#Pineapple Juniors
taxi-davis · 1 year
SAINT PEPSI - Pineapple Juniors
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STOP wilma and digby have a pride flag!!! like OF COURSE they do but 🥺 god it’s just so fucking nice to see. i love this show. i love these people. i love this (One (1)) company.
also let it be known that wilma and digby are not allies they are absolutely queer and that is THEIR pride flag for THEM
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everytobito · 11 months
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murderousink23 · 5 months
04/20/2024 is World Circus Day 🎪🌎, National Lima Bean Respect Day 🇺🇸, National Pineapple Upside Down Cake 🍍🇺🇸, Weed Day 🇺🇸, National Record Store Day 🇺🇸, National Junior Ranger Day 🇺🇸, Record Store Day 🇬🇧, Chinese Language Day 🇺🇳
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dreamwatch · 2 months
Turn The Page
Written for @corrodedcoffinfest
Day #30 - Prompt: Fame and Fortune | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: implied alcoholism | POV: Steve | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: mild angst with a happy ending, future fic, they’re in love your honour, Eddie’s over it
Again, another iPad entry so hopefully no typos but… who knows!
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The moment Eddie gets off the stage Steve knows something is wrong.
The twenty-first had been hard, a day of press, of meet and greets, of things Steve asked Eddie to cancel. ‘It’s easier to just do it’; it’s not though. It never fucking is. The press and the fans get a Diet Eddie, and Steve ends up with an angry drunk in his bedroom. But they power through it. They always do.
 Steve goes to special shows now, wouldn’t have come to this one but it’s the twenty-seventh, and what’s more special than knowing your boyfriend is still alive?
Eddie practically throws his guitar at his tech as he rushes off stage, rushing past everyone, Steve included.
“Eddie?” he calls out.
The rest of the band get off the stage. “Eddie!” Jeff shouts from behind him. “The encore!”
But he’s gone, down the labyrinth of hallways, the crowd still cheering for more.
He doesn’t shower, doesn’t grab his shit from the dressing room, just walks out of the back of the venue to their car,  Steve running behind him. The car isn’t ready, they’re not expecting him for another thirty minutes at least, and it’s a confused mess of security and crew, frantic radio messages.
“Eddie, what the fuck is going on?” Steve asks, taking him by the elbow. He gets a tight head shake as a reply.
The car ride is silent, the smell of cooling sweat blending with the air con blowing full blast at them, and when they get to their hotel room, Eddie heads straight to the phone.
“Hi, can I get room service to the Junior Suite?”
Steve just gawps, he feels like he’s losing his fucking mind.
 “Uh… can I get… do you have pineapple? I’d really like some pineapple actually. And a bottle of champagne… whatever you think is best, oh and hold on,” he says covering the mouthpiece with his hand. “Do you want anything?” 
He sounds manic, so off, so not his usual self. Wild in a crazed way, and it’s scaring Steve. He stands in the entranceway, mouth hanging open.
“Yeah, I want to know what the fuck is going on?”
Eddie blinks.
“And a cheese burger and fries.”
He hangs up and finally peels his t-shirt off, letting it drop to the floor as he walks to the bathroom to shower. The phone keeps ringing, Jeff asking what the hell is going on, their manager, Phil, screaming at him. Eddie wanders in, towel around his waist, another wrapped around his hair. He doesn’t even stop to ask who Steve’s talking to, just gently takes the handset from his hands, places it back on the phone.
The room service arrives and Eddie leads Steve to the dining table, tells him to sit and eat, and then he takes a huge piece of pineapple with him to the bed.
The phone rings again, and this time Eddie rips the cord from the wall.
“Ed, you have got to talk to me.”
“I will. Just let me eat this first. Eat your burger.” 
As if he could.
Eddie sits on the edge of the bed half naked, eating pineapple. Steve’s watched them trash rooms before, true idiot behaviour, but this is probably the weirdest fucking thing he’s ever seen.
There’s banging on the door, Steve can hear Gareth’s voice, then Phil’s again, it’s after midnight now. Eventually they go away.
“You know,” Eddie says breaking the silence. “I don’t think I’ve enjoyed anything in the last few years as much as I enjoyed that fucking pineapple.” He frowns at the half eaten fruit platter, like he’s trying to solve a math problem. 
