#Persie reads
persiesposts · 6 months
You know what makes me so mad?
When you're reading a book that has sooooo much potential, it reels you in with the promise of a plot that looks interesting, complex and real characters that look like they're going to go through actual character arcs and develop but then...
it falls flat on its face.
It boils my blood because you have something unique right there but it gets sacrificed for the dumbest reasons.
Whether it be that the character development was sacrificed for the sake of the main couple or that the plot goes sideways to make the main character the most specialest baby ever.
Whatever the reason, authors, I beseech you to PLEASE stop doing this!!! Or at the very least hire editors who give enough of a shit about your story to help you not do this and then ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THE EDITORS!!!
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celticbotanart · 2 days
seeing this ask on my dash and I'm reminded of your art and holy shit. have u ever done any more of those Brazilian inspired fantasy art?
Not as much as I should!! ahhhh I've been thinking about it actually, on drawing more BR monsters and such, cause we have a lot of cool ones in our roster!
On the other hand, I'm always throwing BR stuff here and there in my work, even if it's not so obvious!
My main OC Jupiter is meant to be Brazilian/Brazilian adjacent, her name is written and read almost the same way in PT-BR ("Júpiter")
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There's also Persie, my other OC, who is also BR, she's black/BR-indigenous - I drew her before as a kid, wearing Karajá accessories
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And my most recent OCs, from drizzle/LAND! They are like a "Japanese idol group" sort of thing but they have LOTS of BR easter eggs going on!
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"drizzle land" is a direct reference/translation of "Terra da Garoa", the epithet of the city of São Paulo, where I was born; it was called like that because it used to rain/drizzle all the time here (hello global warming *laughs nervously*)
Their above album is called "Under the Silver Rain", a reference to a BR song called "Chuva de Prata" ("Silver Rain"), famous in the voice of singer Gal Costa. I have other names for drizzle/LAND's albums in their discography, and they are all references to Brazilian Music - "Sunflowers in the Color of Your Hair" (Um Girassol da Cor de Seu Cabelo, song by Clube da Esquina), "Dance of the Butterflies" ("Dança das Borboletas" by Zé Ramalho, especially his version with Sepultura lmao) and "A Forest Named Solitude" (ref to a famous BR nursery rhyme, Se Essa Rua Fosse Minha)
AME/haru (her stage name) is Brazilian-Japanese; her real full name is Íris Santana Fujioka, reflecting her BR background, Íris is kind of a rare name here, but like not super unheard of; and "Santana" is a pretty common last name here~
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Her sketchbook has the sticker of a BR meme in it lmao it's the version of it drawn by BR artist WillTirando, bc I have that exact same sticker on one of my sketchbooks sdhjfgsjhdgfjhsdf
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ANYWAY! Not exactly the answer you were looking for, but I hope the other refs/easter eggs were fun enough hehe
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persy-r-bozo · 2 months
DHMIS - The Yap EPIC - Red Guy
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Red is so fascinating to me. He's like a tragic oddity no matter where he travels. He is monotoned and hidden despite being the largest and arguably most brightly colored one there.
I AM IN LOVE with the unable to fit in anxiety and fear thing he has as well, He's too weird for his people. too Normal for the weird freaks.
i think red truly is bonded to the other two. He cares for them and wants them to be safe and far from danger. But here's the thing, I like to think red himself thinks he is a danger to them. He wants to be there to help and comfort them but at the same time, he thinks he's not good enough, that he'll just end up hurting them in some way. Like despite the brain fog a lil voice in his head tell him over and over again he hurt them. either in a "You lead them too their doom" or a "You gave them hope when it was never possible" even "You left to help, but you just made things worse"
think he feels guilty, and blames himself for everything even though he doesn't know why. he might just be doing it out of self hatred or he might have helped Roy or was blind to things in the past he never realized or fully remembers.
