#Post Office FD
atulksposts · 1 month
In today’s financial landscape, securing your future is paramount. Post Office Fixed Deposits (FDs) in India offer safety and attractive returns. The blog details the 2024 interest rates, benefits, and types of Post Office FDs. It explains how to calculate interest, choose the right scheme, and factors to consider. Additionally, it compares Post Office FDs to bank FDs and outlines who can invest and how to open an account.
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poonamranius · 2 years
Post office 2022: इन तीन योजनाओं में मिलेगा Guaranteed रिटर्न, कमाई का आसान तरीका
Post office 2022: इन तीन योजनाओं में मिलेगा Guaranteed रिटर्न, कमाई का आसान तरीका
Post office : पिछले कुछ दिनों से हम सभी देख रहे हैं कि शेयर बाजार में काफी उतार-चढ़ाव देखने को मिल रहा है। ऐसे में कई लोग जोखिम भरे इक्विटी मार्केट में निवेश करना पसंद नहीं कर रहे हैं। ऐसे लोगों के लिए डाकघर निवेश के बेहतरीन विकल्प लेकर आता रहता है। पोस्ट ऑफिस स्मॉल सेविंग्स स्कीम में निवेश करने से आपको लंबी अवधि में ज्यादा रिटर्न पाने में मदद मिलती है। Post office : इन तीन योजनाओं में मिलेगा…
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ayushchandaksblog · 9 months
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takapoysanews · 1 year
পোস্ট অফিস ফিক্সড ডিপোজিট এর হার এবং SBI, HDFC ব্যাঙ্ক, ICICI ব্যাঙ্ক ফিক্সড ডিপোজিট (Fixed Deposit) সুদের হার 2023।দেখুন কোথায় বেশি লক্ষ্মী লাভ হবে। - TAKAPOYSANEWS
কোথায় টাকা রাখলে অনেক বেশি সুদ দিচ্ছে
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
इस साल अमीर बनने के लिए अपनाए 7 अचूक नुस्खे! ज़िंदगी भर रहेंगे टेंशन फ्री
इस साल अमीर बनने के लिए अपनाए 7 अचूक नुस्खे! ज़िंदगी भर रहेंगे टेंशन फ्री
नई दिल्ली. अमीर बनने के लिए जरूरी नहीं है कि आपकी सैलरी बहुत ज्यादा हो या फिर आप हमेशा मुनाफे का बिजनेस करते हों. कम सैलरी और थोड़ी बचत के जरिए भी अमीर बना जा सकता है. इसके लिए जरूरी है कि आप सही जगह और सही समय पर पैसा लगाएं. हालांकि, ऐसे कुछ ही लोग होते हैं जो सही फाइनेंशियल प्लानिंग का रास्ता चूज कर पाते हैं. इसीलिए, नए साल में अच्छी फाइनेंशियल प्लानिंग के बारे में बता रहे हैं. देश के बड़े…
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anarchywoofwoof · 5 months
do u have posts where you talk abt prison abolition and alternatives to police? that'd be nice
so i've actually tried to approach abolition before multiple times and quite frankly, there are so many incredibly valuable insights provided by POC (People Of Color) and lifelong abolitionists that exist on the internet, it would be a tremendous disservice for my pasty white ass to sit here and try and educate anyone on this topic alone.
the last time i had this ask come up (you can find that post here), i deferred to FD Signifier for my thoughts on police abolition. i will do so again here for maximum visibility because he deserves it far more than i do. it is close to 2 hours long, but easily the best explanation or breakdown you'll find in such a relatively short time frame.
i'll expand on this by offering some of the more popular works that i'm aware of and a few works that i've read regarding abolition.
"invisible no more" by andrea j. ritchie provides an examination of how Black women, indigenous women, and women of color experience racial profiling, police brutality, and immigration enforcement. it aims to contextualize individual stories within the broader system of police violence and mass incarceration, calling for a radical shift in the way that we look at public safety.
"policing the planet" edited by jordan t. camp and christina heatherton combines firsthand accounts from activists with research from scholars and artistic reflections. it aims to trace back the global spread of the broken-windows policing strategy and its wide-ranging effects.
"our enemies in blue: police and power in america" by kristian williams addresses the history of policing in the united states, arguing that police brutality is intrinsic to law enforcement. it explores the relationship you've probably heard before between police and power from the era of slave patrols to modern times.
"the new jim crow" by michelle alexander extremely influential, you've probably heard of this one. it goes over how the u.s. criminal justice system functions as a system of racial control, particularly through the failed war on drugs, disproportionately targeting Black men and devastating communities of color (obligatory fuck nixon and reagan)
"violence work: state power and the limits of police" by micol siegel offers a new perspective on the police as the embodiment of state power, interconnected with the state and global capital. this one gives a unique examination of the u.s. state department's office of public safety and its influence on international police training.
"chokehold: policing Black men" by paul butler, who is a former federal prosecutor, examines the laws and practices that systematically target Black men, perpetuating institutional violence and societal fear.
"no more police: a case for abolition" by mariame kaba and andrea ritchie presents a comprehensive and practical plan for police abolition. it addresses current concerns while envisioning a future of reduced violence and enhanced justice. this is a cornerstone work and it's been lauded in many circles as being a definitive text on police abolition.
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fanficimagery · 2 years
Pretty Baked 2/2
When you decide to move and open up a shop in Charming, California, the local motorcycle club that runs out of Teller-Morrow Automotive practically adopts you and introduces you to their world.
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Words: 7.9K  Author’s Note: SURPRISE! Since part one hit 100 notes, I decided to post this early. Trigger warning for violence.
"Are these the only participants joining us up here?" The man in charge of the game says. There's only three contestants standing around- one from the PD, one from the FD, and a teen girl from the florists booth.
You catch Emma's eye again and she gestures to the contestants, widening her eyes to urge you to play. You close your eyes, raising a hand as you shout, "I'm in!"
As you start making your way towards the stage, Gemma grabs your arm. "Baby, what are you doing?"
You glance over your shoulder at her and at the Sons who are watching you closely. "You guys are my friends. If I have to embarrass myself in order to make firedouche eat his words, I will." Her lips twitch in amusement. "And besides, Emma's in charge of the music. If the winks and gestures are anything to go by, I'll know the songs she's chosen to play."
"Well would you look at this," the guy on the mic says, happily, as you make your way on stage. "If it isn't the owner of Pretty Baked! Heya, sweetheart, who will you be playing for today since I didn't see a pastry booth out there?"
He holds the mic out in front of your face and you smile sweetly at him as your eyes dart to the fireman and police officer. "I'll be playing for Teller-Morrow Automotive, of course."
The fireman barely manages to conceal his sneer and you chuckle as the man on the mic wishes you luck. "Before we get started, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to apologize in advance for any vulgarity in the music. I hope that our contestants will censor themselves if a bad word pops up, but I'm afraid I can't do much about the meaning behind any of the chosen songs."
The crowd claps, some bolder individuals assuring the man it's fine and to get started with the competition. The man chuckles and then explains a bit more about what's going to happen. Four mic stands have been spread out along the stage and each contestant gets a buzzer. If you know the song, you buzz in and a little light on your mic stand lights up. If you buzz in first and sing the song correctly, you get a point. And at the end of the tenth song, the person with the most points gets the five-hundred-dollar check.
"Are we ready, Charming?" The exuberant man exclaims. The crowd cheers and suddenly your nerves set in when you see Gemma and the Sons three rows back, directly in front of you. "Well let's go! Emma, play the first song, please."
The beat to the first song starts and the crowd seems to hold their breath. It takes you longer than you'd have liked to recognize it, but before you can press your buzzer, the teenager from the flower shop buzzes in.
"He's so tall and handsome as hell. He's so bad, but he does it so well. I can see the end as it begins. My one condition is; say you'll remember me.."
You curse your luck as the teen correctly sings Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift, nose wrinkling as you happily accept defeat on song one. The fireman and police officer huff, clearly put out with the song choice.
The man on the mic congratulates the teenager, putting a point on a chalkboard that had been rolled out onto the stage. The crowd cheers and then quiets down for the second song. When told to play it, the piano keys filling the air makes your eyes widen in instant recognition. But apparently you weren't the only one and the teenager from the flower shop gets her buzzer in first.
"Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm homebound." You laugh, shaking your head at the song choice. A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton was one song you were very familiar with as Todd always sang it in the shop to make you laugh.
The crowd cheers some more as the teenager earns another point and you meet Gemma's gaze, shrugging good-naturedly. She shakes her head, smiling.
"Think she can pull this off?" Jax asks his mother.
"We'll see, baby. She knew that second song, but the other girl beat her to the punch."
The fireman and police officer boo, asking for music that they would know among their laughter. Jax chews on his thumb nail, glancing at Emma and huffing a laugh when he sees her roll her eyes. As she prepares for the third song, the crowd starts to quiet.
The moment the guitar chords fill the air, the Sons watch YN squeeze the buzzer in hand, but again she's a second late. Juice swears as the fireman smirks, moving his shoulders and feet to the beat. When the lyrics hit, Gemma scoffs when she realizes the fireman is staring directly at YN. "She was a fast machine. She kept her motor clean. She was the best damn woman that I ever seen. She had the sightless eyes, tellin' me no lies. Knockin' me out with those American thighs."
"That motherfucker," Jax swears.
You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC plays and you pout. You should have had that. And when you glance out at the crowd, you're surprised to see the Sons glaring at the fireman for daring to sing that song at you. Even Emma seems unimpressed when you glance at her, but when she catches your stare, she smirks.
Oh no. That can't be good.
When the next song starts, you snort. You and Emma have sung this song plenty of times in the shop, but only when no one else was around. You hit the buzzer, thankfully before the other teenager playing, and look directly at the fireman as you sing. "I'm not here for your entertainment. You don't really wanna mess with me tonight. Just stop and take a second. I was fine before you walked into my life. 'Cause you know it's over before it began. Keep your drink just give me the money. It's just you and your hand tonight," you sing while making the crude hand gesture of jerking off.
The crowd bursts into laughter, the officer playing against you included, but it's the Sons of Anarchy who whoop and holler the loudest. The man on the mic nervously chuckles as the song cuts out, putting a point under your name before asking Emma to quickly move on to the next song.
