mariacallous · 4 months
New documents leaked by a source close to the Putin administration shed light on a previously unknown tool in the Kremlin’s propaganda arsenal: an online program called Clicker Pulse. This software allows the Russian authorities and pro-government media to track which individual messages from the president’s speeches resonate with specific audiences and which ones fall flat. Using this information, the managers of Kremlin-aligned social media pages can then boost or suppress various sound bites from Putin’s addresses and press conferences to align with what regional audiences want to hear. Here’s how it works.
Propagandists from the pro-Kremlin “autonomous nonprofit organization” (ANO) Dialog gather information about the reactions of various segments of the Russian public to specific statements made by Vladimir Putin, according to leaked documents obtained by the Estonian news outlet Delfi and shared with Meduza.
To record viewers’ “spontaneous emotional reactions” to particular moments in Putin’s speeches, according to the documents, Dialog has created an online tool called Clicker Pulse. The program works by asking focus group participants from Russia’s “main social groups” to click “Like” or “Dislike” every five seconds while watching videos of Putin’s speeches. It then aggregates the data, showing Dialog employees the majority reactions of various categories of viewers to each point in the speech.
This, the documents indicate, allows the Russian authorities’ vast network of social media curators to “adjust the audience for the delivery of [Putin’s] messages.” In other words, the Kremlin’s “regional governance centers” (RGCs) — agencies throughout the country that were created at Putin’s request in 2020 to get “feedback” from Russians online — can decide in real time which messages from Putin’s speeches to promote and which ones to suppress on regional pro-government social media pages and Telegram channels.
The focus group participants’ reactions are also sent immediately to senior members of the Putin administration, though it’s unclear from the leaked documents what the president’s team does with this information.
Additionally, Meduza has obtained a report that describes in detail the reactions of focus group participants to a press conference held by Putin in December 2021. Viewers’ “overall impression” of the event was “mixed,” according to the report’s authors; for example, most of them reacted negatively to Putin’s answer to a question about Russia’s restrictions on “foreign agents.” In his statement, the president claimed that the “beacon of democracy, the U.S.,” has a law similar to Russia’s repressive “foreign agents” law and that Moscow’s version is “much more liberal” than Washington’s. (This is not the case.)
The focus group also had a negative reaction to Putin’s answer to a question about the use of torture in Russian prisons. Asked how the authorities planned to combat the practice and whether Putin would personally oversee these efforts, Putin said that torture in prisons is a “worldwide problem” and that “there are many places in Europe — say, in France — and in the U.S., the kinds of places that no longer exist even in third world countries.”
Meanwhile, viewers had positive reactions to Putin’s statements that “Ukraine was created by Lenin” and that the U.S. “came to our home with its missiles,” two claims that Putin would use to justify the full-scale war against Ukraine just months later.
Overall, respondents criticized the press conference for featuring “amorphous questions that received amorphous answers,” calling the event “pretty boring,” “predictable,” and “banal.”
A regional official who has heard the Russian authorities discuss their use of focus groups and Clicker Pulse told the authors of this story that the program was the “initiative” of Dialog ANO (whose head, Vladimir Tabak, did not respond to questions about Clicker Pulse). At the same time, the source said he’s confident that if focus group participants begin “criticizing the president too much,” these methods will quickly be discontinued.
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pollonegro666 · 8 months
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2023/11/04 Llegamos a un amplio espacio dedicado a todas las provincias españolas. Fue construido para una exposición universal de hace muchos años. Es bien de interés cultural español por la belleza que algerga.
We arrive at a large space dedicated to all the Spanish provinces. It was built for a universal exhibition many years ago. It is of Spanish cultural interest due to the beauty it offers.
Google Translation into French: Nous arrivons à un grand espace dédié à toutes les provinces espagnoles. Il a été construit il y a de nombreuses années pour une exposition universelle. Il présente un intérêt culturel espagnol en raison de la beauté qu'il offre.
Google translation into Italian: Arriviamo ad un ampio spazio dedicato a tutte le province spagnole. È stato costruito molti anni fa per un'esposizione mondiale. È di interesse culturale spagnolo per la bellezza che offre.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Chegamos a um amplo espaço dedicado a todas as províncias espanholas. Foi construído há muitos anos para uma feira mundial. É de interesse cultural espanhol pela beleza que oferece.
Google Translation into German: Wir erreichen einen großen Raum, der allen spanischen Provinzen gewidmet ist. Es wurde vor vielen Jahren für eine Weltausstellung gebaut. Aufgrund der Schönheit, die es bietet, ist es von spanischem kulturellem Interesse.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Mbërrijmë në një hapësirë të madhe kushtuar të gjitha provincave spanjolle. Është ndërtuar për një ekspozitë universale shumë vite më parë. Është me interes kulturor spanjoll për shkak të bukurisë që ofron.
Google Translation into Arabic: وصلنا إلى مساحة كبيرة مخصصة لجميع المقاطعات الإسبانية. تم بناؤه لمعرض عالمي منذ سنوات عديدة. إنها ذات أهمية ثقافية إسبانية بسبب الجمال الذي تقدمه.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք հասնում ենք մի մեծ տարածության, որը նվիրված է իսպանական բոլոր նահանգներին: Այն կառուցվել է շատ տարիներ առաջ ունիվերսալ ցուցահանդեսի համար։ Այն իսպանական մշակութային հետաքրքրություն է ներկայացնում իր առաջարկած գեղեցկության շնորհիվ։
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা সমস্ত স্প্যানিশ প্রদেশের জন্য নিবেদিত একটি বড় জায়গায় পৌঁছেছি। এটি বহু বছর আগে একটি সর্বজনীন প্রদর্শনীর জন্য নির্মিত হয়েছিল। এটির সৌন্দর্যের কারণে এটি স্প্যানিশ সাংস্কৃতিক আগ্রহের বিষয়।
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Стигаме до голямо пространство, посветено на всички испански провинции. Построена е за универсална изложба преди много години. Той е от испански културен интерес поради красотата, която предлага.
Google Translation into Czech: Přijíždíme do velkého prostoru věnovaného všem španělským provinciím. Byl postaven pro univerzální výstavu před mnoha lety. Je to španělský kulturní zájem kvůli kráse, kterou nabízí.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我们到达了一个专门展示西班牙所有省份的大空间。 它是多年前为一次全球展览而建造的。 由于它的美丽,它具有西班牙文化意义。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 스페인의 모든 지방을 기념하는 넓은 공간에 도착했습니다. 그것은 수년 전에 만국박람회를 위해 지어졌습니다. 그것은 그것이 제공하는 아름다움으로 인해 스페인 문화적 관심을 끌고 있습니다.
Google Translation into Croatian: Dolazimo do velikog prostora posvećenog svim španjolskim pokrajinama. Izgrađen je za univerzalnu izložbu prije mnogo godina. Od španjolskog je kulturnog interesa zbog ljepote koju nudi.
Google Translation into Danish Vi ankommer til et stort rum dedikeret til alle de spanske provinser. Det blev bygget til en universel udstilling for mange år siden. Det er af spansk kulturel interesse på grund af den skønhed, det tilbyder.
Google Translation into Slovak: Prichádzame do veľkého priestoru venovaného všetkým španielskym provinciám. Pred mnohými rokmi bol postavený pre univerzálnu výstavu. Je španielskym kultúrnym záujmom kvôli kráse, ktorú ponúka.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Prispemo do velikega prostora, namenjenega vsem španskim pokrajinam. Zgrajena je bila za univerzalno razstavo pred mnogimi leti. Zaradi lepote, ki jo ponuja, je španskega kulturnega pomena.
Google Translation into Estonian: Jõuame suurde ruumi, mis on pühendatud kõigile Hispaania provintsidele. See ehitati aastaid tagasi universaalseks näituseks. See pakub oma pakutava ilu tõttu Hispaania kultuurilist huvi.
Google Translation into Suomi: Saavumme suureen tilaan, joka on omistettu kaikille Espanjan maakunnille. Se rakennettiin yleistä näyttelyä varten monta vuotta sitten. Se on espanjalaisen kulttuurin kiinnostava kauneuden vuoksi.
Google Translation into Georgian: ჩვენ მივდივართ დიდ სივრცეში, რომელიც ეძღვნება ესპანეთის ყველა პროვინციას. იგი მრავალი წლის წინ აშენდა უნივერსალური გამოფენისთვის. ის ესპანეთის კულტურულ ინტერესს იწვევს იმ სილამაზის გამო, რაც მას სთავაზობს.
