#Philza is also mentioned
dmwrites · 2 years
Knock, knock, knock
Techno was on his feet, hand already curled around the cold metal of his sword before he even really realized what was happening. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes, looking around his dark bedroom in confusion. Had he imagined the knocks?
Knock, knock, knock
No, he hadn’t imagined the knocks. Techno looked to the clock- it was the middle of the night. It had been a long time since anyone had called upon him at this hour, and he knew from experience nothing good could come from it. Techno let out a long sigh, and climbed down the ladder to the ground floor. He opened the front door in a swift tug, and greeted whenever stood on the other side blade-first.
“Wh- heh? Who the fuck are you?”
The man on the other end of the sword was no one Techno had ever come across on this server before. He was dressed in a fancy red suit, to start with, complete with a comically large top hat. He looked like he had hopped right out of a steampunk convention wagon, like the one Techno could see parked on the front lawn of his house.
Seemingly oblivious to the sword pointed right at his face, the man adjusted his top hat and grinned at Techno.
“Well hello there! Lovely place you have here, very snowy. Now, you seem like the type of man who needs very specific wares. Wares which, you see, I happen to have with me. If you would, kind sir, to just step with me out-”
“Heh? You’re kidding, right?” Techno gave the man a look of pure disbelief. “I- you- let me get this straight. You and I don’t know each other. I’m pointing a sword at you. And you think it’s chill to just start trying to sell me something? You are, I assume, aware that it is the middle of the night? You’re two seconds away from being skewered and hung on my wall unless you start explaining who exactly you are.” Techno moved closer, moving his sword so it was mere inches away from the man’s stomach.
“I have tnt.” The man was still smiling, and gave Techno a knowing look.
“…I'm listening.” Techno replied after a moment of silence. “How much?”
“Three shulkers full.” The man said.
“What’s a shulker?” Techno asked.
This, not the sword or the intimidation, was what seemed to snap the man out of his suave salesman pitch. “I’m sorry, what? How do you not know what-”
Techno, without warning, suddenly dropped his sword and grabbed the lapels of the man’s coat, dragging him into a kind of odd bow. The arrow wizzed overhead, missing Techno’s own head by millimeters, and lodging itself into the wood of the back wall of Techno’s living room. The man in the top hat screamed.
“The fuck is this bitch?” Phil asked, another arrow already pointed straight at the man, the only indication he was even standing in his doorway being the arrow tip that had caught the moonlight.
“Phil. Bruh. My wall.” Techno grumbled. “This is an old friend of mine, uhh…”
“Goodtimeswithscar.” The man in the top hat, who had moved to stand slightly behind Techno, supplemented.
“The fuck kind of name is goodtimeswithscar?” Phil muttered. “Stripper-ass fucker-type name.”
“Go back to bed, old man.” Techno said, and backed up, pushing Scar with him, and closing the door. A moment of silence passed, and then Techno heard Phil’s front door close. “Right.” He turned around, only to find Scar leaning against his kitchen counter, clearly catching his breath.
“What was all that about?” The man gasped out, indignant despite his breathlessness.
“That’s Phil. You’re very lucky I didn’t just let him kill you. It would have been very funny, to be fair.” Techno said, walking over to the far wall and wrenching the arrow out of it.
“Without even so much as a hello?” Scar asked indignantly.
“Eh, Phil is more of a shoot first, ask questions later type of guy.” Techno chuckled. “So, what about this tnt you speak of?”
Scar straightened up, a glitter coming back into his eyes. “Ah, yes. Well, you see, Technoblade, I traveled quite a ways from my home, and came across a nice young man in very cozy pajamas. He housed me for a while, as my Swaggon, that wagon you see on your front lawn, a spectacular model, had broken down. Now, this young man was quite poor, but, he told me of a warrior by the name of Technoblade who always needed tnt and other valuable weapons. So, I made my way over here, just to give you the best and finest tnt ever crafted.”
“Wait- who was this dude you were talking to?” Techno asked, eyes narrowing.
“Can’t quite remember his name, but he was wearing a sanic, or was it panic, onesie. Lived wayyyy out in the middle of nowhere.”
