#Karachi infrastructure
emergingkarachi · 1 month
کراچی کا ماضی
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آج میں آپ کو ڈیڑھ سو برس پیچھے لے جانا چاہتا ہوں۔ آپ کو ماضی کی سیر کرانا چاہتا ہوں۔ آپ کو ویزا کی یا پاسپورٹ کی ضرورت نہیں پڑے گی۔ گزرا ہوا کل دیکھنے کے لیے آپ کو کسی قسم کا ٹکٹ خریدنے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔ بیتے ہوئے ادوار کی طرف ہوائی جہاز، ریل گاڑی اور بسیں نہیں جاتیں، میں آپ سے دنیا دکھانے کا وعدہ نہیں کرتا۔ ہیروشیما پر ایٹم بم گرانے کا بھیانک آنکھوں دیکھا حال میں آپ کو سنا نہیں سکتا۔ ہندوستان کے ایک جزیرہ انڈومان پر انگریزوں نے روح فنا کردینے جیسی جیل بنائی تھی۔ سمندر میں گھرے ہوئے انڈومان جیل میں سیاسی قیدیوں کو پابند سلاسل کیا جاتا تھا۔ انڈومان جیل میں آپ کو نہیں دکھائوں گا۔ میں آپ کو یہ بھی نہیں دکھائوں گا کہ شہنشاہ ہند اورنگزیب نے کس بیدردی سے اپنے تین بڑے بھائیوں کو قتل کروا دیا تھا۔ ماضی کی جھلک دکھاتے ہوئے میں اس بات پر بحث نہیں کروں گا کہ ہندو اور مسلمانوں میں پھوٹ ڈالنے کے لیے انگریز نے ریلوے پلیٹ فارم اور ریل گاڑیوں میں ہندو پانی اور مسلمان پانی، ہندو کھانے اور مسلمان کھانے کا رواج ڈالا تھا۔ میں آپ کو یہ بھی نہیں بتائوں گا کہ تب کراچی سے کلکتہ جانے کے لیے آپ کو ویزا کی ضرورت نہیں ہوتی تھی۔ آپ کو صرف ریل گاڑی کا ٹکٹ خریدنا پڑتا تھا۔ معاملہ کچھ یوں تھا کہ اگست انیس سو سینتالیس سے پہلے ہندوستان میں رہنے والے ہم سب لوگ پیدائشی طور پر ہندوستانی ہوتے تھے۔
کراچی، لاہور اور پشاور میں پیدا ہونے والے بھی پیدائشی ہندوستانی Born Indian ہوتے تھے۔ مدراس سے بمبئی آنے جانے پر روک ٹوک نہیں ہوتی تھی۔ ایسا ہوتا تھا ہمارے دور کا برصغیر، کڑھنے یا میری نسل کو برا بھلا کہنے سے زمینی حقائق بدل نہیں سکتے۔ اگست 1947ء سے پہلے ہندوستان کا بٹوارہ نہیں ہوا تھا۔ اگست 1947ء سے پہلے پاکستان عالم وجود میں نہیں آیا تھا۔ لہٰذا اگست 1947ء سے پہلے ہم سب نے ہندوستان میں جنم لیا تھا۔ تب کراچی، لاہور اور پشاور برٹش انڈیا کا حصہ تھے۔ یہ تاریخی حقیقت ہے، گھڑی ہوئی کہانی نہیں ہے۔ ہندوستان کی تاریخ میں ہمارا اہم اور بہت بڑا حصہ ہے۔ میں نے سیانوں سے سنا ہے کہ اپنے تاریخی اور ثقافتی حصہ سے دستبردار ہونا کسی بھی لحاظ سے مناسب نہیں ہوتا۔ اس لمبی چوڑی اور نامعقول تمہید کا مطلب اور مقصد بھی یہی ہے جو ابھی ابھی میں نے آپ کے گوش گزار کیا ہے۔ میں آپ کو سیر کروانے کے لیے لے جارہا ہوں مچھیروں کی چھوٹی سی بستی کی طرف۔ یہ بستی نامعلوم صدیوں سے بحر عرب کے کنارے آباد ہے۔ اب یہ چھوٹی سی بستی ایک بہت بڑے تجارتی شہر میں بدل چکی ہے۔ 
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یوں بھی نہیں ہے کہ ڈیڑھ سو برس پہلے مچھیروں کی چھوٹی سی بستی گمنام تھی۔ تب ٹھٹھہ معہ اپنے اطراف کے مشہور تجارتی شہر ہوا کرتا تھا۔ بیوپاری اپنا سامان ملک سے باہر بھیجتے تھے اور بیرونی ممالک سے برآمد کیا ہوا سامان اپنے ملک سندھ میں بیچا کرتے تھے۔ تاریخ کے بد خواہ بھی اعتراف کرتے ہیں کہ سندھ انگریز کے آنے سے پہلے خودمختار ملک تھا۔ سندھ کبھی بھی ہندوستان کا حصہ نہیں تھا۔ اٹھارہ سو تینتالیس میں سر چارلس نیپئر نے فتح کرنے کے بعد سندھ کو ترقی پذیر اور ترقی یافتہ دیکھنے کے لیے بمبئی یعنی ممبئی صوبے سے ملا دیا تھا ۔ اس طرح انیس سو تینتالیس میں سندھ ہندوستان کا حصہ بنا۔ یہاں مجھے ایک تاریخی بات یاد آرہی ہے بلکہ دو باتیں یاد آرہی ہیں۔ 1947ء میں تقسیم ہند کے موقع پر کسی مسلمان سیاستدان نے انگریز سے سوال نہیں اٹھایا کہ انگریز کی فتح سے پہلے سندھ ایک الگ تھلگ خودمختار ملک تھا۔ تقسیم ہند سے پہلے سندھ کبھی بھی ہندوستان کا حصہ نہیں تھا۔ کسی بھی موقع پر کسی سیاستدان نے یہ سوال انگریز سے نہیں پوچھا تھا کہ آپ لوگوں نے سندھ ایک آزاد ملک کے طور پر جنگ میں جیتا تھا، ہندوستان کے ایک حصے یا صوبہ کے طور پر نہیں۔ 
اب آپ سندھ کا بٹوارہ ہندوستان کے ایک صوبہ کے طور پر کیوں کررہے ہیں؟ آپ سندھ کو ایک آزاد ملک کی طرح آزاد کیوں نہیں کرتے؟ اسی نوعیت کی دوسری بات بھی ہمارے سیاستدانوں نے انگریز سے نہیں پوچھی تھی۔ انگریز نے مکمل طور پر جب ہندوستان پر قبضہ کر لیا تھا تب ہندوستان پر مسلمانوں کی حکومت تھی۔ یہاں سے کوچ کرتے ہوئے آپ نے ہندوستان کے ٹکڑے کیوں کر دیے؟ انڈونیشیا، ملائیشیا، سری لنکا، نیپال وغیرہ کی طرح ایک ملک کے طور پر ہندوستان کو آزاد کیوں نہیں کیا؟ اور سب سے اہم بات کہ آپ نے ہندوستان مسلمان حکمراں سے جیتا تھا، ہندوئوں سے نہیں۔ جاتے ہوئے آپ نے ہندوستان کی حکومت مسلمانوں کے حوالے کیوں نہیں کی تھی؟ ڈیڑھ سو برس بعد ایسے سوال فضول محسوس ہوتے ہیں۔ انگریز میں بے شمار اچھائیاں تھیں، بے شمار برائیاں تھیں۔ انہوں نے بھرپور طریقے سے ہندوستان پر حکومت کی تھی۔ کراچی کو ننھا منا لندن بنانے میں کوئی کسر اٹھا نہیں رکھی تھی۔ جنہوں نے 1947ء کے لگ بھگ لندن دیکھا تھا، وہ کراچی کو چھوٹا سا لندن کہتے تھے اور پھر کراچی جب ہمارے ہتھے چڑھا، ہم نے انگریز کی نمایاں نشانیاں غائب کرنا شروع کر دیں۔ 
دنیا بھر کے مشہور شہروں میں آج بھی ٹرام رواں دواں ہے۔ ہم نے ٹرام کی پٹریاں اکھاڑ دیں۔ ٹرام اور ڈبل ڈیکر بسوں کا رواج ختم کر دیا۔ مشرقی اور مغربی امتزاج کی ملی جلی عمارتوں میں ایک عمارت کا نام تھا پیلس ہوٹل، یہ انتہائی خوب صورت عمارت تھی، ہم نے گرا دی۔ ایسی کئی عمارتیں ایلفنسٹن اسٹریٹ اور وکٹوریا روڈ صدر پر شاندار انداز میں موجود ہوتی تھیں۔ ہم نے ان عالی شان عمارتوں کا ستیاناس کر دیا۔ جانوروں کے لیے شہر میں جابجا پانی کے حوض ہوا کرتے تھے، ہم نے اکھاڑ دیے۔ کراچی سے ہم نے اس کا ماضی چھین لیا ہے۔
امر جلیل
بشکریہ روزنامہ جنگ
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mariacallous · 7 months
Humanity’s superpower is sweating—but rising heat could be our kryptonite, and an average temperature rise of 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels could bring regular, fatal heat waves to large parts of the planet, says Tom Matthews, a senior lecturer in environmental geography at King’s College London.