Google Translation into Greek: Φτάνουμε σε έναν μεγάλο χώρο αφιερωμένο σε όλες τις ισπανικές επαρχίες. Χτίστηκε για μια καθολική έκθεση πριν από πολλά χρόνια. Είναι ισπανικού πολιτιστικού ενδιαφέροντος λόγω της ομορφιάς που προσφέρει.
Google Translation into Guarani: Roguahẽ peteĩ espacio tuichávape oñededikáva opa provincia española-pe. Oñemopu’ãkuri peteĩ jehechauka universal-pe ĝuarã ojapo heta arýma. Ha'e interés cultural español iporãgui oikuave'êva.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Hōʻea mākou i kahi ākea nui i hoʻolaʻa ʻia no nā panalāʻau a pau o Sepania. Ua kūkulu ʻia no kahi hōʻikeʻike honua i nā makahiki he nui aku nei. He hoihoi moʻomeheu Sepania ma muli o ka nani o ia mea.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אנו מגיעים לחלל גדול המוקדש לכל מחוזות ספרד. הוא נבנה לתערוכה אוניברסלית לפני שנים רבות. הוא בעל עניין תרבותי ספרדי בשל היופי שהוא מציע.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम सभी स्पेनिश प्रांतों को समर्पित एक बड़े स्थान पर पहुंचते हैं। इसे कई साल पहले एक सार्वभौमिक प्रदर्शनी के लिए बनाया गया था। अपनी सुंदरता के कारण यह स्पेनिश सांस्कृतिक रुचि का विषय है।
Google Translation into Hungarian: Egy nagy térbe érkezünk, amelyet az összes spanyol tartománynak szenteltek. Évekkel ezelőtt univerzális kiállításra épült. Spanyol kulturális érdeklődésre tart számot szépsége miatt.
Google Translation into Icelandic: Við komum að stóru rými sem er tileinkað öllum spænsku héruðunum. Það var byggt fyrir allsherjarsýningu fyrir mörgum árum. Það er af spænskum menningarlegum áhuga vegna fegurðar sem það býður upp á.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami tiba di ruang besar yang didedikasikan untuk semua provinsi di Spanyol. Itu dibangun untuk pameran universal beberapa tahun yang lalu. Ini menjadi daya tarik budaya Spanyol karena keindahan yang ditawarkannya.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私たちはスペインのすべての州を展示する広いスペースに到着しました。 何年も前に万国博覧会のために建てられました。 その美しさからスペイン文化の注目を集めています。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Биз Испаниянын бардык провинцияларына арналган чоң мейкиндикке келдик. Ал көп жыл мурун универсалдуу көргөзмө үчүн курулган. Ал сунуш кылган сулуулугу менен испан маданий кызыгуусун жаратат.
Google Translation into Latvian: Mēs nonākam lielā telpā, kas veltīta visām Spānijas provincēm. Tā tika uzcelta universālai izstādei pirms daudziem gadiem. Tas ir spāņu kultūras interesants, pateicoties tā piedāvātajam skaistumam.
Google Translation into Malayalam: എല്ലാ സ്പാനിഷ് പ്രവിശ്യകൾക്കും സമർപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന ഒരു വലിയ സ്ഥലത്ത് ഞങ്ങൾ എത്തിച്ചേരുന്നു. വർഷങ്ങൾക്ക് മുമ്പ് ഒരു സാർവത്രിക പ്രദർശനത്തിനായി ഇത് നിർമ്മിച്ചതാണ്. ഇത് പ്രദാനം ചെയ്യുന്ന സൗന്ദര്യം കാരണം സ്പാനിഷ് സാംസ്കാരിക താൽപ്പര്യമുള്ളതാണ്.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami tiba di ruang besar khusus untuk semua wilayah Sepanyol. Ia dibina untuk pameran sejagat bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Ia adalah minat budaya Sepanyol kerana keindahan yang ditawarkannya.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Tonga amin'ny toerana lehibe natokana ho an'ny faritany Espaniola rehetra izahay. Namboarina ho fampirantiana manerantany taona maro lasa izay. Mahaliana ny kolontsaina espaniola izy io noho ny hatsarana atolony.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Бид Испанийн бүх мужуудад зориулагдсан том талбайд ирлээ. Олон жилийн өмнө бүх нийтийн үзэсгэлэнд зориулж барьсан. Энэ нь гоо үзэсгэлэнгээрээ Испанийн соёлын сонирхлыг татдаг.
Google Translation into Dutch: We komen aan bij een grote ruimte gewijd aan alle Spaanse provincies. Het werd vele jaren geleden gebouwd voor een universele tentoonstelling. Het is van Spaans cultureel belang vanwege de schoonheid die het biedt.
Google Translation into Nepali: हामी सबै स्पेनी प्रान्तहरूलाई समर्पित ठूलो ठाउँमा आइपुग्छौं। यो धेरै वर्ष पहिले एक विश्वव्यापी प्रदर्शनी को लागी बनाइएको थियो। यसले प्रदान गर्ने सौन्दर्यको कारण यो स्पेनिश सांस्कृतिक चासोको हो।
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi kommer til en stor plass dedikert til alle de spanske provinsene. Den ble bygget for en universell utstilling for mange år siden. Det er av spansk kulturell interesse på grunn av skjønnheten det tilbyr.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਸਾਰੇ ਸਪੈਨਿਸ਼ ਪ੍ਰਾਂਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਰਪਿਤ ਇੱਕ ਵੱਡੀ ਥਾਂ 'ਤੇ ਪਹੁੰਚਦੇ ਹਾਂ। ਇਹ ਕਈ ਸਾਲ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਵਿਆਪਕ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨੀ ਲਈ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ। ਇਹ ਪੇਸ਼ ਕਰਦੀ ਸੁੰਦਰਤਾ ਦੇ ਕਾਰਨ ਸਪੈਨਿਸ਼ ਸੱਭਿਆਚਾਰਕ ਦਿਲਚਸਪੀ ਦਾ ਹੈ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ یو لوی ځای ته ورسیدو چې د هسپانوي ټولو ولایتونو ته وقف شوی دی. دا څو کاله دمخه د نړیوال نندارتون لپاره جوړ شوی و. دا د هسپانوي کلتوري ګټو څخه دی د ښکلا له امله چې دا وړاندیز کوي.
Google Translation into Persian: به فضای بزرگی می رسیم که به تمام استان های اسپانیا اختصاص داده شده است. سال ها پیش برای یک نمایشگاه جهانی ساخته شد. به دلیل زیبایی که ارائه می دهد، مورد توجه فرهنگی اسپانیایی است.
Google Translation into Polish: Docieramy do dużej przestrzeni poświęconej wszystkim hiszpańskim prowincjom. Zbudowano go wiele lat temu z myślą o wystawie powszechnej. Jest obiektem zainteresowania kulturowego Hiszpanii ze względu na piękno, jakie oferuje.
Google Translation into Romanian: Ajungem la un spațiu mare dedicat tuturor provinciilor spaniole. A fost construit pentru o expoziție universală cu mulți ani în urmă. Este de interes cultural spaniol datorită frumuseții pe care o oferă.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы приходим к большому пространству, посвященному всем испанским провинциям. Его построили для универсальной выставки много лет назад. Он представляет испанский культурный интерес из-за своей красоты.
Google Translation into Serbian: Стижемо до великог простора посвећеног ��вим шпанским провинцијама. Саграђена је за универзалну изложбу пре много година. Од шпанског је културног интереса због лепоте коју нуди.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi kommer till ett stort utrymme dedikerat till alla spanska provinser. Den byggdes för en allmän utställning för många år sedan. Det är av spanskt kulturellt intresse på grund av den skönhet den erbjuder.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Urang anjog ka spasi badag dedicated ka sadaya propinsi Spanyol. Éta diwangun pikeun paméran universal sababaraha taun ka pengker. Éta dipikaresep ku budaya Spanyol kusabab kaéndahan anu ditawarkeunana.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Dumating kami sa isang malaking espasyo na nakatuon sa lahat ng mga lalawigan ng Espanya. Ito ay itinayo para sa isang unibersal na eksibisyon maraming taon na ang nakalilipas. Ito ay may interes sa kulturang Espanyol dahil sa kagandahang inaalok nito.
