#chris motionles
circle-with-me · 2 months
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i have nothing clean or appropriate to say so i’m just gonna leave this here :)
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synthetic-wasp-570 · 1 year
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titineradke · 1 year
Jetez-y un œil
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
december 8 - chris motionless
title: tis the season
prompt: Taking a bath together after a long day at the christmas tree farm
request from: n/a
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee @joeynihil @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @xyours-eternallyx @thisplace-ishaunted
I helped Chris pull the tree into the front room, setting it down with a huff. He stood up proudly, a wide smile across his face as I fell into the couch, feeling a few pine needles stabbing my back and making me get back up.
"Isn't it beautiful?"
He asked, looking down at it admiringly. I sent him a sleepy nod as he crouched down to touch it gently.
"Wanna help me get it in the stand?"
He asked and I shrugged, stepping forward.
"Sure, let's get this over with."
We both picked it back up and wedged it between the metal rods of the stand. He looked so proud as he stood back, hands on his hips.
"Ya know, this is the first year in a while that I've been home the entire month of December and have been able to get a real tree."
He said and I raised my brows in amusement, moving to take my coat off.
"Well I'm glad you get to enjoy it, cause getting it was one hell of a task."
He laughed at me as I moved to pull my boots off.
"What's so funny?"
I asked and he shook his head, shrugging his coat off too.
"Nothing, I just love how much you don't like the holidays but choose to do this stuff with me anyway."
He said admiringly and I smiled up at him.
"Of course I do, I love you and I know how much this all means to you."
He leaned down and kissed me gently.
"Thank you baby."
He said as I stepped further into the living room, scratching at my back again and pulling out a small stick with some pine needles attached to it.
"This is ridiculous."
I exclaimed and he laughed, almost falling over as he got his own boots off.
"How about we go take a bath, change into our PJ's and watch a movie?"
He suggested and I nodded quickly.
"That sounds wonderful. I just wanna stop this nightmare."
I said, yanking my sweater over my head and taking off down the hall. I shivered a little as I grabbed both our sets of pajamas and walked into the bathroom to run the bath.
"You wanna watch the bath bomb?"
I yelled, hearing him running down the hall rather than giving me an answer. I laughed as he slid into the door frame, almost falling over as he tried to stop.
"Did you put it in yet?"
He asked and I laughed.
"Not yet. You wanna do the honors?"
I asked and he nodded, taking the Christmas themed ball from me and placing it gently in the water. I watched as he knelt beside the tub and watched it fizz. Within minutes the whole bathroom smelled like cinnamon and clove, the water now a nice crimson color.
"Is it warm enough?"
I asked as he waded his hand through it to mix the gold glitter around. He nodded.
I nodded once as he stood up, tugging at his shirt and helping him get it over his head.
When we were done he stood out of the tub first, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist as I drained the water, rinsing the tub out.
"Here babe."
He said, wrapping the other towel as well as his arms around my shoulders and hugging me.
"Thank you."
I said in an animated voice as he kissed my nose.
"You are so welcome."
He said softly, rubbing my arms before letting me go.
"I got that one out is that alright?"
I asked a she picked up the black plaid pants off the sink. He nodded.
"If it weren't you would know."
He said and I laughed, drying my legs off as he got dressed.
"Thanks for the heads up I guess."
I said, moving to put my own pants on.
"I'm gonna go start some popcorn. Any thoughts on a movie?"
He asked, kissing the top of my head. I thought for a second as I pulled my shirt over my head.
"It's your day, how about you pick."
I said and he nodded.
"Will do."
I stood in front of the mirror and brushed my hair out quickly before trudging down the hallway, smelling the butter off the popcorn as it cooked. When I hit the living room I laughed a little bit. Or course be had put in the philosophers stone. I rolled my eyes, falling into the couch, looking up at him as he came in with the popcorn in a bowl and two mugs. I raised a brow at him.
"I brought cocoa."
He said happily, handing me a mug and settling into the couch beside me.
"Sounds yummy."
I said, grabbing the remote and starting the film.
"I hope you don't mind this is what I picked."
He said and I shook my head.
"Not at all. Actually I kinda figured you would."
I said, sending him a wink. He shrugged.
"What can I say, it's a pretty good Christmas movie."
He said, making me laugh.
"Sure babe."
He shrugged.
"What? It takes place during Christmas! If die hard can be a Christmas movie then so can harry potter."
He said in defense. I just shook my head at him, snuggling further into his side.
"Whatever you say dear."
