#Philosopher's Stone bath bomb
professorpalmarosa · 5 years
I made Fullmetal Alchemist-inspired bath bombs!
Remember how I said that I have a secret side project in the works for this year? Here’s the big reveal: it’s a Fullmetal Alchemist story focusing on a pair of minor characters who only appeared in a light novel (The Land of Sand) and the 2003 version of the series. This guy in particular...
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The Unholy Man of the North will be 2003 anime canon-compliant (rather than Brotherhood-compliant) and takes place 1 year after the original series ended. Russell Tringham (a young alchemist who has stolen Ed’s identity before) falls back on old habits, convinces someone he’s Edward Elric...and ends up getting kidnapped by foreigners. Before long, he’s dragged into a political conspiracy to rid the Drachman tsar of his family’s spiritual advisor: a priest the tsar’s brother-in-law believes may be performing some old, occult variant of what Amestris calls alchemy.
While I won’t be releasing this story to anyone other than beta readers until the first draft is complete (I’m about 50,000 words in), I can share a related creative endeavor with you.
Russell and his brother Fletcher created an artificial Philosopher’s Stone (a “Red Stone”) that, while powerful, didn’t quite measure up to the real thing. That had me thinking: what if I made a luxury blend...then intentionally tried to dupe it with ingredients I often use as substitutes? Here’s how it turned out!
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Details are listed below, including the recipe if you want to try making “Cruelty-Free Philosopher’s Stones/Red Stones” at home!
Philosopher’s Stone Bath Bomb
Essential Oils:
Frankincense Carteri (2g)
Elemi (1g)
Finger Root (1g)
Clove (1g)
Mandarin (1g)
Cedarwood (Texan) (1g)
Red 40 Blooming Dye (Activated)
Red 23 Blooming Dye (Activated)
Red Oxide
Red Mica (for sparkle)
Look at this pretty color! The pink tint comes from the Red 23--but don’t overdo it! Add too much pink colorant and you’ll be pink too! This is what the mixture looked like before I added baking soda and citric acid.
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Red Stone Bath Bomb
Essential Oils:
Frankincense Serrata (2g)
Myrrh (1g)
Ginger CO2 Supercritical (1g)
Cardamom (1g)
Blood Orange (1g)
Cedarwood (Himalayan) (1g)
Red 40 Blooming Dye (Activated)
Red Oxide
Red Mica (for sparkle)
Additional Additives:
Bath-grade pop-rocks (5g)
The first thing to note about the Red Stone blend is that it doesn’t have the splash of pink that the Philosopher’s Stone blend does. This is because I excluded the Red 23 blooming dye and traded it for more Red Oxide. This is what the mix looked like prior to adding the baking soda and citric acid. In person, it kind of looked like half-congealed blood...
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The bath water was gorgeous, though! After the froth and foam died down, the color was the exact same shade as the Red Water in the anime! The scents played nicely together and I found myself dozing off in the water.
However, I’m not sure if it was the oils in this bomb or something else--but my sleep suffered after using the leftovers. I woke up from a very vivid nightmare at 2 AM and had to pee (Myrrh can stimulate your kidneys in higher doses, so my sleeping in the bath probably didn’t do me any favors).
Once I returned to bed, it was near impossible to turn my brain off again. It was going into overdrive with ideas and only let me rest again after I wrote everything down. A small silver lining to the nightmare: it did give me some pretty good ideas for the story I’m writing...so at least there’s that?
Now for a bit of good news, the Red Stone didn’t stain me or my tub! Once it went down the drain, the only thing that lingered was the smell. And even that disappeared by 2 AM.
Mix wet ingredients (essential oils and carrier oil. For these blends, I used coconut and have some notes regarding that in the “Tips & Safety Warnings” section)
Mix all dry ingredients (300g Sodium Bicarbonate, 15g Cream of Tartar, 5g Kaolin Clay, 5g Rassoul Clay, 10g SLSA, 3g Titanium Dioxide) except Citric Acid (150g)
Mix dry ingredient blend with wet ingredients until color and texture is consistent.
Add Citric Acid and mix evenly.
Pour into molds and allow to cure for 1-2 days
Tips & Safety Warnings
1. NEVER handle essential oils with your bare hands! These chemicals are VERY potent and your body can absorb them through your skin. You should always wear gloves when handling these sorts of projects.
2. Coconut Oil solidifies at room temperature! This means that you’ll need to heat it up when you’re mixing your wet ingredients. If you’re making multiple batches at the same time, it’s also possible your coconut oil will resolidify. I made a poor man’s double boiler in my lab out of a bowl of hot water and just let the containers where I’d mixed my wet ingredients float on top of the water. It kept them in a liquid state until I was ready for them. Of course, you could always substitute for another (easier) carrier like Rosehip or Argan Oil--but I wanted to include this in case you’re using Coconut.
Take a look at the oils I’ve mixed in this photo. See how it’s getting cloudy? That’s the coconut oil resolidfying:
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3. Too much Red 23 may stain you and your bathtub! I haven’t had any problems with Red Oxide or Red 40, but Red 23 (which is what gives the Philosopher’s Stone its pinkish hue) and I have a love/hate relationship. It’s a beautiful colorant and a little goes a long way, but it can stain you like nothing else if you overdo it!
4. If you are using mica colorant in your bath bomb, be sure to include a little Polysorbate 80 to your wet ingredients too! Mica can make your bombs sparkle and glitter, but it will stick to EVERYTHING if you don’t add Polysorbate 80!
5. If you plan to make these for yourself or as gifts, please look up contraindications and potential side effects of overexposure to these oils first. Some oils are not safe for children, people with certain medical conditions, or people taking certain medications. Some people may also be allergic to certain ingredients and the scent of myrrh makes some people nauseous (three guesses why it went in the Red Stone blend). Just be cautious and conscientious!
End Result
Here are the two blends side by side. There’s only one Philosopher’s Stone in the image, but it’s rather obvious which one it is thanks to the Red 23.
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I’m mildly creeped out by how similar the scent profiles are to the two blends. Sometimes I’ll substitute one of these oils for another when I’m running low in a popular blend, but this was my first time literally using ALL substitutes to make a dupe. Here are my notes:
The first thing you smell in both stones is a rich, luxurious, resin-like scent. This is because both synergies contain Frankincense (which is a resin oil) and a secondary resin oil (Elemi in the Philosopher’s Stone and Myrrh in the Red Stone).
Although both stones contain a citrus oil; you only smell traces of it in the Red Stone and it’s almost nonexistent in the Philosopher’s Stone. There’s two reasons this may have happened. My Blood Orange essential oil is fresher than my Mandarin oil, so it may be more potent. Also, Blood Orange just has a stronger scent profile in general. Mandarin’s an oil I often substitute for Sweet Orange or Tangerine since it plays nicely with a lot of stuff and doesn’t try to steal the show. Blood Orange does.
The Philosopher’s Stone has a peppery bite to it that the Red Stone does not. I suspect the culprit is the Finger Root, which is a “sister smell” to the Ginger I used for the Red Stone blend. Finger Root is a lesser-known oil that I sometimes interchange with Ginger or Turmeric in my synergies. It’s got a slightly earthier smell than Ginger (which is mildly sweet on top of its spice), and packs a bit more heat. It’s also possible that the eugenol content of the Clove Bud oil I used was super high, but the company I got it from didn’t provide a chemical breakdown of the batch. I have no way of knowing.
The Red Stone gives off a weird “burning” smell that the Philosopher’s Stone does not. My guess is it’s the difference between the two Cedarwood oils. Texan Cedarwood (which I used in the Philosopher’s Stone) has a dry firewood smell to it when paired with Sage, but is much milder than Himalayan Cedarwood (which smells a bit more like the “cedar” most people are familiar with). Also, the Red Stone’s secondary resin oil is Myrrh: which can amplify warm smells like Turmeric, Black Pepper, or Cinnamon when mixed in a blend. I think the Myrrh and Himalayan Cedarwood mixed together to cause that effect.
The scent profile is about an 85% match, but that 15% difference puts it almost in an aromatherapeutic uncanny valley: like it’s “not quite right” but close enough to fool someone if they sniffed these two blind and didn’t know they were different blends.
I highly recommend trying both scents out if you aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients. It’s a fun activity, and one I’m hoping to do a live demo for at a convention in the future!
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lunullaby · 6 years
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I’m late, but this was how I spent my New Year’s Eve! (plus my Boxing Day/ Christmas haul)
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
december 8 - chris motionless
title: tis the season
prompt: Taking a bath together after a long day at the christmas tree farm
request from: n/a
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee @joeynihil @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @xyours-eternallyx @thisplace-ishaunted
I helped Chris pull the tree into the front room, setting it down with a huff. He stood up proudly, a wide smile across his face as I fell into the couch, feeling a few pine needles stabbing my back and making me get back up.
