#Prince of Edom Magnus Bane
inabcck · 21 days
@ssolessurvivor sent: He's lost in his head, splayed on the couch with his head resting on a mound of pillows and the armrest, toying with the ring branded with an M on it for no other reason than he needs to fidget with something. He knows he might get in trouble for it, considering this is the third time in a week he'd have plucked it from the other's box of jewels, but he can't be bothered, gazing out the window at the skyline beginning to be colored in hues of sunset.
It was gone again. Magnus groaned because he had a feeling he knew exactly where the ring was or should he say with whom the ring was with. "Logan." He grumbled putting on the rest of his usual rings before he walked out to the living room to find the man in question lounging on the couch. The warlock cleared his throat to announce his presence and raised one finely manicured brow at the other. "If you're wanting to mark yourself as mine so badly it can be arranged." He said in a semi serious tone mostly because he wanted to see Logan's reaction to it.
He kept taking the same ring over and over Magnus might as well conjure up his own to have if he wanted to keep it. He puts his hands together and when he opens them there is an exact replica of his M ring in his palm. "This one is for you. That one." He points at the ring Logan has been fiddling with. "Is mine." And it comes to him right onto the empty finger it fits on as Magnus walks to Logan. He doesn't ask as he does this simply taking Logan's left hand into his and sliding the replicated ring onto his ring finger there. "With this ring I thee claim." He says with his cat eyes burning into the mismatched ones of Logan's.
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lawsofchaos1 · 8 months
Malec Promptlet: Royal AU
Asmodeus is the High King of Edom, a brutal and immoral overlord.
Edom conquered Idris two years ago after a long and protracted war, ended by the public execution of the King and Queen, Robert and Maryse Lightwood.
Alexander Lightwood, the Crown Prince and High General, is spared by Asmodeus, but only with the intention of having him serve as a living symbol of Idris' defeat by becoming the personal servant of Edom's own Crown Prince, Magnus Bane.
Prior to the war's end, Alec was able to send his siblings to safety in a neutral country across the sea, DuMort, even though he had to all but beg his sister and his shield-brother, Jace, to go. Alec had known that they were losing, the magic of Edom too powerful to fight much longer, and he'd played every emotional trick he could to make sure Jace and Izzy left their country and him behind. Max would need both of them with him to survive as a legitimate blood heir of a fallen kingdom.
Alec hadn't expected to survive himself.
But, when Asmodeus demands he bend the knee in the same room as his parent's bodies, Alec understands the trade at hand - his dignity for his remaining people's survival.
It's an easy decision for Alec to make.
The journey from Idris to Edom is hard, but Alec holds fast and eventually they make it to Edom's capital and he is thrown to the mercy of the Crown Prince's household. Every so often Asmodeus trots Alec out for some public humiliation, to prove Edom's superiority in front of visiting rulers wondering whether to take the offered treaty terms or risk negotiation, but for the most part everything is ... fine.
Magnus, as it turns out, is a kind master and Alec has no complaints.
As the seasons turn and begin to repeat, Magnus and Alec grow to be friends, confidantes even, though Alec is never truly able to forget the precariousness of his situation. Magnus desperately wants to be more, but he also knows that Alec doesn't have the power to say no, so he contents himself as they are. 
Magnus dreams of Alec being confident enough in their firm friendship and trust to perhaps want to be together as well, dreams even more secretly of the two of them ruling one day together as fully equal partners.
(Alec refuses to admit, even to himself, that he often dreams of similar tidings.) 
One night, however, Asmodeus calls Alec to serve him in his private rooms with a group of counselors and visiting officials from their southern neighbor. Magnus sadly watches Alec go, knowing exactly why Asmodeus wants Alec tonight of all nights. Negotiation begins tomorrow on a trade treaty, and watching Idris' fallen prince kneel to an enemy king is a powerful reminder of what it can cost to refuse Asmodeus' wishes.
Magnus goes to sleep, wishing futilely he was able to help without making things infinitely worse, hoping Alec will be well and whole in the morning.
It seems like his head has just touched the pillow when Magnus is woken up, suddenly and shockingly, the embers of the previous evening's fire providing just enough light to see by. Jolting up, heart racing, Magnus' mouth drops open to see Alec kneeling prostrate at the side of his bed.
