#Professor magnolia
inbarfink · 1 year
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"Who is Hotter?" Pokémon Fandom Wars: Professors
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grey822aaa · 15 days
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Other profs
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alexburnssas · 2 months
Professor Magnolia about the Wishing Stars: This is a very powerful artifact. You’d be messing with some forces we don’t fully understand.
Chairman Rose: That sounds like a dare to me.
Professor Magnolia: Oh my gods.
-In Spikemuth-
Piers: Where’s Challenger Alex?
Team Yell Member: Around.
Piers: Around? You don’t have any idea, do you?
Alex, dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?
Oleana: You make trouble just like your brother.
Hop: I like to think I make trouble in a way that’s entirely my own.
Bede: Would you call me selfish?
Alex: No, not to your face.
Bede: When I first met you, I thought you were annoying.
Bede: And you are.
Hop: I don’t know how you two do that.
Marnie: Do what?
Hop: Make everything sound like a threat. That man looked like he was about to piss himself, and all you both did was ask him to step aside so that we could get past. Even when I actively try to sound threatening, no one takes me seriously.
Piers: That’s because you look and sound like the personification of a warm hug.
Alex to a random Citizen: Just because I broke into your house doesn't mean I'm gonna take something, maybe I just wanna look around, damn.
Raihan, googling: How To Validate A Child’s Work Without Swearing and Saying “Lil Dude That’s Fuckin Sick”
Sonia: This date is boring.
Leon: This isn't a date. I told you I was going to the store.
Sonia: Then why did you invite me?
Leon: I didn't. I specifically said "do not come with me" and you said "don't tell me what to do" and followed me here.
Alex in the Wild Area trying to catch a level 51 pokemon at level 20 : I am beginning to think we made a mistake.
Scorebunny: What gave it away? The sheer size of the bastard or my bite wounds?
Sonia: I'm glad most of my issues were with Oleana so that our conversations can pass the Bechdel Test
Nessa: Sonia you have 42 mental illnessess
Raihan in a Gym Leader meeting: if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!
Raihan: Man, y’all depressed as fuck.
Bea: You didn’t clap either.
Raihan: Shut up.
Alistair: Be nice Alex.
Alex: Why start now?
Hop, about Leon: He'll be fine, he's the Champion!
Piers: Mate, that's just what he's called, it doesn't mean he actually knows what he's doing.
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v1ct0r1an · 5 months
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Pokemon TMA AU
It's set in Galar because thats pokemon UK and while idk what horrors to put the assistants through yet, Magnolia and Rose are of the eye clearly.
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dubstepdragon · 10 months
New mega headshot drawing ft. The pokemon professors!
Me when smart people
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Speedpaint down here
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blue-jester · 4 months
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The Best Pokémon Professor Results!!!
The results of the final round are in!
With over 60% of the vote, without a doubt the best Pokémon Professor is…
Professor Laventon, of the Hisui Region!!!
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Thank you to everyone who voted, and I hope you’re all happy with the results!!!
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lastoneout · 2 years
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a-stone-slab · 5 months
“The Galar Region, and the Tragic Story of Sonia Magnolia”; an Essay to theorize the Reason Why Sonia Magnolia dropped out of the Galar Gym Challenge
Sonia is the newest Professor in the Galar Region of the Generation 8 games (which released back in 2019 already, holy shit). She’s the granddaughter of Professor Magnolia, and childhood friends/ex-rival to the Undefeatable Champion Leon. Her only pokemon is Yamper, and she dropped out if the gym challenge because she didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life.
A simple story for a character, yes? Well, not exactly.
Using other details and pieces of information from all sorts of different Pokémon Media such as the anime, manga, side games, etc., and even using more information hidden in different parts of the Generation 8 games, we can start to piece together a much larger story. A much more tragic story, detailing several reasons as to why exactly Sonia suddenly dropped out of the Gym Challenge as a young girl.
Part 1: A Girl From Wedgehurst (or: Sonia’s Childhood)
Sonia Magnolia grew up in Galar, and is presented to have grown up in Wedgehurst. With no parents in sight, and her childhood room being in her grandma’s house, we can safely assume she grew up with her grandparents for one reason or another.
We know she was childhood friends with Leon, a boy from Postwick, the next town over. Her starting pokemon was a Yamper, while Leon’s was a charmander.
