#Pokémon Salvador
fierykitten2 · 7 months
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Took on the Academy Ace Tournament twice - first leading with Hunter with Shadow as a backup then leading with Shadow with Hunter as a backup
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underground-boss-clay · 5 months
💙Are any of their Pokémon unlikely friends? (would be expected to not get along, but they're friends regardless). If so, which ones, and why is it unexpected?
Most of the time Kingdra are quite territorial, even when domesticated. So I was very surprised when Salvador did not start any confrontations with my team when introduced to them.
On my end, well... Dark and Fighting types don't often get along. So I was surprised when Figaro and my Breloom started cooperating so well.
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seanfalco · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @sottountrenopersherl! 💚
Last song: Black Leaf Falls - Sea Wolf
Three ships: I’ve never been a big shipper, unless it’s canon x oc, so I’m gunna say: Solavellan (Dragon Age Inquisition), Shakarian (Mass Effect Trilogy), Green Apple Lollipop (oc x oc ship with @super-unpredictable98)
First ship ever: Ash/Misty (Pokémon)
Currently reading: Nothing atm;;;  I’ve been so scattered lately and nothing has held my attention
Currently watching: RuPual’s Drag Race
Currently consuming: vegetable juice
Last movie: The Ritual
Currently craving: shawarma and honeydew bubble tea
Tagging: @bisexualnathanyoung @super-unpredictable98 @elliethesuperfruitlover @santacarlahorrorshow @salvador-daley @merrilark
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shadowfuka · 2 years
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My beloved Scarlet Team! This time even Gijinkas, only because I felt like it. Some of them were a surprise, that I did keep them in my Team for the whole game! =w=
Salvador (Meowcarada) He went through a lot, but tries his best to stay strong (my beloved starter)
Paolo (Pawmot) Cheerful little guy, who wants to be the Best
Milan (Flamigo) Martial Art Master, he probably stares right into your soul. (He was a really surprise, never though he would stay in my Team the whole time)
Lawrence (Grafaiai) Troublemaker, an idiot with a good heart
Toffy (Houndstone) Dead or not? No one knows. But she's a little Lady, with an interesting Mask.
Matilda (Farigiraf) Strong willed, she wants to prove that she's worth to be here and clear the name of a dear one.
I really do love them!!! And I loved the whole game!!
Could you guess all of the Pokémon? What is your Team?
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orenjikaraka · 2 years
Masterlist for my fanfics
Angst - 🌊
Fluff - 🫧
Nsfw - 💫
Disclaimer: a lot of my fanfics are women readers, I love all kinds of people and sexuality 🏳️‍🌈, but it’s my preference, what I’m comfortable with when reading fanfics, hope everyone have a happy reading.
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🌤 ——————————————— 🌤
My violet counterpart…
(A Miguel O’Hara masterlist) ⬆️
Modern Warfare II / III 🪼
🧼 Johnny soap Mactavish 🧼
Series - A life about Johnny - chapters: probably 6 - still in progress 🌊🫧💫
Stanger things 🩸
🎇 Billy hargrove 🎇
Series - Nucifera - chapters: ch.1, ch.2, ch.3, ch.4 - still in progress - 🌊🫧💫
Genshin Impact ⚔️
🧪 il Dottore 🧪
Fanfic - shattered hearts - link - 🌊
🍃Al Haitham 🍃
Fanfic - Everything was so sweet; until you tried to kill me - still in progress - 🌊
Resident evil 🉐
Resident evil 2 🔪
🦋 Leon S. Kennedy 🦋
Fanfic - I’ll protect you - still in progress - 🌊
Resident evil 5 💉
🥀 Albert Wesker 🥀
Fanfic - Faded Stars - still in progress - 🌊
Resident evil 4 🌙
🌌 Luis Serra 🌌
Fanfic - Salvadors de Amor - still in progress - 🌊
🔪 jack krauser 🔪
Fanfic - ____ - still in progress - 🌊
Dead by daylight 🔗
✨ The trickster - Ji-Woon Hak ✨
Small Series - chapters: I Just Can’t Take It Anymore… part 1 I promise you starlight part 2 - 🌊
Demon slayer 👺
🔥 Rengoku Kyojuro 🔥
Fanfic - I’m a failure… - link - 🌊
Fanfic - I’m Truly Sorry, please Forgive Me… - link - 🌊
🍃 Sanemi Shinazugawa 🍃
Fanfic - I Still Love You - link - 🌊
Pokémon 🐾
💌 Leon dande 💌
Fanfic - I Was To Late... - link - 🌊
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beepsparks · 2 days
🩵Intro Post (including commission info) because yes⭐️ (please read) (Last updated June 24 2024)
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🩵 Hello!! My name is Cyrus, I am 16 and my birthday is April 14, I am also nonbinary and use They/Them pronouns :]
📌 (IMPORTANT NOTE): MY BLOG IS CURRENTLY 15+. I’m sorry, but due to the media I am currently fixing on (You Don’t Know Jack) which can be adult-oriented at times with its humor and general content (especially with characters’ actions), I don’t want younger people looking at my blog and coming across content unsuitable for them!