“Connor.” Techno muttered. Of course Connor would be the one to send Scar his way with no warning.
“Anyway, you seem like a man who lives in dangerous times. How about this, a special deal for my new friend who saved my life today- a stack of diamond blocks for all of the tnt I have with me.” Scar said, that damn smile on his face.
“Diamonds? How many sets of armor could you possibly have to make?” Techno asked, looking the man up and down. “Actually, don’t answer that. I get the distinct feeling that you go through diamond armor quickly. Yeah, sure, lemmie get it. I’ll come to your swag wagon out there.” Techno went to his chests and found a couple stacks of diamond blocks lying around.
Scar was standing by his wagon, beaming at Techno, eyes locked on the diamonds in his hand. “My friend, it is lovely to do business with you. Here is your tnt, and you can keep the shulkers.”
Techno tossed the diamonds to Scar, and picked up the odd-looking boxes Scar gave him. “Shulkers…”
“It’s like a movable chest- I swear, this land must live in the dark ages.” Scar said cheerfully. “And speaking of, here comes the morning sun! I must be off now, Technoblade, but it was so nice doing business with you! Goodbye! Have a nice time!”
And off the man went. Techno watched him until he was out of sight over the horizon, holding the shulkers in his hands. How very odd the whole night had been.
“So who was that, mate?” Phil sidled up to Techno’s side, looking out with him.
“Dunno. Doesn’t matter, really, because we’ve got fuck loads of tnt now.”
“Aw, mate, that’s awesome. I love tnt.”
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
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i like doing silly self indulgent low-effort comics
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genevawrenn · 2 days
Phil gets so worked up in this clip, its so funny. He always gets so emotional discussing Lullah and Chay, it makes my heart warm.
Stream date is October 1 2023
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hydriad81194 · 8 months
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For any other crows
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missycolorful · 7 months
I think I'll just say this: I don't agree when people call any of the islanders "bad parents" just because their parenting is flawed.
Like, parents and their parenting is flawed. Inherently. One parent cannot meet all the demands of their child; it is literally impossible. As humans are imperfect, there will always be something missing or lacking in one's parenting. Hell, sometimes even two parents can't meet all their child's needs, depending on their personalities. If that's the case, then I guess all parents are bad parents. But that's not the case, so I don't get why people are so adamant when they see that a parent isn't handling things 100% perfectly and go "wow this person's parenting sucks."
And this is even more so when you take into account... pretty much everything going on in Quesadilla island. These people never really planned to be parents, yet here they are! And this island is out to kill these kids, so it's also a dangerous game of survival now, too! There are horrors around pretty much every corner. Plus, outside or inside forces are making the islanders suffer very often. The islanders are never okay. How they take care of their children is going to be different just by the very basis of their environment. The standards of parenting are different here. Their relationships with people, including their children, were never going to be 100% healthy or positive or okay. It's just not possible.
so, no, I don't think that just cause, say, q!Tubbo or q!Phil aren't great in regards to their emotional intelligence and often isolate themselves, or when any other parents in general don't handle what their children are going through perfectly, that they're bad parents. That kinda statement feels like it diminishes pretty much all the hard work and effort and love they put into taking care of their kids and even kids that aren't their own. Tubbo gives his everything for Sunny, and was/is an active babysitter for a lot of other eggs. Phil works so hard to love and teach survival to and take care of his two eggs equally. (Like, being 'basically' a single parent, of one or WORSE, two, is already hard enough in the real world - imagine being one on this fucking hellscape they're on).
Like, I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out the parents' flaws. Their flaws make them human, and it'd be foolish to disregard their humanity. And it's interesting to analyze their flaws and what they say about the character, and how they impact their family. There's nuance there, and it should be discussed.