That guilt makes him distant. He loves them but he wont show it out of fear for them. I think in transport this is shown perfectly.
he wants them to be in a safe town. he wants them to have friends and neighbor's. he wants them far away from that house and happier and healthier. But he clearly mentions he wont be staying with them. that he will live separately from them. And reassures yellow that it will be ok and better, i don't think he said that because he dislikes them (yeah he gets annoyed sometimes but that's normal) I think he said that because he feels he needs to be separate so they can fully live normal happy lives. and when everything starts to fall apart, he panics. he is swallowed by anxiety. that ticking time bomb finally exploded. he yells out of fear and that fear turns into anger. The keys were dangled in front of him and they were taken away.
During the campsite scene red rocks himself and hides his face a little bit, covering his mouth after telling yellow its going to be ok. He failed again, he hurt them again.
The energy i get from red is someone who cares. and tries. but he keeps failing, it keeps hurting them and that hurts him, only making him more distant.
That is interesting as well, red is truly unpredictable. that urge to help and escape can make red go crazy but it could also truly help. if he were to open up more he could clear his mind just a little bit and connect with his lil found family. But he could also break more, He could accept this world or his "role" If he's Only going to be a monster that only hurts his friends he might as well do it on purpose. get it over with. (what I'm saying is red could easily get better and bond more AND easily have a corruption arch leading him to become a darker force)- (Both possible! and honestly super interesting topics to dive into) like he has main character energy, but he is pushed by the world itself to sit down and mumble along the songs.
in short i see red as a tragic overthinking anxious mess. on the verge of breaking. and that break could help him connect or truly shatter him. (Good Cry Vs "What's even the Point")
He made himself a cage and locked himself inside it.
too bad for him there are two goobers who are determined to get inside and let him out for a walk. no matter what he thinks.
-Relationship views-
Yellow: That's his little guy, the fellow who makes him smile even though every day is a dreaded one. Red overthinks to himself, But yellow doesn't give a damn he just wants to eat breakfast and watch Tv with his Semi Dad #2! and that makes red feel better, just to hang out and be included in whatever yellas doing, and i think red tries to teach him actually good things, like cooking and cleaning. (Lil cute headcannon!! I have a small head cannon that red doesn't like Grolton and Horvis. he doesn't hate it. its just he wouldn't ever choose to watch it personally, But its yellows favorite show and it makes his mornings whenever its on, so he sits and watches it with him.)
Duck: Hes SMITTEN FR FR. I think red does Love duck. But i also think red is practically chained inside the closet. I wouldn't be surprised if his stringy puppet family or species as a whole isn't exactly supportive of anything that's not "Normal or the same" And with how duck tends to dance around some topics and how he seems to be aggressive toward anything that changes his personal life. i think red just decided that staying in the dark - so to speak- is better than potentially losing his family again. But then the fridge scene happened, Red spoke about his feelings and duck was soft and even recuperated to a degree. If we get another season i can see their relationship become more interesting.
Roy: I dont think red remembers roy, the fog and day loop stuff makes the past more so hard to remember. However i do think they were business partners or at least acquaintances, the guy you hang and drink with every two weeks and talk about your lives. HOWEVER Uh. that changed didn't it? I said this in a random post once before. but i think that if red were to see Roy again, it be one of the few times red truly gets aggressive. (I mean even in the friendship ending he sounds more like he's venting than actually throwing hands.) That he wouldn't remember Roy or what he even did, but he'd remember the feelings, the horrible Fear and Hatred mixture. Like "I don't Know you, But i know you Have to go. my Everything is screaming at me to tear you apart. i need you OUT." Plus i think its awesome when a normally quiet character gets aggressive, its awesome and scary! i can see red tearing though the walls, chasing Roy relentlessly, no matter how many times the houses foundation starts to fall on him, or how many times he gets scratched by rusted nails, he just doesn't stop. (I think it would be super neat)
Lesley: I don't think red even knows Lesley exists. Roy might have mentioned her in the past, but i don't think reds ever even seen her. But if they were to meet i think they'd be chill with each other, drinking tea and talking about those scamps downstairs, but there would be a time limit. Because its just a matter of time before Red slips and mentions how badly he wants to move them away, or Lesley slips and Implies how she's Lowkey In control of everything. and the two of them remember that their protective enemies.