Google Translation into Thai: เรามาถึงพื้นที่ขนาดใหญ่ที่อุทิศให้กับทุกจังหวัดของสเปน สร้างขึ้นเพื่อจัดแสดงนิทรรศการสากลเมื่อหลายปีก่อน เป็นที่สนใจทางวัฒนธรรมของสเปนเนื่องจากมีความงดงาม
Google Translation into Telugu: మేము అన్ని స్పానిష్ ప్రావిన్స్‌లకు అంకితమైన పెద్ద స్థలానికి చేరుకున్నాము. ఇ���ి చాలా సంవత్సరాల క్రితం సార్వత్రిక ప్రదర్శన కోసం నిర్మించబడింది. ఇది అందించే అందం కారణంగా ఇది స్పానిష్ సాంస్కృతిక ఆసక్తిని కలిగి ఉంది.
Google Translation into Turkish: Tüm İspanyol eyaletlerine ayrılmış geniş bir alana varıyoruz. Yıllar önce evrensel bir sergi için inşa edilmişti. Sunduğu güzellikler nedeniyle İspanyol kültürünün ilgisini çekmektedir.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми потрапляємо у великий простір, присвячений усім іспанським провінціям. Його багато років тому будували для універсальної виставки. Це іспанський культурний інтерес завдяки красі, яку він пропонує.
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم تمام ہسپانوی صوبوں کے لیے مختص ایک بڑی جگہ پر پہنچتے ہیں۔ اسے کئی سال پہلے ایک عالمگیر نمائش کے لیے بنایا گیا تھا۔ یہ پیش کردہ خوبصورتی کی وجہ سے ہسپانوی ثقافتی دلچسپی کا حامل ہے۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Biz Ispaniyaning barcha viloyatlariga bag'ishlangan katta maydonga keldik. U ko'p yillar oldin universal ko'rgazma uchun qurilgan. U taklif etayotgan go'zalligi tufayli ispaniyalik madaniy qiziqish uyg'otadi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Chúng tôi đến một không gian rộng lớn dành riêng cho tất cả các tỉnh của Tây Ban Nha. Nó được xây dựng cho một cuộc triển lãm toàn cầu từ nhiều năm trước. Nó được văn hóa Tây Ban Nha quan tâm do vẻ đẹp mà nó mang lại.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
The government decided on Thursday to extradite to the United States an Estonian citizen, Andrey Shevlyakov, who is suspected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of procuring US-made electronic equipment for the Russian military.
Shevlyakov was detained by Estonia's Internal Security Service in March last year at the request of the FBI and has been in custody since then.
Justice Minister Liisa-Ly Pakosta told a government press conference on Thursday that the government made the decision to extradite Andrey Shevlyakov to the United States, but Shevlyakov is likely to use the opportunity to appeal the decision.
FBI Houston announced on social media in April 2023 that in cooperation with the Bureau of Industry and Security of the US Department of Commerce and Estonian Internal Security Service, a man who allegedly procured US-made electronics on behalf of the Russian government and military for more than a decade had been arrested.
Special agent in charge James Smith said that the Estonian citizen, Andrey Shevlyakov, was arrested on March 28 of that year on suspicion of procuring US-made electronics, including radar components and hacking software, on behalf of the Russian government and military.
«For years, Mr Shevlyakov's elaborate web of deceit allowed him to allegedly procure sensitive American-made electronics on behalf of the Russian military. His illegal acquisitions of sophisticated US technology endangered citizens in both Ukraine and the United States,» Smith said. The announcement says that at the time of his arrest, deliveries meant for Shevlyakov in Estonia, including 130 kilograms of radio equipment, were confiscated.
Shevlyakov purchased multiple items, including low-noise pre-scalers and synthesizers, used to conduct high-frequency communications, and analog-to-digital converters, which are components used in defense systems such as electronic warfare systems and missiles. In May 2020, Shevlyakov used one of his front companies to buy a licensed copy of the penetration testing platform Metasploit Pro. Shevlyakov allegedly exported at least 800,000 US dollars worth of items from US electronics manufacturers and distributors between approximately October 2012 and January 2022.
Shevlyakov engaged in this conduct despite being listed on a Department of Commerce-maintained list, known as the Entity List, that designates individuals and companies who are barred from exporting items from the United States without a license. He used false names and a web of front companies to evade the Entity List's restrictions.
If convicted, he faces a maximum of 20 years' imprisonment.
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softfloralribbon · 2 months
♡☆Redoing my intro post !! ^_^☆♡
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♡ feel free to call me Fawn, Flora or Myles !! Im also fine with April, Florette or Stella !!
♡ i go by he/she/they (in order of preference) pronouns and im arospec ace genderfluid lesbian !!
♡ im a minor (15) and born on november 15 :3
♡ im estonian !! and obv speak estonian and english •v•
☆ i have alot of interests : main one being project sekai !! i also will post some milgram, vocaloid and lacey games related stuff sometimes !! (Theres probably more but yeah !! )
☆ my favourite project sekai characters are minori and mizuki !! My favourite units are more more jump and nightcord at 25 :3
◇Art related boundaries and such !! ◇
◇ feel free to use my art in pfps , headers , banners and edits !! just remember to credit me !! ^_^
◇ do NOT repost my art without asking me before hand !!
◇ the only other social where i currently post my art publicly is twitter/x (killifishgirl , where i post my mcyt related stuff)
♧ basically dni: if youre homophobic, transphobic, ect. if youre a zionist. if youre a proshipper. nsfw account. pro sh/ed account. toyakasa/sakutoya shipper.
♤ Aaand finally some ask related boundaries !! ♤
♤ anything is fine by me tbh !! as long as it isnt nsfw or venting !! Feel free to basically write anything here
♤ feel free to request doodles and such !! i will also draw any project sekai ship, as long as it isnt yknow weird or illegal !! Feel free to request your rarepairs and such !! (i especially love drawing them ^w^🫶)
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Slight correction: multiple artists Lily specifically favorited have been arrested for using CSEM as references for their 3D work. Kaneda used her toddler son as reference material, including having someone have intercural sex with him for that material. Masked is in prison for using a child of a family he was friends with for reference material and he had sex with the boy in question multiple times, even though he was able to dodge charges regarding that due to oral sex not being provable in a court of law. Amri, one of two animators who made the Spike rape animation Lily faved, was convicted of violating an Estonian law that prohibits adults having kids engage in sexual activity with them, adults putting children into prostitution, and adults using children for pornographic purposes.
If you look at screenshots from Sankaku, where thumbnails flagged for review for possibly being made with CSEM are framed in yellow, there are over a dozen images flagged in every. single. account's. favorites. That's how prolific the problem is on there. You can't avoid it even if you try if you look into the loli or shota tags. The fact that they have a flagging system because this keeps happening is in and of itself really alarming.
I get that not every person who makes NSFW of a character who's underage references real minors, and a lot of horny teens make art of teen characters they like, but while I respect anon's attempts to assume good faith and assume innocence rather than guilt... on Sankaku, CSEM and NSFW are genuinely, honestly interchangeable terms a lot of the time. Three artists in one year alone who abused children aside, any site that hosts 3D, photorealistic art is going to have art made from CSEM references because artists who use CSEM as reference material can blend in and hide behind those who don't.
That's why survivors hate that site. It's not "doing survivors a disservice" to refer to that shit as CSEM because 1. a large chunk of it is 2. a lot of users looking at it are looking for CSEM they won't get in legal trouble for and 3. even the 3D renders that aren't CSEM would still look like CSEM to anyone who's not a 3D artist who can pick out all the anatomy flaws in it.
As a survivor I get why anon wants to distinguish between art and exploitation of children because yeah, some 16 year old being horny for a 15 year old character isn't CSEM but that's just not what we're discussing when it's Sankaku.
Point in case: my abuser took a picture he had where he'd came on my face and had a 3D artist make a render of it with his brother's face instead of mine. It's still on Sankaku because even when they take it down, people reupload it. It's been in circulation for six years.
Sorry for dumping this in your inbox, this kind of thing just makes me see red. I'm not a bad survivor for hating Sankaku or for calling it CSEM and neither are you.
I realize the descriptions in this are graphic, but I'm sharing it with trigger warnings because YALL NEED TO REALIZE HOW GRAPHIC THE SHIT LILY IS LOOKING AT IS!
