#Police Story 1985
baddawg94 · 11 months
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1985’s Police Story 👮 🔫 [ging chaat goo si]
Jackie Chan (Star/Director)- Chen Ka Kui
Bridgette Lin Ching Hsia- Selena Fong
Maggie Cheung Man Yuk- May
Chor Yuen- Chu Tao
Charlie Cho- John
Bill Tung- Uncle
Fung Hark On- Danny Chu, Chu Tao’s nephew
Lam Kwok Hung- Raymond Li
Mars- Kim
Kent Tong- Tom
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of-fear-and-love · 2 months
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mydarkapron · 4 months
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POLICE STORY | 警察故事, 1985
Jackie Chan
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17 July 2023
Film: POLICE STORY (d. Jackie Chan, 1985, Hong Kong)
Forum: Gene Siskel Film Center   Format: 4K Digital
Observations: As part of the Film Center's celebration of its role (since the 1980s) in introducing USA audiences to Hong Kong cinema, they are hosting a one-month, nine-film series of "greatest hits" titled "Hong Kong Summer." This is a definite highlight, a film that I saw twice back in 1989 and numerous times since then on screen. After watching the latest Mission: Impossible installment, this is the perfect antedote, where the effects are real and stunt work has some actual significance. The show was sold out and the audience - especially the guy sitting in front of us - went wild (or at least as wild as a Film Center audience ever gets).
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sgiandubh · 2 months
Sunday sounds:  ¡Chao, pescao!
Bad news travel fast, irrespective of time zones. We were having lunch, when I (very uncharacteristically) saw Shipper Mom bursting into tears while checking her phone.
Ya se fue la Mamita. Mommy just left us.
La Mamita was one of our best family friends and the reason I could write here that I did have a Chilean grandma. She was one of the most fascinating women I have ever met, a heroic, larger than life, luminous presence in the darkest of times. Her family has long been a part of ours, by immediate choice and she firmly maintained she had not one, but two daughters - one of which was Shipper Mom.
They met in the most improbable of places, on the swimming pool deck of one of those hotels that catered for foreign visitors lured by Gerovital's promise of everlasting youth, circa 1985. Freshly divorced, my mother was immediately demoted to the most menial of foreign trade jobs - being a tour guide. She was still grieving her son's suspected assassination in a freak military plane crash, following General Leigh's dismissal by Pinochet, in July 1978. The Romanian tour guide was intrigued by the deep, heavy silence surrounding this mysterious señora. A conversation started, which ended only today.
She adopted us. We adopted her family as if it were ours - and, after all these years, it IS. She came and stayed with us every other summer ever since and until about five years ago, bribing her way around the secret police honchos with cigarettes and Colombian coffee packs, poking fun at the brutal interrogations ("¿Y qué creen esos cretinos que soy yo, Mata Hari?"/ And what do those cretins think I am, Mata Hari?) . She knew all our secrets, took care of our broken hearts ("no llames más a este asco de hombre, no vale la pena" /"stop calling this disgusting guy, he's not worth it"), made us better people. She taught me how to use makeup ("hazlo como una señora, mijita"/ do it like a lady, baby) and, while we first started communicating in English, I suddenly found myself answering her in Spanish.
When we finally, suddenly became free, hers was the first international phone call to cross the clogged lines: 'take the first flight to Santiago and if things fizzle, we'll ransom you. You already have a house and a family in Ñuñoa'. And we did. La casita del tren, where her husband, whom everyone called the Colonel, kept their wonderful toy train collection, patiently assembled during his long diplomatic career. And who else could ever regale us with stories of being wined and dined by a very young Jackie and John, in Georgetown, when she was a very young diplobride of a much older, doting husband? And who else could remember waltzing along with Ike ('I didn't like Ike, but I had no choice'), circa 1956?
Today, it was my turn to tell MT, her daughter and what I consider to be my aunt, to take the first flight to Bucharest and come stay with us for as long as she wants. That is what family is all about.
Eso es para ti, mami. Porque, como tú me enseñaste, el amor es más fuerte:
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selfwq · 2 months
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“What if everything had happened differently?”
October 31, 1985. Hawkins. Indiana.
The whole town celebrates the day of horrors, ghosts and witches - Halloween. houses are decorated with ghosts of napkins, decorative spiders and pumpkins. children dress up in costumes and go home with the words “sweets or passion”, and naive adults are touched and give them candy.
A company of teenagers gathered at home at one of the guys. with the lights off, with a bunch of lanterns and sweets, they told each other scary stories.
- I’ll tell you a story based on real events that happened a couple of years ago here.. in Hawkins. it’s a story about a lake of lovers, about two boys who drowned in it. it all started like this..
An ordinary schoolboy, 12-13 years old, named Will Byers, was returning home from a friend. and did not return. the boy was actively sought for for several days by large groups of people. oh, then almost the whole city was lifted to his ears.. the police, doctors, teachers, and just caring people. they were all tried to find a boy without interruption. and so, his body was found in the water. a new headline about the boy accident has already appeared in the news reports. Byers died. his friends were horrified. they could not believe what happened. it hurt too much to believe. and one of the guys was most painful. he and Will were so close, they had special Relationship. there was complete mutual understanding and trust between them. they were best friends, even more than best friends. it’s a pity that Michael is the best friend of the deceased, realized his feelings for him only after his death. this thought tormented his soul. broke the boy’s little heart into pieces. until one terrible thought visited him at one moment. Mike decided that he could not continue like this. he needs to be reunited with his beloved.