“We have evolved to cope with the most extreme heat and humidity the planet can throw at us,” he explains. But when our core temperature gets to about 42 degrees Celsius (around 107.5 degrees Fahrenheit), people face heat stroke and probable death as the body strains to keep cool and the heart works harder, inducing heart attacks.
Matthews cites an example from his home country, the UK. In the summer of 2022, the UK broke its high temperature record, surpassing 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Scientists estimate there were roughly 3,500 heat-associated deaths that summer in the UK. Across Europe, they estimate high heat caused more than 60,000 deaths.
“At 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming, the likes of Lagos, Karachi, [and] Shanghai start to experience heat waves exceeding our limit. At 2 degrees Celsius, the events increase at least 10 times more often, and if we get to 8 degrees Celsius, a large fraction of the Earth’s surface would be too hot for our physiology and would not be habitable,” he says.
Air conditioning and heat-escape rooms would help, but we might need to abandon intense outdoor work such as rice farming in hotter regions. And these solutions will need to be able to meet demand. “The infrastructure must be able to withstand the surges when everyone turns on the air conditioning, and must be able to withstand hurricanes or floods,” he says.
Our best hope in the face of inevitable rises in heat? Cooperation. “We’ve built forecasting systems that will warn us when disasters are incoming by working together at enormous scale. We must continue to do the same.”
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mariammagsi · 6 months
Preserving the past...
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Heritage is a human right. ~ Marvi Mazhar, founder of Heritage Walk Karachi.
Karachi, once known as the City of Lights, harbours a mosaic of historical and cultural heritage within its bustling streets, especially in the Old Town area of Sardar. While visiting family this winter, I had the opportunity to participate in a guided walk organized by Heritage Walk Karachi, an initiative dedicated to unveiling the history and culture embedded in the city's stunning, yet decaying architecture and communal spaces. Last year, I had the privilege of taking this illuminating walk through the heart of Old Karachi alongside Shaheen Nauman, a guardian of the city's heritage and a passionate advocate for its preservation. This year, as we embarked on a similar journey, Shaheen’s forewarning resonated with an eerie prescience: “you will be heartbroken, and sad.” Her words, heavy with the weight of inevitable truth, prepared us for the disheartening changes that lay ahead. As we entered the neglected buildings, the palpable sense of loss and deterioration was overwhelming. The transformation witnessed over merely one year was stark, underscoring the rapid pace at which neglect and decay can erase the physical markers of our shared history. This guided walk showcased the tragically deteriorating architectural marvels and cultural vibrancy of Karachi’s past and highlighted a crucial aspect of our collective human rights – which includes the right to heritage.
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The concept of heritage as a human right is anchored in the belief that every individual is entitled to access, engage with, and reflect on our cultural heritage. This access enables us to connect with our identity, history, and the legacies, ways of living and migratory patterns of our ancestors. Unfortunately, as we meandered through the narrow lanes of Old Karachi, the stark contrast between the past's grandeur and the present's neglect was heart-wrenching. The dilapidation of historic buildings, lack of governmental maintenance, rampant, intolerable pollution, and a visible lack of empathy and tolerance for Karachi’s pluralistic past, are not just aesthetic issues but indicative of a deeper, more systemic disregard for our cultural heritage. A few steps into the alleys and we were dodging used diapers, drug paraphernalia, sharp, injurious objects, bodily waste, and large infestations of flies and mosquitos swarming over puddles of filthy, stagnant water.
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As someone visiting from the diaspora, the experience of walking through Old Karachi evoked a profound sense of concern and heartache. The neglect, pollution, and apparent lack of governmental maintenance not only tarnish the physical beauty of this historic area but also signify a deeper abandonment of our cultural patrimony. This disrepair is especially disheartening to witness for those of us who, despite having lived away, maintain a deep attachment to our city of birth. The emotional and intellectual dissonance experienced during this visit underscores an urgent need for collective and governmental action toward the preservation of our heritage. Honouring our history and heritage connects us with our past, guiding our future actions, trajectories and policies.
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Karachi's rich and pluralistic past is etched into the very fabric of its urban landscape. On the intricate balcony railings of colonial, pre-colonial and pre-partition buildings, one can trace the outlines of a city that once thrived on diversity and multicultural coexistence. These delicate ironworks and carved balustrades serve as silent witnesses to the times when Karachi was a bustling port, welcoming traders from across the globe. As the city expanded, the relentless push of concrete and modern infrastructure has overshadowed these historical markers, yet they persist, stubbornly holding onto the stories of a bygone era. In the soul-filled nooks and crannies of Saddar, layers of history are revealed in the narrow lanes and ancient structures, where every brick and cobblestone has a story to tell, from centuries-old mosques and temples standing shoulder to shoulder, to the faded frescoes that peek out from under layers of paint, hinting at the city’s vibrant past. These remnants of Karachi's pluralistic past continue to offer a glimpse into a time when the city was a melting pot of cultures, religions, and languages.
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The guided walk with Heritage Walk Karachi served as an ominous warning, of what is at stake. The architectural decay and environmental neglect witnessed along the way are not isolated issues but are symptomatic of a broader societal malaise – a disconnect from our historical roots and a disregard for the importance of conservation, both environmental and cultural. The degradation of these sites and streets erases the physical structures, as well as the intangible heritage that these buildings and spaces represent – the stories, traditions, and shared memories of a pluralistic community that once comprised of many Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Sufis and religious, spiritual and secular people that lived side by side, in harmony. This historical diversity is a cultural treasure that ought to be celebrated, preserved, and passed down to future generations. Yet, the devastating signs of neglect, illegal encroachments and destruction by the city’s intimidating land mafia paint a grim picture of indifference and a loss of communal memory.
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The importance of conservation cannot be overstated. Conservation is not merely about preserving bricks and mortar but about maintaining a tangible connection to our past, which in turn informs our present and future. Conservation efforts serve to remind us of the diverse narratives that have shaped our societies and the importance of inclusivity and tolerance in a society that is rapidly falling prey to intolerance, military industrialism, religious extremism, fascism and right-wing ideology.
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As residents, whether former or current, of Karachi and stewards of its rich history, we have a collective responsibility to advocate for the preservation of our heritage. It is imperative that we recognize heritage conservation as a matter of cultural pride, and as a fundamental human right. This requires a concerted effort from government bodies, local communities, and civil society organizations to enact policies and initiatives that prioritize heritage preservation. Moreover, fostering a sense of ownership and pride within the community can galvanize grassroots efforts to protect and celebrate our shared history.
