#Peter Quill/Garthan Saal
I am slowly starting to realize that I am slowly loosing myself to “the bad guy that falls helplessly for the obnoxiously good guy” trope and I can in no way stop it.
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Icarus Falling (Infinity War AU)
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Zemo said nothing.
T'Challa didn't seem fazed by Zemo's lack of response. “You were a Colonel, leading EKO Scorpion. You made a plan that tore the Avengers apart. You may not be a good man, but you are a clever one, so I ask you; will you help me defeat Thanos' plan?” 
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Eddie raised an eyebrow, surprised and impressed. Surprised that T'Challa would ask such a thing, impressed at how he asked. If he had requested that Zemo aid the Avengers, there was only one answer he would have gotten, but instead he played on the obligation Zemo clearly felt to him. ~Remind me never to play chess with T'Challa.~ ~Why would we play games with him?~ Venom sounded confused.
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Clint turned slightly to look at her. “You good?”
Natasha nodded. “You?”
A silence followed, as close to awkward as it could ever get between them, and Clint broke. As always. “I gotta ask.” He saw her tense up. “I just need to know what I did. That's all.”
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Loki looked at him with too much interest in his green eyes and even smiled a little. “You keep surprising me, Tony Stark.”
“Is that a good thing?” Loki didn't reply, but his smile turned dangerous. That smile did things to Tony’s naughty bits. “I have to call Rhodey. Check if Banner has gotten back to me.”
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Peter paused in his chewing and stared at his reflection. “You think I'm getting fat?”
Saal knew he was still hearing the echoes of Rocket's jab at him being one sandwich away from being fat during their last argument on board the Milano. “No.” He turned another page and kept reading. “But you'd be pretty either way.” For a guy who was extremely full of himself, Peter Quill managed somehow to have severe self-esteem issues as well. One of the many paradoxes which existed inside him.
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They were an odd couple, Wong concluded. Saal was quiet, well-mannered, clearly sensitive about the scars on the side of his face and neck, but likable. Everything about him screamed military. Then there was Peter Quill; loud, messy and not any help at all. Odd couple.
A loud crash was suddenly heard out in the hallway.
From my fic: Icarus Falling, on AO3!
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rocketraccoonmeta · 5 years
The Kyln & Panopticon
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So, it’s widely accepted that the Kyln — the prison the Guardians were sent to in Volume 1 — was loosely based on the panopticon, a type of institutional building that was designed to allow a single guard get a 360° view on all inmates from a tower placed in the middle. But, I’m going to talk about the symbolic implications of this based on the history of the Kyln itself and the design for the panopticon.
For a little background information, this design doesn’t allow the guard get a view of all inmates at all times, however, the tower itself isn’t lit up which means inmates can’t see the watchmen, but all cells had a bright back light, allowing the watchmen to potentially see every movement every person makes. This also meant that inmates could not tell whether they were or were not being observed, they just had to assume that they were being watched at all times, which motivated them to act accordingly. This was a fear tactic used to manipulate inmates into complacency.
This information about the structure is important, because the Kyln being based on the panopticon has implications on the Nova Corps and those who designed this prison in the MCU. The panopticon has been widely connected to disciplinarian societies/beliefs.
There was even a prison in Cuba created that was the closest thing we had ever had to a panopticon — the Presidio Modelo complex, pictured below. And guess what? That prison was “infamous for [its] unprecedented levels of corruption and cruelty”.
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And, surprise, surprise! Thats exactly what the Kyln is known for! When the Guardians first arrive there, Rocket, our prison and prison-escape expert gives the rest of the Guardians (and ourselves) the lowdown on the place.
Rocket: I guess most the Nova Corps want to ‘uphold the law’, but these ones here — they’re corrupt and cruel.
Not only that, we literally see a guard instigating an attempted murder on Gamora’s life;
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Guard: Take her down to the showers. It’ll be easier to clean up the blood down there.
Lastly, we see the guards taking other people’s stuff as they please, which in any other prison would be frowned upon and is technically considered theft.
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The guard still had it when the Guardians escaped, and Quill had to literally beat him up for it.
Anyway, in conclusion, the architect of the Kyln symbolises the corruption and cruelty that occurs within the prison, even to those who do not deserve it (or don’t deserve any more suffering than their sentence alone gives them). The Kyln is well known for this, and yet uncorrupt members of the Nova Corps such as Garthan Saal and Rhomann Dey don’t even bat an eyelid sending people (such as the Guardians) there. It’s also not uncommon for Marvel prisons to be cruel (see: The Colon, i.e. SecuriMax UltraPen 8000. It’s a shithole. Haha get it. Colon. Shit hole.) but the Kyln seems to be up there.
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goldenneku · 6 years
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“What a bunch of a-holes.” – Garthan Saal
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Idea for a possible Nova Corps movie:
This takes place in 2014, around the same time as the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Nova Corps officer Richard Rider is a naive, idealistic rookie right out of the academy. He’s been assigned to Garthan Saal (yes, the same Saal) as his mentee. 
On his first day as a Nova Corps officer, Ronan the Accuser attacks Xandar. We get the climax of Guardians of the Galaxy, but from Richard’s perspective. Richard then watches in horror when Garthan and dozens of other Nova Corps officers are killed by Ronan.
Cut to several months later. Richard is no longer a field officer, opting to stay behind a desk. One day, Rhomann Dey asks him to tag along on a mission to Hala to oversee a meeting between Nova Prime and the Kree. Rhomann explains that after the Nova Corps massacre, the number of available officers has dwindled since many people are too afraid to enlist. Richard accepts but it’s clear that he’s not comfortable going out in the field. 
While on the way to Hala, the cruiser they’re in is attacked by infamous anarchist, J’Son of Spartax (backstory changed for this version since he’s no longer Peter’s father). J’son, like Ronan, despises the peace treaty between the Nova and Kree and wants to break the peace. However, his goal is to actually have the Kree and Nova to cancel each other out and throw the galaxy into total chaos. 
