#Pregnancy speculation
countingandsnarkingon · 10 months
Reddit thinks Carlin is pregnant with Baby #3 and that she just put out the latest video as a way to tease/prepare her followers for the announcement. Which, in all fairness she would definitely do.
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duggardata · 2 years
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Katey Might Be Pregnant. Again.
Thank you to the many, many people who sent in Asks about this!
Katey (Nakatsu) Duggar has a public Pinterest profile. It’s definitely hers; her half–sister and Hannah (Wissmann) Duggar follow it. One of her "boards" is also entitled "Esther's shower!," and we know that Katey planned / hosted Esther (Keyes) Bates's baby shower back in September.
Direct your attention to the latest "board" on Katey's account, which is entitled "Christmas photo." Per Pinterest, Katey's latest pin to the "Christmas photo" board was 1 Month Ago. When you click into the board, you see that the most recent pin is... An idea for a Christmas–themed pregnancy announcement.
Now, Duggar Data isn't a Pinterest whiz, by any means. I'm not sure if "1 Month Ago" actually means 30 Days Ago, or possibly if Pinterest treats everything that happens in October as "1 Month Ago" as soon as November rolled around. Regardless, snarkers—Reddit, I believe, was first to find it—discovered the "Christmas photo" Pinterest page yesterday (November 2, 2022). So it's safe to say that Katey pinned the holiday–themed pregnancy announcement in October 2022.
I'm sure you're all eager for the data, so let's get on with it.
When is Duggar–Nakatsu #2 Forecast to Arrive?
As of November 3, 2022, Katey was expected to announce her 2nd Pregnancy on December 27, 2023, and give birth August 22, 2024. That's based on Jed + Katey's Marriage–to–Firstborn Spacing (394 Days), the Duggar 2nd Child Multiplier (1.7949), and a Maternal Age Multiplier for Age 25–29.99 (1.1928). All that works out to an Age–Adjusted Procreative Pace (AAPP) of 843 Days (27.7 Months). The Projected DOB (August 22, 2024) is 843 Days after Truett's DOB of May 2, 2022—so, there you go. Their ESOQ is 8 Children.
(Note—Savvy followers might be objecting at this point, like: "Katey isn't 25! She doesn't turn 25 until July 2023!" That is true; however the Maternal Age Factor kicks in because she will be Age 25–29.99 for her next birth.)
TL;DR—If Katey is pregnant, Jed + Katey are early for Baby 2. How early, you ask. Well, that depends...
If They Found Out In October...
Apparently, she was pinning announcement ideas—so, it seems like maybe she's pregnant. We have no way of knowing when she found out, but let's just assume it was close in time to the pins and go with mid–October (October 16, 2022). In the Pregnancy Announcement for Truett, Katey was shown using an "early detection" test, which is capable of detecting a pregnancy on Day 23 of a 28–Day Cycle. We can estimate that, if Katey used that test and found out on October 16, 2022, her Approximate Due Date (ADD) is June 30, 2023. The Duggar–Nakatsus announced at a mere 41 Days Along last time, so they'd be expected to announce on November 3, 2022. (Hey, that's today! Nifty.)
If Katey is due on June 30th, 2023, her child can't be GrandDuggar #29, since her Due Date is after Joy's and Joy is having #30.
If Katey is due on June 30th, she's 419 Days and 2.34 SDs Early for Baby #2. Her and Jed's Baseline Procreative Pace (PP)—without a Maternal Age Adjustment—would be 424 Days (~14 Months), which is faster than Kelly Jo Bates (456 Days), Kendra Duggar (483 Days), Michelle Duggar (491 Days), and Tori Smith (454 Days). The couples who are faster are Grace + Kord (366 Days) and Nurie + Nathan (414 Days). Factoring Maternal Age in, Jed + Katey's ESOQ would be 13 Children (+5 vs. Current ESOQ).
If They Announce On Christmas...