This isn't a joke!
This isn't "anti vs pro" ship bullshit!
This isn't "Oh but it's fictional so it's not the same"!
If seeing this offends you, instead of getting mad and indignant at the people spreading awareness about it, TARGET THAT SHIT AT THE PERSON USING HER PLATFORM TO ACCESS MINORS AND OTHER VULNERABLE PEOPLE!
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warcrimesimulator · 1 year
SO tired of that Estonian racist & antisemitic "Hitler was Jewish" idiot Regina Bauer how the fuck did she get such a massive platform on pro-Ukraine twt
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aphee-sheiz · 2 years
Say what you want about this take, but Estonia's recent reluctance to let in Ukrainian refugees entering the EU from Russia is caused by the same mindset that led to the Russian-Estonian border to be almost closed for the Russian citizens.
First it's "people are responsible for their government's actions, therefore even if you are desperate enough to swim across the river to Estonia to avoid mobilization, we'll send you back" (actually happened), second it's "only those Ukrainians we like, that is, who left early enough (and when is early, that we decide) and who left from the regions we like (recently occupied rather than occupied since 2014, also Mariupol is too pro-Russian now, we don't like it either) get to leave the what we consider a terrorist country".
It's all same old "the country has the ultimate right to decide who it lets in, and entering another country is a privilege, not a right" for both (this argument is used to justify denying entry for Russians).
There are only two ways from which a country can choose when it comes to refugees: either they are innocent until proven guilty (every Ukrainian seeking asylum is against the war and so is every Russian) or they are subjected to human rights abuse, as if they haven't been through way too much already.
Yep, the bad bad Russians - like guys running away from forced draft, inevitably followed by prison or death, or feminist activists a bit too outspoken about the war, or volunteers who help Ukrainians leave Russia - will enter The Beautiful Not At All Like Russia Europe, I get it. But maybe it's worth it if another Ukrainian won't spend a night on a bench in Ivangorod after Estonia fucked him over, m?
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lightdancer1 · 1 year
Wrapped up the last book:
This book stopped in 2001, so it didn't have to deal with the impolitic reality that the fragile post-Soviet democracy turned into a pro-Russian dictatorship under the misrule of one Viktor Orban. It did, however, cover the entire span of Hungarian history from the migration to Europe and the Battle of Lechfeld, which settled the brief age of Magyars as one of many migrant horse nomadic Asian cultures that rampaged over Europe and marked the transformation of them, like the Estonians and Finns, into a very self-consciously European and Europeanized culture.
The reality of Magyar culture, like that of Finland, Estonia, and the Basques is that they are small islands of non Indo-European culture in a vast sea of Indo-European languages. This in turn has been something that the Hungarians are always very consciously aware of as well, and it accounts in no small part for old model feudal Hungary preserving Latin as the official language of the Hungarian assemblies into the mid-19th Century. Latin was more easily understood by the Indo-European cultures around them than Magyar, which like Finnish looks like a sneeze when written and unlike Finnish tends to sound like one in speech (but not nearly as bad as Welsh in reading or trying to speak Kartuli, f'rex).
This accounts for much of the self-imposed view of Hungarians of their culture, of their successes, and their failures. Until the Treaty of Trianon the kings and magnates of Hungary led a state that would go on to account for over half the territory of the future Habsburg Empire, and some of the kings, like Matthias Corvinus and Isvtan I/Stephen went on to fame, most of them fitting outside Hungary into the generic grey blur of Central and Eastern Europe that isn't Habsburg, German, or Russian.
Hungarians managed to preserve the huge state on paper, even if the institutions became increasingly sclerotic in a kind of inverse mirror of Poland. No Liberum Veto, instead overmighty subjects without whom Hungary could not be governed, but with whom it underwent a time of serfdom matching anything in the broader expanse of Muscovite and Romanov Russia.
Nationalism became the bane of this state as it did the rest of the world and this one more than most, and Trianon is to it what Sevres is to Turkey, the ever-ready excuse that ultimately played a minor role in the rise of Orban and in the willingness of Hungary to join with Hitler.....and the Hungarian view of periodic uprisings on behalf of freedom as it defined it under Kossuth and Imre Nagy in 1956 also co-existed with a pattern of Hungarian freedom ridden down by Cossacks or gunned down by canister fire from Soviet tanks.
This is a part of the modern duality of Hungary, a state consciously aware that most of its neighbors were once peasants farming the fields of Hungarian magnates, and aware of a democratic-bulwark tradition that has seen great heroism producing a string of disasters matching much of the tradition of Poland when the Slzachta finally buried the commonwealth and the peasants took up where their overlords left off.
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mariacallous · 7 months
In late 2023, the Estonian news agency Delfi Estonia obtained a set of leaked documents from the Russian presidential administration. In the weeks that followed, journalists from Meduza, iStories, and numerous other international outlets studied the documents and used them to conduct investigations into Russian government activity as part of a joint project called Kremlin Leaks. One of the documents included in the leak was a lengthy presentation that claims a variety of popular movies and TV shows were made with the aim of boosting support for Putin in the lead-up to his reelection in March 2024. According to several Russian media industry executives, however, the creators of many of these projects had no idea they were supposed to be making pro-Putin content. Meduza explains how this could have happened.
In the spring of 2023, the Russian presidential administration held a meeting to discuss Vladimir Putin’s upcoming reelection, which was exactly a year away at the time. According to a person who attended the meeting, participants included administration members, federal officials, and political strategists. The attendees were shown a long presentation titled “Creative Content for the Elections.”
The presentation was given by Sergey Novikov, who heads Russia’s Presidential Directorate for Social Projects. As Meduza and iStories have previously reported, this agency is now responsible for making major decisions regarding Russia’s cultural policy — for example, which musicians are allowed to perform in Russia and which ones are unofficially banned from giving concerts.
Novikov’s co-author on the presentation was Alexey Goreslavsky, the head of the Kremlin’s Internet Development Institute (IDI). Since the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the Russian government has allocated enormous amounts of money to the IDI to spend on movies, TV shows, and other media, much of which is blatantly propagandistic.
According to documents from the presentation, the Putin administration and the IDI prepared dozens of “creative projects” aimed at boosting Putin’s popularity in the lead-up to his 2024 reelection. Novikov’s subordinates were responsible for promoting these projects with the help of bloggers and media outlets, while Goreslavsky’s agency was in charge of traditional marketing. Dialog, a pro-Kremlin “autonomous nonprofit organization” that has played a key role in spreading disinformation about the war among Russian society, was tasked with “distributing the content in Russia’s regions.”
The presentation’s list of films and TV shows to be “distributed” and “promoted” for the sake of Putin’s approval ratings includes projects financed by the IDI itself as well as content funded by Russia’s Culture Ministry and even some sponsored by private investors. Many of the shows and movies are difficult to construe as obviously aligned with the Kremlin’s agenda.
Seeing what sticks
The most notable item on the list of purportedly pro-Putin media is the 2023 series “The Boy’s Word,” a violent drama about the lives of young gang members in Kazan in the 1980s (and Russia’s most popular TV show in recent years). Novikov and Goreslavsky’s presentation claims that “The Boy’s Word” was created with the aim of “raising public awareness of the positive changes in the lives of people in Russia [since the 1980s], the historical and modern achievements of one’s fellow citizens, and the heroes of our times and role models.” (“The Boy’s Word” was funded in part by the IDI.)
Movies that appear on the list include “The Prophet,” a musical film about the life of Alexander Pushkin; the comedy film “Serf 2”; the figure skating drama “Ice 3”; and the children’s fantasy movie “Wish of the Fairy Fish.” These films made a combined total of 10 billion rubles ($108.3 million) at the box office — and according to Novikov and Goreslavsky, they also helped “protect [Russia’s] national interests and traditional values.”
Other items on the list bear more obvious relevance to the Kremlin’s interests. It’s easy to see, for example, how the TV series “GDR,” which depicts a Soviet intelligence agent in East Germany, meets the propagandists’ stated goal of “conveying a positive image of a security service officer.” Some of the projects even deal directly with the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, such as the series “Fathers of the Donbas,” which is billed as a “multi-part documentary about the people and events taking place on the southern borders of Russia in the Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, and Rostov regions.”
News to the creators
In many cases, according to industry sources who spoke to Meduza, the creators of the movies and TV shows mentioned in Novikov and Goreslavsky’s presentation had no idea the content they were creating was supposed to help Putin.