Steve crouches in down in front of him, his hands gripping Eddie’s knees.
“Bambi, please, what the fuck is going on? I mean, do I need to call a doctor here…? You’re scaring me.”
Eddie looks at him like he’s water on a hot day. 
“What if I said let’s run away? I’ll quit the band, we’ll buy a ranch or a farm. Get out of LA.” His eyes meet Steve’s properly for the first time since he got off stage. “What would you say?”
“I’d say give me ten minutes to pack.”
“Really. Where’s this coming from?”
“I died twenty years ago. And I got a second chance and I took it, you know. We’ve done amazing things. But it’s not fun anymore. It hasn’t been fun for a long time. And life’s too short for that, it’s too short for me to waste it being miserable. And I am. I’m a thing, I’m a commodity. I go where I’m told, I turn up, do my thing. I don’t remember the names of the towns I’m in, I always thought that was a joke you know? It’s not. It’s real.” He laughs, but it’s shallow, his eyes flat. “Who fucking knew?”
Steve gets off the floor and sits beside Eddie on the bed. “Are you serious?”
Eddie doesn’t answer straight away, but when he eventually looks at Steve he nods, and for the first time that day, Steve realises, he smiles. “Yeah. Yeah I’m serious.”
“I hate that you felt this way and didn’t tell me.”
Eddie takes his hand, threads his fingers through, locking them together.
“I didn’t want to worry you.”
This stupid, beautiful man. His everything. His life.
“And the band?”
Eddie shrugs. “They’ll be fine. They’ll get another guitarist no problem. People would kill to join them.”
Steve reaches for Eddie, lays his palm against his cheek, trails his thumb along the silvery thread that runs all the way to his throat, a memory woven on his face. It scares him how close they were to not having this, hits him sometimes out of nowhere. He leans in, his lips meeting Eddie’s, tastes pineapple, tastes home. He wouldn’t deny this man a single thing.
“Alright then,” says Steve says, breaking the kiss with a smile. “I guess we’re going shopping for a ranch.”
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Towards the end of the Rise movie, when the Hamato Clan are eating pizza together Donnie looks kind of annoyed by the pizza available while Leo looks sort of enthusiastic
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Which sort of reminded me of how I have kind of seen some people wonder if ham & pineapple is Donnie’s least favourite pizza while also possibly being one of Leo’s favourites based off of a line from the episode, The Hidden City Job when Leo is trying to get Donnie an apology pizza.
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Leo: Donnie considers pineapple & ham incompatible 
If Leo likes ham & pineapple pizza while Donnie dislikes it then Donnie might be looking slightly annoyed at the pizza’s at the end of the movie due to them being ham & pineapple pizza’s.
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The Hamato Clan might have possibly brought different types of pizzas but if some of the pizza’s they were eating at the end of the movie were ham & pineapple then there’s a chance that ham & pineapple was the first pizza Casey Junior tried.
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hussyknee · 1 year
I'm so fucking mad.
Yesterday I took 50mg of Atomoxetine (Strattera) out of sheer frustration instead of my prescribed 30mg which was doing nothing.
And then...I was like "get up" and I would get up. "Go find the electricity bill" and went and found the electricity bill. "Sort through all the mail and organise it" and just. Fucking. Did it. No getting stuck for half an hour and spiralling in anxiety because my executive commands weren't going through.
I went to the hospital and begged those fuckers to increase my dosage and spent half an hour trying to convince them that this is clearly my ADHD symptoms being exacerbated by anxiety that's fucking me up. They refused, said "Oh, but anyone would find it difficult to function in your situation", and increased my Venlafaxine (Effexor) instead, although that fuckin plateaus any further than the dosage I already take. My primary doc knows this, but I have better luck catching Bigfoot than her at NHSL anymore so I keep having to tussle with the junior dipshits.
Granted I seem to have overshot a bit, because I spent a while vibrating into the fifth dimension. Felt like I'd had six cups of coffee and needed to do three things at once. Perhaps I should have attempted 40mg first. But 50mg very much did catapult me out of this neverending rut.