Here he is on the edge of the cliff, high above the same lake. soon everything will be over. the heartbeat was getting faster, it became harder to breathe. the palms are already all wet, trembling and cold are running through the body. “soon we will be together...” step and the thought that he never had time to tell something very important to his friend no longer torments him. no thoughts torment him anymore. nothing more breaks the heart. the soul no longer torments. no more anxiety. no more pain. no more pain. there is no more Mike.
The union of Will and Mike is forever sealed in the lake, which used to symbolize love for everyone, and now everyone considers it cursed and tries to avoid it. The legend of the cursed lake is fueled by Joyce Bayers, the mother of one of the dead boys, who still believes that her son is alive and communicates with his spirit through lamps
- Joyce Buyers? So this is our city’s crazy! There are constant power outages in her old house
- yes, but she thinks it’s Will talking to her
- nonsense! The whole story sounds strange, and in addition, they are both boys and love each other, ugh!
- you’re ugh, that’s cute!!
-The children were vigorously discussing the story told. someone was skeptical about it, someone believed it. someone found it disgusting, and someone on the contrary romantic. and someone was so scared in the coming nights, it’s unlikely to be able to fall asleep-
The dialogue of the guys was interrupted by something that no one expected to see now. a sudden flash of light from a small, spruce of a luminous lamp standing on the cabinet, in the far corner of the room. the only thing left to burn, in addition to a couple of flashlights. all the children turned around and put their eyes on it. everyone’s head had the same thought, the thought of the cursed lake..
Ordinary electricity or it was the spirit of the drowned Mike and Will - is unknown. but the story of the lake of lovers has become a real local legend, which scares children, and visitors are discouraged to visit the “cursed place”. but no one will ever know what really killed them.———————————————————————————
I tried very hard on this story and I hope that it will be appreciated here “:D
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goblin-iz-whack · 23 hours
Terri Pines
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(Picrew by @potatolordofficial, hand drawn art by myself)
Yup, I made a Gravity Falls oc.
Teresa Ann "Terri" Pines (Née Ross) was born on February 14th, 1954 to Virginia and Howard Ross in Newark, New Jersey. She was the middle child and only girl of five children (Her brothers are Warren, Clarence, Leroy, and Seymour).
She was a pageant girl, her family lived pretty much solely off of the prize money she won.
She went to school for cosmetology in '72 (Her parents were not thrilled, they expected her to find a rich bachelor instead) and graduated in 1973 (Apparently, cosmetology school programs are pretty short!) . The money she earned doing what she loved wasn't good enough for her family and so she left home in 1974.
She drifted around, using her looks and charms to steal and con people, and met Stanley Pines in 1980. He was getting hassled by the police and she was like "Guess I'll use up my one good deed for the year" and helped out by pretending to be his wife ("Oh, honey, I've been looking for you everywhere! Sorry 'bout that, officer-"), and he evaded arrest.
Seeing her con artist ways and good looks, Stan was convinced that this was his dream woman- He tried to woo her for a bit, but she wasn't interested.
Because she's gay.
Even so, the convenience of having somebody that you can pretend is your partner worked for both of them, so they just went with it and slummed around the U.S., cartels and scams galore, what a wild ride.
Stuff went downhill, they were out of money and cons, when they were contacted by Stanford Pines.
You know the story from here.
Terri was kinda just waiting in the car when the portal incident happened, Stan came outside looking like he wanted to vomit and explained (through a very shaky voice) what happened.
They hid out in the house before running out of food, yada yada, Lazy Susan's eye is zapped, Stan takes Ford's name, fakes his death, you know what happens. Terri knows about the portal and all of Stan's secrets, she's his confidant and best friend.
In 1985, Stan and Terri got married. Partially because of the tax benefits, partially because they wanted the money and gifts that came with a wedding (Also, marital law says you can't be forced to testify against your spouse. Convenient!). Caryn Pines came to the wedding but Filbrick didn't (Fuck you, Filbrick). Terri's family also came but left pretty fast when they didn't get a hand out.
In 2013, Dipper and Mabel came to Gravity Falls. Terri is their Grauntie, she loves those kids. She also takes a motherly role towards Wendy, despite being pretty different in personality.
Terri is very similar to Stan, rough around the edges and always looking to make a buck, this is why he thought he was in love with her lol. She is a beauty queen, her pageant roots and love for cosmetology has always influenced her significantly. She is desperately trying to stall the effects of age (Hard to do that since she's 60 during the show), hence the spray tan and makeup and the hair dye. She also wears a corset (ooh la la!) and likes to join in on makeovers with Mabel and her friends.
She's also pretty badass- She has a lipstick taser and packs a mean punch. Being on the streets for so long has left her rugged and a bit grizzled and we love her for it.
A very motherly lady, she always wanted children of her own but the time was never right (Stan wouldn't mind being a donor, so long as he gets to skip out on any child support-). Wendy and the mystery twins fill that gap, she gets to mother them to her hearts content.
I will write up some unique episodes that center on her eventually, but it's 1 am rn and I need to get this done-
In Roadside Attraction, Terri flirts with Darlene alongside Stan. She's chill when Darlene only responds to Stan, she's a good wingwoman. It's also implied at some point that she went out with Lazy Susan before.
She was arrested alongside Stan in Not What He Seems, and escaped alongside him, also trying to stop Mabel from pressing the button.
Okay now here is where I deviate from canon pretty majorly-
So, I guess you'd say that Terri's whole existence in itself is an au. At first glance, the only difference would be her being there and extra interactions. That'd be wrong-
I know that the tweet about Ford being transfem was fake, but I still really love the headcanon. I headcanon Dipper as being transmasc and Ford being transfem would further the parallels between them without just making them a copy of each other.
