haveyoueatenthis · 10 months
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chuck-snowbug · 3 months
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Kankiku(Japanese Sake/寒菊 松尾自慢-Re:make- 純米吟醸), Pot-au-Feu Topped with Homemade Basil Sauce, Pickled Daikon Skin with Curry Spices & Prosciutto Salad - June 2024
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rickchung · 7 months
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The Taste of Things (La Passion de Dodin Bouffant, dir. Trần Anh Hùng) x VIFF 2023.
Trần makes [the film] such a feast of the senses in full cinematic fashion. It's an intoxicating film of simmering emotions told with a tenderly delightful touch throughout. There's a strong passion for its treatment of food preparation in the true style of a classic French meal. Its blend of romance and cooking for someone you love is so expertly realized.
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lounesdarbois · 6 months
Vous ne devez pas souvent manger de pot-au-feu... / Ah ça je ne vous permets pas de dire ça!
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vegehana-food · 2 years
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✿ ポトフ | Pot-au-feu ・フランス語で「火にかけた鍋」を意味するフランスの家庭料理。鍋にブロックの牛肉、野菜類、香辛料を入れ、長時間煮込んで作られます。その起源には諸説ありますが、古くから農民の冬の定番料理の一つとして親しまれていたといわれています。
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gael-garcia · 7 months
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The Taste of Things (2023), dir. Tran Anh Hung
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kawaii-foodie · 7 months
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nathalieskinoblog · 24 days
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mr-spice · 2 months
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lesbiancolumbo · 7 months
best friend and i are doing our monthly dinner + movie date today but this month's movie is the zone of interest so this morning the conversation went.... uhhh... so. do you want to eat before that. or like. after that.
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chuck-snowbug · 2 years
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カメさん付きの、新酒のにごり酒二種飲み比べ(日本酒/仙禽 雪だるま & 天美 新酒 純米吟醸 にごり生)、牛すね肉のポトフ(粒マスタード添え)、じゃがいもの自家製マヨネーズ焼き、サラミとオリーヴとサニーレタスのサラダ。
Two Kinds of Japanese Sake(Senkin/Yukidaruma & Tenbi) & Pot-au-Feu with Beef Shank Dinner - November 2021
Previous Post:
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gloireetpotaufeu · 2 months
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Today in character's concept : Kaysar !
Kaysar (He/Him) is a Japanese cherry tree and the Chief of the guards.
Serious and very aware of all the responsibilities he has, he tends to add too much to his plate ! He could gain to relax a bit but try telling him that !
(concept art done by @lapaduza)
Aujourd'hui dans notre petit coin concept : Kaysar !
Kaysar (il/lui) est un Cerisier du Japon et le Chef des gardes.
Sérieux et très conscient des responsabilités qui lui incombent, il a tendance à vouloir en faire trop ! Se détendre pourrait lui faire du bien... Mais essayez de le lui dire tient !
(concept art par @lapaduza)
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feuqueerfire · 7 months
Ever since I watched DFF ep 12 yesterday, I'd be doing my regular activities only to be hit with "my fucking White D:" thoughts in the middle
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spoonietimelordy · 10 months
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Forcing myself to eat veggies
Frenchiest thing I'm ever cooked. I usually mostly make North African or Asian food. It better taste good!
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confinesofmy · 9 months
reblog this post and tell me the most financially questionable thing in your grocery budget
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gael-garcia · 7 months
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Juliette Binoche in The Taste of Things (2023, Tran Anh Hung)
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