J’Son manages to kidnap Irani Rael and mortally wounds Rhomann Dey. As Dey dies, he tells Richard that it’s up to him now to stop J’Son (reference to Rhomann’s original death in the comics). The rest of the movie follows Richard Rider’s origin story as he goes after J’Son in order to prevent a second Nova-Kree War.
As a side note, since this is a prequel, aside from Garthan Saal returning, we can also have Yondu come back. Like Yondu helps Richard Rider track J’Son down or something. 
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Something Funny
I don’t know if this was intentional or not but in 2014, Chris Pratt and Peter Serafinowicz were put together twice, for acting roles. Andy Dwyer and Lord Edgar Covington in Parks and Recreation, and Peter Quill and Garthan Saal in Guardians of the Galaxy. But in Parks and Rec they were absolute copies of one another, they both loved the same things, they got along great. 
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While in GotG, Peter and Garthan absolutely HATED each other, because Peter was an outlaw, and Garthan was a law enforcer, of some sorts. 
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I just found it a funny coincidence is all.
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rosa-berberifolia · 5 years
A Change of Heart|Guardians of the Galaxy x Reader|Garthan Saal x Reader
A/N: My first try at anything Marvel, so here’s some kind of Guardians?? It’s Garthan Saal, and who doesn’t love our stoic Denarian?
Be Warned: 67-79% NSFW
Word Count: somewhere around 3500
Saal’s POV
Oh no. He thought to himself as he recognized the woman that he picked up off of the ground. “Oh, it’s you again.” He accidentally let slip out and the woman smirked at him. His heart fluttered at the sight but he kept a stern face. The truth was though, that the last time they met he found his heart softening for the woman even though she was a criminal. There was just something about the way that she would look at him that made his knees week. Something in the tone of her voice when she spoke to him that made his heart race. The woman seemed amused by his stoicism, eyeing him up and down.
“Aren’t you happy to see me, hun? We had so much fun the last time we met.” She said boldly. Saal wanted to look at her in surprise, and perhaps he did for a split second before giving her a look of contempt and locking her wrists in hand cuffs. He remembered the last and first time they met.
He was trying to arrest her for thievery and he was chasing her through the market place. She had turned a corner and as he followed she grabbed an item from one of the tables, an instrument of some kind, before turning abruptly and smacking him in the head with it. Saal had toppled to the ground, but luckily the reinforcements that he had called for at the beginning of the chase had come and they caught her before she could turn to run. Saal stood up, dusted his uniform off and took out his handcuffs, to obtain the woman.
“You are under arrest for theft and assaulting an officer.” He said and the woman, who had been looking at the two officers who had caught her with disdain, suddenly looked at Saal in surprise before smiling. “Oh, come on baby, I was just playing.” She said playfully. She was taken to the jail on Xandar but was soon broken out by the raccoon and tree person.
Saal pushed the woman along as Dey followed with the one called Star Prince or whatever. Saal tried to pretend he wasn’t very interested in whatever information they had on the woman he remembered was named Y/n during the debriefing of all of the people that were apprehended: her, the Star Prince, a green woman, the raccoon, and the tree person. He found himself wanting the woman. Physically, but also, he couldn’t shake the feeling that they might actually work together. That it might work if they were together not just physically but romantically as well. She did call him ‘hun’, and ‘baby’. Saal quickly shook the idea from his head. She was being sarcastic calling him those things. Besides, she was a criminal.
“Take them to the Kyln.” He commanded before walking away trying to forget the woman who was melting his stern heart.
When Saal found out that Y/n, along with the others she was apprehended with had escaped the Kyln, he really wasn’t that surprised, and was secretly actually happy that Y/n didn’t have to be in that place anymore.
Saal was still locked into formation to try to stop the Dark Aster from reaching the ground. His comrades all around him were being picked off, a few dozen at a time.
“Rocket!” he yelled into the microphone hoping for some kind of help. Then, from behind him, the arms of his ship were shot off and the cab he was in started falling toward the ground. Before he could even start screaming he was caught by a tether from a Ravager ship. He was brought safely to the ground. He breathed out a sigh of relief. He was certain that he was going to die up there. He exited his cab and walked to the Ravager ship that had landed beside him. He was floored when he saw Y/n driving the ship alone.
“You looking for a good time, sweetheart?” Y/n used the line commonly used on street workers. But the timing was rather amusing, and Saal couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto his face. Y/n laughed and motioned her head for him to get into the ship. “I’ll drive, you shoot.” Saal nodded and entered the ship and together they were able to help save the city from Ronan’s goons dive bombing the city.
After the Aster had crashed to the ground, Y/n landed her ship and ran to where the other Guardians were slowly getting up. “Where’s Groot?” She asked Gamora as she helped her off of the ground. Gamora just shook her head sadly as Y/n looked around and noticed the twig debris laying everywhere. Her face fell. Saal watched from a distance, wanting to hold Y/n in her grief. But he was taken from his thoughts when he heard people shrieking and Ronan walked off of the mangled Aster.
Eventually the group had managed to knock the infinity stone out of Ronan’s hammer and Quill went to catch it. A dark dust cloud covered the group and Saal couldn’t see what was happening. He expected everything to be destroyed, but the cloud seemed contained. Then it dissipated, Ronan was defeated, and Y/n, Quill, Gamora, Rocket, and Drax were standing holding hands as Peter locked the stone in what Saal assumed was a containment orb. Saal was in awe. Y/n not only helped to save his life, but the lives of everyone else as well. She may be a criminal, Saal thought, but she is a good person.
After the Guardians had all been bandaged up they were debriefing with Nova Prime and Saal as he was the Denarian. “We are extremely grateful for everything that you’ve done for us,” Nova Prime stated. She motioned to Saal, “Not only for saving the life of Denarian Saal and countless other officers, but for saving the lives of everything that lives on Xandar.”
Y/n chuckled, “It was the right thing to do.”