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toburnup · 2 years
side effects may include - Adure
"Why is this happening?" Eddie says, voice tight. Steve doesn't know. Steve barely knows what is happening, much less the why.
Steve moves his hand, just once. Flattens his fingers and brings his hand up closer to the back of his neck. Eddie's whole face goes slack and he hunches over more, practically in half, hand clenching the back of the couch.
"I said don't."
"Why?" Steve says, "What does that do?" It's his own hand, on his own fucking skin. As if Eddie can tell him not to do shit in his own house.
Eddie's eyes squeeze shut for just a moment, like he doesn't want to say. "It feels like your hand is on - on me. On my dick. Or something."
Upside Down bat venom may take 2-3 weeks to completely leave your system. Side effects are currently unknown.
steddie | rated e | 6.6k words | dubcon warning - sex pollen/bat bite
[read on ao3]
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persephone-on-main · 10 months
I'm watching Rebecca (1940) and once again it made me think 'I would never let anyone treat me this way, I would make Manderley mine', I again and again catch myself judging the main character/narrator, but consciously I know it's quite likely I would be just as intimidated as the second Mrs de Winter. Living in the shadow of someone who seemed to do everything perfectly, with a husband who values your innocence, your lack of experience to the point of unhealthy obsession, who wants to see you as a happy child more than a partner, an antithesis to something instead of your own person, is not a life possible to live if you have half a brain cell. I think the tragedy of second Mrs de Winter is that she had nobody in her corner, nobody to show her how to react in the face of microaggressions, of completely unjustified cruelty (I mean, as if it can ever be justified) which made her especially susceptible to that psychological torment, to self doubt. The introduction in which she's psychologically and verbally belittled by Mrs Van Hopper already shows something that should be obvious: abused people often apologize for even existing, being loved and valued seems like a fantasy, completely unrealistic, which makes the second Mrs de Winter not a character that should be judged this harshly, she's actually someone quite... relatable. Nobody can be like Rebecca, because nobody should be like Rebecca, her confidence, fearlessness, decisiveness was arrogance and conceit, so her charm was the charm of a liar, impossible to copy if you have even a sliver of mind conscience.
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hcdcsbcbydcll · 2 years
i picked up a dog/cat ( both ) who was hurt in the street and wanted to take care of them until they were well. but now it’s the next day and why the fuck is there an attractive person with animal traits in their place?! what do you mean you’re a shifter and you were that animal????
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kindaeccentric · 2 years
The euphoria of people using your chosen name? Un-fucking-matched.
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littlesparklight · 6 months
A (not exhaustive) inventory of Astyanax's death and survival.
In the Little Iliad, Neoptolemos is the killer. In the Iliou Persis, Odysseus is the killer.
In the Trojan Women we don't actually know who does the deed, "merely" that Odysseus is singled out as the (major) voice who argued for his death. As Andrew Erskine in Troy Between Greece and Rome points out (referencing another academic as well), given the lack of detail in what's left to us, Odysseus might well have been involved in Astyanax's death in the Little Iliad as well, in the same role he has in here in the Trojan Women.
Seneca (Troades) follows Euripides in the public deliberation and has Odysseus being present for Astyanax's death, but he has Astyanax leap voluntarily. (Excuse me, WTF.)
Quintus of Smyrna, in his Posthomerica, has the killing be done by "the Greeks". Not just the deliberation like in the Trojan Women, but "they" seized him and tossed him from the wall. Whether intended or not, it makes it read a little like a mob scene. (edited to add this, because I'd forgotten to check.)
