#Please please please please let her continue her journey of self discovery and don't make her-
solradguy · 1 year
god you are so right about other collab artists drawing jack-o way too young. she's looked great in all the pop up shop artwork ofc, but then you go to her GG wiki gallery that has art of her from various othe JP games (usually Xrd jack-o) and UHHHH wtf happened. that looks like a 14 year old shoving her butt to the camera good god.
YEAH UGGGHHHH I HATE IT. Like this one from the Elemental Story collab isn't the worst one, but it's a good enough example without posting the ass one from Last Period's collab:
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And then the pop-up shop art's like "this is an adult woman so help me god"
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They definitely gave this/these artist[s] this concept drawing as a model guide and didn't give any of Daisuke's Jack-O' illustrations to the game collab artists for Xrd Jackie lol:
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memysoulandi · 3 months
Jason Grace, so much potential...
Actually this goes for the entire lost trio. The AMOUNT of TRAUMA these three had and the potential for character development they had too is UNREAL, yet nothing was done. Let us begin my personal beliefs
-Delve into his trauma of his remaining family deciding he was the devil at age EIGHT and refusing to take him in-abandonment issues
-Have his constant feelings of invalid-ness and being the unneeded member of the seven be corrected by giving him CLOSE FRIENDS HE PIPER AND JASON NEED TO BE CLOSER AT THE VERY LEAST and conversations when he realizes he is wanted and needed
-Don't have Calypso storyline in there-he didn't need a girlfriend to solve his problems, if you have it, have it as good friends-another member of his support group
-Make him gay and have valgrace or slowburn/implied valgrace(the two of them pining then like kinda tragic as Leo dies)
-Have her lesbian storyline occur in HoO where she's a main character-it's an important storyline for her character that deserves a spotlight and time that ToA couldn't give it
-No Jiper! This relationship was toxic and founded on fake memories-if you're going to do it, do it as a part of her LGBTQIA+ journey and Jason's as well
-Don't have her demonize femininity! She can wear dresses! She can wear makeup! She can present more feminine and still be the same character and her hatred of any and all things feminine is not good representation! Make her a feminist, please! Or at least make her less against femininity as a whole.
-No kaleidoscope eyes! Give her brown eyes and also have her rediscovering her culture storyline as a part of HoO too!
-Make him a better fighter than Percy. He has been at Camp Jupiter since the age of three and spent a year with wolves before then. He has spent his entire life in a military setting training, he should be a better swordfighter than Percy 'I show up to summer camp at age 12 to 16 and only really use my sword then' Jackson.
-Give him more powers. Or Percy less. Children of the big three should be equal in potential power, not Percy being OP and the others having lightning or shadows powers some of the time. Percy needs less power and Jason, Thalia, Hazel, and Nico need more. Jason should have more power than Percy as he has had longer to train it.
-Give him a personality. His storyline in HoO should be a journey of self-discovery. He has always been another member of an army, with constant pressure on him to be the best at everything and a strong confident leader who doesn't make mistakes as a son of Jupiter. His entire life has been dictated by those around him. For the first time, he is free of that and he needs to be discovering things like how he likes to dress, his style, his sexuality, his likes and dislikes, and his personality. In my opinion he should be kinda shy with a feral edge, side effect of the wolves, who is always trying to people please. When he stops doing this, he becomes significantly happier and a greater use to the team. Plus valgrace;D.
-Also, make him despise Percy at the beginning. He worked his entire life to be an afterthought that nobody looked for when he went missing for months, while Percy was looked for by everyone after only a few days. Percy achieved everything he wanted in a matter of weeks in New Rome and he was happy and had friends and a life. Percy has everything Jason doesn't. They need to have a moment where they are locked together and Percy goes "why do you hate me" and Jason breaks down because "You have everything I want and you don't even have to try!". This would create a better relationship for them and be the turning point for Jason as Percy hears what he has to say and validates him. Also Jason personality.
-Don't kill him off and continue his self-discovery journey in ToA.
-Make him and Thalia have a closer relationship that in the months between TLH and TSoN, it is implied that they spend time together. He should feel safe with her and they needed more interactions as they are SIBLINGs, god damit.
-Make him and Reyna just friends-she wanted to look for him but couldn't 'cause Octavian(the bitch) and someone needed to be Praetor in his absence.
-Also give him history with Octavian-ex-friends or something give me drama.
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A Needlessly Long Analysis of Every Single Cat King Scene in Dead Boy Detectives and Why I Want to Throw Him.
After many, many rewatches of Dead Boy Detectives for the sake of trying to get another season, I've found myself with increasingly strong feelings about a certain feline so... Can we talk about the Cat King? Yes? Great. Forewarning, I'm about to absolutely ream this shapeshifter because he's complex, confusing, horrible, and has so much potential that I need to talk about it.
Please keep in mind that this is my personal take !! I love the Cat King as a character, I just don't like a lot of his actions given the context.
Introduction to the Madness ...
The Cat King is a wonderful antagonist for so many reasons, but I feel like a lot of people have forgotten that he's an extraordinarily flawed person and can be incredibly creepy at times. Lukas does a wonderful job portraying the Cat King's charm, as does George in portraying Edwin's brief moments of falling into his traps, but the Cat King is not a good person. Let's go down the list.
The Cat King's Introduction: Episode 2
Episode 2 starts off with the consequences of Edwin's rash actions in Episode 1, something that I'm fully here for. It gives Edwin's jealousy real weight outside of just causing tension between Crystal and Edwin. However, I think people forget that the Cat King's "punishment" is (almost) completely selfish. Yes, while he claims that it's a consequence for harming the other cats, the punishment doesn't actually reward the cat Edwin used magic on, instead only benefiting the Cat King himself. It does force Edwin to distinguish between the cats, something that I figured out after another watch of the scene, but... I'm not sure if that was his main motivation when he blatantly says later that he wanted more time with Edwin.
The two options Edwin is presented with are sex and counting all the cats in Port Townsend. Option one is mildly horrific, even if Edwin is to consent it could still be considered coercive as the Cat King is in a position of power over Edwin. I personally don't think it'd get to that point - the Cat King sees the Edwin is a repressed Edwardian boy and wants to test that boundary - but... the implication is hard to swallow. When Edwin is given the option of counting cats, he emphasizes that he is a "fair and consensual Cat King", which we'll get back to later, but the offer itself is still - essentially - a move on Edwin as it forces him to stay in the Cat King's vicinity for longer. The task itself is stupid, but it again doesn't benefit any of the cats besides the Cat King. The only reason Edwin's stay is prolonged is because the Cat King is fascinated by Edwin. That's it.
While this interaction does contribute to Edwin's eventual sexual awakening, that does not make the interaction itself good. And this dichotomy between the Cat King starring in Edwin's journey of self discovery but doing so in the literal worst way continues in Episode 4...
The Cat King and Exploiting Emotional Attachment: Episode 4
I'd like to point out that this interaction starts out with the Cat King scratching Edwin, something that he explains by referencing "rough play". Now, this is obviously a joke, but it still brings up issues with the continued lack of Edwin's consent in something that the Cat King frames as sexual. What really kills me about this scene though, is how the Cat King exploits Edwin's other crushes - or potential crushes - to get a reaction out of him. The funniest thing about this to me, is that the way that the Cat King shapeshifts into people that Edwin cares for ends up paralleling him to Angie, our monster of the week. Angie also exploits the emotional attachment of someone to their loved ones for personal gain, but in her case it's to actively seek out food. What separates the two to me, is that the Cat King does not need Edwin to care for him, nor does he need Edwin to survive, he just wants Edwin, therefore making him kind of worse that the monster that we go into this Episode trying to slay.
Again, this does end up assisting Edwin in his eventual realization that he likes Charles, but it's the entirely wrong way of going about it. The scene ends with me just feeling like Edwin got thrown around like a mouse by this cat in the middle of something that's genuinely important to him. And then the confession of why Edwin does the casework. Sweet Jesus. Yes, it's good that Edwin gets that truth out for the sake of the audience, but the knowledge that the Cat King gains out of it is chilling to me. It's another display of the power the Cat King holds over Edwin because while you can argue that he uses the binding spell on Edwin as payback for what happened to his cats, forcing the truth out of Edwin was nothing but for himself. I think he believes it's for Edwin's sake, to make him feel more comfortable sharing things now that the first hurdle has passed, but it... really doesn't? The way that this backfires really emphasizes the way that pushing Edwin's boundaries like this isn't a good way to gain his affection.
The last thing to point out in this specific interaction is the last couple of lines of the scene, specifically the way that the Cat King taunts Edwin about the cat count of 142 being "way off". We know this is a bluff because later, he confirms that there are 147 cats in Port Townsend, including himself of course. The irony to this scene in my opinion is the fact that the Cat King just said to Edwin that he wanted him to be more honest, and then immediately lies. The double standard is insane, and I can't tell if the Cat King realizes it or not.
Something I feel important to note as well is the way that Edwin, in the same episode, when asked if he'd like to kiss the Cat King answers painfully fast. Monty he at least considers, but the Cat King isn't even an option to him. To me, this just displays further how horrifically the Cat King has fucked up any chances of a meaningful relationship with Edwin.
The Cat King Becomes an Incel for a Hot Minute: Episode 6
Episode 6... Oh boy Episode 6. Episode 6 is hard because he doesn't stop being a boundary pusher, but it's also ever the more evident just how much this stupid cat cares about Edwin. I would love to defend him and be like "oh actions speak louder than words" but his actions STILL suck in this scene. So, let's break down those action one by one.