So yeah, Ford is transfem here. She discovered it in the portal ("The author of the journals...my...sister??") I think she'd still go by Ford for simplicity's sake, though Stan suggested the full name of "Stanfordine" (Like Edwardine) which she goes with eventually.
Back to Terri and how she changes the series!!
Mabel and Dipper are pretty shocked that she knew everything, they're definitely mad as well. This is also the reveal that Stan and Terri are only really married for legal reasons.
Here's that reveal, written out:
Stan: -and then me and Terri got married. But we're just friends with benefits.
Dipper and Mabel: *Disgust*
Terri: What? The tax benefits! Duh!
Ford addresses her briefly but the rest of the episode pretty much goes on as normal except for the ending, Ford and Stan would both mention her.
"Okay, Stanley, here's the deal. You and Terri can stay here for the summer to watch the kids. I'll stay down in the basement and try to contain any remaining damage. But when the summer's over, you give me my house back, you give me my name back, your wife and I divorce, and this Mystery Shack junk is over forever. You got it?"
"You really aren't gonna thank me, are you? Fine. On one condition: you stay away from the kids and Terri; I don't want them in danger. Cause as far as I'm concerned, they're the only family I have left."
Well, Ford didn't listen because she and Terri get together (I call it "Terriford" hehe). I don't have their whole romance written out, but Ford has no clue how to date and tries to woo her with stuff she learned in other dimensions. Hilarity and cuteness ensues. And hey, legally Terri is married to Ford anyways, so it would work out in the end! Yeah, Stan isn't a fan of all this-
Weirdmageddon goes down, she hides in the Mystery Shack with Stan. She's pretty damn worried about Ford. She's part of the zodiac, her symbol is lipstick. Blah blah blah, she gets turned into tapestry like the others and then everything goes on as usual. She joins Stan and Ford in their adventures.
Boy that took ages to write. It was fun though! And I hope you guys like Terri as much as I do!
(My dear friends @ghosty-seapancake and @i-overanalyze-musicals helped loads with creating Terri! So much love to them! The timeline I referenced is by @fordtato so lots of love to them as well!!!)
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quill-of-thoth · 2 months
Letters from Watson: Wisteria Lodge
Part 1: The fun bits
Holmes opens this case with unsolicited literary criticism. "I suppose, Watson, we must look on you as a man of letters." Holmes, we were just having a nice lunch, stop being a brat.
If the opening scene is not wholely reconstructed, this must take place after Red Headed League and Five Orange Pips
"No woman would ever send a reply-paid telegram. She would have come.” I legitimately do not know what this comment could possibly be based on, historically or stereotypically. Perhaps the idea that women would (correctly) assume their problems might be ignored, but the telegram is signed SCOTT Eccles, and even a woman writing under her husband's first name would likely use Mrs.
Watson cataloguing Eccles' opinions and politics from his appearance, with no details that support his conclusions, straddles the line between attempting to use Holmes' methods and phrenology. (Unfortunately, Holmes' methods probably had some phrenology mixed in, due to the era in which they were developed.) Either way, this does make me lean towards a later, post-Reichenbach, date.
"the whole queer business" according to an admittedly brief search, the word queer definitely had a connection to sexuality by the 19teens (well after this story's publication) in the united states, and those connections might have been present as far back as Oscar Wilde's 1985 trial.
It almost certainly was not a commonly understood or referenced meaning of the word though, I just note it because a lot of fandom work has centered on the change in words' most common definitions over the last hundred plus years. Also the word queer is used fairly often in this story.
When Gregson says it's his duty to warn Eccles that whatever he says may be used against him, this appears to have been one interpretation of a common law Right to Silence, which primarily covered whether you could force defendants to answer questions at trial. Guidelines about whether you could force suspects of a crime to answer questions BEFORE trial were not in place until 1912, so Gregson is actually being better about this than was strictly required at the time.
Also Scotland didn't require police officers to inform those they arrested of a right to remain silent until 2018, WHAT THE FUCK SCOTLAND?
Holmes, on the other hand, is not being as conscientious as possible about this by encouraging Eccles to tell Gregson the story.
Esher, Oxshott, and probably Lee all appear to be in the London metropolitan area.
The racism regarding Mr. Garcia's Cook is, unfortunately, a huge part of this story. Based on the later inclusion of (poorly understood, badly described) "Voodoo", I'm assuming that he is mixed race afro-carribean. He could, of course, also be a member of any number of indigenous peoples of latin america or the carribean islands: I don't trust this series to have a great handle on any of those cultures.
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telomeke · 2 years
So Michelle Yeoh has won a best actress SAG award and has also been nominated for an Academy Award for her role in Everything Everywhere All At Once.
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You may know her from her steely turn as Eleanor Young in Crazy Rich Asians, or from her charismatic portrayals of the elegant older woman in productions such as The Lady and Memoirs of a Geisha. Or her butt-kicking turns in The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon or Tomorrow Never Dies (if your memory can reach that far back).
She's been in numerous other productions, but what many may not know is that when she first started out in Hong Kong showbiz (after winning the Miss Malaysia pageant in 1983) she was only allowed to be just another huaping or flower vase actress. The term huaping is pejorative, and refers to actresses whose role in a film is primarily decorative, i.e., they sit around and look pretty, but don't really mean much to the narrative, or have much else to do as characters themselves. (OK so there was a movie in 1985 called Yes, Madam where she got to stretch her range as a fightworthy police inspector, but that seems like more an exception.)
