#not actual writing
clayderogatory · 2 days
ok wait kinda realish talk rn like out of my own curiosity and wonder why is it that so many leon x readers...the readers are always without fail never male?? or at least like gender neutral....i wouldnt even mind like a trans y/n...if i ever feel like reading one just for funsies idk it feels very disconnecting and sometimes i wish there was more options to read
like genuinely asking is it harder to write?? is it an audience catering thing?? like i wish to know pls
hopefully this doesnt sound mean...i dont want it to..its just one thing i noticed throughout my time on tumblr thats all bai bai love you guys
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starspawnofspace · 1 month
sleep ❌
stay up until past 2am drafting out the first few panels to what will become a graphic novel series of your oc storyline ✅✅✅
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whomeidontknowthem · 2 months
the new part of the interactive whump is cancelled i can't come up with a title
joking obv
but like
I already have it written, and planned to post it today, but also promised myself to make the masterlist, and to come up with a title before I make one, and THERES STILL NO TITLE
I have zero ideas that aren't stupid! It's ridiculous! It's torture! How am I supposed to write it and post it if the only thing I have is the work-in-progress placeholder "training a new slave", which yeah clear enough that's how my files are called, but it's not a title! It's awful as a title!! But I can't come up with anything more!!!
I swear to gods if I don't find some option tomorrow...
If you have any, just any idea, please please I beg you tell me. I beg everyone to please help me with the title because it has defeated me т-т
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drowninginthoughts27 · 4 months
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you @mothbart for the tag!!
- the things we never said (jegulus ex’s au)
- lost in you (jegulus friends with benefits)
- just vibes atp (jegulus book store au)
- play her like a violin (pandalily killing eve au)
Np tags: @siriusblackfamilytrauma @regscupid @lilacfiresoul @messymoony
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eversea143 · 1 year
The thing about being a writer who likes to write villains, the kind of villains who have zero morals and zero care, is that you have to place your own headset into theirs in order to write them properly.
I can tell you with a quiet confidence when poison would work and when it wouldn't. I can tell you with certainty how one might rationalize child murder. I can tell you how one sneers down at those seen as lesser and why this can give someone satisfaction. I can tell you - and offer real-life proof - how mass-murder has down- and upsides. I can tell you how an evil mind plots the death of innocent people and not feel an ounce of remorse.
Sometimes I feel genuinely unsettled after writing my villains, not just because the stuff I write is a horror-addict's best dream, but because this is a mindset I am capable of imagining.
You can't imagine a mind that wouldn't functionally work. That's also why characters who act without a baseline seem so flat and fake. Everything has a reason, we rationalize even the irrational to justify something we've said or done.
"He deserves it" "She's mad" "I don't care" we always have a reason.
Even those who are evil down to the core justify their evil deeds; for most it's simply the satisfaction of being evil and doing whatever you want. Even when someone knows intimately that they're a bad person, the mind will conjur up a reason, an explanation, a cause to keep the mindset going. As long as their own emotions don't counteract how they think, things like guilt and remorse don't come into play. A person can perfectly kill someone and feel happy or even excited at their actions.
Humans aren't inherintly good or evil. But we are perfectly capable of being solely one or the other. The gray side exists and is best suited for a grand majority of the human population, but just as we believe children are the epitome of innocence, there exist people so full of nothing but hatred and rage that there's no chance - truly no viable path - of redemption. They're the kind of people you would gladly lock up, for whom even death may seem like a mercy.
I write characters like this. I delve into their twisted minds and figure out what rational they function with to do their horrid deeds. I do this by my own choice and the only thing that I can think after I'm done is "Thank god I'm not like this."
(At what point is my own reason any different from theirs?)
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ilre-writes · 2 years
some writing advice from me
1. get possessed
2. edit whatever you did during step 1 judiciously
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evidently-endless · 5 months
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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sleeplessv0id · 1 month
what doesn't kill you makes you weird at intimacy
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frankierotwinkdeath · 2 months
Y’all want Taylor Swift to be gay so bad but you won’t even write femslash about her
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
When I was young my dad offhandedly told me he thought people treated fish with so much casual cruelty because fish can’t scream.
The words branded themselves across my soul.
As an adult I think he may have been joking. He payed no especial attention to any indignities fish suffered in our household but I could never forget. I saw fish in a different light after that.
Fish kept in tiny bowls, breathing their own poisons, dying by inches. Fish kept in cold tanks, casually disposed of. Fish touted as being short lived when they could outlive the better loved family dog if only they could breathe. Fish casually won and discarded in cheap plastic bags, thrown away a week later.
How they would scream, if they could.
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khive-cauchy · 8 months
applying for jobs seems to mostly consist of lying and submitting to indignities, which is whatever. but it is very difficult for me to override my innate instinct that anyone demanding i write a cover letter has insulted me so greatly that the only way to retain my honor is violence
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keep seeing undergrads on social media saying “oh if a prof has a strict no-AI academic integrity policy that’s a red flag for me because that means they don’t know how to design assignments” like sorry girl but that just sounds like you’ve got a case of sour grapes about not being allowed to cheat with the plagiarism machine that doesn’t know how to evaluate sources and kills the environment! I have a strict no-AI policy because if you use AI to write your essays for a writing course it’s literally plagiarism because you didn’t write it and you’re not learning any of the things the course teaches if you just plug a prompt into the plagiarism generator that kills the environment, hope this helps!
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acorviart · 4 months
not to sound like a boomer, but I need some people to learn how to write emails in a semi-professional (at the very least) format so you're not cold emailing a business/potential employer/any other stranger about formal matters in the exact same way you'd DM a close friend on instagram
the formality/language can loosen up in the email chain once you've established a rapport and you match the other person if they're being less formal, but please don't have the very first email you send a stranger be written in all lowercase ultra-casual sms slang with no greeting or signature and a billion emojis
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marinsawakening · 14 days
My biggest tip for fanfic writers is this: if you get a character's mannerisms and speech pattern down, you can make them do pretty much whatever you want and it'll feel in character.
Logic: Characters, just like real people, are mallable. There is typically very little that's so truly, heinously out of character that you absolutely cannot make it work under any circumstance. In addition, most fans are also willing to accept characterization stretches if it makes the fic work. Yeah, we all know the villain and the hero wouldn't cuddle for warmth in canon. But if they did do that, how would they do it?
What counts is often not so much 'would the character do this?' and more 'if the character did do this, how would they do it?' If you get 'how' part right, your readers will probably be willing to buy the rest, because it will still feel like their favourite character. But if it doesn't feel like the character anymore, why are they even reading the fic?
Worry less about whether a character would do something, and more about how they'd sound while doing it.
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madpunks · 5 months
we are so ableist about memory. people with good memory take for granted the fact that they can recall as much as they can, and use that to taunt, guilt and threaten people with memory issues. many neurotypes and mental illnesses cause memory lapses. traumatic brain injuries can cause memory lapses. brain cancer can cause memory lapses.
even if your memory is good, it's not right to guilt someone because they can't remember something. trust me, people with memory problems are desperately trying to remember: it's just that we literally can't. it is a very literal "i can't remember".
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ilre-writes · 2 years
I currently have new WIPs
For gomens though
Not sure if you guys wanna see snippets or? Idk send me an ask and I will... either talk about a wip or send a sentence
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