#Princess Miyoung
daemour · 11 months
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Pairing: royalty!Mingi x royalty gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff, light angst, royalty au, arranged marriage au
Warnings: none
WC: 1898
Summary: You and Mingi aren't friends, not even after marriage. But you're not enemies either. In fact, you don't know where you stand but after an incident maybe it could be something more?
after being complained at for "never writing Mingi" (ahem @mingsolo) here we are! to tide us over while i struggle through nanowrimo i have a handful of prewritten fics so y'all aren't dehydrated
“With the power vested in me by the Gods, I unite Princess (Y/N) (L/N) and Crown Prince Mingi Song in holy matrimony, thus joining their kingdoms.”
The priest leads the two of you to join hands, and as you do light shines from within your clasped hands. The ceremony is over and you are now married to the…well, former nemesis of your people. The funniest thing was when you were just toddlers, your parents had even talked about marrying the two of you together. But then something changed. And it wasn’t long before both countries were locked in a war before you even had the chance to talk to the prince for more than your greetings.
It was devastating. Both countries were large and powerful, and the smaller kingdoms around them suffered for it. It was only when his father died that the high empire intervened and, as a result, decided to use your marriage to make peace. Mingi would not be crowned until he was married to you, and the wedding took place much sooner than you had hoped.
Which brings you to now. Neither you nor Mingi talked or even looked at each other the entire carriage ride home. It was not a joyous occasion, not for the two of you. No shared beds, or rooms, just barely acknowledging each others' presence.
In fact, you’re pretty sure he hates you. He rarely acknowledges your presence. You don’t know what to do with yourself in this hellhole. All you do is show your face in the throne room when needed and then retreat to either your private gardens or room until next called for.
“Yuri, could you do me a favour?” you call for your handmaiden, who might just be one of your only friends in this dreadful castle. The servants like you well enough but there’s only some much kindness they can offer before the nobles’ words get to you.
“Yes, milady?” Like a ghost, she moves to stand beside you, her hair glowing in the sun. Sometimes you look at her and feel she would be a so much better fit for the role of queen here. You can barely hold the attention of the court ladies while Yuri can shut them up with a single polite sentence. “How may I assist you today?”
“Could you do me a favour and fetch me some tea? You know my favourite. I’ll take it in my room, and you can take the day off.”
Yuri bows her head. “Thank you, milady.” You can hear the smile in her voice, excited at the prospect of a day off. You wave her off and as she enters the side door, you lean back on your hands and enjoy the rays of sunshine on your face for just a moment alone. You take moments like this with gratefulness, as it’s only when you’re truly alone that you feel almost at home.
With another sigh and a crack of your back, you brush off your full skirts and make your way to your room. It’s when you almost reach your quarters that you run into Lady Miyoung, a lady of high social standing that you heard was rumoured to be marrying Mingi before the war had started.
“Lady Miyoung, what a surprise,” you greet her quietly, tilting your head into a bow. “I did not expect to see you near this wing.” You did not expect her because this area is regulated strictly as only you, your personal servants, and your husband are allowed entrance.
“Oh, yes, a pleasant surprise, I’m sure,” Miyoung sniffs haughtily and your eye twitches. As much as she despises you, she’s popular among the court and if you dare raise a word against her the social exile you would face would be irreparable. “I heard the most interesting conversation the other day, you know.”
“Ah,” you are not quite that interested in court gossip, but if Miyoung found her way into your wing without being stopped, it must be something important.
“I heard,” Miyoung leans in as if you’re sharing secrets about childhood crushes, “that King Mingi has been looking for a second wife to bear him a son. A woman of his court, with high social standing, of course. In fact, I heard that he’s quite sick of his war trophy.”
And her words cut you deep. You know she’s referring to herself as the lady of the court with a high social standing, and that you are his war trophy. She’s not subtle, but she’s subtle enough that you cannot sentence her to anything without the wrath of the court against you. You feel your throat tightening but you force an almost painful smile on your face. “I see. Well, the rumours of the court have no bearing on how I will go about my day, so I thank you for your wisdom. You may leave.”
Miyoung raises a perfectly shaped brow, no doubt pleased at your obvious hurt but also craving more of a reaction. “Now, now, there’s no haste. A court doll like you must have nothing else of interest as her husband, His Royal Majesty, has much more important matters to attend to.”
Your eyes widen in shock. Never before had a court lady been so openly disdainful of you. Behind your back, easily, but to your face and in your quarters? You open your mouth to rebuke her but before a single word leaves your mouth, you hear wind rushing past your ears as a person stands before you. As your eyes move up his broad back your hand flies to your mouth as you recognise the back of Mingi’s head.
“My King,” Miyoung stutters out, just as surprised at his sudden appearance.
“Why are you here?” Mingi’s booming voice echoes in the narrow hallway. “I do not recall you being given permission to be in this area of the castle.”
“Why, Queen (Y/N) invited me herself,” she lies straight out of her teeth.
Mingi looks back at you, his eyebrow raised as he awaits your confirmation. And on any other occasion, maybe you would have folded in your eagerness to please the court, but your heart still stings from Miyoung’s words. You shake your head ever so imperceptibly.
Mingi nods. “I see. Now, Lady Miyoung,” his head snaps back to her and she has the audacity to flutter her eyelashes at him. “Lying to the King and putting words in the Queen Consort’s mouth is a punishment worthy of being stripped of your title.”
“Your Majesty!” Miyoung squawks and Mingi holds up a hand to silence her in the middle of her sentence.
“Not to mention the other offences I heard when walking by,” Mingi continues and Miyoung swallows as she realises the trouble she put herself into. “Spreading harmful rumours about the King and the Queen Consort?”
“You’re majesty, I wasn’t–” Miyoung tries to save herself but Mingi is not having it.
“Keep your snake mouth shut” he snaps “lest I cut your tongue off for disrespecting my wife. You have, by extent, insulted me as well. Second wife? Don’t make me laugh. Queen (Y/N) is a hundred times more the queen you would ever be.”
Before Miyoung could protest anymore, Mingi snaps his fingers and guards you didn’t even expect to be there come out of the shadows to take Miyoung by the arms.
“My King!”
Both you and Miyoung gasp in surprise, although yours is more confused and hers is plain offence, but Mingi ignores you both as he addresses his guards. “Take Lady Miyoung to the dungeons while I decide what to do with her.”
And without hesitation, the soldiers drag an offended and whining Miyoung away. It’s only when her hollers finally cease that you snap to attention, quickly bowing at your husband. “I didn’t expect you to be here, Mingi,” you state as he bows back. “I thank you for your help in dealing with Lady Miyoung, though.”
Mingi sighs. “I should’ve done more before, (Y/N), and I’m sorry. I should’ve known how hard it would be for you, moving so soon after the war.”
You shake your head as your hands clutch at your full skirts. “You have no obligation towards me. Lady Miyoung was, in a way, correct about one thing. I am a war trophy.”
“No obligation?” Mingi’s voice raises in volume but he pauses to calm himself down after he notices you flinch at the volume of it. “(Y/N), you are my wife. The furthest possible thing from a trophy. I should have nipped the gossip in the bud—neither of us wanted a war and we could not control our circumstances.” Mingi reaches forward, almost as if to hold your hands, but decides against it, his hands just hovering awkwardly in the air.”
“But you don’t care,” you contradict him, your voice small. “I know you don’t owe me anything, but I rarely ever see you, and the court thinks I’m a joke. I can’t show my face without hearing the whispers behind my back. I do my best to listen to the commoner’s struggles and offer solutions but there’s only so much I can do when the officials and their wives are against me.”
Your words stun Mingi to his core. “You think I’m indifferent?” At your careful nod, he overcomes his hesitation and takes your shaking hands, bringing them to his chest as you are pulled forward at the motion. “My wife, I adore you. I would be lying to call it love, but I hold you in such high regard, and given time, I would come to love you if you’d let me. I am so sorry that you came to that conclusion.”
You hesitate before reaching forward and squeezing his warm, large hands. “It’s okay,” you whisper. When Mingi raises an eyebrow you laugh breathily at his suspicion. “It truly is. Yes, I felt alone and out of place, but your words and kindness have comforted me. We can try again. I’ll attend more councils with you as is my duty, and we can have lunch together afterwards. I’ll do my best to appeal more to the nobles and we can get to know each other. I don’t hold it against you, Mingi.”
Mingi nods slowly as he processes your words. “We shall,” he smiles and you can’t help but smile back. He brings your hands to his lips, pressing a kiss against them. “We will, and that’s a promise. I will defend your reputation with all I can, and you will blossom in this court, I’m sure of it.”
You giggle a little at his phrasing and you give his hands another gentle squeeze. “I will hold you to that promise.” A pause as you stare into each others’ eyes and an idea hits you. “Mingi, are you busy right now?”
Mingi shakes his head. “No?” he cocks his head, his eyes warm.
Your eyes shine as your smile grows even more on your face. “Then please do me the honour of accompanying me to my garden, my King.” You punctuate your question with a short laugh and Mingi’s eyes shine as he nods.
“Please, let’s.”
You feel a warmth bloom in your chest as you gently pull him down the hall back from where you came.
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fulich-bratsxd · 4 months
foolish is the type of king to hide his terminal illness until the very end
he would play off his symptoms like it’s the common cold when in reality he’s dying to an unknown disease that has no cure. multiple doctors have tried to help him but none of their medicines or magic have healed his already deteriorated figure
the only hopes he has is for princess tina to take on his responsibilities when he passes, with queen miyoung and king quackity there along side her
until then though, foolish trudges on and helps where and whenever he can, no matter the distance or difficulty because he’s determined to die a true, faithful, and righteous king
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haespoir · 1 year
me after you: ldh.
⨯ pairing: general!haechan x princess!reader
⨯ word count:  6.2k
⨯ genre: historical au, secret relationship
⨯ summary: being a royal means that you don't have the luxury of marrying for love. but when your younger sister is set to marry your childhood friend turned secret lover, you have to do something.
⨯ content: a lot of angst, mentions of blood, mentions of suicide, character death, open ending
⨯ playlist: fine, taeyeon / lucid dream, aespa / forgetting you, davichi / if it is you, jung seung hwan / how can i love the heartbreak you’re the only one i love, akmu
⨯ a/n: this comes after watching scarlet heart in one sitting. please be kind, this is the longest thing i've written in a while! feedback is always welcome ♡ . . .
You’re barely 10 years old when you first see him. You’re crouched behind a tree as you watch your brother Jaemin from a distance, an unfamiliar male by his side. You have no idea what they’re speaking about, but frankly, you don’t care much. You just want to know more about the male next to Jaemin. 
You've heard numerous stories of love at first sight. You’ve always believed that your first love would come and sweep you off your feet, that they would come in and whisk you away from the palace. But that’s not what he does. Instead, he fills your mind with fantasies, scenarios you only wish you could pursue with him. You imagine nights under the stars with him, being wrapped in his arms would be a dream come true. All this and you don’t even know his name. 
Suddenly, your muse for art is at its all-time high. You stray away from the usual flowers and bright colors. Dark colors make an appearance, and an unnamed male becomes the star of your paintings. It’s odd how someone you’ve never had a full conversation with occupies your mind. 
There’s this odd hunger that makes a home in your heart. Something that can never be calmed. At least not by you. Not by anyone but your mystery man. 
It’s not until a few weeks later that you get a name to match the face. Lee Donghyuck, the son of Grand General Lee. You know right away that he is destined to do nothing but good in his life. A man who can save countless countries in your eyes. 
You finally formally exchange names with him. It’s a wonder really, the way just a few words have you flying on cloud nine. “Lee Donghyuck,” he had said, voice sweeter than honey. It was sad how quickly you became smitten. 
But it seems you are not the only one because it doesn’t take long for the two of you to click. You’ve got a routine going, a secret shared amongst yourselves. Late nights turn into adventures, hand in hand the two of you explore everything the night skies have to offer. 
Looking into the eyes of Donghyuck you swear that he holds your whole universe there. He is limitless. The stars are not confined to just his eyes; they float in his voice when he whispers sweet words to you, and they dance along from his skin to yours when you touch. They surround him with this celestial warmth that is blinding to you. 
It doesn’t take you long to realize it, but you’ve fallen in love with Lee Donghyuck, desperately in love; it stays that way for years to come. 
And then the letters are sent out.
. . .
You are invited to the royal wedding...
Your attendance is requested at the wedding celebration of PRINCESS YI MIYOUNG and GENERAL LEE DONGHYUCK on the evening of Saturday, the 5th of January in the year of 1540 of King Jaehyun’s rule. 
The celebration will be held in the estate gifted to the prince consort and the princess after the formal wedding ceremony in the royal palace. Guests are required to bring forth a gift that will be presented to the bride and groom as well as the original invitation, which is to be presented on entrance. This invitation is extended to the immediate members of the recipient’s household.
His Majesty, King Jaehyun
Father of the bride.
. . .
Anger is a foreign emotion to you. But soon, you’ll find it’s your best friend. 
The date of the wedding weighs down on your soul. It crushes any hope that you have. Like a harsh wind, it blows out the flickering light of hope you have, and it leaves you covered in a darkness that you are unfamiliar with. Sorrow courses through your veins, but its presence is barely acknowledged. There’s something else there that takes control.
