leregirenga · 11 months
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Les deseo una plácida noche llena de dulces sueños. Hasta mañana si Dios lo permite.
Leregi Renga
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tradedmiami · 7 months
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LOAN IMAGE: Nelson (Nelly) Lopez DATE: 02/29/2024 MARKET: Placida, FL ASSET TYPE: Development Site LENDER: Equity Lending Solutions (@EquityLendingSolutions) DEVELOPER: Carlos Perales Sihuay BROKER: Nelson (Nelly) Lopez (@LendinwithNelly) - United Mortgage Corporation LOAN AMOUNT: $2,400,000 LOAN TYPE: Construction Loan LOAN TERMS: 2yr term NO prepayment penalty #Miami #RealEstate #Tradedmia #MIA #TradedPartner #Placida #DevelopmentSite #EquityLendingSolutions #NelsonLopez #Nelly #CarlosPeralesSihuay #CommercialLending #Constructionloans #Bridgeloans #Privatelending #Landloans #UnitedMortgageCorporation #Starfund #TeamNelly #TeamUnited #LendingwithNelly
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snototter · 6 months
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A pair of peaceful doves (Geopelia placida) drink from a creek in West Kimberley, WA, Australia
by Melissa Bruton
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Lazar had to be treated for smoke inhalation.
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affogonellamarmellata · 11 months
Picone è fortissimo in matematica
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sleepytimemoga-p2 · 7 months
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Me and @floating-space-jellyfish 's Bells coming back from Burger Town ♡
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nadalffc · 2 months
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Henry Justice Ford - Prince Vivien and Princess Placida.
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The Cross: Symbol of Victory
Is the cross a symbol about death or life? defeat or triumph? humiliation or glory? Or all those things? Find out how Christians depicted crosses a thousand years ago and more in this presentation on ancient symbols in Christianity. #AnchorCross #Easter
Grace and Peace Joanne YouTube Channel Is the cross a symbol about death or life? defeat or triumph? humiliation or glory? Or all those things? As I searched for answers, I became drawn to how Christians depicted crosses a thousand years ago and more, and that search became this fifteen minute video on the ancient symbols of Christianity. From the eight-hundred-year old Batllo Majsty, now…
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revelisms · 19 days
He knows the sweet must of parchment and black-inked pens as much as he knows the dew-damped green of spring; knows the taste of lemon gin as much as the cool dash of seaspray off a sunkissed stern; knows that he is feared before he is fawned for, is loathed before he is loved, forgotten for his two left feet and the hairless crown he smothers beneath his caps—
But, oh, his laughter.
Lethal as a dragon's, and warm enough to match. A smile that comes too naturally, when someone finally wrangles it out of him—and plummets, sniffed off, just as swiftly. "Shut up."
What is Secondo, if not stomping boots and perpetual grumblings; lectures that snap one's attention at the neck, and welds eyes too wary to stray; hands that are steady in their roughness, tethered to a body that envelops, cherishes—
He is half-mumbled songs over toiling stews, sleeves shucked over strong forearms and towels thwipped at his shoulder; evening drives into the sun's slow-bloomed decay, the wind whistling at the windows—
He is a man as comfortable in his clothes as he is outside of them, and yet the quickest to flush at any scrap of admiration. Patience thin as a hair, with temper Vesuvian enough to match.
With his eldest brother, he is a snarking spouse; with his closest, an absent father; with his youngest, a beast not to be poked.
To their congregation, he is voice like fire and heart like glass, the Past on his breath and blood-magick in his veins, demons at his heels and Hell painted beneath his fingertips.
To himself—
Wrist cocked at the helm, a motor broiling beneath his feet, sun sweet in his eyes. The sea his horizon, her breath his home.
To himself, he is linen shirts and wine on his teeth, pirate captain that never was; Charon for souls no longer lost, ferried across an ocean well and living.
The day's warmth is slipping down, down to the tides: a glow more vibrant than the Fallen Light, itself. Salt and simplicity and free with laughter, her shores ebbing and glimmered.
One final glimpse of summer, before autumn comes to paint their valleys red.
Secondo will drink it in, long as he can.
On a rickety old radio, guitar strings murmur.
Sul mare luccica l'astro d'argento...
He breathes deep, breathes slow. Turns the wheel beneath his hand, and sings along, soft and smirked, like always.
Placida è l'onda, prospero è il vento...
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secondo / sunrays
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ideeperscrittori · 2 months
Non voglio somigliare a quei blogger che mettono il succo della storia dopo sei pagine per trattenerti a lungo sul loro sito. Riporto subito l'assurda frase che mi ha lasciato di stucco. È una dichiarazione attribuita a Salvini dopo l'attentato a Trump: «Spero che questo serva a qualcuno che semina parole di odio contro le destre, i fascisti, i razzisti».
Ho visto che tanta gente ne parlava sui social network.
Ma all'inizio ho dubitato.
