#the water man
heythereimashley · 1 year
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reuripotte · 2 years
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Alfred Molina as Jim Bussey
• The Water Man (2020)
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chrism02 · 1 year
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Happy birthday to Alfred Molina!  🥳
Tag list: @purplelupins  @eroticaplush @unitedfandomsoftheworld
@reuripotte @overlookedfile @randomfandomtrash28 @littlethief78 
@belladonnaaura @wolfe171 @movieexpert1978 @yesalwayswelles
@jembug28 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @benedicttcumberbabe
@whateverthecostner @redlektor
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writingkitten · 2 years
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Jim Bussey Spotify Playlist
On YouTube (TBR)
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cascosart · 2 years
Really testing tumblrs tolerance today.
Keep an eye out on my Twitter for some spicy spooky content. I’m sorry if it doesn’t seem spooky.
I already have 2 pieces lined up to post in October which are already available on my Patreon.
Leland Drury and Jim Bussey~
More art on the way.
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sevythebeanqueen666 · 2 years
I went to go wash at my aunts house and she put the Water Man on so now I have to sit here and not freak out because I’m gonna see Alfred on the TV
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badolmen · 1 year
People against piracy fail to realize that no, I can’t just ‘buy it.’ They stopped making DVDs and Blu-Rays. They’re barely offering digital copies for download. I am not spending money I could use for food or bills to pay for a subscription service just so I can always have access to a beloved piece of media. Especially not when the service will remove media on a whim without concern for how the loss of access to that piece will make its artistic conservation nigh impossible.
For example, I recently learned that Disney+ had an original film called Crater. It’s scifi, family friendly, and seems cool - I would love to buy it as a holiday gift for my little brother! But: it’s exclusive to D+ and THEY REMOVED IT LITERALLY MONTHS AFTER ITS RELEASE.
The ONLY way I can directly access this film is through piracy. The ONLY available ‘copies’ of this film are hosted on piracy websites. Disney will NEVER release it in theaters, or as something to buy, and it may NEVER return to the streaming service. It will be LOST because we aren’t allowed to purchase it for personal viewing. If I can’t pay to own it, I won’t pay for the privilege of losing it when corporate decides to put it in a vault.
So yes, I’m going to pirate and support piracy.
Edit: if you are able, use $5 you would otherwise use for a streaming subscription to donate to a GazaFunds campaign.
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heythereimashley · 2 years
I desperately need to talk about this
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illiana-mystery · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
Haven't done this in a while, but I figured I would do this again since I have a couple of fics in progress right now. And noticing how much you like Space Oddity, I'm also deciding to tease Chapter 7 in this WIP post.
The other two WIPs I want to share are two Christmas fics I've been working on as of late.
Those being a Christmas follow-up to the Thanksgiving fic I posted, Carving the Turkey and an Jim Bussey and Heather Mattis fic.
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Scroll to the two Christmas WIPs proper for the plot summary. 😉
Space Oddity
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"Saaltar, can I ask you something," you gently asked as the car kept driving you two down the road to your home.
"Sure," he replied, before looking back at you with a smile. "What's on your mind?"
"I was just wondering what you were thinking about earlier," you said, looking closely at him to see his reaction to your inquiry.
"Yeah, like where was your mind when we were walking to the cafeteria earlier?"
"Oh," he moaned in relief. "I was just thinking of how I don't want to leave Earth."
"Wait, really?! Why? I know you like Earth, but you're an ambassador. I mean that's pretty impressive."
"All that glitters is not gold, Teri," he moaned. "Yes, I do like being an ambassador. But being here, even for this short time, has made me realize how much I've missed out on. Keitalea is a beautiful place, but we don't have the beautiful wildlife you have. It's a technological, urban wasteland. That's why I started my study in the first place. I needed a new choice of scenery. I want more than what I've known my whole lifespan. I want this...and I want you. My illuminescent has never been so active inside of me. I've never felt so alive since Maalita..."
"Maalita?" you curiously asked. "Who's Maalita?"
"I rather not talk about it. Forget I said anything," he sadly said. "The point I was trying to make before is I'm purposely trying to extend my study and stay here. I don't have anything in Keitalea like I have here with you."
He looked like he was trying to hold back tears, so you rubbed his back to comfort him.
"Saal, it's okay. You're welcome to stay with me as long as you want. Trust me, I'm the last person that wants you to go back home. I would miss you just as much you would miss me. I'm sorry for asking."
"It's okay," he said as he took your hand from his back and kissed it. "You were just concerned."
"Of course. Because I really care for you."
"Ditto," he said before he kissed your hand again.
