cal-writes · 2 months
What does the name "Panic Pixie Dream Boy" mean? How did you decide on it?
its a play on manic pixie dream girl! which is a popular trope in films
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(from tv tropes page)
when i was thinking about the story it occured to me that zoro sorta is laws manic pixie dream girl in a lot of ways and i think when i told boa that i made a typo making it "panic" instead of manic and i thought that fit the vibe very well
it was also sort of inspired by the movie "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" which is also a movie with a manic pixie dream girl
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as you might be able to tell, zoros orange hoodie was inspired by that look
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sma1pekalongan · 1 year
Petunjuk Teknis PPDB 2023
Akhirnya ini dia yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh calon Kartinian baru angkatan 2023, yaitu Petunjuk Teknis Pelaksanaan PPDB 2023 untuk jenjang SMA Negeri di Jawa Tengah. Karena dari petunjuk teknis ini calon peserta didik baru bakal tahu semua informasi yang berhubungan dengan PPDB tahun ajaran 2023-2024. So, tidak perlu berlama-lama untuk membaca intro ini, langsung saja simak petunjuknya di…
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icanfeelthekhaos · 2 years
When you think about what he asks her, “would you live for me?” you just..think about it. You come to a simple and rational thought of how you’d say yes or no. Yet I can assure you there is no pain like no other when someone you love, asks you to live for them when all your world seems to be doing is crumbling.
I broke a promise that I made to someone important to me. Someone I didn’t hold close to my heart, but someone i held inside it. Somewhere I thought was safe and secure. Forever beating and shielding him from the world of hate and sadness, pain and lies. It didn’t occur to me that someone else would shatter my heart to dust, and what was once safe was gone.
I tried to overdose. I felt utterly broken and helpless. My messed up mind made me think I was unwanted and unloved. Unable to understand why anyone would want to shatter me so completely. Someone I trusted my life with and he treated it like a hurricane treats the earth, like it meant nothing. Ripping up roots, tore the bandaids off of sores and scars I was trying to heal over time. He bared me raw to the world. Like no one else ever had.
I should of sought out solace in the sun. I should have gone to him but in my moment of insecurity and fear I didn’t. I didn’t just hurt him, I hurt the people who were there for me from the start, the ones who stood beside me and behind me when it mattered. My friend help me realise that amidst the pain of realising what I had ruined.
I will not bare my heart like I used to, I’ve lost to much of myself because of myself. I will do what I have always done, bite back the pain and hide behind a smile and fake it till I make it. Ive been entirely to vulnerable and forgot what it meant to be strong.
I have to live now. For Him. For Them. I have to fight for what I want back. A sun that never burned me but warmed me in my coldest hour.
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arrahmahcom · 3 months
Banyaknya Jalur Pendaftaran, akankah Mengurangi Angka Putus Sekolah?
Oleh Nazwa Hasna Humaira Aktivis Dakwah Pendaftaran siswa baru tahun ajaran 2024 sudah mulai dibuka saat ini. Para orang tua siswa kian gencar mencari jalur pendaftaran yang tepat agar anaknya lolos seleksi masuk ke sekolah negeri. Sebab, sekolah negeri lebih diminati dikarenakan untuk jenjang SD-SMP ada program gratis, sedangkan untuk SMA/SMK meskipun tetap berbayar tapi tidak terlalu berbiaya…
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bogorexpose · 3 months
Pendaftaran Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) Online yang dilakukan secara serentak di tingkat SD dan SMP tingkat Kabupaten Bogor
BOGOR – Pelaksanaan Pendaftaran Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) Online yang dilakukan secara serentak di tingkat SD dan SMP tingkat Kabupaten Bogor berjalan lancar. Hal itu diketahui saat Pj. Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Kabupaten Bogor Suryanto Putra didampingi Kepala Dinas Pendidikan dan Kepala Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor lakukan pemantauan PPDB dari Command Center Kabupaten Bogor, Senin…
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hargo-news · 3 months
Banyak Siswa Komplek Sekolah Tak Lulus, Penerapan PPDB Zonasi di Kota Gorontalo Dipertanyakan
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Sejumlah orang tua serta wali murid di Kelurahan Ipilo, Kecamatan Kota Timur, Kota Gorontalo mempertanyakan penerapan penerimaan peserta didik baru (PPDB) jalur Zonasi. Pasalnya, sejumlah murid yang mendaftar ke SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo Kota Gorontalo dinyatakan tidak lulus. Padahal, Sekolah tersebut berada di wilayah kelurahan Ipilo. Berdasarkan data yang diterima media…
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irwanduasisinews · 3 months
Mitra Pengemudi Maxim Di Semarang Terima Santunan Lebih Dari Rp 9,000,000 Dari YPSSI
Slawiraya.com ( Semarang ) Seorang mitra pengemudi Maxim berinisial RS di Semarang menerima santunan dari Yayasan Pengemudi Selamat Sejahtera (YPSSI). Santunan ini diberikan oleh Maxim melalui YPSSI sebagai bentuk perlindungan kepada mitra pengemudi selama menjalankan tugas.Kejadian yang dialami oleh RS bermula saat ia hendak berkendara menuju titik jemput, di tengah perjalanan,kendaraannya…
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alyaklu · 6 months
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nevergonnagiveuupp · 7 months
Def going crazy after this.