Sì, cara persona immaginaria con una vasta e inspiegabile conoscenza dei miei post, hai perfettamente ragione: lo scetticismo mi è capitato in altre occasioni e ne ho anche discusso, ma questa volta ho dubitato con veemenza inaudita, credimi. Però non voglio farti preoccupare: non nutro speranze sul fatto che Salvini abbia qualcosa di umano. Ho avuto dubbi per l'incredibile stupidità della frase pronunciata dal ministro, che rappresenta una confessione in piena regola, un'autodenuncia senza filtri, senza espressioni edulcorate, senza alcun tentativo di dissimulazione.
Sì, ho sopravvalutato Salvini. Ho pensato a fake news ben confezionate.
E allora ho cercato conferme sul web. Ho trovato notizie di agenzia: Ansa, Adnkronos. E c'erano quelle esatte parole che poi ho ritrovato in tanti articoli. Sul Manifesto, tanto per cominciare. Ma già immagino l'obiezione di tanta gente: sono comunisti, ce l'hanno con Salvini, farebbero qualsiasi cosa per metterlo in cattiva luce. E allora le mie ricerche non si sono fermate.
Ho trovato un riferimento a quelle parole in una vignetta di Makkox. Ma anche qui immagino le proteste: è la sinistra radical chic di Propaganda Live, non è affidabile.
Le stesse considerazioni dubbiose possono essere rivolte a Fanpage, in teoria.
Ma ne parla anche il Sole24Ore. E qui la sinistra e il comunismo mi sembrano distanti anni luce. Il Sole24Ore riporta stralci di un piccolo monologo di Salvini. Ci sono le affermazioni incriminate.
Poi ho trovato filmati diffusi su Twitter.
Pensate che io mi sia fidato dei filmati? Certo che no. I video che circolavano sul web sembravano riferiti al TG1, il principale megafono governativo dopo Bruno Vespa. E allora mi sono detto: «Mi resta una sola cosa da fare». Ho pensato a una mossa estrema, pericolosa, temeraria, autolesionista: guardare il TG1 su RaiPlay.
Le date dei tweet mi hanno subito indirizzato sulla strada giusta: l'edizione del mattino. Meno male. Guardare più di un telegiornale di destra è troppo per il mio fragile equilibrio psicofisico. Ho trovato la fonte con un solo tentativo. 14 luglio 2024: edizione delle ore 7.00.
Potete verificare anche voi. Non si tratta di un deepfake, anche perché Salvini non ha smentito. Non ha mica detto: «Al Tg1 c'era un impostore».
Non è l'opera di sintetizzatore vocale basato su un'intelligenza artificiale.
Salvini, raggiunto al telefono, ha detto realmente quelle cose, con seriosa gravità, con placida sicurezza, con atteggiamento da saggio della montagna. Senza rendersi conto di nulla. Senza intravedere l'inquietante corollario delle sue parole.
Bisogna accettarlo. È il paese in cui viviamo. È Salvini. È la realtà.
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davidstanleytravel · 5 months
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A 6th century Byzantine mosaic of Christ as the Good Shepherd is in the Mausoleo di Galla Placidia, Ravenna, Italy. With their pure Hellenistic style, the Galla Placida mosaics are considered among the oldest in Ravenna.
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Okay mentioning some of this again as I’ve got some newer Vorkosigan fans around here, who are not familiar with the Lore (TM):
- LMB is a Fandom Old. If you’re ever squinting at something in the books and going “surely that’s not a reference to X?” Yes. Yes it is.
- Captain Simon Illyan is an acknowledged expy of Ilya Kuryakin from Man from UNCLE. The serial numbers are still pretty visible in the early days.
- “Let me help. Rhymes with I love you, right?” - yes this is a The City on the Edge of Forever ST:TOS reference, she’s very much a Trekkie.
- if you’re missing extra published Cordelia and Aral content and you’ve run through AO3, they can also be found as acknowledged expies in Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera. You’re looking for High Lord Placidus Sandos and High Lady Placida Aria, if you really want to see Aral and Cordelia as badass fire mages.
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typhlonectes · 1 year
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A new genus and new species of freshwater crab (Decapoda: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae) from the Central Western Ghats of India
A new genus and new species of gecarcinucid freshwater crab, Aradhya placida gen. et sp. nov., is recognized from the northern part of the Central Western Ghats of India. The new genus is diagnosed, and the new species from the Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka state, is described herein. The new genus most resembles Arcithelphusa Pati & Sudha Devi, 2015, Cylindrotelphusa Alcock, 1909, Rajathelphusa Raj, Kumar & Ng, 2021, and Pavizham Raj, Kumar & Ng, 2022, in having an ovate, relatively narrow and deep carapace, with the front narrow as compared to other Indian gecarcinucid genera.  Aradhya gen. nov. is nevertheless separated from those genera by the characters in the carapace, epigastric and postorbital cristae, external orbital angle, cervical grooves, third maxilliped, chelipeds, male thoracic sternites/sternopleonal cavity/pleon, male second gonopod, and especially by the elongated male telson and the stouter ultimate article of the male first gonopod.
Read the paper here:
A new genus and new species of freshwater crab (Decapoda: Brachyura:Gecarcinucidae) from the Central Western Ghats of India | Zootaxa (mapress.com)
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I love COD Cold War, I just love grabbing Bell’s character and making my own little agent
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