#Prince Lee Yul
staydandy · 1 year
100 Days My Prince (2018) - 백일의 낭군님 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Crown Prince Lee Yu is a perfectionist who disregards most royal palace nobles. His cold and demanding demeanor masks deeply-rooted loneliness. He passes a law stating that Korean citizens of marriageable age must wed before the age of 28. After an attempt on his life, Crown Prince Lee Yul is severely injured and finds himself under the care of the Hong household, which consists of Hong Shim and her father. He’s experiencing temporary amnesia, and now unaware of his identity, he is free to wander at will as a commoner. Due to the law, he himself passed, Hong Shim, now the oldest unmarried woman in her village, must marry or face punishment from officials. Lee Yul proposes to Hong Shim that they ought to marry. Can their budding romance withstand Lee Yul’s eventual recovery, with his memory fully intact? (MDL) AKA : Hundred Days' Husband | Dear Husband of 100 Days | Husband for 100 Days
Whumpee : Prince Lee Yool / Na Won Deuk played by Doh Kyung Soo
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Historical, Romance, Comedy
Notes : This is a Full Whump List
Episodes on List : 8 Total Episodes : 16
*Spoilers below*
01 : Lee Yool has chest pain … chest pain, passes out … unconscious, bed-ridden (result of being poisoned)
02 : Thrown from his horse … shot in the back, hit his head on a rock rolling down a hill … found & cared for, weak, amnesia
03 : Slapped … knocked out (not shown) & rolled up into a straw mat with someone (comedic)
04 : … continued from previous ep. ... [flashback] Unconscious (comedic) … (at end) Head pain as he starts to remember, passes out … passes out again
05 : … continued from previous ep. ... Unconscious, sick, wound infected … cared for, spoon-fed … nauseous, gagging (after being told he ate soup with worms in it 😂) … slapped
07 : In a fight, arm cut … wound pressed … slapped … wound starts bleeding again
09 : Nightmare
10 : Falls to his knees in shock as he remembers bits & pieces
More Whump Lists for this show: whumpetywhump
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my-drama-heart2406 · 2 years
You know, I'm a part of Uk-Yeong nation just as much as anyone else.
But this...
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And this
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And of course this
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He's ready with the ring
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Let's not forget this
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This is the real ship..🥰💖😁😂
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(when you are hiding in a pantry and suddenly are awfully close to your beloved...)
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100 days my prince | 1*15
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19 notes · View notes
fearietqles · 2 years
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They are coming back to me <3
210 notes · View notes
dreamingkdrama · 1 year
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35 notes · View notes
mindmeltonabun-blog · 2 years
Alchemy of Souls Part 2 (Eps 29-30): Analysis, Theories, Critique, and Thoughts
Hello Readers,
Let me preface this post by saying thank you to all the cast and crew for all of their hard work and dedication to this rather ambitious project. As for the Hong Sisters, I want to give them my sincerest gratitude for trying to do what other Kdrama writers have not done before. I am sure writing a 30 episodes fantasy kdrama was no easy task! I also want to tell them that I understand their sadness, disappointment, anger, and frustration when it came to not being able to tell the story they had initially planned. I definitely sensed all of these sentiments while watching Part 2. It is ok, Hong Sisters. I hope that in the future, the conditions will be right for you two to be able to tell the story you had intended.
For those who were super invested in AOS as I was, I know many were left completely disappointed by the way Part 2 ended. I was left feeling disheartened just because I had never gotten the ending for a Kdrama completely wrong before. Adding to this, my theories for Part 2 were almost completely wrong. I kept asking myself repeatedly how was it possible for me to get so many theories correct in Part 1, but not Part 2? While talking to my boyfriend the other night, he told me I should not be so hard on myself and that I really should be proud of the many theories I had gotten correct in Part 1. He also told me maybe it was not me or my analytical brain, but other external factors which may have contributed to why my theories were incorrect (i.e script changes, budget issues, etc). This was the moment when everything clicked in my head!
At the end of Part 1, I had thought Part 2 would be a continuation of Naksu's journey to discovering her true identity which was Jin Bu Yeon. However, this was where I made my first mistake. Part 2 was not a continuation of the her story. Rather it was a continuation of Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's story after she returned to her OG body (GYJ body) and died in Ep 1. This was why everything felt so soulless and unsatisfactory in Part 2.Do I think the Hong Sisters had intended for this to happen? No, not at all. This is why their writing in Part 2 paled in comparison to Part 1. The Hong Sisters' heart and soul were not in it when it came to writing Part 2. What they tried to do was make the best out of a really bad situation and they were really not happy about it.
Originally, they meant for Part 2 to be about Naksu discovering her true identity (Jin Bu Yeon), but a bunch of things happened behind the scenes which ultimately forced the Hong Sisters to completely rewrite Part 2. Just to be clear, the soul we followed in Part 1 was not the same soul shown in Part 2. They were two different souls. Part 1 was about Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's soul and Part 2 was Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's soul. For those who were rooting for Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's journey of self discovery, I would not bother watching Part 2 because her journey is currently in limbo.
And for those who have come here to argue with me by telling me I must be confused or lost, you can go elsewhere. No one is forcing you to read my post. I have proven time and again through my many correct theories for Part 1 that I did understand the Hong Sisters more so than most others.
Now for those who still want to stick around, good! Before we go down this rabbit hole, you all should be aware the events in Part 1 was still a soul switch not soul combination as others were led to believe in Part 2. I will explain more further down.
Anyways for those sticking around, it is time to put our thinking caps on! Time to analyze!
What Potentially Led To Part 2 Script Adjustments and FL Change?
Now, be aware that what I discuss here is highly speculative. So do not quote me or anything. This is just my impression and should not be taken as a matter of fact. Below is an AOS timeline. There may be some inaccuracies for the exact starting and ending date of Part 1 filming. However, everything else in red should be correct.
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According to my Korean friend whose husband works in the Korean entertainment industry, the production budget is determined before filming starts and you are unable to request additional money later on. This means once the production budget is determined, the producers cannot exceed the initial budget. It works the same way in the US. Although in the US, exceptions can be made if a show or film holds great promise or if the producer is willing to receive less of their producer's fees.
Based on varying reports, the production cost for Part 1 (20 episodes) ranged from 35-40 billion won (28-32-million USD). For reference, the production cost for fantasy dramas like "Bulgasal" was around 31-40 billion won (25-32 million USD) for 16 episodes. From this, you can see the money for AOS was already stretched given there was a total of 20 episodes in Part 1. Something to point out is it is not clear whether the production budget was determined for all 30 episodes or broken up into two different production budgets (i.e 20 episodes and 10 episodes). I am thinking it was the former just because it would explain why the Hong Sisters had initially hired rookie actors/actresses over more seasoned actors/actresses. Rookies are usually paid less because they do not have as much experience in comparison to more senior actors/actresses. Therefore, by hiring rookies, they could save on money. Bear in mind this was a 30 episodes FANTASY drama so you have to save on money where you can so you can divert money towards CGI, set construction, costumes, larger filming crews, etc.
At the very beginning of AOS production there were a few very costly hiccups. Most notably, the OG FL rookie actress, Park Hae Eun, leaving at the very beginning of filming for Part 1. Luckily, the AOS production team managed to convince Jung So Min to play the FL role. Although this would eat into the production budget because Jung So Min was a seasoned actress, she would be able to give the show the stability it needed. And who knows, maybe the people who financed AOS would be more willing to provide additional money if the production team had hired a more seasoned actress.