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The journey with Heritage Walk Karachi is a clarion call to all stakeholders to awaken to the importance of our cultural heritage. In preserving the physical and intangible legacies of our past, we safeguard the essence of our identity and ensure that future generations can enjoy and learn from the richness of our shared heritage. From an intellectual standpoint, the visible deterioration of Old Karachi's heritage sites challenges us to reflect on the broader implications of such neglect. It raises pertinent questions about the values we, as a society, and our governmental bodies prioritize and the legacy we choose to leave for future generations. Heritage is not a relic of the past to be passively observed; it is an active, living testament to our collective history, achievements, and failures. The current state of Old Karachi serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of sidelining cultural heritage in favour of short-term gains.
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The ongoing genocide in Palestine, which includes a cultural genocide, and the systematic obliteration of heritage, culture, intellect, and history, serves as a critical warning of the importance of preserving our own heritage and history. Such events underscore the vulnerability of cultural identity in the face of occupation, colonialism and violent erasure and highlight the essential role that heritage plays in the collective memory and identity of a community. In conclusion, as we reflect on the guided walk through Old Town, Karachi, let us not see it merely as a nostalgic tour through a bygone era but as a mission to rekindle our connection with our heritage. Heritage is indeed a human right, one that we must all strive to protect and cherish.
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Raise Awareness: Share the rich history and significance of Karachi, through educational campaigns, social media, and community events. Encourage local schools, colleges, and universities to include the study Karachi’s heritage in their curriculum. Organize guided tours and heritage walks like Heritage Walk Karachi, to showcase the cultural and architectural gems of the area.
Advocate for Protection: Petition local authorities and government bodies to enforce strict regulations for the preservation of historical buildings and sites. Collaborate with heritage preservation organizations and activists to lobby for legal protection and funding for restoration projects. Work with city planners and policymakers to integrate heritage conservation into urban development plans.
Community Engagement: Foster a sense of pride and communal ownership among residents by involving them in preservation initiatives. Organize volunteer clean-up drives and maintenance efforts to keep historical sites and streets clean and well-maintained. Establish community forums and workshops to encourage dialogue and participation in decision-making processes related to heritage conservation.
Support Restoration Projects: Partner with private businesses, philanthropists, and cultural institutions to fund restoration efforts for endangered buildings and landmarks. Launch crowdfunding campaigns and seek donations from individuals passionate about preserving Karachi’s heritage. Encourage corporate social responsibility by inviting businesses to sponsor specific restoration projects in exchange for recognition and branding opportunities.
Promote Sustainable Tourism: Develop responsible tourism initiatives that highlight the unique cultural and architectural heritage of Karachi while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and local communities. Create tourism packages that include visits to historical sites, traditional markets, and cultural performances, benefiting local businesses and artisans. Train local guides and hospitality staff to provide informative and respectful experiences for visitors, emphasizing the importance of preserving heritage sites for future generations.
Document and Digitize: Establish archives and digital repositories to document oral histories, photographs, and other ephemera related to Karachi’s heritage. Collaborate with universities and research institutions to conduct studies and publish scholarly works on the history and architecture of the area. Develop virtual tours and interactive exhibits to make Karachi’s heritage accessible to a wider audience, including those unable to visit in person.
By promoting these calls to action, we can work together to safeguard the cultural, historical, and architectural legacy of Old Town, Karachi, for generations to come.
Photos + Text © Mariam Magsi 2024
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baileye · 7 months
In early 2022, when Daniyal Ahmed set off on a road trip from Karachi in Pakistan into the neighbouring province of Balochistan , his only contacts were a few distant connections who he hoped would lead him to a legendary musician within the region. After circling villages near Pasni, a fishing port on the Arabian sea about a six-hour drive from Karachi, Ahmed by chance spotted Ustad Noor Bakhsh on the side of a lonely road sitting next to his broken motorbike, waiting for help.
Ahmed is an anthropologist who teaches at Habib University, and had been chasing down masters like Bakhsh in remote regions across Pakistan. Bakhsh was already well known within Balochistan both as a solo benju (a type of zither) player and as Balochi vocalist Sabzal Sami’s accompanist for three decades. Ahmed was alerted to Bakhsh’s talents after he saw a video of him playing circulating on Facebook. A musician himself, he’s invested in amplifying regional talent that has become obscured in a country lacking robust infrastructure to support musicians, especially those who play traditional music.
When Ahmed told Bakhsh about his work, he was invited to stay, and over five days recorded an album’s worth of music by Bakhsh. In clips of sunset jams near the Shadi Kaur creek, Bakhsh sits cross-legged with his electric benju – his right hand expertly plucking strings on the base, his left moving rapidly up and down the keys on the neck – playing everything from Balochi compositions to Bollywood favourites, flanked by two damburag players, each holding a long-necked lute and keeping the beat.
Ahmed wasn’t just blown away by Bakhsh’s technique, but his ability to improvise, and play across forms. “The playing is virtuosic – it’s totally full of this spiritual energy,” says Ahmed, who has since become his manager. That first meeting changed both of their lives within a year. Ahmed’s Instagram stories of Bakhsh playing went viral, leading to press in Pakistan and India, an invitation to perform at Boiler Room’s debut broadcast in Karachi last June and then release an album, Jingul, in September, which received acclaim from Pitchfork. This summer, at the age of 78, he embarked on a 10-country European tour, including the huge Roskilde festival in Denmark.
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ultraconstruction · 1 year
Bitumen waterproofing pakistan
The Imperative of Waterproofing in Pakistan
Pakistan's climatic mélange, with its distinct seasons and varying precipitation patterns, places an onerous responsibility on its built environment. Whether it's the blistering dry spells that parch the land or the inundating rains that flood its streets, buildings face an unending barrage from the elements. Waterproofing isn't merely a luxury; it's a requisite armor against water's potentially destructive consequences.
This imperative is particularly pronounced in regions such as northern Pakistan, where the lofty mountains channel intense rainfall, often resulting in landslides and flooding. Similarly, in urban centers like Karachi, where concrete and steel dominate the landscape, waterproofing is vital to prevent the encroachment of water into buildings and infrastructure.
Deciphering Bitumen Waterproofing
Bitumen, a byproduct of crude oil, has emerged as a stalwart ally in the battle against water infiltration. Renowned for its dense, adhesive nature, bitumen is a natural choice for waterproofing solutions. Bitumen waterproofing entails the application of bitumen-based materials onto surfaces that require shielding from water and moisture. This process engenders an impervious barrier that staunchly repels water, fending off the potential decay that moisture can catalyze.
Diverse Applications of Bitumen Waterproofing
Roof Resilience
Roofs, often the first casualty of rain, benefit immensely from bitumen waterproofing membranes. These membranes, ranging from torch-applied to self-adhesive variants, ensure leak-free roofs, particularly vital for flat roofs common in commercial complexes.
Basement Bastion
The subterranean world of basements is perennially at risk of water infiltration. Bitumen coatings morph these vulnerabilities into strengths, empowering basements to thwart the ingress of water and obviate flooding risks.
Transportation Safeguarding
Roads, bridges, and tunnels are lifelines of connectivity. Bitumen-based waterproofing solutions armor these critical infrastructures against water's eroding effects, fostering their durability and reliability.
Foundational Fortification
Foundations are the bedrock of structural stability. Bitumen waterproofing offers a steadfast guard against groundwater intrusion, preserving the structural integrity of buildings and infrastructure alike.
Elevated Efficacy in Tunnels
As urbanization drives tunnel construction, bitumen waterproofing emerges as a beacon of protection, fortifying these passageways against the relentless pressure of groundwater.
The Advantages of Bitumen Waterproofing
Cost-Effective Reliability
Bitumen waterproofing is an investment in longevity. Its longevity translates into reduced maintenance and repair costs over time, which is an essential consideration in the resource-conscious environment of Pakistan.
Versatile Armor
Bitumen's versatility lies in its ability to adhere to diverse surfaces – from concrete to metal to wood. This adaptability ensures comprehensive protection across a range of structures.