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The two were extremely close friends, and after a while, Sonia caught a Rookidee. Leon and Sonia battled each other often, with Sonia apparently being the only person that could always defeat Leon, no matter how many times they battled, as confirmed by the Pokémon Journeys arc of the pokemon anime.
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Part 2: The Gym Challenge Issue (or: When Did She Quit?)
At some point, the two of them entered the galarian gym challenge, with Rose endorsing Leon and Sonia being endorsed by an unknown person, presumably her own grandmother.
Leon and Sonia battled through the gym challenge as rivals, battling along the way. However, Leon had such an abysmal sense of direction that Sonia and her Yamper had to make sure Leon didn’t get lost on his own and then they would show him the right way to go, with them traveling together a lot in the process.
Now, Sonia is stated to have dropped out of the Gym Challenge at some point. We can assume it was sometime after Opal’s gym, as we learn Opal has a note specifically about Sonia. The note reads:
"You have talent, that's for sure, but you give up a little bit too quickly. Then again, I imagine it's not easy being the granddaughter of Magnolia." - Gym Leader Opal
The note mentions Sonia having lots of talent and skill as a trainer, but panics easily due to the high-expectations placed on her as the granddaughter of Professor Magnolia. This can imply she beat Opal easily due to her skill, but if Professor Magnolia or the expectations on her are mentioned, she panics and can’t calm down easily.
Now, with that in mind, we know she quit after Gym 5 in her challenge. Next, we need to figure out when exactly that is.
First, according to Pokémon Masters and the general public in the Generation 8 games, Sonia could never officially defeat Leon. Meaning that any official matches they ever had usually ended in her defeat. However, she had quit being a trainer after her gym challenge, and there aren’t any “battle another challenger” style gym quests in the Galar League, leading any logical train of thought to arrive at Leon and Sonia had a battle during the Champion’s Cup, the only official way they could both battle each other and the entire population of Galar would know the results.
This means that Sonia got all eight galar gym badges, made it all the way to the Champion’s Cup, and dropped out inbetween matches.
Now, however, let’s figure out why she dropped out.
Part 3: Fear Is A Powerful Thing (or: Why Did She Quit?)
Looking back at the information shown so far, we can start to piece together why exactly Sonia quit being a trainer despite being so close to her childhood dream.
Looking back at Opal’s notes about Sonia:
"You have talent, that's for sure, but you give up a little bit too quickly. Then again, I imagine it's not easy being the granddaughter of Magnolia." - Gym Leader Opal
According to Opal, Sonia gives up quickly due to stress.
Looking back at Pokemon Masters, we also know that Sonia not only quit being a gym challenger, but also quit battling as a whole.
In the Pokemon Masters event Winter Wishes, she tells Nessa:
"Ever since I got here, I feel like I'm getting back in the groove for battling again!" -Sonia Magnolia
“I feel like I’m getting back in the groove for battling again!”. That doesn’t sound like she quit, instead it sounds she was “shaken up” and lost her “groove” in battles. With this, we can infer that she was, somehow, scared into never battling ever again.
And to discuss why she would have been scared so badly that she quit after losing a major official match against Leon, we’ll have to go into the history of the Galar League.
Part 4: Corruption in the Galar League (or: Rose’s Corruption in Office)
The Galar League is run by the Macro Cosmos organization, or more specifically, its chairman, Chairman Rose.
Chairman Rose has led the Galar League for years, bringing it into economic and political prosperity, turning it into a spectacular form of entertainment for the citizens of Galar, using his construction company to build massive stadiums and the Dynamac Band created by him and Professor Magnolia (which was later revealed to be an invention by a woman named Oleana, not Rose and Magnolia). Using the popularity of the Galar League, Rose was able to solidify himself as an important name in Galar’s history and culture.
A former Gym Leader, a man named Mustard, was the longest-running champion in galar’s history, gaining the title before chairman rose took over as chairman.
After a few decades of being champion, Mustard’s first partner pokemon passed away due to unknown circumstances. Stricken with grief, Mustard began faltering in battles, until one day he suddenly began winning more matches again. However, he later quit after finding out that the matches he was fighting were rigged in his favor, challengers being forced to lose to further lengthen Mustard’s reign as Champion.
The next champion was a man named Peony, who was also a former gym leader, a father of two, and Chairman Rose’s brother. Peony held the title for a short while, before allegedly quitting due to two reasons:
He disagreed with business practices from his brother.
