#Phoenix Diagnostic
phoenixdiagnostic · 1 year
To put things in the right perspective, the people around our clinic were kind of deprived of a decent enough Diagnostic Center for numerous years. Since its inception, Phoenix Diagnostic has turned out to be the Best Diagnostic Center in Kolkata. We are not just a constant hit with our patients in Kolkata, but people from the suburbs, too, equally visit the clinic with zeal.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, and what makes a psychopath
First of all, I'm not a licensed therapist or psychiatrist, but I love reading things online. I also love analyzing fictional characters, so why not do both and show why Albus Dumbledore shows just as many signs of ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) as Tom Marvolo Riddle and that both men are much more similar than they'd like to think.
Whats ASPD?
ASPD, also known as Antisocial Personality Disorder, is a personality disorder. This disorder encapsulates both what people commonly call "psychopaths" and "sociopaths" and is actually mischaracterized often. It is a real mental disorder and not all real-life people with ASPD are dangerous to be around like the fictional ones, some live completely lawful murder-free lives. This post is mostly an interesting thought exercise and not meant to be a diagnostic tool or to be seen as how all people with ASPD are.
So, personality disorders refer to mental disorders that affect thought processes, personality, and how a person interacts with the world as a whole. ASPD, as its name suggests, focuses on social interactions. It is categorized by a lack of empathy, a penchant for lying, irresponsibility, and disregard for other's rights or feelings along with a lack of remorse.
All in all it sounds a lot like what we'd associate with Tom Riddle, but Dumbledore fits just as many of the symptoms required for an ASPD diagnosis.
How is ASPD diagnosed?
The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) categorizes and describes how to diagnose all clinically recognized mental illnesses. The DSM-5's diagnostic criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder:
A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
Disregarding the law, indicated by repeatedly committing acts that are grounds for arrest
Being deceitful, indicated by lying repeatedly, using aliases, or conning others for personal gain or pleasure
Acting impulsively or not planning ahead
Being easily provoked or aggressive, indicated by constantly getting into physical fights or assaulting others
Recklessly disregarding their safety or the safety of others
Consistently acting irresponsibly, indicated by quitting a job with no plans for another one or not paying bills
Not feeling remorse, indicated by indifference to or rationalization of hurting or mistreating others
2. The individual is at least age 18 years.
3. Evidence of conduct disorder typically with onset before age 15 years.
4. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
So let's look at the boys, shall we?
This isn't meant to be a professional diagnosis, I just want to show how similar Tom and Dumbledore are in certain ways neither of them would like to confess and for that, we'll look through the behavior patterns used to diagnose ASPD.
1. Disregarding the law, indicated by repeatedly committing acts that are grounds for arrest
With Tom, this category of behavior is easy to tick off. He murdered multiple people. He led a terrorist organization. He cast illegal dark magic, including all three unforgivables, I don't think anyone would argue Tom didn't do many illegal things.
The thing is, Dumbledore disregards the law just as much, if, in different ways.
The Order of the Phoenix that he leads is an illegal paramilitary group separate from the government that is kept a secret from law enforcement at large and the general population, as shown in the news article leading to the publication of Rita's book:
WHAT was the real purpose of the secret organization known as the Order of the Phoenix?
(DH, 24)
This organization is illegal in their world. Additionally, Dumbledore shows no care for the ministry or its laws once it suits him. (It's not necessarily a bad thing because the Ministry of Magic sucks, but still). He showed as much in all his interactions with people like Fudge and Umbridge, going as far as actually resisting arrest in OotP after the DA was discovered. (again, he is right for doing it, but it still shows a disregard for their law, which I personally consider healthy because it's the Ministry of Magic)
And then, of course, there was Dumbledore's quest for muggle domination with Grindelwald:
Your point about Wizard dominance being FOR THE MUGGLES’ OWN GOOD—this, I think is the crucial point. Yes, we have been given power and yes, that power gives up the right to rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled. We must stress this point, it will be the foundation stone upon which we build. Where we are opposed, as we surely will be, this must be the basis of all our counterarguments. We seize control FOR THE GREATER GOOD.
(DH, 309)
None of which sounds awfully legal. His intentions back then were to rule over the muggles and take control by force if they had to. Showing that even in his youth, Dumbledore didn't have much consideration for the law.
2. Being deceitful, indicated by lying repeatedly, using aliases, or conning others for personal gain or pleasure
There are many examples of Tom lying for various reasons, I picked out one of them to exibit here:
Riddle laughed his high laugh again. “It was my word against Hagrid’s, Harry. Well, you can imagine how it looked to old Armando Dippet. On the one hand, Tom Riddle, poor but brilliant, parentless but so brave, school prefect, model student . . . on the other hand, big, blundering Hagrid, in trouble every other week, trying to raise werewolf cubs under his bed
(CoS, 288)
But Tom lies a lot. Both at school, at the orphanage, and about his identity. He lies to his followers often and I'd say he also lies to himself, but that's another matter. This category literally mentions using an alias and that is one of the things Tom (or, well, Voldemort) is well known for.
As for Dumbledore, he lies and conceals just as much. Abeforth said he was always this way:
“I can’t leave,” said Harry. “I’ve got a job—” “Give it to someone else!” “I can’t. It’s got to be me, Dumbledore explained it all—” “Oh, did he now? And did he tell you everything, was he honest with you?” Harry wanted with all his heart to say “Yes,” but somehow the simple word would not rise to his lips, Aberforth seemed to know what he was thinking. “I knew my brother, Potter. He learned secrecy at our mother’s knee. Secrets and lies, that’s how we grew up, and Albus. . . he was a natural.”
(DH, 477-478)
The "greater good" was all for the sake of appearances, it was a deception — a lie to make muggle domination more palatable for the general population. He lied in his position as headmaster and in his relationship with Harry:
Not telling Harry about, well, anything, and justifying it to himself by telling himself Harry would be better off not knowing, even when it isn't necessarily true.
Lying to Lockhart to get him in a dangerous position Dumbledore knew he was unfit for.
Lying about Lupin being a werewolf (this one is a lie that does have a good intention behind it, but I count it here anyway)
Lying about the petrifications in 2nd year. Dumbledore was at the school last time the Chamber opened and knew what was going on, still waited for Harry to act.
Same in 1st year. Harry himself says he's pretty sure Dumbledore always knew about Quirrell but wanted to give Harry the chance to face Voldemort.
Lying to Harry about Malfoy not being anything to worry about, even though he knows what's going on. But instead of agreeing there is concern and it is being dealt with he just tries to gaslight Harry.
I can go on, but I think the gist is clear.
3. Acting impulsively or not planning ahead
They are actually both planners when they want to be. But they can also be impulsive on occasion, if more rare for them. We'll consider this a symptom they don't have, mostly.
4. Being easily provoked or aggressive, indicated by constantly getting into physical fights or assaulting others
Now, Tom can get provoked and react aggressively, although, I won't call it easily. Tom actually avoids unnecessary bloodshed when possible:
He saw the small boy’s smile falter as he ran near enough to see beneath the hood of the cloak, saw the fear cloud his painted face. Then the child turned and ran away. . . . Beneath the robe be fingered the hand of his wand. . . One simple movement and the child would never reach his mother. . . but unnecessary, quite unnecessary. . . .
(DH, 295)
I mean, he wouldn't have been prefect and head boy if he constantly got into fights. So I feel safe in saying Tom didn't get into fights often and much of the behavior we see towards his followers is fueled by both general frustration and his feeling they deserve this punishment. These punishments are planned, they aren't often impulsive and in the moment of rage (and when they are, it's only when Harry Potter is involved).
Dumbledore is quite the same. He is capable of getting angry when provoked, but avoids violence he doesn't see as necessary.
We'll consider this a symptom they don't have.
5. Recklessly disregarding their safety or the safety of others
So many times... for both of them...
For Tom:
He clearly doesn't care about most of his Death Eaters, he wouldn't mind if they died and he endangered them often.
He also endagers himself just as much, if not more; by mutilating himself to create Horcruxes.
And by charging into battle himself often.
For Dumbledore:
Dumbledore endangers the Order's safety repeatedly. Yes, they made the decision to join, but he is still the one sending Hagrid to negotiate with the giants and Remus to talk to the werewolves. He is still the one who sends them towards danger and is willing to risk them.
Dumbledore endangers Snape, he manipulates him into the position of a spy and wilfully disregards Snape's safety.
Harry. Just everything, since he placed him on the doorstep of the Dursleys Dumbledore has willfully endangered Harry — from the abuse to setting Harry up to face the various yearly adventures every year.
Dumbledore tells Harry in HBP he takes his student's safety seriously, but he really doesn't: he knows about the Chamber, but still waits for Harry to resolve it, even when students are getting petrified. He knew Malfoy was planning something in HBP, but allowed him to continue with his ploys that sent Katie Bell to St. Mongos for months. There are more, but I think you get the gist.
