#Burned out so early eh?
elwolfen · 4 months
Alfred Molinathon Day 9
Prick Up Your Ears (1987)
Kenneth Halliwell
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His Role: Quite the perturbed man, huh? Both of them stuck in this seemingly never-ending toxic cycle. Kenneth being left to the wayside as Joe shines in the limelight must have been a terrible blow. As he said in the end, "In the way of circumstances and background I had everything an artist could possibly want. It was practically a blueprint. I was programmed to be a novelist or a playwright. But I'm not and you are!" In the beginning he had plenty of things that could go for him as he said, a novelist, a playwright even an actor. Yet overtime, he didn't continually presue them, possibly the time he spent in prison made it more difficult? His mental health took a deeper divot over the years? It could've been plenty of things. A cocktail.
While he had his extremes, I do feel deeply sympathetic towards him. I know what it's like at one point it seems everything is fine, and in order, it's all looking up and then the next something or someone could tip you off and you suddenly developed a heightened mania. You lash out, inappropriately so. A few minutes later, it's like it never happened because something else grabs your attention. Being with someone who seems unsympathetic to your mental blights, your needs, and your lack of direction can make you feel a bit deranged. To have someone excel and be successful at something you were once good at or something you taught them, while you just idle by and question what happened to that spark can be very dreary.
I do wish that he was able to have the help that he desperately needed. It would've also helped if he had more support too, but Joe wasn't that. Joe felt that this relationship was dying yet didn't feel the need to push the question of why or actually figure out what to do. What was he hoping for? For Kenneth to just up and leave? Get himself admitted? I don't know. I'm not saying Joe was the main problem. As I said, they were both toxic towards each other. Kenneth's extreme emotions and Joe's lack of empathy can make for quite a tumultuous relationship.
The beginning of their relationship was nice to watch, but knowing how it all ends... it's a little unfortunate.
Besides that, he's such dramatic and funny to watch, even though he doesn't mean to come off that way. It is a comedy, after all.
One of my favorite scenes (right after "have a wank"), it reminds me of my choir class... I will not elaborate.
Really, I could go on and on, but it's best I don't. I don't have the best writing skills and don't have a very sophisticated inner dictionary. So...
The Rest of the Movie: Joe himself. He was also quite funny himself and was oozing with charm. But as I said, his lack of care was a bit off-putting to me. Yet I still also relate to him. Trying to relate to people who experience sadness and anger always makes me quiet and unable to help quell or calm any of it. I don't feel deeply as I should. It's something I constantly struggle with and to watch a character who is always trying to charm people while unable to do much for someone he possibly cares deeply about's feelings, hits a bit close. But where we differ is that I try to understand and reason while he berates and ignores.
I mean, this man paid another guy to please Kenneth to boost him up and make him believe that the wig helped. Which, I didn't know if that was horrible of him or kind of him? And on the topic of the wig! Did he do that out of genuine kindness, or was he actually ashamed of Kenneth? Or perhaps he wanted to shut him up for a little while.
Outside of that, he charms nearly everyone he meets. I mean, look at his cheeky grin. It's hard not to be. He's can be sly when he wants to be. He can lie right through his teeth with authorities. This includes throwing Ken under the bus very hard during their time on prison.
Learning that he could write fourty words a minute and him not utilizing it and doubting his writing then to see him only write all the time was a fascinating climb to watch while Kenneth goes in the complete opposite direction.
I can't see much about his work due to the fact that we don't get to see what his shows are about in the film, just the success. Makes sense. If I wanted to, I could seek it out.
Again, I can go on and on about these two, but wording my thoughts is a difficult task. Why did I do this to myself?
Peggy isn't nearly as interesting to me personally. She just narrates sometimes, which makes sense due to the framing device of her being interviewed about her connections with the couple. She also has more insight than most thanks to her stealing Joe's diaries and claiming she lost them.
Mr and Mrs. Lahr were also uninteresting. It's not any of the actors fault at all. It's Joe and Kenneth's story, I'm more intrigued by that.
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sammy8d257 · 1 year
Are u still going to make Animator vs Animation drawing?
I am!
Just probably not for little while
And if I do, they'll be self-indulgent drawings about my various AvA/M AUs or be part of my "Watered Down Hot Chocolate" series
I probably won't fully engage with canon stuff shown in the new AvA shorts s2 until I'm done recovering from my burnout
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evandore · 11 days
but ohhhh today was such a good day i got so much foundational work done which means i can get more actual work done yippee !! i havent exactly decided how im going to approach work tomorrow like how ill start organizing files bc there is a lot of files but i will worry about it when i wake up. maybe ill leave it for the day instead and spend time doing laundry / cleaning room (which is really just fixing my sheets lol) / mayhaps cleaning the bathroom cause everything is covered in my brothers hair and the sink is digusting cause he keeps spitting in it 😑 but i am also going to use one of my bathbombs !! these are actually good ones so im saving them once a week for when i can actually appreciate it + got a facemask which i only grabbed cause it was honey and was cheap lol
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ceilidho · 8 months
prompt: forced throuple au; Ghost decides that you and Johnny are his (part 1; ghoap x reader)
Johnny’s been bragging about a pretty bird lately.
Ghost listens because the periods between missions are long and colourless—he fills the time with paperwork, PT, exhausting his muscles in the gym, and dissociating in a booth at the only good pub on base when Johnny drags him along—and it’s better to tune out the thoughts in his head and replace them with something else. Besides, for as much as he gripes about poorly trained dogs barking too much, he enjoys the sound of Johnny’s voice. It quiets the faint ringing that follows him wherever he goes, an agitated humming that leaves him, on his best days, on the brink of rage.
“Tinnitus,” a doctor says when he brings it up during a routine check-up. Can you shut that fucking noise up?
“Best we can do is get you hearing aids.” Apologetic, sincere even. Stained, as always though, by a trembling, noxious unease. It emanates off the doctor in waves. 
Hard not to feel uneasy around a man in a mask, Ghost assumes. That’s all part of it though. He doesn’t cultivate comfort, doesn’t attempt to engender soft feelings or put the mind at ease. His body and persona are designed to put the body and mind on the knife’s edge of fear, and then tip it over. He leaves the sweet talking and charming to men like Johnny, who babbles red language in a tongue like larkspur. 
Ghost’s first language is oil slick. It stains and it covers and it darkens everything it touches. 
And now, Johnny’s talking about a bird.
A couple months after Las Almas, the first picture comes out. Not a folded up keepsake tucked away in the pocket of a bag or a wallet or the inside of his jacket, but right on Johnny’s lockscreen on his phone. He disapproves at first glance. Not of the girl, but at the thought of keeping something so valuable on display for anyone to see. It’s not how he functions. Everything sacred is burned, destroyed, or—if precious enough—buried so deep underground that salt miners might greet it on the way down.
“Pretty, eh?” Johnny goads, nudging Ghost with his shoulder. He’s all wide grin, eyes electric-blue like the flames of Kawah Ijen. 
She is pretty. Pretty as pie. Not a speck of grit or blood on her; if there’s any edge to her at all, it’s tempered by her smile in the photo on Johnny’s phone. A sugar sweet cunt, by the looks of it, sure it’d taste like candy if he got his mouth on it. He angles his eyes with Johnny’s lips and wonders how many times he’s eaten her out, if hers was the last cunt he ate. Likely. His boy’s the loyal kind, hard to shake off once he’s got his teeth in. Swapping spit or blood, he doesn’t leave once he’s got a taste. 
“Where’d you find her?” he asks instead of agreeing, and takes a swig from the bottle in front of him. The bar’s hardly filled out yet; the two of them come early because Ghost’s an old man—that’s what Johnny would say—and doesn’t like to be around people once the sun’s set. It’s a burnished gold now, sun hovering low in the sky when Ghost turns an eye to it. 
“Florist. Met her when I picked up flowers for mam’s birthday.”
Nearly a month then. “And I’m just hearin’ about this now?”
Not in this same pub three times a week since then. Not on the tarmac, suited up and sweating already beneath two layers of gear. Not in the shower beside Ghost’s, fingers reaching over the side for a bar of soap because Johnny can’t be arsed to get his own. Not with his head slumped to let Ghost shave the sides of his head nice and neat, thick fingers splayed over the delicate bone of his skull that Ghost knows would take nothing to break. 
It rankles him until he looks back down at the phone in his hands—the one he’d plucked from Johnny’s fingers even while he whined about Ghost always stealing his shit—and feels his heartbeat slow. It levels out like staring into the scope of a rifle, the molecules of his breath melding with the molecules of the air until even the sound of his heartbeat dulls to the insects around him. 
Johnny purses his lips. “…Wasn’t sure then. Am now.”
“Cunt’s a cunt. What’s there to be sure about?”
“No.” Johnny shakes his head vehemently. “She’s no’ like that. She’s special—I’m telling ye, Lt—” he stresses when Ghost snorts, the sound thick with scepticism, “—she’s a good egg. Smart one. Sweet as pie.”
Sweet as pie. Mutt half-shares his thoughts these days. They must have brought more home than just shellshock and keloids. 
Johnny squawks when Ghost unlocks his phone and thumbs through his photos, trying to wrench it out of Ghost’s hand to no avail. He’s easy to hold back. All he has to do is put down his beer for a second and get a handful of hair and jerk, and there it is. Peace and quiet. A wince bleeding into his peripheral vision while Johnny mumbles something under his breath about him being a mean bastard. 
He snorts again. Even from Johnny, he’s heard worse. 
There isn’t much left of him these days. A tired husk and a taste for Guinness. He bleeds and shaves and wipes it off, smells the viscera still staining his mask that he hardly ever washes, can’t bear to honestly. Waste of fucking time, as far as he’s concerned. Just going to get dirtied again, soaked in blood again within the week. Shaves his head too just to have less to deal with, less to distract him from the single-minded intensity he brings to the job. He’d dematerialize if he could, become a ghost in name and shape, if only the laws of physics allowed. 
Instead he’s saddled with a body that echoes back his age in creaking joints and low back pain. Scar tissue that aches when it gets cold. 
In the months he’s known Johnny, he’s never let himself think about the world outside their bubble. His rank demands a certain level of socialising, and while he doesn’t schmooze with the brass like other lieutenants might, Ghost hardly has the privilege of isolating himself all the time, but still he can count the people he considers close on one hand. 
Not family, but close. The thought of family is sheathed within him; he knows to leave the knife in lest he bleed. Still, Johnny’s fought his way onto the list and now he has to pay with his pound of flesh. 
There’s a switch that’s been off for years, closer to a couple decades, and it flips back on when he finds this man that trusts him without question, that follows his orders and looks up at him with these big, puppy blue eyes. It twists something in his chest. It turns him into a thing that says maybe it’s better to take than just covet. 
There are other photos of the girl in Johnny’s phone, some likely not meant for present company (Johnny flushes red when Ghost flips to a picture of his bird in a pretty little number, lace cupping her tits and ass, sitting on Johnny’s bed back home and looking back at him over her shoulder with a little grin). Still, it interests him to see this side of his boy; he’s maybe thought of it before in abstract terms. He knows that Johnny’s no stranger to a wandering eye, not with the way he’s built and his pretty boy face. He’s well acquainted with Johnny’s dick, hard not to be in such close quarters; it’s a nice, pretty thing, just like him, a good handful. Nothing like the ruddy battering ram in between Ghost’s legs. The one Johnny once got a glimpse of in the showers after a two week long stint in Kyrgyzstan and paled, mouth gaping open while he stared until he could finally laugh it off. 
Ghost remembers thinking detachedly about how lovely that little gaped open mouth would feel around his cock. 
Surprising that it took this long for him to cotton on to his own desires. 
“Bring ‘er around then. I’ll see for myself how sweet she is.”
Johnny scowls at the sudden uproar from a nearby table. “No’ a chance in hell. Dinnae trust any of these fuckers to behave around her.”
Ghost hums. He’s not wrong to be wary; under the table, Ghost runs a hand over his bulge and gives it a squeeze, lifting his thigh to readjust. She has a lovely mouth too. 
He’s been breathing fire and brimstone recently. Hungering to hear something break. It takes Johnny’s hand on his arm to hold him back, every cigarette puffed down to the filter. The pictures on Johnny’s phone make it seem easy though. 
Johnny’s been bragging about a pretty bird lately, preening at every opportunity to show her off. He doesn’t know that it takes approximately eight seconds for Ghost’s brain to file the girl in Johnny’s phone under mine, slotting her right under Johnny in that category and isn’t that just perfect because it also takes approximately eight seconds for Ghost to imagine what she might look like under Johnny. 
He hands Johnny back the phone, face down. “You get one week. Then I wanna meet your bird.”
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drgnflyteabox · 2 months
mdni - the 141 find a cozy place to stay during an op (that's definitely all that happens). implied fat!reader
(dubcon, poly, gangbang, anal, price is in charge of everyone<3)
So blizzards can happen in the blink of an eye on high, isolated mountains, right?
And the 141 have done missions in rural places, snowy places, mountainous places, right?
And there are tons of tiny little isolated towns, all over the world, built around these mountains for one reason or another - coal mining, logging, etc.
Now imagine the 141 on a mission, somewhere cold, somewhere isolated, a place that feels like the edge of the world. Desolate.
Now imagine the 141 seeing, in the near distance, a winking pale orange light. It's a good enough place as any to approach - it isn't safe to be caught in this blizzard, anyhow. Even with their gear, the safehouse is still an hour away and the snowfall seems historic...
Now imagine you're sitting in your family home, all alone, going a little crazy with cabin fever. Your woodstove is burning hot, but you're still cuddled up in knits and a thermal underneath. You're making stew for dinner with root vegetables from the basement cellar, it's bubbling and softening for you while you crochet, trying to keep your mind off the monumental shoveling task you'll have to deal with tomorrow
Until there's a knock on the door.
"Hello ma'am, I'm just wondering if me and my friends here could rest until it's safe to continue our hike?" (I love the way gaz says ma'am)
Hike? Nobody hikes up here - you've only ever seen a couple tourists in your life, thrill seeking ice climbers who came and went.
And they certainly weren't dressed in snow camo, hiding guns behind their backs.
But you were raised right, and the man at the door has kind eyes - he's handsome, too, but you'd never say it out loud. Gaz pushes the door further in when you tentatively open it, and in comes barreling three more massive men, their boots stomping and leaving a mess.
Soap smells the stew on the stove and beelines for it, lifting his helmet to inhale deeply.
Ghost sweeps the room like it might be hiding an enemy somewhere- even though it's one room total, the stove in the middle, separating the kitchen and your bed.
Price approaches you all apologetic, apologizing for "these ruffians", holding his camo helmet to his gut like it's formalwear. "Apologies, sweetheart, we weren't expecting the weather to turn on us."
You aren't quite sure how you end up sitting on prices lap, naked except for your socks, while he squeezes your stomach and grunts in your ear not to be shy when putting your weight on him. His other hand is cupped over your pussy, murming thank yous for feeding his men.
They're eating your stew, stripped out of gear, cocks tented in their white cargos.
"We're a gaggle of lucky boys, eh?" Soap says. "Nice, cozy, soft girl. Warm cabin. A man could get used to this."
You wind up pressed down on your mattress, hands held behind you by one man while another fucks you hard, spurred on by price behind them. At first, it's johnny, whining high in his throat while price guides his hips and gaz holds your arms by your head. "Need to thank her proper, boy." The obvious authority in prices voice makes your pussy clench around him, and he shakes over you, trying hard not to come too early.
Gaz reaches down from where he's holding your arms, pinching your clit until you buck against Johnny and squirt around him.
Then it's gaz, who lifts your legs and squeezes your big thighs, locking eyes with ghost. He's steady, only breaking composure when Simon praises him. "Thats a lad. Good, just like that, Kyle." He's the first to ever make you come from penetration alone, hips moving in a way that makes your abdomen tighten and tighten and tighten until you reach the longest orgasm of your life, nearly crying with how intense it feels.
Price ends up flipping you over - nudging you up on your hands and knees, the bed creaking with the combined weight of he and his lieutenant taking their places in front and behind you.
Simon slips his cock in your mouth, staring down at you through the balaclava. You can barely make out a thick scar, one that looks like it might go through his whole face. You lose focus when price pushes his fingers in your ass, though, and you squeal.
There's no where to run except further down simons cock, though, where you gag, spit running all down your chest onto the bed.
"Shh, sh," Price rubs your flank like you're a spooked animal. He squeezes the ample flesh of your asscheek appreciatively. "Jus wanna give your poor pussy a break, aye? I reckon she's tired,"
He pushes into you impatiently and it burns a little, but he soothes it with a palm over your soft, sore cunt. Rubs a thumb over your clit slowly, jostling you back and forth over simons cock.
You come once more before the night is over, tears finally running down your cheeks, mixing with your saliva, with simons come. It's a painful orgasm, wrenched from you - but that makes it all the sweeter.
They wipe you down and spoon feed you more stew, after, to recover your energy :') price has the boys tidy their boot tracks and put away leftovers while he and Simon hold you from both sides. They can barely fit with you on your bed, but tucked in like this - on top of your furs, naked as the day you were born, praised for your soft body and "What a good girl you are, babydoll."
I'm sure this idea has probably been written but I was listening to this and couldn't stop imagining it lmfao
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darkstaria · 3 months
Yandere Superfam - Happy Father's Day!
It was Father's day semi recently, so I wrote this. Note: it is very important to me that every one who reads this understands that I didn't actually write this on Father's Day. I swear!
Oh, and I updated the soul animal au Taglist again, so hopefully I got everyone!
"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" A voice sung to you, dragging you from the depths of oblivion you found solace in. The sound of opening curtains cut into you like a knife.
