#Pixel Kaleidoscope Art Pattern
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📺 Pixel Kaleidoscope Art
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kaleidoscopevisualart · 3 months
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Pixel Kaleidoscope Visuals
📺 Colorful Kaleidoscope Visual Videos https://www.youtube.com/c/KaleidoscopeVisuals
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emstantondesign · 5 months
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Go out in style, with our Kaleidoscopic Bats Range (other items are available).
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imageproject · 1 year
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🟦 🟥🟨 Kaleidoscopic Mondrian Art Style Pixel Blocks by 🐤 imageproject
📺 Click to watch a full-length animated version
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antares-art · 1 year
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sciencestyled · 21 days
Glitch in the Matrix: When Code Met Canvas and Made Pixels Pop
Alright, buckle up, internet denizens, because we’re diving into the wild, whacky, and pixel-poppin’ world of algorithmic art! 🎨💻 Imagine if Picasso and your favorite coding genius had a baby. That's right, it's not just a fever dream fueled by too many hours on Reddit; it's the reality of blending science education and art!
Let’s crash course this like we’re trying to binge-watch the entirety of "Stranger Things" overnight. Algorithmic art is like the love child of Star-Lord and a MacBook—super cool, slightly unpredictable, and absolutely out of this world. It’s where brainy meets artsy, where code curls up on the canvas, and something magical happens. If Hogwarts taught JavaScript instead of charms, you’d get the picture.
Picture this: coders and artists, or as I like to call them, "Cods" and "Arts," locked in a creative battle royale, Fortnite style. Each keystroke and brushstroke clashing and merging to spawn mind-bending visuals that could give Salvador Dali a run for his money. It’s not just art; it’s art with an agenda, bending algorithms like they're spoon-bending at a Matrix-themed party.
Now, let's zoom into the 'how' like we’re on a TikTok discovery mission. Ever seen those mesmerizing GIFs that keep you hypnotized while you pretend to work? That’s algorithmic art. It’s made using computational algorithms—think of them as recipes, but instead of whipping up avocado toast, you’re cooking up visual feasts that can trick the eye and tickle the brain.
Here’s where it gets cooler than a polar bear in sunglasses playing ice hockey. These artsy coders use loops, logic, and a lot of what I call "controlled chaos" to generate patterns that can mimic nature, or go completely rogue, creating visuals that look like your screen just had a rave in a pixel factory. It’s like watching "Inception" on your desktop; you know it’s not real, but dang, does it look mind-blowing!
Let’s pull a #throwback moment and talk fractals. Remember those? They’re not just for your math geek buddies anymore. In algorithmic art, they become the backbone of some seriously trippy imagery. It’s like taking a zoom lens into a kaleidoscope. Each zoom reveals more detail, in a never-ending, ever-evolving image that’s more layered than the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
And oh, the colors! Imagine if the whole Crayola box got dumped into a coding compiler. The results are more vibrant than a K-pop band’s wardrobe during comeback season. These aren’t just any visuals; they’re visuals that strut down your optic nerves like a runway model, turning your gray matter into their personal disco.
Applications? You bet there are applications! From fashion where designs are generated by AI that knows more about color theory than Van Gogh, to architecture that looks like it was dreamt up during a particularly bizarre cheese dream—algorithmic art is there, making the mundane magical.
It’s not just for the 'gram, though. This blend of science education and art teaches critical thinking, complex problem-solving, and yes, even a bit of aesthetics. It’s like your brain’s doing leg day, but for coding and creativity. And the outcome? A more innovative, visually literate generation that thinks in code and dreams in color.
In the classroom, imagine this scenario: instead of snoozing through a lecture that's dryer than British humor, students are coding up storms, creating art that’s as expressive as their last Tweetstorm. Educators are like, “Forget monologues; let’s monochrome!” as they guide students through the labyrinth of programming languages, each line of code a brushstroke on a digital canvas.
Now, let’s get existential for a sec. What does it all mean? In the grand scheme of things, algorithmic art is more than just a quirky crossover episode between Silicon Valley and the Louvre. It’s a signpost for where we’re headed—towards a world where creativity is not bound by traditional mediums. It’s messy, it’s beautiful, and it’s a little bit out of control, kind of like your favorite meme.