First off, he goes to the forest. That's a big one because he mentions that he's been looking for Edwin the entire night, seemingly for no other reason than to explain to him the situation with Monty being an essential double agent. The first bit of the interaction between the Cat King and Monty isn't much to note, in my opinion, because it's mostly just taunting. But, in this case, the taunting is kind of warranted. Though I personally empathize with Monty's situation, he is still leading Edwin into a trap that could kill him. Where the Cat King pushes boundaries again is the goddamn kiss. It feels... icky. Predatory.
Again, there's no consent in this situation, and though it all comes from a place of worrying for Edwin's safety, I'm not sure that excuses it. I will grant the Cat King the fact that he's extraordinarily honest with Edwin throughout the scene, exposing Monty's identity and the case without beating around the bush much. The way that the Cat King ends the interaction, because though I'm not exactly sure what to think about the Cat King's approval of Edwin lashing out at Monty, I know exactly what I think about what follows.
Edwin, rightly, immediately thinks to take the information he just learned to Crystal and Charles, the two people who could still be in danger because of this now pointless case. The Cat King takes this time to make yet another move instead of just... accepting the fact that he helped and that could build Edwin's trust later. The way the Cat King says "I believe I'm at least owed a little thank-you" threw me off the first time I watched it, but I accepted it. I suppose Edwin could have been more polite. And then the Cat King said "By the way, the second kiss is always much better."
Dude. What. So, to break this down, the Cat King comes out to help save Edwin from a potentially life threatening situation only because he believes that he will get a reward out of it. When Edwin refuses (rightfully so, what the fuck) the Cat King asserts his power again by saying that he's "not someone to be dismissed". Edwin's words are harsh when he states that the Cat King is nothing more than the chain linking him to Port Townsend, but I don't feel as though he's entirely wrong to be upset in this situation. The Cat King, instead of making me feel bad for him afterwards, goes full Nice Guy™ on Edwin afterwards by yelling at him that he'll stop playing nice. Instead of taking literally two seconds to introspect, he threatens Edwin like that's going to keep his stubborn ass from doing anything.
Hello? What happened to fair and consensual Cat King, dude? He's so out of touch with how to actually express his affection for someone, and it's honestly insane.
Alone: Episode 7
Episode 7 is the third to last time we see the Cat King, and it's the first time that he's not in the presence of Edwin. We see him be more vulnerable here, and get a better understanding of how he acts when he's cornered. He starts off haughty, continues his antics with innuendo to offset tension, and then continues to taunt Ester until he gets literally killed by her. After his death he expresses his fear through anger, and continues to attempt to defend Edwin. First by trying to remind her that he's not going to give her the youth she desires, then by telling her to "keep your paws off of him".
It's somewhat heart warming to know he does truly care for Edwin, but he's still in it for himself, ultimately. He doesn't attempt to go against Esther again out of fear that he'll die for it, and his values of his survival above else. It's great character building, and a great flaw, but again annoying that he only expresses this level of care without Edwin around.
Redemption?: Episode 8
Episode 8 is meant to be his, sort-of, redemption Episode in my opinion. He is vulnerable with Niko and Crystal in regards to his fear of Esther (kind of, he does confess that he was killed by her), gives them information on Esther's background, and also gives them a tip off on something that could help stop her - black salt.
After Niko's death, when he presents Edwin with flowers, I believe he is meant to be at his best. He does not demand anything from Edwin in that moment, only apologizes for the loss of Niko and compliments her bravery. It's interesting to note that the lilies that he gifts to Edwin are toxic to cats, potentially a symbol of his attempt to be less selfish when it comes to him. And that he doesn't ask for anything more from Edwin when he is given the kiss on the cheek.
Of course, he still maintains his bravado and teasing nature, but that - it seems - is meant to be the Cat King's redemption arc.
But... is it enough?
Is it Enough?: Conclusions
I don't think so, personally. I think that in a Season 2, the Cat King could've become a better, less selfish, person. But at the moment, I think he's still stuck in the same middle ground that Monty ends up in where the one good deed he does ends up being a small drop in the bullshit that comes before that. While I do think that Monty is ultimately more forgivable, there is still a lot that would need to happen to truly get both of them to a point where they can be forgiven by those they harmed (and me, tbh). The Cat King may have done better eventually, but he still never really apologized for his contributions to everything that happened in Port Townsend, or the bullshit that he did to Edwin personally.
All this to circle back around to this: Fuck Netflix for depriving us of Season 2 and potentially truly redeeming the Cat King and having him actually learn to care about Edwin in a way that doesn't push his boundaries immeasurably. And fuck Netflix for not giving me a chance to see the Cat King start to accept the fact that he is fucking lonely and does way too much to cover it up. I need him acknowledging his fuck ups, becoming a genuine protagonist and not just someone who could be good! He has so much potential to be more than a mere predator playing with his food and Netflix took that from us.
Tldr; Netflix is the real villain here, but the Cat King sure does a good job of trying to be the best, most complicated, most annoying, most horrifying antagonist.
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judasofsuburbia · 1 year
how the light gets in: a fan playlist
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"You're a monster."
"You're Nancy Wheeler."
read here.
listen to the playlist here.
fell in absolute love with the series How The Light Gets In by my lovely pal @fastcardotmp3 and decided to make a fan playlist!! seriously this series is so special and so poetic. it is about chrissy cunningham coming back from the dead as a vampire and nancy wheeler finding her out while she's visiting barb's grave. together, they go on a journey of self-discovery and girlhood through monstrosity. and of course, fall for each other in the meanwhile. GO READ THIS SERIES i cannot recommend it enough!
song explanations below the cut!
anthem by leonard cohen: where the fic title comes from! a slow song about life continuing to move forward even after tragedy. very fitting for this series.
just a girl (cover) by florence + the machine: of course this had to go on here! chrissy has "come back wrong" and has to rethink and relearn what it means to be a girl again and the horrors associated with girlhood.
all the things she said (cover) by poppy: there is a moment at the beginning where chrissy can't communicate to nancy yet because vecna can hear everything. but she starts to make a list of all the things she will tell her once she can speak freely again.
talk to you by ricky montgomery: kind of the same as before! they wish they could communicate with each other and eventually figure out that vecna (who is possessing chrissy, so to speak) can only hear what they're saying. not see or read. so they end up writing down notes to each other to avoid vecna ruining their plans.
seventeen by sharon van etten: this one is kind of more vibes but basically reminscing on the girl chrissy once was and how she's growing.
way of nature, way of grace by aly and aj and joy oladokun: soft love song that explores the growing fascination the girls have with each other and the admiration of beauty through the pain/ the horrors.
girls against god by florence + the machine: ONCE AGAIN of course this had to go on here. florence just gets troubled girls<3 something about taking the reins of your life even when everything feels out of control.
please, please, please let me get what i want by the smiths: it's explored in this fic that chrissy struggling to want things and nancy being so giving to her, unselfishly. it's so beautiful :,)
hungry eyes by eric carmen: WOO MONSTER SONG basically here for the vibes of monster girl finally getting to consume. and definitely looking at nancy with hungry eyes.
i'll be here in the morning by townes van zandt: nancy promising that she will be back for chrissy time and time again :,))
leonard cohen by boygenius: kind of just for vibes but because the title song is leonard cohen, i thought it fit! it's about that particular song and getting lost in your happiness<3
waiting for a girl like you by foreigner: some 80's vibes now!! basically following chrissy never understanding her attraction to men but everything finally starting to make sense once she gets close to nancy.
me and the devil by soap&skin: nancy's defense song! it takes a lot of convincing from her to the group to let her take care of chrissy. this song explores following the devil and not being able to explain why you need to<3
lay all your love on me (cover) by pale honey: felt fitting for their first kiss in the woods up against a tree. dot wrote the emotion and desperation in this scene SO WELL!!
i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie: kind of an overall vibe song but also relates to chrissy going through the upside down again to help save max and destroy vecna. willing to go back to hell in order to find her autonmy again<3
NFWMB by hozier: also a first kiss song after chrissy tears apart a demogorgan to save nancy phewwww<3 but also just general vibes of them protecting each other from the others who don't understand!!!
fade into you by mazzy star: ties into the irreplaceable bond that chrissy and nancy are making with each passing day. they're fading into each other.
to be alone with you by sufjan stevens: chrissy is craving genuine alone time with nancy like how it was when she first found her<3
like lovers do by hey violet: sexy spooky song ooo!!! i would relate this one to the way they can't keep their hands off each other once they get a taste you know ;) that's just how lovers do!!!
the way i feel inside by the zombies: a soft love song about deciding whether or not to speak their feelings. nancy and chrissy spend time in this fic finally being able to speak their mind and their desires (esp for each other! eep!) and being frightened by the power but also enlightened.
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whentranslatorscry · 1 year
Hitagi Honeymoon
"I understand every detail, Araragi-senpai. You don't need to say anything else, and you don't need to worry about anything. All your worries rest on my shoulders now. I swear on the name of Tokugawa Ieyasu that I will find Shinobu-chan. So please, Araragi-senpai, continue on your way to Senjougahara with Araragi-senpai."
"But, Kanbaru..."
"In all honesty, I implore you not to abandon your honeymoon here. Of course, if there was an imminent danger to Shinobu-chan's life, there would be no room for choice— but that is not the case. If you still insist on leaving your bride to search for Shinobu-chan, then you may as well shoot me dead."