I do want to point out that one of the production companies (High Quality; a CJ ENM subsidiary) left after Part 1. The reason for it is unknown. Was it because of this production company's departure that the AOS team were left unable to afford Jung So Min or was it because of Jung So Min's agency at the time did not allow her to sign onto Part 2 which led to High Quality's departure? I do not really know and can only speculate that it was the latter.
During the Part 1 press conference (June 14, 2022), the director said the Hong Sisters were currently working on Part 2 script (more like rewriting the entire script). Then on July 12th, rumors began to circulate the FL would be recasted for Part 2. Subsequently, Blossom Entertainment released the following two statements.
"We ask for your understanding that we arent able to tell you whether she'll be in part 2 or not because it would be a spoiler for Part 1." "She did not appear to get off, but originally signed a contract to appear in Part 1".
On August 2nd, it was announced Jung So Min would join a new agency. Following this announcement, AOS production team said on August 8th, there will be a one week hiatus "to enhance the level of completion for the second half" aka this means they needed time to edit Eps 17-20 so it could flow better with the narrative in Part 2. Who the hell knows what they had removed in those episodes. All I know is that Eps 18-19 felt weird.
Collectively, I think what ended up happening is that AOS production team was unable to get Jung So Min. They were forced to hire a rookie actress and not just any rookie actress, it had to be Go Youn Jung as to avoid even more controversy. This show did not need any more controversy. In turn, the Hong Sisters were forced to completely rewrite Part 2 while editing out things in Part 1.
If there is anyone to blame for the poor quality of Part 2, it's either Blossom or AOS production team and not the Hong Sisters nor Jung So Min herself. I am sure Jung So Min would have gladly sign onto Part 2 and taken a lesser fee, but was unable to because she was bound to whatever contract she signed with Blossom.
I am not even a screenwriter, but this just sounds super stressful. Like imagine if you had already planned to tell your story a certain way with the actress you want, but due to funding issues and actress availability, you had to completely rewrite your story in such a really short amount of time. The Hong Sisters were put in a difficult situation and were forced to make the best of it. Based on things were in Part 2, it seemed the Hong Sisters hated every minute of it. This was evident by the lack of pun filled and witty lines, double meanings, and tight writing. All the things that made Part 1 great and stereotypically Hong Sisters.
After reanalyzing everything from Part 2 and taking into consideration all the things that occurred outside of the show itself, I believe the Hong Sisters did manage to save the one character they intended to be the real star of this entire show which is Jin Bu Yeon/Naksu (meaning Naksu's real identity was Jin Bu Yeon). Continue reading below to see how the soul we saw in the majority of Part 2 was not Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon, but was actually Mu Deok/Cho Yeong, a soul I thought I though had gone back to her OG body and died.
Which Soul Did We See the Majority of Part 2?
Surprise surprise people..... it was "Mu Deok" whose real name was...drum roll please...Cho Yeong! Are you shocked? I mean this is what the majority of AOS fandom had been begging for during Part 1. Everyone was like OMG I want to know more about the real Mu Deok (because many thought she was the powerful Jin Bu Yeon lol) . And well, this is exactly what you got exactly in Part 2. As it turned out though, "Mu Deok" was really just Cho Yeong.... a damsel in distress who followed Jang Uk around like a lost puppy and a total superficial airhead. She was neither a powerful skillful mage nor a great shaman/divine priestess. Those qualities belonged to Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon who is currently a spirit lingering around waiting for Mu Deok/Cho Yeong to leave so she can finally have her own body, name, and face (JSM face) back.
A brief digression. In AOS where soul shifting is possible, names and their associated alternative names can get rather confusing when combined with bodies and souls. It is like do you call someone by their soul or body name? Imagine if my alternative name was "Honey" and my soul was in a body whose alternative name was "Biscuit". What would people call me? "Honey" or "Biscuit"? Well, people would just see your outside appearance and call you "Biscuit" even though you were "Honey". Then you find out the body's real name is “Sarah” and the name of the body you were previously in was “Taylor”. Essentially, this is what happened in AOS. In Part 1, the soul inside was called "Naksu" (alternative name) and she lived in a body whose alternative name was "Mu Deok". Everyone in Part 1, called that soul "Mu Deok" instead of "Naksu". People called that soul by a body name instead of the soul name. For me, I kept calling her by her soul alternative name which was "Naksu". As for the what Naksu's true identity was? I ended up figuring out back in Part 1 that her true soul identity was actually "Jin Bu Yeon". All that happened in Part 1 was that she had finally returned in her OG body (but did not know it yet) and was on the path to discovering her real identity which was Jin Bu Yeon (not "Cho Yeong" as many viewers were led to believe). In doing so, her soul, body, face, real name would have finally become one aka Naksu soul=Jin Bu Yeon soul back in her OG body (Jin Bu Yeon body) and finally being called by her real name "Jin Bu Yeon" with her real face (JSM face). This journey would have finally came to its conclusion in Part 2. However, this journey got sidetracked REAL QUICK because the story in Part 2 got switched to being about the real Mu Deok's soul journey to discovering she was "Cho Yeong".....the anger I feel right now. For everyone who felt duped and angry by Part 2, I want you all to know, your feelings were definitely valid. Just imagine being the Hong Sisters who were forced to write this....they were probably like 1000x more pissed because they had worked so hard in Part 1 to set up certain things up only to have it never fully being shown. In this aspect, I can totally relate to the Hong Sisters. After all, I did end up having to delete numerous pages of stuff I had worked really hard on because of shit like plagiarists.
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Before I go any further, I want you all to understand that the soul in the picture to the left IS NOT THE SAME SOUL in the picture to the right. I know we cannot see souls so that is why I have placed different color hearts as a way to help you all see this and to understand things better. The left red heart is Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's soul and the right pink heart is Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's soul. Got it? If you do not understand this concept then you can simply exit out of this post because I am tired of explaining things repeatedly.
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Now, recall that the Cho Yeong body (GYJ body) to the left was burnt and gone. The body to the right is the Jin Bu Yeon body (JSM body) except with the face of GYJ (think of this like a mask). The reason why it looks this way is because Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's soul/energy is inside Jin Bu Yeon's body and her energy is being used to help Jin Bu Yeon's body (JSM body) to heal. Therefore, this is why the Jin Bu Yeon body (JSM body) has the GYJ face. It is suppose to represent that the soul inside Jin Bu Yeon's body is not the same soul we followed back in Part 1.
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So, why did Master Lee bring back such a useless soul (Mu Deok/Cho Yeong soul)? Well, in an indirect way he was trying to help Naksu (whose soul was lingering around) to move on and become who she was all along which was Jin Bu Yeon, a mage/shaman/divine priestess tribrid. Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon could never realize her destiny nor regain her shaman/divine powers if she could not discard her old life as "Naksu". Side note, Master Lee could have easily brought back Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's soul (since he had mastered Hwansu)....but like I said earlier, Hong Sisters had to completely rewrite Part 2 to somehow fit the appearance of Go Youn Jung.
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A scene I want to revisit is the following below. Master Lee mentions two names during these scenes, "Jin Bu Yeon" and "Naksu". Keep in mind, Master Lee likes to change names to suit whoever he is speaking with. Often, characters and viewers tend to misinterpret what he means. For example, Mama Jin thinks Mu Deok=Jin Bu Yeon and Naksu=Cho Yeong. However, Master Lee knows it is Naksu=Jin Bu Yeon and Mu Deok=Cho Yeong...but he does not tell Mama Jin this.
I know this can be confusing. Just every time you see Master Lee mentioning "Naksu", he means Mu Deok=Cho Yeong, but characters and viewers interpret this as meaning Naksu=Cho Yeong. Why does he do this? To keep everyone else in the dark about the real truth which is that before Naksu became Naksu, she was originally Jin Bu Yeon.