Dumbledore also endangers himself quite carelessly from how he picked up the ring, his willingness to go into battle, his drinking of the potion in the locket's cave, and his willingness to die for his own plans.
6. Consistently acting irresponsibly, indicated by quitting a job with no plans for another one or not paying bills
We actually see both of them are capable of holding jobs for a long time (Dumbledore at Hogwarts and Tom at Borgin and Burkes) and even when Tom leaves Borgin and Burkes, he has a plan for his leave.
Both show irresponsibility in other ways. Tom allows his Death Eaters to wreak havoc in the ministry in book 7 while he's off chasing the Elder Wand, Dumbledore repeatedly shows how unconcerned he is with the education of the students at Hogwarts (his actual job) by hiring people like Lockhart, who he knew to be a fraud and allowing Umbridge to be hired (he had the Order, he could've convinced the real Mad-Eye Moody to come teach, or even Tonks, but no, he needed to teach Harry a lesson about the ministry so he allowed Umbridge into the school).
7. Not feeling remorse, indicated by indifference to or rationalization of hurting or mistreating others
Well, not feeling remorse is kind of a big part of Tom's character, isn't it:
“It’s your one last chance,” said Harry, “it’s all you’ve got left. . . . I’ve seen what you’ll be otherwise. . . . Be a man . . . try . . . Try for some remorse. . . .” “You dare—?” said Voldemort again.
(DH, 625)
That he isn't sorry for what he did at any point to anyone. Yes, he shows affection to Nagini and Bellatrix, but he takes occasional joy in emberessing Bellatrix.
He truly isn't sorry because he doesn't care. He is indifferent to the suffering of most.
The thing is, Dumbledore is the same.
He shows complete cold disregard for Lockhart's situation after his loss of memories, rationalizing it as "deserved".
As I mentioned, he doesn't care when Katie gets cursed by the necklace or when students get petrified in 2nd year. He allows it to happen because it isn't happening to anyone important.
Dumbledore is hellbent on killing Tom, on utterly destroying him, this is weird for a person who supposedly believes in second chances, especially a person who let Gallert Grindlewald live. Grindelwald had a much higher death count than Voldemort. He killed and hurt way more people, but Dumbledore likes him, so he rationalizes killing Tom, but not Gallert.
He disregards Harry's pain and hurt over Sirius's death:
“Oh yes, you do,” said Dumbledore, still more calmly. “You have now lost your mother, your father, and the closest thing to a parent you have ever known. Of course you care.” “YOU DON’T KNOW HOW I FEEL!” Harry roared. “YOU — STANDING THERE — YOU —”
(OotP, 824)
He speaks calmly and coldly throughout the whole exchange, just waiting for Harry to calm down enough so he can tell him about the prophecy. Dumbledore doesn't empathize with Harry's pain.
He disregards Harry's abuse:
“Five years ago, then,” continued Dumbledore, as though he had not paused in his story, “you arrived at Hogwarts, neither as happy nor as well nourished as I would have liked, perhaps, yet alive and healthy. You were not a pampered little prince, but as normal a boy as I could have hoped under the circumstances. Thus far, my plan was working well.
(OotP, 837)
He says he knew Harry to be mistreated (and starved!) since 1st year, but he does nothing until 6th year when he needs Harry. No, instead he rationalizes Harry's abuse, it's necessary for the plan, so Harry won't be spoiled, it's for the greater good.
And, of course, he raised Harry like a "pig to slaughter":
“We have protected him because it has been essential to teach him, to raise him, to let him try his strength,” said Dumbledore, his eyes still tight shut. “Meanwhile, the connection between them grows ever stronger, a parasitic growth. Sometimes I have thought he suspects it himself. If I know him, he will have arranged matters so that when he does set out to meet his death, it will truly mean the end of Voldemort.” Dumbledore opened his eyes. Snape looked horrified. “You have kept him alive so that he can die at the right moment?” “Don’t be shocked, Severus. How many men and women have you watched die?” “Lately, only those whom I could not save,” said Snape. He stood up. “You have used me.” “Meaning?” “I have spied for you and lied for you, put myself in mortal danger for you. Everything was supposed to be to keep Lily Potter’s son safe. Now you tell me you have been raising him like a pig for slaughter—” “But this is touching, Severus,” said Dumbledore seriously. “Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?” “For him?” shouted Snape. “Expecto Patronum!”
(DH, 580)
I think it's telling how Severus Snape, who despises the concept of Harry, reacts more sympatheticly and emotionally to Harry's death than Dumbledore. Dumbledore is cold and uncaring, he just calls Snape out for caring as if Snape is in the wrong for reacting the way any human would. Because Dumbledore is cold enough to rationalize any sacrifice he considers necessary.
The last quote was also about how Dumbledore used Severus. He manipulated Snape into oaths and bonds to spy for him and protect Harry. Twisted Snape's guilt to get some use out of him. And for Dumbledore, it was justified, it was for the greater good.
So, Tom got 5/7 for ASPD symptoms, and Dumbledore got 5/7. And you only need 3 for a diagnosis, so, yeah...
What I wanted to talk about and get to with all of this is Tom and Dumbledore's similarities that both of them hate to see. Their despise for each other is partly fueled by it, I think. They look at each other and see some of their own traits mirrored back, but arranged all wrong.
Dumbledore sees the worst version of himself in Tom Riddle and Tom sees their similarities and Dumbledore's hypocrisy to those similarities and hates him for that.
They were both the most brilliant wizards of their respective generations, top students at Hogwarts, when they graduated, Dumbledore planned to go on a tour of the world to study magic abroad like Tom did. They both received offers for ministry positions, which they both declined because they wanted to be professors at Hogwarts. They both lead paramilitary organizations (Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix) and they are both willing to make sacrifices in the quest for their goals.
Tom is willing to kill and tear himself up to create Horcruxes because it's necessary in his eyes:
Beneath the robe be fingered the hand of his wand. . . One simple movement and the child would never reach his mother. . . but unnecessary, quite unnecessary. . . .
(DH, 295)
Dumbledore is willing to sacrifice Harry and himself in the quest for the "greater good":
We seize control FOR THE GREATER GOOD.
(DH, 309)
I just find the fact that both of them show psychopathic traits in equal measure in similar ways super interesting. This distorted mirror is so fascinating, especially because the respective characters would despise being compared to each other.
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lastoneout · 4 months
I s2g these like...third party? clinics that doctors send you to for MRIs and x-rays and stuff like that are run by absolute clowns.
I get an order to go an ultrasound of a weird spot on my skin that's probably just torn soft tissue just to make sure nothing's going wrong and I call them and they schedule me for the 6th of June, but tell me that the order I got from the urgent care place needs to be from the clinic supervisor, not the NP who saw me, so I need to go get that fixed, and also to tell them that the NP isn't in their system so they need to fax them documents to update her info. Okay, I'm not an employee there so idk how that last bit is my problem, but whatever.
In between this call and me having time to go to the urgent care clinic I get a call telling me actually they don't have anyone who can do the ultrasound on the 6th so I need to come in on the 30th. Great, whatever. This has happened before, sometimes DAY OF with these types of places so while it's annoying, I'll live.
There's less time before my appointment now so same day I go down to the urgent care place and explain all that and the desk lady seems to have no clue what the hell I'm talking about and just gives me a copy of the order and says if the ultrasound place needs updated stuff they have to request it, which is the opposite of what I was told but whatever!
So I call the ultrasound place and explain and the guy is like "uh no you should be fine with the order" and then to be sure he checks the info and is like "oh this doctor's info is out of date" and then he has me stay on the line and give him the urgent care clinic's phone number and address and again! I am not an employee there!! Why is this my job!! But whatever, he says I'm good, so I'm good.
Today, the 29th, I get another call from the ultrasound place informing me that actually, they don't even perform this procedure in Tucson AT ALL and if I want to get it done I either have to GO TO PHOENIX or get my order sent to a different clinic that does these. I do not understand why this information was not given to me immediately the first time I called, and now I have to go down to the urgent care clinic AGAIN and beg them to update the order, and idk if they'll even be able to do that bcs this is an urgent care clinic not my PCP, but whatever guess I get to go beg! And continue to worry about the soft-tissue tear bcs it isn't going away on it's own and idk if there's something legit wrong with me or not.
I fucking HATE these little third party clinics so much they are always canceling the day before or telling me actually I need to go to another location bcs they can't do it at this one or claiming they called me to tell me the date got moved when I didn't get a phone call AT ALL. Why are they so poorly managed. Why does no one know who works at what location or what location does what procedure. Y'all are doing serious diagnostic tests to confirm if people have like cancer or some shit, I've had procedures done at them twice to make sure I don't have cancer, but they still play SO fast and loose with people's time and yank us around.