Weathering the Storm
Pakistan's climatic volatility demands resilience. Bitumen's enduring properties make it a choice that can withstand the harshest of environmental challenges.
Streamlined Application
Bitumen application, while requiring expertise, is a well-established practice. Its relatively straightforward application process expedites the installation, minimizing disruptions.
Minimal Maintenance
The low-maintenance nature of bitumen waterproofing minimizes the need for frequent interventions, freeing resources and time for other pressing concerns.
In Pakistan, where architectural marvels intertwine with the grandeur of nature, the necessity of waterproofing is undeniable. Bitumen waterproofing stands as an emblem of protection, guarding structures against the capriciousness of climate. As Pakistan ventures into a future of heightened urbanization and expanding infrastructure networks, the dependability of bitumen waterproofing ensures that the nation's constructions can brave the elements while standing as resilient beacons of progress.
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Hey! Where did you visit in Pakistan? I'm going to live in Turkey for a few months next year and I have family friends visiting Karachi at the same time.. they invited me to fly there to meet up with them (they're originally from Karachi so familiar and can show me around) so I was thinking about doing that + being solo there for a bit. But I'm not very familiar culturally, I'm in my mid 20s and female, and my family friends were happy to invite me but sort of perplexed by my wanting to and essentially said it would be really challenging for any US tourist. I've been India before and that point will have also lived in Morocco for a few months.. but they have me feeling hesitant about it.. just wondering what your experience was like
Hey! This trip I was in Karachi, Islamabad and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa near the Afghan border, but I've also done Lahore, Mohenja-daro, Balochistan and also to Wagah for the border ceremony! Gilgit and Hunza Valley are on my list. I lived in Karachi for several years and graduated high school there, and my parents still live and work there, so I'm very culturally competent and my listening comprehension for Urdu is, like, passable enough especially once I've been back in the country for a few days; all this to say, my experience there is definitely different than yours will be! If you have spent significant time in Muslim-majority countries like Turkey and Morocco, and also have been to India, I think you are more likely to have a comfortable time than most. You'll frankly probably land and think, yeah this feels like South Asia but Muslim, and you'll have a good grasp pretty much right away.
Many people will stare at you. Many people will talk about you openly. Many people will ask for pictures with you or take pictures of you WITHOUT asking (for the record, I say yes to women and children and no to men without women or children around, because men will touch you in ways I KNOW are culturally taboo while taking a photo). There's no queuing culture and can be a lot of shoving. Traffic will feel tremendously hazardous. There are not very many women out and about in most places, especially outside of cities. Pakistan is very poor and petty theft is very common. You have probably experienced all of these things before and will be totally fine! People are very genuinely excited to meet you and are hugely hospitable. It can be a lot of fun and a really wonderful experience depending on your own risk tolerance.
I will say, having lived there, there just isn't a ton to do in Karachi besides eat. It's a desert on the ocean. It's incredibly hot, it's dirty, it's infrastructure is old and during monsoon sewage washes back onto the street. It's not a tourist city at all. If your family friends live in Defense, it will feel wealthier and more westernized, and if they live in KDA or Clifton, it will feel a little less so.
In Karachi I would suggest: The Mohatta Palace Museum, Empress Market (for the bazaar experience), one of those good barbecue places on the beach, Jinnah's tomb, renting a beach hut on one of the semi-private beaches for a day (and riding a camel or convincing a performer to let you hold a mongoose), Javed Nihari and if you do absolutely no other street food (which will often make you sick tbf), you HAVE to go to Yusuf Kebab and get a bun kebab special.
In Karachi I would AVOID: going to the public beach. Do NOT do this, if your family friends are Pakistani they might not guess how bad it gets, but do NOT go to the public beach as a foreign woman. I have been three times and was sexually assaulted all three times, and have never had it happen to me anywhere else in Pakistan. You draw an immediate big crowd and it gets really dodgy.
As for solo traveling, I have solo traveled in Lahore and it was great! It's feels like a grand Mughal city, a beautiful blend of architecture, historical sites, good food, and juuust enough tourist infrastructure to be accessible. I stayed in a hostel and had an amazing time, never felt unsafe, and liked some of my roommates so much we went out together several times. Islamabad is beautiful and very safe (crawling with foreigners) but it doesn't feel like the rest of Pakistan at all, and it can be really expensive. It's the only place I would suggest going into the mountains as a solo traveler (The Monal is an amazing mountain top restaurant) although I hear Hunza Valley can be okay during tourist season. Mohenja-daro would be totally fine but I don't know if they're open since the flooding earlier this year. You could do Wagah as a day trip from Lahore but it's a big time suck and there's nothing to do besides the very short border ceremony. I would definitely NOT go to KPK or Balochistan as a solo female.
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falisha-enterprises · 4 hours
Modernizing Karachi’s Construction with Ready Mix Concrete Technology
 The construction industry in Karachi is rapidly evolving to keep up with the city’s growing population and increasing demand for infrastructure development. One of the most significant advancements in this sector is the widespread use of ready mix concrete. Ready mix concrete offers a range of benefits that make it an ideal choice for various construction projects, from residential buildings to large-scale infrastructure.
In this article, we will explore the role of ready mix concrete in Karachi, its benefits, challenges, and how it is modernizing the construction landscape in one of Pakistan’s busiest cities.
The Growing Demand for Ready Mix Concrete in Karachi
As Karachi continues to expand, the demand for efficient, durable, and cost-effective construction materials has surged. The city is not only the largest in Pakistan but also the commercial and financial hub of the country. With more high-rise buildings, roads, bridges, and infrastructure projects underway, the need for reliable construction solutions is more critical than ever.
Ready mix concrete Karachi is emerging as a solution to meet these demands. This type of concrete is produced in a controlled environment at a batching plant and then delivered to construction sites in a ready-to-use form. It eliminates the need for on-site mixing, ensuring that the construction process is faster, more efficient, and less prone to errors.
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The Benefits of Ready Mix Concrete in Karachi’s Construction
1. Enhanced Quality Control
One of the most significant advantages of using ready mix concrete is the superior quality control it offers. Unlike traditional on-site mixing, where the quality of the concrete can be affected by environmental factors and human error, ready mix concrete is produced in a highly controlled environment. This ensures that the final product has a consistent quality, meeting the specific requirements of each project.
For large-scale projects in Karachi, where precision and reliability are paramount, the consistent quality of ready mix concrete ensures that the structures are more durable and have a longer lifespan.
2. Time and Labor Efficiency
In a city as fast-paced as Karachi, time is of the essence. Ready mix concrete significantly speeds up the construction process by eliminating the need for on-site mixing. Since the concrete arrives at the construction site ready to use, workers can focus on pouring and placing the concrete without any delays. This not only saves time but also reduces the need for skilled labor to handle the mixing process.
By improving efficiency, ready mix concrete allows construction companies to complete projects on time, reducing labor costs and avoiding penalties for delays.
3. Cost-Effective Construction
While ready mix concrete may have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional on-site mixing, it offers long-term cost savings. The precise mixing ratios and quality control processes result in fewer material wastages and minimize the risk of costly repairs or rework.
In Karachi’s competitive construction market, where budgets are often tight, these cost savings make ready mix concrete an attractive option for builders and developers.
4. Environmental Benefits
Sustainability is becoming a critical consideration in modern construction. Ready mix concrete plays a crucial role in reducing the environmental impact of construction activities. By producing concrete in a controlled environment, batching plants can optimize the use of materials, minimizing waste and energy consumption.
Additionally, the transportation of ready mix concrete in Karachi is more efficient, as it reduces the need for multiple on-site deliveries of raw materials. This leads to lower emissions and a reduced carbon footprint, contributing to the city’s sustainability goals.
Applications of Ready Mix Concrete in Karachi
The versatility of ready mix concrete makes it suitable for a wide range of construction projects across Karachi. Some of the key applications include:
1. Residential Buildings
In Karachi’s bustling housing market, ready mix concrete is widely used for constructing residential buildings, including houses, apartments, and high-rise complexes. Its ability to meet precise strength requirements makes it a popular choice for ensuring the safety and longevity of these structures.
