#Petra talks
space-rocc · 1 year
im a cat if it was gay and depressed :3
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enden-agolor · 11 months
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my bf and i made a jesskas stardew valley au and we have been playing like crazy nonstop like it’s all i think about right now so here’s a bunch of doodles for it 😍
in the au jesse is the farmer who moves into town from the city and lukas replaces a character named penny, basically living her life (they both share interests in a few things and both have such kind, caring personalities so it fits trust me bro). for those who don’t know… penny’s life in game is kind of horrible. if you are familiar with the game, i’m sure you know what penny’s deal is and the dark reality she is living with her mother who happens to be an emotionally abusive alcoholic. so lukas deals with that, along side a few other things that kind of make his home life way worse (i’m so sorry lukas) but finds solace in the new farmer that he hadn’t met until about a whole year into jesse already living in beacon (pelican)town.
more art under cut
‼️warnings for implied emotional abuse involving a parental figure‼️⬇️
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hartlesshart · 4 months
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6/14 how we got here -> Page 1
Continue reading for an anime fight -> Part 7
honestly angry beta is endearing to me.
is the placement of the two stuck Loys in panel 1 intentional? ... honestly no but assume it was. cue CXG's heavy boobs song.
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end3rm0cha · 23 days
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its mcsm o clock, featuring Gabriel appreciation post
found a random blue armor on pinterest and decided it would suit him well :D
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rossy-mossy · 24 days
Wanna talk about Bloodweave and the spawn siblings, specifically how Astarions siblings would interact with Gale in that ending where they settle down in the under dark (and gale starts a vampire book club 🤓)
(DISCLAIMER Since don't know too much about Astarions siblings (more so than others) , alot of this is just me having fun and assigning character traits to them according to how I imagine my game went)
Starting with these two!
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I think these two would get along incredibly well! I can see them talking for hours about their respective (sometimes morally dubious) research, boring absolutely anyone within earshot. I think they could bond over some questionable decisions they've made (gale with the orb And Dal with trying to cure her vampirism with Victoria.) and find comfort in one another . Especially since I HC gayle saves Victoria in game but more on that in Leon's section. Out of all the siblings, Dal is the only one Astarion trusts to leave gale alone with.
Also think Dals research leads to gale finding a way for astarion and the others to walk in the sun again. I don't think she joins the book club tho bc Leon is often there and well... Y'know awkward... But gale does leave a book on her desk from time to time.
ahh the spawn I love thinking about post game the most bc I think Petras develops a big crush on Gale. I see it being pretty gradual tbh, He doesn't like Gale at first because he's Astarions and Petras has made it a habit to dislike everything about his "older brother" thank you very much (even though I think petras entire coping mechanism is to badly copy everything about astarion bc he subconsciously thinks it was the only way to survive his enslavement, hence they way he talks and Astarions fucking EA outfit, he stole it from Astarions trunk when he disappeared I just know it) .
So yeah I think it's a few months of Petras being huffy around this handsome annoying wizard while Gale continues to be nice to him. One day Gale offers to teach petras magic (he's a teacher by heart!) much like the canon weave scene and it ends with Gale genuinely but naively exclaiming "You're a natural! Why, you've picked it even faster than Astarion did!"
This is cataclysmic.
It's the first fucking time Petras has been better than Astarion in anything. Petras is immediately heart eyes and obnoxiously smug. Astarion is murderous. Leon and Dal stop a murder. Gale is sent to sleep on the couch.
Any potential brotherly reconcilation is destroyed by Astarion overhearing Petras telling Dal that when Astarion fucks this up then Petras will swoop in and marry Gale. Violet begins to cackle as all of her siblings hold Astarion ,whose now willing to lose an arm, back from dragging Petras to the surface
Petras joins the book club just bc Gale's leading it. He does not read anything but pesters Yousen for answers so he can look smart in front of Gale.
Doing the others next time!
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olberic · 9 months
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caspar celibacy dot png
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vilsoo · 1 year
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gojo satoru serving cunt and looking hot asl when he finally got unboxed it’s RIDICULOUS… 😩 AND LOOK AT HIM CLENCHING HIS BALLS PUNCHING URAUME WHO IS DOING IT LIKE HIM?????
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atsuya160 · 1 year
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FE3H as tumblr textposts, except they cater to me specifically
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themintman · 2 months
thinking about the time I posted a mcsm tiktok that got semi popular and I had to turn off comments cause people were genuinely mad that I didn't put a spoiler warning.
A spoiler warning. On a tiny clip. From the sequel of an iconic, extremely popular game that came out almost 10 years ago. Made by a company that doesn't even exist anymore.
