#Prime Ministers
racefortheironthrone · 5 months
Someone on Twitter asked who was the British politician who has harmed the British people the most. Of course all the answers were modern politicians - the earliest suggestion was James Callaghan. Looking further back in history, who were the really bad British politicians?
In order to not answer this with a long list of "History's greatest colonialist monsters," I'm going to focus on just the ones who had a negative effect on "the British people," and in order to not answer that with a long list of "the history of English oppression of the Irish," I'm going to focus on just harm done to "the people who lived in what is currently the U.K." I am well aware that this is highly restrictive, but I don't have the time to write a complete history of Britain.
So who's on my shortlist?
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Pitt the Younger. Fought the Napoleonic Wars on the backs of the poor while violently suppressing any dissent with a police state. He passed the Treason Act of 1795 to criminalize dissent, the Seditious Meetings Act of the same year to criminalize public assemblies, spied on pretty much anyone who wasn't an arch-Tory, suspended the writ of habeus corpus, and passed the Combination Act of 1799 to criminalize trade unions. In a just world, would have died on a guilottine in Trafalgar Square.
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Lord Liverpool. In the wake of the Peterloo Massacre which he was absolutely responsible for, passed the Six Acts to allow the government to search people's houses for arms without a warrant, arrest and transport people for owning weapons or attending a meeting that was deemed to involve unlawful military drilling, reduced due process, shut down all public meetings that involved politics or religion, arrest and transport anyone who wrote anything that criticized the government or Christianity, and heavily tax and impose bonds on newspaper publishers. In a just world, the Cato Street Conspirators would have exercised better tradecraft and assassinated him and his entire government.
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Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington. Followed up his victory in the Napoleonic Wars by fighting a war against the British people. Arch Tory bastard, adamantly opposed any political Reform that would enfranchise ordinary people, and opposed Jewish emancipation while supporting Catholic emancipation. To be honest, I wish the mob had torched Apsley House with him inside when they had the chance.
As for the runners-up?
Bonar Law, Stanley Baldwin, and Ramsay fucking MacDonald for dropping the Geddes Axe and then subjecting British workers to twenty years of crippling austerity and repression.
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pitt-able · 2 months
William Pitt’s "Records"
Pitt was the youngest Prime Minister to ever assume office (and he likely will be able to keep this distinction.) He was 24 years and 205 days old when he assumed office. The next oldest Prime Minister was Augustus FitzRoy, 3rd Duke of Grafton who was 33 years and 16 days old when he assumed office.
He was also the second longest serving Prime Minister with a total tenure of 18 years and 345 days before he died in office. Only Robert Walpole, Britain’s first Prime Minister served longer - with a tenure of 20 years and 315 days.
Pitt was however the longest inhabitant of Downing Street Number 10. While he spend pretty much all of his Premiership in Number 10 (there was some delay with moving in), Walpole only moved in during September of 1735 (his term ended on February 11, 1742). George II had offered Downing Street 10 as a private gift to Walpole in 1732 but he refused to accept unless Downing Street would become an official residence for office holders.
Speaking of dying in office, Pitt was one of seven Prime Ministers to die in office. (Which, might I add, means that 12.5% of all Prime Ministers (56, the current one not included) died in office. That is an eight of all office holders – and there is also a number of Ministers who died within weeks of leaving office.)
From these seven, he was the youngest to die in office for Pitt died aged 46 years and 240 days. Out of all Prime Ministers, there was only one who died younger. William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire, died aged 44 years and 147 days.
Pitt also was one of 17 men who had two or more terms as Prime Ministers. The record holder here is William Ewart Gladstone with four terms.
Pitt also has the dubious distinction of being the first Prime Minister to fight a duel while in office. The Duke of Wellington would later be the second and last Prime Minister to do so.
Pitt was one of only four Prime Ministers who never married.
While many, many Prime Minister had some type of kinship with each other, either by blood or by marriage, Pitt had some of the more direct relations to other Prime Ministers. He and his father, William Pitt the Elder (very conveniently named) were one of only two father-son-couples. The Young Pitt and Lord William Grenville were furthermore the only full cousins. Pitt and George Grenville were also one of two uncle-nephew-couples who filled the office of Prime Minister.
Last but not least, enjoy this lovely sentence from Wikipedia. The modern equivalent of over three Million … let that sink in.
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The tenures in office of most Prime Ministers is
shorter than the length of time a given actor holds the role of the Inspector.
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Omne tempus Clodios, non omne Catones feret….Eleganter itaque ab Epicuro dictum puto: “potest nocenti contingere, ut lateat, latendi fides non potest,” aut si hoc modo melius hunc explicari posse iudicas sensum: “ideo non prodest latere peccantibus, quia latendi etiam si felicitatem habent, fiduciam non habent.” Ita est: tuta scelera esse possunt, secura esse non possunt.
- Seneca
Every generation produces a Clodius, but every one doesn’t make a Cato….So, I think that Epicurus put it well that “It’s possible for a guilty person to hide, but it’s impossible to trust the hiding.” Or, if you think it is better to convey the sense in this way: “There’s no advantage for people who screw up to hide because even if that have the good luck, there’s no promise of staying hidden.” I mean this: crimes can be safeguarded, but they can never be secure.”