Anyway, after her marriage to HK magnate Dickson Poon ended around 1991, Michelle blew the harmful stereotype of the huaping actress totally out of the water when she returned to show business in Jackie Chan's movie Police Story 3: Supercop (she'd taken a hiatus from filmwork during her marriage).
She did her own stunts in that movie (filmed in Malaysia, Michelle's country of birth), and the stuntwork was beyond insane. It wasn't the hand-to-hand combat (although there are fight scenes). Michelle rides a motorcycle during a chase scene, and it completely obliterates the bike ride she shared with Pierce Brosnan in Tomorrow Never Dies. Plus there's a scene of her bouncing off a moving car too.
Not to spoil the surprise (and shock) but there's also a train involved somewhere – just watch the video clip that follows.
Michelle herself says she must have been insane to do all those stunts (and there's no way this would pass OSHA regulations today). Take a look at the following (remember – this was in 1992 and there was no CGI technology involved) and then don't miss the outtakes after (Jackie was really concerned for her).
You may close your mouth now. This lady kicks some serious ass! 👀
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
🎻You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me🎻
Pairings: Eddie Munson x UndiagnosedAutistic!PlusSize!ViolinPlayer!Orchestra!Harrington!Reader (Goddamn thats a lot)
Plot: When Dustins 15th birthday comes up Eddie is set out on a mission to get Steve to help. Unbeknownst to Eddie, Steve has a younger sister, a very strange, very mean sister. Theres something about her, he needs to understand how she became to be so different from her brother, so hes set out on his next mission to get the answers to his questions.
Summary: Eddie seeks out Steve and is introduced only briefly to you.
Chapter warnings: Practically absent father, slightly abusive mother, unfair treatment between Steve and Reader, Steves kinda mean, swearing, use of Y/N. Read series masterlist for storys warnings, tropes and Reader description, dw they're not major just a few)
Wordcount: 3.7k
A/N: This is the first chapter for You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me, thank you to everybody who voted for a series! This first chapter is short but they'll be longer in the future :)
Love yas!
Check out my other works! Series Masterlist
Next chapter
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Dirty white Rebocks pattered against the gravel as Eddie hopped out of his van and made his way across the fading white lines littering the parking lot outside of Family Video. Looking around at the surrounding businesses littering the industrial area on the outskirts of town. All built with weakening concrete, mustard yellow and cream whites turning darker and blacker with age, just as the video store was. Hints of pink and purple painted the horizon as the sun and heat were starting to ease up from summer 1985 now that September was approaching. 
He was thankful for it as he started wearing his jeans again, leaving his worn down cargo shorts to gather dust under his bed till he had to dig them out again next summer. He had never been a fan of those cargos, but he had trouble finding any other article of clothing that could strife away the scalding temperatures, so he had been stuck constantly pulling at the hem by the waist, forcing them to stop sagging from under his belt, he felt ridiculous walking around in the, hanging off him as if he’d dressed himself in a trash bag, but now he was back in his comfortable skin wearing properly fitted jeans. 
He was on a mission after he’d been told by Mike that this was where the infamous King Steve worked and was given precise instructions on how to approach the subject, instructions which went in one ear and out the other as Eddie fought with the gamestick playing Pacman at the arcade only one day prior.
A greening gold bell rang above his head as he opened the glass door and stepped foot in the building lined with dark brown wooden shelves sporting various movies from a stingy amount of genres, the shelves depicting a confusing maze within the wallpapered walls. Whoever was in charge of planning how to best utilize the space, clearly had no idea what they were doing. 
He shimied around shelves placed too close together and far too close to comfortably open the door, navigating to a counter placed in the middle of the room as You don't have to stay forever, I will understand was heard through the tinny speakers, Elvis Presley's You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me occupied as the only sound in the room. The desk connected to the back wall where a relatively large box television hung silently playing Police Academy 2: Their first assignment. Eddie recognised the faded people moving about the screen but barely remembered the film, he knew he had seen it and from what he could remember he concluded that he was probably laughing his ass off with Gareth, completely out of it as they passed joints back and forth for hours on end.
Having Gareth over so often for weekly sessions was probably the biggest reason as to why his room smelled like skunk whenever someone entered it, smoke attaching to the fibers of his curtains, bed sheets, and clothing all dumped out onto the floor. Had they been at Gareth's house more often he might not get in trouble with his teachers quite as much as he did, being sent to the principal's office to be scolded and threatened with police by a strong whiff of weed lingering on every clothing item he had in his possession. 
The store wasn't exactly busy but stray patrons roamed the isles, selecting movies to gawk at for their perfect little family movie nights or possibly to numb the pain of living in the sleepy town of Hawkins on a friday night, that's what Eddie would do anyway. 
He’d never been close enough to see Steve Harrington in proper, only ever seen him roaming the halls when he attended highschool or picking up Dustin from hellfire but it was undoubtedly him as he laid eyes on a lemon yellow polo shirt fitting tightly over a muscular figure slouched at the counter flipping through some comic with his head resting flat on his palm, even more so certainly judging by the golden brown hair flopping over his eyes, the same hair he overheard girls fawn over as he walked past. Gag. 
Even though he had never even attempted to get to know Steve he still felt a distaste for the man, writing him off the instant he noticed him. Popular, jock, boring, basic and probably a complete asshole just like the rest of the school. He did sometimes find himself wondering how on earth he had managed to befriend Robin Buckley of all people, a grade below him and on the complete opposite side of the social spectrum. He himself knew Robin in passing and from what he had gathered she was far from the type to associate herself with the populars. That was a mystery no one could figure out. 