"Isn't it beautiful?"
He asked, looking down at it admiringly. I sent him a sleepy nod as he crouched down to touch it gently.
"Wanna help me get it in the stand?"
He asked and I shrugged, stepping forward.
"Sure, let's get this over with."
We both picked it back up and wedged it between the metal rods of the stand. He looked so proud as he stood back, hands on his hips.
"Ya know, this is the first year in a while that I've been home the entire month of December and have been able to get a real tree."
He said and I raised my brows in amusement, moving to take my coat off.
"Well I'm glad you get to enjoy it, cause getting it was one hell of a task."
He laughed at me as I moved to pull my boots off.
"What's so funny?"
I asked and he shook his head, shrugging his coat off too.
"Nothing, I just love how much you don't like the holidays but choose to do this stuff with me anyway."
He said admiringly and I smiled up at him.
"Of course I do, I love you and I know how much this all means to you."
He leaned down and kissed me gently.
"Thank you baby."
He said as I stepped further into the living room, scratching at my back again and pulling out a small stick with some pine needles attached to it.
"This is ridiculous."
I exclaimed and he laughed, almost falling over as he got his own boots off.
"How about we go take a bath, change into our PJ's and watch a movie?"
He suggested and I nodded quickly.
"That sounds wonderful. I just wanna stop this nightmare."
I said, yanking my sweater over my head and taking off down the hall. I shivered a little as I grabbed both our sets of pajamas and walked into the bathroom to run the bath.
"You wanna watch the bath bomb?"
I yelled, hearing him running down the hall rather than giving me an answer. I laughed as he slid into the door frame, almost falling over as he tried to stop.
"Did you put it in yet?"
He asked and I laughed.
"Not yet. You wanna do the honors?"
I asked and he nodded, taking the Christmas themed ball from me and placing it gently in the water. I watched as he knelt beside the tub and watched it fizz. Within minutes the whole bathroom smelled like cinnamon and clove, the water now a nice crimson color.
"Is it warm enough?"
I asked as he waded his hand through it to mix the gold glitter around. He nodded.
I nodded once as he stood up, tugging at his shirt and helping him get it over his head.
When we were done he stood out of the tub first, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist as I drained the water, rinsing the tub out.
"Here babe."
He said, wrapping the other towel as well as his arms around my shoulders and hugging me.
"Thank you."
I said in an animated voice as he kissed my nose.
"You are so welcome."
He said softly, rubbing my arms before letting me go.
"I got that one out is that alright?"
I asked a she picked up the black plaid pants off the sink. He nodded.
"If it weren't you would know."
He said and I laughed, drying my legs off as he got dressed.
"Thanks for the heads up I guess."
I said, moving to put my own pants on.
"I'm gonna go start some popcorn. Any thoughts on a movie?"
He asked, kissing the top of my head. I thought for a second as I pulled my shirt over my head.
"It's your day, how about you pick."
I said and he nodded.
"Will do."
I stood in front of the mirror and brushed my hair out quickly before trudging down the hallway, smelling the butter off the popcorn as it cooked. When I hit the living room I laughed a little bit. Or course be had put in the philosophers stone. I rolled my eyes, falling into the couch, looking up at him as he came in with the popcorn in a bowl and two mugs. I raised a brow at him.
"I brought cocoa."
He said happily, handing me a mug and settling into the couch beside me.
"Sounds yummy."
I said, grabbing the remote and starting the film.
"I hope you don't mind this is what I picked."
He said and I shook my head.
"Not at all. Actually I kinda figured you would."
I said, sending him a wink. He shrugged.
"What can I say, it's a pretty good Christmas movie."
He said, making me laugh.
"Sure babe."
He shrugged.
"What? It takes place during Christmas! If die hard can be a Christmas movie then so can harry potter."
He said in defense. I just shook my head at him, snuggling further into his side.
"Whatever you say dear."
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
Gifts For The Signs
*Check Sun, Moon, & Rising signs*
♈ Aries - bluetooth speaker or wireless headphones, hat, lipstick, band t-shirt, antique mirror, penny board, neon sign, gym membership, work-out accessories, GoPro
♉ Taurus - purse/tote/satchel, gift card to favorite restaurant or a book store, art, scarf, coffee mug, blanket, box of chocolates, silk robe, silver jewelry
♊ Gemini - puzzle, book (new & intriguing), gossip magazine or newspaper subscription, nail polish, playing cards, kite, LP records, choker, unique pins/brooches, trivia games
♋ Cancer - bath bombs, pearls, flowers, handmade crafts, candles, vintage cook book or utensils, framed photo or photo album, over-sized sweaters, gifts for their pets
♌ Leo - music festival or theater tickets, rocking chair, hair clips, eye shadow, cigars, book (auto/biographies), retro games or decor, gold jewelry, champagne, selfie stick
♍ Virgo - pillow, succulents, unique socks, red wine, typewriter, rings, books (self-help, psychological thriller, or motivational), massage oils, journal, yoga mat
♎ Libra - home decor, earrings, perfume/cologne, fashion magazine subscription (Vogue, GQ…), silk pajamas, gift card to favorite clothing store, white wine, cuff links, vest
♏ Scorpio - shoes, movies, lingerie, eye liner, video games, pocket knife, anything of leather or velvet, wallet, privacy screen, sunglasses, liquor, hoodie, $
♐ Sagittarius - binoculars, waterproof speaker or phone case, keychain, books (philosophical, law, or spiritual) vintage maps, comedy show or concert tickets, video camera, address book, travel magazine subscription (NAT. Geo…)
♑ Capricorn - watch, pottery, planner, tea, beanies, unique wreath, DIY craft book, skincare products, wine stoppers, telescope, gloves, terrarium, chalk or cork board
♒ Aquarius - iTunes gift card, ukele, social magazine subscriptions (Rolling Stones…), flask, books (sci-fi/fantasy), bow tie, vinyl decals, instant camera, facial hair oil, patches, drone
♓ Pisces - dream catcher, doc martens, mood ring, custom playlist, slippers, art supplies (watercolor paints…), hand-made/knitted clothing, lava lamp, a fish, hammock, poetry
Source: weolcantramp
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bellamyroselia · 5 years
I found an unfinished KI fanfic from my computer and some stuff in it was pretty funny
“It’s hard to get any friends when you’re only angel around...”
“And what about Dark Pit? Is he currently unobtainable or something?”
“Well, he doesn’t want to fight right now, so... I guess he is.”
- Pit and Palutena
“Saltwater springs do indeed exist.”
“They do?!”
“Didn’t you just say you found one?”
-  Palutena, Pit and Dark Pit
“Hah! I only speak the truth and if Palutena thinks she’s so much better than me, she should come down here and challenge me herself!”
“... Challenge accepted, mortal.”
-  Arachne and Palutena
“It’s not like you have to. Dad never told mother about Dionysus and it turned out fine.”
“Palutena, mother killed Dionysus when she found out where father was keeping him and his heart had to sewed to father so he could be born again...”
“... You know what? You’re right. That was a terrible example.”
-  Palutena and Ares
“Hey! I thought this was about your daughter, not about that who has the biggest harem or horde of children.”
 -  Palutena
“I don’t know what responsible parents do!”
-  Ares
“You youngsters, always bored because there’s supposedly nothing to do...”
“You’re getting old, auntie Palutena.”
“You take that back!”
-  Palutena and young Nike
“You truly are a one big softie when it comes to your children, aren’t you?”
 -  Palutena
“Are you sure this isn’t about that golden apple? Because it sure does sound like it is...”
“Shut up.”
-  Hermes and Palutena
“You know what Discordia? You take your job way too seriously.”
“When I’m with you, the job practically does itself.”
“I hate you.”
“That’s a one strong word, Palutena! You can’t truly mean that, insulting your own dear sister like that-”
“You caused that problem in the first place!”
 -  Palutena and Eris, who’s referred by her Roman name
“Who’s Pyrrha?”
“... Please tell me you’re joking.”
-  Palutena and Pandora
“I did always found it weird that he just came out of nowhere. I should’ve guessed that dad was on it again.”
 -  Palutena
“My snakes are much cuter than hers.”
“... He sure lives up to his name.”
“He’s not wrong.”
-  Erichthonius, Medusa and Palutena
“What happened to our sweet baby brother?”
“... I was killed. Do you really need more reasons?!”
“Fine then, don’t tell.”
 -  Palutena and young Dionysus
“How was your day?”
“I must say auntie, I didn’t expect to save so many people from their own stupidity today.”