“We will rebuild your ship, the Milano.” Nova Prime said to Quill before looking at the rest of the Guardians, “Your criminal records will be expunged.” Then she looked to Saal, “Please find them all a place to stay while we under see these preparations.” Saal nodded and motioned for the group to follow him.
He took them to the building where emissaries stay while they visit Xandar, giving each their own room for the duration of their stay. Before he opened the first door, he turned to look at the group and said, “Please don’t do anything illegal while you are here.” Gamora and Y/n smirked while Quill laughed. Drax said nothing and Rocket was too preoccupied with the Groot plant.
One by one they were shown to a room. The last was Y/n. Saal hesitated before he unlocked the door for her room. She laughed, “It’s not a water closet is it?” Saal couldn’t help the smile that grew on his face.
“No, no.” He said looking at her nervously. “I just – well, I was just wondering if, during your stay here, you might allow me to take you out for a drink?” Y/n’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Uh-,” She was astonished and had to work extra hard to get a real word out. “Yes - yeah. Sure.” She said. Saal smiled again, this time much bigger than the last.
“Wonderful.” He said shaking his head in disbelief. He pressed his pass to the door lock and opened the door to the room that Y/n would stay in. “Um, well, I guess I’ll know where to find you.” He motioned for her to enter the room. She smiled and nodded walking in and closing the door slightly to lean on it.
“Thank you, Garthan.” She spoke and again he was floored.
“You know my name?” he murmured.
“Of course,” Y/n reassured. “I’ll see you later.” She went to close the door some more and Saal could see just how tired she really was.
“I’ll leave you to rest.” Saal placated, nodding his head before Y/n smiled at him and closed her door. Saal turned and smiled to himself, trying desperately to hide his excitement about seeing Y/n later.
Saal sat nervously at the table in the bar near the Guardians’ resting quarters where he was to meet y/n. He watched the door. Every time someone entered who wasn’t y/n he got more and more disheartened. Y/n was late. She probably changed her mind. He thought to himself sadly. But then she walked in and Saal sat upright quickly and tried to hide how eager he was to her again. She was in a dress and she truly looked beautiful. Every time he had seen her before she always looked tired or sweaty from running away and fighting. But now, clean and well rested, she was amazingly gorgeous, Saal thought.
Y/n scanned the room and smiled brightly when her eyes landed on Saal. She walked over and sat beside him at the table. “Sorry I’m late. I was talking Rocket out of building grenades.” She greeted happily, explaining why she was tardy.
“Oh dear, were you successful?” he chuckled, “You look wonderful, by the way!” Saal exclaimed a little too readily. But luckily Y/n just laughed, “Probably not.”
The waiter came to take their drink orders, Y/n ordered a shipwreck and Saal a beer. But after the waiter left there was an awkward silence. Saal, very uncomfortably and awkwardly blurted out a question.
“So how did you get into the criminal business?” As soon as the words left his mouth even he looked taken aback. Y/n laughed at him warmly, secretly loving how discomforted Saal was being.
“Ah, there’s not much to tell.” She tried to be modest but also tried to get off the topic. Saal could see her discomfort at the question. But upon seeing that now he wasn’t the only nervous one, he grew a little more confident.
“No, seriously. How does a beautiful woman like you end up running around with a raccoon and a tree?” he urged.
“Please don’t call them that.” Y/n insisted, a slightly sad look falling on her face. Saal gave her a questioning look. She sighed, “They are so much more than a raccoon and a tree. Rocket is unbelievably smart and secretly very caring. And Groot, he’s my best friend and closest confidant.” She smiled to herself, “They are my family.”
“But who is your real family? I know you are Terran, but tell me where you came from.” Saal inquired, wanting to know everything about this woman. But she just shook her head and smirked at him.
“Where are you from?” She countered. He smiled back at her shaking his head also.
“It’s really not all that interesting.” Saal admitted looking at Y/n in the eyes. She could see the yearning in his eyes. The want that was more than just lust. It was something more. She was confused by it. It was written on her face as her eyebrows knit together. “What it wrong?” Saal asked her.
Y/n opened and closed her mouth like she was contemplating the correct words to say, trying to formulate all of the apprehension she was feeling into a sentence. She licked her lips and pressed them together in thought, and the sight of that had Saal’s heart racing again and he had to adjust himself, the arousal he felt made him uncomfortable. Y/n looked back up into his eyes as she spoke, “What is it that you want from me?”
Saal a little taken aback at Y/n’s abruptness. But surprisingly he understood why she said it that way. She probably only ever had people be kind to her to try to lull her into a false sense of security, except for Rocket and Groot. People were probably only every like this with her to get something from her. And then he contemplated what she had asked him. What did he want? He wanted everything. Or, at least a chance to show her how much he wanted her in all aspects. But how does he tell her that without scaring her away? Even Saal recognized that it was a bit intense for hardly knowing a person. He sighed pondering the right words to say.
“I would just like a chance to show you what I think we could be to each other.” He said keeping his face serious and his eyes on her.
“And what’s that?” Y/n quizzed.
Saal sighed almost defeated, looking down to gather his courage before looking back up to her, “Everything.” He admitted. Y/n nodded looking at the table like she was processing what he said.
You ruined it. Saal thought to himself sadly. He sighed and looked at the table too. He was taken out of his melancholy by Y/n putting her hand on his. He looked up to her to see her looking him in the eyes.
“Let’s go.” She urged before getting up from her seat and waiting for Saal to do the same.
“Where?” He wondered aloud.
“Somewhere quieter.” Y/n smiled softly at him, and then bit her lip. With that sight Saal was sold. He got up from his seat as well and together they left the bar. Y/n lead him to her quarters where she was staying. She let them in and they both entered before she closed the door. It had been a silent walk. Saal was nervous. But he was calmed by the fact that Y/n just as nervous as he did. They stood only a few feet apart.
Y/n looked up at him warily. All he could do was look at her nervously. He wasn’t sure what was about to happen. Did she take him here so that she could reject him quietly, without onlookers? But she could have done that in the hallway. Why did she bring him to her room? Saal was taken out of his thoughts by the sound of her voice again.
