#Poem Anon
You have divinity in your veins
It's in your words, your actions, your touch
It's in the earthy tones in your eyes
It's the way you adore the cosmos
And while I may yet be this twisted being
A being that is wretched and warped beyond what it originally was
While I yet may be this something
This wretched, unholy, ungodly thing
You still seem to deem me worthy of affection
You still deem me as this thing of good
You don't hesitate to say that I am still worthy
Worthy of your attention, your time, your love
And it makes me feel better
It eases the pains of these broken and mangled parts of me
Just to be able to know that you still find me worthy
And for a minute, once again, I feel holy
Because you share that bit of divinity with me
Because you turn those earthy eyes to me
Because it's you
Because good and holy God, it's all you
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doodle17 · 10 months
Cool purple fun delight, hope you're having a lovely night!
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tonberry-yoda · 6 months
I am the poem anon and I come bringing poems! Would you like one?
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Maybe a riddle on who am I, the mysterious poet will suffice *does evil hand thingy*
I'll take it! I may be an idiot, but I'm going to do my best to figure this out
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flurty · 1 year
Hey it's me, the poem anon! I just thought of this one and I'm excited to share it with everyone!
I recall the smells of my childhood over and over, over and over. The smell of a vacuumed carpet, the smell of a home cooked meal. The smell of a lawn freshly cut and a pile of orange peels
I recall the smells of my school years over and over, over and over The smell of a kid's vape, the smell of Lysol when a kid had the flu The smell of freshly printed paper and early morning grass covered in dew.
I recall the smells of my life over and over, over and over The smell of joy and rage, the smell of long forgotten tears The smell of family come and gone and love that outlived my years
poem anon i love this, thank you so much. you do a great deal of imagery, specifically of smell in this one, bringing up good imagery especially with a sense that isn't really used often in poetry. love it!!
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wayhaughtficrec · 2 years
Dear poem anon.,
Thinking of you today when I found your poetry book on my shelf. Hope you are well out there. Sorry I haven’t been around much on here. ♥️
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foster-the-moths · 2 years
(Content warning for implications of self harm, body dysphoria, sort of generally uncomfortable imagery, possibly unreality?)
There is something uncomfortable in the way my skin wraps around my body
A suffocating sensation, a pressure on my chest
A pressure that says “everything is wrong,”
And I don’t have to look at the mirror to know
That something is deeply, deeply wrong
That this isn’t mine.
I can tell by the numbness, that overwhelming feeling of encasement that surrounds me
This body feels dead
The heart beats, but it feels hollow
I am a parasite in this corpse
Raw and bloody,
I was a bundle of nerves, poorly packaged fat and muscle
A foreign object, enmeshed in foreign bones
Implanted and sewn shut into an oversized sack of flesh
Forced to grow and conform to the mold of it
I am mutilated, misshapen
Torn apart and reattached with mixed up parts
I am a clay figure, shaped by a child’s hands
Left with uneven lumps of flesh
I am my own puppeteer
I am anything but authentic
And no one understands that.
No one sees how I struggle to move with these tight joints
No one sees how painful it gets
How painful the nothing can be
“Your body was a gift”
Anything can be a gift, that doesn’t give it value
What good is a gift if it only takes up space?
I engrave tally marks to count the days in my prison
They come thirty nine at a time
Spreading from hip to knee in legible crosshatch patterns
They feel right
Right because I carved them myself
Not Him
You live in my mind, a maggot gnawing away
But I know your deceit
I know I can’t change
I know I’m going to die this way
Don’t tease me with that false promise
You aren’t what I’ve been calling you, but
I know your real name
I will not say it, I have no right
Not in a voice that doesn’t belong to me.
—Poem anon.
HI POEM ANON!!! REALLY LOVE THIS ONE I THINK ITS MY FAVORITE!!! i really love the descriptions in this... 'parasite', 'packaged', 'shaped with a child's hands'. the words you use are a contrast between something organic, a manufactured product, and something handcrafted by a human being - and even though all of those things are wildly different they make sense when compared together in context (just something i noticed that i think is really cool)! and it all evokes a very specific feeling to being trapped in a body not made for you and its really well done!! and i really like the line "What good is a gift if it only takes up space?" its just so. arghghghhghg(/pos). again, your poetry feels like looking in a mirror sometimes and its really incredible how you manage to capture the feelings of what you write about. the emotions in this one are especially vivid and its just so cool to me how they are portrayed. i could go on and on about this one and which parts caught my eye but i think i'll cut myself off here because idk if anything i write would be coherent in the slightest.
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holysaintscathedral · 2 years
(Content warning for self harm, body dysphoria, depressive themes)
There are days when it hurts.
Days when the words are born, boiling, in my stomach
And crawl up like burning bile until they can’t be contained in my mouth anymore
Spewing onto the paper like a slash to the artery
Days when I feel sick just existing in this body
A discomfort, bugs crawling under my skin, just out of reach
But the clawing and ripping only makes it worse
There are days when the wallpaper is torn from the walls
Screams exhausting my lungs and cracking my throat
When I’m laughing and sobbing and raging and bleeding and everything, the fabric of my existence, is coming out of my different parts all at once
There are days when I’m alive
But today isn’t one of those days
Today I am tired
Today the words began in my head
They drip from pen to paper lazily as blood from a shallow wound
Calmly as a knife across the thighs
This body feels wrong, and that’s it
I’m so far away from it, from any body, that it doesn’t make me squirm
I feel nothing but the vague stinging of the blanket rubbing against my wounds
Is it better to feel anything, anything at all?