I genuinely miss the days when they would just send you to the hospital to have this stuff done, they aren't great but at least when they say they can do something they can actually do it. Jesus christ. I'm so tired.
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happy-beeeps · 11 months
Missed Communication
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accidentally shadowed my last fic so I’m writing through the pain😭 nothing better to heal it than this beautiful man.
prompt from @promptsforthestrugglingauthor !!!
pairing: Poe x mandalorian!reader
WC: 1.5k
Warnings: suggestive content, but nothing explicit! Canon typical violence and some language.
Summary: Poe attempts to confess his feelings. What he doesn’t anticipate is the blaster fire he gets in response.
"I didn't say I don't love you!"
There’s blaster fire whizzing past your head in dazzling streaks of red and green, and you can barely hear the response Poe yells at your back.
"Well you certainly didn't say it back!" You turn just far enough to see him shift his weight and spin slightly backwards, sending a shot square at the chest of one of the taller troopers quickly gaining on you.
“This isn’t really a great time!”
“I was trying to be romantic, you know, confess my love to you right before we die! But no, maker forbid you let me die happy!”
“We aren’t going to die,” you hiss, tapping the side of your helmet to attempt to get the scanners to work. A shot that ricocheted off your bucket earlier had the systems acting haywire, and right now you needed a place to lay low.
Poe has caught up beside you, feet slapping against the clay roads of whatever city you’re in, Er’Kit isn’t the largest system, and you can’t help but feel his huffing is only half from the strain of running.
This wasn’t really supposed to be a huge mission. An old contact had simply arranged an exchange of information (which was largely outdated) and you and Poe had been assigned to basically pick it up and bring it back to base. His X-Wing was still waiting for one more part to be fully functional and he figured joining you on the small ground missions you were now running was better than office work.
Things were going fine until, in an attempt to haggle down the price of a scarf he had wanted with a street vendor, he caught the attention of the small strolling squad of Stormtroopers in the square.
That’s how you ended up here, with shots bouncing off your armor and barely grazing his head.
“I thought we really had a good thing going, you know? We stopped hating each other, we makeout, we’ve fuc-”
“Poe, I mean it.” You grit, turning and firing a shot towards the troopers. It lands, obviously, and the number of troopers has now been reduced by two. They must not have known Poe was coming on this mission, to send such a small squad.
He ignores you, if he even hears you, and is attempting to coordinate a pickup with Finn on his comms. Finn’s voice comes out scraggly and unclear, and it becomes even more evident that the two of you are completely on your own in this mission.
“Kriff, shit.” You mumble, opening up your vambrace and attempting to run a diagnostic on anything.
“Are you done playing?” Poe snipes, but his words lack the venom he attempts to throw at you. You can tell he’s hurt, emotionally and potentially physically, and you almost halt at the sudden strike it sends to your chest. It’s not that you don’t love Poe, in fact you most certainly do, but the last thing you need is an exclamation of love that he’s only saying out of fear.
You move your head to say something until a chime on your arm distracts you. The thrusters in your Phoenix are back on. You know realistically it can’t hold both of you, at least not for long, but you don’t need long. What you need is a boost.
“What are you thinking about?” The panic is palpable, and you realize Poe has been dodging behind your beskar clad body as the shots from the Stromtroopers, shockingly, make their mark.
“I need you to trust me.”
“Do I even have a choice?”
He didn’t, and he knew that. A long outstretched piece of metal poked out from the top of one of the buildings you ran past, and you angled your arm up to send your grappling hook around it. Poe grabbed your torso and the metal wire launched the two of you towards the air. Using the boost, you fired your jetpack and managed to fly up, up, and over a block of buildings. The shots of the troopers died out, and you did your best to land the two of you in a decently secluded block, admittedly not far from where you just were.
Ground met your feet a little roughly, but Poe let go of you quickly before running halfway down the alley and working open a door, before ducking his head in. “This one’s clear.”
You follow him into the small room There’s no windows to the alley and the door, while old, is thick. Instead of windows, small carved out pieces of clay along the front and back walls near the ceiling send beams of warm, bright light into the box of a place.
“It used to be someone’s home.” He states, walking towards one of the overturned, dusty stools and pulling it up right, tentatively putting a hand on it before trusting it with his whole weight.
“How can you be sure?”
He gestures towards the windows, “The Er’kit use small windows for light during the day, that way their homes can stay cool but they don’t need to use excess energy.” He sighs, his head drooping in his hands. You’re both exhausted, and Poe seems to be in some degree of distress.
You walk towards him, kneeling between his legs and placing a hand on his cheek. He looks up at you, brown eyes meeting yours, and you toy with one of the floppy curls that tickles your finger. “You’re pretty smart flyboy.”
He doesn’t say anything, just offers a hmph in response and a soft, sad smile. Your run your hand down from his cheek, over his shoulder and arm when you notice the red spot beneath his beige tunic.
“You’re bleeding.”
“It’s a scratch.”
“It’s really… not.” It’s nothing fatal, but a cut this deep shouldn’t be exposed to the sand and air of the system. You grab the scarf from around his neck and he groans, his head picking up and dropping back dramatically.
“Maker forbid I get to keep that scarf.”
You roll your eyes as you wrap it tightly around his arm, working quickly as possible to minimize his discomfort. Satisfied with your work, you pat his arm softly and scooch closer between his legs, so your torso is pressing against him.
“Did you mean it?”
Poe’s brows furrow a bit, as if he has no idea what you could be talking about, “Mean what?”
“Do you love me?”
He scoffs, as if you’ve just asked him something inconceivably simple, like if BB8 was the world's cutest droid, or if Rose makes the best ration cocktails. “I’ve been in love with you basically since the moment we met, figured it was kind of obvious.”
Your heart flutters, chest blooming with warmth as you stretch your hand up to stroke his cheek again. Poe has the softest eyes, big and brown, and you could get lost in them. In fact, you’re not certain you ever want to leave this tiny house, you’re going to live here forever, in this moment. You’ve been scared of a lot with him—scared to lose him, scared of what it means to be with him. You know at the end of the day, he’s it. There will never be anything else like him.
And honestly, you wouldn’t want it anyways.
“I absolutely love you, Poe,” you whisper, fighting the fear of loss, the fear of rejection, grounding yourself in his big brown eyes.
You can practically hear his voice catch in his throat as he smiles, his eyes squeezing shut. He turns his head to kiss the hand that’s currently resting on his cheek, and picks up his uninjured arm and reaches to hold your head. “Thank fuck. I wasn’t prepared to have to tell BB8 why mom doesn’t talk to dad anymore.”
You smack his shoulder lightly, and he laughs into it, easy and clear. Everything with him is easy and clear. You aren’t sure why you expected anything else.
Poe is quick, even injured, and he pulls you close to him and barely gives you a moment to catch a breath before he kisses you. That’s another thing about Poe, you swear you could kiss him for the rest of your life—literally, this man is intoxicating.
The kiss is slow, sweet, but it builds quickly. Quicker than you were expecting. In a moment he’s standing, pulling you up as he goes. Poe’s hands are everywhere, your hair, your waist, as he walks you towards a wall, your back pressed against the smooth stones.
“Love you s’much angel, you’re s’perfect, love you so much, want you so bad.”
Honestly? You’re about to go through with it, whispering sweet nothings back in his ear, fumbling with the buttons on his pants.
Your hand brushes something in his pocket and suddenly, the comm crackles to life, the room now full of Finn’s frantic voice.
“Poe? We’ve got your coordinates, sending you a clear path out now.”
The path comes through on your vambrace, and it’s not a far walk. Poe looks it over, then looks at you, eyes gleaming.
“Copy that, we’ll be at the rendezvous in twenty.”
You quirk an eyebrow at him, running a hand through his hair, “they’re just at the edge of town, it won’t even take us ten minutes to walk there?”
He grins, wicked and wonderful and so him, “Sure, thought I’d buy us some time.”
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shirohige-pirates · 1 year
Just Like Fire
CisFem Reader x Portgas D. Ace
CW: angst, language, erotic, violence, serial killer, stalking, poisoning, over-bearing controlling parents, attempted forced marriage, possible dub-con, Munchausen by proxy (aka Factitious Disorder), wildly cute and fluffy despite the warnings. 18+ only
Summary: You're Sabo's biological sister in this AU. After college you moved in with your dear brother and his two sworn brothers in order to avoid going back home. You and Sabo despise your family equally.
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Chapter 16: Diagnostic
The rest of the day with Ace went by comfortably. You two watched a movie together, snuggled together on the couch. You talked a little bit more, here and there, sometimes about the movie, sometimes about nothing at all. Ace took care of a couple chores while you got lunch together, and afterward you sat nearby and read while he played a video game.
It was nice to simply exist with him, exchanging the occasional shy smile. Eventually you had your ankles on his thigh, and he’d put a hand on them during a lull in the game. You were grateful for the size of the book you were reading so you could keep your composure a little easier as the afternoon carried on.
