#Polar Plunge
menoftiktok · 30 days
Nate Norell | before and after polar plunges in Antarctica
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skyecarrington · 3 months
Skye & Elif - polar plung @cantfightmoonlight
Skye didn’t really avoid Elif, not really if you were asking. How could he she was a part of the town the pack and the end of his life. At least the life he had as a witch. There was a deeply covered part of Skye that missed being a witch. He had done so much and so little with his magic. sometimes in a rare moment he found himself envious of the local coven. The weirded magic freely when all the magic he had done had been in secret. The woman who should have been his mentor denied the witch in her. And insisted her son do the same. But these moments were far and few between. For the most part Skye enjoyed being a wolf. If he was feeling rather poetic he could wax on and on about his one true love had always been the moon. So becoming a werewolf was basically the longest realest commitment he’d ever had. Call himself moony if he were feeling cheeky.
Tonight he was feeling such. After being on high alert guarding the borders of town he was more than happy to let loose and take part in the polar plunge. Pulling up to shore beer in hand he realized who he stood beside, “Hey there lady death. “ He cheesed or focusing another beer from behind his back for her to take. “No one said we had to do this sober.” He could have meant anything but his genuinely easy demeanor and dimpled smile as he looked to the water would have anyone certain he was talking about the impending plunge into frigid waters.
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amitykinz · 7 months
I wish tumblr had more spaces for options on polls, otherwise I would've put more. I can't wait to see what everybody's favourite games are. Let the voting begin! 🎉
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drag0nflyandbear · 1 year
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Happy New Year
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brokenpiecesshine · 1 year
Andy Hurley on Instagram, 01/01/2023.
Happy New Year! #polarplunge2023 #year12
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Via The Guardian - “I was sent the book and my agents thought it wouldn’t necessarily be in my wheelhouse,” Colin admits. “But within 50 pages I knew I wanted to make it. To some people it’s bleak and violent, but I love that about it. It seems to say something very important about what drives us as human beings, so it made sense for me, somehow. It tuned into everything else I’ve done.”
“I’ve never played a character with so little compunction or apology or who does things this despicable,” says Colin of a figure who is as barbaric to his fellow man as he is to animals.
“I ate a lot and lifted some heavy weights. I looked at Victorian boxers and dockers, trying to get the belly and the muscle. It was not done under the supervision of medical professionals at all and was really ill advised.”
The day they said: ‘We’re heading back to open water,’ I’ll never forget the relief I felt that nobody died.”
The cast and crew took on the polar plunge, by jumping into the Arctic waters in their pants. There was a lot of swearing! 🤬
I think Henry Drax is the darkest role Colin Farrell has played. It’s quite gruesome to watch. I also think Stephen Graham is an incredible actor (Line of Duty, Gangs of New York).
At BFI, Colin said: “It was one of two times in my life where you couldn’t take off the costume, I couldn’t really step away from the character. It was always with me.”
“We were telling a very ugly story in a very beautiful place,” he added. “There was something in that contrast or contradiction that was very powerful.”
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hugo660 · 3 months
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philengsberg · 1 year
Polar plunge
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pinkguacamole · 2 years
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A quick dive and hike at Neko Harbor in Antarctica!
After surviving camping, the boat traveled a bit through the Neumayer Channel into the Gerlache Straight where the expedition team announced we would be doing the polar plunge! Within 24 hours this makes: waking amongst penguins, kayaking, ice camping and diving into the southern ocean. It was cold but not too bad, I just hopped in and then out and they provided music and vodka shots. Afterwards, we went for a nice walk at Neko Harbour where the icebergs and gentoo penguins were glowing in sporadic sunlight through the clouds. I hiked a bit up the hill for a nice view. Incredible day.
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I've been working on a 'Polar Plunge' and iceberg photo project over a number of trips to Antarctica and have just published an 8"x8" soft cover book of images.
The ‘polar plunge’ is somewhat of a rite of passage for travellers to Antarctica. The ocean temperature there hovers slightly below freezing because of the water salinity and in a glacial world of icebergs, a jump into skin-biting water provokes a cold-shock response from the human body. 
With this series of images I sought to uncover and explore the underwater experience of those who make the leap. I was surprised to capture calmness in the embrace of numbing cold, moments of transcendence perhaps for some. For others the frames reveal an experience more akin to a trial of courage in facing the unknown. 
You can check it out at the link below but better yet grab a cheap copy of the real printed thing and enjoy!
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givemaycoffee · 1 year
Just did the polar plunge in Alaska (jumping into the freezing cold water at the beach), and it was honestly a great New Years experience. 10/10 would recommend.
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thecoldplungestore · 1 year
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bikerlovertexas · 1 year
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autismonfire · 1 year
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Taking The Plunge
Today my team and I took the plunge for Special Olympics Gaston County, and with help from the Gaston College Campus Police and Gaston County Sheriff Office, we raised over $1,000 for my local Special Olympics program.
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drag0nflyandbear · 1 year
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Winter Bliss
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scenicworlds · 1 year
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December 31, 2022
Plunge. Cape Elizabeth, ME.
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