Alec is frantic, broken apologies mixing in with barely intelligible explanations of something Magnus can't even begin to understand, so frantic and terrified is his friend. Magnus doesn't know what to do because Alec is shaking and trembling, and, even in those first days when Alec had thought he was to be executed and his people punished at the first mistake he'd made, he'd never been like this.
Magnus tries to comfort him, making calming sounds and promising that everything will be okay, but Alec doesn't seem to hear him. Alec won't rise and Magnus hates it because this is how servants react to his father, so he slips to his knees at Alec's side.
Thanking all the gods that Alec doesn't flinch at his touch - Magnus doesn't know what he would do if Alec did - the story finally comes tumbling out, Alec still refusing to meet his eyes.
Asmodeus and his retinue had been drunk, but Alec is well enough used to that. The casual slurs and violence they throw his way are what Alec has come to expect when he is called to serve the King.
(Magnus is livid at this unthinking confirmation. Alec is too quiet, too resigned to complain, has never mentioned this to him before - though Magnus had certainly suspected - and Magnus can do nothing but seethe helplessly as Alec mentions it as though it is nothing.)
But something had changed midway through the evening - there'd been a new horror lurking in the glint of Asmodeus' eyes. He'd grabbed Alec the next time he'd been close enough and forced him on his lap, laughing and wondering to the crowd exactly how well the Crown Prince of Idris would warm his bed.
Alec had panicked.
He keeps apologizing to Magnus and Magnus has a sudden, horrified image of Alec having grabbed a knife and slit his father's throat and the two of them having to run to escape charges of attempted regicide (because obviously Magnus isn't letting Alec run away by himself), but Alec keeps going and finally Magnus understands what had happened.
Alec claimed himself to be Magnus' bed slave instead- the only thing the King would have accepted as a reason for Alec to say no. Alec has no rights of his own in Edom. Only if Alec already belonged to Magnus, a possession that would irritate Magnus if someone else used it, could he refuse.
But Asmodeus won't hide this.
Asmodeus will think it hilarious, and Magnus heart stutters in his chest because he can't deny it without condemning Alec to the executioner's block now that it's been said.
Everyone will believe that Magnus cares not for consent and has chosen to use a former Prince and defeated enemy in the basest way possible.
And he cannot deny it.
But Magnus swallows his horror and holds Alec to his chest, running his hand soothingly across Alec's back until the trembling subsides and his exhausted friend is nearly falling asleep in his arms.
Tomorrow will be one of the hardest days of Magnus' life, but he will do anything to spare Alec from his father.
[Insert Happy Malec Ending]
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carelessflower · 6 months
Trouble was firing down the Lightwood's door, an old submission turned more bitter than the poison the matriarch and her husband had gladly lapped from Morgenstern's palm.
Common folks and nobles alike shook in fear, as the Mad King was back, devilish spawns sprinting with their father's every step. The combined force of Idris's houses had only managed to push him down, not out, never out. With a daughter whose hands draw golden and spirit was more fiery than her hair, and her terrifyingly blond brother, who would wipe the blood of those Morgenstern cheekbones with a smile.
Valentine was still alive. He called for the throne.
Of course, Valentine's insanity had not faded away, but neither had his wits, The Mad Ruler - always three steps prepared. The political landscape of Idris had shifted over the decades he spent in the dark carving ladder from people's flesh. The Clave never gave back their trust in the Lightwood. Valentine could regain fortune for his victory, and punishment for his betrayal.
Maryse the Unmercy tensed when a letter with familiar signs came down her sparrow, commanding words capable of drawing expressions few had seen her displayed. Though burnt, the sentiment stayed.
Maxell Lightwood could stay, for he posed the perfect future pawn in Valentine's army. Lady Isabelle would become Valentine's dear Clarissa's Lady-in-waiting, her hands in marriage awaiting whatever house Valentine deemed suitable to sway over.
And when the gentle spray of she spring came, along her the first bloom of Moon Magnolia, Sir Jonathan Herondale would sweep on his horse, and renounce his love for Valentine's daughter. A family united, at last.
The firstborn, oh how Valentine looked to meet the Lightwood's grace, his son's soon-to-be bed warmer. The most useful hostage in the family. Breaking him would be the perfect jewel on the Morgenstern's crown.
Time spinned. The wheel went on.
Day of tourney returned. Words spread faster than wind, a foreign blade drawn. Prince Magnus Bane was never known to back down from a challenge.
The commoners laughed and cheered, bets in taverns went one thousand, one million. They all heard the tales, and Sir Herondale had run into his tough match. Magic ran through Edom's veins, and as one of The Eldest Curses, Prince Magnus's power rivaled most of his royal peers.