Tryphiodoros, in the Taking of Ilios, has it again be Odysseus.
So what we get is that even when Odysseus isn't actively the hand that commits the deed, he's the (first? major? leading?) voice in claiming it "needs" to be done. For the ~safety of Greece~, of course.
So, now we come to myths and stories of Astyanax's survival. It's mostly here the "not exhaustive" disclaimer applies. For a lot of the Medieval sources (where this idea flourishes) I can't double check if they say anything about who/how Astyanax survives.
With that said; the Medieval manuscripts aren't the earliest ideas of Astyanax's survival!
One is late Classical or earlier; Dionysios of Halikarnassos reports of the Ilians (that is, the Anatolian Greeks of the "modern" Ilion/Troy, built somewhere after ~1000 BC) had a founding legend that involved Astyanax and Askanios. Given that Astyanax can approach his cousin after being released by Neoptolemos, presumably Neoptolemos didn't kill Astyanax but rather take him along into slavery with his mother and Helenos.
I'll just include this screencap from Troy Between Greece and Rome for the next bit since it's easier:
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On to the Medieval sources; the absolute earliest appearances of Astyanax here is as the founder of the Franks, now named Francion/Francus. French Wikipedia has a note to an author that says that Astyanax's survival was effected by (unnamed in the text and note) Medieval authors by the Greeks softening up and ending up not killing Asyanax because of his beauty.
Next is the "Andromache swaps Astyanax for another child and the Greeks (more like Odysseus) is tricked and kills the substitute". It has several appearances/uses, but the earliest (at least by the list in Wikipedia) seems to be Boiardo's Orlando Innamorato (1495).
While being unable to, like, check if anyone is named as the rescuer in some of these (Wiki also has an unsourced mention of Talthybios), in general we seem to land on either Neoptolemos or, in later stories, Andromache herself. I wouldn't think Neoptolemos ends up not killing Astyanax out of the goodness of his heart, more as a way to control Andromache, but there it is either way. Odysseus is only ever an obstacle to be worked around, which isn't odd given how often he is either the killer, or, maybe far more important, the voice to argue that Astyanax need to die. Not so odd he'd then be construed in later stories as the character to be specifically tricked by the child-swap.
I'll put the sources under the cut!
(For the Little Iliad) Scholiast on Lycophr. Alex., 1268: "Then the bright son of bold Achilles led the wife of Hector to the hollow ships; but her son he snatched from the bosom of his rich-haired nurse and seized him by the foot and cast him from a tower. So when he had fallen bloody death and hard fate seized on Astyanax. And Neoptolemus chose out Andromache, Hector's well-girded wife, and the chiefs of all the Achaeans gave her to him to hold requiting him with a welcome prize. And he put Aeneas, the famous son of horse-taming Anchises, on board his sea-faring ships, a prize surpassing those of all the Danaans."
(For the Sack of Ilion/Ilioupersis) The Greeks, after burning the city, sacrifice Polyxena at the tomb of Achilles: Odysseus murders Astyanax; Neoptolemus takes Andromache as his prize, and the remaining spoils are divided.
