#Problems of Karachi
emergingkarachi · 1 month
کراچی کا ماضی
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آج میں آپ کو ڈیڑھ سو برس پیچھے لے جانا چاہتا ہوں۔ آپ کو ماضی کی سیر کرانا چاہتا ہوں۔ آپ کو ویزا کی یا پاسپورٹ کی ضرورت نہیں پڑے گی۔ گزرا ہوا کل دیکھنے کے لیے آپ کو کسی قسم کا ٹکٹ خریدنے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔ بیتے ہوئے ادوار کی طرف ہوائی جہاز، ریل گاڑی اور بسیں نہیں جاتیں، میں آپ سے دنیا دکھانے کا وعدہ نہیں کرتا۔ ہیروشیما پر ایٹم بم گرانے کا بھیانک آنکھوں دیکھا حال میں آپ کو سنا نہیں سکتا۔ ہندوستان کے ایک جزیرہ انڈومان پر انگریزوں نے روح فنا کردینے جیسی جیل بنائی تھی۔ سمندر میں گھرے ہوئے انڈومان جیل میں سیاسی قیدیوں کو پابند سلاسل کیا جاتا تھا۔ انڈومان جیل میں آپ کو نہیں دکھائوں گا۔ میں آپ کو یہ بھی نہیں دکھائوں گا کہ شہنشاہ ہند اورنگزیب نے کس بیدردی سے اپنے تین بڑے بھائیوں کو قتل کروا دیا تھا۔ ماضی کی جھلک دکھاتے ہوئے میں اس بات پر بحث نہیں کروں گا کہ ہندو اور مسلمانوں میں پھوٹ ڈالنے کے لیے انگریز نے ریلوے پلیٹ فارم اور ریل گاڑیوں میں ہندو پانی اور مسلمان پانی، ہندو کھانے اور مسلمان کھانے کا رواج ڈالا تھا۔ میں آپ کو یہ بھی نہیں بتائوں گا کہ تب کراچی سے کلکتہ جانے کے لیے آپ کو ویزا کی ضرورت نہیں ہوتی تھی۔ آپ کو صرف ریل گاڑی کا ٹکٹ خریدنا پڑتا تھا۔ معاملہ کچھ یوں تھا کہ اگست انیس سو سینتالیس سے پہلے ہندوستان میں رہنے والے ہم سب لوگ پیدائشی طور پر ہندوستانی ہوتے تھے۔
کراچی، لاہور اور پشاور میں پیدا ہونے والے بھی پیدائشی ہندوستانی Born Indian ہوتے تھے۔ مدراس سے بمبئی آنے جانے پر روک ٹوک نہیں ہوتی تھی۔ ایسا ہوتا تھا ہمارے دور کا برصغیر، کڑھنے یا میری نسل کو برا بھلا کہنے سے زمینی حقائق بدل نہیں سکتے۔ اگست 1947ء سے پہلے ہندوستان کا بٹوارہ نہیں ہوا تھا۔ اگست 1947ء سے پہلے پاکستان عالم وجود میں نہیں آیا تھا۔ لہٰذا اگست 1947ء سے پہلے ہم سب نے ہندوستان میں جنم لیا تھا۔ تب کراچی، لاہور اور پشاور برٹش انڈیا کا حصہ تھے۔ یہ تاریخی حقیقت ہے، گھڑی ہوئی کہانی نہیں ہے۔ ہندوستان کی تاریخ میں ہمارا اہم اور بہت بڑا حصہ ہے۔ میں نے سیانوں سے سنا ہے کہ اپنے تاریخی اور ثقافتی حصہ سے دستبردار ہونا کسی بھی لحاظ سے مناسب نہیں ہوتا۔ اس لمبی چوڑی اور نامعقول تمہید کا مطلب اور مقصد بھی یہی ہے جو ابھی ابھی میں نے آپ کے گوش گزار کیا ہے۔ میں آپ کو سیر کروانے کے لیے لے جارہا ہوں مچھیروں کی چھوٹی سی بستی کی طرف۔ یہ بستی نامعلوم صدیوں سے بحر عرب کے کنارے آباد ہے۔ اب یہ چھوٹی سی بستی ایک بہت بڑے تجارتی شہر میں بدل چکی ہے۔ 
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یوں بھی نہیں ہے کہ ڈیڑھ سو برس پہلے مچھیروں کی چھوٹی سی بستی گمنام تھی۔ تب ٹھٹھہ معہ اپنے اطراف کے مشہور تجارتی شہر ہوا کرتا تھا۔ بیوپاری اپنا سامان ملک سے باہر بھیجتے تھے اور بیرونی ممالک سے برآمد کیا ہوا سامان اپنے ملک سندھ میں بیچا کرتے تھے۔ تاریخ کے بد خواہ بھی اعتراف کرتے ہیں کہ سندھ انگریز کے آنے سے پہلے خودمختار ملک تھا۔ سندھ کبھی بھی ہندوستان کا حصہ نہیں تھا۔ اٹھارہ سو تینتالیس میں سر چارلس نیپئر نے فتح کرنے کے بعد سندھ کو ترقی پذیر اور ترقی یافتہ دیکھنے کے لیے بمبئی یعنی ممبئی صوبے سے ملا دیا تھا ۔ اس طرح انیس سو تینتالیس میں سندھ ہندوستان کا حصہ بنا۔ یہاں مجھے ایک تاریخی بات یاد آرہی ہے بلکہ دو باتیں یاد آرہی ہیں۔ 1947ء میں تقسیم ہند کے موقع پر کسی مسلمان سیاستدان نے انگریز سے سوال نہیں اٹھایا کہ انگریز کی فتح سے پہلے سندھ ایک الگ تھلگ خودمختار ملک تھا۔ تقسیم ہند سے پہلے سندھ کبھی بھی ہندوستان کا حصہ نہیں تھا۔ کسی بھی موقع پر کسی سیاستدان نے یہ سوال انگریز سے نہیں پوچھا تھا کہ آپ لوگوں نے سندھ ایک آزاد ملک کے طور پر جنگ میں جیتا تھا، ہندوستان کے ایک حصے یا صوبہ کے طور پر نہیں۔ 
اب آپ سندھ کا بٹوارہ ہندوستان کے ایک صوبہ کے طور پر کیوں کررہے ہیں؟ آپ سندھ کو ایک آزاد ملک کی طرح آزاد کیوں نہیں کرتے؟ اسی نوعیت کی دوسری بات بھی ہمارے سیاستدانوں نے انگریز سے نہیں پوچھی تھی۔ انگریز نے مکمل طور پر جب ہندوستان پر قبضہ کر لیا تھا تب ہندوستان پر مسلمانوں کی حکومت تھی۔ یہاں سے کوچ کرتے ہوئے آپ نے ہندوستان کے ٹکڑے کیوں کر دیے؟ انڈونیشیا، ملائیشیا، سری لنکا، نیپال وغیرہ کی طرح ایک ملک کے طور پر ہندوستان کو آزاد کیوں نہیں کیا؟ اور سب سے اہم بات کہ آپ نے ہندوستان مسلمان حکمراں سے جیتا تھا، ہندوئوں سے نہیں۔ جاتے ہوئے آپ نے ہندوستان کی حکومت مسلمانوں کے حوالے کیوں نہیں کی تھی؟ ڈیڑھ سو برس بعد ایسے سوال فضول محسوس ہوتے ہیں۔ انگریز میں بے شمار اچھائیاں تھیں، بے شمار برائیاں تھیں۔ انہوں نے بھرپور طریقے سے ہندوستان پر حکومت کی تھی۔ کراچی کو ننھا منا لندن بنانے میں کوئی کسر اٹھا نہیں رکھی تھی۔ جنہوں نے 1947ء کے لگ بھگ لندن دیکھا تھا، وہ کراچی کو چھوٹا سا لندن کہتے تھے اور پھر کراچی جب ہمارے ہتھے چڑھا، ہم نے انگریز کی نمایاں نشانیاں غائب کرنا شروع کر دیں۔ 
دنیا بھر کے مشہور شہروں میں آج بھی ٹرام رواں دواں ہے۔ ہم نے ٹرام کی پٹریاں اکھاڑ دیں۔ ٹرام اور ڈبل ڈیکر بسوں کا رواج ختم کر دیا۔ مشرقی اور مغربی امتزاج کی ملی جلی عمارتوں میں ایک عمارت کا نام تھا پیلس ہوٹل، یہ انتہائی خوب صورت عمارت تھی، ہم نے گرا دی۔ ایسی کئی عمارتیں ایلفنسٹن اسٹریٹ اور وکٹوریا روڈ صدر پر شاندار انداز میں موجود ہوتی تھیں۔ ہم نے ان عالی شان عمارتوں کا ستیاناس کر دیا۔ جانوروں کے لیے شہر میں جابجا پانی کے حوض ہوا کرتے تھے، ہم نے اکھاڑ دیے۔ کراچی سے ہم نے اس کا ماضی چھین لیا ہے۔
امر جلیل
بشکریہ روزنامہ جنگ
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kafi-farigh-yusra · 6 months
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Sharing my snap streak because well, it's important to introduce them.
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The household was fast asleep when the six men broke in. They sought out Sobia Batool Shah, 22, and one of them attacked her with a hatchet, chopping at her limbs in an effort to sever her legs. “He was relentless and must have hit me at least 15 times,” she says. “I screamed in pain and pleaded with him to stop, but he was like a man possessed,” she adds. “I even told him I will not seek a divorce.” Shah was attacked by men from her own family – including her father, Syed Mustafa Shah, her uncle and cousins – who broke into the house, in Naushahro Feroze, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, as “punishment” for refusing to withdraw her application to divorce her husband. ... “It’s all about power control,” says Dr Summaiya Syed Tariq, chief police surgeon in Sindh’s capital, Karachi. Syed Tariq, who also heads the Sindh police medico-legal department, has seen hundreds of women physically and mentally abused, raped, burned and murdered over the last 26 years. “We are nurturing abusers who are worse than animals,” she says. On an average day, the department receives reports of about six cases of sexual violence and 10 to 15 cases of domestic violence across the medico-legal centres at three public hospitals in Karachi. “In the case of sexual violence against minors, my assessment is that for every three cases that come to us, seven more go unreported. And I am not counting the dead bodies that we receive,” Syed Tariq adds. Gender inequality is a global problem, but Pakistan’s indicators reflect especially alarming rates of disparities and violence faced by women. According to this year’s World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap report, Pakistan is ranked second from bottom out of 146 countries, behind only Sudan. It ranked 164 out of 193 countries on the 2023-24 UN gender inequality index. Abdullah Lakhair, deputy superintendent of police in Naushahro Feroze, says the victim’s father admitted the attack, telling police his daughter had brought “dishonour” to the family by filing for divorce. She had asked the authorities for protection after her father threatened to kill her previously. “Earlier last month, the district judge had referred her to a women’s shelter, where she stayed for two weeks, but then decided to return to her mother. The incident happened soon after,” Lakhair says. Shah says her father had left her mother and siblings and cut all ties with them. “Had it not been for my maternal grandfather and my uncle, we would not have had a roof over our head all these years. How dare he talk about his honour being sullied by my divorce,” she says. Lakhair says Shah’s father is awaiting sentencing and could face up to 14 years in prison. The incident has sparked angry reactions from the public and civil society organisations in Pakistan. Anis Haroon, a women’s rights activist and former chair of the National Commission on the Status of Women, travelled from Karachi to visit Shah in hospital. She is sceptical about the case sparking any meaningful change. “Like so many harrowing incidents in the past, this will soon be forgotten,” she says. Pakistan has the laws but no “political will” to implement them, she adds. “The legislators think their work ends after laws are passed in assemblies. They fall short of putting efforts towards their implementation,” Haroon says. After the attack on Shah, her mother went to neighbours for help, thinking her unconscious daughter had lost so much blood she must have died. “After giving her immediate medical help, we sent her to Nawabshah, an hour and a half from here,” says Lakhair. “She had to be given 10 bags of blood, which the police arranged. She is in safe hands, for now.” Although her father is in prison awaiting sentencing, Shah has been provided with round-the-clock police protection in the hospital. “My father has been apprehended but his brother has been granted bail. I am very scared,” she says.
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indigosabyss · 5 months
so the MCU Red Daggers:
a) based all over the world, but seem to be centered in South Asia. b) trying to stop a dimension from pouring into their own through spacetime even tho c) they seem to have only normal weapons and tech, though some may be a little advanced and also d) despite their fight against the Noor dimension, they have no problem working with people who use Noor powers/tech or have Noor ancestry.