I didn't have a gun on me.
Nor should an ordinary guy like me even possess such a thing.
"We aren’t some high school kids skipping school to search for her anymore. It's time to grow up."
You’re one to talk.
Still a student yourself. 
But she was right. Much has changed since the time when I ran around town trying to find Shinobu as she was on her journey of self-discovery. Now, I find myself lost in an unfamiliar land without even a sense of direction.
Wandering aimlessly could make me the one who's lost.
And the god of lost children was far, far away.
"Besides, if I am granted Araragi-senpai’s permission to move on my own, I have a method that could drastically improve the chances of finding her compared to if you were to search for her yourself. Please understand that I don't say this out of any desire to prioritize Araragi-senpai. I know how important Shinobu is to you, Araragi-senpai. That's why, in this instance, you should leave it all to me."
I couldn’t keep track of whether she meant Hitagi or me, but... it seems she had a way?
I thought it made sense that I should be the one most attuned to finding Shinobu, given our spiritual bond and master-servant relationship. But I couldn't find her on my own back in high school. To my frustration, I had to wait for her to come out of hiding on her own accord.
In the first place, it was rather irregular for Shinobu to break free from my shadow... Maybe it hadn't been wise to let her drink a considerable amount of blood before inspecting the stone.
That might have temporarily allowed her independent action.
Metaphors about parent and child didn’t seem appropriate anymore… But maybe like a Bluetooth smartwatch?
Even so, it was still daytime… Ahh, I see.
The heavy rain helped too. Even in a place named after sunlight such as Nikko¹, there wasn’t a single ray of sunlight right now— that could be considered dangerous, though.
What if the fickle mountain weather changed again...? Neither of us knew the area well. Actually, Shinobu was worse off. At least I had a smartphone with a map app, but unlike Kagenui-san, who treated her Shikigami like a little sister, I hadn't even given Shinobu a kid's cell phone.
Because she wasn’t my daughter. 
No, it's no use; I just can't sit still any longer. 
"I guarantee it. Also, if you move, it's highly probable that our strategy will fail. The best thing for Shinobu-chan is for you to go with Araragi-senpai to Senjougahara."
"I trust you wholeheartedly. If you say it is necessary for me to wear a Naoetsu High School girl’s uniform to find Shinobu, even at my ripe age of twenty-four, I will gladly do it. However, if you say not to do anything, I'd at least like to know what you're planning."
"I'm gonna do something that you'd stop me from doing if I told you. That's all I can say."
It was tempting to point out which of us it was that hadn’t changed since school, but I suppose we were both alike in our stubbornness. The wolf may lose his teeth but never his nature— including the fact that when I look straight into the eyes of my devoted junior, I can’t help but concede.
And that was certainly a hint.
She'd revealed as much of her strategy as possible, just barely toeing the line.
Even I, who wouldn't hesitate to employ any means necessary to find Shinobu, would be compelled to stop what she had in mind.
Ah, so that’s it— she would ask that conman for a hand. Not the monkey’s paw, at least.
I had come to know of it only after becoming a cop to apprehend him, but through her mother or her aunt, Kanbaru had a direct connection to Kaiki Deishuu, the infamous conman who wreaked havoc in our hometown. It seems that even during high school, unbeknownst to me, she had met with that man.
He had suddenly vanished from the public eye at some point (which might be a natural consequence for a criminal), so I had assumed her ties with him had been severed as well. Even the free-spirited Gaen-san seemed to have decided against approaching the Kanbaru family— but it was quite surprising that she still kept in contact with him.
Right, he might be very skilled at tracking down a runaway girl. In this particular field, his expertise, annoyingly, may well surpass that of Gaen-san. 
Even though I am well aware that the world doesn't always run on justice and righteousness, and even if I tried to put aside personal feelings, as a police officer, it irks me to rely on a criminal's help in a tough situation. But, as Kanbaru said, the chances of finding her were the highest this way.
In fact, there was no one else to lend a hand. Not even a foot.
Even if I disregard our history, as an agent of law enforcement, my presence would undoubtedly put that conman on high alert. And as for assurances, the notorious criminal would never deceive Kanbaru—no matter how reckless an illicit investigation may be, her safety was guaranteed.
Certainly, a decision had to be made.
A painful one.
"Got it. I'll leave everything to you. I grant you carte blanche. But I'll bear all responsibility. Even if things don't go well, you don't need to worry. So, without feeling any pressure, please do your best."
"Leave it to me! Now hurry up and go, Araragi-senpai. There's a minivan waiting for you in the parking lot. From here on out, it's just the two of you. Just a return to the way it should be, the real honeymoon."
It was really paradoxical to think that not pursuing the runaway Shinobu would be best for her. As baffling as it may be, when urged like that, I knew that my mission was clear— to make my way to Oku-Nikko as soon as possible.
Without waiting for me to leave fully, Kanbaru took out her smartphone and began pushing a number on the touch panel that she seemed to remember by heart. Had I gone back on my word and arrasted that conman who played a big part in my motivation to become a police officer, it would not have been impossible. But such betrayal was out of the question.
Actually, I was glad I didn't.
Kanbaru probably thought I'd moved far away when she began the call, but just like how Shinobu regained the power to temporarily break away from her shadow seal, my five senses, too, were enhanced— sharper than they had any right to be. Just as I was tiptoeing through the dark, I could barely make out the familiar voice of my junior from over a dozen meters away.
"My name is Kanbaru Suruga. My special skill is the double jump."
Are you still saying that?
Maybe she had matured since she refrained from saying anything about Araragi-senpai—but she was no criminal, and I had no intention to eavesdrop. On the contrary, I wanted to quicken my pace so as not to overhear, but I couldn’t go faster than the speed of sound— in between the rain's cacophony, I could just make out Kanbaru's next line.
"Sorry to bother you while you're so busy, Sengoku-chan, but I need a bit of your help— it's not about a doujinshi, no. Not as a manga artist, but as a specialist…"
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minty-mumbles · 3 years
Feathered Freak, Winged Wonder (Ch. 4)
Chapter Summary: Wild adjusts to the rest of the chian knowing he has wings. There is wing grooming involved.
AN: Final chapter! Woo! Beta'd by @transzeldas :)
AO3 | Previous Chapter | Lore post Here, if you're interested
It was a week before Wild started to act somewhat normally around the other heroes again. At first, he jumped at every touch, warily tracked every sudden movement, and returned to sleeping tucked in a tree away from the fire, something he hadn’t done since the earliest days of their journey together.
Slowly, though, he relaxed. The others pointedly made no mention of his wings, leaving the subject completely alone. The only real difference was that no one bothered him about bathing so far away from camp.
Before, they had thought he was just self-conscious. Before, they had often brought up the point that being a bit shy about your body shouldn’t lead to your death if you‘re ambushed too far away from camp to call for help. Now, they knew the truth, and let Wild go bathe alone with minimal fuss.
It was another several weeks before he sat down in the middle of camp and took off his tunic and wing binder.
One final test. Were they being truthful? Would they keep up this attitude even when his wings were flaunted in front of their faces?
The volume of the conversation around him dipped for a single moment before the chattering was picked back up seamlessly. No one said anything. He slowly flexed his wings, letting out a pleased hum as his muscles stretched out pleasantly. It had been a while since he had had a chance to do this.
He usually didn’t bother to wash his wings. His feathers weren’t waterproof, and drying them off was always more trouble than it was worth. Which meant that he didn’t stretch out his wings while bathing, as he had no reason to. Bathing leisurely also wasn't something he tended to bother with. He spared no time relaxing in the water, the instinct ingrained in him to bathe as quickly as possible to minimize the risk of discovery. So when he did have a chance to stretch out his wings, it always felt amazing.
He didn’t allow himself to fully flare his wings out this time. He didn’t need or want the attention that would draw to him.
Instead, he let himself fall into his routine, methodically straightening feathers and plucking out the out-of-place fluff. He let his mind wander, thinking idly about what ingredients he needed to stock up on the next time they were in a town. He didn’t let his thoughts distract him from his surroundings, though. He was perfectly aware of Legend’s movements when he started approaching.
The veteran sat down near Wild. He sprawled out, making himself comfortable. The Vet ran an appraising eye watching the movements of Wild’s grooming. Wild’s fingers faltered in his routine, unused to the scrutiny. After a few more moments of silence, he stopped moving entirely, staring at Legend expectantly. It took a pointed eyebrow raise for the Vet to finally speak.
“Your feathers are all messed up… Are you really that bad at grooming?” His blunt words were pointedly casual as if he were asking whether Wild thought it was going to rain tomorrow, and not metaphorically poking at a festering wound.
Wild snorted. Legend's casual brusqueness actually made Wild less offended by his words. He was honestly more incredulous. “What would you know about feathers, Leg? I’m pretty sure you don't have any.”
Legend huffed, avoiding his eyes. Wild could sense there was something he wasn't saying, but let it be. If he tried to prod at the subject, Legend wouldn’t say anything.
A few minutes passed in silence as Wild continued to groom his feathers.
When Legend spoke again, he kept his eyes firmly over Wild’s shoulder, not meeting his eyes. “I… probably shouldn’t tell you this without asking her, but, I guess considering the circumstances… I really don’t think she’d mind.”
Warriors, who always had excellent hearing when it came to gossip, turned around so fast he nearly fell off his log. His movements and exclamations caught everyone else's attention as well. “She! You never told me you had any young ladies in your life, Legend!”
