freezes when something catches her attention.
"Oh, blimey. This should be good...” She says and I look up from my book.
"Hello, Erick!"
She shouts waving her arm like crazy. I look in the direction she’s yelling. I frown when Erick Flint says goodbye to his housemates and walks over to us.
"Hello, guys," He greets us.
"D’you want to join our time of peace?" says Jo.
"Sure," Erick smirks. "Hi, Perseus."
"Hi," I smile at him.
“Well, look at that, who would’ve said that Percy's first friend is not imaginary? I'll tell Persephone,” says Jo laughing.
"Hey!" I complain and hit her arm with my book, she groans but keeps laughing.
"Is that true?" Erick asks. “Am I your first friend?”
"What— No! I’ve tons of friends!” I don't even think about what I'm saying, I just panic.
"Imaginary friends," Jo adds. "Don't you dare!" She points at me when I pick up my book trying to hit her again.
"Stop telling lies," I say through my teeth.
"Whatever," She rolls her eyes and stands up. She shakes off her clothes and sees us. “I already had enough peace. I’ll leave you alone,” She smiles feigning innocence and before I can say anything, she walks back to the castle.
We’re silent for a few seconds, until Erick breaks the ice.
"So, why don't you have friends?" Ouch, that hurts. I feel my cheeks burn and I look away. "I didn't mean—” He tries to apologize.
“It's fine,” I scratch the back of my neck nervously. “It's true, though. It's just— I'm too shy,” I make a face. “It's uncomfortable, doing the small talks and all that, I don't know,” I shrug. “I guess many people think I'm weird or just get close to ask things about Harry."
"I understand," says Erick after a few seconds of silence. “I mean, not quite, I guess. But what you say makes sense, it is silly to have small talks, it’s frustrating..."
“Well, now you have me. I think we’ve already gone through the stage of small talks."
I look at him confused. "Really?"
"Yeah, why not?"
I don't want to push my luck, so I don't ask any more questions. I just nod and smile a little at him. He smiles too, but then I notice something behind me catching his eye.
"Uh, I don't want to talk about Harry to start our friendship— but I don't think that's a good sign," He says pointing towards the castle.
I turn in that direction and see Harry, Ron, and Hermione arguing with Draco Malfoy.
"Oh no..." I say getting up.
 @inkandpenn22 @dielgonacoffee​ @avipshamitra @auroraawrites​ @findzelda​ @lizlil​ @siriusmuch​ @chloe-geoghean1 @reverse-hxlland​ @may-rapp​ @the-specific-oceans @eveft​ @secret-obsessions​ @theeicedamericano​ @xkonpinkx​ @inkandpen22​ @aggressivevillian @littledeadgirlwalking​ @hamiltonwc​   @treestarrrrrrrr​   @siriuslysirius1107​    @thagreenmoonblack @madmaiden2890​ @ren-ela​  @azura-mist​ @cedricisnotdead​ @letsfly-andbe-free​ @greengarsstuff​ @talksoprettyjjx​ @avengersz-biotch​ @23victoria​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Pure Blood 2 (Sirius Black x Fem!Oc)
Book II
Words: 2, 349
A/N: Now, meet Perseus John Black-Singh. I couldn’t resist casting Logan Lerman, he’s so beautiful. -Val
Chapter 1: / Chapter 3
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“Hey, Sirius.”
“Hi, Jenna,” He greets with a frown. "Uh, Persephone isn't-"
She raises a hand, stopping him.
"Can I come in?"
Sirius nods, stepping aside. They both sit in the living room of the apartment.
"I don't mean to be rude, but what are you doing here?"
She sighs.
“I waited for Persephone to not be here. This is not easy, but I didn't want you to hear it from someone else.”
"What happened?"
"It's Regulus,” She looks him straight in the eye. "What was the last you heard from him?"
Hearing the name of his younger brother Sirius feels a strong pressure on his chest. He understands why Jenna doesn't want Persephone here. Whatever the news are, he knows it won't be good for her and the baby.
"He joined the Death Eaters, as was his plan," He answers uneasily. She nods. "Just tell me, Jenna."
“Well, he achieved his and your parents' goal. He became a great member of the Dark Lord's followers. Some say that it’s close to him, but,” She fidgets on the couch. "I'm so sorry, Sirius. He died.”
A huge lump forms in Sirius's throat. The news these days are rarely good but he wasn’t expecting this.
“Shit," He says with difficulty. His breath hitches and feels his head spin. He closes his eyes for a few seconds, trying to control himself. “How— how did you find out?"
Although she and Sirius have never been close, no one deserves to go through all of this.
“He’d been missing since last year. The Death Eaters knew he was dead, but did nothing about it. Moody got that information.”
"Missing? Don't you know where the body is?"
"Sirius, please don't get hopeful. No, they haven't found the body, but it's been over a year now. You know that now that doesn’t guarantee anything.”