"Mmmghhh..." You attempted, keeping your eyes firmly closed against the rising sun blaring into your eyeballs. Couldn't he just go away? You stared blearily. Clark Kent, or rather, Superman was smiling, a beaming ray that burnt into you.
"Come on now, Sunshine. It's Father's Day! Aren't you excited to spend it with your dad?"
No, is what you wanted to say. But you bit the comment down as you often did. It never helped, not with Bruce, not with Clark. How unfair.
"You couldn't have let me sleep for a little longer?" You tried, almost whining. First they use ‘medicine’ to get you to sleep, then they force you to wake up early.
"Sorry but that won't be happening. We only have limited time with you today! We have to enjoy as much time together as we can before you go to Bruce's." He looked apologetic, but you doubted it. He never truly was.
Your life with Superman was an endless spiral of apologies, a litany of white lies hidden by a brilliant smile. A sun that shone so brightly, you almost forgot the burns.
You gave a little sigh, but acknowledged the futility of your actions. A few years of this and you let go of resisting the little things. It made things easier.
You got out of your bed, doing your best to ignore the fervent eyes that traced your every movement. You reached under your bed, pulling out his present from under your bed. It wasn't much of a hiding space, given that it was known by every person that lived in the house, but you appreciated that they let you have little things like this. Or pretended to, anyways.
“Here you go.” You thrust the present towards him, wanting to get it over with.
“That’s Bruce’s present.” He replied, with a slight smirk.
“Eh.. how?” You mumbled, looking down. “You peaked, didn't you!”
“No I didn't not. I just know the difference between your wrapping, and Alfred’s wrapping.”
You glanced down, noticing the immaculately decorated and wrapped present in your grasp. Whoops.
With a swift movement, you reached under your bed and grasped the other present, exchanging the two with a quick action. There was a visible difference in the two, Clark’s being much more shoddily wrapped.
“Forget about that.” You demanded. Trying to get him to ignore it, you pushed his actual present in his direction.
“Woah, hold on there.” He smiled. “Jon’s been waiting downstairs to give me his present too, you two have to do it together, remember.” He patted you on the back. “Come on!”
With your frustrated affirmation, the two of you went downstairs, immediately meeting the excited gazes of both Lois and Jon. Jon in particular was bouncing in his seat, clutching onto a bunch of gifts.
“Happy Father’s day!” He shouted, a beaming smile on his face. Clark chucked, patting Jon’s hair.
“Thank you Jon.” The two began a conversation about Jon’s gifts, and you swiftly became bored. Your eyes strayed away from the table, until you accidentally locked eyes with Lois. She smiled at you, a soft image of happiness. She was definitely the most subtle of the family. It even took you a few escape attempts before you realised she wasn't your ally. After that it became difficult to see her the same way.
“And what about you, sunshine?” A hand ruffled your hair, Clark interrupting your musings with a single gesture. You bit back a flinch.
“Ah yeah, this is my present… Dad.” You attempted to sound jovial. Judging by the smile on his face it had worked, but you weren't entirely sure if that was a result of your actions skills or his delusions.
“Thank you! Let’s see what you've made this year.” Clark took no time in unwrapping the gift. “Ah, another mug, and just look at this drawing, you get more creative every time.” He beamed. You felt like living in this household half the time entitled you to sunglasses.
Your gift wasn't anything fancy, just a simple mug with a terribly drawn face on it. The words ‘happy dad’ were written under the face, in sloppy handwriting.
Clark walked over to a cabinet, opening it up. In the cabinet lay another mug, this one lacking any drawing at all. Instead, it had the name Clark written on and drawn out, and the word Dad swiftly smudged on instead.
That mug was actually one of Clark’s old mugs, you had just stolen it upon learning that they had actually expected a gift from you on Father’s Day. You originally wrote Clark down, but soon realised that would be a mistake, crossing it out and writing Dad. Somehow, he loved it.
In all honesty, you couldn't complain. If you set the bar this low, you could easily up it the next year without having to put in much effort. As long as you were ‘creative’ Clark accepted anything, if it was from you. Maybe next year your mug drawing would be two drawings, instead of one. You dreaded the time when you'd eventually have to put actual effort into gifts. Surely, you'd have escaped before then.
“Come on kids!” Clark called out, drawing your attention back to him. “Let’s enjoy today as much as we can, before Sunshine has to go to Wayne Manor later.”
Jon pouted. “Do they really have to go? They went last year too. They already spent half their time at Wayne Manor as is.” He grumbled. Jon was more obvious in his possessiveness, something that occasionally ruffled the feathers of the Batfam. The tug of war between Jon and Damian was far too frequent, the memory of it making your shoulders ache a little.
“Now now Jon. Bruce is Sunshine’s father just as much as I am.”
Considering neither of them were your father, his statement was a little infuriating.
“What game are we going to play this time?” Your question was both an act of masochism and genuine interest. Feigning injuries never worked against two superhumans who could look into your very bone structure. Instead, you had come to find some enjoyment in watching Clark and Jon bumble about, trying to play fair in a competitive game wherein they viewed you as both weaker and fragile. It was actually a great method for venting your anger, as long as you weren't too overt about it.
If you accidentally hit them with a hockey stick a few times, or aimed a basketball to their face a little too much, it wasn't your fault! It's not like they could feel it anyway.
“It'll be tennis today.” Clark declared, receiving an excited Ooh in response from Jon.
Ah, tennis. A little harder to use, but very much still workable. If it was golf you'd be screwed.
Oh, wait but..
“How are we playing tennis with three people?” You questioned. Lois tended to stay out of your games, preferring to watch.
“I'll play against you and Jon. If any of Bruce’s family show up early again, then one of them can join in too.” Clark spoke cheerfully, but you knew it always bothered him a bit when they arrived too soon.
Clark and Bruce’s ‘shared custody’ of you wasn't always so amicable. At one point it was downright violent. Honestly if it weren't for the effects their efforts were having on you they'd have probably escalated into a war. They had come to an agreement since, but it always bothered them whenever it was infringed on in some form.
“Time to get going Sunshine! Jon’s already waiting for you!” An abrupt push to your back jolted you forward, giving you a small jump of shock. Ugh. You glared at Superman as he responded to your surprise with good natured laughter.
You slowly walked out into the field, Jon handing you a tennis racket, his smile gleaming like the sun.
You could only hope that Batman was a little calmer on Father’s Day.
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idolomantises · 5 months
What inspired you to create your monsters and girls and bugtopia comics? They’re really cool and I love the characters and your art style!!
With Bugtopia it was mainly just a side hobby I did for fun because I just really liked bugs but there was a lot of stigma around it. God forbid you draw some bug with tits, people will harass you endlessly for it. but when i saw the positive reception of my moth girlfriends Dahlia and Zinnia, I was like "suck it up and draw what you want dummy"
WIth Monsters and Girls... originally it was actually going to be an adult comic series (and by adult i mean ADULT. like porn. it was going to be porn) about a fallen angel seducing a succubus virgin, but scrapped it because I wasn't feeling the concept and I couldnt get a creative idea out of it. So I shifted into an Angel who falls for Succubus but has no idea how to handle her feelings. Originally it was going to be more of a slow burn hence the early comics having Sera outright insult Lili.
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But then I was like "eh fuck it. this isnt a tv show, let them date!" so it became a series of comics. but over time I started thinking about their world and their relationship to it and it just kept developing and expanding.
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riki-dazed · 6 months
Thank You, 오빠
suggestive · older reader calls riki their oppa · wc 572 · requested
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You look at your screen confused, your eyebrows furrowing at the purchase text confirmation you've just received on your phone. It's from a brand, an expensive one at that, that you don't remember ever purchasing from. You gasp softly, realization hitting you all of a sudden. Did someone get their hands on your credit card information..? Trying to not stress yourself out too much, you hurry into your bedroom to tell your boyfriend about it.
You find Riki sprawled across the large bed, his phone in hand as he mindlessly scrolls through something. He throws his phone to the side in order to give you his full attention when he notices you walking into the room. His face lights up.
"I think I got scammed," You huff, taking a seat on the foot of the bed. Riki smiles, his body shuffing over to where you're now sat. You furrow your eyebrows at his amused expression, "You're smiling!?"
"I had to use your number, sorry for scaring you," He chuckles, placing an innocent peck on your lips. Your demeanor quickly relaxes, you feel yourself suddenly being able to breathe again.
"Oh," You sigh in relief, "That was you,"
"Bought the bag for you anyways," The smug boy winks, the corners of your lips raise a little, tjough, there's a hint of worry behind your voice as you go to scold him.
"You need to stop buying me so many things,"
Riki scans your face, a smirk on his lips, "But you're smiling, no?"
You whack him playfully, the both of you erupting into quiet giggles. Goodness, he loves teasing you. Almost just as much as he loves spoiling you. He'd buy you the world if he could.
You flicker your eyes to his as the both of your giggles settle down, a hint of playfulness washing over your tone, "Thank you, oppa,"
Riki examines your eyes, his gaze dropping to your lips as his head tilts the slightest amount to the side, did he hear that right? He cocks an eyebrow as a quiet 'eh?' escapes his lips.
"I said thank you, oppa," You emphasize, another giggle falling out of your mouth as you lean into your boyfriend to place a kiss on his soft lips, in which are currently hanging open. Riki seems to look everywhere apart from your face as you pull away, the dots suddenly connect in your mind whilst you examine his expression.
"Nishimura Riki," You started, a hint of amusement playing behind your voice, "Did you just get turned on from me calling you oppa?"
The poor boy falls backwards against the mattress, hiding his face. You crawl over to him, grasping his wrists in your hands, revealing his flushed, rosy cheeks.
"Should've told me you were into that," Your voice is hushed, sultry even. His gaze burns into yours as he bites down onto his plump, bottom lip.
You continue to taunt him, "Anyways- I'll keep that noted for tonight, oppa,"
Riki groans, escaping the grasp of your hands as he covers his face in embarrassment again. His reaction sends you into a fit of laughter as you lay down beside him. Your distressed boyfriend reaches for a pillow behind his head, wanting to hide his excited crotch behind it. He's a complaining, flustered mess.
"It's too early for this."
His statement, along with the pillow, only makes you laugh harder into the side of his chest.
Copyright © 2024 riki-dazed. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Do NOT edit, copy, translate or repost any of my work without permission.
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emotionalsupport-ljh · 2 months
Breaking and Entering
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You don't want Jihoon to worry.
Fluff (a miniscule amount of angst) - woozi x fem!reader
A hell of a lot of words for a sick fic :D Described as "princess treatment" by my friends 😌
AO3 link
Word Count: 3.1k
Before you even open your eyes, you feel a scratch in your throat that burns like hell. You reach for the water on your nightstand and take large gulps trying to soothe the pain. As your eyes open, they droop heavily and take a moment to adjust to the early morning sunlight that makes its way past your curtains. A chill suddenly attacks the uncovered parts of your body. You duck back under your comforter only to have an oppressive heat come in waves that cause sweat to cling to your forehead. On top of all that, you can’t breathe out of your left nostril. You’re terribly sick.
As you lament in your miserable state, a notification brightens your phone and you have to shut your eyes. You blink them trying to get used to the light, but all it does is give you a headache. You brave through the pain to turn your brightness down and check the notification. It’s a text from your boyfriend, Jihoon.
Jiji: good morning babe~ 😘
You: Good morning!
Jiji: what are ur plans for today? work?
You: No
You pause for a moment before continuing your response. You wonder if it’s a good idea to tell him that you aren’t feeling well today. On one hand, he might want to know that kind of stuff so that he can take care of you. On the other hand, it could cause some unnecessary stress in his already stressful life. Also, with his busy schedule, he probably wouldn’t be able to do much. You decide ultimately that this illness would probably be over quickly, and you don’t want to make Jihoon worry about nothing a little cough medicine and tea would fix.
You: I'm going to take the day off to relax and be lazy lol 😏
Jiji: that sounds nice
i wish i could do the same 😮‍💨
You: Busy schedule today?
Jiji: yup 🙃 but im excited for our date later this week
You: Me too!
Jiji: i have to go to work
text me later
You: Will do! I love you 🩷
Jiji: love u too~🖤
Putting your phone down and taking the chance to move from your bed to at least retrieve some relief in the form of medicine or warm tea, you feel your muscles ache in a way that makes you never want to move again. For now, you stare at the ceiling with the resolve to get over this silly little cold. You fall asleep soon after and stay asleep for many, many hours.
When you finally awaken again, the chill in your bones still hasn't subsided, no matter how many layers of sheet and blanket cover you. You have to force your eyes to open against the deeper sunlight now pouring through the cracks in your curtains. You power through the discomfort to get them to adjust to the brightness. Again, you reach a hand out for your phone and see that it is afternoon and that you have some missed texts from your boyfriend.
Jiji: hey~
wuts up
Jiji: taking an afternoon nap huh
text me when u see this
The messages were all sent about 45 minutes ago. You feel a little bad about lying, but it only strengthens your resolve to get better and put the whole lie behind you. You text back like normal, hoping that he has the time to read and respond even for just a few minutes.
You: Sorry! I fell asleep watching anime
It doesn’t take too long for a reply to pop-up. You had been dating Jihoon for months now, but you still got butterflies every time he texted you. Even now, aching all over and dripping from your face, he makes you feel a warmth you swore would make you even healthier than you were before.
Jiji: oh rub it in my face 🙄 lol
dont get too far without me
You: I would never!! 😫
How’s it been today? You're not too stressed, right?
Jiji: eh
im coping lol
nothing im not used to
You: Don’t push yourself too hard ok? 🥺
You're doing such a great job!!!!!!
Jiji: thx lol
i gotta go. love u~ 🖤
You: I love you too 🩷
You decide to try to come up with the ultimate healing game plan for the rest of the day. You plot out your meals and activities to maximize the time you can spend getting better. Or at least you try to as you come to realize that sleeping an extra 4 and a half hours without getting out of bed means that you’ve yet to relieve yourself. This kickstarts your game plan as you rush to the bathroom.
You power through the aches in your body to finally brush your teeth and put your hair in a manageable bun for the day. You put on your sweats and some socks to keep warm and make your way to the kitchen where you heat up some soup and make a mug of herbal tea. You take medicine and take it easy all day. The change in scenery from your bedroom to the living room not only motivates your mind to change, but also it motivates your body to move. You swear you already feel better.
Unfortunately, the next two days look the same, and you do not, in fact, feel any better. Even with minimal movement throughout the days, you still manage to leave a mess of dirty dishes, clothes, and tissues strewn about the apartment. You are miserable and finally starting to come to terms with it. The delusion of your ability to heal quickly and on your own was finally starting to dissipate. You thought seeing a doctor was a waste of time, but you start to see the necessity of an appointment the more time you spend with a scratch in your throat and a headache hammering your skull.
The worst part, however, is not the pain, nor is it the constant sweating or the need to breathe through your mouth. No, the worst part is that today is Jihoon’s one day off; you are supposed to be ready to go on a date.
It's a little late in the morning when you wake up. You thrash in your bed frustrated that you are still sick and very tired. When you check your phone, there are no new messages. It isn't unusual for Jihoon to sleep in on his days off. You dread having to tell him the truth that you had been sick all week and couldn’t go out tonight. You could anticipate his response: a string of crying emojis and then a laugh where he says he’s just kidding and he’s fine as long as you get better. He wouldn’t really be okay with it, but he would say he is. He would be really disappointed; he isn’t very good at showing his true emotions, but you know he feels them so deeply. You don’t want to cause him any undue stress or heartbreak. At this point, it unfortunately is inevitable.
You grab your phone and hover over Jihoon’s contact, trying to muster the courage to send your good-morning-text and your confession followed by a long apology and promises to make it all up to him one day. You don’t expect your phone to ring, brandishing a very familiar sweet smiling selfie with the name “Jiji” underneath. You are startled then you take a deep breath, clear your throat, and answer.
“Good morning, my baby,” a sleep-rasped voice calls out from the other side.
“Good morning,” you try to answer in a normal voice, doing your best to hide your congestion.
“You sound different. What’s up?” Jihoon caught on immediately.
You whine a little over the phone, only prolonging the inevitable. There’s only silence from the other side. “I’m sick,” you say, then blurt out, “I’ve been sick for the past three days. I really, really tried to get better, honestly. I’m so sorry, Jiji. I can’t go out tonight.”
Your heart beats quickly in your chest, maybe from the nerves of finally coming clean, maybe from the extra exertion on your sick body. The five seconds it takes for Jihoon to respond feel like five hours. All he says is, “Oh. Okay.” After that, he hangs up the phone, leaving you stunned and with a horrible pit in your stomach.
You’re in shock. The kind of shock people feel after breaking a limb or recovering from a disaster. It pushes every other feeling out of your body. You do your morning routine in a fugue state. When you sit back in your bed, it all hits you at once. Tears stream down your face almost unconsciously, and you lay down with your face in your pillow. Eventually, you fall asleep again, too tired from the illness to continue to cry or feel anything.
Jihoon makes up his mind quickly. After abruptly hanging up the phone, he immediately gets up and goes through his own routine faster than ever, even taking 30 minutes off of his normal workout just to have more time for his own plan. After coming home, he does something a little out of character. He goes to the kitchen to cook something that isn’t chicken breast and white rice.
This surprises his roommates. Soonyoung tries to help him with the big pot of what was so far just stock and vegetables. He gets distracted easily, and it takes him a long time to cut up an onion. Jeonghan takes a picture of Jihoon and sends it in the group chat asking if this is normal behavior for Woozis. Seungkwan tries to taste it before the dish is ready and whines when his hand is met with a smack from a wooden spoon.
“This isn’t for any of you. Leave it alone,” Jihoon says in a stern voice.
“Wait, what? Then who is it for?” Soonyoung raises an eyebrow at him.