Okay. Maybe Katey isn't pregnant, yet. She's just planning ahead... Last time, Jed + Katey announced at 41 Days Along. Assuming they announce on Christmas of 2022, again at 41 Days Along, that yields an Approximate Due Date (ADD) of August 21, 2023.
Again, Duggar–Nakatsu #2 can't be GrandDuggar #29, since Joy is due in May and hers is #30.
If Katey is due August 21, 2023, she's 367 Days and 2.05 SDs Early for Baby #2. Her and Jed's Baseline Procreative Pace (PP), prior to Maternal Age Adjustment, would be 476 Days. That's a little slower than Grace Etbauer, Nurie Keller, Tori Smith, and Kelly Jo Bates, but still faster than Kendra or Michelle Duggar. Factoring Maternal Age in, their ESOQ would be 12 Children (+4 vs. Current ESOQ).
If Katey is pregnant again already, Kendra better watch out.
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creatingnikki · 2 years
I may be pregnant.
you said, lol ok sure. you said, but I used a condom. you said, are you serious? I am not old enough to raise a child yet. you said, I don't want to change diapers right now.
classy. you think I want to change diapers? I am literally your age. and chill, I am not pregnant. you really think I want to be?
you said, who knows. you said, but for being very specific say that you're not pregnant. you said, and even if you are say that you're not pregnant with my child. 
A, I am not pregnant with your child. and if I was, I wouldn’t keep it. 
you said, okay. good for both of us. you said, I’m glad it didn’t come to that. you said, I don’t want to ruin this for anyone. you said, that’s why I only engage sexually with sane people. 
what do you mean sane?
you said, I mean if you were pregnant I can’t force you to abort. can’t force anybody. you said, that’s why I can only sleep with someone who is capable of rational reasoning. 
I may be pregnant.
you said, shit. did you take a test? 
not yet, I’m scared.
you said, of course you are. you said, at this point you shouldn’t think of the worst case scenario. you said, just take the test first. 
but, M, what if I am? 
you said, if you are then I will ask you what you want. you said, if you say you want to keep it I would tell you I am not in a place to financially offer any support. you said, I’d ask you if you can financially support the baby and if yes then I would offer all other support. you said, and if you didn’t want to keep the baby, I’d fly down and I’d take you to the clinic and be with you the whole time. 
M, if I am pregnant, I don’t even know if it’s yours.
you said, okay, that doesn’t matter. you said, I’ll still come. 
I may be pregnant.
you said, what?
mom, I’m not sure, it’s mostly just a scare. 
you said, it’s okay even if you are. it’s okay. I will take care of the baby. you said, you can go on with your life. 
no, if I am, I won’t keep it.
you said, I want a grandchild and it doesn’t seem like you are going to go the conventional way and give me one later. just keep the baby. 
mom, no.
you said, don’t laugh, I am serious. you said, I’ll disown you otherwise. 
umm seriously? come on. 
you said, fine. just don’t do anything without telling me. don’t do anything stupid that will harm you. you said, we will take care of it. 
I may be pregnant. 
I will take the test soon. I have a friend who said he will be there on call with me throughout. for every one asshole in my life, I have three people who have my back. more, actually. I just need to remember that. just remember that. remember. 
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thefundiemuseum · 1 year
Is Allison Bontrager Helfefich pregnant again???
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She's thinking about getting another one "for when I'm my normal size/not pregnant."
Does that mean she IS pregnant? Or is she talking about not being "normal size" because she's still postpartum and nursing?
I'm also sad/frustrated that she 1) wants to continually be pregnant or nursing and 2) still thinks she has to come down to her "normal size."
Tons of women never go back down to their pre-pregnancy size! Allison's size now, pregnant or not, is "normal."
Idk, the whole post left me confused and kind of sad.
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fundie-predictions · 2 years
What are your predictions for Josiah’s and Lauren’s c baby name?
That's a great question and a fun task for me! I had considered doing predictions for Baby C but decided against it since I didn't think there was any chance we'd find out the name anyway. But let's go for it!