Hot for Santa
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Plot Summary: Jim is volunteering to be Santa for the local library's Storytime with Santa event. He agrees to do so since he thinks it'll be a great way to reintroduce himself into the town for Heather's sake. The event involves him reading to the kids, asking what they want for Christmas, taking pictures with each kid. Heather is also there, dressed like an elf. She takes pictures and reports on the event for her day job but also serves as emotional support for her introverted boyfriend. (Smut happens after the main event of the fic. 😉)
"Hmm, looking good," Jim hummed as he looked at himself in the mirror. The old man was warmly clothed in a full Santa suit, posing in front of the looking glass.
He really did believe what he said, until his eye moved to his big belly.
"Well, at least Annie will think so," he moaned.
He didn't really like how much weight he gained over the year, but he knew his girlfriend didn't mind. She loved him just the way he was.
"Now where is she?," he pondered before his phone started to vibrate off of his bathroom counter where he left it. Swiftly, he picked it up to see a message from his beloved.
Heather: Your helper elf is on the way, Santa. 😘 Sorry for the delay. Brad wouldn't shut up.
He playfully rolled his eyes as he read the text. Her boss was always so talkative and always made her borderline late to events she was gonna attend for a news story.
So why would the Storytime with Santa event be any different?
Jim: It's okay. I know how Brad is. Take your time and use your key to get in. I want to surprise you.
He put his phone back down after that, knowing he probably shouldn't text her anymore since she was driving.
After, he went back to combing and grooming his snowy white beard. His facial hair was just as thick and soft as ever, but had gone from grey with speckles of white to just white like his chest hair.
His girlfriend also liked that though, so he decided against dying it back to his grey color, instead letting the grey just overtake the hair on his head.
70 would be hard for most men, but with the young and vibrant Heather by his side, he felt like a million bucks.
And just the thought of seeing his sweet Heather, well Annie as he called her, made him happily hum as the bristles went through the white. But he didn't have to wait for her much longer, since she arrived as soon as he put the comb down.
Harry Christmas
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Plot Summary: On a fateful morning a couple of days before Christmas, a NWH-type event happens right in the penthouse Norman now shares with his beloved girlfriend, Deja. That event being Harry waking up in his old human body (circa 2007) in his old room. His sudden return, of course, shocks his father and butler as well as Deja. But they accept his return as a Christmas miracle, and make up for lost time during the holidays. But will Harry be able to stay or will he have to return to his former eternal rest?
Meanwhile, in the abandoned bedroom, a gust of wind chill from the hairline size opening of the forgotten broken window crept through.
It breezed past the old wood, peeled wallpaper, and remnants of the yesteryear of a decade long passed, before tickling the nose of its former inhabitant.
The chill immediately woke him up, before he jumped up and opened his eyes. Immediately, shock set in as he looked around in the old, unkempt room while his psyche finally realized where he was.
He was back in his old room...in the penthouse...in Manhattan.
But how?
He didn't remember how he returned to the land of the living. All he remembered was a flash of white before he was knocked out, and now he was here.
Still, he felt weird in his former human body.
For two decades now, he felt weightless and now he was forced to endure the gravity of the Earth again as well as a slow decay of the human form.
But he decided to take it in stride, especially after his senses were awakened by the smell of breakfast.
So with haste, and a short montage of picking an old pajama set to wear, he made his way downstairs eager to see Bernard again.
But as he cleared the corner, he was shocked to find a curvy black woman with a robe and a headscarf on in the kitchen instead.
Who was this lady?, he thought. Was she the new help? Or was she a secretary that his father managed to bed?
"Oh, Manny, finally you're awake," she chirped before she turned around. But she was more than shocked to see Harry standing in front of her instead of her boyfriend.
"Harry?!" she exclaimed.
"Manny? Who's Manny? How do you know my name? And who are you?"
"I can't believe...how...where...what," she asked in shocked before she had to sit down. "You're dead. How is this possible?"
"I'm not sure," he answered crossly. "But would you please be so kind to answer my questions."
"I must be dreaming," she murmured. "This is all a dream and you aren't here. Right, right..."
"I assure you I'm real," he insisted before he touched her hand. She jumped and pulled her hand back before looking up into his lively smoky brown eyes.
"Oh my gosh. I'm not dreaming. This is real," she exclaimed before she began to tear up. "I don't know how this is possible, but I'm actually happy you're here. Your father needs you. He missed you so much and has told me so much about you."
"Wait, he misses me? How do you know that? What has he told you?" he asked before sitting down across from her.
"I know that because I'm your father's new girlfriend," she started. "My name is Deja Salazar-Tate and your father is my everything. I love him so much. And he really regrets how he left things. I think he seeks closure and your forgiveness."
"He does love and miss me," he mumbled to himself before he looked back at the woman across from him. "Thank you for the confirmation. I feel the same. I wish we could get the time back."