⭐️ DNI: The obvious, racists, homophobes, transphobes, bigots, y’know the deal
🩵 Interests/Things I Like: You Don’t Know Jack/Jackbox Games, It’s a Small World, Horology (Clocks), DHMIS Padlock (especially Ice Hell), DHMIS, Epic Mickey, Parappa The Rapper, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Gregory Horror Show, Kirby, Pokémon, The Stanley Parable, Miis, Nintendo in general, sewing my own plushies, making art (obviously), character design, watching movies I enjoy over and over for who knows what reason (The Book of Life, The Lego Movie, Robots (2005), Uglydolls, Ready Player One (I have no clue why but okay), The Captain Underpants Movie, all of the Pokémon Sinnoh region movies, etc. ily), drawing characters I like as other things I like (zombies, Kirbys, Pokémon and Pokémon trainers, etc.), fatherly characters… (Schmitty…), clock characters, Disney Theme Park history and attractions, trying to cosplay my favorite characters, Jack Conte’s music, The Cog Is Dead’s music, Melanie Martinez’s music (I don’t interact with the fans tho I just. Only like the music and nothing else)
⭐️ Comfort Characters: Schmitty (YOU DON’T KNOW JACK/Jackbox Games), Cookie Masterson (YDKJ/Jackbox Games) (other hosts in YDKJ count too but not too much), The Clock Tower (Epic Mickey), Glockenspiel (It’s a Small World Disneyland), Clock Tower (It’s a Small World Disneyland Paris), Dialga (Pokémon), Tony The Talking Clock (DHMIS), Paige/Sketchbook (DHMIS), Kirby (Kirby), Prince Fluff (Kirby), Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Disney), I REALLY like Judgement Boy from GHS but I don’t know if he’s a comfort character yet, uhh
🩵 COMMISSIONS (god I should really update the 1st sheet):
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Currently, my commissions are CLOSED
⭐️ Things I like Collecting!: Physical You Don’t Know Jack games, physical Kirby games, Clocks, shiny Pokémon (if that counts), Pokémon cards, plushies of things I like, general merch of things I like, Care Bears, retro consoles and physical retro games I like, pins of things I like (Kirby, It’s a Small World, Pokémon, clock characters)
⚠️ TRIGGERS/THINGS IM UNCOMFORTABLE WITH, some of these can be brought up/mentioned but be careful because it can make me feel panicked if I’m not in a good mental state in that moment, also don’t show me images or videos of these things please but mentioning them is okay for the most part, actual triggers will be in red: Breaking clocks (already broken clocks is iffy, im not sure, be careful about that), earthquakes (I think I have seismophobia and I don’t think I’ve ever gotten over it since it started for a decade ago, I don’t even know why I have it, I have never been in an earthquake.), the introduction scene for Choo Choo at the beginning of the Transport episode of DHMIS (iykyk also blends with the seismophobia thing), footage of that time the It’s a Small World facade caught on fire, any general footage of damage to It’s a Small World, SPECIFICALLY the Melting Clock artwork from Salvador Dali (too graphic for me with the broken clocks thing), the Escape the Simulation episode of YDKJ Full Stream (just makes me uncomfortable at times, its fine otherwise), Schmitty’s fearful, depressed, and pained lines in TMP 2 (again just makes me sad at times but fine otherwise), I’m really sorry if these sound weird or specific, Idk. It’s just a thing with me.
🩵 I feel like noting my favorite song is We Grew Up So Well by Jack Conte teehee (which is. Insanely dark!)
⭐️ Have fun with my blog and I hope y’all also find it funny how my aesthetic is like. Baby blue cutecore and yet I have interests like YDKJ and DHMIS, also the fact I have interests like It’s a Small World and YDKJ at the same time lol
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sciencestyled · 23 days
Reality? Augmented and Virtual? Pfft, Who Needs That? Just Strap On and Yeet into the Future of Art!
Ladies and gents, dudes and dudettes, gather 'round as we dive headfirst into the glittering, neon-drenched rabbit hole of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) art. Now, I know what you're thinking: “Is this just another Professor Pop fever dream?” Well, buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a wild ride that makes Alice's Wonderland look like a Sunday stroll in the park.
First off, let's talk AR. Imagine if Snapchat filters and Instagram reels had a baby with the art world – a baby that grew up on a steady diet of electric Kool-Aid and superhero movies. AR is all about layering digital funkiness over our humdrum reality. Like, why settle for boring old real-world sculptures when you can whip out your phone and see a 3D model of a T-Rex playing a saxophone right in your living room? Yeet, indeed!
Take, for instance, the glorious insanity of AR installations. Picture this: you're waltzing through a park, minding your own business, when BAM! – you hold up your phone and suddenly you're surrounded by Van Gogh's Starry Night swirling around you. But wait, there's more! Tap your screen and now it's a mash-up with Kanye West’s face superimposed on the stars, each twinkling to the beat of "Gold Digger." AR takes traditional art, dunks it in a vat of pop culture references, and serves it up with a side of “OMG, what even is reality anymore?”
Now, let’s slide into the realm of VR. Oh boy, VR! The lovechild of The Matrix and every sci-fi movie ever, where you strap on those oversized goggles and suddenly you’re not just viewing art, you’re inside it. Yes, my friends, VR is the ultimate “choose your own adventure” book but with fewer words and more chances to walk into walls because you forgot you were in your mom’s basement.
Imagine stepping into a virtual gallery. You're no longer just a casual observer; you're Tony Stark flying through a museum of mind-bending creations. Here, a giant, pulsating jellyfish sculpture floats by. There, an interactive 3D model of a black hole swirls ominously, narrated by none other than Morgan Freeman because, obviously, his voice makes everything 1000% more epic. KA-POW!
Speaking of interactive, let's not forget about those VR art experiences that let you go full-on Bob Ross. Don your VR headset, grab your virtual paintbrush, and get ready to paint some “happy little trees” that you can literally walk around. Or, if you're feeling particularly avant-garde, why not create a VR masterpiece that involves neon cats riding on rainbows while quoting Shakespeare? "To yeet, or not to yeet," that is the question.
But wait, it gets wilder. Remember Pokémon GO? That was just the tip of the AR iceberg. Now, artists are creating mixed reality installations that blur the lines between the digital and the physical. Like, picture an art exhibit where you don AR glasses and suddenly the sculptures around you start talking. Not in a creepy, haunted-house way, but more like, “Hey, you look smashing today! Care to know my history?” It’s like Dora the Explorer meets Night at the Museum, but with a dash of Salvador Dalí.