Eventually Luffy came home, with Marco in tow. You exchanged greetings, and started making dinner while the three sat in the kitchen and talked with you.
“Law said he’ll be here at 6.” Marco explains as you slide a cup of tea in front of him. “Oh thank you. You’ll make someone quite the wife, (Y/N).” He says it with a smile, and your face turns red. You can’t stop yourself from looking over at Ace, who already has his hat pulled down low.
“Oh.” Marco says softly, smiling to himself.
You clear your throat a little. “Is there anything you prefer to eat?” You question.
Marco shakes his head. “I enjoy pineapple, but I’m not picky.”
“You are a pineapple.” Ace grumps.
“Watch it, brat, or I’ll show no mercy.” Marco warns, taking a sip of tea.
You chuckle at their banter and start to make stir fry for the night. It was quick to cook, but the setup and prep took a bit of time. Enough to give Sabo and Law a chance to join all of you.
While you worked, Marco told you about his curse.
“What do you know about curses?” He asks. “Do they teach the classifications to everyone?”
You nod. “Nobles, at least. There’s Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia, right? Logia can control and become an element, Zoan can turn into something else, and Paramecia is kind of a catch all for otherwise hard to classify cases.”
“Pretty much that, yes.” Marco says. “I’m a Zoan type. I can turn into a Phoenix.”
“Wait – you’re Marco the Phoenix?!” You question turning to face him. Marco smiles and nods. “Oh, haha, you were a bit of a hero to me when I was younger.”
You laugh again as go back to work while you continue. “My father really hates you. I had no idea what you looked like, but he would complain about you, and someone named Edward Newgate all the time.”
“Hah, that’s Pops’ name!” Ace says proudly.
Your eyes go wide, and you come over to the breakfast bar, beaming at Marco. “Wait, is it true he picked up a firetruck and carried it?”
Marco laughs, but he’s nodding his head. “It’s true, yoi. It’s probably what upset your father. He didn’t carry it alone, but he definitely left the biggest impression on the News network.”
“Why’d he have to carry it?”
“Regulation change.” Marco says. “They decided to classify Firetrucks as needing a special license to operate. Which, it was just a political move to try and tank the central station, they already required additional training and certification to drive, yoi.
“They made the change at 4:53pm on a Friday, and sure enough that weekend saw a lot of little nuisance fires. It was all hands on deck as we took care of them, using our abilities, pulling in all the reserves and volunteers. That Sunday afternoon a huge fire broke out. We needed the truck. If we drove it without the proper license though, they would’ve used it against Pops.” Marco explains.
“So, he carried it.” You grin.
“Aye. After a display like that, the whole ordeal was settled.”
“Why the scuffle in the first place?”
Marco tilts his head a little, and it’s Ace who answers. “Cause they were successful and cursed.”
“Oh.” You lower your head. “Sorry.”
“Nothing for you to apologize for, girl.” Marco says.
You return to cooking. Sabo comes home and shortly after him, Law arrives. The chatter goes in one ear and out the other for you as you work. Your mind’s still on the earlier conversation. The chatter dies down when you get to cooking.
Stir fry goes fast and can be a bit of a spectacle to watch. Ace gives you a hand, passing ingredients as it builds, and eventually takes over the wok when you start to tire. He shows off a little, putting his hand into the stove flame and really bringing up the heat at the end of it.
The meal is set in the middle of the table and portioned out.
“So, what’s the plan for tonight?” You ask, once everyone’s been served, or served themselves.
“First a scan.” Law explains. “If there’s nothing unexpected, I want to remove everything that’s still left.”
“I thought that was risky?” Ace chimes in.
“It’s exponentially safer with Marco assisting.” Law promises.
“What did Chopper discover about the new medication?” Sabo questions.
Law’s silent for a second, and sighs. “Same level of suppressant, just less of the poisons.”
“It’s alright,” you say with a bitter smile. “That’s what I expected.”
“We… also found someone willing to take the medication.” Law’s eyes are on you as he continues carefully. “Miss (Y/N), you are, without a doubt, cursed.”
“Someone willingly took poison?” Sabo questions in shock.
“Zaggy.” Luffy says between mouthfuls of food.
“You okay?” Ace asks you, and the whole table turns to you.
“Yeah… I mean, I figured. I’m just… conflicted.”
“I bet.” Marco says. “Nobles don’t usually keep cursed children.”
“Whaddya mean?” Luffy asks, and his attention is pulled away from the food in front of him.
“Well, according to the common knowledge, Nobles and such can’t have cursed children. They’re above all that.” Marco says it nonchalantly, but there’s an edge in his voice despite his efforts. “Families often kill, or abandoned their children when one’s born with a curse.”
“Are you saying what… our parents did… was a mercy?” Sabo questions. His voice is shaking, and his fists are clenched.
“No. What I’m saying is that what your parents did was a choice, and what they chose wasn’t anything that killed (Y/N).” Marco says. “They had a lot of options that were easier than what they chose, but why they made those decisions is irrelevant.”
You and Sabo look at Marco.
“The facts are still facts. They could’ve provided the supplement medication truthfully, and untainted. They could’ve done what the Donquixotes did almost fifty years ago, much to their sons’ chagrin.” Marco says. “They were the first Celestials in memory to step down. Both their sons were born cursed.”
“I’ve never read anything about that.” You admit.
“They don’t record something like that.” Law answers. “Aside from the people involved, no one else would know.”
“How do you two know?” Ace asks.
“Rosinante saved my life.” Law answers.
“Doflamingo, well, most of you know that name.” Marco says.
“Wait, the King of Dressrosa that was dethroned and imprisoned three years ago?” You question, mouth wide.
“False king.” Law, Marco and Luffy all say in unison.
“Ah, lil’ spark, it’s good you’re sitting down.” Sabo says. “I would like to preface this with the fact that there hasn’t been a lot of time to catch you up on everything that’s happened since I left.”
“YOU WERE INVOLVED?” You nearly bellow the question.
“Aside from you and me, everyone at this table was.” Marco says.
You open and close your mouth a few times, trying to think of what to say, but you can’t seem to remember what words are.
“We are, obviously, all okay.” Sabo offers hesitantly.
“One life-altering focus at a time.” Law grumbles. “The past is irrelevant right now. Marco and I are here, and you understand the possibilities. Focus on that.”
“Ah… y-yeah.” You agree, sitting back a little. You couldn’t help but think about some of the conversations you’d had with Sabo, and you were starting to realize how practical his position was. Not theoretical. Not fanciful. Not just for the benefit of the two of you.
After everyone ate, it was decided everything would be done down in the basement. Marco’s curse was a tightly guarded secret, and so he didn’t use it in public unless it was a matter of life and death. The house itself was secure, but the basement was even more so.
Law puts his hand out, and the now familiar blue shift permeates the basement area. You’re lying on a coffee table between him and Marco.
“I feel like I’m being ritualistically sacrificed.” You muse.
“It’s not too much of a stretch.” Marco admits with a smile. “This is probably going to feel a little like a rebirth.”
You breathe deep in through your nose and slowly out your mouth a few times.
“Nervous?” Marco asks.
You nod. “A little bit.”
“Oi, Ace, come hold your girl’s hand.” Marco says.
Flames licked around Ace but he stepped over to you and knelt down, taking your hand in his. Seeing you cover your face with your other hand gave him some of his confidence back and he was smirking at you by the time you looked at him again.
“If we tell you to move, do so as fast as possible.” Law says to Ace. “A little burn will be the least of our concerns if we need you to move, understand?”
“Yes.” Ace says, turning away from Law and looking back to you.
The process began, and lasted nearly an hour. You weren’t sure exactly everything that was done, but Law and Marco communicated efficiently. You could feel parts of your body moving without the other parts that would usually need to move with them. Ace put a hand over your eyes as he held onto your hand, asking you if you wanted to know what was going on or not.
When you shook your head, and again to answer that it didn’t hurt, it was just weird, he started talking about movies to you. He talked about the one you’d watched that afternoon, who was in it, what other movies they were in that were better – or worse – and what he wanted to watch with you later. Law and Marco’s conversation became a backdrop to the steady, almost whispered words, muttering random movie facts and trivia into your ear.
“You don’t have to leave, Ace-ya.” Law says, “but I need her hand and head to finish this.”
Ace lets go of your hand and puts his hands on your shoulders, after he moves out of the way of Law and Marco. “Keep your eyes closed, (Y/N).” He says to you. “I’m still here.”
“Hold still.” Law says, after you had nodded to Ace’s voice.
