maddmuses · 4 years
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“Oh... Uh... My bad.”
He’d decided that it was probably better to accept this as the way his trying to get her attention had been taken, rather than the similarly embarrassing ‘tried for the shoulder but managed to be off by about six inches’.
Holding up a small notebook, Josuke explained, “I just noticed you dropped this about half a block back, and figured you’d might need it, since you’re in a school uniform, too, and everything.”
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onlyhorn · 4 years
Running into lost children was quite common where she comes from - at least it is whenever she takes a stop at the nearby city for acquire some ingredients or re-stock on some supplies. At this particular interval she finds herself face to face with someone who appears to be a child but is clearly much much more than that.
Most people appear to be ignoring her, meanwhile she appears to be struggling to find her way around the town, as if all of it were completely unfamiliar to her.
Holding the bag of appas in her hands, she had to debate with herself whether or not it’d be wise to help this girl or return to her duties. In the end - she chooses the girl over her duties - but she’ll punish herself for that later.
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“ Pardon me... “
She moves towards her, looking her in the eyes, only bending down to be at eye level with her.
“ You appear lost.. do you need help? “
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
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      From the reference photo that was given to her, she was able to finish this one up. She hopes it looks cool enough! She will probably mail this to him, or work up the courage to hand it over. She is feeling a little brave about it nowadays, actually.
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floraprin · 4 years
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      ❝ hello, karamatsu-kun. ❞ she greets with a smile. she scoots over on the bench at the bar, making room for him.  ❝ would you like to join me for a drink ? ❞ she asks, an invitation for him to sit with her.  she always enjoyed his company, plus sharing a drink was a real bonding opportunity !
                          @pinafcl​​​​ / starter call !
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lordofevildreams-a · 4 years
@pinafcl​ replied to your post “      “The girls from Helltaker are really fucking hot. Not gonna...”
-stares in tired demon-
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      “And you’re my favorite one~.”
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spidercato · 4 years
Starter for @pinafcl​
It had been a long day and to say that Little Cato was exhausted would be an understatement. Despite that, he knew there was no chance of him sleeping well tonight. Not after the events of the past few months or so. He finally had his father back though! That was something to be grateful for, right? 
He leaned back in his bunk above Fox’s and sighed, tail twitching restlessly as he tried to calm his mind. Gary was safe and his father was safe. The two most important people in his life were okay. So why was he still freaking out? With a heavy sigh, he swung his feet over the edge of the bed and hopped down, trudging out the door with a small nod to his half asleep roommate. Maybe if he just went to check on his father, he could reassure himself that all was fine and that he didn’t need to be so needlessly worried. 
He quietly made his way down the darkened hall, ears perked for any sign of movement from the others aboard the ship. Everyone was most likely asleep right now, with the exception of him of course. He finally arrived at the door to his father’s room only to hesitate, hand raised to open it or knock. His ears pulled back and his eyes averted, suddenly nervous.
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He was being childish, going to his father in the middle of the night just to get reassurance. He was fifteen for goodness sakes! But soon his tired, worried mind got the best of him and he pressed the button on the side of the wall to open the door. He only hoped that he father was not awake. 
Or perhaps he did hope his father was awake. Ugh, why was all of this so hard?
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silvercharict · 4 years
pinafcl replied to your post “              ❝ Is it such a crime to say that thick thighs saves...”
"Your thighs may be thick but you have the squarest ass I have ever seen." ��_��
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❝ What the fuck??? Why are you staring at my ass for?❞
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goddessofpathos · 4 years
Closed started for pinafcl
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“...” Marie did not recognize the world she’s in, though one thing is for certain.
It ain’t her world. She can feel that much. “How did I even get here...stupid fog...” she mumbled angrily to herself. “I guess I better find a town and-?”
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“What the...?” She spots a girl in long blue hair and a short dress, running away from a giant frog. “...Well, that’s...definitely new to me.” she scratches her cheek “I should...help this girl first.” she takes a deep breath “Yo lady! Over here! Come over here!”
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viviskull · 4 years
pinafcl replied to your post “((I’m almost considering doing an Among Us AU for vivi….))”
(( Now I kina want to do one for Lewis :^V ))
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((If you do
                                Vivi could use a space buddy,,,,,))
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coollyinterferes · 4 years
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mutuals send me a 🍓 and i’ll compliment you! 【accepting】 @pinafcl​
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//I gotta say that I love your sense of humor and all the cursed memes and edits you make! They never fail to crack me up whenever I get the chance to see them gracing my dash dfdgdgfHGJHK Rp wise, I really love your portrayals of your muses!! I haven’t interacted with your Abba, but I love what I’ve seen from him so far!! And what can I say about your Joseph??? He’s just a handful, like every Joseph muse should!! And i live for that. Like I was saying just a little earlier, I honestly dig that sort of stuff, and all the chaos that usually ensues every time there’s something going on involving the triplets verse and Jovan and Joseph just giving shit to each other and causing mischief fdgfghgjhk. As for interactions between our muses, I can say I absolutely love those we’ve had so far! Joseph+Speedwagon contents are seriously some of my fave things ever, so I’m genuinely grateful to be able to have some amazing and talented partners like you to write some of that good stuff with!!! Really, thank you so much for giving me and my muse that opportunity to write and interact with you!
Ooc, like I mentioned earlier, I’m an anxious mess p much 24/7, so I struggle lots when it comes to reaching out and talking to my partners, but the few times we talked I could easily tell that you’re such a cool and fun person!! And, before I forget: Even if I don’t always get the chance to see or Like them cause i tend to miss stuff from the dash v often, your arts and your art style as a whole are lovely and so unique??? :O
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usfv-archived · 4 years
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pinafcl said: ✢✡❋✦❇♥ <:3c
Send me a symbol for how you feel - accepting!
✢ I like your characters
✡ I agree on all your headcanons
❋ Your blog is one of my favs
✦ I like seeing you on my dash
❇ I love the way you write
♥ <:3c
. Oh heckie thank you so much for sending me such nice symbols, Pineapple! SOBS. I really enjoy seeing you on my dash too! You seem like so much fun to interact with. Your Joseph posts give me life hahaha I hope we can interact sometime !!! <3 
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nvllificatixn · 4 years
@pinafcl​ || Previous
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“ Someone stole the yogurts that were in the lounge. ” The comment arrived as a mere observational tone, holding no accusation as there was nothing that could be done to retrieve the snacks. Dry eyes glanced towards Hizashi, taking a moment to think over the question before answering. “ Somewhere within walking distance. ”
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floraprin · 4 years
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        ❝ well, why else would i be asking ? ❞ she gives him a little smile as they walk together. slyly, she wraps her arms around his and resting her head on his shoulder. the cologne he wore was more prominent at this angle.  ❝ and what if i’m saying that your wish could come true ? ❞ she laughs lightly, pulling away a big as her hand falls to hold him on the wrist.  ❝ i like spending time with you. ❞
                          @pinafcl​​ / continue !
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
| Moved from Here| 
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Did he say egg  sandwich ? Raven took one and looked it over and took a small sniff before she placed it back on the plate, “Yeah, that smells old and out dated, “ Taking it back on her hands and threw it in the trash, “Never heard of egg sandwiches before, are they fresh?”
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jojoingjoseph · 4 years
pinafcl replied to your post “Tunes up a banjo and starts singing ★ “ I’ve...”
"Where the fuck did you get a banjo???" :^
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★ “ I found it~ ”
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karaktcrs · 4 years
pinafcl replied to your post:
-holds out my Joe-
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It is time for your local goof to cling onto his twin. He’s not planning on letting go. Ever.
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