2. Commercial and Industrial Projects
Ready mix concrete is also extensively used in the construction of commercial and industrial buildings. From office towers to factories and warehouses, this technology provides the durability and strength needed to support large-scale commercial activities.
3. Infrastructure Development
Karachi’s infrastructure is expanding at a rapid pace, with new roads, bridges, and public facilities being built to accommodate the city’s growing population. Ready mix concrete is playing a vital role in these infrastructure projects, providing a reliable material that can withstand heavy loads, harsh weather conditions, and frequent use.
For instance, ready mix concrete is often used in road construction, where its uniform strength ensures that roads are durable and resistant to cracking under pressure from traffic.
4. Marine and Coastal Structures
Given Karachi’s proximity to the coast, marine structures such as piers, jetties, and seawalls are an essential part of the city’s infrastructure. Ready mix concrete, with its ability to resist corrosion and water damage, is ideal for such structures, ensuring long-lasting performance in harsh marine environments.
Challenges in Using Ready Mix Concrete in Karachi
While the benefits of ready mix concrete are clear, there are also some challenges that builders in Karachi need to consider:
1. Logistics and Transportation
Transporting ready mix concrete from the batching plant to the construction site requires careful planning to ensure that the concrete arrives in optimal condition. In Karachi’s busy urban environment, traffic congestion can pose significant challenges. It is crucial to plan deliveries carefully and use specialized vehicles equipped with agitators to keep the concrete from setting during transit.
2. Cost Considerations
Although ready mix concrete offers long-term cost savings, the initial costs can be higher than traditional methods, particularly for small-scale projects. Builders in Karachi must weigh the upfront costs against the potential savings in labor, materials, and time.
3. Dependence on Weather Conditions
Like all concrete, ready mix concrete is affected by weather conditions, particularly high temperatures. In Karachi’s hot and humid climate, it is essential to take measures to prevent the concrete from setting too quickly during transportation or application. This may require using additives or cooling techniques to maintain the desired consistency and workability.
How Allied Materials is Leading the Way in Ready Mix Concrete Solutions
As Karachi continues to modernize its construction practices, companies like Allied Materials are at the forefront of providing innovative ready mix concrete solutions. With state-of-the-art batching plants and a commitment to quality, Allied Materials is helping builders in Karachi overcome the challenges of traditional construction methods.
By offering a wide range of ready mix concrete products tailored to the specific needs of different projects, Allied Materials ensures that builders can achieve the highest standards of quality and efficiency.
The Future of Ready Mix Concrete in Karachi
As Karachi’s construction industry continues to evolve, the role of ready mix concrete will only become more significant. Advances in technology, such as the development of high-performance concrete and sustainable materials, will further enhance the benefits of ready mix concrete in the city’s construction projects.
Moreover, as environmental regulations and sustainability initiatives gain momentum, the demand for eco-friendly construction materials like ready mix concrete will continue to grow. By reducing waste, improving energy efficiency, and minimizing emissions, ready mix concrete is paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future for Karachi’s construction sector.
Ready mix concrete in Karachi is transforming the city’s construction industry by providing a faster, more efficient, and environmentally friendly solution. Its ability to enhance quality control, save time and labor, reduce costs, and meet the demands of various construction projects makes it an invaluable asset to builders and developers.
As more companies adopt ready mix concrete technology, Karachi’s skyline will continue to rise, supported by strong, durable, and sustainable materials. For those looking to modernize their construction practices, ready mix concrete is the key to unlocking new levels of efficiency and success.
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alfalahhost92 · 2 days
Ready Mix Concrete Karachi: The Key to Stronger Foundations
In the ever-evolving construction landscape of Karachi, building structures that stand the test of time is more important than ever. One of the essential elements in achieving this goal is using high-quality concrete. Among the most reliable solutions available today is ready mix concrete Karachi, which has proven to be a game-changer in ensuring stronger and more durable foundations.
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Why Ready Mix Concrete Karachi is Gaining Popularity:
The rise in popularity of ready mix concrete Karachi is not without reason. It offers a level of quality and consistency that traditional on-site mixing methods often fail to achieve. By using ready mix concrete Karachi, construction projects can benefit from a product that is manufactured under controlled conditions, ensuring that each batch meets the exact requirements of the project.
Benefits of Using Ready Mix Concrete Karachi:
Consistency and Quality: One of the most significant advantages of ready mix concrete Karachi is its consistency. Since it’s prepared in a controlled environment, there is minimal room for error, resulting in a uniform mix that contributes to stronger foundations.
Time-Efficiency: Mixing concrete on-site can be a time-consuming process. With ready mix concrete Karachi, the material is delivered to the site ready for immediate use, allowing construction teams to save valuable time and complete projects faster.
Reduced Labor Costs: By opting for ready mix concrete Karachi, builders can cut down on the labor costs associated with on-site mixing. This not only reduces expenses but also minimizes the chances of human error, leading to a higher-quality end product.
Eco-Friendly: The use of ready mix concrete Karachi is also an environmentally friendly option. It minimizes waste and reduces dust and pollution at the construction site, making it a sustainable choice for builders.
How Ready Mix Concrete Karachi Ensures Stronger Foundations:
When it comes to building any structure, the foundation is crucial. It is the part of the building that supports the entire weight, and any compromise in its quality can lead to severe structural issues. Ready mix concrete Karachi provides a solution that ensures the foundation is as strong as possible. Its consistent mix, high-quality ingredients, and precise proportions make it the ideal choice for laying a foundation that can withstand the pressures of time and environmental factors.
The Role of Technology in Ready Mix Concrete Karachi:
The manufacturing process of ready mix concrete Karachi involves advanced technology, which guarantees the accuracy and precision of each batch. Modern batching plants are equipped with computerized systems that control the mixing process, ensuring that the final product meets the desired strength and durability. This level of technological integration sets concrete transit mixer karachi apart from traditional concrete mixing methods.
Applications of Ready Mix Concrete Karachi:
The versatility of ready mix concrete Karachi makes it suitable for a wide range of construction projects, including:
Residential Buildings: Ensuring a solid foundation for homes and apartment complexes.
Commercial Structures: Providing the strength needed for office buildings, shopping malls, and warehouses.
Infrastructure Projects: Offering durability for bridges, roads, and other large-scale infrastructure developments.
Conclusion: The Future of Construction with Ready Mix Concrete Karachi:
In a city as dynamic as Karachi, where construction projects are constantly on the rise, using the best materials is crucial. Ready mix concrete Karachi has proven to be the key to building stronger foundations, ensuring that structures are not only durable but also safe. By incorporating this modern solution into construction practices, builders can guarantee that their projects will stand tall for years to come. As the demand for high-quality construction continues to grow, ready mix concrete Karachi will undoubtedly remain at the forefront, shaping the future of Karachi’s skyline.
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afghanlogistics01 · 4 days
How to Navigate the Afghan Shipping Industry: A Step-by-Step Guide?
The Afghan shipping industry plays a vital role in connecting Afghanistan to global markets, despite the country's landlocked geography. Whether you're a local business looking to export or a foreign company interested in importing goods, navigating Afghan shipping can be a complex task. This guide will walk you through the key steps to understand and efficiently operate within this industry, highlighting essential strategies and the role of logistics companies.
Understanding the Afghan Shipping Landscape
Before diving into the steps, it's important to grasp the Afghan shipping industry's unique characteristics. Afghanistan's lack of direct access to the sea means that much of its shipping relies on regional partnerships with neighboring countries such as Pakistan, Iran, and the Central Asian republics. These countries provide access to ports and shipping routes through their territories. Major ports like Karachi (Pakistan) and Chabahar (Iran) serve as critical gateways for Afghan imports and exports.
The primary modes of transportation include trucking, rail services, and air freight. Afghanistan's rugged terrain and ongoing security concerns pose challenges to smooth transportation, but recent investments in infrastructure and regional cooperation have helped improve connectivity.