“I want you to answer me honestly.” She commanded, and Saal, after a careful moment, nodded. “Do you want me?” Y/n dived right in.
“Yes.” Saal answered easily.
“Why?” Y/n asked quickly. Saal looked at the ground and sighed. He walked up to Y/n and took her hands in his before looking her in the eyes again.
“I’m not exactly sure.” He paused gathering his words. “Looking at you makes my heart race. You make me smile. And that’s not a thing I do often. The thought of having you in my arms night after night makes me excited. The idea of having you in every way … it puts me at peace.” It was Y/n’s turn to look at the ground nervously now. She took a steadying breath. Saal watched her intently, and then it dawned on him. Has she ever done this before? He thought to himself.
“Have you ever been with anyone before?” Saal asked unexpectedly. Now Y/n had to answer honestly.
“Sexually? Yes. Emotionally?... No. Not like that.” She confessed looking down sadly. Saal moved his hand from hers to cup Y/n’s cheek. It made her look up at him again. He swallowed hard, afraid of saying what he wanted to.
“You could have that,” he started. He moved his face closer to hers so that he could speak in just a whisper, “If you wanted … with me.”
Saal could tell that as Y/n’s eyes roamed over his face now, she was looking for any sign of a lie. Anything that might deter her from accepting his offer. But she found nothing. It was all true. Saal spoke honestly as she had asked. At last her eyes stopped on one feature of Saal’s face. His lips. He watched hers as well. And, ever so slowly, the two leaned towards each other, and kissed.
It was a simple touch of the lips at first. But Saal was pleasantly surprised when he felt Y/n’s lips respond to his. She kissed back gently for a moment before she raised her hand to cup his face as well. Slowly, the kiss grew more passionate. It started a gentle lapping of waves but surely grew to a full typhoon.
Y/n had one hand on Saal’s face and the other grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the bed. Using his large size against him, and a trick she had learned from Gamora, Y/n, even though she had her back to the bed, was able to maneuver so that she threw Saal onto the bed. He gasped, looking astonishingly at her as his back bounced against the mattress. Y/n slowly climbed over top of him, all the while biting her lips and giving him bedroom eyes. Saal couldn’t help the pounding in his chest at what was happening. Y/n came up to his face, holding herself up with one arm, the others hand came to caress his cheek. She bent down slightly and ever so subtly brushed her lips against his before moving to place feather light kisses down his cheek, jaw, and neck. As her kisses grew hotter and wetter against his neck, Saal groaned at the contact and placed each hand on either side of her waist. Then suddenly, without warning, Saal flipped them over so that Y/n was pinned underneath him. He placed a passionate kiss on Y/n’s lips, enveloping her lips in his, he licked her bottom lip asking for access and she happily obliged. Saal’s hand slowly made its way up Y/n’s side brushing up her chest and neck to cup her face. Both of Y/n’s hands came to do the same, holding Saal’s face to hers. Soon Y/n also couldn’t help but let out a moan.
The two parted and rested their foreheads together, both smiling like idiots. Y/n looked into Saal’s eyes questioningly. She wanted him. All of him. But she wanted confirmation before she went further about it. Saal placed a quick kiss to her lips before silently nodding to her. She mimicked him as she pulled his head forwards again to engage the kiss once more. But now, her hands wandered around Saal’s torso and back. She soon found the zipper to get the shirt off and pulled it. Saal sat up for a moment to take off his top. He came back down to once again capture her lips in his. His hand though went wandering down Y/n’s side to the hem of the dress she was wearing, and he hiked it up to her waist so that he could trail his hand over the exposed skin on her stomach and thighs. Saal kissed down Y/n’s face and neck to her chest before forcefully pulling the garment over her head. He went back to kissing her chest, moving to the valley between her breasts, then down her stomach to the hem of her panties. He kissed sweetly along the band before he hooked his fingers into the article of clothing, slowly pulling them down Y/n’s legs.
Y/n could only watch lustfully as Saal took one of her legs and swung it over his shoulder. He kissed along both of her thighs and then along her pelvic bones before he laid his mouth on her lower lips. Y/n tried to stifle a moan. Saal immediately looked up, and said something in his very authoritative voice, which drove Y/n absolutely wild.
“Let me hear you.” He commanded and then dipped back down licking a strip up Y/n’s folds. A louder moan left Y/n’s mouth and Saal didn’t even try to hide the smirk that lay on his face. As he worked her a string of moans and profanities left Y/n’s mouth and it only gave Saal the confidence to keep going until she came all over his mouth. She was a huffing mess when he was done with her. She pulled him up to catch him in a passionate kiss. Y/n could feel that Saal was already very hard for her, even with his uniform pants still on. Reaching down to unbutton them, she and Saal worked to get them and his underwear off so that Y/n could take his member in her hand and stroke it lightly.
“You’re sure?” Saal looked for reassurance. Y/n nodded.
“If you are.” She answered as her hands rolled a condom over Saal’s throbbing, hard cock. He bent down to kiss her again and reach down to guide himself into her tight, warm pussy.
Saal laid on his back with Y/n sprawled over top of him, resting her head on his chest. He played with her hair as she drew lazy circles on his bicep. For a moment, they were both happy. Nothing could touch them. Until reality came crashing into the room like Drax when he has to use the loo. Y/n sighed sadly.
“How is this going to work?” she quietly asked, not really wanting the truth. She felt Saal look down at her. She continued, “I mean, the Guardians need me. I’m a part of them. They’re my family. I can’t just leave them.”
“I know.” Saal admitted. “I know that this will be difficult. But I’m willing to put in the work to make this work.” Y/n had moved to look up at him while he spoke. He moved a piece of her unruly hair out of her face. “Are you?” he asked hopeful.
Y/n smiled, “I am.” And Saal smiled back at her and pulled her up for a deep kiss.
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ao3feed--symbrock · 6 years
by LadyIrina
Five months after the events of Civil War, Nick Fury sends Eddie Brock and Venom to find Clint Barton. Meanwhile, Loki appears at the Avengers Compound and demands that Tony Stark tells him where Clint is, forcing him to reach out to the one person he doesn't want to talk to; Steve Rogers.
