abwwia · 3 days
Adrian Piper (b.1948)
Adrian Piper (b. 1948) is an American conceptual artist and Kantian philosopher. #PalianSHOW
Adrian Margaret Smith Piper(born September 20, 1948)is an American conceptual artist and Kantian philosopher.Her work addresses how and why those involved in more than one discipline may experience professional ostracism, otherness, racial passing, and racism by using various traditional and non-traditional media to provoke self-analysis. She uses reflection on her own career as an…
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Guten Abend
Gute Nacht
Die Sonne immer lacht,
wie sie deinen Schlaf bewacht,
dafür sendet sie dir den Mond,
der es mit sanftem Licht betont,
bis die Erde sich wieder sonnt,
wenn der Morgen wieder kommt.
Dein Veit 💖
Good evening Good night, the sun always smiles how she guards your sleep for this, she sends you the moon, who emphasizes it with soft light, until the earth suns itself again, when the morning comes again Yours Veit 💖
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jojo-the-puppy · 10 days
i should be sitting on someone's dingy couch as they keep egging me on to drink more and more, taking full advantage of my low alcohol tolerance, just to get handsy when im too drunk to even form sentences, yet instead im sitting in fucking class
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darknezangel · 2 months
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sailforvalinor · 7 months
The only reason that I would tell you NOT to play Fire Emblem: Three Houses is that it might ruin voice acting for you forever. It’s just that good. There is no return.
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smaller-comfort · 8 months
Resh'an: If you ask nicely I'll let you ride on my back.
Aephorul: If you ask nicely maybe I'll let you ride on this di- *extremely loud incorrect buzzer noise*
Resh'an: ...See, and here I was, perfectly willing to share this vial of bofa that I got for my birthday with you-
Aephorul: Wait, who gave you a vial of bofa-
Resh'an: BOFA DEEZ NU- *extremely loud incorrect buzzer again, even louder this time*
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marz-artswede · 1 year
Process video for Season One Dani from Rolling With Difficulty. I know I saved the actual art around here SOMEWHERE, but I can’t find it anymore. I really like starting from the grayscale and then adding color for digital painting.
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silly-goober-445 · 20 days
I think YouTubers truly have the strongest mentals because if I had to screenshot myself making the dumbest face imaginable, add a giant arrow pointing at it and then write REAL GLORG and make that the thumbnail of my video REAL GLORG REACTS TO ACTUAL BLOGRGO FOOTAGE then I would put several bullets into my cranium before I even hit my second upload
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verm1c1de · 11 months
are there any chumps out there who think about the comedy of invader zim way too much specifically. like are there any fureaks out there who analyze way too hard. im trying to write a fanfiction here
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eversea143 · 1 year
The thing about being a writer who likes to write villains, the kind of villains who have zero morals and zero care, is that you have to place your own headset into theirs in order to write them properly.
I can tell you with a quiet confidence when poison would work and when it wouldn't. I can tell you with certainty how one might rationalize child murder. I can tell you how one sneers down at those seen as lesser and why this can give someone satisfaction. I can tell you - and offer real-life proof - how mass-murder has down- and upsides. I can tell you how an evil mind plots the death of innocent people and not feel an ounce of remorse.
Sometimes I feel genuinely unsettled after writing my villains, not just because the stuff I write is a horror-addict's best dream, but because this is a mindset I am capable of imagining.
You can't imagine a mind that wouldn't functionally work. That's also why characters who act without a baseline seem so flat and fake. Everything has a reason, we rationalize even the irrational to justify something we've said or done.
"He deserves it" "She's mad" "I don't care" we always have a reason.
Even those who are evil down to the core justify their evil deeds; for most it's simply the satisfaction of being evil and doing whatever you want. Even when someone knows intimately that they're a bad person, the mind will conjur up a reason, an explanation, a cause to keep the mindset going. As long as their own emotions don't counteract how they think, things like guilt and remorse don't come into play. A person can perfectly kill someone and feel happy or even excited at their actions.
Humans aren't inherintly good or evil. But we are perfectly capable of being solely one or the other. The gray side exists and is best suited for a grand majority of the human population, but just as we believe children are the epitome of innocence, there exist people so full of nothing but hatred and rage that there's no chance - truly no viable path - of redemption. They're the kind of people you would gladly lock up, for whom even death may seem like a mercy.
I write characters like this. I delve into their twisted minds and figure out what rational they function with to do their horrid deeds. I do this by my own choice and the only thing that I can think after I'm done is "Thank god I'm not like this."