Name Predictions for Swanson-Duggar #2 - Boy
We have speculated that this baby is a boy because of the notable absence of bows in pics we have seen, although it's possible it could be a girl too. I will only include boy predictions in this post.
Previous Naming Information
Josiah Matthew Duggar and Lauren Milagro (Swanson) Duggar share one child together, Bella Milagro Duggar (b. 2019) in addition to this speculated baby boy. Additionally, the couple suffered a miscarriage before Bella's birth, and they named this lost baby Asa. The couple has confirmed they are doing an alphabet naming theme, so this baby's name should begin with C- unless they have lost another pregnancy prior to this one.
Preliminary Predictions
Since we have a clear, confirmed theme, I'll begin by making a list of C- boy names in the top 500 or so on the Social Security list from 2021, the most recent year data is available. I will be excluding Charles/Charlie from the list though because this is the name of John and Abbie's second child. Even though he was born after this speculated SiRen offspring, I don't think John and Abbie would have chosen a name already used by another couple.
Carter (#39)
Caleb (#51)
Christopher (#52)
Cameron (#62)
Cooper (#68)
Christian (#72)/Cristian (#331)
Colton (#74)
Connor (#97)/Conor (#462)
Carson (#98)
Chase (#125)
Cole (#132)
Calvin (#145)
Camden (#175)
Colt (#220)
Caden (#230)/Cayden (#289)/Caiden (#419)
Cash (#253)
Crew (#267)
Colin (#269)/Collin (#421)
Callum (#273)
Clayton (#278)
Cohen (#287)
Cruz (#297)
Cody (#312)
Colson (#322)
Cairo (#323)
Chance (#326)
Cade (#340)
Cyrus (#350)
Corbin (#366)
Callan (#375)/Callen (#458)
Cesar (#386)
Clark (#396)
Casey (#446)
Cassius (#485)
I think that gives us a pretty good selection, although there are already some I'd think they'd be much more likely to use than others. I will add another into the mix that wasn't in the top 500 but is Biblical and could still be a contender: Canaan.
As for the middle name, I would say it's pretty likely they would use Josiah's middle name, Matthew. Other contenders might be Dwain or Charles after Lauren's dad.
My Final Predictions
This is a little difficult because the styles and popularity of Asa and Bella are so different. It is nice knowing that there is a definite theme though. I would say the five most likely contenders for the first name in my opinion are Carter, Cameron, Connor, Caden/Cayden/Caiden, and Canaan. However, if Caleb were not the name Michelle had given to one of her pregnancy losses it would be my frontrunner. I don't know if that's enough to prevent them from using it, but it gives me pause at least. Cooper also gives me the same "nicknamey, dog-name" vibe that Bella has.
Overall, I think my top choice is Caden or some spelling variety of that with the middle name Matthew. Here is my list of top ten first and middle name combinations.
Caden/Cayden/Caiden Matthew
Carter Matthew
Connor Charles
Canaan Matthew
Cameron Matthew
Chase Matthew
Colton Dwain
Colin/Collin Matthew
Christian Matthew
Carson Dwain
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morphimus · 6 months
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tylerheartstaylor · 2 months
i saw in a community post over on X speculating about the new outfits being “roomier” and hiding taylor’s “unannounced pregnancy” or something along those lines. i got banned from the community group for calling it out so cannot remember the exact wording or who posted it, but that is besides the point.
i’ve also seen a few posts similar to this on several other social media platforms about similar topics relating to taylor being pregnant in the last few months and want to say that this is a topic that is not only insane but is incredibly insensitive to be speculating about- and if you are one of those people - please kindly go outside and touch some grass. this isn’t something that should be speculated on at all. 🩵
love and light to everyone, no malice intended behind this. i simply feel the need to speak up against it because it’s getting a little bit out of control. 😭
we don’t know taylor, and we don’t know travis. stay out of their personal lives, they only show us what they want us to see. 🫶🏻
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supercalime · 6 months
The amount of digging, stalking and over analyzing that required for yall to now say “it was obvious” and “we were right all along” is one of the reasons they never went public with their relationship before actual marriage, just like Joey Richter and Lauren Lopez getting engaged and Keith and Becky habersberger out of nowhere telling they had a baby.
