smartplaybooks · 2 months
Finding it tough to implement Deming’s founding principle of Quality Frameworks: “To eliminate fear, where every operator is Free to raise a concern” ? Worried that your Process Excellence is slowly becoming Latin being spoken by a select few in a predominantly English environment ? Tune in to this conversation between Sushant and Prithwi to learn how to make process improvements easier to discover and implement.
Read More: https://www.smartplaybooks.io/resources/playbooks-blog/what-is-a-good-way-to-measure-operational-excellence-process-excellence/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DemmoubWsw
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pmpcertifications · 5 months
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Become a certified Six Sigma Black Belt by mastering the DMAIC methodology, statistical tools, and leadership skills. Follow our guide for a successful journey.
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enconadotorg · 1 year
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CALLING ALL PROSPECTIVE VDA 6.3 AUDITORS!!! It's here! The option to complete your VDA 6.3 Process Auditing course and examination fully online is now available... This five-day training addresses quality management personnel tasked with conducting process audits in their own organizations (internally) or in the supply chain (externally), as well as external auditors (deployment as service providers). ID 381 VDA 6.3:2023 – Process-Auditor – Qualification (Days 1-4) This leads to Qualification as an Internal or Supplier Auditor ID 382 VDA 6.3:2023 – Process-Auditor – Examination (Day 5) This leads to full Certification as an External Auditor 👉 https://lnkd.in/e6WhVD66 #training #supplychain #quality #vda #certification #qualification #processmanagement #processimprovement #processexcellence #onlineeducation #onlineclasses #onlinecourses #onlineexams #onlineexam https://www.instagram.com/p/CnOw7qJr8xP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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malikhakim · 22 days
How AI can be used as a “Game Changer” in Manufacturing.
The use of Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing can be a game changer given that even small gains in yields, capacity and utilization can result in significant financial, time and market gain.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the manufacturing landscape by enabling smarter, more efficient production processes. This white paper explores the various applications of AI in manufacturing, ranging from predictive maintenance and quality control to robotics and supply chain optimization. It highlights the benefits of AI, including enhanced productivity, improved product quality, and reduced costs, while also addressing the challenges such as data security, high initial investments, and workforce displacement. The insights provided aim to guide industry stakeholders in adopting AI technologies effectively to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving industry. 
#ai #higgins #work #manufacturing #yields #capacity #processexcellence 
As a special bonus, a white paper on the detailed steps of applying AI in manufacturing can be accessed through this newsletter!
What’s the SOURCE Reasoning for AI Use in Manufacturing
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing is revolutionizing the industry, enhancing efficiency, improving product quality, and enabling innovation in various ways. Here are some of the key reasons why AI is becoming increasingly essential in manufacturing:
Increased Efficiency and Productivity: AI can automate complex processes and manage repetitive tasks that are time-consuming for humans. This frees up workers to focus on more strategic, value-added activities. AI systems can also optimize production schedules and workflows to maximize output and minimize downtime.
Predictive Maintenance: AI tools can predict equipment failures before they occur by analyzing data from sensors and historical performance records. This proactive approach to maintenance helps prevent unexpected breakdowns, reduces downtime, and extends the lifespan of machinery.
Quality Control: AI enhances quality assurance by providing advanced inspection capabilities through machine vision systems. These systems can detect defects or anomalies with greater accuracy and speed than human inspectors, ensuring that products meet high quality standards.
Supply Chain Optimization: AI algorithms can optimize supply chains by analyzing vast amounts of data to forecast demand, manage inventory, and determine optimal delivery routes. This helps in reducing waste, lowering costs, and improving service delivery.
Customization and Design: AI can assist in the design process by simulating how new products will perform under various conditions, allowing manufacturers to iterate designs quickly and efficiently. Additionally, AI can enable more customized products as it allows for rapid adjustments in production processes to accommodate specific customer requirements.
Worker Safety: By monitoring workplace environments and operational parameters, AI can identify potential safety hazards and alert workers or shut down equipment if necessary. This helps in preventing accidents and ensuring a safer workplace environment.
Energy and Environmental Efficiency: AI can optimize energy use in manufacturing processes, significantly reducing costs and environmental impact. AI systems can manage and adjust power consumption dynamically based on real-time demand and operational conditions.
Data-Driven Decision Making: AI helps in aggregating and analyzing data from various sources across the manufacturing process, providing actionable insights that can lead to informed decision-making. This can include adjustments to production methods, enhancements to product design, or changes to supply chain strategies.
By leveraging AI, manufacturers can achieve greater operational efficiencies, produce higher quality products, and respond more agilely to market demands and changes. This ultimately leads to a more competitive and resilient manufacturing sector.