WEEKS OF BEING TRAPPED BY THE STATIC IN MY BRAIN LIKE A ROOMBA ON A RUG. I couldn't get out of bed, eat on time, shower, make my bed, do my laundry, go to bed. The simplest fucking tasks like pushing a boulder uphill with a stick. Sitting on the bed doomscrolling and tearing the soles of my feet into strips so bloody that it hurt to walk. I don't pick at my feet anymore! Didn't even realize I hadn't until the end of yesterday. This is the first time I've stopped in months. I stock up on band-aids and keep them next to my bed because I usually bleed in about three places within a day. And I pick the scabs off the still-healing wounds. All stopped by 20mg more of Strattera!!!
In other medication fuckery, I stopped the anti-inflammatory meds I was taking for my back because 1) the total cost of my meds was getting insane and 2) I haven't been in pain the last two months. I looked up whether there were side effects for long-term use of NSAIDs and found that using any of them with Venlafaxine increases the chance of gastrointestinal bleeding?? The way I've been having all this time?? Was my rheumatologist ever gonna tell me?? I'm just so used to flares, so fogged in my head and so relatively pain-free that I didn't especially note it. Turns out– the only reason I haven't been in pain is because I was taking the fucking anti-inflammatories. Imagine that! So I can either take Venlafaxine (which I cherish like a child regardless of the wrath-of-God withdrawal any time I miss a single dose) or I can take NSAIDs??
*googles anti-inflammatory meds other than NSAIDs*
Internet: "eat pineapple idk. have you tried tumeric?"
I hate my life.
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hachikos-archive · 2 years
A guide to Atarashii Gakko!
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Atarashii Gakko is a Japanese girl group formed in 2015. In 2017, they signed with Victor entertainment for a Japanese debut, with the song Dokubana. They made their worldwide debut in January 2021 with 88rising with their song NAINAINAI. There are four members, Mizyu (24), Rin (21), Suzuka (21) and Kanon (21).
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Mizyu is not only the oldest, but she is also the leader. She was born in Tokyo, is 4'11 and is a Capricorn. Her role is kawaii-but-fierce. When she was a child she was a model, she was also in not only a dance group called ABC under DSK, but she was also a Kyary Kid ( backup dancer for Kyary Pamyu Pamyu)!
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Next is Rin. She is 5', a Virgo and she was born in Saitama. Her role is funky. She was a 1st generation model at DSK, and she was a junior model at DANSTREET in 2014. Mizyu and Kanon think she will be the first member to get married, and apparently she cooks rice when she is in a bad mood.
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Third is Suzuka. She is the tallest member by 14cm, she stands at 5'6. She is a Sagittarius, and was born in Osaka. Her role is wildcard. She has two older sisters. One of them, Sakika, was a founding member and vocalist in GIRLFRIEND (disbanded in 2021). Her other sister Momoka works on the media team for the website TABI LABO. All three sisters have attended Caless Vocal and Dance School Osaka.
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Lastly is Kanon. She is the youngest member, she is a Capricorn, like Mizyu. She is 5' and was born in Gunma. Her role is graceful. Her highest score was 100% and her lowest ever score was 60%! She goes to meet with her friends when she is in a bad mood. She can also run 50m in 8 seconds.
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They have two albums, Maenarawanai (2018) and Wakage Ga Itaru (2019). They also have 18 singles: Dokubana (2017), Kimiwaina'17 (2017), Koinosyadanki feat H ZETTRIO (2018), Saisyu Jinrui(2018), Ookami No Uta (2018), Mayoeba Toutoshi (2018), Koi Geba (2019), OTONABLUE (2020), Quesera sera (2020), KOIBUMI (2020), NAINAINAI (2021), Freaks (2021), Pineapple Kyrptonite (2021), SNACKTIME (2021), Free your mind (2022), WOO! GO! (2022), HANAKO (2022) and their latest The Edge (2023). My favorite songs right now are Koi Geba, WOO! GO!, OTONABLUE, Fantastico and NAINAINAI!
I hope you have enjoyed this guide!
