#Pitioss theory
mikumixtwix · 1 year
not 100% sure how it's gonna work since there's not gonna be any space players in the main timeline (post scratch timeline??? idk what to call it) of my ffxv/sburb au but like.
Eos is the Forge.
yknow that one bit of the pitioss theory that suggests Eos' remains are in Ravatogh and that one lava hollow u visit is where her heart was and that her heart is now the Crystal? yeah, Eos is the Forge. She was the space player of the Astrals' session and now she's the Forge itself
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silver-wield · 4 years
Lol I started the pitosis theory but then switched to their time resetting theory because it's the one I was more interested in. I may go back and finish the pitosis but ima need a small break lol. I think my brain might implode. If I hadn't read these theories I honestly would have never thought about any of this or even considered it a possibility
Pitioss is really interesting, but you need to have actually gone through it to see what they’re talking about because viewing it in person and taking a look around at everything has more impact than just watching it on youtube or wherever. You get to see that slow descent into the dark and feel just how hard it is getting through it. Tbf, I gave up about halfway because it’s tough af!
The time resetting theory is easier to check out because it’s mostly in trailers and doesn’t rely on gameplay to prove it, but it’s more like a well duh that’s kinda Square’s thing, more than a massive revelation imho.
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maetel-cho · 7 years
Goodbye Pitioss theory! ^^
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eirenare · 8 years
Pitioss’ Ruins: my experience + talking a bit about the theory
So, yesterday was THE day.
The day I was about to finally confront Pitioss and get to know by myself (with no guide by my side and just having seen a couple of screenshots) how much a torture it was... And since it was such a freaking memorable dungeon (worth every single minute of the approximately 6h I spent there), I think this is gonna be a long post. However, I’m going to organize it in parts because, well, if anyone is interested in reading this and just wants to get to some parts, it’s easier like this.
(The link was only in that section, but I’m putting it here too just in case someone’s just interested about it but doesn’t feel like scrolling a lot: 
https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXV/comments/5t367b/pitioss_ruins_revelations/?st=j0epe7zf&sh=1111e262 )
I already had the Regalia on the area, got to land it a day or two earlier and went as surprisingly good as to land it on at 1st attempt that day (it was my 2nd attempt in general), something miraculous given the fact that the way I was landing was everything but gracious and that the Regalia ended up being super closer to the wall of rocks, like, 1 metre of separation. PHEW: So close, haha. It was a bit stressful.
In all honesty, I thought the area before reaching Pitioss entrance would be very tiny, and I was surprised for good when I saw it had a decent amount of terrain to walk.
It would have been scary finding lvl 8x monsters close to the entrance of the dungeon if I wasn’t already almost lvl 90.
It’s nice to just be able to walk around, you can get some photos of the Rock of Ravatogh on other angles. 
Also, there’s a good deal of objects around the area, which is always good, but the best thing is IT HAS A CAMP.
This is how I would describe Pitioss shortly: OH MY FREAKING GOD. Buuut I’m not here to talk about it briefly, so here I go.
Pitioss is a dungeon with no explanation for the shit ton of puzzles it has. It’s just the player alone with its wits, challenging the dungeon, trying to figure out everything. The difficulty increases as you advance... but hell if it wasn’t an amazing challenge. Funny fact is, the dungeon title that appears once you enter one, doesn’t appear immediately in Pitioss: you have to do some tasks first.
And well, in this dungeon, everytime you get something right it just feels as if adrenaline and pride is running wild on you. But the thing is you won’t understand some puzzles until you think about them for a while, and you’re going to “die” a lot (did anyone say tons of jumping?). 
Also, the amount of items you can get by doing it is high, and some of the items are really amazing (like the final one, the Black Hood, which makes Noctis automatically evade attacks).
Oh, an awesome thing is that the dungeon it’s divided in areas, and there are respawn points, so if you “die” in area “Y”, you just respawn in a certain point in “Y”, with everything you’ve done intact. It’s just plain relieving.
And now, in the next part, I’m going to talk long about what I think it’s probably the best thing of the dungeon, if not the best.
That aspect just blew my mind, like... Square-Enix did a stunning work with Pitioss. I’m going to explain this in detail because it’s something I’ve overenjoyed.
There’s a black ooze falling from the ceiling and staining most of the dungeon, which looks like the black ooze in Ardyn’s face when he shows his darker side. That alone is already creepy...