And because we’re living in the age of TikTok and meme culture, these AR and VR art pieces are designed to be as shareable as possible. Snap a selfie with a digital Mona Lisa that dabs when you say “cheese,” or record a video of yourself dancing through a VR Salvador Dalí landscape, because if it didn’t go viral, did it even happen?
Now, here's the kicker: AR and VR art isn't just about creating mind-blowing visuals. It’s about making science meets art a reality. Literally. Imagine virtual galleries where you can explore interactive 3D models of scientific phenomena. Like, ever wanted to take a stroll through a human cell? Pop on your VR headset and shrink down to microscopic size, Ant-Man style, to wander through a nucleus and high-five some ribosomes. Or how about AR experiences where you can see the constellations mapped out in the night sky above you, complete with animated mythological creatures acting out their tales because plain old stargazing is so last century.
These techy art forms are also breaking down barriers, making art more accessible. You don’t need to travel to a far-off museum or shell out big bucks for an art show. Nope, just plop down on your couch, put on your VR headset, and voila! You’re at an exclusive art exhibit in Paris, sipping virtual champagne and nodding knowingly at pieces you pretend to understand. Très chic!
So, what does this all mean for the future? Will we all become digital art connoisseurs, navigating through a sea of virtual Picassos and AR Pollocks? Probably not. But we will have a heck of a lot of fun pretending. The fusion of AR and VR with art is like throwing a rave in the Louvre – it’s chaotic, exhilarating, and a little bit bonkers.
As we hurtle towards this techy art future, remember to keep your sense of humor intact. Whether you’re exploring a VR art space where kittens in space suits perform Hamlet or you're using AR to turn your living room into a disco with Andy Warhol lookalikes, the key is to embrace the absurdity. After all, if we can’t laugh at the idea of a digital Van Gogh quoting Snoop Dogg while floating above our heads, what’s the point?
So, dear students, go forth and dive into the fantastical world of AR and VR art. Strap on those headsets, fire up those apps, and prepare to be amazed, bemused, and probably a little bit confused. Just remember, when someone asks you what you did today, you can proudly say, “I explored the intersection of science and art in a mixed reality installation where Banksy’s graffiti danced to TikTok tunes.” And if they look at you like you're crazy, just smile knowingly and say, “It was lit.”
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researcher-larch · 5 months
Sam has decided to go to the Flower market. Despite him going to the rave a couple days prior and still not fully recovering from it. He thought that going to his home town and seeing the market would be more then enough to heal him.
He decided to let Salvador out of his Pokéball and walk around the venue with him. As the pair were walking, or in Sal's case buzzing, around the venue. They came across a peculiar sight.
The saw a Garchomp in very clear distress.
Sam and Sal approached the usually menacing Pokémon to see what was the matter. As they got closer, the Garchomp turned it's head to face them, tears welling up in it's eyes.
"Hey big buddy, is something the matter?" Sam asked as he got closer, now knowing that they meant no harm.
He got to the side of the Garchomp and noticed a small pile of crushed and torn flowers on the ground. It didn't take Sam too long to figure out what the issue was.
"Oh! You want to wear some flowers don't you?" He grinned as the Garchomp nodded their head.
Sam returned the nod and turned to Sal. "Hey could you go out to the flower fields and pick a few for me? I'll see what I can do with these." Sal gave a nod of agreement and flew towards the meadows.
"Alright, let's see what I can do here..."
"There! Is that good?" Sam placed a small flower crown on top of the Garchomps head. The big lass was now covered in blooms of all shapes and colors. The most notable being two bracelets on her claws and the crown on her head.
The Garchomp gave out a roar of joy as it stood up tall and proud. Sam giving a hearty chuckle as Sal gassed the dragon up.
"I'm glad to see you feeling better! I hope you have a good day." Sam smiled at how happy the Garchomp was.
She turned back around to face Sam and gave him a smile too. She also took a few steps closer to Sam. Before he could realize what was about to occur. The Garchomp gave him a big lick on the side of his face. Sal was cackling off to the side before he was also given a loving lick from the Garchomp as well.
After that the Garchomp waved goodbye as she scurried off. Sam was still chuckling as Sal gave him a deadpan stare. "Well I think she likes us."
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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violetsystems · 1 year
I already got a bid on that gabber record. I also applied for universal music group so I hope that doesn’t count against me. There’s things I pull but won’t sell. Manga mostly. I wouldn’t sell Pokémon or yugioh cartridges. But finding things a new home for money is pretty cool. Better than selling stock. Ran down to the store for a minute and picked up some coffee. El Salvador. Been feeling a local roaster here in town called Bridgeport coffee. Cheaper too. Cut my hair a little shorter but still layered enough to grow out properly this time. Back to watching some shows. I should sit down and get into the next episode of the last of us in a few. Nothing awe shattering to share in the morning. Just good coffee and company. ☕️
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trustclips · 2 years
Cake topper golden sparkle one year old boy
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70th Party Decorations, Gold Glitter 70th Party Decor Cheers to 70 Years. PO Box, APO/FPO, Afghanistan, Alaska/Hawaii, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan Republic, Belarus, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, British Virgin Islands, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Congo, Republic of the, Cook Islands, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fiji, French Polynesia, Gabon Republic, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Greenland, Guam, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, India, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Suriname, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, US Protectorates, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Virgin Islands (U.S. Charming Touch PartiesShaking a persons hand when you first meet them is a.