“Y/N, my girlfriend. She’s sick.”
The mood in the apartment changes. Now, Jeonghan is texting more furiously in the group chat about how Jihoon cares so much about his poor, sick girlfriend. Seungkwan now insists on tasting the dish the whole way through the cooking process to make sure it’s suitable for such refined tastes as his and yours. Soonyoung calls his mom and asks what the best thing is to cure illnesses. It becomes a whole big thing that has Jihoon a little bit annoyed but also grateful his friends care about you almost as much as he cares about you.
Jihoon’s morning and the better part of his afternoon off of work are then filled with surprise visits from Mingyu, Jun, and Seokmin who bring an array of dishes that could feed you for a month and Minghao who brings a special tea blend that he uses when he's feeling sick. Vernon sends a playlist of chill music for you to listen to while you recover, and Wonwoo writes a list of movies he recommends you watch to rest. Chan makes a special delivery of his grandma's famous kimchi, which has the rest of the boys groaning that they don't get any this time. Joshua sends the best essential oil wax melts so you can indulge in some aromatherapy. Finally, Seungcheol makes sure that Jihoon tells you that he can send anything in the world to your house using his card whether it be medicine or a treat from your favorite bakery or even a new designer pajama set to make sure you are at maximum comfort levels.
As he makes his way over to your apartment, Jihoon feels silly carrying a bunch of bags filled with various gifts from everyone on top of the soup he made that seems to pale in comparison. He curses Jeonghan under his breath for telling everyone his plan to bring you supplies, effectively making him the delivery boy because he is the only person who has the passcode to your apartment. He tries to call you on his way over, now adding his phone to the pile he was juggling. It rings a few times and then goes to voicemail. He tries again and meets the same outcome. He assumes that you’re resting; being sick for multiple days sounds exhausting which is why he is so willing to bring over everything he (and the others) could possibly think of to make you feel better.
Jihoon reaches your front door and knocks loud enough that you would be able to hear it from your room, but soft enough that you wouldn’t wake up if you were resting. He waits a beat before just typing the code and letting himself inside. He makes his way to the kitchen and sets down the various bags on the countertops. Only once his arms are empty does he realize the state of the apartment. He slowly takes in the dirty dishes and various random stuff left on the floor. The trashcan is full, and tea bags litter the countertops. There are tissue boxes everywhere, each one full of used tissues.
He walks slowly to your room and, opening the door, he almost couldn’t make out your sleeping shape on the bed. You’re curled up into a ball under many layers of blankets on one side, and on the other was a pile of clothing. There’s more clothing on the floor. Jihoon goes back to the kitchen and takes a deep breath. He meticulously puts all the food everyone prepared into the fridge, rolls up his sleeves, and decides to start there. He makes a list in his head of all the things he could realistically do in the few hours you would be asleep.
The next moment, Jihoon is elbow deep in soapy water scrubbing dishes and wiping countertops. He finds all the cleaning instruments and proceeds to sweep and vacuum. He fills a trash bag with tissues, tissue boxes, and food containers. He gently tiptoes around your room, gathering up the clothes from the floor, which he assumes are dirty, and putting them in the wash. The clothes on the bed, which he checks are clean, are now folded and put in a hamper for later sorting. He even has time to reheat his soup and make a pretty plating of it paired with some rice and a cup of some of Minghao’s herbal tea.
You awaken when you hear dishes clanking in the kitchen. Someone is in your home. You freeze until the noise stops and begin to get up from your bed. With your legs swung over the side of the bed, ready to stand and possibly defend yourself, the door opens slowly and in walks Jihoon with a tray of dishes.
He looks surprised, then flashes a big smile, then says, “Good, you’re awake. It’s time to eat.”
All you can do is stare at him in disbelief as he sets a tray of soup and rice and tea on your lap. He sits cross-legged in the empty space beside you and scrolls through his phone as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
“W…what’s all this?” you stutter out, utterly confused.
“Lunch,” Jihoon answers nonchalantly.
Looking at him beside you, you realize that there is indeed empty space on your bed for him to sit where there was once a pile of clothes. Tears appear behind your eyes when you look around at the spotless floor of your bedroom. You look at your boyfriend as one tear falls.
“Did you…”
“Yeah, it was a real mess in here.” He turns to look at you and uses his thumb to wipe the one tear from your cheek. “Start eating. I bet you haven’t eaten all day. How are you supposed to get better if you don’t eat?”
He was right. You take a spoonful of broth and bring it to your lips. It tastes wonderful. Alternating between tea and soup and rice, you feel fuller, and the heat from the meal eases your throat just a little more. Jihoon looks at you and sees how happy you look to be having a meal that wasn’t microwaved from a package. You are already almost done with the meal after only a few minutes.
“See, you were hungry, huh?” He teasingly shakes his head.
You lightly push your boyfriend's arm. You make a face, suddenly feeling awkward to be around him. “I thought you were mad at me.”
“What? Why? Because you lied to me for days and didn’t let me take care of you? Or because you canceled our date on the day of because you assumed I cared that we went out somewhere?” he starts sarcastically, “I actually hadn’t thought about it all day.”
“I’m serious, Jiji!” you try to whine but end in a cough. He’s laughing at you as you get a little frustrated.
“I’m seriously not mad. I wish you would’ve told me, but being mad won’t fix anything.” His smile is soft, and he’s looking at you with love in his eyes.
“I’m really sorry. I just didn’t want to worry you. I didn’t know it would last this long. Honestly, I don’t know what I have, and you probably shouldn't be sitting so close to me right now.” You weakly try to push Jihoon away, but he sits like a rock, not budging at all.
“I’m fine,” he chuckles, “The plague couldn’t even keep me away from you.” He leans to kiss your forehead.
All your muscles relax as the last few bites on your plate disappear. Jihoon takes the empty tray in one hand and uses the other to guide you to your feet with him. He wordlessly walks you both out of the room. You see that not only is the entire apartment clean, but there are small gifts left out on the coffee table.
“What is all this?” you ask your boyfriend as take a seat on the couch, waiting for him to put the empty plates and bowls from the tray in the sink.
He takes a seat next to you and rubs the back of his neck with one hand and avoids eye contact when he answers, “The guys heard you weren’t feeling great, so, of course, they had to help out, too.” He goes through and shows you the wax melts, medicine, and self-care products. He also tells you about your new stock of homemade meals from the best cooks in the group. You get really excited about the kimchi from Chan’s grandma. He sends you Vernon’s playlist and Wonwoo’s recommendations. He even shows you the text Seungcheol sent him about using his card for whatever you might need.
Everything is perfect for the rest of the evening that was supposed to be a fancy, romantic date night. It turns out that watching movies and listening to music while snuggling and talking is the best medicine for illness and the most romantic date you have ever been on.
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gangplanksorenji · 9 months
Kinknuary Day 4: Rimming
Pairing: fromis_9 Saerom x Male Reader
Word Count: 3,284
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“Is it too early? Is this maybe too fast?” 
“Maybe, no one cares about it, anyway.”
Saerom is a deceptive one, truly an audacious individual to look upon as she’s not afraid of anything that’s even a threat. Maybe that’s too much exaggeration but you get it, she’s really brave. 
Well, there’s always a story before such a captivating foreplay—all things have their own beginnings and you know not all of them are worth sharing but this was an interesting approach…
“So, you were dumped?”
“Yeah, girls are sometimes unfathomable, honestly…”
“Hey!” Saerom lightly slaps your shoulder as she feels a little offended with your remarks, and you, absolutely not directing it to her. “Not all girls are like that, she’s just probably a douchebag.”
“Eh, not really. She’s just too sensitive and wild to the point that everything just went downhill…” You gulp a shot of whiskey and end up with a groan, the bitterness and burning sensation in your throat is the reason but you love it. “You?”
“Eh, nothing much, honestly.” Saerom scoffs, then sheepishly blows some air as she feels uninterested in bringing anything up. “Maybe cutting some slack from the draining times days ago.”
“So it’s a tedious one—a job I assume?”
“Pft—hm, yeah, but apart from that, I feel a bit lonely too at home so that’s why I just wanna go here.” Saerom then sips a shot of tequila as she averted her eyes towards you, looking deeply into your soul as she smirks in satisfaction and sudden delight. 
“Don’t you have a boyfriend? Or someone to lay onto—”
“Nah, I would want to date someone if given the chance…”
You eagerly fixed your sitting position, your focus all towards her as you plant an expression of shock, wondering how a beautiful girl like Saerom could sit here with no one to lean on.
“Tch, can’t believe a beautiful girl like you doesn’t have a boyfriend or mutuals with…”
Saerom lightly giggles from your teasing as she finds it wholesome, and now is maybe the time to plant the strike that she’s been longing for the start.
“You’re cute, you know that?”
You scoff as your face immediately averted against her slowly, feeling shy and flustered with her compliments directed to you. It wasn’t really that much on your own perspective but you appreciate her compliments. It’s not like you don’t want any but you weren’t expecting them to be like this straightforward and immediate.
“And you’re very pretty, Saerom…”
Saerom covers her face with her hands as she gets shy from your retaliating compliment. It struck better than hers as you can see the blush on cheeks, getting flustered with own flowering compliments as she tries to brush it off.
“Yah, you’re getting drunk now—I’d love to be your company for today, if you want it though. I’d like to get to know you more… ”
“I mean, I meant it—you’re goddamn pretty and why not? I’m just going to be alone after this…”
Saerom inches closer towards you as she stares at you endearingly as you were captivated with it, her hands palming onto yours as she wants you to fulfill her proposal.
“Well, you’ve made yourself lucky—consider this as a date, in all terms.”
Saerom immediately latched her lips onto your cheek, parting a kiss onto the soft, porcelain skin as your ears got red, flustered with her fervorous actions of affection. You then cup her cheeks and pull her for a kiss as she eagerly reciprocates but for not too long, she pulls from your soft flesh as she wants something that will make the both of you even more comfortable with each other.
“Let’s take this somewhere we can only see, shall we?” Saerom proposes as you eagerly responded in an unhesitant agreement to it.
“Yeah, I’d love to, Saerom…”
Such events came out and happened in a flash—within a blink of an eye, you’re now sharing a beautiful, torrid kiss with this gorgeous woman that even goddesses can be in shambles. 
You can defend that truthfully, her curves and her perfectly-sculpted ass was enough as an evidence as you laid your eyes onto those, Saerom giggling as she’s seeing you in awe just by looking at her body.
“God is a fucking woman, and that’s you, Saerom—fuck, you’re hot—”
“And you can ruin the goddess, baby—do you know how I’ve been deprived of this?”
You continue kissing her neck and caressing her waist as you come up onto an estimated conclusion, “I don’t know—weeks? Months?”
Saerom moans as you avert your lips onto peppering her skin with kisses as she faintly responds, “It’s rhetorical, baby, but, you’re right—I’ve been longing for this—god, you’re a gifted kisser.”
“She made me like this—”
“Hey—” Saerom held your chin with her hand, then glaring at you because of your reminiscent remarks about your ex, and she didn’t like it. “—I know you still want her but please, let me be the only one that will cloud your mind and I don’t want you to be hurt just by thinking about her, okay?”
You frantically nod with her reassurance, and then exchanging grins as the both of you felt butterflies immediately and without wasting any second, you latch onto each other’s lips again, fighting and dominating for affection. After a hot minute of kissing, you soon pull out as you keep your hands on her waist, admiring the epitome of beauty as your eyes lit in awe.
“God, Saerom—your body is perfect…”
“Oh, baby, stop it, but—” Saerom then held your hands as she took control with it, making it caress her smooth skin and then roaming around her beautifully-sculpted body leisurely. “—what part of my body do you love?”
“Ah!” Saerom yelps as got caught off-guard with your sudden spank on her backside, herself smiling with the fact that you genuinely appreciate that part of her body. 
“It’s your ass, Saerom—it’s just perfect and thick.”
“Then what do you want to do with it, hm?”
She got you. She reads you like a book and because everything’s just too obvious to lie, you let everything out as your primal desires are slowly taking over. With both of your faces just inches closer towards each other, the atmosphere heated up way too fast as everything seems to be going as you like.
“I wanna spank it until it’s red, Saerom.”
“Yes, baby—more—” Saerom moans as you tease her with your words and your wants, and not going to lie, it’s turning you on so fucking much.
“After that, I wanna slowly tease your puckered hole with my fingers as I hear and watch you let out a series of whimpers.”
“God—fuck, yes baby—more!”
“After that, I’ll lower my head and fucking tease my tongue onto your snug hole as spank your bubble butt again and again—”
“Yes, baby—fuck, this is turning me on—fuck—more!”
You can’t really contain it anymore. The way you’re talking so dirty to her is making the feral beast inside you impossible to be shackled anymore yet the teasing makes everything exciting as ever, and with Saerom’s moans in response with your talks, it just fuels the fire of lust inside you.
“I’ll eat your ass out like I was starving for days and let you cum with my fingers—I’ll fuck my tongue against your hole and taste your scrumptious butt while you can’t help but moan in need—”
“Enough, baby—fuck…”
You immediately paused the lustful profanities spilling out of your mouth as your eyebrow furrowed, feeling the hint of fear as her commanding voice is the reason behind it.
“I want it now, baby… No more teasing~”
Her saccharine tone lures you into falling under her lustful spell, a forbidden technique that captivates the weaker ones like you. It’s her voice that enamored you as your hands coursed its way to the hem of her leather jacket, caressing it and then slowly undress it to ignite the fuel of foreplay.
“Your outfit really looks good on you, by the way.”
“Thanks… Love to experiment fashion sometimes, y’know?”
“Relatable, but it’s better when those are on the floor—”
“Relax your horny ass, pervert~” Saerom teases with a mischievous and sarcastic tone as she tops it off with a hint of a giggle. She isn’t mad at anything but rather appreciates it and it’s even turning her on and you can say it’s evident with the blush on her cheeks. Saerom then had her face inches against you again, lifting your chin as you took the time to worship her god-like figure.
“Is it too early though?”
“What do you mean?” You shake your head a little, confused on what Saerom’s trying to implicate.
“Like—is it too early? Is this maybe too fast?” 
You scoff as you caress her cheeks, assuring her that everything’s on a great pace and all are on the right track of events. You even doubt someone may barge into the restroom or come in as all you can hear are the ebullient sounds off in the distance, far from where the both of you are.
“Maybe, no one cares about it, anyway.”
One by one, you strip the clothing that’s been concealing the true beauty that she's been hiding. With yourself being unstoppable, you didn’t mind anything as your eyes are only locked in her scrumptious backside as the curves defining the perfectly-sculpted art of her body never fails to amaze you as it’s mouthwatering—
“Wait until you see the rest of me, baby~”
“Yeah, I can’t wait, Saerom.”
With the dexterity of your fingers, you deftly undress her pants, starting from unbuckling her belt and now, meeting the sight of her milky, thick thighs that can probably suffocate anyone that lays an attempt to it—and you’ll be glad to volunteer on that. With only her white thong left to undress, you take a look to admire her figure as her spankable ass is now within your grasp’s reach yet you refrain from doing it, wanting to eye on it as you build up the tension between the both of you.
“God, Saerom—this ass is incredibly perfect—you’re such a perfect one… The curves—everything, fuck…”
“Oh, baby, you’re so generous~ What are you waiting for—ahh! Ooh!”
A harsh spank reverberates around the tiny room as the jiggling of the smooth skin of her butt hypnotizes you, Saerom then moaning as a response from your harsh actions. You then tease her backside with the dexterity of your fingers, drawing a line towards her snug hole as you circle it, adding the fire onto lust she’s been feeling as she whines audibly as a voice of her rising satisfaction.
“Baby, please—let my hole be used—I’ve been dying to feel something up my ass…”
“Come on, Saerom—you just need to be patient…”
She begged you for something to be provoked but rather became defeated as the feral beast inside you becomes contained, waiting for the right opportunity as the reward is no longer too far to be in your reach, and hers. You work onto teasing her puckered hole as the juices of her wet cunt streams down it and to her thighs, making things hard for her as her arousal is unmatched, her needs wanting to be attended as soon as possible but you have the upper hand and you’ll do everything on your own accord.
With the temptation being held back running low, you can’t really contain it anymore as you bring yourself onto your knees, opting for the climax of the anticipatingly stupendous show. With her face leveled down her scrumptious butt, you slowly tease your tongue onto her snug entrance as the wetness and the cold sensation of your tongues makes Saerom yelp in shock as pleasure runs down her veins with your masterclass. You draw circles down her clit, lapping every delicious nectar you can catch running down towards her puckered hole as the taste of it makes you incredibly addicted, drawing more attention onto eating her ass out than everything else. Of course, Saerom couldn’t contain the satisfaction she’s been experiencing as her lustfully-angelic moans bless your ears, further making everything worth her while—and the fact that she isn't really that loud enough for others to probably barge in to know what’s happening is the cherry on top.
With the skillful talent of your tongue stimulating her asshole, Saerom can’t help but shower you with compliments which further ignites you to give it all.
“God, baby—I’ve never felt, fuck—s-so good with someone eating m-my—gah—ass! Keep doing that b-baby! Please don’t fucking s-stop—oh god!”
And you wouldn’t dare disappoint her even on the lowest extent possible.
You grab her hips as the leverage for more grip to skillfully eat her ass out. You devour her hole like it’s hunnid-Michelin-star meal that no one can top off as every second upon eating her luscious hole is cherished and treasured. You raise the pace of the dance of your tongue as your fingers then go to her succulent pussy again, fingering it as her moans increase in volume, forming an orchestra with broken melodies and imperfectly-perfect music to be in the works thanks to her. Wanting such diversity, you alternate between inserting your fingers, knuckle-deep, up in her ass and fucking it slowly—and god, the clenching of her tight walls in every thrust you do is insane—and the lustful acts of your tongue doing such a great work onto stimulating her onto madness.