But THEN you see the tombstones with faces carved in it on one side and a giant face on the other, surrounded by a glowing red field of energy, and it gets more creepy. And THEN you see the statues of a demon here and there, which adds even more levels of creepiness...
Suddenly, between all that creepiness, you’re seeing in some parts of Pitioss some inoffensive flying little creatures that shine in a soothing blue tone, flying carefree all together. And there’s that giant statue of a man that looks like one of those statues of the old Greece, something majestic presiding the first hall you enter.
And the statue of the woman it’s just beautiful. There’s a theory about it that says it’s the goddess of the dawn, Eos (to me it resembles Cosmos from Dissidia Final Fantasy to be honest), but regardless of who the woman is, and aside from it being gorgeous, there’s a bit of sadness when you get a closer look at her: she is handcuffed, even has a collar around her neck that looks like the ones you would see on a slave or the imprissoned in old times.
Motifs of circles are all around the dungeon too, along with cages, giant metal balls, doors with that classic golden rays stamp, round platforms that look just like the teletransportion nodes of Steyliff and Costlemark... The puzzle that involved that golden, giant rotating sphere made me get a feel of the “Cube” film. And the giant moving “wall” of heated spikes with the giant skull is just freaking IMPRESSIVE in a way that, the first time you see it, you feel powerless and scared.
And if you love lore, you might end Pitioss making yourself question some things... 
The dungeon’s puzzles sure are tricky, even nasty.
You’re greeted at the start with platforms that go down in a corridor that have INCANDESCENT SPIKES, and that’s just the entrance. Later on you’ll have even more spikes and with even more variety: in rotating cilinders, in flat ground/wall, in moving up-and-down platforms, in that freaking giant moving wall with a giant skull on the center... 
Not forgetting the not-so-lovely platforms that moved in certain patterns in a certain area, or the metal ledges and “girders” that look so thin that if you move 1 mm wrong you might just fall.
It took me a bit to understand, by the way, that the round bronze platforms with circle motives in colour (white, red, orange) weren’t teletransportation nodes, but the things that will make you advance by unlocking more parts of the dungeon.
Some of these bronze platforms were hard to hit sometimes, be it because you had to solve other puzzles before, be it because it was jump time. It was easier with puzzles than with jumps. 
With puzzles, well, eventually you get what’s happening, even if it takes you some time. 
With jumps, however, it’s not a matter of understanding, but of doing a good performance... And let’s just say, I’m not the best at it. Some jumps were making me feel dispair, like “I know I can get there by jumping because it’s the only way forward but HOW the hell can someone reach that”.
And probably the thing that was more difficult to me was the one in which you’re basically jumping from stone structure to stone structure, in the dark except for Noctis’ lantern.
The twist is: gravity and perspective work in a VERY random way. You’re just doing jumps you would have sweared were impossible and walking on walls horizontally, only to then find out you don’t have to jump to that structure a bit faraway, but just let Noctis drop, because what seemed going horizontally was just going down.
That puzzle was trippy as heck, and how they changed on purpose the camera perspectives in that level makes it more confusing that if just was gravity messing up with you.
And the thing is, that puzzle lasted for long, and that, along with the fact that we were getting close to 2 PM (our hour of eating), made me pick up a video guide and try to end up by that time. 
It took me, like, approximately 6h to beat Pitioss, as I told at the start, but it was SO much worth.
I wasn’t sure it would be worth suffering just how much as I’ve read people say, just because of the Black Hood, but what was worth was the challenge itself. 
Even though sometimes raged on the inside and insulted to the air to relieve my frustration (I entered never letting the fact of dying because I jumped wrong an I finished so stressed haha), this dungeon made me feel like a genius when I could understand and resolve most of the puzzles by myself, it made me feel stunned with its amazing visuals, it made me question myself about the lore, and overall, it was downright A-MA-ZING.
Giant flying kudos sent to Square-Enix for making Pitioss’ Ruins. Truly a masterpiece.
... However, that doesn’t mean I’ll come back soon to Pitioss hahaha. 
To finish this wall of incandescent spikes text, I’m going to put the link to the Pitioss’ Ruins theory:
Seriously, give it a look, it’s awesome. There’s so much details in the theory that is just mind-blowing. The story is so freaking tragic I wish the theory was true (or that something close to that would have happened in canon) with all my might... And, to be honest, I could totally see it happening... I just embrace that theory a lot.
