#Prick Up Your Ears
heythereimashley · 1 year
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elwolfen · 4 months
Alfred Molinathon Day 9
Prick Up Your Ears (1987)
Kenneth Halliwell
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His Role: Quite the perturbed man, huh? Both of them stuck in this seemingly never-ending toxic cycle. Kenneth being left to the wayside as Joe shines in the limelight must have been a terrible blow. As he said in the end, "In the way of circumstances and background I had everything an artist could possibly want. It was practically a blueprint. I was programmed to be a novelist or a playwright. But I'm not and you are!" In the beginning he had plenty of things that could go for him as he said, a novelist, a playwright even an actor. Yet overtime, he didn't continually presue them, possibly the time he spent in prison made it more difficult? His mental health took a deeper divot over the years? It could've been plenty of things. A cocktail.
While he had his extremes, I do feel deeply sympathetic towards him. I know what it's like at one point it seems everything is fine, and in order, it's all looking up and then the next something or someone could tip you off and you suddenly developed a heightened mania. You lash out, inappropriately so. A few minutes later, it's like it never happened because something else grabs your attention. Being with someone who seems unsympathetic to your mental blights, your needs, and your lack of direction can make you feel a bit deranged. To have someone excel and be successful at something you were once good at or something you taught them, while you just idle by and question what happened to that spark can be very dreary.
I do wish that he was able to have the help that he desperately needed. It would've also helped if he had more support too, but Joe wasn't that. Joe felt that this relationship was dying yet didn't feel the need to push the question of why or actually figure out what to do. What was he hoping for? For Kenneth to just up and leave? Get himself admitted? I don't know. I'm not saying Joe was the main problem. As I said, they were both toxic towards each other. Kenneth's extreme emotions and Joe's lack of empathy can make for quite a tumultuous relationship.
The beginning of their relationship was nice to watch, but knowing how it all ends... it's a little unfortunate.
Besides that, he's such dramatic and funny to watch, even though he doesn't mean to come off that way. It is a comedy, after all.
One of my favorite scenes (right after "have a wank"), it reminds me of my choir class... I will not elaborate.
Really, I could go on and on, but it's best I don't. I don't have the best writing skills and don't have a very sophisticated inner dictionary. So...
The Rest of the Movie: Joe himself. He was also quite funny himself and was oozing with charm. But as I said, his lack of care was a bit off-putting to me. Yet I still also relate to him. Trying to relate to people who experience sadness and anger always makes me quiet and unable to help quell or calm any of it. I don't feel deeply as I should. It's something I constantly struggle with and to watch a character who is always trying to charm people while unable to do much for someone he possibly cares deeply about's feelings, hits a bit close. But where we differ is that I try to understand and reason while he berates and ignores.
I mean, this man paid another guy to please Kenneth to boost him up and make him believe that the wig helped. Which, I didn't know if that was horrible of him or kind of him? And on the topic of the wig! Did he do that out of genuine kindness, or was he actually ashamed of Kenneth? Or perhaps he wanted to shut him up for a little while.
Outside of that, he charms nearly everyone he meets. I mean, look at his cheeky grin. It's hard not to be. He's can be sly when he wants to be. He can lie right through his teeth with authorities. This includes throwing Ken under the bus very hard during their time on prison.
Learning that he could write fourty words a minute and him not utilizing it and doubting his writing then to see him only write all the time was a fascinating climb to watch while Kenneth goes in the complete opposite direction.
I can't see much about his work due to the fact that we don't get to see what his shows are about in the film, just the success. Makes sense. If I wanted to, I could seek it out.
Again, I can go on and on about these two, but wording my thoughts is a difficult task. Why did I do this to myself?
Peggy isn't nearly as interesting to me personally. She just narrates sometimes, which makes sense due to the framing device of her being interviewed about her connections with the couple. She also has more insight than most thanks to her stealing Joe's diaries and claiming she lost them.
Mr and Mrs. Lahr were also uninteresting. It's not any of the actors fault at all. It's Joe and Kenneth's story, I'm more intrigued by that.
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Kenneth Halliwell: The whole point about irrational behavior is that it IS irrational!