Read more about this section in The Higgins AI Directive White Paper - Episode 3 that is available for download and printing.
OBSERVATIONS on the Challenges of AI in Manufacturing
In consultation with many large and mid-sized companies, it is clear that the benefits of AI in manufacturing are real and game changing. However there is always the worry of the challenges that can come with AI implementation especially in a manufacturing setting in which every minute of operation is so critical to success.
These are some of the significant challenges, each accompanied by strategies for effective management:
1. High Initial Costs: Mitigate through government grants, partnerships, and phased strategies to spread costs.
2. Data Privacy and Security: Address by implementing advanced cybersecurity, regular audits, and ensuring regulatory compliance.
3. Integration with Existing Systems: Use middleware solutions and incremental upgrades to bridge old and new systems.
4. Workforce Displacement and Resistance: Alleviate fears by emphasizing AI as an aid, not a replacement, and investing in training.
5. Skill Gap: Bridge the gap between current skills and those needed for AI with training and hiring specialists.
6. Reliability and Safety: Ensure through rigorous testing, simulations, and strict safety protocols.
7. Ethical and Legal Considerations: Navigate by staying informed of laws and consulting with experts.
8. Maintenance and Upgrades: Maintain effectiveness with dedicated teams for regular system evaluation and updates.
9. Scalability Issues: Design systems to be modular and adaptable from the start.
10. Dependency and Over-reliance: Mitigate risks by developing hybrid systems that include human oversight and robust backup systems.
In short, this is the summary of Key Strategies:
Conduct risk assessment and management.
Engage stakeholders across all levels.
Foster a culture of innovation.
Build technology partnerships.
By strategically planning and proactively managing these challenges, businesses can effectively implement AI to enhance efficiency and align with broader organizational and ethical standards.
A detailed Higgins AI Directive White Paper can be downloaded and will address many of these topics in the list.
Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing cannot replace all the talent that goes into fabricating a product. It can only energize their skillsets and efficiency to a new level of performance.
The next section and this weekly Newsletter will provide practical, implementable use case examples of how high performing AI can be applied using these security points to validate its use in everyday work life.
LEVERAGING Real Case-Studies AI in Manufacturing
To make this real, we can leverage case studies that demonstrate the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing across various industries, highlighting how AI technologies solve specific problems and enhance efficiency.
General Motors (Automotive): Implemented AI-driven robots to handle repetitive tasks, increasing production speeds by 15% and reducing worker injuries by 20%.
Samsung Electronics (Electronics): Used AI to optimize assembly line parameters in real-time, reducing production time by 20% and significantly improving yield rates.
Pfizer (Pharmaceuticals): Integrated AI to continuously adjust environmental conditions, improving production yield by 15% and reducing times by 20%.
Airbus (Aerospace): Deployed AI tools for dynamic inventory management, cutting inventory costs by 25% and improving delivery punctuality.
Zara (Textiles): Utilized AI to analyze trends and optimize production schedules, significantly decreasing unsold inventory and boosting sales.
Coca-Cola (Food and Beverage): Implemented AI to ensure consistent product quality, reducing waste and improving compliance with health standards.
Caterpillar (Heavy Machinery): Applied AI for predictive maintenance, reducing downtime by 30% and maintenance costs by 25%.
Nucor (Steel Industry): Used AI to optimize energy use and production timing, decreasing energy consumption by 10% and increasing efficiency by 15%.
BASF (Chemicals): Leveraged AI to analyze data and optimize chemical reactions, enhancing production rates and cutting energy usage by up to 20%.
Komatsu (Construction): Developed AI-equipped machinery for autonomous tasks like digging, enhancing operational efficiency by 25% and improving safety.
These cases illustrate the transformative impact of AI across different manufacturing sectors, showcasing significant gains in production efficiency, safety, and quality control.
Read more about these use cases in The Higgins AI Directive White Paper - Episode 3 that is available for download and printing.
VALIDATING AI Future in Manufacturing
Emerging technologies like machine learning, IoT, and blockchain are set to significantly enhance AI's role in manufacturing. These technologies will revolutionize aspects like supply chain transparency, predictive analytics, and quality control. The future of AI in manufacturing is characterized by several key trends:
1. Autonomous Robots and Cobots: Their use is expected to grow, performing tasks alongside humans to enhance productivity and safety. This will lead to more adaptable and flexible production lines.
2. Predictive Maintenance: Becoming more sophisticated, this uses machine learning to predict equipment failures before they occur, thereby minimizing downtime and extending machinery life.
