#Pierre Schoeller
oui-bo · 2 months
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azzrael99 · 3 months
Sorry to bother you, how can I draw realistic paintings about frev?😢
Thanks for the question!! (I love answering he he)
I'm sorry for being late in answering. I wanted to make it as detailed as possible (how I usually do it step by step), and hope it can be useful and helpful as a tutorial, it doesn't mean it's the best method, you can always do what suits you better.
First of all, I take as reference a lot of images of the historical character that I am going to draw. In the case of Robespierre, there is a lot of documentation and images of how he looked like. Even Deseine's bust help me a lot.
(Thanks @silver-whistle and @monimarat for this photographies❤️)
Thanks @perfectlysweatypanda ❤️
*I always try to make the character as realistic as possible
Second, I look at the features which are similar in every image I have consulted.  There are always patterns which are repeated. Even, if the artists of that time painted him in different ways (it often happens with DTIYS currently)
For example, the most noticeable features would be:
-the shape of the nose
-The shape of the jaw, square and angular
-the shape and position of the eyes (a little almond-shaped *with a feline look)
-the lips in almost all images are thin and straight
-broad and clear forehead with some wrinkles
-Square head (fun fact: typical for Earth zodiac signs)
-rounded eyebrows…
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Then I look at the written descriptions of the people of that time and their contemporaries. I try to make sure they are reliable sources.
The ones, which are repeated the most, are not always the most accurate (be careful with it, look closely the images you have previously searched for to get it)
Then I usually make the baselines of the bone structure that it usually has:
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I determine the position of the eyes, mouth and nose of the face with the basic lines:
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Second, searching the clothes and suits of that time:
As explained above, look at a lot of images and references about how the clothes were.
Written references about how our character used to wear. Maxime’s shake: dark suits (black) earthy colours or basic (Supreme Being celebration was an exception). It seems they like stripes on suits.
🤩Tip! You can look at the suits on frev films.
They have usually got a lot of information out it and you can watch different angles to draw it better.
Some examples:
La révolution française Robert Enrico
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Un peuple et son roi Pierre Schoeller
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Danton 1983
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You can also draw accessories (I’ve just realised I forgot to draw the pocket watch 😱⏱️)
Before I search for a pose that I like and it could fit with the character (or I do it on Clip, with the 3D movement dolls)
Important!!! (^.^)
Look at the side of the historical character. In the case of Robespierre measures 1.6 meters.
As a plus, if you want to draw a background, look at different set ups of that time, such as Duplay's house, or even on video games like Assassins Unity. They help me a lot.
I think you can draw realistic frev characters images with these steps.😉
I want to watch them.💖💖💖💖🎨🎨🎨
I hope it helps you and if you have any questions I would be pleased to answer.🤩
I like when people ask me.😁
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julietsha · 1 year
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Un peuple et son roi de Pierre Schoeller (2018)
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cydx · 3 years
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jeviensdevoir · 2 years
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Un peuple et son roi, Pierre Schoeller, 2017
J’avais beaucoup aimé “l’exercice de l’Etat” et je suis passé à côté de ce film du même réalisateur. Eh bien j’aime beaucoup aussi. Il raconte les événements à Paris entre la prise de la Bastille et la mort du Roi. Un film schizo assez étrange avec d’un côté des parties très maîtrisées (casting de luxe, lumière, décors et costumes flamboyants) et d’un autre un montage décousu, des ellipses et des faux raccords volontaires.Le discours nous rappelle ce qu’est la révolution et d’où viennent les droits de l’homme. Je suis allergique à Laurent Lafitte mais là il joue le roi et se fait décapiter alors ça va.
I liked The Minister a lot from director Pierre Schoeller but I haven’t watched yet his latest movie. Well I like it too. The movies tells the story of the French revolution from the storming of the Bastille to the death of the king. It’s a rather strange movie. On one hand, it is perfectly crafted : great cast, beautiful sets costumes and photography. But on the other hand, there are a lot of ellipses  and jump cuts on purpose which gives an overall idea of chaos. It reminds us what is really a revolution and where the human rights come from. I’m allergic to actor Laurent Lafitte but here he plays the king and gets beheaded. So it’s ok.
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hiboudecheshire · 3 years
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I found this film very unexpectedly, I just looked for some political French drama and kinopoisk (Russian IMDB) proposed me it. Huge thanks to someone who decided to translate it in Russian, so I could just drink wine and watch, not rack my brain and my French. So what can I say about the film itself? It's very good! I really liked the acting of Olivier Gourmet: his character is very realistic, nasty in some way, but also humane and sometimes even sympathetic. The film shows us the tragedy of one person in the whole political system - the main character doesn't fight it, he is loyal in his service and he's just trying to do his job, but the world where he lives breaks him anyway, every now and again. The scenario is a bit raggy, but it works on general atmosphere of the film: growing feeling of anxiety and helplessness. So I highly recommend you watch this movie if you're interested in the theme of politics and it's "backstage". 8/10
PS. The main character of the movie, Bertrand Saint-Jean, has so much in common with my OC Bertrand Odelhard so I can be accused of stealing ideas, the funniest thing is that I didn't know about this film at all when I created the plot of "Woe to the victors" 😄 but these two characters have the same name, they're both ministers (and Saint-Jean even becomes the minister of labour in the final of the movie), they both do very unpopular reform and get blamed for it by people, they both are finally crushed by the cruel system they served... So wtf, my plot looks like a fanfic to the movie now 😂
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Film du Jour: Un peuple et son roi - 2018 - Pierre Schoeller
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lasaraconor · 5 years
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wobbly-headed-girl · 6 years
Review : Un peuple et son roi
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“Un peuple et son roi” came out on wednesday, and here’s a lil review as I know some peeps were interested in this movie.