How Am I Supposed to Live Without You by Michael Bolton plays next, and the police officer finally puts the PD on the board with one point. He sings a little longer than necessary, milking the limelight, and you and the teenager from the flower shop stand behind him, arms around each other's shoulders and waving your hands in the air, back and forth. You laugh when he stops, and you each high five him before stepping back behind your mic stands for the next song.
The drum beat and guitar riffs are instantly familiar, and you're grateful the cop fumbles his buzzer, leaving you time to buzz in first. But when you catch the eyes of the Sons, you blush under their surprised stares. Maybe you shouldn't have buzzed in on this particular song.
In the crowd, Opie chuckles. "There's no way she knows this song."
"I don't know," Juice muses. "I've heard what she listens to when picking up coffee from the shop. Her taste in music is all over the place."
"It's getting harder each time that I go. If I had the choice, I would stay. There's no one like you! I can't wait for the nights with you. I imagine the things we'll do. I just want to be loved by you. No one like you." No One Like you by the Scorpions plays and you sigh in relief when Emma stops the song, signifying you've earned yet another point.
The crowd cheers some more, the Sons making their excitement known. As the crowd quiets down yet again for the next song, your jaw drops as soon as the lyrics start. It's a song that's always made you sad for some reason and Emma knows it, she having laughed when you got teary-eyed that one time in the shop. Surprisingly no one playing knows the song, so you buzz in, easily singing Take on the World by You Me at Six.
You earn another point, putting you in the lead and earning a round of rambunctious cheering from the Sons of Anarchy and Gemma.
"Holy shit. The lass is gonna take it," Chibs says.
When the next song starts, you're surprised to hear the guitar chords of a country song and unsurprised when the police officer buzzes in first. His voice is surprisingly good as he sings I Can't Breathe by Parker McCollum, earning the police department another point and keeping them in the running for the winner's check.
The fire department is clearly out of the running, so the fireman hops off stage, smiling as his fellow firefighters pat his back. Then when the ninth song starts, you barely have a second to listen to it before the flower shop girl is buzzing in. Her wide, victorious smile makes the police officer wince and you laugh. She easily sings Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo, earning herself a third point and tying the game between you and herself.
Happy grunts, punching Chibs on the arm. "You jinxed her."
"Oh wow, ladies and gentlemen," the man on the mic says. "This is such a close game! Our two young ladies are tied at three songs each and our police department has two songs under his belt. If he guesses our last song, we'll have a tie and split the money. But if either girl gets it, they'll be taking home a check to either the flower or auto shop."
The crowd cheers and you smile nervously, palms sweating. Emma smiles as she plays the final song, the guitar chords making your heart stop. The lyrics start and you're practically frozen, but when you see both the flower shop girl and police officer glancing at each other in a panic, you know you've won this.
"She knows it," Gemma realizes, squeezing her son's hand. "She knows the song!"
"How do you know?" Jax asks, glancing between YN and Gemma.
"Because she's not panicking like the other two."
Jax seems to stop breathing when he hears a buzzer go off, his attention whipping back to the stage and his stomach clenching in anticipation when he sees YN's mic stand lit up. He watches as her eyes close and she takes a deep breath, the voice coming from her mouth being far softer than he's ever heard.
"I know I'm just a fool who's willin' to sit around and wait for you. But baby can't you see, there's nothin' else for me to do? I'm hopelessly devoted to you. But now, there's nowhere to hide since you pushed my love aside. I'm out of my head, hopelessly devoted to you."
Hopelessly Devoted to You is possibly your favorite song from Grease and it's a song everyone back home said you sang marvelously. Even Emma was shocked when she first heard you belting it out in the kitchen, your voice rising and lowering at all the right parts, the emotion easily detectable as you sang.
No one dares to stop you after ten seconds, instead letting you sing the whole song. And by the time it's over and your voice tapers off, the crowd goes crazy. You laugh, instantly blushing, and accept the hug from the two contestants that had been left on stage with you. The man on the mic congratulates you and those from Teller-Morrow Automotive, and hands you the check of your winnings before taking a picture for the town newspaper.
As you walk off stage, you bashfully make your way back towards your friends who are all smiling or grinning or smirking. Jax immediately pulls you into a hug, laughing in surprise. Eventually everyone's hugging or ruffling your hair, and squeezing your shoulder as they gleefully congratulate you on your singing skills.
"Here 'ya go, Bobby. Add it to today's winnings."
"Where the hell did that come from, sweetheart?" He asks, taking the check to pocket. "I thought you were scared to embarrass yourself up there! We didn't know you could actually sing."
You shrug, cheeks heating up again. "I sang karaoke all the time back in Texas. For fun. And with the exception of a few songs, I'm a pretty crappy singer," you say, chuckling. "Emma's just heard me sing that last song before. Apparently she rigged the game in my favor."
The Sons all laugh. "Baby, you better give that girl a raise," Gemma muses.
"Don't worry. I will."
With everyone pretty much over the festivities, Gemma calls it a day. Tig walks Grimm and Reaper towards your car, and Jax hangs back so he can keep you close once again, tucked safely under his arm.
"Thanks for that, darlin'. You didn't have to donate the winnings to the club, but-"
"But nothing," you cut him off, smiling as you glance up at him. "You guys are family. And not only that, but I got to embarrass that fireman while getting you guys some extra money for the club. It was a win-win in my book."
"You're just full of surprises, aren't 'ya?" He chuckles. "The sweet southern belle bullshit you spew sometimes is just that. Bullshit."
"If you thought I was truly some sweet and innocent lil' girl from the south, you really haven't been paying attention."
You pat his shoulder before walking ahead, pulling your keys from your pocket so Tig can load up your Great Danes.
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Life in Charming is actually going really well, so of course the other shoe drops when you least expect it. It's the weekend, which means the shop is closed, and you have a week's worth of cleaning to catch up on. So after picking up some around the house and loading the dishwasher, you let Grimm and Reaper out into the backyard so you can clean in peace.
You manage to separate loads of laundry and get your clothes into the wash when the doorbell rings. You sigh and head straight for the door, grumbling when your guest rings the doorbell twice more just as you're about to open the door.
"Can I help you?" You say, your false smile instantly falling away when you see who it is. Your shoulders droop at the familiar sight of your brother. "What do you want?"
"What? No love for your big bro?"
"Hardly." You step back, opening the door wider. Might as well invite him in now that he knows where you live. "Now what are you doing here?"
You brother saunters in, whistling lowly as he glances around your home. "This is some nice digs you got here." You roll your eyes behind his back as he walks into the living room, humming so that he knows you've heard him. "I was wondering if that little shop of yours wasn't doing too well and that's why you couldn't front me some cash, but it seems it's doing better than ever."
"What did you expect?" You scoff. "I had no problem lending you a helping hand when you were actually paying your bills, but you stopped using my money for that and instead used it to feed your addiction."
"That's bullshit and you know it!" Your brother whirls on you, eyes blazing.
"Is it?!" You shout. You've never been scared of your brother, but something about this visit doesn't feel right. "I've caught you numerous times nodding off mid-conversation and even caught the hookers coming out of your house. If you want to keep your utilities on, get a job that you'll actually show up for and stop looking for freebies."
"Why work when my baby sister is loaded?"
"Fuck you." You shake your head in disappointment at him. "How'd you even find me? I know for a fact our uncle wouldn't have told you. He's just as upset with you as I am."
"Ah yes. Our precious uncle." Your brother scoffs. He walks slowly around your coffee table and you make sure to keep space between the two of you. "You know he's feeding you bullshit, right? He's trying to pin us against each other."
"No he didn't and no he's not. We tried to help you- to get you clean, but you wouldn't hear any of it."
"I don't need to get clean!"
"Yes, you do!" You shout back at him again, chest heaving. "You tracked me down all the way in California and for what? To beg for more cash?"
His expression clears and suddenly he's eerily calm. "Nah. I'm not gonna beg. You're just gonna give it."
"Like hell I am."
Time seems to stretch on between you, the tension skyrocketing. Suddenly your brother lunges, gripping the back of your neck in hand as he pulls you forward. "Yes, you are." He seethes.
You squirm in his grip, shoving at his chest. "Knock it off! What's wrong with you? Are you fuckin' high?!"
"I need five hundred."
"Fuck off. Get a job if you need that kind of cash." The hand on the back of your neck moves up, gripping your hair before pain suddenly explodes across your cheek. You yelp, reaching up to shield your face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Never in your life has your brother ever raised a hand against you.
"I said I need five hundred."
"And I said to fuck off."
Beyond pissed now, you jerk your knee upward and knee him in his crotch while landing a punch to his face as well. Your brother groans, his grip loosening, but he doesn't go down. Instead his hands find your shoulders as he violently shoves you backward. "Stupid bitch," he grunts.
As you fall backwards, you twist, and unfortunately catch the corner of your coffee table with your right temple. The hit leaves you dazed enough that your brother grips you by the hair again, dragging you upward so he can punch you again in hopes of breaking you. You swing back, however, catching him a couple of times before he knocks you into the wall.
"Just give me the money!"
The next hit splits your lip before he grasps you by the shoulders, shoving you into the wall once, twice, and then again for a third time. Your head bounces off the wall and you cry out, weakly raking your fingernails down your brother's face to get him away.
A fist meets your face, and you slide down the wall, whimpering.
"Just give me the money," your brother says again, his emotions finally getting the best of him.
You meet his gaze, every ounce of you hating your brother right this second. "No."
Your brother spits at your feet, now choosing to ransack your house instead. As he pulls down books and picture frames from the bookshelves and wall, you let the tears fall as the pain overwhelms you. When your brother finds nothing in the living room, he makes his way to the kitchen. The glass breaking finally alerts your Great Danes that something is off, and they rush towards the back door, barking up a storm.
You're not surprised when your brother finds the cash drawer in the kitchen- a drawer that has a little over a hundred dollars in it from Jax, Juice and Opie who felt the need to leave money since they constantly ate your food. He breaks some more stuff on his hunt for cash, and it isn't long before he finds almost two hundred in your purse.
"Go. Just leave," you tell him when you feel yourself getting sleepier and sleepier.
"I need more."
"There is no more!" You cry. You wince in pain as your head throbs. "Just go. Please." Before your brother can say anything, the sound of a vehicle's door slamming shut resonates through the air. He freezes and hope unfurls in your entire being. "Uh oh. The cavalry's here," you mumble.