(Note 136 to Apllodorus' Library, trans. Frazer) Compare Arctinus, Ilii Persis, summarized by Proclus, in Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, ed. G. Kinkel, p. 50; Eur. Tro. 719-739, Eur. Tro. 1133-1135; Eur. And. 8-11; Paus. 10.26.9; Quintus Smyrnaeus, Posthomerica xiii.251-257; Tryphiodorus, Excidium Ilii 644-646; Tzetzes, Scholiast on Lycophron 1263; Scholiast on Eur. Andr. 10; Ov. Met. 13.415-417; Hyginus, Fab. 109; Seneca, Troades 524ff., 1063ff. While ancient writers generally agree that Astyanax was killed by being thrown from a tower at or after the sack of Troy, they differ as to the agent of his death. Arctinus, as reported by Proclus, says merely that he was killed by Ulysses. Tryphiodorus reports that he was hurled by Ulysses from a high tower. On the other hand, Lesches in the Little Iliad said that it was Neoptolemus who snatched Astyanax from his mother's lap and cast him down from the battlements (Tzetzes and Paus. 10.26.9). According to Euripides and Seneca, the murder of the child was not perpetrated in hot blood during the sack of Troy but was deliberately executed after the capture of the city in pursuance of a decree passed by the Greeks in a regular assembly. This seems to have been the version followed by Apollodorus, who apparently regarded the death of Astyanax as a sacrifice, like the slaughter of Polyxena on the grave of Achilles. But the killing of Astyanax was not thus viewed by our other ancient authorities, unless we except Seneca, who describes how Astyanax leaped voluntarily from the wall while Ulysses was reciting the words of the soothsayer Calchas and invoking the cruel gods to attend the rite.
(Trojan Women, Euripides) Talthybius You that once were the wife of Hector, bravest of the Phrygians, [710] do not hate me, for I am not a willing messenger. The Danaids and sons of Pelops both command—
Andromache What is it? your prelude bodes evil news.
Talthybius They mean to slay your son; there is my hateful message to you.
Andromache [720] Oh me! this is worse tidings than my forced marriage.
Talthybius So spoke Odysseus to the assembled Hellenes, and his word prevails.
Andromache Oh, once again alas! there is no measure in the woes I bear.
Talthybius He said they should not rear so brave a father's son.
(Dionysios of Halikarnassos; Ant. Rom. 1. 47. 5–6) Aineias . . . sent Askanios, the eldest of his sons, with some of the allies, mainly Phrygians, to the land called Daskylitis, where the Askanian lake is, since his son had been invited by the inhabitants to rule over them. Askanios did not dwell there for long. When Skamandrios and the other descendants of Hektor approached him after Neoptolemos had released them from Greece, he went to Troy and restored them to their ancestral kingdom.
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goannafr · 14 days
An ex-couple!
two idiots that never should have been together in the first place are Ceifar the ridgey and Persimmon the fae
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they divorced after Ceifar left Persy for an older & larger woman, and they're not on the best of terms now. well, Pers can't stand Ceifar. Ceifar just thinks shes funny (he's terrible at reading Fae body language and he never cared to learn)
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xxmoonixx · 7 months
I've been rereading TLO And I read the part where Persie and Will ride the motorcycle together and I thought how come no one has made fanart of this yet it would be cool, I really hope someone does it would be pretty funny.
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persiesposts · 8 months
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My thoughts on Iron Flame!
What I liked:
*I really respected Violet for sticking to her convictions with Xaden, she knew what she needed for her to have a successful relationship with him and she wasn’t willing to compromise on that.
*I KNEW DAIN WASN’T GOING TO BE AN ANTAGONIST FOREVER. I’m very glad of this because I’m so tired of the guy best-friend turned antagonist trope. I’m glad to see aspects of Violet and Dain’s friendship returning/ reforging into something that can grow healthier with time.
*All the secondary characters have my heart and soul. Rhiannon especially, justice for my girl because she was so patient and such a good friend when she had every right to be upset with Violet for shutting her out.
*I really liked Sloane! I wish we had more time with her and I’m hopeful to see more of her in the next books.
*Tairn just makes this series for me. I adore that dragon. The sass was as strong as ever. My favorite exasperated dragon dad. This only reaffirms my statement that he’s just dragon Kratos
*ANDARNA!! What a sweet baby, she just wants to be like Tairn. He may not have sired her but that’s her dad right there. I saw it coming but I thought it was so cool that she’s the 7th dragon breed. I can’t wait to see the signet that manifests.
*I loved learning more about the lands outside of Navarre, the culture behind Tyrrendor was especially fascinating.
