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From December 15 to December 17, 2023, the 13th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference will be held online and in the Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE & Virtual. Sign up, get inspired, be innovative, and connect. The announcement that Dr. Nancy Brulinska would present at the 13GHUCG2023 makes us very happy. Participate to gain knowledge about Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology. Poster title: "Liver actinomycotic abscess a rare complication of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease-related mucosal injury?" Avail of Certifications by registering here:  https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/registration/ For more details about Dr. Nancy Brulinska, you can visit here:- https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/speaker/nancy-brulinska/ #GastroOesophageal #GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) #AcidReflux #Heartburn #GastricHealth #DigestiveHealth #GIHealth (Gastrointestinal Health) #Gastroenterology #HiatalHernia #BarrettsEsophagus #EsophagealSphincter #StomachAcid #GERDSymptoms #RefluxRelief #Antacids #ProtonPumpInhibitors #AcidReducer #GERDTreatment #DietAndGERD#LifestyleChanges
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mariebenz · 5 years
Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) Linked to Increased Risk of Death
MedicalResearch.com Interview with:
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Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, FASN Assistant Professor of Medicine Director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center Chief of Research and Education Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System Saint Louis  MedicalResearch.com: What is the background for this study?   Response: In 2017, we published a paper showing increased risk of death associated with Proton-pump inhibitors (PPI) use. Following the publication of that 2017 paper, several key stakeholders including patients, doctors, research scientists, medical media folks, mainstream media folks, and others asked us: what do these people die from? Did you study causes of death attributable to PPI use? In the study published today, we developed a causal inference framework to answer this question.  MedicalResearch.com: What are the main findings? Response: We found that PPI use is associated with increased risk of death due to cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and upper gastrointestinal cancer. The risk was evident in people taking PPIs but who had no documented medical indication (no need) for being on PPI. Most of the people were on prescription PPI doses that were equivalent to over the counter doses.   MedicalResearch.com: What should readers take away from your report? Response: Proton-pump inhibitors use and overuse may not be devoid of harm. Over the counter use should be limited to 14 days or less. Physicians should prescribe PPI only when necessary, and limit dose and duration to minimum necessary. Physicians should evaluate need for PPI in their patients, and deprescribe when not necessary.    MedicalResearch.com: What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this work? Response: There is a lot of Proton-pump inhibitors overuse, and we have to figure out how to design, and implement de-prescription strategies to curb overuse of PPI, and to help patients who do not need to be on PPI get off these medications. No disclosures. Citation: Xie Yan, Bowe Benjamin, Yan Yan, Xian Hong, LiTingting, Al-Aly Ziyad et al. Estimates of all cause mortality and cause specific mortality associated with proton pump inhibitors among US veterans: cohort study BMJ 2019; 365 :l1580   The information on MedicalResearch.com is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other condition. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health and ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In addition to all other limitations and disclaimers in this agreement, service provider and its third party providers disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the content provided on this website.   Read the full article
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naturesonlyiran · 5 years
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هیپوکالسمی چیست ؟ هیپوکالسمی نام پزشکیِ کمبود کلسیم در بدن است که معمولاً از سن 40 سالگی شایع می شود اما این مشکل در نتیجه رژیم های نامناسب غذایی نیز بروز می کند. بنابراین برای حفظ ذخیره کلسیم بدن لازم است علاوه بر مصرف مواد غذایی حاوی این ماده معدنی از مصرف برخی مواد غذایی دیگر که نابودکننده آن هستند خودداری کنید. #نیچرزانلی #سوپراکل #کلسیم #هیپو کلسمی #کاهش-کلسیم #naturesonly #protonpumpinhibitor #hypocalcemia www.supracal.ir www.naturesonly.ir https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVFFkFB34O/?igshid=1k3sm3ecq7rst
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Enzyme inhibitors are naturally occurring molecules that attach to the enzymes to inhibit the culture of harmful pathogens and enhance metabolism.