Your brother panics and makes a break for the back door, Grimm and Reaper completely bypassing him and making a beeline for you. Your dogs panic when they pick up the scent of blood, barking and whining. The doorbell rings, sending your dogs further into a frenzy.
"YN?" You hear a familiar voice shout from outside.
"Sack!" You scream.
That one word manages to sap the rest of your energy and you're barely coherent enough to hear your door being opened and Half-Sack swearing as he falls to his knees next to you. "YN? YN, what the hell happened?!"
"B-Brother," you mumble, eyes fluttering shut now that you know you're safe.
"Hey. Hey!" Half-Sack swears. "YN, stay awake!"
Half-Sack reaches for his phone, fumbling it before he manages to unlock it and look for his president's number. When he taps on Jax's contact info, he grumbles while he waits for the blonde man to pick up.
"Jax, man, someone beat the shit out of YN!"
"What!?" The word is repeated again, harsher this time.
"I c-came over to pick up the dogs," Half-Sack stammers, "and I heard her scream for me. It's bad, man."
"Get her to St. Thomas. Now! And don't leave her side."
Half-Sack tucks his phone away, intent on doing as Jax demanded. He apologizes as he scoops YN into his arms, cursing his weakened strength and mentally vows to start lifting more soon. He manages to get YN out to the van, setting her in the front seat while running back inside the house and then urging the dogs into their room before shutting the door behind them so they don't hurt themselves with all the broken glass.
Back in the van, Half-Sack is sure he breaks a couple of laws just getting YN to the hospital. He keeps yelling at her, trying to get her to stay coherent enough as he pulls into the hospital parking lot. He picks YN up again, grunting and then stumbling as he rushes for the emergency room doors. Everyone waiting to be seen startles at his haggard appearance, with the exception of the nurses on call who weren't paying the doors any attention. Fortunately for Half-Sack, the Prez's ex-girlfriend chooses that moment to walk out.
"Doc. Hey, doc!" He calls out and Tara Knowles looks up from her clipboard. Her eyes widen when she sees Half-Sack holding a battered, unconscious woman. "I need some help here."
"Come on." Tara gestures for him to follow. "What happened?" She leads him to a curtained off room, immediately pulling out her pen light to check pupil dilation.
"I- I don't know!" Half-Sack stutters. "I showed up by her place to pick up her dogs and she screamed for me when I got to the door."
"So she was awake when you got there?" She asks, continuing her evaluation, gently pressing along the woman's bruise face to check for fractures.
"Is she close to the club? Could this be club retaliation?"
"Sort of. And no." He shakes his head. "She, uh, she said it was her brother before she told me she was tired and closed her eyes."
Tara freezes while her gaze shoots to Half-Sack, the man clearly upset over this woman's injuries. "Okay. I'm gonna see if I can wake her up. Why don't you go out and-"
"No. I'm staying with her."
She frowns. "Okay. Then let's get to work."
Tara goes through the motions of collecting a few more supplies, setting them on a tray next to her. She grabs a small tubular packet before snapping it in half, waving it under YN's nose. YN wakes, groaning and whimpering in pain before Half-Sack is taking her hand and assuring her everything is okay.
Tara smiles sadly at the prospect who clearly cares for her patient. "YN, can you tell me what happened?" She asks, prepping to clean and stitch the small wound she can see near her temple.
Awake and more alert, your head lolls to the side until you see a woman doctor fussing over you. She looks familiar, but you don't have enough wits about you to determine why she looks familiar. "Yeah.. my brother kicked my ass."
"Mhm. And where'd you get this cut?"
You wince as she prods at your temple, pain throbbing all around your head. "Uh, coffee table, I think? He pushed me."
"Did your head take any more hits?"
"Mhm." You gulp. "He punched me a few times. Slammed my head into the wall even more."
Half-Sack winces as he continues to hold your hand.
"From the look of your knuckles, I can see you fought back," the doctor says. "That's good."
"Yeah. My uncle didn't raise no bitch."
Half-Sack snorts and even the doctor grins. "You're going to need stitches. You want me to numb the area?"
"Don't bother. Just go for it."
Half-Sack holds your hand the entire time the doctor stitches you up and during that time you realize just who your doctor is. Doctor Tara Knowles was a major part of Jax's life when they were teenagers, and currently a pain in Gemma's ass since the queen of the bikers didn't want the doctor anywhere near her son. But as of late, you hadn't heard Gemma complain about the woman so you figure things must have calmed between the two ex's.
Doctor Knowles cleans you up as best as she can, adjusts your bed so the top half is sitting upward, and then warns you to not give in to the temptation to sleep because she was pretty sure you had a concussion. You grimace at your blood covered clothes and she thankfully grabs you a pair of scrubs to change into while also making sure you have no other injuries around your body. Half-Sack stands right outside the curtained room so you can change, and then Tara leaves to grab all the paperwork needed to be filled out for your visit.
Since you were still a little shaky and Half-Sack couldn't stay still enough to help you with the paperwork, Tara decides to help you. She's in the middle of asking some very personal questions she needs the answers to when the curtain is suddenly yanked open. Tara yelps and you flinch, and then she's admonishing Jax and trying to tell him that he can't be there. Your body relaxes when you realize just who the visitor is and Jax completely ignores his ex while stalking up to your bedside.
"Are you okay?" His hands cup your face as he brings his forehead to gently rest against yours. His eyes close and you smile before reaching up to grip his wrists while humming an affirmative. He breathes a sigh of relief before pulling back and then glances over his shoulder at Half-Sack. "You can leave now."
"Jax," Tara starts, "I don't think you should-"
"It's fine, doc," you assure her, smiling softly as you remove Jax's hands from your face. "Jax is good."
"Ma's on her way."
You fondly roll your eyes. "Fine. Jax and Gemma are good. I don't mind them being here so long as they won't get in trouble for being in here with me."
Tara frowns, brow furrowed as she glances between you and Jax. She hasn't heard anything about him seeing anyone, nor anyone that apparently had his mother's approval. But seeing your friendly expression, her shoulders droop just the slightest as she nods.
"What happened?" Jax asks.
"Why don't we wait until your mom gets here because I have a feeling she's going to ask the same thing."
He opens his mouth to deny your assumption, but then snaps it shut and shrugs. "Yeah. Okay."
There's a chair right next to the bed that Jax takes a seat in, one of his hands holding tight to yours. You shake your head at him and then give Tara your full attention since she's still doing your paperwork. She eventually flashes you a smile back and then gets to work, completely ignoring Jax's presence.
When Tara is done with the paperwork, she realizes that you're in a little bit more pain than you had let on. She leaves to grab you some strong ibuprofen and then comes back to make sure you take it. And just as you've swallowed it down, Gemma is bursting through the curtains.
Her concerned expression immediately morphs into one of sympathy. "Oh sweetheart, what happened?"
You glance at Jax, arching an eyebrow. "Told you."
"Yeah, yeah. Shut up and tell us."
You grin and relax back into the bed, sighing. "It was my brother." Jax tenses and you reach for his hand again, squeezing it in comfort. "He somehow found me and started asking for cash again."
"I'm really hoping you didn't give him any," Gemma says, huffing.
You point to your face. "Does it look like I told him yes?" Her expression falls again and you grin at her. "He pushed me into the coffee table, which is how I got this," you say while gesturing to your stitched wound. "Then he punched me and I punched back, and then he slammed me into the wall a few times. He ransacked the living room and kitchen, and found the snack money drawer," you admit. "And then dipped into my purse for more."
"He's dead." Jax's voice is cold and his eyes glint with his anger.
You shake your head at him. "Don't bother. He's probably long gone back to Texas. I'll just call my uncle and he'll have it taken care of."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. My uncle will probably put him in the hospital as well."
Gemma smirks, but it's Tara's scoff that pulls everyone's attention. When she realizes she has three stares looking right at her, she shifts on her stool. "Violence doesn't solve anything. Just make a report and let the police handle it."
You blink at her and then when your brain catches up, you drawl, "Bless your heart, suga, but I've got it handled." Jax snorts at the southern twang that slips through and even Gemma can't hide her smirk. And when you realize just how rude you sounded, you mentally wince and sigh. "So tell me, doc, when can I get out of here? I'm pretty sure someone with much more serious injuries can use the bed."
Tara gapes, but quickly composes herself. "I, um, I can start the discharge papers now if you want."
"Yes, please. And, uh, do you think I can get a prescription for some of the stronger ibuprofen you guys give out here? It works better than the over the counter ibuprofen you can get at the store."
"Sure. I can prescribe you Tramadol if you'd prefer that."
"Nah. I don't like meds that you can get addicted to. Ibuprofen works just fine."
She smiles at that, nodding. "Okay then. I'll be back with your papers and prescription."
"Thanks, doc."
As soon as Tara disappears, Gemma takes over her stool and pulls it up closer to your bed. Soon enough, you have Jax on one side and Gemma on the other.
"Is there anything else that we should know?" Jax asks. "Now's the time to tell us."
"No. I told you guys everything."
"Are you sure, baby?" Gemma asks.
"Yeah. He probably would have tried to kick my ass some more if Half-Sack hadn't showed up when he did. He got spooked off and ran out the back door, and then I screamed for Sack after he rang the doorbell."
"Where were the dogs throughout all this?" Jax wonders. "They don't seem like animals who would sit back while their mom was being beaten."
"In the backyard. They ran in when my brother ran out, but I don't know what happened after that." Suddenly your eyes widen. "There's glass all over the place! They're gonna get hurt."
"Don't you worry, baby, I got 'em." Gemma stands. "I'll take Grimm and Reaper to the clubhouse, and then have the prospect clean your place."
"You don't have to-"
"But I want to." She smiles, leaning forward and cupping your face in her hands. She kisses your forehead. "I'll see you later. Do what the doc tells you."
"Yeah, yeah. I know the drill." Gemma takes her leave, shutting the curtain behind her before you turn to grin at her son. "And then there were two."
Jax leans forward, placing his elbows on the side of your bed. He sighs softly. "So you wanna tell me how you're holding up now that it's just the two of us?"
"I'm fine."