Also since the Red Daggers Kareem introduces her to (im assuming the teens at the bonfire were other Red Daggers tho that's conjecture) are p young, and also the way that they knew the Clandestine Ayesha had the bangle but weren't aware that it had since been handed to Sana - the one who actually was in Karachi - implies they had a pretty big base in India and might still have it.
Where am I going with all this?? So. You know who would be the perfect fit. For a young South Asian kid with spacetime powers that the Red Daggers would want on their side bc he basically let's them warp all over the world with less than a thought???
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The man. The myth. The legend. The twelve year old whose name I absolutely fucking hate bc it's a family name not a given name but it finally makes sense it's bc his parents weren't from EARTH-
Anyways skipping away to write fics where the Red Daggers are dealing with the ripple effects of all the jump points leaving the Noor unstable and giving a random kid powers and Kamran empathizing with him even as he uncovers a conspiracy about the Noor dimension and it's escapees-
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mariacallous · 6 months
Nasir Mansoor has spent 40 years fighting for Pakistan’s workers. Whether demanding compensation on behalf of the hundreds of people who died in a devastating 2012 factory fire in Karachi or demonstrating against Pakistani suppliers to global fashion brands violating minimum wage rules, he’s battled many of the country’s widespread labor injustices.
Yet so far, little has improved, said Mansoor, who heads Pakistan’s National Trade Union Federation in Karachi. Despite spending most of his time dealing with issues in the country’s garment sector, labor laws are still routinely flouted inside factories. Not even European Union trade schemes such as the Generalized Scheme of Preferences—which benefits developing countries such as Pakistan but requires them to comply with international conventions on labor rights—have helped curb violations in an industry notorious for them. Regulations and trade protocols look good on paper, but they rarely trickle down to the factory level. “Nobody cares,” Mansoor said. “Not the government who makes commitments, not the brands, and not the suppliers. The workers are suffering.”
But change might finally be on the horizon after Germany’s new Supply Chain Act came into force last year. As Europe’s largest economy and importer of clothing, Germany now requires certain companies to put risk-management systems in place to prevent, minimize, and eliminate human rights violations for workers across their entire global value chains. Signed into law by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in January 2023, the law covers issues such as forced labor, union-busting, and inadequate wages, for the first time giving legal power to protections that were previously based on voluntary commitments. Companies that violate the rules face fines of up to 8 million euros ($8.7 million).
For decades, Western companies based in countries with highly paid workers and strong labor protections have sourced from low-income countries where such laws don’t exist or are weakly enforced. While this business model cuts costs, it’s made it incredibly difficult for workers to seek justice when problems arise. Given the garment sector’s long history of poor labor conditions—whose victims are a predominantly female workforce—rights groups say the industry will feel some of the highest impacts of new due diligence laws such as Germany’s.
Until now, promises made by fashion brands to safeguard workers stitching clothes in factories around the world have been largely voluntary and poorly monitored. If the promises failed or fell short and that information became public, the main fallout was reputational damage. As governments come to realize that a purely voluntary regimen produces limited results, there is now a growing global movement to ensure that companies are legally required to protect the people working at all stages of their supply chains.
The German law is just the latest example of these new due diligence rules—and it’s the one with the highest impact, given the size of the country’s market. A number of other Western countries have also adopted similar legislation in recent years, including France and Norway. A landmark European Union law that would mandate all member states to implement similar regulation is in the final stages of being greenlighted.
Although the United States has legislation to prevent forced labor in its global supply chains, such as the 2021 Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, there are no federal laws that protect workers in other countries from abuses that fall short of forced labor. That said, a proposed New York state bill, the Fashion Act, would legally require most major U.S. and international brands to identify, prevent, and remediate human rights violations in their supply chain if passed, with noncompliance subject to fines. Since major fashion brands could hardly avoid selling their products in New York, the law would effectively put the United States on a similar legal level as Germany and France.
Abuses in textile manufacturing have been well documented. Horror stories about brutal violence or building collapses make the news when there’s a major incident, but every day, members of a predominantly female workforce live on low wages, work long hours, and endure irregular contracts. Trade unions, when they are allowed, are often unable to protect workers. A decade ago, the European Parliament described the conditions of garment workers in Asia as “slave labour.”
As of January, Germany’s new law applies to any company with at least 1,000 employees in the country, which covers many of the world’s best-known fast fashion retailers, such as Zara and Primark. Since last January, German authorities say they have received 71 complaints or notices of violations and conducted 650 of their own assessments, including evaluating companies’ risk management.
In Pakistan, the very existence of the German law was enough to spark action. Last year, Mansoor and other union representatives reached out to fashion brands that sourced some of their clothing in Pakistan to raise concerns about severe labor violations in garment factories. Just four months later, he and his colleagues found themselves in face-to-face meetings with several of those brands—a first in his 40-year career. “This is a big achievement,” he said. “Otherwise, [the brands] never sit with us. Even when the workers died in the factory fire, the brand never sat with us.”
Nearly 12 years on from the 2012 fire, which killed more than 250 people, violations are still rife for Pakistan’s 4.4 million garment sector workers, who produce for many of the major global brands. Several of these violations were highlighted in research conducted by FEMNET, a German women’s rights nonprofit, and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), a Berlin-based nongovernmental organization, into how companies covered by the Supply Chain Act were implementing their due diligence obligations in Pakistan. With the help of Mansoor and Zehra Khan, the general secretary of the Home-Based Women Workers Federation, interviews with more than 350 garment workers revealed the severity of long-known issues.
Nearly all workers interviewed were paid less than a living wage, which was 67,200 Pakistan rupees (roughly $243) per month in 2022, according to the Asia Floor Wage Alliance. Nearly 30 percent were even paid below the legal minimum wage of 25,000 Pakistani rupees per month (roughly $90) for unskilled workers. Almost 100 percent had not been given a written employment contract, while more than three-quarters were either not registered with the social security system—a legal requirement—or didn’t know if they were.
When Mansoor, Khan, and some of the organizations raised the violations with seven global fashion brands implicated, they were pleasantly surprised. One German retailer reacted swiftly, asking its supplier where the violations had occurred to sign a 14-point memorandum of understanding to address the issues. (We’re unable to name the companies involved because negotiations are ongoing.) The factory complied, agreeing to respect minimum wages and provide contract letters, training on labor laws, and—for the first time—worker bonuses.
In February, the factory registered an additional 400 workers with the social security system (up from roughly 100) and will continue to enroll more, according to Khan. “That is a huge number for us,” she said.
It’s had a knock-on effect, too. Four of the German brand’s other Pakistani suppliers are also willing to sign the memorandum, Khan noted, which could impact another 2,000 workers or so. “The law is opening up space for [the unions] to negotiate, to be heard, and to be taken seriously,” said Miriam Saage-Maass, the legal director at ECCHR.
After decades of issues being swept under the carpet, it’s a positive step, Mansoor said. But he’s cautious. Of the six remaining global fashion brands contacted, three are in discussions with the union, while three didn’t respond. Implementation is key, he said, particularly because there has already been pushback from some Pakistani factory owners.
Last month, EU member states finally approved a due diligence directive after long delays, during which the original draft was watered down. As it moves to the next stage—a vote in the European Parliament—before taking effect, critics argue that the rules are now too diluted and cover too few companies to be truly effective.
Still, the fact that the EU is acting at all has been described as an important moment, and unionists such as Mansoor and Khan wait thousands of miles away with bated breath for the final outcome. Solidarity from Europe is important, Khan said, and could change the lives of Pakistan’s workers. “The eyes and the ears of the people are looking to [the brands],” Mansoor said. “And they are being made accountable for their mistakes.”
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Chapter 5 - Unbent. Unbowed. Unbroken.
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They crossed the Arabian Sea at Karachi to arrive at the United Arab Emirates where they bought a luxury car, only to trade it for a few camels, to traverse the deserts of Saudi Arabia; Camels were such stubborn and proud creatures - For Joseph, at least - Who pretended to be a master, only to get his face spit on. He tried, and tried to bribe the camel with apples so it would sit down and allow him to mount - At least now Kisara understands why Jotaro was genuinely confused how his grandpa survived all this time without grandma Suzie. He was pretty pathetic. Was it too late yet to pretend they're not related?
It would take about a day and a half through the desert to reach this village from where they can take a Cessna to get to this Yarpline - The problem is, Joseph himself suggested to drive the plane, which seemed to make both Kakyoin and Jotaro shudder, as if they were having war flashbacks. "Riding a plane driven by a man who's been in three plane crashes? Yes, wonderful idea." Kisara, hearing Jotaro's comment, gasped in shock and looked between the two boys in disbelief. Mr. Joestar could only glare harshly at his grandson for doubting his abilities and luck.
"I can't shake this feeling of being watched." Noriaki kept looking backwards past his shoulder. "Me too." Jotaro found himself grumbling also. "Sure it ain't just the camel-riding? I've got a weird feeling in my stomach, like I'm about to barf, from all this left and right." Jean-Pierre whined. "I think I'm already hypnotized by this point." Kisara kept her eyes closed, trying to gain some stability over her senses.
It was already evening and the Sun was beginning to set. It was, just about, the best time to breathe in the desert, for it wasn't too hot as during the day, but not too chilly as at it during the night. "We should get ready to make camp soon. It's dangerous to travel through the desert at night." Mr. Joestar informed, as the others agreed. "Jotaro, take this. Scout the area ahead." Jotaro grabbed the binoculars, having Star look through them. "There's something up ahead, kinda like an oasis or something." JoJo declared. "But there's some guy there already." "Think he might be an enemy?" Nori asked, a little concerned. "Doubt an enemy would just be waiting for us so casually at an oasis." Polnareff reassured the red head.
With a little reticence, the party arrived at the oasis where this man was chilling at the base of a palm tree, reading a book. He seemed to be unbothered by the arrival of so many people at once, until they towered over him, eclipsing the Sun lighting up the pages of his book; How can he read now?
"Oi, bastard, can't you see I'm reading?" the man glared up at Jotaro who was right in front of him. "Sorry, sorry, we don't want to bother you." Joseph pushed his grandson lightly to the side. "We're travelers also. We want to make camp here." "That won't do." the man growled, as if he owned the place. "Huh?" Polnareff slurred in surprise. "Who are you to tell us not to camp here? Is it YOUR oasis? Do ya have ownership? Show us the contract, then!" "I got here first." the man snapped his book close, gritting his teeth with anger. "That's it. I've decided. I don't like you." The party members were looking down at the man with such immeasurable confusion; What was this weirdo on about, anyway? They couldn't understand why he was behaving so weirdly, nor why he was being so aggressive with them, unprovoked. Jotaro got annoyed, grabbing the stranger by the front of his shirt. "Hey, you arrogant prick, who do you think you are?" but the boy was met not with an answer, but with his hands getting spiked to hell, as a metal-like armor appeared where once was a simple, cotton shirt. "I am Judgement." behind him, a large, monstrous-looking Stand materialized, before merging with his user. "I am the one who passes the sentence." he declared with a booming voice, dark and ominous. "The sentence is Death." at inhuman speed, something happened that resulted in Jotaro's shoulder being impaled, yet the weapon wasn't stuck in his flesh, but it was flying away as if remote-controlled. "What the hell-" the boy spat, his eyes carefully keeping up with the spear dancing in the air. "I'll catch it!" Noriaki used Hierophant Green to elastify around the air, but even when he managed to grab the handle, he couldn't stop the damn weapon; It was too fast and strong, even for him. "Damn it." he cursed as the weapon sliced at his thighs, making him bleed. "Let me try to deflect it!" but even Silver Chariot, with his armor shed and fantastic speed, could do much about the weapon; It parried and redirect the attacks at most, but the weapon wasn't the Stand, and no matter how much you hit at it or even scraped it, nothing was done to the user. "Hey, jackass, chill out, will ya?" Jotaro used Star to punch at the User, but it looked as though he was untouchable; Was his Stand actually similar to Kisara's, and he could produce an impenetrable defense? "Guys." the girl called out calmly. "Stand back and let me deal with this." "Hey, Kisara, don't get cocky! If these guys together can't deal with him -- He's a dangerous jerk." but the old man was cut off by his grandson. "Leave her be." Jotaro gathered them four backwards. "She's a smart cookie. If she says she can handle it, she can." "You've got street smarts, JoJo. I trust you'll find some shrewd plan to defeat this guy." Kisara flicked the hat off and dug her hands in her pants pockets, getting in a lazy pose in front of the enemy. "A'ight. I ain't gonna attack you. Let's just chill a little, yeah?" she sent off Marilyn to shield the party while she has fun. But the man glared more at her. "Who do you think you are, patronising me?" he growled, stomping forward. "You think some half-pint like you can defeat me? Huh?! Look at you! You have no muscles on your body; Like hell can you fight me!" Judgement thrusted his hands in front of him, in an attempt to grab the girl, only to be surprised at seeing the sky after Kisara slammed him onto the ground; 
"Wh-Whoa...! What the hell, that was so cool! How did she do that?!" Polnareff gasped, seeing the girl non-chalantly returning into her passive pose. "Y-You... You stupid little bitch..." the man growled, the aura getting bigger around him. "You are the first I will sentence to Death!" he lunged forward, only for the girl to turn her body just a little, redirecting him with her cleavage bone. 