-  Palutena and Phobos
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, maybe you could make an argument about his hair resembling that of a black-maned lion. They too seem to have a horrible case of root growth.”
-  Palutena and Deimos about Phobos
“I’m not going there alone Lucina. And don’t forget that I’m smart.”
“Palutena, you know that’s highly debatable.”
 -  Palutena and Eileithyia, who’s referred by her Roman name
“And what’s Poseidon going to do? Put me on a trial?”
-  Ares 
“That rings hollow considering that dad isn’t your only brother. And it’s not like my aunts are all that smart either.” 
“Are you insulting me?”
 -  Nike and Palutena
“For the last time, I’m not going to do your dirty job! Get rid of your mother yourself!”
-  Viridi to Phosphora
“You do have some experience about killing giants, don’t you?”
 -  Palutena about to make Artemis cry
“What’s that in your hair?”
“It’s dried blood.”
“But why-”
“Oh, there’s luxury urns with hot springs and rivers in them? Well, apparently giants can only afford cheap knock-offs then!”
-   Palutena and Ares
“Why you’re acting like this?”
“Oh shut up you old hag, you’re not my mother!”
 -  Viridi and Aphrodite
“All this happened because of her?!”
“She’s my mother. I couldn’t let them hurt her!”
“She caused this mess! Why are you protecting her!?”
“...You know what? Fine! It’s not like you understand any of it because you never had a mother! You could never understand the bond between parent and child!”
-  Palutena and Ares
“Bath bomb!”
“Traffic-light-eyed freak!”
“... Is this why childhood is important?”
-  Palutena, Aphrodite and Hermes
“So sweetie, could you please explain why you don’t like Viridi?”
“Apollo told me she’s going to ruin my wedding!”
-  Palutena and young Harmonia
“What’s the point of having wings if they’re useless?!”
“Sweetie, it’s because you haven’t learn to fly yet. All you need is practice.”
“I have to do what?”
-  Palutena and young Adrestia
“I don’t know how to read yet.”
“Don’t worry, sometimes I think your father doesn’t know that either.”
-  young Adrestia and Palutena
“And why do you think so?”
“Because unlike you, I have every-man-appeal.”
-  Palutena and Aphrodite
“That has a lot of sexual energy in it. Are you sure these are for warfare?”
“I knew you were a freak Palutena, but what made you think that anyone would ever use bows and clubs in bedroom?”
-  Palutena and Aphrodite
Why is that import god still here?!”
-  Apollo about Pyrrhon
“Can things get any worse?!”
“I founded a city and got married!”
 -  Viridi and happy-go-lucky-drunk Dionysus
“Your descendants don’t count as your children.”
“Pothos and Himeros are my sons.”
“... Fine, you win this round.”
-  Palutena and Ares
“How did he manage to fit Thanatos into that small box?”
“Really? That’s what you’re wondering?”
-  Ares and Palutena 
“Angels aren’t allowed to get married, is that right?”
“What? Of course not! What made you think that?”
“Well... Actually, now when I’m thinking about it... Nobody would want to marry Adrestia anyway.”
-  young Harmonia and Palutena
“What’s scarier than a bomb?”
“According to your sister, sex is.”
“Things like these are why I don’t understand what Cadmus sees in her.”
 -  Deimos and Palutena
“You look a lot like their deceased son.”
“... What?”
-  Palutena and Dark Pit
“Young lady, explain this blasphemy right now!”
“She pays me better. It makes everything much easier.”
“For the last time, it’s not my job to pay for you!”
-  Palutena and Adrestia
“He’s adorable. What’s his name?”
“As if I would tell that to you, brainfart.”
-  Palutena and Aphrodite
“Hey! If you’re dumb enough to throw a tortoise, it’s your fault if it hits you on the head and you die.”
“But who threw the tortoise?”
“Hawks. They do that on a daily basis!”
“But they can’t throw, only drop...”
“And I saw when a hawk dropped a tortoise which lead to a death of a philosopher. Nature is scary.”
 -  Zephyr and Pit
“I have two girlfriends because I’m a better lover than certain others.”
“If that’s so, what about-”
“He’s a playboy.”
-  Zephyr and Palutena
“Honestly, I’m surprised that this hasn’t happened before. I guess all you needed was little help from mortals.”
“That sounds so morbid when you put it like that...”
 -  Palutena and Pit
“What was he even doing?”
“My guess is that he tried to make Viridi proud, but got drunk.”
“Because of you?”
“He’s a danger to society when he’s sober!”
-  Palutena and Hermes
“Then be thankful you haven’t heard stories of certain gods or mortals.”
“Like who?”
“Trust me Pit, you don’t want to know.”
-  Palutena and Pit
“Oh, so when lions do it it’s ‘sad, but normal part of life and we shouldn’t interfere’ but when I do it to a city that stopped worshiping me, I’m abusing my powers?”
-  not-so-happy-go-lucky-drunk Dionysus 
“Oh don’t you dare! I’m going to make you...”
“Make me what, suffer? You can’t kill me and even if you could, you wouldn’t be able to make it painful.”
“That’s it you little son of a-”
“Children, TIME OUT!”
-   Macaria, Phobos and Palutena
“I’m this close of sending him to Underworld.”
“Aren’t you overreacting a bit? He’s grieving...”
“And it’s getting on my nerves! He must get his fiancee back!”
“... A stone just dropped from my heart. Thank heavens.”
-  Apollo and Palutena
“Who names their child ‘breath of life?”
“It says ‘soul’, idiot.”
“You’re both wrong, it actually says ‘butterfly’. But they’re all practically the same thing so I don’t blame you for confusing those words.”
“Somebody isn’t telling the truth here.”
 -  Pit, Dark Pit and Palutena
“It wasn’t me! It was my body!”
-  Pit
“Hey! What do you think I am, a monster?!”
“Well, you do have six limbs...”
“I have six limbs?!”
“Palutena, did you teach him anything?!”
-  Pit and Apollo
“Lady Palutena, is he always this angry?”
“No, just when someone rejects him. He doesn’t take it well if people don’t like him.”
 -  Pit and Palutena
“You should be careful. Those sheep could kill you otherwise.”
“I figured it out myself. Do you have any advice that could be useful?”
“Well, there’s those thorn bushes there.”
 -  Dark Pit and Psyche
“That’s... Disturbing.”
“That’s rich coming from someone who locked a girl into a house full of invisible people.”
- Pit and Dark Pit
“So that’s why you refused to talk about it earlier? Because goddess of light was no match to goddess of beauty when it came to beauty?”
“Pit, this is your last warning.”
“And I have no questions about that anymore.”
-  Pit and Palutena 
“Come on ants! It’s time to eat the baby bird.”
“Baby bird? What baby bird... Wait, I’m the baby bird aren’t I?”
 -  sober Dionysus and Pit
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1. If you could spend one month living in a secluded valley with a river running through it, who and/or what would you bring with you? 2. What are some of your favourite fanfic and/or story tropes? 3. If you could be any kind of tree, what kind of tree would you be?
These are so much fun!
(1.) Things I would bring with me…I assume this is more of a hobby than a survival question (like, I’m imagining a nice cabin pre-stocked with food and clothes and a bed and such). So, I would bring:
Way too many books
A…computer? typewriter? No Internet connection, just to write stuff. I would try and get SO much writing done, though I am aware that my ambitions are always greater than my focus, energy, and drive. 😛
Some means of playing music
A swimsuit! So I can swim in the river! (…Skinny-dipping would also work, I suppose.)
Scented candles/incense/oils
Bath bombs
…That’s about it, honestly. I’m pretty boring. >_>
And people I would bring with me…oh, I am so tempted to go alone, but the solitude would get to me eventually. I’d bring my husband, with strict instructions to do his own thing and support my writing frenzy! In the evening, we could skip stones on the river and watch the sun set and have bonfires.
Alternately, I’d bring my dad, who would ABSOLUTELY LOVE the secluded-valley life. We would just read a ton of books, separately and together, and have a lot of philosophical discussions, and swim and enjoy nature. (I live far away from him now, and miss him very much.)
Final option is bringing my whole found family (husband and our two mutual best friends) and just playing D&D for a month straight. This could be awesome and I love them all to death, but I think I’d get socially overwhemed pretty quickly in such a confined space.
…I definitely overthought this one.
(2.) For Critical Role fic specifically (which I don’t read much of), I like things that don’t take place during the campaign or interfere with canon. So, stuff like “Nott and Caleb’s time in jail together” or “Bren at the Soltryce Academy” or “when Molly first joined the circus.” (I did, however, once read an amazing AU where Bren never left the Academy, became a vollstrecker, and eventually started a side project at the Cobalt Soul library and met Beau.)