As a warning, there’s a mention to the 15 minutes’ gameplay of Gladiolus Episode DLC though! 
Read carefully if you want to avoid what they might say about it... Although I couldn’t resist it and just took a peak — I don’t think it spoils much, in my opinion.
Aaand well, this is!
If anyone is reading this, a big thanks, and have a nice night!
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perona77 · 8 years
Pitioss Ruins: A New Challenger Appears
Original theory by husband & wife team, Perona77.
 SUMMARY: We want to thank everyone who previously read and enjoyed our Pitioss Ruins: Revelations theory. We are happy that it got a lot of people thinking and talking about this awesome game.  
With the release of the Episode Gladio Demo, juicy new lore details have emerged. We realized that we needed to revisit and rethink some of our initial thoughts about Pitioss. If you want our more in depth analysis of every aspect of Pitioss, please read our previous theory. https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXV/comments/5t367b/pitioss_ruins_revelations/
 PART 1: “Gilgamesh Takes the Stage”
So, in our original Pitioss theory we posit that Pitioss was telling the tale of Ifrit, heroically bringing Eos out from the Underworld. And it still is. But there is one other major player in the Pitioss tale that we all completely missed… GILGAMESH.
The very first room in Pitioss shows Ifrit stuck in a cage. To the left stands a statue of a man holding up a stone platform (representing the Disc of Cauthess) with one hand, and his left hand is holding a Solheim made door shut. This statue has a double meaning. Narratively, it is Titan holding up the Disc of Cauthess before Ifrit sends a Meteor crashing down on top of it. But it is also symbolically Gilgamesh, the foundation of Solheim, inventor of Solheim’s machinations, & the demi-god son of Eos. http://imgur.com/SeZihBw
This all sounds far-fetched, doesn’t it? But…we found an actual PICTURE of Gilgamesh in Pitioss Ruins, among other things! (Like his ARM).The Gilgamesh picture is on a giant mural within the spinning globe room of Pitioss. http://imgur.com/L9i6Ohf Do you see the Necromancer/Lich-looking character with a red cap & souls going into him?  “But Gilgamesh isn’t a Necromancer or a Lich, Perona77!” Hmm... let’s look at the mural from a slightly different perspective. http://imgur.com/F2P1MxS Holy crap. HOLY CRAP. Gilgamesh has been depicted in Pitioss Ruins this whole time and we all missed it! Also, look how his image is formed. You have to look between the two pictures to form the image of Gilgamesh. What is Gilgamesh’s whole deal within the Final Fantasy Universe? He is a dimensional traveler! Square Enix is literally forcing the player to read between the lines here to see Gilgamesh in this artwork.
The mural even depicts where these souls that are going into Gilgamesh are coming from. Follow the trail of souls…they lead to the Crystal, the Heart of Eos. http://imgur.com/jKhMyTq
To give a clearer idea of WHY Gilgamesh is being depicted in Pitioss, let’s take a step back & look at the real world mythology of the Sumerian King, Gilgamesh. “Gilgamesh is the main character in the Epic of Gilgamesh, an Akkadian poem that is considered the first great work of literature. In the Epic, Gilgamesh is a demigod of superhuman strength who builds the city walls of Uruk to defend his people.” In the Epic, his mother is the Sumerian Goddess Ninsun and his father is the former king Lugalbanda. A main theme in the Epic of Gilgamesh is his journey to search for a means of immortality. Now put this mythology into the Final Fantasy XV world. What would Gilgamesh’s ancient civilization be? Solheim. And what have we stated time & time again that Solheim was trying to achieve? Immortality & Time Travel.  Gilgamesh may very well have been an ancient Solheim King who helped build the machinations of the once great country. Costlemark, Steyliff, Pitioss…Gilgamesh is behind all of this. Even now, Gilgamesh is still tied to Solheim Ruins, deep underground, as seen in Episode Gladio. Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy confirms that the Gilgamesh seen throughout the whole series is actually the same person, traveling between worlds via portals in the Rift. He is an inter-dimensional traveler. Wouldn’t it be amazing if FFXV’s lore tells the tale of how Gilgamesh came to be an interdimensional time traveler, through his ties with Solheim? FFXV is the origin story of Gilgamesh!