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papimolina · 2 years
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It had been too long so I watched this again, just to confirm...I still love it
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captainfreelance1 · 1 year
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Mayor West’s Cat Launcher this is one of the funniest scenes ever, from Family Guy S5 E6 Prick Up Your Ears; I miss Adam West he really had some of the best jokes
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heartofhubris-a · 2 years
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Me too, Gary. Me too.
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darkwood-sleddog · 4 months
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If there’s any photo to describe Slash…it’s this one.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 5 months
>be me, chilling in modern japanese literature class >it's dazai day >the prof shows us a pic of him >"so if you're a fan of anime or manga, you might be familiar with him" >a cold chill goes down my back >"i think there's an anime called bungou stray dogs...?" >i take 4d6 psychic damage >"who here is familiar with it?" >i refuse to look around but i can feel people raising their hands >"dazai seems to be a pretty important character" >i take 4d6 psychic damage >"idk what it's about, since i haven't watched it, but i think it's about a detective agency or something?" >i take 4d6 psychic damage >"but yeah, my students keep saying i should watch it." >i mutter "it's not that good" >people literally gasp and whip around in their seats to look at me >take 50d12 psychic damage >evaporate from this plane of existence
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guys listening to scott walker after living and breathing tlsp's discography is a full on spiritual experience oh my christ-
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Molina is superb as Halliwell, managing to not only depict a man gradually unravelling from intelligent and dignified to frenzied and paranoid but to cast him in a sympathetic light. Excerpt from a review here.
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papimolina · 2 years
So Bald Baby...
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Or Bald Daddy??? 👀
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whoslaurapalmer · 3 months
don't think I've ever interacted with like, the majority of my family in the first place, let alone with my genuine actual personality, so writing a message to my cousin with my real life tone and vocabulary and not Professional Capitals To Disguise My Deep Dislike And/Or Lack Of Social Interaction is like. wow damn I do sound like that
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joshuaalbert · 2 years
listen ignore how ass the quality is but like. I see you.
[ID: a clip of mirror garak in “the emperor’s new cloak” saying “I’m waiting” in a singsongy voice, followed by a clip of vizzini from the princess pride saying “I’m waiting” in a similar cadence but with more annoyance. both vizzini and grand nagus zek, who is one of the characters garak is talking to in the first clip, are played by wallace shawn]
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madamescarlette · 2 years
Again, it is terribly endearing to me that when Beauty wants to protest her looks, and the Beast tells her it does not matter if he's the only one around to judge (also probably internally being like I blink stars out of my eyes of the miracle of your being my friend at ALL Beauty), that her reply is so choked up by her philosophical training that she can't truly respond.
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heavenbarnes · 1 month
there was something to be said about the fact older bf!simon made such a good house husband.
“i forgot my lunch :( ”
“forgot to make it or bring it?”
“on my way”
because the next thing was your coworkers slowly raising their heads to the sound outside your office, a throaty rumbling of an engine right outside the doors.
not a car, motorcycle maybe? question affirmed when it revved twice.
they shot you confused looks when the sound made your ears prick up, a sweet smile on your face as you trotted out the front of the building.
behemoth of a man sat astride a motorcycle. his leathers added bulk but there was something about him that said he was big enough without them.
he watched you walk over as he raised the visor on his helmet, the black one with a ghostly image of a skull painted across it.
your coworkers pressed to the windows, trying their best to hide behind the curtains and potted plants but failing all the same.
the man pointed to his face as you got on tip toes to press a kiss to his nose through the balaclava he had under the helmet.
“don’t make it a late one, alright?”
as you gave him a haphazard salute, he reached behind to give you a pat on the backside before he stood to retrieve the brown paper bag he’d been carrying.
lunch in hand, you lean in to press a kiss to the visor he’d just lowered- right on top of the lipstick print that sat in the corner of it.
the print that looked a lot like your lips.
the helmet never leaves the back of you as you walk towards the office, your coworkers scrambling to not get caught staring.
you didn’t mind, just smiled as you reached into your lunch bag and retrieved a sandwich. the one that was cut perfectly into the shape of a heart.
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