The more Kisara threw him around with the most minimalistic moves, the angrier he got; From the way she tripped him with such ease, how she side-stepped each of his attempts at hitting her, how she redirected all of his lunges, how she disturbed the flow of the pace he initiated - Now Jotaro could see better why she loved Aiki so much - Master Shioda would be proud of a student like her who defends herself with such ease, with a smile on her face, without as much as breaking a sweat.
It dawned on him though - Where was the weapon anyway? He looked around, but he couldn't find it. Could it be that --- "Gah!" everyone looked at Kakyoin who fell to the ground, cradling his damaged abdomen; The weapon somehow managed to pierce Marilyn's unbreakable shield, grazing at her brother's side.  "...Nori?" Kisara's body froze on the spot, and it started to tremble; Her eyes were wide and aimless, unfocused, unable to even stare at her brother. Was she lost in her own mind? Was she blaming herself for her brother getting injured? "I-I'm fine! Look out!" but much to Kakyoin's shock, his sister simply titled her head out of the trajectory of the spear. "That's fine. I figured out what's with this guy anyway." her voice was low and eerie. "How annoying." the vibrato of her tone showed how close she was to losing her composure. Her self-designated role was to protect the group, especially her brother - If she couldn't even do as much, what the hell was she good for, anyway? Why was she still there?
Worthless. Worthless. Worthless.
As if to voice her own succumbing into madness, the enemy also yelled the same thing at her. "You are a worthless little girl!" she said nothing. Whenever she was drowning in self-hatred like that, she would remain as silent as a lake. She just wanted to hide herself for the rest of eternity; So far away into her own isolation that nobody would know she ever existed. "Then what does it make you?" she stood straight up, her eyes boring into the enemy's. "You are a prisoner of your own insecurities and frustrations. Your Stand gets stronger the more you hate something - You Judge people. The more you hate someone, the stronger your weapon, the stronger your defense. No regular Stand can shatter my defenses." "So what if you know my Stand's power? I'm so pissed off, there's no way all of you put together can defeat me!" he smirked down at her. "So? Whadya wanna do?" "I don't want to defeat you. Not anymore." his shock, at her sudden words, made him drop down in armor a little. "I get it. Sometimes you get so angry that you just want to kill everyone around you. Sometimes, all you want is some peace and quiet - Alone. Right?" Kisara's voice turned milder, more sympathetic. What was she trying to do, they had no idea, but at least they could see the way some spikes were disappearing from his armor, and the strong darkness of his aura was subsiding. "But, you know - The truth is, in these moments... It is people that we need the most." "What the hell are you babbling about?! I don't need people! People suck! People are the reason I'm so angry all the time! They don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves - So why should I give a fuck about them?!" ah, of course, now it made sense. A powerful Stand for a hopeless man.  "That's right. There is nothing that encouraged you to care for others. I get it." Kisara nodded her head, smiling. "But have you thought that, perhaps, all you needed was a hug, a shoulder to cry on, and someone with whom you can talk to?"
Maybe it was the tenderness in her voice, or the audacity of her words, that his armor shed completely. Judgement was just about powerless, clinging like a backpack onto his Master, who was flabbergast and speechless as Kisara wrapped her arms around the man, hugging him tightly. "Isn't this much better? Has your soul lightened a little?" he was trembling with emotion, looking down at the girl, stupefied. "... I suppose." 
The man grabbed onto the girl tightly, almost pained at the way his fingers were digging into her flesh, his eyes shedding rivers of tears and ugly sobbing, so loudly; Kisara was completely trapped and uncomfortable. Well, at least the enemy was defeated, so it's fine. When he let's go, eventually, she is going to reach for her sword and kill him; It take a single strike, nothing more. Marilyn, also, whispered the plan into the group's ears so they wouldn't worry or ruin the plan and anger Judgement again;
Alas, a broken man is forever imprevisible, and instead of having an opening to kill him, Kisara was stuck into the embrace of death, tied to the man through his own weapon. "KISARA!" she heard her brother wail out, watching the image before him; It almost looked like a renaissance sculpture, grotesque, tragic, yet a true piece of art; A man shattered by the world, and his saviour, breaking herself apart for him; Two people on the verge of dying, connected through an embrace and a spear.
"I used to hate the world, and I was happy when everyone died; When I killed them. All of them." the enemy's grin was wide, fanatic looking even. "But I was wrong - So, so wrong. I find one person worth saving; You, little girl. Kisara. What a pretty name." her limbs let go of him, and fell limp. The agony she was experiencing was excruciating, she was sure she was going to die. It hurt like hell. "By killing you, I'm saving you. I'm saving us. In the afterlife, we will be protected - Thus is our Judgement! We became martyrs on Earth, to be worshipped in Heaven." Kisara couldn't even hear what he was saying, her brain was going hay-wire, running a hundred thousand miles per second; This hyperexcitation and hemorrhage were going to drive her into hypovolemic shock or something. She had to end it all. She had to win.
The Crusaders only watched as the enemy's head rolled to the ground, but his body remained standing. "Forgive me, Marilyn." Kisara coughed some blood, removing the weapon and pushing the enemy to the ground. "I never meant to taint you like this." "Idiot." Marilyn offered the sword back to her user, who impaled it into the ground, propping herself with it. "Didn't expect that too happen." she smiled bitterly, her face drenched in blood. "Fanatics truly are terrifying." "Shut up." her Stand's harsh comment only made the girl chuckle, feeling her hand gently placed over the hole in her stomach, glowing beautifully in an attempt at healing her.
"Star..." Marilyn looked at Jotaro's Stand, with eyes that closely resembled distress; What could it be? What could a Stand be worried about? They were soon to find out, when Marilyn's silhouette began to dissipate slowly. "Ora!" Star rushed to embrace her, but his arms went through thin air. Instead, his hands gingerly touched Kisara's face, raising it up - She was smiling, despite having fallen unconscious. "Ora! Ora!" understanding his worries, Jotaro caught the girl's body just as it began to lose force, falling. He cradled her in his arms, his hand applying pressure on the wound; He couldn't stand the idea of getting soaked in her blood. It wasn't fair. She protected them, so why must she end up like this? Why must she go out of her way to get in the way of the bullet, as if she's obligated to do that? He gets it, she's obsessed with protecting her brother, that's what family does - He and gramps are in this quest to save Holly, putting their life on the line - But she has nothing to do with any of this. She doesn't have to go so hard all the time.
If only she'd let him protect her, for fucking once, maybe he wouldn't have to fear her dying in his arms because Marilyn isn't out to heal her. He wouldn't have to see that damn dumb smile of hers - What is she, a dumbass, smiling when she's almost dead? Damn it, he's so pissed off. He can't even imagine what Kakyoin is feeling right now, seeing his dead sister in such a state, all because his own injury was a catalyst for destruction. "Ora!" he could hear Star trying to talk to her - To Marilyn - Encouraging her to wake up, to save her Master. To come back to him. Star was just as worried as he was.
Though also concerned for Kisara, Mr. Joestar and Polnareff left the other two alone, and made camp at the oasis, lighting up a camp fire and cooking something; When she'd wake up, she'd need to stay warm and eat something. It gets really cold in the desert, after all.  Jotaro was so afraid of seeing someone dear to him die in his arms, that he couldn't even look at her beautifully serene visage - He loved it when she smiled, but not like this. Kakyoin had shed tears of worry, and he was even shaking a little. Holding her hand, caressing her hair, speaking to her random non-sense that was barely coherent.
"You always did like sleeping a little too much, didn't you? You're so tired all the time, no matter how many hours you sleep." he would say. "Remember that time when you convinced me to audition for Romeo & Juliet? We were the best actors, and we were cast as the lovers. It was hilarious, wasn't it? When the teacher realised we were siblings, she lost it." came another story. "I heard Metallica is going to release a new album soon. I know you love them - JoJo does too. We can go together to their concern. Maybe it'll be in Italy. I know how much you love Italy. Quite the romantic country, isn't it?" the poor boy sighed, almost as if he was losing hope. "Come on, Sleeping Beauty, wake up already." "Kiss." came Marilyn's weak voice, as she materialized before them. Her lovely light caressed Kisara's wounds as she placed her palms over Jotaro's, still pressed over her belly.  "Kiss?" Kakyoin was a little bewildered by the random word, but Jotaro chuckled. It wasn't something either of them expected, but if Marilyn could be cheeky enough to ask for a Sleeping Beauty waking kiss, then it means she was fine enough to properly heal her user. "Ora!" Star exclaimed happily, his arms around her feminine Stand, placing a kiss on her cheek. If Stands could blush, both of them would be bright pink instead. "Yare Yare... You're getting naughty." Jotaro tipped the brim of his hat, clearing his throat in embarrassment; Did he really have to do that in front of his crush's brother, who so happens to be his friend? "Kiss...?" this time, it wasn't Marilyn's voice, cheekily requesting for an incentive to get up - It was the victim herself. "No kiss for me?"
But Kisara got pulled into a strong embrace by her brother, who didn't want to let go of her ever again; He was so worried, she could feel the trembling of his sobbing and distress. "Never do that to me ever again. I was worried out of my mind." he cried in the crook of her neck, holding her like the precious doll she was. "I thought I lost you forever." "Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken - The Devil never dies, silly boy." she chuckled, hugging him back. "I am your older sister. I'm never going to leave you alone, whether you like it or not. That's what older sister do, right?" "And I wouldn't have it any other way."
Jotaro watched the two siblings being so vulnerable and sincere with one another; He couldn't imagine crying in front of someone else the same Noriaki is expressing his fright and worry to his sister. When he saw the state his mother was in, he was petrified; He was so angry, so stunned, that he couldn't even process what happened. Did he want to cry? Did he want a hug? He had no clue. Though, in a way, he didn't think that sibling embrace looked all that bad. Besides, he did do the impossible and actually embraced Kisara that night. It felt like the most natural thing in a world - Perhaps he should do it more often. Maybe he will actually be brave enough to shed the tears of his emotions. His chest often hurts, especially at night when he's thinking about his mum and how awful she must be feeling. She might be in the care of the best doctors from the Speedwagon Foundation, but that doesn't mean her tortured existence would end; This torment will only end, with the death of Dio.
"Hey, sleepy-head! Just in time for dinner!" Polnareff's cheerful voice called out to them.  "Great, I'm starving." Kisara got a little help to get up and gather around the camp fire where she was given a bowl of food. "Oh, hey, this is really good. Who's the chef?" "I am, of course!" Polnareff grinned ear to ear. "It might not compare to French Cuisine, for all Frenchmen know how to make people happy with their food!" "Well, you did a fantastic job." they ate well, with Polnareff and Kisara speaking about silly things, all of them unrelated. "You seem awfully cheerful for someone who almost died. Are all Japanese folk like that?" he asked, making the girl look with confusion. "Almost died? What do you mean?" she chuckled lightly. "I just fell asleep, didn't I?" the atmosphere tensed a little - Did she not remember what happened?  "Weird spot to fall asleep, don't you think?" Jotaro called out, eyeing her carefully. "With people crying over you like it's your funeral?" "Well, I suppose it's weird that I fell asleep without remembering, and so far away from the fire." she nodded, pensive. "And... Nori, did you cry? I didn't realise. Why did you cry?" the look on her brother's face was alike a confused puppy. "You don't even remember killing the enemy stand user?" Jotaro wasn't believing a word she was saying. "We got attacked?! When?!" she exclaimed, looking around aimlessly. "I see no one." "Jotaro, that's enough. If she doesn't remember, it's no big deal. Just let her heal in peace." Joseph warned his grandson, who just scoffed and looked away.  "Just leave it be, Jotaro. Let's just enjoy the good food, yeah?" frenchie also chimed in. "Yeah. It's fine, really. I'm just happy Kisara is fine." Noriaki, too, smiled tenderly, his arm wrapped around his sister, as she relaxed with her head on his shoulder, until they got drowsy and all went to sleep.
The next day, the last bit of their journey towards the village was happily uneventful, and they even properly got used to riding a camel; Though, they wouldn't want to try that again, any time soon, and especially not at longer roads. Thankfully, they arrived soon at their destination, and even found a cozy little house to rent for the night, before embarking the Cessna. Kisara roomed with her brother and Jotaro with his grandpa and frenchie. 