You stilled, and Ace kept talking to you. “You’re doing great. They’re almost done. As soon as we can, we’ll take you on a proper camping trip. Full long weekend. Before that, or after it, we’ll go on that first date. I’ll even go see one of those fancy foreign romance movies if you want, but I was thinking more like a carnival. You can hold my hand on the roller coaster, and I’ll win one of those cheap toys for you from a rigged booth, and we’ll eat food with way too much grease and breading.”
Another moment passes in silence, and then Ace squeezes your shoulders. “You can look now.”
Law already has the look on his face he always has when he’s scanning you as you open your eyes.
“How do you feel?” He asks.
“… Good. A little tired.”
“That might be me.” Marco says. “I can heal people, but sometimes it wears them out.”
“Ace-ya, help her sit up.” Law requests. “Let me know if you feel dizzy or sick.”
Ace and Marco both give you a hand sitting up on the coffee table. You stretch and move and give everyone a smile.
“I feel good. I feel tired, but it feels really different. Like, I don’t know. It feels cleaner.” You try to explain.
“I can’t find anything left in your system either. A trace here or there, but nothing that should be affecting you.” Law says as the blue-tint fades. He takes a step back himself and sits down on the couch heavily. He looks far more exhausted than you, and he’s broken into a sweat.
He puts a tattooed hand up before you can say anything. “I worked a full day and then did this, I’m just tired (Y/N)-ya, I’m okay. Congratulations, you’re not sick anymore.”
You put your arms up over your head. “I’m not sick anymore!” You say in mini celebration.
“I’m… actually, not that tired either.” You say after a moment. You stand up and Ace stands up with you. “Usually when I get excited about something I can feel it draining me, but I almost feel like I’m getting… less tired?”
You look around at the people in the room. “Do… do people get less tired without sleeping?”
Sabo steps up and hugs you. You can feel him tremble a little bit and you realize he’s crying, or trying not to. Ace and Luffy hug you too, and that’s the answer to your question. You hug them back, as best as you can, for a moment, before Marco breaks you all up.
“I know you’re all relieved, but give her some space, yoi.” He says pulling Sabo back with some effort. “(Y/N)’s curse is unknown. Sometimes they can be difficult to control. None of you want her to accidentally hurt someone while you’re celebrating.” Marco waves Ace and Luffy back a couple more steps before he regards you.
“You feel good, but pay attention to your body, yoi. Do you feel anything else?”
You consider it for a moment. Your heart thumps, and you could feel muscle and bone. You could feel your body without the pain, and it was a little surreal on its own. Your base sensation had been pain, the feelings of your bones and organs were accents, but now that was flipped on its head.
“Something feels… right?” You admit after a few long moments. “It’s not wrong, it’s not weird, but there’s something there.” Looking at your hand, you flex it a little and then suddenly your whole arm is a large, snow-white wing that extends so far out you nearly take out Luffy with it.
“My hand! My arm!” You exclaim, trying to take a step back from yourself.
“Wow, (Y/N)’s a Zoan!” Luffy exclaims.
“WHY IS MY ARM A WING?” You try not to screech the question, but you aren’t in control, and you want your arm back.
Marco puts a hand on each of your shoulders and grabs your gaze with his eyes. “Breathe, yoi. Breathe with me.” His voice is commanding, and it pulls you in. You follow him in breathing, and he smiles. “Like that. Just… think about your arm. You know it. Five fingers. You know the color of your skin, the little hairs, the marks no one else sees.”
As he’s talking the wing disappears and your arm returns. Marco pats your shoulders. “There you go, yoi. You’re a natural. Lucky for you, I’m also a Zoan type, and I’m more than happy to help you (Y/N).”
“Haa… ahh… ye-yeah.” You nod. “Yes. Um… tonight?”
“If you’re up for it, I have time to spare tonight.” Marco says with a smile.
“I, however, do not.” Law says standing up. “Miss (Y/N)-ya it has been my pleasure.”
“Ah, yes, mine as well, thank you doctor.” You say, giving his hand a shake. “What do I owe you?”
Law tilts his head a little. “I believe you’ve fed me twice now, besides, I only charge nobles and such. As a cursed, you aren’t one.”
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jasmineeeuwu · 2 years
𝑭𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒂 𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒕- 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒆𝒕
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Full name: Felicia Cho Bennett
Date of birth: April 27, 1973
Gender: Female
Blood status: Pure-Blood
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese and British (Even thought her father is japanese, his nationality is British)
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𝓟𝓱𝔂𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮
Weight : 50 kg
Height: 1.58 meters
Eyes color : grayish blue
Hair : White
Distinctive features: Eyes, medically detected with miosis, her pupils do not dilate normally and also has little bags under them. So it gives her a scary appereance to muggles. || Reason: An accident ||
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𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓼𝓽𝓾𝓯𝓯
Nicknames: Fel (All of her friends), Feli (sometimes by Jae), Cursebreaker (By Andre), Little feather and little bird (By Talbott), Pip and Kochou (by Takeo)
Likes: Drawing, singing, playing the violin and piano and reading muggle books
Dislikes: Isolation and injustified violence
Boggart: Blue fire (She has a trauma), later other boggart would change into a vision of her friends and beloved ones dying
Defects: Stubborn, clueless and is easily controlled by her emotions, when she is in rage she hardly sees the consequences of her actions
Bad habits: Neglects her health and scratches her arms and hands on frustration or stress
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𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓰𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭
Akiko Ai Bennett "Miyazaki": was a lovely woman very dedicated to her family and always willing to help others, but after having a big argument with her husband she surrended to her grief and pain leading her to turn into an obscurial.
Hiroshi Kuroiro Bennett: is a misterious man who was known to be a great father and spouse, but there was something in him that made Jacob to be suspicious of his own father, maybe he had something to hide... perhaps that was the reason why he left when Felicia was about to turn one
Takeo Bennett: The infamous boy, the one who 'abandoned' his family and the one who is considered to be the reason why his mother had a mental breakdown in which she ended up hurting his little sister.
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𝓗𝓸𝓰𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓼𝓽𝓾𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓲𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
House: Hufflepuff
(Year 1-5) 12", Acacia wood, Unicorn tail hair
(Year 5-7) 12", Laurel wood, Phoenix feather
(Post Hogwarts) 11 ½" Pear wood with a unicorn core and slightly yielding flexibility
First patronus-Wild Cat
Second patronus- Eagle
Pets: Cat "Pili" and Owl "Ellywig"
Favourite professors: McGonagall, Flitwick and Snape
Animagus: Barn Owl "Not-registered"
Quidditch position: Seeker, but sometimes plays as a keeper
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Badeea (used to be envious of her)
Non biological brothers:
William Weasley
Charles Weasley
Merula (They're still working on getting along)
Love interest: Talbott Winger (fell for him on her third year)
Crush: Jae Kim (She developed a lil crush on him at the end of their fourth year but it didn't last too much)
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𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓶 𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼
Used to wear glasses all the time, but since the magic spell her mother casted in them is not useful in magical people, she stopped using them on third year (Only when she goes back home she wears them)
She was diagnosticated with punctate miosis, says muggle doctors. This was the closest diagnosis they came to, although this is supposed to happen even when there is very little light due to common causes of substances or diseases, the truth is that the real reason was an accident with Akiko in which she ended up exposing her daughter to a hex that left permanent damage in her eyes
Loves plushies
She secretely draws people, especially Bill Weasley since her second year 👀
In her fifth year, a special ring was given to her by Akiko to storage bad feelings and keep them at bay
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𝓗𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓱𝓸𝓰𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼
[ Coming soon in future one-shots ]
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night-gay · 1 year
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Into the Anthill pt 50 - 50 Years And Counting
I wasn’t sure I’d have enough material to cover to make it to a 50th post in this journey considering Hank’s reputation as a “Forgotten Avenger” these days, but we're 50 years into his legacy and not out of comics just yet (we’re about 3 years away from Rage of Ultron though, so the timer’s ticking). 
Avengers vs X-Men popped off here as the Phoenix Force returned to Earth to possess Hope Summers. Hank’s really just a set piece in the fight scenes of all these comics, basically having no lines and no impact on the greater narrative despite appearing in more than a dozen issues of it. His biggest appearances outside of Avengers Academy in these comics were kicking Wolverine out of a plane and running diagnostics on Tony’s Phoenix-Killer gun. After that he was injured and sent to search and rescue work.
At least we got some cool group shots of Giant-Man out of this.
Secret Avengers vol 1 #22-23, 25
Captain America stepped down as the leader of the Secret Avengers, leaving Hawkeye to lead it just as Captain Britain joined the team. Brian was very impressed by The Lighthouse, their miniature satellite base in Earth’s orbit that used Hank’s Pymportal tech to both transport and shrink those who enter. Cap had put Hank and Beast on the project to keep them both out of trouble. Hawkeye’s first mission escalated quickly, pitting the team against an entire society of A.I. called The Descendants. Most of the team escaped safely thanks to Agent Venom’s late arrival, but Eric O’Grady was killed and Jim Hammond’s body was badly damaged. Hank promised to do what he could to restore Jim to full health after this. 