But I think when you're just going "oh, they're bad at parenting in general" because they fumble the bag in other departments lacks nuance. Sure, if you're just saying "they're bad when it comes to certain aspects of parenting," that's a different story, because that's understanding their flaws while recognizing that those flaws don't define all of their parenting. But to just say they're bad at it in general isn't productive analysis of their characters in any way. I haven't watched q!Phil take care of his egg for a whole year (followed by a second egg more consistently shortly after) only for people to shit on his parenting just because his lack emotional intelligence is more noticeable as of recent due to all the trauma and bullshit he's endured. And I haven't seen q!Tubbo put his whole heart into taking care of Sunny as well as multiple other eggs, being Chayanne and Tallulah's reliable godfather, just for people to put down his efforts because he's not always great at more emotionally in depth conversations. They're good parents in a lot of ways, and those strengths shouldn't be discredited just because they aren't good at other things. Their characters deserve way better than that.
tldr these parents are all good in many regards and are just trying their damn best in the worst of circumstances, can we cut them just a bit of slack, please?
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i wasn’t gonna post today but then i met philza minecraft on the mcci server so i made this post just to tell you guys that i met philza minecraft on the mcci server
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royalarchivist · 3 months
[After a chatter asks what other Latam countries Phil and Kristin plan on visiting]
Phil: I guess... I dunno actually, I dunno. It's really just like, Mexico. It's really just Mexico that's on the list now. Maybe like, Cancún– Mexico Cancún, and then Mexico City? Maybe? I'm not sure yet, not sure.
Phil: If we do go to Mexico, and we don't go and visit Quackity, he will be very mad at us [Laughs]. So I don't want– don't want that– don't want to make– don't want to make him sad. Don't want to make him sad, you know? So we probably will go to Mexico City at some point. Maybe like, at the end of the trip? Like, we go to Cancún and and we go– [He motions with his finger] –to Mexico City?
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chayannesegg · 7 months
honestly I think it’s kinda interesting how phil’s relationships with wilbur, tallulah, chayanne & tubbo are all reflecting back into his view of sunny tbh. like he has such complex delicate interwoven dynamics with all of them and it all gets thrown onto sunny, this poor kid who he loves in theory, but in practice is a stranger to him. 
like wilbur left tallulah in phil’s care and didn’t come back. even now way after he was initially supposed to, wilbur hasn’t returned (that one day aside). and phil, who had already taken on a big commitment watching tallulah, has been left permanently with two eggs in his sole care. and even though he loves tallulah and wil, and won’t want them out of his life, this is a stress for him. it’s a big undertaking for anyone, to care for two kids alone, but especially since tallulah required a lot of changes in his life.
for better or worse, in many ways phil sees chayanne as an extension of himself. they’re similar in a lot of ways, and often on the same page, and it means phil often struggles to catch up when chayanne’s emotions aren’t on the same page as him. we’ve seen this week, phil having such a hard time understanding the depth and breadth of chayanne’s grief. when he catches on, he usually does a good job empathising and talking it through, but when he doesn’t, he really doesn’t and it can be hard to watch. 
the same is NOT true for tallulah. he has, through hard work and practice, learnt how to identify her emotions. he had to. she needed it. she would have been miserable otherwise. she desperately needed asked for the emotional care and birthdays and consideration that chayanne would never ask for. and he’s good at it—tracking her moods, knowing what upsets her & what she cares about in a way that doesn’t come as naturally with chayanne (or sunny or tubbo or anyone else really expect maybe wilbur). but that took A LOT of time and effort, months of work, and I do think he’s a bit wary of the idea of having to do that again, even when it comes to people he loves like chayanne (or god forbid tubbo).
now tubbo is not wil. tubbo is not phil's son. but he’s still not dissimilar to wil in phil’s mind. whatever the backstory is, phil introduces tubbo to tallulah as an old friend of him and wil’s. he makes tubbo his kids’ godfather. he calls tubbo his boy. he looks out for him. but past those first few weeks, their relationship doesn’t progress. they mean a lot to each other bc of their pasts, but they don’t put any work into upkeeping their relationship and phil in particular doesn’t reflect at all on what how that changes their dynamic. and it does change it—this is clear in purgatory, with phil having zero trust in tubbo to protect chayanne and tallulah, and after, with tubbo endlessly poking at phil’s sore spots trying to illicit a reaction he’ll never receive. 