*The main characters are young adults and they FEEL like young adults!! (I know this will contradict with a critique kinda but hear me out). They have to grow up quicker than most and make decisions no one should ever have to make but there are the moments that remind you just how young they are that just smack you in the face and I love it.
*The spice in this was much stronger than the first which I was a big fan of. Overall much more descriptive which made for a more pleasant read IMO.
What I didn’t like:
*The pacing in this book felt really rushed when compared to the first. I understand the need to convey some urgency but it made the story feel hastily put together.
*Tying into the above point, for how rushed the story was there was a lot of information crammed in. It felt like I was reading two books put into one. I wish there had been a bit more time spent on certain parts, especially with establishing the connections between characters.
*I love Violet but damn that girl cannot make up her mind! I love angst as much as the next reader but I do wish some of her lamenting over communication issues with all the other characters could’ve been cut down. It began to feel really frustrating after a while and like the time could’ve been spent re-establishing the bonds of the characters.
*I’ll be honest, I hate the miscommunication trope. In all its forms (this counts since they’re keeping secrets from one another). It can be a really handy literary tool but sometimes (including this time) it feels overused and like an easy way to create tension. There’s a way to handle the trope effectively, the first half of the book proved that but after that it just felt like a placeholder for not exposing important info right away. They’re in the middle of a revolution! There will be things that won’t be communicated right away, that’s more than enough of a reason!
Final Thoughts:
Overall I really enjoyed this book! The characters still feel true to their established characterization from the first book but you can see their growth and where they could wind up in the future. This book felt a lot less self contained than the first which was a smart move that helped it stay away from the dreaded “second book syndrome”. There was solid movement and change that felt like it mattered. I definitely have my qualms with the writing but it didn’t break my immersion and I still felt very invested in the story Rebecca Yarros was telling. It felt both like an ending and a beginning in the best way possible and I’m really looking forward to where the story will take us next!
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Achaemenid Kings List & Commentary
The Achaemenid Empire (c. 550-330 BCE) was the first great Persian political entity in Western and Central Asia which stretched, at its peak, from Asia Minor to the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia through Egypt. It was founded by Cyrus II (the Great, r. c. 550-530 BCE) whose vision of a vast, all-inclusive Persian Empire was, more or less, maintained by his successors.
The Persians arrived in the region of modern-day Iran as part of a migratory group of Aryans (meaning “noble” or “free” and referencing a class of people, not a race). The Aryans – made up of many tribes such as the Alans, Bactrians, Medes, Parthians, and Persians, as well as others – settled in the area which became known as Ariana (Iran) – “the land of the Aryans”. The tribe which eventually became known as the Persians settled at Persis (modern-day Fars) which gave them their name.
Artaxerxes V (r. 330-329 BCE) was the short-lived throne name of Bessus, satrap of Bactria, who assassinated Darius III and proclaimed himself king. Alexander the Great found the dead or dying Darius III (the original accounts vary on this) in a cart where Bessus had left him and gave him a proper burial with all honors. Afterwards, Alexander had Bessus executed and took for himself the honor of the title Shahanshah, the king of kings of the Achaemenid Empire.
Although the Achaemenid Empire was no longer what it had been under Darius I, it was still intact when Alexander conquered it. He attempted a synthesis of Greek and Persian cultures by marrying his soldiers to Persian women, elevating Persian officers to high rank in his army, and comporting himself as a Persian king. His efforts were not appreciated by the Greek/Macedonian army and, after his death in 323 BCE, his vision was abandoned. Since he had named no clear successor at the time of his death, his generals went to war with each other to claim supremacy.
These wars (known as the Wars of Diadochi, 322-275 BCE), resulted, in part, in the rise of the Seleucid Empire (312-63 BCE) under Alexander's general Seleucus I Nicator (r. 305-281 BCE). The Seleucid Empire occupied approximately the same regions as the Achaemenid and, though it rose to a position of strength, gradually lost territory, first to the Parthians and then later to Rome. The Seleucids were succeeded by the Parthian Empire (247 BCE- 224 CE) which fell to the Sassanian Empire (224-651 CE). The Sassanians revived the best aspects of the Achaemenid Empire and would become the greatest expression of Persian culture in the ancient world.