Avengers Academy vol 1 #29, 32-33
Cap and Wolverine worked with Hank to bring the young Utopian mutants to Avengers Academy to keep them safe from the Avengers vs X-Men conflict. Hank left Hercules and Tigra in charge while he, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye were in the field. The young mutants didn’t stick around long before Sebastian Shaw, X-23, and Tigra came to an agreement and allowed them to leave rather than hold them against their will. They staged a mock battle so that the camera footage couldn't implicate the Avengers in their escape if Cap decided to investigate. Despite her status as a mutant, Laura chose to remain a student rather than leave with her peers even after Hank had the chance to discuss it with her.
As the Phoenix Five had begun their efforts to guarantee world peace by force Emma Frost arrived at Avengers Academy to destroy Juston Seyfert’s Sentinel, an older model he’d befriended and reprogrammed to prevent it from harming mutants. His fail-safes were not entirely effective, as it attacked Emma immediately upon detecting her. Hank tried to reason with her that it could be managed, but her only compromise was to scrub it of it’s current programming entirely, which would erase it’s personality and memories in the process. Their combined efforts meant nothing against Emma’s new power; she easily destroyed the Sentinel and would have inadvertently killed Juston as well had it not protected him. She melted it’s CPU before leaving to ensure it would never rise again, but Quicksilver swapped in a fake one without her noticing. With Emma gone, Hank, Pietro, and Juston were able to rebuild his friend. The issue ends with Hank and Tigra telling the students they’re not certain the school will survive this war against the X-Men and that they need to go back home if they can.
Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Venom vol 2 #17, 22
Avengers Assemble vol 1 #6, 8
Avengers vs. X-Men vol 1 #1-5, 7, 9, 11-12
New Avengers vol 2 #24
Wolverine and the X-Men vol 1 #10-12
Avengers vol 4 #29
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ladylucksrogue · 1 year
Last, Current, Next Reads
Thank you for the tags @impossibleprincess35 @quigonsjeans and @yourfavoritefridge you are awesome and I love every chance I get to nerd out over books 🙂
Last: Master and Apprentice by Claudia Gray. There were a few details that I needed to check for the story I'm writing. I guess I could have read the section but I reread the whole thing. No regrets.
Current: I'll be completely honest, the DSM V for work. I have to brush up on diagnostic criteria and changes between version IV and V. I used to belong to a book club, where we would meet up once a month but that hasn't happened lately so all I've been reading is work related stuff.
Next: on August 29th, the newest From a Certain Point of View , Return of the Jedi
comes out in book stores. I live overseas and will actually be in the United States for this. Cheers to everyone in my hometown of Phoenix. I am going to make an event out of this and physically go to the bookstore, grab a coffee and buy this book. This is a huge thing for me. I don't have to preorder in English weeks in advance... I'm super excited. Hubs and my son don't get it but I will totally try to win them over that the bookstore cafe is a sacred place.
Tag @ahsokasloyalty @blackwomeninstarwars @cobaltbeam @duchess-of-mandalore @elwenyere @frostbitebakery @glimmerglanger@hedgehog-moss @intermundia @journen @lumi-exe @phoenixyfriend @phantom-of-the-keurig @spectral-musette @voidartisan
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freemase · 2 years
❛ instead of parting ways, what would you say to remaining together as an actual married couple for both our sakes? ❜ (dont mind my sobbing)
Isaac dropped the datapad to the surface of his desk with a clatter. He looked tired, the top buttons of his uniform undone and his hair messed from running his hands through it. Mason wished he could have been the reason for it, instead they were back on the Berlin, once again taking orders from the top brass and none of them good.
Mason didn’t know where this left them.
“I was thinking,” Isaac started, leaning back against the edge of his desk. “Instead of parting ways, what would you say to remaining together. As… as an actual married couple for both our sakes?”
Mason’s hearing was better than good but for a brief moment, he wondered if he needed to see the team about a diagnostic.
Isaac couldn’t be saying what he thought he was saying… was he?
“What? Was that a proposal?”
Isaac regarded him calmly, his tone measured. Unflappable. “I told you from the start, Mason. I’m not interested in just… a fling.”
Mason’s eyes narrowed. “And I told you I wasn’t either. I was playing for keeps, Zac.”
“Then keep me. Marry me, Mason. Fuck, this… So wasn’t exactly how I had planned to ask you.”
Mason was acutely aware of the room they were in, back on the Berlin, surrounded by the weight of Isaac’s Alliance commitments. Their planet side interlude had been sheer magic and Mason had thrown himself head first over the cliff only to land securely in Isaac’s arms. They’d built on whatever simmering attraction had been there from the beginning – and Mason could admit that now, that it had always been there, masquerading as respect and admiration for the Captain’s capable leadership but in reality so much more. But now, called back to duty, the cold touch of the Alliance had left him frozen in time and unsure of his place.
The war was over, Isaac had been promoted for Admiral and the phoenix rehabilitation program to be scaled back and disbanded.
Mason wasn’t sure where that left him.  He was a relic now, of the world before, and while the Alliance had been willing to overlook his past affiliations with the Cerberus organization, he was expecting them to call in their chips now.
In all likelihood, they would rip him far away from Isaac and he’d been trying to prepare himself for that.
“Marry you,” Mason breathed, closing his eyes to savour the thought – just for a moment. The possibility hadn’t been one he could let himself think about. His last marriage had been a shambles. “Isaac…”
Isaac glanced away, as though knowing where mason’s thoughts had gone. His mouth pursed but then he turned back and offered Mason the smallest, saddest smile.
“I’ve only ever asked one other person this question, Mase. I meant it then but she died. And for a long time, for a really long time, I didn’t let myself think I could ever ask it again. But with you… I want it. I want you to marry me and stay beside me. Make all the things we talked about on the farm a reality.”
“But the Alliance-“
“I’ll protect you. They want to make me an Admiral? Fine, but that means they’re not going to fucking touch my husband- phoenix or not.”
Mason’s breath hitched in spite of himself. “Say that again.”
The curve of Isaac’s mouth was beautiful as he straightened. His hand found Mason’s jaw. He held him in place and tilted Mason’s chin up, forcing their eyes to meet and Mason… Mason saw their future there in those brown eyes.
“Husband,” Isaac said firmly. “If you’ll have me.”
Mason curled his fingers around Isaac’s wrist, squeezing gently. He felt dampness prick at the corners of his eyes and he wondered how he could be so lucky. How did he deserve this? Isaac was everything. “I love you,” he said hoarsely. “I love you, Isaac. I love you with every fibre of my being. I’m saying yes because I want a life with you. Not because I’m afraid to face anything the Alliance wants to throw at me.”
Isaac’s thumb brushed over his cheek, smiling. There were galaxies in his eyes Mason wanted to lose himself in. “I know. And whatever happens, we’ll face it together. I’m not letting you go.”
Mason slid his hands around Isaac’s hips and drew him in close. He breathed Isaac in, the scent of his aftershave and the hint of his hair gel he only bothered with on duty familiar and comforting now that he knew they would be together. The Alliance could try taking Isaac on, but they would lose.
“You and me?”
“You and me,” Isaac murmured. Then he kissed him.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Lol so last night I was watching the 1899 trailer (from the creators of Dark) over bf's shoulder and picking out the alchemical imagery, and that got him on the alchemy train which led to 'hey, you know the final rubedo phase of alchemy is signified by a rose, or a crowned king, or a phoenix, and that's just like Cinder because she's fiery and going to be reborn' and well, he said it, not me.
I get that it's like alchemy -> Jung -> monomyth in terms of related mythical story structures but part of what I don't like about the diagnostic process of identifying alchemical storytelling is it's just identifying setpieces and symbolism realised through that. I'd much rather the Jungian angle which is about character and interrelated psychology and to some degree plot, alchemy feels really 'just so' in a way I don't like
Which is ironic coming from a Jungian and complicated by the fact Jung is alchemical, but I feel that I can recognise alchemy used in R/WBY and comment on where I think that's appropriate but I still don't think it has the same driving force thematically as Jung. Which is also sort of alchemical (alchemical process = self individuation).
e.g. red, white, black and yellow are the stages of alchemy though not in the right order. In R/WBY it seems like the nigredo phase was V1-3, and albinedo was V4-V8, which about fits where we are with the monomyth (halfway through). If it's three or four more volumes of citrinitas then then probably another three or four of rubedo, that leaves us about where I'd expect us to be.
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phoenixdiagnostic · 1 year
Somebody has rightly remarked that if you don’t quite take proper care of your health. You could actually face a difficult scenario in the long run. If the last two years of the pandemic have taught us anything – it has to be the major aspect of health. If you suffer silently in terms of your health, there could be bigger problems lined up. For the Best Diagnostic Center in Kolkata, simply rely on us at the Phoenix Diagnostic clinic, based in Kolkata.