“You like it, Saerom?”
“I’m not gonna moan this much if I didn’t like you eating me out—fuck, I’m close, make me cum please…”
Such desperation is laced in every word she says as she’s chasing her own orgasm. Fulfilling her request and wanting yourself a treat of a lifetime, you doubled your efforts on eating her ass with all your heart’s desire as she fingers herself onto her peak. With her puckered hole continuously clenching and relaxing, you know that her orgasmic end is coming soon as within your skillful advances towards her hole, it’s just going to get more euphoric than that.
“Fuck, baby—I’m going to c-cum, all over your face!”
“Then do it for me, Saerom.” She’s unable to contain it all and with your given green light, there wasn’t much of a choice to really prevent her from that desired high. “Cum for me.”
A deafening scream has been unshackled as her knees become weak, her grip onto the sink tightening as she sprays her nectar all over your face and neck. As she erupts with a high magnitude, her juices coats every inch of your face as it tasted succulent, humming in satisfaction as the vibration sends herself into overdrive, further pleasuring her. Her hole constricts around your tongue as she rides out her high, teasing it for now as you give her some time to breathe. Now with herself recovered from her earlier orgasm, she commanded you to continue eating her ass out as she isn’t falling deaf to your ears.
There was no more foreplay—there never was, to begin with—-anymore as you started with such an incredible skill that made her yelp in pleasure as your tongues danced around her snug hole like you have something to prove to her. The painful tent in your pants is now growing inevitably hard to the point that you couldn’t contain to suppress your carnal needs anymore, so with still your mouth lathering her scrumptious holes with saliva and eating it with all your heart’s desire, you quickly unbuckle your belt and undress your pants and boxers as your cock is now freed from it’s frustrating clothed prison. She noticed it as it amazes her, being in awe with still her sinful mouth letting out the lustful profanities and moans that blesses your ears. You then stop yourself from eating her out as you spit onto your cock, aiding some lubrication as you want to stroke yourself in tandem with the thrust you make onto her asshole.
“Don’t you wanna fuck my p-pussy—oh god—or my a-ass, hm, baby? Fuck, t-that feels so good…”
“We’ll save that for later, Saerom.”
As you maintain the pace of your tongue, you then start touching yourself as the sight of her constant clenching and her pussy dripping with her juices is such an arousing sight to the point that your cock is now rock-hard and twitching in every stroke you do. After a hot minute of tongue-fucking her asshole and stroking yourself onto your desired promised land, you offered yourself onto the primal abyss of lust, further igniting your wants on coating her dumptruck of an ass full of your thick, white seed as that though really turns you the fuck on. Without anymore time to spare, you double the efforts onto tongue-fucking her as you stimulate her hole with your fingers too, Saerom then letting out series of needy cries of sensitivity and pleasure as you stroke yourself in a lightning-fast pace, wanting to catch your own orgasm too.
“Fuck, Saerom—I’ll gonna cum so fucking soon. You won’t mind coating your fat ass full of cum, don’t you?”
“Fuck—I d-don’t really mind it—here—” Saerom then quickly gets her phone onto her purse, giving it you immediately as she proposes something that piqued your interest. “Take a picture of my ass full of your cum, okay?”
“Got it, baby.”
Now getting up, you point your throbbing member onto the porcelain skin of her ass, making it a canvas as you want to paint every inch white. Without anyone stopping you, you stroke yourself within a pace unimaginable, chasing your long-awaited orgasm as the familiar knot on your loins is now within a hand’s reach, aiming your length now at her ass. There’s no turning back anymore as you let out an unholy moan, thick shots of semen erupting out of your slit as her ass becomes painted white with your treasure seed, Saerom then moaning on tandem with you, aiming to extend your orgasm with her further arousing act. The warmth of your seed satisfies Saerom as she wiggles her ass for you, the remnants of your cum dripping down her thighs and some onto her puckered hole. You then grab your phone onto the sink as you hurriedly take a picture of her cum-coated ass, wanting to make a memory that you’ll savor as Saerom giggles from the thought, finding it rather fluttering that you followed what she suggested.
“So sad I didn’t get to see you cum, baby—but that won’t be unattended for too long now…” Saerom teases you with her mischievous tone as her fingers trace a sample of your cum, tasting it as you anticipate her judgment. To your surprise, she hummed soundly, satisfied with the delicious taste of your load that she'll treasure later.
“Now clean me up—you’ll be in my place tonight…” She hands you some napkins from her purse as you immediately wipe her soft skin, cleaning up the mess you’ve made as a gift from her.
“Your place?”
You know you were rewarded once she came that hard earlier, and with her further confirmation, who are you to decline?
“Yes, and maybe we’ll get to know more about each other…”
“Hah, Saerom—can’t waste this one, so, I’ll be your guest.”
This was unprecedented and unanticipated by you but leaving her needs hanging off a cliff is the last thing you’d want to see. Without any time to waste, the both of you dressed and fixed yourselves up as the day is long enough for more things to happen, and you can’t wait for what she can showcase to you more than what you could possibly imagine…
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draconicscreaming · 1 month
Lost Bet
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Was losing a bet against Iharu so bad?
Notes: Suggestive. Been a while since I've written anything so apologies! Not proofread.
Pairings: Reader x Hoshina
“I am not wearing that.”
“Yes you are. You lost the bet. Either this or go streaking-”
“OK, OK FINE,” You bark out harshly, snatching the clothing item from Iharu’s grip. He grins, flashing that sharp toothed smile in a way that makes you want to smack it off his face. You shove it into your gym bag and grumble to yourself, turning to leave.
“Next workout session, you have to wear that. If ya don’t, I’ll think of something worse. Or, ya know, that streaking,” Iharu goads. You shoot him a look that does nothing but continue pulling that smile of his into something more cocky and smug. You don’t say another word as you stalk out of the room and to your quarters.
Note to self: Never make a bet with Iharu again.
The following day you kept to your promise. As much as you wanted to break the arrangement, your pride wouldn’t let you do so. Or you just wanted that asshole to shut the fuck up. Though, your pride was going to get wounded one way or another, especially the looks that you were getting in the training room. Your cheeks burned, arms crossed over your chest with your back facing the far wall to keep your shame from becoming more apparent.
Iharu grinned at you from across the room and your frustration flared white hot in your chest again.
He had… Gifted you a new pair of workout shorts. One’s that fit nice and snug that help accentuate the curve of your ass and the width of your hips. You wondered how the hell that bastard knew your damn size. Pervert. They were black in color. Simple. Something you would’ve normally worn as a pair of training shorts. Except for one. Tiny. Little. Problem.
Plastered across your ass in bold, white letters read: Vice Captain’s.
Everyone you came across gave you a look, mixed between amused smirks or mild concern. You were lucky, so far, in not coming across the Vice Captain himself just yet. You hope that he’s busy with paperwork from the most recent Kaiju attack.
“Hey~ What’s wrong over there? You’ve been sitting in the corner this whole time,” Iharu calls, sauntering over with his arms crossed over his chest in a confident stride. “Why don’t ya come hit some dumbbells with me? Eh? Eh?” He leans forward and nudges your cheek, “If ya do that one little thing, you can go change out of those. Let you out of the punishment early.”
You glare at him, wishing the rage in your eyes could combust into flames on the spot. But the idea of running back to your room as quickly as possible after this was a very welcome idea. You slap his hand away and stalk past him without another word, Iharu trailing behind you still radiating that essence of Pure Bastard.
You grab a pair of dumbbells and take your place across from him, your rear still facing away from the door. Just in case. You can’t stand to keep looking at Iharu’s stupid expression anymore and opt to close your eyes, deciding that losing yourself in the workout would be a welcome reprieve from your embarrassment. Just this set and it’ll be all over.
Breathe. In and out. Curl. Uncurl. The repetition of the weights help ease some of your frustration and you shut everything else out to focus on the reps.
“Hey.” One. Two. Three.
“Hey, y/n” One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
“Y/n,” Iharu said again, finally slicing through your focus. Your eyes flash open and you drop the weights to your side, glaring at him.
“What!?,” you snap before you freeze suddenly. Now you know why Iharu’s gotten your attention. You see him in the corner of your eye and your head slowly turns to meet Vice Captain Hoshina’s eyes. His eyes. They’re open and boring straight into you, arms crossed and those scarlet orbs swimming with an emotion you can’t quite place. Does he look pissed? But how could he see? 
You’re facing- Oh shit. The mirror. You’re not facing a wall at all.  
Your cheeks grow red hot at this realization and you drop the weights, standing upright stiffly and giving him a salute. “Vice Captain Hoshina, I-”
“My office. Now,” he commands and turns from the training room and leaves. You couldn’t place his tone either and the feeling of dread crawls up your spine, cold and paralyzing. You stand there for what feels like a solid minute, before you reluctantly will your feet to move and follow after him.
You don’t look back at Iharu. You don’t give that bastard the satisfaction.
The door clicks behind you and you approach his desk. The Vice Captain is sitting in his chair, papers in his hand and his attention is fixed on them. His eyes are closed this time. But you know better to assume that he’s actually reading whatever he has. He’s just waiting.
You stand before his desk and give another salute, throat dry, and your heart hammeriing wildly in your chest. You're dizzy from the stress of the situation. “Vice Captain. I’m sorry. I lost a bet and Iharu-,” you find yourself explaining, hurrying out your words before he could cut you off. Would he be less pissed at you?
Vice Captain Hoshina places the papers down on his desk in a measured movement, turning in his chair to face you fully. He meets your eyes and he… Smiles. You immediately blush and stiffen, overwhelmed by the expression. He didn’t look pissed at all. He looks pleased and when he shows that scarlet gaze again, it’s heated with something that sends a bolt of electricity straight through your body.
“Vice Captain’s, huh?,” He muses, stroking his chin and his gaze drops to glance down at your shorts. His other hand lifts and he swirls his index finger in a motion telling you to turn around. You blink at him. 
“Come on. Don’t be shy,” Hoshina says lowly, “I wanna see it properly.” 
You oblige him and slowly turn around and stop when you’re facing the opposite end of the office. Was this really happening? He.... he likes these shorts on you? The realization causes your heart to flutter and another dizzying feeling to wash over you. This time for a better reason.
You didn’t hear him get up from his desk. Not the squeak of his chair and not the light tapping of his boots against the floor, but he’s suddenly standing right behind you. You gasp when his hands rest on either side of your hips, giving them a light squeeze. His breath brushes against his your ear when he speaks, this time his words a little more husky, “I can make ya mine if ya want. Wear these shorts for me again, yeah?”
He presses his body against your back, his hands guiding your ass to press more flush against him. “Y-yes, Vice Captain,” you squeak out, earning you a rumbling chuckle from the man. Your head swims with the sudden turn of events. Not that you were upset. No. This was a dream come true.
Little did you know, Iharu was about to win another bet.
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galedekarios · 3 months
references in gale's banter on selection
just thought i'd go through a few of his selection lines that stuck out to me.
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Oh, what a tangled Weave we web!
reference to: "oh what a tangled web we weave" from a poem by sir walter scott:
"Like so very many of Shakespeare’s lasting observations, it’s  a beautifully expressed aphorism that uses just a few words to describe one life experience so perfectly, and is so true, that it enters into the English language and becomes one of its most powerful idioms – one that will last forever. ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive’ means that when you lie or act dishonestly you are initiating problems and a domino structure of complications which eventually run out of control. The quote is from Scott’s epic poem, Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field.  It’s an historical romance in verse, published in 1808."
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the next one is is a play on a line from a shakespeare play:
All the world's my stage and you're just a player in it.
the play is titled 'as you like it' and the line appears in the following monologue:
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely Players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His Acts being seven ages. At first, the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slippered pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything."
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the next one appears to reference a poem:
The path less travelled.
i think this is in reference to the well-known poem by robert frost, 'the road not taken':
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
i think this ties in well with gale's wanderlust, his wish to explore different worlds and planes of existence.
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the next one is a waterdhavian saying, which i already took a closer look at in one of my metas:
'Doth thy mirror crack?' Apparently not.
Early on in his learning of magic, the long-dead and locally famous first Lord (revered in Waterdeep for his role in establishing the city as it is today) Ahghairon said, "I am no wizard. I am a dabbler but no master of magic; it seems no mastery burns within me." These are famous words in Waterdeep, still known by most Waterdhavian children and all adults, and are oft referenced, as in the dry comment "No mastery blazing forth yet," or "A dabbler but no master, eh?" (Comments applied to skill trades and crafts, not just to magic use.) Tuezaera Hallowhand was a famous "lone cat" thief of Waterdeep in the 1200s DR who disappeared suddenly and is thought to have come to a violent end. She once robbed a wizard, and wrote this on his wall with a fingertip dipped in his favorite red wine: "I take things. You take freedom with your spells. Which of us is the greater thief?" This statement, too, is well remembered, and usually echoed in Waterdhavian speech by someone using the last (questioning) sentence of Tuezara's inscription.  Laeral, Lady Mage of Waterdeep for some years (when married to Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun), once publicly rebuked an overambitious wizard of the Watchful Order of Magists & Protectors thus: "If I hurl spells but think not of consequences, I am nothing. If I take lives but count not the cost, I am nothing. If I steal in the night and see not the faces of the devastated come morning, I am nothing. If I make decrees like a ruler but undertake none of the responsibilities of the throne, I am nothing. And if I do all these things in the name of the Watchful Order, I am less than nothing. Doth thy mirror crack?" These scornful words are remembered and used almost daily in Waterdeep even a century later, though almost never as the full quotation. Rather, someone will ask scornfully, "Doth thy mirror crack?" or "Hurl but think not?" or "Take but not count cost? Be nothing, then!" [source: waterdeep: dragon heist]
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i think this one is very neat:
No gloom, all doom.
because i believe it references xan of evereska from baldur's gate 1. xan is infamous for his gloomy nature, often talking about his doom, the folly of the quest, etc. some of his lines include the following:
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"We're all doomed! Run while we're still able." "If we are doomed to fail, could we at least do it faster?!" "Eh. Onward, to futility!" "We're all doomed." "Life is so hollow."
i think it's not so unlikely because gale also references other characters from the baldur's gate series and the forgotten realms overall, like elminster:
Elminster's not around, so might as well.
as well as halaster blackcloak, a mad mage residing in the undermountain in waterdeep:
I hope Halaster takes good care of Tara while I'm away.
as well as another character from the games, edwin odeisseron:
Don't make me go all Edwin Odesseiron on you.
edwin, a red wizard of thay, was a companion in baldur's gate 1 and 2.
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No rest for the wicked, I see.
a common idiom that originated from the bible:
No rest for the wicked begins as no peace for the wicked in a 1425 rendering of the Old Testament’s Book of Isaiah 48:22: “The Lord God said, peace is not to wicked men.” The sentiment is echoed in Isaiah 57:20, which in the King James Version reads: “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.”
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another bible reference may be:
Seek and you shall find me.
You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. 
from jeremiah 29:13.
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more folklore than an idiom, but:
The witching hour.
Origins. The phrase "witching hour" began at least as early as 1775, in the poem "Night, an Ode." by Rev. Matthew West, though its origins may go further back to 1535 when the Catholic Church prohibited activities during the 3:00 am and 4:00 am timeframe due to emerging fears about witchcraft in Europe.
i couldn't find the poem in full, but i was able to find the line that references the witching hour:
Along whose banks at Midnight’s witching hour (So wayward Fancy dreams) aerial Beings pour!
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another shakespeare reference is:
What fools these mortals be.
which is a line from a midsummer's nights dream:
“Lord, what fools these mortals be!” is used in Act III, Scene 2 of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. The line is spoken by one of the best-loved characters in the play–Puck. Here is the short quote in which the line appears in:  Captain of our fairy band,  Helena is here at hand,  And the youth, mistook by me,  Pleading for a lover’s fee.  Shall we their fond pageant see? Lord, what fools these mortals be! Puck speaks this line to his king, Oberon, while the two are watching the four Athenian main characters lost in the forest. These four lovers, whose love affairs are at the center of the play, are behaving in a way that Puck finds foolish and amusing. It should be noted that Puck bears some of the responsibility for the complicated relations between Helena, Demetrius, Hermia, and Lysander. 
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this one is, i believe, a dnd reference most likely:
May the dice roll in my favour.
i did however have the immediate association with alea iacta est:
Alea iacta est ("The die is cast") is a variation of a Latin phrase attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar on 10 January 49 BCE, as he led his army across the Rubicon river in Northern Italy. With this step, he entered Italy at the head of his army in defiance of the Senate and began his long civil war against Pompey and the Optimates. The phrase, either in the original Latin or in translation, is used in many languages to indicate that events have passed a point of no return. It is now most commonly cited with the word order changed ("Alea iacta est") rather than in the original phrasing. The same event inspired another idiom with the same meaning, "crossing the Rubicon".
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Gone with the Weave.
this is a reach, but my mind always went to 'gone with the wind' (margaret mitchell's novel and the 1939 movie adaptation of said novel) when i heard it in the game.
nothing in depth here, i just wanted you all to know that, haha. (((':
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A rough tempest I will raise.
this may be another shakespeare reference and this time it's from 'the tempest':
Prospero: Now does my project gather to a head: My charms crack not; my spirits obey; and time Goes upright with his carriage. How's the day? Ariel: On the sixth hour; at which time, my lord, You said our work should cease. Prospero: I did say so, When first I raised the tempest. Say, my spirit, How fares the king and's followers?
on researching, i found a reddit post that also discusses this likely reference.