For general tropes, however! Some of my favorites are:
Extremely slow-burn romance (if there’s no kiss till the third installment of a trilogy, that’s fine with me)
Unconventional relationships (either platonic or romantic), where characters come together who you were not expecting to, who are awkward and prickly or skittish and wary and yet somehow fit, who were not initially telegraphed as love interests/BFFs but organically develop chemistry
ANGST (…such a shocker, I know) and its delicious cousin, HURT/COMFORT. Trauma, trauma, trauma, followed by healing, healing, healing. I mean…this is just always my thing, regardless of medium.
Aaanything that makes me cry. I have read more “Vax guides his friends to the afterlife one by one” fics than I care to admit. Also “Vex, Keyleth, and/or Gilmore piece their lives together post-Vax” fics. Anything that lingers on powerful, heartbreaking events and the aftermath. I guess this ties into the whole hurt/comfort, angst/healing thing. (Or, as I’ve said before and @kimabutch has quoted me on: “The tension breaks and everyone is so incredibly tender.”)
Redemption arcs WHEN THEY ARE VERY WELL-DONE. (If these are done for the wrong characters or in the wrong way, they can rapidly become my worst nightmare. There is nothing quite as skin-crawlingly gross for me as an unearned redemption arc.)
(3.) Evergreen all the way. Maybe a Douglas fir, because Christmas trees. Something hardy and green and fragrant and cheerful. Something that stands unflinching in the face of 4:00 sunsets and New England winters.
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thebibliomancer · 5 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance ep 5 liveblog
“She Knows All the Secrets”
Just a stream of thoughts.
I can’t believe I have to print a retraction on a liveblog but I’ve been apparently assuming that the General was just a younger, less fashionable SkekUng and this is not the case. The General is another Skeksis entirely so needs to go on the list of new Skeksis. I also made a lot of comments about the Chamberlain and the General fighting like ‘oh these two are always like that’ but the Chamberlain is just always like that with a lot of people apparently.
So Rian’s dad died and Rian was captured by the hunter. And now she’s been hung upside down like the Hunter is a Wampa but like a temperate zone Wampa.
The Hunter: 'Cool, you’re awake now I can skin you alive'
You’re creepy, Hunter.
And of all things, Chamberlain shows up to temporarily save Rian. Because he needs to drag Rian back to the castle to rub in the General’s face so the Emperor will like him again. And so he can get his chair back. Standing up at dinner time is so hard.
The Hunter: “Pathetic, you hunt a chair!”
Chamberlain: “No! I hunt power!”
Hunter begrudgingly lets Chamberlain take Rian but warns of pointy reckoning if he doesn’t get his trophy in the end.
And then Chamberlain frisks Rian and drinks his girlfriend in front of him. Very rude.
Its probably not supposed to be funny when Rian dramatically cries out NOOOOOO when Chamberlain smashes the empty bottle. But the bottle was empty. It was just a minor dick move compared to, y’know, drinking your dead girlfriend.
And the Chamberlain cackles like its the funniest dick move he ever done did.
Hey, Chamberlain is taking Rian to the castle where cool sister Tavra and Naia are heading possibly with Kylan. To rescue Gurjin. That will probably come into play.
So the All-Maudra now believes in the Blight because a Landstrider herd went crazy and busted out of its pen. Before she thought it was people lying to get away with a small tithe because she’s a jerk who didn’t follow up on that until now.
Wow Tavra, Naia, and Kylan got to the castle fast.
Cool Sister Tavra happens upon the Emperor….. I don’t know, freebasing the planet? Absorbing evil energy into his emperor staff?
DEET! I forget where in her quest she’s at at this point.
Oh, she’s heading to Vapran city Ha’ra but Hup, The First Podling Paladin, asks her not to go. He’s afraid for her and wants to protect her. Aww. And he’s feeling insecure because his sword is a spoon.
Hup is valid.
I guess Paladins are like the All-Maudra’s royal guard or something.
Deet: “You’re on your way to Ha’ra to become a paladin but if you ask me you already are.”
Aww. You have no power to grant that but lets go with it.
Pfft, I half knew it had to happen at some point but a Skeksis complaining about how low Gelfling ceilings are still cracked me up.
You bastards are just too tall, you tall bastards.
General: ‘Hey whats this?’
All-Maudra: “That’s a unomoth chrysalis, General. The sigil of the Vapra clan.”
General: -immediately eats it-
Skeksis really don’t have any impulse control…
He doesn’t even likes it and spits it out like its broccoli which makes the whole ‘let me eat something i was just told is symbolically important’ even worse.
Ritual Master: -shakes head, wonders if its too late to pretend he doesn’t know the General-
Geez, the General really is just a SkekUng stand in. He’s just doing Garthim-Master stuff and having the dynamics that Garthim-Master do. I don’t mind new Skeksis but why’d they make him so much like an existant one?
So the Arathim, those spider people, are apparently agitating and the Skeksis….. Require….. The seven strongest Gelfling from each clan?
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Ritual Master: “Of course we cannot guarantee the volunteers’ safe return.”
Is this the best thing you could come up with to disappear the fifty Gelfing a trine you need to drink? I mean, its almost smart. War with spider people. Casualties are bound to happen and bodies are bound to disappear. Its a good cover. But this murder plan could be handled better.
Also what could be handled better is not sending the General to ever talk with people.
All-Maudra: ‘Maybe the spider people are pissed off by the Blight’
And then when the All-Maudra leaves he goes and grabs another chrysalis and the Ritual Master pleads “Don’t” and then he cronches it anyway and the Ritual Master just shakes his head and sighs.
Oh I guess Chamberlain didn’t walk all the way into the woods to intercept the Hunter. He took a carriage. Wonder who’s driving.
But he needs Rian to ‘confess’ that he was ‘lying’ about the Skeksis
Rian: “I’ll make sure all of Thra knows what you are!”
Chamberlain: “And what are Skeksis, hmm?”
Rian: “Evil!”
Chamberlain: -giggles- “Delightful!”
Chamberlain: “How are Skeksis evil? Please, you tell”
Rian: “You killed Mira!”
Chamberlain: “All things kill”
Rian thought this was a carriage ride but its really Philosophy 101 with Professor Chamberlain. Moralllllll relativismmm.
Sometimes animals eat animals so therefore its okay to drink soul goo. Just the circle of life.
Rian: “There was nothing natural about what you did to Mira!”
Chamberlain: -pet peeved- “Death is unnatural! Death is cruel joke! Death mocks, life, mocks Skeksis!”
Rian touched a nerve there, huh?
Also Chamberlain: ‘Hey you’re as bad as us. You just watched as we drank your girlfriend. And left your friend behind. And let your dad die for you!’
Wow, I’ve never thought Chamberlain could break someone by talking because I figured that people would either go ‘you’re full of bullshit’ or literally just hit him. I guess with a captive audience he can talk long enough that he manages to say some pretty crushing Sounds Like Truth Bombs.
And now: Court Drama, Gelfling Style. Seladon is mad at Brea and Brea is mad at Seladon and there’s a giant animatronic rock monster who is also a part-time phonograph for Yodas.
Seladon: “What happens to the Gelflings if the Skeksis fall?”
About the same as now except the All-Maudra takes all the tithes instead of just skimming off the top? The Gelflings are very able to be fucked up on their own.
So now mom is maaaad.
If nothing else the All-Maudra should be incredibly curious that someone built a secret room under her throne. Like, logistically.
And then All-Momdra sends Seladon off to check on livestock for Blight. And Seladon is kind of Catraesque and pins all her emotional state on the positive reinforcement that mom just won’t give without immediately undercutting it. Poor Not Cool Sister.
So Chamberlain’s argument is that if Rian doesn’t silence the whisperings of rebellion, there’s going to be a rebellion and a bunch of Gelflings are going to die. Honestly, he’s just looking out for Gelflings’ best interests! He’s a friend, honest!
Chamberlain: “Is Gelfling slave if Gelfing not know it is slave?”
Slave is a bit much. Livestock maybe. BECAUSE THEY’RE DRINKING THEM.
But Chamberlain still being philosophy class.
At least, Chamberlain’s carriage ride of philosophical wonderment is very much like a philosophy class I had in college.
Rian: “We aren’t your pets”
Chamberlain: “False”
Based on difference in lifespan. “The choice is pets or enemies. Choose wisely.”
Rian: “And if I say what you want, will you stop draining Gelfling?”
Chamberlain: “Cannot promise.”
Heck of a time to be honest about things, SkekSil.
Rian: “Then I refuse.”
Its like the trolly problem, except with genocide. Yay?