One person in the film industry told Meduza that “The Boy’s Word,” for example, was filmed “with no political or ideological motives.” “This series has no relation to current events. It was simply made to be commercially successful,” the source emphasized.
According to a source close to Alexander Voitinsky, the director of “Wish of the Fairy Fish,” Voitinsky knew nothing about Novikov and Goreslavsky’s presentation. The source said that even after learning his film had been named as a successful Kremlin messaging effort, the director “continues to love Russian fairy tales, despite the political activity around them.” (Voitinsky himself declined to speak to Meduza as the Russian government has declared Meduza an “undesirable organization.”)
Additionally, a source close to journalist Alexander Lyubimov, who is named in the presentation as a “public opinion leader” tasked with promoting the show “Fathers of the Donbas,” said that Lyubimov “knew nothing about” the presentation — or even the series itself. “Apparently they stuck his name in there to sell it better and to enhance their own credibility,” said the source. He said the film’s producer Sergey Ponomarev didn’t know anything about Lyubimov’s alleged participation in the project either.
A source close to the team behind the 2023 film “Air” had a similar response to Meduza’s inquiry. Production on the movie, which depicts female pilots protecting the skies over besieged Leningrad, began several years ago; nonetheless, the presentation shown to the Putin administration says that it was strategically funded to “defend [Russia’s] national interests and traditional values” ahead of the March 2024 vote. “[The film’s creators] didn’t have the slightest inkling that this could be linked to the election in any way,” said the source.
Another film industry source noted that “The Prophet,” the musical about Alexander Pushkin, was initially rejected when its creators applied for government funding:
In 2021, when they sent in their application, they showed a clip in which Borisov, the actor playing Pushkin, read the poem “Ode to Liberty.” It includes the lines: “You autocratic psychopath, / You and your throne do I despise!” And for some odd reason, the Cinema Foundation rejected the application.
But a year later, the source said, “they sorted something out, got the money, and the scene is no longer in the film:
No one ever mentioned this being creative content for the election; there was no talk of that at all. I can only speculate about why the film was included in the presentation. Evidently, the people who made [the presentation] needed to justify the decision to fund it. I mean, how can this be creative content for [Putin’s campaign] when Pushkin’s whole biography is the story of an artist saying ‘Screw the authorities?’
“GDR,” the series about an intelligence agent in East Germany, was also not made with the election in mind, according to another film industry source, although the Telegram channel Ruthless PR has written that the show’s protagonist may be based on Vladimir Putin himself (Putin worked as a KGB agent in East Germany in the 1980s). The source said that production on “GDR” began several years ago and that it was “originally conceived as a mass market film but it happened to fit [the Kremlin’s needs].” He said that when production on the show began, there were no similarities to Putin’s career (other than the obvious one, presumably).
“Apparently, Novikov and Goreslavsky are just latching onto successful projects,” one source involved in the production of “GDR” told Meduza. Another source familiar with the shooting process of one of the shows on the Kremlin list agreed: “I think they just chose everything that could feasibly be related to the elections. They pulled everything they could out of thin air.”
A source from the film industry offered a similar explanation. “They’re trying to bolster their own activities with these ideological supports,” he said.
They look at what projects have been released and what they can latch onto to justify their expenses. It’s like, “Look, we’re doing ideological work, working for the good of the country, spending money wisely. There are mistakes sometimes, like ‘The Master and Margarita,’ but we’re moving in the right direction and self-correcting.”
Alexey Goreslavsky; Sergey Novikov; representatives of the film companies STV, YBW, Art Pictures Studio, Studio Trite, and Bubblegum Production; and the Patriot National Film Foundation did not respond to requests for comment from the authors of this story.
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howieabel · 1 year
"Over the past year, the Russian minority population has grown increasingly disengaged from mainstream Estonian politics. Many citizens of the former industrial heartland – which has the highest unemployment rate in the country – have been alienated by Kallas’s hawkish approach. In March, the lowest voter turnout was recorded in Ida-Viru county, where the candidate for the pro-Russia United Left Party, the successor of the Estonian Communist Party, performed exceptionally well. The party’s total vote share increased from just 510 in 2019 to 14,605: ‘a very clear warning sign’, according to Narva’s Social Democratic mayor Katri Raik, who added that ‘the alarm bell should be ringing.’ For now, Kallas may have beaten her electoral rivals and consolidated support for the NATO war effort. But a significant section of the population does not share her vision, and attempts to forcibly integrate them into the Atlanticist paradise of e-Estonia may provoke a backlash." - Lily Lynch
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pollonegro666 · 11 months
Tumblr media
2023/10/30 Hoy compramos un teléfono para la Pollitita. Es un modelo de su tamaño y de otra época. Así, cuando los niños bajen al parque, pueden avisar si tienen algún problema en la calle.
Today we bought a phone for the little pink chicken. It is a model of its size and from another era. This way, when the children go down to the park, they can let them know if they have any problems on the street.
Google Translation into French: Aujourd'hui, nous avons acheté un téléphone pour le petit poulet rose. C'est un modèle à sa taille et d'une autre époque. De cette façon, lorsque les enfants descendront au parc, ils pourront leur faire savoir s'ils ont des problèmes dans la rue.
Google translation into Italian: Oggi abbiamo comprato un telefono per la gallina rosa. È un modello nelle sue dimensioni e di un’altra epoca. In questo modo, quando i bambini scendono al parco, potranno far sapere se hanno problemi per strada.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Hoje compramos um telefone para a galinha rosa. É um modelo no seu tamanho e de outra época. Assim, quando as crianças descerem ao parque, poderão avisar se tiverem algum problema na rua.
Google Translation into German: Heute haben wir ein Telefon für das kleine rosa Huhn gekauft. Es ist ein Modell in seiner Größe und aus einer anderen Zeit. Auf diese Weise können die Kinder, wenn sie in den Park gehen, ihnen mitteilen, ob sie auf der Straße Probleme haben.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Sot blemë një telefon për pulën e vogël rozë. Është një model i përmasave të tij dhe i një epoke tjetër. Në këtë mënyrë, kur fëmijët zbresin në park, ata mund t'i bëjnë të ditur nëse kanë ndonjë problem në rrugë.
Google Translation into Arabic: اشترينا اليوم هاتفًا للدجاجة الوردية الصغيرة. وهو نموذج بحجمه ومن عصر آخر. بهذه الطريقة، عندما ينزل الأطفال إلى الحديقة، يمكنهم إخبارهم إذا كانت لديهم أي مشاكل في الشارع.
Google Translation into Armenian: Այսօր մենք հեռախոս գնեցինք փոքրիկ վարդագույն հավի համար։ Դա իր չափերի մոդելն է և այլ դարաշրջանից: Այս կերպ, երբ երեխաները իջնեն այգի, նրանք կարող են տեղեկացնել նրանց, եթե փողոցում խնդիրներ ունենան։
Google Translation into Bengali: আজ আমরা ছোট্ট গোলাপী মুরগির জন্য একটি ফোন কিনেছি। এটি তার আকারের একটি মডেল এবং অন্য যুগের। এইভাবে, শিশুরা যখন পার্কে যায়, রাস্তায় তাদের কোন সমস্যা হলে তারা তাদের জানাতে পারে।
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Днес купихме телефон за малкото розово пиле. Това е модел с неговия размер и от друга епоха. По този начин, когато децата слизат в парка, те могат да ги уведомят, ако имат проблеми на улицата.
Google Translation into Czech: Dnes jsme koupili telefon pro malé růžové kuře. Je to model své velikosti a z jiné doby. Tímto způsobem, když děti jdou dolů do parku, mohou jim dát vědět, pokud mají na ulici nějaké problémy.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 今天我们给粉红小鸡买了一部手机。 它是其尺寸的典范,来自另一个时代。 这样,当孩子们去公园时,如果他们在街上遇到任何问题,他们可以让他们知道。
Google Translation into Korean: 오늘 우리는 작은 분홍색 닭을 위한 전화기를 샀습니다. 그것은 그 크기와 다른 시대의 모델입니다. 이렇게 하면 아이들이 공원에 내려갔을 때 길거리에서 문제가 생기면 알려줄 수 있습니다.
Google Translation into Croatian: Danas smo kupili telefon za malo rozo pile. To je model njegove veličine i iz drugog doba. Na taj način, kada djeca siđu u park, mogu im javiti ako imaju problema na ulici.