20's 40's 50's 60's 70's 80's 90's Addams Family Alice in Wonderland Animals & Insects Around the World Avengers Batman Baywatch British Careers & Professions Cartoon Characters Catwoman Cavemen & Women Christmas Circus Clowns Cops & Robbers Cowboys & Indians DC Comics Dinosaurs Disney Disney Boutique Disney Princess Doctors and nurses Easter Egyptian Elvis England Fairies Fairytale Festival Film & TV Flintstones Food and Drink Frozen Funny Gangsters Ghost Busters Grease Greek & Roman Halloween Harry Potter Hawaiian & Beach Hen Party Historical How to Train Your Dragon Incredibles Iron Man Marvel Mary Poppins Masquerade Medieval Mermaids Mexican Military Minions Minnie & Mickey Mouse My Little Pony Ninjas Oktoberfest Party Ponchos Paw Patrol Peppa Pig Piggy Back Pirates PJ Masks Pokémon Pop Stars Princess Rainbow Religious Roald Dahl Robin Hood Rocky Horror Sailor Sale School Uniform Scooby Doo Sexy Space Spider-Man SpongeBob Sports St.Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Republic of, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, French Guiana, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guernsey, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jersey, Jordan, Korea, South, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Martinique, Mexico, Monaco, Montserrat, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Vietnam
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localvoidcat · 2 years
*salvador voice* No, you’re NOT a real gamer.
I’m so sick of all these people that think they’re gamers. No, you’re not. Most of you are not even close to being gamers. I see these people saying “I put well over 100 hours in this game, it’s great!” that’s nothing, most of us can easily put 300+ hours in all our games. I see people who only have a Nintendo Switch and claim to be gamers. Come talk to me when you pick up a PS4 controller then we be friends.
Also DEAR ALL WOMEN: Pokémon is not a real game. Animal Crossing is not a real game. The Sims is not a real game. Mario is not a real game. Stardew valley is not a real game. Mobile games are NOT.REAL.GAMES. put down the baby games and play something that requires challenge and skill for once.
Sincerely, all of the ACTUAL gamers.
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mbrinnon35 · 2 years
I learned to rock climb this year
Ethereum Pools was my most nerve enducing post and made me laugh the most
synthetic a priori took the longest and didn’t work out. I will likely return in a long time
I enjoyed drawing dragons 🐉
Many unfinished projects I can only bet
I would like to redraw Pokémon and Link because they bring with them nostalgic feelings and I haven’t yet perfected by heart
The process behind some posts are to write anything that feels right fast enough to not forget what’s next. Remember all the letters that are autocorrected and incorporate them into the next phase of thought. Use numbers and make the meaning cryptic and abstract. If it all flows i’m satisfied.
Art goal - paint and learn a new technique
I tried to just write and add connections then organize
My first paper was criticized heavily then the rest passed academic standards with flying colors
I listened to the girl in red and laroi and hxliday
The lovely haikkun commented on how much she wanted to see our type of deep thoughts in word form
Lots of tutorials on electronic functioning
Found lots of resources at IU - couches, food, condoms, ziplock bags
Redrew many mazes
New inspo came from rapper friends, tumblr friends, online triathletes, and characters in books
Sharing is based on a feel or how if fits within other goals/moral laws at the time
I returned to zombies and selling shoes this year
Biggest art project was printing pictures and showing them one by day
Exchanged a lot of money this year
My style became more layerous and more bloody
Am conscious of this often
Haven’t painted much
Many mediums less hard drugs
Let Siri do more talking and learned to code
Went silent and communicated through telepathy
Became familiar drawing from darkness
And holding breath
I learned through falling into pain without reaching out
No OC designs but I was really intrigued by them this year especially
Salvador Dali and Spider-Man No Way Home had some great ones
I have some twisted song ideas like screamo jingle bells and sinister twinkle little star
Also book ideas somewhere forgotten along my scroll of posts this year
I most wanted to improve creativity
I still get stuck on patterns but have made vast progress
My art has many more strokes typically and lest blocks
Also many breaks
It’s difficult to edit because I never see imperfection and regret it might change the original meaning and story
I most enjoy the surprising enigmas and looking back when i’m down and seeing my masterpiece
I did technical studies on computer history
All my works are cursed
The disturbing ones are rare including sorry child and frozen wasteland (with picture)
I sent my art to my professor he said “please do not email me anymore”
I also gave it to friends/family who were ecstatic
I notice entendres quickly and look into how the strokes were made
I also sound out words and have been very stupended by the allusions/ironies
Lazy lazers and sex among species was best received
Slightly unexpected
“All these words around me keep narrating my life - what the hell is watching” - most personal
And the red gem conglomeration
I had fun making them all
My google search history has been corrupted by canvas and “how to kill your Roomate”
My family see these and I don’t know which I’d prefer
Because the audience would alter intent forever
I look at it and sometimes am ashamed but mostly am proud
Alternate fandoms preferred except romantic relationships. When those are tinkered with I am repulsed. I feel like it corrupts the entire character and identity so it’s just using the imagery and stealing nostalgia for something recognizably unrecognizable. Like click bait. Not a bad thing just not my forte.
The art I make can’t help but adopt and merge with the stuff I look at
The patterns and voice pervading
Similar workflow though this last month I have done more reading in between lines of writing
Biggest motivation was distraction from money
My art wasn’t so important but others have been my escape from hell
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avionvadion · 3 years
I’m making progress you guys I swear 😭 Here’s some little snippets.
Inuyasha: Forest Deep: Chapter 24 Preview (WIP)
“I’m not sure.” Shippō stated, furrowing his brows. He pat Kirara on the neck. “Do you smell ‘em anywhere?”
She opened her mouth and let out a tiny roar of what I could only assume was confirmation, because she eventually made her way to the front of the hut and then pushed her way passed the hanging door. I instantly flinched at the sunlight that invaded my eyelids, having been locked up for so long, and I hissed- bringing a hand over my eyes. “Eugh, I hate it…”
Shippō made a face. “You have been inside all week…”
“Oi, kid!” Huh? Oh, that voice… I recognize it. Blinking a few times and squinting as my eyes tried to adjust to the sunlight, I turned to see Kōga wandering over with a wave of his hand. Kirara walked over to meet him halfway and then came to a stop, and I stared in confusion when he leaned over with his hands on his hips, a scowl on his face. “Why didn’t you say Maria was your sister? I could have brought you two together sooner!”