The Sassanian Empire preserved the culture of the Achaemenids and, even after its fall to the invading Muslim Arabs, this culture would endure and spread throughout the ancient world. Many aspects of life in the modern day, from the seemingly mundane of birthday parties, desserts, and teatime to the more sublime of monotheism, mathematics, and aspects of art and architecture, were developed by the Sassanians drawing on the model of the Achaemenid Empire.
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persy-r-bozo · 3 months
DHMIS- The Yappining! 2/6 - Yellow
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i diddnt know who to fully start with! so i decided yellow was my first victim.
Yellow is a very interesting character. he tends to play into the "Dumb yet sweet" character trope. but the steady reveal that this cannot be farther from the truth is amazing.
I feel him and his reflection could mean alot of things. and i believe it does. a part of me thought it could resemble the two sad sides of neurodivergent Youth. "The gifted" and "The trouble maker" gifted kids tend to be given to much pressure to succeed and troubled ones are ignored or just pushed aside.
i don't think the car killed him, just hurt inside and out. Causing a drift within an already possibly drifting family. (Perhaps this switch disappointed some. or made others go mad.) I think the gravestone and mirror could simply mean that version of him is dead. someone who cant be brought back. He's still the same, just not the way others might have wanted him to be.
The batteries could be a metaphor for meds. or hell he could be a cyborg. I mean his dad made a computer that just spawned bitches so i wouldn't put it past him.
the show or the world their stuck within tried to paint yellow stupidly. However he is quite emotionally intelligent. the world tries to paint him as useless but he isn't. I like the idea that yellow can read people very well. he can understand them in ways that make him super helpful, however he has issues with words and thought, often stumbling over himself.
his kindness and optimism is both a blessing and a curse. it makes him easy to control, but it also makes him a sense of stability and comfort.
he is such an interesting character!. a melancholy character. a sunshine behind a cloud. from a blind and innocent lad within the web series to a more dependable one later on. he has much to overcome, we can only hope he may.
But lets get into the-
Red: Yellow and red are a very interesting pair. i feel as though yellow likes red. but he can read him, probably better than red can even read himself. Yellow can sense he is a ticking time bomb. that despite his quiet, he is breaking. so yellow is distant, keeping himself always a few steps away, just in case. He trusts red, its hard not to feel a little protected with a big fellow around. but yellow can just sense it. that red could snap, and that trust might break too.
Duck: THATS HIS RIDE OR DIE RIGHT THERE!. his ride or die! yellow loves duck, and feels a sense of comfort from him i think. I like to believe that duck might have even been a non related uncle of sorts. the brain fog may persist but you never forget that one guy whose never related to yall but still shows up. They are chaotic and i love them. while yellow can read people very well but cannot speak very well. Duck cannot read people for shit BUT BOY, IS HE LOUD N PROUD. They are two puzzle pieces together. pure chaotic opposites. This may cause big fights between the two but oddly enough i feel there's potential for the two to work really well together too. What im saying is PLEASE PLEASE IF WE GET ANOTHER SEASION I WANT TO SEE DUCK AND YELLOW HAVE THIER OWN ADVENTURE AND ITS CHAOTIC AND MESSY AND FUNNY AS FUCK PLEASE!!-
Roy: Roy is more sad. yellow loves him, yet that love is not mutual. and if it was it wasn't true families love, as it never stayed. Yellow flinches when Roy shows up in family. Yet he still wants to believe he came for him. Maybe yellow will realize this. that even though he loves him, He's not a good puppet person.
