#Pitch Hyperfixated
Death Parade 6-21/6-22
Alright. Let's talk about Ginti.
First of all. Don't like him. He's an interesting enough character, but for the same reasons I genuinely don't like him.
I see a lot of parallels between Ginti and Decim. They make them very clear of course but I wanna mull them over in my brain over anyways.
Right from the start we see that Ginti wants to be like Decim. Be that for jealously or for a want of trying to prove that Decim is not better than he is.
He is proven to be the opposite of Decim, many times. One thing I like about this as well is that it really is up to us to determine who we think is right. There are no consequences for believing in one side or the other. Agree or disagree with whichever side, neither is explicitly wrong. Anyways.
I see Ginti wanting for the things Decim has, and yet still rebuking them when they appear before him. An arbiter to the core, he even manages to find a way to have unjudgeable humans of his own for a time. And try as he might, he just can't find the empathy that Decim is finding, or think the way Decim is thinking. There's no respect there, no will to understand.
He keeps the Idol and the Fan around for a while, despite it being pretty clear they should either both be reincarnated or at the very least, Idol should be voided. He just keeps them around. There's no learning going on on his end though. He doesn't understand. And even as he sends them both to the void, he still can't understand.
It doesn't really feel like he's trying to. He doesn't change one bit from thinking humans are stupid, fickle creatures, and doing that makes him angry so he just rejects it all and voids both of them.
He doesn't even notice that his kitty went with them. I suppose at least his assistant realized that his choice was wrong. That Ginti wasn't a very good arbiter, and that his lack of empathy was costing the world lives worth trying again.
And even then, he doesn't even really care that the cat is gone. Ginti is Ginti and there's nothing wrong with that, really. He's just true to himself. Unabashedly.
I guess that lack of human empathy is probably why I didn't like Ginti, and well
That's the whole point now, isn't it.
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thetruemek · 3 months
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(I will never financially recover from this)☀️🌙🤡
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venusquartzsworld · 4 months
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Either it's Kirby or my hyperfixation that doesn't want to leave me alone.
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crimeronan · 1 year
there are literally incalculable meta posts i could make about the silt verses (it’s one of those stories where i have thoughts about Every Damn Line) but tonight i’m thinking about how..... DELICIOUSLY it sets up and then subverts your worldbuilding expectations.
if you haven’t listened yet. consider this mini essay my pitch. (or rather one of many pitches.)
because you start with this narrative episode about two members of an outlawed religion seeking other members of their faith, and they’re both compelling and sympathetic and layered narrators, but also. one is describing a childhood built on drowning and torturing people to death and the other is delighted by sacrificial corpses and horrific apparitions of eldritch nonsense and you’re like, “okay, yeah, this is a horror podcast. i can pretty damn well see why your religion is outlawed jesus FUCK you guys how is there THIS MUCH MURDER involved in your religious rites-”
and one of the narrators tells you that society is hypocritical because the legal religions Also cause harm. and if you’re anything like me, you go okay, girl, whatever you need to tell yourself to justify your current crusade. your god is a special kind of fucked up but it’s all good
then of course there are hints of social worldbuilding that challenge this assumption, but it’s not until paige’s introduction ep that you’re smacked Full In The Face with like. All Of It. 
because paige is a law-abiding citizen high up on the corporate food chain, and she works a mundane job at a branding company. 
and the company’s margins are bad. 
and the company’s industry is shrinking. 
and the company needs to cut costs and reinvigorate its own brand. 
and of course this is a difficult time for everyone but flexibility is necessary to stay competitive in a cutthroat world.
and now the company is torturing its low-performing employees to death in front of everyone as a corporate ritual. viscerally described. 
and paige, who JUST watched her closest work friend die in the most horrific way imaginable, is playing her part as someone high up on the corporate food chain.
she is being upbeat and being cheerful and encouraging her surviving coworkers to “look lively” and pretending that nothing happened. 
and not a single person protests. and no one shrieks in horror and everyone shifts back into their worksona and the day passes without any particular note because this is a social norm and layoff-sacrifices are too commonplace to report and it is legal and it is accepted and it is a good way to boost the flagging numbers for the giant capitalist machine.