Ah… I mean…
“I… tried… I think?” When was that conversation? We were both on Kirara at that point of time, weren’t we? Oh! “It was when Inuyasha had turned… y-you know…”
Kōga scrunched his nose up. He straightened his back and folded his arms across his chest. “Really? I don’t remember you doing that.”
Yeah, I know. You stopped listening midway through my sentence because we were chasing Kagura. I hung my head to the side and yawned, sleepy.
“That’s fair. So, um…” I looked up at him, a little awkward and a tiny bit grateful. “You’ve been looking after her… all this time?”
“Hm? Yeah.” He nodded, flashing a grin. A couple wolves started to make their way over and I tensed, but did my best not to be too scared. Kirara and Shippō weren’t reacting in fear, so why should I? It’s fine. I’m fine. “According to two of my men, she fed some of the wolves when she first met them. They brought her back to the mountain since she was injured.”
Kōga then scratched the back of his head, thinking about everything that’s happened and appearing a little sheepish.
“We… also thought she might have done something to Kagome at the time because of her strange clothes. We didn’t hurt her, though, so don’t bother getting mad at me.” He scowled. “She’s a proper member of the Wolf Demon Tribe now. She’s even taught my men a thing or two about swords.”
Wait, really? My heart simultaneously warmed and ached at the thought, and I gave a small laugh- breathy and pained and weak. I was so glad. She’s had people looking out for her. Heck, she was even whipping them into shape. Maria truly was a force of her own. “That sounds like her.”
“Yeah. Oh, hey- here comes the others.”
I followed the direction he was staring and saw Maria making her way over with Inuyasha, Sango, Kagome, Miroku, Maria, and… Tōran? I guess they were discussing what the panther demons plans were now that they had been defeated. Or maybe not. I had no idea. The half-demon’s ear twitched and I held up a hand, waving lazily at them with a grin.
“You’re so loud.” Inuyasha scowled.
“You say that like it’s new.” I countered. He hmph’d, folding his hands into his sleeves in the way he always does, and then glared when he saw Kōga standing there. “You again.”
“Hey there, mutt.” Kōga greeted, smirking, giving a sarcastic wave. “How’s it going? Wash out those fleas of yours yet?”
“Funny you should ask.” He snarked. “I was just wondering the same thing about you.”
“Okay, kids!” Kagome exclaimed, clapping her hands in front of her and stepping between the boys. Inuyasha and Kōga jumped, startled by her intervention. “Let’s not have this escalate any farther! Irene still isn’t feeling well, and it’s time we all discussed our plans for moving forward. Got it? Good.”
“Hmph.” Inuyasha was not happy at all with this. His face had twisted into a begrudging pout, head turned to the side to avoid looking at her. “He started it.”
“And I’m ending it.” Kagome stated, hands on her hips as she leaned over and glared up at him. “No fighting!”
“Whatever you say, Kagome.” Kōga said, voice taking on a much softer tone than before. He held his chin up, as if priding himself on something. “Unlike him, I actually listen to the woman I’m in love with.”
That lit another fire under Inuyasha, because his amber gaze snapped up with a rage. “You little-!”
“Sit, boy!”
I flinched when the beads around the half-demon’s neck lit up, and he screeched as his face was violently forced to meet the ground. Maria let out a whistle- strangely enough not surprised by what just happened. I guess Kagome used the incantation against Inuyasha sometime while I was asleep. Him and Kōga together was a recipe for disaster, after all, though I didn’t really approve of the beads of subjugation.
Miroku shook his head with a sigh, staff held to his side. “You’d think he’d learn by now.”
Sango raised her brows. “Bold of you to assume he knows how.”
“Agreed.” Shippō stated bluntly. I made a face.
“You’re not… wrong…”
Kagome let out a huff, then turned to me with a bright smile. “So, now that that’s settled! Let’s get down to business.”
Twisted Wonderland: Once Upon A Dream Chapter 35 Preview (WIP)
“Fufu~ you’re most welcome, dear.” Lilia chuckled, sitting up and leaning over, bringing his fingers to my hair and playing with my bangs again. “How are you feeling? I wasn’t expecting to find both you and Silver passed out on the furniture when I returned.”
Frick! Silver! Oh my gods!
Lilia quickly retracted his hand when I hurriedly sat up, the man watching as I looked around in a panic. Locating the sleepy teen within seconds, I caught the jacket as it fell off my lap and stumbled off the sofa, pain momentarily shooting through my wounded knee before I grabbed onto the sofa’s armrest.
“A-Are you okay!?” Aurora-colored eyes met mine and slowly blinked, observing the way I was acting and tilting his head just slightly. “You- earlier- you just…! I-I found you on the ground and you wouldn’t wake up, and-!”
I whirled around to face Lilia, all the worse-case scenarios rushing to mind.
“Poma! You should take him to Poma! The nurse! Nurse Salvador.” Crap. A wave of dizziness washes over me and I pressed a hand to my head, jacket draped over my arm. “He can… help…”
“I’m alright, Lady Eleanora.” Silver spoke quietly, pressing a hand to his chest and bowing his head. “I… apologize for troubling you.”
“What? No, no-“ Gods, my head is spinning. “-that's fine, I’m fine; are you fine!? You were literally collapsed and-“
“I’m afraid that’s normal for Silver.” Lilia quickly informed, floating up off the sofa and plopping on the armrest instead.
Pokémon: Time Lapse: Reluctant Hero Chapter 16 Preview (WIP)
This was such a ridiculous situation. Was Brock done cooking yet? I really want to talk to him. Basil and Belladonna waddled over to Blue, unable to join the group cuddle because of the room Umbreon took up, and the former pōkemon trainer raised a brow in amusement.