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Step 1: Identify Your Shipping Needs
The first step in navigating the Afghan shipping industry is to clearly define your shipping requirements. Are you importing or exporting? What kind of cargo are you handling—dry goods, perishables, or sensitive materials? These factors will determine the logistics solution you need.
Understanding the type of cargo also helps in choosing between road, rail, or air freight. While road transportation is the most commonly used, air freight is often preferred for time-sensitive or high-value goods, especially for international shipments. Rail services are limited but can offer a cost-effective option for bulk goods in certain regions.
Step 2: Partner with Reputable Afghan Shipping Companies
Choosing the right logistics provider is key to ensuring smooth shipping operations in Afghanistan. Many Afghan shipping companies have built a reputation for handling both domestic and international freight. These companies often specialize in navigating local regulations, customs clearance, and complex documentation.
Look for a shipping company with experience in the Afghan market, particularly one that understands regional trade routes and has strong partnerships with port authorities in Pakistan, Iran, or Central Asia. The Afghan shipping landscape can be tricky, so it's crucial to work with a partner that has a proven track record of reliability and security.
Step 3: Understand Customs and Regulatory Requirements
Afghanistan’s customs processes can be intricate due to the variety of products imported and exported. The Afghan government requires detailed documentation, including invoices, bills of lading, certificates of origin, and other compliance forms.
To avoid delays, make sure all documentation is complete and accurate. Your shipping provider can assist in navigating these procedures and ensure that your goods meet all regulatory requirements. Additionally, Afghanistan has trade agreements with several countries, offering preferential tariffs and streamlined customs processes. Familiarizing yourself with these agreements can save you both time and money.
Step 4: Select the Right Port of Entry
Given Afghanistan's landlocked status, choosing the right port of entry is crucial. The most frequently used ports include:
Karachi Port (Pakistan): This is Afghanistan's most traditional and widely used port. Goods transported from Karachi often enter Afghanistan via the Torkham or Chaman border crossings.
Chabahar Port (Iran): Chabahar is an emerging option for Afghan shipping. This port provides Afghanistan access to the sea through a more direct route, bypassing the crowded Karachi port.
Central Asia Ports (Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan): These northern ports offer rail connections into Afghanistan and are ideal for transporting goods to and from Central Asia and Europe.
Each port offers different advantages in terms of cost, transit time, and ease of access. Make sure to evaluate these factors when selecting your shipping route.
Step 5: Plan for Security and Risk Management
Afghanistan has long dealt with security challenges, including cargo theft, smuggling, and armed conflict. Therefore, risk management is an integral part of Afghan shipping. Many logistics providers offer secure transit services, such as armed escorts, GPS tracking, and insurance for high-value shipments.
In some cases, it’s worth investing in secure containers and other risk mitigation measures. The key to navigating Afghan shipping safely is thorough planning and partnering with a logistics company that prioritizes security.
Step 6: Optimize for Cost and Efficiency
Shipping to and from Afghanistan can be costly due to the multiple modes of transport involved and the added complexity of transiting through neighboring countries. To optimize costs, look for logistics providers that offer end-to-end solutions, combining various services such as warehousing, distribution, and customs clearance.
Additionally, negotiating shipping contracts in bulk or establishing long-term partnerships with providers can help reduce per-shipment costs. Keep an eye on fuel surcharges, taxes, and port fees as these can significantly impact the total shipping cost.
Step 7: Leverage Trade Corridors and Initiatives
Afghanistan is part of several regional trade initiatives aimed at enhancing connectivity. For instance, the Lapis Lazuli Corridor provides a direct trade route between Afghanistan and Europe through Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey. Similarly, the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) streamlines trade between the two countries.
Taking advantage of these trade corridors and agreements can greatly improve shipping efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Make sure to stay informed about the latest regional trade developments that might impact your shipping routes.
Step 8: Track and Monitor Your Shipments
Finally, using technology to track and monitor your shipments is essential for maintaining control over your cargo. Many Afghan shipping companies offer tracking systems that provide real-time updates on the status of your shipment. This level of visibility allows you to proactively manage any potential delays or issues.
For international shipping, make sure your logistics provider offers integration with global tracking systems, allowing you to monitor your shipment across borders seamlessly.
Navigating the Afghan shipping industry requires a deep understanding of regional logistics, local regulations, and security challenges. By following these steps—defining your shipping needs, partnering with a reputable provider, understanding customs, and leveraging trade initiatives—you can ensure a smoother shipping experience. Whether you're an importer or exporter, the Afghan shipping landscape offers both opportunities and complexities that can be mastered with careful planning and the right logistics support.
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blueworldcity001 · 14 days
Real Estate Market in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024
The real estate market in Pakistan has been one of the country's most dynamic sectors, experiencing rapid growth over the past decade. In 2024, this trend is expected to continue, driven by a combination of economic developments, urbanization, and infrastructure projects like the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Major cities such as Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi remain the primary hubs for property investment, offering both residential and commercial opportunities.
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Restaurants in Bahria Town Karachi
Bahria Town Karachi Restaurants:
A Culinary Journey Through the City
Bahria Town Karachi, one of the most prestigious residential communities in Pakistan, is not only known for its luxurious living and state-of-the-art infrastructure but also for its diverse food scene. Whether you're in the mood for local Pakistani cuisine or international flavors, the restaurants in Bahria Town Karachi offer a wide range of options to satisfy your cravings.
In this article, we will explore the top Bahria Town Karachi restaurants and give you a glimpse into what makes them stand out. So, whether you are a resident or a visitor, get ready to embark on a flavorful journey.
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emergingkarachi · 8 months
عروس البلاد سے کھنڈرات تک