It clouds your senses until it's all you see. A white flash of rage. A single swipe of your arm leaves your tea cups broken on the floor. Tears of anger slip down your face, but it makes things worse. You’re weak, so weak. And you’re an emotional mess. 
You wish you could be angry at your father for allowing it to happen. At Donghyuck for making empty promises, or even Miyoung, for just being Miyoung. But you can’t. It’s impossible. Your anger is directed at one person only– yourself. 
You hate yourself. It becomes a cycle of self-loathing. You’re unable to be angry at anyone but yourself. You are too careless with your heart. How could you have been so foolish? You know better than anyone else that there’s no room for love when it comes to the royal family. 
You rip the decorative accessories from your hair and throw them with all the strength you can muster. Even so, they don’t make it far. They land in front of an unfinished painting, the image haunting you. A painting meant for Donghyuck. How could you bring yourself to finish it now? 
A piece of glass catches your attention. How easy would it be to end your suffering? A simple cut would be enough, would it not? You could be free of all the politics, free of the pain. The glass feels heavy in your hand and suddenly, you are weighing out your life options.
But the more you think about it, the more your anger manifests. How could you allow someone to have so much control over your life? You’ve given your heart away so easily, and you aren't sure if you’ll ever get it back. 
Without realizing it, your grip on the shard of glass tightens and soon you’re drawing blood. But with your emotions running so wild, you don't even feel the pain. Scarlet tears stain your clothing, but you don't mind. Not now. 
You’re tired, tired of being walked all over. You’re tired of not having a say in your life. But– at the same time– you’ve lost all care. Bitterness seeps into your heart, and you feel like giving up.
However, you refuse to be weak this time around. You’ve been kicked into the dirt once again, but you won’t allow yourself to be buried. You will grow this time, and this time with more resilience than before. 
You watch as another drop of blood falls from your hand. This time, you’ll care only for yourself. This time, you will only care for your own happiness. You’ll face everyone with a fake smile. You’ll congratulate the married couple. And you won’t reveal your sorrow.
. . .
It feels as if a weight has been lifted off Donghyuck’s chest. There had been a few hiccups, but he had survived greeting his future wife. It’s not like he really wanted to, but he knew he had a role to fill. Miyoung wasn’t at fault; it wasn’t as if she had approached her father and begged to allow her to marry him. 
No, it should have been you to do that. 
But he also knew that you were not in the proper position to make those demands. He sighs softly; what a truly frustrating experience this was. The meetings with Miyoung and the King had been draining, but it was clear that they were to be married for political reasons only. After all, Donghyuck came from a family of generals who were completely loyal to the crown. 
As if the sky was reflecting his exhausted nature, the sun had begun to set. The light was slowly dying, a beautiful pink hue painted across the sky. You would have loved to see this sunset; it was one of your favorite activities, just chatting away under the disappearing sun. 
Had he been more aware, he would have heard you approach him. Standing in front of him was a princess, and he would argue that she was his favorite one. 
His surroundings seemed to be muted in comparison to you. There was nothing as vibrant as his lover, if he dared still call you that. Almost instantly, his heart clenches; it hammers within his chest like the war drums sounding his army’s march. It was almost as if his heart was echoing its intent for you. 
“Princess…” Donghyuck catches himself, addressing you with your proper title before an affectionate nickname can slip past his lips. “I hope you are well.” He bows with a foreign eagerness to place as much distance between the two of you as possible.
As he gazes at you, he begins to wonder if betraying the crown is worth it. If it meant he could hold you in his arms he believes he would forsake the entire country for you. That thought alone is terrifying, and it goes against everything his father has taught him. 
So with as much courage as he can, and it’s not a lot, he speaks again: “I bid you farewell.”
There’s an undeniable feeling that pools in your stomach as you look at him. It’s an ache that squeezes your heart so tightly it’s hard to breathe. There’s no one else that you would want to spend your life with, yet he is the same person who is forbidden to you. 
In your bandaged hand is a piece of fabric, one that holds the love and affection you have for the male in front of you. Intricate stars are laced through the dark fabric, representing the countless nights the two of you had spent together. So many sleepless nights spent on something for a man you could no longer love. A man you could no longer call your own. 
“Donghyuck,” you say, almost choking on the tears that you refuse to let fall. There's a feeling of happiness that blinds your senses when you see him, yet you can also feel your heart break at his cautious nature. How could the affection that once laced his words be completely gone? The words that left his mouth felt foreign, and they left you feeling bitter. 
“Please accept this,” you whisper, nearly begging. You barely manage to grip his sleeve; it seems he is in a rush to leave you. That idea only has your heart hurting even more. Your nights amongst the stars seem so distant now. He seems so distant now.
The way you said his name hurt. Even if he had scars covering his body from war, none would hurt as much as it did hearing you call his name out like that. He did not want to do this, it would be so easy to leave and run away, but when a princess begs, it is in your best interest to act in favor of the princess. 
Duty before self. Crown before duty. Country before the crown. These were words that he was taught since he was just a young boy. It was these same words that now haunt his every decision. Duty to the crown– the king had decreed his partner for life. There should be no space within his heart for you. Yet, you occupy all.
With trembling hands, his heart overriding the screams of protest in his head, he takes the star-laced fabric. Quickly, his eyes dart around, checking to see if the two of you were truly alone. Once that’s confirmed, he doesn’t hold back. Calloused hands cup the delicate face of a princess, your beauty clouded by the tears gathering in his eyes.
“What are you expecting?” He asks.
Maybe hours later, when he’s regained control of his emotions and he’s alone, he’d probably berate himself for giving into his weakness. However, right now, the crown be damned. It nearly broke his heart to see you hurting, especially when he loved you so dearly. All because you wanted him to accept a gift, which he’s sure is a parting gift. Even if he wants to deny it. He could be heartless in his duty to the crown, however, this was too much. “I’m already promised to Miyoung,” he says softly, his thumb caressing your cheek. “You know the king’s decision is final, and I cannot love you. We cannot be seen like this.”
“Leave me.” He whispers, watching as the tears that had pooled in your eyes begin to fall. “And forget me.”
“Forgive me,” he thinks to himself. 
It’s a concept that is foreign to you; the fact that his words hurt more than any physical wound- you’ve never felt anything like this. His words are like needles, and your heart is their resting place. 
Like always, Donghyuck is able to take your breath away. But this time he’s left you with no air, and no words as well. You don’t know what you had expected to become of the two of you– after all, Donghyuck was always someone who chose his country and the crown over anything. 
“I can't accept it,” you sob. And even if you tried, you don’t know how to. There's no one else in the palace who you love as much as you love Donghyuck. And it’s so difficult for you to come to terms with. 
“I can’t leave you, and I can’t forget you,” you recited as if it was a mantra that had been playing in your mind for days. And you had. Your thoughts had been consumed with Donghyuck since you had met him. 
Donghyuck, without much thought, presses his lips to yours. As if it's the most natural thing for him to do, as if he wishes to ease the pain of your breaking hurt. And it works, if only briefly. 
You relish the feeling of his lips against yours, a feeling you find yourself not knowing you missed. You never realized how hungry you were for Donghyuck until you got a taste. Like a drug, you’re not sure if you’re able to give him up. Your grip on his sleeve tightens, unable to let go of him. 
But no matter how selfish you wish to be, you can’t.
An internal conflict impossible for you to escape. You pull away from him quickly, tears spilling from your eyes freely now. How could you do this to Miyoung? How could the king do this to you?
Donghyuck had lost to his own weakness; he had lost to his own emotions. Everything always came back to you. Your lips were just as he remembered. You were an addiction to him as well, and he wondered if he’d ever be able to quit. 
He knew you. He knew the meaning of those tears; he could see the conflict brewing within your eyes.
“You're thinking about Miyoung, aren’t you?” He says softly, his hands moving to curl stray hair behind your ear. “You’re unable to betray your sister, as I am unable to betray the king.” 
He’s once again brushing your tears away with his fingers. “So much for being a general,” he bitterly thinks to himself. He wishes he had the courage to ask you to run away with him, but he has a family to think about. He has to think about his duty to the crown and to his family. Unknowingly, tears had also begun to fall from his eyes. “The moment the King announced our marriage it was over. What did you expect coming to see me here?”
His words are once again stabbing at your heart.
“Of course, I'm thinking about your wife,” you say, “My sister. Your wife. A person who gets to spend their nights in your arms.” It hurts even more as you speak, the words leaving your lips in soft breaths. It’s official, Lee Donghyuck has broken you.
The feeling of his fingers on your face brings back nostalgic memories. Instinctively, you lean into his touch. There is nothing that you wouldn’t give up for Donghyuck– you were just that in love with him. But you were just a princess– a princess willing to give up their title and life just for some general. And while you want to say that you’re unsure if Donghyuck would do the same, you know his loyalty to the crown is undying. And that is what tears your heart apart. 
“Do you know how difficult it is?” There are so many nights where you find that sleep doesn’t welcome you with open arms anymore. Instead, it turns its back to you, ignoring your pleas as you spend the night tossing and turning. 
It’s hard for you to speak; you’re choking on tears. You don't know what you expect from Donghyuck anymore. Your situation has become so complicated. It's hard for you to even comprehend. 
“I can't expect the same love I once received, I know I can't,” you say weakly, hating how difficult it was for you to speak. “But I do. Donghyuck– I crave it. I miss you so much.”
“To-be. Wife to-be. We’re not married yet.” He states bitterly, doing his best to draw the line distinctively. “She will not spend her nights with me. I have not touched her hand, her lips, or her.” 
It’s like daggers are embedding themselves into his heart with each word. He does his best to defend himself and calm your anxieties as he speaks. “I will sleep in my own study even if we are wed.”
“To be or is, what difference does it make? You are no longer mine Donghyuck– why can’t I grasp it?” you speak with anger towards yourself now, each word produces a new cloud of darkness in your heart, a feeling you’re becoming used to unfortunately. 
You’ve come to a full circle of blaming yourself. You’re the one to blame, had you not fallen for Donghyuck that fateful day, this wouldn’t be happening. Had you begged the king to allow you to wed Donghyuck instead of Miyoung, maybe you would have gotten your happy ending. 
But it’s too late for that now. Even the thought of Donghyuck spending a night with Miyoung pains you. Though you want nothing best for your siblings– if Donghyuck is Miyoung’s best, you might find yourself changing your mind.
“You are always the last thought that I have before I close my eyes. You were my very last thought when I thought I was on the verge of dying.” His words are earnest as he speaks. “You are the one that kept me strong on the way back home, back to you. I thought about your crying face and fought the reapers who had come to claim me.” 
Donghyuck’s hands drop to your waist as he pulls you into him, holding you close. “The love you’ve once received is still here.” He takes your hand and places it over his chest. “You will always be in my heart until the day I breathe my last breath.”
You grip the fabric that separates your hand and his heart. “You plague my every waking thought, Donghyuck. And even when I think I can be free of you– you appear again. Countless nights I prayed for your safety. I prayed for you to come back. To come back to me.” But that’s not the reality you get. Your father had rewarded the man you loved for winning the war by giving him your younger sister’s hand in marriage. How cruel.
“It is torture to give a man your heart and soul only for it to be rejected because the crown and country are placed higher than you,” you say, hitting his chest with your balled-up fist. “It is truly torture having to hide away from your family because you’re ashamed. Ashamed to face your sister for loving her soon-to-be husband. Ashamed at the fact that I couldn't even be vocal about how much I loved you– how much I do love you.”
You move to cup his cheeks, your thumbs caressing his face in ways that you can only hope to express how much affection you still hold for him. “What are we to do? What am I to do?”
Donghyuck swears this is like a dead game of go, several stones are already stuck. Defeat is imminent. Perhaps he is going soft and becoming vulnerable. He had heard this is what love does to a person. He had warned those who learned from him that placing too much focus on one objective would be their downfall. Yet here he is, doing everything in his power to keep you safe and by his side. 
Even if he meant betraying his loyalty. 
It would be simple; avoid the engagement and wedding as long as he could. Then, when your brother Jaemin takes the throne, he could annul the engagement. It would have to work; it was the only way. For this to work, the King must die.
He could do it in five years, maybe even four. An illness, or a coup. Something like that could work, right? The thought alone makes his heart race. Someone with an undying loyalty to the crown, thinking such treasonous thoughts.  
He looked at you, the love of his life. He could see the pain that flickered in your eyes. Were you worth committing high treason for? To go against the crown and country? To go against everything he had ever known?
The answer was blatantly yes. 
Would your love survive if he was the one to end the life of your father? Even if it was a perfect crime, would his own soul survive dealing with the guilt?
“I love you.” He whispered, pulling you into him once again. Donghyuck closed his eyes, willing away the demons forming in his mind. When someone you love more than life is in pain, it is a very simple decision to make on the spot. 
Donghyuck lies.
“It will all be fine,” he says. “I will find a way for us. Can you wait?”
One look into his eyes, and you know he’s planning something. You can hear the cogwheels turning in his brain. Like a true General, or to-be Grand General– you know he wastes no time in making plans. You know him too well, after all, he was once your Donghyuck. 
Being in his arms was where you belonged, where you would happily spend the rest of your days. But that was not so easy anymore. You could no longer hold the affection you once held for him. 