it's also clear in the way phil has no understanding of what’s going on with tubbo. if he’s struggling to grasp chay’s emotions, he’s not even touching what’s going on in tubbo’s head. tubbo’s death makes no sense to him. it’s sudden. it’s random. it’s illogical. it’s stupid. he wasn’t joking about having two lives? he still took a death bet with richas? he’s not come back? he can’t come back? he’s left phil with distraught kids for no reason with no warning. he doesn’t see the erratic suicidal behaviour, the unending depression, the desperation to be loved. he doesn’t want to see it. he doesn’t want something to be wrong with tubbo, but he also doesn’t even know how to see what’s wrong. he’s annoyed he’s having to deal with it and he desperately desperately wants to believe this is all happening for no reason.
bc at the forefront of phil’s mind is still his love for tubbo. of course, phil would drop everything to help tubbo (if he could recognize something was wrong). of course, he would care for sunny as his own. of course, he would make the same sacrifices he’s made for wil. and he assumes he’ll have to. he thought that sunny would now be under his care. that he’d have to figure out the logistics of a third egg to care for. with wilbur, phil was the only person who could ever have taken care of tallulah. the only person he trusted, the only person who knew tallulah enough. now this isn’t true for tubbo. it’s a genuinely illogical assumption for phil to make: three eggs would be a genuine burden on him; they've never spoken about it; there’s a long list of people who would tubbo expects for sunny before; and he doesn’t even know sunny well enough to name these people for her as comfort.
but still in the moment, alone with tubbo’s eggs and dealing with everything he left behind, phil can only think that the exact same thing that happened before will happen: he alone will be left to care for another scared hurt kid of someone he loves.
and here we come to sunny. a kid whose dad he loves. a kid whose dad he doesn’t understand. a kid whose dad is suddenly gone like his son is gone. a kid who would need him like his daughter needs him. a kid who his son needs to protect. a kid he cares for. a kid he can’t afford to care for, a kid he wasn’t expecting to care for, a kid he doesn’t know how to care for, a kid he would care for if he needed to, a kid he doesn’t know why he’s been left to care for. a kid who is somehow a reflection of all these people he loves but not someone he knows at all.
idk i think this tension comes out in the a lot of the comments phil makes of and to sunny. he doesn't know them well enough to distinguish them from his relationships with other people. and as long as no one challenges him on that, we'll continue to hear these misplaced comments from him, that come across so insensitively, even as he tries his best to genuinely help them and their dad.
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ahalliance · 1 year
based on how delighted fans of different ccs/characters get when qétoiles notices thats smth Up with their blorbo, i deem qétoiles the unseen glue holding the server together
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notreallyuseless · 8 months
I think my highlight from the whole death family interaction yesterday was when Quacki was asking Phil for the second time to kiss someone. Because Missa came exactly at that moment but it still wasnt enough for Quacki.
So Phil straight up said "I need to kiss more people" (????wtf is wrong with that man Haha) and Chayanne... IMMEDIATELY started hitting/criting Phil.
Like that whole part was just *chefs kiss*
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masonjarart · 11 months
Phil's reaction to killing Bad and Pierre was so sad as well as his reaction to meeting anyone but the team he doesn't trust anyone all of their friends are threats now and when he kills them trying to survive there is no joy in winning
He doesn't want a friendly match with Etoiles because this isn't the island there are no friendly fair fights anymore this place has stripped any joy in it there is just fighting to live for him now
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wisepuma23 · 7 months
Ya know after today’s event… imagine Tallulah gets a permanent face scar after her fight with her Dad to protect Chayanne. A constant reminder of Phil’s mistakes on his daughter’s face. No wonder Tallulah refused to get close to him after, especially after his promise that he’d never lay a hand on her only an hour earlier 🥺
Picture Tallulah, still so lanky and young, trying her best to remember Phil’s sparring tips as he’s barreling down on her. Like MAN!!!
Personally, I’m imagining a cut on her cheekbone from the brunt end of Phil’s sword, like he used the pommel to strike her. Tallulah not even bothering to stem the blood on her face, shakily kneeling, still holding her sword high.
Chayanne seeing the bruised and bleeding face of his sister, and wondering for the first time what it would be like to kill his father.
