adam-trademark · 4 months
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Moving In
(July 17, 2019)
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horror-n-m3tal · 1 year
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Silent Hill 2: Character Sketches By Takayoshi Sato 2001.
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malice-kingdom · 2 years
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Colored version of half of this piece in honor of the remaster ✨🌸
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play-b3yond · 5 months
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PlayStation 3 bundled with Yakuza 3, Japan exclusive (2009)
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weheartstims · 2 months
Can i request a benry stimboard >half life but the ai is aware<
with gaming consoles in particular the PS3, blue hoodies,skeletons, those blue glowing ball gifs and bugs like beetles and centipedes
SORRY if I'm asking for alot or I'm being too specific
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Benry (HLVRAI) with gaming consoles, blue hoodies, skeletons, blue glowing balls, beetles, and centipedes!
🎮|🩻|🎮 🩻|🎮|🩻 🎮|🩻|🎮
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lightbluesleeper · 2 months
finally finished portal 2 and i won’t be able to think of anything else for at least a month
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devileaterjaek · 3 months
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ask-theconsoleponies · 10 months
So, Playstation. How'd it feel to change your look every time there was a new version of the game console? What did you look like back then all the way up to now?
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And we pretty much stay the same when a new version of our console is released. We’re not like the Nintendo ponies where we can change our look on a whim.
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byruit · 1 month
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PlayStation 3 - Canada Day edition 🇨🇦
Probably the rarest PS3 so far
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meiistheprimarynow · 1 year
Console girl lore tour 2
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The PlayStation family of console representatives, aka the Inoue family. They live in the Blue Station (name subject to change) Galaxy. (the PSP and Vita are not pictured here)
The sisters tend to stay in their own galaxy with the exception of Ynos who wanders around space doing as she pleases. They all travel to the location of game show events but will otherwise stay in their own galaxy. The Inoue sisters tend to be distant with other console groups (especially Xbox).
Ynos is the oldest of the Inoue family. Independent and does things her own way. She does not talk with her sisters often anymore, preferring to travel space, going where the wind takes her. She will show up for major events but will otherwise be gone since Ynos sees that her sisters can take care of themselves. She was born before the Blue Station Galaxy was fully established so some question her true origin, saying Ynos may be from another galaxy...
Emotion is the second oldest but the leader of the group, as Ynos is not around to fill that position. She is cool and collected, with a quiet confidence that many admire, even in other galaxies. She is the Inoue sister that started the trend of being reserved. Emotion likes to watch movies and listen to music. While she is calm is most situations, she has a hidden stash of memory cards and other data storage options, fearing another shortage.
Cell is right in the middle in terms of age and is a cheerful girl. She likes computers and builds pcs in her free time. She even made a super computer out of PlayStation 3 consoles. When a new console generation stars Cell will buy one of each console so she can take them apart and find out how they work. She is the most friendly out of her sisters as she wants to know how other Reps live their lives. Despite tearing down other electronics, she does not want to have her own systems tampered with by others.
Orbis is the second youngest and also popular like her sister Emotion. Orbis is more of a show off though, always ready to share her achievements online. She is rarely seen without some form of camera on her. She is confident in her abilities and has even pushed herself with 4k output with her super form being the PS4 Pro.
Tempest is the current console representative and the youngest member of the Inoue sisters that the public knows about. She is laid back and fun loving. She cares about audio quality to the point where she will get mad if she sees her sisters wearing cheap headphones. Tempest has her own pair of headphones that are attached to her hair and can wear them at anytime. She is still new to this console rep thing and is figuring out what it means to be a platform for games.
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adam-trademark · 4 months
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(June 30, 2016)
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horror-n-m3tal · 1 year
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Siren: Blood Curse 2008
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doyouknowthisgame · 4 months
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24-guy · 8 months
You can decide from here on out how you take my requests: drawing and/or writing. Whichever you prefer for the specific thing.
Max and Richie playing video games. Pre or during relationship doesn't really matter.
I hope you're not sick of me-
I could never be sick of your requests. :))
And I'm gonna write it since it's easier for me where I am right now (in the kitchen, with no WiFi to be seen).