"YN.." Jax trails off, arching an eyebrow at you and challenging your answer. Your lighthearted expression falters and your eyes sting the longer you hold Jax's knowing gaze. "He's my brother," your murmur quietly. "He's never raised a hand to me and he-" your voice cracks and you hide your face in the palms of your hands, crying.
Jax is up and out of his seat, taking a seat next to you on the bed and wrapping his arm around your back. You turn and curl into his side, and he lets you cry on his shoulder. "Shh. I've got you now. It's going to be okay."
The sound of the curtain being yanked open makes you freeze. "Oh. I- I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it, Tara."
You bite the inside of your cheek and try to put a lid on your emotions. You lift your head from Jax's shoulder and wipe at your eyes, sniffling. "Am I- am I clear to go, doc?"
"Yeah." She hesitates briefly. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." You meet her gaze, vision blurry as tears swim in your eyes again. You wipe them away. "Everything kind of just got caught up to me," you tell her. "You know, the fact that it was my own flesh and blood who did this to me."
She smiles sadly at you. "I'm really sorry this happened to you."
You sniffle some more as she smiles before looking down at the papers in her hands. "So, uh, you're all good to go. Just make sure someone stays with you tonight because you need to be woken up every couple of hours for that concussion."
"That won't be a problem. She's staying with me tonight." Tara's eyes subtly widen and you turn to look at Jax. But before you can even say anything, he shakes his head. "Don't argue with me. Tig can keep Grimm and Reaper, and you can stay with me."
"I- yeah, okay." You lightly shake your head. "We'll just have to swing by my place for some stuff."
He nods. "We can do that."
Tara spends a little more time informing Jax of what symptoms to look for since he's apparently going to watch over you, and then she gives you the prescription for your pain relievers. And after signing your own discharge papers, Tara's grabbing a wheelchair and wheeling you out to the doors.
Jax freezes. "Shit. I forgot I'm on my bike."
"Seriously?" Tara huffs at him. When Jax's worried expression cuts to you, Tara rolls her eyes and reaches into her coat pocket. "Take my car and get her to your place safely. You can bring it back and take your bike after."
You and Jax stare at her in surprise over her act of kindness. She huffs a laugh, shaking her in amusement. "Thanks, Tara," Jax ends up saying, heart light at the fact that there was no pettiness involved.
She nods. "Don't even mention it."
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Over the next week, you're absolutely coddled by Gemma and the Sons of Anarchy, and even Emma and Todd at work. The only person who didn't try to coddle you was Happy, but you did see his eyes lingering a little longer whenever you complained about a headache. Half-Sack, Tig, and Happy gladly took over care of Grimm and Reaper, and you ended up staying days with Jax instead of just the one night. And in all the time of you two cohabitating, things never went past the heavy flirtation. There might have been a few close calls, but the two of you always stopped and nervously laughed off the tension.
When you finally made it back home, you were grateful that everything your brother demolished had been fixed or replaced. Jax had been more adamant that you show up to clubhouse parties, but with your bruises still pretty vibrant, you didn't want to go anywhere other than work and home.
But bruises fade and eventually you agreed to attend one of the parties, which is why Gemma's picking you up.
"Hey, baby, you ready for this?" She asks when you slide into her Cadillac.
"You mean am I ready to be glared at and spoken down to by the croweaters?" You muse. "Sure. I guess I am."
"One of these days you'll learn to put them in their place."
"There's nothing going on between Jax and I to warrant me putting them in their place," you tell her. "If there was something going on, then I assure you the cattiness would be there. But there's not."
"If you say so." Gemma backs out of your driveway, intent on driving towards the clubhouse.
On the drive towards the party, your phone beeps with a text message. You check it, frowning at the words staring up at you: Answer your phone.
"What's wrong?" Gemma asks when you continue staring at your phone in hand.
"I don't know," you mumble. "The text says for me to answer my phone, but I don't recognize the number."
"You think it's your brother?" You shake your head, and before you can answer the phone is ringing. "Put it on speaker."
You nod, answering the call and hitting the speaker button. "Hello?"
"So, I had to hear from your uncle that your brother beat your ass?"
You sigh and Gemma glances between you and the road. You grin reassuringly at her. "Jesus Christ, Guillermo. You scared the shit out of me with that vague ass text. What-" You immediately cut yourself off, brow furrowing. "Wait a minute. How the hell did you text me?" The line is quiet, and you exhale loudly. "You smuggled a burner into your cell, didn't you?"
From the corner of your eye, you see Gemma's head snap in your direction. You bite back a grin, knowing full well she's gonna find out exactly why you didn't care about what the Sons of Anarchy truly did to earn money. "What can I say, mi amor. The guards love me."
"Bullshit. If they loved you, you'd have gotten out years ago on good behavior." Guillermo laughs down the line. "But you keep getting caught doing sketchy shit and they happily report your ass to the parole board."
"Yeah, yeah. This isn't about me. This is about you and why I'm just hearing about what your idiot brother did."
You groan. "I'm fine."
"What was the damage?"
"Uh, concussion and a split lip. My face was pretty bruised as well."
"What do you want done?"
"Can nothing be done?"
"You know if you don't tell me, then I'll just figure out my own punishment."
You sigh, finally glancing at Gemma, only to find her looking at you in surprise. "Fine. Have him beaten, but not enough to warrant a stay in the hospital. I don't want him crying about hospital bills," you tell him. "Remind him that you don't fuck with your favorite."
Guillermo laughs. "You got it, princesa." The line goes quiet and then he's back, amusement lacing his tone now. "So, what's this I hear about a biker?"
"Fuck off. You and my uncle are the worst gossips."
"It's boring in this cell. I like knowing what's going on out there."
"Yeah? Then next time don't get caught. Pendejo."
"You wound me, mija."
"I'm sure." The clubhouse comes into view and you wrap up the call. "Hey, Guillermo, I gotta go. I'm headed into a party."
"Alright. Have fun, run if the cops show, and I'll call you with an update when I have your brother's ass kicked."
"Okay. Love you. Bye."
You end the call and hesitate to meet Gemma's gaze.
"So that's why you never bat an eye when the boys' criminal history comes up." You huff a laugh. "Who is he and what'd he do?"
"Guillermo is my uncle's best friend," you tell her as she parks her car. "He's.. a very prominent member of a very large gang that has connections pretty much everywhere. He got picked up for kidnap and torture."
"Jesus," Gemma swears.
You shrug. "That man adores me. He treated me and my brother like his own kids sometimes, so he's pretty pissed at my brother right now. If I hadn't told him what to do, I'm pretty sure he'd have made the call to have my brother seriously maimed."
"So you really don't have any issue about the things that go on with the club?"
"As long as it doesn't directly involve me, I don't need to know."
"Damn, baby, you really need to let my son slap his crow on you."
You snort. "I've heard some things about how the boys operate, Gem, and there's one thing that's a major turn-off for me."
"Yeah? And what's that?"
"The run clause," you tell her. "If I'm with someone, then I'm with that person and that person only. I expect the same respect from my partner and the run clause gives him leeway to mess around while he's on the road."
Gemma pulls the keys from the ignition and drops them in her purse. "If you have an issue with road pussy, then tell him. I have a feeling Jax will cave into your demands if you just state them."
And without letting you retort, she's opening her car door and climbing out.
By the time you and Gemma walk into the clubhouse, the party is in full swing. The scantily clad women are making their rounds and you're not surprised to see the croweaters swarming Jax, Opie and Chibs. Your nose wrinkles when one bold croweater takes a seat on Jax's knee, and Gemma elbows you, eyebrow arching as if asking what you were going to do about it.
"Knock it off and let's go get a beer. I have a feeling I'm going to need it."
You and Gemma are a beer and a half deep when Jax finally takes notice of your presence. The croweater perched on his knee and looking quite smug about it is easily pushed aside without any warning, and you can't hide your amusement as you watch Jax light up as he makes his way towards you.
Gemma catches you smiling, and when she sees the reason why, she huffs in amusement. "And that's my cue to go."
"Aw, Gem, don't leave me."
"Buck up, baby, and lay down some rules with my boy." She pats your knee and you grin knowingly at her. "I'll see you tomorrow." Gemma slides off her stool just as Jax nears and she pats his cheek before walking on.
You smile at Jax as he takes her empty seat, leaning one elbow on the bar top as he stares at you. You copy his position, chuckling. "How long have you been here?"
"For a while," you admit. "Gem and I were gossiping."
"Why didn't you grab me when you got here?"
You shrug and gesture to the place he'd last been sitting with the neck of your beer bottle. "You were a little preoccupied. I didn't want to interrupt your fun."
You sip the last of your beer as he says, "I'd have preferred your company."
"Well how was I supposed to know that?"
Jax's eyes subtly widen. "I invited you!"
"Well.." You squirm in your seat, chuckling. "Shut up," you end up saying when he smirks at you. "I just didn't want to be a cockblock. You should be thanking me that I didn't cause you any issues with your little groupies."
Jax's expression falters as he stares at you. "You really don't get it, do you?"
"Get what?"
"That I don't care about the croweaters."
Taking a leap of faith, Jax leans forward to capture your lips with his. Your eyes immediately fall shut, and Jax stands, pushing between your knees to stand closer. But before the kiss can really turn interesting, you place a hand and his chest and reluctantly push him back. You gulp and lick your bottom lip as Jax seems to need a moment.
When he seems coherent enough, you say, "We can't."
"Why the hell not?"
"I don't share," you blurt. Your gaze falls down to your hand on his chest and you can't help but let your fingers trail downward. Groaning softly when you feel the slight ridges of his abs, you pause your trek downward and meet his gaze once more. "Not in Charming, nor on the road."
His eyes light up with realization. "You're worried about road pussy."
You shake your head. "I'm not worried about the croweaters because no matter what they're gonna try to entice you. If we're being honest here, I'm more worried about you."
"How so?"
"You grew up in this life, Jax," you say. "And I've been here long enough to hear about the rules. If I ever get involved with anyone, it won't be with someone who messes around with another female while he's on the road."
"Is that the only thing keeping you from seeking something more with me?"
"Well, yeah." You frown.
"Seriously?" Jax slowly smiles. "So if I had assured you a while back that your pu-"
"Stop." Your nose wrinkles. "I hate that word."