So next time you see a piece of algorithmic art, tip your imaginary hat to the coders and artists—the architects of this mad, mad digital world. And remember, in the age of algorithmic art, everyone’s a bit of an artist, and life, dear netizens, is your canvas. So go forth, create, code, and for goodness' sake, keep it weird. Because normal was never this much fun. 🎨💾🚀
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goshashka-design · 2 months
Fractal Symphony
https://v.ftcdn.net/07/45/05/91/700_F_745059175_9uzEmMSkD0stAJ9XE3NI6zzKDVgYo3ag_ST.mp4 A Kaleidoscope of Creativity In the luminous realm of abstract art, where mathematics and imagination intertwine, a mesmerizing symphony unfolds. It is a dance of fractals – a kaleidoscope of intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and boundless possibilities. Against this canvas of pixels, the stage is set for a…
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bryancage · 2 months
Unstable Diffusion: Capturing Chaos in Digital Art
In the realm of digital art, where pixels dance and colors collide, "Unstable Diffusion" emerges as a mesmerizing exploration of chaos and complexity. Created by artists with a penchant for pushing the boundaries of creativity, Unstable Diffusion invites viewers to journey through a world where order and disorder intertwine in captivating harmony. Let's delve into the enigmatic realm of Unstable Diffusion and uncover the beauty that lies within chaos.
A Symphony of Chaos and Complexity:
Unstable Diffusion is a symphony of chaos and complexity, where abstract forms and vibrant colors collide to create mesmerizing visual compositions. Through a process of controlled randomness and algorithmic manipulation, the artists behind Unstable Diffusion harness the unpredictable forces of chaos to generate stunning works of art that defy conventional categorization. Each piece within the Unstable Diffusion collection is a testament to the beauty that emerges from the interplay of order and disorder in the digital realm.
Dynamic and Evocative Visuals:
At the heart of Unstable Diffusion lies a commitment to dynamic and evocative visuals that engage the senses and provoke the imagination. Through a combination of bold colors, intricate patterns, and fluid motion, the artworks of Unstable Diffusion captivate viewers and draw them into a world of immersive beauty and complexity. Whether depicting swirling vortexes of light or explosive bursts of energy, each piece within the Unstable Diffusion collection invites viewers to lose themselves in a kaleidoscopic journey through the digital cosmos.
Embracing Uncertainty and Serendipity:
Unstable Diffusion embraces uncertainty and serendipity as fundamental elements of the creative process. By relinquishing control and embracing the unpredictable nature of chaos, the artists behind Unstable Diffusion allow their creations to evolve organically, guided by the whims of chance and the vagaries of randomness. In doing so, they discover new avenues of exploration and unlock hidden possibilities that lie beyond the confines of traditional artistic techniques.
Provoking Thought and Emotion:
While Unstable Diffusion may appear chaotic at first glance, it possesses a deeper layer of meaning and emotion that invites viewers to contemplate the nature of chaos and its role in the human experience. Through its evocative imagery and dynamic compositions, Unstable Diffusion prompts viewers to reflect on the chaotic forces that shape our lives and to find beauty and meaning amidst the turbulence of existence. In this way, Unstable Diffusion serves as a catalyst for introspection and self-discovery in the digital age.
Bermuda Unicorn: A Haven for Creative Exploration:
As a platform for digital art and creativity, Bermuda Unicorn provides a haven for artists like those behind Unstable Diffusion to showcase their work and connect with audiences around the world. By partnering with platforms like Unstable Diffusion, Bermuda Unicorn amplifies the voices of artists and celebrates the diverse and vibrant tapestry of digital artistry. Together, they create a space where creativity knows no bounds and innovation flourishes in the digital realm.