Legend scowled, rolling his eyes so hard Wild wouldn’t be surprised if he could see his brain. He didn’t take Warrior’s bait, though. “No, you idiot. I’m talking about my si- I mean, my Zelda. And how do you get “young lady” from “she?” I could have been talking about an old crone, for all you know.” Wild was sure everyone- because everyone had stopped their own tasks to listen to the budding argument- had caught Legend’s slip up, but no one mentioned it. Legend was allowed to keep his own secrets. Having your privacy ripped apart was a horrible feeling.
Wild knew that feeling intimately.
So he kept his mouth shut, and let Legend continue.
“She’s an Avian as well,” Legend admitted. His eyes darted to the side as he spoke, refusing to make eye contact with Wild when his head shot up to look at the vet.
The others' reactions were just as shocked as Wild. Wind was the most vocal about his disbelief. “What?!” Wind exclaimed, mouth twisted into a pout. “Why didn’t you say that earlier? That would have been helpful...” He trailed off here, eyeing Wild out of the corner of his eye. He said no more, likely because he caught the stern gaze Time was no doubt sending his way. Wild didn’t look in their direction, and returned his gaze to his feathers, trying to act as if Legend hadn’t just dropped a bombshell on him. His fingers once again moved methodically as his mind whirled.
A princess- no, not just a princess, but a descendant of the goddess.- was an Avian? Like him?
When he did not immediately react to Legend’s proclamation, the veteran carried on. “So, I don’t have feathers myself, but I think I know more about their upkeep than you do, looking at the state of the things.” The familiarity of Legend’s snark made Wild relax slightly.
He ran an appraising eye over his feathers. They looked a little mussed up from his binder, but otherwise normal, as far as he could tell. He turned an expectant eye on Legend, waiting for an explanation. Legend rolled his eyes. “Did no one ever show you-'' Legend seemed to think better about finishing his sentence.
Suddenly, Wild was less in awe that Legend’s Zelda was an Avian, and much more envious of her. She had never been required to hide herself. Her decision to do so would have been a preference. A personal preference.
It wasn’t a matter of life and death, nor was something she worried over constantly. She would have had someone to teach her how to be an Avian. Wild had crawled out of the Shrine of Resurrection and had to learn how to fly, how to hide his wings, how to groom himself. All with no assistance. Yearning welled up inside of him.
What would it have been like, he wondered, if he had been able to tell another person?
Before the other heroes found out, he had never told anyone about this. His parents would have known, of course. But other than that, no one would have had a clue. Even Mipha, the woman he had supposedly loved, once upon a time- the one he had wanted to marry- hadn’t known. The Zora armor clung tightly to his form in an effort to be streamlined. It pinched his wings when he put it on, and two suspicious lumps showed through the armor on his back when he wore it. He tried to wear it as little as possible for that very reason. Mipha couldn’t have known, then. If she had and was willing to marry him anyway, she would have made the armor fit around his wings.
He allowed himself to imagine what it would have been like if he had had someone to be there to catch him when he first tried to fly, to teach him how to groom his wings, to bandage them if they got injured. He quickly shook off the thought.
It would have been nice.
It would have been wonderful.
But there hadn’t been anyone. He had needed to teach himself how to do everything, including how to groom his own wings. He didn’t really know what he was doing. He was just going off instinct and his own mistakes. Of course, he wasn’t going to be perfect. He carefully didn’t let his irritation show, but based on Legend’s guilty silence, the vet had figured it out anyway.
They fell into a slightly uncomfortable quiet for a while, Legend watching Wild groom himself, and Wild becoming more and more self-conscious. After several minutes had gone by, he was pretty sure his ears were entirely red from embarrassment. He looked at Legend, almost ready to snap at him, but Legend, seeing that Wild’s patience had run out, spoke before Wild could. “Would you let me groom them? Show you?”
That took the wind out of Wild’s sails.
He gaped at Legend. The thought was too weird to wrap his head around. Someone else? Grooming his wings? That was wrong. It went against all his survival instincts, all the reflexes that had been trained into him as an Avian existing in his era.
Legend didn't push for an answer, only sat back, content to let Wild think. Wild was too distracted to return to his grooming. Instead, he sat, head bent over his hands, which absentmindedly fiddled what one of the feathers he had pulled out. It was a downy feather, fluffy, and a pale teal color. He smoothed it between his fingers repetitively as he thought over his options.
He could tell Legend to drop it, and he was sure the veteran would. But something inside him rebelled at the idea of denying the offer. The idea was alien, but… it might be nice.
He would never know if he didn’t try.
Slowly, he nodded at the other hero. Wild could swear he saw a small flicker of a genuine smile before it was replaced with Legend’s trademark smirk
Legend pats the log next to him “Alright, come over here.” Wild was glad he wasn't making a big deal out of this. He didn’t know if he could handle that. He shifted to sit closer to Legend, probably looking extremely uncomfortable. Legend only arched an eyebrow, spinning his finger in a circle to indicate that Wild should turn around.
Because he was going to be grooming his wings.
Wild turned to face away from Legend, still hyper-aware of his movements. Legend moved purposefully, telegraphing all his moves clearly.
Wild turned to look back at him curiously when he heard liquid being poured out of a water flask. “Water doesn’t do a whole lot for cleaning wings.” He remarked blandly, more curious than anything else. Legend, eyes free of judgment, explained.
“I know that. I’m just washing my hands. The natural oils on my skin and the dirt I've picked up won’t do your feathers any favors. I would prefer to give my hands a good scrub, but I’ll make do with just rinsing off.”
Wild glanced down at his own hands, which were hardly ever clean unless he was cooking, and winced. Dirt was caked under his nails, and his left palm was still stained red from when he had used it to measure out Goron spice for supper last night. Embarrassed, despite the fact that everyone is very carefully not looking at the scene going on in the middle of camp, he clutched at the fabric of his pants, trying to subtly wipe off the stains on his hand. It didn’t work.
Legend’s voice pulled him back from his thoughts. “May I touch you now?”
Last chance to back out.
“Okay.” Wild breathed. He knew he must sound nervous, knew it was a little shameful for a hero of courage to be nervous about this, but he couldn't bring himself to steady his voice.
The first brush of Legend’s hand against this feather made Wild jump. Legend only waited until he settled down again, before continuing. Careful of the still tender area on Wild’s wing joint, where his injuries weren’t completely healed, Legend slowly ran a hand through his feathers.
It… felt nice.
It felt really nice.
Legend simply ran his hand through WIld’s feathers, straightening out the parts Wild either couldn’t reach himself, or hadn’t gotten to before he was interpreted. That went on for a while, letting Wild get used to the sensation of someone else touching his wings for the very first time.
Wild stared unseeingly in front of himself, concentrating only on the feeling of foreign touch on his wings. He was still tense. It was still weird, but-
“Is this a stick in your feathers? Wild, for Hylia’s sake, when did this even happen?” The pure exasperation in Legend’s voice was so familiar and so strange to hear in such an unfamiliar situation that it startled a laugh out of the champion.
Something broke inside of him, the last bit of hesitance and doubt melting off of him.
They would be okay.
He would be okay.
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aphrostarot · 3 years
Who Are You Pick a Pile
How are you seen by your friends, family, you, and society? How do you want to be seen and who are you actually?
Remember that this is a general reading and some things may not apply to you. Do not try and force it to fit. If you would like a personal reading you can click here. There I have my shop where I offer all of my readings. Or you can dm me with what you'd like.
*Please read before you pick a pile*
I say spirit when I am channeling and writing out your readings, if you do not believe in spirit that is totally okay, this message is still meant for you if you feel that it is! Whatever you believe in is valid and you can ignore when I say spirit if you don't believe in it or, replace it with whoever you believe is giving you this message. If you have any questions or you just want to talk about this feel free to dm me!
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Pile One (Rose Quartz):
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How do your friends see you?
Three of Wands: In this specific deck the three of wands is depicted as a long journey ahead, one that you are just starting. That being said, this would mean that your friends see you as someone who is starting a journey, maybe of self-discovery, a career journey, spiritual journey, etc. Your friends see you as someone strong, knows what they want, and is driven to get that.
The Avenger: The Avenger is made, not born. Her state of mind evolved from a primal desire for vengeance - and she has the drive to carry it out by whatever means necessary. The Avenger is distinguished by her ability to weaponize her innate knowledge and her surroundings and forgoes other elements of her personality until justice is served. In revenge films, the Avenger functions as karma personified - and her payback is defined by its symbolic, poetic flourish. Your friends think you’re strong and that you are someone who has fought to become who they are and will continue to fight until they become who they want to be.
How does your family see you?
Five of Pentacles: This card represents poverty, a great loss. Your family sees you as someone who has lost a lot and is currently in a dark place, in a low. They think that you are going through a tough time. You have lost a lot and that you need help.
The Goth: The Goth lives in a romantic world of horror and death. In genre fiction, the Goth often finds herself as the keeper of a mystical secret, an explorer of unholy ground, or an unknowing link to the realm of the dead. She often makes her home in a remote, decaying property, and her solitude allows for her to fully embrace every instance of terror. While the Goth’s inquisitive nature and innate resolve allow her to stand up against corrupt forces, both human and supernatural, she may also allow herself to be seduced by dark passions. This is how your family sees you, as someone who has accepted the darkness and is not willing to come out. They also see you as someone who wants to go against the grain and does their own thing.