The competition would be unpredictable, many claimed. But some only cared about who would the winner dedicate his history to. Whether the blessed magnolia crown of love and beauty would rest on Morgenstern's flaming curls or the intricate blonde braid of Bane's newest amour.
To say this year's round was the most anticipated in centuries would not be a stretch by any means.
Everyone at the joust recalled the moment of their bated breath, as the Great Destruction knocked their prideful heron off his horse. Sharp as Bane's laughter when he took off his helmet, not letting anyone get in his way- reaching for where noble houses were posing in observance.
His eyes flitted over to the right, where the lady Isabelle abode with her family.
Oh— of course. Others whispered. The one true jewel of Alicante. Lady of the Roses.
What a quaint couple would they make. Most knew Maryse was anticipating her frosty rage.
It didn't matter.
For blue petals bloomed in between Sir Alexander Lightwood's raven locks.
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okay so this malec x GoT inspired idea has been haunting me all night I need to get it out of my system may pick up later when I'm feeling lucky 🤭
tag list: @magnus-the-maqnificent @literallytypogod @ukisteria @hoezier-than-thou @sociallyineptbibliophile @queenlilith43 @khaleesiofalicante @wandererbyheart @raziyekroos @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @alexandergideonslightwood @andrwminward @noah-herondale-lightwood @elettralightwood @dustandducks @deliciousdetectivestranger @delightfullyterrible @letsgofortacos @kita-no @thelightofthebane @secrettryst @pocketoffeels @cityofdownwardspirals @stupidfuckindinosaur @i-have-not-slept @rinadragomir @potato-jem @kasper-tag @cam-ryt @banesapothecary
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prompt fill: the treasure of kings
the prompt deleted while i was writing but i got i back from the prompter so here we go
A demon prince becomes obsessed with Alec and abducts him. Magnus is like - Oh hell NO. Any demon prince is fine. Here’s a prompt I shared on the discord server recently if you want to use it. But it doesn’t have to be Lilith - So Lilith hooked up with Benedict Lightwood back in the day. Let’s say she really misses him and wants herself a Lightwood again. She finds out about Alec and is like - jackpot. Here is a beautiful Lightwood. Even better than Benedict. She stalks him for a while maybe and becomes obsessed. She’s keeping this one. Forever. She wants a beautiful angelic consort and she can’t wait to share him with Sammael when he finally gets around to reforming. So she kidnaps Alec. Takes him to Edom maybe. Plans to marry him whether he likes it or not. Magnus loses his goddamn mind. That skank thinks she can dare take his angel? Asmodeus is about to get his wish to be the sole ruler of Edom because Magnus is going to cut that bitch’s head off.
so i loved working with this idea and i let saeth have some input on who i used as the obsessive demon ^_^
i hope you enjoy
“I approved your transfer here as a favor for Aline,” Alec says as Sebastian nears the door. When he looks back, Alec’s eyes are watching him with cool suspicion and Sebastian reminds himself that it was just too soon.
It would be time, but not just yet.
Mother had always said that her favorite of lovers was Benedict Lightwood and she’ll be pleased he’s following in her footsteps. Sebastian rationalizes this to himself as he walks away from Alec’s office and he reminds himself not to turn around and just summon his mother.
He can’t take Alec to Edom without any preparation and this is his first time outside of his mother’s realm in years, he wants to indulge.
It’s with that thought in mind that Sebastian goes to find Clary… watching her and Jace with hungry eyes as he can’t decide who he wants to keep the most.  All three of them are important to him and each other but if he can only keep one, he finds himself torn.
It’s with a large, friendly smile that he offers the two of them towels. It’s then that he hears a surprising bit of news and he can’t help the edge his voice takes.
“Alec’s dating a warlock?” Sebastian asks, surprised but also displeased. “Which one?”
His question isn’t deemed strange at all by the others and Clary laughs and elbows Jace, “the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane.”
Sebastian swallows down the ash that sits on his tongue as he pretends to smile and nods to them both as he walks away.
Magnus Bane is untouchable for now and more importantly, he’s practically family considering how things work in Edom. Which means Sebastian probably shouldn’t try to kill him permanently, or it will upset Asmodeus too greatly.
Sebastian sees them later, Magnus showing up and letting himself in Alec’s office without even a knock, striding in like he owns the place.  It’s with seething anger that Sebastian once again falls short of a true son of Edom.