"Unfortunately, you can't get that time back," Deja said softly before squeezing his hand. "But that doesn't mean that you can't use the time you have now to make amends. I want that for both of you. All I want for Christmas is Norman's peace of mind."
Taglist: @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky, @ghnaim24, @emily-ella-nightshade89, @braindead94, @lost-in-the-forest-again, @writingkitten , @freddiefredfive
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reuripotte · 2 years
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Alfred Molina as Jim Bussey
• The Water Man (2020)
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bumbleboa · 5 months
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some comfort zone pre-timeskip Law from today's stream
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3cosmicfrogs · 1 year
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I wanted to go a bit more in-depth with this piece that I did for zukka week 2023 because i got inspired to do more insane clothing details. ID in ALT.
Ramble about the influences/inspirations below:
Design inspirations for Sokka's clothing are mainly Inuvialuit and Yup'ik, with Nenets, Tlingit, and Chukchi inspiration for the tassels, patterns, belt and beadwork. I mixed these with the ornaments canon shows us used by the Northern Water Tribe, and also in Legend of Korra. I got particularly excited about drawing from Inuvialuit sources since the tassels we see in canon look like they could be inspired by this. Going beyond canon's animation-friendly colour scheme, I drew from Nenets patterns/embroidery/sashes and Yup'ik beadwork for accent colours. I think in the future I'd like to find ways to incorporate more Tlingit-style patterns since I rarely see them in fanart (which is a shame - they're stunning), but since they tend to be very big I ultimately decided to only include them as a nod in order to keep the regalia recognisable as 'Water Tribe'. I wonder if I could start using Polynesian influences as well?
Zuko's headdress and particularly the shoulder garment and beaded embroidery draw heavily from women's clothing styles of Lê Dynasty Vietnam. The other main influence is men's royal clothing in Tang Dynasty China, and patterns worn by Mongolian Khatun. Since we have a bit more to go on in canon as to what fire nation regalia looks like, I blended that in as well. I got particularly excited about the embellishments on Lê Dynasty clothes because I could give a little nod to Zuko's dragon-fire by adding more colours to the embroidery. In the future I think I'd want to make the Mongolian influence a bit more obvious... perhaps even push the envelope by incorporating some Bashkir designs, though I'm not sure how well that will go.
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yellowistheraddest · 7 months
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pigswithwings · 1 year
no genuinely oceanblr would be so fun. the bloggers long for the sea and - oh shit what's t [is enveloped by the waves]
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🦈 jaws-little-brother Follow
Community Pool: Is water wet?
yeah ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬛⬛ (67.3%)
no ⬜⬜⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ (32.7%)
Remaining time: 4 moon cycles
🐡 on-line-off-hook Follow
what the kelp are you guys on.
185 notes 🔁❤️
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🕳️ coelacanth-official ☑️☑️☑️☑️ Follow
decade 23 off the South African coast ... they ain't find me yet but when they do they're gonna be real surprised
40,739 notes 🔁❤️
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🐌 justasnailfish Follow
its so quiet here .. nobody. no friends?
🔍 ms-magnap1nna Follow
We can be friends. come closer
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🦐 shrimpathy-for-the-villain Follow
group of friends & i just won a battle against a whale, got a trophy (real)
🌑 ohboy-baleen-deactivated
No you didn't. No you did not. There's literally zero possible chance of this happening, regardless of how many other shrimp were with you because that is Logistically. Impossible. This is so fake oh my fucking cod
🦐 shrimpathy-for-the-villain Follow
ok. group of friends & i sitting inside a whales mouth, about to be krilled (real)
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🐚 is0p0d-isle Follow
suuuuuper tired of all the negativity. can we have some appreciation for the "ugly" and "scary" fishes already? thank u blobfish, thank u viperfish, thank u goblin sharks, thank u everyone else who is socially isolated bc of how they look!! ur awesome!!
94 notes 🔁❤️
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🐠 reeffraff Follow
human slang is so boring. what the hell is a "fridge". what's a "stove". oh, you have a "microwave"? i see 10 meter tall waves every day. loser.
🐬 atlantic-potion Follow
but they were right about "tubular", you can't deny it
🐠 reeffraff Follow
yes i absolutely can. "tubular"? are you kidding me? any fry on the sandbar could come up with that one. "tubular" is the word you would use to describe a coral and nothing else. it's lame. you have the linguistical taste of a tongue parasite.
🐬 atlantic-potion Follow
say that to my beak you coward
🐠 reeffraff Follow
maybe i WILL
🚹 surface-dweller ☑️☑️ Follow
holy shit, those fish are fighting! mary get the camera!
🐠 reeffraff Follow
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ellie-makes-mbs · 5 months
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name moodboard for “tallulah” for anonymous
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heythereimashley · 1 year
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Birthday laps
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