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carlaeatsplants · 5 years
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Savory oatmeal for lunch. Went to the doc earlier (blood + urine test, EKG) and got put on proton pump inhobitors for the stomach pain I've had since last week. Back on wednesday for a thourough health check up.... Yay. What a way to spend my week off... #vegan #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #plantstrong #wfpb #oatmeal #savoryoatmeal #veggies #tofu #whatveganseat #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodshare #veganfoodporn #foodporn #starch #starchsolution #wslf #hclf #haferflocken #haferbrei #oats #gemüse #protonpumpinhibitor https://www.instagram.com/p/BwRe5LajPGL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jpinnh0antj9
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doctorjoelrosen · 7 years
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#medicalscam #useless #protonpumpinhibitor #uneccesary #magnesiumdeficency #adrenalfatigue
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msealyp-blog · 7 years
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If you’ve been reading the news lately you’ll have seen what they’ve been saying about proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Research has now found them to carry the risk of contracting C A N C E R. If you or anyone that you know is taking medication for gastric-related reasons e.g. heartburn, acid reflux etc please please please S T O P 🚫❌‼️The medications go by many different names such as Lanzoptazole, Omeprazole, antacids, Rennies, Gaviscon etc but essentially all have a similar function. The alternative is very simple - PLANT BLOOD aka pure liquid chlorophyll. 🌱🍀🌿 You will most likely need to reprogram your gut and introduce good bacteria but liquid chlorophyll is a start. 🌱 Some of you will be ignorant, stubborn even because you won’t be able to get your head around the fact that the pharmaceutical industry is not the only method of treatment and some of you will say that supplementation is expensive. GUESS WHAT? The pharmacy industry is a business designed to keep you sick and supplementation is a hell of a lot cheaper than a funeral in terms of money and loss of loved ones. It’s up to you to prioritise what’s important. 🌱 DM me for details of the best liquid chlorophyll your money can buy risk free. 🌱 Article in The Times can be read here: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/dr-mark-porter-stomach-cancer-is-just-one-of-the-risks-of-taking-antiacid-ppis-553jws7cn #protonpumpinhibitor #cancer #risk #medication #lanzoprazole #omeprazole #stomach #acid #digestion #gastric #health #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #buy #riskfree #plantblood #chlorophyll #liquidchlorophyll #makeachange #changeyourlife #changeyourlifenow #leavealegacy 📸 credit: The Times, bhf and others
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From athletic size 10-12 (first pic) to skinny, malnourished size 6-8 in 7 weeks... Why? Severe case of GERD (gastrointestinal disorder) that was ignored by NHS doctors and "treated" privately (at a huge price!) with medication that only supposed to mask the symptoms (it didn't even do that!) and not target the root cause of the problem. After landing in A&E twice and staying in hospital over night on a drip to rehydrate my body ,they still sent me home with same tablets... It's been 8 weeks and I'm still waiting for the endoscopy referral letter..... I haven't had any solid food in my mouth since 26th November and have not drank more than just a cup of soup or yoghurt a day. Until last week...I have ditched the tablets and absolutely disregarded everything that doctors told me (which was not much), and decided to take my brother's advice - " Go fully vegan again , preferably raw, get your body back to alkaline ph so the bacteria living inside can't survive". I have done in depth research on acid reflux, GERD and gastrointestinal disorders. I have read millions of forums , articles , watched videos and understood how your gut works and what can possibly go wrong. I fully sympathise with all those who suffer and are not getting the right treatment or advice hence why I decided to share my experience in hope it will save someone else too. I went to my local Holland and Barrett and bought (all organic) : moringa tree powder, super greens powder and spirulina powder. I also bought boxes of organic vegetables and fruits , coconut yoghurt and almond milk for some variety. For the past 4 days , every morning , I have been drinking this mixture of moringa , spirulina and super greens (just all mixed in a glass of water) , making veg juices , soups and fruit smoothies to see if I can get my gut enough antioxidants and minerals to start fighting against GERD naturally. I