#Pirate utmv
ant1quarian · 27 days
Okay, presuming the rest of the bad sanses are there, where do they lie in this hierarchy? Since Nightmare isn't captain anymore, did he have to force them to adhere to Dust's authority?
Hehe. Okay! So!
The hierarchy goes a little bit like this:
Dust, Captain, sitting right at the "don't-fuck-with-him-or-you're-getting-tossed-overboard" part of the hierarchy.
Nightmare, the guy who seeked refuge on the most dangerous ship in existence.
Killer, though Dust hasn't picked anyone to be his First Mate or anything of the like, he's sitting back as Nightmare's right-hand-man.
Horror and Cross are both equal. Horror usually takes care of the food at the rations, and Cross is usually doing some sort of menial chore that isn't really necessary but he needs to be doing something with his hands.
The others were mostly forced into submission when Killer fucked around and almost found out just what Dust could do to him.
Safe to assume that, while gremlin Killer remains, he's a lot more careful about what he messes around with and what he doesn't touch.
Horror, Dust and Cross sort of just vibe together. Sometimes Horror will protest on things, telling Dust to stop at the next town because "goddamn it how do you not have food on this ship?"
Safe to assume Horror's forcing Dust to take care of himself better, even if he doesn't need any food or water. Or sleep.
Though Dust's past crew members protest that.
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dreemurr-skelememer · 3 months
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another dreamtale gin doodle bc i thought about him el oh el
also i don't think i ever posted the concept designs i made for him? these aren't final but i think they look good so here they are anyway
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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Commission for @radiantroach ♪ Thank you a lot for supporting me! (๑>◡<๑)♡
Sky & Mal (Underswap!Sans & Swapfell!Sans versions) by popatochisssp
Underswap by popcornpr1nce
Swapfell by kkhoppang
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kiokodoodles · 6 months
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Wow look! It's all colored and more characters have been added! ... And there's bound to be more
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shittyutmv · 7 months
is Ink sick after being in a washing machine for 8 months? if yes, can we offer him some soop? *soup in hand* <:^(
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filler ask ??? belongs to loverofpiggies
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caycanteven · 11 months
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“I don’t need two eyes to kill a man dead.”
First Mate to Captain Motti and has an eye—literally—at all times on her captain to ensure her back is never exposed too long.
Lex knew how dangerous and how cold Captain Nightmare of the Black Fiend was, but she didn’t hesitate to join Motti in chasing him down to reunite the two. Lex knew what losing a lover was like, so agreed to join in hopes to protect the pirate who had much to learn.
Loyalty is never bought when it comes to a good crew, after all, and Motti earned Lex’s with her determination and bravery. Though, Lex knew something was off about the pirate growing into her sea legs. Where she came from, she left it to the captain and never questioned it.
Everyone had pasts they were running from…
…and apparently ruthless pirate lovers they were sailing after.
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asteroiidx · 1 year
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you can tell i didnt wanna draw hands right now (its exam week spare me)
anyway!! pirate au with aster teehee - I'm a huge fan of one piece so mixing my two favorite things together is pure bliss
original au by @mega-punani
Bear's design by @the-skeleton-in-ur-closet
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westaysilly · 7 months
fight club scene doodle but add the blorbos to it
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i SWEAR to god when im saying that this movie is so them and everyobody should watch cuz HOLY FUCK like please p l e a s e im on my knees begging for u to watch it omg
scene screenshot under the cut
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ant1quarian · 28 days
Dynamic of pirate Nightmare and Dust. Now. /pos
LMAO, as you wish /silly
It's a weird dynamic. Nightmare's not exactly scared, but definitely wary of the singular mythological figure, famously responsible for slaughtering millions in a singular week.
Dust is ruthless, cold, and merciless. Even Nightmare isn't that bad, and it worries him.
Dust finds Nightmare, if anything, mildly irritating. If he wanted to murder Nightmare, he would have already. He's made that clear.
Their dynamic is essentially Dust just vibing and doing whatever he feels like, and Nightmare constantly trying to desperately get a foothold to adapt to not being a Captain- or let alone the most dangerous- on a ship he's on.
Because Dust doesn't respect Nightmare for being infamous.
He's merely just a fledgling in Dust's opinion.
