#Phil plays hardcore
royalarchivist · 1 month
Phil: These are royalty wings! Boop! Gifted to me by Techno. Lore. [Makes a "sprinkling" motion with his hand] Lore. [Laughs]
Phil: Nah, that's a cute one, right? It's cute. It's– it literally– it literally reminds me of Techno's cape. I'm sorry, for anyone that doesn't think so, I don't know. Dunno what to tell you. It literally reminds me of Techno's cape. I like it so much that I'm keeping it. I'm keeping this on as long as I– as I can before I get bored eventually and switch it to something else, but... I like it that much that I'm keeping it on for that reason.
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dvnieldraws · 1 year
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reminder! make sure your platonic spouse isn't dying!!
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crepusculum-rattus · 1 year
phil standing out in the open at night, staring up at the sky, hoping to see a face hidden within the stars. phil flying and the faint buzz of his wings giving away his location to any mob nearby. phil staring at his reflection down in the water and quickly casting his lure so the ripples distort it. phil unable to get all of the gold off of his fingertips at the end of each day. phil sorting through his chests again and again because he needs to check his supplies. phil talking to the crows that circle his head and waiting for robotic words to translate the caws…..
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Calling it now, I’m betting no qsmp on Monday if philza streams and if we DO get qsmp it’ll be for like only an hour and only after some people go on a quest to find him.
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dandelionstep-moved · 10 months
okay i'm like in a bitchy mood right now not going to lie and like ccphil honest to god gets on my nerves because he's constantly putting himself in a parental role then saying/doing fucked up shit to characters that either are children or were his children 7__7 and like i'm not a phil main so if my judgement is completely wrong that's fair but it happens often enough to a point where i'm like. does he. ooc. know how fucked it is? or what
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antimony-medusa · 4 months
CC!phil in early stream confirmed that he's played the same character on most servers (definitely dsmp and qsmp, not sure about smpearth, not osmp), which is exploding my mind because on a quick count what we just got confirmed includes:
Hardcore phil canon to DSMP
Emduo part of Q!phil's history
q!Phil angel of death
q!phil bad dad phil allegations are back
q!phil city-destroyer and war criminal during the eggs missing arc, he was so restrained
Ender king and whatever THAT means implied as part of c!Phil's backstory
c!phil (hurt wings) confirmed "child of the sky"
c!phil confirmed kisses men
q!phil confirmed ancient immortal
q!phil confirmed fridgefucker
the list goes on
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piink-u · 10 months
I hope people understand that when I say "I miss the dsmp" that I don't mean some people, some story lines, some general things, the fandom... Hells, I barely miss the part of the lore or characters I liked.
What I miss is crimeboys making an alleyway simply because they wanted to play more together after the lore for the day was done. I miss Tubbo spinning around on the spot trying to find a giggling Wilbur. I miss Wilbur smiling to himself and writing on chat just for us to see that "Tubbo reminds me of myself when younger". I miss Techno getting into the server tired as fuck just cause one of his friends called him and wanted to do absolutely nothing in Minecraft with him. I miss Wilbur staying awake until ungodly hours to keep Techno company when my man was farming potatoes and try-harding. I miss SBI and friends crashing into Phil's hardcore streams to talk about nothing at all and absolutely everything just to be together and laugh and say shit. I miss Tommy trying to make sense of something and the smile on his face after Wilbur would laugh heartily and say "That's quote book, for sure". I miss stories about late night gameplays of fucking TF2. I miss chat crying to Phil, his sigh, his giggle and his "What did they do?". I...
I guess I just miss them.
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katescribblesabit · 5 months
no fucking way
i cant even make this shit up, here i am watching philza's 5 year hardcore celebration stream of season 4.
and i open minecraft, because i always play alongside while watching Phils stream, and what do i see?
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how HOW! what are the odds! i have gotten that specific splash text only once before, and i get it now while we celebrate the 5th birthday of season 4.
I burst out laughing out of disbelieve lmaoo
anyway happy 5 years of season 4 Philza! :D may you live and survive 5 more!
btw will post a philza drawing later on ;D
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gothicteacup · 7 months
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Emo Pissa date!!!
I was originally gonna post this for Valentine’s Day, but this took WAY longer then I expected
It’s still pretty messy but I’m still pretty happy with it nonetheless :)
(Edit: changed the layout, extra notes about au are now under the cut!)