“Steeeeve” he said in mock excitement throwing his arms out as if he was meeting up with an old friend he hadn't seen for a while. Steve looked up, confusement painting his face as he locked eyes on the metalhead before him. Long brown wavy hair cut into a shag, ripped jeans, ratty band tee with a fading print of a metallica album, softening leather jacket and silver chains and jewelry adorning his body. They were polar opposites. “Do I know you?” he asked unamused. “Funny” Eddie sneered as he sauntered over, placing his hands on the linoleum surface. 
Eddie may not be popular but he would like to think he made himself well known as a town pariah, devils worship, selling drugs, petty criminal, trailer trash and all that. 
“What do you want?” Steve closed his comic which Eddie noticed being Albedo Anthropomorphics issue number 7 as Steve straightened up on the stool, squaring his shoulders to give Eddie his undivided attention. “You're Dustin's babysitter right?” He was intentionally getting on Harrington's nerves, because it didn't matter how annoying he was, he knew Steve would help, despite Mike and Lucas’s warnings. A fact that that was proven as he remembered Dustin ranting about the exact same comic Steve was reading. 
Unamusement turned to disgust as he glared at Eddie. 
“NoO, I am not” he corrected, the second vowel raising in pitch as if correcting a child who he was very impatient with. “Yes you are” Eddie grinned, “Anyway, I need your help” he smirked, slanting his body to the left and cocking out his hip as his firm hand on the counter supported him “And why exactly would I help you?” boredom laced Steve's words as he narrowed his eyes in annoyance. 
“Aren't you supposed to be in customer service?” he gestured towards the fact that Steve was sitting at the checkout counter in a literal store “Show me that customer service smile” his grin widened but in response all he got was a deep scowl. “Anyway” he straightened his back to watch Steve intently “It's Dustin's birthday next friday, he is under the impression that his lovely sweet mother is taking him out to dinner, but in reality he’ll be getting a surprise party” Steve couldn't help but let his scowl ease slightly “-and that's where you come in” Eddie continued as he pointed towards the video store clerk. “-we need some help planning.” 
After some convincing and some very weak pleading from Eddie, Steve gave in although making it very clear the only reason he would endure Eddie's presence was because of Dustin and Dustin alone. His shift ended at 5 pm sharp and informed Eddie he could come by at 5:30 to plan. “But you're not staying past 6:30, I don't want you in my house” he had crossed his arms, eyes staring at Eddie as he scoffed “Relax, I wouldn't want to be surrounded by your mothers ghastly interior for more than an hour at a time anyway.”
And that was where they were now, sat in Steve's kitchen, bickering about the theme of the party as they faced each other at the round table. As expected Eddie had made faint remarks about the previously mentioned interior when he entered the Harrington home, much to Steve's dismay. As Steve began going on a rant about how Eddie was in under no circumstances allowed to bring alcohol Eddie glanced out the window in boredom. But the only thing to entertain him was a round figure walking lazily down the sidewalk, back straight and arms swaying, head held high and confident, so he found his eyes drifting back in to the kitchen and was brought back to the argument at hand. “You think I'm that irresponsible that I would bring Alcohol to a birthday party for a 15 year old?” 
“Oh shut up” Eddie's upper lip curled in displeasure at the accusation.
Steve seemed unbothered when the door clicked and swung on its hinges in the next room over, and continued with his assignment on planning. Taking it upon himself to start writing a shopping list, not yet sure if he trusted Eddie with the responsibility of following through with getting all the things they needed or if he should take care of it himself. 
That same round figure showed up in the open doorway drawing both of the men's attention. Eddie barely got a chance to look at her, only registering her face as she leaned halfway over the threshold with a simple “Yo”. Her face looked slightly annoyed he registered, cupid's bow pulled up almost as if in disgust while a slight furrow showed between her brows. “Hey” Steve returned before she turned promptly and made her way down the hall, he heard as footsteps led her up the stairs and out of earshot. 
“Whoa trouble with the missus?” Eddie chuckled, leaning back in the fancy intricate wooden chair that matched the rest. “What? That's my sister” Steve frowned, a frown similar to yours but more deep set. “Really? You look nothing alike” he marveled, within the few seconds he laid eyes on you he could only distinguish the fact that your hair was a shade darker, and that your body was very clearly the opposite of Steves. His lean form and sleek muscles were obviously something that he had not inherited or something that ran in the family. “All siblings don't look alike you know” Steve breathed as he sat back in his chair, one leg crossing over the other to rest his ankle on his thigh. 
“Why does she look like that then?” it wasn't a comment on your body but on your expression as you appeared by the open frame, Steve had already anticipated the question, he knew it was coming the second you stepped through the door.  “I dunno, she has like a permanent frown, shes fuckin’ unapproachable, hence why she has no friends” Eddie looked surprised as Steve rolled his eyes “Well in school anyway, even if she was approachable shes too i hate everyone to even make an effort” he made bunny eared quotation marks in the air as he described your personality. “Wow, didn't know easy breezy perfect King Stevie ‘The Hair’ Harrington had a sibling so different from him, or well one at all actually” he felt a surge of annoyance at Eddie's words. “She your older sister then?” Steve only rolled his eyes again, you were clearly invisible to everyone around you .“She's a senior at your high school, shouldn't you know everyone by now? Seeing as it's your second year as one?” he felt slightly proud at his jab at the man across from him who'd been getting on his nerves all afternoon. “She is?” Eddie ignored the latter.