Sebastian knocks on the door, because he can’t help himself and there are long moments of pure silence that stretch out between him knocking and the door clicking unlocked and swinging in.
Whatever he thought he’d see, it wasn’t Magnus Bane in Alec’s lap, looking smug as he pulled away from Alec who looked more dazed and euphoric than Sebastian had imagined he could look. There was nothing of the cold, calculating Commander that Sebastian admired, or the doting but stern older brother who cared too much.
Alec looked like pleasure incarnate and a debauchery of divinity.  Magnus Bane doesn’t care about audiences and he boldly licks at the spit connecting their mouths, tongue dipping into Alec’s open, slack mouth. Alec whines, arching up and keening into Bane’s waiting embrace. There’s the slick sound of tongues caressing and Alec is shaking, like the kiss alone is too much for him.
“Alexander isn’t available right now.” Magnus Bane tells him, dismissing him without a second glance and Sebastian has to dig his nails into his palm and bite his tongue until he’s nearly pierced through it.
Which is fine.
He’ll heal it with an iratze, it won’t be any worse than the rest of his wounds.
“Thank you for letting me know.” Sebastian manages to get out, because this glimpse of Alec has only assured him of his preferred goal.  If Sebastian can only take one of what he wants right now, then it’s going to be Alec.
Before Asmodeus’ son can take any more of what should be Sebastian’s.
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dani-dabbles · 1 year
A Prince Restored, A Lover Lost
Title: A Prince Restored, A Lover Lost
Artists: @capcavan and @another-random-stranger
Beta: quill_and-ink (AO3)
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairings: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Word Count: 24k+
Summary: A SH 2x12 canon-divergent story where Magnus isn’t rescued by Alec and is executed in Valentine’s body by the Clave. His last moments of life are that of absolute agony…
…until the moment he wakes up in Edom and in the company of Asmodeus. 
Given a second chance at immortal life, Magnus returns to New York only to discover that, despite the seemingly fleeting moments he’d spent in death, decades have passed in the mortal realm. 
In a desperate attempt to reconnect with the Downworld/Shadowhunter family he was just beginning to build, Magnus finds everything and everyone changed. And the one he misses the most…he can’t find at all.
Devastated and unmoored, Magnus returns to his loft. And while the place is mostly the same (aside from inches of dust and stale air), it's the pile of mail at the door that stops him short. Because among the credit card applications, coupon sheets, and charity solicitations, are letters. Letters upon letters and each is labeled to mark the passing of time - Day 3, Day 64, Day 378, Day 1104 - all written in a heartbreakingly familiar hand. 
Through Alec’s words, the events after Magnus’ passing begin to unfold. And with each painful letter, a hopeful path back to the man who had the makings to be Magnus’ greatest love begins to be revealed.
Link to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49775434/chapters/125643631
This fic was created for the Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023: Presented by the @malecdiscordserver. 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
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malec-ao3feed · 2 months
Royal Flush
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6qX7ZHp by Liron After centuries of wars and hostility, the kingdoms of Edom and Idris conclude an honour peace. To solidify it, Prince Magnus is supposed to marry an Idris royal... Words: 2900, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV), The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Maryse Lightwood, Catarina Loss, Asmodeus, Other Character Tags to Be Added Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Royal Alec Lightwood, Royal Magnus Bane, Alternate Universe - Royalty, First Meetings, Crushes, Pining, Trans Character, Happy Ending, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6qX7ZHp
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la-muerta · 1 year
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Physically, there was little that set the archer apart from the rest. There were others as tall as him in the group, and he wasn't the only one with dark hair, although in Magnus' completely biased opinion he was definitely the most attractive of them. But it was the look in his eyes that told Magnus who he was — the hopelessness in them, tempered with fierce pride. It was the look of a man who had accepted that he was going to die a miserable death, but who was determined to meet his fate with his head still held high, and Magnus knew at once that this was the prince — his people's sacrifice.
Alec Lightwood, once-future-king of Idris and new consort to the youngest prince of Edom, Magnus Bane. From my Malec high fantasy arranged marriage AU, “All Realms of Where and When Beyond”.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
What, Chairman Meow hasn’t suffered? He’s totally suffered! Sometimes the store runs out of his favorite brand of treats, and Alec has to get him his second favorite brand of treats. Then he sits on the end of Magnus and Alec’s bed and goes MEEEEEEEEOOOOWWWWWW all night. -Cassandra Clare
THIS IS SO CUTE! I didn't know I needed a hc of Alec grocery shopping for his baby cat but this is all i want from life now
Excuse me but are you selling me that Mr Magnus Bane AKA High Warlock of Brooklyn AKA Prince of Edom won't summon a truck load of chairman's favorite brand of treats???