In space, with the Guardians scrambling to beat him to it, Thanos approaches Earth in his search for the final Infinity stones.
Words: 3167, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Venom (Movie 2018), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Eddie Brock | Venom, Venom (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Cameos by other Avengers and Marvel characters, eventual Peter Quill and Garthan Saal
Relationships: Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Loki/Tony Stark, Peter Quill/Garthan Saal, Clintasha, ironfrost, Stucky, Symbrock - Relationship
Additional Tags: Fluff, Pining, Mutual Pining, Oblivious Steve Rogers, Oblivious Bucky Barnes, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Brainwashing, Love/Hate, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, slight slow burn, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Post-Venom (Movie 2018), Friendship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, not AOU compliant
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
Icarus Falling (Infinity War AU)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2q63ncl
by LadyIrina
Five months after the events of Civil War, Nick Fury sends Eddie Brock and Venom to find Clint Barton. Meanwhile, Loki appears at the Avengers Compound and demands that Tony Stark tells him where Clint is, forcing him to reach out to the one person he doesn't want to talk to; Steve Rogers.
In space, with the Guardians scrambling to beat him to it, Thanos approaches Earth in his search for the final Infinity stones.
Words: 3167, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Venom (Movie 2018), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Eddie Brock | Venom, Venom (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Cameos by other Avengers and Marvel characters, eventual Peter Quill and Garthan Saal
Relationships: Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Loki/Tony Stark, Peter Quill/Garthan Saal, Clintasha, ironfrost, Stucky, Symbrock - Relationship
Additional Tags: Fluff, Pining, Mutual Pining, Oblivious Steve Rogers, Oblivious Bucky Barnes, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Brainwashing, Love/Hate, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, slight slow burn, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Post-Venom (Movie 2018), Friendship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, not AOU compliant
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2q63ncl
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 6 years
Icarus Falling (Infinity War AU)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2q63ncl
by LadyIrina
Five months after the events of Civil War, Nick Fury sends Eddie Brock and Venom to find Clint Barton. Meanwhile, Loki appears at the Avengers Compound and demands that Tony Stark tells him where Clint is, forcing him to reach out to the one person he doesn't want to talk to; Steve Rogers.
In space, with the Guardians scrambling to beat him to it, Thanos approaches Earth in his search for the final Infinity stones.
Words: 3167, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Venom (Movie 2018), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Eddie Brock | Venom, Venom (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Cameos by other Avengers and Marvel characters, eventual Peter Quill and Garthan Saal
Relationships: Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Loki/Tony Stark, Peter Quill/Garthan Saal, Clintasha, ironfrost, Stucky, Symbrock - Relationship
Additional Tags: Fluff, Pining, Mutual Pining, Oblivious Steve Rogers, Oblivious Bucky Barnes, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Brainwashing, Love/Hate, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, slight slow burn, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Post-Venom (Movie 2018), Friendship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, not AOU compliant
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2q63ncl
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ctxrover · 6 years
A Marvel Character Sorting
I know, I know. These are done to death. But most just sort the main Avengers or the Cinematic Universe characters. I hope not to do that.
Right. Let’s start with the Avengers:
Gryffindor; Clint Barton, Janet Van Dyne, Carol Danvers, Brian Braddock, Cassie Lang, Danny Rand, Vision, Mar-Vell, James Rhodes, America Chavez, Jocasta.
Hufflepuff; James Barnes, Steve Rogers, Luke Cage, Patsy Walker, Scott Lang, Teddy Altman, Monica Rambeau, Sam Wilson, Wade Wilson.
Ravenclaw; T’Challa, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, Hank Pym, Tony Stark, Jen Walters, Amadeus Cho, Billy Kaplan, Jericho Drumm, Kamala Khan.
Slytherin; Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Matt Murdock, Natasha Romanoff, Dane Whitman, Jess Drew, Daisy Johnson, Jessica Jones, Tommy Shepherd, Simon Williams, Eli Bradley, Kate Bishop.
Right. Now onto the X-Men:
Gryffindor; Sean Cassidy, Scott Summers, James ‘Logan’ Howlett, Piotr Rasputin, Alex Summers, Caliban, Sam Guthrie, Barnell Bohusk, Hisako Ichiki, Laura Kinney, Idie Okonkwo, Sooraya Qadir, Dani Moonstar, Longshot.
Hufflepuff; Bobby Drake, Jean Grey, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Jamie Madrox, Alison Blaire, Anna Marie Darkholme (as alternate realities give her), Kurt Wagner, Julio Richter, Rahne Sinclaire, Clarice Ferguson, Nate Grey, Nathan Summers, Megan Gwynn.
Ravenclaw; Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy, Ororo Munroe, Kitty Pryde, Doug Ramsay, Terry Cassidy, Shatterstar, Rachel Summers, Lucas Bishop, Emma Frost, Remy Le Beau, David Alleyne, Neena Thurman, M.
Slytherin; Lorna Dane, Warren Worthington III, Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Betsy Braddock, Jubilee, Xian Coy Manh, Ilyana Rasputina, Tabitha Smith, Shiro Yoshida, Quentin Quire, Hope Summers.
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Gryffindor; Peter Quill, Richard Rider, Arthur Douglas.
Hufflepuff; Sam Alexander, Groot
Ravenclaw; Rocket Raccoon, Heather Douglas, Gamora, Yondu Udonta
Slytherin; Nebula, Garthan Saal, Phyla Vell
Gryffindor; Gorgon, Triton
Hufflepuff; Crystal, Lockjaw, Ronan the Accusor
Ravenclaw; Medusa, Karnak
Slytherin; Black Bolt, Maximus
Gryffindor; Victor Creed, Tom Cassidy, Yuriko Oyama.
Hufflepuff; Max Eisenhardt, Jamie Braddock, Harry Osborne.