He chuckles now, reaching up to sweep your hair behind your ear and then pressing a kiss to the apple of your cheek. "So if I had assured you that your legs are the only ones I wanna be between, then you'd have caved a lot sooner?" He asks, lips brushing your ear.
You shiver, nodding. "Maybe."
Jax leans back a bit, slowly running the tip of his nose over your cheek until his mouth is just brushing against yours. "Nah. I don't think there are any maybes about it." Your breathing gets a little heavier. "I think you're about to cave in three, two-"
"Oh fuck you." You grab the front of Jax's shirt, fisting it to keep him close, and crash your lips against his.
This kiss is more aggressive right off the bat, Jax pressing in as close as he can get. His hands end up tangled in your hair, your back arching over the bar top as he leans over you. The wolf whistles pierce the lusty fog that had rolled through your mind and you manage to push Jax off once more.
"Slow it down, Teller. I've got a reputation to uphold when in public."
"Yeah?" Jax licks his bottom lip as he stares you down. "And what about when we're not in public?"
You slowly smirk, pushing him a little further back still. "Well when we're not in public, I have a feeling you're gonna have trouble keeping up."
"Cute and innocent my ass."
"Cute, yes. Innocent?" You hum. "Not so much. But I have a feeling you're going to learn all about that very soon." You hop up off your seat and peck his lips one last time. "Now come on. Let's go hustle your boys out of some cash."
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redfurrycat · 10 months
🤠🚓🏥👨‍🚒🐓Daily Heroes Fic Recs🐓👨‍🚒🏥🚓🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Arcticmonks, Dalearden, Hangmanbradshaw, Haridwar, Hey_its_me88, Magdarko, ToukoJalorda003, Trinipedia.
Ao3 Authors: Blueprint_After_Blueprint, Cryinginthebronco, Davidbyrne, Ginnydear, Haridwar, Iimpossible_things, Nightwrite24.
Ao3 Authors: Charlie_mou, Cricket22, Dandeliondick, Greenstuff, Levivi, Somebodytoundress, Theinsouciantknitter.
Ao3 Authors: Celescere, Haridwar, Infinitejaust, Miiichaaan.
Security Forces
Ao3 Authors: Haridwar, Heartsickhills, Trinipedia.
Animal Care
Ao3 Authors: ReformedTsundere, SunMonTue, ToukoJalorda003.
> Organised Crime > Vigilantes, Superheroes & Supervillains
you had me for a moment (blond haired, green eyed, speechless) by haridwar {M}
/Undercover cop!Bradshaw/
Bradley was Adam? Or, Adam was Bradley? Jake wasn’t sure which way around it was supposed to go as he tried to make sense of it in his head, but he had to guess that Adam was the fake identity considering the very real relationship Bradley had with Mav. or: working undercover is a lot easier when you don't have distractions like Jake showing up mid-assignment
An Offer He Can't Refuse by dalearden {_}
Detective Jake Seresin has been on the trail of the Layton gang for a long time. When he starts getting too close he finds himself drawn into their world to the point where he starts to question everything he thought he knew about who he is and what he does. The fact he's also undeniably attracted to one Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw only serves to further complicate matters.
Driven by desire by trinipedia {E}
Bradley is a closeted cop looking for a fun night of cybersex. (un)fortunately, his plans are thwarted by a beautiful, mouthy, out and proud stranger who won't have sex with a headless torso, not even online. Or: Bradley falls in lust with a stranger online just to meet him in person during a police op.
is it a crime to say i still need you? by hey_its_me88 {E}
And then Bob’s turning and looking at him, hand on Bradley’s shoulder. “Keep your mouth shut.” And it’s said so fast and so seriously, so completely unlike Bob- that Bradley does. Even when Bob rolls the window down and Bradley sees the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen on the other side. “Can I help you, officer?”
When Danger Comes Home (Don’t Ever let it Roost) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
/Undercover cop!Bradshaw/
Bradley adored his job, and it had been his dream to go into law enforcement as a kid. He had everything he’d ever wanted - except for a romantic partner, but he’d never even consider dragging them into his dangerous personal life. …Until he took a smuggling case involving Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, a known member of the city’s organized crime syndicate. Maybe he’d bitten off more than he could chew, this time.
you’re not fooling me (i can see) by magdarko {T}
/Private Investigator!Hangster/
When MI Private Investigations gets a new case from a mysterious client, Bradley must confront old fears and new uncertainties. Throw in a creepy old house on a moonlit night, and you’ve got all the makings of a mystery.
A switch has been flicked somewhere by arcticmonks {T}
/FBI Agent!Hangster/
You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. * FBI Agent Seresin gets a wake-up call while on an X-File assignment with his partner Agent Bradshaw.
the more you say, the less I know by hangmanbradshaw {_}
/Missing persons detective!Seresin/
A missing person's case brought Jake Seresin to the town of Achlyn, but it might not be what makes him stay. or Jake's a detective working a disappearance, Bradley runs the inn he's staying at in the coastal Maine town, and he's pretty sure the locals know something he doesn't, but he's never met a case he couldn't crack. He just wasn't expecting a complication like Bradley Bradshaw and his sad eyes.
I know exactly who you could be by haridwar {T}
Bradley works in the Roosevelt's medical centre and gets a front row seat for the joyful experience that is The Mission
eventually something you love by iimpossible_things {T}
Bradley Bradshaw is dead. Dead and in heaven. There is a bright light, and a beautiful, beautiful man smiling down at him. A golden man. With bright eyes (blue? green?) and a fucking, shiny halo. "Welcome back, Lieutenant Bradshaw. My name is Dr. Seresin, I took care of your surgery today. How are you feeling?" Fuck, heaven looks good. "Are — are you an angel?" 
cause I can’t help it if you look like an angel (can’t help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so) by cryinginthebronco {M}
“What’s wrong?” Jake gives his best friend a worried look, already getting up from his seat. Out of habit, he grabs his clipboard, ready to follow Javy wherever he needs him. “Do you have a moment to talk?” Javy asks, easing the clipboard out of Jake’s hands. Not understanding what’s going on, Jake only nods and lets him take it. “Okay, one second.” Javy gives him a tight smile and walks away, followed by Jake’s disoriented look. -or it was supposed to be a "someone is a little loopy after anesthesia" fic, but it spiraled into something a little bit longer
The likes of you. by Blueprint_After_Blueprint {G}
/Cardiologist!Seresin & Oncologist!Bradshaw/
Jacob S. Seresin had never planned to become a doctor. He was meant to become the greatest naval aviator in history but those plans were destroyed by a drunk driver. It is always hard to watch a 17 year old go through the loss of a limb, but it is even harder to tell that 17 year old that his parents were gone right after that 17 year old discovers that his leg is gone from knee down. Jake's new hospital seems great, but his department is seemingly in a full blown war with the Oncology department
elevated levels by ginnydear {E}
/Chief medical officer!Seresin/
A five year mission is a long time, especially when you're a first time captain.
Heartbeat by nightwrite24 {G}
Bradley's always getting injured. Jake's his doctor. Bradley's not very good at pretending he's not attracted to him.
what's it take to get your number? what's it take to bring you home? (you can take me hot to go) by davidbyrne {M}
Dr. Bradshaw scans Jake’s file, no doubt seeing the long list of previous visits, ranging from a fishing hook in his hand (an unfortunate accident) to when he collapsed from dehydration (he had an undiagnosed bout of bronchitis). He glances back at Jake, keeping his face tilted down. The whole thing shows Jake just how long the doctor’s eyelashes are. “Yes, I can see you have more tenure here than I do. Rest assured, Mr. Seresin. You’re in good hands.” Or 5 times jake asks his hot er doc out and 1 time he says yes
firefighter? I hardly know her! by levivi
baby you take my breath away {T}
In other words, Jake’s used to being a magnet for bad luck. It doesn’t surprise him in the slightest that the one time he takes the elevator instead of the stairs, it breaks down with only him inside. It doesn’t mean he’s not still pissed as fuck about it.
I take your breath away? {M}
“That’s one way to put it,” Rooster says and grins at him. Jake gives a small smile back before turning back to the ducks. “Those are cute.” Not as cute as you, Rooster’s about to say before he bites his tongue. He’s a hopeless flirt, ask anyone, but that’s almost too corny. “Yup. Fluffy.”
Firefighter Universe by dandeliondick {E}
/Firefighter!Bradshaw & Officer!Seresin/
Firefighter Calendars are a Good Idea, Roo.
Officer Jake 'Hangman' Seresin transferred two years ago and began his torment of firehouse 14 and specifically one Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw.
The firefighter calendar was a...really good idea, Roo.
The contents spilled into his lap and his breath caught in his chest at the sight of his soaked husband flexing along the cover of a…calendar? With greedy fingers he flipped to January, arousal flushing hot and quick in his stomach. Bradley was sprawled across a settee, his suspenders barely holding up his gear leaving a tantalizing view of… Jake swallowed heavily as he traced a fingertip over the baby blue lace panties that Bradley was undoubtedly wearing.
Melting by cricket22 {T}
"I don't go soft for anyone." "Except for the blond pilot.." "Shut up, Trace." When Bradley's parents dies and he grows distant from his godfather, he builds up walls. To protect himself from the pain and hurt when people he loves, leaves him. His friends once tried to let him be vulnerable, to let them know more about him, he just brushes it off with a quick "I'm doing just fine." They understand now that he would rather listen than talk. They expected him to open up little by little when he thinks it's time; What they didn't expect was for him to malfunction when a certain blond haired pilot entered his life. Jake Seresin, the one and only. When they first saw eachother, Bradley felt smoke filling his lungs up as he struggled to breathe properly, while Jake's eyes lit up as he recognized who Bradley was. Jake already knew a few things about Bradley that others didn't—all thanks to Maverick—and so, Bradley couldn't stop the walls from melting down as he starts to confide in Jake about his life. or, The clichè knight saving the damsel-in-distress, except it's firefighter Bradley Bradshaw saving fire prone Jake Seresin multiple times.