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the last one i want to end the post on is:
Your knight in magic armour.
this line is still bugged and thus i couldn't find it on the wiki, but it's an assist line for a romanced protag.
it obviously referenced the knight in shining armour:
The present-day use of this phrase is, of course, figurative and refers back to the notion of gallant knights saving fair maidens in distress. The reality behind that imagery is dubious and it no doubt owes much to the work of those Victorian novelists and painters who were captivated by the chivalrous ideal of an imagined court of Camelot. Nevertheless, knights did wear armour and that worn by royalty and the high nobility was highly polished and did in fact gleam and shine. The earliest reference that I’ve found to the phrase in print dates from the late 18th century – in The British journal The Monthly Review, 1790, in a poem called Amusement: A Poetical Essay, by Henry Pye: No more the knight, in shining armour dress’d Opposes to the pointed lance his breast
but it also features heavily in art, across various periods in time, like these from john william waterhouse:
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i did see someone on reddit also discussing the creator and destroyer line in reference to various deities throughout history, which i thought was interesting as well.
anyhow, thank you for reading! i may have overlooked something so feel free to add your own thoughts!
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softonshanks · 1 month
Real man
Word count: 2100 Characters: Shanks x female reader Plot: Everybody always had the time of their life on the Red Force at night, but Y/N tonight seems sad, even if she usually dances all night. The crew is concerned about her behavior and Shanks tries to investigate: he finds out that she is heartbroken because her boyfriend left her. He tries to console her: one day the right man, a real man, will come and love her as she deserves. But what if he's that man?
Author’s note: Honestly? I’m in love with how this turned out, but I am mortified about the length. Words just kept flowing out of my fingers and I couldn’t stop. I hope you enjoy this as much I enjoyed writing it, even if it’s a bit sad. Also, there are references to a bit of age gap (imagine late twenties – early forties), I hope no one will be concerned or offended. Let me know if you like it and as always, english is not my first language, so I apologise if something is wrong. 
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The deck of the Red Force was alive with music, laughter, and the clink of tankards filled to the brim with rum. The crew swayed and stumbled in time to the music, their voices raised in raucous cheer. It was a scene Shanks had orchestrated countless times before—a night of celebration, letting loose under the stars, sailing with nothing but freedom on the horizon. But tonight felt different. Y/N sat apart from the crowd, her back against one of the ship’s sturdy masts, knees pulled up to her chest. Her gaze drifted over the crew as they danced and shouted, lost in their revelry, but her heart wasn’t in it. She clenched her tankard in both hands, staring into the dark liquid inside it as if it might hold some answers, something to make her feel better and fill the hollow ache inside her.
But it didn’t.
“Oi, Y/N!” Yasopp called from the center of the party, swaying slightly with a grin on his face. “Where are you hiding? You’re the true queen of parties!”
Shanks was beside him, his arm slung lazily over the sniper’s shoulder, his laughter booming across the deck. “She’s probably nursing that drink,” Shanks called out, his voice teasing. “Last time she got lucky, but deep down she knows she can’t outdrink me!”
“Still can’t accept that you are not the best drinker on the ship, eh Shanks?,” Benn teased him, as he took a long drag out of his cigarette.
That had been the game—Y/N and Shanks facing off in drinking contests, him always so sure that he’d win, and her always proving him wrong. Despite her small frame, she had a resilience, a fire inside her that burned bright enough to match his. But tonight, that fire was dim. Y/N forced a weak smile and raised her tankard half-heartedly in their direction, but she didn’t get up. Yasopp caught the look in her eyes, his grin fading slightly, and nudged Shanks in the ribs.
“Something’s off,” Yasopp muttered, lowering his voice. Shanks watched her more closely now: the tension in her shoulders, the way her gaze kept drifting out to the horizon instead of to the party. He’d noticed it earlier, how she had been quieter, distant, her usual sharp retorts and bright laughter absent from the night, but he thought it was just a moment, a sudden tiredness that had momentarily slowed down her tireless spirit.
He crossed the deck, his noisy flipflops on the wood, stopping just in front of her. She looked up, eyes glassy with unshed tears, and tried to smile again, but it faltered. 
“Mind if I join you?” Shanks asked, his voice softer now.
Y/N shrugged, scooting over to make room. He sat beside her, his larger frame casting a long shadow over her. For a moment, neither of them spoke, the noise of the party feeling oddly distant despite being just a few feet away. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. “You should be out there,” he said, nodding toward the party. “Dancing. Drinking. Outdrinking Yasopp and me of course, even though I’ll never admit it.”
Y/N managed a small smile but didn’t turn to face him. “Not tonight, Captain.”
Shanks frowned. He wasn’t used to this side of her. Y/N was always the one pulling others out of their funks, the one who lit up a room with a laugh that could make even the most serious men crack a smile. He hated seeing her like this—quiet, withdrawn, a far cry from the lively woman he had grown to care about far more than he should have. Shanks tipped his head back, looking at the stars, then glanced sideways at her. “So,” he began, keeping his tone light, “you planning on moping all night, or are you gonna tell me what’s got you looking like Benn stealing your last glass of rum that time?”
She let out a short, humorless laugh and shook her head. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing if it’s making you sit out a party,” Shanks said, nudging her with his shoulder. “Come on, spit it out.”
Y/N bit her lip, her fingers tightening around the tankard. For a moment, she hesitated, unsure if she wanted to let the words spill out. But Shanks was patient, his presence warm and steady beside her, and finally, she sighed, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Jim broke up with me,” she said quietly, her voice barely audible above the wind.
Shanks raised an eyebrow. “That idiot? I should’ve thrown him overboard the first time I saw him”. He tried to keep his usual calm tone, but his voice was hardening despite his attempt to stay calm.
Despite herself, Y/N let out a small laugh. “He was… charming. At first.”
“Charm doesn’t make up for being an asshole,” Shanks said bluntly. He paused, his tone shifting into something more serious. “Would you like to tell me what happened?”
Y/N hesitated, then sighed again, looking down at her hands. “He said I wasn’t enough for him. Said I was too… childish. That I didn’t know what it meant to be in a real relationship, not serious enough for true commitment. Said I wasn’t worth the trouble.”
Shanks’ face darkened, a rare flash of anger crossing his features. “He doesn’t know a thing about you. You’re better off without him.”
“That's perfect, 'cause he dumped me,” she said, her voice cracking just slightly at the end.
Shanks knew Y/N had been seeing this guy, a merchant, if he remembered correctly – in one of the port towns of the Island they were staying. Tall, good-looking in that clean-cut, boring sort of way. He had never liked him, though he hadn’t said anything to Y/N about it. He watched her leave the ship when they had free time, saying she was going to see him. For two months straight, he always greeted her with a smile, but his feeling were a different story. She’s young, he used to tell himself. She’s just like you when you were younger, she should be having fun. You are just her old captain. Let her be.
Now, knowing what had happened, he felt a surge of anger. He wished he had told her sooner that he knew that guy was no good for her. But the inability to tell if his instinct were right as usual, or if this time jealousy had won him over, forced him to stay silent. Shanks felt a hot burst of fury in his chest. He clenched his jaw, trying to keep it from showing, but it was there—sharp and sudden. 
“That idiot doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about,” Shanks said, his voice rougher than he intended. “He’s blind if he can’t see how lucky he was to be near someone who is joufyll like you. If he can’t handle you living your life on your own terms, then he’s not worth the salt in his veins”.
Y/N’s lip trembled, and she looked away quickly, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. “I know, I just… it just feels like… like maybe there’s something wrong with me. My parents used to tell me too, you know” she said, making the alcohol in her glass dangerously move. “You’re too loud,” she tried to emulate the disappointed tone of her mother’s voice, after having chugged all she had in her glass. “You can’t take life seriously,” she repeated once again, feeling her mother’s stare on her. Y/N took the half empty bottle of rum Shanks had in his hands, pouring the dark liquor in her tankard once again.
Shanks felt a pang in his chest, seeing her like this. She was always the one laughing, teasing, strong in a way that made the world seem lighter just by being in it. Seeing her doubt herself—seeing her hurt like this—made him want to punch something, or better yet, find that merchant and make him regret ever crossing her path.
He wanted to maker her feel better again, so Shanks tried for levity, leaning back on his elbows with a sigh. “Sounds like you dodged a cannonball to me you know,” he said, his voice dipping into that easy, familiar drawl. “Can you imagine? Spending your life with a man like that? He’d probably make you wear fancy dresses and drink tea at noon. You'd be already asleep at this hour”.
Y/N let out a snort of laughter, despite herself, but it quickly turned into a quiet sob. She pressed her hands to her face, shoulders shaking, and Shanks’ heart twisted in his chest. He hated seeing her like this—so small, so vulnerable. He placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch light but firm. “Hey,” he said, his voice gentle now, the teasing gone. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have joked about it. You know me, I can’t take life seriously either,” tried to joke once more.
She shook her head, lowering her hands from her face, smiling to him through tears. “No, it’s not that, I’m fine”, she explained, watching the look of concern growing on Shank’s face. “Seriously, I’m fine. I knew it wasn’t going to last, I just…” she stayed silent for a second, trying to gather the right words. She tried to catch breath, trying not to hate herself more than she was already doing. First, the thing with that idiot, now this: crying in front of her Captain, looking so weak and so…so ugly, with her eyes red, the snot coming out of her nose, the puffy face. She started slowing down her breath, but this was just too much so she let another deep sob escape her.  
Shanks’ hand lingered on her shoulder for a moment longer, then slid down her arm until their fingers brushed. He hesitated, torn between the urge to comfort her and the gnawing uncertainty that had been eating at him for weeks—his feelings for her, the tension between them that he had tried to ignore. Shanks felt a knot tighten in his chest. Of course, that dumbass wasn’t worth it. The man was a fool for leaving her, for not seeing what Shanks had seen in her all along. But how could he say that? How could he tell her what was really on his mind?
He didn’t trust himself to speak, so instead, he took her by the arm, leading her away from the noise and the crowd, past the cabins and down the stairs toward a quiet corner of the ship where they wouldn’t be disturbed. She followed without protest, though her mind was racing. She had never seen Shanks so serious, so intent on something.
Y/N sat down the last step, Shanks let go of her arm and ran a hand through his red hair, exhaling sharply. He leaned against the wall, staring at the ground, his brow furrowed as if he was struggling with something inside of him. She was young and despite her fierce independence, there was a fragility to her that he didn’t want to break. He knew the kind of life he lived wasn’t fair to someone like Y/N—someone who chose this life, but indeed deserved stability, safety, a love that didn’t come with a price. 
He took a deep breath, his gaze searching hers. “Y/N,” he began, his voice rougher than he intended, “you deserve better than some fool who can’t see how amazing you are. You’re strong, you’re smart, and you’ve got a fire in you that no man should ever try to snuff out. You will hurt tonight, but tomorrow you will be fine, and it’s okay. But trust me, please, you don’t have to change for anyone,” the words come quick, like a cascade out of his mouth. 
Then, he placed his arm around her shoulders, keeping her close to him. His chin resting upon her head, her face buried in his chest. Y/N breathing slowed down, finding comfort and warmth in Shanks’ arm. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and vulnerable, and he felt something break inside him as she quietly whispered something that made him freeze. “I hope I will meet someone as kind as you”. She absent-mindedly let it slip, her brain incapable of being as sharp as it usually was. Between all the emotions she was feeling, all the sadness bottled up inside trying to come out, she wan’t as attentive as always. Shanks couldn’t keep this up—this careful distance he had been maintaining, this charade of just being her captain and friend. Not when she looked at him like that. But he had to. 
“Why does it hurt so much?,” she asked, loosening her grip.
“Because that’s what we do: we feel things,” he told her, feeling uncomfortable as she started slipping away.
“Tell me that it does get better,” she begged him, wiping a tear off her face, in the vain act of regaining some dignity. “Tell me that when you grow up you will feel like you know it, like you have it all figured it out”.
He feels a soft smile coming through his face. 
“No, it does’t”, he realveas passing his now-sadly-free-hand in his red hair. “It’s just a fucking mess, but trust me, it’s beautiful. It won’t be better, but it will be worth it”. 
Shanks starts to move slowly towards the door, about to go out, in desperate need of air or, even better, another drink. He needed to go away, before he’d say – or worst, he’d do – something stupid. Y/N stayed there, smiling and thinking about his answer. As soon as she notices his movements, watching him as he tries to leave, she feels a new wave of sadness hitting her.
“Come back?,” she asks with a wishper, hoping it will be loud enough for him to her her. He turns around, smiling at her softly once again. She signs him to come closer, but he reassures her. “I’ll be here in a few seconds, I am just going to grab something to drink for both of us, alright?,” he asks her, incapable of controlling the tenderness in his voice. She nods and sits on the ground, waiting for him. “Shanks,” she calls again as he takes a step back, once again. “Can you steal a cigarette from Benn for me?” asked, still her voice shaky. He let out a soft laugh, raising his thumbs at her.
Shanks stepped out of the cabin and closed the door softly behind him, taking a deep breath. The weight of the air felt lighter out here, away from Y/N’s sorrowful gaze, but the ache in his chest didn’t lessen. He ran a hand through his messy red hair, shaking off the vulnerability that had started creeping in while he comforted her. Who would have thought this was were this night was going: he thought that he could just get drunk and have with her and the crew what they usually do but no, that idiot had to break her heart and now there she is, crying and aching, while he tempts to console her, carefully trying to not let his feeling take the best of him.
"Alcohol. Need some alcohol," he muttered to himself as he came on the deck again, the clamor of voices suddenly filling the air.
“Oi, Captain!” Lucky Roux called out from where the crew had gathered. His cheerful face was now lined with concern, and the others around him were equally somber. “How’s Y/N doing? Is she alright?”
“Yeah, we saw you and her heading under the deck before,” Yasopp chimed in, leaning against the railing, arms crossed. “What’s going on with her? I told you something was off tonight”.
Shanks sighed, stopping in his tracks. He could feel the weight of his crew’s eyes on him. His men were like family, and they cared about Y/N just as much as he did. Keeping things from them wasn’t really an option. Still, this wasn’t something he wanted to dive into.
“She’s... well, it’s about that boy she’s been seeing,” Shanks said reluctantly, scratching the back of his neck. “Broke things off. Hurt her pretty bad.” The crew’s reactions were immediate. Yasopp let out a low whistle, “That bastard,” Roux cursed under his breath.
They were all pissed, Y/N wasn’t just someone on the ship, she was like their little sister, and her pain was their pain. It had been a year now since she joined their crew. Since that moment, they all felt like the fun and laughter, the alcohol and the joy, had doubled – she worked some trick on them, making them feel as if they were all back in their late twenties. 
Roux clenched his fists. “We should teach him a lesson. No one messes with our crew, especially not Y/N.” Shanks held up a hand, his tone even but firm. “No need for that. It’s over. And she needs time, not more trouble,” explained, as Y/N’s heartbreak had become the crew’s problem now, too.
As the others turned to leave, Benn Beckman approached, leaning casually against the doorway, a lit cigarette dangling from his lips. His eyes were sharp, more knowing than most.
"Shanks," Benn called softly, making sure no one else could overhear. 
“Oh you were just the one I was looking for, I need a cig,” Benn raised his eyebrow confused, as Shankes added also his matches in his request. 
“It’s for her,” he explained. Benn gave him what he needed, shaking his head with a soft smile, thinking about the first time Y/N confessed him she didn’t smoke, she was just endlessly smoking her last cigarette.
Shanks and Benn had been friends for so long that words weren’t always necessary—but when they were spoken, they were always heavy. He stopped and met Benn's gaze. "What are you going to do about it?"
Shanks knew exactly what Benn was asking. He wasn’t talking about getting Y/N this cigarette or offering her some comfort. He was asking about the truth Shanks had kept buried for so long. The truth about how he felt about her. 
Shanks' smile faltered for a moment, a rare crack in his usually carefree demeanor. He shifted his weight, feeling the familiar flutter in his chest whenever he thought about Y/N as something more than just a crewmate. He rubbed his thumb along the rim of his glass, his tone softer now. “Nothing she needs right now,” he replied, looking off into the distance as if that might provide some clarity. “She’s hurt, Benn. She doesn’t need more complications”. Benn’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn’t press further. He understood Shanks better than anyone, even when the red-haired captain didn’t fully understand himself.
Shanks sighed, feeling the weight of Benn’s words but knowing there wasn’t an easy answer. “She’s hurting now,” he continued, “The only thing I care is to make her feel alright as soon as I can”.
“And what about you?” Benn asked, his voice a low murmur, almost swallowed by the sound of the waves against the ship. “When will you be alright?”
Shanks didn’t respond immediately, his gaze lingering on the closed cabin door where Y/N waited for him. “She’ll be alright,” he repeated, turing away to head back to Y/N with a bottle of rum in hand, the truth hung heavy in the air between them, unspoken but undeniable. Benn watched him go, the cigarette still burning between his fingers, his eyes knowing and weary. He knew Shanks could lie to the crew, and maybe even to Y/N. But lying to himself? That was another battle entirely.
She’ll be alright and it will be worth it, Shanks repeated himself, softly smiling. When he returned, Y/N looked up at him with those same tear-streaked eyes. And for a brief moment, as he sat down next to her and handed her the cig, he wished that for just once, he could tell her everything. But he couldn’t. Not yet. Not when she was already broken. So instead, he smiled, taking a long swig from the bottle, and mentally vowed to stay by her side. Even if it meant keeping his feelings locked away, just a little while longer.
She lit the cigarette taking a long drag, Shanks watching her with a bit of amusement.