Logically, it’s not right. You know it’s not. It's your loyalty to your sister that reminds you of this every single day. Miyoung was a princess, and you would not allow your sister’s reputation to be tarnished. There were just some things that were above you. Anyone with a brain knows that this is not just some easy mistake to be fixed. 
But you have always followed your heart. 
So you allow yourself to fall into Donghyuck once more. “I love you as well,” you breathe out, your voice barely above a whisper. You can hear his steady heartbeat as you place your head on his chest; it calms your aching soul. Donghyuck is your sun, your moon, and all your stars. You know that he is someone you’re willing to fight for. 
“I will wait for you until the end of time, you know that.” The words slip past your lips effortlessly, a white lie in its purest form. You know that Donghyuck will always be in your heart, but you also know how the world works. It works in cruel and unfortunate ways. 
A princess as soft-spoken as you will never get what you want. You are a pawn to others. You know soon enough that you will be married off– just as your sister was. And when the time comes, will you still be able to put Donghyuck above all else? 
“But are you able to wait for me?”
He leans away from you to look at your face, his hands not leaving your waist. “I fought death for you,” he thinks to himself, feeling his heart swell at the image of you. 
“Is this doubt I hear?” He gazes at you with false anger, a playful smirk decorating his features. “You dare doubt the hero, the Grand General Lee Donghyuck?”
“I will wait for you until the end of time,” He says, leaning in and stealing several small kisses between each word. You allow yourself to be showered in his love, and you enjoy the feeling wholeheartedly. You carve the feeling of his lips against your skin into your mind. You won’t ever allow yourself to forget it; you won’t allow yourself to forget your love. Separating himself from you, Donghyuck takes a step backward, his hands gently holding both of yours.
“I’m not good with words,” he begins, looking down at your intertwined hands. “But since I’ve already broken my own vow to stay away from you, I might as well speak freely now. I had prepared for months to say this, hoping that I would get to say it when I received your hand from the King.”
He takes a breath, his gaze meeting yours. 
“Once, as a young boy, my father told me to never stare at royalty. We should keep our heads bowed. And I took that to heart until you. How could I not look at the most beautiful person in the palace? For the first time in my life, I took a gamble. I asked Jaemin to introduce me to you. I was just his sparring partner then, and I thought I would have been executed for that.” 
Donghyuck thinks back to that day, smiling fondly at the reactions he remembered receiving from Jaemin. Why was his sparring partner interested in his sister? It hadn’t made sense to Jaemin then, and a part of Donghyuck almost wishes he never asked. 
“Jaemin introduced us, and when you smiled at me… I was never able to look away. If not for you, I don’t think I would have ever known a love so deeply in my life. I fell in love with you when I was ten, just a young boy,” he smiles, giving your hands a gentle squeeze. 
“I’m twenty-three now, and I’ve been loving you more and more each and every day since I was ten. I regret not a second of it.”
You know that your end is coming soon. 
But with every word, Donghyuck makes it so much harder for you to give him up. His words cause your mind to run; it runs to a place where the two of you are free to love each other.
However, that place is not here.
You two are but a small chapter in the novel of this country, a small insignificant chapter. And you realize that now.
Yet your heart still races at his words. You know that you are Donghyuck’s weakness. So it leaves you no choice but to be the strong one in your situation. 
“Every second I've spent with you, there is not a single regret that plagues them. You have given me the love I never knew I needed.” You raise your intertwined hands, placing a gentle on the back of his hand.
“And for that, I thank you. The first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew you would be more than just a man to me. I've given you my whole heart, and I can only hope you keep it safe.” Your words pain you. You know this is your goodbye, the last time you will ever see Donghyuck with these feelings of love dancing in your heart. 
So you press one last soft kiss against his lips before you speak again: “I should head back to my quarters, as should you. It's quite late. Be safe.” 
With these last words, you let go of your first love and quickly turn for your room. The farther you get, the more tears fall. You wonder if it’s really better this way.
. . .
It is a good thing that Donghyuck had not spoken of his treasonous thoughts to you because they fall through so quickly. 
The silence in the air becomes a newfound friend to you. Something you once detested before now brings you endless comfort. The day is coming sooner than you hoped. You must congratulate your sister. You must congratulate the love of your life, Lee Donghyuck, for getting married to your dear sister.
It hurts. It hurts like hell. There are so many things you wish you would have done differently. You wish that you didn’t meet Lee Donghyuck– that you never fell in love with him. You shouldn’t have given everything away so easily. Because now, you’ve become a fool, a pawn in this game of chess. All of you have.
You’ll be okay. It's a mantra that repeats in your head like a broken record. He's not worth it. Nobody should have control over your life like Donghyuck does. It’s time for you to let go. 
And so you try.
The moon supplies no light in the dark garden. Yet, you are there. Your canvas is set– Donghyuck’s unfinished painting there. The dark sky is displayed on the once white canvas, small stars littered sparsely amongst the space. Two figures bask in the glow provided by the white paint. Figures that were once Donghyuck and you have been completely remade into Donghyuck and Miyoung.
It ignites anger in your faint heart once again. But the healing scar on the palm of your hand reminds you to never take the anger out on yourself, never again.
So you take your anger out on the painting.
With a heavy grip, you stab your paintbrush into the canvas. Before your eyes, the painting becomes two pieces. Something you wish their marriage would become.
But it hurts you to even think these ill thoughts. You care for your sister so much. And you care for Donghyuck even more. Yet there’s this new evil that rests in your heart. Suddenly, becoming bitter seems easier than letting go. And it definitely looks more attractive with every second that passes.
It takes a few days of peaceful meditation, but you find yourself in the garden again. Your muse this time, a budding flower. A representation of the new relationship that will bud between the two. A representation of the new take on life you have.
The color blue stains your fingers. A color for freedom and peace. This painting is made with Donghyuck in mind. The words “I forgive you," are woven throughout the flower. And you only hope that Donghyuck is able to understand it.
The nights following your breakdown instilled a resolve that you could have never found yourself following. A path laced thoroughly with bitterness and hatred. A path completely unfamiliar to you. But it’s a path you will now call your own. For you have learned that those with a faint heart can’t survive. They won’t survive. And now you will do whatever it takes to survive.
You spend the night before the wedding in the garden again. It is foolish for you to hope that Donghyuck will arrive. You know that it is wishful thinking. As you walk the path engraved in the ground made by the two of you, you know it is the last time.
. . .
The morning brings signs of your new beginning. A new you. This is your chance at a new life. You will create a new path for yourself, a path you will now travel alone. You no longer need Donghyuck. All you need is yourself.
Your resilience is stronger than ever before. But you know that your weakness rests in your heart; you would be foolish to lie to yourself and say it doesn’t. You have always been someone who loves wholeheartedly. From a young age, you gave everything you had to offer to those you love. You had given your heart to Lee Donghyuck, and now you had to give him to your sister. 
You arrive at the wedding on time. But the happiness in the air has no effect on your mood. You’re sad and heartbroken– it’s inevitable. But you don't let it show. 
Sitting through the ceremony hurts. It’s expected, but you begin your healing process quickly. You lower your expectations for Donghyuck. You no longer expect anything from him. Not even a glance.
And so, your eyes stray from him. They only stay on Miyoung. Your heart hurts for the younger princess. You know that she wants nothing more than to not be married to Donghyuck. You know that someone else resides in the heart of your sister. Yet you hope she is able to find happiness. You don't wish for darkness to form in her sister’s heart.
. . .
“Your Highness, your sister comes bearing gifts.”
You stand tall, a soft smile on your lips. “For her highness, an embroidered scroll.” The scroll your maid hands over tells the tale of sorrow you feel for your younger sister. An arrangement of flowers decorates the fabric, a single daisy being the star of the show. A flower to represent hope and innocence. You pray that Miyoung is able to keep her hope throughout this marriage and that her innocence never fades.
“And a painting for you, General Lee.” The bitterness that dances on your tongue makes it hard for you to keep your composure, but you do your best. The blue carnation decorating the canvas is not something that you have ever laid your eyes upon. Rather something you have created for Donghyuck himself. The last thing you will ever create for him.
“I wish you both a prosperous marriage.'' Those are your final words as you bow. Your eyes avoid Donghyuck's as you leave, disappearing from his sight once the door is closed. You only wish that all involved can find happiness. For this is the last time you will allow yourself to be heartbroken like this. 
. . .
King Jaehyun gathers everyone’s attention with a clear voice that rings out clearly in the chilly night air. He motions to the tables set around a fire that blazes in the middle to warm the guests against a biting winter breeze. 
Daughters sit with fathers, quietly gazing away from the king out of politeness. Sons sit with their mothers, quiet and attentive, ready to hang upon the King’s every word.  Here marks the start of a toast: from a father wishing the best to his daughter in her married life, from a king looking proudly on his son in law who’s already achieved so much in such a short amount of time. There is a moment when the mantle of the king is laid down and instead, the wishes of a father ring out into the night.
It's obvious that the princess is unhappy sitting next to her now husband. It's obvious that her husband looks as if he wants to be anywhere else, beaten down already as he is by the rumors and the whispers about his wife and their marriage bed. 
The King can see it all clearly, but to them, he wishes them lifelong happiness. He hopes that in the end, they’ll find it. And he expects that they will. 
No one notices the looks that are shared slyly behind his back between certain members of the court. Everyone is far too interested in the married couple at the head of their table, seated close to the King. They’re far too invested in the King’s words, and the gleam of pride in his eyes when he looks over at the married couple as he is ready to put the cup to his lips. It’s a signal for everyone else to do the same, and so they do.  
It's a shame, really, that no one notices. This all could have been avoided if they had.
The toast ends with a sip of alcohol in the King’s presence, all members of the party turning away from him to drink from their cups. It doesn’t start right away– people put down their cups, and there’s once again a dull chatter that bubbles through the crowd. After all, no one is expecting a red wedding.
It takes a few minutes to settle in the system. Most poisons do. First, it’s the princess who coughs up blood, staining her hanbok a dark shade of crimson. That’s when the panic begins, her coughing not stopping; she continues to cough and bleed, unable to breathe from the poison that’s boiling hot in her system.
It's not just the princess though.
Several members of the court are clutching at their robes, heaving and clawing in fevered desperation to cling to their lives. The poison is fast acting. And it leaves the princess, the Minister of Defense, and a General as cold as the night air.
In the blink of an eye, two sons become the head of their family, forced to take on the mantle of their dead fathers. In the blink of an eye, a princess is stolen from the world. And in the blink of an eye, three families are torn apart and heartbroken. For a long moment, there’s silence. The King is pale. 
And then all you can hear is the wailing of the groom.
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tartpit · 1 month
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🪿 .      you are viewing      w͟o͟r͟l͟d͟b͟u͟i͟l͟d͟i͟n͟g͟ ͟#͟0͟0͟1͟ ⠀ㅤ᛬     the abridged goosetart timeline     !!      aka     the public perception of events
⤿     …     𝚕͟𝚊͟𝚜͟𝚝͟ ͟𝚞͟𝚙͟𝚍͟𝚊͟𝚝͟𝚎͟𝚍͟     @     080924
⤿     …     𝚌͟𝚘͟𝚗͟𝚝͟𝚎͟𝚗͟𝚝͟ ͟𝚠͟𝚊͟𝚛͟𝚗͟𝚒͟𝚗͟𝚐͟𝚜͟     @     death mention, car accidents, mistreatment
❪     one     ❫      ⠀─── ⠀   before the 1980's
for romance’s past prior to the eventual worldwide success of their media project is one of the bigger mysteries to the odd company. for the public, there has to have been something that came before, aiding in their eventual popularity that seemingly came from nowhere. there's been whispers of connections to the world of classic arts and ballet, deals with industry giants, a princess that sat at the top of the world, and the prince who caused her downfall. but lore fans know all this is the story by which all other stories in for romance circumnavigate. the faces of the people that came before, their names, their prior existence is nothing but a theory proposed by romance’s mockumentary, a rose by another name.
notably, the school of romance seems to have been created before the entertainment company for romance, continuing the past legacy only few get to witness in their spacious pink classrooms.
the south korean entertainment company, hayan, would open during this time as the lovechild between two feuding families. the company was named for yan park, the son of miyoung lee and jinho park.
❪     two     ❫      ⠀─── ⠀   the 1980's
the start of the ever beloved age of innocence. before it was the age, they were the guiltless—a troupe of performs featuring in media whose odd messages and images felt too out of place for the time. with a cast of teenagers and young adults, the media project was never officially announced. instead what was first shown were the audition tapes of the young actors, their behind the scenes bloopers, and unfiltered practice videos. the realness of their interactions and the joy they showed at being under the company was instrumental in the project getting a good reputation in the home country of japan.
in 1983, the boy child yan would pass away for unknown reasons, halting all of hayan's work in the fashion industry. the following year, a daughter would be born given the name yan after the company and her deceased brother. hayan would attempt one more reopening hoping to make waves in the music industry. their attempts would be stifled by inner conflict and the eventual sale of the company to smileco, a broadcasting network.