Phil in this is VERY casual goth, his regular outing outfits usually always consist of sweatpants, socks and sandals, wrist warmers and band t-shirts. I considered him being more fancy but I think the chill dad look fits more, especially because I imagine he plays video games a lot. His hair is very scruffy, I imagine him having to constantly move it out of his eyes. He does cut it, he just gets too lazy sometimes. Oh and he totally has tattoos, probably a big hardcore heart on the chest or back and some other tattoos scattered around.
Missa is more emo, he thrives with the side sweep bang and spiky chokers. His outfit may change occasionally, though skulls are always a consistent theme in his looks. He changes his hair color a lot. Sometimes he’ll try out the scene hairlook if he’s feeling a bit different. He carries around his guitar a lot too, which explains the black strap across his hoodie in the drawing.
Oh and they definitely have some sort of charm like the skulls on their backpacks in qsmp. Maybe it’s still a backpack or bracelets, I’m not too sure. Idk whether Chayanne and tallulah would be in this au, tho It would be super cute having a little emo Chayanne matching his parents ^-^.
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royalarchivist · 4 months
The spiders and baby zombies were too late — as of right now, Phil has OFFICIALLY passed the 5 year record of his previous Hardcore world! :')
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kateinator · 1 year
Oh god I am STILL on this—
But man. MAN.
The thing that gets me is that Phil is a survivalist, right?? At his CORE. That stupid bird (affectionate) is hardwired to keep himself alive at all costs. You don’t play Hardcore for ten-plus years and only die once (season 1 was a hard drive crash and season 3 was a glitch) and not be honed to a knife’s edge on the art of keeping yourself alive and safe.
And we even see that in how he treats the eggs, particularly Chayanne!! I remember seeing a clip of him warning Chayanne of ravines— something he stresses in his hardcore game!! And there are THOUSANDS of posts on this site talking about how Philza is built to survive, down to his fucking code/dna/whatever term you want to use
And yet
And yet
The second he sees that there’s a chance, a chance to find his kids again? He throws it all away. He even SAYS “this is so dangerous” AND IT IS!!! He’s going off into the unknown, with nothing but some noodles and a water bucket, because of a book with a little story in it.
There was the slightest chance he could find his eggs again, potentially at the cost of his own life, and he immediately takes it. No hesitation. And he pays the price.
God it fucks me up. Phil would do anything for these fucking eggs, up to and including dying for them.
Up to and including potentially throwing himself on a sword for them.
Because what’s the point of surviving if the reason you’re living is gone?
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becauseplot · 10 months
Philza Minecraft is a survivalist. 
Everyone knows this. He's the "Hardcore guy." He's an expert in the inner-workings of the natural world. He's vigilant. He knows how to hold his own in a fight, and he knows when to cut his losses, too. He knows how to keep himself alive. By extension, he knows how to keep his team alive as well. It only makes sense that they elect him as the leader of red team.
Philza Minecraft is a team player.
This is why he's always happy to go grinding for materials when the team needs it. Even if he tends to get a little distracted sometimes, wandering too far, forgetting to check global chat or talk in the team vc, he checks in with his friends and does what he can to keep morale up when everyone is feeling down. He recognizes the ease with which Cellbit operates in this environment, so he lets the man call some of the shots, or give Phil instructions. After all, Cellbit led the Ordo for months. Phil trusts his judgement. Why not play to their strengths? 
Philza Minecraft is an adapter. 
His biome doesn’t matter, nor his circumstances, nor his equipment. He’s started over more times than he can count. Working under stress isn’t something that hinders him, nor changing environments. If the game of the day is complete the tasks, he can complete the tasks. If the game of the day is kill a player, he can kill a player. He might hate it, but he can do it. For the sake of his friends, of his team, of his kids, and of their collective survival, he can do it.
There is something else worth mentioning. 
Philza Minecraft is a liar. 
Oh, but you’ll never catch him in a lie, because it’s never what he does say. It’s what he doesn’t. It’s the details he omits. It’s the parts of the tale that he glosses over so that the bedtime story isn’t quite so scary. He’ll give you everything he wants you to have and hold the rest of it close to his chest. Or, more accurately, he'll slam it in a locked box and shove it under his bed with the rest of his monsters. 
He was an asset to the Empire. 
Back then, he always asked the right questions: not "why," but "how," and "when." Back then, he knew he was valuable, so he kept himself alive. Back then, "the Angel of Death" wasn't so much a nickname as it was a title he earned. A rank.
He never became a general. The promotion was there, and he was more than qualified, he just never took it. He was content to let his friend take the helm, because Phil knew what he was.