3. Digital Twins: Virtual replicas of physical devices allow manufacturers to simulate and optimize designs and processes before actual implementation, significantly reducing development time and costs.
4. Integrated AI Across Supply Chains: AI is being integrated across supply chains to improve visibility, optimize logistics, and enhance supply and demand management, resulting in more resilient supply chains and reduced costs.
5. AI-Enhanced Quality Control: AI is automating inspection processes and enhancing defect detection, leading to higher product quality, lower defect rates, and increased trust
These trends indicate that as AI technologies evolve, their integration will transform the manufacturing industry, making it more efficient, cost-effective, and adaptable to changing market conditions. Manufacturers that leverage these AI advancements can expect substantial gains in productivity, quality, and operational agility, securing a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving industrial landscape.
For more details, click to download the The Higgins AI Directive White Paper - Episode 3 that is available for download and printing.
Click to Get White Paper
This is only quick snapshots of what AI can do. Subscribe and get weekly to gain insights and examples of how AI can ‘securely’ change your everyday for the better !
Subscribe and get periodic insights and examples of how AI can ‘securely’ change your everyday for the better !
EMPOWERING To Take Action!
Want to get a free personalized proposal on how AI can be efficiently, safely and securely applied to benefit you? Schedule a value-add 30 minute consultation to see how AI can specifically impact you and your work!
Just 30 minutes can start you on the path to effectively integrate AI into your business.
This is an opportunity to leave with a confidential personalized plan and your own free Higgins AI demo so you can proceed to effectively integrate any AI into your everyday. It's our way of appreciating your valuable 30 minutes.
We care so much about your time. To that end, this is what you will get from the session:
Personalized free detailed AI integration proposal.
Tools and insights on how you can unlock some of the solutions to the problems that you are facing today at home, work or life.
Introduction to simple systems that have been proven over decades to quickly improve how you tackle your top-of-mind challenges and more importantly, how feel about them.
Free Higgins AI App Standard demo with your data.
All it takes is one step to begin the process of quickly, safely and securely integrate AI into your everyday. Schedule some time with us today.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
What is the S.O.L.V.E. Method?
The S.O.L.V.E. Method is a proprietary five-step process designed to accelerate the transition from identifying problems to implementing solutions within a company, often at a cost comparable to that of traditional proposals. This method has been proven through numerous successful implementations, leading to significant improvements and substantial return on investment. Below is a summary of each step along with their impact:
Step 1: SOURCE the Challenge
Identifying the true source of a persistent company challenge is crucial. Often, these sources are not obvious and may relate to deeply ingrained, "invisible" issues that cause repeated failures of attempted solutions. This step involves using specialized tools and certified solution agents to deeply understand and unmask the root causes of problems.
Step 2: OBSERVE Company Experts and Working Style
Traditional methods like surveys or interviews can miss context crucial for fully understanding challenges. By directly observing how experts work within their environments, this method uncovers additional challenges, significantly increasing the effectiveness of the solutions proposed.
Step 3: LEVERAGE Existing and Past Company Solutions
Often, the necessary solutions have already been identified by company experts but failed during implementation due to various oversights. This step revisits these solutions, aiming for a win-win outcome by ensuring all key stakeholders see the benefit, supported by a cross-functional team of Solution Agents.
Step 4: VALIDATE the Solution with a Minimal Viable Pilot
Before full-scale implementation, a minimal viable pilot is conducted to test the solution in a smaller segment of the company. This approach helps to de-risk the solution, adjust as necessary, and demonstrate early benefits to gain wider organizational support.
Step 5: EMPOWER Teams to Champion the Solution for Sustainability
The final step involves scaling the solution and training teams to manage the new processes. The goal is to make the solution sustainable without ongoing external support, allowing continuous improvement from within the organization.
Impact and AI Integration
Implementing the S.O.L.V.E. Method has led to over 355% ROI across various projects, amounting to significant cost avoidance and enhanced operational efficiency. By coupling this method with AI, companies can further sustain and enhance the gains achieved. AI tools can ensure standardized application of new processes and continuous improvement, maintaining the benefits long-term.
In summary, for businesses considering strategic changes, the S.O.L.V.E. Method offers a structured approach to tackling longstanding issues with innovative solutions that are both effective and sustainable. Stakeholders are encouraged to consider this method not only to solve current problems but to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and improvement. The integration of AI can further leverage this method by ensuring consistency and fostering an environment of continual enhancement and adaptation.
You can read more about how S.O.L.V.E. is used at https://malik.partners/mp-research-index
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imrovementcompany · 4 years
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Strategies for Reducing Failures
Why do failures happen?