❪     three     ❫      ⠀─── ⠀   the 1990's
smileco becomes more prominent in the 90's, coasting off the fame established by hayan in the earlier decade. however, aoi fans are beginning to see similarities between smileco and for romance. it's the eventual creation of carethesis and the love series that confirms the company's intent in being a double of for romance. while some theorize smileco could be another aspect of for romance, others aren't so sure. it doesn't help that the company has never once confirmed who is apart of the guiltless, leaving only clues in the form of a dress code and a fake name known as a noniker.
the big eight of romance would be put in the anime series, dog days— a heartwarming series about a married couple, their children, their odd friends, and the strange summer they are seemingly trapped in. the eight—now known as the face of romance—was ranked numerically by the public. only three of the members nonikers are known while the others are simply referred to as their numbers. all but francesca, number five, since she had beat yan park for a spot in the face of romance.
the guitless would begin to grow traction overseas, after many creatives revealed being personally asked by the company to create their own reimagining of the the story unfolding in rosemary, the fictional place all those under guiltless are said to be from and the core setting of the anime, dog days.
❪     four     ❫      ⠀─── ⠀   the 2000s
in 2000, US based digipop would debut their boygroup as boys do—proudly claiming they were constructing a futuristic age of innocence. as boys do would last three years after popular members harang and jinsol han had gotten into fight, resulting in the hospitalization of jinsol. harang would be axed from the company and jinsol would eventually take over with many suspecting he had close ties with the company ceo.
in 2005, yan park would debut the japanese girl group, girlmeet. at first theorized to be another aspect of for romance, it was quickly realized that wasn't the case due to snide remarks from yan about her ex labelmates. girlmeet would debut to pushback and boycotts, but it wouldn't stop their momentum as they ended the century as one of the most popular girl groups.
the members had a ranking system as well with fake names based on flowers. the public could rank a girl, decide if a girl should be axed from the lineup, change their names at will, and more. while a top eight was pushed to the public only three would come out beloved: maehwa, himawari, and marchen whose name was not always marchen.
meahwhile, smileco would develop a personality outside of for romance thanks to their family friendly content and emphasis on making the consumer as happy as possible.
❪     five     ❫      ⠀─── ⠀   the 2010's
in 2012, the guiltless disappear launching what's now referred to as the twelve years of solitude. the public would rename the guiltless to the age of innocence after a line from the manga version of dog days. the disappearance of the guiltless would be revealed by plain jane in her article, the last days of romance. all of aoi’s media would be scrubbed from the internet and fans would begin to upload clips, interviews, music, and all the merch they had to rosezip. this was in attempt to preserve the memory of aoi and also to begin piecing together the mystery of what exactly led to aoi's disappearance.
members of the face of romance were still being seen to this day. in 2013, winesweet operating as the persona saint would release a debut album and their brother konfyt, operating as the persona jc, would dabble in hip hop and fashion. questions about aoi would elicit confusion to the two with many wondering what exactly for romance was planning twitch these new personas. winesweet's debut would launch the solo career of moss on the rocks, a man with no past or history to be unearthed.
in 2018, marchen would be removed from girlmeet to the surprise of many. a year later, members of girlmeet would speak out about the mistreatment they faced under yan, claiming that if any girl reminded yan of those girls from the big eight, they were bullied and unable to leave because of their contracts. digipop, nicknamed the technology center of the world, would shut down. it would also be revealed that jinsol han and yan park had owned joiwurks no doubt given to them by yan's parents who were the original owners. they had lied about the smileco acquisition of hayan in order to create a story for the company to build on — similar to for romance.
it became theorized that yan’s jealousy was the reason for marchen's removal from girlmeet as she had always been favored by old aoi fans due to how much she reminded them of the faces of romance.
the 12 years of a solitude is a strange time for most. the head of aoi's fanbase, rosing, put it best when she said: "it felt like i was asleep forever. i can’t remember that time well. it’s all a blur then that bright star woke me up and i remembered and couldn’t stop remembering just how lonely i’d been.”
her account would launch similar admissions with many feeling as if the last 12 years didn’t exist, and their own lives had been filled with nothing, and were far too mundane after the greatness they experienced when aoi was still around.
❪     six     ❫      ⠀─── ⠀   the 2020's
by 2020, girlmeet would disband due to low sales and boycotts that were quickly turning violent. carethesis disbanded as well without any notice or warning. news of the death of aoi's seven began to circulate as well as the disappearances of four, francesca, six, and eight. this stunned fans until they realized this news had been published on rose record—a media outlet for romance utilized for in universe news.
this kept many hopeful that for romance was returning to the world's stage and lore fans hoped they brought with them lawsuits for all those that had begun to reshape aoi in their own image, bastardizing the story that had been created all those years ago.
joiwurks would launch its first girl group, bottle blonde, in 2023 debuting them the same year. while they were successful, their reach was overshadowed by a strange star that was spotted in the sky, seemingly following any and all onlookers around. teasers would begin to rollout before the eventual debut of the star at noon in 2024.
this would also mark the reveal of for romance's newest project, odyssey on the moon saturn, putting them back where the rightfully belonged as the center of the world.
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stay-tiny2021 · 1 year
Meet the Kim Children (Jin)
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Kim Miyoung
Full Name: Kim Mi Young
Hangul: 김미영
English Name: Melissa
Nickname/s: Mimi, Worldwide Princess
Height: 5ft 7
Language/s: Korean
Date of Birth: October 30, 2025
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birth Place: Gwacheon, South Korea
Time of Birth: 11:07 AM
Birth Weight: 7lbs 7oz
Godparent/s: Namjoon
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Kim Kyungmi
Full Name: Kim Kyung Mi
Hangul: 김경미
English Name: Taylor
Nickname/s: Kyungie, Worldwide Beautiful
Height: 5ft 9
Language/s: Korean
Date of Birth: April 19, 2028
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea
Time of Birth: 4:19 PM
Birth Weight: 6lbs 5oz
Godparent/s: Yoongi
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Kim Changmin
Full Name: Kim Chang Min
Hangul: 김창민
English Name: Tyler
Nickname/s: Min Min, Mini Jin, Worldwide Handsome Jr.
Height: 5ft 7
Language/s: Korean
Date of Birth: May 25, 2031
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birth Place: Gwacheon, South Korea
Time of Birth: 12:10 AM
Birth Weight: 5lbs 2oz
Godparent/s: Jimin
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seniouesbabes · 1 year
Lily Maymac 🌸💋🍒🌸 Introducing @miyoungs_skinclinic new injectable with Dr Jimmy Recipe: Princess skin booster BABYTOX Your choice of PRP This is what we call "liguid gold" Helps to minimise fine lines, pores, to achieve a smoother look with a healthy glow
#antiageing #skin #koreanskincare #glassskin #miyoungs #miyounggirls
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melloheye · 2 years
hiiiii 💖💖 i’m new to tumblr so i thought i’d yknow…
✨about me!!✨
18 // bi // white // she/her // chronically online
likes: my bf, rain, fall, reading, music!!, politics, cats, rotting in bed, doomscrolling, perhaps a little bit of casual gaming, sweets
dislikes: bugs, dogs (sry), loud noises, crowds, tomatoes, going outside /hj, the zit that is on my chin rn, the french
dni: -13, basic dni (bigots, etc.), anti my favs
alright lol onto the next!
i’m a p regular consumer of mcyt content nd other youtube stuff but i haven’t rly watched the dream smp yet,, fake fan alert ig!
favs: tinakitten, dream, george, sapnap, quackity, karl, foolish, wilbur
other non minecraft ccs: markiplier, jacksepticeye, hasan, valkyrae, fuslie, miyoung, h3h3, brookeab, try guys, watcher, annoying video essay guys
i almost exclusively listen to ggz and i like to stay updated on new releases :p
ults: newjeans, aespa, le sserafim, twice, blackpink, loona
stan: kep1er, bts, ive, izone, gfriend/viviz, red velvet, itzy, nmixx, wjsn, gidle, yena
like: p much every kpop gg/ female soloist, txt, stray kids
books lol?
i read a little bit and think about reading a lot
genres: ya, fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, horror, mystery, drama, contemporary romance, spice
currently reading: shatter me by tahereh mafi
up next: unravel me by tahereh mafi
previously read: foul lady fortune by chloe gong
2023 reading goal: 1/50 💀
movies: the little mermaid, everything everywhere all at once, p much any disney princess movie, chick flicks
currently watching: got (season 2)
games: minecraft, sims, acnh, until dawn, pokemon, fnaf, undertale, unpacking, unravel
ne ways this blog is mostly for me, but if anyone else ends up seeing this then hi!!! :)
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meag-writes · 2 years
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Name: Maren Rinner Pendragon
Title: Princess of Eiremoor
Pronouns: She/her
Aliases: Aislin of Vorta
House: Conant (House of the Phoenix)
Age: 23 (Crimson)
Species: 3/4 Human, 1/4 Fae
Ethnicity: Eiremoor/Moorish
Date of Birth: May 22 3 AWF
Parents: Alastair Pendragon (Father), Moira Rinner (Mother); Davina Blythe (Stepmother)
Siblings: Petyr Conant (Twin brother), Lilibet Conant (Half-sister)
Friends/Allies: Elodie Blythe of Vorta (Lady-in-waiting), Ahren of Eiremoor (Advisor to the crown), Captain Lukas Rinner (Personal Guard), Song Yongwang (Royal Healer), Lee Bari/Song Miyoung (Former Assassin of the Crimson Guild, advisor in the Court of Wolves)
Romantic Interests: Lars Jordahl (Ex-fiancé), Silas of Vorta/Damen Silvanus Aeneas (Boyfriend)
Enemies: King Raynor Jordahl (Ex’s father, King of Garda), Lars Jordahl (Ex-fiancé, Crown Prince of Garda), Lee Tangun (Leader of the Crimson Guild)
Maren was born to King Alastair of Eiremoor and his first wife, Moira Rinner, along with her twin brother, three years after the War of the Fae. Her mother died in childbirth. When Maren was seven, her father married his second wife, Lady Davina Blythe. When she was twelve years old, Maren and her twin brother, Petyr, snuck out to visit the Bazaar. Every year since, she has visited the Oracle of the Bazaar. When Maren was seventeen years old, her half sister, Lilibet, was born, and when she was eighteen, she was engaged to the Crown Prince Lars Jordahl of Garda, though the engagement fell through six weeks later.
Maren was a curious child from a young age. She dreamed of wandering the continents and living among the common people. Maren’s special interests in her schooling were literature and alchem.
Enneagram: 5w4
Archetype(s): The Hero
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Religion: The Divine (former)
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goldenuwuswriting · 5 years
Can someone please tell @ncttrinities to just make Renjun her bias? I'm tired of seeing her reblog things and flip out about how ethereal he is.
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^ this is how Miyoung feels about him 24/7 btw.
It's a serious problem y'all.
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deartiffany-snsd · 6 years
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Simple 🍡
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tyhwangstuff · 6 years
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recomeçando (starting over)
todos esses icons foram feitos por mim, rs
então peço para que não repostem
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kurarizu · 6 years
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v-hope · 3 years
Pairings: Artist!Kim Taehyung x Heiress!Reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, slight angst, arranged marriage AU, runaway bride AU, make up, established relationship
Word Count: 10.7k
Summary: Running away from your arranged wedding and into the arms of the man you loved seemed like nothing but a beautiful dream. Until you did it.
Warnings: Marking, slight fingering, slight handjob, Taehyung turns out to be really into white stockings, teasing, bickering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (be safe you guys!), creampie, lotssss and lots of kissing
A/N: She’s here! This is part 47 of my Belong Social Media AU, but it can be read as a stand alone one shot. It took me so long to write and then it just kept longer and longer, to the point i tried my best to edit it but if you find a typo or something no you did not<3. Anyway, this is the last written part for the series, so I hope you guys enjoy!
I’m bolding the first and last sentence of the smut scene so you guys can skip it if you don’t want to read it.
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“We’re here” Jimin said softly, looking at you through his car’s mirror after realising you did not seem to be running towards Taehyung’s doorstep.
You nervously fidgeted with the white fabric of your dress. “I know…”
“So…” he turned around to look at your anxious figure on the backseat. “Why aren’t you moving?”
“I just… am nervous, I guess”.
Taking a deep, shaky breath in, you focused once more in the house on the countryside you had only visited once before, when everything was perfect between you and Taehyung. Back then, you didn’t think you would find yourself being in this situation — coming back to him, after having escaped your parents’ mansion before your arranged wedding with Sungjin could take place.
Oddly enough, physically getting out of there had been easier than the whole odyssey your mind had been through just so you could make that decision.
With your parents conveniently being at the venue where the wedding would take place, Jimin and Jin had escorted you to the garage, where your friend’s Ferrari was parked. Although you had ran into one of your parents’ assistants in the hallway, you had managed to convince them that you were just in desperate need of getting some air.
And then, once on the backseat of Jimin’s car, waiting for your brother to get in the passenger seat, the three of you were caught off guard by his phone ringing — your parents letting him know they were on their way back to the mansion, to make sure everything was ready before you headed out to the venue and went through with the marriage they were forcing you into.
That’s why Seokjin decided to stay behind and face them with Miyoung and Sungjin, keeping your phone with him just in case your parents tried to track it down once they found out you were gone, and giving you a tight hug before you lied down on the backseat —not to be seen by the paps waiting outside the mansion— and Jimin drove off, taking you to the address he had managed to get from Taehyung before he left that morning.