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warverse · 1 year
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The Sheriff and the Pirate
They hate each other <3 Sane: @revolvius Austyn: @toxictoxicities
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kawaii-lavender · 9 months
I love pirates
And women
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I am perfectly sane
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kiokodoodles · 6 months
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"Isn't this your second year of redesigning your mermaid pirate AU?" Yes it's part of the development process (my mind decides that the designs do not fit the tone or world that keeps changing)
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fray-bird · 10 months
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I made a pirate/mermaid au weeeee
Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog
This au is my concept
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Me when Bprite
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caycanteven · 11 months
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@mothiepixie drug me right into another one and I fuckin' love pirates man...and I didn't even fight it lmfao. Enjoy this fun drabble I wrote up~ Fair warning, I just wrote this for fun; no idea how accurate appearances or any of the like are and I came up with "The Black Fiend" myself cause ships have cool names teehee.
The storm raged outside, but among the drunkard squabble and unrelenting retelling of stories on the seven seas, it was a hushed whisper.
This tavern wasn’t a first for her, but it was definitely one she came to seldom enough. Company wasn’t something she avoided like the plague, but she preferred to be alone when she drank her spirits. Cheers to the tavern mates who were Three Sheets to the Wind, but she wasn’t them.
She learned the hard way what it meant to take her eyes off her surroundings and get too comfortable.
She paid the price.
A minor price, but a price, one that wasn’t paid in silver.
She lifted her tankard to her lips, downing a swig of the rum within. With a lazy brush of her arm, she wiped her mouth of leftover sprits and breathed deep. It burned, but it felt so good. It always felt good.
Out of the corner of her left eye and beneath her hat, she noticed a body place themselves on the stool beside her. She grunted under her breath. Out of all the places in this damn tavern, they chose there to place their ass?
She stilled a moment before drinking once more from her tankard, her brow raised with sudden curiosity and surprise.
A lass? It was unlikely, but who would wear such robes like that around if they weren’t…though even she knew better than to judge first sight. After all, she hid well beneath her own rags just to make’er livin’ on the sea under the interpretation she was male.
Or used to.
She set her tankard down slowly in order not to draw attention to herself. She eyed the company sitting on her left thoroughly. They hadn’t requested anything, though perhaps they were already drunk. She could make out a tuff of orange below their own hat, hair no less. A rather beautiful color, like the embers on hot coals. So perhaps they too, understood the importance of hiding their appearance?
It was all too…odd. She snorted and she returned her attention to her drink. She didn’t need to bother her still sober thoughts with that of a random—
“Ye come ‘round here plenty?”
She stopped twirling her tankard, her lips just barely touching the lip of the cup. She hadn’t expected the body to speak. Why would they? She squinted her eye and she slowly put down her tankard with a heavy thud. She leaned against the counter, elbows pressed against cracked wood.
“Aye,” she muttered and she kept her eyes forward.
“Got a name?”
She glanced over, finally seeing the face of the company beside her. Feminine features, as expected, though their face was peppered in freckles and markings; their eyes were as crystal blue as the sea itself. She had to admit, they were a beauty.
They seemed to be patiently waiting for more, but when she didn’t reply, they pressed further. “Gonna share it?”
“Lass, don’ ye think that’s a bit far for someone ye neva met?” She tilted her head as she turned to acknowledge them, brow raised in question.
“Isn’t that how you greet someone properly?”
Something about them was different from those she met before, behest unwillingly. Their dialect, their posture and their words…
“Ye ain’t from ‘round here, are ya lass?” She spoke with a chuckle laced in her words. They seemed naive, ignorant—perhaps she could indulge in their conversation.
The blue-eyed beauty huffed and looked away for a moment. “Ye can say that.”
She hummed softly with consideration, before taking a quick swig then placing her tankard back down again, half empty. “Ye trade me yer name, I trade he mine, is that fair lass?”
She watched them process her bargain before nodding once.
“Aye. Motti.”
Motti? Interesting, she thought as she looked this Motti up and down. Holstered to their front was a flintlock no doubt, but it was in poor shape. It made her skin crawl but she resisted the temptation to question its condition. The rest of Motti physically looked healthy, disregarding the cuts and bruises healing on her rather gentle skin.