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پاکستان میں ایک ماہ قیام کے دوران خوب سیاسی گہماگہمی دیکھنے کو ملی لیکن میں اس وقت پاکستان کی سیاسی صورتِ حال پر کچھ کہنے کی بجائے کراچی کی صورتِ حال خاص طور پر کراچی کی بے ہنگم ٹریفک پر کچھ کہنے کو ترجیح دوں گا، شاید کہ کچھ بہتری پیدا ہو جائے۔ کراچی کسی دور میں روشنیوں کا شہر کہلاتا تھا لیکن اب یہ شہر ہر لحاظ سے تاریکیوں میں ڈوبے ہوئے ایک شہر کا منظر پیش کرتا ہے۔ تاریخ میں ٹیکسلا، موہنجودڑو اور ہڑپہ کے کھنڈرات کے بارے میں پڑھا ہے لیکن کراچی دنیا کا واحد شہر ہے جو سب کی آنکھوں کے سامنے کھنڈرات کا روپ اختیار کرتا جا رہا ہےاور کسی کو اسکی کوئی پروا ہی نہیں ہے۔ سیاستدان تو کراچی کی سیاست کا بیڑہ غرق کر چکے ہیں لیکن کراچی کے عوام بھی اس شہر کو کھنڈر بنانے میں پیش پیش ہیں۔ ترکیہ میں فروری 2023ء میں آنے والے شدید زلزلے میں بڑے پیمانے پر عمارتیں ملبے کا ڈھیر بن گئی تھیں لیکن حکومتِ ترکیہ نےزلزلے سے متاثرہ شہروں کے درمیان کسی قسم کا امتیاز کیے بغیر جس تیزی سے ان شہروں کوآباد کرنا شروع کیا اس کی تاریخ میں کوئی مثال نہیں ملتی۔ ہمیشہ کہتا رہا ہوں بلدیاتی ادارے کسی بھی شہر کی ترقی، اس کی تعمیر نو، نکاسی آب ، بجلی اور گیس کی فراہمی کے علاوہ اس شہر کی ثقافت کو اجاگر کرنے میں بڑا نمایاں کردار ادا کرتے ہیں۔ 
اسی سوچ کے ساتھ جب طویل عرصے بعد کراچی پہنچا تو ذہن میں یہی تھا کہ کراچی تو پاکستان کا اقتصادی حب ہے، پاکستان کی ترقی کی علامت ہے، سب کچھ اس کے ارد گرد ہی گھومتا ہے تو یقینی طور پر پہلے سے زیادہ روشن ہو گیا ہو گا لیکن کیا دیکھتا ہوں کہ کراچی شہر جو پورے ایشیا میں ساٹھ اور ستر کی دہائی میں سیاحوں کا مرکز ہوا کرتا تھا، ملبے کا ڈھیر بنا ہوا ہے۔ پورے شہر کی سڑکوں کے دونوں کناروں کے ساتھ ساتھ سڑکوں کے درمیانی حصوں میں ملبے کو سجا کر رکھا گیا ہے، کراچی بلا شبہ اس وقت دنیا کے سامنے بڑی تیزی سے کھنڈرات کا روپ اختیار کرتے ہوئے پاکستان کے کھنڈررات ٹیکسلا، ہڑپہ اور موہنجوداڑو کی صف میں شامل ہونے کی تیاریاں کر رہا ہے۔ ترکیہ کے کئی شہروں کو زلزلے کی وجہ سے ملبے تلے آتے ہوئے دیکھا اور اب غزہ جس پر اسرائیل شدید بمباری جاری رکھے ہوئے ہے کو تباہ و برباد اور ملبے کا ڈھیر بنتے ہوئے دیکھ رہے ہیں لیکن مجھے یہ سمجھ نہیں آئی کہ کراچی جہاں ہمیں زلزلے کے جھٹکے محسوس کیے جانے کی کبھی کوئی خبر نہیں ملی اور خدا نہ کرے کہ کوئی ملک یہاں بمباری کرئے جیسا کہ نہیں ہوا تو پھر یہ شہر کیسے ملبے کا ڈ ھیر بن گیا ہے۔ 
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ایک جیتے جاگتے شہر کو یونیسیف کے ثقافتی کھنڈرات کی فہرست میں شامل کرنے پر نہ صرف کراچی کے سیاستدان بلکہ کراچی کے عوام خود تُلے ہوئے ہیں اورکسی دور میں ایشیا کے روشنیوں کے اس شہر کو جیتے جاگتے گنیز بک آف ورلڈ ریکارڈ کے کھنڈرات کی فہرست میں شامل کرنے جا رہے ہیں۔ بہت سے قارئین کو یاد ہو گا کہ کسی دور میں کراچی شہر کی سڑکوں کو رات میں دھویا جاتا تھا اور پیدل چلنے والوں اور کار سواروں کے تحفظ کا خاص خیال رکھا جاتا تھا، اب اسی کراچی کی سڑکوں پر ایسی بے ہنگم ٹریفک ہے جہاں ایسے لگتا ہے ک’’ اب حادثہ ہوا کہ اب ‘‘ (البتہ کراچی کے ڈرائیور ز کو یہ مہارت حاصل ہے کہ وہ حادثے سے صرف ایک سیکنڈ قبل ہی بریک لگا کر حادثہ نہیں ہونے دیتے) ایسی ٹینشن شاید ہی دنیا کے کسی شہر میں محسوس ہوتی ہو۔ کراچی میں بڑی تیزی سے ہر روز موٹر گاڑیوں اور موٹر سائیکلوں کی تعداد میں اضافہ ہوتا جا رہا ہے جبکہ اہل کراچی اور پولیس کے اعلیٰ حکام کے مطابق کراچی میں موٹر سائیکل سواروں میں سے ساٹھ فیصد اور کار ڈرائیورز میں سے نصف کے لگ بھگ ڈرائیونگ لائسنس رکھنے کی ضرورت ہی محسوس نہیں کرتے۔ 
البتہ پولیس کے ہتھے چڑھنے پر ’مک مکا‘ سے کام چلا لیا جاتا ہے لیکن کراچی کے عوام نے لائسنس نہ بنوانے کی قسم کھا رکھی ہے۔ کراچی کی سڑکوں پر ایک دو مقامات کے سو ا کہیں بھی سڑکوں پر نہ زیبرا کراسنگ اور ن�� ہی مارکنگ یا لائنیں دکھائی دیتی ہیں جس کا بھر پور فائدہ اٹھاتے ہوئے موٹر سائیکل سوار زِگ زَیگ کرتے ہوئے نہ صرف خود کو خطرے میں ڈالتے ہیں بلکہ ٹریفک کے قانون کی مکمل پاسداری کرنے والے شخص کی زندگی کو بھی خطرے میں ڈالتے ہیں۔ موٹر سائیکل سوارپٹرول کی بچت کی خاطر پہلے فٹ پاتھ پر موٹر سائیکل چڑھاتے ہیں اور پھر وہیں سے ٹرن لیتے ہوئے فٹ پاتھ سے نیچے اُترکر سڑک کی دوسری جانب جانے کو اپنا حق سمجھتے ہیں۔ کراچی کی ٹریفک میں سب سے خطر ناک کام جس پر کسی کی جان کسی بھی وقت جا سکتی ہے دو رویہ سڑکیں ہونے کے باوجود موٹر سائیکل والے اور گاڑیوں والے جس راستے گاڑیاں وغیرہ گزر رہی ہوتی ہیں اسی راستے پر سامنے سے آکر (بجائے اوپر سے چکر لگا کر اور یو ٹرن سے موڑ کر پیچھے سے آئے) ایسی خطر ناک صورتِ حال پیدا کرتے ہیں کہ جس کی افریقی ممالک سمیت دنیا میں کوئی نظیر نہیں ملتی۔
کراچی میں انسانوں کی طرح زندگی گزارنے اور بے ہنگم ٹریفک پر قابو پانے کا بہترین طریقہ یہ ہے کہ سب کو ایک سے تین ماہ کی سخت ٹریننگ دینے، ان کا میڈیکل چیک اپ کروانے اور امتحان پاس کرنے اور میرٹ پر پورا اترنے کے بعدنئے لائسنس جاری کئے جائیں اور پھر ان لائسنسوں کی بھی ہر دو سال بعد تجدید کی جائے۔ جس سے کراچی میں کم از کم بے ہنگم ٹریفک جو نہ صرف عام باشندوں بلکہ غیرملکیوں کےلیے دردِ سر بنی ہوئی ہے پر قابو پانے میں مدد ملے گی اور روشنیوں کے شہر کی روشنی کی بحالی کے امکانات رو شن ہونگے۔
ڈاکٹر فر قان حمید
بشکریہ روزنامہ جنگ
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abcexpresspk · 2 months
Karachi; Drug addicts have become a threat to the city’s infrastructure Karachi: The alarm b - ...
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savoir-entreprendre · 2 months
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Lors de la planification d’un voyage, les voyageurs prennent souvent en compte une multitude de facteurs pour s’assurer que leur séjour soit agréable et sans stress. Parmi ces facteurs figurent les attractions de la destination, les expériences culturelles, les options d’hébergement et la cuisine locale. Cependant, la sécurité reste l’une des principales préoccupations des voyageurs. La sécurité influence grandement les décisions de voyage. Selon le classement 2024 de Forbes Advisor, Lagos, au Nigéria, et Le Caire, en Égypte, font partie des 10 endroits les plus risqués pour les touristes à l’échelle mondiale. Lagos a un score de risque de 91,54, tandis que celui du Caire est de 83,44. Les villes du Venezuela, du Pakistan et du Myanmar ont également été identifiées comme faisant partie des destinations les plus dangereuses. L’étude a comparé 60 villes internationales réparties sur sept catégories de risques (criminalité, sécurité personnelle, santé, infrastructures, catastrophes naturelles et sécurité numérique) afin de créer une évaluation complète de la sécurité des voyages. Des notes sur 100 ont ensuite été calculées pour refléter le risque global pour les voyageurs visitant chaque ville. La capitale vénézuélienne, Caracas, présente le risque le plus élevé pour les voyageurs, recevant une note de 100 pour le danger, la plus élevée de la liste. Voici le top 10 des villes les plus risquées pour les touristes : Caracas, Venezuela – score de risque de 100 Karachi, Pakistan – score de risque de 93,12 Yangon, Myanmar – score de risque de 91,67 Lagos, Nigéria – score de risque de 91,54 Manille, Philippines – score de risque de 91,49 Dhaka, Bangladesh – score de risque de 89,5 Bogota, Colombie – score de risque de 86,7 Le Caire, Égypte – score de risque de 83,44 Mexico, Mexique – score de risque de 82,43 Quito, Équateur – score de risque de 82,02 Ces informations sont essentielles pour les voyageurs qui cherchent à prendre des décisions éclairées lors de la planification de leurs prochaines aventures https://savoirentreprendre.net/?p=15378&feed_id=11193
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allied-materials · 2 months
The Benefits of Using Ready Mix Concrete for Construction Projects in Karachi
Construction projects in Karachi, one of Pakistan's largest and most dynamic cities, demand efficiency, reliability, and quality. Given the city's rapidly growing infrastructure needs, the choice of construction materials plays a pivotal role in ensuring successful project completion Ready mix concrete pakistan   (RMC) has emerged as a game-changer in the construction industry, offering numerous benefits that make it the preferred choice for builders in Karachi. Below are some of the key advantages of using ready mix concrete for construction projects in this bustling metropolis.