Google Translation into Danish I dag har vi købt en telefon til den lille lyserøde kylling. Det er en model af dens størrelse og fra en anden tidsalder. På denne måde, når børnene går ned i parken, kan de fortælle dem, hvis de har problemer på gaden.
Google Translation into Slovak: Dnes sme kúpili telefón pre malé ružové kura. Je to model svojej veľkosti a z inej doby. Takto, keď deti zídu do parku, môžu im dať vedieť, ak majú na ulici nejaké problémy.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Danes smo kupili telefon za malega roza piščančka. Je model svoje velikosti in iz drugega obdobja. Tako lahko otroci, ko se spustijo v park, sporočijo, če imajo na ulici kakšne težave.
Google Translation into Estonian: Täna ostsime väikesele roosale kanale telefoni. Tegemist on oma suuruse ja teisest ajastust pärit mudeliga. Nii saavad lapsed parki laskudes neile teada anda, kui neil on tänaval probleeme.
Google Translation into Suomi: Tänään ostimme puhelimen pienelle vaaleanpunaiselle kanalle. Se on kokonsa malli ja toiselta aikakaudelta. Näin kun lapset menevät alas puistoon, he voivat ilmoittaa heille, jos heillä on ongelmia kadulla.
Google Translation into Georgian: დღეს ვიყიდეთ ტელეფონი პატარა ვარდისფერი ქათმისთვის. ეს არის მისი ზომის მოდელი და სხვა ეპოქიდან. ამ გზით, როდესაც ბავშვები ჩადიან პარკში, მათ შეუძლიათ აცნობონ, თუ რაიმე პრობლემა აქვთ ქუჩაში.
Google Translation into Greek: Σήμερα αγοράσαμε ένα τηλέφωνο για το μικρό ροζ κοτόπουλο. Είναι ένα μοντέλο στο μέγεθός του και από μια άλλη εποχή. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, όταν τα παιδιά κατεβαίνουν στο πάρκο, μπορούν να τα ενημερώσουν αν έχουν κάποιο πρόβλημα στο δρόμο.
Google Translation into Guarani: Ko árape rojogua peteĩ teléfono pe pollo rósa michĩvape g̃uarã. Ha’e peteĩ modelo tuichaháicha ha ambue época-gui. Péicha, mitãnguéra oguejy jave parque-pe, ikatu oikuaauka chupekuéra oguerekóramo apañuãi tape rehe.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: I kēia lā ua kūʻai mākou i kelepona no ka moa liʻiliʻi ʻulaʻula. He kumu hoʻohālike o kona nui a mai kekahi au. Ma kēia ala, ke iho nā keiki i ka paka, hiki iā lākou ke hōʻike iā lākou inā he pilikia ko lākou ma ke alanui.
Google Translation into Hebrew: היום קנינו טלפון לעוף הוורוד הקטן. זהו דגם בגודלו ומתקופה אחרת. כך, כשהילדים יורדים לפארק, הם יכולים להודיע להם אם יש להם בעיות ברחוב.
Google Translation into Hindi: आज हमने छोटी गुलाबी मुर्गी के लिए एक फोन खरीदा। यह अपने आकार का और दूसरे युग का मॉडल है। इस तरह, जब बच्चे पार्क में जाते हैं, तो वे उन्हें बता सकते हैं कि उन्हें सड़क पर कोई समस्या है या नहीं।
Google Translation into Hungarian: Ma vettünk egy telefont a kis rózsaszín csirkéhez. Méretének megfelelő és egy másik korszakból származó modell. Így amikor a gyerekek lemennek a parkba, jelezhetik, ha valami gondjuk van az utcán.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Hari ini kami membeli telepon untuk ayam kecil berwarna merah muda. Ini adalah model ukurannya dan dari era lain. Dengan cara ini, ketika anak-anak pergi ke taman, mereka dapat memberi tahu mereka jika ada masalah di jalan.
Google Translation into Japanese: 今日、私たちは小さなピンクのニワトリのために電話を買いました。 このサイズの、別の時代のモデルです。 こうすることで、子供たちが公園に行くときに、路上で何か問題があった場合に知らせることができます。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Бүгүн кичинекей кызгылт тоокко телефон сатып алдык. Бул анын өлчөмү жана башка доордун үлгүсү болуп саналат. Ошентип, балдар сейил бакка түшкөндө, көчөдө кандайдыр бир көйгөй бар болсо, аларга билдире алышат.
Google Translation into Latvian: Šodien mazajai rozā vistiņai nopirkām telefonu. Tas ir sava izmēra un cita laikmeta modelis. Tādā veidā bērni, ejot lejā uz parku, var informēt, ja uz ielas ir kādas problēmas.
Google Translation into Malayalam: ഇന്ന് ഞങ്ങൾ ചെറിയ പിങ്ക് കോഴിക്ക് ഒരു ഫോൺ വാങ്ങി. ഇത് അതിന്റെ വലിപ്പവും മറ്റൊരു കാലഘട്ടത്തിൽ നിന്നുള്ള മാതൃകയുമാണ്. ഇതുവഴി കുട്ടികൾ പാർക്കിൽ ഇറങ്ങുമ്പോൾ തെരുവിൽ എന്തെങ്കിലും പ്രശ്‌നങ്ങളുണ്ടെങ്കിൽ അവരെ അറിയിക്കാം.
Google Translation into Malay: Hari ini kami membeli telefon untuk ayam merah jambu kecil. Ia adalah model saiznya dan dari era lain. Dengan cara ini, apabila kanak-kanak turun ke taman, mereka boleh memberitahu mereka jika mereka mempunyai sebarang masalah di jalanan.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Nividy finday ho an'ilay akoho kely mavokely izahay androany. Modely amin'ny habeny izy io ary avy amin'ny vanim-potoana hafa. Amin'izany fomba izany, rehefa midina eny amin'ny valan-javaboary ny ankizy dia afaka mampahafantatra azy ireo raha misy olana eny an-dalana.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Өнөөдөр бид бяцхан ягаан тахианы маханд утас худалдаж авлаа. Энэ нь түүний хэмжээ, өөр эрин үеийн загвар юм. Ингэснээр хүүхдүүд цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнд буухдаа гудамжинд ямар нэгэн асуудал гарвал тэдэнд мэдэгдэх боломжтой.
Google Translation into Dutch: Vandaag hebben we een telefoon gekocht voor de kleine roze kip. Het is een model van zijn formaat en uit een ander tijdperk. Zo kunnen de kinderen, als ze naar het park gaan, laten weten of ze problemen hebben op straat.
Google Translation into Nepali: आज हामीले सानो गुलाबी कुखुराको लागि फोन किन्यौं। यो यसको आकार र अर्को युगको मोडेल हो। यसरी, बच्चाहरू पार्कमा जाँदा, उनीहरूलाई सडकमा कुनै समस्या भएमा थाह�� दिन सक्छन्।
Google Translation into Norwegian: I dag kjøpte vi en telefon til den lille rosa kyllingen. Det er en modell av dens størrelse og fra en annen tid. På denne måten, når barna går ned i parken, kan de gi beskjed om de har problemer på gaten.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅੱਜ ਅਸੀਂ ਛੋਟੇ ਗੁਲਾਬੀ ਚਿਕਨ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਫੋਨ ਖਰੀਦਿਆ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਇਸਦੇ ਆਕਾਰ ਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਮਾਡਲ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਹੋਰ ਯੁੱਗ ਦਾ ਹੈ. ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ, ਜਦੋਂ ਬੱਚੇ ਪਾਰਕ ਵਿਚ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਨ, ਤਾਂ ਉਹ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਦੱਸ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ ਕਿ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੜਕ 'ਤੇ ਕੋਈ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਹੈ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: نن مو د کوچني ګلابي چرګ لپاره تلیفون واخیست. دا د هغې اندازه او د بل دور څخه بیلګه ده. په دې توګه، کله چې ماشومان پارک ته ځي، دوی کولی شي دوی ته خبر ورکړي که دوی په سړک کې کومه ستونزه ولري.
Google Translation into Persian: امروز برای جوجه صورتی کوچولو گوشی خریدیم. مدلی به اندازه خود و از دورانی دیگر است. به این ترتیب وقتی بچه ها به پارک پایین می روند اگر در خیابان مشکلی داشتند به آنها اطلاع دهند.