How do you see you?
The Sun: Happiness is the meaning of this card. You see yourself as someone who is happy, successful, optimistic, and confident. You feel like you have this warm energy surrounding you, yellow may resonate with you. You feel like you are a light in a lot of people’s lives like you are the person people go to when they need someone to brighten their mood.
Two of Pentacles: The primary meaning of this card is, balance and all things that come with it such as; adaption, flexibility, and resourcefulness. Again, you view yourself as someone who is resourceful, the person that others go to when they need help. You feel as though you have your life in check, you know what you want and how you’re going to get it. You feel like you are good at balancing things and keeping everything in order.
The Muse: The Muse speaks to the soul. In fiction, the Muse is a woman who embodies the spirit of a particular moment so much that she’s upheld as an inspiration. While the Muse may be kept as a source of personal inspiration for an artist, her life is an artistic expression in itself. She may exude an attitude, philosophy, or appearance that makes her emblematic of lifelong creative or romantic partnerships. Even if her je ne sais quoi is short-lived, her impact can be crystallized forever. You think you are the person who is an inspiration to the people around you, that people center their lives and pursuits off of what you have done and continue to do.
How does society see you?
Seven of Pentacles: This is the card of growth, of hard work paying off after some planning. Society sees you as someone who has gone through a lot and has grown from that, that you’ve planned the way you want your life to go and that you execute those plans. You do everything you need to in order to get to where you want to be.
The Spinster: The Spinster is unbothered. In romance fiction, the Spinster is a woman who has remained single past the age deemed desirable, and as such is typically childless. The Spinster’s isolation from traditional domestic roles of wife and mother makes her solitary life a source of speculation and projected anxiety. The Spinster is generally used to caution young women against the dead-end of an unmarried life, and her solitude is seen as a consequence of curdled femininity. Whether by choice or not, the Spinster has the ability to rely solely on herself. Society views you as an independent person, someone who doesn’t need anyone, someone who chooses to be single because they don’t need anyone other than themselves to make them happy.
How do you want to be seen?
The Hermit: This is the card of solitude, of self-reflection. Meaning, you want to be seen as someone who is independent, working on themselves, and growing. You may like the idea of people viewing you as a hard-working self-indulgent person, a person who keeps to themselves and has persevered through everything thrown their way. Someone who makes their life work and has gotten what they want because they worked for it.
The Earth Mother: The Earth Mother is in sync with her environment. In genre film, the Earth Mother represents a connection to the terrestrial, often by rejecting modernity and embracing life in nature. She may present as a hippie who prioritizes the health of the environment, or as the maternal figure in a commune, offering motherly guidance to those seeking a more pastoral life. She may also be upheld as a symbol of growth, harvest, or fertility, and possess a mystical connection to the secrets of the natural world. You very much may want to be seen as someone with cottage core energy.
Who are you actually?
Nine of Wands: You are someone who has a lot of emotional baggage from your upbringing or previous relationships. This makes you a people-pleaser who wants others to like you because, deep down, you feel unworthy. Therefore, you’re the type of person who others walk over and take advantage of. On the opposite end of the scale, you could be unwilling to let anyone into your inner circle. You do not trust easily and are suspicious of others. The Nine of Wands, however, is a sign that your mistrust may be justified, which is a positive aspect of the card; you’re not quick to let just anyone into your life.
The Maid: The Maid sees everything and tells nothing. In pulp fiction, the Maid is typically a meek domestic worker who peers into the daily intrigues of the family she’s working for. Be it excessive consumption, familial corruption, or adulterous affairs, the Maid is expected to sweep the scandals of the every day up and out of sight. Due to her exclusive access to people’s lives, she may often palsy as a star witness in a trial, or get caught up in a blackmail scheme. But the Maid typically represents some form of class repression or exploitation - until she gets the chance to turn the tables. You have been on the underside of life for a long time, that doesn’t mean you will always be that way, you can turn the tables after a bit of work
Pile Two (Sodalite):
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How do your friends see you?
Page of Pentacles (reversed): The Page of Pentacles reversed represents someone who is; foolish, immature, irresponsible, lazy, an underachiever, and a procrastinator. This is how your friends see you as someone who is not reliable and is childish.
The Cyborg: The Cyborg is a transgressive blend of human and machine. In science fiction, the organic, human form can be supplemented with technological enhancement. As such, the Cyborg has the capacity for mechanical perfection, working in tandem with human thought, emotion, and values. While often a figure of fear for their ability to rewrite and surpass human flaws. The Cyborg may use their abilities for destruction, but can also offer a glimpse into a perfected human being who is able to transcend human history and work towards utopic harmony. Your friends see you as someone who needs an upgrade. Someone who needs to change so they can be like the cyborg, able to use their powers to bring about harmony or destruction.
How does your family see you?
Seven of Swords (reversed): This is the card of truth being revealed, of having been manipulative in the past and now coming out and revealing that truth. So, your family sees you as someone who has something to reveal, something that you have been hiding from them.
The Headmistress: The Headmistress rules with an iron fist. In fiction, the Headmistress is responsible for overseeing the entirety of a school, typically one for girls or young women, and for managing its students, staff, and grounds. While the Headmistress is typically a strict disciplinarian with an eye for getting results, she can also function as a maternal, albeit authoritative presence. Her reputation often precedes her, and being summoned into her office is enough to strike fear into the heart of any student. Your family views you as someone who is to be feared, someone who does whatever it takes to be heard and in control.
How do you see you?
Seven of Wands: You see yourself as someone who needs to stand up for yourself no matter what, defend yourself and your territory. You may have gone through a lot to get to where you are and you don’t what to lose it. You feel like people are constantly trying to question you and bring you down, so, you defend yourself.
The Empress: You view yourself as the Divine Feminine, as someone who embraces all things feminine. You think you are someone who is loving, warm, sensual, and that you are as charismatic as you are beautiful. You defend yourself because people don’t understand the real you, in your eyes.
The Siren: The Siren’s call is irresistible. In horror and mythology, the Siren is a beautiful amphibious creature who appears as a human woman or a human and animal hybrid. The Siren typically lives with others of her kind in the rocks and cliffs of coastal areas. Together, the Sirens use their powerful voices to lure passing sailors towards shipwreck and death. While the origins and goals of the Siren vary, she is ultimately symbolic of the challenge of resistance. You feel like you are irresistible, that you are someone that nobody can resist.
How does society see you? The Magician: The Magician is someone who is; spontaneous, skillful, creative, original, someone of quick understanding, excellent reasoning, intelligent initiatives, and intellectual curiosity. This is how society views you, as someone who is extremely intelligent, someone who uses their brain and is quick with it.
The Gamine: The Gamine strolls the side streets straight into your heart. In genre film and musicals, the Gamine appears as a young, often waifish woman with a penchant for androgynous style and frank speech. Her rejection of what’s ascribed as feminine is characterized by her embrace of the masculine, opting for a short chop or pixie cut and boxy clothes, and presenting a boyish, unpolished demeanor. The Gamine may pursue an independent, bohemian lifestyle in defiance of gender expectations, but is too charming to thwart off attention from suitors from all walks of life.
How do you want to be seen?
Queen of Swords: The Queen of Swords has very high standards and can be highly critical of herself and others, she doesn’t allow anyone to use her, she puts people in their place. You want to be seen as someone who stands up for themselves and is loved but slightly feared. You want people to understand where they stand with you and to not test you or cross you.
The Coquette: Flattery has gotten the Coquette everywhere, and she has no plans to stop now. In genre film or musicals, the Coquette has a way with words and a knack for reading people - particularly people who have something she wants. She can be an adept conversationalist or an emotional card sharp, but she’ll make you feel so good about yourself you won’t even miss whatever it is you’ve handed over. You want to be seen as someone who is charming, a little intimidating but still, charming. You want people to fear you but also love you.
Who are you actually?
Ace of Pentacles: You are or are meant to be very clever and full of ideas. You are very innovative and clever and you do best with intellectual activities. You use the power of your mind to achieve what you want and need. You will apply reason and intellect to confront issues occurring in your life. You have great literacy skills and rarely lose an argument or discussion. You are someone who is very competitive and will not let go of your position easily. You love taking risks. You usually become an expert in any field you work in. A part of you is very restless and you need to be constantly stimulated. Sometimes you get lost in your head and need to be grounded. It is worth mentioning that the Ace of Pentacles represents new money coming forward, so, it is worth saying that you may be meant to make money in some way.
The Diva: The Diva has a gift from heaven that can make your life hell. In genre film, the Diva is a commanding artistic presence with an impossibly unique talent. The Diva is highly sought after and showered with praise but can become indignant and fickle when she’s not in total control of her ability. She may demand that conditions be met perfectly in order for her to perform, and storm out if she’s denied. Ultimately, the Diva needs her talent to shine just as much as the people around her, and she will do what is necessary to stay in the spotlight. You are meant to be in the spotlight, whether that be literally famous or just in the spotlight in your personal surroundings.
Pile Three (Fuchsite):
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How do your friends see you?
Ten of Wands (reversed): The Ten of Wands reversed represents that your friends see you as someone who is truly burdened by circumstances that are not necessary in your life. They think that you are shouldering too much responsibility, that you fail to delegate because you may fear asking for help or you truly believe that you are capable of handling it all on your own. They think that if you continue to go on this way, you will reach a breakdown.