"How do you not want me to if—”
"What would you do? Go get him? Nobody has an idea where he might be and if he hasn't shown any signs this year, what makes you think he’ll come back? " She knows that she’s being very hard on him, but for that very reason is why she offered to break the news. If any of her friends did it, they would end up with some crazy plan, or if it was some authority, Jenna knew that the first thing Sirius would do would be to disobey. "You have other things to worry about, Black."
"It's my brother, Jenna,” He answers through clenched teeth.
“Yes and I’m very sorry, but there’s nothing you can do. Persephone needs you now more than ever. Your baby’s coming soon and I don't think she’ll allow you to go out on a risky mission right now."
"I can't stand idly by.”
"You must do it. For the sake of your family. Think of your son.”
The place remains in a tense silence. Jenna hopes Sirius doesn't do something stupid, while he struggles on what he should do.
"You're right,” He whispers.
Jenna takes his hand and squeezes it.
Feeling helpless, Sirius's eyes fill with tears. He holds Jenna's hand like his life depends on it. She lets him cry, she doesn't know what to say or do. After a few minutes, he wipes his face and breathes calmly.
"Will you tell Persephone?"
He shakes his head.
“I don't want this to affect her now. I'll talk to Remus, maybe after we have the baby, I don't know. I don't know what to do— I, uh…”
“Don't worry, it's okay. No one from the order will interfere in these matters. I took care of this.”
"Thanks, Jenna,” He smiles sadly at her.
All of this reminds him of the time he was told the news of his uncle Alphard. Him without being able to do anything, not even make a dignified funeral. With another person notifying him of the tragedy. Both in the wrong places, he can't help but feel chills at the thought that the most important people in his life were alone at that moment. And no one could say goodbye.
"Can I ask you a favor?"
“I want Reg to have a headstone in the same cemetery as my Uncle Alphard. I don't want him to stay with my parents."
"I can do that.”
"Thanks. I know it's a lot to ask, but now I have to ask permission for everything…”
"I understand, Sirius. You don’t have to worry. That's what your girlfriend's best friend is for.”
That makes them laugh a bit, until the apartment door opens.
"Sirius, you won't believe what we bought!" Persephone walks in, Remus at her back. They both have several shopping bags on both arms.
Sirius wipes his face completely, gets up from the couch and walks over to his girlfriend with the best smile he can do.
"Tell me everything, love,” He kisses her lips and brings a hand to her belly.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He frowns.
I was scared.
"I wanted you to know what it is to have a normal life.”
His gray eyes look directly at me. Damn, he's just like his father.
“But it was never normal, I have never been normal. Everyone at school says so.”
"They don’t know what they say. They tease you because you're different, but it doesn't mean that's bad, my star. Besides, you're always going to face those taunts, both Muggles and wizards,” I grimace. "They'll always find something different in you to use against you, but—”
"I must not let them affect me, I know,” He rolls his eyes.
“Exactly,” I laugh.
"So, I have magic?" He says.
“Yeah, but it's not like in the movies, darling. It's not that you can manipulate everything with your hands. You need a wand, books, the teachers will teach you to control it…”
“A school for wizards. Cool.”
"Aren't you upset anymore?"
"I don't know,” He shrugs. He thinks for a few minutes and then smirks. "Does this mean that I’ll never see my classmates again? Nor Harry?”
Oh, no.
“You’ll no longer go back to that school, but you’ll still see Harry. He’s a wizard too.”
"What!?" He screeches. "Why? It's not fair, why does he always have to be everywhere? Who else is?” He crosses his arms.
"Uh, Harry, your uncle James, Remus, Andromeda, Dora, Jenna, Apollo, Jane, your cousins,” I look at him as his brow continues to frown. “Me."
"No, that's not true. I've never seen you do magic.”
“I had to hide it from you. Wait. I told you all those names and you just distrust me?"
"Sometimes you tell lies, mum.”
"It's not true,” I say offended.
"I know you forgot Uncle Moony's birthday, and you went to buy his gift when you said you were going for more soap," He says raising an eyebrow.
"That was different.”
"Who ate the last slice of the Phoenix cake?"
"You had chocolate on your cheek.”
"Okay! Those were little lies, but I also have magic.”
“Show me.”
Now I raise an eyebrow.
"Why don't you look in the mirror, kid?"
His eyes widen and he runs to the bathroom.
"My hair is blue!" I laugh. “We're wizards!" He squeals excitedly, but his smile doesn't last long "Dad is too?"
"Yes, he is " I smile tensely at him.
“He studied at holwarts too?"
“Hogwarts," I correct him. "Yes, we were both there.”
"Wait, do you think he's in the wizarding world? I can look it up!”
The knot in my stomach tightens.
“Percy, we've already talked about this. He doesn't want to be found.”
He sighs.
“Okay," He says, looking down.