Romance Is Not Dead If You Keep It Just Yours by somebodytoundress {T}
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw drops his gear bag onto the bench in the locker room the moment he sees the worst person he has ever met pulling a t-shirt over his (stupidly well-sculpted) chest. The last name Seresin is in bold letters on the back and the LAFD symbol is prominent across the left breast and Bradley can’t believe his eyes. “Oh, this is fucking Christmas morning,” Hangman’s arrogance leaks through his voice once he gets his shirt on and can see just who is greeting him. “Good to see you, Roo, been a while. You look good.” Or, Jake "Hangman" Seresin happens to transfer to Rooster's station years after they graduated the academy together.
Fully Engulfed 'verse by theinsouciantknitter {E}
/Firefighter!Bradshaw & Dispatcher!Seresin/
Fully Engulfed
Jake has been a 911 dispatcher for six years - he's good at his job and he's good at life. He has one rule: he doesn't date responders. That all goes up in flames when new firefighter Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw arrives on scene. Jake just hopes he makes it out without getting burned.
Who Ya Gonna Call?
It’s not so much that Jake lost a bet. He did lose it, spectacularly. It’s just less that he lost and more that he threw the game, because the idea that’s been planted in his head is just too sweet to ignore. or... Jake dresses up as a cop for Halloween
Extra Hot by greenstuff {E}
Of course it’s Extra-Hot-Means-180 Degrees guy, in his absurdly tight black Las Vegas Fire and Rescue t-shirt with his abysmal personal mug that never fails to rub off a smudge of permanent marker onto Jake’s palm once it’s hot. And it’s always Jake’s palm because of course Las Vegas’ hottest man insists that only Jake makes his triple grande blonde latte (extra hot) correctly. Features flirting via coffee cup, hand holding, rock climbing, and a daring rescue.
ignition by charlie_mou {_}
In a reality where Mav had an adult, honest conversation with his kid instead of going behind his back, said kid didn’t run off and cut contact -- no, he decided to figure out if there was something he wanted to do aside from being a naval aviator. And thus, Fire Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw has been working at San Diego Fire Department for close to fourteen years when the Dagger Squad is assembled for a special detachment. Or, 5 times Jake crossed paths with Fire Lieutenant Bradshaw and 1 time he met Maverick's son
Acting on your best behavior by miiichaaan {E}
“You’re beautiful,” Jake whispered and stroked a finger over Bradley’s cheek. Bradley swallowed, his voice thick, “Wanna take this to bed?”
hanging on to ambiguity by haridwar {M}
an accident on the beach, a lifeguard to the rescue, and the repercussions of an unexpected reunion
31 Flavors and Counting by infinitejaust {G}
Jake has a terrible sweet tooth. He doesn’t indulge it much - you don’t get to have great abs and dessert every day. But there's something about that little concessions stand down the beach...
For the prompt: Meet-cute at the beach! Bradley works at an ice cream shop and meets lifeguard Jake.
an ocean between the waves by celescere {M}
There’s a shift in the air between them. It’s anticipation, he thinks, like the sky before a thunderstorm - that underlying thrum of electricity right before everything explodes, bright and white and brilliant.
And the thing is, Bradley fucking loves thunderstorms.(Or, Bradley is an LA County Lifeguard, Jake is not, and that brings about more troubles than either of them expect.)
Security Forces
Kind of the same way - TGM Edition by trinipedia {M}
/Head of Security!Seresin/
When Les Grossman, the US President, goes into a coma, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, a hot-headed and caring Temp Agency operator who by a staggering coincidence looks exactly like the President, finds himself stuck in the role indefinitely. The corrupt and manipulative Chief of Staff, Chester "Hammer" Cain, plans to use Pete to elevate himself to the White House, but he doesn't count on Pete enjoying himself in office, using his luck and friends to make the country a better place and falling in love with the President's personal assistant, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky.
you were almost too much for me by haridwar {T}
Jake’s ex works for his father and that complicates things when he heads back home after The Mission
Guard Dog With A Death Wish by heartsickhills {E}
Jake Seresin has built a life around self reliance, hyper independence, survival - trusting no one. Who knew all it would take is one fucked up encounter to get him saddled with 24/7, around the clock supervision in the form of one Bradley Bradshaw.
Animal Care
Paw in Paw by ReformedTsundere {T}
"Look, are you gonna help or not? Cause I didn't drive twenty minutes outside of town just to let this dog die, okay?" He knows he's not being exactly fair. It's fifteen minutes past nine, and he's pretty sure when he clicked on the clinic's navigation on google, it had said they were closing soon. But Bradley's also just come off a ten-hour shift, and the anxiety of having a potentially dying animal in his back seat as he'd broken one or three speeding laws wasn't improving his mood much.
Lions and Tigers and...Vultures? by ReformedTsundere {G}
/Big Cat Handler!Seresin & Raptor Handler!Bradshaw/
As much as he can admit to himself that it's interesting, being inside the different enclosures, it's also not something that's done lightly. Still… Bradley can see the excitement poorly masked in Jake's expression, he's heard the other man talk about his cats like they're common house pets, and he wants to share that with Bradley just a little. He already knows he's going to regret it before the 'alright' even crosses his lips.
Dust is Everlasting (And Love Even Moreso) by ToukoJalorda003
/Vet & Herbivore Handler!Bradshaw & Raptor Trainer!Seresin/
If Time Rewound to Dust (Love Would Endure Anyway) {M}
All Rooster had ever wanted was to work for Jurassic World - his godfather did, and for his whole life, it had been his dream. Now he finally had it, and he…wasn’t so sure how he felt about Hangman. The man was just too dangerous, too unpredictable, and Rooster feared it would end in disaster. …But disaster had found them anyway, and now it was starting to look like it was too late to accept Hangman’s offer for a date. Damn.
When Dust is all That Remains (Love is Eternally Present) {M}
After the events of the park’s catastrophic closing, Bradley just wanted to rest. Maybe take a nap and remind himself what he’d nearly had. But he couldn’t do that, because an active volcano was going to wipe out the remaining dinosaurs - including Jake’s raptors. …And if it was possible, he wasn’t going to let that happen. Maybe, while he was at it, he’d finally get that date, too.
With our pets, a house becomes our home by SunMonTue {E}
Jake adopts a puppy and then proceeds to fly across the country to take up a flight instructor position at Corpus Christi where Bradley is the vet (DVM) that Jake takes Brisket to once he arrives. Bradley asks him out. MeetCute.
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papirouge · 6 months
im the anon who lurks in regretful parenting subs... Honestly, i'm believing most men simply do not like being monogamous thus why they feel like they're trapped in a relationship. Even when it's the men themselves that insist to get their wives pregnant, even if through inmoral means (some women talk about finding out their husbands removed the condom at some point while having sex), it's usually because they want to pass their genes more than genuine love for their wives and wanting to build a family with this person they adore.
Like it's not only the way they talk about their wives, but also that they see sleeping around as a thing to be proud of and men who can bed many women as someone to look up to. There's also that phenomenon of older married men ogling younger women even when they're with the wife, watching porn even if they're still having sex irl, and so on.
Honestly, I do feel like only a man of God could truly remain faithful for the right reasons. I guess that does go for some women too, we all have our faults lol but even then I unfortunately know some terrible cases. Like this Christian woman I followed who seemed to have a great husband and children, always talked about the importance of putting God first in your life, and even gave dating advice to women that wasn't about being submissive (wordly) and a pick me but was quite fds-y actually while still being biblical. Then she dissappeared for a long while and when she returned she admitted her husband had raped her and beat her. I was so heartbroken for her. She had to had a divorce and thankfully the husband went to jail, but she was left struggling with the trauma and four kids to feed.
To be fair, i'm starting to believe I might be seeing so much of this stuff because God wants me to stay a celibate. I'm convinced He wants me to focus completely in my religious path and in helping others and not get distracted with a husband and children.
The regretful parent sub is a mixed bag really
I understand the struggle of people who got one child and eventually regretted bc of all the changes and missed opportunities this pregnancy caused into their life, but I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief at people ending up with 3 kids and finally realizing parenthood wasn't for them. Sorry but that's stupid and reckless.
I think it's unfair to put unplanned pregnancy on men alone bc a fair share of women are pretty reckless with their lack of birth control. Feminists will hate me on this, but women have the upper hand when it comes to birth control. Both men and women can poke holes in condoms, but women can also deceive men in having unprotected sex while pretending to be on birth control. A man removing condom is observable, a woman with or without birth control is not.
One post stuck with me about a man who had a little girl, divorced his wife, and regretted becoming a dad because being away of his daughter was too much painful and would rather never have a child to not feel such strong attachment to another human being. This was actually touching
And yes, I'm very wary of trad people flaunting their life online. This is the anti thesis of trad imo. Remember the twitter tradwife who was financially abused by her husband for years?? You never know what's going on behind closed doors
I will never this sentence I heard from pink pilled ladies "you can be a single mom while being married" That's why it is sooooo important to chose wisely your husband. No marriage no womb obviously, but also husband and wife need to explicitly talk about they will share tasks in the house. Many sahw struggle bc they are expected to work from home 7 days a week when the husband at least have a few days away from office. IMO I would ask a share of tasks on weekend. Like, daddy would take care of the kids and the wife would have some time off to focus on other/lighter tasks.
Vetting is also important. Men who never lived alone when in their 30s are a red flag bc there are chances dude can barely take care of a house and will use their wife like a maid/2nd mom. I said that bc I knew a girl who was dating a guy who lived with his ex, and as soons as they broke up, he went back to live with his mom.... That's suspicious.
I also pray a lot to God to remove from my way all the men who aren't supposed to be in my life. I pray for my husband. God already shown him to me (in dreams) twice so I know I'm good :) As much as I craved emotional intimacy, I also realized that marriage involves a ton of responsibility (+parenthood) that's why I'm less eager to find my life companion lol The years I spend alone and free to do whatever I like will never come back so I might as well enjoy them as much as possible. It really helped me to be more content with my singleness 💙
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Hunter Biden broke multiple laws.
‘2 TIERS OF JUSTICE’: Rapper’s Lawyer Slams Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal After His Client Served Time For Same Charge
By Cullen McCueJune 20, 2023Updated:June 20, 2023
A lawyer who represented Florida-based rapper Kodak Black slammed Hunter Biden’s generous plea deal as an example of a two-tiered justice system in an Instagram post Tuesday.
Kodak Black was sentenced to three years in prison after accepting a guilty plea to weapons charges in 2020. He was later pardoned by former President Trump during his final days in office, as were several additional rappers, including Lil Wayne. Like Kodak Black, Lil Wayne served several years in prison after pleading guilty to weapons charges.