He gladly welcomed them over, petting them and gently scratching the side of Belladona’s face. “Compared to you, they’re pretty well behaved. I guess that’s because Brock is helping you train them.”
“Hey, now!” Brock suddenly said, entering the room with two bowls of soup in his hands. A light-hearted grin was on his face. “I’ll have you know she’s an excellent trainer! She beat me first try.”
“I think that says more about you than her.” Blue joked, and yelped when Basil headbutted his leg. “Whoa! Okay. Someone’s a little protective.”
Brock laughed. The boy’s smile only grew when he saw the way I was bombarded with pōkemon, and he calmly walked over- handing a bowl over to me. Umbreon took that as her queue to leave my lap and hop onto the floor, brushing her trainer’s legs.
“Here.” Brock said, watching as I set the bowl down in my lap. “Eat this. We’ll leave once you’ve both finished breakfast, seeing as everyone is in such a good mood.”
“What about Nugget Bridge?” Blue inquired, frowning. He set the bowl on the armrest of the couch, blowing on it before picking up the spoon. “Team Rocket has tons of their goons there.”
“Not anymore.” Brock smirked, placing his hands on his hips with a proud air about him. “I took care of them. I had Basil and Belladonna knock em out and drag ‘em to the police center. After that, I told them about the underground hideout- so they’re pretty much emptying the place out. Team Rocket isn’t going to be camping out in this city any longer.”
Taking note of my silence, both boys turned to look at me. Sensing both the negative and conflicted emotions within me, Ansem let out a small mew and Basil and Belladonna moved off of Blue’s lap and closer to Machamp and me.
I lowered my head, eyebrows furrowed as I tried to decipher what it was I was feeling and how I was supposed to react. I was pleased, I guess, to hear that the underground base was being removed and the goons inside and out of it were arrested. I was also bothered by it.
Not because I cared about Team Rocket, but… because Brock took care of it all on his own. He didn’t take me along. He could have gotten severely hurt, captured and beaten the same way Blue had been. I don’t like that. I don’t like him being in danger.
“Hey…” The older, brown-skinned teen in question spoke up softly, stepping forward and kneeling down on the floor to look up and catch my gaze. I blinked, seeing his face in front of mine. Brock was frowning. “Are you mad at me?”
“I know… you like to do things on your own. I also know that you don’t want to put me in harm's way. But…”
Brock reached forward, resting his hands on my arms gently- careful not to disturb any of my wounds or burns. He looked so sad, so heartbroken and concerned, and something inside me ached at seeing that. I wanted him to go back to how he was before- smiling the way he had been when he was cooking.
“I don’t like you getting hurt either.”
“You need to start relying on me more. We’re not helpless or weak. We’re just as strong as you are. We can help you. There’s no reason for you to go tackling so many problems alone, especially if it’s just going to break you in the end. Grunt, I-“
Brock cringed, realizing his mistake the second he saw my flinch.
“I’m sorry. I just… want you to realize we’re here. I went out on my own with Basil and Belladonna because I wanted you to know this. We’re your friends, and we want to help you. But you have to let us.”
I blinked a few times, feeling a familiar sting in my eyes, and suddenly Machamp’s grip loosened. My pokémon huddled around us, worried. I tried to speak, to get the words out and defend myself, to protest against him doing something like this again, only to find that I couldn’t.
He had made a good point.
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jose92gt · 4 years
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Esta Semana en Pokémon continuando el arco de Espada y Escudo con cosas interesantes dejando dicho capitulo Se ve en el inicio el equipo Rocket trabajando y mientras tanto Sonia y Go llegaron a Geoglifo de pueblo Hoyuelo para investigar sobre la leyenda y la conexión sobre los Dinamax ya que es una tarea que le encargo su abuela la profesora Magnolia ambos hablaron sobre la leyenda de la noche negra y Go recuerda al suceso cuando se encontró con Lugia ambos piensan que es una gran descubrimiento esto pueda estar conectado con algún pokémon fuerte 
Mientras tanto en el laboratorio del presidente Rose que continua haciendo sus experimentos sobre los Dinamax a lo que el le fascina la manera de que fluye tanta energía a lo cual esto hace que hablando sobre aquella noche negra mencionando que sera revivido por Eternatus el salvador del futuro de Galar 
Mientras tanto Sonia y Go se dirigen con la profesora Magnolia que resulta siendo la abuela de Sonia Ash y Leo tuvieron que lidiar con un Coalossal Dinamax y regresando con Sonia y Go pues hablan mas sobre la leyenda que hablaba de dos jóvenes que lograron detener dicho desastre a lo que Go piensa que existieron dos héroes y no solo uno como mayormente se cuenta la leyenda tanto hace esta tarea por su abuela y también por Leo que conoce desde la infancia conto un poco de su pasado que eran grandes amigos y el sueño de ambos era ser grandes entrenadores y Sonia le enseño sobre las batallas a Leo y después de que este hizo su debut fue natural para el y de la noche a la mañana ya era campeón menciona Sonia que mucho que lo intente no ve la manera de derrotarle en el campo de batalla 