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monathemothslayer · 6 years
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Chris Motionless Gothic Doll
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Motionless in White as shower heads with chaotic evil photos
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xrockpaperscissorsx · 3 years
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Jeremy Saffer/ Chris Motionless Calendar
For even more info, go to Jeremy’s tumblr. tmblr.co/Zx4D7yD27EsO
Let’s take a few steps back, about 6 years ago.  We were just getting going as a band, had a whole different lineup and were playing local shows as often as possible. We were writing our first batch of demo songs and most importantly, were looking for a new name since at that time we were hideously named “When Breathing Stops”. I popped in the Hellfest  2001 DVD that I had just bought and immediately skipped to watch Eighteen Visions’ performance section and as soon as I heard James Hart say “This song is called Motionless and White” I knew that would be the most badass band name for us. I repeated it in my mind 1000 times and started envisioning saying it out loud at shows as our band name and it just felt.. perfect.
When we first started we were heavily influenced by a lot of different bands but for me personally, I was borderline OBSESSED with bands like Eighteen Visions, Bleeding Through, AFI, It Dies Today and Himsa. I literally wanted to BE Mick Morris from 18V and because they were such a huge influence on our band that’s why we decided to go with MIW as our name. I should be ashamed of myself for admitting some of this stuff but oh well hahaha. I used to sit online for hours and just lurk pictures of Davey Havok, Mickdeth from 18V, Brandon from BT, John Pettibone from Himsa and Nick Brooks from IDT because, like i said, I wanted to BE all of them. I gathered up tons of photos of them that I still have saved on my desktop computer hahaha NO SHAME, you KNOW you’ve done it too hahaha.
Anyway… to finally get to my point of this whole thing, one day in my endless creeping of the internet I came across a Myspace profile of a guy named Jeremy Saffer, who literally took rad photos of almost every one of those guys/bands I previously listed. I was extremely happy because I was so pumped to find his work, and of course as my never ending-goal stacking-self did, i  aspired to one day hopefully get to work with him. I desperately wanted to be a part of the same things my favorite bands were. I would’ve given anything to be in their shoes and to work with people that they were working with and playing the shows they were playing etc. About a year went by after initially finding Jeremy’s photos and lurking them every week to see anything new was posted and then I saw the MickDeth 2007 calendar that Jeremy was putting out. I flipped and would’ve bought it immediately but because I didn’t have a debit card or anything, I was shit out of luck.
After several years more of relentlessly keeping a close eye on Jeremy’s photos and hoping one day to cross paths with him as we were growing as a band a touring a lot, we ended up doing a tour with Drop Dead Gorgeous in early 2010 and my time had finally come to take a shot a contacting him. I knew we would be in his home area so even though I was SO FUCKING NERVOUS, I tweeted at him to see if he would write back. I honestly thought he would HATE us, so i was afraid to get something like “fuck your shitty emo band” back or something to that extent. To my surprise, our booking agent at the time saw the tweet and immediately put me in touch with Jeremy. As if my nerves weren’t shot enough, I called him and spoke to him on the phone to work out a time and place where we could meet and take some photos. The next day we got together and he was one of the nicest dudes i’ve ever met. The shoot was completely unplanned but he still knew EXACTLY what to do with us and what we were going for. It was such an extremely surreal experience for me to after all these years be finally standing where some of my biggest influences in music had stood and to meet the man responsible for taking the photo’s that filled my computers hard drive up hahahaha.
At this point i’d love to say.. the rest is history, but i can’t just leave it at that. It’s been almost 2 years since that first time and in just 2 short years Jeremy has become not only my favorite photographer to work with, but one of my best friends in the world. When I look back from the beginning I often think that my life isn’t real. I’m in a position now that I only could’ve ever dreamed of being when we started. With that being said… you can imagine how huge of a personal accomplishment it is for me to announce that now all these years later, I am the one with my own Jeremy Saffer Calendar. It’s not that I have my own Calendar thats a big deal to me. It’s that if you ever told me that some day this would happen, that I would be doing the same thing that MickDeth had done, I would’ve laughed at how crazy it sounded. I know i’ve said it like 10 times already, but it’s just crazy to know i used to be obsessed with things that i’m now actually living. Calendar and photo’s aside, I just want to say Thank You so much to Jeremy for having me be a part of what he does and for being an amazing friend to me. The world is full of some of the most horrible people and I can vouch that he is one of the best dudes on it. We make an excellent team and I look forward to MANY more years of that continuing.
Hope you guys enjoy the Calendar if you pick it up. Thank you for helping me accomplish things I never thought possible.
Buy it here!
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lordsintacks · 7 years
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mikaelaxtd · 2 years
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"I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
Eternally yours"
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I think I speak for everyone when I say we should get some Chris Motionless, Kennedy Brock, Aaron Pauley, Pat Kirch, and the Lydia boys in here.
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callmemrmodest · 9 years
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dravensnight · 9 years
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Puppets (The First Snow)
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
I just realized that thoughtless is gaining more traction again so here's a reminder that it is apart of a Chris x reader smut series. the fics listed go together, If you would like to read them all together, this is the order they go in:
1. Thoughtless part 1
2. Thoughtless part 2
3. Third time's a charm
4. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
5. New beginnings
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Motionless In White as hair brushes with out of context photos
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bangtanieum · 9 years
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