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catlover-dead-inside · 7 months
Well, that's how my Yuu/MC looks like
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His profile:
Name: Yudan Sawer
Grade/Class: Freshman/Class A (No.13) in his word he was an year early junior/3° year
Birthday: 20 december
Age: 17
Height: 155 cm
Dominant hand: left
Homeland: ?????
Club: none
Best subject: History
Hobbies: Watching movies/series
Pet Peeves: Loud voices/Children
Favorite food: Chicken Shepherd's Pie
Least favorite food: Pineapples with shrimp
Talents: Drawing
He came from another word. He's not open to new friendships and having often a skittish cat behavior. He often tries to push away anyone wanting to approach and tries to believe he'll go home soon, but those who come close enough say he's a grumpy sweetie. He's also not hesitating on face someone bigger than him and fight back
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taxi-davis · 2 years
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disneytva · 10 months
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Disney Europe Animation Secretly Announces New Serialized Animated Comedy "ENKI" Manchester Animation Festival
Disney Europe Middle-East and Africa CEO Orion Ross was part of Manchester Animation Festival, the panel featured a showcase of their upcoming slate "Dragon Striker","The Doomies","The Sunnyridge 3" and Disney Junior "Magicampers".
One of the NDA projects is "ENKI" which audiences have described it as "absolutely beautiful - we love those giant purple pineapples!", probably will hear more about it on Annecy Film Festival 2024.
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blkgirlsreadfanfic2 · 4 months
CHAPTER ONE: The Vanishing of Will Byers
series masterlist chapter warnings: potentially inaccurate 80s references steve harrington x sinclair!oc
“Thanks, doll.” Jaz said, handing the pre-pubescent pizza boy a $20 bill.
“No problem.” He replied, walking back to his bike.
Jasmine Sinclair closed the door to her parents’ home in Hawkins, Indiana. 15-years-old and the oldest child of Charles and Sue Sinclair, Jasmine (or “Jaz”), carried herself with confidence. Her brown curly hair was pulled into a pineapple updo, and her tattered AC/DC shirt fell loosely over her shoulder. It was a Tuesday night, and while her brother Lucas was playing D&D at Mike Wheeler’s house, she was hosting band practice with two of her best friends, Amelia Rose and Katherine Brown.
“Was he cute?” a voice called from the kitchen.
Jasmine rolled her eyes as she set the pepperoni pizza down on the counter. The voice belonged to Amelia (or “Lia”); Lia’s orange hair glowed in the pale-yellow light of the Sinclair kitchen. Her hazel eyes gleamed with mischief and 12 freckles were grouped along her nose and cheeks.
“He was like 13, Lia. Way too young for you.”
“Hey, I was asking for Kat.” Lia defended.
“If he’s 13 then he’s definitely too young for me.” Kat said.
Katherine Brown was the oldest of the trio, a junior in high school and the unofficial leader. She popped open a Coke bottle on the kitchen counter, her perfectly manicured nails catching in the light. She had wavy black hair that came down to her shoulders and jet black eyes that often seemed to gaze into the depths of your very soul. It was fitting, she was also the most observant of the group.
The three girls had met during Lia and Jaz’s freshman year and Kat’s sophomore year. The three of them tried out for the school’s band but were told that their instruments were not needed. Frustrated over their rejection, the trio decided to start their own rock band. They named it the Bikini Roses which, in retrospect, probably wasn’t the best name they could have come up with. However, they had become attached to the name and used it when applying for gigs at the few clubs that would allow them in. Band practices were frequent in the beginning of the school year; the time where the summer air still lingered and teachers were more concerned with get-to-know you questions than whether or not your paper followed MLA format.
Jaz grabbed a paper plate from the stack and grabbed a slice of pizza, sitting on the stool next to Lia.
“Hey, what time was Lucas supposed to be home?” Kat asked.
“Like an hour ago. He never finishes on time though, I’ll call in the next 30 minutes.” Jaz answered.
In reality, Jaz would have been happier if Lucas just slept at Mike’s. She loved her little brother with all her heart, but his D&D nights meant she could have longer band practices with Lia and Kat. Erica was a heavy sleeper, so she was never bothered by the loud sounds of drums smashing in the garage. The band was Jaz’s ticket out of Hawkins for good, and the better they sounded, the better their chances of being famous.