Ash y Leo logran detener a Coalossal, Ash al ver que le estaban arrojando piedras decide defender de los trabajadores a lo cual esto deja impresionado al presidente Rose que se emociona de ambos, el presidente Rose crio de Leo el cual este esta agradecido y este le pregunta si sabe algo acerca de estos sucesos el no sabria el porque en si pero agrega que tal vez pueda ser una prueba en si después de esta batalla dejo con mucha hambre a Ash, ya en casa de la profesora Magnolia Go y Sonia cuenta sus sueños el de Sonia quiere ser una gran profesora a lo cual le menciona a Go que tiene el gran talento para eso pero antes el dice que quiere capturar a todos los Pokémon y de repente cae un meteorito a lo que la profesora Magnolia menciona que es una estrella del deseo el cual cae en las manos de los que poseen sueños sinceros ya despues de un gran platica respecto a la leyenda y los Dinamax Sonia le regala una banda a Go, en la investigación de Sonia su abuela no la pasa de momento ya que le falta la Espada y Escudo de la leyendaen la cena Ash y el presidente Rose que este le propone a que se una ya ve potencial en el este se niega ya que quiere viajar por todo el mundo y conocer muchos Pokémon esto dejo sorprendida a la secretaria en si
Ash y Go  logran comunicarse mencionando Go que ira con Sonia a ver las ruinas de pueblo Ladera y se reunirán alla dice AshLeo se cuestiona si el presidente sabe algo respecto de la situación actual en la ultima parte del capitulo Sonia y Go se dirigen hacia las ruinas pero antes la abuela de Sonia le diría a ambos algo respecto del presidente Rose la razón que dejo de asociarse con el ya que su mirada miraba en el locura y esta obsesionado con cumplir sus objetivos a lo que le pide a ambos que descubran la leyenda pero sin saber ellos que uno de los trabajadores del presidente estaba por ahi y les siguió, ya en lugar Go enfrentaría a dicho trabajador que usaria a Garbodor Dinamax y Go con Raboot Dinamax y detrás del mural había dos estatuas deja sorprendido a ambos terminando así el episodio
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Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine
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This trainer +20 developed by CheatHappens for game version 521158. November 1 2020:Cheat Engine 7.2 Released for Windows and Mac: I'm proud to announce that Cheat Engine 7.2 has been released. Money is an important commodity in the game and using this civ 6 gold cheat you can get unlimited money. '));return t=btoa(t),t=btoa(t[0]+t),n+t}(e.href)}))}function r(){var e=document.getElementById('download_link');if(e){var n=e.getElementsByTagName('a');n.length>0&&(e=n[0])}return e}function o(){var e=! Cheat Engine will show quite a lot of values now - in my case it was around 50. Click “… Also, check out my patreon for progress updates and prerelease binaries (which you can also get if you where to compile ce yourself) How activate the script ? Unlimited Money Cheat for Civilization VI.
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine 6.4
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engines
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine 6.4
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine Rebuild
Civ 5 Cheat Engine Gold
Civ 6 Cheat Engine Gold Address
Civilization 6 Gathering Storm Gold Cheat Engine
Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. If you experience any difficulty in the game «Sid Meier’s Civilization 6» (2020) or just want to have fun, this cheat is created specially for you! Press alt+tab in-game to access cheat engine.
Civilization 6 Cheats: More Science = Higher Progress Science performs one of the most important functions in all Civilization games - it develops (unlocks) your technologies. As a result - you get units and new abilities for your citizens. Code: Select all Game Title: Civilization VI - Gathering Storm Game Version: (521158) Game Sponsor: Fennix102 + daipm (XP1 and XP2) Process Name: CivilizationVI.exe Relevant Info: 64bits/TBS/New Engine Script Version: 3.10-AOB CE Version: 7.0 Release date: 24-Oct-2020 Author: Recifense History: 22-Oct-2016: Preliminary Release 1 (7 features) 24-Oct-2016: Preliminary. Firstly you need a freeware called Cheat Engine which you can download from here cheat engine. Domination is the usual military-style way to win but it costs a lot of money. Add text damnit, the steam browser is bugged With the vast realm of Civilization 6, its no surprise you’re looking for some cheats to help you on your way.
scripts dont seem to work anymore. Many improvements and features to make your gaming better Resources: Diplomatic Favor Firstly you need a freeware called Cheat Engine which you can download from here cheat engine 1. Added an AVX2 version of CE, which will speed up all those floating point operations CE does so much... Symbolhandler can now have the following types in front of pointers : (BYTE), (WORD), (DWORD), (QWORD), (CHAR), (SHORT), (INT), (INT64) to typecast the pointer to a value of that type, Structure dissect can detect vc++ and object pascal classnames now, Dissect code now also detects references to strings, Sorting the addresslist now sorts faster and more properly with regards to groups (depends on the level your current selection is), Rightclick the addresslist header to bring up a menu which allows you to disable sorting, The chosen floating point rounding type is now saved in the registry, You can now use (addresslist description) as an address, DBVM doesn't activate the TSC hook by default. 4. Select the Civilization 6 process. Und mit Pokémon (...) mehr, Dieser Charakter in Watch Dogs: Legion war so nicht beabsichtigt.In Watch Dogs: Legion sollen alle Charakter (...) mehr, Cheats und Trainer für ein leichtes Spiel, Einsteiger-Guide: Tipps und Tricks für einen erfolgreichen Start, Das Aufbaustrategiespiel - jetzt auch für Konsole, Anno 1800 | Kartennummer anzeigen und beste Karten, Anno 1800 | Baupläne für effiziente Produktionsketten. Multiply 20 by 256 which is 5120 and type in the values 4700 and 5500 - click on 'Next Scan' like 2 times. Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition Trainer v100.12.3552.0, Subnautica: Below Zero Trainer (Oct-2020 37024), NumPad 3: Fast Build Buildings and Wonders.