Chamberlain is like that bad parent that catches a kid smoking and makes them smoke the whole pack or eat the whole cake. Rian defiantly says that war won’t be the end of the Gelfling if Gelfling win so Chamberlain cuts his bonds and goes ‘then do it bitch’
The Hunter is going to kick Chamberlain’s ass.
Oh, no. Chamberlain got into his head earlier and made him ashamed of running from his problems so now Rian won’t run out of the carriage. Damn, SkekSil, you actually managed to manipulate someone holy shit
Chamberlain: “Is difficult being voice of reason in such crazed world.”
You endearingly smug prick.
Aughra time.
Aughra: “Stones are no help, bah! Leaves have nothing to say! NO HELP! Bah! No help! Smoke is no help! Mystic ways don’t work! Aughra ways don’t work! Old ways don’t work!”
Thank goodness for this sequence of Aughra failing at augury.
Now she’s talking about her personal problems to an uncomprehending and uncaring animal. Aka the Thurma ways. (Which also don’t work)
And now she’s talking to a tree!
Thankfully trees do talk, even if only to dunk on people. And the tree heals the small animal she’s been ranting to.
I guess Sanctuary Trees can Just Do That. But only if you ask nicely?
SOCIAL LINK GO. Aughra is now friends with A Tree.
Little Deet in a Big City.
Time for more racisms!
So the Vapran gelflings of Ha’ra are kind of like the Hunger Games Capitol? They look like ambulatory cakes.
Deet: “I guess I could take a bath?”
Hup: -does crimes-
Deet: “How do I look?”
Hup: “Deet Always Beautiful.”
Hup, you’re too good for this sinful Thra.
Hup: -says things-
Vapran Guard: “.......... Yeah okay”
Persuasion roll 20
All-Maudra: ‘oh neat a giant rock man’
Annnd the General and Ritual Master doing an inspection of the war volunteers slash drinking victim candidates.
General: “This volunteer’s teeth are very disappointing.”
Ritual Master: “Weak haunches too”
General: “Whats wrong with that one’s face?”
Ritual Master: “I think it’s just old.”
General: “Well, I don’t like it. Get it out of here!”
Weirdly humorous scene about two lizard monsters deciding who to literally drink…
Gelfing: “I’m not that old…”
Oh cool I thought it couldn’t get creepier but the Ritual Master is literally licking his chops and talking about vigor.
Holy crap, Naia rescued Gurjin off-screen, somehow found out that Rian had been captured and then rescued him!
(Where the hell is Tavra then?)
But, like, Rian had decided not to run when he had that chance so why is he doing it now?
This is all very perplexing.
I guess it gives us an exciting action sequence on top of a racing pillbug carriage but. What's his motivation here??
Gurjin: “Join the guard they said! Nothing ever goes wrong in the Castle they said!”
Cool, Gurjin is ready to be a Warcraft unit.
Chamberlain: ‘Huh this sure is terrifying. I’d better speed up MORE’
-Carriage flips-
Lets whoop triumphantly even though nothing made any sense!
Oh, hey Kylan. God, he’s so forgettable. He was the first person willing to dreamfast with Rian but he’s had like nothing to do since then and no real interactions so he’s just kinda There in some scenes. Gurjin and Naia even left him at camp instead of bringing him to the EXCITING ACTION SCENE’
I have to scroll up and relearn his name every time he shows up.
Kylan: “Oh you’ve returned!”
Rian: -panicking internally thinking who dis guy-
Seladon is going to have Deet and Hup thrown out for, y’know, blatant impersonation, but Deet mentions the Blight and the Darkening and hell, Seladon is supposed to be investigating that and its easier to have exposition come to you.
But even though she’ll listen to them doesn’t mean she won’t be incredibly racist.
Seladon: “You spin quite a tale, Grottan. But do you offer any proof?”
Deet: “Dreamfast with me!” You know, that thing that should solve roughly half the problems in this plot?
Seladon: “Ugh when was the last time you washed your hands?”
Deet: “Why would I ever wash my hands?”
Aughra is also just sitting and waiting for the plot to come to her. Its good protagonisting if you can get it.
Rian: -spilling his sad story about his dad dying-
Kylan: -nodding, yes I am part of this conversation I am-
Oh, after nobody wanting to dreamfast everyone is dreamfasting at the same time at the slightest provocation.
Rian’s group dreamfasting around the campfire. Brea dreamfasting with her mom to show how she found Lore, and Seladon getting over herself to dreamfast with Deet.
And Aughra like. Accidentally broke into the same dreamfast channel? Because Rian finds himself, Deet, and Aughra in Dream Space with the Dream Space Dark Crystal.
And Aughra starts dancing.
Oh, its not just them. Its all the protagonists.
Brea: “The crystal! Its cracked, its missing a shard”
Geez, Brea. Advance the plot on your own time.
Aughra gives everyone adjectives. Mighty nice.
Clever Brea. Proud All-Maudra. Fierce Naia. Wise Kylan and Gurjin.
Wait, Gurjin doesn’t even get his own adjective? He has to share one with the guy who has done one (1) thing so far??
No, he doesn’t even get to share. Its just Gurjin. Wow, Aughra. Wow. Not even like… Loyal Gurjin? Trusting Gurjin? Pretty good bro Gurjin?
Can’t he get no respect?
Aughra: “Dream Space is a spirit realm. The source of magic and prophecy.”
I’m going to crap myself if Yusuke Urameshi shows up.
Kylan, wanting to contribute: “The world within our world”
Oh. So thats why Gujin doesn’t get to be Loyal Gurjin.
Seladon is Loyal Seladon. Except she’s getting annoyed about all these people talking shit about the Skeksis.
Seladon: “This isn’t the will of Thra. This is a sordid plot of a power-hungry witch!”
All this emotional neglect has finally come to bear.
So Aughra just catapults her out of the dream.
And now Seladon is having Hup and Deet arrested and is going to warn the Skeksis.
Aughra is using Dream Recapping to share all the exposition with everyone so people don’t need to talk or whatever. I guess that IS what dreamfasting is for.
So Rian is being sent to Ha’ra to join up with Brea and Deet and follow Lore to the Circle of the Suns to find a Plot Coupon.
And everyone else has to go and unite the clans.
I was going to say that dreamfasting sure makes it easy to convince people to age of resistance but hey Seladon is staying Team Skeksis.
Maybe instead of ejecting her from the dream, you should have let her see the big shared dreamfast memory recap with everyone else so she’d have more information about what the Skeksis are up to?
I was kind of hoping that Bad Mom All-Maudra would remain unconvinced and lead to a kind of civil war within the Gelfling but dreamfasting just makes it so hard to do this plot. You have to work around it in so many ways.
Seladon: “My lords, pardon the interruption but I must speak with you!”
Ritual Master, smoothly: “You are always welcome, princess”
General: “Which princess is this?”
Ritual Master: “Haven’t got a clue. They all look the same to me.”
All-Maudra, make Hup an official paladin dammit
All-Maudra: “No time for ceremony right now, podling. Innocent lives are at risk. Stand and prove the strength of your spoon by my side.”
Wow. You’re pretty cool when you want to be, All-Maudra.
Annnnd the All-Maudra, Deet, Hup, and Brea walk in RIGHT AFTER Seladon spills the beans to the Skeksis.
All-Maudra: “I am All-Maudra”
General: “You are All-Maudra because we allow you to be All-Maudra.”
Oh daaaaang. Is the show going to be like this? Make the bad parents barely likeable right before killing them off so they don’t have to address that they were kinda bad parents?
All-Maudra: “I have allowed you to buy my loyalty with cheap trinkets!” Yeah. You kinda were just dipping your fingers into the greed pool weren’t you? Do you want to maybe give some of that back to your people? I mean, you’re probably dead now but what were your long term plans about this?
All-Maudra is good at authoritatively telling the Skeksis to gtfo when she’s like not even a third of their height.
I mean, talking shit to a giant lizard crocodile man with a short temper who is barely able to be diplomatic and has a vested interest in keeping you silent goes about as well as you’d expect.
What a sworded end for an All-Maudra…
She must be dead, she’s so still and lifeless. Wait, thats just puppet stuff.
Seladon, who is totally at fault, to Brea: “This is all your fault!”
Oh god dammit, Seladon is swiveling her desperate need for affirmation onto the Skeksis and having Deet, Hup, and Brea arrested as traitors.
Who would have thought sibling rivalry could go so bad. And after Cool Sister Tavra tried so hard to ease things between them.
And now Seladon is All-Maudra. Cue Everything You Ever.
“Here lies everything
The world I wanted at my feet
My victorys complete
So hail to the All-Maudra” doesn’t rhyyyyme.