A big point we made in our original Pitioss Theory was that at the naval of the Goddess’ statue within Pitioss you find the Genji Gloves accessory. We took Genji Gloves to mean “two beginnings”… that Eos had given birth to twins after being with a mortal man. However the simpler explanation here is more likely the correct one.  In typical Final Fantasy lore Genji Gloves are traditionally dropped by or stolen from none other than Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is Eos’ child. There are currently no other hints or indications of any other person this could logically be, besides Gilgamesh.
Also, it’s likely that Gilgamesh’s descendants are still playing an important role in the current timeline of FFXV. Namely, the people of Galahd and the Auburnbrie family. If you want more details on what we think is going on with those characters, then check out our other compilation of theories here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXV/comments/5w8ws8/eos_revelations/
 PART 2: ““The White Messenger Comes Bearing a Gift”
Now, let’s switch back to addressing the first room in Pitioss. Ifrit is caged. He is either unable to free himself, or does not have the means to act. To progress into the dungeon itself, the player must first hit a series of white switches. http://imgur.com/ReLlHBZ This is important here…WHITE switches. Ifrit received some assistance from an unexpected friend…Pryna.  
We are just going to come out and say this now: we believe that Odin has a place in the story of FFXV. Just like the Goddess Eos, his name has been written out of history, nowhere to be seen. But there he is in the Big Bang art http://imgur.com/R1HSZyr Even though Odin never makes an appearance in the story, his existence can be felt within FFXV in the form of his Messengers. These Messengers are his actual Messengers from Norse mythology.  Odin classically has two wolves Geri and Frekki (Umbra & Pryna), two ravens Huginn and Muninn (Kenny & Kelly Crow), and his six-legged horse Sleipnir (The Regalia).  The presence of Odin’s powered up form, Raiden, from FFVI in the Big Bang art has another very interesting connotation…  If Square is using Odin from FFVI as inspiration for his character in FFXV then there is a major detail that must be mentioned here.  In FFVI the Esper form of Odin teaches the METEOR Spell. We never see Ifrit use Meteor in the fight at the Citadel. He only uses Hellfire. Each Astral has one or two special moves…& METEOR is not one of Ifrit’s normal abilities.
Perhaps Odin was sympathetic to Ifrit’s cause, and sent Pryna to Ifrit, bearing a gift…a Magic Flask containing the Meteor Spell. Bear in mind that Odin must have been killed at some point after the events of Ifrit’s betrayal, as he is nowhere to be seen in present day. This means Pryna, as a Messenger, is free to serve whom she wishes, which in the future turns out to be Luna.  
Using this gift of Meteor spells, Ifrit was able to defeat Titan at Cauthess, defeat Gilgamesh at Gralea, & create an opening for himself to enter the Underworld at Lestallum/Taelpar Crag. Pitioss visually lays out all the imagery to tell this story. The second room in Pitioss geographically pinpoints where the 3 Meteors hit on the Globe of Eos. http://imgur.com/oUMUayG
So it is white switches that lift the cage on Ifrit. And it’s a white switch that throws the first Meteor in front of Ifrit, literally right behind the treasure chest in front of Ifrit. http://imgur.com/OD78BK7 The Meteor spell is literally & symbolically being given to Ifrit through Pryna. Look closer at the treasure chest… http://imgur.com/EMZUatI  the treasure chest has 4 dog feet! And its main color is blue…Odin’s color.
In the world of FFXV a base spell has three uses. Ifrit was now able to use Meteor three times, and he used it to wreak his retribution upon Solheim.
1: The first Meteor is thrown at the statue of Titan/Gilgamesh, depicting the destruction of the Disc of Cauthess with the falling of the platform held by the statue.
2:  The second Meteor is thrown at what is now known as Gralea. http://imgur.com/fwXI33a Look at the gigantic crater Gralea is in! Only a giant Meteor could do this. We know that Gralea was a desert area until the Shiva incident. It would make sense that Niflheim, the country trying to emulate Solheim, would build their capitol over the ruins of Solheim’s capitol.
3: The third Meteor is thrown at the place that becomes Ifrit’s entrance point into the first areas of his journey deep underground. It is after this Meteor lands in Pitioss that the player finds a Magic Flask on the ground, signifying that Ifrit had used up all of the Meteor spells.