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market-spy · 15 days
Pediatric Medical Devices Market Analysis, Size, Share & Trends | 2031
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In recent years, the global Pediatric Medical Devices Market has witnessed a dynamic shift, influenced by changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and a growing emphasis on sustainability. The Research report on Pediatric Medical Devices Market presents a complete judgment of the market through strategic insights on future trends, growth factors, supplier landscape, demand landscape, Y-o-Y growth rate, CAGR, pricing analysis. It also provides and a lot of business matrices including Porters Five Forces Analysis, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis, 4 Ps' Analysis, Market Attractiveness Analysis, BPS Analysis, Ecosystem Analysis. Get Your Free Sample Report Here @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/pediatric-medical-devices-market
The global pediatric medical devices market reached a valuation of approximately USD 28.4 billion in 2023. Projections indicate that the market is poised to experience steady growth over the next decade, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.8% from 2024 to 2031. The new study offers a brief evaluation of the Pediatric Medical Devices Market statistics, which are subdivided into the regions, countries as well as subregions. This report is helpful to remark the possible estimations and projection regarding the growth strategies of the global Pediatric Medical Devices Market. It also summarizes possible profit opportunities, sales/demand, production as well as consumption analysis, in involvement to Pediatric Medical Devices industry share in each nation and sub-region. The geographical segment of the Pediatric Medical Devices Market report illustrates the industry share as well as growth rates of each region during the estimated period from 2024 to 2031. Global urbanization and rapid industrialization have increased the need for new market Growth. This has prompted a rise in the use of Pediatric Medical Devices. Additionally, massive amounts of money are being spent by governments and the private sector globally on Pediatric Medical Devices industry, which is further boosting the market's expansion. The amount that regional governments are investing to improve the current investment is increasing as part of their global market plans. The whole research report on the Pediatric Medical Devices Market concentrated on the valuable data and various other factors. Additionally, the report delivers a comprehensive overview, pie charts, tables, diagrams, and tables to assist the growth of the Pediatric Medical Devices Market. Market Segments covered: By Product - Cardiology Devices, In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Devices, Diagnostic Imaging Devices, Anesthesia & Respiratory Care Devices, Neonatal ICU Devices, Others By End-user - Hospitals, Pediatric Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Others By Regional - North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America
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Profitable players of the Pediatric Medical Devices Market are: TSE MEDICAL Ningbo David Medical Device Co. Ltd Hamilton Medical GE Healthcare Fritz Stephan GmbH Phoenix Medical Systems Pvt Ltd Novonate Inc. Trimpeks Atom Medical Corporation Abbott Medtronic PLC
Essential regions of the Pediatric Medical Devices Market are: Pediatric Medical Devices North America Market includes (Canada, Mexico, USA) Pediatric Medical Devices Europe Market includes (Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Russia) Pediatric Medical Devices Asia-Pacific Market includes (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia) Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa) Pediatric Medical Devices South America Market includes (Brazil, Argentina) FAQs: - What are the sales, production, consumption, imports, and exports of the global market (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East, and Africa)? Who are the major manufacturers who dominate the world market? What are their current capacity, production, sales, pricing, cost, gross, and revenue operating levels? What are the market's risks and opportunities? What's more, it likewise covers the request and give of the promoting research concentrate in the assessed figure time frame. Explained investigation of the market players with their profile, deals examination and serious scene is given in the report. Besides, organization, joint effort and consolidations in the business are referenced for the accommodation of the investigation of the global Pediatric Medical Devices industry.
Take Action Now: Secure Your Pediatric Medical Devices Market Today - https://www.skyquestt.com/buy-now/pediatric-medical-devices-market Pivotal questions answered in the global Pediatric Medical Devices Market report: What are the major value propositions of the Pediatric Medical Devices Market? What are the new strategical frameworks that are mobilized among players to accomplish resilience in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic? What technologies are expected to adopt the new regulations in Pediatric Medical Devices report? What are the key collaborations generated by the vendors to consolidate their position in the Pediatric Medical Devices Market? What are the vital offerings new entrants concentrate on to implement unique positioning strategies? What are the futuristic prospects of the Pediatric Medical Devices Market across the globe? Looking ahead, the Pediatric Medical Devices Market is poised for continued growth, driven by evolving consumer preferences and ongoing innovations. The trend towards sustainability is expected to strengthen, with more consumers seeking products that align with their values. Additionally, the integration of advanced technologies and digital platforms will likely further enhance market accessibility and consumer engagement. The global Pediatric Medical Devices Market is a dynamic and evolving landscape, shaped by a confluence of trends and factors. Get Complete Report Pediatric Medical Devices Market 2024 for Better Understanding @ https://www.skyquestt.com/report/pediatric-medical-devices-market
Contact: Mr. Jagraj Singh Skyquest Technology 1 Apache Way, Westford, Massachusetts 01886 USA (+1) 351–333–4748 Email: [email protected] Visit Our Website: https://www.skyquestt.com/ About Us: SkyQuest is an IP focused Research and Investment Bank and Accelerator of Technology and assets. We provide access to technologies, markets and finance across sectors viz. Life Sciences, CleanTech, AgriTech, NanoTech and Information & Communication Technology. We work closely with innovators, inventors, innovation seekers, entrepreneurs, companies and investors alike in leveraging external sources of R&D. Moreover, we help them in optimizing the economic potential of their intellectual assets. Our experiences with innovation management and commercialization have expanded our reach across North America, Europe, ASEAN and Asia Pacific.
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Lightning Arrester Manufacturers: Safeguarding Against Electrical Surges
Lightning arresters are critical components in electrical systems designed to protect structures and equipment from damage caused by lightning strikes and electrical surges. These devices divert excess electricity generated by lightning strikes to the ground, ensuring the safety and integrity of electrical installations. In this article, we explore the role of lightning arrester manufacturers, their significance in ensuring electrical safety, key players in the industry, market trends, and factors to consider when selecting a lightning arrester manufacturer.
Role of Lightning Arrester Manufacturers:
Manufacturers of lightning arresters play a crucial role in providing solutions that safeguard against the destructive effects of lightning strikes and transient voltage surges. By designing and producing high-quality lightning protection devices, these manufacturers contribute to the safety and reliability of electrical systems across various industries.
Significance of Lightning Arresters:
Protection Against Lightning Strikes: Lightning arresters help mitigate the impact of lightning strikes by providing a low-impedance path for lightning currents to safely dissipate into the ground.
Equipment Protection: By diverting overvoltage surges away from sensitive equipment and electrical systems, lightning arresters prevent damage and downtime caused by electrical disturbances.
Safety: Lightning arresters enhance the safety of structures and individuals by reducing the risk of fire, electric shock, and equipment failure resulting from lightning-induced surges.
Key Players in the Lightning Arrester Industry:
ABB: ABB is a prominent global manufacturer of electrical equipment, including lightning arresters, known for their reliability and advanced technology.
Siemens: Siemens is another major player in the lightning protection industry, offering a wide range of lightning arrester solutions for various applications.
DEHN: DEHN is a leading manufacturer of lightning and surge protection systems, providing innovative solutions for industrial, commercial, and residential use.
LPI (Lightning Protection International): LPI specializes in lightning protection technologies and offers a range of products, including lightning arresters and surge protection devices.
Phoenix Contact: Phoenix Contact is a trusted manufacturer of lightning protection solutions, offering comprehensive products for industrial automation and control applications.
Market Trends and Innovations:
Advanced Surge Protection: Manufacturers are developing lightning arresters with advanced surge protection capabilities to safeguard against transient voltage surges and lightning-induced damage.
IoT Integration: Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology into lightning protection systems enables real-time monitoring and remote diagnostics for enhanced system performance.
Environmental Sustainability: Manufacturers are focusing on sustainable practices and eco-friendly materials in the production of lightning arresters to reduce environmental impact.
Customization and Adaptability: Lightning arrester manufacturers are offering customizable solutions tailored to specific project requirements, allowing for greater flexibility in design and installation.
Compliance and Certification: Manufacturers are ensuring that their lightning arresters meet or exceed industry standards and certifications to guarantee performance and reliability.
Factors to Consider When Selecting a Lightning Arrester Manufacturer:
Reputation and Experience: Choose a manufacturer with a proven track record and extensive experience in designing and producing lightning protection devices.
Product Quality: Prioritize manufacturers that offer high-quality lightning arresters with robust construction and reliable performance under varying conditions.
Customization Options: Look for manufacturers that can customize lightning protection solutions to meet specific project requirements and installation needs.
Technical Support: Select a manufacturer that provides excellent technical support, training, and after-sales service to ensure the proper installation and maintenance of lightning arresters.
Cost and Value: Consider the overall value proposition, balancing the cost of lightning arresters with the quality, features, and benefits they offer for effective lightning protection.