“Remember that I’m letting you smoke under the deck just because this is an emergency,” he tried to lighten the mood once again, while taking another sip. She nodded, puffing out the smoke, “so, when are the rest of the guys going to kick Jim’s ass?,” she casually asked. Shanks turned to her, “I heard what they were saying on the deck, they’re not exactly quiet you know,” she explained, “Remind me to say thanks to Roux for wanting to step up for me and defend my honor,” she laughed, while grabbing the bottle and pouring her some.
“You’re smiling a bit,” Shanks noted relieved. “Are you feeling a bit better?” Y/N nodded. 
“Knew that drinking would have helped you,” he joked.
“Maybe it’s the drink,” she repeated. “Or the cigarette,” she took another drag while Shanks drank a bit more. “Or the fact that whenever I am around you, I can help but laugh,” she added smiling once again, Shanks’ heart skipping a bit for what she had just said. 
“Thank you, I will never thank you enough for this,” she turned to face him, moving towards him, resting – with no warning – her head on his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry I kinda ruined the party’s mood tonight,” she continued, finding comfort once again in the cigarette. 
“Well, you can’t always be the life of the party, can you?,” Shanks joked, incapable of stopping himself to enjoy the closeness they were sharing. Before she could speak once again he signed her to be quiet, “I want that to be very clear: you haven’t ruined anything. You felt hurt, it happens. I hope you know that it’s not your fault”, she nodded.
“I truly mean it, Y/N. He was not worth your time or your energy. I think you have shed more tears for him than he deserved. I don’t want to see you cry again,” he said, caressing her puffy cheek with his thumb, “unless if it’s about Benn stealing you last drink again”, he tried to make her smile again. The feeling of her soft skin under his calloused fingers reminded him once again the truth he was trying to avoid: she was a fragile thing, he need to be careful with her.
“You will find a true man who will take care of you,” he added while he stood up to set some distance between them. 
“Can you hug me again before you go?”. Shanks froze, her words hanging in the air. He hadn’t planned on leaving just yet, but her request for another hug—it was the way she said it, the vulnerability in her voice—it almost unraveled him. Turning back to her, he hesitated only for a moment before sitting back down, opening his arm. She nestled into his chest, her small frame fitting perfectly against him. He wrapped his arm around her, holding her close, and for a moment, everything else fell away.
“I ruined your shirt,” she said noticed the stain she caused with her cries.
“Are you feeling better now?” he asked, looking her in those big eyes, still a bit red for the emotional turmoil of the night. She nodded.
“Then it’s fine,” he answered nodding his head in disbelief, as if he could care about a damn shirt. 
“Was it worth it?”, she asked suddenly, her tone quiet yet meaningful. Shanks froze for a moment, taken aback. She had repeated his own words from earlier, the ones he had spoken to try and reassure her. Shanks felt his breath hitch slightly. He gently pulled away, giving her a bit of space, though he kept her hand close, his fingers barely brushing against hers, reluctant to lose contact. The look on her soft face was sending his mind into shambles, and suddenly, the air between them felt impossibly thick, each breath heavy with everything left unsaid. His lips parted as if to say something, but the words seemed to falter on the tip of her tongue. Shanks’ heart pounded in his chest, louder than anything else, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her—how her eyes still held that same vulnerability, but there was something else now. Something more. 
“You are always worth it,” he said finally, his voice low and steady. She blinked up at him, her expression softening as she leaned in just a little closer. “I’m glad,” she whispered, her gaze flickering to his lips for the briefest of moments. It was enough for him to notice, to feel that pull again—the one that told him he was dangerously close to crossing a line. But it didn’t feel dangerous anymore. It felt right. Tell her. Don’t tell her, let her rest, you will grow over it. Tell her, it will be worth it.
“I—” Shanks swallowed hard, standing up while feeling his throat tighten. “I’ve wanted to say this for a while now, but I wasn’t sure if I should. You’re younger than me, and I know… I know I’m not what people would call a “good man”. But I—”
Before he could finish, she stood up as well, almost facing him. “Shanks,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “Don’t”. He froze, his breath catching in his throat, his heart pounding so loud he was sure she could hear it. He knew it: he shouldn’t have let his emotions get the best of him. He should have at least waited until all of this was months behind her. But then she leaned in, closing the distance between them, her lips brushing against his in a kiss that was soft, but filled with a quiet kind of desperation. He didn’t move at first, too stunned by the feel of her against him, until something inside him snapped and he kissed her back, his hand sliding into her soft hair as he pulled her closer. It wasn’t a kiss of passion—it was something gentler, more intimate, the beginning of something that had been waiting for a long time to surface. When they finally pulled apart, both of them breathless, Shanks rested his forehead against hers, his heart still racing in his chest.
“I’ll show you,” the words urged to come out of his body, he needed to get this out of his chest. “I’ll show you how you what a real man does when he’s lucky enough to be with a woman like you. Tell me you’ll let me and I will do it”. Please let me.
Y/N smiled, her eyes bright with something that looked like hope, and she kissed him again, a soft peck on the lips, while her hand rested on the side of his face. Their foreheads remained pressed together, breaths mingling as they stood in the quiet intimacy of the moment. Y/N’s fingers lightly traced the side of his face, her touch gentle and reverent, like she was afraid to break the delicate spell between them. Her smile wavered slightly, not from doubt but from the overwhelming emotion of it all—the love she had kept hidden for so long, now finally set free.
"Shanks," she whispered, her voice so soft it was almost lost in the small space between them. "I don't need you to show me anything I haven’t seen already". Shanks closed his eyes for a moment, exhaling a deep breath, feeling the weight of her words settle in his chest. When he opened them again, he looked at her with all the certainty he had in the world. His thumb brushed across her cheek.
“I know this wasn’t the best timing” he whispered back, his voice low and rough with emotion. “But I had to take it off my chest, Y/N”.
Her hand lingered against his skin, her heart thudding in her chest as she searched his face for any sign of hesitation—but there was none. There was only love, plain and simple. It was so clear now, as if it had always been there, waiting for them to recognize it. She caressed his scar, making him shiver due to her gentle touch. He wasn’t used to this. 
For a long moment, neither of them moved, the air between them thick with everything unspoken. And then, in a quiet voice that seemed to crack with vulnerability, Y/N whispered, “I don’t want you to think that I am doing this out of sadness. I’ve always thought this. You. Us – something more than the strong bond we shared before, but I felt so dumb and inappropriate, how was I supposed to—”
Shanks tilted her chin up gently, his gaze unwavering as he leaned in closer, their lips just a breath apart. “It doesn’t matter now,” he murmured. He kissed her again, once again with a slow tenderness that made her melt into him, her body soft against his. His hand slid up to the back of her neck, his fingers gripping slightly as if he was holding on for dear life, afraid that if he let go, she would disappear. But she didn’t, she held him close, her hand still on his cheek, pulling him tighter against her. When they finally broke apart again, Shanks leaned back just enough to look into her eyes, his own filled with an intensity that made Y/N’s breath hitch in her throat. “I meant what I said,” he told her, his voice low but steady. “I want to take care of you. Not because you need it—but because I’ve waited so long before finding someone to love you like you should be loved,” he softly spoke, feeling finally lighter. The weight he was carrieng from six months until now was driving him mad but now, since they kissed, he felt as if he’d been on land for too long and he just saw the ocean again.
“I know we don’t have an easy life, but I told you, I will give you all the love I have in me. But I need you to know if you’re 100% sure about this,” he explained.
“I am,” she smiled. “I know I’ll never find someone who’ll beat my drinking skills,” she joked, her wide wide smile found again, “but I need someone who can keep up, or at least tries to,” concluded with a small laugh. Shanks laughed with her, the thing that made him happy the most is that he finally recognised her Y/N, the sadness seemed to have passed, just like a storm. 
“I will beat your ass tomorrow night, you know that”, he said, hugging her once more.
“I look forward to”.
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amor-ad-nauseam · 2 months
Somethin’ Stupid (pt. 2)
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Pairing(s): Sam Winchester x reader
Summary :You two are pathetic for each other, so much so that Dean can’t help but take notice. Maybe, just maybe his “playing wingman” will work out alright…
Word count : 3.5k
Tags: Reader and Sam have a crush on each other, fluff, no use of y/n, reader uses she/her pronouns, carheartt!sam, heavy make out, kissing, fade to black, almost smut.
Notes; While this does read as a fade to black i may or may not have gotten a little carried away with myself and wrote part of the smut scene… it’s not included here but if y’all want that lmk!! I am so sorry about how late this is coming out! i’ve been very busy with back to school preparations. Notes and reposts are greatly appreciated
part 1 part 3
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“Rise n’ shine, Sammy!” Dean announced, clapping Sam on the shoulder.
Sam flinches awake and like a row of dominos, the guitar that was in his lap is sent tumbling to the floor - creating a harsh cacophony of strings and wood.
The sound causes you to jolt from your slumber. You shoot up in bed in a flurry of confusion. “I’m up! I’m up! Where’s the Rugaru!?” You shout, whipping your head around the room.
“Woah, Good Morning to you too,” Dean chuckles, punctuating the sentence with an obnoxious bite of beef jerky. Sam makes a face. “Want some?” He points the jerky at Sam.
“Hey, Dean.” Sam sighed, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He runs his hands down his face. "I’m good, thanks.”
You visibly relax as the real world comes into focus. “Morning, Boys.” You say as the adrenaline wears off. Sam was still across from you, now flashing an apologetic smile and Dean was well- Dean, but in a cowboy hat. That wasn’t too unusual for him. Dean nodded a hello.
“Eh, more for me,” Dean shrugs with another bite. “Anywho,” He bends down and retrieves the guitar from the floor, now with a newly popped high E string. He hoped the motel wouldn’t charge him extra for that. “When’d you become Springsteen?” He smirks.
Sam was in no mood.
Then, his eyes lit up.
“Hey, Dean, what’s that, uh, mark on your neck?” Sam said, a grin only capable of being mustered by the most annoying of little brothers appearing on his lips.
“What mar- “Dean slid his hand down the length of his neck, stopping about halfway in sudden realization. “Oh- “He clears his throat. Mumbling something about getting banged up pretty badly, he dismisses himself to the med kit in Sam’s bag.
“Oh, and that explains why you’re just now getting back at, uh,” Sam glances to the alarm clock. “7am? from a simple salt-n-burn?”
“Uh, yeah.” Dean scoffs defensively. “Cause you see, Sammy, I was actually doing my job.”
The early morning sun filtered in through the blinds and for the first time you realized that the wood paneling on the divider and both doors were made to look like a saloon door. Damn. They went all out with this whole cowboy theme. On the bright side, the sun gave everything a warm almost fiery glow. Despite the rather cozy atmosphere of the room, Sam and Dean were still going.
Only two things in life are certain: taxes and the Winchester’s arguments.
“The job that requires you to receive hickeys from girls in bars?” Sam laughed. He was now stood by the foot of your bed, stretching the tension from his shoulders. Man, even through a t-shirt his back muscles were attractive- carved like a Greek statue.
“Okay, when you say it like that it makes me sound like a hooker.”
“Maybe you are, Mr. hard worker.”
“Don’t objectify me.” Dean rolls his eyes, feigning offense . Dean was leaned over the dresser, looking in the mirror as he tried to cover a small purple mark on his neck with a square gauze patch.
He definitely wasn’t winning this one.
As if suddenly remembering something, his head perked up and he set his sights on you.
“How’s the leg?” He asked, looking at you in the mirror. He did genuinely care about your wellbeing, but it didn’t hurt that you were also a good out.
“Hm?” You were a little distracted; you’d almost forgotten about your leg entirely.
“Oh right. It’s fine really,” you swing your legs over the edge of the bed.
When you look down you find the bandage that was once around your thigh, half undone, twisted about and just an overall mess.
“Right, fine.” Dean chuckles.
“Woah, you okay?” Sam questions.
Before you know it, Sam’s closing the distance between the two of you and the roll of gauze is sailing through the air from Dean’s palm to Sam’s.
“Damn, I thought you were better at the whole first-aid thing, Sammy.” Dean remarks, happy to flip the situation back on his brother.
“I am,” Sam takes a seat next to you. He’s warm. And close. Too close. “But someone.” Damn he smells good too. Like a brand-new book. “Wouldn’t let me.” He said with a teasing expression.
“Hey, I didn’t do too bad.” Your cheeks flush.
“Riiight.” He gently tugs at an end of the bandage, and it unravels like a loose thread in a pair of jeans. “Not too bad at all.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” You reply, your face contorting to an attempt at annoyance.
“Hey, cheer up.” Sam smiled.
You couldn’t help but smile in return.
He gently slid his hand to the underside of your knee and placed your leg over his lap just as he did the night prior.
While you were busy tossing the wrinkled bandage into a small barrel-shaped trashcan near the sofa-chair, Sam took the opportunity to let his gaze linger. He drank in every detail of your appearance, hoping to seer it to memory.
For some reason, 3 things in particular stuck out to him: You never bothered to put your hair up last night, the way squinted as the sun reflected directly into your eyes, and the fact that you were still in his Carhartt. That last one especially made his heart beat a little harder.
Your lovely chaotic hair and the sun shining on your face inspired countless fantasies. Some as simple as kissing the tiredness from your expression, others, he felt bad for even thinking.
The minute you turn around his eyes are once again glued to your leg and you’re none the wiser.
“How’m I lookin, doc?”
Dean with his shirt tucked beneath his chin was rubbing ointment on what he wasn’t quite sure if it was another hickey on his abdomen or an actual bruise. Upon hearing your question he perks up, ready to make a dumb Looney Toons reference when Sam of all people beats him to the punch.
“Ah, just peachy, Bugs.” He replied in a nasally imitation of Daffy Duck.
“Huh.” Dean mumbles with some small shock. He watches the two of you from the mirror's reflection. He knew Sam had a thing for you, but this, this was something else.
The way the two of you giggled and just almost leaned into each other with every joke- pulling away in shy stupidity each time you got too close. The lingering eye contact, how Sam’s hand looked almost reluctant to leave you, the way one of you would stare when the other wasn’t looking. The whole thing left his stomach feeling like a pot of warm honey.
Damn. You’ve both got it bad.
An idea.
“Hey guys,” He chimed in.
“Hm?” You and Sam said in unison.
“Oh, sorry no you go- “you said.
“No, it’s okay you- “
“Well, you did fix me up it’s only fair- “just then you realized that your leg was still in his lap. You quickly pull away and smile apologetically. Sam does the same.
Dean just about face palms. You two are hopeless.
“Guys.” Dean clears his throat, capturing both of your attentions once more.
“I'm gonna go out and uh, do something.” Dean said with heavy emphasis on “do something.”
“Oh, okay..?” you said with confusion
“Oh, uh, need help with that?” Sam added, eaqually as confused.
“No! no, sorry…heh… I just mean that you both should stay here while I go make a move.”
“You… feelin’ alright, Dean?” You question.
“He’s still hungover I think.” Sam leans in and mutters.
“Y’know,” Dean turns his attention straight to Sam. “Making a move is always the right thing.”
“…So, you do want my help?”
“No, damnit,” Dean sighs in defeat. “M’goin’ on a coffee run.”
“Oh… okay…” Sam replied. “In that case, make two of ‘em decaf.”
“Aw you remembered?” You say with an expression reminiscent of a teen girl with a crush.
“Yeah, I know how it makes you jittery.” Sam replied, sounding embarrassed.
Dean watches as the two of you sit there smiling like idiots.
Extra hopeless.
- -
The latter half of the day is spent with Dean acting strangely and you and Sam struggling to figure out why.
A couple of theories arose.
“Maybe he is hungover.” You quietly conceded after Dean stretched his legs across the diner’s booth seat when Sam tried to sit down- forcing him next to you.
“Nah, he’s mean when hungover.” Sam replied.
- -
“Maybe we did something?” You suggested when Dean pulled the same diner stunt later at the library.
“Like what?” Sam replied as he studied Deans relaxed demeanor.
“Dunno. Maybe it’s 'cause we bailed last night?”
“C’mon we didn’t “bail”, you got stabbed and we all know if one of us didn’t stay with you, you’d come crawling back to finish the fight.”
“Fair enough.” You shrugged. “Well, I’m fresh out of ideas.”
“Me too. Just can’t figure out what would make him not tell us details on a case, it’s not like him.”
- -
You also happened to notice that Sam grew increasingly grumpy as the day dragged on.
Whether that was due to Dean, or his uncomfortable sleeping situation last night was lost on you.
- -
“Maybe he got roofied?” Sam mumbled when it seemed as though Dean couldn’t walk in a straight line- continually bumping into you - shoving you straight into Sam.
“Can’t be, after that whole witch thing he’s really careful with his drinks.”
- -
“Mid life crisis?” Sam proposes in a hushed voice from the huddled corner of a motel lobby.
Dean had bought two rooms instead of the usual one accompanied by “we’re livin’ offa credit card scams and prayers. Besides, we’ve all pretty much seen eachother’s junk anyway.”
“He’s 30” you replied while watching Dean flirt with the woman behind the counter.
“With this job and his liver, it’s midlife.”
- -
Finally, the night had rolled around.
“Been dazed and confused for so long it can’t be true~”
The radio humming as the Impala raced down the road.
Normally, nights like this would be relaxing. Windows rolled down, the sounds of the cold and buzzing night mixed with the same five albums Dean rotated. Empty back roads and the three of you endearingly out of tune as you sang along.
But this night was simply and plainly, dead.
The air in the car had a tension not even Page and Plant could cut through. You all silently sat in your unassigned-assigned seats: Dean driving, Sam shot gun and you in the back watching the night woosh by.
It all came to a head earlier when Dean notified you and Sam that you two were on stake-out duty. You watched as Sam’s expression visibly changed into one of suppressed nausea. Sure, stakeouts usually sucked ass but did the thought of being alone with you really drive him to the point of sickness?
You breathed a sigh, sinking further into your seat at the memory.