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meggannn · 5 months
aloy in the slack channel: everyone should be added now and assignments have been sent for the month so refresh your inboxes and ask gaia if you have any issues
erend: Go team!!
talanah: @everyone anyone want to hunt an apex stormbird with me, meet me by the west exist in 5min, bring your own arrows
varl: aloy when are you updating your icons, yours and talanahs are still the default so i keep getting you both confused
avad: Hello Am I Using This Correctly? How Is The Weather Out West?
anonymous: If you continue to fill this message board with prattle, I shall install a virus into the network that restricts you all to five messages per day before all your focuses will crash. Consider yourselves appropriately warned and do not touch the lab door for the next twelve hours, as I have cultures growing and the lab must remain at a certain temperature.
aloy: Sylens I know you know how to use mute so shut up and leave if you don't like it
alva: Hi everyone, and hi Sylens, just to let you know, I don't want to be presumptuous or anything but the plural of "focuses" is actually foci! Quen scholars have debated this rigorously, and colloquially the Old Ones said focuses all the time, but grammatically I just thought you might want to know the more accurate word!
alva: ALSO I'm so glad we can chat here now, I'll upload you all some files here so we can learn and use some terms that the Ancestors used! TTYS!!! (talk to you soon)
beta: Aloy keeps forgetting to respond to my request for admin access formally so I've hacked her account and am assigning myself a fellow moderator of this chat just to tell everyone this is for WORK ONLY. I'll make several separate threads for any other idle chat or interests, but please keep it on topic here.
kotallo: Hello, everyone. Apologies for the message, I'd just like to test that this text-to-speech function works. Send. Oh I needn't say "send"? Thank you, GAIA.
[beta has created #off-topic]
[beta has created #events-and-schedules]
[beta has created #find-a-friend-(to-take-you-down-the-mountain)]
[beta has created #old-world-resources]
erend: can we have one for music too?
[beta has created #old-world-music]
seyka: Hi all, am I doing this right?
anonymous: Enough.
[anonymous has locked this thread]
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dedusmuln · 2 months
still mind boggling to me to see that petra is the character who constantly gets the most hate . and whenever i see people complain about her, it's usually due to her being "too rude" or that "her writing in season 2 wasn't good" or y'know. people just flat out saying she was "a bitch".
and i think it's really funny because i see a ton of people who are fans of aiden, a ton of people who are fans of romeo (myself included), and tons of people who are fans of other characters who also had their rude moments. so it just makes me wonder ... why do people have an issue with petra in particular?
i do think part of it is. misogyny. like. that's pretty obvious. i've seen people directly say that there's "more interesting" characters in season 2, and then list out every single character that's a guy. and honestly, you can have a girl character in any media who's a bit more direct/blunt/mean and you have people lining up to complain about her actions. but i also think it's like.. a lot of people just aren't used to seeing a character who acts like her, and i also think a lot of people don't understand her writing in season 2.
i've seen so many people complain that she's "out of character" or "too mean" and honestly i never really thought that? before i got into season 2 i was literally gearing up to see her do some awful , terrible thing that would make me hate her. but... that never came. of course, i'm sure how she acts depends on the choices you make, but i swear Every Single Time she's rude or does something wrong, she apologizes for it.
i don't think it's hard to understand where she's coming from, either. imagine if you had a group of friends who all had time to hang out with each other, but didn't carve out time for you! adventuring is petra's hobby, it's her thing, and it makes sense that she wouldn't want to give that up. she's still allowed to be upset if her friends can't make extra time for her. she's lonely, and it's been eating at her. jesse also admits to not making much time for petra either - they both have stuff to work on.
also like. GUYS . petra is meant to parallel romeo, even from the very beginning of season two. of course she's going to act a little bit more immature and competitive- the whole point is that she's falling into these habits and grows to realize how what she's doing is wrong! that's her whole arc! she's meant to be like romeo, but with far more introspection and self reflection. hope this helps
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asterroses · 1 month
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finished a ref sheet for one of my pcs , petra ! ^_^
commissions !
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tinterabyte · 3 months
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Doropetra journalist x fashion designer modern AU!!! I really liked this post by @stergeon and had visions for visualizations of this fun story idea. I tried my hand at drawing out some scenes!!!
These are just quick, vignette-type ideas that I had to sketch out. These are also mixed in with me finding excuses to draw the girls in stylish outfits and an outlet for dumping my knowledge and experience in the fashion world hehe
My comic and sequencing skills are not the best, but I hope you find these fashion gals to be so sillyful!
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mothstache · 2 months
Jesse idolized the Old Order especially when he was younger. The reveal of the truth by Soren arguably hit the hardest for him.
He found Reuben as a piglet passing by an abandoned farm on his way to town.
He’s always been the most levelheaded member of the group, however if pushed to his limit he can get outwardly aggressive. He feels very guilty about it afterwards.