We’re halfway through Age of Resistance so I guess some Age of Resisty had to start. Feels a bit sudden. Dreamfasting really does take out some of the busy work. But I guess Seladon is a big enough wrench that its not going to be just the Gelflings sitting up and kicking the Skeksis.
Team Ha’ra is all caught. Team Rian’s Friends I Guess are still oot and aboot but the Hunter is going to be peeved about not getting to cut out his tongue. So he presumably be coming. All vaguely shitty parents are now off the board. Just some emotionally complicated teens and some lizard crocodile men left. Also Aughra.
So. Hey. Maybe its not the time. But if Seladon doesn’t want to be in the Resisty can Gurjin have her title? Loyal Gurjin?
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woozjae · 8 years
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Proud of this one
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lightpinkskye · 6 years
tagged by @podmore - thank you so much x
rules: answer all questions, add one of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions
tagging some friends n mutuals and whoever else wants to take a crack at answering these! @dissociable-trucidation @denialsaint @eliazarbecker @chewedbubblegumpink @strawberrytired @artsyplantgirl @bornlucky @danielhowellbutnotascool @femslashash @yellowhijab @thedarklordalwaysknows @serotonin-deficiency-king
1. coke or pepsi: pepsi!! all the way!! 2. disney or dreamworks: both how dare you 3. coffee or tea: tea 4. books or movies: books  5. windows or mac: windows 6. dc or marvel: i have never seen a single superhero movie or read a single superhero comic in my whole entire life so no 7. x-box or playstation: neither  8. dragon age or mass effect: i have this one friend who used to rave about the storyline of mass effect so that sounds neat but also dragons so both? neither? i’m not a video game person oof 9. night owl or early riser: i can get up early if i have to but i’m definitely more of a night owl 10. cards or chess: cards ig 11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate chocolate chocolate 12. vans or converse: converse 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: w hat 14. fluff or angst: depends on my mood tbh but more often fluff 15. beach or forest: forest 16. dogs or cats: cats!! (but i would die for corgis) 17. clear skies or rain: clear skies only because i cannot deal with humidity but i do find rain incredibly soothing 18. cooking or eating out: takeout!! (best of both worlds) 19. spicy food or mild food: spicy but only to a point (i am v white after all) 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: h a l l o w e e n 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: lil too cold bc sweaters 22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?: reading minds so i know what people actually think of me and sneakily figure out who has a crush on me 23. animation or live action: animation (esp studio ghibli) 24. paragon or renegade: whomst 25. baths or showers: i never take baths bc i don’t usually have time but i want to like just chill in the bath w a bath bomb and some soothing music so so so badly!! 26. team cap or team ironman: again. never seen a single superhero movie 27: fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they:
“There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.” - Sylvia Plath
“Does anything really matter? We all end up in the same place. All that's left is our Wikipedia entry.” - Lorde
“ It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” - Leonardo Da Vinci
“Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort.” - Jane Austen
29. netflix or youtube: both ok fight me
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: i have such good childhood memories associated with both but also both creators are.. kinda trash so this is a really hard call but i find myself always coming back to harry potter whenever i feel nostalgic or lost so harry potter! 31. when you feel accomplished: performing in a show!! 32. star wars or star trek: star wars bc at least i’ve seen them (also carrie fisher) 33. paperback or hardback: paperback - better cover feel usually and more portable 34. horror or rom-com: rom-commmmm the cheesier the better 35. tv shows or movies: tv shows  36. spotify or pandora: spotify 37. zootopia or inside out: zootopia (i loved inside out too but zootopia was so fuckin powerful and poignant and woke and i cried) 38. favourite book: the bell jar or pride & prejudice or harry potter or a half million other books i cannot choose ok 39. favourite flower: lilies of the valley, violets and peonies 40. what field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): either musical theater or something social justice-y! 41. song lyric you really love?: “all we are is skin and bone trained to get along” from “treacherous” by taylor swift 42. what’s your MBTI type?: isfp  43. fave movie: everyone who has access to netflix nEEDS TO WATCH CANDY JAR RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY it’s literally a slow-burn enemies-to-lovers fic come to life featuring an interracial relationship and musings on the societal pressures placed on teenagers in america today!! also movie musicals (esp the last five years) and disney and studio ghibli everything  44. favourite tv show(s): the good place, parks and rec, unbreakable kimmy schmidt, bake off, queer eye, anything bob ross has ever done, everything sucks!, anne with an e, downton abbey, atypical, glow, i’ve gotten into total drama again lately, and i haven’t seen b99 yet but i know in my heart i’m going to love it 45. what fictional world is your favourite? hogwarts hOGWARTS HOGWARTS 46. favourite mythological figure? i have a major soft spot for  47. who’s your all-time favourite fictional character? first of all, how dare you make me choose. ron weasley is up there, as is tahani al-jamil, the whole parks and rec crew, and the grinch just because. 48. if you could spend an entire day with a weasley, who would you pick?: charlie for the dragons
49. harry potter and the philosopher’s stone or harry potter and the deathly hallows? honestly really depends on my mood - philosopher’s stone for sheer comfort food, and deathly hallows for angsty character development and a good cry session
50. moon or stars?: stars
my question is: what color are the school subjects to you (ex - math is blue)?
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3d10fire-damage · 7 years
FMA:B 01
another liveblog series hell yeah
mustang, i once named a pokemon after him. i think it was a Nidoking. oh god i forgot ed is voiced by the same guy that voiced tamaki in ouran... gonna have to get used to that omg
and the NPCs fail to detail this man because this is an anime featuring magic, guns don’t really do shit. unless... they do. i don’t remember. i read the manga in high school. “i know you..... you’re the PROTAGONIST!” omg al is so cute. oh god here’s maes hughes. “what are you doing here? go home.” mood, knowing how this goes. ok how many times this episode are we gonna do the “ed is short and people think he’s the younger brother” shtick.
so ed explains how a steam explosion works, where heated water can expand fast enough to exert the force of a bomb going off, and yet the person in question is like.... intact? if he died from a steam *explosion* shouldn’t his body be blown to shit? HELL YEAH ARMSTRONG. yeah i don’t remember how the whole philosopher stone thing works but also THIS TECHNIQUE HAS BEEN PASSED DOWN THE ARMSTRONG LINE FOR GENERATIONS!!! i like how these transmutation circles are literally just. chalk. i wish some kid had just drawn over one with some silly shit. i’m going to shitpost hell for this but like... freezer man removing al’s “head” to find out he has no body and the suit of armor empty YEET
i love when, in shows like this with lots of fictional element-based combat, a character just punches another one. it’s satisfying. u go ed. OH GROSS HE FROZE HIS OWN BLOOD. there’s something neat happening with the colors here. really not pulling punches with the blood either. “you’re in desperate need of my assistance!” *takes off shirt*
and we end with some busty woman (totally not Lust) on the phone, hella bathed in red.
honestly not exactly what i was expecting from the first episode, but it was nice. bits and pieces of the manga are coming back to me
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traveladv86 · 5 years
Greek Holidays Fundamentals Explained
Right here visitors will certainly locate a big flight terminal with everyday trips from Athens, as well as ferry service to the mainland and neighboring islands. To day, there's no harbor to fit big cruise liner, so the major city of Karpathos (additionally called Pigadia) remains tranquil and pleasant. Karpathians like to Image by Vanessa Quest.
If you're looking for someplace to experience what Greece might have been like fifty years ago, prior to crowds of visitors took control of, after that this is the area! With breathtaking sights of white sand coastlines, blue-green waters, and vivid houses, it's tough to think this island isn't more preferred. Kefalonia has a little of everything: castles, historical sites, tasty food, and certainly beautiful beaches where you can loosen up as well as swim in the cozy Ionian sea. Image by Lifejourney 4two. Recycled with approval. Lousios Canyon , in the Arkadia Region of Greece, is residence to old Arcadian damages and cliff-top monasteries. The scene is established with old woodlands, ancient bridges as well as amazing abbeys clinging precariously on the side of the ravines either side of the canyon. According to Greek folklore, the Lousios River is where Zeus himself bathed-- and also who could blame him with such stunning surroundings? Just southern of the close-by town Dimitsana, you'll find the Old Gortys ruins, which are believed to be ancient healing premises dating from the 4th century BC.
After around 1.5 kilometers you'll pertain to the Prodromou Abbey developed into the rock high up on the mountainside. Better on, you'll climb to the Philosophou Abbey damages. This ancient divine area, established in 963AD, is still obtainable by high actions. The passages and also rooms are extremely narrow as well as cut right into the rock.