If we redid this dialogue to make it more understandable, it would go like this "Cho Yeong (Mu Deok) did not take over this body using the alchemy of souls. Her soul was actually locked up inside this body." This statement is true. Mu Deok/Cho Yeong did not perform the Alchemy of Souls spell. It was Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon who did it back in Ep 1.
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After Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon had performed the Alchemy of Souls spell (Ep 1) and returned to her OG body (JSM body), she left Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's soul to return to her now dead OG body (GYJ body). However, Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's soul did not move onto the afterlife. Instead, she remained next to Jang Uk as an invisible spirit because they were fated for each other and were a pair. Master Lee saw Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's spirit lingering next to Jang Uk and this is why he told Kim Do Joon as much back in Ep 13. Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon subconsciously trapped Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's soul and fed off of it until she had regained her full divine powers. Nom nom nom...soul food. Why did Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon do this? Because she was a soul who was willing to do anything to survive and accomplish a goal.
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I know many will ask me when exactly did Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon swap with Mu Deok/Cho Yeong? I believe it was during the boat inccident. Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon had tried to destroy the Ice Stone, but she somehow inadvertently swapped hers and Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's souls. Although, I would not doubt it was Master Lee who did it given how during that scene in Ep 19, it looked like there was someone watching from the shore. We may never find out if it was Master Lee or Jin Bu Yeon herself who did the swap just because the AOS team did edit those episodes.
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Going back to Mu Deok/Cho Yeong, what did Master Lee erase from her? He erased Cho Yeong's memories from when she was a child to adult living in Jin Bu Yeon's body as "Mu Deok", the girl from Sari. Why did he do that? So that she would be willing to accept Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's memories as her own and not run wild. Side note, I still think Master Lee is probably Mage/Shaman Choi Cheol because he of how he was able to erase Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's memories. Who's to say he was not the same person who erased Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's childhood memories and changed it so she thought her childhood memories were Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's memories?
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Although Master Lee was the one who erased Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's memories, it was actually Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon (mage/shaman/divine priestess) who planted her own memories inside Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's head. As Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon was remembering her real childhood memories (Jin Bu Yeon childhood memories; shown off screen because Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon is an invisible spirit right now and AOS team could not show JSM as an astral projection because of other crap), she began to become gain back even more of shaman/divine priestess powers which included abilities like transmitting her memories and changing a soul's memories, opening portals, jumping in and out of her own body, etc. Why did Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon do this? To give back the life she took from Mu Deok/Cho Yeong. Y'all lets take a moment to appreciate how freaking selfless Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon really was!!
Jin Mu...The Man Who Finally Recognized Naksu's True Identity
Throughout this show, I had felt Jin Mu was a pretty useless character. However, the real purpose of his storyline was to reveal something pretty important to viewers. He was one of the selected few who finally realized Naksu's real identity was Jin Bu Yeon. Let's take a look at some of the scenes below. In Ep 22, Jin Mu is confused as to why the Naksu face was called Jin Bu Yeon. This was the Hong Sisters' subtle way to let viewers know that back in Ep 1, the soul that was in the body known as "Naksu" was Jin Bu Yeon not Cho Yeong.
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In Ep 23, Jin Mu says that even though the girl has Naksu's face, her energy is different than from the Naksu he knew. What does this tell you? That the soul currently residing in that body with the "Naksu" face is not the same soul Jin Mu and viewers had knew back in Ep 1. Jin Mu thought he was raising Cho Yeong to become Naksu, but in reality he ended up raising Jin Bu Yeon who became Naksu except he did not know this until later on.
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Now the the person who summoned Jang Uk and CP to Gwido was Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's spirit. Recall from earlier, I did say that as Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon began to remember more of Jin Bu Yeon memories, the more divine powers she would have. Therefore, she was the one who opened the portal for Jang Uk and CP. Why did she do this? So they could come rescue the useless soul that is currently residing in her body aka Mu Deok/Cho Yeong.
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The soul who entered that body after the wraiths scene was Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon. Before that moment, it was just Mu Deok/Cho Yeong soul. How do I know this? Because of the personality differences. The main difference between Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon and Mu Deok/Cho Yeong is that one soul fights back regardless if they are physically weak while the other soul runs, but does not fight back and waits for someone to save her. I do understand though that it can be difficult to differentiate between the real deal or just someone who has someone else's memories. Mu Deok/Cho Yeong deep down is like cotton candy while with Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon is like hellfire!
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It was during the scene below that Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon regain nearly all of her Jin Bu Yeon childhood memories which allowed her to enter her own body once more to take revenge on Jin Mu. This is literally one of the most important scenes that many viewers had overlooked. Look at what Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon says to Jin Mu. Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon (not Mu Deok/Cho Yeong) tells him about finding the Ice Stone when she was a child as Jin Bu Yeon and then she called him "Danju" to indicate to him she was also his assassin...Naksu! It was at this fucking moment that Jin Mu knew he fucked up. Jin Mu finally realized that the soul he groom to become "Naksu" was not Cho Yeong, but was actually Jin Bu Yeon. BOOM LOOK WHO IS RIGHT! Me! Small victories! Collectively, this scene proved that Naksu's real identity was Jin Bu Yeon, not "Cho Yeong"!
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Why Did Neither Seo Yul Nor Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon Never Tell Jang Uk About the Divination Bells?
After exiting Gwido, Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon (not Mu Deok/Cho Yeong) meets up with Seo Yul. At this point, best boy Seo Yul has finally figured out Naksu's real identity was Jin Bu Yeon and that the soul from earlier in Part 2 was just Mu Deok/Cho Yeong and not actually Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon herself. Seo Yul disclosed all of the information about the divination bells only to her because he knew he was talking to Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon now and not Mu Deok/Cho Yeong. Seo Yul thought one of the biggest reasons Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon did not want to stay is because she felt guilty for killing her own father (Jin Woo Tak) and ruining her sister's wedding. And Seo Yul did not want her to feel guilty since it really was not her fault.
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He also tells her all of this because he wanted her to stay.
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However, Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon said regardless of whether or not it was her fault, she still did perform the Alchemy of Souls spell which allowed her to be controlled by Jin Mu in the first place. If that was discovered, people would also eventually find out that she did kill an innocent person (Mu Deok/Cho Yeong) since she had forced Mu Deok/Cho Yeong to return to her OG body (GYJ body) to die in Ep 1. Anyways, both Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon and Seo Yul decide to not tell Jang Uk about the bells because they do not want to burst Jang Uk’s bubble of ignorance lol. They will continue to let him think he is married to the soul from Part 1 so he can be happy.
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This is the thing about Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon. She wanted the people she cared about to always remember her as Jin Bu Yeon, a kind and beautiful soul and not as someone who committed terrible acts while she was Naksu (soul shifter through using soul ejectors/AOS spell, forcing an innocent soul to return to their OG body and die, killing her own father, ruining her sister's wedding, killing her lover, etc.). I know this is not what the Hong Sisters had intended to happen to Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon.....BUT THIS STILL HURTS Y'ALL. I still think originally everything was suppose to framed so that all the blamed would be placed on both Jin Mu and Jang Uk, but again crap happened behind the scenes so the Hong Sisters had to rewrite stuff so that all the blame was placed on Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon instead.