After the events of Season 2, he stays a few more weeks in Beacontown before leaving to adventure with Petra.
Jesse and Olivia have been friends since childhood.
Jesse was the one to find Axel when they were teens after catching him fleeing a raid.
He’s genderfluid (he/she) and bisexual (slight preference for men).
He’ll grow his hair out pretty long before cutting it really short again.
After Season 2, he gains a phobia of being misunderstood whether through tone or action, due to the Admin mimicking his identity.
He has PTSD from the events of the Wither Storm, though he rarely talks about that period.
While he is super close with everyone in the new Order, he and Olivia can read each other like a book having known each other so long.
After Reuben’s death, Jesse fell into a silent depression for a while and would still leave out food and water for Reuben despite knowing he was no longer with him.
Ellegaard’s death hit horribly hard for him, being what truly shook him to the core for the first time since the creation of the Wither Storm.
Has feelings for everyone in the new Order (especially Lukas).
Was mentored in potion brewing by Ivor for a while.
Olivia’s love of engineering partly came from a few old redstone books passed down to her from her aunt. The title of the author has long since faded, but the books were written long ago by Harper.
She met Jesse when they were kids, having grown up in the same childhood town.
She has anxiety and ADHD.
After Season 1 she developed an even closer bond with Axel, as the two would see the most of each other despite the group going their separate ways.
Ellegaard was her idol since she was a young teen. Her death is something she’ll never get out of her mind.
She has fascination with Endermen (as well as the End dimension in general)
Post-Season 2, she’s one of the top redstone experts in the land.
She has an intense phobia of phantoms.
Olivia had a pet dog as a kid named Yarrow, she and Jesse would play fetch with him for hours on end.
Nell is her best friend outside the new Order.
She is a lesbian and holds romantic feelings for Petra.
She also holds queerplatonic feelings for Jesse, Lukas and Axel.
She’s an amazing cook despite not doing it often anymore.
Olivia and Lukas will sometimes spend hours on end reading history books and documents together.
Lukas was raised by his grandfather who was a historian, which later would become an interest of his.
Lukas has catfolk blood. The team name Ocelots isn’t just a random thing he chose - it’s unclear if Aiden, Maya and Gill ever knew about its origins.
He’s the best navigator in jungles, and an expert navigator in general with Axel.
He and Petra have been close friends for a long time, since Petra even met Jesse, Olivia and Axel.
Lukas is a bit of a people pleaser, which is how he ended up with friends like Aiden, Maya and Gill. It’s also why he wasn’t good about chastising his friends for their jerkish behavior.
He has Autism and finds himself masking a lot.
He once made a jacket for Olivia with an endermen face embedded into the back, similar to his old ocelot jacket.
He’s a trans man (he/him) and gay.
Holds feelings for Jesse and Axel, and is queerplatonic with Olivia and Petra.
Seeing Petra’s deterioration with their wither sickness was really hard for him. They were always one of the strongest people he knew so seeing them become weaker and weaker terrified him.
He’s good friends with Stacy and Stampy, and the both of them were the first he recruited for the new Ocelots.
He tamed his ocelot Dewey shortly after Season 1.
Axel is 15% hisskin. Some of the ways it shows itself physically are the green scales on his neck and shoulders, and him constantly smelling a bit like gunpowder. In addition, if he grows intensely angry or excited, sparks may literally fly out of his mouth when he talks.
Axel considers Jesse his first “real” friend. Prior to their meeting, Axel was part of a gang of thieves who would often leave him to fend for himself, whether because they were meanspirited or neglectful to the youngest of the group or both. When he first befriended Jesse, he was even more temperamental and stubborn, and very quick to do things his own way by habit. Being with Jesse and Olivia helped him to become more trusting and levelheaded, though he retained a lot of his rogue ways.
He has slight thalassophobia that he’s working on.
He has ADHD and BPD.
Axel was initially afraid Lukas would replace him in the friend group. He hated him for how rapidly close he was becoming with Jesse and Olivia, and deep down saw him as a smarter, more logical replacement to him.
VERY good with maps, plus he has a natural sense of direction, especially in caves.
He’s nonbinary (he/they) and pansexual.
Has buried romantic feelings for Jesse and Olivia, along with Petra and Lukas.
Magnus treats him a lot like a little brother, the two love to spar a lot.
After Reuben’s death, he often would try to comfort Jesse to no avail, this caused him an unusual amount of anxiety and grief for both Jesse and his lost pet.
Post-Season 2, he has a more spiked hairstyle and wears a creeper bandana.
Post-Season 2 he tries whenever he can to make time for the old gang to meet up.
He has a pet bat named Batsy. (Yes, this is from the scrapped canon idea)
Petra has always adventuring in their blood, having been on the move from place to place since they were a kid.