When Kisara was sure Noriaki fell asleep, she sneaked out of her room, and outside, into the garden. Though she was wearing only her cute light pink negligee underwear, she wasn't feeling cold - In fact, the chilly breeze of the night always made her feel calm and happy. Leaning back on the fence, she fiddled with her bamboo flute, a memento she was offered as a gift during a solo-trip in China with her Aiki master; She learn how to dance from those lovely ladies, and how to play the flute and zither. She never felt as alive as when she was having fun, letting loose.
"Thought we agreed it's not safe to go out alone." Kisara stopped playing her tune, and she smiled. Was it fate that always brought them together? Did destiny wanted them united? "I looked up at the skies. The Stars told me you would go out to seek some peace of mind. I thought I would aid with that." Jotaro scoffed in amusement, averting his gaze from the girl and the way she was dressed; Those shorts, brimmed with lace and ribbons, reached mid-thigh, and that cute tank top, just loose enough to be comfortable, highlighted her feminine silhouette gracefully; And that overcoat looked so sheer, it only added more charm to the outfit. Wasn't she cold, though? "Why did you lie to Kakyoin?" he asked, daring to step in front of her and get a proper look. "I knew I could never fool you. What gave me away?" she chuckled lightly.
"Everything." he gruffed, waiting for a proper answer. "I did it to escape a good nagging." she grinned playfully. "Nori took after mum more than I did." she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. "I heard his distress; I wasn't fully unconscious, I could hear your words. I may be a woman, but I'm still just turning 18 soon, y'know? People our age hate scolding."  "I wouldn't know. Nobody ever scolded me." Jotaro shrugged his shoulders, shifting on his feet. "Do you want me to scold you, then?" the girl hummed teasingly. "Hell no." his vehement reply only served to make her laugh. "You play... Nice." "Thank you." the two looked down for a little while, unsure of what to say; Once again, they both were at a loss.
Kisara was the one to break the ice last time - Now, it was his turn. JoJo took off his coat and laid it on the ground, gesturing to the girl to sit down next to him, which she did; With her back straight and her legs tucked neatly underneath her, Jotaro gazed at the girl glowing with the silver light of the moon, looking like a Goddess playing a most melancholic melody. It sounded so beautiful, yet the sorrow was vibrating with each note reverbing through the air. He couldn't keep his eyes away from her, and he didn't know why. Was it her beauty? The way her hair gently swayed with the occasional breeze? Or the single diamond caressing her porcelain cheek as she plays away her sadness? Was Kisara sad, or did she just felt alive through the most heart-shattering pieces of art.
Slowly removing the flute, she leaned her head up, and she looked up at the starry black sky; Her eyes were wet like that of a doe, yet her smile was wide and very much alive. "Why is it that we find the most beauty in sorrow? Why do we feel alive through tragedy?" she found herself speaking, though she didn't expect an answer. "I've never heard such a bizarre concept." Jotaro huffed plainly. "Did you realise all of our stories, our paintings, our songs - They all hold a depressing undertone, one way or another." he gruffed a negative answer.  "What's the song you played?" the boy asked, taking the flute in his hand and fiddling idly with it. He admired its craftsmanship, how flawlessly carved it was, the feeling of polished bamboo in his hand, how perfect the black dye was, and even the lovely jade pendant dangling from its side, attached with a red tassel - It almost looked like Kisara - A priceless treasure. "It is called 'Autumn Moon over Han Palace'. It is a piece I learnt in China." she explained; And oh how ecstatic she looked, speaking of that memory. "It speaks the sorrow of heart-broken women, neglected and forgotten by their husbands, in detriment of younger, more beautiful ladies." "Why would you play such a sad song, then?" and why would she feel sad over the sad experience of others, anyway? "Through art, the collective feelings of all people experiencing the same emotions is being channeled at the time of performing. It is as though all of them are living vicariously through you; They guide you with their sorrow, in hopes of experiencing bliss for the first time. It doesn't matter that they've been dead for hundreds of years - They are still out there, dancing with the stars - And they watch over us, nurturing ourselves and learning from their experiences. I think... That this emotion... It is what it means to be happy. To feel your heart bursting at the seams with a myriad of powerful feelings, so much so that you need to express them with the world." she tilted her head a little, to look into the boy's unique aquamarine gems. "I think - Shedding tears of happiness; Tears generated by the raw emotions one feels from the beauty of art, the beauty of humanity and the endless spectrum of feeling... I think this is why we are alive for."
Jotaro was truly shocked, hearing a woman hell-bent on logic and ration speak with such mellow words, or even have such a tender look on life and all the depressing things that happen. It wasn't a bad outlook on life, per se, but it wasn't one easily achievable, he thought. In truth, he doesn't think he's ever experienced anything of the magnitude she tried to explain - He always felt a special tingling whenever he heard his dad play the sax for mum, especially on her birthday - But he never felt anything as intense as to cause him to cry - Although, her song got very close to such an achievement. Maybe the circumstances and environment also had some kind of influence, one way or another.
"Did you stay long in China? You play well." it was Kisara who asked him to speak about himself previously, to be vulnerable and genuine with who he is. It was only fair he showed interest in her also, correct? "About three months." the girl got in a more comfortable position. "My went with my Aiki Master to study in the mountains of China and stay around some Buddhist temples; But after a while, the head-monk was to do a ritual at the Imperial Palace in the Forbidden City, so we tagged along. Around that time, there was also some kind of festival, and there were a ton of beautiful ladies displaying their art." she hummed light-heartedly. "I ended up living in a Green Mansion and letting the ladies there teach me everything they could about their skills and craft." "... What's a Green Mansion?" the boy muttered under his breath, only to see a playful, almost childish grin on her face.  "... A high-end pleasure house." the look on his face made her unable to stop laughing. "Don't tell my brother though. He'd destroy me with his nagging." "You're crazy." even he couldn't help but scoff from the ridiculous thing she just said. "It's really not that deep. It's a pleasure house, not a brothel. Client pay a ton of money and have to compete with each other, just to have the privilege of being in the same room as the lady; And even when they are, they usually play chess, or recite poetry, or play some instrument. It hardly ever gets any further than that. That's why it's called 'Green Mansion' and not brothel or anything like that. Learning from those ladies has been a great privilege." with a rather shameless non-chalance, Kisara displayed a sultry undulating of her body, shifting closer to the boy, only to surprise him by letting herself fall with her head on his lap, mimicking what she previously urged him to do. "Hm. How comfy! I rather like this."  "Yare Yare..." Jotaro shook his head, yet that lovely smile of his wasn't left unseen; Mimicking her previous action, he placed his hand over her hair, a little reticent at first, before daring to play with her hair. It was so soft, just like cashmere, and he found himself lost in the sensation. "Will you sing for me, JoJo?" Jotaro looked weirdly at the girl, but somehow, no negative or affirmative reply was let out; Instead, he kept thinking of the songs that his dad wrote; He may be a sax-player, but his voice ain't that bad either, and the lyrics he writes have always been romantic and happy. All love songs he wrote, were dedicated to his mum.
This one, however, his mum told him was written for him, on the day of his birth; His dad was so overwhelmed with emotions, that he cried and grabbed the pen, writing a whole song in a matter of hours. By the time baby Jotaro was brought home, Sadao had already finished polishing the song. The first time he cradled his son in his arms, he cried of pure glee, and sang this melody for him. All for him. Though, now thinking at the lyrics, it's almost a hilarious coincidence to his Stand' A shining star, huh?
You fill my life, my joy I toast to all the things you are My bright and shining star I bless the day that you were born And swear to carry on A Celebration night and day Saluting love and loves always
If only they could stand there forever, without time passing by them, without any kind of worry to hinder them; Just Jotaro and Kisara under the vast starry sky, with him playing absent-mindedly with her long her, and humming whatever melody he thinks of; and her, so relaxed, like a spoiled little kitten, comfortably laying in his lap like that. Just JoJo and Kisa.
"Nori! Hey, Nori, wake up! You're having a nightmare!" Kisara sat on the boy's head, shaking him eagerly; He was sweating buckets, even though his sleeping shirt was half-unbuttoned and his blanket was only half-way covering him.  Finally, after a lot of effort, Kakyoin finally shot awake, hollering to hell and back with sheer horror. "Wh-What? What's going on?" "You were having a nightmare." the girl used a handkerchief to wipe away the sweat before cupping his cheeks dearly, making him look at her, focus on her and not on his fear. "It's okay. You're safe now. You're with me. You're safe with me, Nori." the boy let out a breath of relief, weakly throwing his arms around her. 
"Where are we? What happened?" he asked, almost afraid to let go. "Don't worry, we are safe at this hotel. We are leaving on the Cessna after we finish breakfast." the girl kissed his forehead. "Can you handle it? Do you need a little more time to calm down?" she was always like this when something happened to him; She'd go overprotective and motherly. It was really quite endearing. He truly felt safe when around her - Though it should be the other way around, since he was the man.  "It was a terrifying nightmare." he sighed deeply. "But... I don't remember anything. I've forgotten it all - But it was petrifying. It was thanks to you that I woke up." "Do you want to sleep together tonight?" right, she'd always crawl in bed next to him when he was sad, crying or having a nightmare. "Just like old times." he rose his hand to place over her own, only to notice some dripping blood from his palm. "Did you get injured in your sleep?" the girl kissed his hand, quickly healing his injury. "I... Didn't even realise." he really looked disturbed by all that happened. "You can rest in the Cessna. Get dressed. I'll wait for you in the dining room, okay? I'll make you a sandwich. I heard they have a nice cheery and apricot fresh." with a kiss on his forehead, Kisara left the room, leaving the boy to his privacy to change from his sleeping wear, back in his green school uniform. 
After a good breakfast, they left the Hotel Yarpling, heading towards the Cessna; The others were already at the aircraft - Supposedly, they'll be traveling for five hundred kilometers for the day... Or something. As soon as they left the hotel however, they saw a little boy who shrieked in horror, pointing towards the mutilated cadaver of his dead dog. Kisara couldn't even look at that - Who could possibly be so cruel as to harm a dog?! Sick bastard! Neither of them could handle the sight, so they hurried the hell outta there. That wasn't a good way to start the morning. 
By the time they arrived at the Cessna, a misunderstanding happened between Mr. Joestar and the aircraft owner, who needed to bring this baby to a doctor. In the end, they made a compromise - The only way to benefit from the aircraft was to bring the baby with them, and leave it to the medic on their way. What an insane concept. "Let us all have a collective prayer and hope that Mr. Joestar won't crash the plane." Kisara chuckled, earning a glare from the old man. "A fourth time." Jotaro chimed in with the taunting.  "What's there to worry about, you guys? No one would send their Stand after us while we're in the air. We even checked to make sure the plane itself isn't a Stand! It definitely is not!" Polnareff spoke as carefree as usual. "I'm more concerned with Gramps' flying than an enemy Stand." Jotaro declared, making Joseph sigh.
The plane took off and Polnareff and Kakyoin fell asleep immediately; The ride was rather quiet and peaceful for the most part, and when the frenchie woke up, he had to change the baby's diaper. Kisara was listening to her walkman, leaned forward on her seat and sharing the earbuds with Jotaro. Surprising or not, Polnareff said something familiar to what the read head mentioned before - Having a weird dream, but recalling none of it. How strange. 
"H-Hey! The kid took a dump in his diaper!" Polnareff yelled in disgust as he unknotted the diaper. "Just look at the size of  it!" "Well, he is a baby. That's why he wears diapers." Mr. Joestar spoke as a matter of fact. He was done with everyone being so difficult this day.  "I had no idea! What a vile, disgusting creature!" he spat. "Why doesn't Kisara do it? She's a girl! She knows better how to take care of kids, right?!" "I'm 17, what do I know? You're older. Your hair is whiter than Mr. Joestar's. Show off, Bakareff." Kisara waved him off. "Now stop complaining, JoJo's favourite song is coming up." "Stop complaining, Polnareff. Grow up already." Joseph scolded the man.  "Well, does it look fine? It looks good to me." Polnareff groaned, holding the baby upside down and showing the messily tied diaper to the two awake teens, who couldn't help but look perplex at his idiocy. Regardless, they struggled to pin that damn diaper - Until Kakyoin started trashing wildly, hitting everyone around him
"Noriaki, wake up! You're having a nightmare! Wake up!" Kisara tried, in vain, to lock onto his arms; Until he kicked the old man in the face, causing them to plummet down onto the ground. Were it not for Hermit Purple, Mr. Joestar wouldn't have been able to straighten out the aircraft... But when he was the most cheerful, he looked back, expecting laurels, only to crash into the nearest palm tree, somewhere, in the middle of Saudi Arabia. "Yare Yare. I was sure this was gonna happen." Jotaro sighed, helping the others get out of the wreck of the Cessna. 