Another rant. It was Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon who was suppose to get a happy ending not fucking Jang Uk. If Jang Uk had died (it would have added to his character growth arc), then Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon could have been reunited with her family and marry a man who truly loved her, Seo Yul. This could have acted as a connecting point to the past. A marriage between Seo Yul and Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's would have symbolized something that was suppose to happen 203 years ago between Seo Gyeong and Jin Seol Ran. And she would finally get to fucking shine with all of her immense powers!!!! The reason why characters like Seo Yul, Mama Jin, Jin Cho Yeon, and Park Dang Gu had their stories either pushed to the side or made to be a villain is because their development had depended a lot on Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's story which I mean did not really happen in Part 2. Like the events of AOS story started with a Seo and Jin being torn apart so it would have made more sense that the story ended with a Seo and Jin finally being together (coming full circle). Instead, it ended with Jang/Cho being together and Seo/Jin still separated?! K...tell me the logic in that.
Who Did Jang Uk Marry In Part 2?
That idiot ended up marrying Mu Deok aka Cho Yeong. He really did not recognize that the soul he had fell in love with in Part 1 was not the same soul he met and married in Part 2. This is a marriage of two idiots honestly. All the while, Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon was an invisible spirit who had to witness this whole wedding...how painful is that?! Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon was unable to do anything except watch. This was almost as bad as when the Little Mermaid (non Disney version) had to watch the Prince marry the Princess and the Little Mermaid was helpless to stop it.
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Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's Final Goodbye To Jang Uk
So who was Master Lee referring to when he said "her"? He was referring to Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon. What Master Lee meant was that he hoped Jang Uk and Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's love for each other would reach Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon. And well, Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon received that message loud and clear because she used her divine powers to summon Jang Uk through the yin and yang jade.
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This was Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's final attempt to get Jang Uk to recognize her. She allowed him to see her true self which is Jin Bu Yeon. And did he understand what she was communicating? Hell no. So then Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon went back into her body to literally spell it out for Jang Uk and motherfucker still did not understand. It was during this time that Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon finally realized that she and Jang Uk were never meant to be together from the start. It was really Mu Deok/Cho Yeong and Jang Uk who were meant to be together. Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon severed this fate when she swapped back into her OG body (JSM body) and left the Mu Deok/Cho Yeong soul to swap back into her OG body (GYJ body) and die.
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Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon tells Jang Uk he truly did not recognize her which is true. Jang Uk still thought she was Naksu as in Cho Yeong hence why he mentioned she killed him to avenge her father, Cho Chung. In reality, Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's real father was Jin Woo Tak. Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon chose to not tell Jang Uk about the bells because it would be futile. Jang Uk would have never believed she was Jin Bu Yeon regardless of what she showed or told him.
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Jang Uk was seriously a lost cause. Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon allowed him to see the innermost part of her soul AND HE STILL DID NOT FREAKING GET IT. What an idiot. Literally...how could he not tell the difference between the real soul and a soul who has someone else's memories. Good riddance Jang Uk, you truly did not deserve Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon to begin with. After witnessing how everything unfolded, Naksu chose to finally let go of Jang Uk so she could go on to becoming someone greater...her real authentic self....Jin Bu Yeon.
Naksu Finally Emerging as Her True Self..Jin Bu Yeon.. The Phoenix
Cue the entrance of Naksu now Jin Bu Yeon. The metaphorical egg had cracked wide open to reveal Jin Bu Yeon, the Phoenix. And next to Jin Bu Yeon is none other than loyal Seo Yul (the real man who saw Naksu for who she truly was....Jin Bu Yeon...a divine goddess). These scenes below of Seo Yul and Jin Bu Yeon are a call back to Seo Gyeong and Jin Seol Ran. The OG fated lovers and pair before there was ever a Jang Uk and Cho Yeong. Two pure souls reunited! Side note, for continuity purposes, they should have had Jung So Min during these crucial last few scenes.
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If you noticed in Ep 7, Jin Seol Ran was always in the light while Seo Gyeong remained in the shadows. And this theme is depicted once again in EP 30 through Seo Yul's dark colored clothing and Jin Bu Yeon's light colored clothing. Jin Seol Ran had a lot of darkness in her, but Seo Gyeong embraced it all so she could shine like the bright star she was. And for Jin Seol Ran, Seo Gyeong was her light in the darkness.
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Seo Yul stuck by Jin Bu Yeon's side until the very end. You will also notice that during the following scenes below, Jin Bu Yeon did not directly talk to the other characters. Rather, it was Seo Yul who was the one communicating her thoughts for her to the others. It makes me wonder if one of Jin Bu Yeon's divine powers was telepathy.
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Now, let's take a moment to appreciate Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon. This girl had to endure so much pain and sadness and in the end, she saved all of her friends as well as all of Daeho. And no one with the exception of Master Lee and Seo Yul, would have known any better. Side note, they could have included Jung So Min without the blindfold to show that the soul from Part 1 was the one who saved everyone, but like I said earlier….there were problems behind the scenes. Anyways, I will say it again....NAKSU/JIN BU YEON DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS!!!!! Once Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon remembered all of her memories (JBY childhood memories) and let go of her past life/pain/resentment, her energy changed from pink to white, symbolizing purity. Additionally, her powers could be glowing white because when she was Naksu, her powers did glow white, symbolizing mage powers. Point being, we got to see her mage and divine powers combined. I AM NOT CRYING RIGHT NOW...BUT REALLY I AM BAWLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hong Sisters if you are reading this (and I hope you are since I sent you a link to blog since early August), please have Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon come back for a Part 3. This time please have Jung So Min play her!!!
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Naksu now Jin Bu Yeon's Final Gift to Jang Uk
So what was Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's final gift to the man who did not recognize nor really love her? The useless freaking idiot, Mu Deok/Cho Yeong, who could only see energy. Contrary to what Cho Yeong said, she does not have any other divine powers other than seeing energy. Meaning, she would not be able to cast spells nor Chisu, Tansu, or whatever else. The reason why Mu Deok/Cho Yeong would be unable to perform any divine acts of magic is because Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon only gave her the memories. Additionally, Mu Deok/Cho Yeong's soul is not a divine soul thus it does not have any divine powers whatsoever. If push came to shove, she would be flailing around screaming for Jang Uk to come save her.
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Despite having Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's memories, some things could not properly be translated into Mu Deok/Cho Yeong such as the qualities which made Naksu/JIn Bu Yeon a truly unique soul (independence, motivation, ambition, fierceness, bravery, self sacrificing, etc). Mu Deok/Cho Yeong is like imitation crab meat of the real deal (Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon). As for Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's sword, she does not deserve it because she is not Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon. She is just Mu Deok/Cho Yeong....a plain, stupid, superficial, foolishly kind, weak, and helpless soul. Additionally, did anyone notice how Mu Deok/Cho Yeong wore her hair in that ponytail hairstyle? This was similar to how she wore it as a child. In Part 1, Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon had ended up wearing her hair in a similar style as when she was a child (hair down with side braids).
If and when her and Jang Uk have kids, they would probably be powerless kids. Why? Because the King Star energy does not transfer to their offsprings. If it had, Seo Yul would have the King Star energy given that he is a descendant of the first King Star, Seo Gyeong. When it comes to Cho Yeong, she only has Cho clan energy so maybe at best their child would reach Chisu? Then again, their kids would have very lazy parents so maybe they would never ever make anything of themselves.
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So yea...these two superficial and immature souls are definitely a match made in heaven! They were able to get the life they got due to others' hard work and sacrifice. And the truly sad part in all of this, is that they did not even realize it. Ignorance is bliss. That is the dark side to the seemingly bright "happy ending" of Alchemy of Souls Part 2.
Who Knew Naksu Was Really Jin Bu Yeon?
Not many. Literally there are only two people left alive who knows the real truth about Naksu and those people are feigning ignorance so that everyone else can heal and move on. The only reason why Jin Mu and Seo Yul knew the truth was because they had known Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon the longest in comparison to other characters. And Seo Yul had met Jin Bu Yeon before she even became “Naksu” in Danhyanggot.