Unstable Diffusion is more than just a collection of digital artworks; it's a captivating exploration of chaos, complexity, and creativity in the digital realm. Through its dynamic visuals, evocative compositions, and embrace of uncertainty, Unstable Diffusion invites viewers to journey through a world where order and disorder dance in mesmerizing harmony. As we immerse ourselves in the enigmatic realm of Unstable Diffusion, we discover the beauty that lies within chaos and the infinite possibilities that await us in the digital age.
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logicallylogical · 4 months
The Future of AI Image Generation 🎨🌟
In a world where pixels dance to the rhythm of algorithms, the future of image generation is both awe-inspiring and enigmatic. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transcended mere pixel manipulation; it has become the maestro of visual symphonies, orchestrating breathtaking landscapes, fantastical creatures, and mind-bending abstractions.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): The Artistic Duel 🤺🎭
At the heart of this revolution lies the Generative Adversarial Network. Imagine an artistic duel: on one side, the Generator, a digital dreamweaver, conjures images from the ether; on the other, the Discriminator, a discerning critic, scrutinizes each brushstroke. They spar endlessly, refining their craft until reality blurs with imagination.
Style Transfer: Picasso Meets Van Gogh 🎨🔀
Style transfer algorithms allow us to remix reality. Want your vacation photos to evoke the spirit of Picasso? Done. Desire a Van Gogh-inspired selfie? Voilà! These algorithms imbue mundane scenes with the soul of masterpieces, bridging the gap between art and everyday life.
Neural Style: The Brain’s Brushstrokes 🧠🎨
Neural networks, inspired by our own brain’s intricate connections, learn to mimic artistic styles. They dissect brushstrokes, decipher color palettes, and recreate visual poetry. The result? A fusion of human creativity and machine precision.
DeepDream: The Psychedelic Reverie 🌀🌌
Peering into the depths of neural networks, we find DeepDream—a hallucinogenic kaleidoscope. It unravels images, revealing hidden patterns, like a digital shaman communing with the binary spirits. Faces morph into fractals, landscapes ripple with surrealism, and reality waltzes with the absurd.
Super-Resolution: Enhancing the Mundane 📸🔍
AI doesn’t stop at creating; it enhances. Super-resolution algorithms breathe life into pixelated memories. Grainy photographs transform into high-definition vistas. The wrinkles of time smooth out, and forgotten details resurface—a digital fountain of youth.
Conditional GANs: Custom-Made Dreams 🌈🌟
Imagine ordering dreams like a bespoke suit. Conditional GANs allow us to specify image attributes: “A sunset over Paris, with a hint of melancholy.” The AI tailor stitches together pixels, weaving our desires into existence.
Ethics and Creativity: The Dystopian Canvas 🎨🤖
Yet, as we paint our digital utopias, ethical questions emerge. Who owns the brush? Can AI truly create, or does it merely remix? And what if our algorithms birth unintended nightmares?
The future of AI image generation lies in our hands—the artists, the curators, the dreamers. As we navigate this uncharted territory, let us wield our algorithms with reverence, for they shape not just pixels but perceptions.
The canvas awaits. What masterpiece will you create? 🎨🌟
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are purely speculative and do not represent any sentient AI’s opinion. Any resemblance to actual AI-generated art is purely coincidental.
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📺 Pixel Kaleidoscope Motion
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📌📺 Pixel Symmetrical Digital Art Design Inspiration
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simplyinkedtattoos · 6 months
Top 7 Trending Nail Art Designs in 2024
In the ever-evolving world of beauty and fashion, nail art has become a dynamic form of self-expression. As we step into the vibrant and creative year of 2024, the realm of nail art is set to witness groundbreaking trends. Join us on a journey through the top seven nail art designs that are captivating the attention of fashion enthusiasts worldwide. These designs promise to redefine the way we adorn our fingertips, making a bold statement in the realm of beauty. Prepare to be inspired by the Top 7 Trending Nail Art Designs in 2024.
Geometric Elegance:
Embracing geometric patterns is a timeless trend that continues to evolve in 2024. Geometric nail art designs are all about precision and symmetry, offering a sophisticated and modern look. From sleek lines to intricate shapes, these designs allow for endless creativity. Top 7 Trending Nail art Designs in 2024 are experimenting with bold contrasts, combining muted tones with vibrant hues to create striking geometric masterpieces. In 2024, expect to see nails adorned with squares, triangles, and abstract patterns, reflecting a harmonious blend of simplicity and complexity in the world of nail art.