Also alec going grocery shopping is content i need and deserve. i definitely need headcanons.
alec: excuse me, um, sir, *squints at list* can you tell me where i can find, um, akay?
guy at the store: what?
alec: *looks at açaí* akay?
guy at the store: what?
alec: nevermind i'll just ask magnus to summon it bye
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celebrate getting out of tumblr jail by liveblogging hiadt chapter 2 like god intended
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“Same here. I’m out too,” Alec chimed in, taking another bite of his apple.
“Not allowed.”
Alec raised his head to find Magnus at the door.
im not aware alec's state of existence is your property pre pre divorce magnus
“And what if you wake up to your wife already married to someone else because you were gone for too long?” Aline inquired.
the fact i have this exact cursed thought alec wake up to magnus marrying etta- *SLAM WALL*
“Actually, he doesn’t,” Magnus interrupted.
as alec lawyer you're violating labor law mr bane
“Big time. Like fucking the prince of — “ Before Izzy could finish the sentence, Alec put a hand on her mouth and pinched her hair, making her yelp in response.
alec just looking to get a bag named after him cut him some slack
“Pffft. I don’t get jealous,” Magnus rolled his eyes but his finger dug deep on Alec’s hips.
now its violation of private property mr bane gimme the money already
I don't know. You look like the sun,” Magnus breathed. “It’s quite possibly the hardest thing not to kiss you when you look like that.”
it called the alexander effect, immediately cure depression i would know I study psychology
The Lightwood-Herondale-Fairchild-Bane-Lewis-Penhallow-Blackthorn circles runs deep across the Edom Hospitals. Even the ones who aren’t blood related, are interlinked through other bonds.
that just the tsc effect
There were bouquets and bouquets of flowers around the room and he groaned dramatically, even though all he wanted to do was giggle and jump at the sight.
better be tulips, magnolia and blue peony among them (idk how the poeny is blue magnus is rich make it happen!)
Alec smirked at him. “I don’t think he’s anywhere nearby. He’s too busy flirting with his employees these days.”
“You should report him to HR.”
“I should.”
buy your poor staff some coffee or high quality bubble milk tea before you force them to witness this toomfoolery
“What?” Dr. Adrian scoffs, “Haven’t you heard? Eat the rich.”
middle school coded
What did Magnus see in him?
yk sometimes u the talent is just unfortunately attached to a dickisiness
i cant even swoon over bamf alec im in distress right now this so much angast wtf
He’d put the decision of his life in Alec’s hands.
something about knife something about scarred hands from holding a different type of knife something something about marriage is giving the other your last defense
we are not talking about the last scene with this speed u gonna make me unmad hiadt magnus and I already conduct a list of nickname and cleverly movie reference tailored to the situation for roasting him you cant do this to me
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two chapters and you’re already unmad at HIADT Magnus??? i thought you were stronger than this Anh. I am disappointed ksjssksksksj but I get it—pre accident hiadt magnus is the biggest simp and it’s quite hard not to love him.
Edom staff gets paid to witness the tomfoolery and not for their service as doctors. It is what it is.
and apologies but they weren’t expensive flowers. It was asters, dahlias and lavender. Magnus Bane needs to step it up jajksskk.
Hiadt Magnus’s thoughts while in coma
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lamalefix · 5 years
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[Tap on it for better quality]
Well, I decided to redraw from scratch previous my Prince of Edom Magnus! So here we go! 
And this couldn’t be possible without the amazing @aria-lerendeair and @lakritzwolf 's​ support and suggestions <3 thank you sweethearts
I don't think the colouring is the best but, I'm kinda content with the outcome
[Do you have any ideas? My askbox is open for you]
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inabcck · 22 days
@ssolessurvivor sent: Logan doesn't like it when Magnus drinks so much. That usually means something bad, or a storm is brewing. They'd been sitting on the couch together and the blonde watched him take one too many drinks for his liking. Moving of his own accord, Logan takes the glass from the other's hand, sets it on the coffee table, and moves to slowly straddle Magnus. The intention is clear, the implications not necessary to be spoken: drown in me instead. The veteran leans their foreheads together gently, seeing if this could go wrong, could be a bad thing. Soon after, he leans in to place a kiss to those lips.