Six of Pentacles (reversed): The Six of Pentacles reversed means that your friends think that you are someone who is extremely generous, to your own faults. You give too much, more than you are capable of giving. They think that you are extremely nice and caring but that you need to take care of yourself. This could also mean that they think that you are someone who gives but at a cost. That when you are “generous” it always comes with you expecting things in return. They think that you are selfish.
The Dancer: The Dancers body is their instrument. The Dancer presents a mastery of control over their physical movement and expression and is a subject of fascination across a variety of genres. In the psychological thriller, they may obsess over perfecting their performance to the point of mania; in horror, they may perform a physical expression of moral corruption; in erotica, they may move to seduce and entice. Regardless of their particular presentation, the Dancer commands attention through perseverance - their refinement of skill even if just performing for themselves. Your friends see you as someone who puts a lot of their body, as someone who works hard and doesn’t take care of themselves enough. They also see you as someone who is extremely talented at what they do regardless of whether they ask for help or not.
How does your family see you?
Seven of Swords: Your family thinks that you are sneaky, that you operate in the shadows and gather information that might later serve you. They think you may be planning to betray someone, or a group of people, in order to assure self-advancement.
On the other hand, they may think that you are trying to better your situation. They think that the people you surround yourself with may be causing you great misery, hindering your progress, or your road towards self-improvement. If that is the case, they feel that you need to escape your current situation without insulting or hurting the people around you.
The Avenger (reversed): The Avenger is made, not born. Her state of mind evolved from a primal desire for vengeance - and she has the drive to carry it out by whatever means necessary. The Avenger is distinguished by her ability to weaponize her innate knowledge and her surroundings and forgoes other elements of her personality until justice is served. In revenge films, the Avenger functions as karma personified - and her payback is defined by its symbolic, poetic flourish. When she is reversed though, that means that rather than being focused, of having the motivation to get things done, and of seeking justice you are; cruel, filled with rage, and obsessed with the wrong things. This is what they think of you. Going off of what was said above, your family thinks that your friends are doing this to you.
How do you see you?
Page of Cups: You see yourself as someone who is highly intuitive and sensitive to the entire world and various dimensions around you. You think you have a loving, gentle, and warm personality and a strong desire to be around kindred spirits, who help you to feel needed and special. You think you’re highly creative and emotional, that you can be as shy as you are desperate to avoid conflict. Although, you won’t back down from a fight if a fight is what’s called for.
The Spinster (reversed): The Spinster is unbothered. In romance fiction, the Spinster is a woman who has remained single past the age deemed desirable, and as such is typically childless. The Spinster’s isolation from traditional domestic roles of wife and mother makes her solitary life a source of speculation and projected anxiety. The Spinster is generally used to caution young women against the dead-end of an unmarried life, and her solitude is seen as a consequence of curdled femininity. Whether by choice or not, the Spinster has the ability to rely solely on herself. Now with this coming out reversed, instead of you thinking you’re like that you actually think you’re timid, full of fear, and in disarray. Yes, you think that you’re highly intuitive maybe even an empath but still, a part of you thinks that you are small and full of anxiety.
How does society see you?
Justice: Society sees you as a decent, law-abiding individual. They think you make decisions carefully, weighing all the pros and cons. That you are good with words and place a high value on education. Also that you are practical and cautious, but remain a romantic at heart.
Two of Cups: Society thinks you’re warm, loving, and sweet. That you are keen on building and maintaining strong, long-term relationships. That you will marry young and/or remain in a devoted relationship. They think that nurturing relationships are at the core of your belief system, they think you are a great friend, child, siblings, and lover. That you are a natural healer due to your ability to listen to your partners and give great advice in return.
The Cat Burglar: The Cat Burglar is at her best when you never see her at all. In genre fiction, the Cat Burglar has a knack for sneaking into places she’s not wanted and sneaking out with more than she had before. While she prefers to work in shadow, she’s also a master of disguise and can situate herself undetected in plain sight. She can also function as a lady thief, who only seeks impossibly difficult targets or the rarest of valuables, and seldom uses physical force in conquest. Society sees you as someone who is able to blend in wherever you go, but not because you are not noticed, it is your own choice. They see you as someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want.
How do you want to be seen?
The Hanged Man: You want to be seen as confident — perhaps overly so. This card can also represent indecision, and as such, you may be at risk of not recognizing these opportunities when they do come to you. Consequently, you remain forever in limbo, trapped in your indecision, your primary action being non-action. You want to be seen as the person who is extremely confident, not aware of the things around them, just happy with what they have, and happy to be where they are.
The Mystic: The Mystic is in touch with the divine. In fiction, the Mystic may appear as a visionary or prophet who receives messages from outside the earthly realm. She may also appear as a sorceress or alchemist who can manipulate natural materials for her own ends. In any iteration, she is well versed in esoteric interests and shrouded in mystery and can use her knowledge to better herself or provide guidance for others. You want to be seen as someone who can help others and who has abilities.
Who are you actually?
Queen of Wands: You are meant to be passionate and ambitious. You are meant to be quite extroverted, with a radiant and friendly quality about you. At your core, you are a highly social creature, with a natural tendency to spread happiness and joy.
You also have a high sense of self-worth and will not let others belittle you. You aspire to be successful on a professional level — and almost always attain it
The Cyborg: The Cyborg is a transgressive blend of human and machine. In science fiction, the organic, human form can be supplemented with technological enhancement. As such, the Cyborg has the capacity for mechanical perfection, working in tandem with human thought, emotion, and values. While often a figure of fear for their ability to rewrite and surpass human flaws. The Cyborg may use their abilities for destruction, but can also offer a glimpse into a perfected human being who is able to transcend human history and work towards utopic harmony. You are meant to use your abilities of spreading happiness and joy for the greater good.
Remember that this is a general reading and some things may not apply to you. Do not try and force it to fit. If you would like a personal reading you can click here. There I have my shop where I offer all of my readings. Or you can dm me with what you'd like.
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finnwolfhard7137 · 3 years
The Unexpected Encounter
Part One: The Blessing in Disguise
Pairings: Finn Wolfhard × The Reader
Story Summary: You are a runaway from a turmoil household. On your journey of self discovery, you meet someone who will love you more than you have ever known and felt before.
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Warnings: cussing, angst, mentions of family trauma and alcoholism but only in the beginning
Word Count over 1k
Today. Today was supposed to be a good day. Today, is my eighteenth birthday. Today is my day, but of course, my parents had to ruin it in some way, shape, or form. All i wanted to do was go out to my favorite restaurant, open up two presents that i asked for, and then see my friends to end off the day. But no. My father, didn't allow it to go that smoothly.
"You aren't hangin' around those freaks Y/n-" he shouted at me after i asked him if i could go out tonight.
"They aren't freaks!"
"Oh please, open your fucking eyes Y/n! Anyone that dresses like them aren't right in the head!" He was referring to all black outfits, dark makeup and different colored hair that isn't societally approved in my small town.
"Just because you don't like them, doesn't mean that i don't! I love them-they're all i have!"
"You have us." My mother butted in, infuriating me even more.
"No i don't mom. You are never home, dad is an alcoholic and treats us like we are shit beneath his fucking boots!"
"Watch your damn mouth-"
"No, I'm done. I'm leaving." I start to head towards my room to gather my things that i still had packed from my first attempt of running away.
"Y/n, please. This will only make things worse!"
"Worse?! How can it get any worse? All i wanted to do was spend time with you guys, and dad couldn't even do that for me!" Tears started forming now, looking at my father that is emotionless. He chose to go to the bar as soon as it opened instead of spending time with me on my 'special day.' "And now i can't even see the only people that actually love me?" She says nothing. "I'm leaving. I will stay in touch with you mama, but i can't stay here anymore." To much of my surprise, she doesn't stop me. Nor does she even protest. My father, on the other hand, grabs my arm and squeezes it tightly.
"Let me go!" My mother intervened and he eventually let me go. I ran out of the house, sobbing uncontrollably as i hear my father scream at my mother for letting me go. I know what he will do to her, but i need to save myself this time. I have been through too much to stay any longer. It is time to finally live my life. And i will never let anyone stop me from finding my path in life, ever again.
It is freezing as the sun goes down. Only two cars drive past me as i walk down the whimsy roads alone. My phone is on ten percent, which makes me panic. But at the same time, it doesn't at all. With no one bothering me, maybe i can clear my head. Figure out where to go next. As the hours continue, my feet feel like i have been walking for days with no socks or shoes to protect my feet from the road. So i sit down on the sidewalk, by the only store that i have seen since my left my house. My eyes grew heavy and i let the sleep take over. When i wake, i feel a tap on my shoulder. It is the store manager of the convenience store i fell asleep in front of.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" The older women asked kindly and innocently. Her eyes were glossed over with concern for me.
"Oh uhm, I-I'm so sorry. I fell asleep-"
"No no, no need to apologize..where did you come from?" She helped me to my feet by giving me her hand.
"Oh uhm, that's a long story."
"Oh okay. I've said that before, come on inside. If you can give me a few minutes, i can give you some food."
"I don't have any money."
"It's on me dear, come on." For the first time in years, i felt safe. I watch her make me a bagel with eggs and sausage on it and it takes me seconds to finish it. She was shocked but she was relieved that i ate. "Aw sweetie, you haven't eaten in a long time, have ya?"
"Not much. No time, no money."
She nods slightly, "I've been there too. It gets better honey, i promise."
"That's what I'm trying to find. The 'better.'"