Sustainable Chic:
As the world becomes increasingly eco-conscious, sustainability is making its mark on the beauty industry, including nail art. In 2024, sustainable chic nail art designs are gaining prominence. Nail artists are incorporating eco-friendly materials, such as biodegradable glitter and non-toxic polishes, to create stunning and environmentally responsible nail art. These designs not only look fabulous but also contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly beauty routine. Expect to see nails adorned with nature-inspired elements, showcasing the beauty of both fashion and environmental consciousness.
Tech-inspired Wonders:
In the digital age, technology is permeating every aspect of our lives, including the world of top 7 trending  nail Art Designs in 2024 art. Tech-inspired nail designs are taking center stage in 2024, featuring futuristic patterns and holographic elements. From circuit board imprints to pixelated designs, these nail art creations reflect the intersection of fashion and technology. Metallic and chrome finishes are also gaining popularity, creating a sleek and polished appearance that mirrors the aesthetics of the tech world. Step into the future with nails that seamlessly blend the realms of fashion and technology.
Floral Fusion:
Floral nail art designs have been a perennial favorite, and they are undergoing a fresh revival in 2024. This year, expect to see a fusion of floral patterns that transcend traditional boundaries. Nail artists are combining different flower varieties, creating vibrant bouquets on fingertips. Top 7 trending nail Art designs 2024 Micro florals, watercolor petals, and 3D embellishments are just a few of the techniques being employed to bring floral designs to life. Whether you prefer delicate blooms or bold blossoms, floral fusion nail art offers a diverse range of options to suit every style, making it a timeless and elegant choice for 2024.
Abstract Color Play:
Say goodbye to monotony and embrace the world of abstract color play in nail art. 2024 brings forth a trend where creativity knows no bounds, and nail artists are experimenting with a myriad of colors and shapes. Abstract nail art designs are characterized by a playful combination of hues, allowing for a truly unique and personalized expression. Whether it's splatter paint, color-blocking, or swirls of vibrant shades, this trend invites individuals to step outside their comfort zones and embrace the kaleidoscope of possibilities. Expect to see nails adorned with abstract masterpieces that celebrate the joyous diversity of color.
Negative Space Sophistication:
Less is more with the rising popularity of negative space Top 7 trending  nail art designs 2024, this trend is all about strategically leaving portions of the nail bare, creating a sophisticated and understated look. Nail artists are incorporating negative space with precision, using it to highlight minimalist patterns, intricate lines, and delicate details. This design approach allows for a balance between simplicity and sophistication, making it a versatile choice for various occasions. Explore the allure of negative space sophistication as it takes center stage in the nail art scene this year.
Mix and Match Textures:
Texture is taking the spotlight in 2024, as nail artists experiment with a mix-and-match approach to create visually captivating designs. From matte finishes to glossy accents, the juxtaposition of textures adds depth and dimension to nail art. Velvet touches, metallic accents, and even textured embellishments are becoming popular choices for those seeking a tactile experience. This trend allows for endless possibilities, enabling individuals to curate a personalized and tactile masterpiece on their fingertips.
As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of beauty and fashion, the world of nail art remains a canvas for self-expression and creativity. The Top 7 Trending Nail Art Designs in 2024 promise to inspire and captivate, offering a diverse range of options for individuals to showcase their unique style. From geometric elegance to sustainable chic and tech-inspired wonders, the nail art scene is a vibrant reflection of the dynamic fusion between fashion, art, and individuality. Embrace the trends, express yourself, and let your fingertips tell a story of style and innovation in the year 2024. Simply Inked invites you to explore these mesmerizing nail art designs, making a statement that goes beyond the tips of your fingers and into the heart of the evolving beauty landscape.