"Knew." "Was." Was, was, was. (Come on, now, Phil. Don't be daft.)
Philza Minecraft is a liar; the man he lies to the most is himself. Yes, Purgatory is fucked and twisted, and he hates what it forces him to do, but not because it's hard. No. Because it's far too easy.
At the end of the day, what matters most is that Philza Minecraft is an arrow. Let someone else nock him in a bow. Let someone else draw him back, point him in a direction, let him loose, soar, fly. Resources, gear, tasks, points, kills, blood---it makes no difference. Philza Minecraft won't stop until he hits his target.
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danswideslit · 6 months
slime video analysed thru horror with a queer pov
kay it gets its own post because im stil aaa bout it
This is just what I remember/was able to brush up on, since I studied this in 2019, so if anything is outdated I apologise, feel free to correct me, I love to learn!!
also I realized it has all become a lil rambly as I couldn’t contain my excitement soz
So this is my essay on the parallels of queerness in the horror genre and how DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime (2024) could be analysed in this light, especially given the creators’ personal history with the topic.
Among the classic tropes of the horror genre, is the topic of losing ones innocence.
Most emphasised is the loss of ones virginity, as a synonym for the innocence, although the innocence as such has many forms. As mentioned in Scream (1996), you may not survive if you have sex, if you drink/do drugs, or if you claim to “be right back” or in other ways investigate to satisfy your own curiosity.
The parallels to the christian church and societal norms are already obvious. If you deviate from the path of purity, it will lead to death and suffering. The only way to survive the night, is to stay pure. Do not be tempted by mere curiosities, for they will be the death of you, essentially.
In the same light, Baphomet is most often portrayed with characteristics from both the male and female human anatomy, and can be used as a metaphor for the inherent evil of gender expressions beyond the societal norm.
In the same light, monsters in various movies are often shown with a deviance in gender and/or sexuality. This role of ‘sexual outsider’ has, for years, been a symbolism that queer people have connected with. The has only further skewed the ‘stay pure’ narrative, as it brings on an ambience of kill or be killed. An either/or of sorts. But it has also made monsters and villains walk the line between sexy and terrifying, which naturally leads people to be enticed. We are sexual creatures afterall.
Often the monsters have an aura of masculine energy, as they make people cower, and the stereotypical jocks abandon their hardcore exterior. This, on one hand birthed the “the boyfriend is the killer” trope, but it also gave way for diving into morality, how many crimes can a villain get away with, as long as the character resonates with the audience.
This is demonstrated in Jennifers Body (2009) which was, at first, marketed to the male audience, making the monster Jennifer an attractive young woman, essentially getting the film marked as “Twilight for boys” by film critic Robert Ebert.
The ratings, however, were lackluster and claimed the movie was neither funny nor scary and thus was unsuccessful. Jennifer wasn’t “as hot as you’d hope she’d be” and essentially the “lesbians-for-the-male-gaze” marketing to boys 17+ failed. 
However, many women and young girls between 17-25 saw the character of Jennifer as empowering and resonated with the film. My theory is that the men did not like being the victim, being killed my something that they are supposed to be worse than. But the women saw a strength in the conflict between what is essentially two sides of the same existence - on one hand the rage of the injustice and gender inequality, and on the other hand Needy, who follows every character trope connected to the “last girl standing.” Except even she is tainted in the end, killing Jennifer and losing her innocence. (more talk about innocence, murder/virginity bla bla bla, okay but this essay aint about that)
All this plays a role in how the queerness of DanAndPhilCRAFTS - slime (2024) can be interpreted. Throughout all four installments of the narrative, Dan is seen being guided by Phil and scolded when he doesn’t do it right. Phil seems not at all surprised when Dans glitter face turns satanic, and by the third video, Phil hands the control over as he gives himself away.
Essentially, the indoctrination of Dans role in Phils devotion is cult-like. Cults are often hidden behind a facade of “found family” before the true behind-the-scenes terror is revealed. Dan is evidently comfortable in letting a more experienced person guide the way, despite his own hesitance. He knows that he cant do this halfway.
also the idea of Phil rising from the dead, during Easter… Jesus Christ, where would we even begin (lol)
But beyond that symbolism, It is the hesitance in Dans nature that seems to point to the “purity being tainted” horror trope. Phils devotion to Him is evident, but Dan seems more so to be devoted to Phil. A follower. Believing whatever Phil believes to be true. A Billy and Stu, Scream situation, if you will. The subtext of two lovers and the blurred lines of love and death, which has been analysed and discussed a whole while by smarter people than me. 