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This location provides a fantastic combination of nature with a good dosage of Greek background as well as remarkable sights in the process-- all without the crowds. That's our concept of a wonderful place to visit in Greece. Contributed by Shelley of Lifejourney 4two. Photo by Shara Johnson. Reused with consent.
Although the towns are little, you can still get really lost in the puzzle of slim alleys as well as corridors. The roads are as well narrow in the old quarters for cars, so you park on the borders as well as walk-in. The villages are an intriguing mix of old, abandoned ruins and kept-up or brought back areas.
Likewise in town is a small yard bordered by cafes perfect for a lunch break, complete with gangs of pleasant cat cats awaiting the dropped details. Pyrgi's traditional structures have an unique and also stunning black-and-white geometric facade called Xysta. Although it's typically described as "the painted village," the designs are engraved, not repainted.
They are called mastic villages in reference to the mastic trees that grow on the southern part of Chios Island and also nowhere else worldwide. We located the mastiha liqueur generated from this plant to be absolutely delicious! In both towns, as soon as we obtained out of the main squares, we were virtually all alone on the cobblestones, cost-free to imagine what it might have resembled to live there centuries back.
Image by Mansoureh Farahani. Recycled with authorization. Meteora in the center of the Greek mainland is a should to visit when you prepare a trip to Greece. The majority of the travelers head straight to the beautiful greek island and also are not conscious of what Meteora has to offer. Meteora is an amazing complex of massive rock developments, not far the Kalambaka town.
I really feel so fortunate that I had a possibility to see Meteora, among the most unbelievable areas on our earth. This distinct location of all-natural as well as social is noted on the UNESCO Globe Heritage site as well as is residence to one the largest and also essential group of monasteries in Greece.
Several of them were bombed during World War II, yet some are still working and are open to visitors and prayers. One of the very best means to go to Meteora is by taking a train from Athens, but if you favor flying, you can fly to Thessaloniki as well as rent a cars and truck and drive 200 kilometres to Meteora.
Photo by Chrysoula Manika. Recycled with authorization Milos is among the lesser-visited Greek Islands in spite of its remarkable landscapes, pristine bays and also clearly scrumptious Greek cuisine, and also the reality that it was the place of the discovery of the world-famous Venus de Milo statuary! Situated in the Cyclades chain, Milos is a charming island with a wide variety of varied beaches that supply sand, stones, caves and high cliff deals with to verify that there truly is something below to suit everyone.
If you go to in the off-season, you make sure to be able to locate a minimum of one of the 70 beaches sans people so you can lounge in peace as well as take in the serenity of the island. The funding, Plaka, is no less captivating, with its slim winding roads, charming tavernas and also intriguing collection of galleries covering every little thing from folklore and archaeology to maritime as well as military ventures.
These eruptions produced lava flow coves with dashes of oxidized metal that makes it look like something from one more planet! While Milos doesn't have a worldwide airport, it is greater than worth the initiative it requires to get there through Athens and also you certainly will not be dissatisfied. Added by Chrysoula of Travel Passionate.
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geeky-clean · 7 years
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💪More restock items are now in store!⠀ 🐳9 new room/fabric sprays!⠀ 🛁Pink pokebombs and normal pokebombs!⠀ 🛁Rhysand and D20 bath bombs!⠀ 🔥Candles including philosophers stone!⠀ 🌈Limited stock so once it's sold out it's gone until next weekend!⠀ 🌈Totally didn't mean to make a rainbow I just like bright colours!⠀ #roomspray #fabricspray #fursuitspray #handmade #bathbombaddict (at Cosmic Realms)
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wtfzodiacsigns · 6 years
Gifts For The Signs
*Check Sun, Moon, & Rising signs*
♈ Aries - bluetooth speaker or wireless headphones, hat, lipstick, band t-shirt, antique mirror, penny board, neon sign, gym membership, work-out accessories, GoPro
♉ Taurus - purse/tote/satchel, gift card to favorite restaurant or a book store, art, scarf, coffee mug, blanket, box of chocolates, silk robe, silver jewelry
♊ Gemini - puzzle, book (new & intriguing), gossip magazine or newspaper subscription, nail polish, playing cards, kite, LP records, choker, unique pins/brooches, trivia games
♋ Cancer - bath bombs, pearls, flowers, handmade crafts, candles, vintage cook book or utensils, framed photo or photo album, over-sized sweaters, gifts for their pets
♌ Leo - music festival or theater tickets, rocking chair, hair clips, eye shadow, cigars, book (auto/biographies), retro games or decor, gold jewelry, champagne, selfie stick
♍ Virgo - pillow, succulents, unique socks, red wine, typewriter, rings, books (self-help, psychological thriller, or motivational), massage oils, journal, yoga mat
♎ Libra - home decor, earrings, perfume/cologne, fashion magazine subscription (Vogue, GQ…), silk pajamas, gift card to favorite clothing store, white wine, cuff links, vest
♏ Scorpio - shoes, movies, lingerie, eye liner, video games, pocket knife, anything of leather or velvet, wallet, privacy screen, sunglasses, liquor, hoodie, $
♐ Sagittarius - binoculars, waterproof speaker or phone case, keychain, books (philosophical, law, or spiritual) vintage maps, comedy show or concert tickets, video camera, address book, travel magazine subscription (NAT. Geo…)
♑ Capricorn - watch, pottery, planner, tea, beanies, unique wreath, DIY craft book, skincare products, wine stoppers, telescope, gloves, terrarium, chalk or cork board
♒ Aquarius - iTunes gift card, ukele, social magazine subscriptions (Rolling Stones…), flask, books (sci-fi/fantasy), bow tie, vinyl decals, instant camera, facial hair oil, patches, drone
♓ Pisces - dream catcher, doc martens, mood ring, custom playlist, slippers, art supplies (watercolor paints…), hand-made/knitted clothing, lava lamp, a fish, hammock, poetry
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When The Dust Settles Part 2
When The Dust Settles.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Yourself and Bucky are part of spy/mercenary group called the Avengers. Friends to lovers. Set in 1997.
Word Count: 1310
Warnings: swearing
A/N I forgot to mention in the last chapter that the reader is Irish and speaks with an Irish accent and uses Irish slang, so if you’re ever confused by any phrases used; be it meaning or pronunciation, feel free to send me an ask and I’ll explain.
After a 36 hr stakeout and infiltration that led to a large explosion, being shot at and ends with wandering through sewers, most people would throw themselves into a shower and then proceed to collapse on the closest bed-like surface they can find. Most, but not one Y/N.
No, you’d rather tinker with bomb fragments, re-building it while muttering angrily about the “shoddy workmanship” Bucky observed, leaning against the bathroom, freshly washed and dressed.
He cleared his throat. No response. His brow furrowed as he watched you continue to work.
“Y/N?” Still nothing
“Y/N” he spoke a little louder. You hummed in response, not looking at him.
“Isn’t it time to have a shower and sleep?”
“In a minute, need to finish this first” you still had your back to him
Bucky rolled his eyes and crossed hotel room to the table where you sat.
“Y/N, you’re covered in grease, soot and dirt and you smell like the sewers, it’s not healthy”
“I hadn’t noticed” you muttered, fiddling with some wiring. Bucky swatted your hands away from your tools.
“Hey” finally you turned to him “I’m working”
“Y/N we’ve been working for the past two days and you’ve been working on that bomb for over an hour, we need to sleep”. You shrugged
“Also there’s only one bed in here and I’m not sharing it when you’re this dirty”
“Fine” you told him, turning back to your work “You get the bed, I’ll take the floor. I’ve slept rougher”
Bucky let out a frustrated groan, He pick you up by the waist and carried you into the bathroom, setting you down on the edge of the bath.
“Shower, teeth and pajamas” he pointed at your pajamas and toiletries which were neatly folded next to the sink “Ok?”
“Fine” you sighed, tiredness showing in your voice, as you shrugged off your jacket. Bucky closed the door behind him but remained just outside until he heard the shower running.
He sat back down at the table and pulled out a bag filled with fake passports, determining which ones you’d use for fake identities to get into Romania. Sifting through them he called out to you.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Yeah Buck?” Your voice muffled by the bathroom door.
“When’s the last time we used Mr and Mrs Jefferson as a cover?”
“Uhhh…” You paused, thinking as you ran your hands through your wet hair making sure all the grime and dirt was all rinsed out. “I think it was when we were in Warsaw…..yeah, yeah it was because you distracted the police by saying you were looking for your missing daughter while I nicked the police files” You called out, getting out of the shower.
“So they probably have this name on file, so no to Jefferson” he concluded to himself, chucking the passports back into the bag.
“What about yer man, oh what’s his face?………Hammond?” You asked, coming out of the bathroom, now in your pajamas rubbing your hair with a towel.