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imageproject · 1 year
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🟥🟨⬛ Kaleidoscopic Mondrian Art Style Pixel Blocks by 🐤 imageproject
📺 Click to watch a full-length animated version
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scarfshake79 · 2 years
Getting My Painter (2020) To Work
Experience one of the best-designed painting, design, and pulling apps for tablet computers, phones, and Chromebooks. Look at your painting in total display screen in any of the most sophisticated display sizes and resolutions. See your art work in complete screen in any of the very most innovative display sizes and settlements. Generate intricate, vibrant fine art, record real lifestyle, develop graphic, and make fascinating images in spectacular particular, from landscape to cityscape--just click on through to our whole site and pick your type. Made use of by millions, this award-winning app delivers abundant, effective attribute to all performers, whether craft is your pastime, passion or profession. Along with a focus on high quality craft and a unique cooperation lifestyle, our team of musicians, professionals and designers is committed to enhancing creative and corporate encounters, while carrying out it well. The fine art world's greatest. This award-winning application is focused on offering you along with a complete perspective of your job and making web content that absolutely encourages you.
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Feature - Best-in-class pencils - Minimal and instinctive interface - Strong, effective tool specified - Share Timelapse audios with your friends - Convert comb movements into editable shapes REIMAGINING Combs - Hundreds of built-in brushes - Practical comb to canvas interaction - Over 100 adjustable comb settings - Coordinate and share your favored combs and brush sets - Made for stylus tools along with full tension and tilt assistance - Apply realtime colour modifications and real-time impacts to any type of comb - Sample lower levels when combinationing - Import and export custom-made brushes and comb sets Acquiring THE A lot of OUT OF YOUR SPACE - Even more canvas, a lot less clutter with a well-maintained, customizable interface - Appoint hands feature separate from your stylus - Grow and fall down levels along with a flick - Dock comb environments for easy, simple editing - Easy accessibility eyedropper - Spin and flip canvass with actions - Team levels with a dash Producing Fine art Much less WORK - Pin tools and actions to the principal user interface - Take the different colors steering wheel on the canvass along with two fingers - Incorporate various recommendation images - Lighting-fast saving and lots - Step back in time with Project Background Branching out Devices - Straightforward or intricate symmetry along with Radial or Kaleidoscope - Draw with preciseness making use of Guides or Shapes - Wise design detection through stopping when drawing - Innovative Hatching manual Certainly never Shedding PERSPECTIVE - Design 3D cityscapes along with five different Perspective Guides - Drag Rectangle and Circle form in perspective - Make video game art along with Isometric viewpoint PIXEL-PERFECT EDITING - Seamless Pattern ventures - Selection & Masking tools - Industry-leading Transformations - Change multiple levels at once - Gradient and Pattern Fill devices - Target separate coatings or all coatings with Fill resources - Pull with Fill resource or Magic Wand for live endurance correction - Carry your painting to lifestyle with Timelapse - Canvas Preview along with flip and grayscale (for checking percentages and worths) - Artistic & Photo cloning - Tools for pattern production EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO CREATE - 64-bit Deep Color when paint - Coating help with 30 blend modes - Disguises for levels, corrections, and groups - Clipping disguises - Slope map, Color Curves, and Filter levels - Industry-leading color adjustment - Over 40 live Filter effects - Focus and Tilt-shift hide - Liquify - Plant and Resize - Pattern and Array tools - Powerful choice workspace - Photoshop®-like intelligent coatings for various improvements without reduction of high quality - Solo & Trace settings - Printing presets & CMYK shade modes Speed up YOUR WORKFLOW - Import coming from Photos, Camera, Clipboard, or Image Search - Search over 1 million free of cost for commercial-use images - Export images as JPG, PNG, WEBP, ZIP, layered PSD files, or Artist jobs - Portion art pieces to Infinite Painter's ever-growing area and see what others are developing #InfinitePainter WHAT’S FREE? - 3 layers at the device settlement - Solid Fill, Lasso variety, Basic Transform and Symmetry resources - Seamless Pattern projects - All the built-in combs and clean modifying - Clever shape diagnosis WHAT’S PRO? This resource is created for use along with the Surface Hub 3.3.1. It produces usage of two sensors at a solitary potato chip frequency which automatically identifies which sensor is most delicate. It may identify items like eyes and hairs by studying their design. - HD canvass sizes and loads of coatings* - Adjustments and live Filter levels - Coating teams and disguises - Over 40 effective, professional resources * Optimal variety of layers relies on the canvass dimension and your device TAKE INFINITE Artist Along with YOU View what you can easily do. Tailor, and change your environments. South Hillsborough House Painters 'll offer you our total resources. Along with your aid we can easily perform traits like: Conserve Photoshop on a USB ride - Save data so that they can be saved in your area. Performer Credit histories Tiffanie Mang Yong Hong Zhong Kamila Stankiewicz Anthony Jones (RobotPencil) Andrew Theophilopoulos (Theonidas) Piotr Kann @dwight_theartist Constantine Rotkevich Diane Kay Ssecretgarden Gadelhac RapCore Sunyu Yuh Lee (@seanspr) S.H.W.Y. @jeffreyjeffroy I indicate yeah! You must go outrageous to acquire these!