Ravenclaw; Nathaniel Essex, MODOK, En Sabah Nur, Sebastian Shaw, Jason Wyngarde, Hunter, Maxwell Dillon, Zebediah Killgrave, Helmut Zemo.
Slytherin; Loki Laufeyson/dottir, Raven Darkholme, Ulysses Klaw, Adrienne Frost, Gabriel Summers, Thunderbolt Ross, Victor Von Doom, Sergei Kravinoff, Karl Mordo, Brock Rumlow, Dormammu, Umar, Stryfe.
Gryffindor; Peggy Carter, Robert Frank, Heimdall, Toro, Ben Grimm, James Hudson, Eugene Judd, Meggan Puceanu, Doreen Green, Nadia Van Dyne, Miles Morales, Pepper Potts, Faiza Hussein, Misty Knight, Colleen Wing, Melinda May, Volstagg the Valiant, Dum Dum Dugan, Johnny Blaze, Flash Thompson, Jack Power, Rikki Barnes, Sharon Carter, Tyrone Johnson, Tandy Bowen, Valkyrie, Daimon Hellstrom, Sif
Hufflepuff; Chris Summers, May Parker, Frank Castle, (Spider) Gwen Stacy, Narya, Sue Storm, Beta Ray Bill, Marrina Smallwood, Montgomery Falsworth, Ellie Phimister, Ellie Camacho, Everett Ross, Robbie Reyes, Happy Hogan, Foggy Nelson, Jemma Simmons, Jasper Sitwell, Fandral the Dashing, Gert Yorkes, Wong, Katie Power, Robbie Baldwin, Leiyu Yoshida, Singularity, Man Thing, Topaz, Hydra Bob.
Ravenclaw; Odin Borson, Erik Selvig, Moira MacTaggert, Rick Jones, Reed Richards, Michael Langkowski, Phil Coulson, Lunella Lafayette, Michael Twoyoungmen, Jane Foster, Leo Fitz, Hogun the Grim, Bobbi Morse, Mary Jane Watson, Betty Ross, Julie Power, Darcy Lewis, Lilandra, Norrin Radd, Jimmy Woo, The Ancient One, Clea.
Slytherin; Nick Fury Sr and Nick Fury Jr, Blind Al, Johnny Storm, Jennifer Kale, Elektra Natchios, Daken, Maria Hill, Eric O’Grady, Eric Brooks, Jacqueline Falsworth, Maya Lopez, Michael Collins, Lance Hunter, Barney Barton, Nico Minoru, Chase Stein, Alex Power, Pete Wisdom, Abigail Brand, Rachel Leighton, J Jonah Jameson, Howard the Duck, Namor, Angela, Shuri.
I know I’m missing people. I just have to think of my sanity.
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The epilogue!
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ao3feed-starmora · 6 years
Guardian of the West
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tTJqH5
by chris_phd
Burning sun, the smoke of his cigar and a shadow of a raven flying around his head. Peter Quill thought the only miracle he witness was wining at cards in that night. But destiny never awaits for us to get lucky,always taking us by surprise. Even if it is the second time Peter loses everything he had, this time, he is sure prepared to have his revenge. Will a stubborn cowboy as Peter Quill, understand that behind a simple shadow of a raven, there is greater story that waits for him to be part of?
Words: 6434, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Peter Quill, Yondu Udonta, Ronan the Accuser, Original Female Character(s), Ronan's sister, Kraglin Obfonteri, Mantis (Marvel), Meredith Quill, Garthan Saal, Rhomann Dey, Taserface (Marvel)
Relationships: Peter Quill/Original Female Character(s), Gamora/Peter Quill, it's the incoming starmora with the angsty ex relationship
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Western, Angst, funny moments, Blue is Peter's horse, since I liked her in Jurassic World, Yondu as priest, cowboy Peter Quill, Ronan is a lil shit as always, Mantis as Peter's sister, Sibling Incest, ugh Ronan how nasty are you man, Poor Peter, did i mention angst? like heartbreaking for this cowboy, Character Death
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tTJqH5
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mollyannice · 7 years
By: TheBetterAngelsOfOurNature
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning : Major Character Death
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Guardians of the Galaxy - All Media Types
Relationships: Meredith Quill/Yondu Udonta, Meredith Quill/ Ego, Kraglin Obfonteri & Meredith Quill, Peter Quill & Yondu Udonta, Meredith Quill & Peter Quill, Kraglin Obfonteri & Peter Quill, Stakar Ogord & Yondu Udonta
Characters: Peter Quill, Peter Quill's Grandfather, Meredith Quill. Yondu Udonta, Ego the Living Planet, Kraglin Obfonteri, Ravagers (Marvel), Garthan Saal, Martinex T'Naga, Gef (Marvel), Original Non-Human Character(s), Original Characters, Stakar Ogord
Additional Tags: Why Did I Write This?, I Don't Even Know, Shipping in Space, Mother-Son Relationship, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Team as Family, Family, Slow Burn, Slow Romance, fast updates, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alcohol, Pancakes, Morally Ambiguous Peter, Parent Yondu Udonta, Parent Meredith Quill, Big Brother Kraglin, Bank Robbery, Space Pirates, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Language, Girls with Guns, Kid Peter Quill, Gambling, Moral Dilemmas, Moral Lessons, Cancer, Brain Surgery, Surgery, Cybernetics, Mama Bear Quill, Near Death Experiences, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Emotional Roller Coaster, Emotional Manipulation, Emotions, So many emotions, Sassy Peter Quill, Interspecies Relationship(s)