and you have this realization that. 
this Really Is how the world is. 
there really ISN’T anything separating the outlaw narrators’ rituals from those of the corporate and city-based gods.
and then the follow-up question becomes, “wait, then why is THEIR god banned?? if it’s not the murder and the horror then why is their god banned???? what’s the fucking difference????”
and the answer is that their outlawed god draws people away from the cities and the factories and the oil rigs and the pollution and the mineshafts. and their outlawed god does not contribute anything to the state. 
and it’s not about what people worship or what the gods want or what the rituals require or what the hallowed bodies look like.
it’s just about how The State (TM) and Capitalism (TM) are both systems that have weaponized the law to kill every god that doesn’t contribute to their money and power and exploitation and culture and control.
and then it’s.... it’s not about the horror anymore.
it’s not a story of two deeply flawed protagonists from a sick and twisted cult who are reasonably forced into the shadows of a largely normal world because They Are In A Horror Story, And Are Doing What Horror Protagonists Do (Being Fucking Crazy).
it’s a story about our world. the one we live in. we the listener. here in our modern-ass non-supernatural late-stage-capitalism world. it’s about all the structures we’ve built and burned and all the destruction at the center of that goddamn world.
the eldritch gods and terrors are just set dressing.
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ok those cove screenshots are too good and I've heard good things about him on other polls too so I'll bite. what is our life and where can i play it. are you or any of your followers willing to write up a short pitch on why you like the game? im like 1 small push away from looking into and/or buying it for real he looks so squiggly
OK SO Our Life is a free visual novel dating sim on Steam. There's DLCs but they're cheap and not obligatory to enjoy the game.
You're 8. You live near the beach with your moms and your older sister. There's no other kid around cause all the other people living there are old. And then one day a dad moves in in the house accross the street with his kid that's the same age as you. And the dad is like "I'll give you 10 bucks to be friends with my son". And without knowing it you end up inseparable with the boy as you grow up with him.
I absolutely love Our Life because it's one of the few dating sims where you can customize ever single aspect about yourself. Appearance? Check. Sexuality and gender? Check. Whether you know how to dance or like mayonnaise? Check. You don't want to romance him and just be his friend? Check.
It's really a cute childhood friends to lovers that made me cry more than once. The visuals and music are so pretty and it's so so heartwarming. It also really change from otome games where it's just drama after drama. This story is believable and you can really lose yourself in it, and not play as just some chick that's put into wacky situations. Just be yourself and kiss your cute neighbor that's also your best friend who loves you so so so much.
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drowned-hubris · 2 months
Anyway y’all think the moon children would assign the higher members with animals? Anyway I’m drawing BEN so I made a list because I procrastinate
Matt = Fox (I always imagined him to be fox-faced + the bright orange hair. Foxes are cunning and fast, Matt is both)
Ben [kid] = Lamb (I live for sacrificial lamb symbolism)
Kelbris = Owl (my phone thinks he’s one, also he would take pride in declaring himself as “the smartest of the birds” + owls are seen as a bad omen - like black cats)
BEN = Four horned goat (I love religious imagery, also is seen as the ‘demonic’ opposite of a baby lamb)
Rosa = Monarch Butterly (a symbol of Endurance and renewal. She helped Sara fix and renew the cartridge)
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fever-pitches · 1 month
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-Oh Boy, here I go killin again!
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queerly-done · 8 days
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Pitch-Dark Hook the Great!
I love her so much :3! She calls me her big sibling and I love her! I just want to squish her little face!
I got her day one of playing and I fucking love her! Also she will be on Boothill’s banner and I had a theory they’d get along, I think this just lends to it!