(At what point is my own reason any different from theirs?)
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esterseunoia · 1 year
Philosophical Meditations: Why we had to learn the importance of boundaries
When we were children we see the world through a lens that is clear and simple we do not overcomplicate who we make friends with, what we should or should not fear, and what we like or do not like. We go into education with that same simplicity you are expected to get along and have fun with your peers. When we were preparing for physical education we don't care at the age of 11 that we are taking off our clothes in front of everyone regardless of sex as we change into our sports clothes. We would instead compare our shoe sizes, and talk about how tall or short we were.
We spend hours a day with everyone as we grow in education and we still have the mentality of fitting in, getting along and being likeable. However, as we grow things become complicated we become unaware and yet skilful in projecting the attitudes of the adults around us in our lives or the media, we start to complicate our personalities, taking on personas; trying to make sense of ourselves. We don't understand the threat of being swallowed by the complications of another personality that would affect how we see ourselves. We don't understand that we need boundaries. We don't see the value of boundaries in our teenage and adult years, because for those who are yet to be aware of the complicated prospect that is people, in your eyes and others, boundaries are something for those who are an outcast or have been outcasted. On the other hand, boundaries can be seen as a nature of overprotective action. A reaction that is excessive, annoying or unnecessary for those who will benefit from you not having them.
We have to learn boundaries because we don't know from our early years how important it is to have it.
There are creepy people out there who are obsessed with power and obsessed with the ignorance of others. The youth seem 'mature' in their behaviour and thinking and it makes the older generation uncomfortable to see that the youth have wisdom that adults are struggling to grasp. The youth have the ease to access being exposed to the complications of human nature, learning and reflecting on society early on through social media.
However, this as well can be disruptive as it is projected ideals of other adults who they have to trust in the benevolence of.
I think we have to find a way to responsibly teach social and emotional education early on to prepare our youths for further and heavier responsibilities. And to make them aware slowly of the nature of us adults to help them avoid traumas and internalisation of the complicated realities of others who have projected onto them.
Of course, boundaries are to be learned but there is the importance of having the awareness as to why we must do so first. This is of course just my reflection on this.
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rugessnome · 2 years
I hate this canon (affectionate) but what I really loathe is the expectation to emotionally process new additions that I won't like (derogatory)
#tfw i am just. so. contemptuous of an ongoing canon grrrrrrrr#me reading summaries of Dooku Jedi Lost: you are copying the Darth Plagueis(novel) homework just altering it#me: *Tenth Doctor voice* hate Planet of the Hats. most of the time.#me: that is to say WHY must you backstrapolate that all ancestors are vaguely sinister#me (re Ramil): why the fuck is EVERY-freaking-BODY into racing? why couldn't he have a Different hobby like#model trains or amoebas or bagpipes or extreme ironing or cat photography or sprouting or bookbinding?! ...#me: I do not believe this is how the concept of count works this could be actually worse than Is There A College IN YOUR COUNTY?#(he's gotta be like... ahem. “Fifth in line for the throne” technically. it's just the rest of the succession is ~defunct. shhhh)#... you've lost touch with the original PT This Is How Anakin 🙂 Falls...#*bared teeth* jedi propaganda#(I think I could better like a crack fic where his “brother” is. hell. a cricketing Valeyard and he is technically from a different planet#*cough* Shparoi *cough* except his only contact with its famous export is they once both touched the same goose by incredible coincidence#*checks notes* technically and philosopically Yes connected but of Insignificant magnitude granddaughter Rey)#this started when Rakkety Tam was the most recent book I could procure. far more calmly with But It Won't Be As Special#after I um. ficced wildly for certain characters#'S absolutely full fledged very much how I have felt practically always about H/P after I read as far as I could then#loved the fic community but! I didn't have to care for very long if they Got My Blorbos All Wrong#bc you see they don't have the power to far-reaching wreck canon or go ardently transphobic and claim fandom of#books that scarcely address the topic is support for it :/#I do not feel like I Can Fan Correctly! 🙃
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mothills · 4 months
Ich bin ehrlich ein bürojob wäre ungechillt er is so real i hätt auf ihn hören sollen
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memento-mori-stoicism · 5 months
AVOID these 10 Topics to DISCUSS and be like a STOIC (MUST SEE!) | STOICISM
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subhashdagar123 · 5 months
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apas-95 · 1 year
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liberals like this are the political equivalent of the 'philosopical zombie' in that they may as well just be an empty husk puppeteered by a very small CIA agent trained to appeal to marvel fans
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