Dans hesitance to follow Phil guiding him to the other (queer) side. The penetrative stab and the menacing disarray of emotions on Dans face afterwards. This was anything but a selfish act, but he gave into the curiosity, he is not the last survivor, he has joined Him. This ritual was giving into love, without trying to contain, rationalise, or diminish any part of it. 
(Kind of how like dan, selfproclaimidly, would still be a ‘Daniel in denial’ if Phil hadn’t come into his life, because Phil ‘led him astray’ but he’s very okay with it and he has embraced it, and he’s happier giving in instead of fighting it?? Too far??)
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Luzu was playing in hardcore today (He died on day 1) and when a baby zombie attacked him he went: "I can feel your presence, Phil. I'm gonna kill it for you, Philza!"
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worrabei · 9 months
I was watching the fourth season of minecraft hardcore today because it brings me peace, and found this wholesome moment!!
phil's mom come into his room while he was playing and chatted with him a bit. it appears philza's sister (aimee) was also watching the stream ;)
OKAY upd: I decided to make a transcription, but English is not my first language, so I probably made some mistakes while doing so. I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong haha, I have troubles with grammar...
Phil: *rambling about his world*
*MUMza breaks into room*
Mumza: Right, it's not fair, why's Aimee getting all the love?
Phil: Why's Aimee getting all the love? Cus' she's watching my stream!
Mumza: And so was I!
Phil: Oh well, you know... It's your first time, yeah?
Mumza: Yeah Aimee was showing es'
Phil: Yeah, first time- Mother's watching the stream for first time by the way
Mumza: And I was like *jealous noises*
Phil: «Ohh, this is how the internet works»
Mumza: Ooh, you're funny, ahh, hilarious.
Phil: *losing it*
Mumza: And she (Aimee) was like "I texted him" and I was like "Yay! Oh my god!"
Phil: Mumza. ...Hm? They're all there, they're listening to you.
Mumza: *visibly panicks*
Phil: Yeah, bye!
Mumza: Love you, BYE!
Phil: Like 2200 people just heard Mumza complaining that I was not giving her enough love on stream. Cus' apparently she's watching as well now. The first time ever, cus' she has no idea how the internet works *laughs*
Phil: That's not her first appearance on the stream, by the way. She once bursted in my room, complaining about "The Walking dead". And she just bursted, rambling about it. It's being clipped, it's definitely- It's in a highlight on a YouTube somewhere. On my channel.
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doodlebloo · 22 days
Top 5 Hermitcraft* Members Who Could Survive On The DSMP:
*plus Martyn
5. Etho
I honestly think he'd end up joining Snowchester and defending his builds based on sheer force of will. People either like him or fear him too much to mess with his stuff
4. ZombieCleo
She could also hold her own and get people to actually leave her builds the hell alone for fear of retribution. I feel like she wouldn't join a faction but would definitely play a huge role in killing The Egg
3. Joel
He would be bullied and would be running around the server with nothing in his inventory but he'd be exceedingly open to role-playing. Would join Technoblade and Phil's Arctic Commune and be their loser cringe fail apprentice who hates cRanboo for no good reason /funny
2. Grian
It would take him a bit to adjust to there being absolutely 0 rules and etiquette about like cleaning up pranks and not causing lasting damage but once he got that taste for blood he'd be a major player in Doomsday I just know it. Double-crossing people and shit
1. Martyn
He would've fully immersed himself as a member of L'Manberg but aided King Eret in the betrayal I know this to be true in my heart of hearts. He would have RULED as a dsmp member it would've blown us all away
Top 5 DSMP Alumni Who Would Thrive On Hermitcraft:
5. Niki
If she had the chance to actually be fucking listened to and cared about she could do such great things and would love being a part of the lore
4. AweSamDude
They would love him over at Hermitcraft. The prison is incredibly impressive and he's amazing at role-playing an evil guy but still being a nice dude
3. Philza
Anyone who has seen his hardcore world knows this. He isn't ranked higher on my list because people have been saying this for years so it isn't a hot take
2. Tubbo
He's a bit chaotic yes but he'd be overjoyed to learn from everyone and make cool little contraptions, he is admittedly hellbent on chaos and destruction but i think they could keep him in line for the most part
1. Foolish
This man was made for Hermitcraft. He's an amazing builder and he's so silly and he gets along so well with everyone he's ever met. They would love him there I mean it
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