All production equipment is subjected to stress of one type or another. It may be operational (mechanical or electrical) stress applied in order to make the equipment work, or environmental stress (temperature, humidity, vibration etc.) coming from its surroundings. Equipment breaks down when excessive stress combines with insufficient strength (the equipment may have been too weak to begin with, or allowed to weaken through deterioration). It can be caused by one or more of the following five factors:
Failure to maintain basic conditions
Failure to observe correct operating conditions
Failure to reverse deterioration
Failure to correct design weaknesses
Lack of skill
All of these are human responsibilities. Equipment doesn't want to break down; people make it break down, so only people who can prevent it from breaking down, and they can only do so if they change their attitudes and behaviours. Slide summarises the causes of different types of failure.
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breakfreeconsulting · 7 years
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Proven methodologies to transform processes #pdca #dmaic #a3 #8d #psp #processexcellence #processimprovement #processtransformation #processreengineering (at Breakfree Consulting India Pvt Ltd)
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omaccounting · 3 years
Stock Broker
Stock Broker #OmAccounting.in #GstAccounting #GstReturns #accountingServices #accountingOutsoucing #onlineAccounting #gstecommerceaccounting Urgent opening For Upstox BACK OFFICE Email amp Chat ProcessEXCELLENT COMMUNICATION Minimum 6 Months Experience in Email OR Chat Process15 Days TrainingWORK FROM OFFICE SALARY – 22000- CTC 17800 NETNoof Openings 100Candidates should from BFSI BANKING…
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sixsigmapenang · 3 years
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What is motion waste in business?🙋🏻‍♂️🙋‍♀️🙋 Never heard of it? Fine. Let me tell you about it...✌ Every distance that you walk or travel (aka motion waste) is money and time. This will impact business profit, productivity, and efficiency💰 Swift left and press play ▶️ to know 👇 ✅What is motion waste? ✅Why motion is not good for your business? ✅How motion waste is being generated? ...and so much more! 👉Have questions? Comment below! Follow @businesscoachchiong for more business improvement tips 🗄 Save this post  ✉️ Share this post ❤️ Like this post PS: Struggling to increase business profits and customer satisfaction? Sign up for the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) training to learn how to reduce business wastes and costs. 👉Tap the link in my bio NOW! #manufacturingindustry #manufacturingservices #americanmanufacturing #manufacturingexcellence #manufacturingsector #manufacturingplant #8wastes #organizationalchange #eliminatewaste #leanthinking #problemsolving #problemsolvingskills #leadershipdevelopment #businessgrowthstrategy #increaseprofits #operationalexcellence #processoptimization #businesswaste #savingtips #reducecosts #leanmanagement #leandevelopment #savetimeandmoney #leansystem #companyculture #culturechange #culturetransformation #processexcellence #leanoffice #changemanagement (at Alabama USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLg9Br_J8pl/?igshid=17fkb270ufmlb
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theartofunique · 5 years
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How can you help your team have hope in the face of a problem? Well, you must know how to navigate them through the complexity of the problem into the unknown to discover uncharted territory. I have been using the Participatory Decision Making Model to help teams achieve better results. ... It starts by leading them into the zone of diverse opinions. ... Then you hit the “Groan Zone” known to most as team storming. ... Finally you navigate them into the space of convergent thinking to create a sustainable agreement. ... Would you like to see your team share ownership of an action plan to create innovative solutions? ... I can help you design meeting agendas to get you from beginning to end. Contact me. Link in bio. #corporatewarrior #operationalexcellence #processexcellence #businessleader #processimprovement — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2ToLEwW
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Right Things - Attollo Offshore
Do the right things, in the right order, to achieve the right results! 
Webmaster's insight:
Do the right things, in the right order, to achieve the right results! #ProcesSafety #ProcessExcellence #ProcessImprovement
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pmpcertifications · 5 months
Achieving Excellence: A Comprehensive Guide on How to be Six Sigma Black Belt Certified
Obtaining Six Sigma Black Belt certification is an important milestone in quality management and process improvement. This globally recognized certification demonstrates an individual's expertise in using the Six Sigma methodology to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness. In this blog, we will look at the essential steps to becoming a Six Sigma Black Belt, using valuable resources like "The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook Third Edition”and “The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook Fourth Edition”.
I. Understanding Six Sigma:
Before beginning the certification process, it's critical to understand the fundamental concepts of Six Sigma. Six Sigma is a disciplined approach to improving process performance by identifying and eliminating the root causes of defects and variability. The methodology is divided into five distinct phases known as DMAIC: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control.
