#Preferably both
Imagine how hurtful it must have been for Crowley to see Gabriel, the person who literally took an active part in the process of traumatising the man he loves into the mindset that he cannot be happy and free, get a happy ending. To see the man, who was one of the reasons Aziraphale haven't even acknowledged their relationship for such a long time, because they were on "opposite sides". The man who was one of the reasons they couldn't be together, even as friends, for 6000 years. The man who wanted to execute Aziraphale with a smile on his face and "shut your stupid mouth and die already" as his "goodbye". Seeing this man getting what Crowley has always dreamt of: being able to run away with the person he loves, leave Heaven and Hell behind and just be together with his beloved - in Soho or on Alpha Centauri, literally wherever, because "Heaven is wherever Beelzebub is". Crowley seeing Gabriel get it so... so effortlessly, while he has worked for it so long, nearly died because of it and still haven't been able to get that, to get the happy ending and sever all the connections with Heaven and Hell. It must have hurt like hell (most literally).
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Mothra: The stars are so beautiful...
Godzilla: They're just giant balls of gas.
Mothra: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Godzilla: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Mothra, blushing: Oh...
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saturnplaza · 2 months
Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie Manifesting either Ray Toro picture or full band selfie
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whiskeywithrayna · 8 months
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Harriet Walter and Hannah Waddingham at the opening night of Plaza Suite at the Savoy Theatre, London.
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sexymoonmansslut · 6 months
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here’s my humble offer of sirius’ lock screen 🤲🤲
it was taken after sirius did remus’ eyeliner and ended up just putting glitter and stars everywhere bc why wouldn’t he honestly
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darnellthefirestarter · 5 months
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kloppool · 9 months
dominik, love you, but you need to stop serving cunt and start serving actual, good passes
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ostropest · 4 months
I need to stop spending money
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instead of a style or decade or whatever the hell, the isu should make next year’s rhythm dance theme “pieces of music that make sense together”
49 notes · View notes
You know that you're a red-blooded woman with your priorities in order and your hormones in balance when your favourite bits in any given Russell Crowe movie is one of 3 scenes...
When he is gently kissing the ladies
when he is being an utter sweetheart with the kids
annnnnndd....... when he is beating the absolute, ever-living snot out of a bunch of straw-brained dudes...
(also just by having russell crowe movies as your favourite movies, you're pretty set)
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transexyswitch · 3 months
Need a boy with a ticklish pussy in my life 🙏🙏🙏
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queen-ofsunflowers · 4 months
Just want to say that I love your Roiji x minato moments even before that
I will always sail on this ship to the very end
Please save them
Don't worry, I'll do my best!
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roanofarc · 6 months
this is kind of like nov 5. i hope trump and/or biden dies
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tearlessrain · 10 months
also I stg some people will simultaneously hold the belief that a dom openly wanting to dom and/or expressing those desires is predatory and scary, and that the dom should be the one to approach subs. my dude you can't have it both ways you need to either reexamine your beliefs or learn to initiate.
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Will being in literally every Mileven scene in S4 will never not be funny to me
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Just imagine Crowley, sitting in the same bar he went to after the bookshop burned down, sitting at the same table, completely knackered, hoping to see his angel appear in front of his eyes in a moment, when he thought all hope was lost. For a brief moment, he sees the silhouette, but it's just the light and his drunk brain playing tricks on him.
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Oh, but he isn't...
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