The movie (first part of a 2 parts movie) covers the revolution from 1789 to the death of king Louis XVI.
Contrary to many pieces about the French Revolution, it doesn’t actually revolve around the major figures of that time, or the great political fights. The director (Pierre Schoeller) chose instead to show all these events through the daily lives of the commoners. The main character of this movie is indeed the people of Paris.
I think it’s an interesting take, as you get to see a new point of view on the subject, how the fall of the Bastille, the massacre of the Champs de Mars, the king’s flight to Varennes and such meddled with people’s lives and ideas. For example, there was a really moving sequence in which the Bastille is being torn appart, and the cheers in the street is suddenly reduced to a distant background noise in the room of a woman who has just lost her child.
There is also a lot of symbolism, especially with the sun and fire, and some strange dream/otherwordly sequences through the movie.
The historical accuracy is really good, as the director worked with a lot of French, Italian and American historians. The events, outfits, hairstyles, even the songs people sang (actual revolutionary songs), the photography, everything is on point.
The acting is really great too (for those who may not know, the movie was filled to the brim with A-list French actors), and I want to give a special round of applause to Laurent Lafitte (Louis XVI) , Denis Lavant (Marat) and Adèle Haenel (Françoise), who were perfect.
Definitely a good watch, and I can’t wait to see the sequel! I hope a lot of you guys will see it!
Also, as I said, the director was here for a meet and greet ans we had some questions!
@fantasiavii: why he thought it was important to tell this story now? :
He said that in this previous movie (La Raison d’Etat), he showed how politicians were so far away from the people they were supposed to represent. This idea stayed with him, and he started to look if there was a time when politicians were, instead, very close, very linked to the people, and that’s why he started to explore the Revolution.
@silver-whistle: what is he doing with our dear Maxime? :
The movie was pretty neutral about him, as with all the rest of the “big ones”. As I said, the main character here is the people. For example, Camille has just one line. We get to see Robespierre delivering 2 speeches, the first one at his debut, getting talked over and bashed, and a second one 3 years later, now a powerful and respected orator, in a silent room. We also see him starring eerily at the public when he isn’t speaking and writing alone in his bedroom. But I feel like he is going to be much more prominent in the next movie. He doesn’t appear as a bad man, nor an especially good man. Just a man, in the end.
For the rest of our beloved deputies: Danton and Camille both have little screen time, Marat is ON FIRE, Saint-Just (pronouced “Saint-Ju”, kill me) is very strong willed, but also not portrayed in a bad light, and you also see Pétion, Barnave and Momoro.
Hope you liked it, g’night, Citoyens!
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boireuncoup · 5 years
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oui-bo · 2 months
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ma-demoiselle-mocn · 6 years
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I've just seen the movie. It's not an epic movie. It's a historical timeline starting from H to S and structured by frames. The director emphasized the pov of the commoners and you get to see them in their daily life struggles. Ordinary people who want better living conditions. Marie Antoinette is seen only a couple of times and she has no lines. The flight to Varennes is not shown, the family's return is. Louis'trial is absent but you see them debating and voting. And delivering their punishment.
Most historical characters have few lines. Louis XVI may have about 4 or 5 scenes, as far as I remember. But they are brilliant. The King is split in two. He is torn between his wish to please his people, but it means betrayal of his ancestry. The weight of his heritage is overwhelming.
I have enjoyed the acting. Sometimes the connection between frames is difficult. There are big time jumps. It alters the emotional impact, if there is one, to say the least. It may seem incomplete. You might want to see more.
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The Minister
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The Minister    [trailer]
The Transport Minister is awoken in the middle of the night by his head of staff. A bus has gone off the road into a gully. He has no choice but to go to the scene of the accident. Thus begins the odyssey of a politician in a world that is increasingly more complex and hostile.
A gripping watch. I have no detailed understanding of how politics are made in France. But taking into account the little I know, this feels very real. At least when dramatised for a movie.
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empressofkalumina · 4 years
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 by Sascha Heintze for Les Inrockuptibles
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lanterne · 2 years
Do you have any good frev movie recommendations ? Especially ones that cover the entire thing [eg 1789-1799]
I'm not sure if anyone has made a movie that covered it up to 1799, but La Revolution Française (1989) dir. Robert Enrico was made during the frev bicentenary with the intention of being a movie textbook. It has two parts: Les Annés Lumiéres and Les Annés Terribles. It ends with thermidor, the reactionary bias really shows and it seems like they fired the serious historians for the second one lmao, but it's worth to watch just for fun (and robespierre is a walking meme in this just saying). The movie is in French on youtube but i know it’s dubbed somewhere.
My favorite tho, is La Terreur et la Vertu (1964) dir. Stellio Lorenzi, also in two parts (Danton and Robespierre), which covers from the war against factions to thermidor. It's fairly accurate and it has my favorite depictions of both Danton and Robespierre, they're exactly like i imagine them! You can find it on youtube in french with no subs tho, so not very accesible :')
Another one is Un Peuple et son Roi (2017) dir. Pierre Schoeller (One Nation One King) which covers from the storming of the Bastille to Louis XVI’s execution. It's interesting because it shows the perspective of common people and not so much the historical figures. The film is edited in a way that it's confusing if you don't know the sequence of events so keep that in mind. It's a beautiful film tho, and the revolutionaries themselves are great when they show up. It’s available for streaming but that might depend on where you live.
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bailey41 · 5 years
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Adéle Haenel Un peuple et son Roi (Pierre Schoeller, 2018)
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