Sam steals a glance at you in the rear view- you looked sad. Guess you weren’t too excited at the thought of a stakeout either.
The car stops about 50 yards in the underbrush in front of a dilapidated old building in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere.
The light previously provided to you by the stars was dimmer now due to the thick miles of pine trees stretching high above- looking as though they could touch the sky themselves.
“Aaand we’re here,” Dean said, switching off the ignition
“Mind telling us where “here” is exactly?” Sam quipped.
“Like I said, it’s a nest.”
“Yeah. That’s the problem. That’s about the only thing you’ve said.”
“Okay, fine- look, We’ve had a lot of duds lately and I didn’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up if it wasn’t the real deal.” Dean shrugs.
Dean was an incredibly good liar. Or as he liked to call it, thinking on his feet.
“Wow you are s- “
“Such a great older brother, I know. I’m gonna go walk the perimeter, shouldn’t take too lo-“
“Great I’ll come with!”
You watch as Sam quickly follows after Dean- not even letting his brother get the words out before he’s on his feet and out of the car like he’ll catch the plague if he’s alone with you.
Yeah. Stakeouts really sucked.
From inside the car all you could hear were Sam and Deans muffled voices, but even still, you could tell they were arguing…
“I’m not an idiot, Dean. I know what you’re doing.”
“Well I’d hope so,” Dean chuckled, holding his newly sharpened machete upward to inspect it. “Dad’d kill us if we ever even thought about going in dull and halfcocked.”
“Y’know you’re not the most subtle guy in the world.”
Sufficiently satisfied, Dean re-sheathes the blade and hooks it onto his waistband. “Dunno wacha talkin’ ‘bout, Sammy.”
“You forced me to sit next to her.”
“Leg got bruised las night, had to keep ‘er elevated.”
“Got two rooms?” Sam quirked a brow.
“So? What if i wanted to bring someone back?”
“Dude, you practically threw her into me.”
“Again, the leg. Can’t walk straight.” He shrugs, grabbing a vial of dead-man’s blood and putting it into his pocket.
“Alright, cut the bullshit. I know what you’re trying to do and it won’t work. She’s not into me and i’m-“
“A dumbass.” Dean says sharply.
“E-excuse me?” Sam says, caught off guard.
“The girl is head-over-fuckin-heels for you. you must be a dumbass not to see it.” Dean points an accusing finger at him.
“I see the way you look at her, hell, you busted out the guitar for her! ah- don’t give me that look, it was obvious. “
“Okay, fine, you got me Dean.” Sam throws his arms up in an exasperated manner. “I have feelings for her.” He pauses. This is the first time he’s said it aloud. His eyes go to his shoes. “Doesn’t mean she feels the same way.”
“Christ.” Dean slams the trunk, shoves his hands in his pockets and walks around the side of the car. Sam gives a puzzled expression. Dean jerks his head. “Watch this,” Dean says.
With the back of his hooked middle and index finger, Dean knocks on the back window of the Impala.
“Hm?” You lift your head from the book in your lap.
It’s a quick set of movements, but obvious, unthought action: your eyes first land on the source of the sound, Dean. He waves. You smile.
Then, all in the fraction of a second you look at Sam. Your smile falters. A short, flustered breath escapes your nose.
Your eyes go back to Dean, your lips curving into a poor attempt at a casual smile.
“See?” Dean says once you turn your attention back to your book.
“See what?” Sam replies, his voice growing annoyed and incredulous- having not picked up on anything out of the ordinary.
“You really make me wanna punch you sometimes.”
“Wha-, you know what, Dean, is this case even real? Cause if it’s not let’s just go back to the motel and-“
“Okay, Okay.” Dean pushes his arms in a ‘calm down’ motion. “It’s real, Columbo. Here,” He reaches behind his back, past the sides of his coat and pulls the local newspaper from the waistband of his jeans. “Happy now?”
Sam’s eyes skim the headline: Reports of “Cult like behavior” spotted near the old McCrowe house.
Below is a photograph of the dilapidated home they were parked in front of.
“Yes, but, h-“
“How do you know it’s real? Ya don’t. But i know you couldn’t take the risk; Even if you tried.”
Sam frowns, combing a hand through his hair. Dean smiles. “Go get ‘em, tiger” Dean says, patting his brother on the shoulder.
"You're an asshole."
Dean walks away with an extra bounce in his step. Sam frowns, again.
After taking a long moment, partially to regain his bearings, partially waiting till his brother disappeared around the bend, Sam pulls open the door.
“Hey yourself.”
That wasn’t awkward at all.
Leaves crunch beneath your feet, and the book carried at your side rhythmically beats against your hip as you walk.
“So… figure out what’s up with Dean?”
“Oh, uhm,” He tosses the newspaper onto the dash as he slides into the front seat to cover his hesitation. “Nope. Not a clue.”
“Eh, I just hope he sorts himself out. If he keeps walking like that i think i’ll be bruised soon.” You chuckle at your own joke. “Guy’s got hips like Shakira, they do not lie.”
Crickets. Literal crickets fill the beat of silence after that joke.
You knew it was bad but damn.
“Ookay… tough crowd,” You mumble.
“Oh, uh, sorry,” Sam said as if he were snapping out of a trance. “yeah heh, Shakira.”
You simply resign yourself to the book in your lap, every once in a while, taking a glance at the house ahead.
Meanwhile, Sam’s gaze never leaves the house for a moment. He had an expression you couldn’t quite place and an almost glazed over look in his eyes.
“Hey, i’m gonna go catch up with Dean, you’ll be fine right?” He says suddenly.
“No,” You slam your book shut and turn straight to Sam. “Sit your ass back down. we need to talk.”
“I’m sorry?”
The words come barreling from your mouth like a falling knife, sharp and unpredictable. “You have been super weird all day- I swear it’s hereditary- Dean acting strange, that i can deal with, but you? i-i don’t know what to do with that.”
A sinking sort of realization sets in. “I- god i’m so sorry.”
“I mean, did i do something? ‘Cause if i did i’m terribly sorry-“
“No, no, you didn’t do anything i swear.”
“Then what is it? i thought things were good and then- Look, if there’s something wrong just say the word and i’m there.”
“i know that but-“
“I’ll listen if you need it, i’m your friend and i wanna help.”
“That’s the problem.”
A beat of silence.
“That you’re my friend, just, my friend. That’s what’s wrong."
You feel your mouth going dry.
The words come tumbling out of Sam’s mouth much faster than he can think. “I-I knew from the moment i met you that you were this super cool and sweet and pretty but also badass at the same time kinda person and then it sorta spiraled into a crush, -which was innocent enough- so i thought it’d go away but then it didn’t and then-“
Every word, every thought, every action, everything within Sam is cut short and fades off when your lips collide with his. Your hands cup the sides of his face. His eyes widen before slowly dropping shut.
A moment later the kiss breaks and you’re sat there, staring dumbly into those gorgeous hazel eyes. From this new vantage point (the middle of the front seat) the gaps between the pines overhead is greater, allowing for starlight to filter in. The parts of his face not obscured by the shadows of his hair were illuminated in perfect detail. The soft edges of his face look almost sharp given the looming shadows, that detail though, is contrasted by the rosy blush spreading on his cheeks.
“…I wanted to shut you up,” You blink. “But I should’ve asked, i’m sor-“
The last of your attempt to apologize is muffled as Sam’s lips crash into yours.
His hand rests on the far side of your neck, his thumb moving across your cheek. The kiss grows in intensity, his tongue licking at the seam of your lips, your breath short and hot on his face. You drop your hands from his jaw and begin to slide them down his torso, eliciting a low growl-like sound from him. You both grow in fervor, the kiss bordering the fine line between sweet and desperate.
His tongue pushes past your lips and begins exploring you with warm desire. A soft sound escapes your throat at the feeling, his body growing warm, breaths shaky, and his tongue needly licking at the inside of your mouth.
Sam pulls away but only for a moment. He takes a quick survey of your face: lips red, breathing coming out in short pants, hair messy and all of you elucidated by the stars outside. You were no longer a reverie- some fantasy far out of reach. You were right there, lovely and more attention capturing than any star. So he says the thought that’s been on repeat in his mind since the moment he met you. What he’s thought on a thousand breathless afternoons when the sun shines just right on your face: “I love you”
“I love you too.” You reply without missing a single beat. you don’t have to think about it, not even for a second. You love him.
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Taglist: @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @lillies444lola @wowzabowza69 comment to be added/ removed
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miwsolovely · 6 months
dad!ghoap au | ghoap x gn!reader
sun burnt eyes and bunnies
tw: ( mentions of ) nightmares
a/n: simon is so whipped here um… ( unedited )
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Teddy woke them up before their alarm did.
“Da, Da! Wake up, wake up!”
The body pressed into his front let out a grunt. Meanwhile the tiny body jumping on their bed was stepping on their legs.
The sun barely showed itself above the horizon and their daughter was up before them and full of energy. Johnny would say that she got the early bird genes from him. Simon would counter saying she inherited his golden retriever attitude.
With groggy eves and slow, sleep ridden movements Johnny sat upright against the headboard and pulled their daughter in his arms with a smile. "Whit's keepin' ye up at this time hm, leannan?"
Simon shifted to his side and drank in the sight of his lover and his daughter speaking in hushed whispers, trying to be discreet and quiet while occasionally looking at him and giggling. He loved his daughter with his whole heart. From her dark black hair to her bright blue eyes, he loved her.
He loved Johnny with his entire soul as well as his heart, he'd always find a way to fight his way in anyways. Johnny always liked to brag to everyone he'd meet that Simon was his rock, his fortress, but Simon didn’t feel much like a rock with how he felt like he would tumble and break if anything could happen to his family. He felt less like an imposing fortress and more like a ball of tumble weed with how he felt his walls break and burn when his daughter came crying to him with a scrapped knee.
His heart was so fragile and seemed to be on the verge of breaking. But when nights were bad and he'd wake up with sweat making his clothes cling to him, suffocating him and making him choke on his own breath, Johnny would be there. Johnny would be his rock, making sure Teddy was still asleep and making sure he was changed into clean clothes. Johnny was his fortress, making sure the monsters of his eternal night were far away from him, making sure they wouldn't be able to taint their house, their family.
He loved them so much. He loved the way Teddy tickled her way out of Johnny's grasp and crawled his way towards him, and he loved her big cerulean blue eyes that only gazed at him with wonder and love.
Her face made home on his warm chest, her small hands grabbing at his large ones, playing with his fingers. "What's wrong Dada?"
Simon smiled and rested his free palm on her head, playing with her soft curls. "Nothin’ my darlin' Teddy. Just love you." He placed a kiss on her forehead and laughed as she giggled.
"I love you more!" She exclaims. Suddenly sitting on her knees and spreading her arms as wide as she can. "Ah love you an' Da this much!"
The weight of the bed shifting more to Simon's side made him aware of Johnny leaning towards Teddy and lifting her up, gaining a squeal of joy from her tiny lips.
"Oh yeah? Let's show yer Dad how much ye love ‘im then, eh?" He smiles. "How's breakfast in bed sound Si?”
Simon smiled a toothy smile and met Johnny halfway to meet his lips in a kiss. "Sounds like heaven.”
Johnny already felt his body shivering when he stepped outside.
Though he has a long sleeved shirt on with long pants, his thighs pressed against the fabric and his biceps were so prominently outlined with this shirt that it felt like he was walking outside bare naked; the clothing doing nothing for warmth he would’ve felt the same unforgiving chill if he was naked.
Johnny scratched his hair, his mohawk in need of a trim, he’d make sure to ask Simon to cut it for him. That or he’d just grow it out.
He let out a yawn, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. Even with the barrier, he watched his breath escape him as a white cloud, vanishing into the air.
Reaching his mailbox, he smiled fondly at the pink hands of Teddy that greeted him.
‘RILEY HOUSE’ was written in a mix of yellow and green paint, three sets of hands in three different colors painted on the once white box.
‘SIMON’ , ‘JOHNNY’ , and ‘TEDDY’
Simon’s badge was written in black, blue for himself, and Teddy’s name was written in pink. Their hands forever painted on the mailbox below their names.
Johnny patted the mailbox with a fond look in his eye. He remembered Simon complaining about how the paint wouldn’t come off his hands. How Teddy ran around the house and stuck her tiny hands to the wall separating the kitchen from the living room and how Johnny smiled at her with love even though he knew the paint would never come off.
He loves his family. His Riley’s.
Johnny opened the mailbox and took the mail out, walking back to the front door with his eyes reading the mail and his hips jutting out with every step.
Bills, scam, scam, letter from his Ma he’d read once inside, bills, scam, clearance sale coming up, and a letter addressed to Simon.
Johnny’s thick brows met when he reached the last paper in the stack. A letter for Simon? He rarely gets any letters.
Pushing his worries aside, Johnny was near his door when he heard the opening and closing of another.
He looked to the house on his left and out came you. His neighbor that he never met. His neighbor that always seemed to wake up earlier than him and Simon.
Johnny stood pin straight on his porch, mail in one hand and the front doorknob in the other.
You were speed walking to your mailbox, your hair was out and the breeze was getting it in your face, your robe was flowing in the wind doing absolutely nothing to protect your soft skin from the chilly air and all the while, revealing the oversized shirt you were wearing.
If Johnny was a bad man, if he looked hard enough, he could see the little pebbles of your nipples and the form of your breast outlined by your shirt. But he wasn’t a bad man.
He was a good man, a respectable man. So he only saw the was your pants squeezed your thighs just as his own did his.
Though that didn’t seem any better, did it.
Distracted by the cup of coffee in your hands and the person you were calling on your phone, at the same time turning your phone over to your face every couple of seconds, likely checking the time and hoping it was earlier than 6:47 in the morning, you didn’t notice that you were almost in the middle of the street. You didn’t notice the car speeding.
You certainly didn’t notice Johnny dropping his mail, running towards you and scooping you up by your waist, placing you on the sidewalk in front of your house. Your hero.
The sun burnt his eyes. It was too early to be here. If he came later though, it would’ve been too late.
He heaved out a deep sigh and ran a calloused hand through his blond hair, wincing at the feeling of his fingers catching tiny knots and tugging at his scalp.
There were a dozen or so cars parked near the front of the school, parents eagerly waiting for their children to walk out of the big doors and into their arms. Parents who couldn’t stop gawking at him.
He’s not here to meet the stares of the married parents trying to lean on his car discreetly, he’s here for one thing and one thing only: his daughter.
But he can’t not stop thinking about the way the sun’s rays pierced his eyes and made him wish he was blind.
So, here he was, wishing he was deaf instead with how loud the end of school bell screamed in his ears, and wishing he had the eyes of a hawk so he could look at and wait for the beautiful elementary teacher to walk towards him with his daughter grasping her hand.
When you did come out, Simon realized why your name always fell from Johnny’s lips.
It’s might be the clothes hugging your figure. Might be the sun. It might just be you.
But the way your pants curves with your hips, forms with your thighs, your glowing skin kissed by the sun. You’re vibrant in the fabric, big eyes shining so bright it makes his knees buckle and he feels his breath catching in his throat. He can’t look away.
You’re a dove, perfect and pure, kind and naive, skin so soft he would feel like the softest of feathers were blessing his skin with kisses.
If he got close enough. If you’d grace him with the air you blew his way with a flap of your feathers. If.
You finished guiding the children to their parents, bidding them farewell with a wave accompanied by a delicate smile that made your eyes scrunch and cute footprints that reminded Simon of crows appear on the corners of your eyes.
Simon stood up straighter when you approached him with his daughter skipping and giggling without a care in the world. He felt his lips tug on his cheeks.
Teddy was looking side to side trying to find the tall man that was her father, when she met his eyes, Simon felt his smile match hers. Fun of life and love.
Teddy let go of your hand and almost broke into a full sprint, almost because your palm on her little stomach stopped her from doing so. You bent down a bit to match her height and reminded her about looking both ways before crossing the street.
Teddy smiled up at you and grabbed your hand once more, sticking her head to see the road better and seeing her head both right and left making her pigtails sway with the movement.
You patted her head with your free hand and now that you were a few feet away from him, Simon could hear your sweet voice.
“Good job Teddy! Always remember now, okay?” You smiled at his daughter with such, care, it made his heart squeeze.
“Mhm!” Teddy answered. She looked at Simon and a gasp escaped her lips as she let go of your hand and ran into his arms.
Simon smiled and squatted down to match her height, picking her up by her armpits and twirling her around in the air.
“There’s my girl,” He said, propping her on his hip and kissing the crown of her head.
You were just about to leave, midway into turning around and going back into there school into your classroom. But Simon wanted to actually see you up close. He wanted to drink you in and get drunk on your sweet nectar.
Teddy giggled, he’d never get enough of that, and she pointed at her teacher, at you. “Look, look its my teacher Daddy, aren’t they pretty?”
You turned around and paused, looking at Teddy in surprise. As if you haven’t heard a compliment like that before. As if you hadn’t heard a compliment done right, a compliment said by the right mouth.
Simon has the right mouth. He can shower you in compliments right and pure if he tried his hardest. If you gave him and Johnny a chance to.
“You’re right, love,” He says, looking at you with flowers blossoming through his eyes. You with the bright and lovely skin, you with those perfect lips he wished to kiss. “She’s beautiful.”
The way your eyes widened, Simon could tell your cheeks were warm, your ears burning.
“I—” You paused. Seemingly deciding your next words carefully with a hesitance that resembled one of a bunny. Meek and lovely.
Simon could see in your eyes that you were debating on how to answer, how to speak after what he and his daughter just said. You looked so confused and cute Simon couldn’t help the slow smile spreading across his face.
“Thank you, Mr. Riley,” You said softly. A shy thing you were. “That’s very kind of you.”