Consistent Quality
One of the most significant benefits of ready mix concrete is its consistent quality. Since RMC is manufactured in a controlled environment using sophisticated machinery, the proportions of the mix are precisely measured, ensuring uniformity across batches. This consistency is crucial for large-scale construction projects in Karachi, where the integrity and strength of the structure depend on the quality of the concrete used.
 Time Efficiency
Time is a critical factor in construction, especially in a city like Karachi, where delays can lead to significant cost overruns. Ready mix concrete is prepared off-site and delivered to the construction site, reducing the time needed for on-site preparation. This efficiency not only speeds up the construction process but also minimizes disruptions in busy urban areas.
 Reduced Labor Costs
Using ready mix concrete can substantially reduce labor costs. Since the concrete is mixed and prepared off-site, fewer workers are needed on-site to handle the mixing process. This reduction in labor requirements is particularly beneficial in Karachi, where skilled labor can be expensive and in short supply.
Lower Material Wastage
Material wastage is a common issue in traditional concrete mixing methods, where incorrect proportions can lead to excess concrete that often goes unused. Ready mix concrete is produced with exact specifications, minimizing wastage. For construction projects in Karachi, where material costs are high, reducing wastage translates into significant cost savings.
Enhanced Project Management
Ready mix concrete offers enhanced project management capabilities. With RMC, construction managers can schedule deliveries according to the project's timeline, ensuring that the concrete arrives precisely when needed. This level of control helps avoid delays and keeps the project on track, a critical aspect in Karachi’s fast-paced construction environment.
 Environmental Benefits
Environmental concerns are becoming increasingly important in urban construction. Ready mix concrete helps reduce the environmental impact of construction activities in Karachi. The controlled production process minimizes emissions and energy consumption, while the reduction in material wastage lessens the strain on natural resources.
 Improved Durability and Longevity
The durability and longevity of ready mix concrete make it ideal for Karachi’s diverse construction projects, from residential buildings to commercial complexes. The precise mixing process ensures that the concrete has the optimal strength and resistance to environmental factors, such as humidity and temperature fluctuations, which are common in Karachi.
Safety Advantages
Safety is a paramount concern on any construction site. By using ready mix concrete karachi the risk of accidents related to on-site concrete mixing, such as exposure to cement dust or mishandling of materials, is significantly reduced. This is particularly important in Karachi, where construction sites are often located in densely populated areas.. 
Adaptability to Project Requirements
Ready mix concrete is highly adaptable, catering to the specific requirements of various construction projects in Karachi. Whether the project demands high-strength concrete, fast-setting mixtures, or special additives for enhanced properties, ready mix concrete can be customized to meet these needs, ensuring that the final product is perfectly suited to the project’s specifications.
 Support for Large-Scale Projects
Karachi’s construction landscape is characterized by large-scale developments, including skyscrapers, bridges, and expansive housing complexes. Ready mix concrete is particularly well-suited for such projects, where the volume of concrete required is substantial, and consistency is non-negotiable. The ability to produce large quantities of concrete with uniform quality makes RMC the ideal choice for these ambitious undertakings.
In conclusion, the benefits of using ready mix concrete for construction projects in Karachi are manifold. From consistent quality and time efficiency to reduced labor costs and environmental advantages, RMC offers a comprehensive solution that addresses the unique challenges of building in a bustling urban environment. As Karachi continues to expand and modernize, ready mix concrete  will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping the city’s future infrastructure.
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karachiweather · 2 months
Karachi's Weather Today: Your Daily Weather Briefing
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Given the high temperatures, it’s important to weather-proof your home. Insulating your home can keep it cool and reduce energy costs. Sealing windows and doors, using reflective roof coatings, and installing ceiling fans can make a big difference.
How Karachi's Weather Affects Local Businesses
The hot weather impacts local businesses, especially those relying on foot traffic. Retailers and restaurants often see a shift in customer behavior, with more people opting for delivery or shopping during cooler hours
The Role of Sea Breezes in Karachi's Climate
Karachi benefits from its coastal location, with sea breezes providing some relief from the heat. These breezes typically pick up in the afternoon and can lower temperatures slightly, making evenings more pleasant.
Understanding Karachi's Heatwaves
Heatwaves are common in Karachi weather and can have severe effects on health and infrastructure. Understanding the causes, such as high-pressure systems and global warming, can help residents prepare and mitigate their impact.
Cooling Centers in Karachi
During extreme heat, cooling centers provide a refuge for those without access to air conditioning. These centers are often located in community centers, libraries, and other public buildings, offering a cool environment and hydration.
Karachi's Weather and Water Usage
High temperatures can increase water usage. Karachi residents should practice water conservation by fixing leaks, using water-saving appliances, and watering gardens during cooler parts of the day to reduce evaporation.
Staying Informed About Karachi's Climate
Using weather apps can help Karachi residents stay informed about daily and hourly weather conditions. Apps like karachiweather and Weather Underground provide real-time updates, forecasts, and alerts.
The Psychological Impact of Karachi's Weather
Extended periods of hot weather can affect mental health, leading to irritability, lethargy, and even depression. Finding ways to stay cool, hydrated, and engaged in relaxing activities can help mitigate these effects.
How Karachi's Weather Influences Fashion Trends
The hot and humid weather in Karachi influences local fashion, with lightweight, breathable fabrics and loose-fitting clothing being popular. Traditional garments like shalwar kameez made from cotton are both stylish and practical.
Preparing for Power Outages During Karachi's Heat
Power outages can be common during high heat due to increased demand for electricity. Residents should have backup plans, such as portable fans, battery-operated lights, and coolers, to stay comfortable during outages.
The Best Time to Exercise in Karachi's Heat
For those who enjoy outdoor exercise, the best times are early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler. Staying hydrated, wearing light clothing, and taking breaks in shaded areas can help prevent heat exhaustion.
Weather-Related Health Risks in Karachi
High temperatures and humidity pose health risks like heatstroke, dehydration, and heat exhaustion. It’s important to recognize the symptoms and take preventive measures, such as staying indoors during peak heat and drinking plenty of fluids.
Cultural Festivals and Karachi's Weather
Karachi hosts many cultural festivals, which can be impacted by the weather. Organizers and attendees should plan for hot conditions by scheduling events in the evening, providing shaded areas, and ensuring ample water supply.
The Impact of Heat on Karachi's Infrastructure
High temperatures can affect Karachi's infrastructure, causing roads to crack and railways to expand. Understanding these impacts can help the city plan maintenance and improve resilience to heat.
The Connection Between Karachi's Weather and Air Pollution
Hot karachiweather can exacerbate air pollution, leading to higher levels of smog and ground-level ozone. Monitoring air quality and reducing outdoor activities during high pollution periods can help protect health.
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