He didn’t want to be stuck listening to his brother forever.
With that in mind, one can easily understand that Chairman Rose rigged matches for Champion Mustard, causing him to retire early due to shame and resentment from fighting rigged matches. Champion Peony quit shortly after learning of corrupt tactics in the league, which can easily be assumed to be the idea of rigging matches in the league.
Years later, Rose began using his power in galar to perform shady business deals, getting wishing stars needed to further personal endeavors (later revealed to be awakening Eternatus), and used gym challengers he endorsed (such as Bede) to do the dirty work for him.
This led to theft and destruction of public property in order to collect more wishing stars, in which case he would “throw away” any challengers he didn’t need once they were useless to him.
With this in mind, we can learn that Rose is a man willing to do whatever it takes to gain more power and resources for himself, to further his own goals.
Now, with that out of the way, it’s time to explain why that was necessary.
Part 5: Threats and Hard Bargains (or: The Reason Sonia Quit)
So! We now reach the final part of this essay, and the reason why Sonia gave up on her dreams.
Before I continue, I’d like to create a timeline of what we know so far
Rose becomes chairman
Mustard quits due to apparently fighting rigged matches
Peony becomes champion, quits shortly after due to ideas he didn’t agree with
Leon and Sonia become trainers, and rivals, with Leon being unable to defeat Sonia in any of their battles
Leon is endorsed by Chairman Rose, and Sonia is endorsed by an unknown individual and both enter the Galar League
Leon and Sonia pass Opal’s gym
Sonia and Leon arrive at Wyndon, and enter the Champion’s Cup
Sonia loses an official match against Leon
Sonia quits her entire career as a trainer, scared into no longer battling
With that out of the way, this timeline shows one strong reason as to why she quit: Sonia had been threatened into throwing a match, and it scared her into no longer being a trainer.
Chairman Rose endorsed Challenger Leon, and had a lot riding on Leon becoming Champion. Because of that, he needed to make sure Leon won. So he did what he’s done before, and attempted to rig the match in Leon’s favor. And since the opponent would be his superior rival, Sonia, Rose had to ensure Sonia couldn’t win.
So, Chairman Rose presumably pressured Sonia into a loss. And since he knew Professor Magnolia and knew the pressure being put on Sonia, one can assume he used that to his advantage in some way, since many people in Galar knew the results of her match against Opal, it would’ve been common knowledge that she would quit easily if stressed out.
This means that Sonia was somehow caused a lot of stress, and so she panicked during her battle against Leon, losing their battle in the Champion’s Cup, causing her to drop out of the competition and quit being a trainer afterwards.
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alolanrain · 1 year
An emergency meeting after the Darkest Day in Galar
Prof. Magnolia: Champion Lance. Were you not aware that a trainer from your region and his friend got involved during the disaster in Galar?
Lance: Let me guess..... Ash Ketchum?
Prof. Magnolia: Yes. It seems that you knew this kid really well.
Lance: **facepalm** I can't believe this.... Alright then, allow me to explain some interesting things about Ash.
**one hour later**
Leon: ....... Does anyone have an Aspirin?
Prof. Magnolia: Same.
Just five minutes alone with Lance and his stupid power point on Ash and the entire Galar league are crumbled in their chairs
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katt-sports · 8 months
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I got silly :3
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Doing Sycamore's info HURT
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sinn0hh · 8 months
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I haven't posted in a while, but here's my Pokemon OC Horatia. She had an old design, but after replaying Violet, I decided to redesign her
But here's a little bit more about her now and in the future:
"Horatia is a mischievous and spirited Pokémon with a fiery personality. She possesses a playful and adventurous nature, always seeking new opportunities for excitement and fun. Horatia has a quick wit and a mischievous streak, making her a natural prankster among her peers. She enjoys pulling harmless pranks on her friends and classmates, bringing laughter and lightheartedness to the academy.
Despite her mischievous tendencies, Horatia has a kind heart and cares deeply for her friends. She is known for her loyalty and willingness to lend a helping hand when needed. Horatia's playful nature also translates into her battling style, where she incorporates unexpected tactics and clever strategies to outwit her opponents.
Horatia's crush on Arven, another student at Uva Academy, adds an extra layer to her personality. When around Arven, she becomes a bit more reserved, trying to impress him with her pranks or witty comebacks. Horatia may feel a bit nervous and giddy in his presence, but she never lets her crush get in the way of her friendships or her mischievous nature.