Summary: What if the light had stayed with Meredith? This work is the first part in a series answers that question. It reverses the timeline of the movies; Ego is dealt with in this work, and Ronan in the next. I always thought it was a little lame that Meredith's function in the movies (and comics, actually) is just to give birth to Peter and then die. I think Peter would agree; his mother was more than that. This is a fic to illuminate what might have happened if Meredith Quill had followed her son to space. Expect fierce mothering, Meredith Quill sass, bewildered Ravagers, and lullabies.  Meredith Quill, Mother of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
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decaldrama-blog · 5 years
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Do you have a favorite moment from the GotG movies? • Everyone I know just busted-a-gut when Yondu came floating out of the air and yelled excitedly, “I’m Mary Poppins, y’all!” Funny moment for sure! • • • 💕Be sure to Double-Tap it!!💕 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Guardians of the Galaxy-Inspired Fan Art, I’m Mary Poppins, Y’All! Yondu Udonta in profile silhouette; Marvel Comics; Garthan Saal, Rhomann Dey, Yondu, Space Avengers, Star Lord, Peter Quill, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Nebula, Ronan, Kree, Thanos, Nova Corps, Infinity Stones, Collector, Chris Pratt; XTRA-SMALL decal measures 2”w x 2-1/4”h (5cm x 5.7cm) only $2.50; SMALL decal measures 3-3/4”w x 4-1/8”h (9.5cm x 10.4cm) for only $3.50 (Available at www.decaldrama.com) [link in bio] • • • • • 🛑Don’t forget to follow us!🛑 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🌎We ship worldwide!🌍 • • • • • • • • • • • ☂️ #ImMaryPoppinsYall #MaryPoppinsYall #Yondu #YonduUdonta #YonduPoppins #MichaelRooker #StarLord #PeterQuill #IAmGroot #Groot #BabyGroot #GuardiansoftheGalaxyVol2 #Gamora #Ravagers #MuggleMaker @TheMarketingMuggles #HelloSmallShop #MakersMovement #WeLoveCollect #WallsNeedLove #Craftsposure #VinylDecal #VinylSticker #WallDecal #WallDecals #VinylDecals #Decal #WallDecor #DecalsforDays #DecalDrama ☂️ (at Provo, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu_ow3Sgz3P/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ahbriws7u0mu
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dbarajas03-blog · 5 years
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Richard Rider was selected at random to possess the powers of a Nova corp warrior. Richard Rider is the host of the entire Nova Force, a vast energy source that he can access to grant himself a number of superhuman attributes. He uses his power for good to protect Earth. He’s definitely one of Marvel’s underrated characters to be seen.
Powers and Abilities
Nova derives his powers from an energy source called the Nova Force which all Nova Corps Centurions wield. This energy was transferred to Rider by the Nova-Centurion, Rhomann Dey. The Nova Force affords Rider superhuman powers including flight, superhuman strength, speed, and durability, as well as the power to absorb energy directed against him and release it as gravimetric pulses and beams, either from specific parts of his body or from his entire body. Nova is a good hand-to-hand combatant and has been coached by Chord.
Nova wears a standard Xandarian StarCorps uniform, designed to accommodate his powers without being damaged by them. The uniform is highly resistant to damage, including outer space conditions, and is airtight. In addition, the uniform has a built-in life support function that can sustain Rider under the most extreme environmental conditions, including acting as a life-support suit by locking off the mouth and eyes of the helmet. The helmet contains a radio, telescopic sights, night vision sensors, and heat imaging sensors, as well as a visual heads-up display for tracking energy signatures. Nova's helmet has a rigid construction and shape when worn, but becomes as malleable as cloth when it is not, allowing Rider to hide it in his civilian clothes when desired. Nova's uniform is not only extremely malleable but contains specific functions to aid Rider in his role as a Nova Corps Centurion. Among these features is an electromagnetic discharge that can nullify gravity and an interface to stargates that allow him to enter hyperspace, where he can move at velocities exceeding the speed of light. Rider can also alter the appearance and nature of his uniform to suit his needs. However, as Rider learns the hard way, the Nova Corps keeps a strict dress code. When he makes major cosmetic changes to his uniform after rejoining the New Warriors, Nova is summarily ordered to conform to standard.
During Annihilation, Rider's uniform is altered and enhanced to house the Xandarian Worldmind as well as the entire Nova Force, which was previously used by all members of the Nova Corps. With the Worldmind and the Nova Force, Rider possesses tremendously augmented strength and durability as well as nearly limitless quantities of energy. The Worldmind consists of the entire culture and history of Xandar as well as the individual minds of thousands of years of dead Xandarians. The consensus voice of the Worldmind can speak directly to Rider, helping him to control the Nova Force, fight enemies, sense energy, interface with electronics, and protect against psionic abilities. The Worldmind can also assume direct control of Rider's body when he is asleep.