Come night, Polnareff gathered wood, Jotaro and Kisara prepared the camp, and Joseph made the food. Poor Kakyoin kept to himself, sitting on a rock and trying to gather himself - Or at least, whatever part of his mind was left intact. "Hey..." Kisara sighed, sitting next to him. "Come here." she pulled him to her chest, stroking his hair tenderly. "He got us into this whole mess, you know?" Polnareff rasped, plopping down on a rock by the fire. "Do you want me to cut your tongue, Baguette brain?" the girl hissed harshly at him. "Gah, what a scary woman..." he shuddered a little. "No... He's right... I'm sorry, I don't know... I feel like I had another bad dream, but all I know is that I woke up tired..." Kakyoin's face was full of sadness and fright. "Something might be wrong with me." "Don't apologise. You were sleeping. You didn't do it on purpose." she would defend her brother to the end of the world in front of anyone, even if he wasn't in the wrong. "Try and cheer up. It's probably just fatigue. It's been a month now since we left Japan and the enemies haven't let up." Mr. Joestar went over to play with the baby; And while everyone was busy with it, the two siblings made a terrifying discovery. The single most tense moment dripping painfully through the quietness of the desert.
"Nori, you're hurt. Again." Kisara noticed the blood dripping down his arm. As he rolled up his sleeve, the words 'BABY STAND' were carved painstakingly into his forearm. "It's... My handwriting... But how? When?" the boy was staring in complete daze at his own injury, and up at his sister also; He took out his little pocket knife, but it was pristine clean. "Could I have really forgotten violently cutting my own arm?" "We've been together this whole time, and I haven't seen you do it." Kisara muttered, gently placing her hand over his. "Do you think maybe it has something to do with those nightmares you've been experiencing?" "Kisara." the boy looked at her with wide, petrified eyes. "I think the baby might be a Stand user."
He leapt up to the the basket where the baby, grabbing it up, making it sob loudly; Joseph quickly took the child back in his arms and soothed it, fed it; Jean-Pierre was looking at Kakyoin, thinking he's lost it completely. Jotaro stared at the two siblings, mirroring each other in the exact opposite way. While Noriaki was slumped with defeat, his head hung down and puzzled into insanity - Kisara was glaring harshly, like a proud lioness protecting her cub, head held high and standing straight, ready to maul anyone who dared even look at him the wrong way.
Who could she discuss this issue with? Everyone seemed to be against him. Nobody seemed to think any foul play at hand. The siblings kept to themselves, in the isolation of their own rock, but without any appetite. He's not just exhausted, for puzzled and doubtful. He is not doubt just himself, but his sister's confidence in him also. 
Out of nowhere, Noriaki shot to his feet, accusing the baby of having killed a scorpion, skewering it with his own safety pin - But there was no scorpion in sight. In his frantic need to prove himself, he made everyone doubt him. Even Jotaro.  Kisara was at her wit's end - How the hell can she prove that little spawn of satan really was a Stand user, when her own brother wasn't cooperating at all with her? "Nori, please, calm down. We're going to figure it out. Together." Jotaro was surprised at how sensible and calm her voice was, considering the hostility of her brother. "DAMN IT, KISARA, IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE!" Kakyoin's outburst shocked everyone, as the boy pushed his sister away and rushed to Mr. Joestar, showing off the cuts on his arm, Hierophant Green out and ready to attack. "Look at these cuts! Read what it says!"  "Kakyoin, did you do that to yourself?" Jotaro asked ominously. "Kakyoin, you..." Polnareff stared in shock. "Oh my God..." Joseph's trademark phrase was heard, staring at him with disdain. "ENOUGH!" Kisara went protectively in front of her brother. "Stop looking at him like that! He's really onto something, okay? Stop doubting him! None of you can come any closer to his wit!" it couldn't be easy, protecting someone so far gone into his own mind. "You're not helping. You're making things worse." Kakyoin snapped at his sister; He felt as though his mind was shattering like glass. She looked at him with such a sad look of surprise, like an abandoned puppy staring at passer-bys. "Nori - Listen. It's okay. Calm down, okay? We'll figure it out. We already know there's something wrong with your nightmares. There's something bad causing you distress of this degree. We can solve this, okay? Don't despair. We can do it. Together." but none of the girl's warm words reached him. In fact, her words only proved to anger him further. "Will you stop patronising me already?!" he hissed angrily at her, confusing the poor girl who could only look up at him like an innocent puppy. "I don't need your help - I can defend myself just fine. I'm not a little child anymore, okay?" "Yes, I know you can protect yourself, of course - But that doesn't mean I can't do it. You're my brother, and I love you. I would defend you in front of anyone." she tried to reach out and hold his hands; but he slapped them away. "I've grown up, I have my own life now, I have my own world; You don't have to always keep around and protect me - I'm not a frail child anymore, I can do it just fine on my own. I'm fine, and I can figure out the Stand by myself! I don't need you protecting me, Kisara. You can go home. Tell our parents I'm fine. They must be very worried by now, with both children gone." 
Jotaro could see Kisara's heart shattering in a million pieces, simply by seeing that trembling smile of hers. Even when devastated, women kept smiling for their loved ones. Incredible. If Kakyoin were his brother, he'd have punched some sense into him. She was so close to breaking down and sobbing, yet she remained just as loving and protective as always.  How could he tell her to just leave, after spending so much time together in this group? After all the dangers they've gone through, together? After almost dying in front of them? After how many times she saved them?  Kakyoin Kisara is a vital addition to the group, and nobody, JoJo especially, didn't want to see her gone, especially because of a silly misunderstanding caused by her fatigue brother's stubbornness and latent frustrations. She was so easy to talk to, and there was so much that he could learn from her; Her presence was always so soothing to his soul, and he felt as though he could tell her anything he's never even thought of before, and still feel comfortable. He felt as though he had reached the gates of eden, just by seeing that smile of hers -
And yet here they are, before his very eyes, having a stupid sibling fight. Truly, if that was him, he would have beaten up Noriaki for even suggesting to leave the group like that, in the middle of the vast wasteland, in the middle of the night; When all she ever wanted was to help him feel safe and accepted; That he hadn't lost his mind, and her embrace remains a safe space for him always. It was no different to having gramps tell him to go home and reassure his dad that mum would be just fine. How stupid.
"I know... I just... I wanted to keep being a part of your world. " it must have been truly difficult, controlling the vibrato of her voice. "I am your big sister. Of course I want to protect you. You will always be my cute baby brother." she admitted weakly. "Maybe you should rest a little. Do you want me to sing you to sleep? I'll watch over you for as many nights it takes for you to figure out who is causing all of this." "WHAT CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND--" but before he could try to say anything, Marilyn had already hugged him from behind, knocking him out with a simple strike to the carotid artery, hitting the vagus nerve. "Kisara." Jotaro tried calling out her name, watching as she lowered down the boy, holding his head into her lap and caressing his hair. She didn't answer to any of them. Instead, she sang her baby brother a most sorrowful lullaby.
Just sleep in my tender arms, Don't worry about any harms, All because I'm right here, with you.
One day, you'll become so strong, And someday, I might not see you, Will you come by and say hello?
When your world rises with the sun, And my world setting with the sun, Will you and I stay together now? With all of our old pastimes, I'll start to set up my old clock, To come by and visit you forever.
With the tender humming coming to an end, only the crickets were heard, and the soft rattling of the snakes. Kisara made a ball out of her haori and placed it under the boy's head, serving as a pillow. Then, she took a large mug of coffee, walking away from the camp; Away, where nobody could hear her, nor see her. She thought she was alone, but she wasn't. She felt a hug from behind, and a soft "Ora" caring for her felt awfully reassuring. Star Platinum wiped away her tears; He looked just as distraught as she was. "Ora. Ora." he cupped her cheeks, placing his forehead against her own, which only made the girl throw her arms around him, sobbing her distress away in cascades of bitter tears. 
Jotaro waited until the girl managed to calm down a little, before coming over with another mug of coffee. He couldn't handle seeing Kisara cry. Why was she any different? Was it because girls crying made him feel uncomfortable? Or was it her, especially, that he never wished to see upset ever again?
So many questions were storming and troubling both his mind and heart - Yet for now, he must brave through the maelstrom of his emotions and shift away Kisara's thoughts and pain towards more insignificant and pointless things - Like a shitty instant coffee. "Here's your order." "Triple espresso cafe macchiato with three pumps of salted caramel." she added the 'please' later. "Must be troublesome saying that order all the time." the boy chuckled.  "It's worth the trouble." she took the mug in her hand, relishing in its warmth. "This tastes like sewer water." "Then don't drink it. You should sleep." she shook her head. "Kakyoin is just exhausted. You're going to end up like him if you don't rest properly." "He wasn't wrong." she whispered softly. "You can think what you wish, but I am sure there's something wrong. The Big Sis intuition is tingling." she continued with a decrepit chuckle. "That's why I'm going to watch over him until he gets better, even if he ends up hating me for it." "Don't take what he said to heart. He didn't mean it. Kakyoin loves his sister." the boy saw her empty smile growing.  "Every break down has a seed of truth." she muttered. "And every word can shatter the earth." "You are strong." but the girl scoffed dryly.  "I don't want to be strong. I don't want to HAVE to be strong." she spoke bitterly. "I just want to be myself. A girly cry-baby who hates pain and cries at Disney love story cartoons. That's what I am - And I'm not ashamed of it, but I also can't afford to be all that, when my brother is in the state that he is." "Kakyoin is doing fine for himself - Well, until now, that is - But when all this is over, you can be whatever you want to be without worrying. He's a capable young man. Trust him." she seemed to nod her head in agreement. "I know. Of course I do. I know Nori better than anyone." she nodded her head. "I promise I'm not usually this much of a worrywart; At least not anymore. It was worse when we were children." she smiled playfully. "We're going to University in a year. I can't wait till we graduate." but she sighed once again. "I just hope we get there." "Yare Yare. Is that how little faith you have in us?" whether it genuinely was the endless stream of worry from a big sister, or just hopelessness in an impossible quest, one thing was certain; The twinkling stars were only highlighting the exhausted bags under her eyes. Was it because she was so petite and frail, that it was more evident? He wasn't sure, but he knew for certain he was going to force her to sleep soon, if she continues intentionally neglecting her health. "Nothing lasts forever. Nothing really matters. Nothing never breaks, busts, bends, rusts, upends or shatters." it sounded like the words of a poem, or some kind of weird song, with the most fatalistic yet highly realistic message. "It's just like Physics. Newton's third law say that every action has a reaction." "That's enough. You're spewing non-sense." Jotaro gruffed, but as soon as he saw those tearful eyes, this time out of sorrow, not euphoria, he felt a pang of pain in his heart. Was this what his mother felt also, all the times he insulted her or talked back to her? When he'd avoid even looking at her, or avoid her presence? Did he cause her this much pain in such a short amount of time? 
Perhaps even when he saves her, it wouldn't be enough to make up for all the bad he's done to her. He made his mother feel more alone than she already was, in the absence of his father. "Men are dumb. We say a lot of stupid shit that we regret later, but never apologise for." he admitted, regret tinged with a little self-deprecation dripping from his every word. "And yet, you still forgive us and support our every whim." "That's what women do, JoJo." Kisara got up, turning to leave; Her hand cupped the boy's cheek, who looked up at her briefly. "We love our silly men." he missed the softness of her touch that lingered just enough to make him want to feel her more.
The next day things changed 180 degrees; Kakyoin was cheerful and refreshed like never before; Kisara smiled dearly at the grinning boy who shot up to his feet and started preparing breakfast, urging the girl to relax. He needs to make up to her after the awful things he told her.  When everything was prepared, he used the wooden spoon to hit the pan and wake everyone up - Those sleepyheads! Now it was them freaking out over those nightmares; Polnareff even commented on her brother having those words carved into his flesh and acting like a lunatic - But what a surprise, none of them had any worldly evidence anymore!
The red head even decided to change the baby's diaper. He pulled his sister by his side, giggling like a child as he put shit in the baby's food, and force-fed him. "Can you ever forgive me? I was unfair to you. I was sure not even you believed me." he smiled sheepishly. "But I figured it out. The Baby's Stand caused my nightmares - It was attacking me in my dreams. I could only remember because I had Hierophant Green out. The others don't remember a thing." "Nori, I promise you, as your big sister, I will believe you, even if you say the most outlandish of things." she hugged her brother tightly. "You weren't in the dream. Did Marilyn protect your sleep?" the boy asked, a little confused. "I didn't sleep last night." she smiled dearly at him. "I promised I'd be watching over you until you figure it out- And you did. I'm so proud of you, my brilliant brother." Noriaki kissed the top of his sister's head. "Thank you for believing in me, Kisa. You're the best sister anyone could ever ask for." "Don't tell that to Polnareff, or he'll go crazy." she chuckled playfully.