In conclusion,lightning arrester manufacturers play a vital role in safeguarding structures, equipment, and individuals from the damaging effects of lightning strikes and electrical surges. By providing innovative solutions, ensuring product quality, and staying abreast of market trends and technological advancements, these manufacturers contribute to the safety and resilience of electrical systems in diverse industries. When selecting a lightning arrester manufacturer, it is essential to consider factors such as reputation, product quality, customization options, technical support, and overall value to make an informed decision and ensure effective lightning protection for your applications.
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anoasisofh · 27 days
Comprehensive Cancer Treatment Centers in Phoenix: Providing Hope and Healing
State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Tools
Early detection is crucial in the battle against cancer, and Phoenix's cancer treatment centers are equipped with the latest diagnostic technologies. From advanced imaging techniques like PET scans, MRIs, and CT scans to molecular and genetic testing, these centers ensure accurate diagnosis and staging. This precision allows oncologists to tailor treatment plans that target the specific characteristics of each patient’s cancer, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes.
Personalized Treatment Plans
No two cancer cases are the same, and Phoenix's cancer treatment centers recognize the importance of personalized care. Cancer Treatment Centers in Phoenix Upon diagnosis, a multidisciplinary team of oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, and support staff collaborates to develop a customized treatment plan. This plan may include a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, or targeted therapy. By focusing on the individual needs of each patient, these centers optimize treatment effectiveness while minimizing side effects.
Advanced Treatment Options
Phoenix is a hub for cutting-edge cancer treatments, offering patients access to the latest therapies and clinical trials. Immunotherapy, which harnesses the power of the body’s immune system to fight cancer, is one of the groundbreaking treatments available. Targeted therapies that focus on specific genetic mutations in cancer cells are also widely used, providing patients with more precise and less toxic treatment options. Additionally, the centers offer minimally invasive surgical techniques and advanced radiation therapies that reduce recovery times and improve quality of life.
Comprehensive Support Services
Cancer treatment is not just about addressing the physical aspects of the disease; emotional, psychological, and social support are equally important. Phoenix's cancer treatment centers provide a holistic approach to care, offering a variety of support services designed to help patients and their families cope with the challenges of cancer. These services include counseling, nutritional support, pain management, and palliative care. Many centers also offer support groups and survivorship programs to assist patients in navigating life after treatment.
Access to Clinical Trials
Participating in clinical trials can offer patients access to new and innovative treatments that are not yet widely available. Phoenix’s cancer treatment centers are at the forefront of cancer research, providing opportunities for patients to enroll in clinical trials that test the latest therapies. Cancer Treatment Center of America Arizona These trials are conducted in partnership with leading research institutions, ensuring that patients receive cutting-edge care while contributing to the advancement of cancer treatment.
Compassionate and Experienced Staff
The staff at Phoenix’s cancer treatment centers are known for their expertise and compassion. Oncologists, nurses, and support staff work closely with patients, providing not only medical care but also emotional support throughout the treatment journey. Their dedication to patient-centered care ensures that every individual feels valued and supported, making a significant difference in the overall treatment experience.
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laraphleb · 28 days
Open Your Potential: Phlebotomy Training in Phoenix - A Guide to Launching Your Career in Healthcare
Unlock⁤ Your Potential: Phlebotomy Training in Phoenix – A Guide to​ Launching Your Career in Healthcare
Are you looking to enter the healthcare field and make a positive impact on patients’ lives? Phlebotomy training in Phoenix could be the perfect start for you!⁣ Phlebotomists play a crucial role in healthcare by drawing blood from patients for various medical purposes. If ​you have a steady hand, attention to detail, and a desire to help others,⁢ this could​ be the⁢ ideal⁤ career path for you.
In this comprehensive guide, we will ​explore everything you need to know about phlebotomy training in Phoenix, including the benefits, practical tips, and real-life case studies. By the end of⁤ this article, you will ⁢have a clear understanding of how to kickstart your career in healthcare through⁤ phlebotomy.
Benefits of Phlebotomy Training in Phoenix
1. High Demand:⁢ The ‍healthcare industry is always in need ​of skilled phlebotomists. With an aging population and advances in medical technology, the demand for blood work and other diagnostic tests is on the ⁣rise.
2. Competitive Salary: Phlebotomists ⁢in Phoenix⁤ can earn a competitive salary, with opportunities for advancement in their careers.
3. Flexibility: Phlebotomy allows for a ‌flexible work schedule,⁣ with options for full-time, ​part-time, or even weekend shifts.
4. Job Satisfaction: As a phlebotomist, you will have the opportunity to interact with ‌patients daily and play a vital role in their healthcare journey.
Practical Tips for Phlebotomy Training​ in Phoenix
1. Research Accredited Programs: Start by researching accredited‍ phlebotomy training programs in Phoenix. Look for programs that offer hands-on experience and preparation for certification exams.
2. Network with Professionals: Connect with⁤ current phlebotomists in Phoenix to learn more about the industry and ⁢gain valuable insights.
3. Practice Blood Draw Techniques: Practice your blood draw techniques regularly to build confidence and precision.
4. Stay‌ Updated: Stay informed about the latest developments in phlebotomy practices and technologies to stay ahead in your career.
Case Studies: Real-Life Success⁤ Stories
Case Study 1: Sarah, a recent graduate of a phlebotomy‌ training program in Phoenix, landed a job⁢ at a​ prestigious healthcare ⁣facility. Through‍ her dedication and excellent patient care, she quickly advanced in her ‌career and is now training ‌new phlebotomists.
Case ‍Study ​2: John,⁤ a career changer, decided to pursue ⁤phlebotomy training in Phoenix after years in a different field. With his‍ passion for⁣ helping others, John excelled in his training and now enjoys a fulfilling career in healthcare.
First-Hand Experience: ⁤My Journey into Phlebotomy
As someone who embarked on a career in phlebotomy, I can attest to the rewarding nature of this profession. From the satisfaction of helping patients to the continuous learning opportunities, phlebotomy has opened doors for me in the healthcare industry.
Phlebotomy training in Phoenix offers a pathway to a fulfilling and impactful career ‍in healthcare. By enrolling in a reputable program, networking with ⁤professionals, and⁤ honing your ⁢skills, you can unlock your‌ potential as ⁤a⁢ phlebotomist. Take the first step towards⁤ launching your career in healthcare today!
Remember, phlebotomy is not⁢ just a job – it’s a calling to serve others and⁤ make a difference in their lives. Are you ⁢ready to answer that call? Start your journey in phlebotomy training in Phoenix and pave the way for a rewarding career ⁢in healthcare.
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healthcarehubhh · 28 days
Animal Genetics Market Share, Animal Genetics Market Trend, Animal Genetics Market Size
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The animal genetics market plays a vital role in improving animal health and productivity to meet the growing global demand for animal protein from meat, milk and eggs. Animal genetics involve technologies and processes that allow for the genetic improvement of commercially important livestock species including cattle, poultry, swine and aquaculture. Genetic testing helps farmers select breeding stock with desirable traits like increased growth rate and feed efficiency, while DNA testing is used for parentage verification, genetic disease diagnosis and residue avoidance. The increasing focus on consumption of high quality, safe and affordable animal protein to feed the world's burgeoning population is a key driver of the animal genetics space. The global animal genetics market is estimated to be valued at US$ 6.6 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.4% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. \ Key Takeaways Key players: Key players operating in the animal genetics market include BS Global (US), Groupe Grimaud (France), Zoetis (US), Hendrix Genetics (Netherlands), Topigs Norsvin (Netherlands), CRV Holding (Netherlands), and Neogen (US).
Key players focus on strategic acquisition and collaborations to expand in emerging markets. For instance, Zoetis acquired Phoenix Lab in 2021 to enhance its diagnostics capabilities in breeding stock. Growing demand: Rising consumption of protein-rich diets in developing nations is propelling demand for high yield animal breeds. Genetic testing helps improve fertility and production efficiency on farms. Technological advancements: New genetic techniques like genomic selection and gene editing are helping accelerate genetic progress. Meanwhile, artificial insemination has increased scale and quality of production. Market Trends Precision livestock farming: Adoption of technologies like RFID, sensors and big data are advancing precision livestock farming for optimized management. This trend supports sustainability and genetic improvements. Alternative proteins: Cultivated meat and plant-based offerings pose competition by addressing ethical and environmental issues. However, animal genetics will still play a key role in transition to sustainable animal agriculture. Market Opportunities Emerging market expansion: Latin America, Middle East and Southeast Asia present lucrative opportunities for animal genetics firms to tap rising protein demand through partnerships and acquisitions. Diversification: Companies are widening their portfolios from cattle and swine to serve poultry, aquaculture and other emerging sectors through new product pipelines and service offerings. Vaccines and diagnostic tools segment will grow steadily.
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