“TJ Hammond is a troubled gay drug addict who tried to avoid his problems by running away to Europe”
“Oh yeah…” You left the bathroom door open as you walked back in
“Who else we got?”
Bucky flipped through the IDs. He came across one, picking at it he turned in his seat to look at you in the mirror, putting on moisturizer.
“Hey Y/N”
“Yeah?” You replied lazily, rubbing the lotion into your cheeks. Bucky bit the inside of his cheek, not sure how you’d react.
“There’s always Tucker”
Bucky had to suppress a laugh at how quickly you whipped your head around to look at him.
“Oh fuck no, we’re not being Mr and Mrs Lance “The Fucker” Tucker again!“
“You really don’t like him, do you?”
“Lance Tucker’s a fucking prick”
“Even when I play him?” Bucky pouted in an exaggerated manner.
“Problem is Buck, you’re such a good actor that when you play Lance all I see is Lance, Bucky has vanished” you explained, leaning against the doorway of the bathroom. “Also I hate the stuff Maggie Tucker wears and taking out all of my piercings, the one in my nose nearly closed up cuz I had it out so long”
“You really don’t like being out of your goth clothes do you?” Bucky smiled sympathetically, knowing how uncomfortable you felt last time you had to play Maggie.
“Yeah give me my boots and leather jacket any day over that short tracksuit dress thing that makes me look like the red, white and blue pancakes from Dennys” You sighed rubbing a hand down your face  "And that stupid voice I have to put on for her”
“Oh yes” your voice sounding somewhere between Audary from Little Shop of Horrors and Miss Piggy “I was always talk like this around my darling husband ‘cause he just loves my babydoll voice and I love being married to a selfish, arrogant, dominating prick like Lance Tucker” there was much sarcasm dripping off that sickly sweet voice that Bucky could have collected and sold it by the bottle.
Bucky picked up the Tucker passports and flung them back into the bag.
“There, they’re gone forever!”
You gave him appreciative smile.
“Honestly Tucker’s so far up his own ass he probably calls his dick a gold medal”
Bucky clutched his chest letting out a deep belly laugh. You snickered.
“Yeah” Bucky said “Yeah he probably does”
You sat down at the table as Bucky rifled through the passports.
“What about Beck?”
“Mr and Mrs Beck?”
“Dr and Mrs Beck” Bucky corrected “We haven’t used them in like 2 years, they should be good”
“Yeah” you picked up your tools or at least attempted to before Bucky’s hand snapped around your wrist.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m washed and dressed and now I’m gonna continue working on my bomb”
“No, we’re going to bed” Bucky countered “We’ve had no sleep for nearly 46 hours at this point and we have a long day ahead of us”
“Fiiiiiiiine” you sighed, getting up and following him to bed. “Can I at least read some of my book?” You asked, climbing into bed next to Bucky as he made himself comfortable.
“Yeah, but no working on the bomb once I’ve fallen asleep”
You rolled your eyes and took out your book. Bucky peered at the title.
“Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone?”
“Yeah, it’s really good”
“I thought it was called the Sorcerer’s Stone” Bucky mused lying on his front, turning his head to look at you.
“That’s only the American title I think”
Bucky shrugged, wrapping an arm around your waist. You glanced down at his arm and gave him an unamused look.
“Making doubly sure I don’t work on the bomb after you’ve fallen asleep, are we now?”
“Yup” Bucky responded, voice now muffled as he had his face buried into his pillow “ I know you Y/N, you’re itching to get back at that bomb”
You shook your head, mildly annoyed at how well Bucky knew you. You put your book away, not really wanting to read anymore. Lying down next to Bucky.
“Also this room is cold and you’re really warm” he said in a voice a sleepy toddler would use when describing their favourite teddy bear. You smiled softly, turned facing him.
“Goodnight Bucky”
“Night Doll”
***************************************************************************************************** TAGS: @snowyseba @just-call-me-mrs-captain @papi-chulo-bucky @bovaria @buckysbackpackbuckle @lenavonschweetz
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wtfzodiacsigns · 6 years
Gifts For The Signs
*Check Sun, Moon, & Rising signs*
♈ Aries - bluetooth speaker or wireless headphones, hat, lipstick, band t-shirt, antique mirror, penny board, neon sign, gym membership, work-out accessories, GoPro
♉ Taurus - purse/tote/satchel, gift card to favorite restaurant or a book store, art, scarf, coffee mug, blanket, box of chocolates, silk robe, silver jewelry
♊ Gemini - puzzle, book (new & intriguing), gossip magazine or newspaper subscription, nail polish, playing cards, kite, LP records, choker, unique pins/brooches, trivia games
♋ Cancer - bath bombs, pearls, flowers, handmade crafts, candles, vintage cook book or utensils, framed photo or photo album, over-sized sweaters, gifts for their pets
♌ Leo - music festival or theater tickets, rocking chair, hair clips, eye shadow, cigars, book (auto/biographies), retro games or decor, gold jewelry, champagne, selfie stick
♍ Virgo - pillow, succulents, unique socks, red wine, typewriter, rings, books (self-help, psychological thriller, or motivational), massage oils, journal, yoga mat
♎ Libra - home decor, earrings, perfume/cologne, fashion magazine subscription (Vogue, GQ…), silk pajamas, gift card to favorite clothing store, white wine, cuff links, vest
♏ Scorpio - shoes, movies, lingerie, eye liner, video games, pocket knife, anything of leather or velvet, wallet, privacy screen, sunglasses, liquor, hoodie, $
♐ Sagittarius - binoculars, waterproof speaker or phone case, keychain, books (philosophical, law, or spiritual) vintage maps, comedy show or concert tickets, video camera, address book, travel magazine subscription (NAT. Geo…)
♑ Capricorn - watch, pottery, planner, tea, beanies, unique wreath, DIY craft book, skincare products, wine stoppers, telescope, gloves, terrarium, chalk or cork board
♒ Aquarius - iTunes gift card, ukele, social magazine subscriptions (Rolling Stones…), flask, books (sci-fi/fantasy), bow tie, vinyl decals, instant camera, facial hair oil, patches, drone
♓ Pisces - dream catcher, doc martens, mood ring, custom playlist, slippers, art supplies (watercolor paints…), hand-made/knitted clothing, lava lamp, a fish, hammock, poetry
Source: weolcantramp
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wtfzodiacsigns · 6 years
Gifts For The Signs
*Check Sun, Moon, & Rising signs*
♈ Aries - bluetooth speaker or wireless headphones, hat, lipstick, band t-shirt, antique mirror, penny board, neon sign, gym membership, work-out accessories, GoPro
♉ Taurus - purse/tote/satchel, gift card to favorite restaurant or a book store, art, scarf, coffee mug, blanket, box of chocolates, silk robe, silver jewelry
♊ Gemini - puzzle, book (new & intriguing), gossip magazine or newspaper subscription, nail polish, playing cards, kite, LP records, choker, unique pins/brooches, trivia games
♋ Cancer - bath bombs, pearls, flowers, handmade crafts, candles, vintage cook book or utensils, framed photo or photo album, over-sized sweaters, gifts for their pets
♌ Leo - music festival or theater tickets, rocking chair, hair clips, eye shadow, cigars, book (auto/biographies), retro games or decor, gold jewelry, champagne, selfie stick
♍ Virgo - pillow, succulents, unique socks, red wine, typewriter, rings, books (self-help, psychological thriller, or motivational), massage oils, journal, yoga mat
♎ Libra - home decor, earrings, perfume/cologne, fashion magazine subscription (Vogue, GQ…), silk pajamas, gift card to favorite clothing store, white wine, cuff links, vest
♏ Scorpio - shoes, movies, lingerie, eye liner, video games, pocket knife, anything of leather or velvet, wallet, privacy screen, sunglasses, liquor, hoodie, $
♐ Sagittarius - binoculars, waterproof speaker or phone case, keychain, books (philosophical, law, or spiritual) vintage maps, comedy show or concert tickets, video camera, address book, travel magazine subscription (NAT. Geo…)
♑ Capricorn - watch, pottery, planner, tea, beanies, unique wreath, DIY craft book, skincare products, wine stoppers, telescope, gloves, terrarium, chalk or cork board
♒ Aquarius - iTunes gift card, ukele, social magazine subscriptions (Rolling Stones…), flask, books (sci-fi/fantasy), bow tie, vinyl decals, instant camera, facial hair oil, patches, drone
♓ Pisces - dream catcher, doc martens, mood ring, custom playlist, slippers, art supplies (watercolor paints…), hand-made/knitted clothing, lava lamp, a fish, hammock, poetry
Source: weolcantramp
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