The only one who's mind lingered on this weird coincidence for a little longer was Jotaro, who found it so odd that everyone was acting the complete opposite as the previous day; And the siblings made up with such ease. Could something really have happened in their nightmares, and he couldn't remember either? Could he also have been afflicted by the very same thing Kakyoin was, and he had no clue? Regardless, he sure as hell was sleepy.
With the rescue team arriving, they left the baby at the doctor and embarked on this fast-ship across the Red Sea, as they prepare to enter Egypt - But before they arrive in Egypt, they must make a small detour towards this small island to retrieve someone vital to this journey. A man, living alone, on this small, deserted island.
... Or Mangos from India, as Polnareff gathered.
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ofyorkshire · 7 months
i need to clean up bj's verses, i think, especially since i've been doing a lot more in his modern verse, and splitting it up into decades ('70s, '80s) doesn't really work.
uhh, this is kind of for my own reference to look at later, but feel free to weigh in! canon verses are always something i hate figuring out LOL.
instead of splitting it up into years, i think i'll split it up into "chapters" of bj's life. so maybe like:
pre-canon (early to mid-teens; briefly on the streets after having left laws, struck out and is being managed/employed by john dawson at the karachi club; once he starts working for dawson, he is given a little bedsit on spencer mount, west (?) yorkshire)
[leaving a gap bc all of 1974 happens from early december to christmas and i can't really imagine there being much room at all to actually write anything here except with other red riding canons which... do not exist. LOL.]
on the run (mid-teens; bj is hiding out with clare from the police; still working, but doing so independently and supplementing with petty shoplifting)
gang days (late teens to early twenties; clare is dead; bj has joined the spencer boys for protection, a rough street gang run by joe rose; robberies and drug trade have become his primary income; his substance abuse problems are at their worst)
hospital stay (early twenties to mid-twenties; i'd need to re-check how long he's supposed to stay there, but bj has been admitted to a hospital after what nurses tell him was a suicide attempt (it was attempted murder, but bj can't remember what happened). he's not especially stable, but he gets sober here and begins to realize that everything has been laws' fault all along. still gentle, but getting bitter and angry the longer he sits with it.)
[gap? is there any point, i wonder, in having a bj-actively-seeking-revenge-on-laws verse? he pretty much goes immediately to find him after leaving the hospital. the only thing that would almost make it worth it is that this bj is wildly different from the others and ironically the most unstable he's been. he's running on anger, hate, and fumes. quick to bite bite bite bite bite no matter who it is. get away from him. get away.]
post-canon, early freedom (mid-twenties; stumbling around, still very unsteady and new to existing on his own, without someone or something breathing down his neck. high risk of relapsing, but trying to avoid letting it get as bad as it was. briefly moves to blackpool, but leaves as soon as he's able. still finding his way through the fog.)
post-canon, recovering (mid-twenties to late-twenties or early thirties; getting and staying more or less sober (especially in his modern verse); may move out of the uk to another country to get as far away from old ghosts as possible; able to get his own flat, still wobbly and still has some very bad days, but he feels more his own by this point and can finally see the possibility of carving something good out for himself.)
and then if they occur in a modern au or whatever au, i'll use that as an additional tag...?
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awfulwordmonger · 2 years
I was fifteen, and the year was 1970. I was traveling with my family, moving from Kabul, Afghanistan to Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Not a route traveled by many, especially with two German Shepherds and two Siamese cats, one of whom was very pregnant! We arrived, at night, in Karachi, Pakistan. It was warm and muggy, even in February. We had been traveling all day, with about a ton of luggage and all the pets in separate pet carriers, down in the luggage hold. The cat carriers were not designed to be down there, just cardboard boxes with handles that fit through slots in the two end flaps of the box. The only way to keep the box closed was to hold onto the handles as you lifted the box! I remember the parents being perturbed that PIA wouldn't allow us to keep the cats in the passenger cabin with us.
Karachi Airport, Domestic Terminal - in 1970 it was not, in any way, shape or form, a modern transportation hub! If you've seen many old movies, you've seen the building - one story, 1930's architecture, haphazard layout, large garage doors where the luggage carts roll straight from the ramp into the baggage claim area. A few guards hanging around, mostly disinterested. Benches for the people waiting for luggage, and lots of Pakistanis hanging around to see if they could pick up a few Rupees hauling bags out to the taxi stand.
We were sitting around for about 15 minutes before the bags came in. One separate cart for the two very unhappy dogs in their cages. Lots of noise whenever anyone (except family) got within about 15 feet of them. Then the next luggage cart, with the bags and two cat carriers. Except there was one problem: one of the cat carriers had no cat in it!
Mom was starting to become unglued. Which cat?! if it was the female that was missing, what if she had taken off to start having kittens? If it was the male, then what? Where? How? Lots of questions without answers.
Dad, in his usual fashion, took charge. Where are the men that unloaded the airplane? Show us the baggage compartment! Somehow, on the run, my Dad and I started tracking the cat. Mom and my older brother stayed with the luggage (a really good idea not to leave luggage unattended in that part of the world!) and the pets.
So, here we are, Dad and I, checking out the baggage compartment of a Hawker Siddley Trident, with a few Pakistani bag handlers and maybe one English speaker translating. "Oh yes, Sahib! We saw a cat jump out of the airplane as soon as we opened the hatch! It went that way (pointing to the Terminal we had just come from)! Very, very fast, Sahib!"
Back to the Terminal, asking everyone we saw which way the cat had gone. And slowly but surely we tracked the cat into an area used by the airport security guards as their changing room, complete with showers, etc., and the into the main electrical junction box for the entire airport, located in the back of the shower room!
Someone pointed to the massive door of the junction box. It was hanging open about a foot, prevented from opening further by the myriad wires connecting the switches on the front of the door to the rat's nest of wires within. And there, in the back of the box were the two glowing eyes of our cat, not blinking, not moving, and not perceptibly breathing.
No one wanted to reach into that box. The sign on the door read something like "Caution! 6000 Volts!". Oh, crap. Is the cat alive? We couldn't tell from looking at it. Shouldn't he at least blink once in a while? Shouldn't we be able to see breathing? And finally, shouldn't there be a smell of burned fur if he's dead? No smell, so therefore he must be alive!
By this time, we'd been joined by a higher-up in the airport management. He agreed that yes, we should rescue the cat, but that we should please wait for someone to shut down part of the box first. Okay! and we waited, standing there in the shower room, with guards coming in and out taking their showers, water puddled on the floor, lots of Pakistanis interested in what these crazy Americans were up to. And we waited...
Finally, someone authoritative said that it must be okay now. But who can reach in to grab the cat? Eventually, the adults eyes turned to me. Long. thin arms. Perfect! So, I "volunteered" to do the job. On my hands and knees, I positioned myself so I could reach as far as possible, with one arm (my left, as I recall). Being as careful as I could not to touch any wires, I slowly extended my arm, and finally felt fur. I grabbed the scruff of his neck and started pulling.
There was now no way to avoid all the wires. Still, keeping my arm as straight as I could, I pulled the cat past the wires, and at last, after what seemed like a very long time, I had him! I wrapped both arms around him an hugged him to my chest, thinking he might still be panicked, and start the chase all over again! Thankfully, he seemed content to be in my arms. That made two of us!
A minute or two later, while we were still congratulating ourselves and thanking the Pakistanis, the man who had gone away to get the power shut down returned. He proudly announced, "Just a few more minutes, please. Then it will be safe!"
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Overcoming Construction Challenges with Ready Mix Concrete in Pakistan
 The construction industry in Pakistan is undergoing a transformation, with increasing demands for efficient, durable, and cost-effective building materials. One such material that has gained widespread recognition is ready mix concrete. This pre-mixed solution, created in batching plants and delivered directly to construction sites, has proven to be a game-changer in addressing numerous construction challenges in Pakistan. Whether it's ensuring quality, reducing labor, or improving project timelines, ready mix concrete offers distinct advantages over traditional concrete mixing methods. In this article, we’ll explore how ready mix concrete is helping the construction sector in Pakistan overcome its toughest hurdles.
What is Ready Mix Concrete?
Ready mix concrete (RMC) is a type of concrete that is pre-mixed in a factory or batching plant, delivered in a ready-to-use form. Unlike site-mixed concrete, which requires batching, mixing, and quality control at the construction site, ready mix concrete ensures consistent quality and efficiency. It consists of cement, aggregates, water, and sometimes admixtures, all of which are measured precisely and mixed under controlled conditions.
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Importance of Ready Mix Concrete in Pakistan’s Construction Sector
In Pakistan, the construction industry faces unique challenges, including inconsistent material quality, labor shortages, fluctuating project timelines, and cost overruns. Ready mix concrete in Pakistan addresses these challenges by providing high-quality, durable, and consistent concrete, which is critical for projects of all sizes—ranging from residential homes to large-scale infrastructure.
By using ready mix concrete, construction companies can improve their overall project management, reduce delays, and meet the growing demand for modern infrastructure in Pakistan’s urban centers like Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad.
Key Challenges in Pakistan’s Construction Industry
1. Inconsistent Quality of Materials
One of the major challenges faced by the construction sector in Pakistan is the inconsistency in material quality. When mixing concrete on-site, the quality of raw materials like cement, sand, and aggregates can vary greatly, leading to weaker structures or costly repairs down the line. This variability makes it difficult for construction managers to maintain the required strength, durability, and safety standards in projects.
Solution with Ready Mix Concrete: Ready mix concrete is produced in a controlled environment, ensuring that the mix has consistent proportions of materials every time. The raw materials are sourced from certified suppliers, and every batch undergoes strict quality checks. As a result, using ready mix concrete in Pakistan helps builders achieve more reliable and durable construction outcomes.
2. Labor Shortages and Skill Gaps
Labor shortages and a lack of skilled workers are common issues faced by the construction industry in Pakistan. This can result in inefficient work processes, project delays, and compromised quality when relying on traditional methods of mixing concrete on-site. Skilled labor is often required to manually measure and mix concrete ingredients accurately.
Solution with Ready Mix Concrete: Ready mix concrete eliminates the need for on-site mixing, reducing dependency on labor and lowering the risk of human error. Since the concrete arrives ready to pour, construction workers can focus on placing and finishing the concrete. This results in faster, more efficient project completion without sacrificing quality.
3. Project Delays
Delays in construction projects are a significant problem in Pakistan, often caused by inefficient material handling and preparation. With on-site mixing, the process can be time-consuming, as materials need to be transported, stored, and mixed at the site. Weather conditions and unplanned events can further slow down the process, leading to project timelines being extended.
Solution with Ready Mix Concrete: Using ready mix concrete in Pakistan helps minimize delays because it streamlines the process. Concrete is delivered to the site in a timely manner, with no need for on-site preparation. This ensures that even large-scale projects stay on track, as the concrete can be poured as soon as it arrives. Contractors can plan their construction phases more efficiently, knowing that their material supply is reliable and punctual.
4. Cost Overruns
Cost overruns are a frequent challenge in construction projects, especially when site-mixed concrete is used. Inconsistent material quality, wastage, labor inefficiencies, and project delays all contribute to increased costs.
Solution with Ready Mix Concrete: While ready mix concrete may seem like a more expensive option upfront, it offers long-term cost savings. Its consistency and quality reduce the need for repairs or rework, while the streamlined delivery process cuts down on wasted materials and labor. By reducing project delays and ensuring that work progresses smoothly, using ready mix concrete in Pakistan leads to lower overall project costs.
5. Environmental Impact
The construction industry is often criticized for its environmental impact, with concrete production being a major contributor to CO2 emissions and other pollutants. Traditional concrete mixing methods also lead to material waste and inefficiency, which further increases the environmental footprint.
Solution with Ready Mix Concrete: Ready mix concrete production can be a more sustainable option, as batching plants are equipped with modern technology that allows for optimized production, reducing wastage. Additionally, many ready mix concrete providers in Pakistan are adopting eco-friendly practices, such as recycling water used in the production process and sourcing sustainable raw materials. By using ready mix concrete in Pakistan, builders can help reduce the environmental impact of their projects.
Advantages of Ready Mix Concrete in Pakistan
1. Enhanced Quality Control
One of the biggest advantages of using ready mix concrete is the high level of quality control it provides. Every batch is produced in a controlled environment, ensuring precise proportions of cement, water, aggregates, and admixtures. This consistency is crucial for ensuring the strength and durability of the concrete used in projects.