“We should probably get going, Kat. My mom wants me home early tonight.” Lia said.
Kat nods and chugs the last of her Coke, placing the bottle down on the counter and wiping her mouth off. Kat and Lia finished their slices of pizza and exchanged hugs with Jaz. Once she head Kat’s car pull out of the driveway, Jaz made her way over to the phone, dialing the number to the Wheeler’s house. The line rang for a few seconds before Karen Wheeler’s voice was heard through the speaker.
“Wheeler residence.”
“Hey Mrs. Wheeler, it’s Jasmine. Is Lucas still there?” Jaz asked, using her best “talking to someone’s mom” voice.
“Yes, the boys are still downstairs. Do you want me to put him on the phone?”
“No, it’s all right. Can you just tell him that he needs to start making his way home?”
“Of course, Jasmine. Say hello to your mother for me.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Jaz hung up the receiver and began putting the pizza away, making sure the paper plates and napkins were stored properly. She closed the garage, made sure the porch lights were turned on, and grabbed her song book before settling down on the couch and turning the channel to MTV. They were still playing Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” music video. After about 20 minutes of waiting, the front door clicked and Lucas came into the house.
“Hey, Lucas.” Jaz greeted. “There’s pizza in the fridge if you’re hungry.”
“I’m okay.” Lucas told her, grabbing some water from the sink instead.
Jaz knew that Lucas had gone to bed after she heard a clink in the sink and the creak of the stairs as Lucas walked to his room. She got up and turned off the lights inside the house before turning in for the night.
the next morning…
“Jaz! Kat and Lia are here!”
Jaz jumped down the steps two at a time after her mother’s shouts. She kissed her parents on the cheek and jumped in the backseat of Kat’s Toyota Corolla. Lia reached back and handed Jaz a donut, and the trio began the drive to Hawkins High. Once they got there, the three separated and went off to their respective lockers then first period classes. Jaz’s first period was English, one of her favorite classes. Mrs. Jefferson was sweet; she picked interesting books for the class and allowed her students to choose almost any topic for their papers. English was also Jaz’s favorite because it was one of the few times she got to see her best friend - Jonathan Byers.
Jaz and Jonathan met at a thrift store in the city when they were in the eighth grade. With her birthday money in a small green wallet, Jaz wandered between the aisles before finding what she was looking for: cameras. She stared at the assortment of cameras, sticking to the used ones that cost $150 or less. As she was searching, a gangly boy with brown shaggy hair approached her.
“Um…hi.” He said, rocking back and forth on his heels with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
“Hi?” Jaz answered, unsure of his intentions.
“Are you new? To photography, I mean.”
“Yeah…I don’t know which camera to get.”
He looked at the cameras on the shelf before picking one up and inspecting it.
“This is a Chinon CE4. It’s uh…it’s pretty banged up but it should still work.”
“How much is it?”
The boy checked the tag before handing Jaz the camera. “It’s $120.”
“Cool.” Jax looked at the black-and-silver camera, turning it over in her hands. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
Jaz and the boy awkwardly stared at each other for a bit before she spoke again.
“What’s your name?”
“Jonathan. What’s yours?”
“Well um…I was gonna go…check out the cassettes section.”
“What are you looking for?”
“The new Phil Collins album.”
“Oh my gosh, I love it! My parents got it for my birthday but on vinyl.”
“Wanna help me look for it?”
Jaz smiled and nodded, following Jonathan to the music section. They looked around for 15 minutes, coming up empty.
“Sorry we didn’t find it, Jonathan.” Jaz apologized, feeling bad for her newfound friend.
“It’s okay, Jasmine. I can come back next month.”
“Well…do you live near Hawkins?” Jaz asked nervously.
“I actually live in Hawkins!” Jonathan answered excitedly.
“You can borrow my vinyl, you just gotta promise to bring it back.”
Jaz extended her pinky and Jonathan wrapped his around hers. The two of them smiled as Jaz walked to the register and Jonathan walked back to his mother’s car. As the years went by, their shared love of rock music and photography caused them to grow even closer.
