#Pollen allergies
thedemigodsguide · 19 days
Hey, demigods!
I was hanging out by the basketball courts, thinking about joining a pickup game with some of the others. Somehow, I watched point blank as Katie Gardner tripped.
Flowers. Exploded. Everywhere.
And I mean, everywhere. They just appeared out of nowhere! And the ones that were already blooming poofed and sprayed pollen all over us.
I will be forever grateful that I don't have pollen allergies, because that stuff was so thick I could barely see. The kids that do have allergies are going to be coughing and sneezing for days.
Hope this gets cleared up soon!
Now I need to go take a shower, to see ya later!
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shinygemstone · 1 month
If you have pollen allergies, you're weak to grass types sorry
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prismaticstarshch · 2 months
people who have multiple chronic conditions (physical, mental, or both): what's life like?
For me, I live a normal life with:
Cryptogenic (unknown seizure trigger) epilepsy
Grave's disease (a thyroid condition that causes hyperthyroidism)
Pollen allergies
Possible high-functioning autism (I currently have yet to see whether or not I actually have it, but I do experience things that could go along with it, such as poor eye contact, missing social cues, difficulty interpreting tone, stimming, insistence on routine, sensory stuff (I have sensitivities in all 5 of the senses, and have aversions to some things related to them), general awkwardness, anxiety, etc.; on top of that, epilepsy and autism can co-occur)
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wanderingpeonies · 1 year
everything outside is green and that means my immune system is staging a coup
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they-callme-ami · 1 year
Check on your friends who have pollen allergies this Spring cause this that new pollen. I feel like I've got like, a mild case of the flu or pneumonia man, this shit attacking ALL the senses.
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tamagotchi · 1 year
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puppyexpressions · 1 year
13 Signs Your Dog Has Pollen Allergies
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Has your dog been itching, scratching, biting, or licking itself more often than usual? Have these symptoms been more obvious since warmer weather came about? Do you see any abnormal signs related to your dogs’ ears or eyes? Like humans, dogs can develop pollen allergies and they can show symptoms any time of the year. Spring, summer, and fall are usually the time of year when pollen allergies cause most discomfort to allergic pets.
Check out these signs of pollen allergies in dogs. If your dog is exhibiting any of these symptoms, be sure to visit your family vet and have them checked out. If the symptoms persist or keep on recurring, consider a visit to a pet skin specialist in order to help identify and treat your dogs’ pollen or other environmental allergies.
1. Scratching
While still outdoors or after coming indoors, do you notice your dog scratching and itching themselves? A mild, persistent itch or furious scratching can both be indicators of an allergy (including a pollen allergy) due to increased exposure from being outdoors. Itchiness is one of the common initial symptoms seen in allergic dogs.
2. Hives
When exposed to allergens, people break out in rashes and hives. This can happen to dogs too. Hives can develop anywhere on the skin, though it is easier to see them on sparsely haired areas such as the belly and armpits. Hives are also commonly seen on the head, face, or sides of the legs. Dogs may have on and off development of bumps (or raised tufts of hair in multiple locations on the body), based on exposure to pollen or other allergens. Some dogs with hives may even have persistent raised bumps for a few days, even weeks!
3. Excessive Licking
The belly, paws, and private parts (around the anus) are areas that dogs may lick excessively when they feel itchiness in these areas. When it comes to excessive or obsessive licking in dogs, the most likely cause is allergies. As mentioned above, itchiness is the initial sign of allergies. Licking is surely a sign of excessive itchiness in dogs.
4. Puffy Eyes
Red, puffy eyes are a common symptom of allergies in humans. While dogs are not as often affected by these symptoms, some dogs will also exhibit these signs. Hair loss around the eyes is another symptom to watch for. One or both eyes may be affected.
5. Eye Discharge
Watery eye discharge is a possible symptom of environmental allergies in dogs. This sign may be the only sign related to eyes or may be seen along with eye puffiness or redness. Sometimes the discharge may turn mucoid (pus like) and have a green or yellow color to it.
6. Face Rubbing
If you notice your dog rubbing their face up against surfaces such as the carpet, couches, or pillows, this is a clear show of their attempt to alleviate the itchiness. You guessed it, face rubbing is also a form of itchiness in dogs. Some dogs will try and rub their entire body across one of these surfaces. Scooting (aka bum scooching) is another sign of itchiness related to rubbing of a body part to alleviate their itch.
7. Hair Loss
As allergies progress or persist, the scratching and inflammation of skin leads to trauma of hair follicles. This leads to hair loss. Some dogs may even nibble and bite at their skin causing hair loss. This is often seen at the belly, legs, and tail area. Some dogs may generally have less hair on the body due to environmental allergies and related skin inflammation.
8. Red, Stinky Ears
Allergens such as pollen not only affect the skin but also cause inflammation in dog ears. This can lead to red, irritated ears that may become infected. This will lead to smelly, stinky ears that are obviously red and inflamed. Some dogs may only have mild discomfort and may not show the dramatic sign of reddened, smelly ears. Instead they may exhibit milder head shaking initially.
9. Head Shaking
Dogs may shake their head because of the irritation in their ears and may not want you to pet them on their head. Head shaking can be a sign of itchiness in the ears, or a sign of discomfort due to swollen ears, an ear infection, etc.
10. Red, Irritated Skin
The skin around the mouth, chin, paws, neck, and belly typically becomes red, inflamed, and itchy in dogs affected by pollen allergies, or due to other allergens in the environment.
11. Hot Spots
Also called moist eczema, hot spots occur generally due to excessive moisture in a local part of the skin. Commonly seen in areas with moist hair from biting at themselves in areas such as the sides of the body or tail base, some breeds such as Labradors are more prone to hot spots. Hot spots can be quite discomforting for the pet, and are often infected too.