The lack of feeling is alienating
But the lack of pain is aspirational
The confusion just gets lost in the mist of my mind, but it’s no matter
Nothing is
Today I’ll just lie here in these dry sheets, unpleasantly gritty with blood and paint stains
And I’ll sleep
Until either life or death comes.
—Poem anon.
Poem Anon has returned with a solid entry so soon? I hope you're doing alright Anon, your poetry has taken a darker turn.
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actually sorry poem anon unm,, could i have a validation with she/lune/fae?? im so sorry i looked into it and i think im comfortable with that askdsdlhksd/lh
This is Neppy! I absolutely love her name and pronouns. Fae seemslike a really cool being, I'd love to talk to lune more if she sees this! I think I might have to steal her lune pronouns! I think fae have very good taste in them. It seems that lune likes poetry! I wonder if she has a favorite poet? Maybe fae and I could read some poetry together! If lune would want to of course.
Anyway, I hope that she has a great day and that fae takes care of luneself :)
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randomprose · 2 years
“It must be wonderful to be able to do that.”
Twenty eyes blink in semi-unison, now focused on me
It doesn’t feel how it would if they were the eyes of strangers
It’s my friend
“What exactly are you referring to?”
The brush feathers delicately across the canvas
My favorite part of painting is the tiny details
I often add on and on for days after it should be done
Unlike people, paintings are ever evolving
“The shape shifting.”
The boy in the canvas doesn’t look back at me
My subjects never do
They’re afraid to look beyond the veil, to see who they truly are
I don’t blame them
“A given, that that would appeal to you.”
Its eyes settle on my painting
It always pretends to be impressed by my work
But I know such a well traveled and long lived entity must have seen so much better
“You draw that boy rather often.”
I nod absently
This peek into another world is mine to control
I get to play God here
My work will inevitably be destroyed
But first I will create them beautifully
In the image of who I wish to be
“You could call it my own form of shape shifting.”
—Poem anon.
fave line/s:
I get to play God here My work will inevitably be destroyed But first I will create them beautifully In the image of who I wish to be
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You're something soft and warm
In a way I haven't felt before
I'm used to either cold sheets or blazing inferno
I... almost don't know what to do with you
You're just... incredibly different
Soft, patient, kind
Whereas I've been surrounded by flame that started from what I thought was a sound fireplace
I didn't even realize how much that fire hurt until recently
I don't really know what did it
Which burn finally hurt so bad I realized
The house is ablaze
I can't go to you now, but I want to
You're still warm
But in the way a kitten is
... I've always been a cat person
I hope that even though the distance is farther
That you might visit me
Or I can find a way to visit you
My legs might not work for it
And I can't drive without feeling like I'm dying
And planes make me wanna vomit
(Trust me I tried them)
But I do know I want to see you one day
Even if I have to walk
I wanna see those pretty brown eyes myself
I wanna see if you're as soft as your spirit
And if you'd hold me just as tender as you say you want to
... but I also know at the same time I'm terrified
Terrified that history would repeat itself
I know you're not to blame
And I hope you know you haven't done anything to warrant that fear from me
I've always been a paranoid man
One that reads too deep into omens and synchronicities
That will see the worst in what's around me
And try to prepare for being hurt at every turn
I'm trying not to think that about you
I promise I am
I know I seem distant sometimes
I promise it's not you
I promise I'm not trying to keep you out on purpose
I want to be yours
I want it so badly
I just don't want to get hurt like that again
Like the last time I wanted someone so bad
I love you
Give me some time
And I'll be yours forever
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doodle17 · 4 months
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Johnny-the-Homicidal-Maniac https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlPn3Hjx8v9-8HM0qVzQcFozgd8k2Ki-h
Seems like these might be things you like So I hope they are to your delight!
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unsurebazookacore · 7 months
the poem anon here, yup! i wrote it. i was in my ✨yearning hours✨🙃
i'm glad you liked it 😭
POEM ANON oh my god hi!!
okay im a nosy little shit so i must know the inspiration for it im genuinely intrigued by the lore (also im like mildly terrified because i read it and like, its terrifyingly accurate in some aspects of my own life i was like HOW TF WHERE WHY HOW)
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nowoyas · 2 years
Update (In the poem guy): Im almost sure it’s you how cuz like the pieces are all collecting themselves in my head. I was an avid reader on here and you posted that poem/rant in the naming the cat Sbeve era and it doesn’t have anything to do with coffe I don’t think it’s just coworker. Coworker who cries during sex. And the poem was told during sex and how the narrator didn’t realise their coworker was crying. I’m looking for it! I’ll tell you if I find it
If it was cat name tournament area that was around or before early October 2020! I don't have time to dig this morning but I'll go through my blog archive after work if I haven't heard back! It definitely does sound familiar so keep me posted and I'll go looking as well!
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flurty · 2 years
hey it's me the poem anon! Thank you so much for that, I really appreciate it! This isn't a huge thing like I usually write, but I still like it:
In the coldest hours of the night, you love keeps me warm, and I can only hope that my love shall do the same for you.
<3 <3 <3
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surqrised · 2 months
I will spend more time with myself in this lifetime than anyone else. Let me learn to be the kind of person I would like to have as a friend.
Courage to Change: One Day at a Time (Al-Anon.)
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