“2 tiers of justice?” wrote attorney Bradford Cohen in a caption on a side-by-side photo of his client’s prison sentence compared with Hunter Biden’s deal. The president’s son is not expected to serve any jail time under terms of the deal.
“Kodak was charged for the same crime. Got over 3 years. Mr. Biden will not serve a day. Feels right?” Cohen wrote. “Do FBI agents and federal authorities take cases personally?”
Hunter Biden is expected to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax violations, as well as a felony weapons charge. He is not expected to serve any prison time under the terms of the deal and will accept a pretrial diversion program for the weapons charge.
“DOJ is violating its own internal policies on this case,” said former U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah Brett Tolman.  “The Ashcroft Memo requires they charge the ‘highest provable offense’ and seek consistent sentences with other cases brought by DOJ. This prosecution is an absolute laughable joke. Thousands have been sent to prison for long terms for the same charges.”
In response to the deal, House Republicans have vowed to continue their rapidly intensifying investigation into an alleged criminal bribery scheme involving the Biden family. Both Joe Biden and his son have been credibly accused of accepting a $5 million bribe in a quid-pro-quo agreement to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.
Shokin was investigating the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, where Hunter Biden sat on the board.
The foreign national referenced in an FD-1023 form compiled by a “highly credible” source — who has since been named as a former Burisma executive — allegedly kept recordings of conversations between himself and the Biden family.
CALLED IT: Trump Predicted DOJ Would Charge Hunter With ‘Something Small’ To ‘Make Their Strike On Me Seem Fair’
‘2 TIERS OF JUSTICE’: Rapper’s Lawyer Slams Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal After His Client Served Time For Same Charge
Biggs Sounds Off On Biden DOJ, Says Hunter’s Deal Is A Deflection From House GOP Bribery Probe
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Jukebox reviews part 43! For context, see my post “A Project” under  this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA stories,  they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
Access Babylon
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11/10/2018                                   mc mf fd sf
This isn't quite robotification, but it isn't *not* that either? Cyborgs are complicated. This is an interesting combination of two different flavors of programming-based mind control, and the way they intersect and one wins out over the other is a good story, but it doesn't do anything for me at all heat-wise. But if you like that sort of thing and sci-fi settings, this one's likely to be a good one for you. 5/10 spirals 
 Panties in Your Purse
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11/17/2018                                   mc ff
I love reistance play, but the public nature of so much of this is not to my preference. The same basic scene between Ella and Mikayla in a private office rather than a restaurant? I'd personally enjoy it much more. Still, the sense of the absolute loss of control here, even as she thinks she's trying to resist so firmly. It's a lovely sort of internal dialogue, and an eventual admission of surrender, and I love that part quite a lot. 8/10 spirals 
 Wake Up
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11/24/2018                                   mc mf md
Oh, this is *clever* and I like it. It's a different twist on something one of my girlfriends does sometimes - "when did you slip into trance" (or some varient thereof). But they're both getting at the same thing, the sense that someone could be anticipating it so much they never notice the change in state between anticipation and trance. This whole scene is lovely and hot and oh the clear sense of rapport and understanding between these two is absolutely perfect. 10/10 spirals 
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12/1/2018                                     mc ff
Cholula is my personal favourite hot sauce, so that specificity made me smile! (it does make anything savory in a tortilla taste better). I have to say, I'm impressed by Ximena's ability to listen to a lecture while also listening to brainwashing. I personally would find that *exhausting* - but then, I've never managed being unaware of someone speaking to me unless I was really deep in trance, so it might be easier for Ximena than for me. I like her Lady (and I love the honorific choice!) and her focus on safety and fulfillment while also focusing on the hot brainwashing stuff. This story feels like a slightly-improbable version of something that could happen, and that makes it better for me. 10/10 spirals 
 Five More Minutes
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12/15/2018                                   mc mf md
There's a lot of things I like in this story. I really, *really* want to like it. The vast majority of what's in it is right up my alley, but the framing of Jeremy just ... becomes a complete turn off for me specifically. I'm also in a super sappy/romantic mood today, which isn't helping with that. That said, if I ignore the framing of Jeremy at the beginning, this hits on slow, subtle changes in perspective that get rationalized away by the person slipping inevitably into trance, being brainwashed into obedience, and that's *good.* 8/10 spirals 
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12/15/2018                                   mc
This is a clever induction, with a clever metaphor that builds in a reinduction tactic. The techinques shown here are solid, but for me, having it written rather than spoken makes it less effective than it could be, and I feel like I'm not quite the target audience for this script. Still, this is definitely a good script to study for folk who are still learning. 10/10 spirals on technique alone. 
 Queen of Hearts
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12/22/2018                                   mc ff
This story is a sequel to "The Joker" - from 2011, almost 250 stories ago! - and brings back Jo, Chantelle, and Madam Columbina. It makes me wonder just how it would feel to be caught by a hypnotist skilled in sleight of hand, who attaches triggers to cards and makes the ones she wants to appear when and how she chooses. Though I'd want a much more private demonstration; I'm not really much of an exhibitionist. Still, it's a lovely story, and I'm glad that Jo and Chantelle are so clearly happy with each other and Madam Columbina's control. It's a bit too much of a voyeuristic story for my personal preferences, but that's my only quibble 9/10 spirals 
 X-Ray Eyes
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12/29/2018                                   mc mm
Huh, this one is ... it doesn't really feel like mind control as I think of it? I can see why it is, but ... it just misses the elements I like. It comes off as just a nerd getting inside someone's head and playing on internalized homophobia (or, more likely, biphobia) to get him to agree. If you like more subtle persuasion as control, though, you'll likely enjoy this one? 6/10 spirals 
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1/5/2019                                       mc
Sometimes, Jukebox paints a picture maybe a bit too well. This is one of those times. I don't *get* dizzy. I don't get vertigo. The descriptions in this story made me feel *both.* Which is fine, it passed quickly enough, and maybe some of that's because "Habit" got to me a little and I'm reading these in a block of a few, but either way, If you're prone to kinesthetic hallucination, maybe tread with caution on this one. (Or just have something firm and solid you can rest against that will ground you; it worked for me!) The setup on this story is solid, the trap she's in exceedingly well. I just wish there was a bit more payoff to it, a bit more sense of *why* whoever has her in this predicament put her in it to begin with. 8/10 spirals 
 Uh Huh
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
1/12/2019                                     mc mm
Oh GOSH this story is so sweet and tender and cute but also hot and just ... it reminds me of some of my own "firsts", in a parallel but not really exact mirror sort of way. My reasons for being hesitant were different, of course, but I had some of those same hesitations and was lucky to have a partner who took just as much gentle care, if in a different way .... *anyway,* enough projecting my own memories on this story. This story is just *wholesome* and if you like sweet, romantic hypnokinky stories, this is absolutely one to read. It's also trans-positive (affirming? I want to say affirming, but I'm not sure, not being trans myself) and just it's good, y'all. 10/10 spirals
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
The moment u first discovered VM and the moment you fell in love with them .
First of all.. I’m sorry this has been in my asks for so long at this point but I’m getting to it now.
Ok.. settle in folks. 🍿
The IE SD in PYC was the first time I took notice of them. I had seen clips of stuff from Vancouver and Sochi but this was the first real moment. I’ve said in another post there were fluff pieces and lead up stuff while the whole olys were on and I can’t remember exactly now but I probs saw something before the actual event. But that SD was the first full program I watched of theirs.
Ok, the moment I fell in love. I can’t really say I have en exact moment that fits that statement. I did immediately fall in love with their dancing, but as far as a non skating moment, the following is when I thought there’s definitely something different about them:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
My thoughts upon seeing this:
On a small level: Wow that’s very coupley
I’m honestly not lying when I say I never did believe, or think of them as anything other than platonic. I don’t judge anyone for thinking that there was or they did upon seeing something like this. Idk, I think I just see things a bit differently in general. I say this seems ‘coupley’ because upon first glance they just seem so close and physically familiar with each other- not strictly in a ‘dance partner’ sense the way I see most dance partners. On the offical feed for the FD from PYC during the warm up the commentator says how VM have the handle on being the “couple”. As ice dancers that’s what they are, that’s what they present as, that’s what they make you believe. While I do think there’s some accuracy to that, I don’t like how it pigeon holes them. I think they portray that energy more in certain programs than others- and not just in their programs but in creating the whole aura of their ‘package’ for that season or program. For both programs this season I would say definitely they created that “couple” energy- and I would guess that’s a very easy state for them to flow into and out of with each other when they need or want to- it’s very natural for them (especially later on in their career), they aren’t faking anything- something like this is not a matter of choreography or something they practiced as part of their exit. You can tell that because it’s clearly their natural personalities shining through, that along with being after a skate that good and being so excited, a fake af coupley exit from the ice is literally the last thing on their minds- also there are dozens of times they exit all cuddly and close- almost all the time tbh. For the previous season, there was still a bit of that coupleyness but more so; in the same FD commentary as comparison they say VM’s ‘rivals’ are more so an ‘entity’- two becoming one. I’m not disputing that label with that team but this isn’t about them, and I feel TS just as honestly portray that two-becoming-one aura in and around something like Latch. It’s a merge of the coupleyness as in a relationship and two souls becoming one to create this art. It’s a subtle difference but it’s quite obvious at least to me.
I think the coupleyness comes easy to them because they just have so much natural chemistry that so few- certainly no other ID team I’ve ever seen has. They have immense affection for each other and probably on some level do find each other attractive, and as they matured it became very natural for them to slip in and out of that, not only on the ice but as I said in the headspace they are in surrounding the direction of their program/s for the season. We have to remember that they are dancers. Dance is an art form and when it’s done by those at the highest level (not for fun after-school dance lessons. Professionals) who literally live and breath it, they are spending a huge amount of time in a state that’s not fully ‘normal human’ behaviour. They are spending a lot of time in touch with different part of themselves where they have to abandon human insecurities and norms to inhabit the tone/story of each dance, and are allowed to interact with each other in a way that’s different to real life. Spending so much time in it, being so familiar and feeling so safe with each other can easily flow in and out of performance/practice and returning/ resetting to normal. I equate it a little bit the idea of method acting. I’m not saying TS are at all method actors, but spending so much time everyday in the headspace of, let’s say, their characters from MR, yes, they can and it’s very important for them to switch off and leave it behind to relax at the end of the day, but that movement and spirit does remain within you a bit until you move on to new chore/storyline’s etc.. (this was just a little side bar, I’ll go into more detail on this in future posts).