 PART 3: “Paying the Price for Grand Hubris”
So Gilgamesh is defeated… and only his head & left arm remain! But the door into Pitioss is still shut. The player has to climb up the left arm to finally open the door, while simultaneously the 2nd Meteor spell is thrown. http://imgur.com/tUFRT5N Think about this for a moment…WHY would Ifrit need to use Gilgamesh’s arm in any way? Oh, but we have seen this before! In Zegnautus the only way forward for the Bros is when Prompto admits he is partially Magitech made and uses a chip within his hand to open the door. Niflheim/Ardyn used many Solheim methods to gain power, but Magitech Soldiers having chips to gain access to areas is something that never matched up to Solheim technology…until now.
We think that Ifrit went to Gralea, defeated Gilgamesh, ripped his left arm off, and destroyed the city with his 2nd Meteor. http://imgur.com/pRRYVip Ifrit needed Gilgamesh’s arm to gain access to areas deep underground that Solheim had sealed using their twisted powers. http://imgur.com/otoLXca Look what the finger of Gilgamesh is doing. It’s touching a part of the Solheim door, and it’s worn out in that spot. After the globe room, we can see Ifrit (shrouded in RED!) http://imgur.com/VdsOsBx using Gilgamesh’s arm again & again to open Solheim doors in order to progress further. The switches in this long hall like room are spots where Ifrit had to use the arm of Gilgamesh to unlock doors.
It would make sense that Solheim was digging deep Underground in order to make a network of tunnels between all of their main hubs, The Disc, Steyliff, Costlemark, Etc. However, they had dug perhaps a little too deep, and encountered Doom Train. http://imgur.com/oUMUayG It really looks like a blasted out or dug up hole was made here, leading in to this chamber. Perhaps Solheim was experimenting on Doomtrain, as well. Here’s some food for thought…look at this imagery from the Omen trailer: http://imgur.com/4u0beGu
It is in this room that Gilgamesh’s arm makes its final appearance. http://imgur.com/J9EChEw Gilgamesh’s arm has been bound to this area.
As punishment for Gilgamesh’s crimes against the natural order of life and death, Ifrit decided to bind Gilgamesh to Doom Train with his arm. Being bound to Doom Train, Gilgamesh is forced to act as a conductor of sorts helping with the ferrying of souls into the afterlife.  Perhaps overtime, he learned how to share these souls with people who came seeking power. After a few millennia of reflection on his past actions Gilgamesh could now see the consequences of the evils he had brought into the world and his trials and “gifts” are his way of atoning for his sins. He doesn’t impart these powers to just any fool who wanders in to his realm. In the Episode Gladio demo, Cor states he was punished by Gilgamesh for trying to go above his station. Not much unlike Gilgamesh’s fate…
After this, Gilgamesh’s part in Ifrit’s tale is over.  He is not referenced again anywhere else in Pitioss, and the tale largely continues on as we had stated it before.  Ifrit continued on his journey, retrieved Eos, escaped with her out of the Underworld, burst out of Taelpar Crag, and began burning Eos’ corpse on the pyre.
It was confirmed in the episode Gladio preview that Ifrit did indeed die at the Rock of Ravatogh, just not in the exact manner that we thought he had. http://imgur.com/SBsSaCu Honestly, however, Ifrit fighting with the other Astrals here makes a lot more sense than him just laying down and dying next to Eos.  A funeral pyre has to burn extremely hot and for a very long time to completely cremate a body, and Eos wasn’t exactly tiny.  Ifrit was doing his best to fight back the other Astrals as he kept his pyre burning long enough to purify Eos’ soul in order to save her and the world from eternal darkness.
It is just too coincidental that Gilgamesh has his left arm cut right above the elbow, and in Pitioss we have TWO references to disembodied left arms cut off above the elbow. Not to mention the depiction of Gilgamesh in the mosaic art!  Now, we definitely could be wrong on details throughout our theory. What really matters though, is the overarching narrative that Pitioss is trying to tell: the tale of not only Ifrit and Eos but of Gilgamesh as well.
We personally think that Pitioss Ruins was the developer’s way to sneak in the lore, the backstory, and the history of FFXV… just in case they never got the greenlight to continue on with developing FFXV. Remember…they weren’t even sure if they were going to get the green light to continue the series at all. As it stands now, it’s likely that DLC will reveal a lot more of the lore. Pitioss still stands as a haven, a cryptic library of visual knowledge for anyone willing to take the time to go look for it.
We thank you for reading & hope you enjoyed it!  
 TL; DR: Can you guess where Gilgamesh’s missing arm is? It’s been in front of our eyes this whole time… in Pitioss Ruins.
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chibi-jing · 6 years
Did humans create the Starscourge?