I’ve been a fan of smosh for like 12 years and the shipping (yes, I know they said they don’t care, but even if they said to stop yall wouldn’t anyway) and nitpicking every single interaction between cast members (I’m not even gonna get into the fanfics and inappropriate comments) were why I kept my interaction with the fandom to a minimum.
Im happy they’re married, really. I’ve been happy for other influencers before. The issue was never denial. I did wish it was a prank because I knew this exact response was going to happen.
This feels like fans were trying to out them when they weren’t ready. If they truly felt safe making the relationship public, they wouldn’t have gone to lengths they did to hide it. Poor Courtney probably had an engagement ring that she couldn’t wear because of fan reaction. I mean, I remember seeing proof of them together through reflections on a glass! It isn’t normal.
A similar situation has happened in a fandom before. Remember when fans were speculating about a Malec wedding in the shadowhunter finale? Finding every single piece of evidence on social media, bts footage, etc? And in the ending the characters got married? But you know why that wasn’t weird? They were fictional characters, made to entertain us, with story arcs. No actual person was at stake.
And you know, I love smosh and obviously this rant isnt directed towards the fans who are just surprised and happy for them (which I am too, congrats to them), but it still bother me.
Publicly, they were coworkers in a comedy channel who made jokes, played characters, played games, etc. Smosh has never been about romantic relationships between cast members and it saddens me that the fans made most of it about shipping when they have so much more to offer.
The point is, we are not entitled to information about their lives and speculate about it. Too bad this can’t be a learning experience because congrats, yall were “right all along”.
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hawkinsunderground · 8 months
okay so theoretically the pregnancy smoking poster could refer to Joyce, who smokes a lot, right? I think she's one of the most prominent smokers in the show
SO, could it possibly be alluding to something she did during pregnancy affecting Will in relation to his connection to Vecna? or is that just the biggest reach ever lol
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extrajigs · 2 years
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Chimeric reproduction go! Info dump below. Nothing graphic aside from pulsing fetus! 
Chimera reproduce in kind of a round about way. So I have produced a CHART for visual aid! 
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Step One- Egg Swap Chimera parents, being hermaphrodites, both have eggs to contribute! This is where the actual hanky panky takes place via ovipositors and awkward positioning. End result is each has the others eggs in their uterus. Step Two- Baby Battering So once the eggs are in there they are fertalized by the ‘mother’ chimera. Which technically should be the father cause it’s their sperm and the others eggs, but they’re the ones gravid.  Actually I realized they’re just like seahorses! So think of it like that. Step Three- Placenta Pandemonium After step two there is a large number of zygotes floating around in there, but only one can take the grand prize! The womb of the chimera is very particular about where eggs can plant down. Most of the interior is unusable, but once a lil egg settles on a particular patch of tissue then the body decides that pregnancy is NOW. Multiple eggs can implant here, but the body will usually reject ‘em after they got one OR simply give them a unsustainable amount of resources. 
Step Four- The Chosen One The other eggs are broken down an absorbed by the mother’s body. The lucky lil chimera fetus is now able to spend a cozy 12 months hanging out growing into a full baby. The two parent’s will give birth usually within a few days of each other and then you got two brand new chimera. 
Bonus gif of chimera fetuses, they start breathing VERY early on while they still got jelly bones so v wiggly. Also their eye stalk doesn’t really define itself until the last few months, so they look a lot like the common ancestor of their clade at the start there. 
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transbeeduo · 7 months
this might not be entirely relevant to you, as you are the ctubbo pregnancy moot not a cranboo pregnancy moot, but idk who else could possibly be interested, so!