The main thing I thought, and the reason I fell in love with them: they are really different to anyone else, really genuine, unique, special. In this moment I felt that together they were in service to their art and that’s (part of) what allows this kind on public intimacy that could be seen as romantic, but to me instinctually I felt them as artists who’s physical relationship is comprised of trust in moving together.
More than anything from those Olympics, this was the moment that caught my eye and made me think that they were different- at the time I wasn’t completely sure of what level.
The initial feels and thoughts I had, which I continue to maintain and view them of having this characteristic (IMO) (which I’ve mentioned a few times but always struggle to find the words for so I’m just gonna say it blatantly this time and then explain my way out of it): He is very in charge of her. Not in a controlling way, not in valuing her as less than he way… in a way that is possible through unwavering trust, comfort, maturity, peace with each other, love, affection and care. It’s in a way in which it feels (to me) that Tessa is so safe in his arms, safe with him leading and somewhat controlling her movements even when they aren’t actually dancing. Like I said earlier, none of this is deliberate, planned, choreographed. It’s just how they are naturally or by habit, and if you’ve watched enough of them these are all behavioural traits they display all the time. This is all completely unconscious in the moment and as a result of familiarity.
The way he passes her left hand into his, after already switching from normal, standard dance hold into their special hand hold which only they do. He pulls her a little closer so he can wrap his arm around her shoulder and neck so he now has hold of her so securely in a way that she can’t really leave this situation. Before he does that though, T pulls her ponytail over her shoulder, again, completely unconsciously- not a deliberate thought to do that, maybe her back was sweaty and her hair was sticking a bit, idk, but none the less she does. Once he’s holding her she shuts her eyes and she holds onto his arm to be even closer and cuddlier while he whispers to her.. not that anyone would be able to hear if he didn’t get that close, but none the less he makes a point of being that close cause they were truly only words for her to hear. I have no place in assuming what was said but knowing afterwards that Scott made a point of saying how T was the strength for him that day, if I was to satisfy my own curiosity and given the body language I like to think it was something along the lines of “you did so well T/ you freaking rockstar/ I’m so proud of you/ that was so fun/ that’s my girl that was so good”. Whatever was said is followed by three big pats NOT on her boob you creeps chill the fuck out and she clearly says “thank you” (or maybe ‘you too’ but I’m confident it’s ‘thank you’). What makes me think he said something like the above is the way she kinda shyly drops her head as she says ‘thank you’, you know cause they are just such cheerleaders for each other and always say the sweetest things to each other so I just know it was something so incredibly kind and positively affirming (English??) and even though they would hear it from each other all the time how wonderful they are it is still such a lovely thing to hear and I imagine they would never get tired of being so proud of the other 🥲 (or she was just out of breathe- probably that but I like the first theory 😚). Here’s the really intimate part for me: As said before she (unconsciously/not deliberately) decides to put her pony tail over her shoulder for whatever reason, but as they finish their little cuddle, he takes her pony tail off her shoulder and drapes it back behind her, before one of his classic little neck/base of her skull squeezes (😵‍💫🫠🥴). AGAIN (cause I cbf with someone coming after me for misreading the situation/claiming it’s rehearsed or telling me not to see it as intimacy coz it’s not deliberate I’ll make the point again).. ITS NOT DELIBERATE. Which is exactly what makes all of it sooo intimate. That they are just naturally like this. But now that we have accepted that it is not deliberate and we can put that aside, can we just appreciate the intimacy for a moment in that she decided she wanted her pony tail over her shoulder, but he decides he wants it on her back and she doesn’t put it back on her shoulder after, so like it’s just so intimate that even with these tiny things that over 20 years have become so comfortable and natural and just a lovely part of their unique intimacy that she’s is perfectly comfortable with letting him *decide things like wrapping her into an almost choke hold kinda cuddle and choosing where her hair will go and being gently squeezed around the base of her neck at frequently random intervals as a way of being shown affection and delicacy is just a lot to see as your first non-skating introduction to the stunning anomaly that is VIRTUEMOIR 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯.
But she doesn’t at all want to leave the situation. She leans into him and indulges in that embrace and those sweet words of admiration. That thing I said about him being ‘in charge’ (or control) of her, is obviously a tricky word to use because of the implications it can have- so I probably shouldn’t use it but I like it in that once you know about them; their history, longevity.. I see in charge/control first from my perspective as what trusting of a partnership they clearly have and so clearly embodying the roles of S being the leader in the skating/dancing part of a man/woman partnership- this without knowing anything about them-just based on first impressions, but after that knowing more about them you see it in their personalities and all that trust built up produces the opportunity for so much comfort and (in T’s pov, and I guess mine as well being a girl I relate to her and how she is treated in this partnership) being ok with being lead and guided coz it’s exactly what happens when they dance- so it feels so natural. Without pretending to be a body language expert and really just going off my own eyes and emotions in watching this moment.. it’s so clearly a ‘coupleyness’ beyond simply friends or skating/dance partners or yes even lovers. It’s an intimacy I’d never seen before and my true, honest, first opinion of it from me as a dancer who at this time I’m my life specifically I was working very intimately with a partner was something I recognised as a closeness born out of commitment and abandon to their craft which they share a love for on such a deep, emotional level which has extended into their interactions together as best friends who share a more complex love then really anyone including them can comprehend.
So I think that’s why I fell in love with them; the dancing- not just skating, DANCING on ice like I’d never seen before along with a connection to their craft and each other I didn’t think was actually possible- especially not in public on the worlds biggest stage- this kind of intimacy I could only imagine in the seclusion of a quiet studio.. which for that matter, is 100% where the depths of their intimacy existed- in a place none of us will ever get to see and is only for them to share- those 6am mornings in a crappy hockey rink where they could say or feel anything was where the foundations of all this stemmed from- we only get to see the surface layer and if this layer is what produced such a deep fascination for them in so many of us just imagine the depth of understanding they have for their connection together. All that work to understand this person they would create moving art with at the highest athletic level we will ever see.
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poonamranius · 2 years
Post Office FD Scheme Details 2022 कमाई का छोटा हिस्सा करें निवेश, Post Office FD सबसे
Post Office FD Scheme Details 2022 कमाई का छोटा हिस्सा करें निवेश, Post Office FD सबसे
डाकघर FD योजना विवरण: Post Office FD Scheme Details डाकघर सावधि जमा (डाकघर सावधि जमा) या डाकघर समय जमा (पीओटीडी) भारतीय डाक सेवाओं द्वारा प्रदान किया जाने वाला निवेश का सबसे पुराना और सबसे पसंदीदा रूप है! अगर भारत सरकार उन्हें वापस कर दे तो उन्हें सुरक्षित माना जाता है! एक डाकघर सावधि जमा (पोस्ट ऑफिस एफडी) एक बैंक जमा के समान है जहां पैसा एक निश्चित अवधि और ब्याज दर के लिए जमा किया जाता है! निवेश…
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ayushchandaksblog · 9 months
Achieve Optimal Savings Growth with Post Office FD Interest Rates
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Saving money is an important aspect of personal finance and investment. It is one of the best ways to ensure financial stability and security. Whether you are saving for a rainy day, a new car, a down payment on a home, or your children’s education, it is important to choose the right investment vehicle to achieve your financial goals. One of the most popular investment options in India is the post office fixed deposit (FD).
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takapoysanews · 2 years
পোস্ট অফিস ইন্টারেস্ট রেট 2023। Post Office Interest Rates 2023 - TAKAPOYSANEWS
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km-davidson · 1 year
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I posted 649 times in 2022
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My Top Posts in 2022:
“The percentages are high enough that our stake would sell three times its worth...” Kyle listened to his board members argue over things they had no control over. It was always the same. Always discussing his company as if it weren’t his company. “And the point in selling?” he droned, reaching down for his cuff link to reposition it to be even more perfect. He looked up at the monitors with people who’d joined in via video call. Kaden was in the middle, an easy target for his attention, but he didn’t focus on solely her. Instead, his eyes fell upon the door. A frown was present, his gaze falling on the phone closest to him right before it rang. Lines pulled even deeper, aging him twenty years before he put it down and held up a finger. “Out. Everyone out. Kaden, I need Rebecca to join now.”
Were they serious? Nothing like this had happened in years. No amount of disrespect. Yes, fleas who thought they were capable of putting a dent in him, but to actually disrespect custom? He looked up at the monitor, to the center. His teeth grit before he stood; hands planted on the table. “Jeremy Harris and Hannah Rowe are here.” Kyle took a deep breath to calm his rage. It did nothing. How despicable. How outrageous. Did they lack normal brain functions? Was this scum even a wolf? “I swear, I am going to kill them here and now, Kaden. I swear.”
124 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
There was a thick sludge in his veins. Branching out to every nerve and choking them. Blood sat heavily on his tongue making the sensation even worse. He needed more. The suffering that twisted and mangled his victim, he needed more of it. How his ribs felt against his claws, when he thinned them out to the point of breaking them. The bones shattering as he made it to the muscles, tearing away at their intricate fibres until he punctured him and the air seeped out. Kyle shook, his body roaring into the rage-induced coma he was in. He didn’t know where he stood, only that it wasn’t where he could get more. There was magic there with him. A hollow abyss that called to him to spread its gospel. Allow this powerful hatred to take over and reign supreme over all. It felt so good... So, so good.
125 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The overwhelming scent of salt bombarded his system as he opened up the door that led out of the office. Vacation would ensue, but for two hours in the morning, and two in the late afternoon, vacation ceased. After the exposure of three CEOs laundering his profit, he couldn’t have that happen again. Even if he’d promised Kaden he’d do his best to be as present as he could be – hence limiting his meetings to a total of four hours. “I smell pork,” he walked to where she was, weaving his body around her’s. The glow of her skin had darkened from the Bora Bora sun. Kyle caught sight of her bikini, eyebrows declaring his interest for him. “I like this one.” @kaden-kingsman​
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279 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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