Magnus was always in a fowl mood when he had an argument with his father this particular one was over his pet he decided to keep. The warlock didn't want to admit that he kept Logan not because he was a sacrifice, but because he had been lonely and having someone else in the house with him soothed that ache. It was hard to deny his humanity when it clawed at him worse than any evil intention ever did. So he drank to keep the anger at bay to stop from taking it out on Logan when he didn't deserve the rage.
And yet here he was stopping Magnus to soothe that rage with another drop by stealing it away. There was a low growl released from him as it was stolen away, but it stopped once Logan was there in his lap. He looked up at him curiously trying to gather what exactly his plan was here, but he saw it there in his eyes. He had been denying himself so much and yet... He wasn't going to keep denying himself now that Logan had come to him and was kissing him. His hands come to snake around the other man in his lap as he pulls him in tighter to his body returning the kiss. He wanted him to drown in him and he was doing just that as he explored the other's mouth.
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carelessflower · 7 months
veiled fate
Sun set, sun fell, Idris and Edom proposed a truce. The ever-lascivious King Asmodeus had folded, more than willing to open a new trade road between the kingdoms for the eldest Lightwood’s hand in marriage.
So now, Alec simply awaited his fate, watching impassively as servants and tailors fluttered around him like ants and bees, making sure he turned up to be the perfect bride.
A willing sacrifice.
His siblings tried to reject the proposal at first- anyone in their sane mind would, Asmodeus wasn’t known as a kind lover. All six of his wives had died painfully, some during childbirth, or the dangerous politic of the harem, or the king’s sadistic play. He took and took and took, until spring blooms cried to desserts, and he left to conquer another land.
Alec had no illusion he wasn’t the next victim. Better him than Izzy, that was.
“You can’t do this.” Came Jace’s whisper. “Please, there’s still time, run away, don’t let this marriage ruin your life.”
Alec was glad he was hiding behind the wedding veil, separating him from the desperate, sad expressions his brother must have on his face. “There’s no other choice.” Their kingdom needed this allegiance, and King Asmodeus wanted a new plaything. “It’s my duty, and I suggest you respect my choice, Jace.”
There was no other protest after that, just sounds of Jace pushing over everyone when he stormed out. He wouldn’t be far for long, he was in charge of leading Alec’s carriage to Edom.
The journey was tedious, exhausting even. Alec felt layers upon layers of silk and brocade weighing him down. The two kingdoms had spared no expense for this wedding to happen, especially with the wedding veil. While Edom gave away their precious lace, Idris tailors spent days and nights stitching pearls and crystals to every mile of the fabric.
An excessive cage, trapping Alec to his doom.
In the carriage. In Edom. In the ceremonial hall. Alec bowed and made the vow before the gods with his new husband, his heart growing colder by the second.
When servants had sat him down in the private chamber, Alec was numb from it all. Here he was, waiting for his brute of a husband to swoop in and take him, hands clenching in his lap.
The door creaked.
Alec's husband had come.
Tick. Tick. The water clock rolled. Alec heard footsteps coming closer.
Then there were hands lifting Alec’s veil while he remained quiet, his gaze fixed on the ground, one hand reaching into his sleeve, twisting the gold bangle. It was a gift from Izzy, and it cheered with the final chance to prove its usefulness.
Alec uncapped a secret hidden underneath the bracelet and felt a hefty weight on his hand, sharp and dangerous. He struck when the king got closer, lunging forward with his dagger, fighting with every last breath. Unfortunately, the king did the same, and in the end, victory didn’t smile upon Alec.
His back hit the bed below hard, anger and dejection seeping through his veins.
“Kill me if you want.” He spat out. “But as long as I live, I would never submit to you.”
“Oh darling, why’d I kill my bride?” The king smiled, his green golden eyes flickered in the dim light of candles, and Alec was annoyed the portrait sent to him hadn’t done this man justice. He was younger, and more approachable, though still carried similar striking features in the painting.
Alec breathed heavily, confusion rolled off in his throat. Asmodeus seemed more willing to play with his victim than he thought.