Do you think endermen would have little pouches for their babies? Maybe they even lay eggs too, so they just carry their egg babies around in their pouches until a little while after the babies hatch, once they're big enough to leave? (like roly polies. I am just making my love of roly polies be relevant to the cubitos. they're such silly creatures and I love their little egg pouches so dang much)
I LOVEEEE THIS ASK I LOVEEEE THIS ASK SO MUCH its made me have so many thoughts about how Enderians reproduce/carry offspring RAAAGH
What I’m imagining is somewhat similar! Where it’s like an egg thing. I think Enderpearls r like. Enderman eggs, where Endermen’ll have them in their bodies always and the babies only start growing once the eggs r fertilized! (Unfertilized eggs are the ones you get from drops and can be used to teleport and shit yk. Fertilized eggs don’t drop. Canon explanation to why only some Endermen drop pearls :> ) And like, it works by like, a bunch of eggs being laid, developing for a few years (it takes like. 5-10 years for eggs to hatch) but only few endermen make it to hatching, since baby endermen are so big (think like the size of a like. A medium sized fish) if the egg doesn’t grow fast enough with them the embryo perishes. :( (This is part of why Tubbo decided to carry Bug because. Him and Ranboo didn’t want multiple children and there was a better chance of Bug surviving if it was Tubbo)
ALSO THE POUCH IDEA IS SO CUTE????? I like to think Endermen babies (kits? pups? i kinda like endermen pups that sounds cute) like. NEED to be in contact with their parents all the time for the first bit of their lives, so a pouch would be really good for that :00 i also like to think the parents will hold children in their arms or in their mouths a lot, but I loveeee the idea of them having a pouch that’s so good (plus would probably be very safe for the baby yk) once the babies r developed enough to walk i think they hold onto their parents’ tails like a baby elephant, but endermen r also like. Human level intellegence so they will raise children in ways we’d recognize outside of all of the biological stuff 👍 (not all of it for example. Endermen r omnivores leaning carnivores so they do have to learn to hunt and stuff)
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If Jessa is pregnant with baby #5 do you think they’ll announce it at all or is she just going to post a birth announcement out of the blue one day
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duggardata · 2 years
What does a self-cleaning litter box have to do with pregnancy?
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Pregnant women are advised not to clean a cat’s litter box, since doing so might expose them to a parasite called toxoplasmosis which can cause a variety of complications. With a self–cleaning cat box, the risk would be much lower, since it more–or–less handles the poo for you. (Everything but the ‘throwing away the bag’ part.)
I was mostly joking. Haha.
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I like how everyone was pissed at the Sargust storyline, but are now, for some reason, obsessed with a pregnancy storyline for Sara-
I'm guessing people are more worried than obsessed. And if you've seen a lot of teen shows, I think it's natural for your mind to go in that direction.
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ntls-24722 · 8 months
fun drohnen fact: they love to fight. They will fight eachother for whatever reason but interestingly it actually deescalates most things 80% of the time. Disputes will generally have the two parties beat the crap out of eachother and in the winded daze afterwards they'll come to agreement and for this reason, their politics is insane and politicians oftentimes leap over their counters to beat the shit out of their opponents and nobody does anything about it because, well, it'll probably chill them out OR they'll agree on something.
This is, weirdly enough, probably because fighting is also a little romantic. Since Drohnen residents are all only One Sex and kids are expensive little tots who grow up to be the size of buildings, only one of them have the kid and that is generally decided on whoever loses/falls over (Drohnen pregnancies are WAY less scary than human ones, especially because they're used to laying eggs every 3 months - the loser generally doesn't mind it.).
Sometimes it's seen as a little suspicious when a fight lasts too short since romantic fighting is generally shorter than most fighting. much to the dismay of politicians trying to wrap up a squabble to get back to business
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fundie-predictions · 2 years
Breaking: Jed and Katey might be expecting again
A user on r/DuggarsSnark noticed that Katey pinned a Christmas pregnancy announcement photo to her “Christmas photo” board on Pinterest about 6 weeks ago. Truett is only six months old, so if she found out she was pregnant 6 weeks ago the babies would be only about 14 months apart. Yikes.
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