She snorted softly before turning her body more so to face them, smiling ever so slightly, the corners of her lips curled in a smirk.
“Lexico, pleasure to make ye acquaintance. Ye call me Lex, fer short,” she hummed with a nod. Lex watched the expression on Motti’s face brighten with surprise. So she had not anticipated Lex being a woman perhaps?
“I wasn’t sure—“
“Ye’d find another like ye? Aye, don’ really. Not like how yer doin’…” Lex grunted as she swirled her tankard. She chuckled at the bewildered look on her companion’s face. She chuckled and she shook her head. “Ye don’t worry your pretty head ‘bout it. Yer still standin’, so ye good enough to believe yer well off.”
“I suppose yer right,” Motti nodded and turned to face the bar’s surface. “So Lex,” she continued after a moment, “ye happen to know anything about a captain of a ship…named Nightmare by any—“
It had happened far too quickly; a glint of metal in the tavern light, and before a Motti could register, a blade was held at a threatening point.
“Lass, ye be sure to swallow yer words,” Lex warned lowly, but there was tension in her voice. “Ye don’t speak so easily of the Black Fiend ‘round this port.”
Mottie swallowed, though gently placed the tip of her finger against the blade and pushed it away.
Lex narrowed her gaze, then slowly put her knife in her belt. “Ye brave, I’ll say that.”
“Please, Lex…” Motti pleaded quietly, moving closer to speak under breath. “I need to find him.*
Lex hissed softly as she hid her disapproval behind her drink.
She had almost finished it off before she returned a cold but curios gaze to Motti. Her eyes looked the lass over with scrutiny, but eventually relaxed slightly. “Why are ye doin’ that, lass,” Lex muttered and gave her a softer look. “The Black Fiend doesn’t sit still long enough to bring attention ‘bout. The captain more so,” she muttered, but hesitated when there was evident disappointment in her company’s face. “Royal fleet’s been chasin’ him for a long time.”
“Ye wouldn’t understand,” Motti huffed and grumbled curses under her breath, eliciting a chuckle from beside her. “I need to find him. He…”
Lex watched as the blue-eyed lass—no doubt a young pirate herself—beamed at the mention of the captain of a The Black Fiend. Lex knew that look, the glittering behind the eyes.
Lex nearly spit out her rum.
“Ye can’t be serious.”
Motti looked up quickly, the feather of her hat dancing and bobbing. She nodded once, yet hesitantly. “Yes. He’s a lost lover, to say less,” Motti huffed. “I’ve been searching for so long, but only now have I got something to run on.”
Lex nodded slowly, resisting the urge to question how that—the two of them—happened. Once Motti finished their quiet exchange, Lex sighed and pushed her empty tankard away.
“I need a crew for my ship.”
“So ye chose a tavern full of drunkards to look?”
Motti shrugged. “Easier to get them to say yes.”
Lex couldn’t stop herself from actually laughing the more she listened. “Aye, ye keep that tid bit about The Black Fiend to yerself and ye might have it in yer favor.” She sighed, though seeing as Motti was frowning and her eyes were focused on the bar top, Lex couldn’t help feel for her.
She knew what it was like to lose a lover.
She sighed, knowing she’d regret this if this didn’t go to plan. Though, it had been forever since she had a crew to call her own, a ship…a chance to sail those waters again. “Ye chose the right person to ask first,” Lex grunted and she tossed a couple shillings on the bar.
Motti beamed again in surprise and hope. “Ye considerin?”
“Aye. Ye need someone who can handle weaponry,” Lex nodded and gave Motti a smug grin. “I got all ye need to know about it. Not to mention, I got a good shot.”
Motti seemed to be in disbelief. Lex witnessed her eye move slightly to her right, obviously staring at an injury long scarred. “Ye sure?”
Lex chuckled. “Aye…” she smiled and she held out her hand.
“Don’t need two eyes to shoot a man dead. Now how bout ye let me take a look at that ol’ flintlock?”
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spotaus · 1 month
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Heyyyy look at these guys! (Pretender) Sans, Mettaton, Griffin, and Natalie!
This was mostly just me messing around with drawing figures w/ outfits I liked, using some pre-existing ocs!
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