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II. Prerequisites and Eligibility:
Individuals must generally meet specific prerequisites before pursuing Six Sigma Black Belt certification. While requirements vary by certifying body, common prerequisites include a certain level of experience in process improvement projects and a Green Belt certification. It is recommended that you check the certifying body's specific eligibility criteria.
III. Selecting a Certifying Body:
Several organizations provide Six Sigma certifications, including the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and the International Association for Six Sigma Certification (IASSC). Research and select a certifying body that is compatible with your career objectives and preferences. Each organization may have its own certification process and requirements.
IV. Preparation for the Certification Exam:
Aspiring candidates for the Six Sigma Black Belt certification exam frequently use comprehensive study materials. "The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook," particularly the third edition, is an excellent resource for essential topics, tools, and techniques. Consider exploring the fourth edition for the most recent insights into Six Sigma practices.
V. Studying "The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook":
"The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook" is a comprehensive guide for individuals looking to succeed in their Black Belt certification journey. This resource discusses a variety of topics, such as statistical tools, project management, and the DMAIC methodology. To strengthen your knowledge base, make sure you thoroughly review and understand the content.
VI. Crafting a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Resume:
As you progress through your certification process, it is critical to highlight your expertise on your resume. Highlight your experience with process improvement projects, mention your Green Belt certification, and emphasize any specialized skills you learned during your Six Sigma training. Make sure your resume reflects your dedication to quality management excellence.
VII. Enrolling in Certification Training:
Many certifying bodies provide structured training programs to help candidates prepare for the Black Belt certification exam. These programs frequently include classroom instruction, online courses, and workshops. Participating in such training not only increases your understanding, but also allows you to interact with experienced Six Sigma practitioners.
VIII. Taking the Certification Exam:
Register for the Six Sigma Black Belt certification exam after you've completed your preparation. The exam typically evaluates your understanding of Six Sigma principles, tools, and applications. Time management is critical during the exam, so practice answering sample questions to simulate the test environment.
IX. Continuous Improvement and Professional Development:
Achieving Six Sigma Black Belt certification is an admirable accomplishment, but the journey does not stop there. Engage in continuous learning, stay current on industry trends, and look for opportunities to apply your skills in real-world projects. Consider connecting with professional networks and attending conferences to expand your knowledge.
How to get Six Sigma Black Belt certified demonstrates your commitment to quality and process improvement. By following the steps outlined in this guide, including using resources such as "The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook," you can embark on a rewarding journey of how to be Six Sigma Black Belt certified. Remember that excellence is an ongoing pursuit, and your certification is a step toward making a long-term impact on organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
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enconadotorg · 2 years
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There's a new "Yellow Volume" for VDA 6.3 Process Audits available now on the VDA QMC website. Find it here: 👉 https://vdaqmc.de/en/publications/yellow-prints/ #vda #vda63 #automotivemanufacturing #processexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd5qywIqmMz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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roxanatesting · 7 years
@meiyose: Mandatory #groupie. 🤓 #ProcessExcellence #SixSigmaWhiteBelt @ Maersk GSC, Estancia Capitol Commons https://t.co/NQzLMqSHX9
from http://twitter.com/meiyose via IFTTT
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Recruitment Apprenticeship - Immediate Start!
Bromley, Greater London, UK Apprenticeship Connect The Opportunity This role is a great opportunity to get started in both the recruitment/head-hunting industry as well as the exciting world of digital media. You will develop a great knowledge and understanding of the search, performance & digital marketing industries, as well as a wide range of vital professional skills. Week by week your responsibilities will grow, giving you a taste of life in a fast-paced and rewarding workplace. Responsibilities Resourcing quality digital candidates through a variety of different methods including LinkedIn, Twitter and mailshotsFormatting candidate CVs & write-ups , ready for submissionKeeping an eye on potential leads for new businessWriting appealing job adverts for the company websiteDatabase managementCreating interesting and entertaining content for Twitter & LinkedIn to advertise roles The Ideal Candidate Excellent telephone mannerA genuine interest in the digital industryConfident personalityOrganisedStrong writing skills The Perks Gain valuable experience in a fast-paced office environmentGreat introductions to the basics of the recruitment processExcellent opportunity for career progressionPerformance related bonusesDiscounted TravelApprenticeship discounts on over a 100 retail stores and restaurants. Apply now to be considered for this apprenticeship!! from Youth In Jobs https://youthinjobs.co.uk/job/9545/recruitment-apprenticeship-immediate-start/
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breakfreeconsulting · 7 years
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#leansixsigma #continousefficiency #continouseffectiveness #processexcellence #customersatisfaction #steadygrowth (at Breakfree Consulting India Pvt Ltd)
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godsent247 · 8 years
PEX Week 2015
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