So, here you were now, nearly an hour later — praying that your brother, sister in law and ex fiancé were not getting murdered by your parents as they gave them the news, and a hundred scenarios running through your mind over what Taehyung’s reaction would possibly be the moment he saw you.
Eyes softening at the sight of you and how small you looked right then, Jimin caught your attention by getting out of his car, going around it and opening the door for you. Without another word and giving you a reassuring smile, he held your trembling hands in his and helped you out of it as well — making sure you wouldn’t step on the dress that made you feel like the princess you never wanted to be, and then not letting go of your hand as he walked you over to the front door.
Once in front of it, your hold on his hand tightened, letting him know just how nervous you truly were.
“Do you think he’ll be happy to see me?” you whispered, unconsciously taking a step back — not really second guessing your actions, but being too anxious over his possible reaction.
Catching up on that, Jimin pulled you back towards him, now placing a comforting hand on your upper arm to both keep you in place and help you feel at ease.
“He literally called you last night asking you not to go through with the wedding,” he amusedly pointed out. “Trust me, he’ll be the happiest”.
You nodded your head, once more taking a deep breath as you tried to compose yourself.
And then, after Jimin knocked on the door, it was only a matter of waiting.
Only that said waiting took way longer than you had expected, and with that your anxiety could only grow stronger.
Letting out a sigh, Jimin knocked a few times more, harder, so that there was no way Taehyung would not hear.
“Yah, Kim Taehyung!” he called out. “I know you’re in there”.
“Don’t feel like getting up” your ex boyfriend’s voice was heard from afar.
It sounded deeper than usual, hoarse, and you couldn’t tell if it was because he had been sleeping or crying. You truly hoped it wasn’t the latter.
Jimin let out a tired sigh. He really had to go and befriend the two most dramatic people on Earth, and, on top of that, conveniently get them to date each other.
“I brought you something” he tried to persuade him, receiving an offended nudge from you over being called ‘something’ instead of ‘someone’. But hey, it was supposed to be a surprise after all — at least so he had decided.
“If you didn’t bring Y/N with you, then I truly could not care less”.
Jimin smiled, eyes excitedly going to your face — bliss written all over it, as you had just confirmed that Taehyung did indeed want you there. Unbelievable that you even doubted it.
That was all you needed to earn up enough confidence to finally speak up.
“What are you waiting for to open the door then?”
Jimin was the one to nudge you this time, for you had just ruined the surprise. But you couldn’t care any less — not when the whole place went silent for two or three seconds before a loud thump was heard, being followed by heavy, quick steps coming towards the door.
And then, after over a month, the two of you were face to face.
He looked the same, yet not quite. His hair was longer, and its messiness matched his slightly wrinkled grey t-shirt and black sweatpants, after having been lying down on the couch for so long. His nose was slightly red, matching his puffy eyes, yet they still somehow held that same warmth in them that you loved so much. And his lips… his plump, pink lips, were trembling, letting you know the mess that was going inside his head right then.
“You…” he let out a shaky breath. “You’re really here?”
“Why don’t you give her a hug so you can confirm whether I brought you a hologram or not?”
Jimin’s words earned a breathy laugh from both of you, yet they were the little push Taehyung needed to pull you into his embrace — arms gently going around your body, tightening around you when he felt your arms on his back as well, and hiding his face in the crook of your neck as you did the same on his.
“You’re here…” his voice broke.
You sniffled, voice hardly coming out in a whisper. “I’m here…”
Nothing else needed to be said. You were there. With him.
So, staying there in each other’s arms, the two of you said nothing, and allowed yourselves to finally break down instead.
“Yah, princess,” he sniffled, pulling away and cupping your face in his warm hands so he could wipe the tears that kept rolling down your cheeks. “Don’t cry”.
“You’re crying, too” you laughed lightly, gently wiping his tears as well.
“I know, I just, I can’t believe you’re—fuck, I love you” he breathed out, pulling you into his arms again. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you”.
“I love you, too” you managed to choke out as he kept on whispering those three words over and over. “And I missed you so much”.
A blissful laugh escaped his mouth. “I missed you more”.
On the other side, Jimin cleared his throat, in a poor attempt of catching your attention. “Well, my job here is done and you guys clearly have a lot to catch up on, so I’m leaving now”.
Still not letting go of Taehyung, you looked at Jimin, smiling thankfully at him before you held your arm out to him — with that single act of yours, letting him know you wanted him to join the hug.
He didn’t even give it a second thought, joining the both of you and letting you wrap your arm around him. Taehyung chuckled once he realised what was going on, letting go of you with the arm that had ended up stuck between your body and Jimin’s, and using it to fully include your mutual best friend in the hug.
“Thank you” you mumbled.
“Yah, don’t make me cry now” Jimin recriminated, pulling away from the two of you. “Just make me the best man at your wedding and I’m alright”.
“What about Jin-ie?” you teased him, earning a quiet laugh from Taehyung.
“I drove you all the way here” he fought back.
“But he helped me get out of there, too”.
“In that case Sungjin would have to be included, too”.
“Sungjin?” Taehyung asked with furrowed eyebrows.
You nodded. “He helped as well, I’ll explain everything later”.
“Anyway,” Jimin caught your attention. “Jin hyung will probably be the one to walk you down the aisle, don’t make me fight you”.
“You’ll be the best man, don’t worry” Taehyung reassured him, mindlessly tightening his hold on you and resting his chin on the top of your head.
“I knew I could count on you” your friend pretended to wipe a fake tear, causing you to roll your eyes. “I can leave now”.
Taehyung nodded, somehow managing to pull you closer to him. At that, you could only hold him tighter, burying your face in his chest, as you did not seem to get enough of that scent of his you had missed so much.
“I am clearly third wheeling here”.
“You signed up for it the moment you drove me over here” you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Yeah, yeah” he lamented, turning around so he could make his way back to Seoul for once and for all. “I’ll let you know how things go with your parents”.
“Don’t forget that I don’t have my phone with me” you reminded him as he started to make his way back to his car.
“I’m texting Taehyung!” he let you know from afar.
“Don’t expect an instant reply!” Taehyung amusedly warned him, receiving a thumbs up from Jimin as he finally reached his car and got inside.
Watching your friend drive away giving you a last wave of hands, Tae pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, securely holding you in his arms for another minute before he could find enough will to pull slightly away from you.
“Shall we go inside?”
You quietly nodded, accepting the hand he was offering you before the two of you could make your way inside.
Everything looked the same as it did when you had first and last visited — the only difference being the messiness. The bag lying on the hallway let you know he had not made it to his room yet, and the ramyeon packs next to an unattended pot filled with cold water made a good point at showing how he had given up on making lunch for himself hours ago.
Then, your eyes focused on the broken lamp lying on the floor next to the sofa.
Taehyung cleared his throat, knowing all too well what you would say next. “I heard your voice and I just ran, can’t blame me”.
So that was what the loud thump had been.
“Excited much?” you teased him.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, taking a dangerous step towards you and pulling you closer by your waist. “I thought you were getting married to someone else, you have no idea how fucking ecstatic and stunned altogether I was when I heard your voice” a light laugh abandoned his lips. “This is gonna sound so cheesy, but I thought I was dreaming”.
Feeling your cheeks heat up, you made sure to look into his eyes as you spoke. “I told you I didn’t want to go through with it when you called me last night”.
“Doesn’t mean you weren’t still considering it. You are wearing a wedding dress after all” he shook his head, hurt being clear in his voice.
You nervously bit your bottom lip. “I didn’t know how to get out of there…”
“I can imagine,” he understood. “What was that about Sungjin helping, by the way?”
“Oh, yes” you remembered. “He was okay with me leaving, said that he only wanted to marry me because we were supposedly in the same situation, you know, with no one else in our lives back then… but now that I have you, everything changed”.
“So he even helped you get out of there?”
You nodded. “Well, to be fair, Jimin and Jin-ie helped me get out of there. Sungjin and Miyoung-ie helped me by staying there and giving my parents the news. They must be experiencing their rage by now”.
Taehyung nodded, and you couldn’t tell whether he was okay with what you had just told him or not. “I guess I’ll have to thank him, then?”
“If you want to” you chuckled, burying your face in his chest. “Although I’m not sure if we’ll ever see him again, now that I’m no longer a part of the elite”.
That had seemed to snap something inside him. It was only now that he realised the cost you were paying for being there with him right then.
Yes, he knew that you would be disowned if you decided to stay with him, you had told him a long time ago. Nevertheless, having you actually there with him, knowing what would happen next… he didn’t know if he should be happy, or concerned for you.
Regardless of everything your parents had put you through and how much they hurt you, you loved them — that, and the fact that you were scared of them, had been what kept you from cutting ties with them before. Up until then, you had tried your best to please everyone, so you wouldn’t have to completely lose them and never hear from them again.
Seemed like you had given up on that for once and for all. For him.
“Are you okay?” he asked, tenderly cupping your face.
“Mhm…” you nodded with a small smile. “I am”.
“If you want to talk about it or…”
“It’s okay, really” you reassured. “It might hit me hard at night or something, and even then, I don’t regret my decision. I’m happy to be here with you”.
He let out a relieved sigh, pressing his lips to your forehead in a loving kiss. “I’m here to hold you if you want to cry at some point” his words comforted you. “I’m just happy that you are here with me now”.
“Even if I’m in a wedding dress?” you teased.
“Even then” he nodded, resting his forehead on yours. “Can we take it off, though?”
Tilting your head back in surprise, you raised an eyebrow at his bold words.
“No ulterior motives intended, I promise” he was quick to clarify. “You look beautiful as hell, but I don’t want to be reminded of the fact that you were marrying another guy”.
That sounded fair enough.
“I didn’t bring any clothes with me, though” you only then seemed to notice. “I didn’t think this through”.
Taehyung chuckled, giving your hips a little pinch. “Don’t act like you’ve never stolen my clothes before”.
“Borrowed them” you corrected.
He rolled his eyes, not being able to hold back a boxy smile as he grabbed your hand and guided you over to his room. Fuck, did he miss your constant bickering.
Sitting on the edge of his bed once inside his bedroom, you stayed still as he gently wiped the make up from off your face — later watching him throw the used wipes in the small bin by the entrance, before he rummaged through the few clothes he kept on the wardrobe.
You didn’t know if you were amused or sad when, placing a grey t-shirt and black shorts of his on the bed for you to change into, he hesitated. Up until a month ago, he would’ve not missed a second to get rid of the clothes on your body and change you into new ones. However, things had changed now, for you could not overlook the fact that you had broken up for a while.
You were together again, no words were needed for the two of you to know that — you running away from your wedding and going back to him said it all. But were you taking things off where you left them? Were you starting all over again?
Did you have to go slow? Or could you just act like nothing happened and be as comfortable around each other as you used to be?
“You can just… go outside if you want” you let him know, and although almost invisible, you caught on the way his shoulders had seemed to sink down. “Or you can help me change”.
That second proposition of yours, had managed to cheer him up all over again. It was reassuring, how things did not really need to change from the way they were before.
“I can?” he tried to confirm with a smile.
You nodded, and he laughed under his breath. Turning around, you let him comb your hair and place it over your chest, giving him the perfect view of the back of your long dress and the zip he would have to pull down on to take it off — goosebumps showing on your skin when a soft, lingering kiss was placed to the back of your shoulder, right before he started to unzip the white piece of clothing.
Letting it fall down to the floor, you found yourself having to actually take a step out and away from it, kicking off your high heels along the way and finding support in the hand Taehyung was offering you.
“Hopefully, the next time I do that will be at our wedding night”.
Your eyes went up to meet his, both of you laughing blissfully as your foreheads rested together. Feeling him so close to you, hot air hitting your face with every breath he took, you felt safe. You were home. And you wished you could stay like this forever.
Eyelids closing and smile still curved up the corners of your lips, you felt his nose gently bump yours, contentedly taking in his familiar scent before his cloudlike lips were pressing on yours.
It didn’t last long, roughly three seconds — just a taste of your lips being all it took for his mouth to resemble the smile that was plastered on yours.
Placing his hands on your naked waist, he pressed another kiss to your lips. “I love you”.
You let out a shaky breath, being now you the one to plant a small peck to his mouth. “I love you, too”.
Chuckling, feeling like everything in his life made sense again, he kissed you again. And again. Longing lips peppering delicate kisses all the way down to the crook of your neck.
You tilted your head to the side, breathing turning heavier at the way his lips on your skin made you feel. Before you could get too caught up, though, his mouth was back on yours — long fingers entangling in the hair at the back of your head, keeping you steady as he intensified the way his lips danced with yours and his tongue massaged your receptive one.
“I missed you so much” your voice sounded like sweet honey to him.
Pulling away just enough, lips still faintly brushing yours, he lovingly bumped your noses together. “I missed you, too. So, so much”.
The wholehearted giggle that had just abandoned your mouth, had him locking his starving lips with yours once more. When that didn’t seem like enough, he moved his mouth down to your bare shoulder. Although his intention had been to pull the strap of your bra down as his kisses trailed back to your neck, he ended up stopping right after pulling the white strap down your shoulder.
Eyes no longer closed, but staring down at what you had been wearing under your dress all along. That being a white set made out of lace, with a pair of matching stockings that covered all the way from your feet to your thighs.