A new club had sprouted up at Hatchetfield High and sue Max if he joined it. He didn't exactly want to. But joining a club would help his resume to joining a good college, and when it proudly presented the advertisement of "Video Game Club", well it didn't seem like the nerdiest thing.
There were those soccer games, right? Yeah. He could just play those. Whatever. It was better than nothing.
The club occupied a computer room where every computer looked older than he was, grimy off-white mouses beside the awful clackity keyboards. It wasn't surprising that Hatchetfield High had a shit computer room, just about all of their funding went to the sports teams to beat Clivesdale in their competing events.
Nobody else had entered the room, yet, and Max found himself wondering who'd even started the club in the first place. He sat himself at the teacher's chair, spinning in it halfheartededly. As the door began to push open, Max turned and slow creeping regret settled into his bones as he saw who was behind it. He should have just taken the hit on not attending any clubs.
Richie had wanted to start a club for the past year. It was easy enough, just declaring it to the head and getting approval for it. Video games was a universal enough subject that meant there wouldn't be a big gate to getting involved with it. Ruth and Pete couldn't join for the first session, occupied with drama and science clubs respectively.
Richie's old, ratty PS3 weighed heavy in the plastic bag it was placed in alongside a disc case, and he considered the chance of it snapping under the weight. He shook his head, unlikely.
Richie had gotten lucky when he'd decided to bring the console in that day. He housed it in his locker and not once had Max or the other jocks come to pick on him in front of it, meaning it got kept a secret.
The computer room door was heavy as he pushed it with his shoulder, only looking up once it was too far open to back out.
Max Jägerman sat in the teacher's chair staring at him. Richie's brain set off alarm bells. Shit. This must have been an accident, right? A swift look to the room number confirmed it. Either Max had the wrong room, or he was intending on joining this club too.
Richie, numb from panic, placed the console on one of the desks close to him. He was aware of the eyes burning into the back of his neck and he jumped as the door to the room closed behind him.
The silence was thick as Richie stalled himself from turning around, but eventually he had to bite the bullet and turn, eyes immediately meeting Max's. The tension grew thicker and Richie wondered if he was living in a TV show or anime where he was bound to have unlikely events happen to him.
"So..." He awkwardly broke the silence. He drummed his fingers on the table behind him. "... Video games?"
Max looked like he was debating punching him, walking out or responding. Richie hoped it was one of the last two.
To his relief, Max responded. "Yeah."
Richie turned again and picked up the console, trying and failing to ignore how close he needed to get to plug it into the teacher's computer to get it to show on the projector. It felt like a black hole, being drawn in and pulled towards danger, ever aware of Max's presence.
After successfully turning the console on, Richie once again turned to the plastic bag and pulled out the case of games. He hesitated before handing it out to Max.
"You can pick a game." He said as Max took it from his hands.
Max had chosen Little Big Planet 2. Richie couldn't tell you why, but they played it. The classical music was almost humorous as the unmentioned tension sat heavy between them. Customizing their characters went as swiftly as it could have been.
Slowly, they worked their way in silence through the levels. Richie was taken aback by how well they were going through a teamwork based game without saying anything to one another.
That came to an end though as Max found an unreachable collectable. "How'd you get up there?"
"Uh-" Richie looked at the screen.
"There. Where that platform is." Max's character moved back and forth where his half of the screen was. Oh.
"Oh. That. I don't know. I haven't finished this game." Richie admitted, his character joining Max's and giving them a bigger screen to look at.
Max frowned in Richie's peripheral. "That's shit."
Richie swallowed the urge to apologise. "Yeah. Uh. A lot of these levels are difficult with only one player. And my brother's occupied with theatre and his boyfriend so..."
"Okay so we'll beat it." Richie's head snapped to look at Max suddenly. Even Max looked shocked by what he said.
Instead of clarifying, Max put his controller on the desk beside him and got up and left without a word, leaving Richie confused to process what had just happened.
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gosh i'd like to get into gaming but like everything is expensive and i wouldn't even know where or how to start
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happaxgamma · 2 years
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Playstation consoles, explained by an idiot.
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