Google Translation into Polish: Dzisiaj kupiliśmy telefon dla małego różowego kurczaka. Jest to model swojej wielkości i z innej epoki. W ten sposób, gdy dzieci idą do parku, będą mogły dać im znać, jeśli mają jakieś problemy na ulicy.
Google Translation into Romanian: Astăzi am cumpărat un telefon pentru puiul roz. Este un model de dimensiunile sale și din altă epocă. Astfel, atunci când copiii coboară în parc, îi pot anunța dacă au probleme pe stradă.
Google Translation into Russian: Сегодня мы купили телефон для маленького розового цыпленка. Это модель такого же размера и из другой эпохи. Таким образом, когда дети спускаются в парк, они могут сообщить им, есть ли у них проблемы на улице.
Google Translation into Serbian: Данас смо купили телефон за мало розе пиле. То је модел своје величине и из другог доба. Овако, када деца сиђу у парк, могу да им јаве да ли имају проблема на улици.
Google Translation into Swedish: Idag köpte vi en telefon till den lilla rosa kycklingen. Det är en modell av sin storlek och från en annan tid. På så sätt, när barnen går ner till parken, kan de meddela dem om de har några problem på gatan.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Dinten ieu kami meuli telepon pikeun hayam pink saeutik. Éta modél ukuranana sareng ti jaman anu sanés. Ku cara kieu, nalika murangkalih turun ka taman, aranjeunna tiasa masihan terang upami aranjeunna ngagaduhan masalah di jalan.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ngayon bumili kami ng telepono para sa maliit na pink na manok. Ito ay isang modelo ng laki nito at mula sa ibang panahon. Sa ganitong paraan, kapag bumaba ang mga bata sa parke, maaari nilang ipaalam sa kanila kung mayroon silang anumang mga problema sa kalye.
Google Translation into Thai: วันนี้เราซื้อโทรศัพท์ให้เจ้าไก่สีชมพูตัวน้อย เป็นแบบจำลองที่มีขนาดและมาจากยุคอื่น ด้วยวิธีนี้ เมื่อเด็กๆ ลงไปที่สวนสาธารณะ พวกเขาสามารถแจ้งให้พวกเขาทราบหากมีปัญหาใดๆ บนท้องถนน
Google Translation into Telugu: ఈ రోజు మనం చిన్న పింక్ చికెన్ కోసం ఫోన్ కొన్నాము. ఇది దాని పరిమాణం యొక్క నమూనా మరియు మరొక యుగం నుండి. ఈ విధంగా, పిల్లలు పార్క్‌లోకి వెళ్లినప్పుడు, వీధిలో ఏదైనా సమస్యలు ఉంటే వారికి తెలియజేయవచ్చు.
Google Translation into Turkish: Bugün minik pembe tavuğa bir telefon aldık. Kendi boyutunda ve başka bir döneme ait bir modeldir. Böylece çocuklar parka indiklerinde sokakta herhangi bir sorunla karşılaştıklarında onlara haber verebiliyorlar.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Сьогодні купили маленькому рожевому курчаті телефон. Це модель такого ж розміру та з іншої епохи. Таким чином, коли діти спускаються в парк, вони можуть повідомити їм, якщо у них виникнуть проблеми на вулиці.
Google Translation into Urdu: آج ہم نے چھوٹے گلابی چکن کے لیے ایک فون خریدا۔ یہ اپنے سائز کا ایک ماڈل ہے اور کسی اور دور کا۔ اس طرح، جب بچے پارک میں جاتے ہیں، تو وہ انہیں بتا سکتے ہیں کہ اگر انہیں سڑک پر کوئی پریشانی ہو تو۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Bugun biz kichkina pushti tovuq uchun telefon sotib oldik. Bu uning o'lchamining modeli va boshqa davrdan. Shunday qilib, bolalar bog'ga tushganda, ular ko'chada biron bir muammoga duch kelsa, ularga xabar berishlari mumkin.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Hôm nay chúng tôi đã mua một chiếc điện thoại cho chú gà nhỏ màu hồng. Nó là một mô hình có kích thước tương tự và từ thời đại khác. Bằng cách này, khi bọn trẻ đi xuống công viên, chúng có thể cho chúng biết nếu chúng gặp bất kỳ vấn đề gì trên đường phố.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Russia rush to recover U.S. slaughtered MQ-9 Reaper in the Black Sea
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 16/03/2023 - 19:46in Incidents, Military, War Zones
Russian experts were rushed to the Black Sea to recover the wreckage of the American MQ-9 Reaper drone that crashed after a "meeting" with Russian Su-27 jets.
"I don't know if we will be able to recover it or not, but it has to be done. And we will certainly work on it," said the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, in televised comments.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that Russian experts will recover the Reaper from the seabed, if necessary for security reasons.
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US MQ-9 Reaper drone damaged on the helix's shovel before falling into the Black Sea.
"This is a prerogative of the military. If they consider it necessary to do this in the Black Sea for our interests and our security, they will deal with it," Peskov told reporters.
The pro-Russian news site ForPost, which mainly covers Russia-occupied Crimea, reported that the Russian Navy found the wreckage of the MQ-9 “near Sevastopol” at a depth of about 900 meters (2,952 feet).
An unidentified source, close to the Russian Ministry of Defense, told ForPost: “An underwater robot descended to the bottom of the sea, which discovered the MQ-9 Reaper at a depth of about 850-900 meters. Not far from this area is the deep-water branch of the South Stream gas pipeline.
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Meanwhile, Washington said that the drone may never be recovered and that measures have been taken to ensure that Russia does not obtain intelligence from the wreckage.
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The depth of the water where the Reaper fell is between 1,200 and 1,500 m (4,000-5,000 feet), the U.S. said.
"It has not been recovered. And I'm not sure if we'll be able to recover it," White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told CNN. "Where it fell in the Black Sea - very, very deep waters. So we are still evaluating if there can be some kind of recovery effort. There may not be.
Even before the above map was released by USAFE, observers were making their own efforts to try to determine the location of the drone seen in the Pentagon video, also placing it on the southwest coast of Crimea.
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Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the U.S. is also looking for the aircraft, but emphasized that if Russia arrives before them, “its ability to exploit useful information will be highly minimized.”
“The U.S. is taking mitigating measures to ensure that there is nothing of value in the downed drone,” said Army General Mark Milley.
The U.S. and Russia have conflicting reports about what happened on March 14 in the Black Sea, near the Crimean region. While the U.S. claimed that one of the two Su-27s dumped fuel on the Reaper and then collided with it, including releasing a video today; Russia said that the drone entered an uncontrolled flight as a result of an abrupt maneuver, lost altitude and fell into the water.
“The flights of strategic American UAVs on the coast of Crimea are provocative in nature, which creates the preconditions for an escalation of the situation in the Black Sea zone,” the Russian Ministry of Defense said.
Patrushev said that the incident was "another proof that the United States is a direct party to the struggle between Moscow and Kiev and said that Russia has a responsibility to defend our independence and our sovereignty".
British and German Typhoon fighters were fired on Wednesday to intercept a Russian Refueling Il-78 aircraft and a transport An-148 flying near Estonian airspace.
Tags: Military AviationMQ-9 ReaperRussiaSu-27 FlankerUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
The government decided on Thursday to extradite to the United States an Estonian citizen, Andrey Shevlyakov, who is suspected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of procuring US-made electronic equipment for the Russian military.
Shevlyakov was detained by Estonia's Internal Security Service in March last year at the request of the FBI and has been in custody since then.
Justice Minister Liisa-Ly Pakosta told a government press conference on Thursday that the government made the decision to extradite Andrey Shevlyakov to the United States, but Shevlyakov is likely to use the opportunity to appeal the decision.
FBI Houston announced on social media in April 2023 that in cooperation with the Bureau of Industry and Security of the US Department of Commerce and Estonian Internal Security Service, a man who allegedly procured US-made electronics on behalf of the Russian government and military for more than a decade had been arrested.
Special agent in charge James Smith said that the Estonian citizen, Andrey Shevlyakov, was arrested on March 28 of that year on suspicion of procuring US-made electronics, including radar components and hacking software, on behalf of the Russian government and military.