Simon thought your voice was heaven.
He would’ve kept taking to you, kept you tucked in his chest right next to Johnny in his heart. But he forgot he’s not alone.
He’s in the burning parking lot with parents pretending to look anywhere but him and the lovely teacher, trying not to eavesdrop and likely spread gossip that would stem from the lines of “why not come to my place-” or “i missed you, let’s do this again-”
However, Simon wouldn’t think those words would be such a bad idea to spread. You were a lovely person who deserved men to cherish and flaunt you. Simon and Johnny could do that job.
Johnny already does with how much he boasts about how amazing his daughter’s teacher is.
Teddy’s stomach started to rumble. Hungry clawing and cramping her poor stomach.
“Hungry, love?” Simon asks her, tilting his head down to look at her tucked into his neck. Teddy blinks up at him with tired laced eyes and nods softly.
“Let’s get you home to eat then, hm?” He assures, giving her a small smile and patting her head back into his neck for rest.
“It was nice meeting you, Mr. Riley.” You say, and the breeze answers you with a cold wind that erupts your arms in goosebumps, making you shiver. Making Simon wish he brought a jacket to drape over your shoulders.
“Nice meetin’ you too, dove.” He nods his head at you and leaves you with a warm smile.
His heart pounds.
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- please do not plagiarize, copy, or repost my works to other platforms !
- likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated <3 !!
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moody-alcoholic · 3 months
Dinner date
Still don't have a name for this yet, I'm sure one will come to me. It's kind of cheeky since I had the first two chapter's pretty much ready to go, but the next chapter might take a while.
Summary: Ghoap x Reader, throuple. Slow burn (sorry but not sorry). 3.4k words. Reader is female (she/her), army nurse, non descript physical features, names used: Ashe. CW: Alcohol, little bit of touching, like I said it's a slow burn, very fluffy, got to get the fluff in before the smut ;)
Previous parts - masterlist - next part
You’re early again standing outside the coffee shop doors. Johnny didn’t give you much warning, asking if you were free that afternoon. You should have said no, rescheduled for another day. You didn’t want to come across as desperate, you didn’t want them to think you had nothing better to do then wait around for Johnny’s text. In truth that’s all you had been doing. You spent the last two days trying to distract yourself, thoroughly cleaning the flat and yourself. The vague talk of sex had you scrubbing and waxing your body within an inch of its life. 
You take a breath and walk into the café, the place was warm and you find yourself taking your coat off as you walk up to the counter, ordering a tea. You pick a spot where you can see the door this time. Flicking through social media on your phone trying to calm yourself, checking the door every time it opens. It didn’t take long before you clock Johnny and Simon walking in. Johnny is standing up on his tiptoes making him almost as tall as Simon. Your heart skips a beat as Johnny spots you walking over to you dragging Simon behind him. He’s not wearing his usual skull balaclava, instead a the bottom half of his face was covered with black mask and he had his hood pulled up. He sat down while Johnny took his jacket off placing it over the back of the chair 
“Need another?” He asked pointing at your cup.
“No, I’m good,” you say gripping the mug. Johnny smiles walking behind Simon pulling his hood down as he makes his way to the counter. You smile eyes fixated on Simon's curly golden locks. His eyes are a deep chocolate brown, he meets your gaze and you blush looking away. You take another sip of your tea, your leg bouncing under the table as you wait in silence for Johnny to come back. He places a cup in front of Simon and sits down with his own. 
“How’ve ya been lass?” Johnny asks his infectious smile beaming on his face.
“Good, busy.” You say. “What about you two?” 
“Ah nothing much, enjoying some time off.” Johnny says his hand resting on Simon's thigh. You look at Simon he seems tense his eyes studying your face, he seems like the polar opposite of Johnny. You simile at him anyway taking another sip of your tea. 
“Plan on going anywhere with your leave?” Johnny asks.
“Maybe see a few friends, rest mostly.” You reply sighing.
“You got family?” Johnny asks raising an eyebrow. A lump forms in your throat.
“Yeah but we don’t speak much.” You reply swallowing the lump away.
“Are you a virgin?” Simon ask’s the question catching you so off guard you gasp your mouth hanging open. 
“I think what Simon is trying to ask is have you ever had a boyfriend?” Johnny says squeezing Simon's thigh. You let out a smile at Johnny his presence calming you. 
“Eh, yeah a few, never anything serious though.” You explain without going into too much detail. 
“We must seem quite unusual, but I promise we don’t make a habit of taking pretty girls out for coffee.” Johnny winks. Your cheeks blush. 
“It’s fine-I mean I don’t care-if you take pretty girls out for coffee..” You blurt out trying to act like you’re totally not freaking out with these two sat in front of you. Johnny chuckles taking a sip of his coffee. Simon hasn’t touched his, he’s leaned back in his chair arms folded. 
“How do you do it? The threesomes?” You ask, skipping straight to the point. You’ve had the last two days to imagine the scenarios Johnny and Simon must get themselves into. “If you don’t make a habit of taking girls out for coffee first?” Johnny laughs.
“We’ve only tried it twice, you’d be surprised how many dating apps there are for this stuff.” Johnny looks at Simon who looks back at him, his eyes soften as Johnny strokes his thigh, it seems to calm him down.
“Just hookups, it’s like scratching round an itch, it doesn't feel quite right.” Johnny looks at you. You tried to pick up on what that meant, you’d always been pretty vanilla in the bedroom, not inexperienced but this was new territory. 
“Why ask me?” You say nervously tapping the mug in your hand. Johnny smiles.
“Well for one you’re drop dead gorgeous love, been playing on our minds ever since the day we saw you.” You look down at the table feeling embarrassed tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Normally, when we talk about it it’s cos we have that itch that needs to be scratched. With you it’s like, there’s a full body rash and we desperately need you to itch it.” You see Simon roll his eyes at Johnny metaphor, but you get the point. I guess it’s now or never bite the bullet or turn them away. You look at them both again your eyes flicking between them, taking in a deep breath. 
“So you’re not looking for a hookup?” You ask, your eyes flicking to Simon who hasn’t said a word since his last question, but his eyes have never left you. 
“No, something different…” Johnny trails off, you bring your tea up to take a sip looking back at him.
“A relationship.” Simon blurts out. You swallow your tea hard looking over at Simon. 
“But you two are married,” you say frowning, putting the cup down.    
“Happily, but we both feel like there’s something missing.” Johnny says looking at Simon who looks back at him. You’d heard about this kind of dynamic before, people in 3 way relationships, seen documentaries and YouTube videos that kind of thing. It always seemed to be 2 women and one man though. 
“Isn't it illegal?” You ask quietly. Johnny chuckles.
“Only if you marry multiple people.” 
“Oh,” you don’t know why that disappointed you, they’re all ready married. You sigh looking at them not quite sure what to say next. 
“How about we cook you dinner some time? You can come to our flat, we can chill out no pressure, just getting to know each other. See how the night goes.” Johnny suggests. You find yourself smiling again.
“Sure,” you say nodding. A dinner date, one that might end in sex has your tummy doing flips excitedly, the previous nerves being washed away. 
“How about on Friday? I’ll text you the address?” Johnny asks. You nod sipping the last of your tea and checking your watch.
“Sounds good.” You smile going to get up.
“Haven’t scared you away ‘ave we lass?” Johnny asks.
“No, I just-I want to get home before rush hour and I’m crammed on the tube like a sardine.” You say as you walk round the table. Johnny laughs getting up giving you a hug. You say goodbye to them and make your way home. 
Later that evening after a microwave meal and a few glasses of wine you get a text. 
Thanks for today xx
You smile at the kisses. 
No problem, can’t wait for Friday xx
Your belly is doing flips again, your mind wondering to the meeting today. Johnny and Simon had been on your mind for days now. But you're pretty sure the meeting today was more for Simon than anything else. You remember his eyes never leaving you like he was trying to soak up every inch.
Wear something sexy ;) xx
Holy shit that sent tingles through your body. The wine mulling you out, the thought of a skimpy dress being ripped off your body by Simon and Johnny forced its way into your head making your body shiver. 
Of course ;) xx
There let his imagination go wild.
Johnny and Simon's flat was in a very affluent part of London a place you had only ever been too once. You double checked the address before pressing the correct buzzer. There are a few seconds before a voice comes through.
“Who is it?” 
“It’s Ashe,” You say. 
“Ah come on up!” Johnny’s energetic voice comes through the speaker. The door buzzes and you make your way to the lift taking it up to the 6th floor. You grip the neck of he bottle of wine you bought, pulling down the bottom of your dress again. It had been at least half a year since you had dressed yourself up like this. Your heels felt especially uncomfortable, but you did promise sexy, you hoped it was enough. You make it to the door ringing the bell. It’s Simon who opens it, it’s the first time you have ever seen him without a mask. His hair freshly groomed, he’s stunning just like johnny, you fight to keep your jaw from dropping. 
“Wine,” you say thrusting it into his hands. He smiles taking it and stepping aside. Holy shit it’s the kind of smile that makes you weak at the knees, it’s maybe even more palpable then Johnny’s. Their flat is nice, big windows, open plan, great view of the city. You start to take your coat off when you feel Simon’s hands on your shoulder’s helping you slip it off. 
“Thanks,” you say turning to him as he hangs it on a hook. He makes his way back over to you lightly pressing his hand on the small of your back leading you down the hall. The touch sends electricity up your spine but you’re quickly distracted by the amazing smells coming out the kitchen. You look to see Johnny pushing something round in a pan, he looks at you, his mouth dips open as he leans back putting one hand on his hip taking you in. 
“Well ain’t you a sight to behold.” A wave of embarrassment falls over you and you look at your feet for a second heat rushing to your cheeks. 
“Wine?” Simon asks his hand leaving your back as he heads to a cupboard to take out glasses. 
“Yes, please,” you say a little too quickly, seeing Johnny chuckle turning his attention back to the food. Simon pours the glasses handing one to you and placing one next to Johnny. He leans up against the sink behind Johnny who turns to see him sipping his wine. He reaches down and picks up his glass. 
“Cheers!” He says holding it up then taking a sip. You follow taking a big gulp. 
“What are you cooking?” You ask moving over to stand next to Johnny looking at the various pots and pans working on the hob. 
“Chicken alfredo,” He says proudly putting the lid on the pan with the chicken in.
“It smells amazing,” you say, it’s true the smell has your mouth watering. 
“It’ll be done soon just need to wait on the pasta.” You nod turning your head to look at Simon still leaning against the sink. His eyes meet yours, and a small smile appears on his lips, you take another sip of your wine feeling your body relax as you smile back at Simon feeling your heart flutter. He seems different more relaxed when he’s in his own home, not like the big scary skull guy you’re used to seeing round the base. His eyes are soft but always alert, flicking between you and Johnny. 
“Need a hand with anything?” You ask, feeling like you need to do something other then standing around gawking at them. 
“Don’t be silly lass you’re a guest,” Johnny says as he scoops out a piece of pasta tasting it.
“Why don’t you go sit down with Simon, the food is pretty much done anyway.” You nod letting Simon lead you to the dining table. You take a seat as Simon sits opposite you. 
“How long you been in the Army?” He asks. 
“4 years,” You say. “What about you?” He lets out a chuckle.
“I stopped keeping count.” He says as Johnny comes over with the first plate placing it in front of you.
“Thank you, it looks great.” You say watching as he places a plate in front of Simon.     
“If there’s one thing Johnny is good at it’s cooking.” Simon says as Johnny walks back into the kitchen smiling. 
“That’s why I married him.” Simon says quieter leaning over to you. You can’t help but chuckle. Johnny comes back sitting with his plate and a bottle of wine. 
“Well dig in,” he says picking up his fork. You smile following his lead twisting the pasta round your fork and almost throwing it in your mouth.
“Holy shit,” you say. “This is amazing.” Johnny laughs looking at Simon. They spend most of the meal chatting, they tell you more about their work. Talking about some people called Gaz and Price. Their banter puts you at ease as you listen to them, the whole thing starting to feel more and more natural. They ask you questions too, about your life, why you joined the army. It’s only when they ask about your family you shy away from giving too much info. By the end of the meal you’re full with a nice buzz going from the wine. Johnny insists on moving to the sofa where it’s more comfortable. You nod first excusing yourself to the bathroom. When you come back out Simon and Johnny are already sprawled out on the couch flicking through the TV channels. You can see a bottle of whisky on the coffee table as you make your way over. As soon as Simon sees you he moves apart from Johnny.  
“It’s okay,” You say waving him back to his spot. “I’ll sit on the end.” 
“Don’t be silly love, come sit.” Johnny says patting the spot between him and Simon. You feel bad for breaking them apart like this but then you remember the reason you’re here in the first place. Simon wouldn’t have moved so eagerly if he didn’t want you to sit between them. You smile walking over and sitting down leaning back on the plush sofa. Johnny extends his arm round the back encouraging you to lean against him, which you do. He smells good, whatever cologne hes using fills your nose, its earthy it suits him. 
“The food was good.” You say breathing out relaxing into his shoulder. 
“Yeah, that’s good.” He says his voice humming in your ear making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You watch as Simon keeps flicking through the TV till he lands on some random police chaser show, and he throws the remote on the coffee table. You watch as he leans back on the sofa. 
“You can put your legs up if you want I don’t mind.” He says looking over at you, it was uncomfortable leaning on Johnny with your feet still on the floor. You reluctantly pull yourself from Johnny’s shoulder bending over and unclasping the strap on your heals pulling them off. You move so they have a bit more room leaning back up against Johnny with your legs on Simon’s knees.
“‘E’s never gonna make it,” Johnny says pointing at the TV as you see a birds eye view of the police chase. 
“I don’t know, he’s got some good distance now.” Simon says. 
“I bet he loses them.” You say, looking at Simon who moves his hand down to rub your leg, you smile at him in approval enjoying the feel of his hands on your body. 
“See you want to avoid the tight residential streets.” Johnny says as a matter of fact.
“Talking from experience there Johnny?” Simon says chuckling. 
“Not experience just common sense.” You chuckle looking up at him, his deep blue eyes looking back at you. 
“You okay?” He asks smiling down at you. You nod as you do his arm rests on your back pulling you closer to him. You let out a breath your arm stretching its way over Johnny’s stomach. 
“Have you done this before? With other women?” You ask. Shit, why did that come out now, it’s a total mood killer. And you were enjoying yourself, your body tenses as you grip Johnny’s shirt. Johnny chuckles of course he does his hand squeezes your arm.
“No lass, we weren’t exactly on the look out for women.” Johnny’s smile put your mind at ease. 
“We knew you were special.” He murmurs, squeezing your arm again. You look over at Simon still stroking your leg. He smiles, reaching over and squeezing Johnny’s hand. You look back over at the TV, they’ve caught the guy. 
When the show ends Johnny gets up to clear the table, flat out refusing your offers to help insisting you stay on the couch with Simon. You sit up yawning looking down at your watch. Shit, it’s almost 10pm. If you stay any longer you’re going to end up having to walk home instead, you nervously tap your foot at the thought of walking across London at night. 
“You alright?” Simon asks placing his hand on your thigh you stop tapping your foot.  
“Yeah, just I didn’t realise how late is was.” You say smiling. 
“Do you need to get home?” He asks. You look at him, you don’t want to leave this is nice, but it would be rude to stay the night. You find yourself biting your lip trying to think of what the best solution would be. 
“You can stay the night, we have a spare room it’s no bother.” Simon says. 
“You’ve already been so accommodating I couldn’t-”
“It’s not a problem.” He cuts you off, his voice laced with authority, you almost want to bark back yes sir. Instead you nod smiling at him. He moves his hand from your thigh reaching over for the bottle of whisky.
“Want one?” He asks. 
“Sure,” you smile at him as he leans forward pouring the shots. You pick it up trying to remember the last time you had had a whisky neat. 
“To new things.” He says, you clink your glass with his and drink. It burns your throat as it goes down and you can’t help coughing, it’s stronger then you remember, or maybe it’s the fact it’s not mixed with coke. Simon chuckles taking the glass out your and hand placing it on the table. Johnny comes back into the living room with a bottle of wine and a hand full of glasses.
“Breaking out the scotch already?” He says. 
“Tastes like wood,” You cough again the taste coming back. 
“Probably why Si likes it so much,” Johnny winks sitting down next to you and pouring you a glass of wine you gladly accept to get rid of the taste of whisky. 
“She’s gonna be staying the night Johnny.” Simon says as a matter of fact. You look over at Johnny to see his response. 
“No complaints from me.” He beams sipping on his wine. You place your glass back on the table leaning back on the couch. You feel Simon’s arm pull you onto his chest this time, you put your legs on Johnny’s thighs without thinking about it. Feeling his warm hands stroke your leg. Simon plants his chin on the top of your head as you stretch your arm over his stomach. He’s bigger then Johnny, his shoulders broader you relax into him just like you did with Johnny. Okay maybe you could get used to this, Simon’s hand rests on your side rubbing your arm. 
“Can I hold your hand?” He asks after a few seconds. You don’t say anything but move to loop your fingers with his. It feels natural his hand being in yours. You look over at Johnny, he smiles at you squeezing your leg. Then your stomach drops in realisation you squeeze Simon's hand sitting up. 
“I don’t have any pyjamas, or a tooth brush.” You look between, Simon and Johnny, suddenly aware of how uncomfortable your dress was feeling. 
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, you can borrow one of my tops.” Johnny says laughing. 
“Or mine, and we have a spare toothbrush I’m sure.” Simon says pulling you back onto his chest. You look back at the TV as Simon and Johnny get back to guessing how this police chase is going to end. You find yourself rubbing Simon’s thumb as you relax even more. Okay you could defiantly get used to this. 
Next part
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