By choosing ready mix concrete in Pakistan, builders can rely on a consistent supply of high-quality material that meets international standards, reducing the risk of structural issues in the long run.
2. Time-Saving and Efficient
Ready mix concrete significantly reduces construction time since it eliminates the need for on-site preparation and mixing. The concrete is delivered directly to the project site in ready-to-use form, allowing for immediate placement. This time-saving benefit is particularly important for large-scale projects where delays can have a cascading effect on project timelines.
Whether it's for high-rise buildings in Karachi or infrastructure projects in Islamabad, ready mix concrete in Pakistan offers a faster, more streamlined construction process.
3. Cost-Effective in the Long Term
While the initial cost of ready mix concrete might be higher than site-mixed concrete, it is far more cost-effective in the long run. The precision and quality control involved in producing ready mix concrete reduce the chances of errors and rework. Additionally, the time saved by using ready mix concrete translates to lower labor costs and a quicker return on investment.
4. Reduced Material Wastage
When mixing concrete on-site, it's common to see material wastage due to incorrect proportions, spillage, or unused batches. Ready mix concrete, on the other hand, is produced in exact quantities based on the project’s requirements, minimizing waste. This not only helps in keeping costs down but also makes the construction process more sustainable.
5. Improved Safety
Handling raw materials on construction sites often poses safety risks to workers. By using ready mix concrete in Pakistan, contractors can reduce the need for material handling on-site, which in turn minimizes the risk of accidents and injuries. The concrete arrives pre-mixed and ready to be poured, reducing the need for heavy lifting and manual labor.
6. Versatility
Ready mix concrete can be customized to meet the specific needs of any construction project. Whether you’re building a commercial tower or a residential home, the mix can be tailored to provide the right strength, workability, and durability for the project. This versatility makes it a preferred choice for a wide range of construction applications in Pakistan.
Ready mix concrete has become an indispensable material in Pakistan’s construction sector, offering solutions to many of the challenges faced by builders today. From ensuring consistent quality and reducing labor dependency to improving project timelines and lowering overall costs, ready mix concrete in Pakistan is reshaping the way construction projects are executed.
As demand for modern infrastructure continues to rise in Pakistan’s growing cities like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad, ready mix concrete will play an increasingly critical role in meeting these needs. By choosing ready mix concrete in Pakistan, contractors and developers can achieve better results, faster completion times, and more sustainable building practices.
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govtjobme · 24 days
Sarah Khan Biography | Wiki, Career, Photos & More
Renowned Pakistani actress Sarah Khan is well-known for her roles in dramas on television. She started her acting career in the early 2010s and received popularity for her various performances. She was born on January 22, 1992, in Karachi, Pakistan. In 2012, Khan made her screen debut in the drama “Bari Aapa,” which launched a lucrative career. Her parts in well-known plays like “Mohabbat Subh Ka Sitara Hai,” “Kaisi Terii Khudgarzi,” and “Raqs-e-Bismil” have earned her praise. Khan has gained both a devoted fan base and critical acclaim for her captivating performance and magnetic persona. In addition to her acting profession, she is well-known for her social problem campaigning and charitable work. Sarah Khan is still a prominent figure in Pakistan’s entertainment sector, and her influential work has helped it to expand and become more diverse.
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alfalahhost92 · 1 month
Concrete Pump Karachi: Essential Tips for First-Time Users
If you're embarking on a construction project in Karachi, a concrete pump Karachi is an invaluable tool to streamline the process. For first-time users, navigating the world of concrete pumps can be daunting. This guide will provide essential tips to help you get the most out of your concrete pump Karachi experience.
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Understanding the Basics of Concrete Pumps:
A concrete pump Karachi is designed to transfer liquid concrete through pipelines to the desired location, making it ideal for large-scale projects. Whether you're working with ready mix concrete Pakistan or any other type of concrete, understanding how these pumps operate is crucial for efficient construction.
Choosing the Right Concrete Pump for Your Project:
Selecting the right concrete pump Karachi depends on the specifics of your project. There are several types available, including boom pumps and line pumps. Boom pumps are suitable for high-rise buildings and large-scale projects, while line pumps are ideal for smaller, more straightforward jobs. Assess your project requirements and consult with experts to choose the best option.
Preparing for Concrete Pumping:
Proper preparation is key to successful concrete pumping. Ensure that the area where the concrete pump Karachi will operate is clear and accessible. For projects using ready mix concrete Pakistan, coordinate with your supplier to schedule timely delivery and avoid delays. Make sure the concrete mix is well-prepared to avoid blockages in the pump.
Operating the Concrete Pump Safely:
Safety should always be a priority when using a concrete pump Karachi. Ensure that all operators are trained and familiar with the equipment. Follow all manufacturer guidelines and safety protocols to prevent accidents and equipment damage. Regular maintenance and inspections are also essential to keep the pump in optimal working condition.
Managing Concrete Flow:
Controlling the flow of ready mix concrete Pakistan through the concrete pump Karachi is crucial for achieving the desired consistency and strength. Ensure that the pump is calibrated correctly and that the concrete is mixed to the right specifications. Monitoring the flow throughout the process will help in achieving better results and preventing potential issues.
Cleaning and Maintenance:
After completing your project, proper cleaning and maintenance of the concrete pump Karachi are essential to ensure longevity and performance. Clean the pump thoroughly to remove any residual concrete, and inspect for any wear or damage. Regular maintenance will help in avoiding breakdowns and ensuring that the equipment remains in good condition for future use.
Troubleshooting Common Issues:
Even with careful planning, issues may arise during the use of a concrete pump Karachi. Common problems include blockages, inconsistent flow, and mechanical failures. Familiarize yourself with common troubleshooting techniques and consult with professionals if necessary to resolve any issues promptly.
Using a concrete pump Karachi can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your construction project. By understanding the basics, choosing the right equipment, preparing adequately, and following safety and maintenance guidelines, first-time users can make the most of their concrete pumping experience. Whether you’re working with ready mix concrete Pakistan or other types of concrete, these tips will help you achieve the best results for your project.
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emergingkarachi · 8 months
عروس البلاد سے کھنڈرات تک
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پاکستان میں ایک ماہ قیام کے دوران خوب سیاسی گہماگہمی دیکھنے کو ملی لیکن میں اس وقت پاکستان کی سیاسی صورتِ حال پر کچھ کہنے کی بجائے کراچی کی صورتِ حال خاص طور پر کراچی کی بے ہنگم ٹریفک پر کچھ کہنے کو ترجیح دوں گا، شاید کہ کچھ بہتری پیدا ہو جائے۔ کراچی کسی دور میں روشنیوں کا شہر کہلاتا تھا لیکن اب یہ شہر ہر لحاظ سے تاریکیوں میں ڈوبے ہوئے ایک شہر کا منظر پیش کرتا ہے۔ تاریخ میں ٹیکسلا، موہنجودڑو اور ہڑپہ کے کھنڈرات کے بارے میں پڑھا ہے لیکن کراچی دنیا کا واحد شہر ہے جو سب کی آنکھوں کے سامنے کھنڈرات کا روپ اختیار کرتا جا رہا ہےاور کسی کو اسکی کوئی پروا ہی نہیں ہے۔ سیاستدان تو کراچی کی سیاست کا بیڑہ غرق کر چکے ہیں لیکن کراچی کے عوام بھی اس شہر کو کھنڈر بنانے میں پیش پیش ہیں۔ ترکیہ میں فروری 2023ء میں آنے والے شدید زلزلے میں بڑے پیمانے پر عمارتیں ملبے کا ڈھیر بن گئی تھیں لیکن حکومتِ ترکیہ نےزلزلے سے متاثرہ شہروں کے درمیان کسی قسم کا امتیاز کیے بغیر جس تیزی سے ان شہروں کوآباد کرنا شروع کیا اس کی تاریخ میں کوئی مثال نہیں ملتی۔ ہمیشہ کہتا رہا ہوں بلدیاتی ادارے کسی بھی شہر کی ترقی، اس کی تعمیر نو، نکاسی آب ، بجلی اور گیس کی فراہمی کے علاوہ اس شہر کی ثقافت کو اجاگر کرنے میں بڑا نمایاں کردار ادا کرتے ہیں۔ 
اسی سوچ کے ساتھ جب طویل عرصے بعد کراچی پہنچا تو ذہن میں یہی تھا کہ کراچی تو پاکستان کا اقتصادی حب ہے، پاکستان کی ترقی کی علامت ہے، سب کچھ اس کے ارد گرد ہی گھومتا ہے تو یقینی طور پر پہلے سے زیادہ روشن ہو گیا ہو گا لیکن کیا دیکھتا ہوں کہ کراچی شہر جو پورے ایشیا میں ساٹھ اور ستر کی دہائی میں سیاحوں کا مرکز ہوا کرتا تھا، ملبے کا ڈھیر بنا ہوا ہے۔ پورے ��ہر کی سڑکوں کے دونوں کناروں کے ساتھ ساتھ سڑکوں کے درمیانی حصوں میں ملبے کو سجا کر رکھا گیا ہے، کراچی بلا شبہ اس وقت دنیا کے سامنے بڑی تیزی سے کھنڈرات کا روپ اختیار کرتے ہوئے پاکستان کے کھنڈررات ٹیکسلا، ہڑپہ اور موہنجوداڑو کی صف میں شامل ہونے کی تیاریاں کر رہا ہے۔ ترکیہ کے کئی شہروں کو زلزلے کی وجہ سے ملبے تلے آتے ہوئے دیکھا اور اب غزہ جس پر اسرائیل شدید بمباری جاری رکھے ہوئے ہے کو تباہ و برباد اور ملبے کا ڈھیر بنتے ہوئے دیکھ رہے ہیں لیکن مجھے یہ سمجھ نہیں آئی کہ کراچی جہاں ہمیں زلزلے کے جھٹکے محسوس کیے جانے کی کبھی کوئی خبر نہیں ملی اور خدا نہ کرے کہ کوئی ملک یہاں بمباری کرئے جیسا کہ نہیں ہوا تو پھر یہ شہر کیسے ملبے کا ڈ ھیر بن گیا ہے۔ 
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ایک جیتے جاگتے شہر کو یونیسیف کے ثقافتی کھنڈرات کی فہرست میں شامل کرنے پر نہ صرف کراچی کے سیاستدان بلکہ کراچی کے عوام خود تُلے ہوئے ہیں اورکسی دور میں ایشیا کے روشنیوں کے اس شہر کو جیتے جاگتے گنیز بک آف ورلڈ ریکارڈ کے کھنڈرات کی فہرست میں شامل کرنے جا رہے ہیں۔ بہت سے قارئین کو یاد ہو گا کہ کسی دور میں کراچی شہر کی سڑکوں کو رات میں دھویا جاتا تھا اور پیدل چلنے والوں اور کار سواروں کے تحفظ کا خاص خیال رکھا جاتا تھا، اب اسی کراچی کی سڑکوں پر ایسی بے ہنگم ٹریفک ہے جہاں ایسے لگتا ہے ک’’ اب حادثہ ہوا کہ اب ‘‘ (البتہ کراچی کے ڈرائیور ز کو یہ مہارت حاصل ہے کہ وہ حادثے سے صرف ایک سیکنڈ قبل ہی بریک لگا کر حادثہ نہیں ہونے دیتے) ایسی ٹینشن شاید ہی دنیا کے کسی شہر میں محسوس ہوتی ہو۔ کراچی میں بڑی تیزی سے ہر روز موٹر گاڑیوں اور موٹر سائیکلوں کی تعداد میں اضافہ ہوتا جا رہا ہے جبکہ اہل کراچی اور پولیس کے اعلیٰ حکام کے مطابق کراچی میں موٹر سائیکل سواروں میں سے ساٹھ فیصد اور کار ڈرائیورز میں سے نصف کے لگ بھگ ڈرائیونگ لائسنس رکھنے کی ضرورت ہی محسوس نہیں کرتے۔ 
البتہ پولیس کے ہتھے چڑھنے پر ’مک مکا‘ سے کام چلا لیا جاتا ہے لیکن کراچی کے عوام نے لائسنس نہ بنوانے کی قسم کھا رکھی ہے۔ کراچی کی سڑکوں پر ایک دو مقامات کے سو ا کہیں بھی سڑکوں پر نہ زیبرا کراسنگ اور نہ ہی مارکنگ یا لائنیں دکھائی دیتی ہیں جس کا بھر پور فائدہ اٹھاتے ہوئے موٹر سائیکل سوار زِگ زَیگ کرتے ہوئے نہ صرف خود کو خطرے میں ڈالتے ہیں بلکہ ٹریفک کے قانون کی مکمل پاسداری کرنے والے شخص کی زندگی کو بھی خطرے میں ڈالتے ہیں۔ موٹر سائیکل سوارپٹرول کی بچت کی خاطر پہلے فٹ پاتھ پر موٹر سائیکل چڑھاتے ہیں اور پھر وہیں سے ٹرن لیتے ہوئے فٹ پاتھ سے نیچے اُترکر سڑک کی دوسری جانب جانے کو اپنا حق سمجھتے ہیں۔ کراچی کی ٹریفک میں سب سے خطر ناک کام جس پر کسی کی جان کسی بھی وقت جا سکتی ہے دو رویہ سڑکیں ہونے کے باوجود موٹر سائیکل والے اور گاڑیوں والے جس راستے گاڑیاں وغیرہ گزر رہی ہوتی ہیں اسی راستے پر سامنے سے آکر (بجائے اوپر سے چکر لگا کر اور یو ٹرن سے موڑ کر پیچھے سے آئے) ایسی خطر ناک صورتِ حال پیدا کرتے ہیں کہ جس کی افریقی ممالک سمیت دنیا میں کوئی نظیر نہیں ملتی۔
کراچی میں انسانوں کی طرح زندگی گزارنے اور بے ہنگم ٹریفک پر قابو پانے کا بہترین طریقہ یہ ہے کہ سب کو ایک سے تین ماہ کی سخت ٹریننگ دینے، ان کا میڈیکل چیک اپ کروانے اور امتحان پاس کرنے اور میرٹ پر پورا اترنے کے بعدنئے لائسنس جاری کئے جائیں اور پھر ان لائسنسوں کی بھی ہر دو سال بعد تجدید کی جائے۔ جس سے کراچی میں کم از کم بے ہنگم ٹریفک جو نہ صرف عام باشندوں بلکہ غیرملکیوں کےلیے دردِ سر بنی ہوئی ہے پر قابو پانے میں مدد ملے گی اور روشنیوں کے شہر کی روشنی کی بحالی کے امکانات رو شن ہونگے۔
ڈاکٹر فر قان حمید
بشکریہ روزنامہ جنگ
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kafi-farigh-yusra · 4 months
~ یہ چراغ بجھ رہے ہیں, میرے ساتھ جلتے جلتے..