12. Sneezing
Achoo! If you see your dog sneezing more than normal, this can be a sign of pollen allergies. Reverse sneezing is another sign of pollen allergies, and may be seen during their outdoor activity, or during indoor time.
13. Sensitive Skin
Dogs can often develop sensitive skin that twitches or crawls upon touching it. As allergies cause discomfort and inflammation of the skin as the primary sign, some hardy dogs may not show many other signs but will exhibit crawling of the skin when petted on their back. Some dogs may love back scratches almost too much! While we can’t blame a dog for loving attention and wanting to get pets and scratches, if your dog shows the above signs along with an increased interest in being scratched, allergies should be considered.
If you notice your dog has any of these symptoms or a combination of the above symptoms, be sure to visit your vet and have them checked out. If signs only occur during the spring and summer, pollen allergies are likely the problem. If your dog shows these symptoms year-round, or at other times of the year, this does not rule out pollen allergy. Rather, a combination of multiple allergies may be affecting your pet with non-seasonal skin or ear problems.
These signs are the general signs of allergies in dogs, thus most environmental allergies can lead to these symptoms. To help diagnose the exact cause of your pets’ allergies, a veterinary dermatologist evaluation may be needed.
Your family veterinarian can help diagnose the cause of your pets’ symptoms or may refer you to a pet dermatologist to help find not only the cause of the allergies, but also desensitize your pet against the pollen allergens or other environmental allergens. This way, your pet can be comfortable and progression of allergies to a more severe condition can be prevented. It is always best to make sure your dog gets a thorough diagnosis and the right treatment that best suits their needs and long-term health.
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milkchuggs · 1 year
My doctor prescribed me Flonase (along with some fun pills) because my pollen allergies are bad enough to leave me bedridden, but the sensory feeling of
The Bad Juice
dribbling down my sinuses and into my throat leaves something to be desired
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
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For all my fellow pollen/seasonal allergy sufferers.
I hope this season isn't super horrible for you.
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foodformen · 2 months
Pollen Overload
Unveiling the Pollen Predicament: Deciphering the Forces Amplifying Allergy SeasonsThe Rise of Pollen AllergiesSpring is a season of blooming flowers and buzzing bees, but for many individuals, it also marks the onset of relentless sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal congestion. Pollen allergies, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis ( caused by inflammation), affect millions worldwide, with…
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getambee · 1 year
Pharmaceutical, health, or marketing organizations, among others, can leverage Ambee’s hyperlocal and accurate pollen count data to create valuable campaigns to help their customers understand the state of pollen-related issues and how to reduce the risks associated with them.
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drnishthasingh · 2 years
Make an Appointment with Dr. Nishtha Singh to get more information about What are Monsoon Allergies. Also you can call us (+91) 946 1685 766
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fanghaunt · 3 months
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my spring senses are tingling
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justhorizon1 · 1 month
New art!
I realized i haven't drawn the Fallen City in a while soooo I decided to draw it... Pixelart mmmm.
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Yes I added Nightcat/Watcher up there on that thingy that I don't remember the name of
Nightcat in the Fallen City, how in the world did you get there??
Also this cool ass sunset color pallete I accidentally found when playing around with the adjustments
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(I wanted to continue the art with this one but it kept on breaking when too many changes were made - it kept on inverting the colors for some reason :') )
I again would also like to inform people that these are fanregions made by me and they are not being turned into a mod because I don't have the skill, time, or knowledge of how to do it. I am HORRIBLE at coding and computer stuff.
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raineandsky · 16 days
“What’s, uh,” the villain starts slowly, “what’s in your sandwich?”
The hero spares them no more than a passing glance. “Aw, you hungry? They don’t feed you guys in your little evil hideout?”
“I feed myself just fine.” The villain eyes the sandwich in the other’s hand nervously, their wrists rolling against their handcuffs. “What’s in it?”
“Peanut butter and jelly, if you must know.”
The villain’s eyes widen ever-so-slightly, their chair grating as it slides back as far as it’ll go. The desk jolts with the force with which they pull back.
“What?” the hero asks bluntly.
“I’m allergic.”
The hero’s gaze turns down to their, frankly delicious, sandwich. “To PBJs?”
“To peanuts, you moron!”
“Oh.” Another bite. “Huh.” A thoughtful chew, staring off into the distance. “How bad?”
“If I so much as look at a peanut, I will keel over.”
There’s a moment of silence, in which the villain seems to deflate slightly. “That’s probably dangerous information to give you,” they add quietly.
“Probably.” The hero hasn’t moved, despite their desk and their caught criminal being halfway to escaping them. “Will something happen if I touch you with my peanut hands?”
“Do not,” the villain snaps lowly, “even think about it.”
The hero smirks. “Why not?”
“I’ll tear your goddamn arms off.”
“If you can do that whilst cuffed, I’ll be impressed.”
The villain glares. The hero shrugs and shoves the last bit in their mouth. “I’m not trying to be mean, anyway,” they continue past their hunk of bread. “I’m asking so I can not kill you.”
The hero gets to their feet and the villain reels back like they’re about to explode. “I’ll wash my hands first, okay?” the hero offers.
The hero is, by definition, a decent human being. They return two minutes later with clean, wet hands, to a desk moved half an inch to the right and no villain. 
“Ah, shit,” is all the hero can be bothered to say. They never liked big chases on a full stomach.
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katabay · 1 month
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jonathan strange and mr norrell is hands down one of my favorite shows, but a little while ago I realized. that I’ve never actually. read the book.
like I loved the show so much I am absolutely fucking baffled that I never once thought ‘oh let’s check it out from the library and have a good time part 2’
& something about the weather lately (extremely windy) brought it to mind, so I checked it out from the library and I’m having a great time reading it so far 🥳
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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