Petra holds a ton of knowledge about surviving alone in the nether, from experience! As a younger adult their portal once got broken, and they had to spend a few days on her own in the nether till they came across another adventurer who helped them escape.
Despite having never stayed in one place long, they’re naturally extremely loyal to all of their friends. They don’t take losing friendships well.
Enduring the wither sickness took all their might and they can only pray they never have to experience that ever again.
Jack was their first ever idol when they were young. When they heard he was moving to Beacontown they were excitedly rambling to Jesse for DAYS.
They’re transmasc (they/them) and a lesbian.
They have romantic feelings for Olivia, and have queerplatonic crushes on Jesse, Lukas and Axel.
Petra and Axel have occasionally gone out on solo missions, usually for reckless reasons. They come back with tattered clothes and burn marks, but a ton of treasure each.
Petra has Autism and psychosis.
They have asthma, which made the wither sickness even harder on them.
They are stubborn and hate giving up in any situation, viewing it as a personal failure.
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hannigramislife · 4 months
I'm rewatching Attack on Titan with my cousin, who has never seen it, and boy, is it a tripping experience.
I first watched Attack on Titan when it first came out, back in 2013, and now in season 1, there are moments that just physically kick me back in time, back when we knew nothing.
My cousin said, "Are Levi and Mikasa related? They have the same last name," and I was struggling to remember why it wasn't obvious to us back then that there was a connection–
And then it hit me that we didn't know Levi's last name for a while. He does, but we didn't.
I remember the tumblr posts the most; I remember the horse face jokes, and the memes like "dead mom hairstyle" and eren joining the "did nothing wrong squad." I remember the fics with the Levi squad and the huge shipping between Levi and Eren– how Levi always called them gaki/brats and the "characters watch the show" fics. I remember the discourse between people who shipped eremika and those saying "they're siblings," and I remember the live action movie.
During an episode, I saw Levi's name spelled as "Rivaille" and could almost smell the summer air in my childhood bedroom where I watched AoT.
It's so bizarre watching the first season now that everything is over, because at the time, genuinely nobody could have seen it going the way it did. We never thought we'd end up here. All we wanted to know was what was in that goddamn basement.
Even as I have read and watched everything, when I'm back in season one, I just keep quietly wondering to myself...
How did we end up here?
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randomnameless · 3 days
@pandp-author replied to your post “Just thinking about it but - UO : MC learns the...”:
@themoomoorn If it's not too much asking, what is it about Petra's support with Claude that you don't like? I'm rather curious.
​If I can jump in, for me it'd be this :
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Petra : Harming Trees is bad because they have spirits and it's important, the tree gives us food and shelter but it also needs us. We live in harmony, all those things.
Clout : Ah yes, you're close to the nature, unlike those stupid Fodlan people who believe everything comes from their goddess and forgot nature.
Petra : Remember when I said Billy-sensei turning green looks like the spirits I am often talking about? And how the Fodlan Goddess basically made and created those spirits? - Who am I kidding, I can't tell you this, we're in a Fodlan game, you must always have a point and Church BaD.
Clout : Of course!
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Clout : I mean, imagine if the Hresvelgs could trace their lineage to Saint Seiros herself, who is said to be, in her own scriptures, a Child of the Goddess aka not a human herself or at least a divine being. I'd look like an imbecile, right?
Also fun how "uwu nobility isn't a matter of birthright, status doesn't matter uwu" when the same guy tells to Cyril :
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"nobility doesn't matter we're all equals uwu except when I could use my status to compel a random to do things he doesn't want to".
But back to the Petra support :
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Clout : I've heard Hanneman say the same thing to Doro.
Petra : Wow you're so strange for saying those things! And you are a noble who can climb to trees! So weird!
Clout : Are we sure Caspar can't do the same? He knows how to pummel someone to death with his fists, maybe he'd also know how to climb trees or something, given how he didn't receive any education befitting a heir of a house, since his brother is the heir and he is naught but a spare. But hey, I'll totally call you strange because you are a princess of Brigid, nevermind the link I cannot tell you about between you being the princess of a foreign land and me.
Petra : But you know how to climb trees and take care of your equipment ! I'm so impressed, I've never seen any noble take care of his own stuff before. What is that? Ferdie oils his own weapons and armor? Who is that Ferdie you're talking about?
Granted, given how Petra was trashtalked by Hubert (or trash thought) when he first met her and was around the most, uh, decadent part of Adrestian Nobility, I can't fault her for thinking Claude climbing to trees and tending to his own bow is extraordinary - but I suppose if she ever went to see any BL what she finds "abornmal in Fodlan and totes only Adrestia because that's the only place she visited" wouldn't be so... abnormal.
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