In fact, we still have no idea where the Starscourge comes from.
 One of the most popular (and logical) explanation is that the Starscourge fell on Eos with the Meteor, like a foreign body contaminating the planet. As Meteor shards seem to be the only things resisting to the plague effects as Talcott explains to Noctis, it is not a bad assumption to admit they are related.
 But I may have another theory about the origin of the Starscourge.
 We know the Starscourge appeared about 2000 years ago, at the same moment when the Gods were fighting each other after Solheim’s decay and the Meteor fell on Eos. What if the Starscourge was one of Solheim’s creation that also ensured its downfall?
 What connects the two, it is Pitioss.
We know that Solheim’s civilization ‘’ascend to new heights of hubris’’ (Shiva to Noctis), even defying Gods with technologies such as Omega weapon. And we also know their experiments lead them to control even time and space. But as Pitioss’ file precises it, this ability to manipulate time and space wasn’t without consequences on the natural order so they decided to keep inside this place those ‘’forces’’ going against nature. And what is confined in Pitioss? Black goo similar to the one on Ardyn’s face when he turns into his daemon form. Moreover, what did the corruption by the Starscourge provided to Ardyn? Immortality, in other words the power to control time and space in an unholy way. (Not to mention that Ardyn is formally able to control time and space as we can see during the stitch in time at Chapter 11)
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 Now, imagine that Solheim created this black goo as a result of their unnatural experiments and decided to study it more. After all, the Starscourge has a lot of scientific references: we know it is a plasmodium, a mutated form from the malariae one that was spread by mosquitos, and Ardyn was able to teach to Niflheim’s scientists how to use it to create the Magitek infantry. What if this black goo went out of control and sliped away from Solheim facilities? And what if this creation against the laws of nature was the reason of Ifrit’s wrath?
 We know Solheim was proud and claimed to be emancipated from the Gods. Sure it is a good reason to make Ifrit angry, but maybe not at the point to burn to ashes the whole world. But if Ifrit’s goal was not only to punish humankind with his outburst but also to purged by fire the place humans corrupted with the Starscourge? It is possible that he tried to save the world in his own way but the other Astrals decided to protect the existing life forms instead, leading to their confrontation.
 If the Starscourge is truly a plague created by humans’ stupidity, it gives a new meaning to Noctis’ quest: all the pain him, Ardyn, Luna and the others have endured was meant to repair an error caused by the vanity of mankind. Perhaps that’s the reason why the Gods don’t seem to help a lot to heal this planet they sweared to protect: if it is humanity’s fault that the world is corrupted, it is normal that humanity has to pay to restore it. That’s why Luna was dying by using her powers, why Regis was dying maintaining the Wall, why Ardyn ached immortality’s consequences and why Noctis has to give his own life in the end. They all paid the price of Solheim’s pretentiousness until the plague can be removed and the world born anew.
 I have absolutely no idea if this theory is right or wrong, but I find its incidences very cool ^^
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kickingshoes · 7 years
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Roads were made for journeys, not destinations.
Why does it have to end like this
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bascojinn · 7 years
New Update (Major Spoilers)
Well, I was right about new cutscene with Luna Gentiana - they are discussing about Lunafreya’s great love for Noctis. More tears from the eyes of the “strong female lead”.
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[I-love-Noctis-3000 bot activates]
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[For me it sounds like blatant manipulation]
The new content is prolonged scene with Ravus and Lunafreya in Chapter 12. Seems like Ravus tired of her bs and just left her alone. I have mixed feelings. SE tried to push “Ravus is Luna’s biggest supporter” narrative, but then they showed him leaving her alone. As much as I can understand him, because I’m tired of Luna’s whimpering too, and she ain’t saint either, but it’s another example of his unstable characterization. I’m worrying about Episode Ignis.
Shiva x great hero Ifrit confirmed:
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He was nice guy: 
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But it was a mistake:
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And now something about Ardyn.
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This is interesting twist. I expected that Ifrit is the one, who corrupted Ardyn. Seems like situation was opposite of my thoughts.
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If I understood this right, Shiva tried to protect Ifrit, but she was defeated by Empire and Ardyn. Their lovestory is kind of sad.
[But now it’s confirmed that Gentiana was clearly aware about Ardyn and his shenanigans with Empire and SHE DIDN’T WARN ANYONE until last moment]
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Poor Ifrit. He was betrayed by his people, only to be awakened and manipulated by Ardyn.