Lesley: This is interesting. If we are to believe she is his mother. he surely doesn't remember her. He Seems uncomfortable within her presence and skittish. But he stays and tries to be sweet. Maybe the reason he seems so skittish around her is because she might be the only creature he cant read that well. She's a mystery, her minds a mystery her everything is an enigma. Even to him. I don't think he remembers her at all. But one things for sure, even in the face of the unknown my boy aint rude.
Yellow and clayhill-
Even though clay hill issnt cannon in the slightest and is played as a joke for all the older fans and the creators themselves IM A FREAKAZOID OK? IM INSANE! (i made a small headcannon weird thingy about yellow guy and clayhill to fit clayhill and its "Inexistence" into the series.) BEACUSE IM A MAD MAN OK!!?
I thought of the idea of clayhill being yellows little fanfiction (Babes first fanfiction!! he's following in the footsteps of his eldritch world building parents / guardians!!! <3 ) Yellow used it as a way to vent his little brain foggy daja vu head away.
Ill go though what i remeber clayhills plot line to be. Key thing is remember because I live in the US and i learned off of word of mouth mostly.
Its yellows ideal situation. hes with the other two. they are safe in a town with neighbors and people who love them and see them. Red is calmer, duck is more joyous. its yellows birthday today!. But a mean key comes to life and the mayor is missing.
Duck follows the key and is manipulated and hurt by steave. Yellows venting his frustrations with ducks blind following of the world even though it hurts him. but he understands, its because some of the objects are just so mean. Red runs away, Yellows venting his fears or daja vu like feeling that red will run away. leaving him all alone. He understands it might be for the greater good (finding the mayor) but he is still scared.
Yellow on the other hand, Gets a make over, he outsmarts an object. he finds a way to rescue duck and find red. to save the entire town and have his birthday party at home!. and i believe someone said the age on his badge changed from 38 to 48?
well if it did that might be yellow wishing to be older. Thinking if he was older he could control more things, talk better. Help more often. So in this world. everyday his is birthday, everyday he gets older. everyday he is seen and in control.
But This level of escapism doesn't really work for Lesley/Roy. so whenever they can they remind him that clay hill isn't real. it never was. and it never will be.
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toburnup · 2 years
Steve runs his own hand up his arm, over to the back of his shoulder, feels for the scar tissue on his back. It's almost scalding.
"Oh, shit."
He turns at the sound of Eddie's pained groan. He's half buckled, one hand on the couch, hunched over. Eyes on Steve.
"Don't touch yourself."
"What do you mean?" Steve asks, voice working a little better now, seems to come out easier when he's meeting Eddie's gaze.
"Your... hand. Please don't move it."
Steve's fingers twitch from where they lay on his skin. Eddie's watching like it's a scene from a movie, something he's lined up for half a day just to see. His mouth is slightly open, eyes wide and unblinking.
"Why is this happening?" Eddie says, voice tight.
Steve doesn't know. Steve barely knows what is happening, much less the why.
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persephone-on-main · 11 months
October: 'Pontypool Changes Everything' Tony Burgess
I finished reading 'Pontypool Changes Everything' and not gonna lie, it was a harrowing experience. Not that I hated it! It was just very difficult to read, like, physically, because the whole concept is based on language and I was that 'I understand all these words separately' meme guy too many times for comfort. But then again it's largely quite gruesome, sexually explicit and repulsive by itself. It's a zombie scenario, but it's actually difficult to differentiate between infected and not, because even those theoretically uninfected act in ways that defy societal norms, the line between human and animal, civilization and wilderness, normal and abhorrent behaviour are blurred. Plus it doesn't have a clear straightforward plot, it's patchwork-like. So yeah, I'm glad I read it, but it took me longer due to the difficulty. It's definitely deeply rooted in the climate and nature of Canada, both literally and figuratively in a horror sense, since Canadian horror is very particular.
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hcdcsbcbydcll · 10 months
Soulmate stuff
But make it dark
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