#Pity Party of One
lynlee494 · 4 months
If you just so happen to follow my excuse for Clint/Bucky fanfic known as 'Not So Worthless'... I'm sorry. It has been brought to my attention by the person betaing it my grammer and tenses are shit to the point it is too much work. So I can't imagine the struggle it was for those reading it. I'm really sorry.
The story is planned out and meant to be about 20-25 chapters. I may tidy up my outline and at least give closure that way. Sucks though. This was my baby.
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baysabriyaan · 6 months
No better way to spend your Saturday than reading about other couples getting what you want 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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I used to be soooo girly girl but after the 2nd time I got assaulted, I just stopped but then the 3rd and the last one happened and I just stopped the fun things that has brought me joy.
Ugh I hate myself for not taking care of myself. I used to love to workout after my surgery but then my dog died and my mom died. I just lost it.
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
do any other artists feel like. yeah you're a 'good artist' because you draw things that look nice, but like. TECHNICALLY? you're really not great
i really hate that i can recognise that yes, my art is good, but is it VARIED? is it dynamic?? is my anatomy good? is it full of texture and colour theory? do i know how to do This? can i do That? no, not really. and that's quite painful actually
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chalkrub · 24 days
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mockley time it's mockley time will you have some mockleys of mine
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xamaxenta · 3 months
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The sheer pity party some alloromantics expect of aromantics is really funny to me. The expectation is that we ought to feel broken or afraid that we will never be worthy of anything if not for a romantic relationship, but as the years go on, I've been so much less inclined to feel those ways.
People expect aromanticism to feel like a prison, and I think that's looking at it wrong. My aromanticism never imprisoned me - amatonormativity did. Being aromantic taught me that I can never and will never be "made whole" through romantic attraction. Amatonormativity teaches that to be whole is to be pursued, to be in love, to be possessed, essentially. Being aromantic has freed me of those expectations because I had to break those chains in order to truly understand what will make my life worth living.
I've been finding more and more that being allo will never appeal to me - I don't give a flying fuck about allo being "normal," and frankly if being normal means being allo, I simply just won't be normal.
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I can imagine anything guy image: “I can spiral into tears and convince myself I’m the worst person alive over anything”
#it’s soooooo easy#‘hey that thing you said was kind of insensitive’ -> feel awful and apologize immediately ->#try to explain that I’m a flawed human being in hopes that they don’t hate me as much -> realize I’m using it as an excuse -> feel worse ->#want to explain that I feel bad in hopes that it makes my apology sound genuine -> realize if I do I’m starting a pity party ->#Devil on my shoulder says that I SHOULD start a pity party bc then people have to console me even though I’m the one who fucked up ->#realize that if the devil on my shoulder thinks that that some part of me must think that. thinking that is kind of terrible ->#feel like I’m terrible -> start crying -> realize that crying will turn it into a pity party anyway ->#realize that I don’t want to feel like I’m terrible. that I do actually want people to console me -> realize I don’t deserve it ->#admit that I am truly horrible for trying to turn my fuck up into a way to make people comfort me ->#post about it on tumblr to vent (?) -> realize now I’m starting a pity party in front of almost 8k people ->#realize that makes me even worse. -> break down in tears feeling sorry for myself when. again. IM the one who fucked up#repeat at and slight inconvenience or mistake. feel like a piece of shit forever :)#it’s a flawless system. if someone sees me struggling and tries to console me I can redirect that to confirm that I’m a horrible person#try and tell myself that I’m spiraling bc of mental illness -> that’s an excuse ->#excuse = horrible person bc I’m not willing to own up to my mistakes -> return to spiral
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Shuggy from Mihawks perspective must be so funny because he knows both of these idiots. I choose to believe he’s actually more perplexed when Buggy tells him (drunk, way too drunk. overly emotional.) that he has feelings for Shanks than it would be the other way around.
Usually people are flabbergasted when they realize Shanks is in love with Buggy of all people, but Mihawk just looks at the clown sobbing and his head lying in a puddle of his own tears on the floor and tries to reconcile the image Buggy has of Shanks “brilliant, shining, like the sun, the one I would have followed till the end, the one I looked at and realized I could never compare or be worthy off” with the mental image Mihawk has of Shanks.
“Powerful emperor not to be underestimated. And yet the last time I crossed paths with him he was nursing a hangover after a night of drunken hedonism and awoke to me tapping my sword against his boot with a confused grunt, like an inebriated hog, before yawning and scratching his privates shamelessly with his remaining hand before he even greeted me."
Why's the drama between Shuggy and Cross Guild quite literally the lesbian teenage experience in high school? Because I swear to god I think I've seen this film before (in my own life. Hey). Mihawk is so,, Tired,, The thing is Buggy sees Shanks like that because he won't stop comparing himself to the things people around him say about Shanks. And he knows Shanks is a fucking loser but the jealousy and the love he has for him still remains. Mihawk is more brutal with his opinion on Shanks. Like yeah, talented pirate, but really? Him? Buggy? C'mon. Even you deserve better than somebody who dresses in pants that look like my grandma's curtains.
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 5 months
Catra being anxious and having panic attacks over the bad things she did is actually counter productive to any hypothetical scenario where she is self reflecting and/or receiving constructive criticism.
Her potentially having crippling anxiety over being an asshole in the past PREVENTS and/or DELAYS any changes she might potentially make.
Making this character spiral over moral dilemmas does not inherently mean she’s actively working to change her ways. Her being afraid of facing her badness does not make her good; it simply means she has anxieties toward constructive criticism/dialogue.
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sotwk · 1 year
Nothing deflates a fanfic writer faster than seeing someone's 500-word drabble gaining notes in the 100s, while the 10k-word story they slaved on has stalled without even hitting 50 notes.
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I'll just need time to let myself feel bummed about this.
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i think someone i follow is a shuro enjoyer bc i keep getting meta posts abt him on my dash and it is just a little bit funny bc most of these meta posts are just making me like him less bc their whole schtick is "look how traumatized this poor rich nobleman is :((( his overbearing governess was fucking his dad and his family owned slaves wow isn't that sad :((((" like. ok. that's rough i guess. quick question why'd you leave izu behind
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myatlantispoets · 2 years
I love how the Crown is supposed to humanize the royals but it just makes you hate them more
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undead-supernova · 18 days
August Update:
I will most likely be taking a break from writing fan fiction for a hot second! I have found no joy in writing fics after some of the more disturbing things I’ve seen and it’s honestly been making my mental health suffer and I’ve been triggered so much in the past month even though I’d been doing so well. I know I need to finish a few series but if I’m doing it just to get it finished, then what’s the point, you know?
I also finally started writing my ✨second novel✨ and a little side ✨novella✨ project that both make my heart so full with joy. I think working on those projects and reading novels and submitting my current YA novel for publication are my next goals for a while.
If things start to change in the fandom and it feels like I can find a spark, then I will come back to my fan fiction. I just can’t write in this space at the moment.
Thanks for reading this if you did!
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flowercrowngods · 7 months
the absolute mortification of crying in front of your volleyball group because you twisted your knee (fucking figures) and everyone keeps asking if you’re okay because you can’t stop crying but there’s no way of saying “the knee is fine, it’s the person attached to it who’s not” 🫠
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transhitman · 2 months
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The Tickster mts* transition timeline
*masochist to sadist
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