“Told you, she's unapproachable, sticks to herself” that was true but he couldn't help feeling slightly sad for you, even if you were in his parallel class he would have hoped at least someone would know who you were, you weren't all that different from Eddie, both weird. “She used to be in band, with Robin” he squinted his eyes slightly to gather information on whether or not Eddie knew who Robin was, he continued when he got a single nod of confirmation “But now she's in some orchestra in New Castle, so she doesn’t like stick around after school” he explained, giving Eddie another reason as to why he had never heard of you. “Her? In orchestra?” from the brief look he had gotten of you, you did not look like some nit picky orchestra person. “Yeah she plays the cello” “The cello?” Eddie asked, utterly baffled. “Yeah the-” he held his hands up by his neck, pulling an invisible bow back and forth “That's a violin man” 
“Yeah whatever” 
The conversation surrounding Steve Harrington's sister and how you were so unlike your brother died there and the topic of Dustin's party was brought up again, to the slight disappointment of Eddie.
“Mm?” was your answer to the knock at your bedroom door, allowing Steve to open it and peep inside, finding you propped up against your headboard, a paperback copy of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote in your hands. “I’m having some people over” he jumped straight to the point, hand resting limply on the doorknob while the other found its place on his hip “For that party planning thing I was telling you about so please don't like, play your weird loser music or that stupid viola.”
“First of all” you sat up to glare at Steve “Elvis Presley is not weird loser music, second it's a violin you dick” you scowled, the frown which Steve said you wore constantly, tightened. “Yeah yeah, just shut up for the evening ok?”
“I was done with practicing but just because of that, I think I might continue” an ill intentioned smirk formed on your lips.
“You are so fucking annoying” he breathed.
“Tell me something I don't know” you rolled your eyes, lying down and turning away from him. Even though you utterly sucked he still had to inform you “We're eating alone tonight by the way, Mom's at the country club playing golf and Dad's staying late at work” 
“Great” you answered sarcastically before Steve shut the door. 
You weren't necessarily complaining, it was a regular occurrence that Charles Harrington stayed late to handle the law firm and you would rather Sharon Harrington was far out of sight when he was. Bad blood simmered between you and your mother, her constant criticism for your behavior, style and eating habits were not something you particularly looked forward to when you came home especially in comparison to Steve who had always been mommy's perfect little boy. 
Eddie, Mike, Lucas, Will and Steve sat strewn across arm chairs and couches in the off white pristine living room of the Harrington residence. They had only just sat down, notebook on the ready for budget planning and fresh coca colas from the fridge in their hands when the undeniable sound of a bow slowly brushing over hard metal strings was heard throughout the house.
The second you heard Steve welcome them in on the Sunday afternoon you got up and kept your promise to continue practicing on your instrument. Steve audibly groaned below you, its volume traveling up the stairs and through your open door only egging you on further as you began playing Symphony n.5 by Beethoven moving your bow up and down the strings. 
Sure Steve had taken on his brotherly duty to play nice and explain the situation for tonight, not that it was any different from any other night, and he was on occasions friendly with you, but that didn't change the fact that he was a fucking ass to you. During your 18 years on this earth Steve had bullied you, pestered you and made your life almost as miserable as your mother did, she claimed it was Steve's way of showing love but you didn't accept that fact as true. You may have, however, if you actually knew what Steve did for you, multiple times he had gotten into fights with classmates to defend your honor, both in his childhood years up until the end of high school, only easing up when he was no longer in contact or around to hear the crude remarks about you. But, you didn't know, so you had no issue with creating a slight hell for him as he did for you. 
With each 8 beats the chord changed and you only increased in strength. “Is that Y/N?” Mike asked as he listened in on you upstairs “You knew he had a sister??” Eddie piped up, turning towards him “You have a sister?” Lucas was shocked “Of course I know he has a sister, doesn't everyone?”
The vigorous strumming and skillful fingerwork slowed to slower notes, slowly building as Steve started to get annoyed, rising from his comfortable seat in the armchair and preparing for battle. “She's gotten really good since I last heard her, damn” Mike awed as Steve brushed past him and out into the hallway, following the sound of shorter notes echoing throughout the house. You were clearly interrupting but Eddie couldn't help but feel amazed at the sounds, so different from the instruments he usually heard in his music or the music he listened to, a whole different genre but from what he gathered you were very good with the violin. He listened in a daze, as if your bow and strings cast him under an enchantment as Steve stormed down the hall and made a loud show of him coming up the stairs, giving you one last chance to back down. You did not. 
Eddie was torn from his enchantment as the music suddenly came to an abrupt hall. 
“Give that back you fucking asshole! That's a ten thousand dollar instrument!” 
He had ripped the fragile maple wood from your hands in anger. 
“I told you not to play it while I had people over!” 
“And I told you I dont give a shit!”
The shouting match had begun.
“Of course you don't! Because all you care about is this stupid fucking thing!”
“Because it's my life! That thing is my whole life! That is my ticket to a degree! Don’t go giving me shit because you’re too fucking stupid to even get in to community college!” you screamed but within an instant your voice softened to an insulting hiss upstairs “You couldn't even pass the PSAT’s at a respectable grade.”
“I would take having a life over whatever your sad excuse for one is anyday! Locked up in your room every waking hour studying, oh unless you're in school where you don't even have the human decency to talk to people or be in any way polite” Steve was no longer shouting but spewing words with pure venom.
“Because they’re all fucking pieces of shit! Who don’t give a flying fuck about anything other than mindless sex, popularity and LYING to themselves that this fucking Hawkins Indiana is the place to be!” he heard you scoff before an exasperated shout “LIKE YOU!”