Even though a lustful smile had curved up his lips at the sight of you, it was soon erased at the realisation of the circumstances you had been wearing those specific clothes under. You were wearing that under a wedding dress — for a wedding that was taking place with a man that wasn’t him.
“What’s wrong?” you wondered at the clear change in his mood.
Taehyung bit his tongue for a moment, considering whether he should ask you what he was dying to or not.
“Can I ask you something?” his voice came out uncertain.
“What is it?” you tilted your head.
“And please don’t be mad,” his request had you cocking an eyebrow. “It’s just… I know it probably doesn’t matter, but it’s been killing me ever since you left and—”
He took a deep breath. “Did you… and Sungjin… you know…”
Your eyebrows knitted together. “Did we… what?”
“Don’t make me say it…” he pleaded.
“I need to know what you mean, though”.
He sighed, running a hand down his face as he tried to compose himself. “Did you and him… sleep together? Like, have sex?”
“No” you shook your head immediately.
As soon as you had answered, he seemed to be able to breathe, mindlessly fidgeting with the strap he had pulled down your shoulder a minute ago.
“Did you kiss him?” his voice was almost inaudible, not being sure he even wanted to know the answer to that.
You bit your bottom lip, and that was all he needed to know you had done one of the things he feared the most.
He most definitely did not want to know the answer to that.
“How many times?”
But he needed to know.
“Two…” you quietly gave him the answer he was seeking.
His head was lowered, not being able to hide the sharp pain he was feeling in his chest. “When?”
“I’m not mad… I know we were not together anymore” he bitterly pointed out.
“It’s clearly hurting you, though…” you reached for his hand, softly rubbing your thumb on it.
“Please, I just,” he sighed. “I need to know”.
You nodded, taking a shaky breath before you went on. “The first time was on the day I saw you in my parents’ office. It was nothing special, we had a photoshoot for the wedding and the photographer told us to kiss”.
He nodded, bracing himself for what was to come. “And the second one?”
You hesitated, lowering your head after he nodded for you to tell him. “Yesterday”.
That hurt. It hurt a lot.
Still, he couldn’t find it in him to stop asking questions.
“When he posted that picture of you straddling his lap in bed?”
You were not able to meet his eyes. The way he had described that picture… It let you know how it had been burned in the back of his head. You had hoped he hadn’t seen it.
Nevertheless, you nodded. “It meant nothing, I promise, and it was obviously before you called me” your words managed to give him some peace of mind. “As far as I knew, we were never getting back together and I was marrying him today, so…” you shrugged. “I needed to get used to it. You know, to move on”.
Moving on. He had heard you say that more than once now, especially last night when he had called you, in hopes of stopping you from getting married to Sungjin.
He knew you would have to move on eventually if things didn’t work out between the two of you. Regardless, he hated it. Call him selfish, but he could not imagine you with anyone who wasn’t him — just like he could not imagine himself with anyone who wasn’t you.
He was thankful you had not actually moved past what the two of you had.
He was thankful you were there with him instead.
“No need to move on,” he smiled, pulling you towards him by your waist.
With your chest colliding with his, he leaned in enough for your lips to brush together, allowing you to feel his hot breath becoming heavier by the tension.
“You’re mine,” he groaned, trapping your bottom lip in his mouth and pulling at it with a seductive bite. “So you better have worn this for me today”.
You smiled, pulling slightly away from the hungry kiss he had just started. “I put it on thinking of you”.
“He could’ve seen it” Taehyung pointed out, not pleased at all.
“But he didn’t,” you argued back, closing the space between your mouths in a lingering kiss. “I came back to you, and you’re the one who got to see it”.
That got a smirk from him, not wasting another second before his lips were back on yours, hungrily savoring every bit of your mouth.
Goosebumps showed up on your skin as his fingers traced their way down on your naked back, teasingly stopping at the top of your panties, before his hands were firmly placed on your ass, feeling you gasp against his lips when he lifted you up — just enough for you to straddle his lap when he sat down on the edge of the bed.
“I thought I heard you say you had no ulterior motives?” you teased him.
“There is no way I see you in lace and stockings and not fuck you like I used to”.
His words had you squeezing your inner thighs. “How did you use to fuck me?” you purred on his lips.
“Do I have to remind you, princess?” he stole another kiss from you. “How loud and needy you used to be for my cock?” his lips grazed their way down to your neck, where they placed a wet kiss as his hands pulled your hips down against his already hardening member. “How you would moan my name over and over when I took you on every corner of our place?”
“Yes…” you managed to breathe out, tilting your body faintly back as his mouth reached the valley of your breasts.
“Yes, what?” he teased, pulling the right cup of your lace bra down, and smirking at the sound of the moan that abandoned your mouth when his own wrapped around your perked up nipple.
“Taehyung…” you pleaded.
“I’m waiting, baby”.
“I want you to remind me,” you begged, breathing hitching when his left hand pulled the remaining cup of your bra down as well and pinched your until then unattended bud. “Please, I want you to fuck me”.
“Is that so?” he smirked, going back up to your mouth.
You nodded, breathlessly reaching down to his sweatpants — internally thanking the fact that you did not have to deal with a zipper right then, as your shaky, desperate hand pulled his hardened member out of them.
“Fuck,” Taehyung breathed out, letting his forehead fall to your shoulder at the familiar feel of your hand tightly wrapped around his cock. “So no love making today?” he chuckled breathily.
You chuckled as well, feeling the heat reach your face when you shook your head no.
You needed him. And you needed him now.
You would have a lifetime together to have slow, loving sex. But, right then, you needed to feel him inside you. Rough, loud, messy, like he would fuck you whenever your bickering went too far and the tension between the two of you was unbearable — feeling every single inch of him inside you, managing to touch and reach all the right places he already knew like the back of his hand.
“I need you,” you confessed the obvious.
Taehyung smiled, panting as he tried to divert his attention from the way your hand moved up and down on his cock. “You have no idea how fucking much I need you”.
A gasp escaped your lips when he palmed your core over your wet panties, having to bite down on your bottom lip to hold back a moan the moment he made them to the side, so he could run a finger through your dripping folds and then push it into your warm walls.
“Don’t,” he warned you, freeing your lip from your teeth with his free hand. “I want to hear your pretty moans. Been deprived of them long enough”.
You shyly looked down, only to have the same hand that had just kept you from biting your lip, now going to your nape and pulling you into an intoxicating kiss. Heavy breathings mixing together and muffled moans filling the room, as two of his fingers were now curling inside your walls, and your hand moving up and down his cock made him as hard as you needed him to.
Tightly wrapping your arms around his neck when his fingers pulled out of you and your hand on his member was replaced with his, you let him align it with your entrance, gripping onto your hip as he looked into your eyes for you to go down whenever you wanted.
Resting your forehead on his, you sunk down on his cock — moans coming out of your mouths as you took him all in. He had always let you take him at your own pace given his size, and you would usually take a good couple of seconds. That was not the case today.
Bottoming out, finding the sudden stretch to feel so damn delicious, you didn’t even need time to adjust before you rolled your hips, stealing a loud moan from him, now both his hands roughly grabbing on your hips.
“Fuck,” you breathed out when he pulled them towards him.
Taehyung smiled. Fuck, he loved it when you cursed. And he loved even more that he was the only one who got to hear it, for the only times you did it were the ones like this, when it was only the two of you and he was making you feel this good.
“Fuck, you feel so good” he whined, swollen lips sucking on your neck as he kept guiding the pace on your hips — just like you had wanted, roughly. “Missed your little pussy taking my cock so well”.
“Mm…” you moaned, tilting your head to the side as you let him mark you. “Missed you… missed you stretching me out so good”.
A smug smile curved up the corners of his mouth, pressing one last kiss to your neck before his lips were back on yours.
Thrusting his hips up to reach deeper into you, he managed to get a whimper out of your mouth — one that was soothed by a sloppy, wet kiss, before his lips travelled down to your breasts, burying his face in them and letting out a frustrated groan when the lace of your bra came in between him and properly cupping them in his needy hands.
“Let’s take this off” his voice came out muffled, hands looking for the hook and easily undoing it before the white piece of lace was aimlessly thrown anywhere in the room.
“I thought you had liked the white lace?” you teased.
“I did,” he replied in a heartbeat, tongue swirling around your bud. “But I enjoy way more the bare sight and touch of my gorgeous girlfriend”.
If it wasn’t for the way he thrusted his cock deeper into you, reaching that sensitive spot where you needed him the most, you were sure you would’ve teared up.
Never would you ever have thought that being called his ‘girlfriend’ would mean this much to you. You found peace over how everything seemed to be in its place again.
“The stockings are staying on, though”.
“Only the stockings?” you grinned.
Taehyung nodded. Letting go of your nipple, he turned you around — your back hitting the mattress as he slipped out of you.
“Taehyung” you whined, hating the sudden emptiness you were left with.
You heard him chuckle, planting a soft kiss to your pouty lips before he pulled his t-shirt over his head, throwing it to the floor as well as the rest of his clothes. And then, when you thought he would slide back into you, he pulled your panties down your legs.
Just like he had claimed, the only piece of clothing left on your body, being the white stockings that were driving him crazy.
“I should wear these more often” you chuckled, letting out a shaky breath when he entered you again in one go.
“I will look like a horny teenager following you around whenever you do” he hovered over you.
You smiled amusedly, reaching up to remove a long strand of hair that had gotten stuck to his sweaty forehead as he thrusted into you. “Just like you did now?”
Taehyung let out a scoff, burying his face in the crook of your neck and pulling one of your thighs down on your chest. “Fuck off”.
You writhed underneath him at this new angle, which allowed him to fuck you deeper with each thrust of his.
“Oh, f-fuck, right there” your back arched.
“Mm?” he hummed. “You like it there?” his cock hit once more that one spot.
“Do you deserve it after being a brat?”
“I wasn’t” you choked out when he pulled out once more, desperately trying to push your hips against his throbbing member.
Taehyung chuckled, pressing a hand down on your ribcage, painfully close to the curve of your breast, so he could lean down to temptingly bite your earlobe. “You just called me a horny teenager”.
“Taehyung, please” you begged him.
He bit his bottom lip, enjoying the sight of your trembling body aching for release. He had missed this, having you at his mercy.
Running his tongue on the spot behind your ear, he slowly ran the head of his cock up and down your folds. “Say you’re sorry”.
“I’m sorry” you choked out embarrassingly fast.
He slapped his hardened length against your core. “Say you’re mine”.
“Taehyung, pl—”
“Say it”.
“I’m yours” you cried.
He smiled, hot mouth pressing on the dark marks that were already showing on your neck. “All mine?”
“All yours” you rasped.
“Only mine?”
“Only yours. I’m yours, only yours”.
“Good girl” his low voice sent shivers down your spine.
“Fuck,” you rolled your eyes out of pleasure when his cock was fully inside you, like you so badly needed it to. “I’m cumming”.
Taehyung smiled, burying his face in your neck once more. “You won’t wait for me?”
“I c-can’t…” you whimpered.
You felt him chuckle against your skin, where he one second later placed a kiss to. “Let go, baby”.
You didn’t need to hear it twice, being all too far gone to even try and hold back anymore. With his name coming out as a moan one last time, you gave in to your high.
“Fu-uck,” a raspy moan escaped his mouth when your walls tightened around him and small whimpers escaped your mouth. “You’re so hot”.
Smiling at his praising, you let your eyes close, enjoying the waves of pleasure running through your body, which were only intensified as Taehyung thrusted into you over and over, using you to get off as well.
Still not feeling like opening your eyes, you ran your hands down his damp back — fingertips causing goosebumps to appear on his skin as they traced, if not scratched, all their way down his spine, until your hands were cupping his ass, pushing him closer to your core.
“Are you sleeping right now?” he rasped.
You chuckled, opening your eyes for once and for all to meet his dark ones. “I wouldn’t be touching you like this if I was”.
“Wouldn’t put it past you”.
Letting your jaw fall in both offense and playfulness, you shoved him to the side, not giving him time to question what you were doing before you were back to straddling his lap and taking his cock inside you.
“Fuck,” his head was thrown back in sheer pleasure. “You can’t just do that”.
His hands on your hips, fingers digging on their hot flesh while they helped you ride him harder, however, let you know he was enjoying it one hell of a lot.
“I think I just did” your teasing tone drove him wild.
Pulling you down into a kiss, you felt your walls squeeze his cock when he let out a raspy moan against your mouth. “Have you got any idea of how you make me feel?”
“I’m guessing quite good?” you purred on his mouth, not being able to hold back a moan of your own when he thrusted his cock into you.
“So fucking good” he growled, swiftly managing to comb your hair in his hand.
“Fuck” you gasped once he pulled at your hair, forcing you to go back to your previous position sitting up on top of him.
Being unable to move given the hold he had on you, you found yourself letting him lead the pace — small whimpers escaping your mouth and raspy moans leaving his, as his other hand held down on your hip and helped you ride him while he enjoyed the view.
“Oh, f—I’m cumming” he rasped.
“Me too” you breathed out.
Feeling him let go of your hair, you were soon slumping back down on the mattress with him grinding on top of you, taking his entire length a couple more times before he stopped.
“Do you want me to…”
You shook your head no before he could finish his sentence, wrapping your legs around his waist for him not to pull out. “You said you’d fuck me like you used to,” your breathy words got a smirk from him. “Cum in me”.