Those who knew the real truth which is Naksu's soul=Jin Bu Yeon's soul:
Master Lee
Seo Yul
Jin Mu (right before he had the empty Ice Stone placed inside of him)
Those who think Naksu's soul=Cho Yeong's soul:
Mama Jin
Jang Uk
Those who think Jin Bu Yeon is just Jin Bu Yeon:
CP/The King
Park Jin
Kim Do Joon
Park Dang Gu
Heo Yun Ok
Jin Cho Yeon
What Happened to Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's Soul Afterwards?
Either she is in hibernation in her own body or lingering as a spirit next to her fated other half (Seo Yul) or back in the Ice Stone waiting to come out again. Do I think she is completely gone? Hell to the NO. Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon is a survivor and a divine soul. She also still has unfinished business to attend to which is to destroy the Ice Stone. Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon should pluck out that damn Ice Stone out of Jang Uk’s chest. I will be patiently awaiting for that moment as well as when she retakes her sword!
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And let's be real here, Mu Deok/Cho Yeong neither has the galls nor the powers to remove the Ice Stone out of Jang Uk's chest. That much is apparent. She does not have what it takes to do what is necessary for the greater good.
Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon also has the power of Hwansu (method of coming back to life..I just think of it as reaching nirvana or a full enlightenment). Meaning she could if she ever wanted to, float into a dead body. The Hong Sisters could then have that dead body have the face of Jin Bu Yeon (JSM) as to indicate the soul inside is Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon. I mean that's the logic they used with the GYJ face anyways.
Let’s review all the things Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon managed to accomplish while she was around:
1. Discovered her real identity 2. Punished the man who ruined her life 3. Avenged her father 4. Gave her former lover someone else to love 5. Gave the soul whose life she stole a second chance filled with love, family, and friends....NO BUT REALLY FUCK MU DEOK/CHO YEONG. 6. Leave her real name untarnished by her horrible past
7. Save all of fucking Daeho because let’s be real here, without Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon and her divine powers, Jang Uk would have never been able to wake up big bird himself.
Final Thoughts on Part 2
I am brain dead. It has been an emotional roller coaster. Was Part 2 worth watching? No. Was it the Hong Sisters' best work? Hell nah. Did the Hong Sisters want you to love Part 2? Hell no they did not. I will say though, they could have express their frustrations in other ways rather than taking it out on some female characters. Although I get it haha. They had planned for Jang Uk to either die or marry Heo Yun Ok and since that did not get to happen, they made her into a petty bitch. And with Soi...do you guys know what her story ended beautifully? It was because her character's story had paralleled Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon's story. Meaning that Naksu had grew up in a dark filthy world and the only brightness she ever saw was when Seo Yul had visited her in Danhyanggot. Also, with the whole foresight thing and the firebird situation…..umm if Jin Seol Ran had foreseen this a long time ago, why did she not have Seo Gyeong destroy the firebird back then? Furthermore, if Jin Bu Yeon was Jin Seol Ran with the gift of foresight, why would she allow herself to be used by Jin Mu to find the Ice Stone in the first place? I smell lies haha. Maybe Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon and Master Lee had worked together to deceive others with their goal being to help others to move on from Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon. Therefore, maybe Jin Bu Yeon was just Jin Bu Yeon and not a reincarnation of Jin Seol Ran. The Hong Sisters had done something similar in Hotel Del Luna. For example, the old lady deity had tricked Man Wol into believing Chan Sang was the reincarnation of Chung Myung when in fact he was not. Therefore, I would not put it pass the Hong Sisters to not pull the same trick again in AOS.
Potential for Part 3?
Hong Sisters, if you're reading this, since you used some stuff from my blog, might I suggest some titles for Part 3? How about "Alchemy of Souls: Reincarnation" or "Alchemy of Souls: Resurrection"?
Now I do not want to get your hopes up, but I really do feel there is a lot of potential for a Part 3 plot wise. However, this is wholly dependent on certain factors such as actor/actresses schedule availability and funding. The Hong Sisters would not have to do much in terms of writing other than some minor tweaks. I think they would still want to tell the story they had worked so hard on in the first place. Alchemy of Souls was suppose to be the pinnacle of the Hong Sister's career as kdrama writers but it ended up crashing into flames. I can only imagine the disappointment they must have felt to see their story ending this way.
Maybe one of the reasons the Hong Sisters had left some major plot holes is because they are hoping to eventually produce a Part 3. For example, the Ice Stone in Jang Uk's chest or the unoccupied leader positions of Cheonbugwan and Seoho Fortress. Sure, some would say their other dramas had some plot holes, but I would argue and say those dramas only had at most 3-4 minor plot holes. While in Part 2, there were so many major plot holes that if this were a boat, the boat would have already sank within one second of being in the waters.
How could things go if Part 3 were to happen? Well, it could start with Jang Uk's death. Sorry to all of those who were hoping to see more Jang Uk. I have been done with his stupid ass of a character since Part 1. Anyways, through his death, the Ice Stone would be used to fuel Jin Bu Yeon/Naksu's resurrection. As for Mu Deok/Cho Yeong since she is his shadow, her soul can leave with him too. Since the Ice Stone is back in the world, a new King Star should also rise to destroy the Ice Stone once and for all. Although the King Star isn't so much new, but more like old haha.
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Building off of the logic of how fated lovers are always born in pairs, it would not be farfetched to think that when Jin Bu Yeon (the reincarnation of Jin Seol Ran) was born, her other half Seo Gyeong was also born/reincarnated too. And who might that be? Seo Yul. Part 3 could be about how after Jin Bu Yeon is revived, she could help Seo Yul to remember his Seo Gyeong memories which could enable him to have his King Star powers again. In doing so, it would explain why Seo Yul had coincidentally ran into Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon in Danyanggot of all places as well as why he kept having weird visions throughout Parts 1 and 2. Seo Yul also seemed to be a real old soul from an early age just like Jin Bu Yeon was. Something random is Seo Yul's final outfit in Part 2, they were nearly the same colors of Jin Bu Yeon's outfit when she was performing the firebird awakening ritual. Could it be that Jin Bu Yeon gave Seo Yul his Seo Gyeong memories back and this is why he decided to take over the Songrim position? Hmmmm.
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So why would these two need to be at their best? To stop whoever or whatever enemy the Seo's were fighting along the borders. Maybe the enemies at Seoho Fortress are like the equivalent of Ice Walkers from Game of Thrones who are controlled by the ruler of the country next to Daeho. This would require a group effort from all the other characters like Jin Cho Yeon, Park Dang Gu, the King (sorry I still want to call him CP), and whoever the new leader of Cheonbugwan is. And we would finally get to see Jin Bu Yeon at her finest in action....a mage/shaman/divine priestess tribrid fighting the enemies to the west of the Daeho. And there could more scenes of Park Danggu being a bad ass archer and Jin Cho Yeon using the relics to assist in the fight against the enemies along the border. Somewhere in between all of that craziness, it’ll be great to see Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon having some much needed sister time with Jin Cho Yeon. She could even help babysit Dan and Gang haha.
Also, it’ll be great to have a scene with Naksu/Jin Bu Yeon Chisu her way to the top of the tree and see the moon (she said in P1 how she used to love going up the tree to look at the moon). Seo Yul can Chisu his way up there too and join her haha. With regards to the relics in Jinyowon, they could further explain why Seo Gyeong and Jin Seol Ran had created all these relics in the first place. I mean there was a mirror of longing, binding bracelet, fluffy, Gwiseo, and other countless relics. In Ep 7, they said the relics were created with sorcery….so did Seo Gyeong and Jin Seol Ran dabble in the dark arts or something? Why didn’t they destroy the relics in the first place if they knew they were dangerous? And remember Master Lee? They could even introduce the plot twist that he was really Master Choi Cheol, the first mage to perform the Alchemy of Souls and how he never really died inside of Gwido as many had thought.