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waitineedaname · 1 day
what is hlvrai and please tell me more about this svsss crossover?
hlvrai is Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware and it is a series that made me absolutely bonkers for a solid two years, which is not something most hyperfixations of mine can claim
basically the premise is that a streamer got a special copy of Half-Life VR where the NPCs are self-aware! in reality, it was a streamer and his friend role-playing in gmod and it spiralled rapidly out of control, but oh my god I cannot emphasize enough how funny this series is. there are lines in this series that I still quote because they have wormed their way into my permanent speech pattern. the characters that they managed to come up with basically on the fly are so good, and the ending is absolutely insane
I'm still deciding which direction the crossover should go. I think maybe I should put svsss characters into hlvrai because I do not think hlvrai!gordon would not do well if put in shen qingqiu's shoes. he's so highstrung, I do not think he could pull off the wise master role sqq finds himself in. he would get killed so quickly
shen yuan, however, would be perfect as a streamer slowly being driven insane by his NPC companions. the other characters are trickier to figure out, but I think if I just change which ones of them are aware they're in a video game, it would work. binghe being benrey is too good to pass up, but I think shang qinghua could be tommy, if tommy figured out they were in a game but just chose not to tell anyone. I kinda wanna make mobei-jun into forzen simply because that's funny to me. coomer and bubby.... uh...... get back to me on that. liu qingge could be bubby maybe, and yue qingyuan could be coomer. idk. instead of talking to the system, shen yuan is bitching at his chat, and binghe is like Who Are You Talking To 👁👁 and shen yuan has a heart attack
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Death Parade, 6-21/6-22
Holy crap! That was quite the anime. Scrolling through my queue on crunchyroll I saw Death Parade, an anime that had come to my attention recently.
I have this bad habit of rewatching my favourite anime over again, but every once in a while I allow myself something new, and when I choose it's always something I end up loving.
Death Parade was no exception. It automatically hooked me in with the morbidity of death and games. Much like most of the content that's capable of catching and holding my attention immediately, gorey games and contemplations of mortality is a sure way to get my heart going. Death Parade did it right from the start.
Within the first few minutes of DP I was taken with the art, particularly the entrance sequence. The juxtaposition between their lovely, happy dancing and the glitz of a bar and arcade, mixed with the morbid nature of experiencing and judging the lives of souls to determine if they'll suffer forever or not really draws me in.
The gore art, which is really only prominent in the first episode, was fantastic. I wish I could've seen more of it, but at the end of the day that's not what the anime was about, so I can let that go without any fuss.
I appreciate that they let characters ugly cry, and that every human expression is very exaggerated. It helps with the fact that the arbiters don't have any expressions at all, especially Main Character Decim.
There were definitely a few choices on who went to the void that I didn't agree with, but I appreciate that as well, because it does lend credit to the fact that the current system wasn't working, that it wasn't a good way to judge people's character and souls for eternity.
If you know, you know, I was pretty upset with one decision in particular, but considering who made it, I'm not surprised.
I'll make another post cause I want to talk about Ginti.
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fosermi · 2 years
If you know me, you'll know I have a tendency to write fanfiction. Well I wrote one for ROTG/GOC and if you also know me you'll know I like to draw some scenes sometimes.
So, here are 3 scenes for my fic :D
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here's the link for anyone who wants to read it:
Fair warning though, it does contain spoilers for book 1 of the Guardians of childhood series as it closely follows the plot of the books. At least somewhat.
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savage-rhi · 6 months
I tamed a wild flock of 200 on my grandma's property in 2018. They still interact with my family. Now I'm doing the same on a small group of turkeys at my place 😂 10 months ago they wouldn't let me get this close nor "talk" to them.
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
anyway in case anyone's wondering what ive been up to these past few days. this is definitely not finished and still needs some major audio editing but i'm actually pretty happy with how its going and wanted 2 share a little bit of it
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areyoutherelarry · 2 months
Hockey being a hyper-fixation this year is a fucking curse… the narratives… the cheering… the superstitions… I love it but man does it make random Thursdays feel really consequential
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quicksweetdreamer · 1 year
Was rewatching Rise of the guardians and…
Did… did Pitch just foreshadow that Jack’s gonna be the guardian of fun????
(Happy 10 years to this wonderful movie by the way)
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wolfsplosion · 1 year
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my favorite baseball robot ⚾
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