Now I have a question. Which part of the update is tied with Episode Ignis (as it was teased on TGS)? SE were trying to remind about Ravus’ existance? Or since they hinted that Ifrit is pretty much Ardyn’s b*tch (who isn’t in this game?), may be it was him, who blinded Ignis in Altissia? Idk. 
What can I say about update overall? 
Lunafreya’s additional 10 seconds of screentime is disaster as always. 
Lore update is neat, but it should be in game from the beginning. The way, how they showed past of Eos isn’t too impressive - art is beautiful, but it’s just art - not a full length CGI cutscenes. It looks shallow in comprasion with Dark Souls opening (I use Dark Souls as example, because it was about pantheon of Gods and ancient war too). And this is quite ironic, how Dark Souls, game well-known for cryptic storytelling, managed to start with explanation about history of world and Gods, meanwhile I’ve waited almost year before story-oriented Final Fantasy XV got some bits of lore. 
P.S. Sorry if I messed up something, English isn’t my native language. 
P.P.S. Rewatched it this morning. Now the whole deal between Noctis, Shiva and Ifrit looks even more creepy, Gentiana basically used Noctis to shut down her corrupted lover. Noctis’ reaction is sad. His “will be together someday” sounds ambiguous if we assume that only opportunity for their reuniting is Noctis’death.
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a-scattered-memory · 7 years
Ifrit and Shiva WHAT
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silver-wield · 4 years
You ever do so much reading and learning about something that your brain get fried? Yeah that's me with all the theories for XV. The reddit couple persona77 (?) do a great job explaining their theories and even include pictures
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The pitioss theory and then all the stuff about the ruins around Insomnia definitely left me burnt out lol
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scientiass · 7 years
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If I remember right, I saw you comment on a post where you said you were inspired by the Pitioss Ruins Theory at the beginning of your worldcrafting. Since it's used as a curse, I was wondering what exactly it is for your worlds. Hell? The afterlife? A cursed place no fool who enters come back out of and is therefore likely a gateway to one of the two?
Ohhhh. Nice ask!
Time to get meta and delve into the creation myth! >:D
I rambled about parts of this before in some really old posts here, here, here and here. (Some things have changed a bit over time, but the important parts are still the same.)
Three dieties are important: Chaos, Eos and Etro. (I also smooshed a bit of Versus XIII into this XD)
In the beginning there were only the siblings Chaos and Etro until Etro grew lonely and created a planet and all life on it. And she did so by taking a part of herself and her sibling and forcing order upon it. And because Chaos is part of Destruction and Etro is Death (but also Sleep and Magic and All Things Hidden) everything that lives is destined to eventually die.
Since it wasn’t an element neither Chaos nor Etro had reign over, there was no light.
Until there came a lone wandering Goddess without a name. She saw what Etro had done and fell in love with her creation. The nameless Goddess asked to stay and gave her light as a gift. She took her right eye to make the sun and out of her left she carved the moon. In reverence the humans named her and the planet Eos. (Patron of all who Wander, who reigns over Light and Healing and the Dawn.)
The creation of the sun and moon is also when the Astrals were made. Ifrit, Ramuh and Titan out of sunlight, Shiva and Leviathan out of moonlight and Bahamut out of the blood Eos cried when she ripped out her eyes.
(Carbuncle is far older and one of the Astrals of Etro along with Doomtrain.)
Anyway, back when Etro made the world, not all of the Chaos was used and that Chaos became Pitioss. A place buried deep within the earth, forgotten by most. There was no Scourge. Yet.
Then, Eos did something that was the greatest betrayal she could do in the eyes of Bahamut. She fell in love with a human and gave birth to his children. As punishment Bahamut took Eos and imprisoned her into Pitioss.
There, the Chaos came into contact with Eos and started to slowly consume her light. This act began to transform the Chaos into something else. Something hungry for the warmth of life and light. Chaos became Scourge. And slowly, bit by bit, it was killing Eos.
Up on the surface, Ifrit was furious. He had been the closest to their mother and came to abhor Bahamut for what he had done. This is what caused the Astral War which ended with the destruction of Solheim, when Ifrit, desperate to get to his mother, called down a meteor to distract Titan and burned down the old Empire. His Empire. He rode Doomtrain down into Pitioss and reached Eos, who by then was already close to death.
She died when Ifrit carried her to the surface.