And at the end of this long journey, Jin Bu Yeon/Jin Seol Ran would finally be reunited with her family and married to a man (Seo Yul/Seo Gyeong) who was as pure and kind as she was . A match some 200 years in the making! NOW THAT WOULD MAKE FOR AN EPIC ROMANCE.
OK THAT IS ALL I GOT OUT OF ME!! If you have any more questions, I will be more than happy to answer them. I am sure I have forgotten to talk about some things! Oh well!
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taeonysus8 · 2 years
Chapters: 29/? Fandom: 환혼 | Alchemy of Souls (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jang Wook/Original Female Character Characters: Original Female Character(s), Jang Wook, Mu Deok|Naksu, Original Male Character(s), Park Danggu, Seo Yul, Go Won | Crown Prince, Park Jin, Kim Dojoo, Jin Choyeon Additional Tags: Romance, Angst, Humour, Fake Marriage, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Death, Mild Sexual Content, the whole thing's a recipe for disaster, OC has mommy issues, and grandmother issues, and ptsd, ish, jang uk? jang wook?, you think you are safe from the angst but surprise surprise, graphic description of violence, Gore, Implied Child Abuse Summary:
❝ it was only meant to be a marriage of convenience ❞
Grieving her mother's death and stuck in an engagement she never agreed to, Min Gaeun makes the mistake of accepting Jang Wook's hasty proposal-one he blurts out after sneaking into her family compound uninvited, climbing over her balcony in the rain, and completely misunderstanding what the knife over her wrist meant.
Eager to escape being the talk of the town again, Wook offers a simple proposition to his childhood friend; to live together as husband-wife in the eyes of Daeho while they both pursue their own personal interests in secret. Bereaved, lovelorn, and trapped, Gaeun agrees to the deeply flawed plan that Wook is wrongly confident about.
How she wish she hadn't.
───※ ·❆· ※───
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jesusisabtsstan · 2 years
Alchemy of souls s2 finale pulled an alchemy of souls s1 finale but reverse
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thechillmage · 9 months
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: a visit to Songrim
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after being away for a year, Park Y/n returns to the chaos that has been happening
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: seoyul x mage!fem!reader
𝐀𝐔: Alchemy of Souls
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: stalking, reader gets attacked
"But why do you not want to tell me what happened while I was away?" Y/n questioned poor Master Lee, who was staring ahead of them, taking a mental note to never bring her with him again(as a joke). She was constantly poking his arm and asking questions, to which he tried answering. Every time he opened his mouth to answer, she interrupted him with another question. He sighed, "I will only tell you one thing if you shut up for the rest of the walk.". She nodded, urging him to answer. "Jang Uk got his gate of energy opened...", and with that, Y/n opened her mouth to ask him something, but she stopped. Last time she saw Jang Uk, he was at Gisan, but it seems like he got kicked out again, or as he likes to say,'I left because he was a useless master'. She was sad that his father closed his gate of energy, the reason why being unknown to this day. Soon enough, they got to Songrim, multiple people bowing their heads in respect, and telling Y/n that she is still as beautiful as the last time they've seen her. "Lady Y/n, and Master Lee, you should both come to the Training Center. There will be a duel happening there soon."A servant bowed his head before leaving. "Did you also know that?" Y/n turned to her master. He just nodded, "Let us go and watch," he said before going the same way the servant went. She stood at her spot before running after Master Lee. Y/n got more and more confused as time went by. First off, Uk got his gate of energy opened finally, and second off, there is a duel today? Could this day get any more interesting and confusing, she wondered. As they got closer to the training center, Master Lee stopped her, "If the leader asks why are you here-" "I will tell him we'll speak later, since there is a duel about to happen" she interrupted him. He nodded, motioning for her to go ahead of him. As she entered, she noticed how the mages stood on the sides, not moving a muscle. The Crown Prince, stood at the top of the stairs, including his servant. They looked taken back, her sudden appearance taking them by surprise. They bowed their heads to each other, as Y/n looked up, the leader spoke up, "Master Lee, it's great to have you back here again. Park Y/n, did you finish mastering Chisu already, or are you only here to attend the duel?". Master Lee only smiled while Y/n responded, "My lord, we should talk about it later. As I know, there is a duel that's about to start. I wouldn't want to interfere or waste time.", and with that, both Y/n and Master Lee went to find a place to stand at.
Not so long after that, Jang Uk appeared in front of the Training Center just as they were about to close it. A girl was beside him, whom Y/n figured out is his maid. She seemed kind, and Y/n made a mental note to talk to her after the duel. Jang Uk looked in Y/ns way, his eyes widening in shock. She smiled at him politely before making a face that just had what the fuck did you get into, written all over it. He winced before continuing to walk. His maid only bowed her head and smiled at Y/n, which she, of course, returned. Y/n listened carefully as the Crown Prince explained everything. She gasped when he mentioned that whoever wins this duel, gets Mu-deok as their maid. She knew that Uk will lose since he just got his gate of energy opened recently. Soon enough, the Crown Prince announced the start of the duel, and with that, they charged at each other.
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As the duel went on, she heard a mage saying that Uk used his defense spell. That meant that he had mastered all of his previous opponent's spells and is using them against Seo Yul. She frowned her eyebrows when Uk gathered the energy and turned it into water, tossing it in the air and using Tansu. She gasped as Yul was almost knocked down, but in the end, Yul won. With that, Mu-deok got a new master, Y/n noticed that she disappeared with the Crown Prince, probably to discuss what's going to happen. After everyone congratulated Uk on mastering Chisu, they left the Training Center as if nothing had happened minutes ago. Master Lee left as soon as the duel finished, only saying that he was going to take a small walk. Y/n watched with a smile as Dang-gu hugged Uk, ignoring the complains of the new mage. "Let the poor man breathe. You should take him to Sejukwon, Dang-gu." Y/n said before Uk got even more wounded than he already was, which made them look at her, both existed to see her again. "Ah, we didn't do our group hug. Come here," Dang-gu motioned for all of them to hug. It was a tradition for them to have a group hug after being away for a long time. Everyone smiled and went for the group hug, laughing as they remembered how long they were without Y/n. "You should take Uk to Sejukwon, I'll stay with Y/n." Yul said to Dang-gu as they pulled away from the hug. He nodded, "Let us go." And with that, they were off to Sejukwon.
As they left, Seo Yul offered Y/n his hand, "Would you fancy a walk around Songrim, my lady?" smiling at her. "Of course, my prince." she blushed. It was their nicknames that they created a few years ago, when they met. Each time they were alone, they wouldn't say their names, only the nicknames. She placed her hand through his, "Lead the way, my prince.". As they walked, she took in the sight of what had changed. There weren't many changes, not that she cared if there were. All that mattered to her was that her friends were safe and healthy. "I missed this." she said as she looked around, "I missed you." he blurted out, not realizing what he said. "I missed you too. How could I not?" she replied, stopping to look at him. He looks as handsome as the last time I saw him. It's impossible how a man could look like you do. She thought, admiring his looks, thinking about every time he defended her, or took care of her tiny wounds from training. She looks even prettier than she did the last time I saw her. All the girls must be jealous of her. God has favorites, and it's you. He couldn't help but think about her. Most of the time, she was in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about her, worrying about her getting hurt or, worse, attacked. He snapped out of his thought as she wrapped her arms around him. He returned the gesture, placing his cheek on her head, sighing as she smelled like a garden that just bloomed. He could feel her smile against his chest. "What are you smiling at, my lady? Is it my looks?" he asked as if he wasn't blushing profusely. She giggled, "How could I not? You're the most handsome and caring person I have ever met in my life."He smiled and pulled away. It was getting darker. They didn't even notice the time they spent together. They didn't notice that Jang Uk, his maid, and Dang-gu were spying on them, shipping them secretly. The leader of Songrim scared the three of them as he whispered out of nowhere, "They are so in love.". They almost screamed as they saw him, turning around to look at him. The leader only shrugged and left without saying another word. They turned around and saw that their ship had disappeared.