Pushing a few strands of hair from off your face, he leaned down to look for your mouth as he kept thrusting into you. “If that’s what my princess wants”.
All you could do by then was nod, trapping his bottom lip in yours when you felt your second orgasm about to hit. “Cum for me” you begged, intentionally squeezing your walls around his cock to drive him over the edge. “Taehyung…”
“Fuck, Y/N” he gasped, burying his face in your neck. “I’m gon…”
His words vanished in the air, turning into a whiny moan as he finally reached his climax — thrusts becoming sloppy, making sure his warm release filled you up, he managed to make you come undone a second time.
Trying to catch your breath, you wrapped your arms around him when he let his body fall on yours, both of you closing your eyes and enjoying the silence that was now only disturbed by your heavy breathings as you came down from your highs.
A tired smile curved up your lips when Taehyung pressed a few small kisses to your skin.
“You’re amazing,” he mumbled, with a swift movement pulling out of you and hugging you tight, turning you around so now half your body was resting on top of his. “Thank you for coming back to me”.
That, along with the overwhelming ecstasy you were still experiencing, had seemed to move you, for, next thing you new, you were burying your face in his chest as your tears fell on his hot skin and a sniffle reached his ears.
“Are you crying?” he worriedly pushed your chin up with his long fingers, making you look at him.
You sniffled, watching the corners of his mouth begin to curve up. “Don’t laugh”.
“I’m not,” he denied, not finding it in him to stop smiling as he tenderly wiped your tears. “Was I that bad, though?”
“Yah!” you smacked his chest, earning a loud laugh from him, grabbing your hand on his bare skin so you wouldn’t be able to hit him again. “You’re an idiot”.
“So I’ve been told” Taehyung chuckled, pulling you up on the mattress so he could face you — chocolate eyes lovingly staring at you as he caressed your wet cheek. “What is it, then?”
You shrugged, eyes focusing on his naked chest before you could answer. “I just missed this,” you murmured. “I missed you, and I thought I would never be like this with you again, so… I guess I’m a bit emotional, sorry”.
Hearing Taehyung’s giggle as a response was something you were surely not expecting. Nevertheless, the utter sound of it was enough to make you happier than you already were — if that was even possible.
His arms wrapped tightly around you, pulling you towards his body and burying his face in your naked chest. “Are you truly apologizing for crying?” the sound of a chuckle of his resonated through your chest. “Fuck, if I hadn’t cried my eyes out already I would be crying too”.
A light laugh escaped your lips, mindlessly playing with his hair as he looked up to you, puckering his lips for you to close the space between his mouth and yours. When you did, he let out a contented hum, cupping your cheek with one hand so he could press a second kiss to your mouth.
“I missed you so, so much” he kissed you once more. “You have no idea how over the moon I am right now”.
“I’m so happy” you hummed, lips tenderly pressing to his forehead. “I don’t want today to end anymore…”
“Even when it ends, we’ll have a lifetime to go together” he smiled. “It doesn’t matter if time goes by anymore”.
He was right, and you couldn’t help but find it a bit strange… how suddenly you did not have to worry about time passing by anymore.
You had spent the past one year feeling anxious, worrying about time slipping through your fingers and not being able to achieve everything you wanted to achieve, everything you needed to achieve.
You had spent the past one year fearing that you would end up having to go back to your parents’, and that fear did only grow stronger once you got together with Taehyung, for you feared the possibility of the last day of the year arriving and having to leave him.
And then, when you found yourself indeed going back to your parents’ and no longer having Taehyung with you, you feared the day of the wedding. Although you had come to terms with it, it was still something that you were counting and dreading the days for, because the moment you pronounced the words ‘I do’, you would be deprived of all freedom.
Most importantly, you would be deprived of the man you loved, for the rest of your life.
But, right now, none of it mattered anymore.
For once, in what felt like your whole life, you could breathe.
You could breathe, because you had finally found your place, right next to him — no longer having to prove your worth, and no longer having to do what others wanted you to.
You could just be yourself.
You could be happy with him.
Letting out a contented sigh, and kissing your lips one last time, he got off the bed, receiving a whine from you as soon as you missed his touch.
“Where are you going?” you pouted, quietly watching him as he put his sweatpants back on.
“Nowhere” he simply said, throwing his t-shirt on as well and leaning down to pick up the clothes he had chosen for you and placed on the bed earlier, which were now lying on the floor after the mess you made. “I just think we should have a proper talk and I’m still craving you so bad right now that if you don’t cover up I will end up getting distracted all over again”.
You couldn’t help the laugh that came out of your mouth, feeling your face heat up at his bold words.
Following his every move, you smiled when he crawled back next to you — the bed dipping down where his knees were lying, as he fixed in his hands the t-shirt he had chosen for you to wear.
“I want the one you’re wearing” you said before he could pull the hole in the middle of the cotton fabric down your head.
“It’s pretty much the same” Taehyung pointed out, hinting at both tops being a slightly different shade of grey.
“This one doesn’t smell like you” your lower lip stuck out in a pout.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, a small smirk curving up his lips as he leaned down enough for his lips to trap your bottom one in them. “Such a brat”.
You laughed, pulling him to your mouth once more before you let go of him, contentedly watching him give in to your wishes and taking off the t-shirt he was currently wearing. Without putting the new one on just yet, he decided to cover your naked body first.
With the fabric of his thin piece of clothing covering only a little under your thighs after you sat up, he looked around for your panties — the floor not really being the best place for them to be lying on, yet that being the place he had thrown them to in his urge to get rid of them earlier that day. Letting out a sigh, he picked them up, going back to you and sliding them up your legs.
“Okay,” he cleared his throat, thumbs gently rubbing your hips under his top. “We can talk now”.
“After you put on your t-shirt as well” you reminded him, picking up said piece of clothing and helping him put it on. “I can easily get distracted by you, too”.
Taehyung chuckled, fixing the fabric down his torso before he leaned in to steal a lingering kiss from you. Being a distraction to you sounded quite good, if he was honest.
“What did you want to talk about?” you mumbled against his mouth when he was about to press it on yours once more.
“About where we’re going from here”.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“You know…” he breathed in, softly playing with your fingers as his back rested against the headboard. “So your parents don’t find us, or even if they do, so they don’t separate us. Not like I’m letting them take you away from me, but…”
“I know…” you smiled weakly, interlocking your fingers with his. “Maybe we could… go abroad for a while?” your words sounded uncertain, remembering what he had proposed last night in a desperate attempt to make you go back to him. “I mean, if it’s still a possibility”.
“Of course,” he was quick to nod his head. “The last position I got offered abroad was at an art gallery in Rome. They said to give them a call if I ever changed my mind, so I’ll do just that and if everything goes well then we can move”.
That sounded so surreal.
Taehyung was quick to catch up on your expression — knowing you all too well to realise you were indeed excited, but a part of you was still hesitant.
“Hey…” he softly called you, sitting up next to you and giving you a small smile when your eyes were on him. “Don’t feel pressured to go away, we can always just stay here and figure something else out”.
“No, it’s okay, I just…” you sighed. “We would come back at some point, right? I would really like us to settle down here…”
“Of course we’d come back” he reassured you. “Our kids would be the happiest growing up here”.
Your heart fluttered. “That’s what I believe, too”.
Taehyung smiled wholeheartedly, taking your hands in his and bringing them up to press his lips on them. He could neither get used to nor grow tired of being reminded that you, too, pictured your future with him.
“So… we’re leaving?”
“Mhm…” you nodded. “I think it’s the best choice, that way we’d make sure my parents left us alone and you wouldn’t have to… you know…”
“I wouldn’t have to… what?” his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
“Don’t make me say it” you weakly pleaded.
“I have no clue what you’re hinting at, though…”
“You won’t have to marry me anymore” you explained, not meeting his eyes. “Not in a rush, at least”.
“I won’t have to marry you?” he slowly repeated.
Your answer was a small nod, and he was not having it. Pulling you to him, you placed your palms on his chest so as not to fall flat on it, still not bringing yourself to meet his eyes and missing the way they looked at you like you held all the stars in the sky.
“Hey, princess. Look at me” he cupped your face so you had no choice but to do as told. “What did I say over the phone last night?”
You avoided his eyes.
“Y/N, what did I tell you?” he pushed it.
“That you were asking me because you love me…”
“Exactly. I love you” Taehyung reassured. “I fucking love you so much and I want to marry you. We can get married tomorrow for all I care and I will be the happiest man on Earth” he confessed with a shaky, breathy laugh. “I know you don’t have the best of experiences with marriages, but trust me when I say that neither am I being forced into this nor do I feel pressured to do this. I love you and that’s it”.
“You promise?”
“I pinky promise” he stuck out his pinky, earning a laugh from you at how he had picked up on your antics.
“Pinky promise, then” you interlocked your pinky with his.
“Unless you don’t want to marry me, of course” he raised one of his eyebrows.
“Oh, I’m just waiting for the ring” you joked.
“I already have the ring,” his lighthearted words had you jolting up. “It’s the proposal what’s missing”.
After the first sentence, though, you had seemed to stop listening altogether — not at all caring about a proper proposal anymore.
“You… have the ring?” you carefully asked, almost afraid you had misheard it.
“Mhm…” he nodded.
“Is it here? I want to see it”.
“Showing it to you just like that would take all the romance away, though”.
“I don’t care,” you shook your head, gently reaching for his hand. “Taehyung, show it to me”.
Staring at you for a couple of seconds to make sure this was 100% what you wanted, he ended up giving in — your eyes following his every move as he walked over to his wardrobe, watching him push a few clothes aside before he seemed to find what he was looking for.
Next thing you knew, he was walking back to you with a ring in between his fingers. There was no box, only a ring. Yet you could feel just as nervous as if you were getting proposed to right there and then.
Stopping in his tracks right as he reached your side by the bed, he nervously fidgeted with it, not letting you properly see it.
“Okay, so, um…” he cleared his throat. “This is more of a family antique. It last belonged to my grandmother and she passed it down to me, so if it’s not your style or you just don’t like it, please let me know and I—”
“Handsome,” you soothed him, gently holding his free hand. “Show me”.
Biting down on his lip, he took a seat beside you, trying his best to stop his hand from shaking when he finally let you take a look at the ring — a beautiful Victorian one, made out of white gold, with a diamond in its base.
Eyes going up to him, you didn’t even have to speak to let him know how much you loved it, even at first sight. That had seemed to calm his trembling hand a tiny bit.
“Can I try it on?” you hopefully asked.
Taehyung jolted up, as if you had just snapped him out of his running thoughts.
“Uh, y-yeah” he stuttered, struggling to hold your hand and managing to align the ring in front of your index finger, yet stopping before he could slide it on. “I think it’s your size, but I’m not sure, so if you feel it a bit loose or—”
“Yah,” you called him out with a giggle, letting your forehead fall to his shoulder as you tightly wrapped your arms around him. “Why are you so nervous?”
“How are you not?” he bit back.
“I am, trust me” you confessed. “But I guess I’m just way too happy to let it take over”.
“I’m happy, too” he pouted, resting his head on yours. “You’re just not the one proposing”.
“I just asked to try it on, though” your lips pressed lightly to his chest. “Not for you to propose”.
“Still feels the same”.
Because, either way, he wanted it to be perfect. After all you had been through to be with him, he believed you deserved that much.
Before you could keep on bickering, though, and before he could allow his nervousness take over completely, he grabbed your hand, holding it right in front of where your heads rested together, and slid the ring on your index finger like he had tried to do one minute ago — catching his breath the moment he realised it fit perfectly.
You smiled brightly, blissfully.
Sitting up straight, you crossed your legs as you admired the way the ring looked on your hand. You had never thought you would love the way an engagement ring looked on it so much.
For an entire year, you had refused to wear the one Sungjin had given you. You hated the way it looked on you. You hated wearing it, for whenever your eyes laid on it, you were reminded of the fate that you were possibly facing in a matter of months. Wearing it felt like a burden. Therefore, you did not.
Taehyung’s, on the other hand, felt like hope. It felt like pure happiness, and looking at it right then, you could only think of the future that awaited for the two of you. Together.
You felt like never ever taking it off.
“I love it” you confidently confessed, eyes still fixed on the diamond shining in front of you, missing the way Taehyung’s boxy smile had parted his lips. “I love it. It’s so gorgeous, it’s… perfect”.
“You think so?” he whispered.
You nodded, finally meeting his hopeful eyes. “You’re kidding? I feel so honored you chose me to give it to”.
“Who else would I have given it to?” he amusedly tilted his head. “You’re the only person I’ve ever had a relationship with”.
“Still could’ve chosen someone else”.
“Not a chance” he mumbled against your lips, not missing a second to taste them for what could easily be the hundredth time that day. “I only want you”.
“I’ll have you know I am never taking it off” you proudly looked at it on your finger once more, this time noticing the way he smiled at you. “What?”
“I really fucking love you” he breathed out, lightly pecking your lips when he noticed the heat reach your cheeks. “But I’m afraid you will have to take it off now and wait until the actual proposal”.
“I don’t care about a proposal” you let him know with a pout, pulling your hand away from his when he tried to reach for it.
“Y/N, I didn’t even get a box for it”.
“I don’t care”.