As Jaz took her seat, she noticed that Jonathan was missing. Odd…he was always insanely early to English class. Jaz didn’t have a chance to think on it much though; Mrs. Jefferson was about to start class. The rest of school went by in a similar manner. Even in her classes with Kat and Lia, Jaz noticed Jonathan’s absence more and more. He wasn’t a straight-A student, but it wasn’t like him to skip all of his classes - unless something was going on. Once the final bell rang, Jaz made a beeline for Hawkins Middle, searching for her brother. She found him getting on his bike alongside his friends Mike and Dustin. Oddly enough, Will Byers was also missing.
“Lucas!” She called as she rushed across the parking lot.
“Yeah, Jasmine?”
“You seen Will or Jonathan?”
Lucas opens his mouth to give some excuse, but his face gives it all away. Something is wrong.
“Lucas, where’s Will?”
“Will is missing.”
The words bounce around in Jasmine’s head, the weight of them unbearable.
“Go straight home, you hear me?” She tells Lucas, not waiting for him to respond as she runs back to the high school.
She finds Lia in the parking lot, talking to some of the D&D kids by her car.
“Lia! Lia!”
“Yeah Jaz?” She asks, pausing mid-conversation.
Jaz takes a second to catch her breath before continuing. “Can you give me a ride to Jonathan’s?”
“Yeah sure.” Lia turns back to who she was talking to. “I’ll find you at the Hideout later, Eddie.”
“’K.” Eddie Munson replies, shoving his hands into his pockets. “See you around Lia. Bye Jasmine.”
“Bye.” Jaz said. She watches as he walks off, turning back to Lia after he disappeared behind the building.
“You can’t be serious.” Lia scoffs, rolling her eyes at Jaz.
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re not still harboring a crush on Munson?”
“I never had a crush on him.”
“I saw diary entries that would beg to differ.”
“It’s whatever. He’s like 80.”
“More like 19. Come on, let’s go.”
Jaz rolls her eyes and gets in the passenger seat of the car. Lia starts the car and the two of them begin the drive to the Byers’ house.
later that night…
After arriving at the Byers’ residence, Jonathan and Joyce catch Jaz up on the situation. They tell her how Will had been missing since the night before and how the chief had found his bicycle on the side of the road. After a bit of time, Jaz and Jonathan agreed to get some pizza for dinner. They got in the car and Jonathan began driving.
“So how are you really feeling, J?”
“I dunno…I feel like it’s my fault. I should’ve been there for when he got home; I shouldn’t have taken that extra shift.”
Jaz places a hand on Jonathan’s arm. “It’s not your fault. There’s no way you could have-”
“If Lucas had gone missing that night and you weren’t home, how would you feel?” Jonathan snapped.
Jaz sighed. “Probably the same as you.”
Jaz crossed her arms and looked out the window, unsure of how to continue. After a bit of time, she spoke up.
“So…Joyce mentioned a phone call? Are you sure it was Will?”
Jonathan visibly tensed at the question. Backtracking, Jaz said, “We don’t have to talk about it if-”
“No, it’s fine. She said she heard breathing, and she’s sure it was Will.”
“You don’t sound so sure.”
“Well I didn’t hear it. And how could she know? I mean, it’s just breathing. How does she know Will’s?”
“She’s a mom, Jon. She knows her son’s breathing, the same way she would know your scream or your voice.”
Jonathan goes silent for a moment before speaking up again. “Maybe you’re right. But I don’t know, she just seems…out of it.”
“Well her son is missing. She’s allowed to be a little out of it.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Jaz gives him a small smile and places a hand on his knee. “Hey, I’m sure he’ll turn up soon. I made Lia and Kat join the search party.”
“Thanks JJ.”
“Anytime Jon.”
Jonathan grabs Jaz’s hand as he continues driving. It’s moments like these where the pair are grateful for each other. They’ve been there for all the big milestones - good and bad. Jonathan would always have Jasmine, and Jasmine would always have Jonathan. No matter what happens, they’ll always have each other.
i hope you all enjoyed! this is my first time trying to make a series like this, so I hope this worked! - z
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
My top ten of Pat's shirts (revised)
10. Cheney/Kennedy - ep 1
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This shirt is fabulous on two levels - one being how ridiculous it is and the other being the subtle foreshadowing of Pat getting shot later in the series, and not actually drowning which we were afraid the conversation on the beach in ep 6 might have been suggesting. It's both loud and subtle but that's what makes it so great.