Horatia has a huge crush on Arven, another student at Uva Academy, adds an extra layer to her personality. When around Arven, she may become a bit more reserved, trying to impress him with her pranks or witty comebacks (and probably failing). Horatia may feel nervous and giddy in his presence, but she never lets her crush get in the way of her friendships or her mischievous nature. But sometimes, she cares a lot about him, and she is there if he needs someone.
Years into the future, a part of Horatia wants her to study on the mysterious Pokemon Terapagos, which was found in the depths of Area Zero (beyond the Zero Lab) and whom she caught when she travelled down there with Carmine, Kieran and Briar. She wants to study how it brought a living Turo from the past and into the future.
She very much admires Briar, Heath, and Turo (before his demise). But she vows to mostly carry on with his work (minus the time machine) and spending time with her friends/family (and not living in Area Zero for a very long time).
She often reads Heath's Violet Book (sometimes the original manuscript from Briar), her cousin's (Sonia) "Galar: A History", and Briar's "The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero" most of the time. But she has many questions about the Violet Book, like:
• Who was the person Heath talked to in an unfamiliar place before writing something down that he doesn't recognise? Was it Turo nearby Terapagos? Or was it me with Terapagos? I am unsure, for certain
• Like with what Arven said, how did Heath meet the Paradox Pokemon before the invention of the Time Machine? Did Terapagos bring them to Heath's time, or did Terapagos send Heath into the future?
• What is the odd stone plate meant to be? And what does it mean?
• What are those four circles in a cave on the ground? Does it symbolize something?
• The Herba Mystica has very interesting and amazing healing properties. But what cause the Pokemon to eat them when they were planted? Were they on the brink of death or ill, like Arven's Mabosstiff? Or did they look too indulging that they turned large and strong?
• Since I got Turo's book from meeting him, did the events of the Time Machine change? Or did Turo have two copies of the same book with the same name clumsily written inside it?
• What does the future look like? And is the AI professor alright? (I'm not going to jump into the Time Machine and find out, thank you)
• Now there's a question I need answered. After finishing the Time Machine with the AI version of himself and successfully getting the Miraidon I currently have, why did Turo take it to the lab? And why couldn't he leave the AI Turo to sort things back in Area Zero? This actually confuses me
She's not going to go the same way as Turo. She just feels that there's so many questions that are left unanswered in Area Zero
Apart from all the questions, she marries Arven and has a daughter who goes by the name Melissa
She is related to Galar's Professor Sonia and Magnolia
Pokemon Team: Skeledirge, Mabosstiff☆, Ogerpon (Cornerstone), Corviknight (Fighting Tera), Terapagos, Primarina, Miraidon"
And here's her Toyhou.se if you want to look at it:
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pokemanix · 6 days
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Official Professor Magnolia Cards from the Pokémon TCG
Professor’s Research (178, 201 and 209) - Sword & Shield Professor’s Research (62) - Sword & Shield: Champion’s Path
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yagurlhere · 7 months
ASH'S 1ST TEAM! (Pokemon Journeys Rewrite)
(All of the genders are simply headcanons or genders I think they would have, unless they are confirmed, like Pikachu for example.)