“I promised I’d go down on one knee and give one of those cheesy speeches that leaves you crying”.
“I don’t want to cry anymore,” you stated. “I’m the happiest right now. This is all I want”.
“You deserve better than being proposed to in bed right after fucking”.
“Sounds pretty intimate to me” you shrugged, holding back the urge to laugh when he threw you a glare for an answer. “Unless you don’t want to propose to me, of course”.
“Yah,” he tackled you down on the mattress, joining in your laughter as he hovered you. “You don’t get to say that whilst wearing the engagement ring I just gave you”.
You cupped his cheek with one hand, gently caressing his soft skin with your thumb as your confident eyes locked with his. “Ask me then”.
With you lying underneath him, looking at him with those eyes he loved so much and wearing his ring on your finger, there was only so much he could take.
So, leaning in until his lips were faintly touching yours, he gave in.
“Kim Y/N,” he began, eyes travelling from your mouth to your expectant eyes. “Marry me”.
“What?” you played dumb. “I don’t think I could hear you”.
“Marry me,” he repeated, gently pulling the fabric of your t-shirt over your hips for his long fingers to caress your skin. “Let’s get married and never again be away from each other. Let’s go to Europe and forget about everything that hurt us over here. Let’s come back in a few years and settle down in this house. Let’s have a bunch of kids and happily raise them here. Let’s grow old together and bicker until the end of our days” his thumb caught a tear that had just rolled down your eye, even after you had claimed you didn’t want to cry anymore. “Let’s be happy”.
You were at loss of words — teary, elated eyes, along with the way you had just begun to effusively nod your head up and down, being the only form of answer you could give him.
“I’m gonna need actual words here, princess” he softly teased, wiping another tear from your face. “Will you marry me?”
“Of course I will marry you, you idiot” you sniffled, pressing your smiling lips to his matching ones and then pulling him down to your chest. “I was literally begging you to ask me like one minute ago”.
Feeling his chest tremble on top of yours as he hugged you tightly and buried his face in the crook of your neck, you couldn’t tell whether he was crying or laughing. The sniffle that has just been followed by a chuckle of his, however, let you know he was indeed doing both.
“I thought you had no tears left to cry?” you teased him, tangling your fingers in his hair.
“Shut up” he blurted out, nuzzling your neck. “I can’t believe you just called me an idiot after my sweet, oh so sweet proposal”.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatic words. “It was with love, you know that”.
Shaking his head, he let go of his comfortable place on your chest, going back to your eye level. “Say that you’ll marry me again. But this time do it sweetly”.
“Now why would I do that?” you taunted.
“There is no way we’re telling our kids you called me an idiot when I proposed,” he pointed out. “We need to set a good example”.
At that, you couldn’t help but throw your head back — a loud, throaty laugh escaping your mouth. “And what kind of good example would it be telling them that you asked me to marry you in bed right after we f—”
“Don’t” he warned you.
“Am I wrong, though?” you laughed, then letting down a dreamy sigh as you made yourself more comfortable in bed. “God, I never thought I would be proposed to in bed right after having sex, with my neck full of hickeys, hair all messy and wearing only a t-shirt and panties”.
“Yah! You said it was okay” Taehyung called you out, sounding way whinier than he had intended to.
“And it was!” you reassured him with a giggle, resting an arm over his chest and a leg over his bottom body after he had slumped down on his back next to you. “But it’s still not the best of sights”.
“It’s my favourite look on you so far” Taehyung argued, fixing a strand of your hair away from your face. “Hot as hell”.
“Definitely not a story to tell our kids, though” you amusedly shook your head. “Or our friends”.
Laughing along, he leaned in until his lips were temptingly brushing yours. “We can always sugarcoat it”.
“We’ll make up a story for them” you agreed with a chuckle, merrily kissing him back when he closed the painful gap between your mouths.
“That we can” he agreed, hovering your body as he pulled you back down on the mattress. “On the topic of kids, though, we could start practicing for when we try for a baby in the future”
“Eager much?” you teased, allowing him to use his knee to pull your legs apart.
“I’m just thinking about the sake of our family”.
Family. How could that one word go back to meaning the world to you after having it be nothing but a burden for so many years.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we have to” you pecked his lips.
Taehyung pouted. “But practicing a little bit doesn’t hurt”.
“Just say you want to fuck me and go”.
A chuckle abandoned his lips at that, teeth lightly grazing the marks on your neck. “You’re saying I don’t need an excuse?”
“As if you’ve ever needed one” your words got a prideful smile from him, planting a small kiss to the same spot he had been teasing all day. “Stop it with the hickeys”.
“Nope” he simply replied. You weren’t leaving the house anytime soon anyway.
Nevertheless, his mouth pressed one last time to your neck before he pulled away.
“Wait,” you blurted out when he went back to your mouth. “So I have the ring and the hickeys you gave me on me right now…”
He smiled. “So?”
“So… You’ve marked me as yours twice” you pointed out, receiving a rather smug expression from him. “It’s only fair I get to leave a bunch of hickeys on you as well”.
“Come anywhere near my neck and be ready for a round two and maybe even a round three” he threatened you.
You smiled teasingly, pushing him down on the mattress and straddling his lap — hand pressing down on his chest as you nuzzled his neck.
“Y/N, I’m warning you”.
“You’re acting as if I don’t enjoy having you fuck me stupid,” you went back to his eye level, the tone in your voice and determination in your eyes, being enough to turn him on all over again. “Plus, didn’t you want to practice for when we try for a baby in the future?” 
“Fuck, you’re the love of my life” he pulled you to his lips. “Will you marry me?”
“Of course I will marry you, my love” you sweetly answered against his mouth, then letting a smirk take over your face. “Was that the oh so sweet answer you wanted?”
He smiled, satisfied. “Definitely”.
“Good,” you chuckled, lips travelling down to his neck. “Now stay still so I can make sure everyone knows you’re mine, too”.
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 ℛ𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃𝓈. | 𝓃.𝓳𝓶 (M)
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synopsis; na jaemin is a young prince who doesn’t want to get married because he finds it pointless. shin mirae is a young princess who refuses to get married due to her gamophobia, a fear of commitment in relationships, what happens when these two meet paths?
warnings; cottagecore/royal au, lowercase intended, romance, fake dating later falling in love trope, bachelor noncommittal princess and jaded prince, angst, mentions of death, smut!!, mature language and audience.
2/24. PART 3 LINK
“sorry but i don’t want to get married to you.” mirae said hint of disgust at he man. the two were finally as their parents were going to arrive to discuss further, thanks to this random man asking to marry someone already; it caught everyone’s peak of interest.
“why not? i have all the attributes a woman is looking for. i am attractive, i have massive lands in korea, we’re both korean so that’s more than beneficial for our family, plus i don’t plan on staying married to you for long i just need my parents to believe this marriage is real for a month.” the man spoke honestly, mirae crossing arms at the boy.
“i admire your honesty, but I genuinely don’t like the idea of marriage. especially to a man i don’t know.” she threw in, jaemin opens his jaw in defence. “but you do know me now, we are on name basis.”
“do you even know my name?” she struts forward, dress following behind as it twirls against the golden marble designed flooring if the palace, voice echoing. jaemin’s lips fell in a straight line. “miyoung?”
mirae shakes her head, taunting towards the man, making jaemin feel absolutely belittled. the woman in front of him was humbling him faster than anyone had ever done to him of his twenty years living. “it’s mirae! mirae, at least remember my name if you wish to fool your parents.”
jaemin smiles apologetically. “sorry sorry, i’m always bad with names.”
“there are our children!” mr na cheers at the two together already, ms shin coming forward with the brightest smile. mirae opens her lips to reject the offer, but the boy held a grip around mirae’s waist pouring her closer to him.
mirae glances up to the taller latter, “what are you doing?” she hisses, jaemin lightly smirks to the parents coming ahead. “act along, i’m begging you. i don’t wish to get married as much as you do.”
the three parents hover over to the boy and girl, ms shin glancing to jaemin. “oh my, your son is handsome!” ms and mr na agree on a hum, “likewise to your daughter, she’s beautiful.” ms na upbeats. jaemin chuckled, “yes she is quite a beauty isn’t she mother?” jaemin looks at mirae with a loving fake smile. mirae giving a discomforting smile.
“thank you, ms na and mr na.” mirae softly said. “you can call me dad and mom if you wish.” jaemin’s parents told, mirae opening her lips with a soft laugh; although it was completely fake.
“we were the first family to come up with such news this quickly, it shocked the entire palace!” ms shin exclaims with excitement. the attention they will get is going to be way beyond their control.
jaemin hums to continuing the foolish trickery on the adults in front. “yes, well can you blame me? miyou- i mean mirae here caught my eyes the most.” mirae biting the tongue, how she wished she could just stomp the knee of this boy.
“It’s good to see you two together so closely, we shall leave you alone for privacy. to discuss furthermore marriage plans.” ms shin coos, mr and ms na nodding in agreement, jaemin and mirae watch their parents walk out closing the large doors.
jaemin felt a thrusting heel into the foot, cracking the shoe harshly with a bent. he yells holding his foot in both palms. “AH, what the hell miyoung!”
“my name is mirae!” she shouts towards jaemin glaring, mirae watching jaemin stay in pain. the boy watching the young woman walk out , heels stomping the marble flooring, he swore he could see a bit of smoke coming out of her head— considering the hot temper she has.
she had looks of a princess, a personality of a rodent. jaemin thought.
mirae couldn’t believe the mess she was in, without a choice practically! the woman sits by the bench, hoping a tiny bit of cold fresh air with sunlight would do the trick.
a comforting silence overtook mirae’s insides, she felt a little at peace.
“do you enjoy a bit of fresh air as well, princess?” a masculine voice told, mirae turning around noticing a prince with black hair tucking forth. she raises eyebrows at the boy, “indeed i do, how about yourself?” mirae asks.
the boy sits down next to mirae, grinning. “i agree with you.” he lifts a hand forward to the young woman, “mark lee, your name?”
mirae lifts hand forward, shaking his comfortingly. “shin mirae.” he smiles letting go off the hand, relaxing back on the seat.
“i heard you’re getting married to one of my best friends.” mark trails, mirae pursing lips in a thin line at the news. he notices the expression fall, as he sits up. “oh crap was i not supposed to ask?”
“it’s okay,” mirae reassures. “it’s not your fault anyways. it’s jaemin’s fault.” she eases and mark laughs a little, “I’m assuming you two aren’t on the best of terms right now.”
mirae nods. “of course we aren’t, he just met me and said he wants to marry me! now i’m stuck in this mess where my mother will finalise it.” she said with a bit of a huff at the end, mark humming sympathetically. “must be stressful for you, but if it makes you feel better, jaemin will only do this for a month.”
mirae falters at the words, it is only for a month she supposed. maybe that way she can finally get mother off her back too from the idea of marriage.
mark noticing the slight change in expression on mirae’s face, he looks back noticing a slight trail of music playing and harp on the distance. mirae turning around as well when ears captured forth.
“want to go join the others?” mark stood up with a hand towards mirae, the girl looking away as she took it. “very well, i’ll go.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from copyrighting and plagiarising my work!
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youre-my-shine-xoxo · 7 years
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Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest and strongest people in the world! You’ve been through a lot, especially this past year, and I thank God that you decided to move to Korea and start living your dreams. Thank you for making me believe that I can also chase my dreams no matter what stands in my way. Thank you for making my life brighter with your beautiful smile and down to earth personality. Never change Stephanie. #HappyTiffanyDay
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soolarity · 3 years
♕ royal rebellion ♕
profiles: a time
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b KIM MIYOUNG - daughter of cinderella
miyoung is beloved by every royal in ever after high, as the future cinderella, she has upheld her legacy to be the kindest princess in the kingdom. speaking of kingdom, her parents are currently the ruling monarchs of the kingdom which makes her very influential in both the school and the kingdom in general. but underneath her blinding kindness and beauty, she is feared by all rebels for her immense power and obvious dislike towards rebels. one snap of her fingers and she could erase your name, not like anyone would know though as she is very cautious and careful to never break her perfect kindhearted image.
PARK HYERIN - daughter of snow white
she has skin as pale as snow, hair as dark as night, and and lips as red as the freshest apple. park hyerin is the most fairest of them all in the kingdom as princes and model agencies fall at her feet. although she isn't the brightest in the academics department, she does have the brightest skin, so, it's not that bad, right? she also dislikes rebels because of their status, as she has a tendency to look down on people with lower status, but she does slightly respect jungwon strangely, who is her fairytale "enemy". she does not like going through history, as she says it makes her sleepy like a poisoned apple, but long ago, one of her ancestors rebelled and abdicated the throne, which led the cinderella family to have it, so she is quite resentful about that.
YOO HANA - daughter of beauty
yoo hana is one of the smartest students in ever after high, which is appropriate for her fairytale role. with her nose always buried in a book, princes can't help but be smitten with her mysterious and intelligent nature. she is clever and analytical, always going for the smartest option for her benefit, which happens to be friends with miyoung and hyerin. now, she isn't ice cold, she is actually quite nice and humors people if needed, she just prioritizes the benefits she gets from smart choices than emotions and impulsive decisions. but she's not heartless, evident on how she doubts whether she really made the right decision to follow her brain instead of her heart.
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