“Tsh– Look at me forgetting my manner.” Magnus leaned down, one hand pinning Alec’s hands above his head while the other used the prince’s dagger to slice off buttons on his fancy attire. Alec whimpered, feeling the coldness danced against his skin. Soon enough, the once lavish robe turned to ribbons, hanging desperately on Alec’s body. “There’s been a change in management, I’m Magnus Bane, and your new husband.”
Taking advantage of Alec’s stunned silence, Magnus took a step further, throwing Alec's legs over his shoulder. Alec moaned out loud, the first of a long night.
“My king–I, ah.”
“You’re so good for me, my darling consort. Say my name, say it.”
“M–Magnus, Magnus.”
for @pocketoffeels keep feeding us with ur chaotic genius
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adiarosefandoms · 3 years
Extended Family (Alec Lightwood)
So I was just on the Shadowhunters Wiki on Alec’s page because he is my favorite Shadowhunters character, and on all wikis there is this little chart to the side with the characters basic information. Full name, birthday, job, and relatives. So I just did a quick scan of the relatives when I noticed something I hadn’t previously realized.
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Asmodeus is Alec Lightwoods father-in-law. Alec’s in-law is a demon. A prince of hell. You thought you had bad in-laws? Alec’s is a freaking demon from hell. He married into a family with demons. Now THAT is a rough family reunion.
Shadowhunter 1: Sorry I can’t go. Got dinner with the in-laws. Wish me luck. Shadowhunter 2: You think you have it rough? The inquisitors father-in-law is a prince of hell.
Just saying it out loud is the most ridiculous thing in the world.
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take my throne above
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Magnus frowned as he watched the last glimmering effects of the distant portal shatter and fade.  The demon who had alerted him to the attempted breach, hissed and pressed it’s crested brow against his shoulder before launching into the dusty heavens of Edom, retreating to it’s nest until it could be of further service.  
“Magnus?  I thought the point of eloping to Edom was so that we didn’t get unwanted visitors.”  Alec’s amused voice was soft, he had no need to speak loudly when his words would be carried directly to Magnus’ ears by the wind.
Without turning he held back a hand, perfectly content to wait the mere seconds it took for his Alexander to reach his side and slide their fingers together.  It made him feel complete whenever they were reunited, time was such a boundless domain but he suffered the burden of it whenever parted from his love.  
“Nothing to worry about my dear!  Even if someone did get through, between the demons, my magic and your superior archery, they’d have no chance against us.”  Magnus flicked his fingers as he spoke and let the might of his power echo across the canyon they overlooked.
“How time passes,” Alec murmured and pressed a devoted kiss to Magnus’ jaw, “I remember when we first came here, how even the magic of this realm fought against us.”
A pang of uneasiness made Magnus still, his muscles tensing as turned to cup Alec’s face with his hand, “too much time?”
“The years we’ve shared,” Alec said, voice lowering, “are but a mere moment in our long life.  I could never ask for anything but more time with you.”
Magnus pulled Alec close for a sweet, passionate kiss that was tinged with his desperation and adoration.
“Sometimes I worry,” Magnus said and the admission was a relief to share, “about just how different our lives became, how much you lost to live this life .”
“Does it matter?”  Alec asked, confused and a little hurt, “Magnus, we survived when we shouldn’t have.  We found a way to destroy the soul sword, ensure that Valentine would never be able to summon Raziel and that his son would never rise.  Lilith is defeated and your father confined by limbo and all because we sacrificed ourselves. I lost nothing and gained everything.”
Magnus smiled but he felt little joy, “immortality was a boon where you’d expected death.”  He reminded Alec gently, “your family and friends expected you to have a mortal life and your presumed death, while a tragedy, was not unexpected.”  Alec nodded in understanding but didn’t interrupt as Magnus continued, “and after we won, you were just as trapped here as I.”
“Magnus, I know enough to be sure that in life and any dimension, you will always be the best thing to happen to me and the love of my life.”  Alec vowed and squeezed Magnus’ hand gently, “Edom is but the place I live, my home is you.”
Alec frowned at the ichor coating his fingers and ignoring the sting of it, he absently wiped it onto his pants and kept walking, the carcass of a small demon cracking under his heel as he continued on.  The demon had been a tolerable one until it had drawn too close and tried to play with the shiny and captivating shimmer of his arrows, cute in theory but aggravating in practice. Alec didn’t mind the demons for the most part, but if they became a nuisance, well then -he was still a shadowhunter regardless of his place of dwelling.  Despite Edom lacking shadows it never lacked prey and here, in his husbands empire, Alec was one of the apex predators. Still, stalking the same kind of demons over and over again became somewhat monotonous and while he would never complain to Magnus, he sometimes missed the thrill of the chase, the edge of danger and the exertion of a good brawl.  