Born in Hempstead, New York, he was chosen at random by the alien Rhomann Dey, last surviving Centurion of the planet Xandar's elite Nova Corps, to inherit his power and succeed him in the rank of Nova Prime following the destruction of his world by the intergalactic pirate Zorr. Having been mortally wounded in the battle that tore Xandar apart, Dey succeeded in tracking Zorr to Earth, but he was unable to exact vengeance himself due to the extent of his injuries. At death's door, Dey had little choice but to transfer his power to an unsuspecting human on the planet below, gambling that whoever he found would be willing to take up his cause and prove worthy of the powers he had given their recipient. The sudden infusion of power overloaded Rider's body, and he was hospitalized. While Rider was comatose, the moribund Rhomann Dey explained to him telepathically what had happened to him and what his mission was. Rider's recovery was as sudden as his incapacitation had been, being preceded by eye-blasts that knocked a doctor out of his room. Discharged, he tried to resume his normal routine. But the very next day, Rider was alone in his bedroom when Dey suddenly transmitted to him his (Dey's) last gift to Rider, his Centurion's uniform. Rider found himself possessed of a high strength level, near invulnerability, the power to fly, and a uniform with a sealed life-support system, but little instruction on how to use these new powers. Indeed, he had barely had the opportunity to test out these powers before radio circuitry contained in his uniform's helmet alerted him to depredations that Zorr was committing in the heart of New York City. Rider was able to locate Zorr and engage him in combat for a handful of minutes; though he did not manage to injure Zorr severely, Rider did enable Dey to lock onto Zorr's location by means of the Xandarian's telepathic link with his Terrestrial successor. Dey then teleported Zorr aboard his (Dey's) Nova-Ship and used the energies of its Computer P.R.I.M.E. to disintegrate Zorr totally, leaving behind only the alien's life-support suit. The energies of the Computer P.R.I.M.E., indeed, were so powerful that Dey's own moribund body was itself destroyed in the process. Rider, calling himself Nova, had little idea how to use his new powers, enamored of them as he was. Still, he took up the life of a superhero, fighting costumed enemies such as the Condor, Powerhouse, Diamondhead, the Corruptor, and others in New York while gradually learning how to use his new powers. Rider led a listless life. Depressed by the loss of his powers, and unwilling to go back to the high school from which all his friends had graduated, he worked odd jobs until the day he was approached by Night Thrasher. Night Thrasher was attempting to build his own super-hero team, and he had read, in an analysis of Richard Rider, that Rider's powers might be reactivated if he suffered a great enough adrenaline rush. To accomplish his "experiment," he kidnapped Rider and dropped him from the top of a building. As Taylor had expected, Rider's powers were then reactivated, and his identity as Nova was restored. After his initial anger at Taylor, he eventually agreed to join his team. Nova proved to be a valuable asset for the Warriors. Dubbed "Kid Nova" by the media after the Warriors' debut, Rider had to work harder to regain the respect of the public after his absence. Working with the New Warriors, Rider also began a flirtatious relationship with his teammate Namorita, although they did not move beyond friendly squabbling in the first few months. When a woman claimed the power of Nova's old enemy, the Sphinx, she reorganized reality into a version that appealed to her. Here, Rider had achieved prominence as a member of the Avengers and the respect he craved as Nova. But Sayge, the Embodiment of Truth, nonetheless confronted Nova and made him see this reality was a lie. Recruiting the other original New Warriors, Nova fought the Sphinx and made her reverse her changes. Nova and Night Thrasher finally buried the hatchet after this adventure, and Taylor provided Rider with an upgraded version of his original uniform, allowing him to cast off the media-given "Kid Nova" name completely and operate unchallenged as Nova again.
In an encounter with Garthan Saal, also called Supernova, Rider used the full power of the Nova Force to help restore Xandar and its population, including Adora and many others, through the planetary cloning banks that the Worldmind controlled. Although his powers were increased, Rider was reduced to being one of many personnel of the Nova Corps. With Xandar now under the protection of the Shi'ar Empire, Nova had superiors to whom he had to answer as a Corpsman. Nova had difficulty in maintaining his duties as both one of the Nova Corps personnel and a New Warrior. He met an alternate reality Nova, "Nova O:O," who helped Rider develop his powers. He also saved Earth from destruction by preventing the detonation of the "Deathstorm" bomb. But dealing against the Deathstorm bomb had meant ignoring a call from the Nova Corps, and that amounted to dereliction of his duties. Thus Rider was stripped of his Nova powers. His power was given to Garthan Saal, who came to Earth as Nova in his place. After several months as a powerless associate of the New Warriors, Rider and Saal confronted the Dire Wraith queen Volx, who fatally wounded Saal. The Xandarian passed his powers on to Rider, exactly as Rhomann Dey once had, and Richard Rider's identity as Nova was again reinstated.
Most of the Nova Corps and Nu Xandar had been destroyed by the Annihilation Wave. Richard Rider now contained the Worldmind, giving him substantially increased power to fight against the threat. However, it was not known how long he could contain the Worldmind. Drax had offered to assist him. Later, in an effort to buy more time for the evacuation of the besieged planet Nycos Aristedes, Nova and Quasar punched through the Annihilation Wave to meet Annihilus face to face on his own command ship. In the ensuing battle, Quasar was killed and, though Rider was forced to flee, his efforts, combined with the timely intervention of the Worldmind, succeeded in driving the Annihilation Wave to retreat from the sector and secure the planet's complete evacuation. Faced with the universal threat Annihilus now posed, Rider and the Worldmind agreed to abandon the search for a safe haven and remained joined together to fight the Wave head on. To oppose the Annihilation Wave, 205 days after Annihilation Day, Richard Rider formed an army which he called the United Front. His land-based army included Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Ronan the Accuser and Starlord (Peter Quill), while his outer-space forces consisted primarily of Firelord, Red Shift and Stardust, former Heralds of Galactus. Rider and his forces fought valiantly holding off the wave as best they could, gaining small victories here and there. Other allies joined the United Front like Super Skrull and Phyla-Vell. The Front, ultimately, was made up of hundreds of species all fighting to stop the Wave. After months of fighting, Nova finally confronted Annihilus and the two began a fierce battle. Phyla-Vell attempted to join but found that Nova had sealed her and Quill in an energy bubble, wanting to face Annihilus alone. Using the quantum bands, Annihilus proved to be too much for Nova. Phyla-Vell forced her way out of the bubble and attacked Annihilus, attempting to wrest the quantum bands from him. Annihilus threw her aside, but the quantum bands abandoned Annihilus and joined with Phyla-Vell. Annihilus fought on, but Nova surmised that the gap in Annihilus's armor was his mouth. Taking advantage of that, he forced his hand down Annihilus's throat and tore out his (Annihilus's) entrails, yelling, "THIS IS FOR THE NOVA CORPS!!!" Both Annihilus and Nova slumped to the ground as Nova looked up to see the veiled figures of Thanos and Lady Death looking over him and smiling. Nova told them, "Better luck next time." The war was over, Annihilus's forces were defeated and treaties were signed. Ronan, who had now become the Emperor of the Kree Empire and ruled in the name of the Supreme Intelligence, offered to make Nova an honorary Kree. Nova was left debating his future and wondered if he should return home to Earth.
Nova is definitely very interesting as a Marvel character whose potential continues to grow more. He was just an average teen chosen at random for greatness and now possessing the Worldmind. He is an incredible warrior and I think he would be ideal for the position of a hero corrupted and used as a weapon for evil. This would go against his morals and everything he stands for, giving him an interesting dark side. I think Marvel can definitely see Nova going the dark route through corruption and manipulation.
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