“And if you're not at school you’re at fucking orchestra practicing for shows-” his voice became firm and short of a temperfull whisper as he interrupted your speech “-who no one ever comes to”. It seemed a shame, your playing had been amazing, from the short snippet he heard you had some intense skills, it must be wasted to play for only a few people.
Eddie couldn't have known that Steve had the urge to throw your precious violin that disturbed his peace every day of the week in to the wall, maybe even thrust it onto the ground and smash it to tiny pieces under his sock clad foot, but a part of him in the back of his mind knew that would both leave you heartbroken and that he would never come back from doing such a cruel thing to you, so instead he tossed the violin onto the soft plush of your bed before storming out with a “Fucking bitch” muttered under his breath and slamming the door behind him. Eddie heard you shout a “Sanctimonious piece of shit!” back at him and then footsteps down the stairs. 
The group scattered around the livingroom sat awkwardly as Steve emerged from the hall and back to them, they didn't know what to do or say and it was clear on their faces. Steve breathed a heavy breath before apologizing “Sorry about her and that you had to hear that” Eddie raised his brows at him as if to say Are you kidding me? Steve saw it and was quick to announce “Trust me, we’re fine, we fight all the time”
Even though you were upset you would not back down, you were quick to retrieve your violin and find its place resting atop your shoulder and under your chin. 
“She's gonna start playing again any second, she's fine” Steve sank back down into plush leather just as the music started up again. He gestured his hand up at the ceiling to prove his point. 
Eddie was experiencing a mixture of feelings, all reeling around his head as you began playing again, a new found interest for the classical genre, sadness for you who had to go through that, anger at Steve for saying such hurtful things but also surprise at how even though you had been insulted so harshly which would have left the girls he knew, granted only a few, crying, you continued playing, as if it didn't bother you. 
And it barely did bother you, Steve was right, you did fight all the time, and through years of bullying from classmates and close family you had become tough, strong, learnt to deal with feelings, push them as far down as your mind would allow you and move on. It was even the moments after the horrible fights that you had learnt to cherish, just as you did when everyone had left for the evening. Steve didn't verbally apologize but you knew he was sorry, and he showed it by becoming your friend again and ordering pizza for dinner, paying with it from his hard earned money (your parents didn't give him allowance since he got a job) and sat with you, watching soap operas on the couch. 
It was a destructive and toxic relationship, being bullied and only fighting back when no parents were around to hear it and then instantly becoming friends, but it was your destructive and toxic relationship.
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of-fear-and-love · 1 month
Still processing the fact that the ending credits to Police Story (1985) include: 1. Behind-the-scenes footage of Jackie Chan directing 2. Cute funny bloopers 3. Cast members being hospitalized
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
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Waiting Room — Hob Gadling's mixtape, 1980-89
Notes: This is the mix Hob Gadling made himself, 1980-1989, while waiting for his expected meeting with his Stranger, and in its aftermath. Anticipation and longing leading up to that day in June '89 (near the end of Side A), and then a return to songs from the beginning of the decade. A mix for knowing looks from the bartender, cigarettes ground out into the pavement, loneliness kept at bay by synth pop and long nighttime drives with the top down. I recommend listening in order, at least the first time!
Spandau Ballet - To Cut a Long Story Short (1980) A Flock of Seagulls - Wishing (If I Had a Photograph of You) (1982) The Human League - Mirror Man (1982) The Replacements - I Will Dare (1984) Whitesnake - Is This Love (1987) Information Society - What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy) (1988) Fugazi - Waiting Room (1988) ABC - The Look of Love, Pt. 1 (1982) Tears for Fears - Pale Shelter (1983) Bananarama - Cruel Summer (1983)
The Police - King of Pain (1984) The Psychedelic Furs - Heaven (1984) Ultravox - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes (1984) Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me - 12" Version (1985) Hüsker Dü - Don't Want to Know If You Are Lonely (1986) Johnny Hates Jazz - Shattered Dreams - 12" Extended Mix (1987) The Church - Under the Milky Way (1988) Everything But The Girl - I Don't Want to Talk About It (1988) Tears For Fears - Always In The Past (1989)
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sixminutestoriesblog · 6 months
ides of march
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well, its tumblr's favorite holiday and who can blame us? The assassination of Julius Caesar is probably one of the only group projects that ever went down the way it was supposed to with, well, not complete group participation (there were said to be upward of 60 people involved but only 23 stab wounds - obviously someone was not carrying their weight) but at least a good effort was made at it. But lets take a moment, between our jokes about salad and Animal Crossing butterfly nets to look at what else has happened in history on the Ides of March. For instance, did you know, on March 15th:
1493 - Columbus returned to Spain after 'discovering' the new world.
1580 - Phillip II of Spain put a bounty on the head of Prince William I of Orange for 25,000 gold coins for leading the Dutch revolt against the Spanish Hamburgs
1744 - King Louis XV of France declares war on Britain
1767 - Andrew Jackson, who would go on to be the seventh president of the US, was born.