Meanwhile, Seo Yul and Park Y/n parted their ways, bidding each other a goodbye. He insisted on going with her until she got to her room, but she said he doesn't need to. "I'll be safe, you don't have to worry, good night, Yul." He nodded and left, or so she thought. As she continued her way to her room, she felt a pair of eyes boring into the back of her head. She turned around, gripping her sword that made her feel only a tad bit less nervous.But there was no one there, she felt as if her instincts were playing with her due to her tiredness, but she always trusts her instincts. She sighed before turning back, continuing her way. Only five more minutes ran through her head. Just as she turned around the block, a sword almost went through her. She screamed, forming a small circle in front of her, to try defending. She used her powers to push the attacker away from her, making him fly back as the surge of energy hit him. She unsheated her sword, a black energy flowing through it, activating the energy that was in the sword. She gasped as another person stepped in front of her. "Yul?" she asked. He looked at her before attacking the person, who seemed to be a soul shifter. This wasn't a normal, weak soul shifter. It was a stronger one. She noticed that Yul was struggling, so she stepped in. Quick attacks were thrown at the soul shifter. He was struggling to defend against her spells. She was known for her fast swordmanship skills, flicking the sword as if it weighed less than a feather. After slashing his arm and waist a couple tume, he began to start petrifying, and that made her straighten up and create energy in her hand before appling it to the sword, twisting it in the air before jumping. The soul shifter was aware of what was about to happen, so he prepared to attack her. As he was about to stab the sword in her stomach, a spell hit hit, taking him to the floor, just as Y/n pierced the sword through him, petrifying him. She looked back, and Yul started to approach her. He bringed her in a tight hug, "You scared me to death. Thankfully, I was following you." he said in her hair. She saw Park Jin and other mages approach them in a hurry. He pulled away from her before patting her head. "You did an awesome job, my lady." he praised her. She blushed and thanked him.
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ah, so there goes my first post on tumblr. I hope everyone likes it, reblogs, notes, and comments are appreciated. Feel free to request anything, no matter how short/long it may be. :)
re-edited on January 21st, 2024
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Categorizing Parent-related Trauma for male and female leads in Kdramas:
Orphans: Lee Hong-jo (Destined With You) Moon Gang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Moon Sang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Ha-ru (Extraordinary You) Naksu/Cho Yeong (Alchemy of Souls) Tak Dong-kyung (Doom at Your Service) Nam Ji-ah* (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Cheon Sa-Rang (King the Land) Jang Man-wol (Hotel del Luna) Yoon Yi-seo (100 Days My Price) Kang Young-hwa (Moon in the Day) Kim Do-ha (Moon in the Day) So Mun (The Uncanny Counter) Do Ha-na (The Uncanny Counter) Kang Tae-moo (Business Proposal) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, present version) Lee Heon (The Forbidden Marriage) Do Do-hee (My Demon) Ji Eun-tak (Guardian: The Great and Lonely God) Na Bong-seon (Oh My Ghost) Kang Cheol (W: Two Worlds) Do Da-hae (The Atypical Family) Yeom Hae-sang (Revenant) Jeong Ji-an (A Shop for Killers) Shin Jae-rim (Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale)
Half Orphans with loving remaining parent: Eun Dan-oh (Extraordinary You) Koo Chan-sung (Hotel del Luna) Ye So-ran (The Forbidden Marriage) Nam Ha-neul (Doctor Slump) Yu Ji-hyck (Marry My Husband) Kang Hee-soo (Captivating the King) Choi Yi-jae (Death's Game) Im Sol (Lovely Runner) Ryu Sun-jae (Lovely Runner) Lee Chang (Kingdom) Lee Geum, Prince Yeoning (Haechi) Gu San-yeong (Revenant)
Half Orphan + Remaining Parent is THE WORST: Jang Uk (Alchemy of Souls) Kim Do-ha (My Lovely Liar) Lee Yul (100 Days My Price) Ahn Min-hyuk (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Seo Mok-ha (Castaway Diva) Gong Tae-seong (Sh**ting Stars) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, past version) Yi In (Captivating the King) Kang Ji-won (Marry My Husband) Kang Sun-woo (Oh My Ghost)
Parents (at least one) are THE WORST but Both Are Still Alive: Jang Shin-yu (Destined With You) Han Yi-joo (Perfect Marriage Revenge) Ko Mun-young** (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Mok Sol-hee (My Lovely Liar) Gu Won (King the Land) Crown Prince Lee Hwi/Dam-yi/Yeon-seon (The King's Affection) Do Bong-soon (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Woo Young-woo (Extraordinary Attorney Woo)*** Jung Ji-woon (The King's Affection) Kang Bo-geol/Lee Ki-ho (Castaway Diva) Yeo Jeong-woo (Doctor Slump) Hong Hae-in (Queen of Tears) On Eun-yoo (Twinkling Watermelon) Oh Yeon-joo (W: Two Worlds) Yoon Ji-ho (Because This Is My First Life) Nam Se-hee (Because This Is My First Life) Bok Gwi-ju (The Atypical Family) Moon Cha-min (Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale)
Immortal Being that Still Somehow has Parent Issues: Myul Mang/Doom (Doom at your Service) Lee Yeon & Lee Rang (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Jeong Gu-won (My Demon)
Added trauma flavour: Parent was murdered in front of them (**Still counts if they survived the murder Parent tried to murder them Dying from seemingly incurable disease which makes their parents/guardian sad (If your parents are alive, you must pay for it by dying yourself) Adoptive parent/stepparent is THE WORST
Somehow has normal, alive parents: Lee Jun-ho (Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Has no backstory at all. We only meet his older sister and hear nothing about his childhood.) Shin Ha-ri (Business Proposal, her family is refreshingly normal, right down to her brother being sent out to find her when she's drunk) Oh Han-byeol (Sh**ting Stars, Again, we know almost nothing about her family, only that she has twin sisters. But she doesn't appear to have childhood trauma.) Park Yeon-woo (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, her mom being annoyed at her for something that is a crime doesn't count as bad parenting) Lee Young-joon/Sung-hyun (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim, his trauma comes from a kidnapper, his parents faced a pretty impossible situation and did their best. They clearly love their kids) Baek Hyun-woo (Queen of Tears, nothing wrong with them out of the ordinary and they are in the drama a significant amount.) Ha Eun-gyeol (Twinkling Watermelon, very loving parents and the deafness and their reliance on him is not anyone's fault)
*Counting her as an orphan even though she gets her parents back after 20 years, she spent her childhood orphaned. ***This character is tricky because I understand why her mother wanted nothing to do with her, but her trying to manipulate the dad and also saying he didn't raise her properly made me so angry. Uncatagorized due to lack of clarity on parents: Soundtrack #1, Hospital Playlist, Happiness
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whumpetywhump · 2 years
100 Days My Prince
Lee Yul
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- Suffering chest pain
- Abrupt chest pain, collapses and passes out, recovering in bed, learns he was poisoned
- Thrown from a horse, winded, on the run from bandits, shot in the back with an arrow, falls down an incline, hits his head on a rock
- Found unconscious and bleeding on the ground, recovering in bed, receiving treatment, wakes up with no memory
- Smacked in the face
- Wakes up trapped in a rolled-up rug after being kidnapped, struggling
- Still trapped in the rug
- Bitten on the legs by leeches, bleeding, screaming
- Recovering suppressed memories, migraine, clutching his head, collapses and passes out
- Passes out, collapses into his wife's arms
- Unconscious in bed after last episode, examined by a doctor, diagnosed with exhaustion, malnutrition and an infection from the arrow wound, spoon-fed medication, feverish
- Smacked in the face