if (UserWidth <= 1024) Selected Unit: Unit Can Level Up Therefore you multiply 10 by 256 which is 2.560 and search for a value between 2.000 and 3.000 (just switch 'Scan type' to 'Value between' to be able to enter two values) just to make sure to hit it. 3. Resources: Gold Select the Civilization 6 process. added ansicode character support for textRect, added loadFromStream and saveToStream to the RasterImage class, added readAnsiString and writeAnsiString to the Stream class, Better document the mode field of createFileStream, Added the DrawItemEvent general GUI property to Lua's callback system, Added the MenuDrawItemEvent general GUI property to Lua's callback system, Added the ContextPopupEvent general GUI property to Lua's callback system, Created a new Diagram class group which can allow you to create graphs and diagrams, Memoryrecord.DropDownValue and DropDownDescription work now (still RO), Stackview can now show by reference , previously it did nothing, the 'resume thread' in the threadlist now resumes threads instead of freezing them, fixed an error popping up when editing registers with no debugger attached, getNameFromAddress will not show userdefined symbols when symbols are disabled, Waiting till all symbols have been loaded has been removed, Launching structure compare from dissect data now only needs 1 address, though it's recommended to have at least 2 each, Code completion in lua engine is now more smoother, You can now compare traces generated by the tracer, Threadlist window now has a copy to clipboard, Structure compare now digs deeper into pointers, Pointerscan import/export now works with newer types as well, Added rudimentary sort to the structure compare window (based on levelwidth only), Referenced strings now also shows if it's unicode, Formdesigner now has a context menu to add undocumented controls, added getWriteLog (Let's you get the writelog and activate it), HexadecimalView: added the OnCharacterRender and OnValueRender events.
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Civilization VI: Gathering Storm Cheats
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Enable Console
Start by head to the following file location:
C:Users[USER NAME]DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier’s Civilization VI
Now, make a backup of the AppOptions.txt file. Open that file and scroll down to the [Debug] section of the file. Look for a line containing the following text:
EnableDebugMenu 0
Change the 0 in that text so that it reads 1, and start playing the game like usual. Then press ~ (TILDE, THE KEY ABOVE TAB) to access the debug console.
Easy Deity Win (Exploit)
You can win the game on Deity difficulty and score some easy achievements by taking the following steps:
Choose your civilization.
Create a custom game with only “Score Victory” checked, and change the turn limit to 1.
Load the game and choose the Found City option.
End your turn as soon as the option becomes available.
You win the match, just like that, and you will unlock numerous achievements. This works on any difficulty setting.
Reveal the Entire Map
Use a text editor to edit the “Config.ini” file in your Steam Apps folder or the “DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier’s Civilization 6” directory.
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine 6.4
Find the “DebugPanel = 0” line and change it to “DebugPanel = 1”
Save and close the “Config.ini” file.
While playing the game, press ~ to display the debug panel.
Select “Reveal All” to reveal the entire map.
There are also other debug options you can enable.
Now you can easily access Debug Console in Civilization VI in-game. In order to activate it you just need to PRESS TILDE “~”. It will open a Debug Window, from there select “Reveal All” option.
Trading Glitch
When trading with the AI, you can use two major glitchs:
1- Give any strategic or luxury resources and as much gold per turn as possible, then click the option whatwill you give me for this?, the AI will break and will offer insane amounts of goldand gold per turn just for the resource.
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engines
2- Ask for whatever you want from the AI (cities included) and start putting gold (not gold per turn, only normal gold) untilthey accept the deal, then reduce until you’re as close as possible to the required amount, Ex: 25890 Gold of 26000 required, and click on the option make this trade equitable, this will break the AI and will ask an amount of gold per turn proportional to how close you were to the real price. (I bought 5 cities for 3 gold per turn and a jeans in emperor difficulty). This glitch can also be used in multiplayer matches that include AI, but will surely get patched soon.
Early Domination
If you want to enjoy Civilization 6’s battle systems, it’ll be best to pick up the Aztecs, Scythia, or the Spartan Greece. Aztecs allow your own territories to have more tile improvements as their Eagle Warriors convert slain units into Builder units. Meanwhile, Scythia’s units have bonuses against targeting wounded enemy units. Lastly, the Spartan Greece units generate Culture per enemy unit killed. Waging war in the earlier eras yields fewer Warmonger penalties, so feel free tosiege other Civilizations or City States if you need something from them. If you manage to take every Capital or wipe out every leader in the match, your Civilization will attain the laborious and difficult Domination Victory.
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine 6.4
Camera keys
With Civilization VI now out in the wild, one of the biggest gripes is the camera control not being mapped to WASD. The good news is that camera keys can be changedwith some simple file editing. To change the camera control keys do the following: ..SteamsteamappscommonSid Meier’s Civilization ViBaseAssetsUI
Open the “WorldInput.lua” file in a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ Find the DefaultKeyDownHandler section Find the line if( uiKey Keys.VK_UP ) and then make the changes as follows if( uiKey Keys.VK_UP or uiKey Keys.W) if( uiKey Keys.VK_RIGHT or uiKey Keys.A) if( uiKey Keys.VK_DOWN or uiKey Keys.S) if( uiKey Keys.VK_LEFT or uiKey Keys.D)
Next you need to add the same entries above to the DefaultKeyUpHandler section. Note that you will also need to rebind the default Attack and Great Works default keys to something else so your new camera keys do not conflict.
Civ 6 Gold Cheat Engine Rebuild
Rename Cities
1) Go to the Civilization VI installation folder – C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonSid Meier’s Civilization VI.
2) Go to Base > Assets > Text > install language – ..SteamsteamappscommonSid Meier’s Civilization VIBaseAssetsTexten_US.
3) Then open the file named “CityNames_Text.xml” with any text editor, then search for the city/civilization that you want to rename. Change the name there and save. Once you are all done reload the game and you will find your city name changed.
Disable Unit Auto Cycle
Go to ..UsersDocumentsMy GamesSid Meier’s Civilization VI
Then open “UserOptions.txt”
After that go to “line 60” then change “AutoUnitCycle 1” to “AutoUnitCycle 0”
Save the file “UserOptions.txt”
Once you are all done then save (Ctrl + S)
Civ 5 Cheat Engine Gold
Now you are all set to enjoy the Civilization VI game without Unit Auto Cycle.
Civ 6 Cheat Engine Gold Address
It’s end. I hope “Civilization VI: Gathering Storm Cheats, Cheat Codes” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.
Civilization 6 Gathering Storm Gold Cheat Engine
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