1820 - Maine became the 23rd state in the US
1864 - the Red River Campaign, called 'One damn blunder from beginning to end' started for the Union Forces in the American Civil War
1889 - a typhoon in Apia Harbor, Samoa sinks 6 US and German warships, killing 200
1917 - Czar Nicholas II abdicated the Russian throne, bringing an end to the Romanov dynasty
1955 - the first self-guided missile is introduced by the US Air Force
1965 - TGI Friday's opens its first restaurant in New York City
1991 - in LA, four police officers are brought up on charges for the beating of Rodney King
2018 - Toys R Us announces it will be closing all its stores
2019 - a terrorist attacks two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 51, and wounding 50 others
Oof! Pretty bleak, isn't it? It would almost make you think that the day is just bad luck, start to finish and its probably just as well, we're all focusing on assassination instead of other horrors. But wait - its not all bad news! The Ides of March has some tricks up its sleeve yet (joke intended). I'd be telling you only half the story if I didn't add:
1854 - Emil von Behring is born and will eventually become the first to receive the Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery of a diphtheria antitoxin, being called 'the children's savoir' for the lives it saves
1867 - Michigan is the first state to use property tax to support a university
1868 - the Cincinnati Red Stockings have ten salaried players, making them the first professional baseball team in the US
1887 - Michigan has the first salaried fish and game warden
1892 - the first automatic ballot voting machine is unveiled in New York City
1907 - Finland gives women the right to vote, becoming the first to do so in Europe
1933 - Ruth Bader Ginsberg is born and will go on to become a US Supreme Court justice
1934 - the 5$ a day wage was introduced by Henry Ford, forcing other companies to raise their wages as well or lose their workers
1937 - the first state sponsored contraceptive clinic in the US opens in Raleigh, North Carolina
1946 - the British Prime minister recognizes India's independence
1947 - the US Navy has its first black commissioned officer, John Lee
1949 - clothes rationing ends in Britain, four years after the end of WWII
1960 - ten nations meet in Geneva for disarmament talks
1968 - the Dioceses of Rome says it will not ban 'rock and roll' from being played during mass but that it deplores the practice - also in 1968, LIFE magazine titles Jimi Hendrix 'the most spectacular guitarist in the world'
1971 - ARPANET, the precursor of the modern day internet, sees its first forum
1984 - Tanzanian adopts a constitution
1985 - symbolics.com, the first internet domain name, is registered
The Ides of March turns out to just be a day, like any other day in history.
Unless you're us. In which case -
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kwebtv · 7 months
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Charles Richard Dierkop (September 11, 1936 – February 25, 2024) Film and television character actor. He is most recognized for his supporting roles in the films Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) and The Sting (1973) and the television series Police Woman (1974-1978).
His televison credits include The Naked City (1960–1962), Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1965), Lost in Space (1965), The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1966), Gunsmoke (1966), The Andy Griffith Show (1966), Star Trek (1967, episode: Wolf in the Fold), Batman (1968), Adam-12 (1968), Lancer (1968–1970), Bonanza (1969–1972), The High Chaparral (1970), Land of the Giants (1970), Bearcats! (1971, in episode 9, "Bitter Flats"), Love, American Style (1971), Mission: Impossible (1972), Alias Smith and Jones (1971–1973), Kung Fu (1973), Mannix (1969–1973), Gunsmoke (1966–1973), Kojak (1974), Police Story (1973–1974), Cannon (1971–1974), Vega$ (1978), The Deerslayer (1978, TV Movie), CHiPs (1980), Fantasy Island (1980–1982), Matt Houston (1983–1984), The Fall Guy (1983–1985), Simon & Simon (1986–1988) and MacGyver (1991). (Wikipedia)
IMDb Listing
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xtrain · 6 months
1979-1990 Anime Primer
I wrote this primer to serve as an introduction to those new to 80s anime. It features 50 titles (plus one bonus title), all of which are either films or OVAs for ease of viewing. Please note that Studio Ghibli films from this era were purposefully excluded since they are already so well-known (I consider Nausicaä to be pre-Ghibli).
1979    Aim for the Ace!
1979    Galaxy Express 999 
1979    Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro 
1981    Ashita no Joe 2
1981    The Door into Summer 1981    The Fantastic Adventures of Unico 
1981    Mobile Suit Gundam: The Movie Trilogy
1982    Arcadia of My Youth
1982    Space Adventure Cobra: The Movie
1983    Urusei Yatsura Movie 1: Only You
1984    Birth
1981    Daicon IV
1984    Macross: Do You Remember Love?
1984    Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
1984    The Star of Cottonland
1984    Urusei Yatsura Movie 2: Beautiful Dreamer
1985    Angel’s Egg
1985    GoShogun: The Time Étranger
1985    Leda: The Fantastic Adventure of Yohko
1985    Megazone 23
1985    Minky Momo: La Ronde in My Dream 1985    Night on the Galactic Railroad 1986    Fist of the North Star
1986    Megazone 23 Part II
1986    Project A-ko
1986    Windaria
1987    Black Magic M-66
1987    Bubblegum Crisis
1987    Devilman: The Birth/Demon Bird
1987    Dirty Pair: Project Eden
1987    Neo-Tokyo
1987    Robot Carnival
1987    Royal Space Force: Wings of the Honnêamise
1987    To-y
1987    Twilight of the Cockroaches
1988    Akira
1988    Dominion Tank Police
1988    Dragon’s Heaven
1988    Gunbuster
1988    Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars
1988    One Pound Gospel
1988    Vampire Princess Miyu
1989    The Five Star Stories
1989    Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai!
1989    Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
1989    Patlabor: The Movie
1989    Venus Wars
1990    Cyber City Oedo 808
1990    Nineteen 19
1990    Record of Lodoss War
BONUS    Blue Blazes
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nine-frames · 2 years
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警察故事 (Police Story), 1985.
Dir. Jackie Chan & Chi-Hwa Chen | Writ. Jackie Chan & Edward Tang | DOP Cheung Yiu Cho
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