- Stabbed in the arm during a swordfight, crying out in pain, refusing medical care, needs help removing his clothes, wincing in pain, has the wound cleaned and bandaged by his wife
- Wrongfully accused of treason, forced to kneel, tied to a frame
- Reopens the stab wound from earlier, blood dripping down his arm
- Pranked, tricked into believing he killed someone, fake arrested, tied up
- Betrayed, depressed, falls asleep on the ground, taken care of
- Nightmare, wakes in a panic
- Used as a human target, flashback, in a state of shock, falls to his knees
- Depressed, homesick, hallucinating his wife, crying
- Nightmare, wakes in a panic, recovering memories of his childhood trauma
- Given the belongings of his dead friend, clutching them and sobbing
Yoon Seok Hwan
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- Grazed across the cheek by an arrow
- Kneeling with a sword to his throat, cut on the neck
- Shot in the chest with an arrow
- Unconscious and recovering in bed from last episode, wakes up in pain
- Thrown to the ground in a fight, clutching his shoulder, reopens the arrow wound
- Still lying on the ground from last episode, bleeding from underneath his shirt, carried to safety, unconscious and recovering in bed, cared for by his friend
- Still unconscious in bed, carried to safety by his friend, insists on riding a horse before healing, clutching his shoulder in pain
- Applying ointment to the arrow wound on his shoulder, gasping in pain
- Feverish, unconscious in bed, nightmare, wakes up holding his sister's hand
- Knocked out, kidnapped, wakes up in a cell
- Locked in a shed, tied up, choked, gagged, cuts his wrists while breaking the ropes
- Stabbed in the chest and back while protecting his girl, shot in the chest with three arrows, collapses, stabbed again, vomiting blood, dies
TW: Contains themes of suicide and child abuse
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photodumppps · 24 days
“So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” 
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
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Just finished watching Alchemy of Souls :') and would like to rate this series a solid 4/5 which starred by Lee Jae Wook, Jung So Min and Go Youn Jung. I was never a fan of traditional style dramas but I never expected that this drama can pull this one of a kind genre along with scifi <3. Have many thoughts about the 2 seasons but I just want to highlight several things on each for those:
Season 1 was full of intense and plot twist and even though the sole reason why I watched this drama is the chemistry of Jang Uk and Mu Deok, never thought I would fall in love with fantasy and magic because of them.
The figurative language they use when it comes to their feelings with each other is soooo angst coded and type of enemies to lovers coded ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ!! Like, guys I can do this all day—watch them how they'll argue, show how they deeply. insanely. profoundly! INLOVE! Although this season did not really focus on romance (which my type of genre I love the most), I still love them (omg I miss them now ;() Another thing! I love the side stories of the season specially Park Jin and Maidservant Kim :') A slow witted X coquette kind of trope hahaha (girl, i made it up :|) I even love other characters specially Seo Yul and The Crown Prince (protect these two pls.) They're just one of the green trees in a green forest <33 I am actually thinking that if these two will die girl I'M OUT. To you Sang Ho, well, boy you played well (Thank God you weren't killed).
Here we go on Season 2 which the romance took place (I didn't like or dislike that either). Most of the watchers didn't like the 2nd season for different reasons. And the popular one is that the female lead was changed which in fact was really casted for that (watch the S1 pls.) I get it, I understand why Bu Yeon was like that during S2 (idontwanttospoilyouanythingsogojustwatchhahaha). There are times and scenes which I think, “Well, this is very Mu Deok (the one in S1)” but maybe we just miss how So Min, who portrayed Mu Deok gave the vibes and personality of Mu Deok/Naksu. Well, I appreciate how Naksu played significantly in this drama but during my dramarathon, I always pitied with real Bu Yeon (like this young lady didn't even have a great life and was just used all the time) but then when I watched the remaining episodes, I realized a few things (which made sense why Hong Sisters never highlighted the importance of our best girl Bu Yeon)
And to be honest this season also gave me the feeling of a roller coaster ride (sometimes).
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As this was made by Hong Sisters, I already knew that this would be a tragic and entertaining at the same time (Kudos to HS u did it once again!). Overall, the cast and production did well to make this series incredible and deserved to have great ratings as well.
what about you? what are your thoughts on this drama?
you can share down on the comment section and we can have a talk about it (i wish i still remember everything i think i just love yul that's all >_<)
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my-drama-heart2406 · 2 years
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Is this the tree with the bird's nest on top?
Yes. I want to climb up that tree again.
Did you really climb all the way to the top?
I was Naksu then... The moon from up there looked beautiful. But I can no longer see it with this body.
I may not be able to do much, but I think I can climb that tree.
There are no branches to stand on at the top. You must use your energy to create a foothold. You must master Chisu in order to do that. You are nowhere near that level.
I wanted to do nothing, but I feel motivated to climb up this tree. You said you wanted to see the moon from up there. I'm the only one who can take you up there, so I would like to try. Do you wish to go up there?
You must master Chisu in order to be able to climb up there.
Do you wish to go up there?
Then do me a favour, Jang Uk. Take me up there.
Fine, I will take you to the top of that tree.
ALCHEMY OF SOULS (2022-2023)
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(heartbreaking part II... Their separation is so sad! But I hope for the childhood-friends-trope that is very determining in kdrama!)
100 days my prince (2018) | 1*12
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bitacrytic · 2 years
Another thing I am going to do my best to ignore is how, once again, the story revolves around a friendship of three boys (plus Uk and the Prince learning to work together?) and yet, the girls are kept far away from each other and only share a scene to fight over boys or accuse each other.
I’d thought we were heading towards a Mudeok/Choyeon friendship in season one but the finale just ripped that to shreds. And now, Choyeon is complicit in her sister’s continued capture. Never mind that Soi is another wahala, or that the healer girl (Sorry, I can’t remember her name) just keeps showing up to Uk’s house and they’re still going to play that angle of her liking Uk, when there are a billion other men for her.
One sensible female friendship is all I ask for.
Because this transcends age as well. The uncles are fine with each other. The uncles see eye to eye. With the exception of Jin Mu and the King, all the other older men (Parkjin, Mr. Lee, Yul’s grandfather, etc) get along with each other. But Maidservant Kim and Madam Jin never share a scene and when they do, it is just to be in the room at the same time.
AOS, I love you, but you need to pull down your skirt because your sexism is showing.
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desabafosn0turnos · 2 years
who knows jin bu yeon is actually naksu (in the epilogue)?
this question is still in my mind and i neeeeed some clarity.
for SURE jang uk, jin ho-gyeong, master lee and yul know who is the true soul in bu yeon's body.
BUT, i think the crown prince, cho-yeon and dang-gu might have some suspicions, right?
cho-yeon certanly does. after all, she knew the whole true about her sister in those three years.
and as for the rest, i dont think they are stupid. after all, yul said in that scene that they were seven (souls), so...
i really do think they know, but just choose to not acknowledge it.
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