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~Yeh charaagh bujh rahay hain, mere saath jaltay jaltay..
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The Ultimate Guide to Solar Panel Cleaning in Karachi: Tips and Best Practices
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Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular in Karachi as more people turn to sustainable energy solutions. With the city’s sunny climate, solar panels are an excellent investment. However, to get the most out of your solar panels, regular maintenance is essential, particularly when it comes to keeping them clean. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about solar panel cleaning in Karachi, offering practical tips and best practices.
Why is Solar Panel Cleaning Important?
Karachi is known for its dusty environment, especially during the hot summer months. Dust, bird droppings, and pollution can accumulate on your solar panels, reducing their efficiency. Even a small layer of dirt can block sunlight, which means your panels won’t produce as much energy as they should. Regular solar panel cleaning in Karachi is necessary to maintain their efficiency and ensure you’re getting the maximum return on your investment.
When to Clean Your Solar Panels
The frequency of cleaning depends on your location and the specific conditions your panels are exposed to. In Karachi, where dust and pollution are common, it’s advisable to clean your panels every few months. However, if you notice a significant drop in your energy output, it might be time to clean them sooner. During the monsoon season, natural rain can help wash away some of the dirt, but it’s still a good idea to inspect your panels afterward.
DIY Solar Panel Cleaning Tips
If you’re considering cleaning your solar panels yourself, here are some tips to ensure you do it safely and effectively:
Safety First: Before you start, make sure to turn off your solar system. This will prevent any electrical hazards. If your panels are on the roof, ensure you have the proper safety equipment, like a harness or ladder.
Use the Right Tools: Avoid using abrasive materials that could scratch the surface of the panels. A soft brush, sponge, or microfiber cloth is ideal for cleaning. You can also use a garden hose to rinse off the dirt.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: It’s best to use plain water or a mild soap solution. Harsh chemicals can damage the panels’ surface and reduce their lifespan.
Clean in the Early Morning or Late Afternoon: The best time to clean your panels is when the sun is low. Cleaning during peak sunlight hours can cause water to evaporate quickly, leaving streaks on the panels.
Check for Damage: While cleaning, take the time to inspect your panels for any signs of damage, such as cracks or loose connections. Early detection of issues can prevent more significant problems down the line.
When to Hire a Professional Solar Panel Cleaning Service in Karachi
While DIY cleaning is possible, hiring a professional solar panel cleaning service in Karachi has its advantages. Professionals have the experience, tools, and expertise to clean your panels safely and thoroughly. They can also spot potential issues that you might miss. If your panels are difficult to access or if you’re not comfortable with the process, it’s best to leave it to the experts.
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How to Choose the Right Solar Panel Cleaning Service
When selecting a solar panel cleaning service in Karachi, consider the following:
Experience and Reputation: Look for a company with a solid track record and positive customer reviews. An experienced service provider will know how to clean your panels without causing any damage.
Insurance: Ensure the company has insurance that covers any potential damages during the cleaning process.
Cost: Get quotes from a few different companies to compare prices. Keep in mind that the cheapest option isn’t always the best. Consider the quality of service and the reputation of the company.
Additional Services: Some companies offer additional services such as panel inspections, minor repairs, and maintenance packages. These can be beneficial in keeping your solar system in top condition.
The Environmental Benefits of Regular Solar Panel Cleaning
Regular solar panel cleaning in Karachi isn’t just about maintaining efficiency; it’s also about contributing to a greener environment. Clean panels produce more energy, which means you rely less on fossil fuels. This reduces your carbon footprint and helps combat climate change. Additionally, well-maintained panels have a longer lifespan, reducing the need for replacement and the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new panels.
Common Myths About Solar Panel Cleaning
There are several misconceptions about solar panel cleaning that can lead to poor maintenance practices. Let’s clear up a few:
Rain is Enough:
While rain can help wash away some dirt, it’s not enough to keep your panels clean, especially in Karachi’s dusty environment.
Cleaning Isn’t Necessary:
Some people believe that solar panels don’t need cleaning at all. However, neglecting to clean them can significantly reduce their efficiency over time.
Any Cleaning Method Works:
Using the wrong tools or chemicals can damage your panels. It’s essential to follow best practices or hire a professional.
Solar panel cleaning in Karachi is an essential part of maintaining an efficient and long-lasting solar energy system. Whether you choose to clean your panels yourself or hire a professional service, regular maintenance will ensure you get the most out of your investment. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this guide, you can keep your panels in top condition and continue to enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable energy.
Remember, a little effort goes a long way in ensuring that your solar panels perform at their best, providing you with reliable and sustainable energy for years to come.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Events 8.15 (1800 to 1960)
von Laudon. 1824 – The Marquis de Lafayette, the last surviving French general of the American Revolutionary War, arrives in New York and begins a tour of 24 states. 1843 – The Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu, Hawaii is dedicated. Now the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu, it is the oldest Roman Catholic cathedral in continuous use in the United States. 1843 – Tivoli Gardens, one of the oldest still intact amusement parks in the world, opens in Copenhagen, Denmark. 1863 – The Anglo-Satsuma War begins between the Satsuma Domain of Japan and the United Kingdom (Traditional Japanese date: July 2, 1863). 1893 – Ibadan area becomes a British Protectorate after a treaty signed by Fijabi, the Baale of Ibadan with the British acting Governor of Lagos, George C. Denton. 1899 – Fratton Park football ground in Portsmouth, England is officially first opened. 1907 – Ordination in Constantinople of Fr. Raphael Morgan, the first African-American Orthodox priest, "Priest-Apostolic" to America and the West Indies. 1914 – A servant of American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, sets fire to the living quarters of Wright's Wisconsin home, Taliesin, and murders seven people there. 1914 – The Panama Canal opens to traffic with the transit of the cargo ship SS Ancon. 1914 – World War I: The First Russian Army, led by Paul von Rennenkampf, enters East Prussia. 1914 – World War I: Beginning of the Battle of Cer, the first Allied victory of World War I. 1915 – A story in New York World newspaper reveals that the Imperial German government had purchased excess phenol from Thomas Edison that could be used to make explosives for the war effort and diverted it to Bayer for aspirin production. 1920 – Polish–Soviet War: Battle of Warsaw, so-called Miracle at the Vistula. 1935 – Will Rogers and Wiley Post are killed after their aircraft develops engine problems during takeoff in Barrow, Alaska. 1939 – Twenty-six Junkers Ju 87 bombers commanded by Walter Sigel meet unexpected ground fog during a dive-bombing demonstration for Luftwaffe generals at Neuhammer. Thirteen of them crash and burn. 1939 – The Wizard of Oz premieres at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Los Angeles, California. 1940 – An Italian submarine torpedoes and sinks the Greek cruiser Elli at Tinos harbor during peacetime, marking the most serious Italian provocation prior to the outbreak of the Greco-Italian War in October. 1941 – Corporal Josef Jakobs is executed by firing squad at the Tower of London at 07:12, making him the last person to be executed at the Tower for espionage. 1942 – World War II: Operation Pedestal: The oil tanker SS Ohio reaches the island of Malta barely afloat carrying vital fuel supplies for the island's defenses. 1943 – World War II: Battle of Trahili: Superior German forces surround Cretan partisans, who manage to escape against all odds. 1944 – World War II: Operation Dragoon: Allied forces land in southern France. 1945 – Emperor Hirohito broadcasts his declaration of surrender following the effective surrender of Japan in World War II; Korea gains independence from the Empire of Japan. 1947 – India gains independence from British rule after near 190 years of British company and crown rule and joins the Commonwealth of Nations. 1947 – Founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah is sworn in as first Governor-General of Pakistan in Karachi. 1948 – The First Republic of Korea (South Korea) is established in the southern half of the peninsula. 1950 – Measuring Mw 8.6, the largest earthquake on land occurs in the Assam-Tibet-Myanmar border, killing 4,800. 1952 – A flash flood drenches the town of Lynmouth, England, killing 34 people. 1954 – Alfredo Stroessner begins his dictatorship in Paraguay. 1959 – American Airlines Flight 514, a Boeing 707, crashes near the Calverton Executive Airpark in Calverton, New York, killing all five people on board.
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kaisersolicitors · 2 months
Welfare Trust: Supporting Karachi’s Growth and Prosperity
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Millions of people call Karachi, the biggest city in Pakistan, home, and many of them endure difficult living circumstances. In Karachi, welfare trust play a leading role in tackling these issues by offering individuals in need support and vital resources. This article explores welfare trusts transformational power of welfare and essential function in society.
What is a Welfare Trust: A welfare trust is a charitable institution dedicated to resolving social problems and enhancing the lives of underprivileged people. Welfare trusts carry out a range of initiatives targeted at basic necessities, health, and education. They are funded by contributions and donations of labor. They want to improve communities and bring about long-lasting, constructive change by concentrating on those areas.
An Anthology of Caring and Assistance In Karachi, welfare trusts have a long history of kindness and assistance. These groups, which were founded to cater to the needs of the city's poorest citizens, are dedicated to changing things via focused projects and activities. Their strong sense of duty and desire to have a positive impact on people's lives drive their work.
Notable Advancements in Community Welfare Welfare trusts in Karachi make a wide range of significant contributions. A variety of services are included in their programs, which are intended to treat both short-term issues and long-term problems.
Our Identity: Custodians of the Public's Trust
Serving as a protector of public trust and ensuring that contributions are utilized wisely to assist people in need is the goal of a welfare trust. High honesty and a dedication to openness are prerequisites for this position. Welfare trusts gain credibility and confidence in the society by functioning according to these principles.
Programs Offered: A Dual Approach to Welfare Food Programs: Combating Undernourishment and Starvation Our extensive food programs, which include hospital meals, dastarkhwan, weekly rations bags, orphaned meals, and meal programs, are designed to fight hunger and give wholesome food to those who need it most. Packed with necessities like rice, oil for cooking, flour, and lentils, the Monthly Ration Bags make sure households have enough food to last a whole month.
Fostering Education: Investing in the Future We really think that the key to a better future is education. Our scholarship programs aim to end the cycle of illiteracy and unemployment and provide opportunity for poor students by supporting them in their academic endeavors. We funded 88 children's educations in June 2024 alone, demonstrating our dedication to developing young brains and realizing their full potential.
In summary The work of the Welfare Trust of Karachi is crucial to the well-being of the city's most marginalized residents. Through their projects, these trusts fight toward a more equal society and provide essential support. If we understand and support their efforts, we can all contribute to making Karachi a better place for everyone.
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