have also been sticking to very simple smoothies made out of only one or two ingredients to help my stomach digest it easier. Your stomach need to use different enzymes to digest protein, carbs or sugars so I tried not to mix to help it through this recovery. Surprise, surprise I feel better already! Belching has stopped and I'm able to eat more and more every day! Still not well enough to eat solids but I'm absolutely over the moon about how energised and well I feel compared to last week. I am positive this will help me cure the problem and I intend to stick to using moringa tree and super greens powder as my daily supplements. I found that turmeric powder and pink salt are also helping a lot! I am very disappointed in NHS and doctors and I can't believe they don't give people advice on nutrition.. Even worse - they prescribed PPIs (esomeprazole and zantac and all them) which reduce acid in your stomach. Now, acid reflux often means there is not enough acid (hydrochloric acid) in your stomach to fight the bacteria growth so why on Earth would they do that? Why not prescribe something to replenish the acid and advise on suitable diet?! Those tablets gave me terrible side effects and made my symptoms worse. I have lost 12 kg because of all this and my life has been completely put on hold. I will keep updating you on my progress made with alternative/natural remedies , suplements and nutritional food and I will post couple of videos explaining acid reflux /GERD and what PPIs treatment does to it. #gerd #gastrointestinal #issues #health #food #nhs #doctors #protonpumpinhibitors #medicines #vegan # acidreflux #helping #stayhealthy #organic #moringatree #supergreens #spirulina
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tc4lc · 8 years
Why Heartburn Medicines Burn You In The End
This weekend in Canfield is Canfield Fair time. Ask most people why they go and the answer is for some specific type of fair food, French fries, sausage sandwich, cinnamon rolls etc. .This leads many to develop heart burn, but before you think about taking Prilosec, Protonix, or Nexium and going on about your day, consider this. These medications when taken regularly are associated with Chronic Kidney Disease, B12 Deficiency which can lead to a form of dementia, Magnesium Deficiency which can increase the risks of heart arrhythmia and Iron Deficiency which can lead to anemia. There are natural alternatives to use which allow you to be weaned off these medications. I do not recommend stopping them abruptly as this may cause a rebound hyper acidity and worsen the heartburn and before stopping any prescription always check with your prescribing Doctor first. For more information you can contact through an FB PM or at The Center For Lifestyle Change 888-565-6754. Long-Term Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Other Antacids Can Cause Vitamin B12 Deficiency http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/02/05/antacids-vitamin-b12-deficiency.aspx
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naturesonlyiran · 5 years
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امپرازول چگونه می تواند خستگی ایجاد کند بیماران که به مدت سه ماه مصرف داروهای گوارشی گروه مهارکننده پمپ پروتون مثل امپرازول, پنتوپرازول و .... را می کنند، در معرض خطر پایین سطح منیزیم (هایپومنیزیمی) قرار دارند که می تواند سبب از بین رفتن اشتها، خستگی و ضعف در میان علائم دیگر شود. #fatigue #hypomagnesemia #protonpumpinhibitor #ppi #weakness #lowlevelsofmagnesium #doublebull https://www.instagram.com/p/BwJrzXdB4x8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oqoxy4egyhwf
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tc4lc · 9 years
Lifestyle Change Trumps Meds For The Stomach
Yesterday, I posted on improving gastrointestinal symptoms with life style. Here is the follow up to why this is important not to use acid blockers known as PPI's ( omeprazole, pantoprazole ect).Additionally, PPI can lead to low magnesium, zinc and B12 levels all of which can be associated with changes to the brain and nervous system. Tomorrow I will give tips on alternatives to PPI's. Certain Acid Reflux Medications May Increase CKD Risk Researchers who followed 10,482 adults with normal kidney function from 1996 to 2011 found that proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use was linked with a 20% and 50% increased likelihood of developing CKD. People who used different stomach acid-suppressing medications, known as H2-blockers, did not face an increased risk. In another study, 26% of 24,149 patients who developed CKD between 2001 and 2008 were treated with PPIs. Among the 71,516 study participants, PPI use was linked with a 10% increased risk of CKD and a 76% increased risk of premature death. The studies will be presented at ASN Kidney Week 2015.
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