«For years, Mr Shevlyakov's elaborate web of deceit allowed him to allegedly procure sensitive American-made electronics on behalf of the Russian military. His illegal acquisitions of sophisticated US technology endangered citizens in both Ukraine and the United States,» Smith said. The announcement says that at the time of his arrest, deliveries meant for Shevlyakov in Estonia, including 130 kilograms of radio equipment, were confiscated.
Shevlyakov purchased multiple items, including low-noise pre-scalers and synthesizers, used to conduct high-frequency communications, and analog-to-digital converters, which are components used in defense systems such as electronic warfare systems and missiles. In May 2020, Shevlyakov used one of his front companies to buy a licensed copy of the penetration testing platform Metasploit Pro. Shevlyakov allegedly exported at least 800,000 US dollars worth of items from US electronics manufacturers and distributors between approximately October 2012 and January 2022.
Shevlyakov engaged in this conduct despite being listed on a Department of Commerce-maintained list, known as the Entity List, that designates individuals and companies who are barred from exporting items from the United States without a license. He used false names and a web of front companies to evade the Entity List's restrictions.
If convicted, he faces a maximum of 20 years' imprisonment.
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donate money without spending!
Little known pro tip for Estonian tax residents. If you pay taxes, i.e. if you have an income above the minimum tax-deductible whatever, you can get a part of it back if you donate.
The limit, sadly, is set to 1200€ per year (see source), and it also can be only up to 50% of your taxes (I cannot find this number right now, I might be wrong on this part). Meaning, if you pay 2400€ in taxes per year, you can still donate 100€ a month to a non-profit, then pay fewer taxes, basically meaning you donated money without losing any money.
Remember, this isn't about the one-time payment or the 0.02€ tax refund you get in spring. If you have a job, your employer is already pre-paying your taxes.
If your gross income is 1500€, your net income is about 1223€, and you pay about 222€ on income tax. You can donate 100€ to a non-profit.
More details on the Estonian Tax and Customs Board (or the "evil EMTA" as I call it). A list of non-profits that are eligible for the tax-deductible donation is there as well.
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
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A far-right anti-immigrant party in Poland held a rally in the southeastern town of Sanok to protest Ukrainian refugees who have fled the Russian invasion of their country. The only people who showed up at the rally were its organizer, Karolina Pikuła, and one heckler.
On Sunday in Sanok, a town of 37,000 in southeaster  Poland near the border with Ukraine, Karolina Pikuła, a Confederation activist and associate of Braun, organised another protest against the “Ukrainisation of Poland” on the market square.
However, during the event – which Pikuła streamed live on YouTube – no one turned up. The only interest shown was from a man who came to argue with her.
In general, Poland has been very pro-Ukraine. It has welcomed more Ukrainian refugees than any other country. Polish leaders have made trips to Kyiv and have even addressed Ukraine’s parliament. Anti-Ukrainian activity in Poland is considered fringe.
A tiny ultranationalist party called Konfederacja (Confederation) has been trying to use the refugee issue to gain traction. It has failed.
Poland has been the largest recipient of refugees from Ukraine, millions of whom have crossed its border since Russia’s invasion in February. It is estimated that between 1 and 1.5 million remain in the country, as well as a similar number of Ukrainians who have previously migrated to Poland.
Poles have been overwhelmingly welcoming of the arrivals. A poll in July showed that 77% of the public had been involved in helping refugees, spending around 9-10 billion zloty (€1.93-2.14 billion) out of their own pockets on doing so.
Yep, 77% of the public in Poland have helped the refugees. Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott would find that unfathomable.
173 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Unless Russia abandons its goal of conquering new territory in Ukraine, peace talks have little chance of achieving anything. History shows that appeasement only strengthens and encourages aggressors and that aggressors can be stopped only with force. As the prime minister of Estonia, a frontline NATO country that endured half a century of Soviet occupation, I know what peace on Russia’s terms really means. Russian peace would not mean the end of suffering but rather more atrocities. The only path to peace is to push Russia out of Ukraine.     [ ... ]    What is at stake in Ukraine is not just Ukraine’s existence but Europe’s security architecture, with its core principles of territorial integrity, sovereignty, and prohibition of the use of force. We cannot allow the fundamental principles of the UN Charter and the European security architecture to be trampled underfoot. For that reason, Ukraine must win, the Russian aggressor must fail, and war criminals must face justice. No peace that is reached before these goals are achieved can ensure anyone’s security.
Prime Minister Kaja Kallas of Estonia, at the journal Foreign Affairs. (archived)
Estonian Prime Minister Kallas knows what she’s talking about. Countries next door to Russia have no illusions about the régime there. Often it’s people in the West who know next to nothing about Eastern Europe who are calling for an immediate negotiated settlement. That’s like trying to reach a “compromise” between a serial killer and an intended victim.
Russia has attacked Ukraine despite previous international agreements such as the 1975 Helsinki Accords and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. And let’s not forget the United Nations Charter. Russia isn’t respecting those treaties and so there’s little reason to believe it would follow any new agreements.
Russia has never given up its colonialist and imperialist ambitions. It’s only when it starts acting like a normal 21st century country that there will be lasting peace in Eastern Europe. Leave the idiotic talk of bothsiderism to Elon Musk, “tankies”, and other brainless dupes of Putin. 
Prime Minister Kallas expatiated on the war and Russia’s responsibility for it in this interview on Australia’s ABC.
188 notes - Posted December 13, 2022
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From @Biz_Ukraine_Mag on Twitter
Monument to the Unknown Russian Looter
The Czech Republic (then part of Czechoslovakia) was colonized by Russian imperialists after World War II. During the occupation which lasted until 1989 the occupiers constructed a lot of Soviet war memorials. The purpose may have been to remind the Czechs of the Soviet military presence in the country.
Most of those monuments are now gone. But some creative Czech artists modified one of the remaining ones to make a statement about the mass looting in Ukraine by Putin’s invaders.
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is an attempt to restore the Soviet Union of his youth in all but name. People in Eastern Europe have no illusions about Russia.
Americans need to learn a lot more about Eastern Europe so that they understand that Russia is not a normal country and Putin is not a normal leader.
193 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
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Semi-insane would be treated in a similar way by Trump Republicans.
The Trump administration tried to normalize far right extremism. We need to shift the Overton window back to the area of democratic normalcy.
201 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Our founders carried muskets, not assault weapons. And I don't think a single one of them would have said you have a constitutional right to an assault weapon with a high capacity magazine — or that that is more important than the right of the people who attended this parade today to live.   So yes, I'm angry. We as a nation deserve better.
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker speaking after the mass shooting in Highland Park on Monday. Via Illinois.gov
452 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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alackofghosts · 2 years
17, 18, 19? :)
17. top 5 children’s books?
ah. hmmm. 1) i have forgotten every children's book i've ever read all of a sudden 2) as a kid i read a lot of estonian lit, which is unhelpful. i think i mentioned my fondness for krabat by otfried preussler before, and i think that's my number 1 fave though. it's really stuck with me through the ages
18. do you like historical books? which time period?
sure do! i prefer contemporary-to-that-time-period over historical fiction, usually, but exceptions can be made. anyway 1910s and 1920s is where the party's at, for me, but late 19th century can be pretty fun too.
19. most disliked popular books?
here's a random assortment:
a little life by hanya yanagihara - this is a study in misery, which i don't take issue with as such, but it reaches a point where it just becomes sort of... unintentionally comedic. moreover, i think it's not helped by the fact that the protagonist is beautiful and perfect in literally every way and everyone that isn't cartoonishly evil loves him. oh, and most offensive detail of them all, it's full of pro-contract law propaganda. get the fuck out of here with that!
the charm offensive by alison cochrun - i feel bad for dunking on it, because i really should not have been reading it, as known hater of romance, but 1) i try to keep an open mind 2) i fucking LOVE the bachelor. i had such high hopes for it to be juicy and full of drama and all i got was monologued on why the bachelor is Bad. the main leads had 0 chemistry, the author seemed to be angling for the fake dating trope, but honestly i forgot that it was even there. overall, a really shallow and boring book
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid - another one i feel bad for not liking. and i think i could have liked it, if i had gone into it with any other expectations. i repeatedly saw it presented as this epic, tragic queer romance of the ages, but it's pretty much just melodrama and celebrity gossip. which i love, but the dissonance was too jarring for me. and again, i just didn't feel the chemistry at all between the two women? the book basically just told us that they were in love over and over again, without really showing why
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