It hurts to see him like this. Telling him that his father is far away was not a good idea, but at that moment, I didn’t know what to say to him, despite having a plan. I couldn't just tell him that his father had died. I just can’t.
“Hey," I clear my throat and take his hands. "You should know more about the magical world.”
"Well, in the school there are four houses and depending on your aptitudes, they’ll choose you in one of them, it’s like being in a team with the whole school,” He watches me attentively. "They are Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor.”
"Which one were you on?"
“Slytherin, and your father in Gryffindor.”
"What do I have to do to get elected to one of them?"
“You'll know when you arrive.”
“Mum,” He complains.
“No, I won't screw it up. I— uh, there is something else,” I try to sort my ideas. "All houses have their history and Slytherin is not the best of all, but don’t get carried away by that. It doesn't matter where you stay,” I smile at him. “What matters is who you are, okay? I want you to continue being the same clever boy as always.”
"I can do it.”
I nod.
"Do you remember the story your Uncle Apollo told you about our family?"
“Well, it's all true, only with magic. The Singh have been very important wizards and witches in the wizarding world, almost all of them were in Slytherin… Listen, maybe someone they will recognize your last name and they know very… uh, scary stories about them. I just want to warn you of what could happen.”
"Don't worry, Mum. I'll be fine.”
"Okay, but if you need help, you know your cousins are there too,” He nods. "Okay, I think that tomorrow we can buy your books and everything you need,” I tell him, handing him his letter.
“Great," He’s about to leave, but he returns scared. "Can you return my hair to normal? I like blue, but not in my hair.”
I roll my eyes. I’ll never understand why Sirius and Perseus care so much about their hair.
He sees his reflection in a pot and sighs in relief.
"And now everything’s ruined by Perseus,” says Harry when we reach his side at the station.
“I’m not excited to see your horrible face, four-eyes.”
"A beautiful day to take the train, isn't it?" James says to then hug me. I laugh corresponding.
"Do you have everything you need, love?" I ask Harry. "Your father can be very messy.” I raise an eyebrow at the man.
After witnessing the two Potters wanting to buy everything, distracted by pretty things in Diagon Alley, I had to help them.
"Everything on the list, Aunt P.”
"And a little more,” adds James sharing a giggle with his son. I roll my eyes. "Harry, why don't you introduce Ron and Perseus?"
"No, I saw him first. Perseus can get his own friends.”
"Harry," James says in a more severe tone.
"I don’t need his friends, surely he’ll be just as stupid as him.”
"Fine!" He growls.
They both walk towards a red-haired boy along with a lady and a little girl.
"You know they don't have to share everything, right?" I tell James as the two of us watch our sons interact.
“Yes, but I've already given up on their friendship. So, I decided to have fun watching them fight,” He answers making me laugh.
"So, Ron?"
"The Weasleys. I think I heard that last name at school, but we never met them, their parents Molly and Arthur, they have seven children, counting Ron."
"I know,” He laughs. "They seem like good people, and the boy was nice.”
The whistle is heard throughout the station, all students must board the train.
"Ready?" I tell James and he nods.
When the two boys return, I ask Harry to come over and James does the same with Percy.
I crouch down to his level.
"Okay. I just want to tell you that I’m very excited that you are finally learning the truth about magic and that you’re starting your classes at Hogwarts,” He smiles at me. "We both know that things won't be easy with your whole story," He nods. “But, I want you to know that if at some point something happens, you can write to me. Hedwig will know where to go. If you have a problem, or just want to talk to me, don’t hesitate to do so, I’ll always answer you.”
"Thank you.”
"Come here,” I hug the boy tightly. "Oh, and something else,” I say as we part. “I know you don't like the idea, but I would like you to take care of Perseus too,” He’s about to complain, but I interrupt him. “I'm not saying that you’re his babysitter, I just want to know that if something happens, you’ll be there for him when I can’t,” He sighs. “Please? I won't be able to sleep if you don't promise, love,” I pout.
"I promise," He says through clenched teeth.
I laugh and kiss his cheek. I get up and we meet the others, now it is my son's turn. I hug him tighter.
"You won't give me another lecture, will you?" He says when we part.
"You've already gotten a lot,” He nods, I kiss his hair. “But there’s something I forgot to tell you. An advice.”
"Have fun.”
One last goodbye and they both get on the train.
"Ha! I told you we would make it,” I turn to my right and laugh as I see Jenna and Marlene say goodbye to Josephine, who then runs and gets on the train.
"Who fell asleep?" I ask them.
"It was the silly muggle traffic, my wife didn't want to use any other faster means," says Jenna.
"I don’t regret it.”
The train begins to move, in the distance I see the small head of Perseus, as soon as he sees me he smiles and says goodbye. I wave at him back.
Little by little he goes away. Only until this moment does nostalgia come to me.
"Aw, you’re both crying," says Marlene.
I turn to James, who’s doing his best to hide his tears from us.
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@treestarrrrrrrr​ @thagreenmoon​
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