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9. Elephants - ep 11
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The beauty of this shirt is that it's so simple. 'An elephant never forgets'. A lot of episode 11 is about Pat and Pran running away from their lives -> forgetting about their families, the lies they discovered, and the fear for their relationship once they go back. Pat also slowly realises that Pran is, and will always be, unable to forget his parents despite Pran being there for Pat and allowing Pat this moment of fantasy. They also both spend much of the time at the beach not talking about any of this, avoiding the subject - i.e. the 'elephant in the room' - instead distracting themselves with other things.
A bonus with this shirt is that whilst Pat is wearing it, Junior has a t-shirt which connects back to the next shirt in this list, 'California'.
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8. California - ep 10
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Another seemingly ridiculous shirt actually has a deeper interpretation. The slogan on the shirt is for a German drug store (we later see Pat and Pran get caught by Pat's parents in a supermarket) and refers to a famous quote from a monologue Faust makes on a walk about the beauty of nature and how he can only truly be himself there, where no one is around. This could be foreshadowing ep 11 where Pat and Pran run away to the beach, to nature, to somewhere where they can truly be themselves and where no one else around knows them. Some people have wondered why “California” was used instead of the name of the store, “DM”, well maybe it's because it connects to Junior’s “Malibu Beach California” t-shirt worn at the beach in ep 11.
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7. Your man? - ep 7
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This one is wonderful for how blatant it is. Not only is Pat wearing his own blue underneath Pran's rich burgundy red - in a direct reversal and development of the Picasso-esque t-shirt (at no. 5 in this list) with a splodge of red over the heart, which Pat wore under a blue shirt when he realised his feelings for Pran in ep 5 - but the only two words visible on the shirt are "YOUR MAN?" Pat wears this when he uses his audition to confess to Pran, thus losing the bet. He says to Pran - as Riam - "You asked if I wanted to be friends? What if my answer is no?" Essentially, he's asking, "Am I/can I be your man?"
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6. Baseball Mom - ep 5
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Like with the Cheney/Kennedy shirt, this one is fabulous for how ridiculous it is but also for the contrast it has to the poignancy of the scene. The deep red and blue of Pat's pants and top beautifully illustrate the depth of his feelings for Pran, and the fact that the word "Baseball" almost blends in with the blue behind it shows how close Pat and Pran are to becoming a couple, a union, themselves. The loudness of the "mom" in white, however, perhaps symbolises the obstacle they face in being open with their eventual relationship and a big reason why Pran left Pat alone.
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5. Picasso-esque print - ep 5
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This is the first of three shirts that Pat wears during ep 5 that has Pran's red over his heart, and more importantly he wears this one during his wonderful Oh moment about his feelings for Pran. The blue shirt (his own colour) that he wears over the top partially obscures the red and illustrates how his feelings for Pran existed under the surface but took a while to be revealed. Even here they weren't fully realised, out in the open. It was only after being jealous of Wai's closeness to Pran later in the ep that he really understood the hold Pran had on his heart, and then his feelings fully blossomed...much like the orange/red flower on the pineapple shirt during the later fight scene.
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4. Golden gate bridge - ep 9
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This shirt is incredible for many reasons: first it has Pran's red, Pat's own blue, and a bridge lit up with yellow lights (which I interpreted as symbolising their love and happiness). As a whole, this shirt illustrates how Pat becomes the bridge between the two faculties during the ep, and more importantly between Pran and Wai (I mean, he got himself shot because of Wai). Not only that, the bridge itself is an iconic image of the power of collaboration between architecture and engineering.
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3. Salome - ep 4
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As far as I can tell, the name 'Salome' and the Picasso painting don't originally belong together - so this fantastic shirt seems purposely designed, perhaps by the show's production team. The Picasso painting, Portrait of Sabartes, alludes to Pat being a 'faithful dog' who follows Pran around and sings his praises (Picasso and Sabartes were also lifelong friends and born in the same year). And 'Salome' alludes to Ink being the 'faen fatale' of the show, emphasised by Pat wearing this when it was implied that Ink might be a love interest for him, as well as Pat's repressed emotions and his gradual realisation of them. This post explains this incredible shirt in more detail.