"Do you have any friends, family?"
"Three friends, no family. Well, a mom but..she is in a hard place." She nods again, just listening to me intently. "But i honestly just want to start over new. Anywhere new. Meet new people."
"I hope you find it honey."
"I'm Y/n by the way." I offer her a sleepily smile and she smile back.
"I'm Mary. It's nice to meet ya." She shakes my hand.
"I should get goin'.."
"Well, at least let me give ya some food for the road." She gets interrupted by two guy's coming into the store. I notice the tallest one first and he notices me. But i look away before he thinks that I'm being too creepy.
"Uh, yeah okay. Thank you Mary. Seriously, for everything." She talked to me as she cooked my breakfast about her upbringing and how she knew what I was going through just by the way i look and act. She is the most human being that i have seen and talked to in a very long time. I watch her make a few more sandwiches for me before the guy comes up to the counter with some snacks and a few drinks in his hands. He puts all of my favorites up onto the counter and i can feel my stomach rumble for them. The other guy must have noticed me staring and he spoke.
"Are you hungry? You are staring." Shit..
"Oh yeah, sorry.. those are all my favorites that's all." I admit and the guy starts to chuckle.
"Do you want some?" He asked me.
"Really?" Mary starts to smile at me and i smile back, shocked that he even offered me anything.
"Yeah, i don't care. Just let me pay for it first, then help yourself." And he does just that. He walks closer to me and he holds out everything like its an open buffet. "Take your pick." I look up at him. He is much taller than i am and his curly hair is covering most of his brown eyes but he's wide smile is what caught my attention. I snap out of my own thoughts and take two snicker bars. I quickly open one and take a few bites and the other guy looks startled.
"What?" I asked with a mouthful.
"Nothing, you're just..really hungry!" He bursts out laughing.
"Yeah uh, sorry. I just haven't had anything like this in a while. Thank you for giving me this." He nods, "I'm Y/n."
"Finn. And this is my friend Jack."
Jack "It's nice to meet you."
"You guy's too."
Jack "So where do you live?"
"Uh hours away from here, how bout you guys."
Finn "Like a half an hour away from here. But hey, are you okay?"
"Why ya ask?" I look at Mary briefly and she does the same. Just offering me reassurance that I'm doing good.
Finn "Look, I'm not trying to be mean but, ya look like shit.." i realize that my hair is in a terrible bun and my jeans are stained and my tank top barely fits.
Jack "Dude!"
Finn "I'm asking her if she's okay, shut the fuck up!"
"Uhm," i force a chuckle, "I'm trying to figure things out right now. I've been through a lot and if you must know, i just ran away from home so, I'm not okay if I'm being completely honest." Mary smiles at me because she knows that that was hard to admit, but i did it.
Finn "Hey, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault. You just gave me my favorite candy bar..i haven't had a snickers in months so, thank you."
Finn "It's the least i can do-"
Jack "Hey, we gotta go..we're gonna be late." He cuts Finn off in a hurry.
Finn "Oh yeah-totally forgot, uhm," he bites his lip as he thinks for a moment, "here's my number." He grabs my phone from my hand, but the battery is dead.
"It's dead.."
Mary "I have a pen!" Finn thanks her and writed down his number on a little piece of paper and hands it to me.
Finn "Call me if you wanna hang out or something okay?"
"Yeah, thanks again, really.."
Finn nods and smiles, "It's nice to meet you Y/n." I say the same thing back and i watch them walk out the doors. Wishing that they didn't. And Mary watches my smile and the light in my eyes, fade.
Mary "Go after them!"
"What, no!"
Mary "Hurry, before they leave!"
"Are you crazy, i just met them!"
Mary "Yes but they just made you happy, did they not!?"
"Yes but-"
Mary "But nothing. You are looking for your path. Your new adventure. And in my opinion, God just showed you the path."
"They could be serial killers."
Mary snickers, "Well those two kids fooled me if that is true. But seriously hurry, before they leave." I think about what she said and i go for it. I hug her because she is the sweetest woman that i have ever met. "Now, come back to my little shop once you figure it all out and then tell me what you find. I'll be waiting."
"Thank you Mary, i will." And just like that, i ran out the door. With two snickers in my hand and a heart full of hope. "Hey, wait up!" I shout at the two of them just chilling in their car, about to drive off when Finn hears me.
Jack "What's up?!"
"Can i come with you?" I ask them as  i hold on to the passenger side door.
Finn "Really?"
"Yeah, i don't even care where ya guys are headed to just, can i come with you?" Finn looks at Jack like, 'seriously?'. "Please..i don't have anyone else. I don't know what else to do." Finn thinks for a moment and Jack just nods and starts giggling and plants his face into the palms of his hands.
Finn eventually nods, "Get in the back." I breathe out in relief and get into the back. As i buckle up, i see Mary give me a thumbs up from in the store and my heart feels full. Once again, for the first time.
All of the windows were down and the music was blaring. And i feel so, unbelievably free. I hang my head out of the back window like a dog enjoying it's ride, and the boys laughter fills my eardrums like the music on the radio. After a few moments of pure joy, i get back to reality.
"So, where are we headed!?" Finn lowers the music so that we don't have to shout.
Finn "We're heading to Venice!"
Jack "The beach..to be specific." He says, looking at me from over his shoulder.
"Oh, I've never been to the beach. Is it as pretty as everyone says?!" Jack's smile fades and he just looks at me with sadness in his eyes.
Jack "You've never been to the beach, any beach?"
"No." I said calmy, like it was no big deal.
Finn "Well, that's gonna change today. But first, I'm gonna get you a bathing suit."
Jack "Yeah, there's a shit-ton of stores on the way there!"
"Oh uh, you really don't have too-"
Finn "Y/n, you can't go into the ocean wearing jeans. You'll never be able to get them off. We are going." I agreed after a few more seconds of protesting. I don't feel comfortable in my own body. Another thing that i have to work on. That is why i didn't want him to buy me one, but he does. It is a plain white, two piece. Jack actually found it for me and i tried it on and, to be honest, i felt cute in it. Finn pays, which i felt awful for. This is the first day that we are together and he is paying for everything. But even if i could, i couldn't because i simply do not have any money to put out.
Finn "Here." He hands me the bag, "now, we can go to the beach." He said with a huge grin on his face.
"Thank you, i really don't know what else to say."
Finn "No need, I'm happy to do it." I smile and Jack nods.
Jack "Yeah seriously, we don't get out much so it's nice to meet new people. We are actors but-"
"Wait, you are?" They both nod, "that's so cool."
Finn chuckles, "Yeah, it has it's pros and cons but we both have a long break so, here we are."
"Well, i got lucky to meet you here before you guy's leave again."
Jack "Nah, we're the lucky ones..c'mon!" He runs off and jumps into the backseat, leaving the front seat open for me. Finn says, "I'll race ya," and he bolts to the car. No shocker, he won. He is a six foot man and i am a five foot two woman..it's inevitable. We both laugh through catching our breaths before he starts the car and starts driving again.
Jack "So, how old ya?"
"I'm Eighteen. Yesterday was my birthday actually."
Finn "What?! Happy Birthday!"
I giggle, "thank you!"
Jack "We are the same ages then!" I nod and take a drink of my water and i hang my head out the window again, inhaling deeply, the fresh cooling air. It burns but only for a moment.
"I'm so fucking grateful to have stumbled across that little convenience store and met Mary." I broke the silence, "if i hadn't-i mean, if i kept walking..i wouldn't have met her, i wouldn't have met you guys." I look at them then and they're smiling kindly, "i wouldn't be with you guys right now. Hell, I'd be walking still, not knowing where to go, who to trust."
Jack "What a coincidence huh?"
Finn "There are no such thing as coincidences Jack. Everything happens for a reason." He shouted and looked at his friend from the rearview mirror, then back to me. "But back to you, how are you feeling now?"
"Happier than I've ever been."
Finn smiles, "Okay good."
"But hey, why are you doing this for me? You barely know me."
Finn "Well, i saw a girl my age, struggling in an old store and i wanted to help. I didn't know that you were going to ask to tag along but I'm glad that you did. And i know that life isn't easy, if anything it's hard as fuck but, moments like these are what Jack and I live for. It's not for the fame or the money, it's for friends and family, loved one's we all meet along the way that we can make memories with. And i can see it in your eyes that you don't have many good memories, if any at all. So that is why I'm glad to help Y/n." I wipe the tears off of my cheeks and Jack puts his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I was not expecting those answers and it felt like old wounds were being healed as he spoke to me. Something about Finn is special, i know it now.
"Thank you." I said as i suck up snot from crying.
Finn "You're welcome. But i am the thankful one."
Jack "Uh don't you mean 'we?'.."
Finn snickers, "Yes, we are the thankful one's."
"How?! I'm not payin for anything and I'm literally a stranger in your car."
Jack "Now, stranger isn't true. You were in the beginning but not now! You're our friend." I smile at them as we stop at a redlight. I undue my seatbelt and practically lunge myself onto Jack, embracing him as he laughs and hugs me back. I do the same to Finn and he holds me longer than Jack did, but i did not mind it at all. As he held onto me, i felt my tension in my body just release and i felt at peace. I pull back when the car behind us honks their horn and Finn flips them off, shouting out the window "we are having a moment here asshole!" The car honks again and Finn finally goes. What an unexpected encounter..that has changed my life for the better. That's it..Finn and Jack are my 'better'! Surely they are. Just like Finn said, there are no such thing as coincidences. I sit back into my seat, relaxing into the leather. Finn turns on the music and Jack starts screaming the lyrics. We burst out laughing because it was so unexpected but that is the thing with Jackie, he's very unpredictable. But that is what i love about him. Finn looks at me, curls in his eyes-i don't even know how he can see to drive-and grabs my hand and gives it a tight squeeze before letting it go. He smiles and then looks back towards the road. And i think to myself, 'thank you universe, thank you God, whoever did this for me, thank you.'