Or artists if you wanna make things even WORSE… Chayanne got a back scar from running away, while Tallulah got a matching one on her front for standing her ground :)
Always the twins…
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pompadorbz · 7 days
HEY LOOKIE HERE I FINALLY SUCKED IT UP!!! This is the fic that I based this art piece on!!!
I didn't put it on my AO3 but who knows,,, maybe one day I will be feeling so so very brave but NOT TODAY! YOU GET A GOOGLE DOC!
And since it's a google doc fic I took advantage of colour formatting! I regret to inform you that this fic is better viewed in light mode!!!
Ok thats it please be niceys to me
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bloodboonfic · 3 months
So you have done a few bullet point AUs? Curious what would a Bloodboon role swap AU look like (Philza kidnaps Techno at the very start but Techno wants to return to nether)?
Me and Pink had a lot of fun with this one :D
Techno doesn't have anything on par with Philza's kids, so the circumstances need to be different: a full on war between the Nether and the Antarctic empire. Techno is King Ashthorn's top warrior/general. The Nether is loosing the war, and when talking terms of peace, the Antarctic council comes to the grim decision that The Blood God is too dangerous to let live.
Philza, however, has respect for his enemy, and doesn't think someone deserves to be executed just for being on the wrong side of a conflict. He manages to talk his council down to taking Techno as a prisoner of war/hostage.
Ashthorn is stoked to have a scapegoat for everything that went wrong with the war and pins it all on Technoblade, the dishonourable war prize. As a last chance to take advantage of this, he even promises Technoblade an honourable return home, on one condition: successful assassination of the Antarctic royal family.
A grim plan forms. Technoblade must endear himself to emperor Philza and his sons, get their guards down, and strike when it's least expected. It shouldn't be that hard, right? As the emperor's war prize, he'll be expected to serve him in all ways, right?
Philza promptly puts Techno is a palace wing as far away from his own courters as possible and tells him to stay away. Techno is a guest, for all intents and purposes, and he'll be treated with decency and respect, but he is still a dangerous enemy agent who will not be trusted. As the whole situation is quite awkward, Philza would prefer to forget Techno is even here. This is very confusing to Techno, who was under the impression he'd be used as slave labour. Philza is appalled at the very notion. Prisoners of war as slaves, what savagery!
Techno then makes the quick calculation that the fastest way to Philza's good graces is through his sons. Bad news: Philza has forbidden his sons from interacting with Techno is any way, shape, or form. Good news: Tommy doesn't listen very good.
Techno never even attempts an escape. Instead, the large conflict that leads to actual friendship building comes from secretly training Tommy, because that's what the prince wants and Techno needs to befriend him, but then Tommy accidentally injures himself. Philza walks in at just the wrong time, immediately sees red, attacks Techno, and would have killed him if Wilbur hadn't intervened quickly enough. Techno does, however, break a tusk.
Philza, after having the truth explained, feels bad, and invites Techno over for a fancy dinner. Techno is perplexed! He's been eating bread and cheese this whole time, what could be fancier than that!?
Philza also gets Techno an iron prosthetic tusk later, which is really badass from a piglin cultural point of view.
Random assortment of things that could also happen at some point:
Techno half-accidentally breaks into the royal library and has a grand old time. This might be how he meets Tommy in the first place, who was hiding from his dumb boring tutors
Techno discovers reading glasses, significantly improving his quality of life
Not seeing any signs of Techno actually doing his mission, Ashthorn sends more assassins: Witherbrand and Thornwhip. They're lured into defecting by the promise of bread and cheese
The happiest ending, I imagine, would be Philza arming Techno to the teeth with the best armour and weapons the Overworld has, and Techno returning to the Nether to duel Ashthorn and take the throne.
And thus, we come full circle. Technoblade rules the Nether as a wise and just king, with the bonus of excellent trade deals with the Overworld established early on in his reign. Also Techno and Philza can visit whenever they want ^^
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fr-likes-chocolate · 8 months
First chapter of Birb siblings fic??? Should I??? Hehe
Edit: it's up
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hydriad81194 · 9 months
y’know when i said i wanted a Phil Insanity arc? I think this could also work, a chaos arc could suffice. Just him being an absolute menace to the admins while burning down a half burnt down christmas tree while chat bullies him
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