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revterryisbroken · 5 years
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itsudemosecret · 5 years
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All the references in the “P Cubed” CM: Complete Best: - The white sky setting (CB album cover, 2006) - 1. Flying spaceships (Linear Motor Girl, 2005) - 2. Space city in the sky (Electro World, 2006) - 3. Pixelated square effect (Computer City, 2006) GAME: - The whole maze setting (GAME Normal edition cover, 2008) - 4. Coloured balls/balloons (Ceramic Girl, Drama-version, 2008) - 5. Laser-star (Chocolate Disco, 2007) - 6. Heart made with lights (Baby cruising Love, 2008) - 7. PTV (Secret Secret, 2008) - 8. Heart-shaped world with moon (Polyrhythm, 2007) ⊿: - The whole ⊿-setting (⊿ Normal edition cover, 2009) - 9. CGI Bubbles (Dream Fighter, 2008) - 10. Flying (rubik’s)cube (love the world, 2008) - 11. The chair and lamp (One Room Disco, 2009) - 12. Pino airplane (NIGHT FLIGHT, 2009) - 13. Clapperboard (I still love U, 2009) JPN: - The whole JPN-setting (JPN Normal edition cover, 2011) - 14. Lasers (Laser Beam, 2011) - 15. Sofa and lamp (Kasukana Kaori, 2011) - 16. Pattern on backside N (Nee, clothing pattern single , 2010) - 17. Pattern on backside P (VOICE, cardboard pattern MV, 2010) - 18. Pattern on backside J (Spice, colour scheme, 2011) - 19. White shopping bags (Natural ni Koishite, 2010) - 20. Lighting cubes on the ground (FAKE IT, 2010/2012(MV)) LEVEL3: - The whole LEVEL3/1mm-setting (1mm MV + LEVEL3 Normal edition cover, 2013 ) - 21. Magic of Love patterns projected on screen (Magic of Love, 2013) - 22. Mirai no Museum comic projected on screen (Mirai no Museum, 2013) - 23. Spring of Life computer codes projected on screen (Spring of Life, 2012) COSMIC EXPLORER: - The whole CE-setting (CE Normal edition cover, 2016) - 24. Flying clock (Sweet Refrain, 2013) - 25. The chicken (TOKIMEKI LIGHTS cm, 2015) - 26. Cinema chairs (STAR TRAIN, 2015) - 27. Flying lightsabers (FLASH, 2016) - 28. STORY visuals panels (STORY, 2015) - 29. Creepy mannequin (Pick me Up, 2015) - 30. Relax Room (Relax in the City, 2015) - 31. Panasonic TV (DISPLAY, 2014) - 32. Kaleidoscope (Cling Cling, 2014) - 33. Heart in the background (? this one maybe HyH help me with this one) Future Pop: - The whole FP-setting (FP Normal edition cover, 2018) - 34. Revolving white (or soap) + fish (If you wanna/Everyday, 2017) - 35. 3D-triangle (FUSION, Docomo experiment, 2018) - 36. Weird 3D-art in the middle (Mugen Mirai, 2018)
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