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AI-generated World Leaders as babies
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United States of America • Vatican
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United States of America • Canada
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France • United Kingdom
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Germany • Ukraine
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Russia • North Korea
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United States of America • Germany
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Brazil • Turkey
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India • Pakistan
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
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Britain's last four prime ministers as dodgy AI projects.
Before the ink was dry on that cartoon, one of them made the news in a "Friday night dump".
Boris Johnson resigned his seat in the House of Commons with immediate effect.
Chris Mason: The ghost of Boris Johnson haunts Rishi Sunak
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Queen Elizabeth II
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linusjf · 2 months
Benjamin Disraeli: Change
“Change is inevitable. In a progressive country change is constant.” —Benjamin Disraeli. Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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halberdierminister · 10 months
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Look at this cool new t-shirt I made for fans of Abraham Lincoln! I made it on my own time, with my own resources, and without any affiliation to existing public or private institutions concerned with history, education, hospitality, culture or retail. You can find it at my new Threadless shop or directly at bit.ly/imissabe
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racefortheironthrone · 5 months
Who was the greatest British prime minister: Pitt the Elder or Lord Palmerston? And did Wade Boggs deserve to get punched for saying Pitt the Elder?
It's Clement Attlee with a steel chair!
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But between the two in contention at Moe's, yeah it's clearly Pitt the Elder.
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chloeworships · 7 months
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Protect the children. God hates the shedding of innocent blood 🩸- this is what I was told to say.
Please note these graphs are just an illustration of what I saw and not to be confused with real up to date data.
Thank you,
I love you.
PS. I have an another prophecy. God is calling judgment on your STUBBORN and SWORN enemies. This message is for EVERYBODY. I’ll drop that as soon as I can.
Someone wants to see you DEAD. I had a vision of a prophet I adore and his dead body decaying with a swirl of flies. The truth is often not pretty and not everyone can humbly accept correction. Because of the blessings that are coming through for you in the future, you have agitated your foes who do not want to see you prosper. Be careful my loves. This is a time to be WISE with your decision making, including who YOU choose have around you. Not everyone that smiles and cracks jokes with you is a “friend”. Control your circle ⭕️ But as God always says “Don’t be afraid” just be vigilant.
May God continue to protect you all 🛡️ and may every false friend, coworker or family member be revealed, removed and cut down in front of you.
PPS. God has shown me another Angelic Seal. As I said before, the Angels have been busy and I saw another Angel of Destruction released.
Who is Archangel Chamuel?
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In my opinion, everyone should evacuate the entire Gaza strip to minimize civilian casualties.
I also heard the word “middle”. Not sure if that’s to meet in the middle or to move more towards the CENTRE in the political arena. Extremism on either side can be a problem.
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Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.
- Mark Twain
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noragaur · 8 months
List of Presidents and Prime Ministers around the World | Constitutional Developments
Explore the comprehensive list of Presidents and Prime Ministers from countries around the world. Stay informed about the political leadership and government systems in different nations. Read now on Legal Finology.
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
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So Rishi Sunak will become the UK’s next prime minister. At least he will probably embarrass the country less than Truss or BoJo.
Rishi Sunak to become UK’s PM after Mordaunt joins Johnson in withdrawing
Brexit and its resulting impact have not been kind to Conservative prime ministers.
David Cameron, in a massive miscalculation, agreed to the Brexit referendum which took place on 23 June 2016. The measure unexpectedly passed and Cameron was out of office on July 13th. Three additional prime ministers (May, Johnson, Truss) have been in and out the door of 10 Downing Street since.
There must be an election no later than January of 2025. If Rishi Sunak serves at least to that time, he will have been in office just under 2 years and 3 months.
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crabussy · 7 months
god I'm so fucking furious at the removal of Te Reo Māori names from organisations around Aotearoa. it's a complete non-issue, every organisation has the English name directly underneath the Māori name. I have never once as an English speaker been unable to understand what an organisation is for. Winston Peters, the Deputy Prime Minister, who is literally Māori himself, said “Te Papa is a historic name but tell me this waka kotahi, how many boats have you seen going down the road?”. Waka does not just mean canoe. it means vessel, and waka kotahi (the transport agency of Aotearoa) explains this VERY SIMPLY on their official website. waka kotahi means to travel together as one. Can you see how fucking upsetting this is. A Māori person in power who is in agreement about banning his own language, being so cocky about something that he does not even understand due to the suppression of the language of his people. It makes me sick. I've seen reports from Māori people all over Aotearoa speaking out about how upset and furious they are, how decades of progress have been undone in the fight to restore the rights of their people who have for so long been oppressed and have suffered the effects of colonisation. Please share this if you can, I hate knowing how few people will hear about this, I know there is so much injustice in the world right now and it is so exhausting, I know. I love you all, keep it up.
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neyatimes · 11 months
Thailand's Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha announces retirement from politics
CNN  —  Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha will not seek re-election and will retire from politics, his party said Tuesday. The announcement came two days before Thailand’s parliament was set to vote for a new prime minister following a May election that saw Thais overwhelmingly reject military-backed rule. Prayut, 69, has ruled Thailand since 2014, when as army chief, he seized power…
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