Tumbling and training with Magnus was its own kind of fun, but a different kind that always led to games and eventually to their bedroom and Alec wanted more than a little rough and bloody foreplay.  When he’d been an active shadowhunter in New York, he’d never considered himself a reckless soldier, or one that chased the high of a fight. However that had been long ago and while his recollection was strong, those had been the budding years of what had become a long life.  The echoes of that time faded more and more the longer he lived, until the people he’d once loved and called family were nothing more than dark shapes in a washed out memory.  
“Lost in time?”  Magnus asked, his voice and face a beacon of color in a dim world and Alec was reminded of how much joy there was to be had.
“Something like that,” Alec said with a laugh, delighted as Magnus caught his hand and spun him.  Magic wisped out, burning the last of the ichor away as music began to play and his husband wooed him with steady hands and confident steps, a teasing tango for two.
Magnus twirled on the edge of his heel, his magic weaving an intricate web and the scream of pained fury from his captive made him smirk, it had been a long time since he’d had live prey like this.  Demons made no threats and begged for no mercy but this, he let his magic burn and watched as his opponent withered and writhed in Edom’s flames before their life was snuffed out, this was interesting .
Back at his castle, at their castle, Alexander was waiting for him.  Bright eyed with a wide, boyish grin that spoke of an age lost to decades, blood a pretty rogue for his face and the blush of a bruise on his knuckles.
“You look radiant,” Magnus teased and was pulled into a fierce kiss that took his breath away and left him swaying where he stood.
“I’ve missed the hunt,” Alexander admitted and he looked like a god of war, the gleam in his eyes the madness of immortality and the delight of the living’s victory over the dead.  “Maybe we should let intruders in more often.”
“Anything you want.”  Magnus promised, his own excitement rising at the thought of another chase, “ everything you want.”  They were the protectors of their land and from their enemies bones they built a throne of power, metaphorically of course, Magnus may rule a dimension of hell but unlike his kin he had class.
Alec wet his lips, tasting the dust of Edom and feeling a new surge of cursory delight as he took in the green, nearly glowing terrain of the world before him.
Edom had an effect on you when you spent long enough in her embrace and Alec couldn’t remember the last time he’d inhaled clean, untainted air.  It was crisp and almost sharp as he breathed it in, marveling at how cool it felt and the caress of it against his skin made him shiver.
“Regrets?”  Magnus asked, his eyes gleaming a deep gold and a look of hunger -normally reserved for the bedroom or calling down a storm- had darkened his features into something fierce and beautiful.  
“There are no regrets when I’m with you.”  Alec promised fervently, “besides, Edom will be there for us to return to whenever we please.  Out here though, here there are entire worlds to explore.”
“And subdue,” Magnus added softly, something delightfully wicked in his gaze as he offered his hand, “I’d be a poor ruler indeed if I brought my husband to a boring land.”
“Boring?”  Alec asked and his laughter was low and unrestrained, “baby, with you around that would be impossible.”  
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malec-ao3feed · 14 days
The Howling In Your Head
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/4NMIvwp by Shergar There’s a horn sitting on Magnus Bane’s bookshelf. It’s about a foot long — variegated black and white with a simple leather strap around the center. Upon closer inspection, it’s covered in etched drawings of fantastical scenes of hounds and stags and horses running through the night sky. To anyone else, it was another trinket — something Magnus must have picked up on his various travels and chose to display in his home. Alec, however, knew the truth of the artifact, even if Magnus didn’t himself. And that was how Alec thought it would always stay...until his boyfriend got dragged to Edom by a Prince of Hell. Words: 5856, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of By the Angel Bingo, Part 1 of The Howling In Your Head Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV), The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Asmodeus, Catarina Loss, Jace Wayland, Isabelle Lightwood, Clary Fray Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Trueblood Family Gifts, Hound Alec Lightwood, Huntsman Magnus Bane, Not How You Expect However, Asmodeus Gets Whats Coming To Him, Possessive Alec Lightwood, Good Boyfriend Alec Lightwood, Family Secrets read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/4NMIvwp
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idjitsgonnaidjit · 5 years
me: *knows full well magnus is royalty in edom*
asmodeus: i’m a royal. you’re a royal
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