PURRLOIN♀️-Guys I know it's weird and makes no sense but hear me out-I got the idea thinking about Purrloin and Pokemon Journeys Rewrite stuff I think and I was like "Imagine if Ash caught a Purrloin that was a little brat and yada yada ohmygosh" and so this happened...so, when Ash, Goh, (and Chloe,) head to the Galar region (to visit Sonia and Prof. Magnolia) instead of their food getting stolen by Scorbunny and the Nickits it's instead PURRLOIN and the Nickits! (Pure irony.) Like Scorbunny in the OG ep, Purrloin is covered in soot, except instead it's like, big spots, so Ash kind of gives her the cute nickname "Spots" and may I remind you in the manga he named Pikachu Jean Luc Pikachu so yeah, um, so, same as the original episode, they chase Purrloin and the Nickits, eventually find them, Ash tries to get their food back but Purrloin tries to attack him so the Nickits can get away with their food, but Pikachu comes in and defeats her, and after that like Scorbunny she's butthurt about it, and also like Scorbunny when she's mad she claws at legs or something, (a new version of ankle biter?) and Pikachu makes sure she keeps her attitude in check, (it's ELECTRIC,) but Ash notices how scrawny she is and is all like "Aw, poor guy or gal 😰" and then the food shopkeeper guy comes in, and Purrloin tries to protect the Nickits but gets in trouble, so Ash pulls what Goh did and lies about how Purrloin is his Pokemon to get her out of trouble, and like the OG the shopkeeper explains the backstory of Purrloin, how she's most likely from the Wild Area, and despite the irony, befriended the Nickits and became their leader, and he knew Ash was lying, and then Ash talks to Purrloin about how there's more to stealing, and uhhhhh...they can help....? (I need to rewatch that episode and get ideas) and Purrloin is inspired cause for once someone seemed to understand her, then they leave for the train, and the Nickits help her get to the train like in the OG episode, and clean her up, but instead they come with her, and instead of getting split up, she finds Ash and the crew and gets his attention by the great way she knows how...clawing legs. And then she joins them! Or something. (The Nickits also tag along and come home with them, and get cute little nicknames and accessories to tell them apart, I'm still thinking about them though.) It's kind of an episode to also delve in more on Goh and Chloe starting to realize the bond of Pokemon and how Ash sees it or something, IDK.
SOBBLE♂️-So, uhhhhh, when they go meet Sonia and Prof. Magnolia they also get to meet Leon and his little brother Hop and it's amazing and stuff and don't wanna spoil too much, but anyways, the Pokemon Leon is taking care of (not gonna spoil either) escape and run off, so they split up to find them, and Ash finds Sobble, who keeps on hiding and turning invisible, so Ash tries to talk to Sobble, and realizes to be patient, so he acts calmly and waits for Sobble, who is finally able to come out, and despite their bashful nature, feels reassured by how understanding he was, and uhhhhhhhh yada yada Sobble decides to come with Ash and Leon allows it (how do I not spoil this?)
ROOKIDEE♂️-So, not gonna try to spoil too much, but Goh and this Pokemon he befriended get attacked by this Rookidee, so Ash comes in with Pikachu, Purrloin, and Sobble ready to battle...but Rookidee is easily able to intimidate Sobble, slams into Purrloin before she can claw him, and flies away before Pikachu can zap him into oblivion. Sobble feels bad for getting scared so easily and letting Purrloin get beat up and the Rookidee, and Ash and his team try to reassure him...Purrloin's way of reassuring him BTW is encouraging him to beat Rookidee to a pulp next time he sees them. So, Rookidee comes back, cause they're...kind of a show-off and bully sort of...and they toy around with Pikachu and then proceed to scare Sobble yet again, but Purrloin yet again comes in and tries to get back at Rookidee and to protect Sobble, (she kinda has a bit of a soft spot for him, but still kinda teasing towards him at times, she's like...a big sister towards Sobble,) but Rookidee flies around with her on him, (like Pikachu and Latios,) gets her dizzy, and then shakes her easily off, (+fall damage) and while Ash and Pikachu check on her, Sobble has enough and steps in, although realistically he's still scared, but Pikachu and Ash cheer him on, so Sobble is a bit more encouraged, and tries to be brave for them, and so, he blasts Rookidee with a bug Water Gun, slowing Rookidee down, soaking their feathers, and driving them to the ground. Rookidee takes it personal and in a drive of anger, tries to finish off Sobble right there, but Sobble smacks him with their tail, and blasts yet another powerful Water Gun, slamming them into the tree. Weakened, Ash is proud of Sobble, and the team congratulates him, but is also genuinley impressed by Rookidee, and catches him.
SCORBUNNY (SHINY)♂️-LOOK I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING BUT DON'T WORRY GOH STILL HAS HIS SCORBUNNY AND I KNOW IT'S A SHINY but there's an important storyline following this capture and I don't want to spoil it but let's just say it's sad and similar to Litten and Stoutland
EGG--->TOXEL♀️-Like the games, Ash gets an egg from the nursery that hatches into this little gal. A joke is that after Toxel hatches, Prof. Cerise is like "This Toxel's a girl! 🙂" and Ash is all like "WHAAAAATTTT" along with the rest of the team. So, Toxel is basically the most calm on the team. Like, the whole team will be fighting and she'll be napping off. However, this can also lead to her seeming lazy most of time, but thanks to her training, she can actually be a really helpful member.
Please gimme your opinions and like, constructive criticism, perhaps.
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