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2. Proud to be a Noles Hater - ep 7
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Another shirt ridiculed by many but which upon a closer look proved to be incredible. The slogan symbolises the layered themes of rivalry and pride infused throughout the show - from their families and faculties to the play and each other, and is also a tongue-in-cheek joke of the fact that Pat and Pran are not the rivals they're made out to be (although they love a bit of competition). These themes are emphasised further by a few more t-shirts that Pat wears following this one, and which are explained in more detail here.
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1. Overlapping leaves - ep 4
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The sheer genius of this shirt is that it doesn't look like anything special at first glance. It's only when Ink's and Pran's coinciding tops are also taken into account that its brilliance shines...and to some extent the Salome shirt as well (since the colour also connects to Ink's top). The overlapping leaf design in the shirt has two colours - one a creamy mustard yellow and the other a light grey/blue. These are the two colours that Ink and Pran wear respectively in their scenes with Pat during the episode - indicating Pat's divided affections for them, with one fading and the other growing.
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This is an updated version of this post, remade for #BADBUDDYWEEK
Day 5, Favourite Dynamic: Me and all of Pat's shirts 💪🏼
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 9 months
Some nice things!
I'm also at work but haven't done anything except read my books (rereading the percy jackson series rn to prepare for the new show and started Gideon the Ninth) and hang out w my work bestie.
Saw one of my favorite drag queens perform the other day
Watching Fantasy High Sophomore Year w a friend tonight bc they need to catch up for junior year
Eating the best pineapple fried rice I've ever had for lunch
make sure to take a minute to also watch the new True Facts About Grant Anthony O'Brien tonight!
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sauntering-down · 3 months
had a dream i was back in seventh grade. i knew i wasn't supposed to be, but there i was, and i was so fucking happy about it i didn't even care that i was in gym class and the teacher said we'd be doing a 'fitness test' that involved running a mile. all of those i actually recall from junior high were done outside (it was like, 2.5 laps around that field as opposed to elementary, where it was four laps around the yard), but we were inside the gym which looked completely wrong and had to do twelve laps. in various directions, just to confuse me. anyway i was so delighted i just straight-up said "yeah, i'm gonna go to the back of the crowd here, i'm SUCH a slow runner i'll get in everyone's way otherwise!" Erin joined me... i don't even remember anymore if i met Erin in 7th or 8th grade. off we went, i was slow as shit, it sucked and i didn't even care. also had to keep dodging retail workers with racks of clothes???
eventually that suffering ended and we were sent to the locker rooms. i went in thinking 'hm, it's been more than twenty years, i have NO idea where my locker is, much less remember the combination to open it'. got distracted by this weird dressing room where Carrie called my name from one of the stalls, asked me to get something from her locker - she and a bunch of other girls were dressing for their ballet elective (which was not a thing IRL, and in fact in 7th grade the only 'elective' was choosing which music class to take) - and i had to be like "sorry, idek where my OWN locker is?!"
left the locker room and went out into the hall with Erin and some girl i kept calling Jamie but whose name was actually Nicole. the school beyond the gymnasium looked like a mall. there were a couple of kiosks right outside and Erin was going to buy some marzipan, but Jamie/Nicole said this other one had really good fresh cut-up fruit, and i was thinking 'hm, should TRY to eat a little tiny bit healthier this time around!' so i went with her even though i didn't have any money today. considered bringing some and snacking on pineapple tomorrow. spoke to some boy, almost left my tote bag behind when the bell rang, went back to get it from him (he'd put it over his shoulder like he was going to walk off with it)... and then i woke up.
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I recognize Jack… But what’s with the Melon & the Pineapple?
those are fruits from the tv show!
link ate the jello from the movie in an episode and her name was diane, but I took the name for the pineapple monster that dockroach & susan made in an attempt to replace the eaten jello
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ms melon is from frenemy mine
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I liked them enough to make as characters for a hypothetical mva show reboot in my head, and jack there is actually jack junior, cause dockroach and dr cutter (a character from the show as well) recreated the phenomenon from the halloween special as an experiment!
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