Ifrit, badly wounded from the War and further weakened by his journey into Pitioss, turned his own body into a pyre for his mother (which became Mt. Ravatogh and burns to this day).
With this act something happened that no one had expected. The Chaos - now the Scourge - that had burried itself into Eos’s body, was released onto the world in the form of a poisonous smoke. It spread fast.
Bahamut, desperate to salvage the situation, and preserve the last flickers of his mother’s light, ripped out her heart, which turned to crystal.
This crystal Bahamut gifted to a family line who was curiosly powerful in all things magic.
In the end, for humanity Pitioss is the origin of all things evil. They may not know that this is where the Scourge comes from, but collective memory has it that this place none but the Gods have ever seen, is where all the pain and suffering on their planet comes from.
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notthelasttime · 7 years
dirtyhecker replied to your post “so when I played ffxv I had played it with a friend on their ps4 and...”
do it
ahhhhhhhhHHHHH its gonna happen i know its gonna happen idk why i’m fighting it you know what? this time i can do it right. noct in the moogle chocobo outfit the entire time. and gladio shirtless
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secret-engima · 5 years
New ask - Nox verse, any/all variations - Nox is. probably so grateful. that the Glaive accept his explanation regarding his kukris. Does he realize why? Like, when he’s slowly piecemeal being taught the culture; does someone make sure to share the stories about Those Who Fell Through Time/The Unbound Places/Twiceborn? Like; the realization that the Galahdians may not know the details, but they know *enough*?
Hmmmm, yeah I can see that for all the variants actually! (Except MAYBE Fem!Nox, because after the Crystal Incident Nox probably actually tells Nyx the full story. Nyx is shaken for weeks but, to Nox’s surprise, he not only keeps the secret he ... stays. He stays by her side, he still cares about her, still LOVES her).
Anyway, for all (or at least most) of the variants, eventually Axis gets around to teaching Nox the Old Stories, about the Old Magics, the whispers, Those Who Fell Through Time and the places where Time is Unwound and Nox ... Nox gets very quiet as he listens. There is something too old and too keen in his eyes as he realizes that ... no, they don’t know he is the Chosen King, that he is Noctis from the future, but they know ... bits. Pieces. Theories and those are ENOUGH for them to understand far more than anyone else.
Nox is grateful. Very grateful, especially since he knows from experience that some of those stories are true (he tries not to think about Pitioss Ruins, about stumbling in the dark for days/weeks/years only to stagger out again, exhausted and wrung dry, and for Gladio to crack a joke, like he’d only been gone an hour rather than an eternity. Noctis had cracked one back at the time on instinct and then never spoken of what he saw and experienced in there again. But he remembered. And now he understands.
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godwinged · 4 years
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@fellfalcon​ :  20, 25, 30 for the ff question meme
If you could enter the game world and personally replace the main character of any game which one would you choose: definitely ffxiii. hell, i’d take the whole trilogy. i’d just LOVE to be in lightning’s shoes. she’s powerful and badass, her wardrobe is amazing, and i just really love the lore and world of xiii. from cocoon to pulse to valhalla and yusnaan. the cities and landscapes are honestly so incredible to me.
what is your favorite ability: BRO THAT’S HARD. i have two?? first off, i love summoning. i love getting more summons and adding to my arsenal and calling upon THE LITERAL POWER OF THE GODS. second is jump. i have a mega soft spot for dragoons and jump has gotten me out of a lot of sticky situations in many different games.
do you have any theories you swear by: uhh well i really loved ffxv’s pitioss (the idea that the astrals imprisoned eos and the starscourge was first spread with ifrit trying to rescue her) theory until it was literally debunked in the royal edition with something much lamer imo. so it’s canon in my heart ;n;
                                     final fantasy loving hours    /    accepting.
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mikumixtwix · 4 years
its been a while since ive played it, but i still think about how fascinating I find the Pitioss Dungeon. Obviously it was like hellish to go through at first, and i was getting extremely frustrated, but once the music changed to Disquiet it had me hooked back in an instant. And like, in retrospect, it was really fun to play through, no monsters to worry about, just precise platforming. Honestly the main reason i wanted to replay ffxv was so i could go back through it fresh and hear that music change to Disquiet again...Ok actually another big reason is that I read the Pitioss Theory and im still so fascinated by the idea of the dungeon telling a greek tragedy-like story that i want to see all the pieces of it for myself going back through
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