Looking for PPDB and I use my certificate to list in. Now just see and wait, ah, no. Just study and crying for ur self
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amakjiban · 8 months
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cal-writes · 2 months
Aaah! I love getting inside on fics I like. Thank you :) And you always answer so fast.
I want to ask you more, but can't come up with a question rn. Maybe there's something you wanted to share, but didn't get a chance to? About working process or ideas that didn't end up in the fic, but still relevant to the world?
ahhh youre always welcome to ask! i reserve the right to answer or not but yknow. its such a delight to know that people like my writing enough to be curious about it beyond what im sharing <3
i assume you still mean panic pixie dream boy so lets see.
usopp is the groundkeeper/handyman at an elementary school. he has a little house next to the school or on the grounds. zoro crashes there sometimes on the weekends or during holidays and uses the facilities if hes not going to the gym. he has a free life time membership for kinemons gym for reasons i havent thought about yet
zoro and laws first date date is at hachis takoyaki place, law is horrified to realize that zoro is good pals with hachi
whenever i write zoro he comes in basically two flavors: sheltered monk type who is on the ace/demi spectrum or gym bro hoe
ppdb is gym bro hoe he's slept with half the male cast (everyone nami listed in the snippet at least)
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also bc a lot of ppdb was inspired by scrubs, zoro will have a medical emergency at some point and law will operate on him and they are both gross (affectionate) about it. i was thinking probably appendix
oh i can also get a bit into nami and vivi i suppose. vague idea was that vivi was an exchange student back when they all were in highschool and they vibed hard but then vivi had to go back home, they stayed in touch but it like fizzled out a little bc of life stuff. before the story starts vivi got the job at hiriluks bc she wanted to come back and see her friends again. the day zoro comes in to get his arm fixes they run into her again
whenever zoro stays over at nami and nojikos place, nojiko makes zoro help them with like taxes or rearranging furniture and shit like that
perona also exists in this universe! mihawk kept getting sattled with kids he didnt want and perona forces them all to have family dinners in regular intervals
okay yeah. ive thought a lot about this au yall
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sma1pekalongan · 4 months
Informasi PPDB SMA 1 Pekalongan Tahun Ajaran 2024-2025
Kabar gembira bagi para calon peserta didik baru! SMA Negeri 1 Pekalongan akan segera membuka pendaftaran Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) Tahun Ajaran 2024/2025. Informasi tentang PPDB secara resmi akan dimulai dipublikasikan pada tanggal 6 Juni 2024 dan dapat dilakukan secara online maupun offline. Pada tahap awal, calon peserta didik baru diharuskan membuat akun secara mandiri di website…
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SMA Wahidiyah Bululawang Malang
Sekolah UNGGULAN Berbasis Entrepreneur dan Pondok Pesantren
Selamat dan Sukses Ketua dan Wakil Ketua Osis Terpilih SMA Wahidiyah Bululawang Malang, Masa Bhakti 2024/2025.
- Sekolah sak Mondok e, Mencetak Generasi Qur' ani yang Unggul, Berprestasi dan Bernilai WALI -
Bergabunglah bersama kami !!! Segera Daftarkan Diri Anda dan Jadilah Generasi yang Unggul, Berprestasi dan Bernilai WALI
----------------------- Informasi PPDB Ig : @sma_wahidiyah_bululawang Wa : 0878 5590 0029 | 0856 4586 7564 -------------------------
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bantennewscoid-blog · 10 months
Calo Penerimaan Siswa Baru SMA di Kota Serang Divonis Bui 2 Tahun
SERANG- Terdakwa kasus penipuan calo Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB), Aep Hidayat divonis 2 tahun penjara karena menipu warga dengan modus dapat memasukan siswa ke SMAN 1 Serang. “Menjatuhkan pidana terhadap terdakwa Aep Hidayat selama 2 tahun penjara,” bunyi putusan Nomor 771/Pid.B/2023/PN SRG yang dikutip BantenNews.co.id di laman resmi Mahkamah Agung, Rabu (6/12/2023). Terdakwa Aep…
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mlaww · 10 months
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Ppdb Online Smk, Ppdb Smk 2023, Ppdb Jurusan Tkj, Pendaftaran Siswa Baru Smk Tkj, Pendaftaran Jurusan Tkj Terdekat
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bogorexpose · 3 months
Pj Walikota Fasilitasi Warga Bogor Urus PPDB, Pastikan Semua Sesuai Aturan
BOGOR – Meski bukan kewenangannya mengurusi PPDB tingkat SMA, Pj Walikota Bogor Hery Antasari tetap memfasilitasi warga Bogor berkoordinasi dengan Kantor Cabang Dinas Pendidikan wilayah II Provinsi Jawa Barat. Kota Bogor, kata Hery, sebenarnya hanya fokus pada progres pelaksanaan Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) untuk tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD) dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Untuk PPDB…
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