It takes about another hour or two before we even get close to Venice. But we know once we did because of the palm trees on every corner. I let out a 'wow' when i noticed the change of scenery and Finn just looks at me in adoration.
Jack "We must be gettin close."
Finn "e.t.a is about fifteen more minutes." He says as he looks at his GPS on his phone. Luckily, Jack brought his charger so my phone could charge on the way here. As soon as it did, my phone started blowing up and all of my emotions got triggered. And of course, the boys notice.
Finn "You're quiet, what's wrong?"
"Just..my past not leaving me alone."
Jack "Who did you tell that you are leaving?"
"No one but my parents who i ran away from.."
Finn "Well that's why-"
"I know, i know. I would be doing the same thing if one of you guys left me without any warning. But, i don't want to talk to any of them."
Jack "So don't."
"Shit.." they both say 'what' in unison. "My mom is calling me."
Finn "Answer it. We won't talk." I hesitate before finally answering it on the last ring.
"Hello?" She speaks, "no mom, I'm fine."
"Where are you, I'm coming to get you-"
"No, mom. I'm not coming back. I'm fine, and I'm safe."
"Your father wants to apologize."
"If you hand him the phone, I'm hanging up." I warn her.
"No Y/n, please don't hang up."
"Mom, i really don't wanna talk right now. I told you that i will keep in touch, it hasn't even been Twenty-Four hours."
"I know but you're still my daughter, and I love you."
"I love you too." My heart broke again. I do love my mother.
"Will you at least reconsider coming home?"
"No mom..i will come back to visit you when you tell me that he is not there, but not for awhile. Can you please understand that?" I hear her inhale deeply before answering me.
"I do understand baby, I'm so sorry."
"I love you mom, it's not your fault." I say even though some of it is her fault, i can't say that to her. "I'm gonna go okay. I'll call you tonight."
"Woah, wait, who was that?" Jack giggled at something and my mother overheard.
"New friends that i made along the way."
"Are you safe, Y/n?"
"Mom, I've never been safer. I'm gonna go, i love you." She says it back and then i hang up before she can say anything else. I throw my phone onto the floor of the car and i bury my face in my hands. Jack rubs my back to try to comfort me but it doesn't work this time.
Jack "You okay?"
"I'm fine."
Finn "No, you're not. But you will be soon, look up." I do as he tells me too and i see the street sign: Venice Beach. A small smile appears on my face and Jack shouts.
Jack "There she is! She's comin back!" I laugh then. Jack is the joker, he's the comedian in the group and Finn is everything balled up into one person.
Finn "Jack, rip her tags off of her bathing suit, she's gonna need it in a few minutes."
"Are we really that close?!"
Finn nods, "e.t.a says three minutes." I got to admit, i felt nervous then. Not wanting to be around anyone but those two. I hate crowds but maybe the beach won't be crowded. I mean, i have never been to one before so i don't really know how it all works. Finn slows down and he comes to a stop as he parks.
Finn "Ya ready?"
"I don't see it.."
Finn "We gotta walk from here. Just go into that little changing room and Jack and I will be here when you get out."
"You're not gonna leave me here, are ya?"
Finn "I would never leave you. Go on, we gotta change too." I oblige him and i change into my suite and try to salvage my hair. I end up placing it back into a bun but it is neat this time around. The wind, somehow, made my hair look less dirty than it actually is. I inhale deeply before heading out the changing room and walking towards to entrance. Much to my relief, the boys were standing by the door, waiting for me. They had their bathing suit bottoms on and their t-shirts on. I put my jeans back on out of being too uncomfortable to walk around showing so much skin. My father would always harp on me about showing so much skin as i got older. Nowadays, i barely show anything.
Finn "You good?"
"Uh yeah."
Jack "It looks good on you." He compliments me. Something that i am definitely not used to.
"Thanks, you guys too."
Finn takes a few more things out of his trunk, handing some things to the both of us to help out. Soon, we all start walking. I stay close to Finn and he doesn't protest. He nudges me a few times to make me smile and Jack starts to get excited when we turn a corner and see the blue.
Finn "Here we are!"
"It's so...blue!"
Jack "I'm never gonna get used to this being your first time being at a beach."
Finn "Jack, don't be an asshole."
Jack "I'm not!" He says in a high pitched voice and throwing his hands up in defense.
"Nah, it's okay. I know it's not a common thing."
Finn "Well hey, at least your first time comin here is with us!" He says happily. I agree with him instantly because he is absolutely right. Truthfully, i wouldn't have even wanted to go if it wasn't for Finn and Jack. Once we got onto the sand, my senses get blown. The feeling in between my toes feels funny, but it's enjoyable.
Finn "Cool right?" I nod. I must look like a child to everyone else here but i do not care. They help me not to care.
Jack "Here, drop your stuff and lose the clothes..we gotta find a spot and then we can enjoy the waves." We all agree and we do just that. We eventually found a desolate spot, close by the water and away from most of the crowd.
"It's so beautiful." I say aloud.
Finn "Isn't it?" I nod but then i feel Jack pick me up from behind and throw me into the water. It was freezing but it wasn't too bad. I gasp as i come to the surface and then i splash him as hard as i can.
Finn "Real smart buddy.."
Jack "What?!"
Finn "What if she couldn't swim!?" Jack's smirk fades when he realizes that he is lucky that i can.
Jack "Shit..Y/n I'm so sorry."
"You're fine." I said laughingly. Once Finn joins in, everything got even more fun. We all started playing and swimming in the waves. No one else was around to care about what we were even doing, where we ended up. Jack was under the waves, trying to find the big seashells to bring back to shore, leaving me and Finn by ourselves pretty much. His wet hair was away from his eyes and slicked back. His eyes are the most beautiful shade of brown, with specks of red and green in them. I got lost in them for a moment or two and he swims closer.
Finn "So," he says out of breath, "is this everything that you imagined?"
"Yeah, but better." I admit to him and then i feel myself start to drown in my emotions, "But hey, thank you-"
Finn chuckles, "you don't need to keep thanking me-"
"No but i do. You have no idea how bad my life is-was." It was as if he understood instantly by the way his eyes changed, "as soon as i met you..both of you, that all changed. I finally feel so happy and so fucking free!" Jack comes up then, holding tons of shells in his hands proudly.
Jack "Woah, what did i miss?!"
"Nothing, they're so pretty!" I swim towards him, grabbing the prettiest one's from the pile and examining them closer. Some are sharp, some are smooth. Some are all white and some have brown in them. Just simple beauty to your eyes.
Finn "You were down there awhile.."
Jack "Ya know me brother, i am a man of many talents!" Finn roles his eyes playfully before splashing him. After a long time in the water, all three of us couldn't swim any longer and we had to get back onto the sand. My body was so tired from holding itself above the waves for so long that i practically collapsed onto the towel. Jack and Finn do the exact same.
Finn "it gets tiring after a while.."
Jack "nap time." He says quietly and shortly before laying on his stomach and resting his head on his arms. I rest on my back and Finn does the same. I didn't even realize that the sun was going down. The sky was turning beautiful shades of oranges and yellows. I was snapped out of it when a group of girls started screaming. I grab onto Finn out of fear and he does the same. He sighs as soon as he realized that it was just a group of teen fan's. Their phones were already out, taking pictures.
"Finn Wolfhard?!"
Finn "Yeah, hi!"
"And Jack-THERE'S JACK!" Another girl shouted and started to run towards us. I stay put while the boys took their pictures. I can tell that they were so tired but they are too sweet to say no.
"Who's she?"
Finn "She's a close friend."
"Hi, I'm Y/n." They stick their noses in the air and turn their attention back to the boys. But Finn quickly but politely asked the girls to leave. They didn't agree at first but they eventually left. Finn looked so apologetic towards me and i wasn't bothered by them. I'm quite used to girls treated me like I'm scum, even though i am not.
Jack "Sorry about that. It comes with the title.."
"It's all good. I'm surprised that we didn't have more come up."
Finn sighs, "Sorry that they were rude towards you."
"Ah, I'm used to it."
Finn "You shouldn't be though, so I'm sorry." I just smile at him, trying to think of a way to change the subject. That was when the sun was on the cusp of setting. Just above the waves, it was absolutely stunning.
"Look, the sun is setting!" I point and the boys change their focus. We were all in awe as we sat quietly together, watching and taking photos of the sunset. "What a beautiful way to end the day.." i said with the biggest smile on my face."
Finn "I'd say.." i look at him and he pulls me in for a warm embrace. Jack soon joins in and I'm just holding in on this moment. I'm finally free and I'm finally happy. I do not know what else is next but as long as i have these two, i know that I'm going to be okay. I know, that i am going to find my 'better.'
@moriartysringtone7137 @jk97-wolfhard @btsarmygirl417 @richietozier69 @jadeaudri08 @selfishdreameredit @0baby-girll0 @poffergranate @melonmochi @softiediana @mariskata
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